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Case Study
Jess Hedley & Callum Knight
Magnetic Objectives
•To raise musicMagpie’s awareness among key personal finance journalists on and off line
•To communicate and show-case key messages to target media and audiences
musicMagpie would want to follow through with this to increase sales and overall make more income. Finance journalists manage the overall
current affairs happening within an organization or event and report to either a newspaper or company trade magazine, depending on the
nature of their business. Certain topics they would reflect on are big money saving deals, recommendations of generating extra money via the
website and generally targeting people who are looking to clear out old collections of media items and gaining finance out of it as well.

•To increase visits to and launch new platforms e.g. Facebook store and iPhone app To raise
awareness of musicMagpie’s charity partnerships, including the Freekits campaign which provided free football
kits to clubs in exchange for 400 CDs or DVDs.
The site uses forms of social networking to branch out their offers, promotions and overall visual of the site to a wider demographic via the
web. 1.26 billion people are signed up to Facebook overall in the world and have access to iPhone/Android applications and spend roughly
around 20 minutes per viewing. This results in consumers being exposed to 1500 pieces of content which makes ads such as this a valuable
asset in marketing with most demographics. Charity partnerships aid the campaign in relating peoples input to the site with benefitting a good
cause, this is the hypodermic needle effect of helping others whilst in turn – helping out the organization.
Grounded Strategy
•BOTTLE needed to heighten awareness of the brand whilst educating the consumer that musicMagpie was an
easy, free and intelligent way to make some extra money in an ever increasingly harsh economic climate.
musicMagpie wanted the awareness of their brand to be raised so that their company could make money. A clever way of marketing this is to
make it seem like the company is doing the consumer a favour, by doing this people are more likely to respond as they feel they are making
more money for themselves. Using bottle musicMagpie hoped to achieve brand promotion and positive publicity from the campaign.

•BOTTLE pinpointed several audiences as key targets for PR activity, with a focus on parents (of which mums
were the most important) who may be looking to make some quick cash as well as a way to de- clutter the
Bottle primarily targeted parents as they are the decision makers in households, whether it be their own belongings or their children’s
belongings they will likely need the permission of the parent to sell goods. Again, the focus was on making the person feel like they were
achieving financial gain but also putting an emphasis on the de cluttering of the house. This is an appealing thing to most people, having the
opportunity to remove things from your house and receive some money in return in what is a tough economic climate.

•BOTTLE decided that combining the 'Freekits campaign” with the UK's passion for football was a key
opportunity. We knew there was an increased pressure on parents to continue to provide sports activity for
children, but barriers to participation in sport most commonly cited were shortages of money, time and
facilities*, with many parents paying for their child's football kit personally.
The combination of the brand with the UK’s passion for football is again a way of receiving positive publicity for the brand. The use of charity
based events combined with their brand name is a clever way of making it seem like the company is doing good things for the community
which will then reflect positive publicity on them. As they were targeting parents they could use the children as a way to make parents feel
like they had to help out.
Relentless Approach
• BOTTLE developed an extensive media relations campaign targeting national, broadcast and consumer
media, including key national offline and online personal finance sections and consumer women's titles.
Magpie did this to try and increase the promotion of the brand and also increase the amount of positive publicity. Specifically, the target
women’s media titles e.g. magazines such as Chat and Heat – as these magazines attract a demographic of older women, perhaps with
families and stereotypically speaking, are perhaps in charge of the family budget. The aim is to speak to those who wish to get rid of clutter
or unused goods in the household, whilst making a small profit out of doing so.

•BOTTLE built strong media relationships with influential personal finance journalists across national and
consumer press
The organization do this to spread across both sexes of the demographic on a wider scale using national broadsheets and tabloids. It is
important for the organization to keep a close relationship with the press in order to receive positive publicity which in turn, will gain a
larger scale audience and more consumers interested in what’s so good about the site. Not keeping a good relationship with members of
the press can leave little interest in the organization and will prove difficult to branch out to consumers in future events.

•Utilizing musicMagpie's charity partnership with Xpro (the charity for ex-football players), BOTTLE
implemented a broadcast campaign targeting youths who may be involved themselves with a football
team, as well as parents.
•BOTTLE liaised closely with Xpro to secure ex England players Gordon Banks and Peter Shilton (neither were
paid for their time), who would become Freekits ambassadors, pitching interviews to key radio stations
across the UK
Again this relates to the perspective of families, the broadcast campaign would attempt to target both children who are interested in
football and the parents of those children. This is due to the fact that the child may have got their sporting interests from being brought up
around the sport or having the same interests as their parents. If the child enjoys football he is more likely to want his parents to help the
charity, the parents may already be interested as the charity is about ex professional footballers which means that when they were pro
players their parents may have been watching.
Vivid Results
•BOTTLE has achieved over 409 pieces of coverage since June 2011, with a total audience figure of 531.8
million. This includes 148 pieces of broadcast coverage including TalkSport, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 Live
The audience figures that have heard of the freekits campaign due to its collaborations with musicMagpie and BOTTLE are astounding,
managing to reach out to over half a billion people. This reflects positively on both the charity and musicMagpie as they helped to get it
covered so well. The coverage from such radio stations as TalkSport, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 live is a great achievement and will have
helped bring in fans and donators that are fans of the sport which will make them more likely to want to donate to the charity.

•The AVE of the Freekits campaign totalled £312,740. 162 Freekits have been donated since the broadcast
campaign took place in August 2011, reaching over 800 parents and staff involved wihthe clubs. The team
continue to achieve overwhelming coverage in the personal finance space, wtith44 items to date including
the Daily Mirror, Sunday Times, Sunday Express, Sunday Mirror, Metro, Mail Online and an exclusive in The
The features that the company received in the personal finance spaces of such reputable newspapers as the Daily Mirror, Sunday Times
and Sunday Express will show positive publicity and in turn show that giving things to musicMagpie will not only be helping yourself but you
will be helping a charity as well which may well be enough motivation for some.

•BOTTLE also secured a media exclusive with the Financial Times to discuss the company's rocketing
performance, resulting in front page coverage of the Companies and Markets supplement and reaching an
audience of 14 million for both print and online pieces
The exclusive coverage in the Financial Times will be a great achievement for the company as it will be read by thousands of people who
will then see the musicMagpie is doing good things and are currently having rocketing performances. This then led to them having front
page coverage and reaching a total audience of 14 million people, this potentially means that 14 million people will want to help out the
charity and sell their good via musicMagpie.
JD Sports

JD decided to use images and portraits of teenagers and products specifically made for the young persons demographic. They do this to encourage the
sales of certain products to their chosen demographic, for example – the new Nike Blazers would be specifically targeted at a younger demographic
around the ages of 14-18, as trends spread faster via schools/colleges and social networking sites. Therefore this creates more sales persuading that
consumers “have to have” the product. This in turn uses the hypodermic needle effect, that these products make you “cool”, similar to the photographs
here – the boys are structured to be attractive and sell the products in a certain way, initially targeting to make a consumer believe the products will
make them like the person aspired in the images.
Much in the same ways that specialist websites advertise to their own specific target demographics. advertise their range of clothing and
accessories to fit the needs of a “plus size” or “Curvier” woman. This is due to the fact that some high street stores may not stock the size that is needed
for plus size women or may only have their size in more undesirable clothing. Simply Be however provides a range of clothes that fit a larger persons
figure in the same way that clothes would fit a smaller woman e.g. sizes 8 – 10. This leads plus size women to primarily shop here as opposed to high
street stores.
Market Research
JD Sports value market research within their organization as it allows them
to become familiar with their target demographic, which is most cases is
young adults and teenagers. Methods of research include surveys,
questionnaires, focus groups and forums. Research within the target
demographic allows them to see what consumers like, don’t like and look
for in a product. It also allows JD Sports to become aware of the popularity
of their competitors and in the fashion industry, understand what the new
trends are and what is “cool” within the demographic.
For example, Sports Direct release regular offers and deals on sportswear
that works especially well with pushing students to purchase from their
organization, including people on a lower income/budget. Although JD may
not frequently release as many offers as Sports Direct, it gives them ideas
and techniques on how the can approach an audience and what people
would estimate to pay for a piece of clothing or a pair of trainers.
Market research will also allow the company to ensure that when they
decide to open a new store that it is in a place that be attractive towards
their demographic, such as students/young adults. JD have grown due to
the fact they have bought out competing stores such as First Sport and
The Olympics that were recently held in the UK will have helped the growth
of stores like JD greatly due to the increase in popularity of sports at that
time. Companies like JD would have also had the opportunity to endorse
athletes/have their names featured on sponsors and billboards around the
Olympics, this would have given them great brand promotion and a positive
reputation within the sporting community. 2012 Olympic memorabilia will
have also been released and sold to consumers, this creates more income
as consumers aim to buy unique/special-edition products as a memory of a
time in history.
JD Use a mixture of above the line and below the line
advertising, their above the line advertising features :
•Paid-for advertising in newspapers and magazines. JD
advertises in high circulation titles, such as the men’s lifestyle
magazine FHM and the music magazine NME
•Product placements in a range of publications are used to
promote the different brands
Paying for advertisements in newspapers and magazines will allow the brand
to promote itself via other peoples publications that will be read by their
target demographic such as FHM and NME. The fact that JD provides
numerous different brands in their stores will give them an advantage over
other stores who perhaps only stock one brand.

•TV and radio advertising. Radio advertising in particular
allows JD to target its key 13-20 year old audience quickly
and in a way that young people find relevant.
Thousands of people listen to the radio whilst in their cars and will arrive
home and put on the television. That means that TV and radio are two of the
most important marketing tools that a company can utilize. Brands will pay
channels/stations to play their adverts out at specific times such as between 7
– 9 as people are going to work/college and after 5pm as people are leaving
work/college. This will ensure that the best results will be obtained from the
adverts as it will have the most consumers.
JD use their email and viral web data base to communicate with their consumers and also fellow business partners. The emails feature deals,
promotions and offers to those who have even signed up to the company before or completed one of their customer surveys. Often those who have
signed up will receive unique discount codes or vouchers to use online if they have been with the organization for a long period, or spent over a
certain amount on their last purchase.
These types of promotional advertising generate excitement around the organization, with opportunities to maybe pre-order certain products or get
items for less money than the RRP. As well as individual sales promotions and offers, JD also teams up with sports stars and celebrities to help
promote their products. Examples being with certain offers there is a prize draw to win tickets to football matches or other sporting events, with
regular sports fans this proves successful with gaining more customer rapport and positive publicity as the media will soon become aware of the
competitions and offers.
Sponsorships with celebrities and teams will often reflect positively in the press if a celebrity states they are wearing a certain item purchased from
JD sports, or for example in the background of a program the store is visible etc. Often PR members working close with the celebs will tell the press
that they can snap the celeb outside JD sports etc. which again will further promote the brand.
Appearance is also everything with the overall outlook of the stores, JD use very high-res, dramatic imagery of people taking part in sporting
activities whilst wearing the clothes. Again, this relates back to the overall demographic JD target and who they want to come into their stores. For
example, JD will spend specific amounts of money on large, dynamic window displays that will attract in consumers thus increasing footfall.

This image uses high quality photography as a representation of the quality of the burger. This is a specialist burger and is not the same as the other burgers
that the company sells. The advert showcases the burger in the centre of the screen using a white spotlight effect. The use of black and white colours show
elegance and class. The tagline reads “A sandwich for experts” this shows that the burger is made for a certain type of person. The letter M is written in a
calligraphic, elegant and handwritten font. The sandwich is set up using books instead the ingredients, this is to again reflect on the quality of the burger and
to extend the fact that the burger is for an upper-class of people or those who are more educated and more articulate as opposed to the regular market that
McDonalds would sell to.
There is no mention of price on this advert, this reinforces the fact that this burger is about the quality of the meal as opposed to the price of the meal. It
means that the meal may not have the same value for money as the other items that are on the menu however it is made up for by the quality of the
ingredients that are used. The quality of the imagery in the picture and the advert itself shows that. The value aspect of this advert is the quality of the
products versus the quality of the price. Granted the price will be considerably more than the other items that are on the menu but for the added cost you get
a better quality of ingredient.
Market & Competition
The market for this specific burger would be a regular person that may have more expensive taste or someone who is looking to try a higher quality meal but
still have the quick service that is provided by a fast food restaurant. The person who would by this would be someone from the c2de social bracket and
would have the profile of a belonger. This is because people who eat McDonalds tend to stay loyal to the brand and return to their to try new meals and eat
regularly. The competition for a place like McDonalds would be other fast food chains such as pizza hut or KFC as they sell similar styles of food.
This advert does not focus on quality as much as the other advert does. The meals are still nicely presented in a way that makes them look desirable, the
pictures show some of the items full and some of them cut open to show the ingredients that are inside of them. The main focal point of the adverts in this
point is the price of the food. The point of this menu is to show the kind of food that you can get for small amounts of money, so you know that the food may
not be of the best quality but it is cheap which makes it good value. The colour scheme is a lot more casual than the other image I have used in that it uses
brighter red and yellow colours as opposed to the more sophisticated black and white colour scheme. The image is laid out in a way to show 3 different costs
that vary from highest price to lowest price. The word “Savers” is in a different colour to make it stand out more so that you know that you are saving money
by buying from this menu.
The price is definitely the key aspect of this advert. The prices take up a considerable amount of the advert being showing in a large bold font on a graphic of a
coin which in its own way implies that it can be bought for only 1 coin. This menu is dramatically cheaper than the regular menu for the restaurant and is
meant to entice those people who have spare change to come in and spend it on their food as opposing to saving the money or making them realise that they
can afford the food instead of thinking that they cannot afford any food.
Market & Competition
The market for this menu is definitely those who are in the C2DE social bracket. This is a menu for those who have little money or have small change left,
most probably working class. Obviously it would be unfair to not include the higher social grades in the market as they may still want to have fast food and
have the options to have whatever they like. The competition for McDonalds would be any of the other fast food chains that are around such as KFC or pizza
hut. Whilst these foods aren't necessarily the same style of food you would usually pick between one or the other as opposed to having both of them.

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Case Study

  • 1. Case Study Jess Hedley & Callum Knight
  • 2. Magnetic Objectives •To raise musicMagpie’s awareness among key personal finance journalists on and off line •To communicate and show-case key messages to target media and audiences musicMagpie would want to follow through with this to increase sales and overall make more income. Finance journalists manage the overall current affairs happening within an organization or event and report to either a newspaper or company trade magazine, depending on the nature of their business. Certain topics they would reflect on are big money saving deals, recommendations of generating extra money via the website and generally targeting people who are looking to clear out old collections of media items and gaining finance out of it as well. •To increase visits to and launch new platforms e.g. Facebook store and iPhone app To raise awareness of musicMagpie’s charity partnerships, including the Freekits campaign which provided free football kits to clubs in exchange for 400 CDs or DVDs. The site uses forms of social networking to branch out their offers, promotions and overall visual of the site to a wider demographic via the web. 1.26 billion people are signed up to Facebook overall in the world and have access to iPhone/Android applications and spend roughly around 20 minutes per viewing. This results in consumers being exposed to 1500 pieces of content which makes ads such as this a valuable asset in marketing with most demographics. Charity partnerships aid the campaign in relating peoples input to the site with benefitting a good cause, this is the hypodermic needle effect of helping others whilst in turn – helping out the organization.
  • 3. Grounded Strategy •BOTTLE needed to heighten awareness of the brand whilst educating the consumer that musicMagpie was an easy, free and intelligent way to make some extra money in an ever increasingly harsh economic climate. musicMagpie wanted the awareness of their brand to be raised so that their company could make money. A clever way of marketing this is to make it seem like the company is doing the consumer a favour, by doing this people are more likely to respond as they feel they are making more money for themselves. Using bottle musicMagpie hoped to achieve brand promotion and positive publicity from the campaign. •BOTTLE pinpointed several audiences as key targets for PR activity, with a focus on parents (of which mums were the most important) who may be looking to make some quick cash as well as a way to de- clutter the home. Bottle primarily targeted parents as they are the decision makers in households, whether it be their own belongings or their children’s belongings they will likely need the permission of the parent to sell goods. Again, the focus was on making the person feel like they were achieving financial gain but also putting an emphasis on the de cluttering of the house. This is an appealing thing to most people, having the opportunity to remove things from your house and receive some money in return in what is a tough economic climate. •BOTTLE decided that combining the 'Freekits campaign” with the UK's passion for football was a key opportunity. We knew there was an increased pressure on parents to continue to provide sports activity for children, but barriers to participation in sport most commonly cited were shortages of money, time and facilities*, with many parents paying for their child's football kit personally. The combination of the brand with the UK’s passion for football is again a way of receiving positive publicity for the brand. The use of charity based events combined with their brand name is a clever way of making it seem like the company is doing good things for the community which will then reflect positive publicity on them. As they were targeting parents they could use the children as a way to make parents feel like they had to help out.
  • 4. Relentless Approach • BOTTLE developed an extensive media relations campaign targeting national, broadcast and consumer media, including key national offline and online personal finance sections and consumer women's titles. Magpie did this to try and increase the promotion of the brand and also increase the amount of positive publicity. Specifically, the target women’s media titles e.g. magazines such as Chat and Heat – as these magazines attract a demographic of older women, perhaps with families and stereotypically speaking, are perhaps in charge of the family budget. The aim is to speak to those who wish to get rid of clutter or unused goods in the household, whilst making a small profit out of doing so. •BOTTLE built strong media relationships with influential personal finance journalists across national and consumer press The organization do this to spread across both sexes of the demographic on a wider scale using national broadsheets and tabloids. It is important for the organization to keep a close relationship with the press in order to receive positive publicity which in turn, will gain a larger scale audience and more consumers interested in what’s so good about the site. Not keeping a good relationship with members of the press can leave little interest in the organization and will prove difficult to branch out to consumers in future events. •Utilizing musicMagpie's charity partnership with Xpro (the charity for ex-football players), BOTTLE implemented a broadcast campaign targeting youths who may be involved themselves with a football team, as well as parents. •BOTTLE liaised closely with Xpro to secure ex England players Gordon Banks and Peter Shilton (neither were paid for their time), who would become Freekits ambassadors, pitching interviews to key radio stations across the UK Again this relates to the perspective of families, the broadcast campaign would attempt to target both children who are interested in football and the parents of those children. This is due to the fact that the child may have got their sporting interests from being brought up around the sport or having the same interests as their parents. If the child enjoys football he is more likely to want his parents to help the charity, the parents may already be interested as the charity is about ex professional footballers which means that when they were pro players their parents may have been watching.
  • 5. Vivid Results •BOTTLE has achieved over 409 pieces of coverage since June 2011, with a total audience figure of 531.8 million. This includes 148 pieces of broadcast coverage including TalkSport, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 Live The audience figures that have heard of the freekits campaign due to its collaborations with musicMagpie and BOTTLE are astounding, managing to reach out to over half a billion people. This reflects positively on both the charity and musicMagpie as they helped to get it covered so well. The coverage from such radio stations as TalkSport, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 5 live is a great achievement and will have helped bring in fans and donators that are fans of the sport which will make them more likely to want to donate to the charity. •The AVE of the Freekits campaign totalled £312,740. 162 Freekits have been donated since the broadcast campaign took place in August 2011, reaching over 800 parents and staff involved wihthe clubs. The team continue to achieve overwhelming coverage in the personal finance space, wtith44 items to date including the Daily Mirror, Sunday Times, Sunday Express, Sunday Mirror, Metro, Mail Online and an exclusive in The Sun. The features that the company received in the personal finance spaces of such reputable newspapers as the Daily Mirror, Sunday Times and Sunday Express will show positive publicity and in turn show that giving things to musicMagpie will not only be helping yourself but you will be helping a charity as well which may well be enough motivation for some. •BOTTLE also secured a media exclusive with the Financial Times to discuss the company's rocketing performance, resulting in front page coverage of the Companies and Markets supplement and reaching an audience of 14 million for both print and online pieces The exclusive coverage in the Financial Times will be a great achievement for the company as it will be read by thousands of people who will then see the musicMagpie is doing good things and are currently having rocketing performances. This then led to them having front page coverage and reaching a total audience of 14 million people, this potentially means that 14 million people will want to help out the charity and sell their good via musicMagpie.
  • 6. JD Sports JD decided to use images and portraits of teenagers and products specifically made for the young persons demographic. They do this to encourage the sales of certain products to their chosen demographic, for example – the new Nike Blazers would be specifically targeted at a younger demographic around the ages of 14-18, as trends spread faster via schools/colleges and social networking sites. Therefore this creates more sales persuading that consumers “have to have” the product. This in turn uses the hypodermic needle effect, that these products make you “cool”, similar to the photographs here – the boys are structured to be attractive and sell the products in a certain way, initially targeting to make a consumer believe the products will make them like the person aspired in the images. Much in the same ways that specialist websites advertise to their own specific target demographics. advertise their range of clothing and accessories to fit the needs of a “plus size” or “Curvier” woman. This is due to the fact that some high street stores may not stock the size that is needed for plus size women or may only have their size in more undesirable clothing. Simply Be however provides a range of clothes that fit a larger persons figure in the same way that clothes would fit a smaller woman e.g. sizes 8 – 10. This leads plus size women to primarily shop here as opposed to high street stores.
  • 7. Market Research JD Sports value market research within their organization as it allows them to become familiar with their target demographic, which is most cases is young adults and teenagers. Methods of research include surveys, questionnaires, focus groups and forums. Research within the target demographic allows them to see what consumers like, don’t like and look for in a product. It also allows JD Sports to become aware of the popularity of their competitors and in the fashion industry, understand what the new trends are and what is “cool” within the demographic. For example, Sports Direct release regular offers and deals on sportswear that works especially well with pushing students to purchase from their organization, including people on a lower income/budget. Although JD may not frequently release as many offers as Sports Direct, it gives them ideas and techniques on how the can approach an audience and what people would estimate to pay for a piece of clothing or a pair of trainers. Market research will also allow the company to ensure that when they decide to open a new store that it is in a place that be attractive towards their demographic, such as students/young adults. JD have grown due to the fact they have bought out competing stores such as First Sport and All:Sports. The Olympics that were recently held in the UK will have helped the growth of stores like JD greatly due to the increase in popularity of sports at that time. Companies like JD would have also had the opportunity to endorse athletes/have their names featured on sponsors and billboards around the Olympics, this would have given them great brand promotion and a positive reputation within the sporting community. 2012 Olympic memorabilia will have also been released and sold to consumers, this creates more income as consumers aim to buy unique/special-edition products as a memory of a time in history.
  • 8. JD Use a mixture of above the line and below the line advertising, their above the line advertising features : •Paid-for advertising in newspapers and magazines. JD advertises in high circulation titles, such as the men’s lifestyle magazine FHM and the music magazine NME •Product placements in a range of publications are used to promote the different brands Paying for advertisements in newspapers and magazines will allow the brand to promote itself via other peoples publications that will be read by their target demographic such as FHM and NME. The fact that JD provides numerous different brands in their stores will give them an advantage over other stores who perhaps only stock one brand. •TV and radio advertising. Radio advertising in particular allows JD to target its key 13-20 year old audience quickly and in a way that young people find relevant. Thousands of people listen to the radio whilst in their cars and will arrive home and put on the television. That means that TV and radio are two of the most important marketing tools that a company can utilize. Brands will pay channels/stations to play their adverts out at specific times such as between 7 – 9 as people are going to work/college and after 5pm as people are leaving work/college. This will ensure that the best results will be obtained from the adverts as it will have the most consumers.
  • 9. JD use their email and viral web data base to communicate with their consumers and also fellow business partners. The emails feature deals, promotions and offers to those who have even signed up to the company before or completed one of their customer surveys. Often those who have signed up will receive unique discount codes or vouchers to use online if they have been with the organization for a long period, or spent over a certain amount on their last purchase. These types of promotional advertising generate excitement around the organization, with opportunities to maybe pre-order certain products or get items for less money than the RRP. As well as individual sales promotions and offers, JD also teams up with sports stars and celebrities to help promote their products. Examples being with certain offers there is a prize draw to win tickets to football matches or other sporting events, with regular sports fans this proves successful with gaining more customer rapport and positive publicity as the media will soon become aware of the competitions and offers. Sponsorships with celebrities and teams will often reflect positively in the press if a celebrity states they are wearing a certain item purchased from JD sports, or for example in the background of a program the store is visible etc. Often PR members working close with the celebs will tell the press that they can snap the celeb outside JD sports etc. which again will further promote the brand. Appearance is also everything with the overall outlook of the stores, JD use very high-res, dramatic imagery of people taking part in sporting activities whilst wearing the clothes. Again, this relates back to the overall demographic JD target and who they want to come into their stores. For example, JD will spend specific amounts of money on large, dynamic window displays that will attract in consumers thus increasing footfall.
  • 10. McDonald’s Quality This image uses high quality photography as a representation of the quality of the burger. This is a specialist burger and is not the same as the other burgers that the company sells. The advert showcases the burger in the centre of the screen using a white spotlight effect. The use of black and white colours show elegance and class. The tagline reads “A sandwich for experts” this shows that the burger is made for a certain type of person. The letter M is written in a calligraphic, elegant and handwritten font. The sandwich is set up using books instead the ingredients, this is to again reflect on the quality of the burger and to extend the fact that the burger is for an upper-class of people or those who are more educated and more articulate as opposed to the regular market that McDonalds would sell to. Price There is no mention of price on this advert, this reinforces the fact that this burger is about the quality of the meal as opposed to the price of the meal. It means that the meal may not have the same value for money as the other items that are on the menu however it is made up for by the quality of the ingredients that are used. The quality of the imagery in the picture and the advert itself shows that. The value aspect of this advert is the quality of the products versus the quality of the price. Granted the price will be considerably more than the other items that are on the menu but for the added cost you get a better quality of ingredient. Market & Competition The market for this specific burger would be a regular person that may have more expensive taste or someone who is looking to try a higher quality meal but still have the quick service that is provided by a fast food restaurant. The person who would by this would be someone from the c2de social bracket and would have the profile of a belonger. This is because people who eat McDonalds tend to stay loyal to the brand and return to their to try new meals and eat regularly. The competition for a place like McDonalds would be other fast food chains such as pizza hut or KFC as they sell similar styles of food.
  • 11. Quality This advert does not focus on quality as much as the other advert does. The meals are still nicely presented in a way that makes them look desirable, the pictures show some of the items full and some of them cut open to show the ingredients that are inside of them. The main focal point of the adverts in this point is the price of the food. The point of this menu is to show the kind of food that you can get for small amounts of money, so you know that the food may not be of the best quality but it is cheap which makes it good value. The colour scheme is a lot more casual than the other image I have used in that it uses brighter red and yellow colours as opposed to the more sophisticated black and white colour scheme. The image is laid out in a way to show 3 different costs that vary from highest price to lowest price. The word “Savers” is in a different colour to make it stand out more so that you know that you are saving money by buying from this menu. Price The price is definitely the key aspect of this advert. The prices take up a considerable amount of the advert being showing in a large bold font on a graphic of a coin which in its own way implies that it can be bought for only 1 coin. This menu is dramatically cheaper than the regular menu for the restaurant and is meant to entice those people who have spare change to come in and spend it on their food as opposing to saving the money or making them realise that they can afford the food instead of thinking that they cannot afford any food. Market & Competition The market for this menu is definitely those who are in the C2DE social bracket. This is a menu for those who have little money or have small change left, most probably working class. Obviously it would be unfair to not include the higher social grades in the market as they may still want to have fast food and have the options to have whatever they like. The competition for McDonalds would be any of the other fast food chains that are around such as KFC or pizza hut. Whilst these foods aren't necessarily the same style of food you would usually pick between one or the other as opposed to having both of them.