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Caribbean Studies
Past paper questions
1. Define the term‘CommonwealthCaribbean’. 2 marks
2. Name TWO geographical sub-regionsinthe Caribbean. 2 marks
3. IdentifyTWOterritorieswhichare locatedinthe Caribbeanbutare not politicallydefinedasthe Caribbean.
2 marks
4. Outline ONEadvantage of definingthe Caribbeanin geographical terms. 2 marks
5. Outline ONEdisadvantageof usinga geological basisfordefiningthe Caribbean. 2 marks
6. ExplainwhyMexicoissometimesdescribedasCaribbean. 2 marks
7. “Plural Society”isa termusedby some authorsto describe societyandculture inthe Caribbeantoday.Explainwhat
ismeantby plural society. 2 marks
8. “Plantationsociety”isanothertermusedtodescribe Caribbeansocietyandculture today.DescribebrieflyTWO
featuresof a plantationsociety. 4 marks
9. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘plantationsociety’. 2 marks
10. ExplainONEwayin whichplantationsocietyhascontributedtosocial stratification. 2 marks
11. Give THREE examplesof the wayinwhichthe term‘creole’isusedinthe Caribbean. 3 marks
12. On the map of the Caribbeanbelow:
a. Place the letter‘C’beside ONEterritorywhere Chinese indenturedlabourersworkedafteremancipation.
1 mark
b. Place the letter‘I’beside ONEterritorywhere large numbersof Indianindenturedlabourersworkedafter
emancipation. 1 mark
c. Place the letter‘J’beside one territorywhere Javanese indenturedlabourersworkedafteremancipation.
3 marks
d. State THREE conditionsof labourthatwere stipulatedinthe contractsof the indenturedlabourers. 3 marks
13. Use the same map above.
a. On the map of the Caribbeanabove:
i. Place the letter‘T” beside ONEterritoryinwhichthe TainoslivedwhenColumbusarrivedin1492.
ii. Place the letter‘K”beside ONETerritoryinwhichthe KalinagoslivedwhenChristopherColumbus
iii. Place the letter‘I’beside TWOterritoriesinwhichlarge numbersof indigenouspeople live today.
4 marks
b. State TWO ways inwhichindigenouspeople have shapedourunderstandingof Caribbeanidentity.
2 marks
14. Name TWO regional territoriestowhichlarge numbersof Caribbeanpeoplemigratedbetween1838 and 1920.
2 marks
15. Give tworeasonsfor the above migration. 4 marks
16. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘resistance’. 2 marks
17. Describe twowaysinwhichthe HaitianRevolutionimpactedCaribbeansocietyandculture. 4 marks
18. SuggestTWO waysinwhichCaribbeanpeople maybenefitfromthe CaribbeanCourtof Justice (CCJ).
6 marks
19. Define the term‘adultsuffrage’. 2 marks
20. Give ONE reasonwhythere wasagitationforadultsuffrage inthe Caribbeanduringthe earlytwentiethcentury.
2 marks
21. ExplainONEconsequence of the introductionof adultsuffrage inthe Caribbean. 2 marks
22. Give ONE reasonwhythe peasantryinthe Caribbeanwasable toacquire large plotsof landafter1838.
2 marks
23. Outline TWOmeasurestakenbythe planterstopreventthe growthof the peasantry. 2 marks
24. ExplainONEwayin whichthe peasantrycontributedtoCaribbeansociety. 2 marks
25. ExplainONEwayin whicheducationcontributedtoanew class formationinCaribbeansociety. 2 marks
26. Give THREE possible meaningsof the term‘creole’asisusedinCaribbeansocietyandculture. 6 marks
27. Usingan example formthe Caribbean,explainwhatismeantbythe term‘interculturation’. 3 marks
28. State TWO ways inwhichindigenouspeopleshave shapedourunderstandingof Caribbeanidentity. 2 marks
29. IdentifyTWOreligiouspracticesof Caribbean peoplewhichhave beeninfluencedbyIndo-Caribbeantraditions.
2 marks
30. IdentifyTWOreligiouspracticesinthe Caribbeanthathave beeninfluencedbyAfrican-Caribbeantraditions.
2 marks
31. ExplainONEwayin whicheitherIndo-CaribbeanorAfrican-Caribbeanreligionshave impactedonCaribbeanculture.
2 marks
32. IdentifyTWOsyncreticreligionsthatare practicedinthe Caribbean. 2 marks
33. Outline TWOfeaturesof Rastafari thatidentifyitasa religioninthe Caribbean. 4 marks
34. Define the term‘culinarypractices’. 2 marks
35. IdentifyTWOculinarypracticesthathave beeninheritedfromthe indigenouspeoplesof the Caribbean.
2 marks
36. State TWO ways inwhichEACH of the followinggroupshasinfluencedculinarypracticesinthe Caribbean.
a. Indigenouspeople
b. African-Caribbeanpeoples
c. Indo-Caribbeanpeople 6 marks
37. Describe ONEwayin whichIndo-Caribbeanpeopleshave influencedCaribbeanculture. 2 marks
38. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘colonial education’. 2 marks
39. Name TWO institutionsthatfacilitatedcolonialeducationinthe Caribbean. 2 marks
40. State TWO ways inwhichthe CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil hascontributedchangesineducationinthe
Caribbean. 2 marks
41. State TWO ways inwhichthe Universityof the WestIndies(UWI) hasfacilitatedtertiaryeducationinthe Caribbean.
2 marks
42. Define the term‘humanecology’. 2 marks
43. Explainthe wayinwhichnature was viewedinthe earlyyearsof Europeanconquestbythe:
a. Amerindians
b. Europeans 4 marks
44. Define the term‘environmental hazards’. 2 marks
45. Distinguishbetweengeographical hazardsandgeological hazards. 4 marks
46. Outline ONEeconomicconsequence of the impactof hurricanesonthe Caribbean. 2 marks
47. Outline TWOsocial consequence of the impactof hurricanesonthe Caribbean. 4 marks
48. State TWO ways inwhichdroughtsaffectsfoodproduction inthe Caribbean. 2 marks
49. Withthe aidof TWO examples,state howdroughtsmayaffectareasof life otherthan food production in the
Caribbean. 4 marks
50. Define the term‘plate tectonics’. 2 marks
51. Describe TWOways inwhich volcanicactivityhasinfluencedCaribbeansocietyandculture. 4 marks
52. Define the term‘hurricane’. 2 marks
53. State TWO factors that increase the damagingeffectsof hurricanesinthe Caribbean. 2 marks
54. State TWO measuresthatcan reduce the impactof hurricanesinthe Caribbean. 2 marks
55. Describe TWOways inwhichthe foreignmassmediainfluencethe interestsof Caribbeanpeople. 6 marks
56. Name TWO festivalsheldINorthAmericaorEurope that have beeninfluencedbyCaribbeanculture.2marks
57. Outline TWOwaysinwhichthe festivalsnamedabove helpNorthAmericansorEuropeanstounderstandCaribbean
culture. 2 marks
58. Outline TWOwaysinwhichthe festivalsnamedabove have animpactonthe economiesof countriesinNorth
Americaor Europe. 2 marks
1. Define the term‘percapitaincome’. 2 marks
2. State TWO reasonsper capitaincome isa relevantindicatorof development. 4 marks
3. Define the term‘internetpenetration’. 2 marks
4. State TWO reasonswhyinternetpenetrationisagoodmeasure of development. 4 marks
5. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘economicdevelopment’. 2 marks
6. State ONE indicatorof economicdevelopment. 1 mark
7. Explainhowthe indicatorof economicdevelopmentstatedabove influencessustainabledevelopment.
3 marks
8. Explainwhypopulationgrowthrate isan indicatorof economicdevelopment. 2 marks
9. Give ONE reasonwhyeconomicgrowthindicatorscanprovide onlyalimitedunderstandingof development.
2 marks
10. Define the term‘development’. 2 marks
11. State TWO indicatorsof development. 2 marks
12. Outline ONEchallengetodevelopmentfacedbyCaribbeancountries. 2 marks
13. Explainwhythe grossnational productpercapita isNOT an accurate indicatorof development. 2 marks
14. ExplainONEenvironmental indicatorthatcanbe usedasa measure of development. 2 marks
15. Name TWO institutionswhichfacilitate globalization. 2 marks
16. Describe ONEadvantage andONE disadvantage thatCaribbeancountriesface inborrowingmoneyfrom
international lendingagencies. 4 marks
17. Define the term‘transnationalcorporation’. 2 marks
18. Outline TWOcharacteristicsof transnational corporations. 4 marks
19. Define the term‘multinational corporation’. 2 marks
20. Outline TWOcharacteristicsof multinational corporations. 4 marks
21. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘ideology’. 2 marks
22. Name TWO political ideologiesthathave influencedCaribbeanthought. 2 marks
23. ExplainhowONEof the political ideologiesnamedabovehashindered orpromoteddevelopmentinthe Caribbean.
2 marks
24. Define the term ‘popularmovement’. 2 marks
25. ExplainTWOwaysin whichGarveyismmaybe consideredapopularmovement. 4 marks
26. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘negritude’. 2 marks
27. Name ONE personassociatedwiththe Negritudemovement. 1 mark
28. State three waysinwhichCaribbeanpeople benefitedfromthe negritude movement. 3 marks
29. Name the countryin whichthe negritude movementbegan. 1 mark
30. Give TWO reasonsforthe developmentof the Negritudemovement. 4 marks
31. Name ONE twentiethcenturymovementthatwasinfluencedbythe negritude movement. 1 mark
32. Describe THREE waysin whichIndo-Caribbeanpeopleshave contributedtothe developmentof Caribbeansociety
and culture. 6 marks
33. Name the individualwhocreatedthe policyknownas‘industrializationbyinvitation’. 1 mark
34. State ONE objective outlinedinthispolicy. 1 mark
35. Outline TWOadvantagesof thispolicyforCaribbeanterritories. 4 marks
36. Name the personwhowrote the ‘Communist Manifesto’. 1 mark
37. Name ONE Caribbeancountryinwhichthe political regime wasinfluencedbythe ideasexpressedinthe Communist
Manifesto. 1 mark
38. Describe TWOmeasureswhichthe Caribbeancountrynamedabove implementedinanattempttobringabout
social change. 4 marks
39. IdentifyTWOregional institutionsthatwere createdbefore the 1958 West IndiesFederation. 2 marks
40. State TWO reasonsfor the formationof the WestIndiesFederation. 2 marks
41. Name ONE institutionthatsurvivedafterthe collapse of the WestIndiesFederationandgive ONEreasonforits
survival. 2 marks
42. Outline THREEchallengestothe successof CARICOM. 6 marks
43. Explainthe role of EACH of the followingregional institutionsinthe developmentof the Caribbean:
a. Regional SecuritySystem(RSS)
b. CaribbeanCourtof Justice (CCJ) 6 marks
44. Explainthe role of EACH of the followingregional institutionsinthe developmentof the Caribbean:
a. CaribbeanInstitute of MediaandCommunication(CARIMAC)
b. Regional SecuritySystem(RSS) 6 marks
45. Outline ONEfactorthat ledtothe creationof the 1958 West IndiesFederation. 2 marks
46. ExplainTWOdifferencesbetweenthe 1958 WestIndiesFederationandCARICOM. 4 marks
47. IdentifyTWOsportsinwhichCaribbeanpeoplehave gainedinternationalrecognition. 2 marks
48. Withthe aidof TWO examples,explainhowsportstourismhascontributedtoCaribbean development.
4 marks
49. BrieflydescribeTHREEwaysin whichthe hostingof internationalsportingeventsinthe regioncanhave a direct
social impacton Caribbeanstates. 6 marks
50. SuggestONEway inwhichtourismcan increase its contributiontodevelopmentinCaribbean. 2 marks
51. Explainwhatis meantby the statementthatsocial justice basedonnatural rights. 3 marks
52. Showhowan identifiedbreachof social justice canaffectdevelopmentIthe Caribbean. 3 marks
53. IdentifyTWOof the basic humanrightsthat are guaranteedina sociallyjustsociety. 2 marks
54. ExplainTWOwaysin whicha breachof social Justice canaffectthe qualityof life inasociety. 4 marks
55. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘gender’. 2 marks
56. State TWO ways inwhichwomenhave experiencedgenderdiscriminationinthe workplace. 2 marks
57. ExplainONEwayin whichCaribbeanfeministmovementshave advancedthe cause of womeninthe Caribbean.
2 marks
58. Define the term‘natural disaster’. 2 marks
59. Withreference tospecificexamplesfromthe Caribbean,describeTWOwaysinwhichnatural disasterscanhinder
development. 4 marks
1. What isa researchstatement? 1 mark
2. Indicate whichONEof the followingisaresearchstatementandgive ONEreasonforyour choice. 3 marks
a. “Caribbeansocietycontinuestograpple withthe AIDSepidemic.”
b. “Indiscriminatesexualpracticeshave contributedtothe rise of casesof AIDS inthe Caribbean.”
3. You are requestedtoinvestigatethe incidence of violence inCaribbeanschools.
a. Write the hypothesisforyourresearch. 2 marks
b. Outline ONEwayinwhichhypothesisdiffersfromaproblemstatement. 2 marks
4. ‘The 2008 bicentenarycommemorationof the abolitionof the slave trade inenslavedAfricanscontributedverylittle
to the understandingof Caribbeanidentity.
a. Give ONE reasonthe above statementcanbe consideredahypothesis. 2 marks
b. State TWO reasonswhya researchstudyonthe hypothesisabove wouldbe important. 2 marks
5. State TWO methodsyouwoulduse inidentifyingaresearchproblem. 2 marks
a. Explainthe wayinwhichyouwouldascertainwhetheraresearchproblemhasalreadybeeninvestigated.
2 marks
6. A researchstudyinthe Caribbeanregionsoughttotestthe followinghypothesis:
‘The use of internetresourcesforeducational purposeshascontributedtothe moral decayinthe region.’
a. IdentifyONEindependentvariableinthe hypothesis. 1 mark
b. State ONE suitable researchmethodthatcouldbe usedtoundertake the studyabove. 1 mark
c. Give ONE reasonforthe choice of methodstate in(b) above. 2 marks
7. A researchisto be undertakenforwhichthe followinghypothesishasbeendefined:
“Facebookcreateselite Caribbeancyberculture communitiesinaglobal environment.”
a. IdentifyTWOvariablesinthishypothesis. 2 marks
b. IdentifyONEsuitabledatacollectionmethodthatcould be usedtoundertake thisstudy. 1 mark
c. Give ONE reasonforthe choice of methodabove. 1 mark
8. Explainwhatismeantby the limitationof the study. 2 marks
9. Explainwhythe limitationsof aresearchshouldbe includedinthe conclusionof areport. 2 marks
10. State TWO elementsotherthanlimitationswhichshouldbe includedinthe conclusionof the report.2marks
11. Give TWO reasonswhya bibliographyisneededinaresearchreport. 2 marks
12. Explainwhyitisimportantto include referencesinaresearchreport. 2 marks
13. Explainwhyitisimportantto include newandinterestingfindingsaresearchreport. 2 marks
14. The Ministerof the Environmenthasrequestedthatyouinvestigate the reasonsforcoastal pollutioninaCaribbean
a. IdentifyTWOmethodsyouwoulduse inyourinvestigation. 2 marks
b. IdentifyTWOdatacollectioninstrumentsyouwoulduse for thisstudy. 2 marks
15. In a researchstudyon waste disposal,astudentusedobservationsandunstructuredinterviewstocollect
a. What TWO methodsshouldthe studentuse inthe presentationof data? 2 marks
b. Give TWO disadvantagesof unstructuredinterviewsasinstrumentsforcollectinginformationinconducting
research. 2 marks
16. You have beenaskedtoby the ministryof Roadsand CommunityWorkstomonitorthe numberof cars on the
highwaysbetweenthe hoursof 7 am and 10 am.
a. Explainwhya tabularformatwould be useful forpresentingthe datayouhave collected. 2 marks
b. Explainwhya textual formatwouldbe useful forpresentingthe datayouhave collected. 2 marks
17. You are conductingresearchintothe healthof teenage girlsinprivate secondaryschoolsinthe Caribbean.
a. IdentifyTWOethical issueswhichmayarise inconductingthisresearch. 2 marks
b. Outline ONEreasonwhyyouwouldneedtobe aware of ethical issueswhenconductingyourresearch.
2 marks
18. You are conductingresearchonthe prevalence of teenagepregnanciesinyourcommunity.
a. Outline ONEreasonyouneedtogainpermissiontoconductyourresearch. 2 marks
b. IdentifyTWOethical issues,otherthanthatof obtainingpermission,whichmayarise while conductingyour
research. 2 marks
19. You have beenaskedbythe local newspapertowrite astory ondrug use among teenagersinyourcommunity.
a. Give ONE reasonforrespectingthe confidentialityof yourintervieweeswhenwritingyourstory.
2 marks
b. Outline TWOmeasuresyouwouldundertaketodemonstrate yourrespectforthe confidentialityof your
interviewees. 2 marks
20. If you are conductingresearchonthe personal incomesof citizensinyourcountry,whattwoethical issueswould
youconsider? 2 marks
a. Name ONE suitable methodof datacollectioninconductingthe researchstatedabove andgive ONE
advantage of thismethod. 2 marks
21. List TWO criteriathatmust be consideredwhenselectingsourcesof informationinanyresearch. 2 marks
a. Why doyou considerthese twocriteriaimportant? 2 marks
22. Outline TWOreasonswhyarchivesare recommendedasgoodsourcesof accessinginformation. 4 marks
23. Studythe hypothesisbelowandanswerthe questionsthatfollow.
“Accessto healthcare is primarilydeterminedbythe costthe service.”
a. List TWO reasonswhya researcherwouldwanttoinvestigatethe above hypothesis. 2 marks
b. List TWO data collectionmethodsthatcouldbe usedinthisresearch. 2 marks
c. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘literature review’ 2 marks
24. A teamof researchersconcludedthatcarnival inTrinidadhadbeenadversely bythe increasedincidence of violence
inthe society.
a. Developaresearchstatementthatcouldbe usedinthisresearch. 2 marks
b. State TWO ways inwhichthe data collectedinthisresearchcanpresented. 2 marks
25. Define the term‘oral source’. 2 marks
26. State TWO benefits of usinganoral source inresearchstudy. 2 marks
27. Give TWO examplesof specialistdocumentswhichare keptina national archive. 2 marks
28. Give ONE reasonwhyspecialistdocumentsare keptinanarchive. 2 marks
29. A surveywasdone to determinethe numberof busesneededtotransportschool childrentoandfrom school during
the morningand afternoonhours.
a. Give TWO reasonswhya graphic formatcouldbe usedto presentthe findings. 2 marks
b. Give TWO reasonswhya tabularformat couldbe usedto presentthe findings. 2 marks
30. A CAPECaribbeanStudiesstudentchose tofocusonthe topicof teenage pregnanciesinherparishforherSchool
BasedAssessmentproject.Herteacheradvisedhertotake the necessarystepstoensure the validityof he rresearch
and guard the confidentialityof herrespondents.
a. ExplainONEmeasure thatshe couldtake to ensure the validityof herresearch. 2 marks
b. Outline TWOmeasuresthatthe studentcouldtake toguarantee the confidentialityof herrespondents.
2 marks
Essay Questions
20 marks essays
1. Describe howthe physical landscape hasinfluencedsettlementpatternsinthe Caribbean.
2. Describe the value of coral reefstoCaribbeansocietyandculture.
3. Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean,explainTWOof the followingconcepts:
a. Cultural erasure
b. Cultural retention
c. Cultural renewal
4. Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean,explainhow Caribbeanpeople throughouthistoryhave respondedto
5. Describe the majormigrationsinto the Caribbeanthatgreatlyimpactedsocietyandculture.
6. Describe the factorsthat have ledCaribbeanmigrantslivinginmetropolitancountriestocreate a ‘home awayfrom
7. Describe the causesof social stratificationinCaribbeancountries.
8. Examine three strategiesthatCaribbeancountriescanuse to minimizethe impactof earthquakesinthe region.
9. Describe THREE waysin whicheducationhasfacilitatedthe colonialagendainthe Caribbean.
10. Describe howeducation,asasocial institution,impactsinCaribbeansocietyandculture.
11. Examine three waysinwhichthe family,asasocial institution,impactsonsocietyandculture.
12. Explainhowglobalizationaffectslabourandtrade inthe Caribbean.
13. Describe FOURwaysin whichthe processof globalizationisaffectingthe developmentof the Caribbean.
14. Describe howglobalizationaffects the prices of goodsandservicesinCaribbeancountries.
15. Describe FOURwaysin whichtechnologyfacilitatesglobalizationinthe Caribbean.
16. Describe howpolitical interference hasaffectedthe massmedia’sabilitytocontribute positivelytothe development
of the Caribbeanregion.
17. Explainhowthe touristindustryhashelpedtoshape patternsof behaviourwithinCaribbeancommunities.
18. Describe FOURchallengesfacedbyCaribbeangovernmentsintheireffortstopromote tourismdevelopment.
19. Describe the contributionsmade byCaribbeangovernmentstosustainabledevelopmentinthe region.
20. For a named Caribbeancountry,describe the factorsthatmaybe hinderingthe processof development.
21. Describe howthe distributionof wealthinthe Caribbeanhindersdevelopmentinthe region.
22. Examine FOURwaysin whichCaribbeancountriescanachieve highlevelsof security.
23. Examine atleastFOUR challengesbeingfacedbythe justice systeminCaribbeansocietyandculture today.
24. Describe FOURwaysin whichCaribbeansocietyandculture impactuponthe economiesof extra-regional countries.
25. Describe howONEart form or expressionoppopularculture hascontributedsignificantlytothe economic
developmentof Caribbeancountries.
26. Describe fourwaysinwhichtechnologyhasadvanceddevelopmentinthe Caribbean.
27. Describe fourwaysinwhichCaribbeancountriescanincrease theirlevelsof productivity.
28. Describe howdiscriminationagainstwomenimpactsondevelopmentinthe Caribbean.
30 marks essays
1. “All ah we isone.”
Discussthe social challengesfacedbyCaribbeanpeople inachievingCaribbeanunity.
2. Discussthe challengesforCaribbeansocietyasitseekstoachieve national unityinacontextof cultural diversity.
3. Discussthe viewthata ‘Caribbeanidentity’ismore clearlyevidentamongCaribbeannationalswhomeetoutsidethe
regionthanit isamong nationalsof the Caribbeanitself.
4. Drawingon yourown experiences,discussthe extenttowhichthe conceptof “CaribbeanIdentity”isamythor
5. Assessthe role of ONEof the followinginthe formationof Caribbeanidentity.
a. African-Caribbeanculture
b. Indo-Caribbeanculture
6. “Cultural practicesare nevererased:theyare transformed.”
Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean, discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatement.
7. The historyof the Caribbeanisa historyof the exploitationof labour.”
Discusswithreference toTWOof the followinglaboursystems:
a. Encomienda
b. Slavery
c. Indentureship
8. “Social stratificationcontinuestobe akeyfeature of Caribbeansociety.”
Usingexamplestosupportyouranswer,discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatement.
9. “Floodingiscausedbya combinationof natural andmanmade disasters.”
Discussthe extenttowhichfloodingisaMAJORenvironmentalhazardinthe Caribbean.
10. Discussthe social and economicimpactof natural disastersonthe Caribbean.
11. Assessthe measuresthatCaribbeancountriescanrealisticallyundertake tominimizethe dangerposedby
12. To what extentdoEuropeancultural institutions continuetodominate Caribbeansocietyandculture?
13. Assessthe impactof Rastafarianculture onthe metropolitansocietiesof NorthAmericaandEurope.
14. Duringthe past three decadesCaribbeanmusicandCaribbeanfestivalshave gainedwidespreadacceptance
internationally.Analyze the nature of thisimpactforthe Caribbean.
15. “Importedtechnologyhasmarginallyimprovedthe economiesof the Caribbean.” Towhatextentdoyouagree with
16. Suggestwaysinwhichthe tourismindustryinthe Caribbeancanfurtheradvance developmentinthe region.
17. For ONE namedCaribbeancountry,examineitscommitmenttohumandevelopmentthroughsports.
18. To what extentdosportsinthe Caribbeanprovide educational opportunitiesforCaribbeanpeople aswell saroute
to Caribbeannationalism?
19. “Sportshave made major contributionstothe developmentof Caribbeansociety.” Towhat extentdoyouagree
20. “Freedomof the pressis a necessityinall Caribbeancountries.”
Do youagree?Provide argumentsandexamplestosupportyouranswer.
21. Examine howfreedomof the pressimpactsonthe developmentof the Caribbean.
22. “The massmediainthe Caribbeanispre-occupiedwithsensational newsreportingsuchascrime and violence –
rapesand burglaries –withlittle focusonthe region’seconomic,educational andotherdevelopmental issues.”
Give argumentsforANDagainstthisstatement.
23. “Freedomof movementposesthe greatestchallenge toestablishingthe CSME.”
To what extentdoyouagree withthiscomment?
24. Discussthe viewthata major challenge tothe integrationmovementinthe Caribbeaniswidedisparityinlevelsof
developmentamongmembercountriesof CARICOM.
25. “Many Caribbeanpeople continue toexperience discriminationintheirowncountries.”
Discussthisstatementwithreference toage,ethnicityandclass.
26. Discussthe extenttowhichthe inequitable distributionof wealthinCaribbeancountriescanbe regardedasa
breachof social justice.
27. “The Caribbeanneedssustainable tourism.”
Discussthe extenttowhichyouagree that it isfeasible forthe Caribbeantopractice sustainable tourism.
28. “CARICOMcannotlast forfive more years.”
Discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatementinview of the challengesfacedbyCARICOM.
29. “It islargely self-interestthatmotivatesthe UnitedStatesof Americatoprovide assistance toCaribbeancountries.”
30. Discussthe extenttowhichapproachestodevelopmentstill focuslargelyoneconomicgrowth.
31. “Globalizationhasbeenmore helpful thanharmful todevelopingcountries.”Discussthisstatementwithspecific
reference tothe Caribbean.
32. Most CaribbeancountriesbyIWallerstein’sstandardsare peripheral countries.Assessthe extenttowhichthis
positioncanbe advantageoustoCaribbeancountries.
33. Determine the extenttowhichtourismactuallypromotesCaribbeandevelopment.
34. “Giventhe viewthat“we are not exceptional”,the modernizationtheoristsprovidethe besteconomicandpolitical
approach forthirdworlddevelopment.”Discussthisview withreference tothe Caribbean.

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Cape Caribbean studies past paper questions 2006- 2010

  • 1. Caribbean Studies Past paper questions MODULE 1- CARIBBEANSOCIETYANDCULTURE 1. Define the term‘CommonwealthCaribbean’. 2 marks 2. Name TWO geographical sub-regionsinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 3. IdentifyTWOterritorieswhichare locatedinthe Caribbeanbutare not politicallydefinedasthe Caribbean. 2 marks 4. Outline ONEadvantage of definingthe Caribbeanin geographical terms. 2 marks 5. Outline ONEdisadvantageof usinga geological basisfordefiningthe Caribbean. 2 marks 6. ExplainwhyMexicoissometimesdescribedasCaribbean. 2 marks 7. “Plural Society”isa termusedby some authorsto describe societyandculture inthe Caribbeantoday.Explainwhat ismeantby plural society. 2 marks 8. “Plantationsociety”isanothertermusedtodescribe Caribbeansocietyandculture today.DescribebrieflyTWO featuresof a plantationsociety. 4 marks 9. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘plantationsociety’. 2 marks 10. ExplainONEwayin whichplantationsocietyhascontributedtosocial stratification. 2 marks 11. Give THREE examplesof the wayinwhichthe term‘creole’isusedinthe Caribbean. 3 marks 12. On the map of the Caribbeanbelow: a. Place the letter‘C’beside ONEterritorywhere Chinese indenturedlabourersworkedafteremancipation. 1 mark b. Place the letter‘I’beside ONEterritorywhere large numbersof Indianindenturedlabourersworkedafter emancipation. 1 mark c. Place the letter‘J’beside one territorywhere Javanese indenturedlabourersworkedafteremancipation. 3 marks d. State THREE conditionsof labourthatwere stipulatedinthe contractsof the indenturedlabourers. 3 marks
  • 2. 13. Use the same map above. a. On the map of the Caribbeanabove: i. Place the letter‘T” beside ONEterritoryinwhichthe TainoslivedwhenColumbusarrivedin1492. ii. Place the letter‘K”beside ONETerritoryinwhichthe KalinagoslivedwhenChristopherColumbus arrivedin1492. iii. Place the letter‘I’beside TWOterritoriesinwhichlarge numbersof indigenouspeople live today. 4 marks b. State TWO ways inwhichindigenouspeople have shapedourunderstandingof Caribbeanidentity. 2 marks 14. Name TWO regional territoriestowhichlarge numbersof Caribbeanpeoplemigratedbetween1838 and 1920. 2 marks 15. Give tworeasonsfor the above migration. 4 marks 16. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘resistance’. 2 marks 17. Describe twowaysinwhichthe HaitianRevolutionimpactedCaribbeansocietyandculture. 4 marks 18. SuggestTWO waysinwhichCaribbeanpeople maybenefitfromthe CaribbeanCourtof Justice (CCJ). 6 marks 19. Define the term‘adultsuffrage’. 2 marks 20. Give ONE reasonwhythere wasagitationforadultsuffrage inthe Caribbeanduringthe earlytwentiethcentury. 2 marks 21. ExplainONEconsequence of the introductionof adultsuffrage inthe Caribbean. 2 marks 22. Give ONE reasonwhythe peasantryinthe Caribbeanwasable toacquire large plotsof landafter1838. 2 marks 23. Outline TWOmeasurestakenbythe planterstopreventthe growthof the peasantry. 2 marks 24. ExplainONEwayin whichthe peasantrycontributedtoCaribbeansociety. 2 marks 25. ExplainONEwayin whicheducationcontributedtoanew class formationinCaribbeansociety. 2 marks 26. Give THREE possible meaningsof the term‘creole’asisusedinCaribbeansocietyandculture. 6 marks 27. Usingan example formthe Caribbean,explainwhatismeantbythe term‘interculturation’. 3 marks 28. State TWO ways inwhichindigenouspeopleshave shapedourunderstandingof Caribbeanidentity. 2 marks 29. IdentifyTWOreligiouspracticesof Caribbean peoplewhichhave beeninfluencedbyIndo-Caribbeantraditions. 2 marks 30. IdentifyTWOreligiouspracticesinthe Caribbeanthathave beeninfluencedbyAfrican-Caribbeantraditions. 2 marks 31. ExplainONEwayin whicheitherIndo-CaribbeanorAfrican-Caribbeanreligionshave impactedonCaribbeanculture. 2 marks 32. IdentifyTWOsyncreticreligionsthatare practicedinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 33. Outline TWOfeaturesof Rastafari thatidentifyitasa religioninthe Caribbean. 4 marks 34. Define the term‘culinarypractices’. 2 marks 35. IdentifyTWOculinarypracticesthathave beeninheritedfromthe indigenouspeoplesof the Caribbean. 2 marks 36. State TWO ways inwhichEACH of the followinggroupshasinfluencedculinarypracticesinthe Caribbean. a. Indigenouspeople b. African-Caribbeanpeoples c. Indo-Caribbeanpeople 6 marks 37. Describe ONEwayin whichIndo-Caribbeanpeopleshave influencedCaribbeanculture. 2 marks 38. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘colonial education’. 2 marks 39. Name TWO institutionsthatfacilitatedcolonialeducationinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 40. State TWO ways inwhichthe CaribbeanExaminationsCouncil hascontributedchangesineducationinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 41. State TWO ways inwhichthe Universityof the WestIndies(UWI) hasfacilitatedtertiaryeducationinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 42. Define the term‘humanecology’. 2 marks
  • 3. 43. Explainthe wayinwhichnature was viewedinthe earlyyearsof Europeanconquestbythe: a. Amerindians b. Europeans 4 marks 44. Define the term‘environmental hazards’. 2 marks 45. Distinguishbetweengeographical hazardsandgeological hazards. 4 marks 46. Outline ONEeconomicconsequence of the impactof hurricanesonthe Caribbean. 2 marks 47. Outline TWOsocial consequence of the impactof hurricanesonthe Caribbean. 4 marks 48. State TWO ways inwhichdroughtsaffectsfoodproduction inthe Caribbean. 2 marks 49. Withthe aidof TWO examples,state howdroughtsmayaffectareasof life otherthan food production in the Caribbean. 4 marks 50. Define the term‘plate tectonics’. 2 marks 51. Describe TWOways inwhich volcanicactivityhasinfluencedCaribbeansocietyandculture. 4 marks 52. Define the term‘hurricane’. 2 marks 53. State TWO factors that increase the damagingeffectsof hurricanesinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 54. State TWO measuresthatcan reduce the impactof hurricanesinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 55. Describe TWOways inwhichthe foreignmassmediainfluencethe interestsof Caribbeanpeople. 6 marks 56. Name TWO festivalsheldINorthAmericaorEurope that have beeninfluencedbyCaribbeanculture.2marks 57. Outline TWOwaysinwhichthe festivalsnamedabove helpNorthAmericansorEuropeanstounderstandCaribbean culture. 2 marks 58. Outline TWOwaysinwhichthe festivalsnamedabove have animpactonthe economiesof countriesinNorth Americaor Europe. 2 marks MODULE TWO – ISSUESIN CARIBBEAN DEVELOPMENT 1. Define the term‘percapitaincome’. 2 marks 2. State TWO reasonsper capitaincome isa relevantindicatorof development. 4 marks 3. Define the term‘internetpenetration’. 2 marks 4. State TWO reasonswhyinternetpenetrationisagoodmeasure of development. 4 marks 5. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘economicdevelopment’. 2 marks 6. State ONE indicatorof economicdevelopment. 1 mark 7. Explainhowthe indicatorof economicdevelopmentstatedabove influencessustainabledevelopment. 3 marks 8. Explainwhypopulationgrowthrate isan indicatorof economicdevelopment. 2 marks 9. Give ONE reasonwhyeconomicgrowthindicatorscanprovide onlyalimitedunderstandingof development. 2 marks 10. Define the term‘development’. 2 marks 11. State TWO indicatorsof development. 2 marks 12. Outline ONEchallengetodevelopmentfacedbyCaribbeancountries. 2 marks 13. Explainwhythe grossnational productpercapita isNOT an accurate indicatorof development. 2 marks 14. ExplainONEenvironmental indicatorthatcanbe usedasa measure of development. 2 marks 15. Name TWO institutionswhichfacilitate globalization. 2 marks 16. Describe ONEadvantage andONE disadvantage thatCaribbeancountriesface inborrowingmoneyfrom international lendingagencies. 4 marks 17. Define the term‘transnationalcorporation’. 2 marks 18. Outline TWOcharacteristicsof transnational corporations. 4 marks 19. Define the term‘multinational corporation’. 2 marks 20. Outline TWOcharacteristicsof multinational corporations. 4 marks 21. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘ideology’. 2 marks 22. Name TWO political ideologiesthathave influencedCaribbeanthought. 2 marks 23. ExplainhowONEof the political ideologiesnamedabovehashindered orpromoteddevelopmentinthe Caribbean. 2 marks 24. Define the term ‘popularmovement’. 2 marks 25. ExplainTWOwaysin whichGarveyismmaybe consideredapopularmovement. 4 marks
  • 4. 26. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘negritude’. 2 marks 27. Name ONE personassociatedwiththe Negritudemovement. 1 mark 28. State three waysinwhichCaribbeanpeople benefitedfromthe negritude movement. 3 marks 29. Name the countryin whichthe negritude movementbegan. 1 mark 30. Give TWO reasonsforthe developmentof the Negritudemovement. 4 marks 31. Name ONE twentiethcenturymovementthatwasinfluencedbythe negritude movement. 1 mark 32. Describe THREE waysin whichIndo-Caribbeanpeopleshave contributedtothe developmentof Caribbeansociety and culture. 6 marks 33. Name the individualwhocreatedthe policyknownas‘industrializationbyinvitation’. 1 mark 34. State ONE objective outlinedinthispolicy. 1 mark 35. Outline TWOadvantagesof thispolicyforCaribbeanterritories. 4 marks 36. Name the personwhowrote the ‘Communist Manifesto’. 1 mark 37. Name ONE Caribbeancountryinwhichthe political regime wasinfluencedbythe ideasexpressedinthe Communist Manifesto. 1 mark 38. Describe TWOmeasureswhichthe Caribbeancountrynamedabove implementedinanattempttobringabout social change. 4 marks 39. IdentifyTWOregional institutionsthatwere createdbefore the 1958 West IndiesFederation. 2 marks 40. State TWO reasonsfor the formationof the WestIndiesFederation. 2 marks 41. Name ONE institutionthatsurvivedafterthe collapse of the WestIndiesFederationandgive ONEreasonforits survival. 2 marks 42. Outline THREEchallengestothe successof CARICOM. 6 marks 43. Explainthe role of EACH of the followingregional institutionsinthe developmentof the Caribbean: a. Regional SecuritySystem(RSS) b. CaribbeanCourtof Justice (CCJ) 6 marks 44. Explainthe role of EACH of the followingregional institutionsinthe developmentof the Caribbean: a. CaribbeanInstitute of MediaandCommunication(CARIMAC) b. Regional SecuritySystem(RSS) 6 marks 45. Outline ONEfactorthat ledtothe creationof the 1958 West IndiesFederation. 2 marks 46. ExplainTWOdifferencesbetweenthe 1958 WestIndiesFederationandCARICOM. 4 marks 47. IdentifyTWOsportsinwhichCaribbeanpeoplehave gainedinternationalrecognition. 2 marks 48. Withthe aidof TWO examples,explainhowsportstourismhascontributedtoCaribbean development. 4 marks 49. BrieflydescribeTHREEwaysin whichthe hostingof internationalsportingeventsinthe regioncanhave a direct social impacton Caribbeanstates. 6 marks 50. SuggestONEway inwhichtourismcan increase its contributiontodevelopmentinCaribbean. 2 marks 51. Explainwhatis meantby the statementthatsocial justice basedonnatural rights. 3 marks 52. Showhowan identifiedbreachof social justice canaffectdevelopmentIthe Caribbean. 3 marks 53. IdentifyTWOof the basic humanrightsthat are guaranteedina sociallyjustsociety. 2 marks 54. ExplainTWOwaysin whicha breachof social Justice canaffectthe qualityof life inasociety. 4 marks 55. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘gender’. 2 marks 56. State TWO ways inwhichwomenhave experiencedgenderdiscriminationinthe workplace. 2 marks 57. ExplainONEwayin whichCaribbeanfeministmovementshave advancedthe cause of womeninthe Caribbean. 2 marks 58. Define the term‘natural disaster’. 2 marks 59. Withreference tospecificexamplesfromthe Caribbean,describeTWOwaysinwhichnatural disasterscanhinder development. 4 marks MODULE THREE – INVESTIGATING HUMANAND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT INTHE CARIBBEAN 1. What isa researchstatement? 1 mark 2. Indicate whichONEof the followingisaresearchstatementandgive ONEreasonforyour choice. 3 marks a. “Caribbeansocietycontinuestograpple withthe AIDSepidemic.”
  • 5. b. “Indiscriminatesexualpracticeshave contributedtothe rise of casesof AIDS inthe Caribbean.” 3. You are requestedtoinvestigatethe incidence of violence inCaribbeanschools. a. Write the hypothesisforyourresearch. 2 marks b. Outline ONEwayinwhichhypothesisdiffersfromaproblemstatement. 2 marks 4. ‘The 2008 bicentenarycommemorationof the abolitionof the slave trade inenslavedAfricanscontributedverylittle to the understandingof Caribbeanidentity. a. Give ONE reasonthe above statementcanbe consideredahypothesis. 2 marks b. State TWO reasonswhya researchstudyonthe hypothesisabove wouldbe important. 2 marks 5. State TWO methodsyouwoulduse inidentifyingaresearchproblem. 2 marks a. Explainthe wayinwhichyouwouldascertainwhetheraresearchproblemhasalreadybeeninvestigated. 2 marks 6. A researchstudyinthe Caribbeanregionsoughttotestthe followinghypothesis: ‘The use of internetresourcesforeducational purposeshascontributedtothe moral decayinthe region.’ a. IdentifyONEindependentvariableinthe hypothesis. 1 mark b. State ONE suitable researchmethodthatcouldbe usedtoundertake the studyabove. 1 mark c. Give ONE reasonforthe choice of methodstate in(b) above. 2 marks 7. A researchisto be undertakenforwhichthe followinghypothesishasbeendefined: “Facebookcreateselite Caribbeancyberculture communitiesinaglobal environment.” a. IdentifyTWOvariablesinthishypothesis. 2 marks b. IdentifyONEsuitabledatacollectionmethodthatcould be usedtoundertake thisstudy. 1 mark c. Give ONE reasonforthe choice of methodabove. 1 mark 8. Explainwhatismeantby the limitationof the study. 2 marks 9. Explainwhythe limitationsof aresearchshouldbe includedinthe conclusionof areport. 2 marks 10. State TWO elementsotherthanlimitationswhichshouldbe includedinthe conclusionof the report.2marks 11. Give TWO reasonswhya bibliographyisneededinaresearchreport. 2 marks 12. Explainwhyitisimportantto include referencesinaresearchreport. 2 marks 13. Explainwhyitisimportantto include newandinterestingfindingsaresearchreport. 2 marks 14. The Ministerof the Environmenthasrequestedthatyouinvestigate the reasonsforcoastal pollutioninaCaribbean country. a. IdentifyTWOmethodsyouwoulduse inyourinvestigation. 2 marks b. IdentifyTWOdatacollectioninstrumentsyouwoulduse for thisstudy. 2 marks 15. In a researchstudyon waste disposal,astudentusedobservationsandunstructuredinterviewstocollect informationonpeople’sactions. a. What TWO methodsshouldthe studentuse inthe presentationof data? 2 marks b. Give TWO disadvantagesof unstructuredinterviewsasinstrumentsforcollectinginformationinconducting research. 2 marks 16. You have beenaskedtoby the ministryof Roadsand CommunityWorkstomonitorthe numberof cars on the highwaysbetweenthe hoursof 7 am and 10 am. a. Explainwhya tabularformatwould be useful forpresentingthe datayouhave collected. 2 marks b. Explainwhya textual formatwouldbe useful forpresentingthe datayouhave collected. 2 marks 17. You are conductingresearchintothe healthof teenage girlsinprivate secondaryschoolsinthe Caribbean. a. IdentifyTWOethical issueswhichmayarise inconductingthisresearch. 2 marks b. Outline ONEreasonwhyyouwouldneedtobe aware of ethical issueswhenconductingyourresearch. 2 marks 18. You are conductingresearchonthe prevalence of teenagepregnanciesinyourcommunity. a. Outline ONEreasonyouneedtogainpermissiontoconductyourresearch. 2 marks b. IdentifyTWOethical issues,otherthanthatof obtainingpermission,whichmayarise while conductingyour research. 2 marks 19. You have beenaskedbythe local newspapertowrite astory ondrug use among teenagersinyourcommunity. a. Give ONE reasonforrespectingthe confidentialityof yourintervieweeswhenwritingyourstory. 2 marks b. Outline TWOmeasuresyouwouldundertaketodemonstrate yourrespectforthe confidentialityof your interviewees. 2 marks
  • 6. 20. If you are conductingresearchonthe personal incomesof citizensinyourcountry,whattwoethical issueswould youconsider? 2 marks a. Name ONE suitable methodof datacollectioninconductingthe researchstatedabove andgive ONE advantage of thismethod. 2 marks 21. List TWO criteriathatmust be consideredwhenselectingsourcesof informationinanyresearch. 2 marks a. Why doyou considerthese twocriteriaimportant? 2 marks 22. Outline TWOreasonswhyarchivesare recommendedasgoodsourcesof accessinginformation. 4 marks 23. Studythe hypothesisbelowandanswerthe questionsthatfollow. “Accessto healthcare is primarilydeterminedbythe costthe service.” a. List TWO reasonswhya researcherwouldwanttoinvestigatethe above hypothesis. 2 marks b. List TWO data collectionmethodsthatcouldbe usedinthisresearch. 2 marks c. Explainwhatismeantby the term‘literature review’ 2 marks 24. A teamof researchersconcludedthatcarnival inTrinidadhadbeenadversely bythe increasedincidence of violence inthe society. a. Developaresearchstatementthatcouldbe usedinthisresearch. 2 marks b. State TWO ways inwhichthe data collectedinthisresearchcanpresented. 2 marks 25. Define the term‘oral source’. 2 marks 26. State TWO benefits of usinganoral source inresearchstudy. 2 marks 27. Give TWO examplesof specialistdocumentswhichare keptina national archive. 2 marks 28. Give ONE reasonwhyspecialistdocumentsare keptinanarchive. 2 marks 29. A surveywasdone to determinethe numberof busesneededtotransportschool childrentoandfrom school during the morningand afternoonhours. a. Give TWO reasonswhya graphic formatcouldbe usedto presentthe findings. 2 marks b. Give TWO reasonswhya tabularformat couldbe usedto presentthe findings. 2 marks 30. A CAPECaribbeanStudiesstudentchose tofocusonthe topicof teenage pregnanciesinherparishforherSchool BasedAssessmentproject.Herteacheradvisedhertotake the necessarystepstoensure the validityof he rresearch and guard the confidentialityof herrespondents. a. ExplainONEmeasure thatshe couldtake to ensure the validityof herresearch. 2 marks b. Outline TWOmeasuresthatthe studentcouldtake toguarantee the confidentialityof herrespondents. 2 marks Essay Questions 20 marks essays MODULE ONE 1. Describe howthe physical landscape hasinfluencedsettlementpatternsinthe Caribbean. 2. Describe the value of coral reefstoCaribbeansocietyandculture. 3. Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean,explainTWOof the followingconcepts: a. Cultural erasure b. Cultural retention c. Cultural renewal 4. Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean,explainhow Caribbeanpeople throughouthistoryhave respondedto oppression. 5. Describe the majormigrationsinto the Caribbeanthatgreatlyimpactedsocietyandculture. 6. Describe the factorsthat have ledCaribbeanmigrantslivinginmetropolitancountriestocreate a ‘home awayfrom home’. 7. Describe the causesof social stratificationinCaribbeancountries. 8. Examine three strategiesthatCaribbeancountriescanuse to minimizethe impactof earthquakesinthe region. 9. Describe THREE waysin whicheducationhasfacilitatedthe colonialagendainthe Caribbean. 10. Describe howeducation,asasocial institution,impactsinCaribbeansocietyandculture.
  • 7. 11. Examine three waysinwhichthe family,asasocial institution,impactsonsocietyandculture. 12. Explainhowglobalizationaffectslabourandtrade inthe Caribbean. 13. Describe FOURwaysin whichthe processof globalizationisaffectingthe developmentof the Caribbean. 14. Describe howglobalizationaffects the prices of goodsandservicesinCaribbeancountries. 15. Describe FOURwaysin whichtechnologyfacilitatesglobalizationinthe Caribbean. MODULE TWO 16. Describe howpolitical interference hasaffectedthe massmedia’sabilitytocontribute positivelytothe development of the Caribbeanregion. 17. Explainhowthe touristindustryhashelpedtoshape patternsof behaviourwithinCaribbeancommunities. 18. Describe FOURchallengesfacedbyCaribbeangovernmentsintheireffortstopromote tourismdevelopment. 19. Describe the contributionsmade byCaribbeangovernmentstosustainabledevelopmentinthe region. 20. For a named Caribbeancountry,describe the factorsthatmaybe hinderingthe processof development. 21. Describe howthe distributionof wealthinthe Caribbeanhindersdevelopmentinthe region. 22. Examine FOURwaysin whichCaribbeancountriescanachieve highlevelsof security. 23. Examine atleastFOUR challengesbeingfacedbythe justice systeminCaribbeansocietyandculture today. 24. Describe FOURwaysin whichCaribbeansocietyandculture impactuponthe economiesof extra-regional countries. 25. Describe howONEart form or expressionoppopularculture hascontributedsignificantlytothe economic developmentof Caribbeancountries. 26. Describe fourwaysinwhichtechnologyhasadvanceddevelopmentinthe Caribbean. 27. Describe fourwaysinwhichCaribbeancountriescanincrease theirlevelsof productivity. 28. Describe howdiscriminationagainstwomenimpactsondevelopmentinthe Caribbean. 30 marks essays MODULE ONE 1. “All ah we isone.” Discussthe social challengesfacedbyCaribbeanpeople inachievingCaribbeanunity. 2. Discussthe challengesforCaribbeansocietyasitseekstoachieve national unityinacontextof cultural diversity. 3. Discussthe viewthata ‘Caribbeanidentity’ismore clearlyevidentamongCaribbeannationalswhomeetoutsidethe regionthanit isamong nationalsof the Caribbeanitself. 4. Drawingon yourown experiences,discussthe extenttowhichthe conceptof “CaribbeanIdentity”isamythor reality. 5. Assessthe role of ONEof the followinginthe formationof Caribbeanidentity. a. African-Caribbeanculture b. Indo-Caribbeanculture 6. “Cultural practicesare nevererased:theyare transformed.” Usingexamplesfromthe Caribbean, discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatement. 7. The historyof the Caribbeanisa historyof the exploitationof labour.” Discusswithreference toTWOof the followinglaboursystems: a. Encomienda b. Slavery c. Indentureship 8. “Social stratificationcontinuestobe akeyfeature of Caribbeansociety.” Usingexamplestosupportyouranswer,discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatement. 9. “Floodingiscausedbya combinationof natural andmanmade disasters.” Discussthe extenttowhichfloodingisaMAJORenvironmentalhazardinthe Caribbean. 10. Discussthe social and economicimpactof natural disastersonthe Caribbean. 11. Assessthe measuresthatCaribbeancountriescanrealisticallyundertake tominimizethe dangerposedby earthquakes. 12. To what extentdoEuropeancultural institutions continuetodominate Caribbeansocietyandculture?
  • 8. 13. Assessthe impactof Rastafarianculture onthe metropolitansocietiesof NorthAmericaandEurope. 14. Duringthe past three decadesCaribbeanmusicandCaribbeanfestivalshave gainedwidespreadacceptance internationally.Analyze the nature of thisimpactforthe Caribbean. MODULE TWO 15. “Importedtechnologyhasmarginallyimprovedthe economiesof the Caribbean.” Towhatextentdoyouagree with thisstatement? 16. Suggestwaysinwhichthe tourismindustryinthe Caribbeancanfurtheradvance developmentinthe region. 17. For ONE namedCaribbeancountry,examineitscommitmenttohumandevelopmentthroughsports. 18. To what extentdosportsinthe Caribbeanprovide educational opportunitiesforCaribbeanpeople aswell saroute to Caribbeannationalism? 19. “Sportshave made major contributionstothe developmentof Caribbeansociety.” Towhat extentdoyouagree withthisstatement? 20. “Freedomof the pressis a necessityinall Caribbeancountries.” Do youagree?Provide argumentsandexamplestosupportyouranswer. 21. Examine howfreedomof the pressimpactsonthe developmentof the Caribbean. 22. “The massmediainthe Caribbeanispre-occupiedwithsensational newsreportingsuchascrime and violence – rapesand burglaries –withlittle focusonthe region’seconomic,educational andotherdevelopmental issues.” Give argumentsforANDagainstthisstatement. 23. “Freedomof movementposesthe greatestchallenge toestablishingthe CSME.” To what extentdoyouagree withthiscomment? 24. Discussthe viewthata major challenge tothe integrationmovementinthe Caribbeaniswidedisparityinlevelsof developmentamongmembercountriesof CARICOM. 25. “Many Caribbeanpeople continue toexperience discriminationintheirowncountries.” Discussthisstatementwithreference toage,ethnicityandclass. 26. Discussthe extenttowhichthe inequitable distributionof wealthinCaribbeancountriescanbe regardedasa breachof social justice. 27. “The Caribbeanneedssustainable tourism.” Discussthe extenttowhichyouagree that it isfeasible forthe Caribbeantopractice sustainable tourism. 28. “CARICOMcannotlast forfive more years.” Discussthe extenttowhichyouagree withthisstatementinview of the challengesfacedbyCARICOM. 29. “It islargely self-interestthatmotivatesthe UnitedStatesof Americatoprovide assistance toCaribbeancountries.” Discuss. 30. Discussthe extenttowhichapproachestodevelopmentstill focuslargelyoneconomicgrowth. 31. “Globalizationhasbeenmore helpful thanharmful todevelopingcountries.”Discussthisstatementwithspecific reference tothe Caribbean. 32. Most CaribbeancountriesbyIWallerstein’sstandardsare peripheral countries.Assessthe extenttowhichthis positioncanbe advantageoustoCaribbeancountries. 33. Determine the extenttowhichtourismactuallypromotesCaribbeandevelopment. 34. “Giventhe viewthat“we are not exceptional”,the modernizationtheoristsprovidethe besteconomicandpolitical approach forthirdworlddevelopment.”Discussthisview withreference tothe Caribbean.