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76 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8
nutrition /
evidence & practice
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In recent years, the regulation of carbohydrate intake has become regarded as essential to achieve a
balanced diet, with a range of health benefits attributed to low-carbohydrate diets. However, much of
the advice on reduced carbohydrate intake does not reflect government-led dietary guidelines. As a
result of this conflicting information, patients requiring assistance with weight management or glycaemic
control may become confused about the appropriate carbohydrate intake, or be encouraged to
experiment with ‘fad’ diets. As front-line healthcare professionals, nurses are in a prime position to advise
patients on carbohydrate intake, as well as signposting them to evidence-based dietary resources. This
article outlines the constituents of dietary carbohydrate, considers the health benefits of carbohydrates,
and explains their importance as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
Author details
Shirley Hinde, registered dietitian and senior lecturer in nutrition, Cardiff School of Sport and Health
Sciences, Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales
diet, health promotion, healthy eating, meals, nutrition, nutritional intake, nutritional requirements,
nutritional support, public health
Carbohydrates comprise a significant food
group that provide a major source of dietary
energy and assist in the regulation of blood
glucose levels (Scientific Advisory Committee on
Nutrition (SACN) 2015). They are composed
of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. There
are various forms of carbohydrates, from
soluble monosaccharide molecules, such as
glucose, to complex indigestible fibres (World
Health Organization (WHO) and Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) 1998). Although carbohydrates are
derived largely from plants, other common
sources of carbohydrate include milk sugars and
honey (Public Health England (PHE) and Food
Standards Agency (FSA) 2014).
Carbohydrates can be classified by molecular
size, digestibility and glycaemic response (SACN
2015). In addition to energy provision, foods
with a significant carbohydrate content are
a beneficial source of micronutrients, including
iron, zinc and B vitamins (PHE and FSA 2014,
Lean and Combet 2017).
Diets high in unrefined fibre-rich
carbohydrates – such as plant-based foods –
also have anti-carcinoma and cardio-protective
benefits, while the relatively low calorie
contribution of these carbohydrates has the
potential to assist in weight management and
improve glycaemic control (World Cancer
Research Fund and American Institute for
Cancer Research 2007, SACN 2015). Conversely,
the consumption of carbohydrate in the form
of simple sugars is associated with dental caries
(SACN 2015), while highly refined starches are
associated with suboptimal glycaemic control
(The British Dietetic Association 2018).
This article aims to clarify the constituents
of dietary carbohydrate, to consider the health
benefits of carbohydrates, and to emphasise
their importance as part of a healthy and
balanced diet.
Carbohydrates and public health
In recent years, the important role of
carbohydrates as part of a healthy diet has
Hinde S (2019) Understanding
the role of carbohydrates
in optimal nutrition.
Nursing Standard.
doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11323
Peer review
This article has been subject
to external double-blind
peer review and checked
for plagiarism using
automated software
Conflict of interest
None declared
20 May 2019
Published online
July 2019
Why you should read this article:
● To enhance your knowledge of the forms of carbohydrate and their classification
● To understand the health effects of various forms of carbohydrate
● To provide appropriate nutritional advice to patients on the role of carbohydrates as part of a healthy and balanced diet
Understanding the role of
carbohydrates in optimal nutrition
Shirley Hinde
volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 77
been dismissed by some sections
of the health media, with multiple
articles detailing the supposed
nutritional benefits of removing
or reducing dietary carbohydrate
intake (Spritzler 2016). The
suggested health benefits of
a reduced carbohydrate intake
include weight loss, reduced
gastrointestinal conditions, and
improved brain function and energy
levels (Dennett 2016). However,
the promotion of a reduced-
carbohydrate diet often contradicts
government-led evidence-based
guidelines on healthy eating, such
as the Eatwell Guide (Figure 1)
(PHE 2018). The Eatwell Guide
(PHE 2018) recommends that
individuals include a proportion
of carbohydrate-dominant foods
in their diet, including fibre-rich
foods such as wholegrain cereals.
Carbohydrate containing fibre-rich
foods such as pulses and fruits and
vegetables are also represented
within the Eatwell Guide. It also
recommends that foods high
in sugar, fat and salt should be
consumed occasionally and not
considered a necessary or regular
part of a healthy diet (PHE 2018).
One important challenge in
ensuring effective public health
provision is to address any
confusion around healthy eating
among the general public (Tedstone
2017). Part of the role of healthcare
professionals such as nurses is to
reduce any misunderstandings
around lifestyle factors that
may lead to suboptimal health
(Tedstone 2017). Therefore, nurses
must fully understand the role of
carbohydrates as part of a balanced
diet, and use their communication
skills to promote effective healthy
eating messages.
When providing public health
messages, another consideration
is whether the message is too
simplistic, resulting in scientific
inaccuracy. For example, a public
health message that might be
effective for those with type 2
diabetes mellitus could be that
‘All types of carbohydrate will
increase your blood glucose level’
(The British Dietetic Association
2018). This is an unambiguous
message that may be appropriate
in some clinical situations and with
particular patient groups. However,
it is not scientifically accurate to
state that all types of carbohydrate
increase blood glucose levels;
therefore, promoting such a broad
message does not support complete
understanding of carbohydrates
among the general public.
Carbohydrate classification
One seminal theory is that there
are two types of carbohydrate:
physiologically available
carbohydrate (able to be
metabolised) such as starches
and sugars, and physiologically
unavailable carbohydrate (unable
to be metabolised) such as fibre
(McCance and Lawrence 1929,
WHO and FAO 1998). However, it
is now recognised that this theory
does not represent the complete
story, because while so-called
unavailable carbohydrates such
as fibre may not provide energy
Low fat
soft cheese
nuts peas
Low fat
Lower fat
Each serving (150g) contains
of an adult’s reference intake
Typical values (as sold) per 100g: 697kJ/ 167kcal
Check the label on
packaged foods
Fat Saturates Sugars Salt
3.0g 1.3g 34g 0.9g
Choose foods lower
in fat, salt and sugars
Source: Public Health England in association with the Welsh Government, Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland © Crown copyright 2016
Use the Eatwell Guide to help you get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food.
It shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group.
Eatwell Guide
2000kcal 2500kcal = ALL FOOD + ALL DRINKS
Per day
Eat less often and
in small amounts
Choose lower fat and
lower sugar options
Eat more beans and pulses, 2 portions of sustainably
sourced fish per week, one of which is oily. Eat less
red and processed meat
Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and
Choose wholegrain or higher fibre versions
Oil & spreads
variety of fruit and vegetables every day
Choose unsaturated oils
and use in small amounts
Dairy and alternatives
Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins
a day
Water, lower fat
milk, sugar-free
drinks including
tea and coffee
all count.
Limit fruit juice
and/or smoothies
to a total of
150ml a day.
Figure 1. Eatwell Guide
(Public Health England 2018)
78 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8
nutrition /
evidence & practice
via glucose metabolism, fibres
can provide energy once they are
fermented in the large intestine.
Therefore, the terms ‘glycaemic’
and ‘non-glycaemic’ carbohydrate
are preferred (WHO and FAO
1998, SACN 2015), and provide
a useful classification for nurses
who are seeking to understand the
physiological role of carbohydrate.
Table 1 compares these theories on
the physiological use of ingested
The most basic form of
carbohydrate are single
monosaccharides monomer units
(for example, glucose), which bind
with other monomer units to form
disaccharides (for example, lactose)
or polysaccharides (for example,
starch). Therefore, carbohydrates
can be classified in terms of
molecular size and complexity.
Table 2 provides a simple
representation of carbohydrate
classification according to molecular
composition, alongside dietary
examples. The sweetness associated
with the smaller carbohydrate
molecule reduces with increased
molecular size and solubility, for
example from honey or syrup
to rice and pulses (Geissler and
Powers 2005).
In the author’s clinical experience,
a simpler classification that could
be useful for nurses is one based
on digestibility and subsequent
glycaemic response. Blood
glucose levels rise in response to
the consumption of digestible
carbohydrate, allowing the body
to use glucose to provide energy. In
general, carbohydrates with smaller
molecular structures – such as
glucose, lactose and maltose – are
efficiently digested and absorbed
in the human gut. However, not all
carbohydrates produce a glycaemic
response, irrespective of their size
and digestibility (Bender 2014,
SACN 2015). Therefore, it is
important for nurses to understand
the physiological effects of
carbohydrates of various sizes.
Glycaemic response and
The monosaccharide glucose is the
body’s preferred energy substrate
and is readily absorbed from the
intestine. The resulting rise in blood
glucose levels and subsequent
insulin response is crucial because
it enables the rapid use of glucose
for energy metabolism. However,
the physiological mechanisms that
control blood glucose levels can
be subject to strain, for example
by excessive weight or obesity
(Bender 2014, Gandy 2014).
The resulting chronic high blood
glucose levels and development of
insulin resistance has significant
long-term consequences for health
and quality of life.
The monosaccharide fructose
is commonly referred to as fruit
sugar; however, fructose is also
found in sweet-tasting vegetables.
The association between fructose,
glycaemic response and energy
metabolism is complex, and
for the scope of this article it is
sufficient to understand that the
significant amounts of dietary
fructose in modern Western
diets negatively affects health
(Ludwig et al 2018). This negative
association is not seen with the
consumption of whole fruit and
vegetables (World Cancer Research
Fund and American Institute for
Cancer Research 2007).
Other natural monosaccharides
include mannose and xylose
(Table 2). These are present in small
amounts in products such as beer,
fruit and milk, and comprise a small
element of the average person’s
diet in the UK (PHE 2014, PHE
and FSA 2014).
The food industry has developed
synthetic equivalents from
monosaccharides, which are
collectively known as polyols or
sugar alcohols. While polyols are
not digested in the small intestine
and therefore do not produce
a glycaemic response (SACN
2015), they are still classified as
carbohydrates. Like other non-
glycaemic carbohydrates, polyols
are fermented by colonic bacteria.
One by-product of the fermentation
process is the production of
short-chain fatty acids, which are
a potential energy substrate and
can be absorbed and metabolised
for energy.
Table 1. Comparison of theories on the physiological use of ingested carbohydrate
Theory Types Description Examples
Theory based on availability of
carbohydrate to provide energy
Physiologically available
Carbohydrate that is digested in the small intestine, absorbed,
then available for energy metabolism
Starches and sugars
Physiologically unavailable
Carbohydrate that is not digested nor absorbed and remains
unavailable for energy metabolism. This type of carbohydrate
also increases faecal mass
Non-starch dietary fibre
Theory based on the glycaemic
response of carbohydrate
Glycaemic carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is digested and absorbed in the small
intestine, consequently raising blood glucose and stimulating
insulin secretion (producing a glycaemic response)
Starches and sugars
Non-glycaemic carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is not digested in the small intestine and
does not produce a glycaemic response, but is instead digested
by bacteria in the colon. The products of the subsequent
fermentation in the colon (short-chain fatty acids) are available
for energy metabolism. This type of carbohydrate also increases
faecal mass
Polyols, oligosaccharides,
resistant starch and
(Adapted from World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015)
volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 79
Glycaemic response and
Disaccharides comprise two
monomer units that are bound
together. Disaccharides break down
into their monomer components in
the small intestine and can then be
absorbed to produce a glycaemic
response. The amount of glucose
present in common disaccharides
varies as demonstrated in Table 3.
UK food labelling legislation for
back of product labels requires the
inclusion: ‘of which sugars’. The
figures used on the label are drawn
from laboratory analysis of, in the
case of sugars, all monosaccharides
and disaccharides within any given
product. The analysis does not
differentiate between milk sugar
(lactose), fruit sugar (fructose) or
added sugars such as sucrose. This
is a potential source of confusion
for consumers who are seeking to
avoid dietary sugars because it may
lead to restricted choices.
Before the SACN (2015) review
of carbohydrates and health, sugars
were defined by the scientific
community as milk sugars, intrinsic
sugars (those found within plant
cell walls), and non-milk extrinsic
sugars (Department of Health (DH)
1991). The SACN (2015) adopted
the term ‘free sugars’. The definition
of free sugars remains the same
as the previously termed non-
milk extrinsic sugars, namely ‘all
monosaccharides and disaccharides
added to foods by the manufacturer,
cook or consumer, plus sugars
naturally present in honey, syrups
and unsweetened fruit juices’
(SACN 2015).
UK guidance on the intake of free
sugars has changed over time. In
1991, the DH recommended that
non-milk extrinsic sugars should
constitute less than 11% of an
individual’s dietary energy; since
2015, the SACN has recommended
that free sugars should not exceed
5% of an individual’s total dietary
energy after the age of two years.
In particular, the SACN (2015)
details the need to minimise the
consumption of sugar-sweetened
beverages for both children and
adults. These recommendations
have been incorporated into the
Eatwell Guide (PHE 2018).
The negative effects associated
with sugars result from them being
generally easy to consume in high
volumes, especially when present in
drinks, and there is clear association
between higher consumption of free
sugars and higher energy intakes
(SACN 2015). In addition to the
increased calorie consumption,
the lack of fibre in sugary drinks
increases the glycaemic response,
although this depends on the type
of sugar involved (SACN 2015).
For example, drinks containing
sucrose (a disaccharide) result
in a higher glycaemic response
than drinks containing fructose
(a monosaccharide). However,
crucially, an individual who avoids
sugars completely could potentially
miss the multiple nutritional
benefits of milk products, fruits and
sweeter vegetables.
Glycaemic response and
Oligosaccharides are present in
a variety of vegetables and legumes
such as onions and beans, and in
smaller quantities in carbohydrates
with a larger molecular weight such
as wheat and rye (SACN 2015).
Oligosaccharides are composed
of 3-9 monomer units and are
typically considered non-digestible,
and therefore non-glycaemic
in their natural form (SACN
2015). One exception is synthetic
maltodextrin, which is widely used
as an additive in the food industry
and is easily digestible. Synthetic
maltodextrin aside, oligosaccharides
avoid normal enzymic digestion
in the small intestine and travel to
the colon where fermentation by
specific-strains of bacteria takes
place. Oligosaccharides are one
of the carbohydrates identified as
having prebiotic properties, which
is important because prebiotics
support the proliferation of
strains of bacteria associated with
gut health. The fermentation of
oligosaccharides in the colon results
in the production of short-chain
fatty acids, which reduces the pH
of the gut lumen. As a result, the
increasingly acidic environment
supports the expulsion – as opposed
to re-absorption – of cholesterol-
containing metabolites such as
those found in bile salts. This is
one mechanism whereby prebiotics
positively affect blood cholesterol
levels (Lean and Combet 2017).
Although the role of gut microbiota
is yet to be fully defined, colon
microbiota, the pH of the gut
lumen and the presence of short-
chain fatty acids are significantly
associated with colorectal health
and effective gut function in general
(SACN 2015).
Box 1 details the carbohydrates
known to have prebiotic properties.
Glycaemic response and
Polysaccharides including starch
are characterised by extended
chains of monomer units.
Starch is comprised of glucose
monomer units, which means
that it has glycaemic potential.
However, research suggests that
the digestibility of starch can vary
substantially because the monomer
units exist naturally in either
straight or branched chains, which
are associated with various digestive
properties and levels of resistance
Key points
● Carbohydrates are a major source of dietary
energy and assist in the regulation of blood
glucose levels (Scientific Advisory Committee
on Nutrition 2015). Although carbohydrates
are derived largely from plants, other common
sources of carbohydrate include milk sugars
and honey
● The most basic form of carbohydrate are
single monosaccharides monomer units (for
example, glucose), which bind with other
monomer units to form disaccharides (for
example, lactose) or polysaccharides (for
example, starch)
● The Eatwell Guide (Public Health England
2018) recommends that individuals include a
proportion of carbohydrate-dominant foods
in their diet, including fibre-rich foods such as
wholegrain cereals. Carbohydrate containing
fibre-rich foods such as pulses and fruits and
vegetables are also represented within the
Eatwell Guide
● The evidence strongly suggests that consuming
foods with a high percentage of added sugars
can negatively affect health; however, it does
not support the exclusion of other forms of
carbohydrate from the diet
80 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8
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evidence & practice
to enzymic activity (WHO and
FAO 1998, SACN 2015, Lean and
Combet 2017). This resistance to
enzymic activity broadly depends on
aspects such as:
» Processing, for example grinding
(including through mastication)
or fermentation which physically
breaks down the plant cell walls.
» Cooking, which results in
gelatinisation of the plant cell.
Consuming freshly cooked
starches optimises enzymic
access to the bonds between
the monomer units and hence
improves digestability.
» Cooling the starch before
consumption, which can reduce
enzymic activity as a result of
post-cooling structure changes at
the site of monomer unit bonds.
Higher fibre polysaccharides such as
wholegrains, seeds and outer skins
contain a range of components such
as cellulose, insulin and pectins,
which are not digestible but have
prebiotic properties (SACN 2015).
Previous definitions of fibrous
polysaccharides included the terms
‘soluble’ and ‘non-soluble’, which
refer to different types of fibres
(SACN 2015). For example, non-
soluble fibrous polysaccharides
include cellulose, while soluble
fibrous polysaccharides include
gums, mucilages and glucans.
However, the physiological
properties of soluble and non-
soluble fibrous polysaccharides are
less clearly defined than previously
thought. For example, both types
absorb water; both slow down gut
transit time and reduce absorption
of glycaemic carbohydrates; both
are fermentable; and both are found
Table 2. Carbohydrate classification according to molecular composition, alongside dietary examples
Form of carbohydrate Dietary examples
(Single monomer unit)
» Glucose in sweets, biscuits, fruit and honey
» Fructose in honey, fruit and vegetables
» Galactose in breast milk and animal milks
» Less common natural monosaccharides include:
» Other types of monosaccharide include synthetic polyols (sugar alcohols) that are resistant to
digestion in the small intestine, such as:
(Double monomer units)
» Sucrose in sugar beet or cane
» Lactose in milk
» Maltose in fermented grains
(3-9 monomer unit chain)
» Oligosaccharides are resistant to digestion in the small intestine and include:
–Fructosyl-sucroses in onions, leeks and garlic
–Galactosyl-sucroses in pulses
–Maltodextrins added to processed foods as a sweetener and texture modifier
(Straight or branched chains of ten or more
monomer units)
» Digestible starch, for example cooked pasta, potatoes, rice and oats
» Resistant starch, which is not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy humans, for example:
–Starch unavailable for enzymic digestion because of enclosure by fibrous cell walls such as
–Raw starch granules such as muesli flakes
–Cooked and cooled retrograded starch such as potato salad
Dietary fibre »
» The term ‘dietary fibre’ incorporates all carbohydrates that resist enzymic digestion in the small
intestine and reach the large intestine undigested. Colonic bacteria ferment the carbohydrate
components producing short-chain fatty acids and gases. Examples of dietary fibre include:
–Non-glycaemic polyols
–Resistant starch
(Adapted from World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015)
Table 3. Glucose content of
common disaccharides
Disaccharide Monomer units
Maltose Glucose plus glucose
Sucrose Glucose plus fructose
Lactose Glucose plus galactose
(Bender 2014)
Box 1. Carbohydrates
associated with prebiotic
» Polyols (sugar alcohols)
» Oligosaccharides
» Resistance starch
» Traditionally recognised dietary fibre
such as wholegrain bread, bran and
potato skins
(Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015)
volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 81
within intact plant cell walls (SACN
2015). Therefore, the SACN (2015)
suggests that the terms soluble and
non-soluble fibrous polysaccharides
should be replaced with the
collective term ‘dietary fibre’,
which includes all fermentable
polymeric carbohydrates of three
or more monomer units – including
oligosaccharides – that increase
faecal mass, as shown in Table 2.
Table 4 provides examples of the
carbohydrate content of various
common foods, to demonstrate
the range of carbohydrates
typically ingested in the diet of
a UK individual.
Patient education
As front-line healthcare
professionals, nurses are in a prime
position to reduce confusion
about carbohydrates and directly
influence the health of patients and
the general public (Winslade et al
2013). Nurses can use the Eatwell
Guide (Figure 1) (PHE 2018) as
a starting point when providing
patients with dietary advice.
Fibrous carbohydrates are refined
to make them more attractive
for human consumption, for
example white bread is processed
to remove wheat germ and bran.
Various physiological, social and
psychological factors will influence
dietary choice; for example, an
individual may choose to consume
certain foods because of their health
benefits, for social occasions such
as religious holidays, or based on
personal flavour preferences (Gandy
2014, Lean and Combet 2017).
Therefore, it would be unrealistic
for nurses to suggest that patients
avoid all refined carbohydrate.
Furthermore, even after
refinement, the total fibre content
of refined carbohydrates may be
significant. For example, Table 4
shows that the fibre content of 100g
of white bread (approximately
two thick slices), is higher than
that found in the same weight
(approximately two to three
tablespoons) of wholegrain rice.
In addition to enabling effective
micronutrient fortification, a positive
result of the fibre reduction involved
in the process of producing refined
flour is that it directly correlates
with a reduction in the presence
of phytic acid, which reduces the
absorption of minerals such as iron
and calcium (Lean and Combet
2017). In addition, the colonic
fermentation of carbohydrates
with prebiotic properties (Box 1)
may stimulate mineral absorption
and approximately 5% of calcium
absorption has been shown to occur
in the colon (SACN 2015). These
points demonstrate the complexity
of this food group and that even
refined fibre polysaccharide
carbohydrates have nutritional value.
However, portion control remains
important for the maintenance of
a healthy weight.
While food types such as pasta
or bread are often regarded as
predominantly comprising a single
nutrient such as carbohydrate, in
reality this is rarely the case; for
example, pasta can contain proteins
and some fats (PHE 2014). When
providing dietary advice to patients,
nurses should recommend variety,
balance and moderation to support
them to achieve targets set by
dietary guidelines (Lawrence and
Worsley 2007, PHE 2018).
UK legislation on refined flour
fortification, alongside voluntary
action on cereal fortification by
the food industry, has considerably
improved the micronutrient intake
for vulnerable groups such as those
who are pregnant and adolescents,
or in people with reduced food
intake such as older adults (PHE and
FSA 2014, Lean and Combet 2017).
As part of its responsibility
to consider and respond to the
evidence base, PHE (2018)
supports the consumption of foods
containing starchy carbohydrates
such as cooked pasta, potatoes, rice
and oats as a substantial part of
a healthy diet, while encouraging
consumption of higher-fibre options
such as potatoes with the skins
intact and pulses. When discussing
healthy eating with patients, nurses
should consider that milk sugars,
carbohydrates naturally present
in fruit and vegetables, including
pulses, and fibre-containing starches,
are recommended as part of
a healthy and balanced diet.
Carbohydrates are a large and
complex food group, which includes
various commonly consumed
foods. The evidence strongly
suggests that consuming foods
with a high percentage of added
sugars can negatively affect health;
however, the evidence does not
support the exclusion of other
forms of carbohydrate from the
diet. Nurses are ideally placed to
provide dietary advice to patients
and the general public to promote
healthy eating, which includes
a variety of carbohydrates as part of
a balanced diet.
Table 4. Examples of the carbohydrate content of various common foods
Food (per 100g) Total
carbohydrate (g)
Total dietary
fibre (g)
sugars (g)
White bread 49.9 2.9 2.9 Trace 0 0.2 Trace 2.7
Wholegrain rice (boiled) 29.2 1.5 0.1 Trace 0 Trace 0.1 0
Peas 11.2 5.5 5.9 Trace 0 Trace 5.9 0
Pear 10.9 2.7 10.9 3.1 0 6.6 1.2 0
Low-fat fruit yoghurt 13.7 0.3 12.7 Trace 4.4 1.0 6.1 0.3
Semi-skimmed milk 4.7 0 4.7 0 4.7 0 0 0
(Public Health England 2014)
Write for us
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For author
82 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8
nutrition /
evidence & practice
Bender DA (2014) Introduction to Nutrition
and Metabolism. Fifth edition. CRC Press,
Boca Raton FL.
Dennett C (2016) Busting the Top 10 Carb Myths.
shtml (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
Department of Health (1991) Dietary Reference
Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the
United Kingdom: Report of the Panel on Dietary
Reference Values of the Committee on Medical
Aspects of Food Policy. The Stationery Office,
Gandy J (2014) Manual of Dietetic Practice. Fifth
edition. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford.
Geissler C, Powers HJ (Eds) (2005) Human
Nutrition. Seventh edition. Churchill Livingstone,
Lawrence M, Worsley T (Eds) (2007) Public Health
Nutrition: From Principles to Practice. Open
University Press, Maidenhead.
Lean M, Combet E (2017) Barasi’s Human Nutition:
A Health Perspective. Third edition. CRC Press,
Ludwig DS, Hu FB, Tappy L et al (2018) Dietary
carbohydrates: role of quality and quantity in
chronic disease. BMJ. 361, k2340. doi: 10.1136/
McCance RA, Lawrence RD (1929) The
Carbohydrate Content of Foods. The Stationery
Office, London.
Public Health England (2014) McCance and
Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods. Seventh
summary edition. Royal Society of Chemistry,
Public Health England (2018) The Eatwell Guide.
eatwell-guide (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
Public Health England, Food Standards Agency
(2014) National Diet and Nutrition Survey: Results
from Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Combined) of the Rolling
Programme (2008/2009–2011/2012). Executive
Summary. PHE, London.
Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (2015)
Carbohydrates and Health. The Stationery Office,
Spritzler F (2016) 15 Easy Ways to Reduce
Your Carbohydrate Intake. www.healthline.
(Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
Tedstone A (2017) Public Health Matters:
Clearing up Confusion Caused by Flip-Flopping
Diet News. https://publichealthmatters.
(Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
The British Dietetic Association (2018)
Food Fact Sheet: Diabetes – Type 2. www.
(Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
Winslade J, Barber N, Williams H (2013) Public
health is every nurse’s responsibility. Nursing
Times. 109, 24, 12-13.
World Cancer Research Fund, American
Institute for Cancer Research (2007) Summary.
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the
Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective.
(Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
World Health Organization, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (1998) Carbohydrates in Human
(Last accessed: 18 July 2019.)
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  • 1. 76 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8 | PEER-REVIEWED | nutrition / evidence & practice Permission To reuse this article or for information about reprints and permissions, contact Abstract In recent years, the regulation of carbohydrate intake has become regarded as essential to achieve a balanced diet, with a range of health benefits attributed to low-carbohydrate diets. However, much of the advice on reduced carbohydrate intake does not reflect government-led dietary guidelines. As a result of this conflicting information, patients requiring assistance with weight management or glycaemic control may become confused about the appropriate carbohydrate intake, or be encouraged to experiment with ‘fad’ diets. As front-line healthcare professionals, nurses are in a prime position to advise patients on carbohydrate intake, as well as signposting them to evidence-based dietary resources. This article outlines the constituents of dietary carbohydrate, considers the health benefits of carbohydrates, and explains their importance as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Author details Shirley Hinde, registered dietitian and senior lecturer in nutrition, Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences, Centre for Nutrition and Dietetics, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Cardiff, Wales Keywords diet, health promotion, healthy eating, meals, nutrition, nutritional intake, nutritional requirements, nutritional support, public health Carbohydrates comprise a significant food group that provide a major source of dietary energy and assist in the regulation of blood glucose levels (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) 2015). They are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. There are various forms of carbohydrates, from soluble monosaccharide molecules, such as glucose, to complex indigestible fibres (World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 1998). Although carbohydrates are derived largely from plants, other common sources of carbohydrate include milk sugars and honey (Public Health England (PHE) and Food Standards Agency (FSA) 2014). Carbohydrates can be classified by molecular size, digestibility and glycaemic response (SACN 2015). In addition to energy provision, foods with a significant carbohydrate content are a beneficial source of micronutrients, including iron, zinc and B vitamins (PHE and FSA 2014, Lean and Combet 2017). Diets high in unrefined fibre-rich carbohydrates – such as plant-based foods – also have anti-carcinoma and cardio-protective benefits, while the relatively low calorie contribution of these carbohydrates has the potential to assist in weight management and improve glycaemic control (World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research 2007, SACN 2015). Conversely, the consumption of carbohydrate in the form of simple sugars is associated with dental caries (SACN 2015), while highly refined starches are associated with suboptimal glycaemic control (The British Dietetic Association 2018). This article aims to clarify the constituents of dietary carbohydrate, to consider the health benefits of carbohydrates, and to emphasise their importance as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Carbohydrates and public health In recent years, the important role of carbohydrates as part of a healthy diet has Citation Hinde S (2019) Understanding the role of carbohydrates in optimal nutrition. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2019.e11323 Peer review This article has been subject to external double-blind peer review and checked for plagiarism using automated software Correspondence Conflict of interest None declared Accepted 20 May 2019 Published online July 2019 Why you should read this article: ● ● To enhance your knowledge of the forms of carbohydrate and their classification ● ● To understand the health effects of various forms of carbohydrate ● ● To provide appropriate nutritional advice to patients on the role of carbohydrates as part of a healthy and balanced diet Understanding the role of carbohydrates in optimal nutrition Shirley Hinde
  • 2. volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 77 | PEER-REVIEWED | been dismissed by some sections of the health media, with multiple articles detailing the supposed nutritional benefits of removing or reducing dietary carbohydrate intake (Spritzler 2016). The suggested health benefits of a reduced carbohydrate intake include weight loss, reduced gastrointestinal conditions, and improved brain function and energy levels (Dennett 2016). However, the promotion of a reduced- carbohydrate diet often contradicts government-led evidence-based guidelines on healthy eating, such as the Eatwell Guide (Figure 1) (PHE 2018). The Eatwell Guide (PHE 2018) recommends that individuals include a proportion of carbohydrate-dominant foods in their diet, including fibre-rich foods such as wholegrain cereals. Carbohydrate containing fibre-rich foods such as pulses and fruits and vegetables are also represented within the Eatwell Guide. It also recommends that foods high in sugar, fat and salt should be consumed occasionally and not considered a necessary or regular part of a healthy diet (PHE 2018). One important challenge in ensuring effective public health provision is to address any confusion around healthy eating among the general public (Tedstone 2017). Part of the role of healthcare professionals such as nurses is to reduce any misunderstandings around lifestyle factors that may lead to suboptimal health (Tedstone 2017). Therefore, nurses must fully understand the role of carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet, and use their communication skills to promote effective healthy eating messages. When providing public health messages, another consideration is whether the message is too simplistic, resulting in scientific inaccuracy. For example, a public health message that might be effective for those with type 2 diabetes mellitus could be that ‘All types of carbohydrate will increase your blood glucose level’ (The British Dietetic Association 2018). This is an unambiguous message that may be appropriate in some clinical situations and with particular patient groups. However, it is not scientifically accurate to state that all types of carbohydrate increase blood glucose levels; therefore, promoting such a broad message does not support complete understanding of carbohydrates among the general public. Carbohydrate classification One seminal theory is that there are two types of carbohydrate: physiologically available carbohydrate (able to be metabolised) such as starches and sugars, and physiologically unavailable carbohydrate (unable to be metabolised) such as fibre (McCance and Lawrence 1929, WHO and FAO 1998). However, it is now recognised that this theory does not represent the complete story, because while so-called unavailable carbohydrates such as fibre may not provide energy Crisps Raisins Frozen peas Lentils Soya drink Cous Cous pasta Whole wheat Bagels Porridge Low fat soft cheese Tuna Plain nuts peas Chick Semi milk skimmed Chopped tomatoes lower salt and sugar Beans Whole grain cereal Potatoes Spaghetti Low fat Plain yoghurt Lean mince Lower fat spread Sauce Oil Veg Rice Each serving (150g) contains of an adult’s reference intake Typical values (as sold) per 100g: 697kJ/ 167kcal Check the label on packaged foods Energy 1046kJ 250kcal Fat Saturates Sugars Salt 3.0g 1.3g 34g 0.9g 15% 38% 7% 4% 13% Choose foods lower in fat, salt and sugars Source: Public Health England in association with the Welsh Government, Food Standards Scotland and the Food Standards Agency in Northern Ireland © Crown copyright 2016 Use the Eatwell Guide to help you get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food. It shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group. Eatwell Guide 2000kcal 2500kcal = ALL FOOD + ALL DRINKS Per day Eat less often and in small amounts Choose lower fat and lower sugar options Eat more beans and pulses, 2 portions of sustainably sourced fish per week, one of which is oily. Eat less red and processed meat Potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and ot h e r s t a r c h y c a r b o h y d r a t e s Choose wholegrain or higher fibre versions w i t h l e s s a d d e d f a t , s a l t a n d s u g a r F r u i t a n d vegetables Oil & spreads E a t a t l e a s t 5 p o r t i o n s o f a variety of fruit and vegetables every day LOW LOW HIGH MED Choose unsaturated oils and use in small amounts Dairy and alternatives Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins 6-8 a day Water, lower fat milk, sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count. Limit fruit juice and/or smoothies to a total of 150ml a day. Figure 1. Eatwell Guide (Public Health England 2018)
  • 3. 78 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8 nutrition / evidence & practice | PEER-REVIEWED | via glucose metabolism, fibres can provide energy once they are fermented in the large intestine. Therefore, the terms ‘glycaemic’ and ‘non-glycaemic’ carbohydrate are preferred (WHO and FAO 1998, SACN 2015), and provide a useful classification for nurses who are seeking to understand the physiological role of carbohydrate. Table 1 compares these theories on the physiological use of ingested carbohydrate. The most basic form of carbohydrate are single monosaccharides monomer units (for example, glucose), which bind with other monomer units to form disaccharides (for example, lactose) or polysaccharides (for example, starch). Therefore, carbohydrates can be classified in terms of molecular size and complexity. Table 2 provides a simple representation of carbohydrate classification according to molecular composition, alongside dietary examples. The sweetness associated with the smaller carbohydrate molecule reduces with increased molecular size and solubility, for example from honey or syrup to rice and pulses (Geissler and Powers 2005). In the author’s clinical experience, a simpler classification that could be useful for nurses is one based on digestibility and subsequent glycaemic response. Blood glucose levels rise in response to the consumption of digestible carbohydrate, allowing the body to use glucose to provide energy. In general, carbohydrates with smaller molecular structures – such as glucose, lactose and maltose – are efficiently digested and absorbed in the human gut. However, not all carbohydrates produce a glycaemic response, irrespective of their size and digestibility (Bender 2014, SACN 2015). Therefore, it is important for nurses to understand the physiological effects of carbohydrates of various sizes. Glycaemic response and monosaccharides The monosaccharide glucose is the body’s preferred energy substrate and is readily absorbed from the intestine. The resulting rise in blood glucose levels and subsequent insulin response is crucial because it enables the rapid use of glucose for energy metabolism. However, the physiological mechanisms that control blood glucose levels can be subject to strain, for example by excessive weight or obesity (Bender 2014, Gandy 2014). The resulting chronic high blood glucose levels and development of insulin resistance has significant long-term consequences for health and quality of life. The monosaccharide fructose is commonly referred to as fruit sugar; however, fructose is also found in sweet-tasting vegetables. The association between fructose, glycaemic response and energy metabolism is complex, and for the scope of this article it is sufficient to understand that the significant amounts of dietary fructose in modern Western diets negatively affects health (Ludwig et al 2018). This negative association is not seen with the consumption of whole fruit and vegetables (World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research 2007). Other natural monosaccharides include mannose and xylose (Table 2). These are present in small amounts in products such as beer, fruit and milk, and comprise a small element of the average person’s diet in the UK (PHE 2014, PHE and FSA 2014). The food industry has developed synthetic equivalents from monosaccharides, which are collectively known as polyols or sugar alcohols. While polyols are not digested in the small intestine and therefore do not produce a glycaemic response (SACN 2015), they are still classified as carbohydrates. Like other non- glycaemic carbohydrates, polyols are fermented by colonic bacteria. One by-product of the fermentation process is the production of short-chain fatty acids, which are a potential energy substrate and can be absorbed and metabolised for energy. Table 1. Comparison of theories on the physiological use of ingested carbohydrate Theory Types Description Examples Theory based on availability of carbohydrate to provide energy Physiologically available carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is digested in the small intestine, absorbed, then available for energy metabolism Starches and sugars Physiologically unavailable carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is not digested nor absorbed and remains unavailable for energy metabolism. This type of carbohydrate also increases faecal mass Non-starch dietary fibre Theory based on the glycaemic response of carbohydrate Glycaemic carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is digested and absorbed in the small intestine, consequently raising blood glucose and stimulating insulin secretion (producing a glycaemic response) Starches and sugars Non-glycaemic carbohydrate Carbohydrate that is not digested in the small intestine and does not produce a glycaemic response, but is instead digested by bacteria in the colon. The products of the subsequent fermentation in the colon (short-chain fatty acids) are available for energy metabolism. This type of carbohydrate also increases faecal mass Polyols, oligosaccharides, resistant starch and fibres (Adapted from World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015)
  • 4. volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 79 | PEER-REVIEWED | Glycaemic response and disaccharides Disaccharides comprise two monomer units that are bound together. Disaccharides break down into their monomer components in the small intestine and can then be absorbed to produce a glycaemic response. The amount of glucose present in common disaccharides varies as demonstrated in Table 3. UK food labelling legislation for back of product labels requires the inclusion: ‘of which sugars’. The figures used on the label are drawn from laboratory analysis of, in the case of sugars, all monosaccharides and disaccharides within any given product. The analysis does not differentiate between milk sugar (lactose), fruit sugar (fructose) or added sugars such as sucrose. This is a potential source of confusion for consumers who are seeking to avoid dietary sugars because it may lead to restricted choices. Before the SACN (2015) review of carbohydrates and health, sugars were defined by the scientific community as milk sugars, intrinsic sugars (those found within plant cell walls), and non-milk extrinsic sugars (Department of Health (DH) 1991). The SACN (2015) adopted the term ‘free sugars’. The definition of free sugars remains the same as the previously termed non- milk extrinsic sugars, namely ‘all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, plus sugars naturally present in honey, syrups and unsweetened fruit juices’ (SACN 2015). UK guidance on the intake of free sugars has changed over time. In 1991, the DH recommended that non-milk extrinsic sugars should constitute less than 11% of an individual’s dietary energy; since 2015, the SACN has recommended that free sugars should not exceed 5% of an individual’s total dietary energy after the age of two years. In particular, the SACN (2015) details the need to minimise the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages for both children and adults. These recommendations have been incorporated into the Eatwell Guide (PHE 2018). The negative effects associated with sugars result from them being generally easy to consume in high volumes, especially when present in drinks, and there is clear association between higher consumption of free sugars and higher energy intakes (SACN 2015). In addition to the increased calorie consumption, the lack of fibre in sugary drinks increases the glycaemic response, although this depends on the type of sugar involved (SACN 2015). For example, drinks containing sucrose (a disaccharide) result in a higher glycaemic response than drinks containing fructose (a monosaccharide). However, crucially, an individual who avoids sugars completely could potentially miss the multiple nutritional benefits of milk products, fruits and sweeter vegetables. Glycaemic response and oligosaccharides Oligosaccharides are present in a variety of vegetables and legumes such as onions and beans, and in smaller quantities in carbohydrates with a larger molecular weight such as wheat and rye (SACN 2015). Oligosaccharides are composed of 3-9 monomer units and are typically considered non-digestible, and therefore non-glycaemic in their natural form (SACN 2015). One exception is synthetic maltodextrin, which is widely used as an additive in the food industry and is easily digestible. Synthetic maltodextrin aside, oligosaccharides avoid normal enzymic digestion in the small intestine and travel to the colon where fermentation by specific-strains of bacteria takes place. Oligosaccharides are one of the carbohydrates identified as having prebiotic properties, which is important because prebiotics support the proliferation of strains of bacteria associated with gut health. The fermentation of oligosaccharides in the colon results in the production of short-chain fatty acids, which reduces the pH of the gut lumen. As a result, the increasingly acidic environment supports the expulsion – as opposed to re-absorption – of cholesterol- containing metabolites such as those found in bile salts. This is one mechanism whereby prebiotics positively affect blood cholesterol levels (Lean and Combet 2017). Although the role of gut microbiota is yet to be fully defined, colon microbiota, the pH of the gut lumen and the presence of short- chain fatty acids are significantly associated with colorectal health and effective gut function in general (SACN 2015). Box 1 details the carbohydrates known to have prebiotic properties. Glycaemic response and polysaccharides Polysaccharides including starch are characterised by extended chains of monomer units. Starch is comprised of glucose monomer units, which means that it has glycaemic potential. However, research suggests that the digestibility of starch can vary substantially because the monomer units exist naturally in either straight or branched chains, which are associated with various digestive properties and levels of resistance Key points ● ● Carbohydrates are a major source of dietary energy and assist in the regulation of blood glucose levels (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015). Although carbohydrates are derived largely from plants, other common sources of carbohydrate include milk sugars and honey ● ● The most basic form of carbohydrate are single monosaccharides monomer units (for example, glucose), which bind with other monomer units to form disaccharides (for example, lactose) or polysaccharides (for example, starch) ● ● The Eatwell Guide (Public Health England 2018) recommends that individuals include a proportion of carbohydrate-dominant foods in their diet, including fibre-rich foods such as wholegrain cereals. Carbohydrate containing fibre-rich foods such as pulses and fruits and vegetables are also represented within the Eatwell Guide ● ● The evidence strongly suggests that consuming foods with a high percentage of added sugars can negatively affect health; however, it does not support the exclusion of other forms of carbohydrate from the diet
  • 5. 80 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8 nutrition / evidence & practice | PEER-REVIEWED | to enzymic activity (WHO and FAO 1998, SACN 2015, Lean and Combet 2017). This resistance to enzymic activity broadly depends on aspects such as: » » Processing, for example grinding (including through mastication) or fermentation which physically breaks down the plant cell walls. » » Cooking, which results in gelatinisation of the plant cell. Consuming freshly cooked starches optimises enzymic access to the bonds between the monomer units and hence improves digestability. » » Cooling the starch before consumption, which can reduce enzymic activity as a result of post-cooling structure changes at the site of monomer unit bonds. Higher fibre polysaccharides such as wholegrains, seeds and outer skins contain a range of components such as cellulose, insulin and pectins, which are not digestible but have prebiotic properties (SACN 2015). Previous definitions of fibrous polysaccharides included the terms ‘soluble’ and ‘non-soluble’, which refer to different types of fibres (SACN 2015). For example, non- soluble fibrous polysaccharides include cellulose, while soluble fibrous polysaccharides include gums, mucilages and glucans. However, the physiological properties of soluble and non- soluble fibrous polysaccharides are less clearly defined than previously thought. For example, both types absorb water; both slow down gut transit time and reduce absorption of glycaemic carbohydrates; both are fermentable; and both are found Table 2. Carbohydrate classification according to molecular composition, alongside dietary examples Form of carbohydrate Dietary examples Monosaccharides (Single monomer unit) » » Glucose in sweets, biscuits, fruit and honey » » Fructose in honey, fruit and vegetables » » Galactose in breast milk and animal milks » » Less common natural monosaccharides include: – –Mannose – –Xylose – –Arabinose – –Fucose » » Other types of monosaccharide include synthetic polyols (sugar alcohols) that are resistant to digestion in the small intestine, such as: – –Mannitol – –Xylitol – –Sorbitol Disaccharides (Double monomer units) » » Sucrose in sugar beet or cane » » Lactose in milk » » Maltose in fermented grains Oligosaccharides (3-9 monomer unit chain) » » Oligosaccharides are resistant to digestion in the small intestine and include: – –Fructosyl-sucroses in onions, leeks and garlic – –Galactosyl-sucroses in pulses – –Maltodextrins added to processed foods as a sweetener and texture modifier Polysaccharides (Straight or branched chains of ten or more monomer units) » » Digestible starch, for example cooked pasta, potatoes, rice and oats » » Resistant starch, which is not absorbed in the small intestine of healthy humans, for example: – –Starch unavailable for enzymic digestion because of enclosure by fibrous cell walls such as sweetcorn – –Raw starch granules such as muesli flakes – –Cooked and cooled retrograded starch such as potato salad Dietary fibre » » The term ‘dietary fibre’ incorporates all carbohydrates that resist enzymic digestion in the small intestine and reach the large intestine undigested. Colonic bacteria ferment the carbohydrate components producing short-chain fatty acids and gases. Examples of dietary fibre include: – –Non-glycaemic polyols – –Oligosaccharides – –Resistant starch (Adapted from World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998, Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015) Table 3. Glucose content of common disaccharides Disaccharide Monomer units Maltose Glucose plus glucose Sucrose Glucose plus fructose Lactose Glucose plus galactose (Bender 2014) Box 1. Carbohydrates associated with prebiotic properties » » Polyols (sugar alcohols) » » Oligosaccharides » » Resistance starch » » Traditionally recognised dietary fibre such as wholegrain bread, bran and potato skins (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition 2015)
  • 6. volume 34 number 8 / August 2019 / 81 | PEER-REVIEWED | within intact plant cell walls (SACN 2015). Therefore, the SACN (2015) suggests that the terms soluble and non-soluble fibrous polysaccharides should be replaced with the collective term ‘dietary fibre’, which includes all fermentable polymeric carbohydrates of three or more monomer units – including oligosaccharides – that increase faecal mass, as shown in Table 2. Table 4 provides examples of the carbohydrate content of various common foods, to demonstrate the range of carbohydrates typically ingested in the diet of a UK individual. Patient education As front-line healthcare professionals, nurses are in a prime position to reduce confusion about carbohydrates and directly influence the health of patients and the general public (Winslade et al 2013). Nurses can use the Eatwell Guide (Figure 1) (PHE 2018) as a starting point when providing patients with dietary advice. Fibrous carbohydrates are refined to make them more attractive for human consumption, for example white bread is processed to remove wheat germ and bran. Various physiological, social and psychological factors will influence dietary choice; for example, an individual may choose to consume certain foods because of their health benefits, for social occasions such as religious holidays, or based on personal flavour preferences (Gandy 2014, Lean and Combet 2017). Therefore, it would be unrealistic for nurses to suggest that patients avoid all refined carbohydrate. Furthermore, even after refinement, the total fibre content of refined carbohydrates may be significant. For example, Table 4 shows that the fibre content of 100g of white bread (approximately two thick slices), is higher than that found in the same weight (approximately two to three tablespoons) of wholegrain rice. In addition to enabling effective micronutrient fortification, a positive result of the fibre reduction involved in the process of producing refined flour is that it directly correlates with a reduction in the presence of phytic acid, which reduces the absorption of minerals such as iron and calcium (Lean and Combet 2017). In addition, the colonic fermentation of carbohydrates with prebiotic properties (Box 1) may stimulate mineral absorption and approximately 5% of calcium absorption has been shown to occur in the colon (SACN 2015). These points demonstrate the complexity of this food group and that even refined fibre polysaccharide carbohydrates have nutritional value. However, portion control remains important for the maintenance of a healthy weight. While food types such as pasta or bread are often regarded as predominantly comprising a single nutrient such as carbohydrate, in reality this is rarely the case; for example, pasta can contain proteins and some fats (PHE 2014). When providing dietary advice to patients, nurses should recommend variety, balance and moderation to support them to achieve targets set by dietary guidelines (Lawrence and Worsley 2007, PHE 2018). UK legislation on refined flour fortification, alongside voluntary action on cereal fortification by the food industry, has considerably improved the micronutrient intake for vulnerable groups such as those who are pregnant and adolescents, or in people with reduced food intake such as older adults (PHE and FSA 2014, Lean and Combet 2017). As part of its responsibility to consider and respond to the evidence base, PHE (2018) supports the consumption of foods containing starchy carbohydrates such as cooked pasta, potatoes, rice and oats as a substantial part of a healthy diet, while encouraging consumption of higher-fibre options such as potatoes with the skins intact and pulses. When discussing healthy eating with patients, nurses should consider that milk sugars, carbohydrates naturally present in fruit and vegetables, including pulses, and fibre-containing starches, are recommended as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Conclusion Carbohydrates are a large and complex food group, which includes various commonly consumed foods. The evidence strongly suggests that consuming foods with a high percentage of added sugars can negatively affect health; however, the evidence does not support the exclusion of other forms of carbohydrate from the diet. Nurses are ideally placed to provide dietary advice to patients and the general public to promote healthy eating, which includes a variety of carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet. Table 4. Examples of the carbohydrate content of various common foods Food (per 100g) Total carbohydrate (g) Total dietary fibre (g) Total sugars (g) Glucose (g) Lactose (g) Fructose (g) Sucrose (g) Maltose (g) White bread 49.9 2.9 2.9 Trace 0 0.2 Trace 2.7 Wholegrain rice (boiled) 29.2 1.5 0.1 Trace 0 Trace 0.1 0 Peas 11.2 5.5 5.9 Trace 0 Trace 5.9 0 Pear 10.9 2.7 10.9 3.1 0 6.6 1.2 0 Low-fat fruit yoghurt 13.7 0.3 12.7 Trace 4.4 1.0 6.1 0.3 Semi-skimmed milk 4.7 0 4.7 0 4.7 0 0 0 (Public Health England 2014) Write for us For information about writing for RCNi journals, contact writeforus@ For author guidelines, visit writeforus
  • 7. 82 / August 2019 / volume 34 number 8 nutrition / evidence & practice | PEER-REVIEWED | References Bender DA (2014) Introduction to Nutrition and Metabolism. Fifth edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton FL. Dennett C (2016) Busting the Top 10 Carb Myths. shtml (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) Department of Health (1991) Dietary Reference Values for Food Energy and Nutrients for the United Kingdom: Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy. The Stationery Office, London. Gandy J (2014) Manual of Dietetic Practice. Fifth edition. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford. Geissler C, Powers HJ (Eds) (2005) Human Nutrition. Seventh edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Lawrence M, Worsley T (Eds) (2007) Public Health Nutrition: From Principles to Practice. Open University Press, Maidenhead. Lean M, Combet E (2017) Barasi’s Human Nutition: A Health Perspective. Third edition. CRC Press, London. Ludwig DS, Hu FB, Tappy L et al (2018) Dietary carbohydrates: role of quality and quantity in chronic disease. BMJ. 361, k2340. doi: 10.1136/ bmj.k2340. McCance RA, Lawrence RD (1929) The Carbohydrate Content of Foods. The Stationery Office, London. Public Health England (2014) McCance and Widdowson’s The Composition of Foods. Seventh summary edition. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge. Public Health England (2018) The Eatwell Guide. eatwell-guide (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) Public Health England, Food Standards Agency (2014) National Diet and Nutrition Survey: Results from Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Combined) of the Rolling Programme (2008/2009–2011/2012). Executive Summary. PHE, London. Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (2015) Carbohydrates and Health. The Stationery Office, London. Spritzler F (2016) 15 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Carbohydrate Intake. www.healthline. com/nutrition/15-ways-to-eat-less-carbs (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) Tedstone A (2017) Public Health Matters: Clearing up Confusion Caused by Flip-Flopping Diet News. https://publichealthmatters. confusion-caused-by-flip-flopping-diet-news (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) The British Dietetic Association (2018) Food Fact Sheet: Diabetes – Type 2. www. (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) Winslade J, Barber N, Williams H (2013) Public health is every nurse’s responsibility. Nursing Times. 109, 24, 12-13. World Cancer Research Fund, American Institute for Cancer Research (2007) Summary. Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective. (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (1998) Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition. nutrientrequirements/9251041148/en (Last accessed: 18 July 2019.) Register on today Register for the latest news, revalidation support and three FREE CPD modules Registration takes less than a minute and unlocks access to these FREE nursing resources: w The online newsroom featuring our award-winning news coverage w Three trial modules on RCNi Learning, our interactive learning tool featuring RCN accredited, practice-based clinical content w Nursing Standard daily e-newsletters delivering all the latest news and policy updates straight to your inbox, five days a week w Revalidation support materials to help you advance in your career and meet the NMC’s requirements 10672 NS register HP HA.indd 1 16/11/2018 15:20