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2015 - 2016
Wie/Wat is Inisol?									 4
Voorwoord 											 5
Job- & stagebeurs									 6
Agenda 											 7
Deelnemende bedrijven								 8
Dankwoord										 	 36
Wie/Wat is inisol?
Beste studenten,
Aangezien wij jullie vandaag mogen verwelkomen, hebben jullie hoogstwaarschijnlijk reeds kennis
gemaakt met Inisol of beter de Initiatiefgroep Solvay.
Graag hadden wij jullie nog even toegelicht waar Inisol voor staat en wat haar ambities zijn.
De activiteiten van Inisol zijn onder te verdelen in drie domeinen:
Als student wordt het steeds belangrijker om met een complete set vaardigheden naar de
arbeidsmarkt te trekken. Inisol draagt hieraan bij door complementair aan theoretische vakken
praktijkgerichte activiteiten te organiseren.
Zo organiseert Inisol jaarlijks een Handelsmissie waarbij laatstejaarsstudenten Handelsingenieur voor
een maand naar het buitenland trekken. Deze Handelsmissie is reeds aan haar 25ste
editie toe met dit
jaar als bestemming Kuala Lumpur (Maleisië).
Naast een Handelsmissie organiseren wij ook een bedrijvenforum en vanaf dit jaar een job- &
stagebeurs. De beurs en het forum zijn cruciaal voor het creëren van affiniteit tussen studenten en de
professionele bedrijfswereld. Beide activiteiten vormen de ideale gelegenheid om studenten te laten
kennismaken met verschillende bedrijven die hen mogelijkheden bieden tijdens en na hun studies.
Anderzijds proberen we de kloof te dichten tussen de academische wereld en de bedrijfswereld door goede
contacten te onderhouden met de vele alumni. Zo organiseren we sinds enkele jaren een ‘master meets
alumni’ evenement in coöperatie met onze buren van de ULB.
Onze belangrijkste stakeholders blijven vooreerst de studenten. Voor, tijdens, en na hun studies
delen wij informatie door middel van nieuwsbrieven, brochures en evenementen. Vooraleer men
de studies Handelsingenieur aanvat, kent men Inisol al dankzij de aanwezigheid van onze Solvay
Promotion Group (SPG) op infodagen en SID-ins.
Wij heten je alvast van harte welkom op al onze activiteiten!
Dempsey Goedbloed			 		 Emma Pieters
Voorzitster Inisol 2015 - 2016				 Ondervoorzitster Inisol 2015 - 2016
Beste medestudenten,
Zoals de meesten onder jullie ondertussen al weten, betekent een nieuw academiejaar ook
de start van een nieuw bedrijvenforum. Afgelopen zomer heeft het Career Team dan ook haar
uiterste best gedaan om opnieuw een reeks van interessante en uiteenlopende bedrijven te overtuigen
een samenwerking met ons aan te gaan.
In de komende jaren zal ieder van jullie op een bepaald moment een stage of job moeten zoeken.
Het vinden van een interessante job die beantwoordt aan jouw noden is eenvoudiger indien je als
student een sterk netwerk voorhanden hebt. Het opbouwen van een goed netwerk heeft echter tijd
nodig en dient te gebeuren voordat je het nodig acht. Het bedrijvenforum lijkt me voor jullie dan
ook de ideale kans om een brug te maken tussen de academische wereld en het bedrijfsleven.
Gedurende de maanden oktober en november krijgen de bedrijven namelijk elk een individueel
moment om ons te overtuigen dat zij de ideale toekomstige werkgever zijn. Dit zullen zij trachten
te doen door een bedrijfspresentatie te geven waarin zij enerzijds een uiteenzetting geven van hun
activiteiten en ons anderzijds uitnodigen om hun bedrijfscultuur van dichtbij te leren kennen.
Verder kunnen jullie via deze weg ook heel wat informatie vergaren in verband met hun stageplaatsen,
sollicitatieproces en carrièremogelijkheden. Nieuw dit jaar is dat enkele bedrijven afstand zullen doen
van de traditionele bedrijfspresentatie door een workshop te geven rond een bepaald topic.
Na elke presentatie of workshop wordt er een uitgebreide receptie georganiseerd, wat de mogelijkheid
biedt om in een geheel ontspannen sfeer al jullie vragen te stellen aan de aanwezige bedrijfs-
vertegenwoordigers en zo jullie professioneel netwerk uit te breiden.
Ik nodig jullie bij deze dan ook van harte uit op ons bedrijvenforum zodat we samen van deze editie
een succes kunnen maken.
Namens het Career Team,
Sarah Verstappen
Voorzitster Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016
Job- & stagebeurs 29/10
Ben je een student op zoek naar een leuke stage of job? Dan is de job- & stagebeurs van Inisol exact
wat je nodig hebt!
Stage lopen bij een interessante onderneming is voor elke student niet alleen een leuke uitdaging,
maar ook een leerrijke ervaring waarbij academische kennis toegepast kan worden in de praktijk.
Maar misschien heb je al stage gelopen en wil je gewoon meteen de arbeidsmarkt betreden? Dan is deze
beurs vanaf dit jaar ook zeker iets voor jou!
De afgelopen twee jaar organiseerde Inisol reeds een stagebeurs. Voor 2015 – 2016 zullen we dit echter
uitbreiden naar een heuse job- & stagebeurs, om een nog betere service te verlenen aan de studenten.
Op deze beurs brengt Inisol geïnteresseerde studenten in contact met gerenommeerde bedrijven die
een stageplaats of eerste job aanbieden.
Inisol voorziet tijdens dit evenement ook een heerlijke brunch, zodat je op een gezellige manier een
interessant gesprek kan voeren met de aanwezige bedrijfsvertegenwoordigers. Breng zeker ook jouw CV
mee om meteen de eerste stappen richting aanwerving te zetten!
Zowel bachelor- als masterstudenten van alle richtingen zijn welkom op onze beurs: Handelsingenieur,
Bedrijfskunde, Communicatiewetenschappen, Rechten, Computerwetenschappen, Burgerlijk Ingenieur,
TEW, Bio Ingenieur, enzovoort.
De job- & stagebeurs gaat door op donderdag 29 oktober 2015 van 10u00 tot 14u00.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Campus Etterbeek
U-residence, Generaal Jacqueslaan 271 - 1050 Brussel
De volgende bedrijven hebben reeds hun aanwezigheid op onze job- & stagebeurs bevestigd: Accenture,
ARHS Technology, Cegeka, Delaware, Delhaize, EY, FOD Financiën, GfK, Henkel, Ikea, Intys Consulting,
KBC, KPMG, Marsh, Mazars, Nestlé, ORMIT, Proximus, PwC en TriFinance.
Tot in oktober!
Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016
EY				Dinsdag 6 oktober			13u - 14u45
PwC	 			Maandag 12 oktober 			13u - 14u45
ORMIT	 		Dinsdag 13 oktober			13u - 14u30
KPMG				Dinsdag 20 oktober			13u - 14u45
Coca-Cola			Dinsdag 27 oktober			13u - 14u45
Henkel	 		Dinsdag 3 november			13u - 14u45
Deloitte			 Vrijdag 6 november			 13u - 14u30
Grant Thornton		 Dinsdag 10 november			 13u - 14u30
Accenture	 		Vrijdag	13 november			13u - 14u30
ING	 			Dinsdag 17 november			13u - 14u45
TriFinance			Dinsdag 24 november			13u - 14u45
Deelnemende bedrijven
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. With this breadth of service
offerings you have the opportunity to develop your career through a variety of experiences, mentoring
and formal learning to ensure our employee value proposition – Whenever you join, however long
you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime – is a reality. Joining us is about so much more
than just the EY name on your CV!
You can find more information on
MAANDAG 12 OKTOBER - p.16-17
At PwC we help organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a network of
firms in 157 countries with more than 195,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in audit,
tax and consulting services. Tell us what matters to you and find out how you can change the game by
joining PwC today. More than 1500 colleagues in Belgium are ready to welcome you and move forward
together. Apply now at
People make the difference
ORMIT believes that the success of a company is determined by the people that work there. People make
the difference. The global economy is changing and evolving from capitalism into talentism. Successful
organisations distinguish themselves by gaining access to talent, developing that talent and connecting
it within their organisation. We support companies with finding, developing and connecting leadership
Making organisations and people more successful
We believe that each individual has their own unique talents that they can use to make a difference.
The key to a successful career is discovering and developing these unique qualities. We do this by using
our powerful formula, a formula that centres on personal leadership.
ORMIT is an independent company with offices in Brussels and De Bilt (NL). Our 180 driven and
committed employees work along with our partner organisations to realise the ambitions of
people and organisations. ORMIT is a vibrant organisation with a young and dynamic culture. We are
passionate, people-oriented, result-driven and flexible. And above all fun!
Deelnemende bedrijven
DINSDAG 20 OKTOBER - p.20-21
KPMG België maakt deel uit van een groot internationaal netwerk. KPMG is actief in 156 landen, met
meer dan 154.000 medewerkers. Die internationale kijk laat ons toe om nieuwe trends en evoluties
snel op te pikken, en al even snel antwoorden te formuleren op die nieuwe uitdagingen. Met grenzen
die steeds meer vervagen –tussen landen, markten of sectoren – helpt ons wereldwijd netwerk ons om
bedrijven en organisaties wegwijs te maken op onbekend terrein. Om deuren te openen bij toekomstige
partners en om ingewikkelde wetten en regels te begrijpen en toe te passen.
In België telt KPMG ongeveer 1.000 medewerkers. Eén voor één experts in hun vakgebied, één voor één
gepassioneerde professionals. We leggen de lat hoog bij KPMG en zorgen ervoor dat onze medewerkers
hun expertise en talent maximaal kunnen ontwikkelen. Of het nu gaat om juniors die nog aan de start
van hun loopbaan staan of om ervaren krachten, onze mensen scholen zich het hele jaar door bij. Om op
de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen, om nieuwe inzichten te verwerven en door te geven,
om topkwaliteit te leveren.
DINSDAG 27 OKTOBER - p.22-23
From a secret recipe to a bold idea and very proud traditions we build the future. Coca-Cola
Enterprises (CCE) manufactures, distributes, sells and markets some of the world’s best brands
in non-alcoholic beverages. The refreshing brands you will find in our portfolio include Coca-Cola ®,
Fanta ® , Sprite®, Chaudfontaine ® , Monster®, Chaudfontaine®, Finley®, … We are a global brand but a local
business. We manufacture 90% of our products in the markets in which they are consumed.
We support our communities and care about the well-being of our consumers.
Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with it: the raw materials for success
are right here. But still, success depends on our skilled management sharing thirst: a thirst for getting
more and better from our people and systems, a thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigor and
challenge of a fast moving business.
Deelnemende bedrijven
Looking back on nearly 140 years of success, Henkel’s vision is to become a global leader in brands
and technologies. Henkel holds globally leading market positions both in the consumer and industrial
sector today and is well known for brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite. The company is
organized into three globally operating business units: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive
Technologies. The Dax-30 company is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, and proud of its almost
50,000 employees from more than 120 nations worldwide.
“Excellence is our passion”. Our claim expresses our ambition: striving for the very best in everything
that we do. The goal to take leading positions in a highly competitive environment is shared by
everyone at Henkel and our employees will always put their passion, pride and enthusiasm into making
this happen.
All Henkel employees worldwide are united by one thought: We are one team! Together as a global
team, we successfully shape the market with passion and joy. We are looking for colleagues
who share this motivation and readily take on new challenges.
Deloitte is the leading services firm in Belgium. More than 2900 people in 11 offices across the
country serve national and international companies, from small and middle businesses, to public sector
and non-profit organisations. We are structured in five competencies: Audit & Enterprise Risk Services,
Accountancy, Tax, Financial Advisory and Consulting and we are one of the key employers in the country.
Deloitte stands for talent and it shows in everything we do. We distinguish ourselves not only by our
qualities as a Belgian market leader but also by the values we share every day with our employees and
clients throughout the world.
Grant Thornton is a leading business adviser that helps dynamic organisations to unlock their
potential for growth. In Belgium we offer a full range of services: Audit, Advisory, Accountancy, Tax & Legal.
You can find our offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Turnhout, Ghent, Hasselt and Tournai. If you are looking
for a career filled with opportunities and if you value team work as well as autonomy & responsibility,
personal & professional growth and you want to make a difference, Grant Thornton will be a great place
to work for you.
Deelnemende bedrijven
Accenture is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, providing consulting
and outsourcing services through our strategy, digital, technology and operations capabilities.
Accenture helps organizations maximize their performance and achieve their vision. We develop and
implement solutions to improve our clients’ productivity and efficiency-and we may run parts of their
operations on their behalf. Ultimately, we enable our clients to become high-performance businesses and
governments. Everything we do to execute our strategy and deliver our vision comes to life through our
more than 336,000 people.
Our people are all connected by the Accenture Way. The Accenture Way is how we do things, how we
innovate, collaborate, operate and deliver value. It’s how we interact with our clients-and each other.
From giving back to the communities where we work and live, to inspiring our people, to serving our
clients and creating value for our shareholders-in everything we do, we deliver high performance.
In Belgium & Luxembourg, 1100 Accenture people bring their skills to the forefront of innovation,
helping to provide better experiences for the customers, students, patients and citizens our clients
ING is een wereldwijde financiële instelling met een sterke Europese basis gericht op het leveren van
particuliere en zakelijke bankdiensten.
Onze medewerkers stellen dagelijks mensen in staat om zowel privé als zakelijk steeds voorop te
blijven lopen.
Door onze kennis en ervaring, toewijding om uitstekende diensten te verlenen en wereldwijde
activiteiten kunnen wij voldoen aan de wensen van een brede klantengroep in meer dan 40 landen. Deze
bestaat uit particulieren, gezinnen, kleine bedrijven, grote ondernemingen, instellingen en overheden.
Momenteel is ING de best scorende gediversifieerde financiële dienstverlener in de Dow Jones
Sustainability Index.
In België is ING de eerste universele directe bank.
Deelnemende bedrijven
Welcome to the world of TriFinance – financial consulting, where motivated professionals offer
tailored solutions to the challenges faced by their clients.
Our service offering is unique, combining services – advice, temporary support and recruitment &
selection – in a pragmatic, value-added package. We don’t produce extensive reports, instead we
deliver concrete solutions that fit the exact needs of our clients. Our company network is flat. Why flat?
Because we value entrepreneurship and open communication and we don’t believe in hierarchy.
And a network, because it allows us to quickly set up new connections to offer and share knowledge.
Our clients benefit from this network, and from the speed and service levels that are typical for small
How do we achieve this? By working as a network of small companies, each utilizing the skills and
talents of our finance professionals for the best outcome for our clients. This is our Economies of
Motivation® philosophy at work: highly motivated people delivering the best results for themselves
and our clients.
Company profile
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality
services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies
the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all
of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for
our people, for our clients and for our communities.  Visit us at
With this breadth of service offerings you have the opportunity to develop your career through a variety
of experiences, mentoring and formal learning to ensure our employee value proposition – Whenever
you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime – is a reality. 
Candidate profile
You have a Master Degree in Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Tax, Law or equivalent
You distinguish yourself by your motivation, teamwork, drive and positive attitude
You are looking for a challenging opportunity
You have a good knowledge of French, Dutch and English.
Open positions
Junior Accountant
Junior Auditor
Junior Tax Consultant
Junior Advisory Consultant
Junior Consultant Transactions Advisory Services
How to apply
Visit our website and discover our career opportunities on
Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us:
Karolien Vanwing				Jennifer Daxbek		 	
(0)27 74 93 35					02/774.96.22
Leen Heijsters					Jennifer Lepage
02/ 774 96 22					 02 774 91 96
builders of a better
working world.
Coco’s little
black dress
in 1926
the game
or changing
the game
Ben jij de
in tax, audit of
consulting die
wij zoeken?
Bij PwC zoeken we mensen die gewoontes in vraag
durven stellen, op zoek naar betere oplossingen.
Medewerkers die geen stap opzij zetten voor meer
complexe dossiers. Medewerkers die houden van
uitdagingen en de opportuniteiten zien binnen de
beperkingen. Want enkel zo bepaal je de nieuwe
benchmarks. Wil je ook werken voor topbedrijven
die de lat telkens weer hoog leggen?
Solliciteer dan nu op
Move forward
Playing the game or
changing the game
Algemene informatie
• Sector: Audit, Tax, Consulting
• Personeel wereldwijd: 169.000
• Personeel België: 1.500
• Hoofdkantoor: Brussel
• Vestigingen in België: Brussel,
Antwerpen, Gent, Luik en Hasselt
Hoe solliciteren?
• Spontaan: Neen, enkel solliciteren voor
specifieke functies (
• Gedurende het hele jaar solliciteren:
Ja (vanaf oktober)
• Aantal aanwervingen: 170
Vereiste talenkennis
Je drukt je vloeiend uit in het Nederlands, Frans en Engels.
Onze troeven
Bij PwC vinden we het belangrijk dat onze medewerkers elke dag vooruit gaan. Daarom zorgen
we voor een uitgebreide opleiding en begeleiding, en een omgeving die dit allemaal ondersteunt.
Er staat een netwerk van experts klaar om je te helpen en tal van uitdagende klanten doen je het
beste van jezelf geven.
Omschrijving vacante functies
Onze jobs voor starters:
• Audit
• Actuary
• Technology
Gezochte profielen
We hebben openstaande vacatures binnen Audit, Accounting, Tax Services, Legal Services, en
Consulting. Check onze website voor meer gedetailleerde informatie (
Wij vinden dat een sollicitatie op de meest efficiënte manier moet gebeuren en daarom houden
wij elke week “Selection Days”, ons unieke concept waarbij je heel de selectieprocedure in niet
meer dan één dag doorloopt. Omdat een sollicitatie geen eenrichtingsverkeer is, kun je tijdens
deze dag uitgebreid kennismaken met onze mensen.
Solliciteer vandaag nog op
• Business Consulting
• Accounting
• Legal
• Tax
• Mergers & Acquisitions
• Human Resources Service
Naam: Lore Vervoort
Adres: Woluwedal 18, 1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe
Tel: 02/710 46 03
ORMIT is a vibrant organisation with a young and dynamic culture. We are passionate,
people-oriented, result-driven and flexible. And above all fun!
People make the difference
ORMIT believes that the success of a company is determined by the people that work there.
People make the difference. The global economy is changing and evolving from capitalism into
talentism. Successful organisations distinguish themselves by gaining access to talent,
developing that talent and connecting it within their organisation. We support companies with
finding, developing and connecting the talent they need right now and in the future.
Making organisations and people more successful
We believe that each individual has their own unique talents that they can use to make a
difference. The key to a successful career is discovering and developing these unique qualities.
We do this by using our powerful formula, a formula that centres on personal leadership.
ORMIT a great place to work
Working at ORMIT is also working at a ‘Great Place To Work’. We believe that enthusiastic
employees enjoy their work and deliver the best performances – which is why we aim to be a
great employer. And as we develop talent and future leaders, we feel we should also set the
example. Each year ORMIT takes part in various employee satisfaction studies and obtains good
results. It shows that we practice what we preach.
What can we offer you!
 Traineeships at one or more major Belgian companies, packed to the brim with challenging
projects and missions.
 A unique personal development programme, designed to help you grow into the professional
you want to be ten years from now (but all this in less than two years).
Discover our traineeships on
Call it a spark, call it an aha-experience. If you possess the talent to trigger
true “aha” insights for our clients, you are the one we are looking for! KPMG
is offering unique challenges to solution seekers who wish to grow on both
personal and professional levels. Nowhere else will you be able to discover
so many aspects of business life - in Belgium or abroad - or come across such
great opportunities. We are constantly seeking new colleagues to reinforce our
specialised teams in Audit, Tax&Legal, Advisory and Accountancy.
Find a truly satisfying job
Ready to spark aha-moments
for our clients?
3 year Graduate Program through complementary and high demanding roles !
Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with is: the raw materials for success are right here.
But still, success depends on our graduates having the same thirst as all our people: a thirst for exploring new territory, a
thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigour and challenge of a fast-moving business.
Do you have a personality with the power to influence and connect?
Can you sustain the pace to keep on growing?
Will you make an impact with your desire to win? 
Joining Coca-Cola Enterprises' Finance graduate programme is a unique opportunity for an ambitious and highly driven
person to accelerate into a career working with some of the most iconic brands in the world such as Coke, Coke Light, Coke
Zero, Coke Life, Sprite, Fanta, Chaudfontaine, Finley, Aquarius and many more.
You'll get to work in real roles and on live projects whilst benefiting from a clearly defined structure of training. It's all designed
to unlock your potential and prepare you for an exciting and fulfilling career at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Rotating across key
areas of the business, you'll gain practical experience and high level exposure within the following areas:
• Commercial finance
• Supply Chain finance
• European Group finance
…These are all vital to the success of our organisation.

Are you made for this Graduate Program?
•You will obtain a financially oriented Master Degree in 2015 or 2016
•You are passionate and enthusiastic, able to engage with those people that will make the difference
•You are strongly interested in the fast moving consumer goods industry & it’s surrounding commercial environment
•Taking on responsibility • a critical mind combined with an eye for detail •an analytical mind-set and the ability to influence and build
professional relationships • business acumen • capable of making decisions •strong communicator • team spirit
What do we offer you?
•Take on existing, real roles with corresponding responsibilities in our organization
•Receive first-hand coaching and mentoring from CCE senior leadership
•Attend specific training for each position you will fill during the program as well as central Graduate training
•Meet and network with the highest performers in your country, flexible benefits, great career and development opportunities,
you’d expect from a global market leader
Ellen Hindryckx, Talent Acquisition Professional
3 year Graduate Program through complementary and high demanding roles !
Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with is: the raw materials for success are right here.
But still, success depends on our graduates having the same thirst as all our people: a thirst for exploring new territory, a
thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigour and challenge of a fast-moving business.
Do you have a personality with the power to influence and connect?
Can you sustain the pace to keep on growing?
Will you make an impact with your desire to win? 
Joining Coca-Cola Enterprises' Finance graduate programme is a unique opportunity for an ambitious and highly driven
person to accelerate into a career working with some of the most iconic brands in the world such as Coke, Coke Light, Coke
Zero, Coke Life, Sprite, Fanta, Chaudfontaine, Finley, Aquarius and many more.
You'll get to work in real roles and on live projects whilst benefiting from a clearly defined structure of training. It's all designed
to unlock your potential and prepare you for an exciting and fulfilling career at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Rotating across key
areas of the business, you'll gain practical experience and high level exposure within the following areas:
• Commercial finance
• Supply Chain finance
• European Group finance
…These are all vital to the success of our organisation.

Are you made for this Graduate Program?
•You will obtain a financially oriented Master Degree in 2015 or 2016
•You are passionate and enthusiastic, able to engage with those people that will make the difference
•You are strongly interested in the fast moving consumer goods industry & it’s surrounding commercial environment
•Taking on responsibility • a critical mind combined with an eye for detail •an analytical mind-set and the ability to influence and build
professional relationships • business acumen • capable of making decisions •strong communicator • team spirit
What do we offer you?
•Take on existing, real roles with corresponding responsibilities in our organization
•Receive first-hand coaching and mentoring from CCE senior leadership
•Attend specific training for each position you will fill during the program as well as central Graduate training
•Meet and network with the highest performers in your country, flexible benefits, great career and development opportunities,
you’d expect from a global market leader
Ellen Hindryckx, Talent Acquisition Professional
Consumer Businesses Industrial Business
Fully integrated, highly networked: During an internship, you experience first-hand what it is that
distinguishes Henkel employees and makes them successful. You will be integrated into the team
from your very first day, and will be able to find out what it means to work for an international
market leader and to define tomorrow’s market – whether consumer goods or industry. Make
use of this opportunity and convince us of your talents and initiative – just like 1,500 other interns
worldwide each year.
Copying and making coffee? Please do not! During your
student internship, you will work on our daily business
and projects as a fully-fledged member of the team.
Visit our job portal. You will find all current vacancies and job offers worldwide. We are looking
forward to receive your employment application on our website
Laundry & Home Care Beauty Care Adhesive Technologies
“Succes is never final
and failure never fatal.
It is the courage to
continue that counts.”	
(Winston Churchill)
© 2015 Deloitte Belgium
Are you looking for career options and the freedom to choose your own direction? Would you like to develop valuable skills?
Make time for life outside work? Do you want to be part of a collaborative team culture that brings out the best in you?
It’s your future. How far will you take it? Take your next step at
How far do you want to go?
Work for Grant Thornton: Growth Guaranteed
Choosing your first employer can be a tough decision…
At Grant Thornton, we understand it is just as important for you to be able to make an informed decision
to join our firm as it is for us to choose you.
We are looking for candidates who are a good match for our company and we want you to work in an
environment that you enjoy and that helps you unlock your potential for growth. That is why we look
forward to get to know you, not just your CV.
Who we are
Grant Thornton Belgium offers a full range of services: Audit, Advisory, Accountancy, Tax & Legal. You
can find our offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Turnhout, Ghent, Hasselt and Tournai. With our services, we
help clients, businesses of all sizes and address their challenges.
Being part of the worldwide Grant Thornton International network gives us the opportunity to draw a
global expertise from over 40,000 people in over 130 countries. Our teams collaborate on client projects
and learn from each other in the process. You will find that your direct colleagues, partners, specialists
from different fields of expertise as well as teams from our Grant Thornton International network
worldwide are happy to help you and contribute.
Why should you choose Grant Thornton? Because it is a great place to work! ‘
We are looking for
A Masters degree or Degree in higher education – Commercial Engineering, Applied Economic Sciences,
Commercial Sciences, Law, Tax, Accountancy,…
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‘Grant Thornton’ refers to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms provide assurance, tax and advisory services to their clients and/or refers to one or
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are not a worldwide partnership. GTIL and each member firm is a separate legal entity. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not
agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. –
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A career at Accenture
Your path to a brighter future.
Bepaal zelf de richting van je
carrière. Ontdek onze
traineeships en vind je
droombaan op
Laat je
toekomst niet
over aan het
Ben je op zoek naar een creatieve en dynamische omgeving die je
elke dag stimuleert om jouw leven en dat van klanten, collega’s en
de maatschappij positief te beïnvloeden?
In een snel veranderende wereld, stelt ING mensen en organisaties
in staat om hun eigen ideeën over een betere toekomst te
realiseren – hoe bescheiden of groots ook.
Wij zijn van mening dat duurzame vooruitgang in een digitale
wereld wordt gestimuleerd door mensen met de verbeeldingskracht
en het doorzettingsvermogen om hun eigen toekomst en de
toekomst van hun naasten te verbeteren.
Om die reden zijn wij steeds op zoek naar talenten die dit begrijpen
en naar een hoger niveau willen tillen.
Geloof je in energie en passie als sleutelelementen voor een
aangename samenwerking?
Zijn persoonlijke groei en nieuwe uitdagingen onmisbaar in jouw
Denk je carrière vooruit
At TriFinance, our team of highly motivated MeInc’ers offers our clients high quality-solutions
with a pragmatic twist. Our way of working is based on three pillars : the CareerHub®, our
Service Philosophy and BaseCamp.
The CareerHub® is our working environment, a nodal point in our network. It empowers each of
our finance professionals to choose the direction of his professional growth. This often leads to
new paths, new destinations and new ideas. We support this with coaching, on-the-job training
and access to our knowledge-sharing network. In other words, everything is built on the
foundation of our Economies of Motivation® philosophy.
Service Philosophy
At TriFinance, we always connect thinking and doing. Our consultants have the financial
expertise – both theoretical and practical – to deliver bespoke solutions to every unique
BaseCamp is our internal team that links consultants to clients. Composed of financial
consultants, sales professionals and HR/Recruitment specialists, BaseCamp provides mentoring,
coaching and on-the-job training to ensure the quality of our services.
The Young Hub-program as your first work experience
Fresh out of school (or almost) and ready to get a flying start for your finance career? As a
young graduate, you can get a head-start in the world of financial consulting with the
TriFinance Young Hub program.
The Young Hub program kicks off by looking at the hot topics in finance. Business case studies
are used to demonstrate how theory is turned into practice in preparation for your first project.
Attention is paid to soft skills as well, including fun. Activities are planned every year: team
At TriFinance, our team of highly motivated MeInc’ers offers our clients high quality-solutions with
a pragmatic twist. Our way of working is based on three pillars: the CareerHub®, our Service
Philosophy and BaseCamp.
The CareerHub® is our working environment, a nodal point in our network. It empowers each of our
finance professionals to choose the direction of his professional growth. This often leads to new paths,
new destinations and new ideas. We support this with coaching, on-the-job training and access to our
knowledge-sharing network. In other words, everything is built on the foundation of our Economies of
Motivation® philosophy.
Service Philosophy
At TriFinance, we always connect thinking and doing. Our consultants have the financial expertise – both
theoretical and practical – to deliver bespoke solutions to every unique organization.
BaseCamp is our internal team that links consultants to clients. Composed of financial consultants,
sales professionals and HR/Recruitment specialists, BaseCamp provides mentoring, coaching and
on-the-job training to ensure the quality of our services. 
The Young Hub-program as your first work experience.
Fresh out of school (or almost) and ready to get a flying start for your finance career? As a young
graduate, you can get a head-start in the world of financial consulting with the TriFinance Young Hub
The Young Hub program kicks off by looking at the hot topics in finance. Business case studies are used
to demonstrate how theory is turned into practice in preparation for your first project. Attention is paid
to soft skills as well, including fun. Activities are planned every year: team building, the End of Year
party, … And there are also regular networking evenings to discuss certain topics, share knowledge and
catch up with colleagues.
Training is given by experienced TriFinance MeInc®’ers who encourage knowledge sharing and
interactivity. After successfully completing your training, you are ready to start your first project.
Which sector would you like to work in?
Corporate Sector: large- to mid-sized companies with activities based in Belgium.
Public Sector: central or local government, social sector, non-profit sector, etc..
Banking and Insurance: the finance or risk management departments of banks or Insurance companies.
One of our coaches will guide you throughout your career at TriFinance. Our coaches are happy to
discuss how you fit into our organization as well as your future plans and goals, even if this takes you
out of TriFinance. We don’t have a retention policy. Your career is in your hands.
Every professional should be in the driver’s seat of his/her own career. It’s in YOUR
hands to decide your future, don’t leave it up to others! Your first job is to make the
right decision :
WHAT? Discover which finance function suits you most
WHERE? Decide in which environment you want to work (sector)
CULTURE? Find out which company culture you prefer
TALK ABOUT IT Discuss your choice with experienced people!
TriFinance will be glad to assist you in your first career steps. We offer young graduates
great opportunities as a Project Consultant. You will discover different functions, sectors
and cultures within the world of finance.
Triggered? Then get yourself invited for a personal interview!
Check out our website :
Follow TriFinance Belgium on
Follow TriFinance Belgium on 	
Follow TriFinance Belgium on 	
In de eerste plaats zou ik graag mijn dank willen richten aan de deelnemende bedrijven.
Hun blijvende interesse in onze studenten maakt het voor ons mogelijk om elk jaar opnieuw voor een
gevarieerd bedrijvenforum te zorgen. Hopelijk werden ook dit jaar de nodige bouwstenen gelegd voor
een duurzame samenwerking tussen Inisol en haar partners.
Daarnaast wil ik graag het hele Career Team - Sébastien De Leeuw, Nico Esposito, Shari Van
Stichel en Melissa Verslyppe - bedanken om mij bij te staan in het contacteren van bedrijven en de
algemene organisatie van het bedrijvenforum. Ook wil ik de nadruk leggen op de dragende krachten
achter Inisol, voorzitsters Dempsey Goedbloed en Emma Pieters, en hun bedanken voor hun
onophoudelijke bereidheid om onze vragen te beantwoorden en de nodige ondersteuning te bieden.
Verder is de grafische opmaak van deze brochure geheel het werk van Valérie Lefever, zij verdient
dan ook een speciale vermelding binnen dit dankwoord.
Ten slotte wil ik de studenten alvast bedanken voor hun interesse in Inisol. Wij kijken er dan ook
naar uit om jullie talrijk te mogen verwelkomen op onze bedrijfspresentaties en wensen jullie een zeer
vruchtbaar en interessant bedrijvenforum toe.
Sarah Verstappen
Voorzitster Career Team 2015-2016
Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016
V.l.n.r.: Sarah Verstappen, Nico Esposito en Shari Van Stichel
Ontbreken op de foto: Sébastien De Leeuw en Melissa Verslyppe
Coco’s little
black dress
in 1926
the game
or changing
the game
Ben jij de
in tax, audit of
consulting die
wij zoeken?
Bij PwC zoeken we mensen die gewoontes in vraag
durven stellen, op zoek naar betere oplossingen.
Medewerkers die geen stap opzij zetten voor meer
complexe dossiers. Medewerkers die houden van
uitdagingen en de opportuniteiten zien binnen de
beperkingen. Want enkel zo bepaal je de nieuwe
benchmarks. Wil je ook werken voor topbedrijven
die de lat telkens weer hoog leggen?
Solliciteer dan nu op
Move forward
Neem een kijkje op de website of neem contact
met ons op voor een vrijblijvende afspraak.
Walgoedstraat 1, 9140 Temse - T +32 33 690 395 contactgegevens
Een uitgebreid aanbod aan
bedrukte media
Eenvoudig en veilig online bestellen is een Belgische online drukkerij met eigen productie en activiteiten in Europa. Via onze webshop bieden
wij een zeer uitgebreid gamma bedrukte media aan. Dankzij een doorgedreven procesoptimalisatie kunnen wij snelle levertijden en zeer
interessante prijzen aanbieden.
Wij staan in voor de productie van offset, rotatie en digitaal drukwerk, textiel, sign en belettering. Daarnaast beschikken wij over uitgebreide
mogelijkheden voor afwerking en veredeling en een boekbinderij.
Verder bieden wij ook nog tal van diensten aan zoals opmaak en ontwerp, huis aan huis bedeling en mailing. Tenslotte kunnen wij u ook
ondersteunen bij cross media projecten (print en media)
REDACTIE 	 Sébastien De Leeuw, Nico Esposito, Dempsey Goedbloed, 		
						 Emma Pieters, Shari Van Stichel en Sarah Verstappen
GRAFISCH ONTWERP 		 Valérie Lefever (
FOTOGRAFIE				 Karel Van Assche en Laura Bogaerts
UITGAVE				Initiatiefgroep Solvay © 2015
DRUKKERIJ				Printbirdie

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  • 2.
  • 3. Inhoudstafel 3 Wie/Wat is Inisol? 4 Voorwoord 5 Job- & stagebeurs 6 Agenda 7 Deelnemende bedrijven 8 Dankwoord 36
  • 4. Wie/Wat is inisol? Beste studenten, Aangezien wij jullie vandaag mogen verwelkomen, hebben jullie hoogstwaarschijnlijk reeds kennis gemaakt met Inisol of beter de Initiatiefgroep Solvay. Graag hadden wij jullie nog even toegelicht waar Inisol voor staat en wat haar ambities zijn. De activiteiten van Inisol zijn onder te verdelen in drie domeinen: PRAKTIJKERVARING Als student wordt het steeds belangrijker om met een complete set vaardigheden naar de arbeidsmarkt te trekken. Inisol draagt hieraan bij door complementair aan theoretische vakken praktijkgerichte activiteiten te organiseren. Zo organiseert Inisol jaarlijks een Handelsmissie waarbij laatstejaarsstudenten Handelsingenieur voor een maand naar het buitenland trekken. Deze Handelsmissie is reeds aan haar 25ste editie toe met dit jaar als bestemming Kuala Lumpur (Maleisië). BEDRIJFSRELATIES Naast een Handelsmissie organiseren wij ook een bedrijvenforum en vanaf dit jaar een job- & stagebeurs. De beurs en het forum zijn cruciaal voor het creëren van affiniteit tussen studenten en de professionele bedrijfswereld. Beide activiteiten vormen de ideale gelegenheid om studenten te laten kennismaken met verschillende bedrijven die hen mogelijkheden bieden tijdens en na hun studies. Anderzijds proberen we de kloof te dichten tussen de academische wereld en de bedrijfswereld door goede contacten te onderhouden met de vele alumni. Zo organiseren we sinds enkele jaren een ‘master meets alumni’ evenement in coöperatie met onze buren van de ULB. INFORMATIE VOOR EN DOOR STUDENTEN Onze belangrijkste stakeholders blijven vooreerst de studenten. Voor, tijdens, en na hun studies delen wij informatie door middel van nieuwsbrieven, brochures en evenementen. Vooraleer men de studies Handelsingenieur aanvat, kent men Inisol al dankzij de aanwezigheid van onze Solvay Promotion Group (SPG) op infodagen en SID-ins. Wij heten je alvast van harte welkom op al onze activiteiten! Dempsey Goedbloed Emma Pieters Voorzitster Inisol 2015 - 2016 Ondervoorzitster Inisol 2015 - 2016 4 2 3 1
  • 5. Voorwoord Beste medestudenten, Zoals de meesten onder jullie ondertussen al weten, betekent een nieuw academiejaar ook de start van een nieuw bedrijvenforum. Afgelopen zomer heeft het Career Team dan ook haar uiterste best gedaan om opnieuw een reeks van interessante en uiteenlopende bedrijven te overtuigen een samenwerking met ons aan te gaan. In de komende jaren zal ieder van jullie op een bepaald moment een stage of job moeten zoeken. Het vinden van een interessante job die beantwoordt aan jouw noden is eenvoudiger indien je als student een sterk netwerk voorhanden hebt. Het opbouwen van een goed netwerk heeft echter tijd nodig en dient te gebeuren voordat je het nodig acht. Het bedrijvenforum lijkt me voor jullie dan ook de ideale kans om een brug te maken tussen de academische wereld en het bedrijfsleven. Gedurende de maanden oktober en november krijgen de bedrijven namelijk elk een individueel moment om ons te overtuigen dat zij de ideale toekomstige werkgever zijn. Dit zullen zij trachten te doen door een bedrijfspresentatie te geven waarin zij enerzijds een uiteenzetting geven van hun activiteiten en ons anderzijds uitnodigen om hun bedrijfscultuur van dichtbij te leren kennen. Verder kunnen jullie via deze weg ook heel wat informatie vergaren in verband met hun stageplaatsen, sollicitatieproces en carrièremogelijkheden. Nieuw dit jaar is dat enkele bedrijven afstand zullen doen van de traditionele bedrijfspresentatie door een workshop te geven rond een bepaald topic. Na elke presentatie of workshop wordt er een uitgebreide receptie georganiseerd, wat de mogelijkheid biedt om in een geheel ontspannen sfeer al jullie vragen te stellen aan de aanwezige bedrijfs- vertegenwoordigers en zo jullie professioneel netwerk uit te breiden. Ik nodig jullie bij deze dan ook van harte uit op ons bedrijvenforum zodat we samen van deze editie een succes kunnen maken. Namens het Career Team, Sarah Verstappen Voorzitster Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016 5
  • 6. Job- & stagebeurs 29/10 Ben je een student op zoek naar een leuke stage of job? Dan is de job- & stagebeurs van Inisol exact wat je nodig hebt! Stage lopen bij een interessante onderneming is voor elke student niet alleen een leuke uitdaging, maar ook een leerrijke ervaring waarbij academische kennis toegepast kan worden in de praktijk. Maar misschien heb je al stage gelopen en wil je gewoon meteen de arbeidsmarkt betreden? Dan is deze beurs vanaf dit jaar ook zeker iets voor jou! De afgelopen twee jaar organiseerde Inisol reeds een stagebeurs. Voor 2015 – 2016 zullen we dit echter uitbreiden naar een heuse job- & stagebeurs, om een nog betere service te verlenen aan de studenten. Op deze beurs brengt Inisol geïnteresseerde studenten in contact met gerenommeerde bedrijven die een stageplaats of eerste job aanbieden. Inisol voorziet tijdens dit evenement ook een heerlijke brunch, zodat je op een gezellige manier een interessant gesprek kan voeren met de aanwezige bedrijfsvertegenwoordigers. Breng zeker ook jouw CV mee om meteen de eerste stappen richting aanwerving te zetten! Zowel bachelor- als masterstudenten van alle richtingen zijn welkom op onze beurs: Handelsingenieur, Bedrijfskunde, Communicatiewetenschappen, Rechten, Computerwetenschappen, Burgerlijk Ingenieur, TEW, Bio Ingenieur, enzovoort. WANNEER? De job- & stagebeurs gaat door op donderdag 29 oktober 2015 van 10u00 tot 14u00. WAAR? Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Campus Etterbeek U-residence, Generaal Jacqueslaan 271 - 1050 Brussel WIE? De volgende bedrijven hebben reeds hun aanwezigheid op onze job- & stagebeurs bevestigd: Accenture, ARHS Technology, Cegeka, Delaware, Delhaize, EY, FOD Financiën, GfK, Henkel, Ikea, Intys Consulting, KBC, KPMG, Marsh, Mazars, Nestlé, ORMIT, Proximus, PwC en TriFinance. Tot in oktober! Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016 6
  • 7. Agenda EY Dinsdag 6 oktober 13u - 14u45 PwC Maandag 12 oktober 13u - 14u45 ORMIT Dinsdag 13 oktober 13u - 14u30 KPMG Dinsdag 20 oktober 13u - 14u45 Coca-Cola Dinsdag 27 oktober 13u - 14u45 Henkel Dinsdag 3 november 13u - 14u45 Deloitte Vrijdag 6 november 13u - 14u30 Grant Thornton Dinsdag 10 november 13u - 14u30 Accenture Vrijdag 13 november 13u - 14u30 ING Dinsdag 17 november 13u - 14u45 TriFinance Dinsdag 24 november 13u - 14u45 7
  • 8. 8 Deelnemende bedrijven EY DINSDAG 6 OKTOBER - p.14-15 EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. With this breadth of service offerings you have the opportunity to develop your career through a variety of experiences, mentoring and formal learning to ensure our employee value proposition – Whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime – is a reality. Joining us is about so much more than just the EY name on your CV! You can find more information on PwC MAANDAG 12 OKTOBER - p.16-17 At PwC we help organisations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 195,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in audit, tax and consulting services. Tell us what matters to you and find out how you can change the game by joining PwC today. More than 1500 colleagues in Belgium are ready to welcome you and move forward together. Apply now at ORMIT DINSDAG 13 OKTOBER - p.19 People make the difference ORMIT believes that the success of a company is determined by the people that work there. People make the difference. The global economy is changing and evolving from capitalism into talentism. Successful organisations distinguish themselves by gaining access to talent, developing that talent and connecting it within their organisation. We support companies with finding, developing and connecting leadership talent. Making organisations and people more successful We believe that each individual has their own unique talents that they can use to make a difference. The key to a successful career is discovering and developing these unique qualities. We do this by using our powerful formula, a formula that centres on personal leadership. About ORMIT ORMIT is an independent company with offices in Brussels and De Bilt (NL). Our 180 driven and committed employees work along with our partner organisations to realise the ambitions of people and organisations. ORMIT is a vibrant organisation with a young and dynamic culture. We are passionate, people-oriented, result-driven and flexible. And above all fun!
  • 9. 9 Deelnemende bedrijven KPMG DINSDAG 20 OKTOBER - p.20-21 KPMG België maakt deel uit van een groot internationaal netwerk. KPMG is actief in 156 landen, met meer dan 154.000 medewerkers. Die internationale kijk laat ons toe om nieuwe trends en evoluties snel op te pikken, en al even snel antwoorden te formuleren op die nieuwe uitdagingen. Met grenzen die steeds meer vervagen –tussen landen, markten of sectoren – helpt ons wereldwijd netwerk ons om bedrijven en organisaties wegwijs te maken op onbekend terrein. Om deuren te openen bij toekomstige partners en om ingewikkelde wetten en regels te begrijpen en toe te passen. In België telt KPMG ongeveer 1.000 medewerkers. Eén voor één experts in hun vakgebied, één voor één gepassioneerde professionals. We leggen de lat hoog bij KPMG en zorgen ervoor dat onze medewerkers hun expertise en talent maximaal kunnen ontwikkelen. Of het nu gaat om juniors die nog aan de start van hun loopbaan staan of om ervaren krachten, onze mensen scholen zich het hele jaar door bij. Om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen, om nieuwe inzichten te verwerven en door te geven, om topkwaliteit te leveren. COCA-COLA DINSDAG 27 OKTOBER - p.22-23 From a secret recipe to a bold idea and very proud traditions we build the future. Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE) manufactures, distributes, sells and markets some of the world’s best brands in non-alcoholic beverages. The refreshing brands you will find in our portfolio include Coca-Cola ®, Fanta ® , Sprite®, Chaudfontaine ® , Monster®, Chaudfontaine®, Finley®, … We are a global brand but a local business. We manufacture 90% of our products in the markets in which they are consumed. We support our communities and care about the well-being of our consumers. Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with it: the raw materials for success are right here. But still, success depends on our skilled management sharing thirst: a thirst for getting more and better from our people and systems, a thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigor and challenge of a fast moving business.
  • 10. 10 Deelnemende bedrijven HENKEL DINSDAG 3 NOVEMBER - p.24-25 Looking back on nearly 140 years of success, Henkel’s vision is to become a global leader in brands and technologies. Henkel holds globally leading market positions both in the consumer and industrial sector today and is well known for brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Loctite. The company is organized into three globally operating business units: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive Technologies. The Dax-30 company is headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, and proud of its almost 50,000 employees from more than 120 nations worldwide. “Excellence is our passion”. Our claim expresses our ambition: striving for the very best in everything that we do. The goal to take leading positions in a highly competitive environment is shared by everyone at Henkel and our employees will always put their passion, pride and enthusiasm into making this happen. All Henkel employees worldwide are united by one thought: We are one team! Together as a global team, we successfully shape the market with passion and joy. We are looking for colleagues who share this motivation and readily take on new challenges. DELOITTE VRIJDAG 6 NOVEMBER - p.27 Deloitte is the leading services firm in Belgium. More than 2900 people in 11 offices across the country serve national and international companies, from small and middle businesses, to public sector and non-profit organisations. We are structured in five competencies: Audit & Enterprise Risk Services, Accountancy, Tax, Financial Advisory and Consulting and we are one of the key employers in the country. Deloitte stands for talent and it shows in everything we do. We distinguish ourselves not only by our qualities as a Belgian market leader but also by the values we share every day with our employees and clients throughout the world. GRANT THORNTON DINSDAG 10 NOVEMBER - p.28-29 Grant Thornton is a leading business adviser that helps dynamic organisations to unlock their potential for growth. In Belgium we offer a full range of services: Audit, Advisory, Accountancy, Tax & Legal. You can find our offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Turnhout, Ghent, Hasselt and Tournai. If you are looking for a career filled with opportunities and if you value team work as well as autonomy & responsibility, personal & professional growth and you want to make a difference, Grant Thornton will be a great place to work for you.
  • 11. 11 Deelnemende bedrijven ACCENTURE VRIJDAG 13 NOVEMBER - p.31 Accenture is one of the world’s leading professional services companies, providing consulting and outsourcing services through our strategy, digital, technology and operations capabilities. Accenture helps organizations maximize their performance and achieve their vision. We develop and implement solutions to improve our clients’ productivity and efficiency-and we may run parts of their operations on their behalf. Ultimately, we enable our clients to become high-performance businesses and governments. Everything we do to execute our strategy and deliver our vision comes to life through our more than 336,000 people. Our people are all connected by the Accenture Way. The Accenture Way is how we do things, how we innovate, collaborate, operate and deliver value. It’s how we interact with our clients-and each other. From giving back to the communities where we work and live, to inspiring our people, to serving our clients and creating value for our shareholders-in everything we do, we deliver high performance. In Belgium & Luxembourg, 1100 Accenture people bring their skills to the forefront of innovation, helping to provide better experiences for the customers, students, patients and citizens our clients serve. ING DINSDAG 17 NOVEMBER - p.32-33 ING is een wereldwijde financiële instelling met een sterke Europese basis gericht op het leveren van particuliere en zakelijke bankdiensten. Onze medewerkers stellen dagelijks mensen in staat om zowel privé als zakelijk steeds voorop te blijven lopen. Door onze kennis en ervaring, toewijding om uitstekende diensten te verlenen en wereldwijde activiteiten kunnen wij voldoen aan de wensen van een brede klantengroep in meer dan 40 landen. Deze bestaat uit particulieren, gezinnen, kleine bedrijven, grote ondernemingen, instellingen en overheden. Momenteel is ING de best scorende gediversifieerde financiële dienstverlener in de Dow Jones Sustainability Index. In België is ING de eerste universele directe bank.
  • 12. 12 Deelnemende bedrijven TRIFINANCE DINSDAG 24 NOVEMBER - p.34-35 Welcome to the world of TriFinance – financial consulting, where motivated professionals offer tailored solutions to the challenges faced by their clients. Our service offering is unique, combining services – advice, temporary support and recruitment & selection – in a pragmatic, value-added package. We don’t produce extensive reports, instead we deliver concrete solutions that fit the exact needs of our clients. Our company network is flat. Why flat? Because we value entrepreneurship and open communication and we don’t believe in hierarchy. And a network, because it allows us to quickly set up new connections to offer and share knowledge. Our clients benefit from this network, and from the speed and service levels that are typical for small companies. How do we achieve this? By working as a network of small companies, each utilizing the skills and talents of our finance professionals for the best outcome for our clients. This is our Economies of Motivation® philosophy at work: highly motivated people delivering the best results for themselves and our clients.
  • 13. 13
  • 14. Company profile EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.  Visit us at With this breadth of service offerings you have the opportunity to develop your career through a variety of experiences, mentoring and formal learning to ensure our employee value proposition – Whenever you join, however long you stay, the exceptional EY experience lasts a lifetime – is a reality.  Candidate profile You have a Master Degree in Applied Economics, Business Engineering, Tax, Law or equivalent You distinguish yourself by your motivation, teamwork, drive and positive attitude You are looking for a challenging opportunity You have a good knowledge of French, Dutch and English. Recruiting Open positions Junior Accountant Junior Auditor Junior Tax Consultant Junior Advisory Consultant Junior Consultant Transactions Advisory Services How to apply Visit our website and discover our career opportunities on Contact Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us: Karolien Vanwing Jennifer Daxbek (0)27 74 93 35 02/774.96.22 Leen Heijsters Jennifer Lepage 02/ 774 96 22 02 774 91 96 DATE: 6 OKTOBER 14
  • 15. ©2015EYGMLimited.AllRightsReserved. Wanted: builders of a better working world. 15 DATE: 6 OKTOBER
  • 16. Coco’s little black dress veranderde vrouwenmode in 1926 Playing the game or changing the game Ben jij de game-changer in tax, audit of consulting die wij zoeken? Bij PwC zoeken we mensen die gewoontes in vraag durven stellen, op zoek naar betere oplossingen. Medewerkers die geen stap opzij zetten voor meer complexe dossiers. Medewerkers die houden van uitdagingen en de opportuniteiten zien binnen de beperkingen. Want enkel zo bepaal je de nieuwe benchmarks. Wil je ook werken voor topbedrijven die de lat telkens weer hoog leggen? Solliciteer dan nu op Move forward DATE: 12 OKTOBER 16
  • 17. Playing the game or changing the game Algemene informatie • Sector: Audit, Tax, Consulting • Personeel wereldwijd: 169.000 • Personeel België: 1.500 • Hoofdkantoor: Brussel • Vestigingen in België: Brussel, Antwerpen, Gent, Luik en Hasselt Hoe solliciteren? • Spontaan: Neen, enkel solliciteren voor specifieke functies ( • Gedurende het hele jaar solliciteren: Ja (vanaf oktober) • Aantal aanwervingen: 170 Profiel Vereiste talenkennis Je drukt je vloeiend uit in het Nederlands, Frans en Engels. Onze troeven Bij PwC vinden we het belangrijk dat onze medewerkers elke dag vooruit gaan. Daarom zorgen we voor een uitgebreide opleiding en begeleiding, en een omgeving die dit allemaal ondersteunt. Er staat een netwerk van experts klaar om je te helpen en tal van uitdagende klanten doen je het beste van jezelf geven. Omschrijving vacante functies Onze jobs voor starters: • Audit • Actuary • Technology Gezochte profielen We hebben openstaande vacatures binnen Audit, Accounting, Tax Services, Legal Services, en Consulting. Check onze website voor meer gedetailleerde informatie ( Sollicitatieproces Wij vinden dat een sollicitatie op de meest efficiënte manier moet gebeuren en daarom houden wij elke week “Selection Days”, ons unieke concept waarbij je heel de selectieprocedure in niet meer dan één dag doorloopt. Omdat een sollicitatie geen eenrichtingsverkeer is, kun je tijdens deze dag uitgebreid kennismaken met onze mensen. Solliciteer vandaag nog op • Business Consulting • Accounting • Legal • Tax • Mergers & Acquisitions • Human Resources Service Contactinformatie Naam: Lore Vervoort Adres: Woluwedal 18, 1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe Tel: 02/710 46 03 E-mail: Jobwerkingssite: 17 DATE: 12 OKTOBER
  • 19. ORMIT is a vibrant organisation with a young and dynamic culture. We are passionate, people-oriented, result-driven and flexible. And above all fun! People make the difference ORMIT believes that the success of a company is determined by the people that work there. People make the difference. The global economy is changing and evolving from capitalism into talentism. Successful organisations distinguish themselves by gaining access to talent, developing that talent and connecting it within their organisation. We support companies with finding, developing and connecting the talent they need right now and in the future. Making organisations and people more successful We believe that each individual has their own unique talents that they can use to make a difference. The key to a successful career is discovering and developing these unique qualities. We do this by using our powerful formula, a formula that centres on personal leadership. ORMIT a great place to work Working at ORMIT is also working at a ‘Great Place To Work’. We believe that enthusiastic employees enjoy their work and deliver the best performances – which is why we aim to be a great employer. And as we develop talent and future leaders, we feel we should also set the example. Each year ORMIT takes part in various employee satisfaction studies and obtains good results. It shows that we practice what we preach. What can we offer you!  Traineeships at one or more major Belgian companies, packed to the brim with challenging projects and missions.  A unique personal development programme, designed to help you grow into the professional you want to be ten years from now (but all this in less than two years). Discover our traineeships on ARE YOU THE LEADER OF THE FUTURE? 19 DATE: 13 OKTOBER
  • 21. Call it a spark, call it an aha-experience. If you possess the talent to trigger true “aha” insights for our clients, you are the one we are looking for! KPMG is offering unique challenges to solution seekers who wish to grow on both personal and professional levels. Nowhere else will you be able to discover so many aspects of business life - in Belgium or abroad - or come across such great opportunities. We are constantly seeking new colleagues to reinforce our specialised teams in Audit, Tax&Legal, Advisory and Accountancy. Find a truly satisfying job on Ready to spark aha-moments for our clients? 21 DATE: 20 OKTOBER
  • 23. UNIVERSITY TALENT PROGRAMME – FINANCE 3 year Graduate Program through complementary and high demanding roles ! Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with is: the raw materials for success are right here. But still, success depends on our graduates having the same thirst as all our people: a thirst for exploring new territory, a thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigour and challenge of a fast-moving business.   Do you have a personality with the power to influence and connect? Can you sustain the pace to keep on growing? Will you make an impact with your desire to win?    Joining Coca-Cola Enterprises' Finance graduate programme is a unique opportunity for an ambitious and highly driven person to accelerate into a career working with some of the most iconic brands in the world such as Coke, Coke Light, Coke Zero, Coke Life, Sprite, Fanta, Chaudfontaine, Finley, Aquarius and many more. You'll get to work in real roles and on live projects whilst benefiting from a clearly defined structure of training. It's all designed to unlock your potential and prepare you for an exciting and fulfilling career at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Rotating across key areas of the business, you'll gain practical experience and high level exposure within the following areas: • Commercial finance • Supply Chain finance • European Group finance …These are all vital to the success of our organisation.
 Are you made for this Graduate Program? •You will obtain a financially oriented Master Degree in 2015 or 2016 •You are passionate and enthusiastic, able to engage with those people that will make the difference •You are strongly interested in the fast moving consumer goods industry & it’s surrounding commercial environment •Taking on responsibility • a critical mind combined with an eye for detail •an analytical mind-set and the ability to influence and build professional relationships • business acumen • capable of making decisions •strong communicator • team spirit What do we offer you? •Take on existing, real roles with corresponding responsibilities in our organization •Receive first-hand coaching and mentoring from CCE senior leadership •Attend specific training for each position you will fill during the program as well as central Graduate training •Meet and network with the highest performers in your country, flexible benefits, great career and development opportunities, you’d expect from a global market leader T HR RECRUITING CONTACT Ellen Hindryckx, Talent Acquisition Professional Apply: 23 DATE: 27 OKTOBER UNIVERSITY TALENT PROGRAMME – FINANCE 3 year Graduate Program through complementary and high demanding roles ! Leading brands, great people, growth and the reward that comes with is: the raw materials for success are right here. But still, success depends on our graduates having the same thirst as all our people: a thirst for exploring new territory, a thirst for pushing limits, and a thirst for the rigour and challenge of a fast-moving business.   Do you have a personality with the power to influence and connect? Can you sustain the pace to keep on growing? Will you make an impact with your desire to win?    Joining Coca-Cola Enterprises' Finance graduate programme is a unique opportunity for an ambitious and highly driven person to accelerate into a career working with some of the most iconic brands in the world such as Coke, Coke Light, Coke Zero, Coke Life, Sprite, Fanta, Chaudfontaine, Finley, Aquarius and many more. You'll get to work in real roles and on live projects whilst benefiting from a clearly defined structure of training. It's all designed to unlock your potential and prepare you for an exciting and fulfilling career at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Rotating across key areas of the business, you'll gain practical experience and high level exposure within the following areas: • Commercial finance • Supply Chain finance • European Group finance …These are all vital to the success of our organisation.
 Are you made for this Graduate Program? •You will obtain a financially oriented Master Degree in 2015 or 2016 •You are passionate and enthusiastic, able to engage with those people that will make the difference •You are strongly interested in the fast moving consumer goods industry & it’s surrounding commercial environment •Taking on responsibility • a critical mind combined with an eye for detail •an analytical mind-set and the ability to influence and build professional relationships • business acumen • capable of making decisions •strong communicator • team spirit What do we offer you? •Take on existing, real roles with corresponding responsibilities in our organization •Receive first-hand coaching and mentoring from CCE senior leadership •Attend specific training for each position you will fill during the program as well as central Graduate training •Meet and network with the highest performers in your country, flexible benefits, great career and development opportunities, you’d expect from a global market leader T HR RECRUITING CONTACT Ellen Hindryckx, Talent Acquisition Professional Apply:
  • 24. Consumer Businesses Industrial Business Fully integrated, highly networked: During an internship, you experience first-hand what it is that distinguishes Henkel employees and makes them successful. You will be integrated into the team from your very first day, and will be able to find out what it means to work for an international market leader and to define tomorrow’s market – whether consumer goods or industry. Make use of this opportunity and convince us of your talents and initiative – just like 1,500 other interns worldwide each year. Copying and making coffee? Please do not! During your student internship, you will work on our daily business and projects as a fully-fledged member of the team. Visit our job portal. You will find all current vacancies and job offers worldwide. We are looking forward to receive your employment application on our website Laundry & Home Care Beauty Care Adhesive Technologies DATE: 3 NOVEMBER 24
  • 26. 26 “Succes is never final and failure never fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” (Winston Churchill)
  • 27. © 2015 Deloitte Belgium Are you looking for career options and the freedom to choose your own direction? Would you like to develop valuable skills? Make time for life outside work? Do you want to be part of a collaborative team culture that brings out the best in you? It’s your future. How far will you take it? Take your next step at How far do you want to go? 27 DATE: 6 NOVEMBER
  • 28. Work for Grant Thornton: Growth Guaranteed Choosing your first employer can be a tough decision… At Grant Thornton, we understand it is just as important for you to be able to make an informed decision to join our firm as it is for us to choose you. We are looking for candidates who are a good match for our company and we want you to work in an environment that you enjoy and that helps you unlock your potential for growth. That is why we look forward to get to know you, not just your CV. Who we are Grant Thornton Belgium offers a full range of services: Audit, Advisory, Accountancy, Tax & Legal. You can find our offices in Antwerp, Brussels, Turnhout, Ghent, Hasselt and Tournai. With our services, we help clients, businesses of all sizes and address their challenges. Being part of the worldwide Grant Thornton International network gives us the opportunity to draw a global expertise from over 40,000 people in over 130 countries. Our teams collaborate on client projects and learn from each other in the process. You will find that your direct colleagues, partners, specialists from different fields of expertise as well as teams from our Grant Thornton International network worldwide are happy to help you and contribute. Why should you choose Grant Thornton? Because it is a great place to work! ‘ We are looking for A Masters degree or Degree in higher education – Commercial Engineering, Applied Economic Sciences, Commercial Sciences, Law, Tax, Accountancy,… Contact us Check our website for challenging job opportunities and apply today: For more information: ‘We are better together’ ‘I am inspired to make a difference’ ‘My Growth is continuous’ ‘I am free to be authentic’ DATE: 10 NOVEMBER 28
  • 29. WE WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOUNOT JUST YOUR CV WE WANT TOWE WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOUYOUNOT JUST YOUR CVNOT JUST YOUR CV © 2015 Grant Thornton Belgium CVBA. All rights reserved. ‘Grant Thornton’ refers to the brand under which the Grant Thornton member firms provide assurance, tax and advisory services to their clients and/or refers to one or more member firms, as the context requires. Grant Thornton Belgium CVBA is a member firm of Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. GTIL and each member firm is a separate legal entity. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIL and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. – Career opportunities in Audit, Advisory, Accountancy, Tax & Legal 29 DATE: 10 NOVEMBER
  • 30. 30 “The real secret of success is enthusiasm.” (Walter Chrysler)
  • 31. A career at Accenture Your path to a brighter future Today, technology can transform every aspect of a company. Now every business is a digital business. Our industry expertise, coupled with our integrated digital capabilities across interactive, analytics and mobility, helps our clients take advantage of the opportunity to innovate and compete. Which means their companies - and your career - will see tangible results from the virtual world. Bring your skills to the forefront of innovation with Accenture where you’ll provide better experiences for the customers, students, patients and citizens our clients serve. We hire the best people and help them become even better. The scale of our capabilities and client engagements–and the unique way Accenture innovates, operates and delivers value–will give you the opportunity to continuously deepen your skills. Discover how you can brighten your future A career at Accenture Your path to a brighter future. ©2015Accenture.Allrightsreserved. 31 DATE: 13 NOVEMBER
  • 32. Bepaal zelf de richting van je carrière. Ontdek onze traineeships en vind je droombaan op Laat je toekomst niet over aan het toeval. DATE: 17 NOVEMBER 32
  • 33. Ben je op zoek naar een creatieve en dynamische omgeving die je elke dag stimuleert om jouw leven en dat van klanten, collega’s en de maatschappij positief te beïnvloeden? In een snel veranderende wereld, stelt ING mensen en organisaties in staat om hun eigen ideeën over een betere toekomst te realiseren – hoe bescheiden of groots ook. Wij zijn van mening dat duurzame vooruitgang in een digitale wereld wordt gestimuleerd door mensen met de verbeeldingskracht en het doorzettingsvermogen om hun eigen toekomst en de toekomst van hun naasten te verbeteren. Om die reden zijn wij steeds op zoek naar talenten die dit begrijpen en naar een hoger niveau willen tillen. Geloof je in energie en passie als sleutelelementen voor een aangename samenwerking? Zijn persoonlijke groei en nieuwe uitdagingen onmisbaar in jouw toekomstbeeld? Denk je carrière vooruit op 33 DATE: 17 NOVEMBER
  • 34. W E L C O M E A T T R I F I N A N C E At TriFinance, our team of highly motivated MeInc’ers offers our clients high quality-solutions with a pragmatic twist. Our way of working is based on three pillars : the CareerHub®, our Service Philosophy and BaseCamp. CareerHub® The CareerHub® is our working environment, a nodal point in our network. It empowers each of our finance professionals to choose the direction of his professional growth. This often leads to new paths, new destinations and new ideas. We support this with coaching, on-the-job training and access to our knowledge-sharing network. In other words, everything is built on the foundation of our Economies of Motivation® philosophy. Service Philosophy At TriFinance, we always connect thinking and doing. Our consultants have the financial expertise – both theoretical and practical – to deliver bespoke solutions to every unique organization. BaseCamp BaseCamp is our internal team that links consultants to clients. Composed of financial consultants, sales professionals and HR/Recruitment specialists, BaseCamp provides mentoring, coaching and on-the-job training to ensure the quality of our services. The Young Hub-program as your first work experience Fresh out of school (or almost) and ready to get a flying start for your finance career? As a young graduate, you can get a head-start in the world of financial consulting with the TriFinance Young Hub program. The Young Hub program kicks off by looking at the hot topics in finance. Business case studies are used to demonstrate how theory is turned into practice in preparation for your first project. Attention is paid to soft skills as well, including fun. Activities are planned every year: team DATE: 24 NOVEMBER 34 At TriFinance, our team of highly motivated MeInc’ers offers our clients high quality-solutions with a pragmatic twist. Our way of working is based on three pillars: the CareerHub®, our Service Philosophy and BaseCamp. CareerHub® The CareerHub® is our working environment, a nodal point in our network. It empowers each of our finance professionals to choose the direction of his professional growth. This often leads to new paths, new destinations and new ideas. We support this with coaching, on-the-job training and access to our knowledge-sharing network. In other words, everything is built on the foundation of our Economies of Motivation® philosophy. Service Philosophy At TriFinance, we always connect thinking and doing. Our consultants have the financial expertise – both theoretical and practical – to deliver bespoke solutions to every unique organization. BaseCamp BaseCamp is our internal team that links consultants to clients. Composed of financial consultants, sales professionals and HR/Recruitment specialists, BaseCamp provides mentoring, coaching and on-the-job training to ensure the quality of our services.  The Young Hub-program as your first work experience. Fresh out of school (or almost) and ready to get a flying start for your finance career? As a young graduate, you can get a head-start in the world of financial consulting with the TriFinance Young Hub program. The Young Hub program kicks off by looking at the hot topics in finance. Business case studies are used to demonstrate how theory is turned into practice in preparation for your first project. Attention is paid to soft skills as well, including fun. Activities are planned every year: team building, the End of Year party, … And there are also regular networking evenings to discuss certain topics, share knowledge and catch up with colleagues. Training is given by experienced TriFinance MeInc®’ers who encourage knowledge sharing and interactivity. After successfully completing your training, you are ready to start your first project. Which sector would you like to work in? Corporate Sector: large- to mid-sized companies with activities based in Belgium. Public Sector: central or local government, social sector, non-profit sector, etc.. Banking and Insurance: the finance or risk management departments of banks or Insurance companies. One of our coaches will guide you throughout your career at TriFinance. Our coaches are happy to discuss how you fit into our organization as well as your future plans and goals, even if this takes you out of TriFinance. We don’t have a retention policy. Your career is in your hands.
  • 35. YOUR FUTURE IS NOT IN OUR COMPANY... HOW TO MAKE THE BEST CHOICE FOR YOUR FIRST FINANCE JOB? Every professional should be in the driver’s seat of his/her own career. It’s in YOUR hands to decide your future, don’t leave it up to others! Your first job is to make the right decision : WHAT? Discover which finance function suits you most WHERE? Decide in which environment you want to work (sector) CULTURE? Find out which company culture you prefer TALK ABOUT IT Discuss your choice with experienced people! TriFinance will be glad to assist you in your first career steps. We offer young graduates great opportunities as a Project Consultant. You will discover different functions, sectors and cultures within the world of finance. Triggered? Then get yourself invited for a personal interview! Check out our website : Follow TriFinance Belgium on Follow TriFinance Belgium on   Follow TriFinance Belgium on   35 DATE: 24 NOVEMBER
  • 36. Dankwoord In de eerste plaats zou ik graag mijn dank willen richten aan de deelnemende bedrijven. Hun blijvende interesse in onze studenten maakt het voor ons mogelijk om elk jaar opnieuw voor een gevarieerd bedrijvenforum te zorgen. Hopelijk werden ook dit jaar de nodige bouwstenen gelegd voor een duurzame samenwerking tussen Inisol en haar partners. Daarnaast wil ik graag het hele Career Team - Sébastien De Leeuw, Nico Esposito, Shari Van Stichel en Melissa Verslyppe - bedanken om mij bij te staan in het contacteren van bedrijven en de algemene organisatie van het bedrijvenforum. Ook wil ik de nadruk leggen op de dragende krachten achter Inisol, voorzitsters Dempsey Goedbloed en Emma Pieters, en hun bedanken voor hun onophoudelijke bereidheid om onze vragen te beantwoorden en de nodige ondersteuning te bieden. Verder is de grafische opmaak van deze brochure geheel het werk van Valérie Lefever, zij verdient dan ook een speciale vermelding binnen dit dankwoord. Ten slotte wil ik de studenten alvast bedanken voor hun interesse in Inisol. Wij kijken er dan ook naar uit om jullie talrijk te mogen verwelkomen op onze bedrijfspresentaties en wensen jullie een zeer vruchtbaar en interessant bedrijvenforum toe. Sarah Verstappen Voorzitster Career Team 2015-2016 Career Team Inisol 2015 - 2016 V.l.n.r.: Sarah Verstappen, Nico Esposito en Shari Van Stichel Ontbreken op de foto: Sébastien De Leeuw en Melissa Verslyppe 36
  • 37. Coco’s little black dress veranderde vrouwenmode in 1926 Playing the game or changing the game Ben jij de game-changer in tax, audit of consulting die wij zoeken? Bij PwC zoeken we mensen die gewoontes in vraag durven stellen, op zoek naar betere oplossingen. Medewerkers die geen stap opzij zetten voor meer complexe dossiers. Medewerkers die houden van uitdagingen en de opportuniteiten zien binnen de beperkingen. Want enkel zo bepaal je de nieuwe benchmarks. Wil je ook werken voor topbedrijven die de lat telkens weer hoog leggen? Solliciteer dan nu op Move forward
  • 38. Interesse? Neem een kijkje op de website of neem contact met ons op voor een vrijblijvende afspraak. Walgoedstraat 1, 9140 Temse - T +32 33 690 395 contactgegevens Een uitgebreid aanbod aan bedrukte media Eenvoudig en veilig online bestellen is een Belgische online drukkerij met eigen productie en activiteiten in Europa. Via onze webshop bieden wij een zeer uitgebreid gamma bedrukte media aan. Dankzij een doorgedreven procesoptimalisatie kunnen wij snelle levertijden en zeer interessante prijzen aanbieden. Wij staan in voor de productie van offset, rotatie en digitaal drukwerk, textiel, sign en belettering. Daarnaast beschikken wij over uitgebreide mogelijkheden voor afwerking en veredeling en een boekbinderij. Verder bieden wij ook nog tal van diensten aan zoals opmaak en ontwerp, huis aan huis bedeling en mailing. Tenslotte kunnen wij u ook ondersteunen bij cross media projecten (print en media) #LPRI13001 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. REDACTIE Sébastien De Leeuw, Nico Esposito, Dempsey Goedbloed, Emma Pieters, Shari Van Stichel en Sarah Verstappen GRAFISCH ONTWERP Valérie Lefever ( FOTOGRAFIE Karel Van Assche en Laura Bogaerts UITGAVE Initiatiefgroep Solvay © 2015 DRUKKERIJ Printbirdie