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Constitution & Bylaws
As approved by the CACUL membership by mail ballot, May, 1994.

Revised at the CACUL AGM, June 2006.


Article 1: Name
1.1 The name of this body shall be the Canadian Association of College and University
Libraries-L'Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques de College et d'Université, a
Division of the Canadian Library Association.

Article 2: Objectives
2.1 The Association shall exist to develop high standards of librarianship and of library
and information services, and to promote these in institutions of post-secondary

Article 3: Membership
3.1 Membership in the Association shall be open to personal, institutional and honorary
members of the Canadian Library Association as provided for in the By-Laws of this

Article 4: Relationship to the Canadian Library Association
4.1 This Association is a Division of the Canadian Library Association without separate
legal entity.

4.2 The Association has the authority to act in the name of the Canadian Library
Association on matters determined by the Executive Council of the Canadian Library
Association to be the responsibility of the Division.

4.3 The role and purpose of the Division is to support the objectives of the Canadian
Library Association through the promotion of member participation in academic library
activities; to provide for the exchange of ideas and experience among members; to
promote library service in academic fields; and to co-operate with internal and external
groups and organizations in the advancement of academic librarianship, and academic
library and information services.
Article 5: Sections
    5.1 The Association shall have a section representing the libraries of community and
    technical colleges.

    5.2 The Section shall be called the Community and Technical College Libraries Section.

    5.3 The Association may establish other sections to meet member needs that cannot be
    met through an existing Association or Canadian Library Association unit, or through
    task force or committee structures.

    Article 6: Management
    6.1 Management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Council.

    6.2 The Executive Council shall be composed of the following members:

•     The President
•     The Vice-President/President Elect or
•     The Past President
•     The Secretary-Treasurer
•     The Director at Large
•     The Director (Personal)
•     The Director (Institutional)
•     The CTCL Section Chairperson
•     The Conference Co-coordinator

    6.3 With the exception of the Conference Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the
    President, the members of the Executive Council shall be elected and shall hold office
    and carry out responsibilities as provided for in the By-Laws of the Association.

    6.4 The Executive Council shall administer the affairs of the Association in accordance
    with the Constitution and the By-Laws.

    6.5 The head office of the Association shall be located with the head office of the
    Canadian Library Association.

    Article 7: Annual Meeting
    7.1 This association shall hold an annual meeting at the time of the Annual Conference of
    the Canadian Library Association.
Article 8: Amendment of the Constitution
8.1 The Executive Council or any twenty-five voting members of the Association may
propose amendments to this Constitution.

8.2 Proposed amendments shall be considered legitimate unless, on the advice of the
Canadian Library Association's Solicitor, they are found to be contrary to the laws of
Canada or to the Constitution of the Canadian Library Association. They shall be voted
upon at the Annual General Meeting, or, at the discretion of the Executive Council, by a
mail ballot (including electronic notification).

8.3 Proposed amendments to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting must be
submitted in writing (including electronic notification) to the President not less than sixty
days before such meeting and shall be distributed to the membership fourteen days prior
to the meeting. Amendments to be voted on by ballot shall be circulated to the
membership not less than thirty days before the ballot is distributed.

8.4 To be passed, a proposed amendment to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds
vote of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting, subject to the
provisions of the By-Laws respecting a quorum, or two-thirds of the votes cast in a ballot.

8.5 Approved amendments shall be in effect when ratified by the Executive Council of
the Canadian Library Association.

Article 9: Amendment of the By-Laws
9.1 The Executive Council or any twenty-five voting members of the Association may
propose amendments to the By-Laws.

9.2 Proposed amendments shall be considered legitimate unless, on the advice of the
Canadian Library Association's Solicitor, they are found to be contrary to the laws of
Canada or to the Constitution of the Canadian Library Association. They shall be voted
upon at the Annual General Meeting, or, at the discretion of the Executive Council, by

9.3 Proposed amendments to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting must be
submitted in writing (including electronic notification) to the President not less than sixty
days before such meeting and shall be distributed to the membership fourteen days prior
to the meeting. Amendments to be voted on by ballot shall be circulated to the
membership not less than thirty days before the ballot is distributed.
9.4 To be passed, an amendment to the By-Laws shall require a majority vote of the
members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting, subject to the provisions of
the By-Laws respecting a quorum, or a majority of the votes cast in a ballot.

9.5 Approved By-Laws shall be in effect when ratified by the Executive Council of the
Canadian Library Association.

Article 10: Dissolution
10.1 In the event of the termination or dissolution of the Canadian Association of College
and University Libraries, the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association is
empowered to act as trustee for the Association.


By-Law 1: Aims and Objectives
1.1 In seeking to fulfill its Constitutional objectives, the Association shall work to
develop active and meaningful communication among its members, shall encourage and
support high levels of professional conduct on the part of its members, and shall promote
high standards of academic library and information services.

By-Law 2: Membership
2.1 Members shall be classified as follows:

   1. Personal Members
   2. Institutional Members (Libraries, library associations, corporations and other
      interested organizations)
   3. Honorary Members (Persons who have shown distinguished merit in the library
      field or persons who have contributed to the development of library service, and
      are nominated by the Executive Council and elected for life by a two-thirds vote
      of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the Association).

2.2 All members shall possess the following rights and privileges:

   1. The right to vote.
   2. The right to receive the official membership publications of the Association.
   3. Such other benefits and services as the Association may establish.

2.3 Personal members shall have the following additional rights and privileges:
1. The right to hold elective office in the Association or its Sections provided they are not
   employees of the Canadian Library Association.
2. The right to serve on Committees of the Association.
3. The right to apply for grants offered by the Association.

 2.4 Members in good standing:

1. All members who have paid the annual Canadian Library Association fee and have
   selected membership in the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries
   shall be members in good standing.

 2.5 Institutional members may exercise their right to vote through a designated

 By-Law 3: Sections
 3.1 The Community and Technical College Library Section shall determine its
 membership and terms of reference subject to the approval of the Association.

 3.2 The Section shall be responsible for matters of interest to its membership.

 3.3 If the Section requires financial assistance from the Association it shall submit a
 budget for approval by the Executive Council.

 3.4 The Section shall submit a report of its activities to the Executive Council, to be
 received in time for inclusion in the President's Annual Report to the Annual General

 3.5 The Section shall send a copy of its minutes to the Divisional Secretary-Treasurer.

 By-Law 4: Elected Members of the Executive Council
 4.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall
 preside at the meetings of the Executive Council and of the Association. The President
 shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees of the Association.

 4.2 As stipulated by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Canadian Library Association,
 the President shall be the official representative of the Association on the Executive
 Council of that Association.
4.3 The President shall, with the approval of the Executive Council, plan and direct the
    affairs of the Association, and present an Annual Report to the Association at its Annual
    General Meeting.

    4.4 The person elected as Vice-President shall serve the first year after election as Vice-
    President, the second and third years after election as President, and the fourth year after
    election as the Past-President. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-
    President or the Past-President, as the case may be, shall perform the duties and exercise
    the powers of the President.

    4.5 The Secretary-Treasurer:

       1. Shall record or arrange for the recording of the minutes of all meetings and ensure
          their proper distribution, shall as directed by the President, assist in the
          correspondence of the Association, and shall report at the meetings of the
          Executive Council and at the Annual General Meeting.
       2. Shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget based on the funds
          necessary to carry out the programs proposed by the Executive Council. The
          Secretary-Treasurer shall obtain a regular statement from the Canadian Library
          Association detailing the receipts and expenditures of the Association.

    4.6 The elected members of the Executive Council shall be elected and serve terms as

•     President: two years, preceded by one year as Vice-President/President Elect and
      followed by one year as Past President.
      Vice-President/President Elect: four years (one year as Vice-President, 2 years as
      President, 1 year as Past-President), elected very two years.
•     Secretary-Treasurer: two years, the term shall alternate with that of two of the
•     Director at Large: two years; elected in same year as Secretary-Treasurer.
•     Director (Personal): two years; elected by personal members only in alternate year
      from election of Secretary-Treasurer.
•     Director (Institutional): two years; elected by institutional members only in alternate
      year from election of Secretary-Treasurer.
•     CTCL Chairperson: two years; elected by CTCL members only at the CTCL Annual
      General Meeting.

    4.7 No member elected to an office shall serve consecutive terms in that office.

1. If the office of Secretary-Treasurer becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall
   appoint one or more of its members to carry out the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer
   until the next election.
2. If the office of Vice-President becomes vacant in a year in which the position is
   normally occupied, the Director elected by the membership at large shall fill the
   position for the balance of the term of Vice-President. This Director/Acting Vice-
   President shall not automatically become President. The resulting vacancy for
   President shall be filled (for the remainder of the normal term) at the next election.
3. If a Directorship becomes vacant the Executive Council shall appoint a member of the
   appropriate constituency to fill the position until the next annual election.
4. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the duties and powers of the President
   shall be assumed by either the Vice-President/President-Elect or the Past President, as
   the case may be.

 4.9 If an elected member of the Executive Council is absent from two consecutive
 meetings of the Executive Council, without prior notification, the position shall be
 declared vacant.

 By-Law 5: Executive Council
 5.1 The Executive Council shall meet at least twice annually. The President shall
 determine the time and place of meeting provided at least four weeks written notice of
 such meeting be sent to each member of the Council. A majority of the voting Council
 members shall constitute a quorum. In addition, meetings may be held at such time and
 place as may be chosen by a quorum of the Executive Council, provided that ten days
 notice shall be sent in writing to each member of the Executive Council. No formal notice
 shall be necessary when all members of the Executive Council are present and waive
 notice thereof in writing.

 By-Law 6: Elections
 6.1 At the first Executive Council meeting following the Annual Meeting, the Executive
 Council shall designate a Nominations Committee comprised of four members of the
 Association. The Committee shall be composed of a retiring member of the Executive
 Council (Chairperson), one other member of the Executive Council, excluding the
 president and Vice-president. a representative of the Community and Technical College
 Libraries Section, and a member at large.
6.2 Nominations, as required, for the positions of Vice-President/President-Elect,
Secretary-Treasurer, and Directors shall be requested by the Nominating Committee from
the membership at large in accordance with the deadline for nominations set by the
Canadian Library Association. All nominees shall be personal members in good standing
of the Association. The Director representing institutional members shall also be a staff
member of a member institution. Such nominations must be sponsored by no less than
three members in good standing of the Association and must have the written consent of
the nominee to stand for election.

6.3 Only those members of the Division in good standing as of 90 days prior to the
Association’s Annual general meeting will be eligible to vote.

6.4 The Nominating Committee shall file with the CLA Executive Director no less than
127 days prior to the Associations Annual General Meeting, the names of all nominees
together with their written consent.

6.4.1 If the Nominating Committee receives only one nomination for a vacancy by the
deadline for nominations, the name of the nominee shall be presented to the membership
no less than 120 days prior to the Association’s Annual general Meeting. Further
nominations may be entered by petition of three personal members and shall be filed with
the Executive Director no less than 90 days prior to the Association’s Annual general
Meeting. If, as of 90 days prior to the Association’s Annual General Meeting
‘Nominations Day’ there remains only one nominee, the nominee shall be declared

6.5 The CLA Executive Director shall cause to be prepared a ballot, known as the
Official Ballot, which shall contain all valid nominations received by the Nominating
Committee and any nominations made by the Committee.

6.5.1 No less than 60 days prior to the Association’s Annual General Meeting, the
Nominating Committee shall mail or otherwise cause to be distributed members of
CACUL in good standing a copy of or access to the Official Ballot. At the same time,
biographical sketches of all nominees will be distributed and made available to each
eligible voter.

6.5.2 The Official Ballot shall be marked and returned to the Executive Director in
accordance with instructions provided.
6.5.3 The member’s vote(s) via the Official Ballot shall be received by the Executive
Director prior to midnight Eastern Time of the day which falls 30 days prior to the
Annual General Meeting.

6.6 The Executive Director shall verify that only members have voted and in order to
maintain secrecy shall deliver to the Elections Committee the Official Ballot in sealed
envelopes or a report of votes which maintains the anonymity of voters.

6.7 The Elections Committee shall have charge of the counting, tabulation and
verification of all votes cast.

6.8 The candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast for each office shall be
elected. In the event of a tie the successful candidate shall be determined by lot. The
President of the Association shall cast the deciding vote.

6.9 All candidates shall be informed of the results of the election by the President, at least
one week prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Council Member serving
on the Nominations Committee will report the names of those elected to the membership
at the Annual General Meeting.

By-Law 7: Committees
7.1 The Executive Council shall establish such standing and/or ad hoc Committees as are
necessary to carry out the work of the Association until the next Annual General

7.2 The Executive Council shall establish the name, terms of reference and membership
of all such Committees and shall report the same to the Annual General Meeting for
information purposes.

7.3 Each Committee requiring financial assistance from the Association shall submit a
budget for approval by the Executive Council.

7.4 Each Committee shall submit a report of its activities to the Executive Council, to be
received in time for inclusion in the President's Annual Report to the Annual General

7.5 Each Committee shall send a copy of its minutes to the Division Secretary-Treasurer.
7.6 Committees and Committee Members shall normally be appointed in time to begin
their work at the Annual General Meeting, and shall continue in office until they are
discharged by the Executive Council.

By-Law 8: Finances
8.1 The budget of this Association shall be determined jointly by the Executive Council
and the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association.

8.2 The operational year of the Association shall coincide with that of the Canadian
Library Association.

By-Law 9: Meetings
9.1 A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of 50 voting members or five
percent of the voting membership, whichever is the lesser.

9.2 Special General Meetings shall be called:

   1. by the Executive Council at any time;
   2. by the President on the written request of fifty voting members

The time and place of Special General Meetings shall be determined by the Executive
Council and announced to the membership in writing at least fourteen days before such
meeting is to be held. The agenda of a Special General Meeting shall include only the
matter(s) for which the General Meeting was called. A quorum for a Special General
Meeting shall consist of 50 voting members or five per cent of the voting members,
whichever is the lesser.

9.3 All General Meetings of the Association shall be open to all members of the Canadian
Library Association.

9.4 Voting at all Meetings of the Association shall be by show of hands unless a vote by
ballot is demanded by the majority of the voting members present.

9.5 The order of all Meetings of the Association and its component bodies shall be in
accordance with the latest edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
ARLD Bylaws
                 1980; April 17, 1986; October 31, 1991; November 21, 1997; April 2008

Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD) of
the Minnesota Library Association (MLA).

Article II. Affiliations
ARLD is also the Minnesota Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)
of the American Library Association (ALA).

Article III. Purpose
ARLD is a forum for and an advocate of academic and research librarians and library personnel,
and all other information professionals that serve academic and research institutions.

The purpose of ARLD shall be:

(1) To contribute to the professional and career development of all academic library personnel by
conducting workshops and arranging programs.

(2) To enhance the capabilities of Minnesota academic libraries to serve the needs of their users.

(3) To promote and advocate for the interests of academic libraries.

(4) To promote the study, research, and dissemination of information relevant to academic

(5) To promote and foster cooperation and communication among the members of ARLD, the
academic community, other library organizations, and other associations.

(6) To support and protect intellectual freedom in academic libraries.

(7) To acknowledge and honor the achievements of academic library personnel.

Article IV. Membership
Anyone interested in the objectives of the Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD) is
encouraged to become a member by joining the Minnesota Library Association and checking the
ARLD box on the annual MLA dues form. Members of the Association of College and Research
Libraries who live in Minnesota are automatically members of ARLD.

Article V. Officers
Section 1.
The elected officers of ARLD shall be a Chair, a Chair-Elect who shall serve as Vice-Chair, a Past
Chair, a Secretary, an Information Coordinator, a Legislative Liaison, and two Members-at-Large,
all of whom shall be Division members in good standing. The Chair, Past Chair and Chair-Elect
shall also be members in good standing of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The
elected officers of ARLDshall constitute the Executive Committee (see Article VI).

Section 2.
The elected officers of the Division shall be selected according to the provisions of Article VIII ---.
Nominations and Elections.

Section 3.
Following their election new officers shall be invited to the November ARLD Board meeting, and
shall take office on December 1st.

Section 4.
The Chair shall hold office for one year without immediately succeeding her/himself. The Vice-
Chair shall hold office for one year and shall succeed the Chair. The Secretary, Information
Coordinator, and the Legislative Liaison shall hold office for two years and may be re-elected. The
Members-at-Large shall hold office for two years and may not immediately succeed themselves.
One Member-at-Large shall be elected each year.


(See Section 2.9 of the MLA Bylaws for more information.)

Section 5.

The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Division and of the Executive Committee,
shall enforce all the laws and regulations relating to the administration of the Division,
and shall be an ex-officio member of any Standing Committees with the exception of the
Nominating/Elections Committee. The Chair, or a designee, shall represent the Chapter at
appropriate ACRL meetings and functions.

Section 6.
The Chair shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors (the Executive Committee, plus volunteers
and appointees) no later than thirty days after the beginning of the fiscal year, or for the purpose
of planning the activities of the Division. The Chair shall call meetings of the Executive
Committee as deemed necessary.

Chair-Elect/Vice Chair

Section 7.
The Chair-Elect shall serve one year as Vice-Chair assuming the position of Chair in the following
year. The Vice-Chair shall coordinate ARLD’s participation in the Minnesota Library Association’s
Annual Conference.

Section 8.
In the temporary absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume all the powers, prerogatives,
and obligations of the Chair for the period of such absence.

Section 9.
In the event of the permanent loss of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the office of the Chair
for the remainder of the current year and continue serving as Chair for the following year.

Past Chair

Section 10.
The Past Chair remains on the Executive Committee for one year, and serves as the chair of the
ARLD Day planning workgroup, and as chair of the Nominating/Elections Committee.

Temporary Chair

Section 11.
In the event of the absence of the Chair and the Vice-Chair from any meetings of the Division,
Board, or the Executive Committee, one of the members present shall be elected to preside, but
without the powers and prerogatives of the Chair.


Section 12.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Division, shall distribute
announcements of the meetings to membership, and shall send approved minutes of the
Division’s meetings to the Executive Director of MLA or their designate, for inclusion on the
ARLD web site. The Secretary shall maintain a list of members, and communicate with ACRL to
obtain a list of ACRL members who are not members of MLA.

Information Coordinator
Section 13.
The Information Coordinator shall be responsible for the dissemination of all Division
announcements to membership, and shall write semi-annual reports on ARLD activities for the
ACRL Chapter Topics newsletter. The Information Coordinator shall also forward notices or
important news from ACRL to ARLD membership, and write materials for Minnesota Library
Association or ARLD newsletters or brochures, as requested by the elected board members.

Legislative Liaison

Section 14.
The Legislative Liaison represents ARLD in the Minnesota Library Association’s Legislative
Committee. The Legislative Liaison shall be responsible for the dissemination of legislative
information to the ARLD membership. The Legislative Liaison may also serve as the Chapter’s
Legislative Coordinator for the ACRL Legislative Network.


Section 15.
The Members-at-Large shall serve as full, voting members of the Executive Committee.

Website Coordinator

Section 16.
A member of the Board or a volunteer shall be designated to maintain the ARLD portion of the
MLA website.

Article VI. Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Executive Committee of ARLD shall consist of the present elected officers, and the immediate
Past Chairperson.

Section 2.
The duties of the Executive Committee shall include the following:

    •   Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, it shall appoint the Chairperson of any
        standing and special committees.
    •   It shall appoint non-voting members of the ARLD Board.
    •   It shall annually appoint the members of the Nominating/Elections Committee, which
        also administers awards.
    •   It shall act for the Division in the intervals between meetings.
•   Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, it shall fill vacancies in office until
        successors can be chosen through the normal procedure.
    •   It shall serve as the central management and coordinating body of the Division, keeping
        in close touch with committees to which it may recommend activities, and from which it
        shall require reports at least once a year, and personal representation at the Board of
        Directors meetings as needed.

Section 3.
The Executive Committee may appoint volunteers to assist with special projects, or to aid the
Board in the carrying out of the business of the Division.

Article VII. Committees
Committee Membership

Section 1.
Appointed committees may be either ad hoc or standing. Except as otherwise provided in these
bylaws, committee personnel shall be selected by their chairpersons, with the advice and consent
of the Executive Committee, from personal members in good standing with the Division.

Section 2.
Appointment to standing committees shall not exceed two years and shall terminate with the
appointment of their successors or their discharge. An individual may be reappointed for an
additional one-year term.

Committee Meetings

Section 3.
Chairpersons shall call meetings of their committees. In addition, committees shall meet at the
call of the Chair of the Division, or of the Executive Committee.

Section 4.
Every committee shall keep minutes of its meetings, and furnish copies to the Secretary and to all
the committee’s members.

Section 5.
At the close of its work, and at other times as the Executive Committee may direct, each
committee shall make a report to the Division or the Executive Committee. Copies of final reports
shall be filed with the Secretary of the Division.
Section 6.
The Secretary shall make all past committee reports available to each new chairperson on request.

Article VIII. Nominations and Elections

Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall appoint, within 90 days of the beginning of the fiscal year, a
Nominating/Elections Committee consisting of a chairperson (the Past Chair of ARLD) , and at
least two other members. (The Nominating/Elections Committee also selects the Minnesota
Academic Librarian of the Year.)

Section 2.
The Nominating/Elections Committee shall prepare a slate of one or more candidates for each
elective office to be filled at the next annual election, and shall secure written or electronic
consent from each candidate to enter his/her name in nomination. The Committee shall report by
a specific date to the Executive Committee.


Section 3.
The election shall be held annually and shall be accomplished either at a meeting of the Division
or through a mailed or electronic ballot. The method shall be determined annually by the
Executive Committee. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of votes cast. Upon election,
winners and losers shall be notified by the Chair, after which the membership of the Division shall
be notified of the winners.

Article IX. Awards

Section 1.
There shall be an annual Minnesota Academic Librarian of the Year Award, presented at the
Awards Banquet of the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference. The Award will consist
of a certificate and a plaque.

Section 2.
The Nominating/Elections Committee shall solicit nominations from the Membership of ARLD at
least 90 days before the M.L.A. Annual Conference.

Section 3.
To be eligible, a nominee must have been a member in good standing of ARLD, or a Minnesota
member of ACRL for the past two years.

Section 4.

The major criterion for selection shall be that the nominee has contributed to the well-being of
academic libraries or librarianship in Minnesota, either with some significant action during the
past year, or throughout their career.

Article X. Meetings
Division Meetings

Section 1.
There shall be at least one Annual Conference of the Division separate from meetings of the
Minnesota Library Association. This shall be at a time and place determined by the Executive

Section 2.
Other meetings of the division may be called at any time with the approval of the Executive

Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall set the fee of all individuals attending division meetings, in
accordance with the Minnesota Library Association policy.

Section 4.
The call of any meeting of the Division shall be issued by the Executive Committee at least thirty
days prior to the date of the meeting.

Executive Committee Meetings

Section 5.
Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chairperson.


Section 6.
Twenty-five current members, or at least 5 percent of total current membership, whichever
number is greater, shall constitute a quorum authorized to transact any business duly presented
at any meeting of the Division.

Section 7.
Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.

Section 8.
A majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee.

Parliamentary Authority

Section 9.
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, in the latest edition shall govern the Division in all cases
to which it can be applied and in which it is not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation,
the bylaws, or special rules of the Association, or with the bylaws or special rules of the Division.

Article XI. Amendments
Section 1.
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Division by a two-thirds vote of
those present who are members in good standing of ARLD or the ACRL-Minnesota Chapter,
provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular ARLD
business meeting, or that notice of the amendment has been given in the call of the meeting, at
least thirty days prior to the meeting.

Section 2.

    •   Recommendation of the Executive Committee.
    •   Submission of an amendment in writing at the previous regular business meeting.
    •   Presentation to the Secretary of the Division at least six weeks prior to the meeting, of an
        amendment petition signed by no less than ten personal members in good standing.

Article XII. Finances
Section 1.
The Minnesota Library Association shall be the Fiscal Agent for the receipt and disbursement of
Division funds.

Section 2.
No committee, officer, or member of the Division shall incur any expenses in its name unless
properly authorized by the MLA Board and the ARLD Executive Committee.

Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall work with the MLA Board to establish procedures for the receipt
and disbursal of Division funds for each ARLD-sponsored activity.

Section 4.
Division funds shall be expended only upon authorization by the Executive Committee. At the
beginning of each fiscal year the Executive Committee shall prepare and adopt a budget. The
budget, subject to later revision as conditions may require, constitutes Executive Committee
recommendations to the M.L.A. Board in the amounts and for the purposes specified. The M.L.A.
Board will be the final authority for approval of the budget, except for the acquisition and
expenditure of any funds received from A.L.A. or its divisions for the use of ARLD, acting in its
role as the Minnesota chapter of ACRL.



                              (Effective from January 5, 1987)

“An Association Is What Its Members Make It By Their Active Collaboration
  And Participation In Its Programmes And Activities; No More, No Less.”

                           INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION
                                   Founded 1933
             Registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of I860)

                               Indian Library Association
                          A 40-41 Flat No. 201 Ansal Building
                          Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi 110009

(as amended on 4th January, 1987 and effective from 5 January 1987)

CLAUSE 1 Name:

The name of the Association shall be the Indian Library Association hereinafter
referred to as the Association. Its registered office will be in Delhi/New Delhi.

CLAUSE 2 Objectives:

The Association, existing-to- develop high standards of librarianship and library and
information services shall have the following objectives:

   a. promotion of library movement and. Improvement in library services in all its
      aspects in India;

   b. promotion of library science education and the improvement in the training of
      libraries in India;

   c. promotion of bibliographical study and research in library science;

   D.   improvement in the status and conditions of Services of librarians;

   e. affiliation of the state and other library association with Indian Library
      Association and co-operation with International Organisation with same

   f.   publication of bulletins periodicals, books, etc. which will tend to the
        realization of the objectives of the Association;

   g. establishment of libraries, documentation and information centres and
      assistance in their establishment and working;

   h. promotion of appropriate library legislation in India;

   i.   providing a common forum to all persons engaged or interested in library and
        information work by holding conferences and meetings for discussion of
        professional, technical and organisational issues;

   j.   accreditation of institutions   imparting   library    and   information   science
        education and training;

   k. promotion as well as formulation of standards, norms, guidelines, etc. for
      management of library and information systems and services; and

   l.   carrying out all such other things that are incidental or conducive to the
        attainment of the above mentioned objectives.

CLAUSE 3 Finance, Property, etc.

The Association shall have the following powers regarding finance, possession of
property, etc.:

   a. acceptance of subscription, gift, donation, endowment or grants of money or
      other property for any of the objectives of the Association;
b. for the purpose of the Association to borrow and raise money, as it may think
           fit, and to invest money of the Association, not immediately required in such
           manner as may from time to time be determined by the Council, and to
           execute, accept and endorse promissory notes and other negotiable

        c. acquisition by purchase, lease or otherwise, all kinds of property, movable,
           and immovable and construction and maintenance of buildings thereon
           suitable for the purpose of the Association and to improve, develop, manage,
           sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise deal with all or any part of the properties of
           the Association;

        d. creation and maintenance of special funds such as Building Fund, Life
           Membership Fund and similar others; and

        e. for purposes of accounting including realisation of subscription and other
           annual dues the "year" shall be the 'financial year' commencing 1st April
           ending 31st March of the following year.

CLAUSE 4 Membership

        a. all persons and institutions, who subscribe to the objectives of the Association
           and fulfil other prescribed conditions, are eligible for membership of the

        b. the following shall be the classes of membership of the Association;

        •   Patron

Honorary Member (Persons who have rendered distinguished services in promoting
the objectives of the Association may be elected as honorary members by the
General Body meeting on the recommendation of the Council)

        o   Life Member

        o   Library Association Member

        o   Institution Member

        o   Ordinary Member

        o   Associate Member

The subscription amount payable for the above classes of membership shall be in
accordance with the relevant provisions in the Bye laws of the Association.

        c. The general conditions of membership are:

  i.        a person, an institution or an association seeking membership shall apply to
            the Association in writing and preferably in the prescribed membership form.

 ii.        the application for membership shall ordinarily be recommended by another
            valid member of the Association.

 iii.       admission will be approved by the Executive Committee of the Association. It
            shall be effective from the date of approval by the Executive Committee.
iv.      a separate register for each class of membership shall be maintained by the
          Association. The name, address and other details furnished by the members
          at the time of admission or later when changes, if any, are notified, as
          recorded in the membership register shall constitute the official record, for
          purpose of correspondence,

CLAUSE 5 Privileges of Membership

       a. Members of the Association shall be entitled to the following privileges:

             i.    presence and participation in all general body meetings as well as
                   meetings of the sectional committee to which they belong. Further,
                   they may attend annual conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. that
                   may be organised by the Association from time to time.

            ii.    eligibility to propose, stand and vote in the election to any elective
                   office of the Association.

           iii.    gratis or concessional supply of any or all publications of the
                   Association, as may be provided for in the Bye-laws of the Association.
Note: Associate Members are entitled to the privilege mentioned in ( i) only.

       b. Institution member and Library Association member shall exercise privileges
          through accredited representative, as noted in the official records of the

       c. The privileges of members shall be valid provided their annual subscription is
          paid by 30 June in each year. An office-bearer shall cease to be so, if his
          membership subscription is not paid by 30 June in each year.

       d. The names of members whose subscriptions are in arrears for two
          consecutive years shall be removed from the membership register.

       e. Members shall be entitled to the privilege mentioned in 5-(a) (ii), if only

             i.    their annual subscription is paid by 30 June of the election year

            II.    their names are in the membership register of the Association on or
                   before 1 January of the election year.

CLAUSE 6 The Council

There shall be a Council of the Association, consisting of the following:

       a. All office-bearers of the Association as mentioned in Clause 7 (a)

       b. Representatives elected by and from among personal members (patrons,
          honorary members, life members and ordinary members, excepting associate
          members) at the rate of one representative for every 100 members or part
          thereof, subject to a maximum of 20. Out of permissible number of council
          members, there shall be reservation of one council member for each of the
          following zones :

          Southern Zone Tamil             Nadu, Kerala,        Karnataka,       Andhra Pradesh

          Western Zone          Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan
Central Zone           Madhya       Pradesh,       Uttar     Pradesh,       Bihar, Orissa

         Northern Zone          Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir

         Eastern Zone           West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,

         Union Territory Delhi, Chandigrh, Pondicherry, Goa, Andaman                            & Nicobar,
         Zone            Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and others
Note: (i)  If there are any changes in geographical boundry or status of the territory, the Council of ILA is
empowered to change the placement of the states/union territories to the proper zone.

(ii)  The address of members as noted in the records of the Association shall be the basis for determining the
zone to which member* belong. Normally, residence of a member in a zone for a continuous period of at least
one-year shall be taken into consideration.

    c. Representative of institutions by and from among institutional members at
       the rate of one council member for every 40 members or part thereof. The
       Council shall have powers to nominate any institutional member(s) to the
       Council to fill up vacancies if they arise in the representation of institutional
       members in the Council.

    d. One representative each of the State Library Associations which are Members.

    e. Chairman of each Section of the Association, as mentioned in Clause 10.

    f.   The past Presidents of the Indian Library Association who are valid members
         of the Association, unless otherwise elected as members of the Council.

CLAUSE 7 Office Bearers and Management

    a. There shall be following Office-bearers of the Association:

    •    President

    •    Six Vice-Presidents

    •    General Secretary

    •    Two Secretaries

    •    Treasurer

    •    Librarian

    •    Public Relations Office

    b. The President, Six Vice-Presidents and the General Secretary shall be elected,
       in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Bye-laws of the
       Association, every alternate year from among and by all classes of members
       except Associate Members.

    c. For election to Six posts of Vice-Presidents, there shall be reservation of one
       post for each of the following zones :

Southern Zone            Tamil Nadu,        Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
Western Zone                 Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan

Central Zone                 Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa

Northern Zone                Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jamrnu & Kashmir

                             West   Bengal,         Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh,
Eastern Zone

Union territory Zone         Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Goa, Andaman &

                             Nicobar,     Mizoram,       Manipur, Tripura and others
    Note: (i) If there are any changes in geographical boundry or status of the territory, the Council of JLA is
    empowered to change the placement of the states/union territories to the proper zone.

    (ii) The address of members as noted in the records of the Association shall be the basis for determining the zone
    to which members belong. Normally, residence of a member in a zone for a continuous period of at least one year
    shall be taken into consideration.

        d. The Treasurer, two Secretaries, Librarian and Public Relations Officer shall be
           co-opted by the Council.

        e. A person elected as President for a two-year term shall not be eligible for
           election to the same office again. All other office-bearers according to (a)
           above shall not be eligible 4o hold their respective office for more than two
           terms or four consecutive years.

    CLAUSE 8 Election of Office-bearers and Council Members

    The election of President, six Vice-Presidents, General Secretary and required
    number of Council Members shall be held by postal ballot in accordance with relevant
    Bye-laws of the Association.

    CLAUSE 9 The Executive Committee

    There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of the following:

        •    The President;

        •    One of the Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the Council who shall be
             designated as Senior Vice-President;

        •    The General Secretary;

        •    The Treasurer;

        •    Two Secretaries, the Librarian and the Public Relations Officer. Three
             members of the Council to be nominated by the Council provided that at least
             two of the members shall ordinarily be residents of the place where the office
             of the Association is situated or its immediate neighborhood.

        •    Members of Executive Committee shall lose their membership of the
             Executive Committee if they absent themselves from three consecutive
             meetings of the Committee without valid reasons.
CLAUSE 10 Sectional Committees

   a. The Professional work of the Association shall be distributed among the
      following Sections:

           1. Agricultural Libraries;

           2. Govt. Dept. Libraries;

           3. Engineering & Tech. Libraries;

           4. Health Science Libraries;

           5. Educatipri in Library & Inf. Science;

           6. Oriental Libraries;

           7. Public Libraries;

           8. School/Children Libraries;

           9. Special Libraries;

           10. University '& College Libraries;

           11. Library and Information Technology.

   b. The Sections shall take initiative in the matters pertaining to their fields. They
      shall organise surveys, reviews, study, research, publications, etc. They shall
      recommend to the Council action to be taken pertaining to their fields. The
      Council shall coordinate the work of various Sections, and sanction annual
      provision for each Section; the Council shall create a new section or keep in
      abeyance any section whenever deemed necessary.

   c. There shall be a Sectional Committee for each Section consisting of the
      following persons who shall be nominated by the Council.

   •    Chairman;

   •    Convener; and

   •    Five members

The Chairman and the Convener of one Section shall not hold any of the above
mentioned offices in any other Section.

   d. Each Sectional Committee shall meet soon after nomination and shall prepare
      its annual programme-of work, showing therein the financial needs, if any,
      and shall work on the programme as may be approved by the Council, to
      whom the annual programme shall be submitted for this purpose.

   e. The Chairman of the Sectional Committee shall submit the annual report of
      the respective Section in such a way that after review, materials from that
      may be incorporated in the annual report on the "working of the Association.

   f.   The Sections shall not incur any financial or other liability or enter into any
        agreement with any body except as sanctioned or authorised specifically by
        the Council. The Sections shall submit annually their accounts with proper
vouchers to the General Secretary of the Association. The Sections shall be
           responsible to the Council in all their activities.

CLAUSE 11 Tenure of Office

The tenure of office of office beareis and members of the Council, Executive
Committees and Sectional Committees will ordinarily be two years, starting from 1st
April. The Council is empowered to fill up by nomination any interim vacancy that
may arise in the Council, Executive Committee and Sectional Committees. No action
or proceedings of the General Body, the Council and the Executive Committee shall
be invalidated by the existence of any vacancy or vacancies or the invalidity of
election of any members or office-bearers.

CLAUSE 12 Business Meetings

        a. General Body Meeting:

An Ordinary General Body Meeting shall be held once in a year at such place, pn
such date and at such time as shall be determined by the President in consultation
with the Executive Committee.

The Agenda for an Ordinary General Body Meeting shall include:

   i.      Report of the Working of the Association;

  ii.      The audited accounts of the Association for the previous year;

 iii.      Announcements of results of election for office-bearers and Council members
           every alternate year [as per clause 8];

 iv.       Consideration of Bye-laws, if any, framed by the Council;

  v.       Consideration of business which the President, the Council or the Executive
           Committee may bring up and which is notified duly;

 vi.       Any resolution of which notice has been given in writing to the General
           Secretary of the Association by. any member of the Association at least one
           month before the date of the meeting;

vii.       Any other business, which the President, the Council or the Executive
           Committee may bring up for consideration with the permission of the General
           Body (Excepting amendment to constitution or bye-laws);

viii.      In the absence of President the Sr Vice-President, and all other Vice-
           Presidents, the General Body may elect one of its own members as its chair

        b. An Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting may be called by the President either
           on his own initiative or by the requisition representing 25% of the members
           of the Association formulating the resolution to be discussed.

        c. Council Meetings:

   i.      A Council Meeting shall be held as early before the Ordinary General Body
           Meeting as practicable, as soon as after the Ordinary General Body Meeting as
           practicable, and at such other times the President may determine, either on
his own initiative or that of the Executive Committee but preferably at least
           once in six months.

 ii.       The Council may also transact business by circulation on the initiative of
           either the President or the Executive Committee, or at least three members of
           the Council.

 iii.      In the absence of President, Sr Vice-President and all other Vice Presidents
           the Council may elect one of its own members present as its chair person

        d. The Executive Committee:

A meeting of the Executive Committee may be held at least once in three months on
the initiative of the President or the General Secretary or on the requisition by at
least three members of thj Committee; normally such meetings shall be held at least
once in three months; provided that the Executive Committee may also transact
business by circulation on the initiative of the President or the General Secretary.

        e. In absence of the President and the senior Vice-President, a meeting of the
           Executive Committee may elect one of its own members present as its

CLAUSE 13 Quorum:

The following shall be the quorum for meetings:

                           General Body              25

                           Council                   7

                           Executive Committee       5

                           Sectional Committee       3

CLAUSE 14 Powers and Duties:

(a) The Council:

The powers and duties of the Council shall be as follows:

(i)          To determine all questions of policy of the Association and act as the
Governing Body of the Association subject to the directives of General Body;

(ii)         To elicit the views of the General Body on any question of policy,
whenever deemed necessary;

(iii)        To frame Bye-laws in amplification and working of the constitution.
Such Bye-laws shall come into force immediately but may be amended or rejected by
two thirds majority at a General Body Meeting;

(iv)            To co opt members to function as Treasurer, Librarian, Public
Relations Officer and Secretaries;

(v)            To nominate a Vice-President and three members of the Council to
the Executive Committee;
(vi)          To direct the Executive Committee on the action to be taken on the
resolutions passed by the Council and the General Body or at any Library

(vii)         To appoint special committees to consider specific questions;

(viii)        To consider and pass the budget of the Association;

(ix)           To appoint auditors to audit accounts of the Association.

(b) The Executive Committee :

Subject to the direction of the Council, the powers and duties of the Executive
Committee shall be as follows:

(i)            To manage the affairs of the Association;

(ii)          To frame the agenda for the Council and the General Body Meeting;

(iii)         To organise the All India Library Conference;

(iv)         To take action on the resolutions passed by the Council and the
General Body or at any Library Conference;

(v)            To manage the funds and properties of the Association;

(vi)          To frame the annual budget and present the same to the Council for approval;

(vii)         To incur or sanction expenditure;

(viii)     To present the annual report on the working of the Association to the
Annual General Body Meeting;

(ix)         To arrange for the audit of Accounts of the Association and present the
annual statement of accounts and the audit report to the Council and the Annual
General Body Meeting;

(x)            To invite as Chief Guest or in similar capacity reputed persons at the

(xi)        To open current account, savings account and fixed deposit account
with any Bank and to operate them in any manner as the Executive Committee
deems fit;

(xii)        To open safe custody account with any Bank and to deposit, withdraw,
purchase, sell, transfer and endorse shares, securities, etc. on its behalf and to deal
with the assets of the Association in any manner as the Executive Committee deems

(c) The President:

The powers and duties of the President shall be:

(i)          to preside at all meetings of the General Body, the Council, the
Executive Committee and the Annual Conference;

(ii)          to perform all such functions as are warranted by the Constitution and
the Bye-laws framed thereunder;
(iii)      to act as Liaison Officer between the Association on the one hand and
the Governments, National and International Associations, etc. on the other hand;

(iv)         to take such action as may be necessary to ensure due effect being
given to the policy enunciated by the Council and the resolutions passed by the
General Body, the Council and the Executive Committee;

(v)             to have general control over the affairs of the Association.

(d) The Vice-Presidents :

Senior Vice-President: The Vice-President nominated by the Council to the Executive
Committee shall be the Senior Vice-President. The powers and duties of the Senior
Vice-President shall be to act in place of the President during his absence or on such
occasions as may be determined by the President;

(e) The General Secretary:

Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee, the powers and duties of the
General Secretary shall be :

(i)             to administer the business of the Association;

(ii)         to attend the meetings of all the bodies of the Association, and to
maintain the minutes of their proceedings except those of the Sectional Committees
and ad-hoc committees;

(iii)         to prepare the annual report on the working of the Association for
consideration by the Executive Committee, the Council and the General Body.

(f)    The Treasurer :

Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee, the powers and duties of the
Treasurer shall be:

(i)        to receive all moneys on behalf of the Association and to issue properly
signed receipt for the same;

(ii)        to make payment for the charges incurred under competent authority;

(iii)    to maintain the accounts, to prepare the annual statement of accounts and
the budget, and to present the annual statement of accounts together with the audit
report and the budget for the consideration by the Executive Committee, the Council
and the General Body;

(g) The Secretaries :

Subject to the direction of the President, the powers and duties of the Secretaries
shall be:

(i)        to assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his duties on all
occasions and in manner as may be desired by him;

(ii)       in the absence of the General Secretary, one of the Secretaries shall act in
his place, as determined by the President;
(iii)    one of the Secretaries as decided by the Executive Committee shall be in-
charge of publications of the Association. His other duties shall be to act as the
Managing Editor of the official organ of the Association.

(h) The Public Relations Officer:

Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee the powers and duties of the
Public Relations Officer shall be:

(i)   to keep the public informed about the activities of the Association;

(j)  to advise the Executive Committee on the results of his contacts with the public
and the members of the Central and State Legislatures and Governments. His other
duties will be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

(k) The Librarian :

Subject to the directions of the Executive Committee the powers and duties of the
Librarian shall be:

to receive, maintain and make available for service the publications acquired by the

His other duties shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.

CLAUSE 15 Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution shall be added to, revised or amended by a two-third majority of
those present and voting at the Extra-ordinary Genera! Body Meeting provided that
at least one month's notice has been given to the members about the proposed

                            INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION


(As amended and brought uptodate by the Council on 3-1-19S7 and reported to the
General Body on 4.1.87 and effective from 5.1.1987)

1. General Body Meeting—Procedure for conducting transactions

Further to the provisions in the Consiitution vide clause 12 (a) regarding agenda
items and clause 13 regarding quorum, the following procedures are laid down :

(a)        A notice convening an ordinary/annual General Body Meeting shall be
issued not less than 40 days prior to the date of such meeting, giving the agenda as
per clause 12 (a) of the Constitution, as applicable.

(b)         A notice convening an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall be
issued not less than 15 days prior to the date of such meeting. This will apply also to
the requisitioned meeting, as provided in clause 12 (b) of the Constitution.

(c)       A notice of any motion or resolution to be moved at the ordinary/ annual
General Body Meeting may be sent by any member of the Association (except
Associate Members), giving the text of the motion of resolution so as to reach the
General Secretary not less than 20 days before the date of the General Body
(d)        A statement showing all resolutions proposed to be moved vide (c) above
will be made available to members present at the time of the General Body Meeting.

(e)        Notice of any amendment to a resolution to be moved in the Extra-
Ordinary General Body Meeting in accordance with Clause 15 of the Constitution shall
reach the General Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Meeting,

(f)         Notwithstanding any of the provisions mentioned above, any motion
calling for closure or adjournment of a discussion or referring the point to a
Committee or any authority or a person can be made during the discussion in the
General Body Meeting and carried by a simple majority of those members who are

2. Election Procedures

Further to Clauses 5 (a) ii; 5 (e) and 8 of the Constitution, the following procedures
are laid down for conducting the elections;

(a) The Council of the Association shall, at an appropriate time, appoint an Election
Officer for every term of office. The Election Officer, in association with two more
members to be nominated at his discretion to constitute an Election Committee and
with secretarial assistance to be provided by ILA office, shall be responsible for
conducting the election in matters such as :

Ø    Scrutiny of membership list for eligibility to participate in the election.

Ø    Determining the number of vacancies to be filled up in the Council.

Ø    Inviting nominations to various offices to which election is to be held.

Ø    Scrutiny of nominations received, acceptance of withdrawal of nominations if
any and announcing final valid nominations.

Ø    Despatch of ballot papers by registered post to eligible voters.

The Election Officer as well as the other two members of the Election Committee
shall not be office-bearers of the Association for the current term and also a
contestent to any office in the election for the ensuing term.

(b) The time-table for election process shall ordinarily be as follows :

Ø    Publication of Membership List (as current upto 30 June) by the ILA Secretariat,
after due scrutiny and authentication by Election Officer—31 July

Ø   Inviting nominations by the Election Officer for election of office-bearers—1

Ø    Withdrawal of nominations, if any—15 September

Ø    Announcement       of   final,   valid   nominations   by   the   Election   Officer—20
September. .

Ø    Date of Despatch of Ballot Papers to members—10-15 October

Ø     Last Date for receipt of marked ballot papers from members to the Returning
Officer—15 November
If warranted by exigencies of circumstances, the President, ILA is empowered to
alter suitably and marginally the above time-table.

(c) Nomination for election to offices shall be duly proposed and seconded by valid
members in accordance with Clause 5(e) of the Constitution. The nomination shall
carry written consent of the candidate whose name had been proposed for seeking

(d) Withdrawal of nomination, if any, has to be made in writing by the candidate
whose name has been proposed for seeking election. Telegraphic intimation about
withdrawal will not be acceptable unless post copy in confirmation of the telegram is
also received by the Election Officer before the specified date for withdrawal.

(e) The election Committee, in association with the President, ILA shall scrutinize the
nominations and after taking into consideration the withdrawals announce the final,
valid nominations.

(f)  All complaints and representations received from members in regard to any
issue on.j the ^election process upto the stage of dispatch of ballot papers shall be
considered by the Election Committee and the President ILA and the decision taken
thereof shall be final and binding on all concerned.

3. Election Results

(a) The Executive Committee/Council of ILA shall appoint a Returning Officer, whose
responsibility is to receive ballot papers from voters at his address, count the votes
at the time and place decided upon by the President, ILA and to communicate the
results to the President, ILA thereafter.

(b) The voters shall send by post the marked ballot papers in a closed cover to the
Returning Officer at his address on or before the specified date for receiving the
ballot papers. In case it is desired to hand over personally the completed ballot
papers to the Returning Officer, it should be done personally by the voter concerned
and no proxy will be allowed in this connection.

(c) While the President, ILA shall decide the date, time and place for counting of
votes, these may ordinarily coincide with the Annual General Body meeting to be
held during All India Library Conference. The counting may take place a day or two
before such General Body Meeting to facilitate announcement of the results at the
General Body meeting itself. If, for any unforeseen circumstance, the election
process is delayed and the results could not be announced at the annual General
Body meeting, an Ordinary General Body meeting may be convened later for the
special purpose of announcing the results at a date and venue decided by the
President, ILA.

(d) The returning Officer may make use of member volunteers (who shall not be a
contestent in the election) in the counting of votes. The candidates standing for
election or their representatives may be present to watch for themselves the
counting operations.

(e) In the event of any tie, decision will be taken by toss of a coin.
(f) Decision taken by the Returning Officer in all complaints and representations in
regard to receipt of ballot papers, counting of votes, invalidation of votes and
compiling of election results shall be final and binding on all concerned.

4. Membership Subscription

The subscription to be paid for different classes of membership shall be as follows.

 Patron - To contribute to the Association in a single instalment either a sum of not
less than Rs. 2.000/- in cash or property worth not less than Rs. 5.000/-

Honorary Member - No payment

Life Member - A lump sum of Rs. 300/- at a time or in two instalments of Rs. ISO/-
each, within a period of six months

An ordinary member - who has continued his/her membership without interruption
for 10 years may become a Life Member subsequently on payment of Rs. 150/- only
at a time

Further, an ordinary member who has continued his/her membership for 10 years
without interruption and who has since retired from service and not re-employed
may become a life member on payment of Rs. 100/- only at a time

Ordinary Member -           Rs.25/-per       financial year

Institution Member -        Rs. 100/ per financial year

Library Association Member Rs. 100/-per financial year

Overseas Member -         Rs. 100/- per financial year

Associate Member -         No payment; But they should be members of

affiliated state library associations and certified as such by the association

5. Supply of ILA Publications

(a)        Further to Clause 5(a) iii, the privileges of members to receive ILA
publications shall be as follows :

(i)      Gratis supply of a copy of any periodical which may be published as official organ of

(ii)    Gratis supply of ILA Newsletter or similar newsletter type publications that
may be brought out from time to time

(iii)   Supply of ad hoc and all other serial publications of ILA at 20 per cent
discount on list price

Note: In case of .overseas members, including life members who have since
migrated abroad, the 20 per cent discount will apply on foreign subscription
(b)       The Executive Committee is authorised to fix up from time to time the
discount to be allowed to book trade for various saleable publications of ILA.

6. Special Funds

Further to Clause 3(d) of the Constitution, the following special funds shall be
operated :

(a) The Association shall create and maintain a Life Membership Fund, to which all
amounts accruing from life membership subscription are to be credited.

(i)        The life Membership Fund shall be maintained in a fixed deposit to the
extent feasible. Interest from fixed deposits of Life Membership Fund will bz
transferred to the General Account of the Association for meeting current obligations
to the life members.

(ii)     When a life member expires, his life membership subscription will be
transferred from Life Membership Fund to Building Fund.

(iii)  The Executive Committee is authorised to draw advances/ loans from the
fixed deposits of Life Membership Fund, should there be any emergent need.
However, such loans/ advances are to be paid back with interest to the Life
Membership Fund.

(b)   The Association shall create and maintain a Building Fund.

The receipt of the Building Fund shall consist of donations, transfer of any surplus
fund from general revenues of the Association, transfer of life membership
subscription of deceased members, some percentage of revenues earned from sale
of ILA publications royalty, consultancy fees, etc. receipt from advertisements
specially for augmenting the Building Fund and similar others.

The Building Fund shall be Utilized solely for purpose of owning a building by the
Association as and when possible.

The Building Fund shall be maintained in free deposit to the extent feasible. Interest
accruing from the fixed deposits of Building Fund, shall also be credited to it.

The Executive Committee is: authorised to draw advances/ loans from the fixed
deposit of the Building Fund should there be an emergent need. However, such
advances/loans are to be paid back with interest to the Building Fund

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Bylaws And Constitution Of Yla

  • 1. Constitution & Bylaws As approved by the CACUL membership by mail ballot, May, 1994. Revised at the CACUL AGM, June 2006. Constitution Article 1: Name 1.1 The name of this body shall be the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries-L'Association Canadienne des Bibliothèques de College et d'Université, a Division of the Canadian Library Association. Article 2: Objectives 2.1 The Association shall exist to develop high standards of librarianship and of library and information services, and to promote these in institutions of post-secondary education. Article 3: Membership 3.1 Membership in the Association shall be open to personal, institutional and honorary members of the Canadian Library Association as provided for in the By-Laws of this Association. Article 4: Relationship to the Canadian Library Association 4.1 This Association is a Division of the Canadian Library Association without separate legal entity. 4.2 The Association has the authority to act in the name of the Canadian Library Association on matters determined by the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association to be the responsibility of the Division. 4.3 The role and purpose of the Division is to support the objectives of the Canadian Library Association through the promotion of member participation in academic library activities; to provide for the exchange of ideas and experience among members; to promote library service in academic fields; and to co-operate with internal and external groups and organizations in the advancement of academic librarianship, and academic library and information services.
  • 2. Article 5: Sections 5.1 The Association shall have a section representing the libraries of community and technical colleges. 5.2 The Section shall be called the Community and Technical College Libraries Section. 5.3 The Association may establish other sections to meet member needs that cannot be met through an existing Association or Canadian Library Association unit, or through task force or committee structures. Article 6: Management 6.1 Management of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Council. 6.2 The Executive Council shall be composed of the following members: • The President • The Vice-President/President Elect or • The Past President • The Secretary-Treasurer • The Director at Large • The Director (Personal) • The Director (Institutional) • The CTCL Section Chairperson • The Conference Co-coordinator 6.3 With the exception of the Conference Coordinator, who shall be appointed by the President, the members of the Executive Council shall be elected and shall hold office and carry out responsibilities as provided for in the By-Laws of the Association. 6.4 The Executive Council shall administer the affairs of the Association in accordance with the Constitution and the By-Laws. 6.5 The head office of the Association shall be located with the head office of the Canadian Library Association. Article 7: Annual Meeting 7.1 This association shall hold an annual meeting at the time of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Library Association.
  • 3. Article 8: Amendment of the Constitution 8.1 The Executive Council or any twenty-five voting members of the Association may propose amendments to this Constitution. 8.2 Proposed amendments shall be considered legitimate unless, on the advice of the Canadian Library Association's Solicitor, they are found to be contrary to the laws of Canada or to the Constitution of the Canadian Library Association. They shall be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting, or, at the discretion of the Executive Council, by a mail ballot (including electronic notification). 8.3 Proposed amendments to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting must be submitted in writing (including electronic notification) to the President not less than sixty days before such meeting and shall be distributed to the membership fourteen days prior to the meeting. Amendments to be voted on by ballot shall be circulated to the membership not less than thirty days before the ballot is distributed. 8.4 To be passed, a proposed amendment to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws respecting a quorum, or two-thirds of the votes cast in a ballot. 8.5 Approved amendments shall be in effect when ratified by the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association. Article 9: Amendment of the By-Laws 9.1 The Executive Council or any twenty-five voting members of the Association may propose amendments to the By-Laws. 9.2 Proposed amendments shall be considered legitimate unless, on the advice of the Canadian Library Association's Solicitor, they are found to be contrary to the laws of Canada or to the Constitution of the Canadian Library Association. They shall be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting, or, at the discretion of the Executive Council, by ballot. 9.3 Proposed amendments to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting must be submitted in writing (including electronic notification) to the President not less than sixty days before such meeting and shall be distributed to the membership fourteen days prior to the meeting. Amendments to be voted on by ballot shall be circulated to the membership not less than thirty days before the ballot is distributed.
  • 4. 9.4 To be passed, an amendment to the By-Laws shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting, subject to the provisions of the By-Laws respecting a quorum, or a majority of the votes cast in a ballot. 9.5 Approved By-Laws shall be in effect when ratified by the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association. Article 10: Dissolution 10.1 In the event of the termination or dissolution of the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries, the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association is empowered to act as trustee for the Association. By-Laws By-Law 1: Aims and Objectives 1.1 In seeking to fulfill its Constitutional objectives, the Association shall work to develop active and meaningful communication among its members, shall encourage and support high levels of professional conduct on the part of its members, and shall promote high standards of academic library and information services. By-Law 2: Membership 2.1 Members shall be classified as follows: 1. Personal Members 2. Institutional Members (Libraries, library associations, corporations and other interested organizations) 3. Honorary Members (Persons who have shown distinguished merit in the library field or persons who have contributed to the development of library service, and are nominated by the Executive Council and elected for life by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a general meeting of the Association). 2.2 All members shall possess the following rights and privileges: 1. The right to vote. 2. The right to receive the official membership publications of the Association. 3. Such other benefits and services as the Association may establish. 2.3 Personal members shall have the following additional rights and privileges:
  • 5. 1. The right to hold elective office in the Association or its Sections provided they are not employees of the Canadian Library Association. 2. The right to serve on Committees of the Association. 3. The right to apply for grants offered by the Association. 2.4 Members in good standing: 1. All members who have paid the annual Canadian Library Association fee and have selected membership in the Canadian Association of College and University Libraries shall be members in good standing. 2.5 Institutional members may exercise their right to vote through a designated representative. By-Law 3: Sections 3.1 The Community and Technical College Library Section shall determine its membership and terms of reference subject to the approval of the Association. 3.2 The Section shall be responsible for matters of interest to its membership. 3.3 If the Section requires financial assistance from the Association it shall submit a budget for approval by the Executive Council. 3.4 The Section shall submit a report of its activities to the Executive Council, to be received in time for inclusion in the President's Annual Report to the Annual General Meeting. 3.5 The Section shall send a copy of its minutes to the Divisional Secretary-Treasurer. By-Law 4: Elected Members of the Executive Council 4.1 The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall preside at the meetings of the Executive Council and of the Association. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees of the Association. 4.2 As stipulated by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Canadian Library Association, the President shall be the official representative of the Association on the Executive Council of that Association.
  • 6. 4.3 The President shall, with the approval of the Executive Council, plan and direct the affairs of the Association, and present an Annual Report to the Association at its Annual General Meeting. 4.4 The person elected as Vice-President shall serve the first year after election as Vice- President, the second and third years after election as President, and the fourth year after election as the Past-President. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice- President or the Past-President, as the case may be, shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. 4.5 The Secretary-Treasurer: 1. Shall record or arrange for the recording of the minutes of all meetings and ensure their proper distribution, shall as directed by the President, assist in the correspondence of the Association, and shall report at the meetings of the Executive Council and at the Annual General Meeting. 2. Shall be responsible for the preparation of an annual budget based on the funds necessary to carry out the programs proposed by the Executive Council. The Secretary-Treasurer shall obtain a regular statement from the Canadian Library Association detailing the receipts and expenditures of the Association. 4.6 The elected members of the Executive Council shall be elected and serve terms as follows: • President: two years, preceded by one year as Vice-President/President Elect and followed by one year as Past President. Vice-President/President Elect: four years (one year as Vice-President, 2 years as President, 1 year as Past-President), elected very two years. • Secretary-Treasurer: two years, the term shall alternate with that of two of the Directors. • Director at Large: two years; elected in same year as Secretary-Treasurer. • Director (Personal): two years; elected by personal members only in alternate year from election of Secretary-Treasurer. • Director (Institutional): two years; elected by institutional members only in alternate year from election of Secretary-Treasurer. • CTCL Chairperson: two years; elected by CTCL members only at the CTCL Annual General Meeting. 4.7 No member elected to an office shall serve consecutive terms in that office.
  • 7. 4.8 1. If the office of Secretary-Treasurer becomes vacant, the Executive Council shall appoint one or more of its members to carry out the duties of the Secretary-Treasurer until the next election. 2. If the office of Vice-President becomes vacant in a year in which the position is normally occupied, the Director elected by the membership at large shall fill the position for the balance of the term of Vice-President. This Director/Acting Vice- President shall not automatically become President. The resulting vacancy for President shall be filled (for the remainder of the normal term) at the next election. 3. If a Directorship becomes vacant the Executive Council shall appoint a member of the appropriate constituency to fill the position until the next annual election. 4. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the duties and powers of the President shall be assumed by either the Vice-President/President-Elect or the Past President, as the case may be. 4.9 If an elected member of the Executive Council is absent from two consecutive meetings of the Executive Council, without prior notification, the position shall be declared vacant. By-Law 5: Executive Council 5.1 The Executive Council shall meet at least twice annually. The President shall determine the time and place of meeting provided at least four weeks written notice of such meeting be sent to each member of the Council. A majority of the voting Council members shall constitute a quorum. In addition, meetings may be held at such time and place as may be chosen by a quorum of the Executive Council, provided that ten days notice shall be sent in writing to each member of the Executive Council. No formal notice shall be necessary when all members of the Executive Council are present and waive notice thereof in writing. By-Law 6: Elections 6.1 At the first Executive Council meeting following the Annual Meeting, the Executive Council shall designate a Nominations Committee comprised of four members of the Association. The Committee shall be composed of a retiring member of the Executive Council (Chairperson), one other member of the Executive Council, excluding the president and Vice-president. a representative of the Community and Technical College Libraries Section, and a member at large.
  • 8. 6.2 Nominations, as required, for the positions of Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Directors shall be requested by the Nominating Committee from the membership at large in accordance with the deadline for nominations set by the Canadian Library Association. All nominees shall be personal members in good standing of the Association. The Director representing institutional members shall also be a staff member of a member institution. Such nominations must be sponsored by no less than three members in good standing of the Association and must have the written consent of the nominee to stand for election. 6.3 Only those members of the Division in good standing as of 90 days prior to the Association’s Annual general meeting will be eligible to vote. 6.4 The Nominating Committee shall file with the CLA Executive Director no less than 127 days prior to the Associations Annual General Meeting, the names of all nominees together with their written consent. 6.4.1 If the Nominating Committee receives only one nomination for a vacancy by the deadline for nominations, the name of the nominee shall be presented to the membership no less than 120 days prior to the Association’s Annual general Meeting. Further nominations may be entered by petition of three personal members and shall be filed with the Executive Director no less than 90 days prior to the Association’s Annual general Meeting. If, as of 90 days prior to the Association’s Annual General Meeting ‘Nominations Day’ there remains only one nominee, the nominee shall be declared elected. 6.5 The CLA Executive Director shall cause to be prepared a ballot, known as the Official Ballot, which shall contain all valid nominations received by the Nominating Committee and any nominations made by the Committee. 6.5.1 No less than 60 days prior to the Association’s Annual General Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall mail or otherwise cause to be distributed members of CACUL in good standing a copy of or access to the Official Ballot. At the same time, biographical sketches of all nominees will be distributed and made available to each eligible voter. 6.5.2 The Official Ballot shall be marked and returned to the Executive Director in accordance with instructions provided.
  • 9. 6.5.3 The member’s vote(s) via the Official Ballot shall be received by the Executive Director prior to midnight Eastern Time of the day which falls 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 6.6 The Executive Director shall verify that only members have voted and in order to maintain secrecy shall deliver to the Elections Committee the Official Ballot in sealed envelopes or a report of votes which maintains the anonymity of voters. 6.7 The Elections Committee shall have charge of the counting, tabulation and verification of all votes cast. 6.8 The candidates receiving the highest number of votes cast for each office shall be elected. In the event of a tie the successful candidate shall be determined by lot. The President of the Association shall cast the deciding vote. 6.9 All candidates shall be informed of the results of the election by the President, at least one week prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Council Member serving on the Nominations Committee will report the names of those elected to the membership at the Annual General Meeting. By-Law 7: Committees 7.1 The Executive Council shall establish such standing and/or ad hoc Committees as are necessary to carry out the work of the Association until the next Annual General Meeting. 7.2 The Executive Council shall establish the name, terms of reference and membership of all such Committees and shall report the same to the Annual General Meeting for information purposes. 7.3 Each Committee requiring financial assistance from the Association shall submit a budget for approval by the Executive Council. 7.4 Each Committee shall submit a report of its activities to the Executive Council, to be received in time for inclusion in the President's Annual Report to the Annual General Meeting. 7.5 Each Committee shall send a copy of its minutes to the Division Secretary-Treasurer.
  • 10. 7.6 Committees and Committee Members shall normally be appointed in time to begin their work at the Annual General Meeting, and shall continue in office until they are discharged by the Executive Council. By-Law 8: Finances 8.1 The budget of this Association shall be determined jointly by the Executive Council and the Executive Council of the Canadian Library Association. 8.2 The operational year of the Association shall coincide with that of the Canadian Library Association. By-Law 9: Meetings 9.1 A quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall consist of 50 voting members or five percent of the voting membership, whichever is the lesser. 9.2 Special General Meetings shall be called: 1. by the Executive Council at any time; 2. by the President on the written request of fifty voting members The time and place of Special General Meetings shall be determined by the Executive Council and announced to the membership in writing at least fourteen days before such meeting is to be held. The agenda of a Special General Meeting shall include only the matter(s) for which the General Meeting was called. A quorum for a Special General Meeting shall consist of 50 voting members or five per cent of the voting members, whichever is the lesser. 9.3 All General Meetings of the Association shall be open to all members of the Canadian Library Association. 9.4 Voting at all Meetings of the Association shall be by show of hands unless a vote by ballot is demanded by the majority of the voting members present. 9.5 The order of all Meetings of the Association and its component bodies shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
  • 11. ARLD Bylaws 4.1 1980; April 17, 1986; October 31, 1991; November 21, 1997; April 2008 Article I. Name The name of this organization shall be the Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD) of the Minnesota Library Association (MLA). Article II. Affiliations ARLD is also the Minnesota Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) of the American Library Association (ALA). Article III. Purpose ARLD is a forum for and an advocate of academic and research librarians and library personnel, and all other information professionals that serve academic and research institutions. The purpose of ARLD shall be: (1) To contribute to the professional and career development of all academic library personnel by conducting workshops and arranging programs. (2) To enhance the capabilities of Minnesota academic libraries to serve the needs of their users. (3) To promote and advocate for the interests of academic libraries. (4) To promote the study, research, and dissemination of information relevant to academic librarianship. (5) To promote and foster cooperation and communication among the members of ARLD, the academic community, other library organizations, and other associations. (6) To support and protect intellectual freedom in academic libraries. (7) To acknowledge and honor the achievements of academic library personnel. Article IV. Membership Anyone interested in the objectives of the Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD) is encouraged to become a member by joining the Minnesota Library Association and checking the
  • 12. ARLD box on the annual MLA dues form. Members of the Association of College and Research Libraries who live in Minnesota are automatically members of ARLD. Article V. Officers Section 1. The elected officers of ARLD shall be a Chair, a Chair-Elect who shall serve as Vice-Chair, a Past Chair, a Secretary, an Information Coordinator, a Legislative Liaison, and two Members-at-Large, all of whom shall be Division members in good standing. The Chair, Past Chair and Chair-Elect shall also be members in good standing of the Association of College and Research Libraries. The elected officers of ARLDshall constitute the Executive Committee (see Article VI). Section 2. The elected officers of the Division shall be selected according to the provisions of Article VIII ---. Nominations and Elections. Section 3. Following their election new officers shall be invited to the November ARLD Board meeting, and shall take office on December 1st. Section 4. The Chair shall hold office for one year without immediately succeeding her/himself. The Vice- Chair shall hold office for one year and shall succeed the Chair. The Secretary, Information Coordinator, and the Legislative Liaison shall hold office for two years and may be re-elected. The Members-at-Large shall hold office for two years and may not immediately succeed themselves. One Member-at-Large shall be elected each year. Chair (See Section 2.9 of the MLA Bylaws for more information.) Section 5. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Division and of the Executive Committee, shall enforce all the laws and regulations relating to the administration of the Division, and shall be an ex-officio member of any Standing Committees with the exception of the Nominating/Elections Committee. The Chair, or a designee, shall represent the Chapter at appropriate ACRL meetings and functions. Section 6. The Chair shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors (the Executive Committee, plus volunteers and appointees) no later than thirty days after the beginning of the fiscal year, or for the purpose
  • 13. of planning the activities of the Division. The Chair shall call meetings of the Executive Committee as deemed necessary. Chair-Elect/Vice Chair Section 7. The Chair-Elect shall serve one year as Vice-Chair assuming the position of Chair in the following year. The Vice-Chair shall coordinate ARLD’s participation in the Minnesota Library Association’s Annual Conference. Section 8. In the temporary absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume all the powers, prerogatives, and obligations of the Chair for the period of such absence. Section 9. In the event of the permanent loss of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the office of the Chair for the remainder of the current year and continue serving as Chair for the following year. Past Chair Section 10. The Past Chair remains on the Executive Committee for one year, and serves as the chair of the ARLD Day planning workgroup, and as chair of the Nominating/Elections Committee. Temporary Chair Section 11. In the event of the absence of the Chair and the Vice-Chair from any meetings of the Division, Board, or the Executive Committee, one of the members present shall be elected to preside, but without the powers and prerogatives of the Chair. Secretary Section 12. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Division, shall distribute announcements of the meetings to membership, and shall send approved minutes of the Division’s meetings to the Executive Director of MLA or their designate, for inclusion on the ARLD web site. The Secretary shall maintain a list of members, and communicate with ACRL to obtain a list of ACRL members who are not members of MLA. Information Coordinator
  • 14. Section 13. The Information Coordinator shall be responsible for the dissemination of all Division announcements to membership, and shall write semi-annual reports on ARLD activities for the ACRL Chapter Topics newsletter. The Information Coordinator shall also forward notices or important news from ACRL to ARLD membership, and write materials for Minnesota Library Association or ARLD newsletters or brochures, as requested by the elected board members. Legislative Liaison Section 14. The Legislative Liaison represents ARLD in the Minnesota Library Association’s Legislative Committee. The Legislative Liaison shall be responsible for the dissemination of legislative information to the ARLD membership. The Legislative Liaison may also serve as the Chapter’s Legislative Coordinator for the ACRL Legislative Network. Members-At-Large Section 15. The Members-at-Large shall serve as full, voting members of the Executive Committee. Website Coordinator Section 16. A member of the Board or a volunteer shall be designated to maintain the ARLD portion of the MLA website. Article VI. Executive Committee Section 1. The Executive Committee of ARLD shall consist of the present elected officers, and the immediate Past Chairperson. Section 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall include the following: • Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, it shall appoint the Chairperson of any standing and special committees. • It shall appoint non-voting members of the ARLD Board. • It shall annually appoint the members of the Nominating/Elections Committee, which also administers awards. • It shall act for the Division in the intervals between meetings.
  • 15. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, it shall fill vacancies in office until successors can be chosen through the normal procedure. • It shall serve as the central management and coordinating body of the Division, keeping in close touch with committees to which it may recommend activities, and from which it shall require reports at least once a year, and personal representation at the Board of Directors meetings as needed. Section 3. The Executive Committee may appoint volunteers to assist with special projects, or to aid the Board in the carrying out of the business of the Division. Article VII. Committees Committee Membership Section 1. Appointed committees may be either ad hoc or standing. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, committee personnel shall be selected by their chairpersons, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, from personal members in good standing with the Division. Section 2. Appointment to standing committees shall not exceed two years and shall terminate with the appointment of their successors or their discharge. An individual may be reappointed for an additional one-year term. Committee Meetings Section 3. Chairpersons shall call meetings of their committees. In addition, committees shall meet at the call of the Chair of the Division, or of the Executive Committee. Section 4. Every committee shall keep minutes of its meetings, and furnish copies to the Secretary and to all the committee’s members. Section 5. At the close of its work, and at other times as the Executive Committee may direct, each committee shall make a report to the Division or the Executive Committee. Copies of final reports shall be filed with the Secretary of the Division.
  • 16. Section 6. The Secretary shall make all past committee reports available to each new chairperson on request. Article VIII. Nominations and Elections Nominations Section 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint, within 90 days of the beginning of the fiscal year, a Nominating/Elections Committee consisting of a chairperson (the Past Chair of ARLD) , and at least two other members. (The Nominating/Elections Committee also selects the Minnesota Academic Librarian of the Year.) Section 2. The Nominating/Elections Committee shall prepare a slate of one or more candidates for each elective office to be filled at the next annual election, and shall secure written or electronic consent from each candidate to enter his/her name in nomination. The Committee shall report by a specific date to the Executive Committee. Elections Section 3. The election shall be held annually and shall be accomplished either at a meeting of the Division or through a mailed or electronic ballot. The method shall be determined annually by the Executive Committee. Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of votes cast. Upon election, winners and losers shall be notified by the Chair, after which the membership of the Division shall be notified of the winners. Article IX. Awards Section 1. There shall be an annual Minnesota Academic Librarian of the Year Award, presented at the Awards Banquet of the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference. The Award will consist of a certificate and a plaque. Section 2. The Nominating/Elections Committee shall solicit nominations from the Membership of ARLD at least 90 days before the M.L.A. Annual Conference. Section 3.
  • 17. To be eligible, a nominee must have been a member in good standing of ARLD, or a Minnesota member of ACRL for the past two years. Section 4. The major criterion for selection shall be that the nominee has contributed to the well-being of academic libraries or librarianship in Minnesota, either with some significant action during the past year, or throughout their career. Article X. Meetings Division Meetings Section 1. There shall be at least one Annual Conference of the Division separate from meetings of the Minnesota Library Association. This shall be at a time and place determined by the Executive Committee. Section 2. Other meetings of the division may be called at any time with the approval of the Executive Committee. Section 3. The Executive Committee shall set the fee of all individuals attending division meetings, in accordance with the Minnesota Library Association policy. Section 4. The call of any meeting of the Division shall be issued by the Executive Committee at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting. Executive Committee Meetings Section 5. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the Chairperson. Quorum Section 6.
  • 18. Twenty-five current members, or at least 5 percent of total current membership, whichever number is greater, shall constitute a quorum authorized to transact any business duly presented at any meeting of the Division. Section 7. Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee. Section 8. A majority of any committee shall constitute a quorum of the committee. Parliamentary Authority Section 9. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, in the latest edition shall govern the Division in all cases to which it can be applied and in which it is not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, the bylaws, or special rules of the Association, or with the bylaws or special rules of the Division. Article XI. Amendments Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Division by a two-thirds vote of those present who are members in good standing of ARLD or the ACRL-Minnesota Chapter, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular ARLD business meeting, or that notice of the amendment has been given in the call of the meeting, at least thirty days prior to the meeting. Section 2. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE SHALL INCLUDE NOTICE OF A PROPOSED AMENDMENT IN THE CALL OF THE MEETING UPON THE FULFILLMENT OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: • Recommendation of the Executive Committee. • Submission of an amendment in writing at the previous regular business meeting. • Presentation to the Secretary of the Division at least six weeks prior to the meeting, of an amendment petition signed by no less than ten personal members in good standing. Article XII. Finances Section 1. The Minnesota Library Association shall be the Fiscal Agent for the receipt and disbursement of Division funds. Section 2.
  • 19. No committee, officer, or member of the Division shall incur any expenses in its name unless properly authorized by the MLA Board and the ARLD Executive Committee. Section 3. The Executive Committee shall work with the MLA Board to establish procedures for the receipt and disbursal of Division funds for each ARLD-sponsored activity. Section 4. Division funds shall be expended only upon authorization by the Executive Committee. At the beginning of each fiscal year the Executive Committee shall prepare and adopt a budget. The budget, subject to later revision as conditions may require, constitutes Executive Committee recommendations to the M.L.A. Board in the amounts and for the purposes specified. The M.L.A. Board will be the final authority for approval of the budget, except for the acquisition and expenditure of any funds received from A.L.A. or its divisions for the use of ARLD, acting in its role as the Minnesota chapter of ACRL. INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION (Effective from January 5, 1987) “An Association Is What Its Members Make It By Their Active Collaboration And Participation In Its Programmes And Activities; No More, No Less.” INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Founded 1933 Registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of I860) Indian Library Association A 40-41 Flat No. 201 Ansal Building Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi 110009 India
  • 20. THE CONSTITUTION (as amended on 4th January, 1987 and effective from 5 January 1987) CLAUSE 1 Name: The name of the Association shall be the Indian Library Association hereinafter referred to as the Association. Its registered office will be in Delhi/New Delhi. CLAUSE 2 Objectives: The Association, existing-to- develop high standards of librarianship and library and information services shall have the following objectives: a. promotion of library movement and. Improvement in library services in all its aspects in India; b. promotion of library science education and the improvement in the training of libraries in India; c. promotion of bibliographical study and research in library science; D. improvement in the status and conditions of Services of librarians; e. affiliation of the state and other library association with Indian Library Association and co-operation with International Organisation with same objectives; f. publication of bulletins periodicals, books, etc. which will tend to the realization of the objectives of the Association; g. establishment of libraries, documentation and information centres and assistance in their establishment and working; h. promotion of appropriate library legislation in India; i. providing a common forum to all persons engaged or interested in library and information work by holding conferences and meetings for discussion of professional, technical and organisational issues; j. accreditation of institutions imparting library and information science education and training; k. promotion as well as formulation of standards, norms, guidelines, etc. for management of library and information systems and services; and l. carrying out all such other things that are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above mentioned objectives. CLAUSE 3 Finance, Property, etc. The Association shall have the following powers regarding finance, possession of property, etc.: a. acceptance of subscription, gift, donation, endowment or grants of money or other property for any of the objectives of the Association;
  • 21. b. for the purpose of the Association to borrow and raise money, as it may think fit, and to invest money of the Association, not immediately required in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Council, and to execute, accept and endorse promissory notes and other negotiable instruments; c. acquisition by purchase, lease or otherwise, all kinds of property, movable, and immovable and construction and maintenance of buildings thereon suitable for the purpose of the Association and to improve, develop, manage, sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise deal with all or any part of the properties of the Association; d. creation and maintenance of special funds such as Building Fund, Life Membership Fund and similar others; and e. for purposes of accounting including realisation of subscription and other annual dues the "year" shall be the 'financial year' commencing 1st April ending 31st March of the following year. CLAUSE 4 Membership a. all persons and institutions, who subscribe to the objectives of the Association and fulfil other prescribed conditions, are eligible for membership of the Association. b. the following shall be the classes of membership of the Association; • Patron Honorary Member (Persons who have rendered distinguished services in promoting the objectives of the Association may be elected as honorary members by the General Body meeting on the recommendation of the Council) o Life Member o Library Association Member o Institution Member o Ordinary Member o Associate Member The subscription amount payable for the above classes of membership shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Bye laws of the Association. c. The general conditions of membership are: i. a person, an institution or an association seeking membership shall apply to the Association in writing and preferably in the prescribed membership form. ii. the application for membership shall ordinarily be recommended by another valid member of the Association. iii. admission will be approved by the Executive Committee of the Association. It shall be effective from the date of approval by the Executive Committee.
  • 22. iv. a separate register for each class of membership shall be maintained by the Association. The name, address and other details furnished by the members at the time of admission or later when changes, if any, are notified, as recorded in the membership register shall constitute the official record, for purpose of correspondence, CLAUSE 5 Privileges of Membership a. Members of the Association shall be entitled to the following privileges: i. presence and participation in all general body meetings as well as meetings of the sectional committee to which they belong. Further, they may attend annual conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. that may be organised by the Association from time to time. ii. eligibility to propose, stand and vote in the election to any elective office of the Association. iii. gratis or concessional supply of any or all publications of the Association, as may be provided for in the Bye-laws of the Association. Note: Associate Members are entitled to the privilege mentioned in ( i) only. b. Institution member and Library Association member shall exercise privileges through accredited representative, as noted in the official records of the Association. c. The privileges of members shall be valid provided their annual subscription is paid by 30 June in each year. An office-bearer shall cease to be so, if his membership subscription is not paid by 30 June in each year. d. The names of members whose subscriptions are in arrears for two consecutive years shall be removed from the membership register. e. Members shall be entitled to the privilege mentioned in 5-(a) (ii), if only i. their annual subscription is paid by 30 June of the election year II. their names are in the membership register of the Association on or before 1 January of the election year. CLAUSE 6 The Council There shall be a Council of the Association, consisting of the following: a. All office-bearers of the Association as mentioned in Clause 7 (a) b. Representatives elected by and from among personal members (patrons, honorary members, life members and ordinary members, excepting associate members) at the rate of one representative for every 100 members or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 20. Out of permissible number of council members, there shall be reservation of one council member for each of the following zones : Southern Zone Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh Western Zone Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan
  • 23. Central Zone Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa Northern Zone Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir Eastern Zone West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim Union Territory Delhi, Chandigrh, Pondicherry, Goa, Andaman & Nicobar, Zone Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and others Note: (i) If there are any changes in geographical boundry or status of the territory, the Council of ILA is empowered to change the placement of the states/union territories to the proper zone. (ii) The address of members as noted in the records of the Association shall be the basis for determining the zone to which member* belong. Normally, residence of a member in a zone for a continuous period of at least one-year shall be taken into consideration. c. Representative of institutions by and from among institutional members at the rate of one council member for every 40 members or part thereof. The Council shall have powers to nominate any institutional member(s) to the Council to fill up vacancies if they arise in the representation of institutional members in the Council. d. One representative each of the State Library Associations which are Members. e. Chairman of each Section of the Association, as mentioned in Clause 10. f. The past Presidents of the Indian Library Association who are valid members of the Association, unless otherwise elected as members of the Council. CLAUSE 7 Office Bearers and Management a. There shall be following Office-bearers of the Association: • President • Six Vice-Presidents • General Secretary • Two Secretaries • Treasurer • Librarian • Public Relations Office b. The President, Six Vice-Presidents and the General Secretary shall be elected, in accordance with the procedure laid down in the Bye-laws of the Association, every alternate year from among and by all classes of members except Associate Members. c. For election to Six posts of Vice-Presidents, there shall be reservation of one post for each of the following zones : Southern Zone Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
  • 24. Western Zone Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan Central Zone Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa Northern Zone Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jamrnu & Kashmir West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Eastern Zone Sikkim Union territory Zone Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Goa, Andaman & Nicobar, Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and others Note: (i) If there are any changes in geographical boundry or status of the territory, the Council of JLA is empowered to change the placement of the states/union territories to the proper zone. (ii) The address of members as noted in the records of the Association shall be the basis for determining the zone to which members belong. Normally, residence of a member in a zone for a continuous period of at least one year shall be taken into consideration. d. The Treasurer, two Secretaries, Librarian and Public Relations Officer shall be co-opted by the Council. e. A person elected as President for a two-year term shall not be eligible for election to the same office again. All other office-bearers according to (a) above shall not be eligible 4o hold their respective office for more than two terms or four consecutive years. CLAUSE 8 Election of Office-bearers and Council Members The election of President, six Vice-Presidents, General Secretary and required number of Council Members shall be held by postal ballot in accordance with relevant Bye-laws of the Association. CLAUSE 9 The Executive Committee There shall be an Executive Committee which shall consist of the following: • The President; • One of the Vice-Presidents to be nominated by the Council who shall be designated as Senior Vice-President; • The General Secretary; • The Treasurer; • Two Secretaries, the Librarian and the Public Relations Officer. Three members of the Council to be nominated by the Council provided that at least two of the members shall ordinarily be residents of the place where the office of the Association is situated or its immediate neighborhood. • Members of Executive Committee shall lose their membership of the Executive Committee if they absent themselves from three consecutive meetings of the Committee without valid reasons.
  • 25. CLAUSE 10 Sectional Committees a. The Professional work of the Association shall be distributed among the following Sections: 1. Agricultural Libraries; 2. Govt. Dept. Libraries; 3. Engineering & Tech. Libraries; 4. Health Science Libraries; 5. Educatipri in Library & Inf. Science; 6. Oriental Libraries; 7. Public Libraries; 8. School/Children Libraries; 9. Special Libraries; 10. University '& College Libraries; 11. Library and Information Technology. b. The Sections shall take initiative in the matters pertaining to their fields. They shall organise surveys, reviews, study, research, publications, etc. They shall recommend to the Council action to be taken pertaining to their fields. The Council shall coordinate the work of various Sections, and sanction annual provision for each Section; the Council shall create a new section or keep in abeyance any section whenever deemed necessary. c. There shall be a Sectional Committee for each Section consisting of the following persons who shall be nominated by the Council. • Chairman; • Convener; and • Five members The Chairman and the Convener of one Section shall not hold any of the above mentioned offices in any other Section. d. Each Sectional Committee shall meet soon after nomination and shall prepare its annual programme-of work, showing therein the financial needs, if any, and shall work on the programme as may be approved by the Council, to whom the annual programme shall be submitted for this purpose. e. The Chairman of the Sectional Committee shall submit the annual report of the respective Section in such a way that after review, materials from that may be incorporated in the annual report on the "working of the Association. f. The Sections shall not incur any financial or other liability or enter into any agreement with any body except as sanctioned or authorised specifically by the Council. The Sections shall submit annually their accounts with proper
  • 26. vouchers to the General Secretary of the Association. The Sections shall be responsible to the Council in all their activities. CLAUSE 11 Tenure of Office The tenure of office of office beareis and members of the Council, Executive Committees and Sectional Committees will ordinarily be two years, starting from 1st April. The Council is empowered to fill up by nomination any interim vacancy that may arise in the Council, Executive Committee and Sectional Committees. No action or proceedings of the General Body, the Council and the Executive Committee shall be invalidated by the existence of any vacancy or vacancies or the invalidity of election of any members or office-bearers. CLAUSE 12 Business Meetings a. General Body Meeting: An Ordinary General Body Meeting shall be held once in a year at such place, pn such date and at such time as shall be determined by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee. The Agenda for an Ordinary General Body Meeting shall include: i. Report of the Working of the Association; ii. The audited accounts of the Association for the previous year; iii. Announcements of results of election for office-bearers and Council members every alternate year [as per clause 8]; iv. Consideration of Bye-laws, if any, framed by the Council; v. Consideration of business which the President, the Council or the Executive Committee may bring up and which is notified duly; vi. Any resolution of which notice has been given in writing to the General Secretary of the Association by. any member of the Association at least one month before the date of the meeting; vii. Any other business, which the President, the Council or the Executive Committee may bring up for consideration with the permission of the General Body (Excepting amendment to constitution or bye-laws); viii. In the absence of President the Sr Vice-President, and all other Vice- Presidents, the General Body may elect one of its own members as its chair person b. An Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting may be called by the President either on his own initiative or by the requisition representing 25% of the members of the Association formulating the resolution to be discussed. c. Council Meetings: i. A Council Meeting shall be held as early before the Ordinary General Body Meeting as practicable, as soon as after the Ordinary General Body Meeting as practicable, and at such other times the President may determine, either on
  • 27. his own initiative or that of the Executive Committee but preferably at least once in six months. ii. The Council may also transact business by circulation on the initiative of either the President or the Executive Committee, or at least three members of the Council. iii. In the absence of President, Sr Vice-President and all other Vice Presidents the Council may elect one of its own members present as its chair person d. The Executive Committee: A meeting of the Executive Committee may be held at least once in three months on the initiative of the President or the General Secretary or on the requisition by at least three members of thj Committee; normally such meetings shall be held at least once in three months; provided that the Executive Committee may also transact business by circulation on the initiative of the President or the General Secretary. e. In absence of the President and the senior Vice-President, a meeting of the Executive Committee may elect one of its own members present as its Chairperson. CLAUSE 13 Quorum: The following shall be the quorum for meetings: General Body 25 Council 7 Executive Committee 5 Sectional Committee 3 CLAUSE 14 Powers and Duties: (a) The Council: The powers and duties of the Council shall be as follows: (i) To determine all questions of policy of the Association and act as the Governing Body of the Association subject to the directives of General Body; (ii) To elicit the views of the General Body on any question of policy, whenever deemed necessary; (iii) To frame Bye-laws in amplification and working of the constitution. Such Bye-laws shall come into force immediately but may be amended or rejected by two thirds majority at a General Body Meeting; (iv) To co opt members to function as Treasurer, Librarian, Public Relations Officer and Secretaries; (v) To nominate a Vice-President and three members of the Council to the Executive Committee;
  • 28. (vi) To direct the Executive Committee on the action to be taken on the resolutions passed by the Council and the General Body or at any Library Conference; (vii) To appoint special committees to consider specific questions; (viii) To consider and pass the budget of the Association; (ix) To appoint auditors to audit accounts of the Association. (b) The Executive Committee : Subject to the direction of the Council, the powers and duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows: (i) To manage the affairs of the Association; (ii) To frame the agenda for the Council and the General Body Meeting; (iii) To organise the All India Library Conference; (iv) To take action on the resolutions passed by the Council and the General Body or at any Library Conference; (v) To manage the funds and properties of the Association; (vi) To frame the annual budget and present the same to the Council for approval; (vii) To incur or sanction expenditure; (viii) To present the annual report on the working of the Association to the Annual General Body Meeting; (ix) To arrange for the audit of Accounts of the Association and present the annual statement of accounts and the audit report to the Council and the Annual General Body Meeting; (x) To invite as Chief Guest or in similar capacity reputed persons at the Conference; (xi) To open current account, savings account and fixed deposit account with any Bank and to operate them in any manner as the Executive Committee deems fit; (xii) To open safe custody account with any Bank and to deposit, withdraw, purchase, sell, transfer and endorse shares, securities, etc. on its behalf and to deal with the assets of the Association in any manner as the Executive Committee deems fit. (c) The President: The powers and duties of the President shall be: (i) to preside at all meetings of the General Body, the Council, the Executive Committee and the Annual Conference; (ii) to perform all such functions as are warranted by the Constitution and the Bye-laws framed thereunder;
  • 29. (iii) to act as Liaison Officer between the Association on the one hand and the Governments, National and International Associations, etc. on the other hand; (iv) to take such action as may be necessary to ensure due effect being given to the policy enunciated by the Council and the resolutions passed by the General Body, the Council and the Executive Committee; (v) to have general control over the affairs of the Association. (d) The Vice-Presidents : Senior Vice-President: The Vice-President nominated by the Council to the Executive Committee shall be the Senior Vice-President. The powers and duties of the Senior Vice-President shall be to act in place of the President during his absence or on such occasions as may be determined by the President; (e) The General Secretary: Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee, the powers and duties of the General Secretary shall be : (i) to administer the business of the Association; (ii) to attend the meetings of all the bodies of the Association, and to maintain the minutes of their proceedings except those of the Sectional Committees and ad-hoc committees; (iii) to prepare the annual report on the working of the Association for consideration by the Executive Committee, the Council and the General Body. (f) The Treasurer : Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee, the powers and duties of the Treasurer shall be: (i) to receive all moneys on behalf of the Association and to issue properly signed receipt for the same; (ii) to make payment for the charges incurred under competent authority; (iii) to maintain the accounts, to prepare the annual statement of accounts and the budget, and to present the annual statement of accounts together with the audit report and the budget for the consideration by the Executive Committee, the Council and the General Body; (g) The Secretaries : Subject to the direction of the President, the powers and duties of the Secretaries shall be: (i) to assist the General Secretary in the discharge of his duties on all occasions and in manner as may be desired by him; (ii) in the absence of the General Secretary, one of the Secretaries shall act in his place, as determined by the President;
  • 30. (iii) one of the Secretaries as decided by the Executive Committee shall be in- charge of publications of the Association. His other duties shall be to act as the Managing Editor of the official organ of the Association. (h) The Public Relations Officer: Subject to the direction of the Executive Committee the powers and duties of the Public Relations Officer shall be: (i) to keep the public informed about the activities of the Association; (j) to advise the Executive Committee on the results of his contacts with the public and the members of the Central and State Legislatures and Governments. His other duties will be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. (k) The Librarian : Subject to the directions of the Executive Committee the powers and duties of the Librarian shall be: to receive, maintain and make available for service the publications acquired by the Association. His other duties shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. CLAUSE 15 Amendments to the Constitution The Constitution shall be added to, revised or amended by a two-third majority of those present and voting at the Extra-ordinary Genera! Body Meeting provided that at least one month's notice has been given to the members about the proposed amendments. INDIAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Bye-Laws (As amended and brought uptodate by the Council on 3-1-19S7 and reported to the General Body on 4.1.87 and effective from 5.1.1987) 1. General Body Meeting—Procedure for conducting transactions Further to the provisions in the Consiitution vide clause 12 (a) regarding agenda items and clause 13 regarding quorum, the following procedures are laid down : (a) A notice convening an ordinary/annual General Body Meeting shall be issued not less than 40 days prior to the date of such meeting, giving the agenda as per clause 12 (a) of the Constitution, as applicable. (b) A notice convening an Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting shall be issued not less than 15 days prior to the date of such meeting. This will apply also to the requisitioned meeting, as provided in clause 12 (b) of the Constitution. (c) A notice of any motion or resolution to be moved at the ordinary/ annual General Body Meeting may be sent by any member of the Association (except Associate Members), giving the text of the motion of resolution so as to reach the General Secretary not less than 20 days before the date of the General Body Meeting.
  • 31. (d) A statement showing all resolutions proposed to be moved vide (c) above will be made available to members present at the time of the General Body Meeting. (e) Notice of any amendment to a resolution to be moved in the Extra- Ordinary General Body Meeting in accordance with Clause 15 of the Constitution shall reach the General Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Meeting, (f) Notwithstanding any of the provisions mentioned above, any motion calling for closure or adjournment of a discussion or referring the point to a Committee or any authority or a person can be made during the discussion in the General Body Meeting and carried by a simple majority of those members who are present. 2. Election Procedures Further to Clauses 5 (a) ii; 5 (e) and 8 of the Constitution, the following procedures are laid down for conducting the elections; (a) The Council of the Association shall, at an appropriate time, appoint an Election Officer for every term of office. The Election Officer, in association with two more members to be nominated at his discretion to constitute an Election Committee and with secretarial assistance to be provided by ILA office, shall be responsible for conducting the election in matters such as : Ø Scrutiny of membership list for eligibility to participate in the election. Ø Determining the number of vacancies to be filled up in the Council. Ø Inviting nominations to various offices to which election is to be held. Ø Scrutiny of nominations received, acceptance of withdrawal of nominations if any and announcing final valid nominations. Ø Despatch of ballot papers by registered post to eligible voters. The Election Officer as well as the other two members of the Election Committee shall not be office-bearers of the Association for the current term and also a contestent to any office in the election for the ensuing term. (b) The time-table for election process shall ordinarily be as follows : Ø Publication of Membership List (as current upto 30 June) by the ILA Secretariat, after due scrutiny and authentication by Election Officer—31 July Ø Inviting nominations by the Election Officer for election of office-bearers—1 August Ø Withdrawal of nominations, if any—15 September Ø Announcement of final, valid nominations by the Election Officer—20 September. . Ø Date of Despatch of Ballot Papers to members—10-15 October Ø Last Date for receipt of marked ballot papers from members to the Returning Officer—15 November
  • 32. If warranted by exigencies of circumstances, the President, ILA is empowered to alter suitably and marginally the above time-table. (c) Nomination for election to offices shall be duly proposed and seconded by valid members in accordance with Clause 5(e) of the Constitution. The nomination shall carry written consent of the candidate whose name had been proposed for seeking election. (d) Withdrawal of nomination, if any, has to be made in writing by the candidate whose name has been proposed for seeking election. Telegraphic intimation about withdrawal will not be acceptable unless post copy in confirmation of the telegram is also received by the Election Officer before the specified date for withdrawal. (e) The election Committee, in association with the President, ILA shall scrutinize the nominations and after taking into consideration the withdrawals announce the final, valid nominations. (f) All complaints and representations received from members in regard to any issue on.j the ^election process upto the stage of dispatch of ballot papers shall be considered by the Election Committee and the President ILA and the decision taken thereof shall be final and binding on all concerned. 3. Election Results (a) The Executive Committee/Council of ILA shall appoint a Returning Officer, whose responsibility is to receive ballot papers from voters at his address, count the votes at the time and place decided upon by the President, ILA and to communicate the results to the President, ILA thereafter. (b) The voters shall send by post the marked ballot papers in a closed cover to the Returning Officer at his address on or before the specified date for receiving the ballot papers. In case it is desired to hand over personally the completed ballot papers to the Returning Officer, it should be done personally by the voter concerned and no proxy will be allowed in this connection. (c) While the President, ILA shall decide the date, time and place for counting of votes, these may ordinarily coincide with the Annual General Body meeting to be held during All India Library Conference. The counting may take place a day or two before such General Body Meeting to facilitate announcement of the results at the General Body meeting itself. If, for any unforeseen circumstance, the election process is delayed and the results could not be announced at the annual General Body meeting, an Ordinary General Body meeting may be convened later for the special purpose of announcing the results at a date and venue decided by the President, ILA. (d) The returning Officer may make use of member volunteers (who shall not be a contestent in the election) in the counting of votes. The candidates standing for election or their representatives may be present to watch for themselves the counting operations. (e) In the event of any tie, decision will be taken by toss of a coin.
  • 33. (f) Decision taken by the Returning Officer in all complaints and representations in regard to receipt of ballot papers, counting of votes, invalidation of votes and compiling of election results shall be final and binding on all concerned. 4. Membership Subscription The subscription to be paid for different classes of membership shall be as follows. Patron - To contribute to the Association in a single instalment either a sum of not less than Rs. 2.000/- in cash or property worth not less than Rs. 5.000/- Honorary Member - No payment Life Member - A lump sum of Rs. 300/- at a time or in two instalments of Rs. ISO/- each, within a period of six months An ordinary member - who has continued his/her membership without interruption for 10 years may become a Life Member subsequently on payment of Rs. 150/- only at a time Further, an ordinary member who has continued his/her membership for 10 years without interruption and who has since retired from service and not re-employed may become a life member on payment of Rs. 100/- only at a time Ordinary Member - Rs.25/-per financial year Institution Member - Rs. 100/ per financial year Library Association Member Rs. 100/-per financial year Overseas Member - Rs. 100/- per financial year Associate Member - No payment; But they should be members of affiliated state library associations and certified as such by the association concerned. 5. Supply of ILA Publications (a) Further to Clause 5(a) iii, the privileges of members to receive ILA publications shall be as follows : (i) Gratis supply of a copy of any periodical which may be published as official organ of ILA (ii) Gratis supply of ILA Newsletter or similar newsletter type publications that may be brought out from time to time (iii) Supply of ad hoc and all other serial publications of ILA at 20 per cent discount on list price Note: In case of .overseas members, including life members who have since migrated abroad, the 20 per cent discount will apply on foreign subscription rate/cost.
  • 34. (b) The Executive Committee is authorised to fix up from time to time the discount to be allowed to book trade for various saleable publications of ILA. 6. Special Funds Further to Clause 3(d) of the Constitution, the following special funds shall be operated : (a) The Association shall create and maintain a Life Membership Fund, to which all amounts accruing from life membership subscription are to be credited. (i) The life Membership Fund shall be maintained in a fixed deposit to the extent feasible. Interest from fixed deposits of Life Membership Fund will bz transferred to the General Account of the Association for meeting current obligations to the life members. (ii) When a life member expires, his life membership subscription will be transferred from Life Membership Fund to Building Fund. (iii) The Executive Committee is authorised to draw advances/ loans from the fixed deposits of Life Membership Fund, should there be any emergent need. However, such loans/ advances are to be paid back with interest to the Life Membership Fund. (b) The Association shall create and maintain a Building Fund. The receipt of the Building Fund shall consist of donations, transfer of any surplus fund from general revenues of the Association, transfer of life membership subscription of deceased members, some percentage of revenues earned from sale of ILA publications royalty, consultancy fees, etc. receipt from advertisements specially for augmenting the Building Fund and similar others. The Building Fund shall be Utilized solely for purpose of owning a building by the Association as and when possible. The Building Fund shall be maintained in free deposit to the extent feasible. Interest accruing from the fixed deposits of Building Fund, shall also be credited to it. The Executive Committee is: authorised to draw advances/ loans from the fixed deposit of the Building Fund should there be an emergent need. However, such advances/loans are to be paid back with interest to the Building Fund