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A REPORT ON Human resource management interventions: career planning and development,
workforce diversity, and employee stress and wellness. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirement of MBA program of IIPM, NEW DELHI. Under the Sincere Guidance Of
– SF4 Roll no: 58 ISBE–A/SS (2010–12)
employee development12 Individual employee development13 PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK
AND COACHING13 Workforce diversity interventions14 A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR more content...
CAREER STAGES A career consists of a sequence of work related positions occupied by a person
during the course of a lifetime. There are four stages in a carrier:– 1. The establishment age (ages
21–26). This phase is the outset of a career when people are generally uncertain about their
competence and potential. They are dependent on others, especially bosses and more experienced
employees, for guidance ,support and feedback .At this stage people are making initial choices
about committing themselves to a specific career , organization and jobs. They are exploring
possibilities while learning their own capabilities. 2. THE ADVANCEMENT STAGE(26
During this phase, employees became independent contributors who are concerned with achieving
and advancing their chosen career. They have typically learned to perform autonomously and need
less guidance from bosses and closer ties with colleagues. This setting down period also is
characterized by attempts to clarify the range of long term career option. 3. THE
MAINTAINANCE STAGE (AGES 40–60) . This phase involves leveling off and holding on to
carrier success. Many people at this stage have achieved their greatest advancements and are now
concerned with helping less experienced subordinates. For those who are dissatisfied with their
career progress, this period can be conflictual and depressing , as
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The Career of Engineering Essay
The Career of Engineering
Take a look around yourself. What do you see? Maybe books, chairs, a television, or even your
clothes. All the day to day things that are man–made, you can be sure that an engineer helped make
it. Engineers have shaped our world as we know it. There are many different kinds of engineers from
chemical, mechanical, textile, civil, agricultural and structural engineers. Our civilization would be
as advanced as the Stone Age without these people. This career demands a wide education of math
and science. It is an ever–changing career with new advances in materials and the way products are
produced. Engineering careers are very secure with respect to compensation. Regardless of this, it
does have it's more content...
(Britannica 243) Another disadvantage of being an engineer is the actual status of being one. It is
not looked upon as highly as other fields such as doctors and lawyers. Most of the time they are
looked upon as nerds. In addition, most engineers are not promoted to high level positions such as
presidents or top executives. They do not have the accounting or business education to do that
particular job. This means that most engineers never get the opportunity to be their own boss. (Basta
The job of an engineer itself is a creative job. The actual definition of an engineer is "The
profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study,
experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize the materials and
forces of nature economically for the benefit of mankind." (Bastas 24) In having the basic skills
and experiences in math and science, an engineer is basically an inventor. They are given a
problem and are depended on to come up with a solution. Whether it be a new chemical, a
mechanical part, or even a whole new system such as computer operating program, engineers are the
problem solvers of our materialistic society. (Basta 45)
Many engineers work in laboratories, industrial plants, or construction sites where they inspect,
supervise, or solve onsite problems. (Britannica 244) Engineering itself has a sort of chain of
command in the way a project is handled. It follows in the
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My Career Plan After Graduation Essay
My Career Plan after Graduation: How to manage my Professional and Holistic Lifestyle. I
decided to pursue a career in nursing because, there is plenty of scarcity in the field and I feel like
I can make a difference. I plan to focus most of my care in both acute and chronic setting. I will
focus my career plan on the first and fifth year time frame. I will also touch up on different method
I will use to illuminate my game plan when I do finish my Bachelor in Nursing. My Transition to
Professional Nursing Role Professional nursing practitioners travel a long path to become experts in
their field. Admission requirements into the BSN program vary from university to university but
retain basic similarities. Universities and Colleges demand that the prospective student passes in
English composition, life sciences, physical sciences, Mathematics, humanities, social, and
behavioral sciences. Upon my admission, to Chamberlain College of Nursing it took me about two
and half years of study to complete my pre–requisites. Typically, the course comprises studies in
physiology, human anatomy, nursing care, nursing pharmacology, illness management and mental
health nursing as the foundation units. Support units include research methods, leadership and
management (of health services), critical thinking, decision–making and professional development.
Criteria for RN in Florida BSN graduates apply for registration to the Florida Board of Nursing
(BON). The state BON is the regulator and
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Career Development Opportunities in the organization
Career planning and development interventions are an important tool in development and retaining
an effective workforce (Cummings, ‎ Worley ,2009) Career Development opportunities were
mostly thought to be biased towards the male employees in the company as indicated in organization
hierarchy which had no female representation at all in the Board of Management at all which
comprised of ten male members.The board committee however had one female as a secretary which
further depicts that female population was not in the leadership position and was thought to be more
useful for support roles rather than managerial role.Moreover , the Management Team was no
different than the other two senior management categories with no female representation at all.There
were a few female Managers in the Human Resource Department and Customer Services because
they are thought to be associated with people having good communication skills and soft skills
along with no tactical decision making involved and no long working hours linked with it generally.
Uzma , one of the interviewee from the customer care department states that , "most of women in the
organization are working in the customer facing roles to benefit the organization with very bleak
chances of being promoted to leadership and higher management positions.
On inquiring what she thought was the reason behind behind this pattern she exclaims , " ummm I
think , the female
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Professional Career Action Plan
Professional Career Action Plan
Kara Jenkins
January 2, 2015
Instructor: Michael Jones
Professional Career Action Plan
It is agreed upon by many that the pathway to achieving success involves the establishment of
goals. Through this paper I will outline my professional goals and the job I would like to obtain
in the health care field. I will also address skills that I have currently acquired and skills that I
would like to acquire and skills that I need to change or alter. In closing I will review my plan to
achieve these goals, I will identify the organization(s) that will help me achieve these goals, and I
will identify how a career action plan outline will benefit my goals.
The key to setting career goals more content...
I have worked in the customer service field dealing with internal and external customer for over
eight years. A good benefits specialist will be knowledgeable of preprocesses and principles for
providing personal and customer service. Knowledge of clerical and administrative procedures is
also important. Clerical experience would include word processing, transcription, managing files
/records, office procedures/terminology, and transcription. Basic computer and electronic knowledge
such as hardware/software, programs/application, and processors is also need when entering the
human resources field. Last but not least is active listening. It is important to give an individual your
full attention when listening to what they are saying ("My Majors", 2015). Take time to understand
the points the individual is trying to make and ask questions when need and try not to interrupt the
person who is speaking.
Skills I will need to strengthen and develop for this role are my leadership skills, stay up to date
with changes, and people skills. Human Resource managers should be able to help molded
employees to effectively achieve strategic goals. They should also be able to give a polished
presentation. Human resource manager have to be able to have conversations with employees at all
levels in the organization. Local, state and federal regulation change rapidly and Human
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Career Progression And The Career Development
The above quote by Confucius is often quoted, yet job happiness isn't as easily achieved. One of
the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is often the lack of planning. But career progression and the
ability find a job that doesn't feel like work requires meticulous research and focus.
In this guide, we'll explain career progression and the reasons why it's so important. We'll provide a
four–step plan to help you develop a plan that guarantees you don't feel left behind when it comes to
achieving your career goals.
What is career progression?
The concept of career progressing is closely tied to the idea of career development. Career
development is the lifelong process of managing your circumstances in order to move forward to
achieving your personal goals. It's the management of your education, work and leisure activities in
a way that helps you achieve the kind of future you want.
As the definition of progress states, progress is "a process developing gradually towards a more
advanced state". Career progression sees you working towards your ultimate professional goals, little
by little.
In essence, career progression determines and outlines the route you should follow in order to reach
the career development goals you've set out for you. For example, your dream career goal might be
to own your own business. A career progression plan will help identify the educational and work
related steps you should take in order to get closer to this goal and ultimately, to achieve
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Personal Career Development Plan Essay
Ruth Ann Loyd
Jacksonville University
Professional Nursing
Kathleen Kavanagh
September 4, 2013
My personal career development plan consists of short and long–term goals advancements in my
education towards a MSN degree and moving into the nurse practitioner role. It contains the plans on
how I intend to transition into that role along with the responsibilities, necessary education and
license requirements. I have also listed the pros and cons of being a nurse practitioner and its
potential liabilities. Study and time management plans are included along with stress reduction
My nursing career started as a dream, a dream I needed more content...
My selected mentor is Jerry Martin RN, BSN. He is a co–worker that has inspired me to return to
school and that any dream is obtainable. Jerry has a degree in biology and was working as a ward
clerk in our ER when I met him. He has a degree in biology and worked in finance before working at
the hospital. Jerry states" I was unhappy with my career in finance and I realized I had drifted a
long way from my education and my core belief. During a conference a guest speaker said "true
happiness is found when you find the one thing you would do in life even if you did not get paid
for it". That was my "aha" moment." G.M. Martin (personal communication, September 3,2013)
Jerry entered nursing school in 2006 and graduated with a BSN in 2011. He is currently working
toward a MSN and striving to be a FNP. He is a great nurse and it is a privilege to have him as a
co–worker and my mentor.
After obtaining a BSN through Jacksonville University, I will enroll in an online nurse practitioner
program. Once I receive my degree and am licensed as a NP, I will search for a job working with
inpatient pediatric patients. A nurse practitioner is an advanced practice nurse that has received
additional training and education of that beyond a RN. They help with all aspects of patient care.
They can work in inpatient and outpatient care. A NP educates patients about preventative care and
their prescribed treatments. They can also preform independently or as part of
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Introduction & Background Career development is defined as different progresses of a 'job for
life' a few decades ago. Over the past three decades, careers, as lifetime experiences of individuals,
are in a profound state of change. Jackson et al. (1996) state that there is 'a wide range of
revolutionary forces affecting labour markets, employment structures, organisational practice and
educational provision'. Career development is now understood as the proactive behaviour that
people decide the kind of work they do and how they gain skills, knowledge and attributes through
work–related experiences to ensure continued employability. (Wilton and Nick, 2013) In the
following sessions, I will first outline some key changes in the notions of careers over the last three
decades. By using the examples of Television industry and a company from marketing and sales
industry – Pahrmco International, I would like to show how these changes have affected
organisations to utilise labour. Last but not least, discussion will be focus on the implications of
these changes for workers. Comparisons between traditional and new careers 1.1 The 'Traditional'
Career The traditional concept of a career suggested by Wilton and Nick (2013), is 'job for life', that
careers are usually take place within single or limited number of organizations. We can also assume
that traditional careers are 'boundaried' within the same employing organization. It emphasizes the
continuous vertical advancement
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Essay on Academic Career Goals
Introduction Societies and organizations are evolving on the ability by individuals to develop career
oriented goals. Lifelong planning is what drives to learning institutions to develop skills for our
current and future needs. In the business environment, people are looking for motivated
entrepreneurs to transform the outlook of their societies through investment. Planning enhances
personal development, helps us to determine our strength, and enhances competitiveness and
employability. One of the most difficult things in life is adapting to change. The new skills and
ways of critical thinking is quite a cumbersome paradigm shift, yet once you adapt to new changes
which are aimed at transforming your business thinking and ideology, more content...
The research will also focus on the development needs analysis of my plan and will conclude with
Personal Development Plan Self evaluation is part of strategic learning through which we reflect on
personal abilities or potentials to prosper in life. My development plans are geared at seeing me
through my academic struggles in the career part of advanced practices. We are presented with
academic resources and opportunities which I should use for my benefit. I need to develop a
good culture of reading extensively, critically thinking about what am reading and how such
material is relevant to my career path. Another plan is developing a good art of academic
research and writing, formulating learning styles that are appropriate to my learning. I should also
develop the art of managing my learning environment and understanding how to write academic
papers. I should also be in the course of my study to develop the employability skill and prepare
myself for internship. Once I accurately develop these skills in the course of my study I would be
on the road to career success in advanced business practices.
Development Needs Analysis According to Asselin(2010, p.5), developing a good culture of reading
is part and parcel of any academic excellence in life. Throughout our studies we are presented with
resource materials that are relevant to our disciplines. This means that the materials
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Essay on Career Plan
My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that
will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To
make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help
me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will
explain my ten–year plan for more content...
I will be receiving a bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in International Management
. I am in the process of applying for a master's in Management and Organizational Behavior at
Benedictine University. Upon graduating from CSUMB, I will be currently working for the
Dollar Tree Store, Inc. as a cashier. I hope that after the training workshop for assistant manager, I
will be accepted and train in the new Marina store at the end of the year. In the book What Color
is your Parachute, I learned that I could go into a kind of rejection shock, if a promotion in not in
the cards.[2] As he puts it, I would have to keep going and stay motivated, because I want full
exposure of the knowledge and operations at the Dollar Tree. I am achieving most of this by
interning this semester. Tammi Huntsman is the manager there and I am shadowing her as she
performs skills of managing. I have ordered inventory, payroll, reset the store a few times, and
cashed out cashiers with her help. All skills I have acquired will help me down the line in
managerial positions.
Year Two through Five: Achieving my of the goals
I want to be accepted into Benedictine University working on my master's part time and working as
an assistant manager fulltime at the Dollar Tree in Seaside, California. My short–term goal is to keep
working at the Dollar Tree and my long–term
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Developing A Plan For Career Success
Creating Your Career Plan
Developing a plan for career success can be described as journey of self–discovery. Many leaders
have taken time to understand in depth their leadership skills by consistently refining skill sets but
also always looking to better one self. To achieve our goals in leadership, one must develop one's
skills and construct a career plan to guide them to their goals. In the class Applying Leadership
Principles, we have taken time to learn about what defines a leader and how that applies to each
of us in the class. Today I will be using the skills learned over the last eight weeks to develop a
career plan. I will start by using the career center as a beginning resource to evaluate my career
path, reflect on my personal career and where I would like to be in the future, identify strengths,
and align those strengths with communication skills and problem solving skills. I will describe my
career path; develop my plan of what leadership approach I believe will help me achieve those goals.
Using the Career Center
Online learning has proven to a be a preferred method of learning for many adult learners as it
offers the ability to finish a degree meanwhile maintaining a career, a family, and other obligations
outside of the classroom. The benefits include allowing a student to log into a classroom when it is
convenient and accelerated schedules with less classes at a time than the traditional brick and mortar
classes. One benefit however that is not as utilized
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Career Planning : My Career
Career Planning Essay I would actually have to say my career is less of one that I picked out and
more of one that has evolved. I have changed careers five times, due to no choice of my own but
rather the economy. I had quit my job, and been a stay at home mom for about six years, and
returning to work at Montessori School, where I could get free tuition in exchange for working a
half day. It felt good, to see the kids excited about learning. I actually did not think much about the
job being a career choice, as it would never pay the bills. I had been in printing, and did some
freelance work from home, and just figured I would return down that career path. I had friend
though who encouraged me to come to work with her, at Delta Airlines when our daughter stated
school. For the next six weeks, I was in class and learning their computer ticketing systems. It was
challenging and exciting for me, as I had not needed to study for many years. I enjoyed the
feeling of accomplishment, and felt the need to do well and prove that I can learn it all, so that
meant I actually had to study. Every week between test scores, and attendance there were a few
less, but I was one that survived, and within two years I was promoted to Passenger Service Agent,
coordinating the boarding of aircrafts at three gates. I had to opportunity to work with a lot of the
new hires, as they came out of class and assisted them with the transition from classroom knowledge
to the real world. I understood their
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Reflection On Career Planning
This essay aims to reflect on the informed decisions I have made this year in relation to career
planning and the steps I have taken to secure a career in law. Therefore, the main points of focus
will be selling myself to an employer, gaining work experience, securing a vacation scheme, and
adapting my CV.
When I initially met the Research and Professional Development (RPD) unit I was somewhat
disinterested and believed that my core law units were of more importance. However, RPD has
made me understand that a degree is just the foundation to a career in law and this is the time to act
for my future self. I was not aware of how early I needed to start the process of career planning. RPD
engaged me with the process early to enable me more content...
I then reflected on how these would be of value to employers and demonstrated them by linking
them to my experience. I felt that this was a good way to structure my 'brand me' but, I lacked the
experience to demonstrate my skills.
Developing 'brand me' could not have prepared me any better for the Clinical Legal Education
assessment centre and has proven to be successful since, I was offered my first choice.
Secondly, I had to gain legal work experience. I wanted to obtain this because I felt that I did not
have good examples to demonstrate my skills, especially when conducting the 'brand me'
presentation. However, my tutor made it clear that even my part–time job working in retail provided
me with transferable skills. This included communication skills, teamwork and commitment all skills
sought after by employers. These I consider to be some of my strongest attributes.
Although, I was still determined to obtain experience directly related to the legal profession. Since,
it would not only enhance my CV but, give me an insight into the legal profession. I subsequently
secured myself work experience with Churcher's. This experience provided me with an inviable
insight and opened more opportunities up to me. To get more valuable experience in the future I
plan to speak to the criminal law lecturers about how I obtain a mini–pupillage and utilise the
handbook I have on this.
After appreciating the fierce competition in the legal
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Career Plan For A Career Development Plan
Career Development Plan
Vivian Morgan
A career development plan will help you improve or maintain your current level of success and
prepare for future opportunities. The career development plan will aid in enhancing my personal
growth and heighten my career development. Goals or plans give you the push to move forward in
life and to seek better skills that lead to top jobs and positions.
This plan includes sections for the following process:
1. Assess my current state. Identify goals and objectives. How to measure my objectives? and how
my plan affect work/life balance? What trends in the workplace, economy, and marketplace do I
need to be aware of that could influence my plan?
2. Examine the critical skills and competencies more content...
Knowing when to relax
List five priority interests:
1. Continuing my education
2. Obtain a promotion
3. Obtain a raise
4. Continue to enhance tech skills
5. Management
List five priority wants:
1. Increased salary
2. More time to travel
3. New work wardrobe
4. New Computer
5. New Car
Action Plan
Assess my current state. Identify goals and objectives. How to measure my objectives? and how my
plan affect work/life balance? What trends in the workplace, economy, and marketplace do I need to
be aware of that could influence my plan?
I am currently an Administrative Assistant that has recently completed my Bachelor's Degree in
Business Administration Management. My aspiration is to become a manager in perhaps a school
or college. In order to achieve this level of growth, is to continue my studies to acquire my Master's
Degree in Management and Leadership as part of this career plan.
Since I've started this journey my work life has not changed much but my home life is different
due to studying in the evenings. Although there are small changes in work and home, trends in the
workplace have begun to respond more to legal issues and educating the managers and counselors
regarding those changes. The economy is better than it has been in years. Businesses are more
diverse and online websites are available for customers to order and businesses to advertise their
products. New changes in technology are available every day that will make my job as a manager
efficient and cost
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The Importance of Exploring Career Options Essay
Having a career is one of the most important things in life because; it's how money is made and a
main source of income. Imagine having to wake up every morning of everyday and then having to
go to a job that you dread. Having a career allows a person to make money doing what makes them
happy, unlike a dead end job that you work 9–5 doing work that's hated. Finding a career isn't always
as easy as it sounds. While in high school or even coming out of high school, many students are
undecided on what field they want to go into. It becomes hard trying to figure out what careers are
available, what things people are good at, and what will make a person happy and stable in life.
There are many different opportunities out available to a more content...
It is also is a good idea to take a day out to just sit down and write down all of the things that have
ever been thought of doing or becoming throughout the life lived so far; from childhood to now.
After all of the positive career choices are written down, reviewing each one and figuring out how
much a person has changed would be the next step. Usually when a person is in their childhood
years they wanted to be things like princesses and singers; over time things become more realistic
and decisions change. Evaluating and thinking over the activities that are enjoyed and hobbies will
be the first way to narrow down a choice. Some things you may have liked when you were younger
or even three of five years before, may not be the things that enjoyable now. Separate the different
likes and dislikes of job choices weighing them out; ditching the dislikes. "Career planning is not an
activity that should be done once –– in high school or college –– and then left behind as we move
forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an activity that is best done on a regular
basis –– especially given the data that the average worker will change careers (not jobs) multiple
times over his or her lifetime. And it's never too soon or too late to start your career planning."
("CareerPlanning") At the end of this career planning and after the different choices are narrowed
down, think about what is really wanted
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My Essay : My Cybersecurity Career Plan
My Cybersecurity Career Plan Throughout the years that I have spent in the workforce and during
my myriad attempts to complete a postsecondary degree, I have learned many things about myself
and about the direction that I would like my career to take. In my most recent encounter with higher
education, I was shown and given many tools to utilize in my journey. The most useful of these is
the CSU–Global Career Center, which contains quite a few tools and resources of which students
may take advantage. By delving through these resources and materials, I have been able to use
self–assessment to reflect on my journey thus far and redirect my efforts to better prepare myself for
success in the long run. This self–assessment and redirection has helped me to identify my strengths
and weaknesses, and has enabled me to understand how to overcome my weaknesses and how to
employ my strengths to continue to grow in my life and career. The Career Center The CSU–Global
Career Center provides many resources to CSU–Global students for the purposes of finding a job,
successfully getting hired, and maintaining and improving one's career. When looking for a job, the
Career Center has guides and educational materials pertaining to the benefits that higher education
grants to individuals who are job hunting. As the search can be stressful, especially for students that
have yet to enter the workforce, there are tools to help students process and handle their stress levels.
By allowing students to
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Reflection On Career Development
A.This lesson mainly addressed aspects related to career development. This lesson encourages
students to discover their academic and personal strengths, their skillsets, and their interests.
Students then take those concepts and apply them to career exploration. They are able to link their
strengths, preferences, and abilities to potential future career paths. Some of the specific aspects of
career development that I addressed include applying planning and career exploration in setting and
obtaining lifelong career goals, applying necessary skills for career readiness and success, and
teaching students where and how to obtain information about post–secondary options. In this lesson
students are encouraged to apply decision making skills to place different careers into the
appropriate career fields. In doing so, they are also encouraged to begin thinking about careers
that are of interest to them and what career goals they have for themselves. They will be given
resources in order to continue career exploration outside of the classroom. While I do not expect
sixth graders to fully decide their career path, it is my firm belief that it is never too early to get
students thinking about careers and having them set goals in order to obtain the career and future
that they desire. I also believe that this unit touches on social and emotional development as well as
academic development. This lesson allows the student to collaborate with one another and work in
groups as well as in pairs. This promotes relationship building and teamwork. It also allows students
to take an inventory of their personal strengths and skillsets. This could boost self–esteem and
promotes a sense of self–awareness. Lastly, this unit also encompasses academic development.
Students will understand that good grades and academic success are key elements to obtaining the
career that they wish to have. By being academically successful, this will allow them greater options
and opportunity post high school graduation.
B.In today's world, I feel as though it is very important to incorporate technology into lesson plans.
Technology helps keep children engaged and we are now living in a world where technology is all
around us. I was able to
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Career Essay : My Career Choice
My Career Choice When I was in elementary, I remember being asked: "what do you want to be
when you grow up?" I remember saying" I want to be a singer or a professional dancer and dance
with celebrities." When I was in middle school I realized I wanted to be in the Medical Field and
become a pediatrician. Once I started high school, I joined Dinuba High school Medical
Academy through this program I got so much information and opportunities' to learn more about
what I wanted to be. Even though I was in this program, and I was meeting a lot of professionals'
with different careers I remember still not really being sure of what I wanted to be. Finally, in my
junior year, I made a decision that changed my career choice, I decided to volunteer at Reedley
Hospital this made me realize I wanted to become a Midwife, But what's a Midwife you say?
well, this essay will explain and give answers to your questions. As mentioned before in my
Junior year of high school I decide to Join a volunteer program at Reedley hospital, I was assigned
to help with the labor and delivery section, while volunteering I was allowed to help out in a
delivery, while being in the room my duty was to tell doctors when the next contraction was
coming and I would also hold the patient's leg and help her push, when I saw the baby being born
and crying I was so happy, I felt something inside of me, I didn't know how to explain it, but it was
just something that made realize I wanted to help mothers bring
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Career Development Plan Essay
The final phase of a well designed and systematic orientation program is to develop the training and
mentoring needs of the current sales staff along with the acquired team from EnviroTech. The first
step in managing a new training and mentoring program is to determine the training needs and set
objectives for these needs. During the initial assessment phase of the program, it is necessary to
outline the goals that the management team feels is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the
sales team as well as develop a process to work more effectively. E.A. Locke (1968) stated that "goal
setting is a cognitive process of some practical utility". Therefore, we are going to use a practical
approach to coaching and mentoring more content...
Quickly increase sales opportunities by increasing the effectiveness of the sales people.
Enable sales leadership to effectively manage the sales team by training on effective coaching and
mentoring techniques.
Outlined below are some of the key elements of the coaching and mentoring program. Shane Huck
will be working alongside with Jim to conduct the training in both classroom and field sessions.
Sales Training and Mentoring Program
Integrating sales, marketing and strategy into one revenue capture program.
Strategic sales team training.
Sales strategy development and process consulting.
Sales team member assessment.
Sales quota and compensation and assessment programs.
Business development and partner program assessments.
Sales negotiation and objection training.
Key account and target account sales development and training programs.
Sales management team training and mentoring.
How to cold call management, penetrate the no–talk zone and create value.
How to give executive briefings that stimulate buying action steps.
Inside sales team training to generate leads.
How to use storytelling as a sales tool.
Trade show sales and marketing success. Many of today's most respected organizations have set
themselves apart by creating a culture of excellence, continuous improvement, and accountability
based on sales performance standards.
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Career Plan For A Career
1.0 Introduction
This career portfolio aims to plan and organize my career after completing the current postgraduate
degree. First, my ideal job has provided the general direction for my broader career. Through
acquiring the relevant information concerning my career, the S.M.A.R.T short term and long term
goals can be formulated to facilitate me to carry out the career planning. Besides, the specific
industry, which I intend to be working on, will be analyzed so that the potential career opportunities
and challenges can be identified. Therefore, some related strategies will emerge to help me realize the
goal and my wonderful career gradually.
2.0 My career
To imagine my desired career in the future, it's essential to understand why I work. It's not only for
survival, but also for recognizing by others to realize mine self–worth (Brown & Lent 2012, pp.2–3).
These values are meaningful for me to elicit the mindful commitment to develop the perfect career.
Thus, career refers to a series of working activities which are implemented in order to achieve the
purpose of work. Establishing my own hotel is my ideal career purpose, certainly there will be lots
of little milestones as transition, such as becoming a hotel manager within a period of time. Hence,
my perception is similar to the academic definition, but more focus on the overall working aim. In
order to achieve the target, the proper career management is required to make progress during the
career. Apart from the
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Career Planning Essay

  • 1. A REPORT ON Human resource management interventions: career planning and development, workforce diversity, and employee stress and wellness. A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement of MBA program of IIPM, NEW DELHI. Under the Sincere Guidance Of SUBHASH GUPTA BY T V SAMRAT GUPTA SEC – SF4 Roll no: 58 ISBE–A/SS (2010–12) Contents INTRODUCTION3 CARRIER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS3 CAREER STAGES4 CAREER PLANNING6 CAREER DEVELOPMENT8 CARRIER DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS9 ROLE AND STRUCTURE INTERVENTION11 Individual employee development12 Individual employee development13 PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK AND COACHING13 Workforce diversity interventions14 A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR more content... CAREER STAGES A career consists of a sequence of work related positions occupied by a person during the course of a lifetime. There are four stages in a carrier:– 1. The establishment age (ages 21–26). This phase is the outset of a career when people are generally uncertain about their competence and potential. They are dependent on others, especially bosses and more experienced employees, for guidance ,support and feedback .At this stage people are making initial choices about committing themselves to a specific career , organization and jobs. They are exploring possibilities while learning their own capabilities. 2. THE ADVANCEMENT STAGE(26 –4O). During this phase, employees became independent contributors who are concerned with achieving and advancing their chosen career. They have typically learned to perform autonomously and need less guidance from bosses and closer ties with colleagues. This setting down period also is characterized by attempts to clarify the range of long term career option. 3. THE MAINTAINANCE STAGE (AGES 40–60) . This phase involves leveling off and holding on to carrier success. Many people at this stage have achieved their greatest advancements and are now concerned with helping less experienced subordinates. For those who are dissatisfied with their career progress, this period can be conflictual and depressing , as Get more content on
  • 2. The Career of Engineering Essay The Career of Engineering Take a look around yourself. What do you see? Maybe books, chairs, a television, or even your clothes. All the day to day things that are man–made, you can be sure that an engineer helped make it. Engineers have shaped our world as we know it. There are many different kinds of engineers from chemical, mechanical, textile, civil, agricultural and structural engineers. Our civilization would be as advanced as the Stone Age without these people. This career demands a wide education of math and science. It is an ever–changing career with new advances in materials and the way products are produced. Engineering careers are very secure with respect to compensation. Regardless of this, it does have it's more content... (Britannica 243) Another disadvantage of being an engineer is the actual status of being one. It is not looked upon as highly as other fields such as doctors and lawyers. Most of the time they are looked upon as nerds. In addition, most engineers are not promoted to high level positions such as presidents or top executives. They do not have the accounting or business education to do that particular job. This means that most engineers never get the opportunity to be their own boss. (Basta 22) The job of an engineer itself is a creative job. The actual definition of an engineer is "The profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize the materials and forces of nature economically for the benefit of mankind." (Bastas 24) In having the basic skills and experiences in math and science, an engineer is basically an inventor. They are given a problem and are depended on to come up with a solution. Whether it be a new chemical, a mechanical part, or even a whole new system such as computer operating program, engineers are the problem solvers of our materialistic society. (Basta 45) Many engineers work in laboratories, industrial plants, or construction sites where they inspect, supervise, or solve onsite problems. (Britannica 244) Engineering itself has a sort of chain of command in the way a project is handled. It follows in the Get more content on
  • 3. My Career Plan After Graduation Essay My Career Plan after Graduation: How to manage my Professional and Holistic Lifestyle. I decided to pursue a career in nursing because, there is plenty of scarcity in the field and I feel like I can make a difference. I plan to focus most of my care in both acute and chronic setting. I will focus my career plan on the first and fifth year time frame. I will also touch up on different method I will use to illuminate my game plan when I do finish my Bachelor in Nursing. My Transition to Professional Nursing Role Professional nursing practitioners travel a long path to become experts in their field. Admission requirements into the BSN program vary from university to university but retain basic similarities. Universities and Colleges demand that the prospective student passes in English composition, life sciences, physical sciences, Mathematics, humanities, social, and behavioral sciences. Upon my admission, to Chamberlain College of Nursing it took me about two and half years of study to complete my pre–requisites. Typically, the course comprises studies in physiology, human anatomy, nursing care, nursing pharmacology, illness management and mental health nursing as the foundation units. Support units include research methods, leadership and management (of health services), critical thinking, decision–making and professional development. Criteria for RN in Florida BSN graduates apply for registration to the Florida Board of Nursing (BON). The state BON is the regulator and Get more content on
  • 4. Career Development Opportunities in the organization Career planning and development interventions are an important tool in development and retaining an effective workforce (Cummings, ‎ Worley ,2009) Career Development opportunities were mostly thought to be biased towards the male employees in the company as indicated in organization hierarchy which had no female representation at all in the Board of Management at all which comprised of ten male members.The board committee however had one female as a secretary which further depicts that female population was not in the leadership position and was thought to be more useful for support roles rather than managerial role.Moreover , the Management Team was no different than the other two senior management categories with no female representation at all.There were a few female Managers in the Human Resource Department and Customer Services because they are thought to be associated with people having good communication skills and soft skills along with no tactical decision making involved and no long working hours linked with it generally. Uzma , one of the interviewee from the customer care department states that , "most of women in the organization are working in the customer facing roles to benefit the organization with very bleak chances of being promoted to leadership and higher management positions. On inquiring what she thought was the reason behind behind this pattern she exclaims , " ummm I think , the female Get more content on
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  • 6. Career Progression And The Career Development The above quote by Confucius is often quoted, yet job happiness isn't as easily achieved. One of the reasons behind job dissatisfaction is often the lack of planning. But career progression and the ability find a job that doesn't feel like work requires meticulous research and focus. In this guide, we'll explain career progression and the reasons why it's so important. We'll provide a four–step plan to help you develop a plan that guarantees you don't feel left behind when it comes to achieving your career goals. What is career progression? The concept of career progressing is closely tied to the idea of career development. Career development is the lifelong process of managing your circumstances in order to move forward to achieving your personal goals. It's the management of your education, work and leisure activities in a way that helps you achieve the kind of future you want. As the definition of progress states, progress is "a process developing gradually towards a more advanced state". Career progression sees you working towards your ultimate professional goals, little by little. In essence, career progression determines and outlines the route you should follow in order to reach the career development goals you've set out for you. For example, your dream career goal might be to own your own business. A career progression plan will help identify the educational and work related steps you should take in order to get closer to this goal and ultimately, to achieve Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Career Development Plan Essay PERSONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Ruth Ann Loyd Jacksonville University Professional Nursing NUR352SI Kathleen Kavanagh September 4, 2013 Abstract My personal career development plan consists of short and long–term goals advancements in my education towards a MSN degree and moving into the nurse practitioner role. It contains the plans on how I intend to transition into that role along with the responsibilities, necessary education and license requirements. I have also listed the pros and cons of being a nurse practitioner and its potential liabilities. Study and time management plans are included along with stress reduction strategies. PERSONAL CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLAN My nursing career started as a dream, a dream I needed more content... My selected mentor is Jerry Martin RN, BSN. He is a co–worker that has inspired me to return to school and that any dream is obtainable. Jerry has a degree in biology and was working as a ward clerk in our ER when I met him. He has a degree in biology and worked in finance before working at the hospital. Jerry states" I was unhappy with my career in finance and I realized I had drifted a long way from my education and my core belief. During a conference a guest speaker said "true happiness is found when you find the one thing you would do in life even if you did not get paid for it". That was my "aha" moment." G.M. Martin (personal communication, September 3,2013) Jerry entered nursing school in 2006 and graduated with a BSN in 2011. He is currently working toward a MSN and striving to be a FNP. He is a great nurse and it is a privilege to have him as a co–worker and my mentor. After obtaining a BSN through Jacksonville University, I will enroll in an online nurse practitioner program. Once I receive my degree and am licensed as a NP, I will search for a job working with inpatient pediatric patients. A nurse practitioner is an advanced practice nurse that has received additional training and education of that beyond a RN. They help with all aspects of patient care. They can work in inpatient and outpatient care. A NP educates patients about preventative care and their prescribed treatments. They can also preform independently or as part of Get more content on
  • 8. Introduction & Background Career development is defined as different progresses of a 'job for life' a few decades ago. Over the past three decades, careers, as lifetime experiences of individuals, are in a profound state of change. Jackson et al. (1996) state that there is 'a wide range of revolutionary forces affecting labour markets, employment structures, organisational practice and educational provision'. Career development is now understood as the proactive behaviour that people decide the kind of work they do and how they gain skills, knowledge and attributes through work–related experiences to ensure continued employability. (Wilton and Nick, 2013) In the following sessions, I will first outline some key changes in the notions of careers over the last three decades. By using the examples of Television industry and a company from marketing and sales industry – Pahrmco International, I would like to show how these changes have affected organisations to utilise labour. Last but not least, discussion will be focus on the implications of these changes for workers. Comparisons between traditional and new careers 1.1 The 'Traditional' Career The traditional concept of a career suggested by Wilton and Nick (2013), is 'job for life', that careers are usually take place within single or limited number of organizations. We can also assume that traditional careers are 'boundaried' within the same employing organization. It emphasizes the continuous vertical advancement Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Academic Career Goals Introduction Societies and organizations are evolving on the ability by individuals to develop career oriented goals. Lifelong planning is what drives to learning institutions to develop skills for our current and future needs. In the business environment, people are looking for motivated entrepreneurs to transform the outlook of their societies through investment. Planning enhances personal development, helps us to determine our strength, and enhances competitiveness and employability. One of the most difficult things in life is adapting to change. The new skills and ways of critical thinking is quite a cumbersome paradigm shift, yet once you adapt to new changes which are aimed at transforming your business thinking and ideology, more content... The research will also focus on the development needs analysis of my plan and will conclude with appendices. Personal Development Plan Self evaluation is part of strategic learning through which we reflect on personal abilities or potentials to prosper in life. My development plans are geared at seeing me through my academic struggles in the career part of advanced practices. We are presented with academic resources and opportunities which I should use for my benefit. I need to develop a good culture of reading extensively, critically thinking about what am reading and how such material is relevant to my career path. Another plan is developing a good art of academic research and writing, formulating learning styles that are appropriate to my learning. I should also develop the art of managing my learning environment and understanding how to write academic papers. I should also be in the course of my study to develop the employability skill and prepare myself for internship. Once I accurately develop these skills in the course of my study I would be on the road to career success in advanced business practices. Development Needs Analysis According to Asselin(2010, p.5), developing a good culture of reading is part and parcel of any academic excellence in life. Throughout our studies we are presented with resource materials that are relevant to our disciplines. This means that the materials Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Career Plan My Career Plan The future is uncertain for me, but it is important to develop a career plan that will provide financial support and personal fulfillment over the course of my professional life. To make this transition from school to a professional career, I am going to plan a plan that will help me stay focused and motivated in meeting my goals and objectives. In the next paragraphs, I will explain my ten–year plan for more content... I will be receiving a bachelor's in Business Administration with a minor in International Management . I am in the process of applying for a master's in Management and Organizational Behavior at Benedictine University. Upon graduating from CSUMB, I will be currently working for the Dollar Tree Store, Inc. as a cashier. I hope that after the training workshop for assistant manager, I will be accepted and train in the new Marina store at the end of the year. In the book What Color is your Parachute, I learned that I could go into a kind of rejection shock, if a promotion in not in the cards.[2] As he puts it, I would have to keep going and stay motivated, because I want full exposure of the knowledge and operations at the Dollar Tree. I am achieving most of this by interning this semester. Tammi Huntsman is the manager there and I am shadowing her as she performs skills of managing. I have ordered inventory, payroll, reset the store a few times, and cashed out cashiers with her help. All skills I have acquired will help me down the line in managerial positions. Year Two through Five: Achieving my of the goals I want to be accepted into Benedictine University working on my master's part time and working as an assistant manager fulltime at the Dollar Tree in Seaside, California. My short–term goal is to keep working at the Dollar Tree and my long–term Get more content on
  • 11. Developing A Plan For Career Success Creating Your Career Plan Developing a plan for career success can be described as journey of self–discovery. Many leaders have taken time to understand in depth their leadership skills by consistently refining skill sets but also always looking to better one self. To achieve our goals in leadership, one must develop one's skills and construct a career plan to guide them to their goals. In the class Applying Leadership Principles, we have taken time to learn about what defines a leader and how that applies to each of us in the class. Today I will be using the skills learned over the last eight weeks to develop a career plan. I will start by using the career center as a beginning resource to evaluate my career path, reflect on my personal career and where I would like to be in the future, identify strengths, and align those strengths with communication skills and problem solving skills. I will describe my career path; develop my plan of what leadership approach I believe will help me achieve those goals. Using the Career Center Online learning has proven to a be a preferred method of learning for many adult learners as it offers the ability to finish a degree meanwhile maintaining a career, a family, and other obligations outside of the classroom. The benefits include allowing a student to log into a classroom when it is convenient and accelerated schedules with less classes at a time than the traditional brick and mortar classes. One benefit however that is not as utilized Get more content on
  • 12. Career Planning : My Career Career Planning Essay I would actually have to say my career is less of one that I picked out and more of one that has evolved. I have changed careers five times, due to no choice of my own but rather the economy. I had quit my job, and been a stay at home mom for about six years, and returning to work at Montessori School, where I could get free tuition in exchange for working a half day. It felt good, to see the kids excited about learning. I actually did not think much about the job being a career choice, as it would never pay the bills. I had been in printing, and did some freelance work from home, and just figured I would return down that career path. I had friend though who encouraged me to come to work with her, at Delta Airlines when our daughter stated school. For the next six weeks, I was in class and learning their computer ticketing systems. It was challenging and exciting for me, as I had not needed to study for many years. I enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment, and felt the need to do well and prove that I can learn it all, so that meant I actually had to study. Every week between test scores, and attendance there were a few less, but I was one that survived, and within two years I was promoted to Passenger Service Agent, coordinating the boarding of aircrafts at three gates. I had to opportunity to work with a lot of the new hires, as they came out of class and assisted them with the transition from classroom knowledge to the real world. I understood their Get more content on
  • 13. Reflection On Career Planning This essay aims to reflect on the informed decisions I have made this year in relation to career planning and the steps I have taken to secure a career in law. Therefore, the main points of focus will be selling myself to an employer, gaining work experience, securing a vacation scheme, and adapting my CV. When I initially met the Research and Professional Development (RPD) unit I was somewhat disinterested and believed that my core law units were of more importance. However, RPD has made me understand that a degree is just the foundation to a career in law and this is the time to act for my future self. I was not aware of how early I needed to start the process of career planning. RPD engaged me with the process early to enable me more content... I then reflected on how these would be of value to employers and demonstrated them by linking them to my experience. I felt that this was a good way to structure my 'brand me' but, I lacked the experience to demonstrate my skills. Developing 'brand me' could not have prepared me any better for the Clinical Legal Education assessment centre and has proven to be successful since, I was offered my first choice. Secondly, I had to gain legal work experience. I wanted to obtain this because I felt that I did not have good examples to demonstrate my skills, especially when conducting the 'brand me' presentation. However, my tutor made it clear that even my part–time job working in retail provided me with transferable skills. This included communication skills, teamwork and commitment all skills sought after by employers. These I consider to be some of my strongest attributes. Although, I was still determined to obtain experience directly related to the legal profession. Since, it would not only enhance my CV but, give me an insight into the legal profession. I subsequently secured myself work experience with Churcher's. This experience provided me with an inviable insight and opened more opportunities up to me. To get more valuable experience in the future I plan to speak to the criminal law lecturers about how I obtain a mini–pupillage and utilise the handbook I have on this. After appreciating the fierce competition in the legal Get more content on
  • 14. Career Plan For A Career Development Plan Career Development Plan Vivian Morgan A career development plan will help you improve or maintain your current level of success and prepare for future opportunities. The career development plan will aid in enhancing my personal growth and heighten my career development. Goals or plans give you the push to move forward in life and to seek better skills that lead to top jobs and positions. This plan includes sections for the following process: 1. Assess my current state. Identify goals and objectives. How to measure my objectives? and how my plan affect work/life balance? What trends in the workplace, economy, and marketplace do I need to be aware of that could influence my plan? 2. Examine the critical skills and competencies more content... Knowing when to relax List five priority interests: 1. Continuing my education 2. Obtain a promotion 3. Obtain a raise 4. Continue to enhance tech skills 5. Management List five priority wants: 1. Increased salary 2. More time to travel 3. New work wardrobe 4. New Computer 5. New Car Action Plan Assess my current state. Identify goals and objectives. How to measure my objectives? and how my plan affect work/life balance? What trends in the workplace, economy, and marketplace do I need to be aware of that could influence my plan? I am currently an Administrative Assistant that has recently completed my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration Management. My aspiration is to become a manager in perhaps a school or college. In order to achieve this level of growth, is to continue my studies to acquire my Master's Degree in Management and Leadership as part of this career plan. Since I've started this journey my work life has not changed much but my home life is different due to studying in the evenings. Although there are small changes in work and home, trends in the
  • 15. workplace have begun to respond more to legal issues and educating the managers and counselors regarding those changes. The economy is better than it has been in years. Businesses are more diverse and online websites are available for customers to order and businesses to advertise their products. New changes in technology are available every day that will make my job as a manager efficient and cost Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance of Exploring Career Options Essay Having a career is one of the most important things in life because; it's how money is made and a main source of income. Imagine having to wake up every morning of everyday and then having to go to a job that you dread. Having a career allows a person to make money doing what makes them happy, unlike a dead end job that you work 9–5 doing work that's hated. Finding a career isn't always as easy as it sounds. While in high school or even coming out of high school, many students are undecided on what field they want to go into. It becomes hard trying to figure out what careers are available, what things people are good at, and what will make a person happy and stable in life. There are many different opportunities out available to a more content... It is also is a good idea to take a day out to just sit down and write down all of the things that have ever been thought of doing or becoming throughout the life lived so far; from childhood to now. After all of the positive career choices are written down, reviewing each one and figuring out how much a person has changed would be the next step. Usually when a person is in their childhood years they wanted to be things like princesses and singers; over time things become more realistic and decisions change. Evaluating and thinking over the activities that are enjoyed and hobbies will be the first way to narrow down a choice. Some things you may have liked when you were younger or even three of five years before, may not be the things that enjoyable now. Separate the different likes and dislikes of job choices weighing them out; ditching the dislikes. "Career planning is not an activity that should be done once –– in high school or college –– and then left behind as we move forward in our jobs and careers. Rather, career planning is an activity that is best done on a regular basis –– especially given the data that the average worker will change careers (not jobs) multiple times over his or her lifetime. And it's never too soon or too late to start your career planning." ("CareerPlanning") At the end of this career planning and after the different choices are narrowed down, think about what is really wanted Get more content on
  • 17. My Essay : My Cybersecurity Career Plan My Cybersecurity Career Plan Throughout the years that I have spent in the workforce and during my myriad attempts to complete a postsecondary degree, I have learned many things about myself and about the direction that I would like my career to take. In my most recent encounter with higher education, I was shown and given many tools to utilize in my journey. The most useful of these is the CSU–Global Career Center, which contains quite a few tools and resources of which students may take advantage. By delving through these resources and materials, I have been able to use self–assessment to reflect on my journey thus far and redirect my efforts to better prepare myself for success in the long run. This self–assessment and redirection has helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and has enabled me to understand how to overcome my weaknesses and how to employ my strengths to continue to grow in my life and career. The Career Center The CSU–Global Career Center provides many resources to CSU–Global students for the purposes of finding a job, successfully getting hired, and maintaining and improving one's career. When looking for a job, the Career Center has guides and educational materials pertaining to the benefits that higher education grants to individuals who are job hunting. As the search can be stressful, especially for students that have yet to enter the workforce, there are tools to help students process and handle their stress levels. By allowing students to Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection On Career Development A.This lesson mainly addressed aspects related to career development. This lesson encourages students to discover their academic and personal strengths, their skillsets, and their interests. Students then take those concepts and apply them to career exploration. They are able to link their strengths, preferences, and abilities to potential future career paths. Some of the specific aspects of career development that I addressed include applying planning and career exploration in setting and obtaining lifelong career goals, applying necessary skills for career readiness and success, and teaching students where and how to obtain information about post–secondary options. In this lesson students are encouraged to apply decision making skills to place different careers into the appropriate career fields. In doing so, they are also encouraged to begin thinking about careers that are of interest to them and what career goals they have for themselves. They will be given resources in order to continue career exploration outside of the classroom. While I do not expect sixth graders to fully decide their career path, it is my firm belief that it is never too early to get students thinking about careers and having them set goals in order to obtain the career and future that they desire. I also believe that this unit touches on social and emotional development as well as academic development. This lesson allows the student to collaborate with one another and work in groups as well as in pairs. This promotes relationship building and teamwork. It also allows students to take an inventory of their personal strengths and skillsets. This could boost self–esteem and promotes a sense of self–awareness. Lastly, this unit also encompasses academic development. Students will understand that good grades and academic success are key elements to obtaining the career that they wish to have. By being academically successful, this will allow them greater options and opportunity post high school graduation. B.In today's world, I feel as though it is very important to incorporate technology into lesson plans. Technology helps keep children engaged and we are now living in a world where technology is all around us. I was able to Get more content on
  • 19. Career Essay : My Career Choice My Career Choice When I was in elementary, I remember being asked: "what do you want to be when you grow up?" I remember saying" I want to be a singer or a professional dancer and dance with celebrities." When I was in middle school I realized I wanted to be in the Medical Field and become a pediatrician. Once I started high school, I joined Dinuba High school Medical Academy through this program I got so much information and opportunities' to learn more about what I wanted to be. Even though I was in this program, and I was meeting a lot of professionals' with different careers I remember still not really being sure of what I wanted to be. Finally, in my junior year, I made a decision that changed my career choice, I decided to volunteer at Reedley Hospital this made me realize I wanted to become a Midwife, But what's a Midwife you say? well, this essay will explain and give answers to your questions. As mentioned before in my Junior year of high school I decide to Join a volunteer program at Reedley hospital, I was assigned to help with the labor and delivery section, while volunteering I was allowed to help out in a delivery, while being in the room my duty was to tell doctors when the next contraction was coming and I would also hold the patient's leg and help her push, when I saw the baby being born and crying I was so happy, I felt something inside of me, I didn't know how to explain it, but it was just something that made realize I wanted to help mothers bring Get more content on
  • 20. Career Development Plan Essay The final phase of a well designed and systematic orientation program is to develop the training and mentoring needs of the current sales staff along with the acquired team from EnviroTech. The first step in managing a new training and mentoring program is to determine the training needs and set objectives for these needs. During the initial assessment phase of the program, it is necessary to outline the goals that the management team feels is necessary to improve the effectiveness of the sales team as well as develop a process to work more effectively. E.A. Locke (1968) stated that "goal setting is a cognitive process of some practical utility". Therefore, we are going to use a practical approach to coaching and mentoring more content... Quickly increase sales opportunities by increasing the effectiveness of the sales people. Enable sales leadership to effectively manage the sales team by training on effective coaching and mentoring techniques. Outlined below are some of the key elements of the coaching and mentoring program. Shane Huck will be working alongside with Jim to conduct the training in both classroom and field sessions. Sales Training and Mentoring Program Integrating sales, marketing and strategy into one revenue capture program. Strategic sales team training. Sales strategy development and process consulting. Sales team member assessment. Sales quota and compensation and assessment programs. Business development and partner program assessments. Sales negotiation and objection training. Key account and target account sales development and training programs. Sales management team training and mentoring. How to cold call management, penetrate the no–talk zone and create value. How to give executive briefings that stimulate buying action steps. Inside sales team training to generate leads. How to use storytelling as a sales tool. Trade show sales and marketing success. Many of today's most respected organizations have set themselves apart by creating a culture of excellence, continuous improvement, and accountability based on sales performance standards. Get more content on
  • 21. Career Plan For A Career 1.0 Introduction This career portfolio aims to plan and organize my career after completing the current postgraduate degree. First, my ideal job has provided the general direction for my broader career. Through acquiring the relevant information concerning my career, the S.M.A.R.T short term and long term goals can be formulated to facilitate me to carry out the career planning. Besides, the specific industry, which I intend to be working on, will be analyzed so that the potential career opportunities and challenges can be identified. Therefore, some related strategies will emerge to help me realize the goal and my wonderful career gradually. 2.0 My career To imagine my desired career in the future, it's essential to understand why I work. It's not only for survival, but also for recognizing by others to realize mine self–worth (Brown & Lent 2012, pp.2–3). These values are meaningful for me to elicit the mindful commitment to develop the perfect career. Thus, career refers to a series of working activities which are implemented in order to achieve the purpose of work. Establishing my own hotel is my ideal career purpose, certainly there will be lots of little milestones as transition, such as becoming a hotel manager within a period of time. Hence, my perception is similar to the academic definition, but more focus on the overall working aim. In order to achieve the target, the proper career management is required to make progress during the career. Apart from the Get more content on