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The Buzzards Bay Coalition’s 25th year found us right where our founders would have wanted us: deep in the
trenches working to protect and restore this ever-magical but increasingly threatened Bay and its watershed.
And thanks to the outstanding support of you – our members and friends – we think they’d be proud of the
scale and depth of the Coalition’s programs and accomplishments. While the challenges facing Buzzards Bay
– most importantly nitrogen pollution – are increasing, one critical fact remains: the threats to our region’s
waters and lands are primarily local. They are within our power to ignore or tackle, to accept or change. That
fact more than any other keeps us excited and empowered in our work. It’s also at the core of the Coalition’s
strength and effectiveness.
It took generations to create the land development patterns that have led to the
overpollution of our Bay and its harbors with nitrogen. And the fix – changes in town
infrastructure, financing, and improved planning – will take another generation for Bay
communities to fully absorb.
But like the global threat of climate change, ignoring our local nitrogen problem and avoiding
the hard work ahead will only make restoration more difficult, more expensive and potentially
less successful.
So the time to act is now. And that is what the Coalition is doing through legal
action, advocacy with public officials, and pushing for quicker delivery of
sound science and concrete cleanup. Our major federal lawsuits against the U.S. EPA are
forcing officials to deal with septic systems on Cape Cod; our legal challenge and eventual
Settlement Agreement with the town of Falmouth and the Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection put West Falmouth Harbor, after more than a decade of pressure,
on a clear path to recovery; and our watchdogging of long-delayed Massachusetts Estuaries
Project reports for harbors from Dartmouth to Wareham all reflect the significant
investments we’ve made in aggressive advocacy this past year.
But legal advocacy is only one facet of our strategy. Proactive land conservation to acquire the watershed’s
most important forests and wetlands is critical – both for preserving natural, nitrogen-absorbing landscapes
and for maintaining healthy river and coastal ecosystems for wildlife and fish. To that end, we permanently
preserved another 470 acres in 2012. These lands – clustered around the Bay’s most important rivers – bring
the total amount of land we’ve saved to 6,250 acres since we began this program in 1998.
2012 also saw dramatic growth in our work to inspire, excite and engage many, many more people in Bay
protection. Saving Buzzards Bay is multigenerational work and the victories of today will need watchdogging
tomorrow. Joining us in this effort are the more than 4,000 area youth who participated in our year-round
field education programs, the 1,000 people who came out for the Buzzards Bay Film Festival, and the
hundreds that flexed their muscle and passion in outdoor events like our Swim and Watershed Ride that
celebrate everyone’s right to a clean environment.
The pages of this Annual Report provide an all-too-short glimpse into the daily work of our talented staff,
dedicated Board and tireless volunteers. But the most important players are you – our growing family
of members and supporters – who make it all possible. You continue to amaze us with your generosity,
your enthusiastic impatience for more action, and most importantly, your vision for the future of our local
environment. We’re excited for the work ahead. Thank you!
	 Mark Rasmussen
	 President/Buzzards Baykeeper
Tom Gidwitz
Chair, Board of Directors
2012 Annual Report | 1
Issue Highlight:
Why is New Bedford Harbor
getting one of the worst
cleanups in America?
No corner of Buzzards Bay has suffered more damage than New Bedford
Harbor. It is the Bay’s largest urban waterway, home to more than one
hundred thousand residents and the United States’ richest commercial
fishing port. It is also heavily contaminated with cancer-causing toxins
called PCBs, ongoing raw sewage discharges, and too much nitrogen.
For decades, toxic pollution in particular has deprived the New Bedford
community of its greatest natural asset: its Harbor. Now, after years of
waiting, New Bedford Harbor still isn’t getting the cleanup it deserves.
The Coalition has always been an active advocate for the Harbor, but we significantly ramped up our efforts
in October 2012, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an inadequate $366
million settlement with AVX Corporation, the largest company responsible for the Harbor’s PCB pollution.
Although this figure sounds like a lot of money, the settlement is a bad deal for the New Bedford community.
Under the settlement – a fixed amount that allows AVX to walk away forever – the
EPA will be locked into cleanup choices that put cost savings ahead of harbor health
and the public good. New Bedford Harbor is slated to receive one of the worst
PCB cleanups of its kind in America, with up to fifty times more toxic pollution left
behind than in similar waterway cleanups.
In response, we mobilized more than a dozen elected officials and over 2,000 community members to join
our call for a full cleanup of New Bedford Harbor. The settlement comes at a critical point for the Harbor,
where the tide is turning for a long-neglected waterway. Along its shores, developers are transforming old
factories into new waterfront loft homes. Abandoned spaces are being re-imagined as public parks where
families can enjoy nature, right in their own urban backyard. Active citizens row the Harbor’s waters, taking
back a waterway that residents have been robbed of for far too long.
The New Bedford community deserves a Harbor cleanup that will protect the health of its residents, provide
a safe home for fish and wildlife, and preserve its coastal heritage for future generations. That vision for the
future can – and will – be a reality if we fight today for a full cleanup.
Get the latest on the Coalition’s New Bedford Harbor efforts by visiting
Under the EPA’s cleanup plan, these signs
may never come down.
2012 Annual Report | 3
The fact that rusty tide is becoming routine and
widespread is more evidence of the serious threat that
nitrogen pollution poses in Buzzards Bay. The severity
of the problem is well-documented by over twenty
years of comprehensive water quality data collected
through our Baywatchers program. The breadth and
depth of that program earned it a 2012 Environmental
Merit Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). And it is helping us begin to turn the
tide on nitrogen as public awareness and concern
about the issue grows.
Baywatchers data laid the foundation for a major
victory for clean water in West Falmouth. For over
a decade, concerned citizens have watched their
harbor become choked with algae. Too much
nitrogen was flowing into the harbor, and the
biggest culprit was the Falmouth Wastewater
Treatment Plant. In July, the Coalition initiated
legal action and ultimately reached a landmark
legal settlement with the town of Falmouth and
the Massachusetts Department of Environmental
Protection (MassDEP) to limit the amount of
nitrogen that reaches the Harbor.
The victory in West Falmouth Harbor was possible
because of a completed cleanup study that
outlined the amount of nitrogen a healthy harbor
can handle. Many other Buzzards Bay harbors and
On July 30, 2012, as the R/V Baykeeper® cruised towards its monitoring station in Mark’s Cove
in Wareham, Coalition Senior Attorney Korrin Petersen noticed the water taking on a murky,
rusty color. She snapped a picture and shared it with the Coalition’s science staff, who agreed
that this was likely the season’s first reported sighting of “rusty tide”: an algae bloom caused
by nitrogen pollution and warm water. 2012 was the eighth straight year that rusty tide was
reported in Buzzards Bay, but the first time it was seen as early as July. By the end of the
summer, rusty tide sightings were reported in towns from Dartmouth to Falmouth, covering
more of the Bay than ever before.
coves are not so lucky. Five of the Bay’s estuaries – the
Wareham River, Slocums River, Apponagansett Bay,
New Bedford Harbor, and Nasketucket Bay – have
been waiting as long as nine years for final nitrogen
pollution studies to be released by the Massachusetts
Estuaries Project at UMass Dartmouth. In May, the
Coalition reached an agreement with MassDEP and
UMass Dartmouth to expedite final reports for those
critical estuaries within one year.
As we work harbor by harbor, we also continue to
press for regional solutions to clean up coastal
waters. Our lawsuits against the EPA to update a
regional action plan for cleaning up Cape Cod’s waters
moved into active litigation, as did a companion suit
demanding the agency take action to reduce septic
system pollution.
Although septic systems are the largest source of
nitrogen pollution Bay-wide, the Buzzards Bay
watershed is also the country’s largest coastal
cranberry producer. We have partnered with the
Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association, the
Marine Biological Laboratory, the UMass Cranberry
Experiment Station and the town of Carver in an
important multi-year collaborative effort to research
the impact of cranberry bogs on the Bay’s health.
Lastly, we are carrying on with efforts to eliminate
toxic pollution from all corners of the Bay. We ramped
up our fight for a full cleanup of PCBs in New Bedford
Harbor (see page one) and told the U.S. Coast Guard
that its latest draft environmental assessment was
“wholly insufficient” to protect the Bay from oil spills.
Watch for more to come in 2013 on both of these
issues that never seem to go away.
Baykeeper® Advocacy
With over 200 monitoring
sites on and around the
Bay, our Baywatchers
program is the foundation
of our work to restore
clean water.
Coalition President Mark Rasmussen
announces the landmark legal settlement
for restoring West Falmouth Harbor.
Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper.
2012 Annual Report | 5
In Mattapoisett, we worked with the Mattapoisett
Land Trust to permanently protect 300 acres of coastal
forest, wetlands, and streams that flow into Pine Island
Pond and outer Mattapoisett Harbor. In Dartmouth,
the Coalition partnered with the Lloyd Center for the
Environment and the Dartmouth Natural Resources
Trust to protect 26 stunningly scenic acres along the
Little River Estuary. And in preparation for what is
the largest coastal land protection project underway in
Massachusetts, the Coalition received a $2,000,000
grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture towards
the protection of 400 acres of land along Nasketucket
Bay. In addition to protecting coastal land, the Coalition
also helped residents in Falmouth advance a project to
restore three salt ponds that have been overtaken by
invasive species. This project will restore habitat and
protect water quality on the Cape Cod coast.
Equally important to protecting coastal lands is the
protection of the forests, wetlands and stream buffers
along the Bay’s tributaries. Along the Weweantic,
Acushnet and Mattapoisett rivers in 2012, we protected
land, advanced restoration and invited the public to
explore these special places by opening three River
Reserves. In Wareham, two major land protection
projects formed the cornerstone of the Weweantic
River Reserve. The Coalition protected 10 acres along
the lower Weweantic, where the river meets the salty
waters of Buzzards Bay. Further upstream in West
Wareham, the Coalition, along with the Wareham Land
Trust and the town of Wareham, protected 20 acres of
pine and oak forest along the river.
Our Acushnet River Reserve, combining land
conservation and river restoration along this urban
waterway, more than doubled in size with 50
additional acres. This includes the 46 acre LaPalme
Farm featuring newly-opened public trails leading
to the river. In April, the restoration project just
Clean water doesn’t just happen. The technology to produce clean water with filters, pumps, and
chemicals can easily cost millions. Or you can do it the old-fashioned way: with a healthy, vibrant
watershed that provides our communities with clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing.
Protecting watersheds means protecting forests that absorb rainwater and recharge groundwater
aquifers, wetlands that filter pollutants and reduce flooding, and plants and animals along our
rivers and coastlines that naturally consume the nitrogen that fouls the Bay. In 2012, to ensure
clean water for our communities and for Buzzards Bay, the Coalition permanently preserved 470
acres of land and advanced projects to restore rivers and wetlands across the region.
downstream at the Acushnet Sawmill received $1.2
million in funding from the New Bedford Harbor
Trustee Council. With that funding, the Coalition
hired ecological restoration scientists and engineers
to manage the project, which will remove acres of
pavement, restore wetlands, reestablish riverbank
vegetation, and create public walking trails and a canoe
launch. The Sawmill will open to the public in 2014.
In February, the Coalition added another 63 acres to
our Mattapoisett River Reserve, expanding to over 350
acres of lush forests, freshwater wetlands – including a
retired cranberry bog – and walking trails for the public
to enjoy. Conserving this land protects a drinking water
aquifer serving five Bay communities and provides an
opportunity to restore a more natural flow of water into
the Mattapoisett River and Buzzards Bay.
Watershed Protection
Palmer’s Island
Marsh Island
A picturesque section of the Weweantic River estuary
that was conserved in 2012.
2012 Annual Report | 7
The spirit of appreciation and enjoyment of Buzzards
Bay was the theme of 2012 as the Coalition celebrated
our 25th anniversary. There is no better way to enjoy
the Bay than getting outside, and in January, we
launched monthly Bay Adventures for all ages led by
Coalition staff. This included hikes that explored our
river reserves on the Weweantic, Mattapoisett, and
Acushnet rivers and conservation lands in Bourne,
Acushnet, and Wareham. Other adventures included a
tug boat tour of New Bedford Harbor and two trips to
discover the remote beauty of Penikese Island.
To raise awareness of Buzzards Bay’s health, local
legend Richard Wheeler kayaked the Bay’s entire
shoreline – from the Head of the Westport River to
Penikese Island – in May and June. Along the way,
the 81-year-old Wareham resident met with over 500
schoolchildren and adults to share tales of the Bay’s
beauty and importance. As he travelled, he carried a
gift from each community to the next as a symbol of
how the Bay connects us all.
The first-ever Buzzards Bay Film Festival brought
together professional filmmakers and everyday
citizens for a year-long celebration of Buzzards Bay.
“Dear Buzzards Bay, thank you for letting boats float, letting fish swim, and letting us swim
in you. I will pick up all the trash in you.” This was the message delivered by a nine-year-old
New Bedford girl who attends afterschool at the YMCA. Like her peers, she initially knew very
little about Buzzards Bay, but after five weeks exploring the Bay and its watershed with the
Coalition, her appreciation – and her sense of responsibility – speaks for itself.
The festival included the popular Cellphone Cinema
contest, in which residents submitted short videos
about the Bay they love all summer long. In November,
the festival culminated with a three-day event that
drew more than 1,000 people to screenings in
Falmouth and New Bedford.
To close the year’s celebrations, we unveiled a new
Bay-inspired public art installation at our Buzzards
Bay Center in New Bedford. Designed by local
artist John Magnan, Habitat is seven stainless steel
sculptures that emulate eelgrass, one of the Bay’s
most important – and nitrogen-threatened – habitats.
The sculptures are an inspiring addition to our
headquarters which, along with our Woods Hole
Center, welcomed over 3,000 visitors last year.
We also continued to serve the region’s decision
makers in government, business, and the non-profit
sector with workshops focused on restoring the Bay’s
natural resources. More than 50 participants dug into
the details of restoring rivers and wetlands, hearing
from experts and visiting restoration projects in
Acushnet, Fairhaven, Falmouth and Wareham.
To develop the next generation of Bay stewards, we
engaged more youth than ever before in hands-on,
field-based exploration programs throughout the
Bay and watershed. In partnership with schools and
community groups from every community in the
watershed, we connected over 4,000 youth with their
local environment. Through our programs,
children explored beaches in Falmouth,
marshes in Wareham, forests in Mattapoisett,
and went quahogging in New Bedford’s Clarks
Cove. We also offered our first week-long
Bay stewardship camp in partnership with
YMCA Southcoast, where campers explored
the Mattapoisett River from its headwaters to
Buzzards Bay.
The new plaza in front of the
Buzzards Bay Center in New Bedford
including the sculpture “Habitat.”
Our 2012 Decision Makers Workshops focused
on restoring the Bay’s natural resources.
President’s Circle
$10,000 or more
Charles & Christina Bascom
Diane & Norman Bernstein
Bohn Family
Hans & Susan Brenninkmeyer
Darryl & Janet Buckingham
David & Victoria Croll
John C. Decas
Mr. & Mrs. Dana Doe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fallon
John & Natalie Garfield
Dr. Gail Davidson & Tom Gidwitz
Daniel & Mary Gregory
Lucius T. Hill III & Wendy Y. Hill
Gary P. Johnson & Luana Jøsvold
Rusty & Betsy Kellogg
Peter L. Macdonald
Kate & Al Merck
Ambassador &
	 Mrs. Richard Morningstar
Susan & Chip Morse
James Rathmann &
	 Anne Noonan - The Rathmann
	 Family Foundation
Mr. James Shachoy &
	 Ms. Laura Ryan
Mr. & Mrs.* Frederic F. Taylor
Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation
Peter Wheeler & Elizabeth Munro
Richard & Sandra Wheeler
Anonymous (3)
Mike Bingle & Eryn Ament Bingle
S.C. & E.D. Blake
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cope
Bob & Vickie Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cutler
Fearons Family Fund
The Gosnold Society recognizes individuals who support the ongoing
programs of the Buzzards Bay Coalition with annual gifts of $1,000 or more.
Gifts and pledge payments of $1,000 or more to the Campaign for Buzzards
Bay during calendar year 2012 are also included in the Gosnold Society and
denoted in italics. We thank these leadership donors for their generosity
and commitment to our work, and invite others to join them in supporting
the preservation of Buzzards Bay.
Sam & Gerry Gray
Mrs. Adelaide Griswold
Jim & Bess Hughes
Sharon L. Chown &
	 Michael T. Huguenin
Russ & Wendy Keeler
Fred & Louise Makrauer
Colin & Anne McNay
Laura & Ken Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nauman
Jonathan O’Herron
Louise C. Riemer
Gale Runnells
Tom & Robin Wheeler
Constance Bacon
Michael & Deena Baker
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett
James & Connie Bevilacqua
Susan Emmons Cheever
Mr. Robert Dorfman
Delia Flynn
Jeremy & Hanne Grantham
John H. & Corbin Crewes Harwood
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hollis III
Bill & Noelle Locke
The Lombard Family
Tim Mahoney & Pam Donnelly
Ian P. & Catherine McDonald
Larry Stifler & Mary McFadden
Elise & George Mock
Mr. & Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, III
Deborah C. Robbins
Mr. Kenneth A. Shwartz
Steven & Ginny Spiegel
Rick & Lori Spilhaus
Dola Hamilton Stemberg
Geoff & Judy Swett
Stephen & Alicia Symchych
Dr. Thomas Altshuler
Joel Alvord & Lisa Schmid Alvord
Marie & Mike Angelini
Betsy Heald Arthur
Benjamin & Deborah Baker
Talbot Baker, Jr.
Michael & Margherita Baldwin
Joseph & Pamela Barry
Russell Beede
Wally & Roz Bernheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Bernstein
Nancy & Robert Bernstein
David Berwind
Genie & Bob Birch
Peter & Betsy Block
Jack & Nancy Braitmayer
Stan Bratskeir
John K. & Laurie Bullard
Rid Bullerjahn
Peter & Erin Burlinson
Betsey & Ken Cheitlin
Maureen Coleman &
	 Thomas Harris
Mary Coolidge
Molly N. Cornell
Mrs. Gertrude S. Crittenden
Douglas & Cindy Crocker
Mr. Prescott Crocker
Mrs. Norman C. Cross
Ted Cutler
Joseph S. Deitch
Dr. Stephen Dempsey
Annette U. Ewing
Rosemary & Stephen Fassett
The Fine Family
David & Karen Firestone
Mark & Martha Fishman
Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster
Peter & Jennifer Francis
Tom & Jill French
Frisbie Family Foundation
Seth & Dorothy Garfield
Nancy Gidwitz
Ronald Gidwitz
Arthur & Trudy Golden
Steve & Cindy Gormley
Ed & Alice Grayson
Roger Greene
Marjorie & Nick Greville
Jayne Hanley
Reed Harwood
James N. Heald, 2nd
Richard A. Heald &
	 Eileen M. O’Brien
Julie & Jordan Hitch
Michael & Deborah Hood
Dr. Chris & Elizabeth Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Huntington
George Hurd
Elizabeth & Woody Ives
The Fannie Cox Foundation
Dr. Amy Johnson
Leonard & Patricia Johnson
Shephard & Elizabeth Johnson
Capt. Barney Jones
Steve Kanovsky &
	 Polly Wood Kanovsky
Kingman Yacht Center
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Knopf
Nancy & Ted Kurtz
Elizabeth & Gardner Lane
D. Lloyd Macdonald
Mr. Donald MacLean
Martha Maguire
Barbara Ann Markel
Carmine & Beth Martignetti
Lucinda Martin
Brendan McCarthy & Elise Bilodeau
Joan & Bob McLaughlin
Elise & George Mock
Robert G. Morse
Charles & Louise Nadler
2012 Annual Report | 9
All of the Bay protection, restoration, and education achievements featured in this Annual Report were made possible
through the generosity of the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s members – individuals, families, foundations, businesses, and
organizations that support our work on behalf of the Bay and its watershed. The Board and Staff of the Buzzards Bay
Coalition extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who joined us in Saving Buzzards Bay in 2012.
Leave a Legacy for Your Bay
Buzzards Bay will always need a voice.
When you remember the Buzzards Bay Coalition in your will or estate plans,
you help ensure a cleaner, healthier Bay for future generations to enjoy.
You may be able to contribute more than you thought possible, with benefits ranging
from tax advantages to income for life. Whether you choose a bequest through
your estate or retirement plan, or other Planned Giving vehicles with tax or income
advantages for you and your family: You will have a lasting impact on the Bay you love.
If you have included the Buzzards Bay Coalition in your will or estate plans, or if you
would like more information about Planned Giving opportunities, please contact
Maureen Coleman at (508) 999-6363 ext. 202 or
Donors who make a Planned Gift are included in the Buzzards Bay Legacy Circle.
Robin Norris
Peter & Gretchen Partridge
Mr. Luis Pereira
John Price
Douglas Prickett
Helen & Peter Randolph
Mark Rasmussen
Neal Ready
John & Rebecca Reeves
John Sherburne Reidy
Margaret & Dick Rhoads
Mr. Karl D. Riemer
Bryan Robertson &
	 Patricia Garrahy-Robertson
Theodore Romanow &
	 Kim Redfield
Mr. & Mrs. John Drake Ross
Kissy Russell
Walter & Marjorie Salmon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sbarra
Norman & Maryellen
	 Sullivan Shachoy
James Sharpe &
	 Deborah Stein Sharpe
James Robert Silver
Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons
Esther Simon Charitable Trust
Jay & Nancy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Snyderman
Jay Stein & Gretchen Fox Stein
Galen & Anne Stone
Dr. Jennifer P. Stone &
	 Mr. Jonathan Green
David & Patricia Straus
James W. Swent, III
Mr. Malcolm Tenglin
Lisa Torchiana
Joan Underwood
John Vasconcellos &
	 William Barr
Mr. Jeffrey Vasquez
Anne & Dick Webb
Mr. & Mrs. H. St. John Webb
Benjamin & Coco Wellington
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney
Rhonda & Michael Zinner
“Growing up I spent lots of time on Buzzards Bay with my family
and friends. Protecting the beauty and bounty of the Bay is
important to me. I can’t think of a better legacy to leave behind.”
– Gioia Browne, Legacy Circle Member
Janice Adams
Ben & Julie Allen
Ellie Prosser &
	 Rich Armstrong
Nicholas J. Baker
Peggy Barry
James T. Bartlett
Mr. Anderson Bell
David Bogen & Pamela Spatz
Christine Botica
Jacob F. Brown, II
Gioia Thomas Browne
The Bucchere Family
John Burman &
	 Daina Stinson
Bob Busby & Maureen Conte
Ms. Betsy Cady
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Cavallo
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark
Lynn & Jan Coish
Jeffrey & Jennifer Collins
Charlie & Dianne Cosman
Jane & Brian Crowley
Kevin & Candy Crowley
Ron & Alice Curtin
Mrs. Rose P. Cutler
Judith & Murray Danforth
Maureen & Allen Decker
Philip Y. DeNormandie
Peter DeWalt & Toby Kyle
Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Fitzpatrick
Ms. Theresa Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Benjamin B. Fogler
Brennan & Fournier
Frederic Gardner &
	 Sherley Gardner-Smith
Mr. & Mrs Wyatt Garfield
Mr. John A. Garraty, Jr.
George & Suzanne Gebelein
Robert & Jane Gleason
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Gregg
Madeline L. Gregory
William & Eleanor W. Gural
Jan & Toby Hall
Brad & Priscilla Hathaway
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hathaway
Daniel Hayes
Ted & Judy Herlihy
Paul & Patricia Hogan
Heidi & Arthur Huguley
Jeff & Renee Hunt
Dr. Rachel Jakuba
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Jeffrey
Keith & Mary Kauppila
Clarke & Cathie Keenan
Mark & Polly Kisiel
Drs. Donald & Joan Korb
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Langford
Kenneth Lauderdale
Jim Lovell
John & Doris Ludes
Richard R. Mack
Mrs. Mary Jane Malone
Marion Mariner
Mr. James Marsh
John & Mary Ellen McCooey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter H.
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon
Linton & Jane Moulding
Mr. Chris Neill &
	 Ms. Linda A. Deegan
Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry
	 Norweb III
Mr. Mark Ofriel
Eric M. Pauls
Faith & Charlie Paulsen
Ms. Georgia Peirce
Dr. Elisabeth A. Pennington
Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Pierce, Jr.
Jahn & Renee Pothier
Gretchen A. Reilly
Sylvia Vatuk & George Rosen
Mr. & Mrs. William
	 W. Saltonstall
John Sigel & Sally Reid
Kerner & Patty Smith
Steve & Maria Smith
Mr. Edward S. Stimpson
Kristian J. Stoltenberg
Mrs. Margot Stone
Nicholas & Deborah Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Tiffany
Greg Torres & Betsy Pattullo
Janet & Noah Totten
David C. Twichell
Sam & Hilary Vineyard
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walsh
Stephen & Nancy Weinstein
Edward & Judith
	 Westrick & Family
Allan Wing
Magnus & Cindie Aadland
Robert Ackerman
Sara Adland
Brendan Annett &
	 Anne Reynolds
Skip & Peggy Annett
J. Arbes
John & Nancy Arcuri
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Armstrong
Allen & Karen Ashley
Sandy Bailey
Hope L. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Milo Beach
Mr. Grzegorz Bednarczyk
Dorothy & John Bentley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bishop
Steve & Lynne Bishop
Dr. Andrew Blazar &
	 Dr. Beverly Blazar
Tom & Michelle Blumetti
John & Romayne Bockstoce
Hugh Bolton
Mrs. Pauline Bowden
Mr. Chris Brown
David & Judy Brownell
Marc & Ellen Brown
Nils Bruzelius & Lynne Weil
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carlson
Steve Carnazza
Russell Cavanaugh
Mr. Mark Chertok
Rachel & Tom Claflin
Claude & Donna Cobert
Sherilyn Coleman
Loretto & Dwight Crane
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Creelman
Mr. Gregory Cronin
Thomas Cullinan
Ms. Margaret E. Curtis
Pamela J. Cutler &
	 Robert J. Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dacey
Laurie & Daniel DaRosa
Bruce T. Dalzell
Marc & Katie Deshaies
Mr. Daniel Desmarais
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan DiPaolo
Ms. Storey Duff
Bill Dugan
Debbi & Erik Dyson
Paul Elias & Marie
Ellen Emerson
Bernadette Ericson
Bob Espindola
Matthew Esposito
Henry & Lois Fernandes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferri
Margaret Theroux Fieldsteel
Bruce & Elizabeth Figueroa
Clara Filice
Mr. Thomas Fillipovich
Jim & Janet Fitzgibbons
Mr. Roger Forman
Nancy Fraze
Mr. & Mrs. JW Freiberg III
Sarah Frost
Drs. Bruce & Barbara Furie
Gregg Lawrence Furie
Dr. Mike Gabriel
Mr. John Gallo &
	 Ms. Patricia Tortorella
Joan N. Gardner
Henrietta Gates
Ms. Sheila W. Giancola
Barron & Elizabeth Gibson
William & Joyce Gindra
Dennis & Deborah Giokas
Jeff & Tess Goodwin
Paul & Priscilla Gray
Frederic & Jocelyn Greenman
Karen Grey
Mary & Mark Hadley
Jack & Amy Haley
William Harris
M. E. H. Lees
Dr. Timothy Haydock &
	 Barbara Moss
Gregg Hirschorn
Austin & Felicity Hoyt
Ann Huidekoper &
	 Joanne Swanson
Kimberly Fletcher &
	 John Hussey
Mark & Carla Hutker
Mike & Gail Jackson
Hope & David Jeffrey
Michael & Lisa Johnson
Paul & Judith Johnson
Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn
John D. Kelleher &
	 Viki A. Fowler
David & Jean Kibbe
Charles & Deborah Klotz
Bruce Kohler
Dr. Jonathan Kohler
Dr. Katherine Kohler
Ms. Kate Kramer
Ms. Caroline Kuhlman
Mrs. Christy LaGue
Jay Lanagan
Christopher T. Langlois
David & Lynne Lapalme
Edith Lauderdale
Jack Leary &
	 Joanne Lukaszewicz
Sara & Paul Lehner
Russ Lemcke
Mona Levenstein
Lennart & Ann Lindberg
Ken Lipman & Evelyn Baum
Mr. Shawn Littlefield
Deborah Locke
Pete & Vicky Lowell
William & Winnie Mackey
Diana & Bruce MacPhail
Andrea Marcovici
Ted & Karen Martin
Mr. Vincent Mayer
Peggy Bacon & Jack McCarthy
Joe McDonagh
Michael McFarlane
Chuck & Karen McHugh
Kate & Hugh McLean
Darryl Medina & Sara Dickson
Richard & Alma Merians
Mr. Chris Meyer
Dana Miskell
Mr. Paul Mooney
Fred Muzi
Mr. Edward G. Nardi
Gerard Nelson
Deirdre Nicholson
Eric & Claudette O’Brien
Christopher M. O’Connor
Ms. Nancy O’Connor
Alexander T. Orr
Robert Ouimette
Suzannah Parker
Christine W. Parks
Prof. David Patterson
Gerry E. Payette
John & Celeste Penney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S.
	 Perkins, Jr.
Korrin Petersen, Esq. &
	 Brian Petersen
Sandy & Arne Peterson
William & Sarah Pinney
Arvidas Poshkus
Robert M. Pozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis I. Prouty
Barbara Purser
James Rakowsky &
	 Denise Mengani
Mr. George Randall
Bill & Karen Reaman
Christopher Reddy
Kinley T. & Bonnie S. Reddy
Crystal & William Ribich
David M. Richards &
	 Elizabeth T. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ritter
Owen & Dorothy Robbins
Mr. Nathaniel Ross
William & Paige Roth
Heather & Kitt Sawitsky
Mark & Suzannah Schroeder
Gus & Ellie Shaver
Ethan Shenker
Christopher R. Sherwood
	 & Patty White
Robin & Tim Shields
Mr. Michael Simon
David & Elizabeth Small
Bruce & Sally Spooner
Mr. Robert Stapleton &
	 Mrs. Bonnie Stapleton
Meredith Stelling
John & Valerie Stelling
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Stone
Lisa & Gregg Stone
Edward Strout
Garrett Stuck &
	 Pamela Coravos
Sharlie Sudduth
Claire Sullivan
Robert E. Sullivan &
	 Linn M. Sullivan
Ms. Suzanne Sullivan
Susan P. Davies &
	 Richard W. Talkov
Capt. & Mrs. Richard Tatlock
Rhea E. Teves-Cate
Diane C. Tillotson
Samuel & Vivian Trotz
George & Dagmar Unhoch
Arthur A. & Dolores M.
Eleanor Wendell
Cindy White
Robert & Marina Whitman
Harry W. Wilcox
Catherine Williams
William Wittman &
	 Moira Shea
Curt & Gloria Worden
Sherbie & Tom Worthen
John & MarDee Xifaras
Anonymous (2)
Yvonne Adkins
Guilliaem Aertsen
Miss Athena Aicher
2012 Annual Report | 11
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M.
Dr. Mark Alexander
Robert & Ann Allen
Karen Althammer
Alex & Tricia Altschuller
Robert & Alison Ament
Ms. Charis Anderson
Forbes & Candace Anderson
Nancy V. Anderson &
	 Vincent A. Droser
Angus Angermeyer
Luean Anthony
Paul & Ruth Devine Anthony
Mr. Nelson Apjohn &
	 Mrs. Mary Joan Apjohn
Lucille Aptekar
Lee Arietta
James Arne
Mr. Robert C. Landeck &
	 Elisabeth A. Aronow
Diane Arruda
Martha Arruda
Dennis & Karen Arsenault
Mr. Richard Arthur &
	 Ms. Sally Fallon
Mr. Richard I. Arthur, Jr.
DJ Atkins
Dongwook Audenaerde
Ronald & Rosemary Auger
John L. Aumann &
	 Anna Surma
Dr. Robert Baarsvik, D.D.S.
John & Karen Babbitt
Dr. & Mrs. David S. Babin
Alfred Bahnson
James Bailey &
	 Alexandra Callen
Ian Baldwin
Rose W. Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. William N.
Mr. Anthony Barbato
Mr. Jonathan Barboza
David B. Barker
Robert H. Barker Jr.,
	 Amanda & Naomi Barker
David & Nancy Barry
Jim & Sheila Barry & Family
Kevin & Jane Barry
Ms. Oriana Barthelmes
Daniel & Allison Bartholomew
Dr. & Mrs. Grover G. Baxley
Ms. Enid Beal
Nat & Julie Beale
Ms. Sonya Beausoleil
Robert & Virginia Becher
Mr. David Behrens
Nate & Alice Bekemeier
Reidar & Kirsten Bendiksen
Arthur Benner
Jean & Arthur Bennett
Stephen Benoit
Charles Bergmann
Steve, Eliza & Aviva
Nina & Don Berk
Ms. Celia Bernstein
John & Jane Bihldorff
Mrs. Priscilla Bill
Mr. George H. Billings
Karen & Paul Bitterman
Van & Eileen Blakeman
Mr. Peter Blanchard &
	 Dr. Elizabeth Blanchard
Donald Blanchette
Krystyna Bloch
Ms. Lakshmi Bloom
Gail Blout
Michael & Amanda Bobola
Phillip & Sarah Bodenstab
Gary Boehk
Charles & Nancy Boit
Jane Bolinger
Thomas & Elizabeth Bolton
Peter & Susan Boni
Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Bosworth
Mrs. Dolores Boule
Mrs. Simone Bourgeois
Boyce - Pitcairn Family
Dr. Danah Boyd
Robert Brack
Olga R. Bravo
Mr. Michael Brennan
Michelle G. Brewster
Ann Briggs
Mr. Todd Briggs
Mr. Kevin Brogioli
Blair & Carol Brown
Clint & Judy Brown
Larry & Sally Brownell
Ken & Wendi Buesseler
Peter & Tia Bullard
Lewis Burleigh
Carolyn & Chuck Burnham
Dr. Dana Caledonia
Fernando Calle
Mr. David C. Cameron &
	 Dr. Joanne Cameron
Fanny Campbell
Mr. Mark Canha
William Cantor &
	 Kristen Eastman
James & Heather Caplan
Biagio Caretti
Christopher W. Carey
Ben Carlson
Dr. Eleanor Carlson
Frank & Sheila Carotenuto
Mr. Michael Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Carvalho
Fritz Casselman &
	 Susan Ashbrook
Lee Castignetti, Jr.
Jennifer P. Cavallaro
Mr. Sean Cavanaugh
Ruth & Dick Cederberg
Dr. Natalie L. Chambers
John & Cindy Chambliss
Peter Chandler
Carol & Jonathan Chace
John Child
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chipman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Choquette
Jon & Lydia Christensen
Mr. George Christopher &
	 Mrs. Emma Christopher
Michael Christopher
Ms. Suzanne Church
Bill & Maggie Churchill
Paul Clapp
Frederick Clark
Lisa Cloitre
Mrs. Gretchen R. Colby &
	 Mr. Robbie Colby
John Colella
Joseph W. Collins
Elizabeth Colt
William Condon
Mr. Arthur Conro &
	 Ms. Tina Varzeas
Dr. Robert Conroy &
	 Dr. Deborah Schappell
Ms. Bonnie Conway
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Conway
Ms. Patrice Cooper
H. Perry Coppola
Burton & Kate Corkum
Henry Cosman
Mr. Christopher Costa &
	 Ms. Jennifer Costa
Miss Fenner Costa
Paul Costabile
Mr. Jonathan Cottrell
Joe Couto & Sara Couto
Ms. Elizabeth Coxe &
	 Mr. G. David Forney
Diane Cramphin
Frederick G. Crocker, Jr.
Nancy Crosby
Carl & Gabrielle Cunningham
Brenda Curry-McKeon
Mr. George Curtis
Thomas Gray Curtis, Jr.
Molly & Chris Cutler
James & Lorraine Cutone
Jonathan Cyr
Prof. Chris Dacey
A.M. Daley
Bethany Daniels
Robert & Susan Darnton
Mrs. Amy DaRosa
Mr. Malcolm Davidson
Thomas G. & Liddy Davis
Douglas Davison
Matt & Jen Davitt
Holliday & Ben Day
Celina De Leon
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dean
Peter & Patricia Dean
Eileen & Edson deCastro
Laura A. DeCosta Enos
Leslie & Helen DeGroot
Michael & Jane Deland
Daniel & Christina Delianedis
Mr. Jonathan Dell &
	 Mrs. Susan Dell
David J. Demello
Roger & Sally Demler
Gail & John Densler
Ms. Ashley Denson
Mr. Paul Desmond
Dana Desnoyers
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W.
Mr. Tad Devine
Katha Diddel-Warren
Beverly A. Dietlin
Bill & Cindy Dillon
Mr. Andrew Dimmick
David & Frederica Dimmick
Bill & Ellen Dingwell
Mr. Erik Doane
Mr. Bertram Dodson
Janet & Kingsley Doe
Thomas Doeppner
William Donkin, III
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Dorr
Richard A. &
	 Weatherly Dorris
James R. Dorsey
Dave Doucett & Diane
James D. Dougherty
Tad & Karen Dourdeville
Jill Downing
Ms. Deborah Doyle
Joey & Clark DuBois
Ian & Kathryn C.B. Duff
Phil Dunham &
	 Gudrun Bjarnarson
Craig G. Dunkerley
Robert Dunkless
Thomas Dunlop Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dunn
James & Katherine Dunphy
John Dunphy
Mr. Ira Dupere
Nancy Durfee
Meghan Dwyer
Ms. Melissa Dyer
Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Eades
Emmet Eby, M.D.
Celia M. Echave
Janet S. Egan
Oliver W. Egleston
Mr. B.T. Ehrhardt, Jr.
Lindsey Elder
William & Deborah Elfers
Mr. Matt Elliott
Tim & J.J. Elliott
Bill & Lisa Elliott
Raymond & Jen Emerson
Mrs. Suzanne R. Emerson
Michael A. Esposito &
	 Cynthia A. Redel
Frederic A. Eustis III
Mr. Donald Facey
Christian A. Farland, P.E.
John Farrington
Kitty Fassett
Mr. Christopher M. Fauteux
George & Irene Fearing
Mr. Ed Feather
Jennifer Meyer-Feeney
Steven Feiner
Julius & Mette Feinleib
Ms. Danielle Feist
Joseph & Sheila Feitelberg
Mr. Jake Feiter
S. Warren & Elaine Ferguson
Michael & Jeralyn Fernandes
Frank & Nancy Ferreira
Sill & Ann “D” Ferreira
Philip Field
Mrs. Rachel Fier
Anita Fiorillo
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Flinn
Alice & Jonathan Flint
Margot Flouton &
	 Robert Barnes
Ms. China F. Forbes
Margery Forbes
Mr. Bruce Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
	 M. Ford
Joan J. Forte
Deborah Forter &
	 Ben Hansbury
Reg & Barbie Foster
Cary & Helen Francis
Peter D. Franklin, M.D.
Mr. Jerome Frazel &
	 Ms. Nancy Wilder
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frohman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Fuller
John & Avery Funkhouser
Dr. John Furrey &
	 Mrs. Pat Furrey
Laurel Furumoto
Stefan & Marya Gabriel
Mr. Angelo Gala
Nicole Gardner
Will & Laura Gardner
Horace & Marla Garfield
Joanne Garfield
Michael & MC Garfield
Wyatt & Rachel Garfield, Jr.
Andrew Garland &
	 Anne Gordon
Jeff & Betsy Garland
Dr. Anthony Garro &
	 Ms. Mary Ann Garro
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Geagan
John & Alison Geddes
Ms. Constance B. Gee
Paul Gelep
Mrs. Juliane Gerace &
	 Mr. Ronald Gerace
Captain John M. Gibbons
Paul D. Gibbs
Ms. Barbara Gilliam
Benjamin & Susan Gilmore
Carolyn & Kirby Gilmore
Meredith Gilson
David Goldberg
Judith N. Goldberg
Harvey Goldman &
	 Debby Coolidge
Robert Goldsborough
Edward A. Gonet, Jr.
Evelyn Goodhue
Peter & Marne Goodrich
Master Daniel Gould
A record 264 swimmers dove into outer New Bedford
Harbor on July 7, 2012 to show their support for a clean and
healthy Buzzards Bay by taking part in the Buzzards Bay
Coalition’s 19th annual Buzzards Bay Swim.
The event also reached a new fundraising record, raising
$130,000 to support the education, conservation, research
and advocacy work of the Coalition. Swimmers and their
supporters brought in $105,000 which, by breaking
$100,000, earned the organization a $25,000 challenge gift
from longtime swimmer Larry Fish of West Falmouth. The
top fundraiser was Steve Johnson of Cambridge, who raised
$4,300. Bill and Savannah Roth of Fairhaven raised $2,145,
the most for a team.
The event drew swimmers from across the region and as
far away as Los Angeles and Florida, ranging in age from 12
J U LY 7, 2 0 1 2
A record 264 swimmers raced across the Bay in the 19th
annual Buzzards Bay Swim.
Buzzards Bay Swim
Kirby Aarsheim
Derek Affonce
Mark Alexander
Judy Allen
Julie Allen
Charis Anderson
Brendan Annett
Lea Anthony
Lee Arietta
Bethany Aronow
Martha Arruda
DJ Atkins
Saint Aufranc
Jonathan Barboza
Adam S. Barkley
Oriana Barthelmes
Daniel Bartholomew
Grover G. Baxley
Sonya Beausoleil
Amanda Bobola
George J. Borden
George W. Borden
Joshua Borden
Pauline Bowden
Christine Brady
Olga R. Bravo
Lynne E. Brolly
Jennifer Buonaccorsi
Peter Carson
Mark Carvalho
Brendan Cavanaugh
Emily Chandler
Keally Cieslik
Molly Clark
Sarah Clark
Lisa Cloitre
Jennifer Costa
Michael Costello
Graham Cottrell
Tara Couto
Ellena Crotty
Josie Cuoco
Bethany Daniels
Devon DeGrazia
Jonathan Dell
Andrea L. Desjardins
Joseph W. DeVerna
Katha Diddel-Warren
Robert Dorfman
Jim Dorsey
Paul L. Dow
Jill Downing
Rich Droser
Kathryn C. Duff
Thomas D. Dunlop
Melissa Dyer
Winthrop Dyer
Helen E. Ederer
Ted Ehrhardt
Diane Elander-Keys
Matthew Esposito
Shannon Fain
Paul Fathallah
Jake Feiter
Erika Fernandes
Lawrence Fish
Kimberly Fletcher
Christopher M. Ford
Debra Foschi
Sarah B. Frost
Kaitlin Furrey
Sophia Furtado
Deborah J. Gabriel
Angelo Gala
Alex Gallant
Anthony Garro
Thomas Gidwitz
Chelsea Gilliam
Meredith Gilson
Emily Girard
Greg Glavin
Amy Goldberg
Deborah H. Gove
Josie Greene
Adam Guild
Eileen Gunn
Jonathan Haisman
Julie Hamel
Lori Hannan
Marcia Hathaway
Jaren Hawxwell
Tara B. Hawxwell
Joe Hebert
Troy Hebert
Mark Heffner
Laurie Hellstrom
Serap Hidir
Becky Holloway
Mara T. Honohan
Kelsey Hopkins
Amy Howland
Steve Hubbard
Jefferson Hunter
Steve Johnson
Jarrett Jones
Abigail Jupin
Nicholas Jupin
Elizabeth Kalife
Maxwell Kearns
Brigid Kennedy
James Kindelan
David C. Korb
Kate Kramer
David Lapalme
Marc E. LaPlante
Emily Lauderdale
John J. Leary
Dawna Leger Phillips
Diane Leith-Doucett
Deb Levesque
Michael Lipp
John Littlefield
William Luderer
David Lyons
Richard R. Mack
Elizabeth Mahoney
Kelly Manchester
Andrea Marcovici
Leighton Marcovici
Jonathan Mariner
Frank Mark
Morgan McCarthy
James McDonald
Kathleen A. McDonald
Patricia McGovern
Douglas McKell
Sue McNeil
Frank McQuiggan
Kyle Medeiros
Allison Medina
Kendra D. Medina
Judy Meissner
Sarah Merianos
Kendra Merrill
Cristina Mitchell
Jocelyn Mitchell
Mariah Mitchell
Smoky Moak
Tara Moll
Mia Morgan
Solange Morrissette
Bob Motta
Jason Munnis
Dirk Murphy
Mary Murphy
Vincent Murphy
Joanne Navilliat
Grant Nelson
Sasha Norkin
Bruce Novis
Kevin O’Halloran
Lauren O’Neil
Heson Oh
Douglas Olney
Catherine Olson
Molly Olver
Kelly Onanian
Alexander T. Orr
Benjamin J. Ostiguy
Brett Pacheco
Kristi Paradis
Christine W. Parks
Anna Pauls
Eric M. Pauls
Patty Pauls
Eric Pauls, Jr.
Kim Pelletier
Korrin Petersen
Allan Pineda
Andrew Pittman
Nick Poole
Tom Poole
Matthew A. Poyant
to 82. The fastest swimmer was Matt Shenker of Pocasset,
who covered the course in 21:34, while the fastest female
was Elizabeth Mahoney of Plymouth, who swam in 22:40.
The Quicks Award for the fastest high school team went to
Apponequet High School with an average time of 22:27.
The 20th annual Buzzards Bay Swim will be held on
Saturday, July 13, 2013.
2012 Annual Report | 13
Michelle Prevost
Lorena C. Pugh
Mollie Quelle
George Randall
Mark Rasmussen
Marianne Reardon
Pamela Reitsma
Sarah Renaud
Nicole Rhind
Bryan Robertson
Laura Robertson
Sarah Robertson
Denise Rollinson
Joy Rosenthal
Savannah Roth
William D. Roth
Tanya M. Roy
Anastasia Rudenko
Patrick Ryll
Erica Sahlin
Louis A. Sardelli
Douglas Sayles
Christopher Schlesinger
Lena Schulze
Kevin Shea
Maia Shenker
Matt Shenker
Soraya Shenker
Sarah Sherwood
Sofia Shuman
Larry Shwartz
Lynn Simpson
Lissa Singer
David L. Small
Nancy J. Smith
Mark Snyderman
Sarah Snyderman
Jaime Sousa
Page Stites
Mary-Jane Strom
Sarah Sweney
Matt Sylvain
Ruth Tannert
Cynthia S. Tardif
Barbara Tardiff
Dana Tatlock
Rob Thieler
Edwin P. Tiffany
Justin Tonelli
Leah Trafford
Max Trojano
Leslie Trott
Stephanie Trott
Alex Turner
Devon Turner
Onne Van Der Wal
Ashley Vandiver
Daniel Vasconcellos
Isabella Walko
Palma Walko
Cameron Walsh
Judith Westrick
Mollie Westrick
Natalie Westrick
Richard Wheeler
Cindy White
Patricia J. White
Daniel Wieghmink
Maureen Wieler
Bobby L. Wilkey
Aubrey Williams
Donald Williams
Tony Williams
Kelly L. Wright
Juliet D. Xifaras
Marc Yaggi
Ben Allen
Robert Bailey
William Bartholomew
Robin Bodeau
Tye Brady
Chris B. Bryant
Bryan Burger
Gregory Butterfield
Corinne Carvalho
Christine Casper
Michael Chretien
Karen Clark
Tena Coley
Wilson Colucci
Lynn Connor
Gilbert Costa
Letitia Costa
Thomas Crotty
Tim Donohue
Cara Eleniefsky
Gary Eleniefsky
Robert Eugineo
Sean Flannery
Nick Frade
Pattie Garrahy
Peter Goodrich
Tom Gray
Jim Hannan
Frank Hitchens
Genevieve M. Hunt
Nancy Jordan
Robert Kennedy
Christopher Lauderdale
Alyson Mandel
Chris McRaven
Kate Middleton
Sara Munger
Nicole Noonan
Jin Oh
Steven F. Panek
Richard Pelletier
Brian Petersen
Margiana Petersen-Rockney
Mia Pinheiro
Christine Quallen
Matt Rhind
Shae Riley
Paige J. Roth
Widar Sahlin
Scott Smith
Richard Tatlock
David Weinberg
Edward Westrick
Nick Wildman
Julie Yared
Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouveia
Lee & Debbie Gove
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia
Ms. Monica H. Graham
Vicary M. Graham
Mr. Morris Gray, Jr.
Drs. Michael Green &
	 Maria Zapp
Hildegarde F. Greene
Ms. Josie Greene &
	 Mr. Glenn Asch
Emily Greenstein
Alyssa & Bill Greenwood
Edward S. Gross
Marvin & Avis Grosslein
Rene & Karen Guenette
Richard & Susan Guidelli
Adam & Dana Guild
Valerie & Insan Gurdal
Mr. Andrew Hadley
Joyce Haglund
Mr. Cliff Hahn
Jonathan Haisman
Brent & Serena Davis Hall
Cynthia Hallowell
Samuel H. Hallowell, Jr.
Elizabeth & R. Barry
Susan & Gib Hammond
George & Barbara Hampson
Robert & Gwendolyn
Richard Hardaway &
	 Lee Hardaway
Bob & Judy Hardiman
Fred Hare
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Harple
Anne R. Harris
John Harris
Chris & Jennifer Hart
Barbara Harty
Seth Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Craig
Channing W. Hayward
William & Catherine Heald
Joe & Elizabeth Hebert
Mr. Mark Heffner
Laurie Hellstrom
Jane & Bart Henderson
Deborah Herring
H. James & Carol Herring
James & Kathy Herring
Al & Kathy Herzog
James Hetherington
Dr. Paul Heyman
Dr. Peter Heyman
Robert E. Hicks
Serap Hidir
Eric J. Hintsa & Wei Wang
Sandra Taven & Dr.
	 Ronald Hirschberg
Denise Coburn Hixon
Robert E Hobler
Mr. Peter Hocking
Ms. Eleanor B. Hodge
Pamela & Edward Hoffer
Bob & Susan Hoffman
Mr. Gordon Hoffstein &
	 Ms. Joanna Hoffstein
Buell & Margaret Hollister
Sandra Holmes
James & Beth Ann Holzman
James & Marianne
Frederic & Johanna Hood
Ms. Kelsey Hopkins
Timothy Horkings
Anne E. Hough
Tim House & Ann Gary
Selena T. Howard
Ms. Jennifer Howe
Mr. Alex Hu
Mr. Eric Huang
Mr. Steve Hubbard
Martin & Diane Hudis
Mr. George Huey
John Hughes
Paul, Beth & Moses Hughes
Charles & Patricia Hulley
Jenny & Gregory Hunt
Rebecca Hunter
Mr. David E. Hutchings
Mr. Bob Hyldburg
Mr. Charles H. Iliff Jr.
Ted & Donna Ingalls
James Iredell
Dr. Thomas W. Irvine
Susan Israel Architects
Vincent & Pauline Jacintho
Ms. Marcy Jackson
Susan & Timothy Jackson
Jane & William Jackson
Mr. James Jampel
Mrs. Sandy Jarjoura
Suzanne L. Jenkins
David S. Jenney
David & Julia Jennings
The Johns Family
Ms. Janis Johnson
Keith Johnson
Mr. Robert Johnson
Mr. Steve Johnson
Adele Franks & Steve Jones
Mrs. Rachel Jupin
Brian Jusseaume
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kane
Douglas & Joy Kant
The Kantner Family
Edward & Adele Kaplan
Dennis & Mary Kasper
Bethany Jason Kauff
Frank Kauffman
Mr. Aaron Kaufman
Shannon Keegan
Whitney & Fred Keen
Mrs. Kathleen Keenan
Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Keene, Jr.
James Kelley
Beth & Bob Kelley
Michael Kelly
Garland Kemper
Ms. Marianne Kennedy
Hod & Mary Kenney
Mrs. Julia Kiechel
James King
John & Laurie Kinney
Mr. Terry Kiser
Amy E. Kitson
Dieter & Jacqueline Klein
Robert & Patricia Knapp
Mr. Robert Knight
Mrs. Eliot Knowles
Bill & Deb Knowlton
Mrs. Harriet Koch
Jonathan & Deborah Kolb
David C. Korb
Sir Hans & Lady Kornberg
Mrs. Petra Koustenis
Paul Krause & Teri Bernert
Richard Joseph Krenmayer
Nancy Kress
Mr. Robert S. Kretschmar
Peter & Jane Krone
Nobuko Kuhn
Barbara Kay Kullas
Ms. Katharine Kush
Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard
Rob & Beth Ladd
Christy & Wayne LaGue
David Laidlaw
Stacy & Marcus LaiFook
Robert & Linda Lane
Paul & Joanne Langione
Louis & Camilla Larrey
Ray & Muriel Larson
Ms. Rebecca Lash
Ms. Pamela Lasher
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Lauderdale
Charles & Judith Laverty
Andrew Lavoie
Ed Lazowska & Raj Reddy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
	 Leach, Jr.
David & Hallie Lee
Terry & Kym Lee
Andrew & Lynn Lees
Tina Leger Phillips
Ms. Nicole Leger
Kenneth & Ardelle Legg
Admiral John Lemly
Edward Lenihan
Polly & David Leshan
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Levine
Mr. & Mrs. Terence Lewis Sr.
Mr. Michael Lipp
John & Margaret Littlefield
Sara Locke
Steven Locke
Helen Lozoraitis
Mr. William Luderer &
	 Mrs. Vicky Luderer
Michael & Beth Luey
Dr. & Mrs. Edward G.
	 Lund, Jr.
Mrs. Charles P. Lyman
Thomas Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. David Lyons
B. Lane & Wendy MacDonald
John E. & Vivian Macedo
Russell Mack
Maureen Magan
John Magnan & Annie Jonas
Harry & Catherine Mah
Bettina Borders &
	 Victor Mailey
Elizabeth Makrauer &
	 Kyle Johnson
Mr. Will Makris
C. Michael Malm
Ms. Kelly Manchester
Peter Mansfield
Ron & Barbara Marcks
Donald E. Marcus
Kevin & Cathy Mariner
Frank Mark
Janet R. Markel
Sandra & Amos Marsh
Nan Starr & Philip Marshall
Ms. Michele Martin
Florence Martocci
Don & Lee Marvin
Candy Massard
Dr. Herbert Mathewson
Mrs. Dale Lenzner Mathias
Carl & Sharon Matuszek
Sam Mawn-Mahlau
Kimberly May
Margaret McCormick &
	 Andrew Solow
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W.
Mr. James McDonald
Kathleen McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. J. Duncan
Ricketson & Annie McDowell
Dr. Richard B. McElvein
Evelyn McFadden &
	 Bill Simmons
Alex & Freddy McFerran
Nancy McHale &
	 Kathleen Pappalardo
Mr. Douglas McKell &
	 Mrs. Bernadette McKell
Mr. Donald McQueen
Frank McQuiggan
Kirtland & Susan
	 Eldredge Mead
Christopher A. Medeiros
Michelle Medeiros
Mr. Frederico R. Medina, III
Peg Megowen
Mr. Mark Melcher
Charles Mello
Mr. John Menzel
Ms. Alyssa Meritt
Ms. Louise Merrick
Ms. Victoria Merrick
Mr. David Merrigan
Chris Meyer
Lucia Michaud
Jerry Middleton
John & Nina Middleton
Timothy Milbert
Joanna Miller
John & Nancy Mills
Bobbie & Rich Miner
Eileen Miskell
John Mitchell &
	 Ann Partridge, M.D.
Ms. Mariah Mitchell
Ms. Smoky Moak &
	 Ms. Eileen Melancon
Mr. Tom Modica &
	 Mrs. Donna Modica
Mr. & Mrs. Moeder
Maria Itati Moguilner
Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Molind
Michael & Hannah Moore
Suzanne Moot & Peter Jones
Chief Petty Officer Marc
Peter Morrison
Ms. Solange Morrissette
Joseph Morrissey
Mr. Christopher Morss
Ms. Morgan K. Mowbray
John F. Mueller, MD
Ms. Claire Muhm
Dr. & Mrs. William
	 Muldoon, Jr.
Mr. Jason Munnis
Mr. Hugh Munro &
	 Mrs. Barbara Munro
Seanan Murphy
Vinny Murphy
Brendan & Maggie Murray
Jonathan & Daphne
Mark & Sarah Najarian
Mrs. Joanne Navilliat
Bob Nealon
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Nelson
Mr. Mark Nelson
Marcia Neundorfer
Capt. James Newman &
	 Ms. Deb Coulombe
Mr. Marcus Ng
Kent Nicholas
Ms. Mary J. Nickerson &
	 Mr. Alan Pelan
Ann Niederkorn
Susan Nilson
Capt. Van Noorden
Bouke Noordzij
Ms. Alexandra C. Norkin
Cynthia Clair Norkin
Ms. Sasha Norkin
Mr. & Mrs. William B.
Mr. Edmund O’Connell
Mr. James O’Connor
Rory O’Connor
Kevin O’Halloran
Shannon Olin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Olotka
Lars & Ruth Olson
Robert & Pamela Olson
Scott & Kelly Onanian
Jay & Marilyn O’Neil
James Orr
Dr. & Mrs. Paul E.
Benjamin J. Ostiguy
Claudia & Nelson Ostiguy
Julie Ouellette
Peter J. Ouellette
Paula Pace
Brett Pacheco
Miss Kathleen A. Pallatroni
Suzanne Pan
Betty Parker
David & Lois Parker
Ann Parson
Charles & Sandria Parsons
Gary & Pamela Parsons
Carolyn P. Partan
Davison & Lauren Paull
Richard Payne &
	 Deborah Siegal
Mr. Matthew Pearson
Roberto & Jocelyn Peccei
Miss Ashley Peckham
Stephen M. Peckham
Judith & Thoru Pederson
Dr. Joseph Pedlosky
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pelletier
Bruce & Deborah Penn
Janet S. Percival
Mr. Peter Perroni
Daniel & Susan Perry
Gilbert Perry & Donna Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Perry Jr.
Jim Persons & Carla Hatfield
Theresa & Christopher
William E. & Phoebe T.
Mrs. Robert C. Pettway
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Phelps
Richard & Eleanor Phillips
Tania Phillips
Mr. Richard Piccolo
Gerald & Janet Pietsch
Alicia Pimental
Allan & Mary Pineda
Al & Maren Plueddemann
The Polansky Family
Mr. Nick Poole
Tom & Iara Poole
Mihai Popa
The Porter Family
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Porter
Robert Powel Family
Connor Prassas
Charles Pratt &
	 Alexandra England
Charles & Joan Pratt
Frank Press
Paula Press & John Rosenthal
Doug & Diana Prince
Barry M. Prizant &
	 Elaine C. Meyer
Lorena Pugh & Bo Pickard
Ms. Christine Quallen
Karen Quigley &
	 Russell Hensel
Kevin Quigley
Hon. Regina Quinlan
Richard & Catherine Quintal
Jennifer Randall
Frank M. Rapoza
Beverly Rasmussen
Raj Reddy
John Reed & Helen
Terrence & Barbara Reideler
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Reitsma
Ms. Pamela Reitsma
Mr. & Mrs. G. Herbert Repass
Mr. & Mrs. Ridley Rhind
Nicole Rhind
Donald & Christy Rhoads
Carl & Leslye Ribeiro
Ronald Ricci
Mr. Ben Richards
Atty. Claudia Richards
Philip & Patricia Richardson
Carol & Bill Rieken
Ries Family - Sue, Fred
	 & Heather
Samuel C. Riley &
	 Kristie M. Furrow
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Ritchie
Douglas C. Roberson
Jayne Roberts
Steven & Lisa Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Philip S.
Marjory Robinson
Thomas & Johanna Robinson
Dana & Alison Rodin
Mary & Stan Roller
Dr. Denise Rollinson &
	 Dr. Kenneth Sassower
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Root
Roger C. Rosen, M.D.
Jim Rosenfeld
Rev. Frederick Roses
Lisa Rotty
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis P.
	 Rowland, M.D.
Tanya Roy & Samuel Liss
Drs. Jen & Greg Russell
Michael Russell
Perry Russell &
	 Leo Pierre Roy
Jeffrey & Jennifer Ryan
Patrick Ryll
David Salesin & Andrea
Bob Sances & Bing Broderick
Tony Sapienza
Morton T. Saunders
Mr. Stephen Savin
Mrs. Anne W. Sawyer
Ms. Donna Sawyer
Douglas Sayles
Harriet W. Schley
Rick Schnure
Mr. Steven Schrader
Carol Q. Schwamb
Dr. Jonathan Schwartz
Rebecca & Leighton Scott
Mr. Louis Secatore
Frederica See
Ellis Seidman
Jody Seivert
Ms. Joan Shafran &
	 Mr. Rob Haimes
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro
Ann Sharp
Bill & Dedee Shattuck
Mr. Kevin Shea
Laura Shear
Jeff Shearstone &
	 Theresa Jacobs
Caroline Sheehan
Matt Shenker
Richard Shepard &
	 Samina Quraeshi
Dr. Harry Shum
Ms. Sofia Shuman
Larry & Louise Shwartz
Sue & Calvin Siegal
Albert & Joyce Signorella
Helen F. Silva
Mr. Brad Silverberg
Andrea Simmons
Kevin Simon
Ms. Lissa Singer
Deb Sistare
David Sklar
Mrs. Robert W. Small
Ms. Bertyne R. Smith
Mrs. Claire Smith
David & Rosemary Smith
Mr. Howard &
	 Dr. Nancy Smith
Charlotte & Ray Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
Renny Smith
Mr. J. D. Somerville
Mr. Paul Sowizral
Jeffrey & Gail Spear
Mr. George Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sperry
Mrs. Sarah Spillane
Susan B. Spooner
Kelly Spring
Philip Stanton
Mary Ellen & Ralph Stephen
Tom & Judy Stetson
Philip & Joan Stevenson
Heather Stewart
Clay & Clara Stites
2012 Annual Report | 15
One hundred forty-seven cyclists raised $79,000 as they
pedaled across Southeastern Massachusetts on October
14, 2012 during the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s sixth annual
Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. Both the number of cyclists
and the funds raised set new records for the event, which
supports the Coalition’s work to restore clean water, protect
watershed lands and engage the community.
The first riders sped away from Horseneck Beach at 9:00
a.m., winding through Westport’s picturesque coastal
farmland, Padanaram village, New Bedford’s working
waterfront, the leafy Fairhaven bike path and Mattapoisett’s
rural roads before stopping for lunch at Eastover Farm in
Rochester. There, cyclists completing a 35-mile route joined
the Watershed Ride for its second leg past Wareham’s
cranberry bogs, over the Bourne Bridge and down
Falmouth’s Shining Sea Bikeway to end at beautiful Quissett
Harbor in Woods Hole.
The Watershed Ride drew cyclists from across Southeastern
Massachusetts, New England, and as far away as Florida,
Indiana, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. Cyclists ranged
in age from 12 to 74.
The top fundraiser was Andy van Dam of Barrington, R.I., who
raised $3,500. The seventh annual Buzzards Bay Watershed
Ride will be on Sunday October 6, 2013.
OCTOBER 14, 2012
Cyclists cross the finish line of the sixth annual Watershed Ride
in Quisset Harbor, Falmouth.
Watershed Ride
Cindie Aadland
Sara Adland
Athena Aicher
Ethan Altshuler
Joshua Altshuler
Kara Altshuler
Thomas Altshuler
Angus Angermeyer
Karl Audenaerde
Sandy Bailey
Jonathan Barboza
JoMarie Battle
Grzegorz Bednarczyk
Donald Bishop
Patricia Bishop
James Boydston
Chris Brown
Thomas Cashel
Phillip Cavallo
Russell Cavanaugh
John Chambliss
Michael Chefalo
Lynn A. Coish
Charlie M. Cosman
Dianne Cosman
Fenner Costa
Letitia Costa
Gregory Cronin
Thomas Cullinan
Victoria R R. Cunningham
Charles Dacey
Chris Dacey
Amy DaRosa
Dan DaRosa
Laurie B. DaRosa
Gail Davidson
Doug Decker
Ashley Denson
Daniel Desmarais
Andrew Dimmick
Heather DiPaolo
Jonathan DiPaolo
Kathryn C. Duff
Storey Duff
Terry Enos
Robert Espindola
Kevin Farrell
Christopher M. Fauteux
Genevieve Fernandez
Jesse Ferreira
Clara Filice
Thomas Fillipovich
Barbara Furie
Gregg L. Furie
Sheila W. Giancola
Thomas Gidwitz
Jane Gleason
Dudley Goar
John H. Harwood
Michael Heyman
Serap Hidir
Christopher Hiller
Gregg Hirschorn
Heather Hobler
Mark Hutker
Eric H. Jensen
Gary P. Johnson
Leonard W. Johnson
Brian Jusseaume
Russell Keeler
Wendy Keeler
Clarke Keenan
Dave Kibbe
Sam Knight
Leslie Knowles
Paul Krause
David Lambertson
Jay Lanagan
Christopher T. Langlois
Terence Lee
Kenneth D. Lipman
Victoria Lowell
Mary Ellen McCooey
Skakel McCooey
Margaret McCormick
Dana Miskell
Gerard Nelson
Oliver Newman
Ann Niederkorn
Robin Norris
Kelly Onanian
Scott Onanian
Ashley Peckham
Alicia Pimental
Shelton Pitney
Dave Prentiss
Douglas Prickett
Mark Rasmussen
James Rathmann
Laurie A. Raymond
Steven D. Roberts
Sydney Roth
William D. Roth
Mark Snyderman
Sarah Snyderman
Geoff Sullivan
Nicholas P. Sullivan
Suzanne Sullivan
Geoff Swett
James H. Tietje
Ilonka Tumelaire
Andy van Dam
William R. Veno
Michael Waugh
Karen Wheeler
Anna Whitcomb
Phillip Whittaker
Tony Williams
Roseann & Steve Stoehr
Benjamin B. Stone
Eric & Paula Strand
Albert H. Strange, Jr.
Mr. Joseph A. Strazzulla
Rachael Kolb &
	 Thomas Stritter
Ms. Mary-Jane Strom
Peter Sturges &
	 Sasha Lauterbach
Ms. Margaret Sulanowska
Mark Sullivan
Ms. Nancy Sullivan
Paul R. Sullivan
Peter & Nancy Summers
Edith V. Sweeney
Lori Sweeney
William Sweney
Cynthia Tardif
Dr. Barbara Tardiff
Henry Augustine Tate
David A.Tatelbaum
Elliott & Julia Taylor
Dr. Kathleen Taylor
Ted & Charlotte Teplow
Jackie Terwilliger
Dr. Edward R. Thieler
Robin Lepore &
	 Andrew Thomas
Julie Thompson
Emil & Eleanor Tietje
Mr. Francis J. Tietje
James H. Tietje &
	 Sharon Willner
John & Nancy Todd
David & Lynne Toth
Peter & Ann Tower
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trippe
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Trojano
Mr. William Tulloch
Mr. Lester Turchin
Mr. Michael Turnage
Peter & Libby Turowski
David C. & Nancy P. Twichell
Joe & Annie Twichell
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ullian
Stephen C. Ullian
Alex & Marilyn Urquhart
John J. Valois
Dr. Benjamin Van Mooy
Andy & Debbie van Dam
Katrin van Dam
Lori van Dam
Jacques & Christiane
	 van de Kerckhof
Onne van der Wal
Ms. Angela Vasconcellos
Ms. Arna Vatuk
Dr. Sylvia Vatuk
Bill & Judy Veno
Christopher Verni
Eric Vernon
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon C.
Mr. Jeffrey Vogel
Mr. Steve Wainio
Bradford B. Wakeman &
	 Wendy Darwin Wakeman
Ms. Alexis Waldor
Jeff & Jeanine Wales
Janet & LaVerne Wallace
Dr. Richard Warburton
Sharon McCarthy &
	 Jim Ware
Mr. Rick Warren
Rebecca & Ethan Watters
Mr. & Mrs. Henley R. Webb
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Webster
Marc Weglowski
Karin & David Weinberg
Ms. Mary Jane Welling
Mollie Westrick
Ms. Natalie Westrick
Jay & Melinda Whalen
Karen Wheeler
Anne & Alec White
David & Elizabeth White
Judy & Harvey White
John & Linda Whitehead
Alex Whiteside
Judith Whiteside
Jessica & Phil Whittaker
Bobby & Laurie Wilkey
Capt. Donald Williams
Dr. Douglas Williams &
	 Ms. Elizabeth East
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J.
S. Jeffress Williams &
	 Rebecca Upton
Milt & Sue Williamson
Mr. John Willoughby
Debra Wilson
Toffer Winslow
Mr. Gordon G. Wisbach, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Wolfe
John H. Wolff &
	 Helen A. Berger
Harvey J. Wolkoff
David & Lee Ann Wood
Ms. Sarah Wotka
Mary & Redwood Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John Wylde
Mr. & Mrs. William Yaggi
Stephanie Yesner &
	 Maura Russell
Isabel C. Yoder
Richard B. Young
Stewart & Mandy Young
William & Julie Young
Mr. Larry Yu
Adrian & Mary Zaccaria
Robert & Katy Zappala
Sandra & Don Zekan
Fred & Jane Zimmerman
Ginia & Peter Ziobro
Susan Zipoli
Anonymous (5)
Dr. & Mrs. G.H. Abbot
Ms. Mary Adams
Sally Adams
Dr. Derek Affonce
Rachel A. Aicher
Sally M. Aldrich
Jeanne Alexander Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A.
	 Allen, III
Ms. Judy Allen
Ms. Mary Allen
Mrs. Lynn Alpert
Mr. Ethan Altshuler
Mr. Joshua Altshuler
Dr. Kara Altshuler
Ms. Madison Amaral
Kate Anagnostis
Ms. Laura Anderson
Dick & Dana Anderson
Slater Anderson
Dr. Richard Andron
Michelle Angelides
Ms. Cathy Anthony
Ms. Katelyn Anthony
Kathleen Anthony
Ms. Nancy Anthony &
	 Mr. Stephen Kleinowskis
Paul & Louise Anthony
Suzanne Apellaniz
Mr. Allan Apjohn
Charley Appleton
Ms. Mahin Arastu
Dr. Matt Armentrout
Dr. Derrick Arnelle
David Arruda
Kate Ascione
Martha M. Asendorf
Hope Atkinson
Dr. Karl Audenaerde &
	 Ms. Greta Gabriels
Kristine Audette
Rosalind & Rolf Augustin, Jr.
Freni Aungst
Melisa Avila
Thomas & Janet Azarovitz
Katheryn L. Babbitt
Bev Baccelli & Liz DiCarlo
Pearl Bacdayan
Glenn Bachman
DoDi & Bruce Backe
Sally B. Baer
Dave & Linda Bahnson
Mr. Donald Bailey
Mark Bailey
Wilma & Bill Bailey
Carole & Peter Baker
Jeanne & Perry Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ballentine
Connie Balodimos
Howard & Margarit Baptista
Witt, Maria, Suze &
	 Sam Barlow
Kenneth Barron
Sam Barrows
Mr. Brian Barry
Mark Barry & Joan
Ms. Bethany Bartlett
Bennit Bates
Mr. & Mrs. David Bates
John Battey
JoMarie Battle
Mrs. Diane Baumeister
Susannah Baxley
Michael Bean
Mr. Tom Beatini
Ms. Dora Beatty
Maureen & Robert Beaudoin
Philip & Kate Beauregard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E.
Bryan Becotte
Mr. Alan Bedard
Ms. Mary Bek
Frederick & Barbara Belanger
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bell
Mr. Patrick Bell
Stewart & Jill Bell
Mary Benjamin
Gordon & Kate Weber
Elias Benson
Frances H. Benton
Gunnar V. & Martha A. Berg
Melinda & Bill Berg
Joel & Barbara Berler
David & Damaris Berner
Timothy Bertrand
Diane A. Berube
Bill Besse
James & Susan Besse
Russell & Claire Bessette
Rabbi Victor Bevliqua
Chuck & Jan Bichsel
Lawrence & Wendy Bidstrup
Paula A. Billard
Kathleen Billings &
	 Hal Oringer
Stephen & Barbara Billings
Jeanne Bird
Bobby Bishop
Ms. Daniela F. Bitner
Linda M. Black-Jones
Hugh Blair-Smith
Jared Blatt
Ms. Faye Blazar
P. Blazar
Cornelius Bliss
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bloom
Phyllis Bluhm
Bocconcelli-Sayigh Family
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bock
Mrs. Evelyn Bogue
Paul & Caroline Bolick
John & Nancy Bonell
Mr. John Bonow
Thomas & Karen Booth
Lee Bordas
Weldon Bosworth
Michael & Cheryl Botte
Timothy Bourgeois
Mary Bowker
James Boydston
Ms. Sue Braaten
Joanne Bracken
Mr. Scott Bradbury
Tye & Christine Brady
Edward C. Brainard, II
Mr. & Mrs. William Braucher
Andrea Bray
Mr. Gregory Bray
Ann Brayton
Mr. Richard Breed
Earland Briggs
Warren Briggs
Mr. Dennis Brightman
Mr. Stephen Brockman
Lynne E. Brolly
Ms. Sandra Brooks
James & Betty Broome
Cathryn F. Brower
Charles & Carol Brown
Thomas & Catherine Browne
John & Sally Browning
Matthew Bruce
Erin J. Bryant
Ms. Susan Buchanan
Donald J. Buckley
Thomas & Sally Buffinton
Jean E. Bullard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bullard
Mr. & Mrs. David B. B. Bullock
Ms. Martha Buma
Matthew Bumpus
Rachael Burger
Brenda J. Burke
Paul M. Burke
Capt. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bushy
B A & W Bussink
William S. Butcher
Shirley Butterworth
George & Yara Cadwalader
Joyce A. Cady
Ms. Holly Cafer
S. B. Caine
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cairns
Ed & Gerrie Callahan
Ms. Jane E. Callahan
Richard & Lorinda Callahan
Brian Calusine
Marcia Calusine
Mr. William Calusine
John & Sylvia Camacho
Mr. Jason Cambra
Frank D. Camera
Ms. M Laurie Cammisa
Mrs. Crystal C. Campbell
David R. Campbell, M.D.
Anne Cann
Ms. Nancy Cannan
Kevin Carbin
Dagny Card
Dr. Zoe Cardon
Jennifer Carlino
Ms. Mary Carlson
Susan Carlson
Roger Carr
John Carroll
John G. Carroll
Mrs. Katherine Carson
Elizabeth Casey
Thomas Cashel
Mrs. Christine Casper
Mrs. Pauline Cavanaugh
Louisa Celebrezze
Mr. Peter Cerilli
Aurore B. Chace
Madeleine Chace
David & Michelle Chambers
Christopher & Anne Chan
Meredith E. Chase &
	 William F. Chase, II
Jill Chefalo
Mr. Michael Chefalo
Russell & Julie Cherry
Mr. Peter Chessick
Mr. Chris Choquette
Mr. & Mrs. John Christian
Sheri Christian
Ms. Antonie Chute
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Cieslik
Dede Clark
Ms. Gale Clark
Karen Clark
Patrick Clark
Mrs. Tucker M. Clark
Beth Clay
James Q. Clemmey
Sheila Clifford
Heather Cochrane
Anne M. Coggins
Ms. Susan Cohan
Ms. Mary L. Cohn
Mr. Daniel Cole
Tena Coley
D. Jarrett Collins
Mrs. Mary Comtois
Sally Conkright
Patrice Connelly
2012 Annual Report | 17
Isabel Benoit
	 Kerri Masapollo
David Blais
	 Daniela F. Bitner
	 Carolyn & Chuck Burnham
	 Carol & Jonathan Chace
	 Ricketson & Annie McDowell
	 Ms. Pauline L. Rooney
	 Constance I. Tarvis
John Henry Brown
	 Gioia Thomas Browne
Mr. Gazaway Lamar
	 Crittenden, Jr.
	 Gertrude S. Crittenden
In 2012, the Buzzards Bay Coalition received gifts in
loving memory of the following people listed in bold.
Jim Brogioli
	 Kevin Brogioli
Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farm
	 Marc Weglowski
Dwyer Wedding Guests
	 Meghan Dwyer
In honor of my family;
	 past, present, and future.
	 Ann Huidekoper &
		 Joanne Swanson
Rachel Jakuba’s Birthday
	 Louisa Celebrezze
Gifts were also made in honor and celebration of the
following people and events listed in bold.
Nicholas Kepple
	 Rebekah Kepple
Richard S. Morse
	 The Kidds
Elizabeth & Larry Stanberry
	 Caryl & Jose Gonzalez
Rhea Teves-Cate’s Birthday
	 Norman & Eleanor Hendricks
	 Joanna & Loring Weeks
Peter J. Zine
	 Melissa Olean
Paul Muniz
	 Tyche Hendricks
Joe Murphey
	 Mark & Susan McCusker
Barbara Ready
	 Neal Ready
John H. and
	 Caroline W. Reardon
	 Reardon Brothers Trust
Natalie Riffin
	 Paul V. Riffin
Judy Taylor
	 Charles & Deborah Klotz
	 Peter & Gretchen Partridge
Mrs. Barbara Connolly
Peter & Susan Connolly
Don & Maggie Cook
Mrs. Russell Cookingham
Dan Cooney
Rev. Janet Cooper Nelson
Ms. Judith E. Cooper
Mr. Neil Cooper
Mr. Phil Cordeiro
Mrs. Amanda Cortes
Ellie Costa
Letitia Costa
Mr. Graham Cottrell
Sara Cottrell
Margot & Tom Cottrell
Mike & Gretchen Coughlin
Mr. Joseph Coulombe
Mr. Alden W. Counsell
Carole Courey
James & Leslie Cousens
Gabriel & Patricia Coutinho
Anthony & Maureen Couto
Ray & Ruth Covill
Julianne & Jonathan Craig
Catherine Cramer
John Cranford
James & Susan Crider
Dr. & Mrs. M.G. Criscitiello
Taylor Crockford
Ms. Lorraine M. Crook
Ms. Ellena Crotty
Ms. Emilia Crotty
Mel Crotty
Jack & Trina Crowley
Ralph & Joan Crowley
Pauline Cummings
Denise M. Cuneo
Ms. Nicolette R. Cuoco
Richard D. Cutler
J. Lorraine Cutone
Ginny Cutting
Walter Czerny, Jr.
Emmanuel &
	 Anabela da Costa
Mr. John Da Silva
Diane Dalmeida
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Daly
Mrs. June C. Damery
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
	 Damon, Jr.
Terry & Barbara Dane
Carol R. Darcy
Dan DaRosa, Jr.
John Darwin
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel
Julian & Dorothy Davies
Joel & Ruth Davis
Steve Davis
Judith Davison
Ms. Margaret A. Dawe
John, Sarah, Liza, &
	 Anna Dawley
Mr. Ricardo de Aguiar
Mr. Steve De Sousa
Robert H. De Vries &
	 Barbara E. Porter
Doug Decker
Robert Demanche
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Demeo
Gail Denzer
Ms. Mary Dermody
Douglas & Jacqueline
Desjardins & Family
Mr. Dale Desmarais
David & Patricia DeSouza
Stephen R. Desroches
Werner Deuser
Diane M. Di Stolfo
Carl Dierker
Paula & Seymour DiMare
Thomas & Jen Dimmick
Helen Dixon
Nancy Doane
Mr. Kenneth Doherty &
	 Ms. Betsey Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. William J.
Elizabeth Grant Donley
Alice Donovan
Daniel Donovan
Julie Doohan
Paul & Ruth Doran
Vivian I. & Richard W.
John & Zelinda Douhan
Ms. Christine Doyle
Thelma Drake
Mary Driscoll
Carolyn Droser
Ms. Diane Droste
Rodney & Carol Du Bois
Ted du Moulin
Mrs. Heidi Dubreuil
Ed Ducary
Mary Jane Ducharme
Donna Dunbar
Benjamin S. Dunham &
	 Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham
The Dunn Family
Miss Anne T. Dunning
George DuPaul & Judith
Ms. Jeanne L. Dupre
Renee P. Dupuis
Ms. Nancy A. Durfee
Hugh N. Dyer, III & Family
Timothy H. Dyer
Prof. & Mrs. Winthrop Dyer
Aucoot Earles
Melinda Eaton
Anatol & Carolyn Eberhard
Joan Eccleston
John & Ruth Elander
Diane Elander-Keys &
	 Ronald Keys
Mr. & Mrs. John Elder
Mr. Bruce H. Elgin
Edward Elliott
Padraic & Ann Elliott
Laurie Ellis
Mrs. David Emerson
Ms. Lauran Emerson
Rob & Pat Engel
Elizabeth Engle
Terry Enos
Carla Entwistle
Miss Margaret Estabrook
Jonathan Ettinger
Robert D. Eustis
David & Nan Evans
John & Pamela S. Evans
Ms. Christine Fain
Miss Shannon Fain
Mrs. Sarah Fantasia
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fardy
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L.
	 Fardy, Jr.
The Farinon Family
Elizabeth Farnham
Jane & Bill Farran
Kevin Farrell
Mr. Mark Farrell
Marie-Ann Farstad
Stephen & Judy Fasciana
Bonnie Fauteux
Temple Fawcett
Gayle Fehlmann
Mr. Anthony Feiter
Gerald & Judith Feldman
Ann Fensterstock
Matthias Ferber
Emily L. Ferguson
Ms. Genevieve Fernandez
Michael Fernandez
Jesse Ferreira &
	 Bridget Alexander
Mr. James W. Field
Mr. & Mrs. David Filipek
Mr. & Ms. Craig Filkins
Jessamyn Finneran
Mr. Jay Fisher
Mr. Robert Fisher
Mrs. Dolores Fitzgerald
Karen M. Flannery &
	 Sean Flannery
Carol Fletcher
Mr. & Mrs. William Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Flynn
Mr. Patrick Flynn
George Fokos
Leanne Folan
Ms. Pamela A. Folan
Ms. Jody Foley
Carolyn Fontes
Chris & Holly Ford
Miss Emily Ford
Dr. Kathryn Ford
Miss Kristin Foringer
Stuart & Deborah Forman
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Foster
Mr. Alex Fowler
Ann C. Fox & Leo Brautigam
Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Fox
Greta & Tim Fox
Ms. Eva Frank
Ms. Abigail Franklin
Dr. Curtis Freese
Ms. Kathy Frey
Mr. Oliver Fross
David & Patricia
Suzi Funnell
Dr. John Furno
Mike & Bridget Gabriel
Debbie & Steve Gabriel
Mr. Gregory Gadren
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A.
Arthur G. Gaines
Ms. Anne Galbraith
Ms. Denine Gale
Ms. Christine Gallant
John & Christine Gallant
Mark Gallini
Jay Gallup
Jim R. Gammans
Robert M. Gaouette
David Garboczi
Joshua Gardner
Ms. Allison Garfield
Dianna Garfield
Jay & Brooke Garfield
Kassia Garfield
Louise Garfield
Lucy Garfield
Rebecca Garfield
Sam Garfield
Tom & Debbie Garfield
William Garfield
David Gaudreau
Virginia Gay
Julie Gaye
Lucille T. Gelinas
Arthur & Joan Gerard
Paul & Laurene Gerrior
Mr. Conrad Geyser
Mr. Samuel Giancola
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Giangrasso
Mr. Jeffrey Giddings
Carolee Matsumoto &
	 David Gilbertson
Mr. Manjit Gill
Mr. Michael Gilman
Emily Girard
Alicia Glavin
Mr. Joe Glavin &
	 Mrs. Krys Glavin
Mr. Dudley Goar
Ms. Tania Godbout
Alison Godburn
Mike Goettig
Arthur Gold
Mr. Lee Goldman &
	 Mrs. JoAnne Goldman
Michael Goldring
The Golen Family
Ms. Sandra Gomes
Jeffrey Gonsalves
Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop
Mr. Michael E. Gorra &
	 Ms. Brigitte Buettner
Thomas Gotterup
Noe & Janet Gouveia
Jennifer Gow
Ms. Virginia Gow
Robert & Barbara Gracia
Mr. Brian Grady
Shelley B. Granger
William F. Grant &
	 Kat Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gray, III
Elaine Cook Graybill
Anna Greco
Thomas Greene
Peter & Tracy Greenwood
Thomas & Virginia Gregg
James Griglun
Jessie J. Guest
Jonpaul Guinn
Brother Chriss Günther
Mrs. Marsha Gushue
Mr. Dan T. Haas
Heather Haas
Rebecca A. Hajjar
Donald B. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hall
Jason Hall
Jonathon Hall
Bill & Susanne Hallstein
Lisa Halvorson
Mr. Fran Hamel
Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton
Hilary Hamlin
Teresa Hamm
Christopher Hammond
David Hancock &
	 Bernardo Medina
Ms. Rose Hanig
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Hanks
Mr. Brian Hanley
Ms. Lori Hannan
Mr. Paul G. Hannan
Janeen S. & Steven W.
Joseph & Helen Harrington
Linton Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S.
Rabbi Barry &
	 Shoshana Hartman
John & Maria Hartwell
Ms. Pamela D. Harvey
Timothy Harwood
David Hathaway
Joshua B. Hathaway
John & Jessica Hauser
A. Lee Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hayward
Candace Lee Heald
Deirdre Healy & Patrick
Bennet Heart
Mr. Stephen Hebert
Mr. Troy Hebert
Ann & Jerry Heller
Bette & Bob Helm
April Henderson
Mr. Tom Henderson
Norman & Eleanor Hendricks
Tyche Hendricks
Anne Herbst
Ralph E. Herbst
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Herlihy
Suzanne & Fred Herriman, Jr.
Susan & Andrew Hess
Dr. Brian Heyman
Mark Heyman
Rabbi Michael Heyman
Judy Higbea
Barbara J. Hill
Sheldon & Elizabeth Hill
Mr. Emerson Hiller, Jr.
John & Peggy Hilsabeck
Erin Hinchey
Susan Hirshlag
Heather Hobler-Keene
Robert Hochschild
Mary Hocken
Jeffrey Hodge
Jane & Jim Hoffman
Arthur & Susan Holcombe
Debra Holden
Admiral Ralph Holloway
Cathleen & Tucker Hood
John A. & Sally T. Hopkins
Kristina Hopkins
Michael Hopper
Constance Horgan &
	 Peter Quandt
Dan Horne
James Hotelling
Gerard Hovagimian
L. Damon Howard III
Jane Howland
Don & Rosemary Hudson
Georgette Huff
Peter & Mimi Huidekoper
Al & Joanne Humphrey
Bob & Pam Humphrey
Mr. Andrew Hunter
Jane Hurter
Joan L. Hutchings
Ms. Russell Hyllested
Josef Idoine & Wendy Bone
Mrs. Ruthanne Igoe &
	 Mr. John Igoe
Gregory Galvin &
	 Michael Immel
Mr. Alden Irons
Stephen Irons
Ms. Nicole M. Jackman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobsen
Merry James
James & Shari Jankowski
Oliver J. Janney
Priscilla Janney-Pace
Thomas & Barbara Jansen
Mr. Laurence W. Jaquith
Gary Jaroslow & Nancy
Ann Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins
George A. Jennings
Andrew Jensen
Mr. Eric H. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Jensen
Samantha Jensen
Don & Dee Jepson
Eleanor B. Johansen
Barbara & Bill Johnson
Bill & Frances Johnson
Carolyn Johnson
Caryl Johnson
Gordon & Lois Johnson
Greg & Nancy Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Mrs. Tara Johnson
Barbara Woll Jones
Cliff & Betty Jones
E. Owen Jones
Judi Jones
Mr. Nicholas Jupin &
	 Mrs. Lee-Ann Jupin
Mark & Teresa Kaeterle
	 & Family
Ms. Ellen M. Kahler
Paula A. Kandarian
Ms. Lore E. Kantrowitz &
	 Mr. Charles P. Ashdown
Dean Kaplan
Steven Karpicz
Jay & Laurie Kassabian
Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. Katz
Arthur Katz
Mr. & Mrs. James F.
	 Kavanaugh, Jr.
Woody & Janie Kay
Mr. Harry Kearins
Mr. James Kearns
Joseph Kearns
Michael B. Keating
Janice & Paul Kechijian, MD
Maggie E. Keefe
Jonathan Keenan
Vicky Keiser
Barbara & Tom Keith
Timothy & Kelly Kelleher
Mark Kelley
Mr. Michael Kelley
Joseph & Susan Kelliher
Emily & Josef Kellndorfer
Jerry & Beth Kelly
James & Julianne Kelly
Mrs. Karen Kelly
Thomas & Anne Kelly
Judith L. Kennedy
Claire V. Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenney
Mary & Arthur Kentros
Joe & Ellen Keogh
Barbara L. Keough
Rebekah Kepple
Dr. Paul A. Ketchum
Judy & Kevin Keymont
Paul Kibbe
Miss Aileen Kim
John & Joan Kimball
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew King
Beverly & David King
Mr. John King
Dick & Reta King
Ms. Robin King
Trudy Kingery
Edward Kingsbury
Ms. Bonnie Kirchner
Katie & Steve Kirk
E Kirkpatrick
Mr. Benjamin L. Kishbaugh
David Kleinschmidt &
	 Katherine L. Olney
Mr. & Mrs. Bourne Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Knowles
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
	 Knowles, Jr.
Lesley Knowles
William & Nancy Knowles
Stephen Knox
Kathy Knutsen
Kitsa & Catherine Kondylis
Mary Ann Kopydlowski
Andy Kotsatos
Mr. Erik Kowalski
Michael & Kim Krawshuk
Shriram Krishnamurthi
Stephen Kubel
Steven & Louise Kusleika
Pe Kutcher
Jim & Nancy Lacerda
Mr. Dave Lafreniere
Mr. Henry Lague &
	 Ms. Alice Lague
Mark & Susan Lally
Phoebe Lam
Paul & Susan Lambert
David Lambertson
Emily & Larry Langford
Lisa Larkin
Bruce & Tina Larson
Mr. & Mrs. G. Lauderdale
Vance & Diane Lauderdale
William & Susan Laurence
Ms. Lisa Lavina
Robert Lawrence &
	 Alicia Crabbe
Paula Lazaroff
Lucille Aptekar &
	 Gerald C. Leader
Ms. Patricia Leary
Henry & Carol Leeds
Dawna Leger Phillips
Esther Leidolf
Mr. Douglas Leith &
	 Mrs. Carol Leith
Michael & Sarah Lemelin
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lentini
Holly Leon
Cynthia Letourneau
Amy Levasseur
Mr. Marc Levesque
Dr. & Mrs. Clinton Levin
Admiral Edward Levine
Mr. Ned Levine
Ms. Eleanor J. Levy
Gerald & Maureen Lewis
Thomas L. Ligor
Edward & Nancy Lindholm
Mr. Bobby Lippelman
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Lipsitt
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Lipsitt
Stanley & Martha Livingston
Douglas Livolsi
Dirk Lockwood
William & Linda Lockwood
Mr. Michael Lokitis
Cynthia & Thomas Longstaff
Ms. Carolyn Longworth
Curtis L. Lopes
Mr. Mario A. Lopes
Torben Lorenzen &
	 April Merriam
Robert & Mary Lorenzo
Jeanne & David Lothrop
2012 Annual Report | 19
Melissa Lovequist
Mr. & Mrs. Willis E. Lowery
Ms. Louise M. Luckenbill
Mrs. Linda Luey
Karen Lundgren
Chad Lynch
Dick & Brenda Macedo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A.
Mrs. Nicole MacLennan
John MacMillan
Ann MacNeille
Carlton & Alice Macomber
James Madden
Ms. Lori Maguire
Peter Makrauer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel
	 Malachuk, Jr.
Thomas Malcolm
Robert H. Malm
Roger & Gayle Mandle
Allen & Nancy Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C.
	 Mannetta, Sr.
Robert & Theresa Manning
Nancy H. Marcoux
Anthony & Judy Mark
Ms. Shirley Mark &
	 Mr. Fred Dow
Mr. & Mrs. John Markey
Mr. & Mrs. Frances
	 Mautner Markhof
Mr. Jay Marlin
Mrs. Nicole Marshall
Anne-Marie Martin
Mr. Anthony Martin
Brian Martin
Mr. Charles Martineau
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Martyna
Ms. Kerri Masapollo
Edward Mascioli &
	 Barbara Weinberg
John R. Masson &
	 Michel J. Jodoin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Matelski
Douglas W. Materne
Joe Mawn
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Maxey
Mr. & Mrs. Alec May
Walter May
Charles Mayhew
Marilyn Mazer
Steven Mazza
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. McAllister
Ms. Margaret Mcbrien
Deb McCarthy
Edwina McCarthy
Phyllis M. McClain
Mr. Alan McClennen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. McCord
Mark & Susan McCusker
Kristina McDavid
Holly & Joe McDonough
Timothy W. McEnerney
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F.
Mr. Thomas McGovern
Mr. Stephen McGowan
Julie McGrath
Robert McGuire
Theresa K. McKee
Mr. Donald G. McKinley
Mrs. Gretchen McManamin
Thomas & Suzanne
Cynthia S. McNaughten
Mrs. Sue McNeil & Mr.
	 Theophilus Freitas
David & Barbara McPhelim
Bryan McSweeny
George & Beverly McTurk
Douglas & Sue Medeiros
James & Diane Medeiros
Mr. & Mrs Peter Medeiros
Frederico R. Medina, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Meissner
Judy Meissner
Ed Mellinger
Jon Mello
Michael L.Mello & Joan
Richard Melloni
Nicholas & Janet Memoli
Mr. Jonathan Menard
Mr. Jonathan W. Menard
A. & J. Menashi
Ms. Nancy Menzel
Kendra Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Michel G Methot
Ahou Meydani
Mr. Mike Meyer
Donald Mikes
Soledad Milius
Mr. Joshua Miller
Lauren Miller
Claire Milligan
Ms. Elisabeth Milligan
Lalapapa Milligan
Mr. Stephen Milligan
Richard Millington
Dr. Cristina Mitchell
Mr. Peter Mitchell
Frederic & Cindy Mock
Ms. Bunny Mogilnicki
Mrs. Constance Moll
Elizabeth Molodovsky
Ms. Deborah Monosson
Marian Moore &
	 Susan O’Connor
Patricia S. Moore
Mr. Philip Moore
Councilor Linda Morad
Dane & Alice Morgan
Anne Morgan
Miss Kristen Morgan
Miss Mia Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Morrall
Julie Morse
Richard Morse
Ms. Sophia Morse
Donna Mortimer
Kathie & Day Mount
Ms. Stephanie Moura
Joan Hall & Jeffrey Mullin
Michael & Elizabeth Mulroy
Craig Munger
Kathleen Murphy
Mary Murphy
R & K Murphy
Ryan Murphy
Stephanie Murphy
Betts Howes Murray &
	 F. Wisner Murray
Lois Ann Murray
Ms. Maureen Murray
Donald Myers
Johannes & Ria Nagtegaal
Jack Nassau
Grant Nelson
David & Patricia Neumann
Mr. Daniel R. Newman
J. Nicholas Newman
Nancy Newman
Oliver Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Newstein
Mr. John M. Nicholas &
	 Ms. Nicole A. Armstrong
Peter & Diana Nicholson
Mr. Carmelo Nicolosi
Mrs. Emily Nisenbaum
Melissa Nolte
Mrs. Kimberly Noonan
Mrs. Tinie Noordzij
Ms. Margaret Norman
A. Northshield
Mr. Russell Norton
John Nunnelly
Ghislaine Nygren
Mary M. Nyman
Marjorie & Frank O’Brien
Stuart O’Brien
Sylvia O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E.
Katie O’Donnell
Catherine Offinger
Carol O’Hare
Mrs. Melissa Olean
Thomas Olival
Rob Oliveira
Richard & Mary Olmsted
Ms. Nancy Olson
Mr. Richard Olszewski
Ms. Molly Olver
Richard Olver
Donald O’Malley
Mr. Mark A. O’Neil &
	 Laura O’Neil
Prof. Joseph O’Rourke
Paul & Kate Ouellette
Mrs. Maria Pacheco
Michael Papetti
Greg Parkinson
Paul Parkosewich
Ann Parks
Mr. & Mrs. James Partan
Ms. Joan S. Partridge
Pasco-Anderson Family
Ms. Theresa A. Pasley
Mrs. Tracy Paterson
Lucy W. Bartlett &
	 Tod Patterson
Bob & Martha Payne
Shirley Pearson
Charles Peck
Nancy Peckham
Douglas & Marianne Peebles
Susan Pellerin
David & Joan Pepin
Rosemary Pereira &
	 David Gibbs
Elizabeth F. Perkins
Ms. Maureen Perkins
John & April Perkoski
Laura & Frank Perrine
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perry
Ms. Sarah Person
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters
Stephen & Janet Peters
Ms. Marlena Pettit
Russ & Elise Phillips
Natalie C. Phillips
Joseph Pickett & Jane
Joan W. Pierce
Carolyn C. Pimental
Shel Pitney
Mr. Andrew Pittman
Mr. Baird Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Place
Richard A. Pline
Ronald S. Plourde
Mr. Andrew Pollock &
	 Mr. Jeffrey Schmalz
Jeff Pontiff
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope
Popik Family
Ms. Rosemary Porte
Dr. Aubrey J. Pothier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
	 Potter, Jr.
William Powell
Garnett Powers, Jr.
Anne Preisig
David Prentiss
Mr. & Mrs. William C.
	 Prescott Jr.
Michelle Prevost
Richard & Carolyn Price
Florence D. Prince
Stephanie & Robert Prior
Amanda Prost
John & Mimi Putnam
Mrs. Timothy Putnam
Ms. Sandra Quintin
Mr. David Radochia
Mrs. Miriam Ragsdale
Ms. Rebecca Rahmlow
Dr. Alvan W. Ramler &
	 Mrs. Leslie Ramler
The Ramsdell Family
Kim A. Randall
Carol Rankin
Mr. Sonny Rapozo
Laurie A. Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Re
Ms. Marianne Reardon &
	 Mr. James Reardon
Robert & Elizabeth Reardon
Mary E. Reed
Bill & Martha Reed
John P. Reid
Joshua Reitsma
Daniel Renaud
Jill, Cassidy, & Sintra
Mimir Reynisson
Jack & Cynthia Reynolds
Mrs. Marie Reynolds
Mr. Richard Rheaume
Ann-Margaret Richard
Mary Jane Richard &
	 Jack Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H.
Philip & Judith Richardson
Thomas & Elizabeth
Frances D. Ricketson
Marshall A. Ries, Jr.
Marysarah Riggs
Dr. Johanna V. Riley &
	 Mr. Jeffrey Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Ringawa
Fred & Lois Rioles
Ken Robbins
Richard & Janice Robbins
Ms. Gail Roberts
Noel & Ann Roberts
Laurie Robertson-Lorant
Bob Rocha & Kristen Leotti
Penelope P. Rodday
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rogers
Mr. Justin R. Rohn
Mr. Paul Rondina
Mrs. Marissa Rosa
Ted & Wendy Rose
Theresa Rosen
Dr. M.C. Rosenfield
Joy & Darryl Rosenthal
Jessica Ross
Mr. Michael Ross
Sarah Ross-Bailly &
	 Devin Bailly
Mr. & Mrs. James J.
	 Rourke, Jr.
Steve Rowland
Anastasia Rudenko
Asya Rudenko
Don & Susan Rudnick
Mr. Steven Ruggieri
William & Andrea Rugh
Ms. Anne-Marie Runfola
	 & Mr. Ken Kostel
Mike & Toby Ryan
Mr. R. J. Ryan &
	 Ms. Linda Overing
Tanja Ryden &
	 Thomas J. H. Peirce
Mike & Sandy Ryer
Lawrence E. Sacco
Erica & Wes Sahlin
Richard Sailor &
	 Mary Johnston
Mr. Steve Saint-Aubin &
	 Ms. Cynthia Poyant
Charles A. Salisbury
Mr. & Mrs. Irving C. Salley
Maryellen Salop
Ksenia Samokhvalova
Bob & Barbara Sanderson
Charles & Renate Sands
John & Anahid Sardelli
Louis Sardelli & Liz Holstien
Christopher Saunders
Mary I. Savignano
Kevin Schabow
Mr. Schaefer
Richard & Loretta Schaefer
Grant Schenck & Cathy Ford
Ms. Mary-Lou Schenck
Ms. Martha Schley Thayer
Helen Chin Schlichte
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Paul & Tina Schmid
Ms. Andrea F. Schoenfeld
Ms. Lena Schulze
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Schuyler
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schwab
Beth Schwarzman
Mr. Tony Sciullo
Anne K. Scott
Jane Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott
Ms. Ellen Semonoff
Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Seney
Mr. Raj Seth
Steven Shapin
Jane Shapira
Marky & Rusty Shapleigh
Mr. Daniel Shedd
Ms. Aileen Shen
Brownie & Pam Sherman
Caryl & Jose Gonzalez
Richard & Janet Sherwood
Patricia Shoyinka
Sharon E. Shustack
Mr. Marvin Siflinger
Brett & Kelly Silva
Ted Silva
Jack Silva
Anne D. Silveira
Augustine & Beverly Silveira
Bonnie & Louis Silverstein
Gary & Therese Simmons
The Sinagra Family
Ms. Margaret Sine
Paul & Elizabeth Sittenfeld
Mr. Andre Skjegstad
Scott & Peggy Slade
Alan & Sandra Slavin
Walter Smietana &
	 Wanda Francis
Cmdr. Anne Morton Smith
Barry & Susan Smith
Mr. Jonathan H. Smith
Mr. Lowell Smith
Martin A. Smith
Philip Smith & Lisa Bright
Scott Smith
Mr. Troy Smith
Kathryn Solow
Mr. & Mrs. John Sorrentino
Mark & Doris Sottnick
Kathleen E. Sousa
Ms. Tammy Sousa
Ellen Sowa
Peter B. & Nancy E. Spindler
Mr. & Mrs. John Spooner
Mrs. Toby Sproch
Mrs. Jean St Geais
Ms. Anne Marie Stack
Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth
Wallace & Pamela Stark
Mrs. Heather Stefanski
Antoinette Steinacker
Barry Steinberg
Richard Sterling
Judith & Robert Sterns
Katherine Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mr. John Stobierski
Roger Stokey
Ms. Meg Stolt
Ms. Susan Stone
Penelope Straker
Margaret Strickland
Mark & Nancy Strickland
Mr. Michael Strickman
Ms. Beth Strubeck &
	 Mr. W. Douglas Strubeck
Mr. & Mrs. F. Bradley
	 Stumcke, Jr.
Lewis A. Suber
Mr. Benjamin Suddard
Matthew Sudduth
Geoff Sullivan
Kenneth L. Sullivan
Scott & Lee Sullivan
Mr. Spencer Sullivan
Tim Sullivan
Angela Sweeten
Kimberly Sweney
Sarah Sweney
Jone H. Swift
Ms. Lee Swislow
Mr. & Mrs. David Sylvain
Mr. Matt Sylvain
Mark Sylvester
Michael & Deanna Szymczak
Mrs. Kathryn Tabor
William & Karen Tafuri
Dr. Jonathan Talamo
Paul A. Tamburello, Jr.
Robin Tanner
Ms. Constance I. Tarvis
Dana Tatlock
Dr. & Mrs. Barton Tayer
David & Linda Taylor
Low Taylor & Lolly Schenck
Carol & Scott Taylor
Stephen Taylor
David & Pauline Teixeira
Joseph & Jean Tellier
Jennifer Telling
Mr. Jeff Terwilliger
Rob & Kama Thieler
Jennifer & Joseph Thompson
Dr. John W. Thompson, Jr.
John & Kathy Thompson
Dr. Eric J. Thorgerson &
	 Ms. Elizabeth H. Foote
Carl & Judy Thornhill
William N. Tifft &
	 Ellen Bruzelius
Coyt & Susan Tillman
Howard & Nancy Tinkham
Stacy Tinkham
Shari Tishman
Mr. Brian W.F. Tobin
Ms. Barbara Tonelli
Barbara Traban
Ms. Leah Trafford
Margaret Weymouth Trainer
Mrs. Jane Trask
Bob Travers
Bruce W. Tripp
Mr. Carl Tripp
Dr. Leslie Trott &
	 Mrs. Elaine Cumiskey
Mrs. Walter H. Trumbull
Robert & Sally Truslow
Kim Tulloch
Mark Tung
Mr. Robert Turnage
Mr. Will Turnage
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Turner
Mr. Matthew Tweedie
Ms. Mary Tyrrell
William J. Underwood, Jr.
Ben Upham
Ivan & Virginia Valiela
Elisa van Dam
Jeanne Van Orman
Mr. J. Lee Varvaro
Ms. Teresa Vasconcellos
Mrs. Laura Vaughn
Mr. William F. Vendt
Dawn C. Ventura
Mr. & Mrs. George Vezina
George R. Vigeant
Ms. Shona Vitelli
Mrs. Judith Vollaro
Arthur & Joanne Voorhis
Christopher Wadsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Waine
Wayne Walega
Capt. Clinton Walker
Mrs. Jeanne Campbell Walker
Robert J. Walsh &
	 Carol Goodman
Edgar & Andrea Walters
Tom Walters
Mr. Daniel E. Waltz
Darlene K. Warner
Joanne Warren
William D. Watling, Jr.
Mr. Michael Waugh
Mrs. Amy Way
Janice Weber & John Newton
Mr. J.C. Weber
Joanna & Loring Weeks
Mrs. Jane Weigel
Ellen Weiss
Thomas Weiss
Roger & Elise Wellington
Robert H. & Marilyn Werner
Jonathan & Katharine West
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Jean L. Whalen
Andrea Wheatley
Earlene Wheeler
Mr. James Wheeler
Christopher White &
	 Jennifer Greenman
Mr. Jeff White
Joshua White
Beth Whitney & Keith Kane
Anne & Jeremy Whitney
Wilbur Family
Jodi Wilkins
Hilary Wilkinson
Carolyn Willard
Maryl Willcox
Alice Hunt Williams
Meg Williams
Richie & Mary Ellen Williams
Tony Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Willis
Ms. Lynne Willis
Ralph Willmer
Helen & Albert Wilson
Joan Wilson
Ms. Kirsten Wilson
Michael Wilson
Ms. Suzanne Wilson
Julie Winters
Ms. Kathryn Wisniewski &
	 Mr. Paul Wisniewski
Rabbi Bruce Witt
Margot & David Wizansky
Lady Karis Wold
Mr. Nelson Wong
Mr. Kinder Woodcock
Diane Woods
Nancy Woods
Jim & Shirley Woodward
Nancy Woodworth
Kelly Wright
John & Lois Wurts
Juliet D. Xifaras
Dr. John Yee
On May 22, 2012, the Buzzards Bay Coalition hosted its first ever Golf
Outing in partnership with the Bay Club at Mattaposiett, raising over
$36,000 to fund clean water projects that reduce nitrogen pollution
in New Bedford Harbor.
Sixty-eight golfers enjoyed 18 holes on this picturesque, ‘International
Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program’ certified course followed
by a cocktail party reception and auction at the Bay Club’s Golf
House Restaurant. The fundraiser included a live auction led by guest
auctioneer, and former New Bedford Mayor, John Bullard. Citizens
Bank served as a lead sponsor for the event.
2012 Annual Report | 21
$5,000 and above
Decas Cranberry
	 Products, Inc.
Edson International
Foley Hoag LLP
Goodwin Procter, LLP
Keeper Springs
Reynolds DeWalt
Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.
Citizens Bank of
Kingman Yacht Center
Richard Renner Architects
Robert S. Dorfman
	 Company, Inc.
Sylvia & Company
	 Insurance Agency, Inc.
Waterkeeper Alliance
	 - Toyota/KEEN
Acushnet Company
Blue Wolf
	 Communications, Inc.
Cornell Dubilier Electronics
Fiber Optic Center, Inc.
Joseph Barry Co., LLC
Northeast Marine Pilots, Inc.
Nye Synthetic Lubricants
Stonehouse Inc.
Beaumont Solar Co.
Brennan & Fournier
Burr Brothers Boats, Inc.
Cuttyhunk Shellfish
	 Farms, Inc.
Hawthorn Medical Associates
Horsley Witten Group, Inc.
Southern Mass Credit Union
The Great American
	 Rain Barrel Co.
The Wood Lumber Co.
Tim Johnson Architect, LLC
Triad Boat Works
B&D Construction Co., Inc
Ballentine’s Boat Shop
Capeway Veterinary Hospital
	 of Fairhaven, Inc.
Cataumet Boats, Inc.
Cooper Insurance
	 Agency, Inc.
Lars V. Olson Fine
	 Homebuilding, Inc.
Longo Dental Associates
LRW Holdings, LLC
Lyons Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Mann Farms, Inc.
Maritime Boat Transport
Massachusetts Marine
	 Trades Association
McGowan Marine
Moby Dick Marina, Inc.
NET Global
Newman Associates, Inc.
Ocean Options
Oomph, Inc.
Pacific Restoration Inc.
Paresky Flitt & Company, LLP
Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc.
Patriot Party Boats, Inc.
Piedmont Plastics
Plymouth Water
	 Company, Inc.
Polymertech Inc.
Quissett Harbor Boatyard, Inc.
R.P. Valois & Company, Inc.
Rogers Gallery & Framery
Sconticut Tax Services, Inc.
Sea Fuels Marine Services, Inc
Sid Wainer & Son
Sprague Pest Solutions
Standish Oil Co., Inc.
Straly Corporation
Takeoffs, Inc.
The Merlin Group, Inc.
Thermax Inc.
United Way of Rhode Island
Viking Supply Company
Wiggin Precast Corporation
Woods Hole Boat Sales, Inc.
Zo-Air Company, Inc.
Acushnet River Safe Boating
	 Club/USCG Aux 65
Alma Del Mar Charter School
Aptucxet Garden Club
	 of Bourne
Bourne Conservation Trust
Buzzards Bay Rowing
	 Club, Inc.
Congregational Church of
	 South Dartmouth
Dartmouth Natural
	 Resources Trust
Duxbury Cruising Club
Falmouth Artists Guild, Inc.
Falmouth Garden Club
Garden Club of Greater
	 New Bedford
Great Blue Hill Power
Knollmere Beach Association
Mattapoisett Friends Meeting
New Urban Farmers
North Falmouth Village
Quissett Yacht Club, Inc.
Rochester Golf Club
Sippewissett Association
St. Johns Episcopal Church
The 300 Committee, Inc.
The Afternoon Club
The Lloyd Center for
	 the Environment
Unitarian Universalist Society
	 of Fairhaven
Wareham Garden Club
West Falmouth Village
West Island Improvement
Woods Hole Business
Arcadia Charitable Trust
Baker Root Family
	 Foundation Inc.
Betty K. Knowles
	 Revocable Trust
The Boston Foundation
The William C. Bullitt
	 Foundation, Inc.
Cape Cod Five Charitable
Patrick Carney Foundation
CHT Foundation
Combined Jewish
	 Philanthropies - Stone
	 Teplow Families
Community Foundation
	 of Southeastern MA
Community Foundation of
	 Southeastern MA - Henry
	 H. Crapo Foundation Fund
Community Foundation of
	 Southeastern MA - Women’s
	 Philanthropy Initiative
Jessie B. Cox Charitable
	 Lead Trust
The Croll Foundation
Crossways Charitable
Theodore H. Cutler Family
	 Charitable Trust
Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fish Family Foundation
Foundation 33:11
The Foundation for an
	 American Vision
Frisbie Family Foundation
Gidwitz Family Foundation
The Grantham Foundation
	 for the Protection of the
Gregory Foundation Trust
The Harbor Oaks Foundation
Harwood Family Fund
Horizon Foundation, Inc.
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
George N. Hurd, Jr. Fund
Island Foundation, Inc.
The Ives Family
	 Charitable Trust
JC Kellogg Foundation
Kenwood Foundation
Little Island Trust
LP Charitable Trust
The Ludes Family Foundation
The Peter Lloyd
	 MacDonald Foundation
McCormick Family Fund
The Miller Foundation
Morningstar Family
The Nichols Foundation, Inc.
The Norcross Wildlife
	 Foundation, Inc.
Normandie Foundation
The Norweb Foundation
The O’Herron Family
Oppenheimer and Co. Inc.
H.O. Peet Foundation
The Pennyghael
	 Foundation, Inc.
Pfizer Foundation
Rathmann Family Foundation
Reardon Brothers Trust
The Rhode Island Foundation
The James O. Robbins Family
	 Charitable Lead
	 Annuity Trust
Rochester Area Community
Rose Family Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sheehan Family Foundation
The Esther Simon
	 Charitable Trust
Stearns Charitable Trust
Tear of the Clouds, LLC
The W. & R. Bernheimer
	 Family Foundation
The Waldo Trust
Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr.
The Westport Fund
Debross Hathaway
	 Marvel, Inc.
Imtra Corporation
InvoSurg, Inc.
Marshall Marine Corporation
Mediation Cape Cod
New Bedford Thread
	 Company, Inc.
NSTAR Electric and Gas
Paquettes Auto Supply
Ryan Family
	 Amusements, Inc.
Rose Alley Ale House
Strategic Planning
The Nephew’s
Thomas P. Crotty &
	 Associates PLLC
Thompson Farland, Inc.
Tullius Partners
Walko Chiropractic
ADM Food Service
	 Companies, Inc.
American Pride Seafoods
Arctic Cold Storage, Inc.
Arne Excavating
Blackstone Williams
	 Properties, LLC
Bosworth Insurance
	 Agency, Inc.
Bristol County Blueprint Co.
Bristol Development, LLC
BroadBased Communications
Bryant Brothers Shellfish
C&J Hunt Construction
	 Services LLC
Chase Farm Veterinary
Custom Cabinetry Designs
Cuttyhunk Water Taxi:
	 Division of Triton Sea
	 Enterprises Inc
Environmental Operating
	 Solutions, Inc.
Fatty Knees Boat Co. LLC
G.A.F. Engineering, Inc.
Gaspar’s Sausage Co., Inc.
Great Hill Dairy, Inc.
Griffith Cranberry Co., Inc.
Hallmark Electric
Harbor Blue Seafood
Integrated Financial Services
John & Nicholas, Inc.
Joyce D. Lopes Realty Corp.
Korde & Associates, P.C.
L.A. Window Cleaning, LLC
Laplante & Associates, Inc.
Vanessa Yip
Nancy York
Robert & Judith Yorke
Mr. & Mrs. Garson Yu
Mr. M Richard Yung
Deborah Zabel
John & Regina Zakotnik
Barbara & Anthony Zeimetz
Erik & Linda Zettler
Ann & Hans Ziegler
Peter & Heather Zine
Scott Zolkos
Cate & Timm Zolkos
Rod & Ruth Zwirner
Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report
Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report
Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report
Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report
Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report

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Buzzards Bay Coalition 2012 Annual Report

  • 2. The Buzzards Bay Coalition’s 25th year found us right where our founders would have wanted us: deep in the trenches working to protect and restore this ever-magical but increasingly threatened Bay and its watershed. And thanks to the outstanding support of you – our members and friends – we think they’d be proud of the scale and depth of the Coalition’s programs and accomplishments. While the challenges facing Buzzards Bay – most importantly nitrogen pollution – are increasing, one critical fact remains: the threats to our region’s waters and lands are primarily local. They are within our power to ignore or tackle, to accept or change. That fact more than any other keeps us excited and empowered in our work. It’s also at the core of the Coalition’s strength and effectiveness. It took generations to create the land development patterns that have led to the overpollution of our Bay and its harbors with nitrogen. And the fix – changes in town infrastructure, financing, and improved planning – will take another generation for Bay communities to fully absorb. But like the global threat of climate change, ignoring our local nitrogen problem and avoiding the hard work ahead will only make restoration more difficult, more expensive and potentially less successful. So the time to act is now. And that is what the Coalition is doing through legal action, advocacy with public officials, and pushing for quicker delivery of sound science and concrete cleanup. Our major federal lawsuits against the U.S. EPA are forcing officials to deal with septic systems on Cape Cod; our legal challenge and eventual Settlement Agreement with the town of Falmouth and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection put West Falmouth Harbor, after more than a decade of pressure, on a clear path to recovery; and our watchdogging of long-delayed Massachusetts Estuaries Project reports for harbors from Dartmouth to Wareham all reflect the significant investments we’ve made in aggressive advocacy this past year. But legal advocacy is only one facet of our strategy. Proactive land conservation to acquire the watershed’s most important forests and wetlands is critical – both for preserving natural, nitrogen-absorbing landscapes and for maintaining healthy river and coastal ecosystems for wildlife and fish. To that end, we permanently preserved another 470 acres in 2012. These lands – clustered around the Bay’s most important rivers – bring the total amount of land we’ve saved to 6,250 acres since we began this program in 1998. 2012 also saw dramatic growth in our work to inspire, excite and engage many, many more people in Bay protection. Saving Buzzards Bay is multigenerational work and the victories of today will need watchdogging tomorrow. Joining us in this effort are the more than 4,000 area youth who participated in our year-round field education programs, the 1,000 people who came out for the Buzzards Bay Film Festival, and the hundreds that flexed their muscle and passion in outdoor events like our Swim and Watershed Ride that celebrate everyone’s right to a clean environment. The pages of this Annual Report provide an all-too-short glimpse into the daily work of our talented staff, dedicated Board and tireless volunteers. But the most important players are you – our growing family of members and supporters – who make it all possible. You continue to amaze us with your generosity, your enthusiastic impatience for more action, and most importantly, your vision for the future of our local environment. We’re excited for the work ahead. Thank you! Mark Rasmussen President/Buzzards Baykeeper FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CHAIR Tom Gidwitz Chair, Board of Directors
  • 3. 2012 Annual Report | 1 Issue Highlight: Why is New Bedford Harbor getting one of the worst cleanups in America? No corner of Buzzards Bay has suffered more damage than New Bedford Harbor. It is the Bay’s largest urban waterway, home to more than one hundred thousand residents and the United States’ richest commercial fishing port. It is also heavily contaminated with cancer-causing toxins called PCBs, ongoing raw sewage discharges, and too much nitrogen. For decades, toxic pollution in particular has deprived the New Bedford community of its greatest natural asset: its Harbor. Now, after years of waiting, New Bedford Harbor still isn’t getting the cleanup it deserves. The Coalition has always been an active advocate for the Harbor, but we significantly ramped up our efforts in October 2012, when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced an inadequate $366 million settlement with AVX Corporation, the largest company responsible for the Harbor’s PCB pollution. Although this figure sounds like a lot of money, the settlement is a bad deal for the New Bedford community. Under the settlement – a fixed amount that allows AVX to walk away forever – the EPA will be locked into cleanup choices that put cost savings ahead of harbor health and the public good. New Bedford Harbor is slated to receive one of the worst PCB cleanups of its kind in America, with up to fifty times more toxic pollution left behind than in similar waterway cleanups. In response, we mobilized more than a dozen elected officials and over 2,000 community members to join our call for a full cleanup of New Bedford Harbor. The settlement comes at a critical point for the Harbor, where the tide is turning for a long-neglected waterway. Along its shores, developers are transforming old factories into new waterfront loft homes. Abandoned spaces are being re-imagined as public parks where families can enjoy nature, right in their own urban backyard. Active citizens row the Harbor’s waters, taking back a waterway that residents have been robbed of for far too long. The New Bedford community deserves a Harbor cleanup that will protect the health of its residents, provide a safe home for fish and wildlife, and preserve its coastal heritage for future generations. That vision for the future can – and will – be a reality if we fight today for a full cleanup. Get the latest on the Coalition’s New Bedford Harbor efforts by visiting Under the EPA’s cleanup plan, these signs may never come down.
  • 5. 2012 Annual Report | 3 The fact that rusty tide is becoming routine and widespread is more evidence of the serious threat that nitrogen pollution poses in Buzzards Bay. The severity of the problem is well-documented by over twenty years of comprehensive water quality data collected through our Baywatchers program. The breadth and depth of that program earned it a 2012 Environmental Merit Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). And it is helping us begin to turn the tide on nitrogen as public awareness and concern about the issue grows. Baywatchers data laid the foundation for a major victory for clean water in West Falmouth. For over a decade, concerned citizens have watched their harbor become choked with algae. Too much nitrogen was flowing into the harbor, and the biggest culprit was the Falmouth Wastewater Treatment Plant. In July, the Coalition initiated legal action and ultimately reached a landmark legal settlement with the town of Falmouth and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) to limit the amount of nitrogen that reaches the Harbor. The victory in West Falmouth Harbor was possible because of a completed cleanup study that outlined the amount of nitrogen a healthy harbor can handle. Many other Buzzards Bay harbors and On July 30, 2012, as the R/V Baykeeper® cruised towards its monitoring station in Mark’s Cove in Wareham, Coalition Senior Attorney Korrin Petersen noticed the water taking on a murky, rusty color. She snapped a picture and shared it with the Coalition’s science staff, who agreed that this was likely the season’s first reported sighting of “rusty tide”: an algae bloom caused by nitrogen pollution and warm water. 2012 was the eighth straight year that rusty tide was reported in Buzzards Bay, but the first time it was seen as early as July. By the end of the summer, rusty tide sightings were reported in towns from Dartmouth to Falmouth, covering more of the Bay than ever before. coves are not so lucky. Five of the Bay’s estuaries – the Wareham River, Slocums River, Apponagansett Bay, New Bedford Harbor, and Nasketucket Bay – have been waiting as long as nine years for final nitrogen pollution studies to be released by the Massachusetts Estuaries Project at UMass Dartmouth. In May, the Coalition reached an agreement with MassDEP and UMass Dartmouth to expedite final reports for those critical estuaries within one year. As we work harbor by harbor, we also continue to press for regional solutions to clean up coastal waters. Our lawsuits against the EPA to update a regional action plan for cleaning up Cape Cod’s waters moved into active litigation, as did a companion suit demanding the agency take action to reduce septic system pollution. Although septic systems are the largest source of nitrogen pollution Bay-wide, the Buzzards Bay watershed is also the country’s largest coastal cranberry producer. We have partnered with the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association, the Marine Biological Laboratory, the UMass Cranberry Experiment Station and the town of Carver in an important multi-year collaborative effort to research the impact of cranberry bogs on the Bay’s health. Lastly, we are carrying on with efforts to eliminate toxic pollution from all corners of the Bay. We ramped up our fight for a full cleanup of PCBs in New Bedford Harbor (see page one) and told the U.S. Coast Guard that its latest draft environmental assessment was “wholly insufficient” to protect the Bay from oil spills. Watch for more to come in 2013 on both of these issues that never seem to go away. Baykeeper® Advocacy With over 200 monitoring sites on and around the Bay, our Baywatchers program is the foundation of our work to restore clean water. Coalition President Mark Rasmussen announces the landmark legal settlement for restoring West Falmouth Harbor. Printed with vegetable-based inks on process chlorine-free, recycled paper.
  • 7. 2012 Annual Report | 5 In Mattapoisett, we worked with the Mattapoisett Land Trust to permanently protect 300 acres of coastal forest, wetlands, and streams that flow into Pine Island Pond and outer Mattapoisett Harbor. In Dartmouth, the Coalition partnered with the Lloyd Center for the Environment and the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust to protect 26 stunningly scenic acres along the Little River Estuary. And in preparation for what is the largest coastal land protection project underway in Massachusetts, the Coalition received a $2,000,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture towards the protection of 400 acres of land along Nasketucket Bay. In addition to protecting coastal land, the Coalition also helped residents in Falmouth advance a project to restore three salt ponds that have been overtaken by invasive species. This project will restore habitat and protect water quality on the Cape Cod coast. Equally important to protecting coastal lands is the protection of the forests, wetlands and stream buffers along the Bay’s tributaries. Along the Weweantic, Acushnet and Mattapoisett rivers in 2012, we protected land, advanced restoration and invited the public to explore these special places by opening three River Reserves. In Wareham, two major land protection projects formed the cornerstone of the Weweantic River Reserve. The Coalition protected 10 acres along the lower Weweantic, where the river meets the salty waters of Buzzards Bay. Further upstream in West Wareham, the Coalition, along with the Wareham Land Trust and the town of Wareham, protected 20 acres of pine and oak forest along the river. Our Acushnet River Reserve, combining land conservation and river restoration along this urban waterway, more than doubled in size with 50 additional acres. This includes the 46 acre LaPalme Farm featuring newly-opened public trails leading to the river. In April, the restoration project just Clean water doesn’t just happen. The technology to produce clean water with filters, pumps, and chemicals can easily cost millions. Or you can do it the old-fashioned way: with a healthy, vibrant watershed that provides our communities with clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing. Protecting watersheds means protecting forests that absorb rainwater and recharge groundwater aquifers, wetlands that filter pollutants and reduce flooding, and plants and animals along our rivers and coastlines that naturally consume the nitrogen that fouls the Bay. In 2012, to ensure clean water for our communities and for Buzzards Bay, the Coalition permanently preserved 470 acres of land and advanced projects to restore rivers and wetlands across the region. downstream at the Acushnet Sawmill received $1.2 million in funding from the New Bedford Harbor Trustee Council. With that funding, the Coalition hired ecological restoration scientists and engineers to manage the project, which will remove acres of pavement, restore wetlands, reestablish riverbank vegetation, and create public walking trails and a canoe launch. The Sawmill will open to the public in 2014. In February, the Coalition added another 63 acres to our Mattapoisett River Reserve, expanding to over 350 acres of lush forests, freshwater wetlands – including a retired cranberry bog – and walking trails for the public to enjoy. Conserving this land protects a drinking water aquifer serving five Bay communities and provides an opportunity to restore a more natural flow of water into the Mattapoisett River and Buzzards Bay. Watershed Protection Palmer’s Island Marsh Island A picturesque section of the Weweantic River estuary that was conserved in 2012.
  • 9. 2012 Annual Report | 7 The spirit of appreciation and enjoyment of Buzzards Bay was the theme of 2012 as the Coalition celebrated our 25th anniversary. There is no better way to enjoy the Bay than getting outside, and in January, we launched monthly Bay Adventures for all ages led by Coalition staff. This included hikes that explored our river reserves on the Weweantic, Mattapoisett, and Acushnet rivers and conservation lands in Bourne, Acushnet, and Wareham. Other adventures included a tug boat tour of New Bedford Harbor and two trips to discover the remote beauty of Penikese Island. To raise awareness of Buzzards Bay’s health, local legend Richard Wheeler kayaked the Bay’s entire shoreline – from the Head of the Westport River to Penikese Island – in May and June. Along the way, the 81-year-old Wareham resident met with over 500 schoolchildren and adults to share tales of the Bay’s beauty and importance. As he travelled, he carried a gift from each community to the next as a symbol of how the Bay connects us all. The first-ever Buzzards Bay Film Festival brought together professional filmmakers and everyday citizens for a year-long celebration of Buzzards Bay. “Dear Buzzards Bay, thank you for letting boats float, letting fish swim, and letting us swim in you. I will pick up all the trash in you.” This was the message delivered by a nine-year-old New Bedford girl who attends afterschool at the YMCA. Like her peers, she initially knew very little about Buzzards Bay, but after five weeks exploring the Bay and its watershed with the Coalition, her appreciation – and her sense of responsibility – speaks for itself. The festival included the popular Cellphone Cinema contest, in which residents submitted short videos about the Bay they love all summer long. In November, the festival culminated with a three-day event that drew more than 1,000 people to screenings in Falmouth and New Bedford. To close the year’s celebrations, we unveiled a new Bay-inspired public art installation at our Buzzards Bay Center in New Bedford. Designed by local artist John Magnan, Habitat is seven stainless steel sculptures that emulate eelgrass, one of the Bay’s most important – and nitrogen-threatened – habitats. The sculptures are an inspiring addition to our headquarters which, along with our Woods Hole Center, welcomed over 3,000 visitors last year. We also continued to serve the region’s decision makers in government, business, and the non-profit sector with workshops focused on restoring the Bay’s natural resources. More than 50 participants dug into the details of restoring rivers and wetlands, hearing from experts and visiting restoration projects in Acushnet, Fairhaven, Falmouth and Wareham. To develop the next generation of Bay stewards, we engaged more youth than ever before in hands-on, field-based exploration programs throughout the Bay and watershed. In partnership with schools and community groups from every community in the watershed, we connected over 4,000 youth with their local environment. Through our programs, children explored beaches in Falmouth, marshes in Wareham, forests in Mattapoisett, and went quahogging in New Bedford’s Clarks Cove. We also offered our first week-long Bay stewardship camp in partnership with YMCA Southcoast, where campers explored the Mattapoisett River from its headwaters to Buzzards Bay. EDUCATION AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT The new plaza in front of the Buzzards Bay Center in New Bedford including the sculpture “Habitat.” Our 2012 Decision Makers Workshops focused on restoring the Bay’s natural resources.
  • 10. 8 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Supporters President’s Circle $10,000 or more Charles & Christina Bascom Diane & Norman Bernstein Bohn Family Hans & Susan Brenninkmeyer Darryl & Janet Buckingham David & Victoria Croll John C. Decas Mr. & Mrs. Dana Doe Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fallon John & Natalie Garfield Dr. Gail Davidson & Tom Gidwitz Daniel & Mary Gregory Lucius T. Hill III & Wendy Y. Hill Gary P. Johnson & Luana Jøsvold Rusty & Betsy Kellogg Peter L. Macdonald Kate & Al Merck Ambassador & Mrs. Richard Morningstar Susan & Chip Morse James Rathmann & Anne Noonan - The Rathmann Family Foundation Mr. James Shachoy & Ms. Laura Ryan Mr. & Mrs.* Frederic F. Taylor Sidney J. Weinberg Jr. Foundation Peter Wheeler & Elizabeth Munro Richard & Sandra Wheeler Anonymous (3) Associates $5,000-$9,999 Mike Bingle & Eryn Ament Bingle S.C. & E.D. Blake Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cope Bob & Vickie Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Joel Cutler Fearons Family Fund The Gosnold Society The Gosnold Society recognizes individuals who support the ongoing programs of the Buzzards Bay Coalition with annual gifts of $1,000 or more. Gifts and pledge payments of $1,000 or more to the Campaign for Buzzards Bay during calendar year 2012 are also included in the Gosnold Society and denoted in italics. We thank these leadership donors for their generosity and commitment to our work, and invite others to join them in supporting the preservation of Buzzards Bay. Sam & Gerry Gray Mrs. Adelaide Griswold Jim & Bess Hughes Sharon L. Chown & Michael T. Huguenin Russ & Wendy Keeler Fred & Louise Makrauer Colin & Anne McNay Laura & Ken Morse Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nauman Jonathan O’Herron Louise C. Riemer Gale Runnells Tom & Robin Wheeler Anonymous $2,500-$4,999 Constance Bacon Michael & Deena Baker Mr. & Mrs. David A. Barrett James & Connie Bevilacqua Susan Emmons Cheever Mr. Robert Dorfman Delia Flynn Jeremy & Hanne Grantham John H. & Corbin Crewes Harwood Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hollis III Bill & Noelle Locke The Lombard Family Tim Mahoney & Pam Donnelly Ian P. & Catherine McDonald Larry Stifler & Mary McFadden Elise & George Mock Mr. & Mrs. C. Walter Nichols, III Deborah C. Robbins Mr. Kenneth A. Shwartz Steven & Ginny Spiegel Rick & Lori Spilhaus Dola Hamilton Stemberg Geoff & Judy Swett Stephen & Alicia Symchych Anonymous $1,000-$2,499 Dr. Thomas Altshuler Joel Alvord & Lisa Schmid Alvord Marie & Mike Angelini Betsy Heald Arthur Benjamin & Deborah Baker Talbot Baker, Jr. Michael & Margherita Baldwin Joseph & Pamela Barry Russell Beede Wally & Roz Bernheimer Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Bernstein Nancy & Robert Bernstein David Berwind Genie & Bob Birch Peter & Betsy Block Jack & Nancy Braitmayer Stan Bratskeir John K. & Laurie Bullard Rid Bullerjahn Peter & Erin Burlinson Betsey & Ken Cheitlin Maureen Coleman & Thomas Harris Mary Coolidge Molly N. Cornell Mrs. Gertrude S. Crittenden Douglas & Cindy Crocker Mr. Prescott Crocker Mrs. Norman C. Cross Ted Cutler Joseph S. Deitch Dr. Stephen Dempsey Annette U. Ewing Rosemary & Stephen Fassett The Fine Family David & Karen Firestone Mark & Martha Fishman Mrs. Marguerite P. Foster Peter & Jennifer Francis Tom & Jill French Frisbie Family Foundation Seth & Dorothy Garfield Nancy Gidwitz Ronald Gidwitz Arthur & Trudy Golden Steve & Cindy Gormley Ed & Alice Grayson Roger Greene Marjorie & Nick Greville Jayne Hanley Reed Harwood James N. Heald, 2nd Richard A. Heald & Eileen M. O’Brien Julie & Jordan Hitch Michael & Deborah Hood Dr. Chris & Elizabeth Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Huntington George Hurd Elizabeth & Woody Ives The Fannie Cox Foundation Dr. Amy Johnson Leonard & Patricia Johnson Shephard & Elizabeth Johnson Capt. Barney Jones Steve Kanovsky & Polly Wood Kanovsky Kingman Yacht Center Mr. & Mrs. Ted Knopf Nancy & Ted Kurtz Elizabeth & Gardner Lane D. Lloyd Macdonald Mr. Donald MacLean Martha Maguire Barbara Ann Markel Carmine & Beth Martignetti Lucinda Martin Brendan McCarthy & Elise Bilodeau Joan & Bob McLaughlin Elise & George Mock Robert G. Morse Charles & Louise Nadler
  • 11. 2012 Annual Report | 9 All of the Bay protection, restoration, and education achievements featured in this Annual Report were made possible through the generosity of the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s members – individuals, families, foundations, businesses, and organizations that support our work on behalf of the Bay and its watershed. The Board and Staff of the Buzzards Bay Coalition extend our deepest appreciation to everyone who joined us in Saving Buzzards Bay in 2012. Leave a Legacy for Your Bay Buzzards Bay will always need a voice. When you remember the Buzzards Bay Coalition in your will or estate plans, you help ensure a cleaner, healthier Bay for future generations to enjoy. You may be able to contribute more than you thought possible, with benefits ranging from tax advantages to income for life. Whether you choose a bequest through your estate or retirement plan, or other Planned Giving vehicles with tax or income advantages for you and your family: You will have a lasting impact on the Bay you love. If you have included the Buzzards Bay Coalition in your will or estate plans, or if you would like more information about Planned Giving opportunities, please contact Maureen Coleman at (508) 999-6363 ext. 202 or Donors who make a Planned Gift are included in the Buzzards Bay Legacy Circle. Robin Norris Peter & Gretchen Partridge Mr. Luis Pereira John Price Douglas Prickett Helen & Peter Randolph Mark Rasmussen Neal Ready John & Rebecca Reeves John Sherburne Reidy Margaret & Dick Rhoads Mr. Karl D. Riemer Bryan Robertson & Patricia Garrahy-Robertson Theodore Romanow & Kim Redfield Mr. & Mrs. John Drake Ross Kissy Russell Walter & Marjorie Salmon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sbarra Norman & Maryellen Sullivan Shachoy James Sharpe & Deborah Stein Sharpe James Robert Silver Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Esther Simon Charitable Trust Jay & Nancy Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark Snyderman Jay Stein & Gretchen Fox Stein Galen & Anne Stone Dr. Jennifer P. Stone & Mr. Jonathan Green David & Patricia Straus James W. Swent, III Mr. Malcolm Tenglin Lisa Torchiana Joan Underwood John Vasconcellos & William Barr Mr. Jeffrey Vasquez Anne & Dick Webb Mr. & Mrs. H. St. John Webb Benjamin & Coco Wellington Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Whitney Rhonda & Michael Zinner “Growing up I spent lots of time on Buzzards Bay with my family and friends. Protecting the beauty and bounty of the Bay is important to me. I can’t think of a better legacy to leave behind.” – Gioia Browne, Legacy Circle Member
  • 12. 10 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION $500-$999 Janice Adams Ben & Julie Allen Ellie Prosser & Rich Armstrong Nicholas J. Baker Peggy Barry James T. Bartlett Mr. Anderson Bell David Bogen & Pamela Spatz Christine Botica Jacob F. Brown, II Gioia Thomas Browne The Bucchere Family John Burman & Daina Stinson Bob Busby & Maureen Conte Ms. Betsy Cady Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carney Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Cavallo Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clark Lynn & Jan Coish Jeffrey & Jennifer Collins Charlie & Dianne Cosman Jane & Brian Crowley Kevin & Candy Crowley Ron & Alice Curtin Mrs. Rose P. Cutler Judith & Murray Danforth Maureen & Allen Decker Philip Y. DeNormandie Peter DeWalt & Toby Kyle Lincoln & Ruth Ekstrom Dr. & Mrs. Brian Fitzpatrick Ms. Theresa Fitzpatrick Mrs. Benjamin B. Fogler Brennan & Fournier Frederic Gardner & Sherley Gardner-Smith Mr. & Mrs Wyatt Garfield Mr. John A. Garraty, Jr. George & Suzanne Gebelein Robert & Jane Gleason Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Gregg Madeline L. Gregory William & Eleanor W. Gural Jan & Toby Hall Brad & Priscilla Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hathaway Daniel Hayes Ted & Judy Herlihy Paul & Patricia Hogan Heidi & Arthur Huguley Jeff & Renee Hunt Dr. Rachel Jakuba Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Jeffrey Keith & Mary Kauppila Clarke & Cathie Keenan Mark & Polly Kisiel Drs. Donald & Joan Korb Mr. & Mrs. Jack Langford Kenneth Lauderdale Jim Lovell John & Doris Ludes Richard R. Mack Mrs. Mary Jane Malone Marion Mariner Mr. James Marsh John & Mary Ellen McCooey Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Mead Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Linton & Jane Moulding Mr. Chris Neill & Ms. Linda A. Deegan Mr. & Mrs. R. Henry Norweb III Mr. Mark Ofriel Eric M. Pauls Faith & Charlie Paulsen Ms. Georgia Peirce Dr. Elisabeth A. Pennington Mr. & Mrs. Leo W. Pierce, Jr. Jahn & Renee Pothier Gretchen A. Reilly Sylvia Vatuk & George Rosen Mr. & Mrs. William W. Saltonstall John Sigel & Sally Reid Kerner & Patty Smith Steve & Maria Smith Mr. Edward S. Stimpson Kristian J. Stoltenberg Mrs. Margot Stone Nicholas & Deborah Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Edwin P. Tiffany Greg Torres & Betsy Pattullo Janet & Noah Totten David C. Twichell Sam & Hilary Vineyard Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walsh Stephen & Nancy Weinstein Edward & Judith Westrick & Family Allan Wing $250-$499 Magnus & Cindie Aadland Robert Ackerman Sara Adland Brendan Annett & Anne Reynolds Skip & Peggy Annett J. Arbes John & Nancy Arcuri Mr. & Mrs. Ray Armstrong Allen & Karen Ashley Sandy Bailey Hope L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Milo Beach Mr. Grzegorz Bednarczyk Dorothy & John Bentley Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bishop Steve & Lynne Bishop Dr. Andrew Blazar & Dr. Beverly Blazar Tom & Michelle Blumetti John & Romayne Bockstoce Hugh Bolton Mrs. Pauline Bowden Mr. Chris Brown David & Judy Brownell Marc & Ellen Brown Nils Bruzelius & Lynne Weil Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carlson Steve Carnazza Russell Cavanaugh Mr. Mark Chertok Rachel & Tom Claflin Claude & Donna Cobert Sherilyn Coleman Loretto & Dwight Crane Mr. & Mrs. Scott Creelman Mr. Gregory Cronin Thomas Cullinan Ms. Margaret E. Curtis Pamela J. Cutler & Robert J. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dacey Laurie & Daniel DaRosa Bruce T. Dalzell Marc & Katie Deshaies Mr. Daniel Desmarais Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan DiPaolo Ms. Storey Duff Bill Dugan Debbi & Erik Dyson Paul Elias & Marie Lossky-Elias Ellen Emerson Bernadette Ericson Bob Espindola Matthew Esposito Henry & Lois Fernandes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ferri Margaret Theroux Fieldsteel Bruce & Elizabeth Figueroa Clara Filice Mr. Thomas Fillipovich Jim & Janet Fitzgibbons Mr. Roger Forman Nancy Fraze Mr. & Mrs. JW Freiberg III Sarah Frost Drs. Bruce & Barbara Furie Gregg Lawrence Furie Dr. Mike Gabriel Mr. John Gallo & Ms. Patricia Tortorella Joan N. Gardner Henrietta Gates Ms. Sheila W. Giancola Barron & Elizabeth Gibson William & Joyce Gindra Dennis & Deborah Giokas Jeff & Tess Goodwin Paul & Priscilla Gray Frederic & Jocelyn Greenman Karen Grey Mary & Mark Hadley Jack & Amy Haley William Harris M. E. H. Lees Dr. Timothy Haydock & Barbara Moss Gregg Hirschorn Austin & Felicity Hoyt Ann Huidekoper & Joanne Swanson Kimberly Fletcher & John Hussey Mark & Carla Hutker Mike & Gail Jackson Hope & David Jeffrey Michael & Lisa Johnson Paul & Judith Johnson Myla & Jon Kabat-Zinn John D. Kelleher & Viki A. Fowler David & Jean Kibbe Charles & Deborah Klotz Bruce Kohler Dr. Jonathan Kohler Dr. Katherine Kohler Ms. Kate Kramer Ms. Caroline Kuhlman Mrs. Christy LaGue Jay Lanagan Christopher T. Langlois David & Lynne Lapalme Edith Lauderdale Jack Leary & Joanne Lukaszewicz Sara & Paul Lehner Russ Lemcke Mona Levenstein Lennart & Ann Lindberg Ken Lipman & Evelyn Baum Mr. Shawn Littlefield Deborah Locke Pete & Vicky Lowell William & Winnie Mackey Diana & Bruce MacPhail Andrea Marcovici Ted & Karen Martin Mr. Vincent Mayer Peggy Bacon & Jack McCarthy Joe McDonagh Michael McFarlane Chuck & Karen McHugh Kate & Hugh McLean Darryl Medina & Sara Dickson Richard & Alma Merians Mr. Chris Meyer Dana Miskell Mr. Paul Mooney Fred Muzi Mr. Edward G. Nardi Gerard Nelson Deirdre Nicholson Eric & Claudette O’Brien Christopher M. O’Connor Ms. Nancy O’Connor Alexander T. Orr Robert Ouimette Suzannah Parker Christine W. Parks Prof. David Patterson Gerry E. Payette John & Celeste Penney Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Perkins, Jr. Korrin Petersen, Esq. & Brian Petersen Sandy & Arne Peterson William & Sarah Pinney Arvidas Poshkus Robert M. Pozzo Mr. & Mrs. Lewis I. Prouty Barbara Purser James Rakowsky & Denise Mengani Mr. George Randall Bill & Karen Reaman Christopher Reddy Kinley T. & Bonnie S. Reddy Crystal & William Ribich David M. Richards & Elizabeth T. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Ritter Owen & Dorothy Robbins Mr. Nathaniel Ross William & Paige Roth Heather & Kitt Sawitsky Mark & Suzannah Schroeder Gus & Ellie Shaver Ethan Shenker Christopher R. Sherwood & Patty White Robin & Tim Shields Mr. Michael Simon David & Elizabeth Small Bruce & Sally Spooner Mr. Robert Stapleton & Mrs. Bonnie Stapleton Meredith Stelling John & Valerie Stelling Mr. & Mrs. Albert Stone Lisa & Gregg Stone Edward Strout Garrett Stuck & Pamela Coravos Sharlie Sudduth Claire Sullivan Robert E. Sullivan & Linn M. Sullivan Ms. Suzanne Sullivan Susan P. Davies & Richard W. Talkov Capt. & Mrs. Richard Tatlock Rhea E. Teves-Cate Diane C. Tillotson Samuel & Vivian Trotz George & Dagmar Unhoch Arthur A. & Dolores M. Vasconcellos Eleanor Wendell Cindy White Robert & Marina Whitman Harry W. Wilcox Catherine Williams William Wittman & Moira Shea Curt & Gloria Worden Sherbie & Tom Worthen John & MarDee Xifaras Anonymous (2) $100-$249 Yvonne Adkins Guilliaem Aertsen Miss Athena Aicher
  • 13. 2012 Annual Report | 11 Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Aisenberg Dr. Mark Alexander Robert & Ann Allen Karen Althammer Alex & Tricia Altschuller Robert & Alison Ament Ms. Charis Anderson Forbes & Candace Anderson Nancy V. Anderson & Vincent A. Droser Angus Angermeyer Luean Anthony Paul & Ruth Devine Anthony Mr. Nelson Apjohn & Mrs. Mary Joan Apjohn Lucille Aptekar Lee Arietta James Arne Mr. Robert C. Landeck & Elisabeth A. Aronow Diane Arruda Martha Arruda Dennis & Karen Arsenault Mr. Richard Arthur & Ms. Sally Fallon Mr. Richard I. Arthur, Jr. DJ Atkins Dongwook Audenaerde Ronald & Rosemary Auger John L. Aumann & Anna Surma Dr. Robert Baarsvik, D.D.S. John & Karen Babbitt Dr. & Mrs. David S. Babin Alfred Bahnson James Bailey & Alexandra Callen Ian Baldwin Rose W. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. William N. Bancroft Mr. Anthony Barbato Mr. Jonathan Barboza David B. Barker Robert H. Barker Jr., Amanda & Naomi Barker David & Nancy Barry Jim & Sheila Barry & Family Kevin & Jane Barry Ms. Oriana Barthelmes Daniel & Allison Bartholomew Dr. & Mrs. Grover G. Baxley Ms. Enid Beal Nat & Julie Beale Ms. Sonya Beausoleil Robert & Virginia Becher Mr. David Behrens Nate & Alice Bekemeier Reidar & Kirsten Bendiksen Arthur Benner Jean & Arthur Bennett Stephen Benoit Charles Bergmann Steve, Eliza & Aviva Beringhause Nina & Don Berk Ms. Celia Bernstein John & Jane Bihldorff Mrs. Priscilla Bill Mr. George H. Billings Karen & Paul Bitterman Van & Eileen Blakeman Mr. Peter Blanchard & Dr. Elizabeth Blanchard Donald Blanchette Krystyna Bloch Ms. Lakshmi Bloom Gail Blout Michael & Amanda Bobola Phillip & Sarah Bodenstab Gary Boehk Charles & Nancy Boit Jane Bolinger Thomas & Elizabeth Bolton Peter & Susan Boni Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Bosworth Mrs. Dolores Boule Mrs. Simone Bourgeois Boyce - Pitcairn Family Dr. Danah Boyd Robert Brack Olga R. Bravo Mr. Michael Brennan Michelle G. Brewster Ann Briggs Mr. Todd Briggs Mr. Kevin Brogioli Blair & Carol Brown Clint & Judy Brown Larry & Sally Brownell Ken & Wendi Buesseler Peter & Tia Bullard Lewis Burleigh Carolyn & Chuck Burnham Dr. Dana Caledonia Fernando Calle Mr. David C. Cameron & Dr. Joanne Cameron Fanny Campbell Mr. Mark Canha William Cantor & Kristen Eastman James & Heather Caplan Biagio Caretti Christopher W. Carey Ben Carlson Dr. Eleanor Carlson Frank & Sheila Carotenuto Mr. Michael Carter Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Carvalho Fritz Casselman & Susan Ashbrook Lee Castignetti, Jr. Jennifer P. Cavallaro Mr. Sean Cavanaugh Ruth & Dick Cederberg Dr. Natalie L. Chambers John & Cindy Chambliss Peter Chandler Carol & Jonathan Chace John Child Mr. & Mrs. David R. Chipman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Choquette Jon & Lydia Christensen Mr. George Christopher & Mrs. Emma Christopher Michael Christopher Ms. Suzanne Church Bill & Maggie Churchill Paul Clapp Frederick Clark Lisa Cloitre Mrs. Gretchen R. Colby & Mr. Robbie Colby John Colella Joseph W. Collins Elizabeth Colt William Condon Mr. Arthur Conro & Ms. Tina Varzeas Dr. Robert Conroy & Dr. Deborah Schappell Ms. Bonnie Conway Mr. & Mrs. James B. Conway Ms. Patrice Cooper H. Perry Coppola Burton & Kate Corkum Henry Cosman Mr. Christopher Costa & Ms. Jennifer Costa Miss Fenner Costa Paul Costabile Mr. Jonathan Cottrell Joe Couto & Sara Couto Ms. Elizabeth Coxe & Mr. G. David Forney Diane Cramphin Frederick G. Crocker, Jr. Nancy Crosby Carl & Gabrielle Cunningham Brenda Curry-McKeon Mr. George Curtis Thomas Gray Curtis, Jr. Molly & Chris Cutler James & Lorraine Cutone Jonathan Cyr Prof. Chris Dacey A.M. Daley Bethany Daniels Robert & Susan Darnton Mrs. Amy DaRosa Mr. Malcolm Davidson Thomas G. & Liddy Davis Douglas Davison Matt & Jen Davitt Holliday & Ben Day Celina De Leon Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dean Peter & Patricia Dean Eileen & Edson deCastro Laura A. DeCosta Enos Leslie & Helen DeGroot Michael & Jane Deland Daniel & Christina Delianedis Mr. Jonathan Dell & Mrs. Susan Dell David J. Demello Roger & Sally Demler Gail & John Densler Ms. Ashley Denson Mr. Paul Desmond Dana Desnoyers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. DeVerna Mr. Tad Devine Katha Diddel-Warren Beverly A. Dietlin Bill & Cindy Dillon Mr. Andrew Dimmick David & Frederica Dimmick Bill & Ellen Dingwell Mr. Erik Doane Mr. Bertram Dodson Janet & Kingsley Doe Thomas Doeppner William Donkin, III Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Dorr Richard A. & Weatherly Dorris James R. Dorsey Dave Doucett & Diane Leith-Doucett James D. Dougherty Tad & Karen Dourdeville Jill Downing Ms. Deborah Doyle Joey & Clark DuBois Ian & Kathryn C.B. Duff Phil Dunham & Gudrun Bjarnarson Craig G. Dunkerley Robert Dunkless Thomas Dunlop Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dunn James & Katherine Dunphy John Dunphy Mr. Ira Dupere Nancy Durfee Meghan Dwyer Ms. Melissa Dyer Dr. & Mrs. Charles F. Eades Emmet Eby, M.D. Celia M. Echave Janet S. Egan Oliver W. Egleston Mr. B.T. Ehrhardt, Jr. Lindsey Elder William & Deborah Elfers Mr. Matt Elliott Tim & J.J. Elliott Bill & Lisa Elliott Raymond & Jen Emerson Mrs. Suzanne R. Emerson Michael A. Esposito & Cynthia A. Redel Frederic A. Eustis III Mr. Donald Facey Christian A. Farland, P.E. John Farrington Kitty Fassett Mr. Christopher M. Fauteux George & Irene Fearing Mr. Ed Feather Jennifer Meyer-Feeney Steven Feiner Julius & Mette Feinleib Ms. Danielle Feist Joseph & Sheila Feitelberg Mr. Jake Feiter S. Warren & Elaine Ferguson Michael & Jeralyn Fernandes Frank & Nancy Ferreira Sill & Ann “D” Ferreira Philip Field Mrs. Rachel Fier Anita Fiorillo Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Martin W. Flinn Alice & Jonathan Flint Margot Flouton & Robert Barnes Ms. China F. Forbes Margery Forbes Mr. Bruce Ford Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Ford Joan J. Forte Deborah Forter & Ben Hansbury Reg & Barbie Foster Cary & Helen Francis Peter D. Franklin, M.D. Mr. Jerome Frazel & Ms. Nancy Wilder Mr. & Mrs. Alan Frohman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Fuller John & Avery Funkhouser Dr. John Furrey & Mrs. Pat Furrey Laurel Furumoto Stefan & Marya Gabriel Mr. Angelo Gala Nicole Gardner Will & Laura Gardner Horace & Marla Garfield Joanne Garfield Michael & MC Garfield Wyatt & Rachel Garfield, Jr. Andrew Garland & Anne Gordon Jeff & Betsy Garland Dr. Anthony Garro & Ms. Mary Ann Garro Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Geagan John & Alison Geddes Ms. Constance B. Gee Paul Gelep Mrs. Juliane Gerace & Mr. Ronald Gerace Captain John M. Gibbons Paul D. Gibbs Ms. Barbara Gilliam Benjamin & Susan Gilmore Carolyn & Kirby Gilmore Meredith Gilson David Goldberg Judith N. Goldberg Harvey Goldman & Debby Coolidge Robert Goldsborough Edward A. Gonet, Jr. Evelyn Goodhue Peter & Marne Goodrich Master Daniel Gould
  • 14. 12 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION A record 264 swimmers dove into outer New Bedford Harbor on July 7, 2012 to show their support for a clean and healthy Buzzards Bay by taking part in the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s 19th annual Buzzards Bay Swim. The event also reached a new fundraising record, raising $130,000 to support the education, conservation, research and advocacy work of the Coalition. Swimmers and their supporters brought in $105,000 which, by breaking $100,000, earned the organization a $25,000 challenge gift from longtime swimmer Larry Fish of West Falmouth. The top fundraiser was Steve Johnson of Cambridge, who raised $4,300. Bill and Savannah Roth of Fairhaven raised $2,145, the most for a team. The event drew swimmers from across the region and as far away as Los Angeles and Florida, ranging in age from 12 J U LY 7, 2 0 1 2 A record 264 swimmers raced across the Bay in the 19th annual Buzzards Bay Swim. Buzzards Bay Swim Swimmers Kirby Aarsheim Derek Affonce Mark Alexander Judy Allen Julie Allen Charis Anderson Brendan Annett Lea Anthony Lee Arietta Bethany Aronow Martha Arruda DJ Atkins Saint Aufranc Jonathan Barboza Adam S. Barkley Oriana Barthelmes Daniel Bartholomew Grover G. Baxley Sonya Beausoleil Amanda Bobola George J. Borden George W. Borden Joshua Borden Pauline Bowden Christine Brady Olga R. Bravo Lynne E. Brolly Jennifer Buonaccorsi Peter Carson Mark Carvalho Brendan Cavanaugh Emily Chandler Keally Cieslik Molly Clark Sarah Clark Lisa Cloitre Jennifer Costa Michael Costello Graham Cottrell Tara Couto Ellena Crotty Josie Cuoco Bethany Daniels Devon DeGrazia Jonathan Dell Andrea L. Desjardins Joseph W. DeVerna Katha Diddel-Warren Robert Dorfman Jim Dorsey Paul L. Dow Jill Downing Rich Droser Kathryn C. Duff Thomas D. Dunlop Melissa Dyer Winthrop Dyer Helen E. Ederer Ted Ehrhardt Diane Elander-Keys Matthew Esposito Shannon Fain Paul Fathallah Jake Feiter Erika Fernandes Lawrence Fish Kimberly Fletcher Christopher M. Ford Debra Foschi Sarah B. Frost Kaitlin Furrey Sophia Furtado Deborah J. Gabriel Angelo Gala Alex Gallant Anthony Garro Thomas Gidwitz Chelsea Gilliam Meredith Gilson Emily Girard Greg Glavin Amy Goldberg Deborah H. Gove Josie Greene Adam Guild Eileen Gunn Jonathan Haisman Julie Hamel Lori Hannan Marcia Hathaway Jaren Hawxwell Tara B. Hawxwell Joe Hebert Troy Hebert Mark Heffner Laurie Hellstrom Serap Hidir Becky Holloway Mara T. Honohan Kelsey Hopkins Amy Howland Steve Hubbard Jefferson Hunter Steve Johnson Jarrett Jones Abigail Jupin Nicholas Jupin Elizabeth Kalife Maxwell Kearns Brigid Kennedy James Kindelan David C. Korb Kate Kramer David Lapalme Marc E. LaPlante Emily Lauderdale John J. Leary Dawna Leger Phillips Diane Leith-Doucett Deb Levesque Michael Lipp John Littlefield William Luderer David Lyons Richard R. Mack Elizabeth Mahoney Kelly Manchester Andrea Marcovici Leighton Marcovici Jonathan Mariner Frank Mark Morgan McCarthy James McDonald Kathleen A. McDonald Patricia McGovern Douglas McKell Sue McNeil Frank McQuiggan Kyle Medeiros Allison Medina Kendra D. Medina Judy Meissner Sarah Merianos Kendra Merrill Cristina Mitchell Jocelyn Mitchell Mariah Mitchell Smoky Moak Tara Moll Mia Morgan Solange Morrissette Bob Motta Jason Munnis Dirk Murphy Mary Murphy Vincent Murphy Joanne Navilliat Grant Nelson Sasha Norkin Bruce Novis Kevin O’Halloran Lauren O’Neil Heson Oh Douglas Olney Catherine Olson Molly Olver Kelly Onanian Alexander T. Orr Benjamin J. Ostiguy Brett Pacheco Kristi Paradis Christine W. Parks Anna Pauls Eric M. Pauls Patty Pauls Eric Pauls, Jr. Kim Pelletier Korrin Petersen Allan Pineda Andrew Pittman Nick Poole Tom Poole Matthew A. Poyant to 82. The fastest swimmer was Matt Shenker of Pocasset, who covered the course in 21:34, while the fastest female was Elizabeth Mahoney of Plymouth, who swam in 22:40. The Quicks Award for the fastest high school team went to Apponequet High School with an average time of 22:27. The 20th annual Buzzards Bay Swim will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2013. 12 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION
  • 15. 2012 Annual Report | 13 Michelle Prevost Lorena C. Pugh Mollie Quelle George Randall Mark Rasmussen Marianne Reardon Pamela Reitsma Sarah Renaud Nicole Rhind Bryan Robertson Laura Robertson Sarah Robertson Denise Rollinson Joy Rosenthal Savannah Roth William D. Roth Tanya M. Roy Anastasia Rudenko Patrick Ryll Erica Sahlin Louis A. Sardelli Douglas Sayles Christopher Schlesinger Lena Schulze Kevin Shea Maia Shenker Matt Shenker Soraya Shenker Sarah Sherwood Sofia Shuman Larry Shwartz Lynn Simpson Lissa Singer David L. Small Nancy J. Smith Mark Snyderman Sarah Snyderman Jaime Sousa Page Stites Mary-Jane Strom Sarah Sweney Matt Sylvain Ruth Tannert Cynthia S. Tardif Barbara Tardiff Dana Tatlock Rob Thieler Edwin P. Tiffany Justin Tonelli Leah Trafford Max Trojano Leslie Trott Stephanie Trott Alex Turner Devon Turner Onne Van Der Wal Ashley Vandiver Daniel Vasconcellos Isabella Walko Palma Walko Cameron Walsh Judith Westrick Mollie Westrick Natalie Westrick Richard Wheeler Cindy White Patricia J. White Daniel Wieghmink Maureen Wieler Bobby L. Wilkey Aubrey Williams Donald Williams Tony Williams Kelly L. Wright Juliet D. Xifaras Marc Yaggi Kayakers Ben Allen Robert Bailey William Bartholomew Robin Bodeau Tye Brady Chris B. Bryant Bryan Burger Gregory Butterfield Corinne Carvalho Christine Casper Michael Chretien Karen Clark Tena Coley Wilson Colucci Lynn Connor Gilbert Costa Letitia Costa Thomas Crotty Tim Donohue Cara Eleniefsky Gary Eleniefsky Robert Eugineo Sean Flannery Nick Frade Pattie Garrahy Peter Goodrich Tom Gray Jim Hannan Frank Hitchens Genevieve M. Hunt Nancy Jordan Robert Kennedy Christopher Lauderdale Alyson Mandel Chris McRaven Kate Middleton Sara Munger Nicole Noonan Jin Oh Steven F. Panek Richard Pelletier Brian Petersen Margiana Petersen-Rockney Mia Pinheiro Christine Quallen Matt Rhind Shae Riley Paige J. Roth Widar Sahlin Scott Smith Richard Tatlock David Weinberg Edward Westrick Nick Wildman Julie Yared Dr. & Mrs. David F. Gouveia Lee & Debbie Gove Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gracia Ms. Monica H. Graham Vicary M. Graham Mr. Morris Gray, Jr. Drs. Michael Green & Maria Zapp Hildegarde F. Greene Ms. Josie Greene & Mr. Glenn Asch Emily Greenstein Alyssa & Bill Greenwood Edward S. Gross Marvin & Avis Grosslein Rene & Karen Guenette Richard & Susan Guidelli Adam & Dana Guild Valerie & Insan Gurdal Mr. Andrew Hadley Joyce Haglund Mr. Cliff Hahn Jonathan Haisman Brent & Serena Davis Hall Cynthia Hallowell Samuel H. Hallowell, Jr. Elizabeth & R. Barry Hamilton Susan & Gib Hammond George & Barbara Hampson Robert & Gwendolyn Hancock Richard Hardaway & Lee Hardaway Bob & Judy Hardiman Fred Hare Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Harple Anne R. Harris John Harris Chris & Jennifer Hart Barbara Harty Seth Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hattabaugh Channing W. Hayward William & Catherine Heald Joe & Elizabeth Hebert Mr. Mark Heffner Laurie Hellstrom Jane & Bart Henderson Deborah Herring H. James & Carol Herring James & Kathy Herring Al & Kathy Herzog James Hetherington Dr. Paul Heyman Dr. Peter Heyman Robert E. Hicks Serap Hidir Eric J. Hintsa & Wei Wang Sandra Taven & Dr. Ronald Hirschberg Denise Coburn Hixon Robert E Hobler Mr. Peter Hocking Ms. Eleanor B. Hodge Pamela & Edward Hoffer Bob & Susan Hoffman Mr. Gordon Hoffstein & Ms. Joanna Hoffstein Buell & Margaret Hollister Sandra Holmes James & Beth Ann Holzman James & Marianne Honohan Frederic & Johanna Hood Ms. Kelsey Hopkins Timothy Horkings Anne E. Hough Tim House & Ann Gary Selena T. Howard Ms. Jennifer Howe Mr. Alex Hu Mr. Eric Huang Mr. Steve Hubbard Martin & Diane Hudis Mr. George Huey John Hughes Paul, Beth & Moses Hughes Charles & Patricia Hulley Jenny & Gregory Hunt Rebecca Hunter Mr. David E. Hutchings Mr. Bob Hyldburg Mr. Charles H. Iliff Jr. Ted & Donna Ingalls James Iredell Dr. Thomas W. Irvine Susan Israel Architects Vincent & Pauline Jacintho Ms. Marcy Jackson Susan & Timothy Jackson Jane & William Jackson Mr. James Jampel Mrs. Sandy Jarjoura Suzanne L. Jenkins David S. Jenney David & Julia Jennings The Johns Family Ms. Janis Johnson Keith Johnson Mr. Robert Johnson Mr. Steve Johnson Adele Franks & Steve Jones Mrs. Rachel Jupin Brian Jusseaume Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kane Douglas & Joy Kant The Kantner Family Edward & Adele Kaplan Dennis & Mary Kasper Bethany Jason Kauff Frank Kauffman Mr. Aaron Kaufman Shannon Keegan Whitney & Fred Keen Mrs. Kathleen Keenan Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Keene, Jr. James Kelley Beth & Bob Kelley Michael Kelly Garland Kemper Ms. Marianne Kennedy Hod & Mary Kenney Mrs. Julia Kiechel James King John & Laurie Kinney Mr. Terry Kiser Amy E. Kitson Dieter & Jacqueline Klein Robert & Patricia Knapp Mr. Robert Knight Mrs. Eliot Knowles Bill & Deb Knowlton Mrs. Harriet Koch Jonathan & Deborah Kolb David C. Korb Sir Hans & Lady Kornberg Mrs. Petra Koustenis Paul Krause & Teri Bernert Richard Joseph Krenmayer Nancy Kress Mr. Robert S. Kretschmar Peter & Jane Krone Nobuko Kuhn Barbara Kay Kullas Ms. Katharine Kush Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Lacerda Rob & Beth Ladd Christy & Wayne LaGue David Laidlaw Stacy & Marcus LaiFook Robert & Linda Lane Paul & Joanne Langione Louis & Camilla Larrey Ray & Muriel Larson Ms. Rebecca Lash Ms. Pamela Lasher Mr. & Mrs. Brad Lauderdale Charles & Judith Laverty Andrew Lavoie Ed Lazowska & Raj Reddy Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Leach, Jr. David & Hallie Lee Terry & Kym Lee Andrew & Lynn Lees Tina Leger Phillips Ms. Nicole Leger Kenneth & Ardelle Legg Admiral John Lemly Edward Lenihan Polly & David Leshan
  • 16. 14 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Levine Mr. & Mrs. Terence Lewis Sr. Mr. Michael Lipp John & Margaret Littlefield Sara Locke Steven Locke Helen Lozoraitis Mr. William Luderer & Mrs. Vicky Luderer Michael & Beth Luey Dr. & Mrs. Edward G. Lund, Jr. Mrs. Charles P. Lyman Thomas Lynch Mr. & Mrs. David Lyons B. Lane & Wendy MacDonald John E. & Vivian Macedo Russell Mack Maureen Magan John Magnan & Annie Jonas Harry & Catherine Mah Bettina Borders & Victor Mailey Elizabeth Makrauer & Kyle Johnson Mr. Will Makris C. Michael Malm Ms. Kelly Manchester Peter Mansfield Ron & Barbara Marcks Donald E. Marcus Kevin & Cathy Mariner Frank Mark Janet R. Markel Sandra & Amos Marsh Nan Starr & Philip Marshall Ms. Michele Martin Florence Martocci Don & Lee Marvin Candy Massard Dr. Herbert Mathewson Mrs. Dale Lenzner Mathias Carl & Sharon Matuszek Sam Mawn-Mahlau Kimberly May Margaret McCormick & Andrew Solow Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. McCullough Mr. James McDonald Kathleen McDonald Mr. & Mrs. J. Duncan McDougall Ricketson & Annie McDowell Dr. Richard B. McElvein Evelyn McFadden & Bill Simmons Alex & Freddy McFerran Nancy McHale & Kathleen Pappalardo Mr. Douglas McKell & Mrs. Bernadette McKell Mr. Donald McQueen Frank McQuiggan Kirtland & Susan Eldredge Mead Christopher A. Medeiros Michelle Medeiros Mr. Frederico R. Medina, III Peg Megowen Mr. Mark Melcher Charles Mello Mr. John Menzel Ms. Alyssa Meritt Ms. Louise Merrick Ms. Victoria Merrick Mr. David Merrigan Chris Meyer Lucia Michaud Jerry Middleton John & Nina Middleton Timothy Milbert Joanna Miller John & Nancy Mills Bobbie & Rich Miner Eileen Miskell John Mitchell & Ann Partridge, M.D. Ms. Mariah Mitchell Ms. Smoky Moak & Ms. Eileen Melancon Mr. Tom Modica & Mrs. Donna Modica Mr. & Mrs. Moeder Maria Itati Moguilner Dr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Molind Michael & Hannah Moore Suzanne Moot & Peter Jones Chief Petty Officer Marc Morency Peter Morrison Ms. Solange Morrissette Joseph Morrissey Mr. Christopher Morss Ms. Morgan K. Mowbray John F. Mueller, MD Ms. Claire Muhm Dr. & Mrs. William Muldoon, Jr. Mr. Jason Munnis Mr. Hugh Munro & Mrs. Barbara Munro Seanan Murphy Vinny Murphy Brendan & Maggie Murray Jonathan & Daphne Mussellwhite Mark & Sarah Najarian Mrs. Joanne Navilliat Bob Nealon Mr. & Mrs. George R. Nelson Mr. Mark Nelson Marcia Neundorfer Capt. James Newman & Ms. Deb Coulombe Mr. Marcus Ng Kent Nicholas Ms. Mary J. Nickerson & Mr. Alan Pelan Ann Niederkorn Susan Nilson Capt. Van Noorden Bouke Noordzij Ms. Alexandra C. Norkin Cynthia Clair Norkin Ms. Sasha Norkin Mr. & Mrs. William B. Notman Mr. Edmund O’Connell Mr. James O’Connor Rory O’Connor Kevin O’Halloran Shannon Olin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Olotka Lars & Ruth Olson Robert & Pamela Olson Scott & Kelly Onanian Jay & Marilyn O’Neil James Orr Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Osenkowski Benjamin J. Ostiguy Claudia & Nelson Ostiguy Julie Ouellette Peter J. Ouellette Paula Pace Brett Pacheco Miss Kathleen A. Pallatroni Suzanne Pan Betty Parker David & Lois Parker Ann Parson Charles & Sandria Parsons Gary & Pamela Parsons Carolyn P. Partan Davison & Lauren Paull Richard Payne & Deborah Siegal Mr. Matthew Pearson Roberto & Jocelyn Peccei Miss Ashley Peckham Stephen M. Peckham Judith & Thoru Pederson Dr. Joseph Pedlosky Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pelletier Bruce & Deborah Penn Janet S. Percival Mr. Peter Perroni Daniel & Susan Perry Gilbert Perry & Donna Sachs Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Perry Jr. Jim Persons & Carla Hatfield Theresa & Christopher Peterson William E. & Phoebe T. Peterson Mrs. Robert C. Pettway Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Phelps Richard & Eleanor Phillips Tania Phillips Mr. Richard Piccolo Gerald & Janet Pietsch Alicia Pimental Allan & Mary Pineda Al & Maren Plueddemann The Polansky Family Mr. Nick Poole Tom & Iara Poole Mihai Popa The Porter Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas T. Porter Robert Powel Family Connor Prassas Charles Pratt & Alexandra England Charles & Joan Pratt Frank Press Paula Press & John Rosenthal Doug & Diana Prince Barry M. Prizant & Elaine C. Meyer Lorena Pugh & Bo Pickard Ms. Christine Quallen Karen Quigley & Russell Hensel Kevin Quigley Hon. Regina Quinlan Richard & Catherine Quintal Jennifer Randall Frank M. Rapoza Beverly Rasmussen Raj Reddy John Reed & Helen Hollingworth Terrence & Barbara Reideler Mr. & Mrs. Bill Reitsma Ms. Pamela Reitsma Mr. & Mrs. G. Herbert Repass Mr. & Mrs. Ridley Rhind Nicole Rhind Donald & Christy Rhoads Carl & Leslye Ribeiro Ronald Ricci Mr. Ben Richards Atty. Claudia Richards Philip & Patricia Richardson Carol & Bill Rieken Ries Family - Sue, Fred & Heather Samuel C. Riley & Kristie M. Furrow Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Ritchie Douglas C. Roberson Jayne Roberts Steven & Lisa Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Robertson Marjory Robinson Thomas & Johanna Robinson Dana & Alison Rodin Mary & Stan Roller Dr. Denise Rollinson & Dr. Kenneth Sassower Mr. & Mrs. Robert Root Roger C. Rosen, M.D. Jim Rosenfeld Rev. Frederick Roses Lisa Rotty Mr. & Mrs. Lewis P. Rowland, M.D. Tanya Roy & Samuel Liss Drs. Jen & Greg Russell Michael Russell Perry Russell & Leo Pierre Roy Jeffrey & Jennifer Ryan Patrick Ryll David Salesin & Andrea Lingenfelter Bob Sances & Bing Broderick Tony Sapienza Morton T. Saunders Mr. Stephen Savin Mrs. Anne W. Sawyer Ms. Donna Sawyer Douglas Sayles Harriet W. Schley Rick Schnure Mr. Steven Schrader Carol Q. Schwamb Dr. Jonathan Schwartz Rebecca & Leighton Scott Mr. Louis Secatore Frederica See Ellis Seidman Jody Seivert Ms. Joan Shafran & Mr. Rob Haimes Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Shapiro Ann Sharp Bill & Dedee Shattuck Mr. Kevin Shea Laura Shear Jeff Shearstone & Theresa Jacobs Caroline Sheehan Matt Shenker Richard Shepard & Samina Quraeshi Dr. Harry Shum Ms. Sofia Shuman Larry & Louise Shwartz Sue & Calvin Siegal Albert & Joyce Signorella Helen F. Silva Mr. Brad Silverberg Andrea Simmons Kevin Simon Ms. Lissa Singer Deb Sistare David Sklar Mrs. Robert W. Small Ms. Bertyne R. Smith Mrs. Claire Smith David & Rosemary Smith Mr. Howard & Dr. Nancy Smith Charlotte & Ray Smith Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith Renny Smith Mr. J. D. Somerville Mr. Paul Sowizral Jeffrey & Gail Spear Mr. George Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sperry Mrs. Sarah Spillane Susan B. Spooner Kelly Spring Philip Stanton Mary Ellen & Ralph Stephen Tom & Judy Stetson Philip & Joan Stevenson Heather Stewart Clay & Clara Stites
  • 17. 2012 Annual Report | 15 One hundred forty-seven cyclists raised $79,000 as they pedaled across Southeastern Massachusetts on October 14, 2012 during the Buzzards Bay Coalition’s sixth annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride. Both the number of cyclists and the funds raised set new records for the event, which supports the Coalition’s work to restore clean water, protect watershed lands and engage the community. The first riders sped away from Horseneck Beach at 9:00 a.m., winding through Westport’s picturesque coastal farmland, Padanaram village, New Bedford’s working waterfront, the leafy Fairhaven bike path and Mattapoisett’s rural roads before stopping for lunch at Eastover Farm in Rochester. There, cyclists completing a 35-mile route joined the Watershed Ride for its second leg past Wareham’s cranberry bogs, over the Bourne Bridge and down Falmouth’s Shining Sea Bikeway to end at beautiful Quissett Harbor in Woods Hole. The Watershed Ride drew cyclists from across Southeastern Massachusetts, New England, and as far away as Florida, Indiana, South Carolina and Washington, D.C. Cyclists ranged in age from 12 to 74. The top fundraiser was Andy van Dam of Barrington, R.I., who raised $3,500. The seventh annual Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride will be on Sunday October 6, 2013. OCTOBER 14, 2012 Cyclists cross the finish line of the sixth annual Watershed Ride in Quisset Harbor, Falmouth. Watershed Ride Cyclists Cindie Aadland Sara Adland Athena Aicher Ethan Altshuler Joshua Altshuler Kara Altshuler Thomas Altshuler Angus Angermeyer Karl Audenaerde Sandy Bailey Jonathan Barboza JoMarie Battle Grzegorz Bednarczyk Donald Bishop Patricia Bishop James Boydston Chris Brown Thomas Cashel Phillip Cavallo Russell Cavanaugh John Chambliss Michael Chefalo Lynn A. Coish Charlie M. Cosman Dianne Cosman Fenner Costa Letitia Costa Gregory Cronin Thomas Cullinan Victoria R R. Cunningham Charles Dacey Chris Dacey Amy DaRosa Dan DaRosa Laurie B. DaRosa Gail Davidson Doug Decker Ashley Denson Daniel Desmarais Andrew Dimmick Heather DiPaolo Jonathan DiPaolo Kathryn C. Duff Storey Duff Terry Enos Robert Espindola Kevin Farrell Christopher M. Fauteux Genevieve Fernandez Jesse Ferreira Clara Filice Thomas Fillipovich Barbara Furie Gregg L. Furie Sheila W. Giancola Thomas Gidwitz Jane Gleason Dudley Goar John H. Harwood Michael Heyman Serap Hidir Christopher Hiller Gregg Hirschorn Heather Hobler Mark Hutker Eric H. Jensen Gary P. Johnson Leonard W. Johnson Brian Jusseaume Russell Keeler Wendy Keeler Clarke Keenan Dave Kibbe Sam Knight Leslie Knowles Paul Krause David Lambertson Jay Lanagan Christopher T. Langlois Terence Lee Kenneth D. Lipman Victoria Lowell Mary Ellen McCooey Skakel McCooey Margaret McCormick Dana Miskell Gerard Nelson Oliver Newman Ann Niederkorn Robin Norris Kelly Onanian Scott Onanian Ashley Peckham Alicia Pimental Shelton Pitney Dave Prentiss Douglas Prickett Mark Rasmussen James Rathmann Laurie A. Raymond Steven D. Roberts Sydney Roth William D. Roth Mark Snyderman Sarah Snyderman Geoff Sullivan Nicholas P. Sullivan Suzanne Sullivan Geoff Swett James H. Tietje Ilonka Tumelaire Andy van Dam William R. Veno Michael Waugh Karen Wheeler Anna Whitcomb Phillip Whittaker Tony Williams Roseann & Steve Stoehr Benjamin B. Stone Eric & Paula Strand Albert H. Strange, Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Strazzulla Rachael Kolb & Thomas Stritter Ms. Mary-Jane Strom Peter Sturges & Sasha Lauterbach Ms. Margaret Sulanowska Mark Sullivan Ms. Nancy Sullivan Paul R. Sullivan Peter & Nancy Summers Edith V. Sweeney Lori Sweeney William Sweney Cynthia Tardif Dr. Barbara Tardiff Henry Augustine Tate David A.Tatelbaum Elliott & Julia Taylor Dr. Kathleen Taylor Ted & Charlotte Teplow Jackie Terwilliger Dr. Edward R. Thieler Robin Lepore & Andrew Thomas Julie Thompson Emil & Eleanor Tietje Mr. Francis J. Tietje James H. Tietje & Sharon Willner
  • 18. 16 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION John & Nancy Todd David & Lynne Toth Peter & Ann Tower Mr. & Mrs. Charles Trippe Mr. & Mrs. Todd Trojano Mr. William Tulloch Mr. Lester Turchin Mr. Michael Turnage Peter & Libby Turowski David C. & Nancy P. Twichell Joe & Annie Twichell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ullian Stephen C. Ullian Alex & Marilyn Urquhart John J. Valois Dr. Benjamin Van Mooy Andy & Debbie van Dam Katrin van Dam Lori van Dam Jacques & Christiane van de Kerckhof Onne van der Wal Ms. Angela Vasconcellos Ms. Arna Vatuk Dr. Sylvia Vatuk Bill & Judy Veno Christopher Verni Eric Vernon Dr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Vineyard Mr. Jeffrey Vogel Mr. Steve Wainio Bradford B. Wakeman & Wendy Darwin Wakeman Ms. Alexis Waldor Jeff & Jeanine Wales Janet & LaVerne Wallace Dr. Richard Warburton Sharon McCarthy & Jim Ware Mr. Rick Warren Rebecca & Ethan Watters Mr. & Mrs. Henley R. Webb Mr. & Mrs. David W. Webster Marc Weglowski Karin & David Weinberg Ms. Mary Jane Welling Mollie Westrick Ms. Natalie Westrick Jay & Melinda Whalen Karen Wheeler Anne & Alec White David & Elizabeth White Judy & Harvey White John & Linda Whitehead Alex Whiteside Judith Whiteside Jessica & Phil Whittaker Bobby & Laurie Wilkey Capt. Donald Williams Dr. Douglas Williams & Ms. Elizabeth East Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Williams S. Jeffress Williams & Rebecca Upton Milt & Sue Williamson Mr. John Willoughby Debra Wilson Toffer Winslow Mr. Gordon G. Wisbach, Jr. Ms. Patricia Wolfe Gundersen John H. Wolff & Helen A. Berger Harvey J. Wolkoff David & Lee Ann Wood Ms. Sarah Wotka Mary & Redwood Wright Mr. & Mrs. John Wylde Mr. & Mrs. William Yaggi Stephanie Yesner & Maura Russell Isabel C. Yoder Richard B. Young Stewart & Mandy Young William & Julie Young Mr. Larry Yu Adrian & Mary Zaccaria Robert & Katy Zappala Sandra & Don Zekan Fred & Jane Zimmerman Ginia & Peter Ziobro Susan Zipoli Anonymous (5) $30-$99 Dr. & Mrs. G.H. Abbot Ms. Mary Adams Sally Adams Dr. Derek Affonce Rachel A. Aicher Sally M. Aldrich Jeanne Alexander Perry Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Allen, III Ms. Judy Allen Ms. Mary Allen Mrs. Lynn Alpert Mr. Ethan Altshuler Mr. Joshua Altshuler Dr. Kara Altshuler Ms. Madison Amaral Kate Anagnostis Ms. Laura Anderson Dick & Dana Anderson Slater Anderson Dr. Richard Andron Michelle Angelides Ms. Cathy Anthony Ms. Katelyn Anthony Kathleen Anthony Ms. Nancy Anthony & Mr. Stephen Kleinowskis Paul & Louise Anthony Suzanne Apellaniz Mr. Allan Apjohn Charley Appleton Ms. Mahin Arastu Dr. Matt Armentrout Dr. Derrick Arnelle David Arruda Kate Ascione Martha M. Asendorf Hope Atkinson Dr. Karl Audenaerde & Ms. Greta Gabriels Kristine Audette Rosalind & Rolf Augustin, Jr. Freni Aungst Melisa Avila Thomas & Janet Azarovitz Katheryn L. Babbitt Bev Baccelli & Liz DiCarlo Pearl Bacdayan Glenn Bachman DoDi & Bruce Backe Sally B. Baer Dave & Linda Bahnson Mr. Donald Bailey Mark Bailey Wilma & Bill Bailey Carole & Peter Baker Jeanne & Perry Ball Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ballentine Connie Balodimos Howard & Margarit Baptista Witt, Maria, Suze & Sam Barlow Kenneth Barron Sam Barrows Mr. Brian Barry Mark Barry & Joan Hartnett-Barry Ms. Bethany Bartlett Bennit Bates Mr. & Mrs. David Bates John Battey JoMarie Battle Mrs. Diane Baumeister Susannah Baxley Michael Bean Mr. Tom Beatini Ms. Dora Beatty Maureen & Robert Beaudoin Philip & Kate Beauregard Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Beckman Bryan Becotte Mr. Alan Bedard Ms. Mary Bek Frederick & Barbara Belanger Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Bell Mr. Patrick Bell Stewart & Jill Bell Mary Benjamin Gordon & Kate Weber Elias Benson Frances H. Benton Gunnar V. & Martha A. Berg Melinda & Bill Berg Joel & Barbara Berler David & Damaris Berner Timothy Bertrand Diane A. Berube Bill Besse James & Susan Besse Russell & Claire Bessette Rabbi Victor Bevliqua Chuck & Jan Bichsel Lawrence & Wendy Bidstrup Paula A. Billard Kathleen Billings & Hal Oringer Stephen & Barbara Billings Jeanne Bird Bobby Bishop Ms. Daniela F. Bitner Linda M. Black-Jones Hugh Blair-Smith Jared Blatt Ms. Faye Blazar P. Blazar Cornelius Bliss Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bloom Phyllis Bluhm Bocconcelli-Sayigh Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Bock Mrs. Evelyn Bogue Paul & Caroline Bolick John & Nancy Bonell Mr. John Bonow Thomas & Karen Booth Lee Bordas Weldon Bosworth Michael & Cheryl Botte Timothy Bourgeois Mary Bowker James Boydston Ms. Sue Braaten Joanne Bracken Mr. Scott Bradbury Tye & Christine Brady Edward C. Brainard, II Mr. & Mrs. William Braucher Andrea Bray Mr. Gregory Bray Ann Brayton Mr. Richard Breed Earland Briggs Warren Briggs Mr. Dennis Brightman Mr. Stephen Brockman Lynne E. Brolly Ms. Sandra Brooks James & Betty Broome Cathryn F. Brower Charles & Carol Brown Thomas & Catherine Browne John & Sally Browning Matthew Bruce Erin J. Bryant Ms. Susan Buchanan Donald J. Buckley Thomas & Sally Buffinton Jean E. Bullard Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bullard Mr. & Mrs. David B. B. Bullock Ms. Martha Buma Matthew Bumpus Rachael Burger Brenda J. Burke Paul M. Burke Capt. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bushy B A & W Bussink William S. Butcher Shirley Butterworth George & Yara Cadwalader Joyce A. Cady Ms. Holly Cafer S. B. Caine Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Cairns Ed & Gerrie Callahan Ms. Jane E. Callahan Richard & Lorinda Callahan Brian Calusine Marcia Calusine Mr. William Calusine John & Sylvia Camacho Mr. Jason Cambra Frank D. Camera Ms. M Laurie Cammisa Mrs. Crystal C. Campbell David R. Campbell, M.D. Anne Cann Ms. Nancy Cannan Kevin Carbin Dagny Card Dr. Zoe Cardon Jennifer Carlino Ms. Mary Carlson Susan Carlson Roger Carr John Carroll John G. Carroll Mrs. Katherine Carson Elizabeth Casey Thomas Cashel Mrs. Christine Casper Mrs. Pauline Cavanaugh Louisa Celebrezze Mr. Peter Cerilli Aurore B. Chace Madeleine Chace David & Michelle Chambers Christopher & Anne Chan Meredith E. Chase & William F. Chase, II Jill Chefalo Mr. Michael Chefalo Russell & Julie Cherry Mr. Peter Chessick Mr. Chris Choquette Mr. & Mrs. John Christian Sheri Christian Ms. Antonie Chute Mr. & Mrs. Marty Cieslik Dede Clark Ms. Gale Clark Karen Clark Patrick Clark Mrs. Tucker M. Clark Beth Clay James Q. Clemmey Sheila Clifford Heather Cochrane Anne M. Coggins Ms. Susan Cohan Ms. Mary L. Cohn Mr. Daniel Cole Tena Coley D. Jarrett Collins Mrs. Mary Comtois Sally Conkright Patrice Connelly
  • 19. 2012 Annual Report | 17 Isabel Benoit Kerri Masapollo David Blais Daniela F. Bitner Carolyn & Chuck Burnham Carol & Jonathan Chace Ricketson & Annie McDowell Ms. Pauline L. Rooney Constance I. Tarvis John Henry Brown Gioia Thomas Browne Mr. Gazaway Lamar Crittenden, Jr. Gertrude S. Crittenden IN MEMORIAM In 2012, the Buzzards Bay Coalition received gifts in loving memory of the following people listed in bold. Jim Brogioli Kevin Brogioli Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farm Marc Weglowski Dwyer Wedding Guests Meghan Dwyer In honor of my family; past, present, and future. Ann Huidekoper & Joanne Swanson Rachel Jakuba’s Birthday Louisa Celebrezze IN HONOR OF Gifts were also made in honor and celebration of the following people and events listed in bold. Nicholas Kepple Rebekah Kepple Richard S. Morse The Kidds Elizabeth & Larry Stanberry Caryl & Jose Gonzalez Rhea Teves-Cate’s Birthday Norman & Eleanor Hendricks Joanna & Loring Weeks Peter J. Zine Melissa Olean Paul Muniz Tyche Hendricks Joe Murphey Mark & Susan McCusker Barbara Ready Neal Ready John H. and Caroline W. Reardon Reardon Brothers Trust Natalie Riffin Paul V. Riffin Judy Taylor Charles & Deborah Klotz Peter & Gretchen Partridge Mrs. Barbara Connolly Peter & Susan Connolly Don & Maggie Cook Mrs. Russell Cookingham Dan Cooney Rev. Janet Cooper Nelson Ms. Judith E. Cooper Mr. Neil Cooper Mr. Phil Cordeiro Mrs. Amanda Cortes Ellie Costa Letitia Costa Mr. Graham Cottrell Sara Cottrell Margot & Tom Cottrell Mike & Gretchen Coughlin Mr. Joseph Coulombe Mr. Alden W. Counsell Carole Courey James & Leslie Cousens Gabriel & Patricia Coutinho Anthony & Maureen Couto Ray & Ruth Covill Julianne & Jonathan Craig Catherine Cramer John Cranford James & Susan Crider Dr. & Mrs. M.G. Criscitiello Taylor Crockford Ms. Lorraine M. Crook Ms. Ellena Crotty Ms. Emilia Crotty Mel Crotty Jack & Trina Crowley Ralph & Joan Crowley Pauline Cummings Denise M. Cuneo Ms. Nicolette R. Cuoco Richard D. Cutler J. Lorraine Cutone Ginny Cutting Walter Czerny, Jr. Emmanuel & Anabela da Costa Mr. John Da Silva Diane Dalmeida Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Daly Mrs. June C. Damery Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Damon, Jr. Terry & Barbara Dane Carol R. Darcy Dan DaRosa, Jr. John Darwin Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Daskalakis Julian & Dorothy Davies Joel & Ruth Davis Steve Davis Judith Davison Ms. Margaret A. Dawe John, Sarah, Liza, & Anna Dawley Mr. Ricardo de Aguiar Mr. Steve De Sousa Robert H. De Vries & Barbara E. Porter Doug Decker Robert Demanche Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Demeo Gail Denzer Ms. Mary Dermody Douglas & Jacqueline Desjardins & Family Mr. Dale Desmarais David & Patricia DeSouza Stephen R. Desroches Werner Deuser Diane M. Di Stolfo Carl Dierker Paula & Seymour DiMare Thomas & Jen Dimmick Helen Dixon Nancy Doane Mr. Kenneth Doherty & Ms. Betsey Doherty Mr. & Mrs. William J. Doherty Elizabeth Grant Donley Alice Donovan Daniel Donovan Julie Doohan Paul & Ruth Doran Vivian I. & Richard W. Douglass John & Zelinda Douhan Ms. Christine Doyle Thelma Drake Mary Driscoll Carolyn Droser Ms. Diane Droste Rodney & Carol Du Bois Ted du Moulin Mrs. Heidi Dubreuil Ed Ducary Mary Jane Ducharme Donna Dunbar Benjamin S. Dunham & Wendy H. Rolfe-Dunham The Dunn Family Miss Anne T. Dunning George DuPaul & Judith Brown-DuPaul Ms. Jeanne L. Dupre Renee P. Dupuis Ms. Nancy A. Durfee Hugh N. Dyer, III & Family Timothy H. Dyer Prof. & Mrs. Winthrop Dyer Aucoot Earles Melinda Eaton Anatol & Carolyn Eberhard Joan Eccleston John & Ruth Elander Diane Elander-Keys & Ronald Keys Mr. & Mrs. John Elder Mr. Bruce H. Elgin Edward Elliott Padraic & Ann Elliott Laurie Ellis Mrs. David Emerson Ms. Lauran Emerson Rob & Pat Engel Elizabeth Engle Terry Enos Carla Entwistle Miss Margaret Estabrook Jonathan Ettinger Robert D. Eustis David & Nan Evans John & Pamela S. Evans Ms. Christine Fain Miss Shannon Fain Mrs. Sarah Fantasia Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fardy Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Fardy, Jr. The Farinon Family Elizabeth Farnham Jane & Bill Farran Kevin Farrell Mr. Mark Farrell Marie-Ann Farstad Stephen & Judy Fasciana Bonnie Fauteux Temple Fawcett Gayle Fehlmann Mr. Anthony Feiter Gerald & Judith Feldman Ann Fensterstock Matthias Ferber Emily L. Ferguson Ms. Genevieve Fernandez Michael Fernandez Jesse Ferreira & Bridget Alexander Mr. James W. Field Mr. & Mrs. David Filipek Mr. & Ms. Craig Filkins Jessamyn Finneran Mr. Jay Fisher Mr. Robert Fisher Mrs. Dolores Fitzgerald Karen M. Flannery & Sean Flannery Carol Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. William Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Flynn Mr. Patrick Flynn George Fokos Leanne Folan Ms. Pamela A. Folan Ms. Jody Foley Carolyn Fontes Chris & Holly Ford Miss Emily Ford Dr. Kathryn Ford Miss Kristin Foringer Stuart & Deborah Forman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Foster Mr. Alex Fowler Ann C. Fox & Leo Brautigam Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Fox Greta & Tim Fox Ms. Eva Frank Ms. Abigail Franklin Dr. Curtis Freese Ms. Kathy Frey Mr. Oliver Fross David & Patricia Frothingham Suzi Funnell Dr. John Furno Mike & Bridget Gabriel Debbie & Steve Gabriel Mr. Gregory Gadren Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Gagnon Arthur G. Gaines
  • 20. 18 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Ms. Anne Galbraith Ms. Denine Gale Ms. Christine Gallant John & Christine Gallant Mark Gallini Jay Gallup Jim R. Gammans Robert M. Gaouette David Garboczi Joshua Gardner Ms. Allison Garfield Dianna Garfield Jay & Brooke Garfield Kassia Garfield Louise Garfield Lucy Garfield Rebecca Garfield Sam Garfield Tom & Debbie Garfield William Garfield David Gaudreau Virginia Gay Julie Gaye Lucille T. Gelinas Arthur & Joan Gerard Paul & Laurene Gerrior Mr. Conrad Geyser Mr. Samuel Giancola Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Giangrasso Mr. Jeffrey Giddings Carolee Matsumoto & David Gilbertson Mr. Manjit Gill Mr. Michael Gilman Emily Girard Alicia Glavin Mr. Joe Glavin & Mrs. Krys Glavin Mr. Dudley Goar Ms. Tania Godbout Alison Godburn Mike Goettig Arthur Gold Mr. Lee Goldman & Mrs. JoAnne Goldman Michael Goldring The Golen Family Ms. Sandra Gomes Jeffrey Gonsalves Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop Goodwin Mr. Michael E. Gorra & Ms. Brigitte Buettner Thomas Gotterup Noe & Janet Gouveia Jennifer Gow Ms. Virginia Gow Robert & Barbara Gracia Mr. Brian Grady Shelley B. Granger William F. Grant & Kat Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gray, III Elaine Cook Graybill Anna Greco Thomas Greene Peter & Tracy Greenwood Thomas & Virginia Gregg James Griglun Jessie J. Guest Jonpaul Guinn Brother Chriss Günther Mrs. Marsha Gushue Mr. Dan T. Haas Heather Haas Rebecca A. Hajjar Donald B. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hall Jason Hall Jonathon Hall Bill & Susanne Hallstein Lisa Halvorson Mr. Fran Hamel Mr. & Mrs. James Hamilton Hilary Hamlin Teresa Hamm Christopher Hammond David Hancock & Bernardo Medina Ms. Rose Hanig Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Hanks Mr. Brian Hanley Ms. Lori Hannan Mr. Paul G. Hannan Janeen S. & Steven W. Hansen Joseph & Helen Harrington Linton Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Harrington Rabbi Barry & Shoshana Hartman John & Maria Hartwell Ms. Pamela D. Harvey Timothy Harwood David Hathaway Joshua B. Hathaway John & Jessica Hauser A. Lee Hayes Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hayward Candace Lee Heald Deirdre Healy & Patrick McLoughlin Bennet Heart Mr. Stephen Hebert Mr. Troy Hebert Ann & Jerry Heller Bette & Bob Helm April Henderson Mr. Tom Henderson Norman & Eleanor Hendricks Tyche Hendricks Anne Herbst Ralph E. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Herlihy Suzanne & Fred Herriman, Jr. Susan & Andrew Hess Dr. Brian Heyman Mark Heyman Rabbi Michael Heyman Judy Higbea Barbara J. Hill Sheldon & Elizabeth Hill Mr. Emerson Hiller, Jr. John & Peggy Hilsabeck Erin Hinchey Susan Hirshlag Heather Hobler-Keene Robert Hochschild Mary Hocken Jeffrey Hodge Jane & Jim Hoffman Arthur & Susan Holcombe Debra Holden Admiral Ralph Holloway Cathleen & Tucker Hood John A. & Sally T. Hopkins Kristina Hopkins Michael Hopper Constance Horgan & Peter Quandt Dan Horne James Hotelling Gerard Hovagimian L. Damon Howard III Jane Howland Don & Rosemary Hudson Georgette Huff Peter & Mimi Huidekoper Al & Joanne Humphrey Bob & Pam Humphrey Mr. Andrew Hunter Jane Hurter Joan L. Hutchings Ms. Russell Hyllested Josef Idoine & Wendy Bone Mrs. Ruthanne Igoe & Mr. John Igoe Gregory Galvin & Michael Immel Mr. Alden Irons Stephen Irons Ms. Nicole M. Jackman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobsen Merry James James & Shari Jankowski Oliver J. Janney Priscilla Janney-Pace Thomas & Barbara Jansen Mr. Laurence W. Jaquith Gary Jaroslow & Nancy Parmentier Ann Jenkins Mr. & Mrs. George Jenkins George A. Jennings Andrew Jensen Mr. Eric H. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Jensen Samantha Jensen Don & Dee Jepson Eleanor B. Johansen Barbara & Bill Johnson Bill & Frances Johnson Carolyn Johnson Caryl Johnson Gordon & Lois Johnson Greg & Nancy Johnson Kathy Johnson Mrs. Tara Johnson Barbara Woll Jones Cliff & Betty Jones E. Owen Jones Judi Jones Mr. Nicholas Jupin & Mrs. Lee-Ann Jupin Mark & Teresa Kaeterle & Family Ms. Ellen M. Kahler Paula A. Kandarian Ms. Lore E. Kantrowitz & Mr. Charles P. Ashdown Dean Kaplan Steven Karpicz Jay & Laurie Kassabian Dr. & Mrs. Alan J. Katz Arthur Katz Mr. & Mrs. James F. Kavanaugh, Jr. Woody & Janie Kay Mr. Harry Kearins Mr. James Kearns Joseph Kearns Michael B. Keating Janice & Paul Kechijian, MD Maggie E. Keefe Jonathan Keenan Vicky Keiser Barbara & Tom Keith Timothy & Kelly Kelleher Mark Kelley Mr. Michael Kelley Joseph & Susan Kelliher Emily & Josef Kellndorfer Jerry & Beth Kelly James & Julianne Kelly Mrs. Karen Kelly Thomas & Anne Kelly Judith L. Kennedy Claire V. Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kenney Mary & Arthur Kentros Joe & Ellen Keogh Barbara L. Keough Rebekah Kepple Dr. Paul A. Ketchum Judy & Kevin Keymont Paul Kibbe Miss Aileen Kim John & Joan Kimball Mr. & Mrs. Andrew King Beverly & David King Mr. John King Dick & Reta King Ms. Robin King Trudy Kingery Edward Kingsbury Ms. Bonnie Kirchner Katie & Steve Kirk E Kirkpatrick Mr. Benjamin L. Kishbaugh David Kleinschmidt & Katherine L. Olney Mr. & Mrs. Bourne Knowles Mr. & Mrs. John P. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Knowles, Jr. Lesley Knowles William & Nancy Knowles Stephen Knox Kathy Knutsen Kitsa & Catherine Kondylis Mary Ann Kopydlowski Andy Kotsatos Mr. Erik Kowalski Michael & Kim Krawshuk Shriram Krishnamurthi Stephen Kubel Steven & Louise Kusleika Pe Kutcher Jim & Nancy Lacerda Mr. Dave Lafreniere Mr. Henry Lague & Ms. Alice Lague Mark & Susan Lally Phoebe Lam Paul & Susan Lambert David Lambertson Emily & Larry Langford Lisa Larkin Bruce & Tina Larson Mr. & Mrs. G. Lauderdale Vance & Diane Lauderdale William & Susan Laurence Ms. Lisa Lavina Robert Lawrence & Alicia Crabbe Paula Lazaroff Lucille Aptekar & Gerald C. Leader Ms. Patricia Leary Henry & Carol Leeds Dawna Leger Phillips Esther Leidolf Mr. Douglas Leith & Mrs. Carol Leith Michael & Sarah Lemelin Dr. & Mrs. John F. Lentini Holly Leon Cynthia Letourneau Amy Levasseur Mr. Marc Levesque Dr. & Mrs. Clinton Levin Admiral Edward Levine Mr. Ned Levine Ms. Eleanor J. Levy Gerald & Maureen Lewis Thomas L. Ligor Edward & Nancy Lindholm Mr. Bobby Lippelman Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Lipsitt Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Lipsitt Stanley & Martha Livingston Douglas Livolsi Dirk Lockwood William & Linda Lockwood Mr. Michael Lokitis Cynthia & Thomas Longstaff Ms. Carolyn Longworth Curtis L. Lopes Mr. Mario A. Lopes Torben Lorenzen & April Merriam Robert & Mary Lorenzo Jeanne & David Lothrop
  • 21. 2012 Annual Report | 19 Melissa Lovequist Mr. & Mrs. Willis E. Lowery Ms. Louise M. Luckenbill Mrs. Linda Luey Karen Lundgren Chad Lynch Dick & Brenda Macedo Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. MacGregor Mrs. Nicole MacLennan John MacMillan Ann MacNeille Carlton & Alice Macomber James Madden Ms. Lori Maguire Peter Makrauer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Malachuk, Jr. Thomas Malcolm Robert H. Malm Roger & Gayle Mandle Allen & Nancy Manley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mann Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mannetta, Sr. Robert & Theresa Manning Nancy H. Marcoux Anthony & Judy Mark Ms. Shirley Mark & Mr. Fred Dow Mr. & Mrs. John Markey Mr. & Mrs. Frances Mautner Markhof Mr. Jay Marlin Mrs. Nicole Marshall Anne-Marie Martin Mr. Anthony Martin Brian Martin Mr. Charles Martineau Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Martyna Ms. Kerri Masapollo Edward Mascioli & Barbara Weinberg John R. Masson & Michel J. Jodoin Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Matelski Douglas W. Materne Joe Mawn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Maxey Mr. & Mrs. Alec May Walter May Charles Mayhew Marilyn Mazer Steven Mazza Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. McAllister Ms. Margaret Mcbrien Deb McCarthy Edwina McCarthy Phyllis M. McClain Mr. Alan McClennen, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. McCord Mark & Susan McCusker Kristina McDavid Holly & Joe McDonough Timothy W. McEnerney Mr. & Mrs. Peter McGee Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. McGourthy Mr. Thomas McGovern Mr. Stephen McGowan Julie McGrath Robert McGuire Theresa K. McKee Mr. Donald G. McKinley Mrs. Gretchen McManamin Thomas & Suzanne McManmon Cynthia S. McNaughten Mrs. Sue McNeil & Mr. Theophilus Freitas David & Barbara McPhelim Bryan McSweeny George & Beverly McTurk Douglas & Sue Medeiros James & Diane Medeiros Mr. & Mrs Peter Medeiros Frederico R. Medina, Jr. Mr. Andrew Meissner Judy Meissner Ed Mellinger Jon Mello Michael L.Mello & Joan Thomas-Mello Richard Melloni Nicholas & Janet Memoli Mr. Jonathan Menard Mr. Jonathan W. Menard A. & J. Menashi Ms. Nancy Menzel Kendra Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Michel G Methot Ahou Meydani Mr. Mike Meyer Donald Mikes Soledad Milius Mr. Joshua Miller Lauren Miller Claire Milligan Ms. Elisabeth Milligan Lalapapa Milligan Mr. Stephen Milligan Richard Millington Dr. Cristina Mitchell Mr. Peter Mitchell Frederic & Cindy Mock Ms. Bunny Mogilnicki Mrs. Constance Moll Elizabeth Molodovsky Ms. Deborah Monosson Marian Moore & Susan O’Connor Patricia S. Moore Mr. Philip Moore Councilor Linda Morad Dane & Alice Morgan Anne Morgan Miss Kristen Morgan Miss Mia Morgan Mr. & Mrs. David D. Morrall Julie Morse Richard Morse Ms. Sophia Morse Donna Mortimer Kathie & Day Mount Ms. Stephanie Moura Joan Hall & Jeffrey Mullin Michael & Elizabeth Mulroy Craig Munger Kathleen Murphy Mary Murphy R & K Murphy Ryan Murphy Stephanie Murphy Betts Howes Murray & F. Wisner Murray Lois Ann Murray Ms. Maureen Murray Donald Myers Johannes & Ria Nagtegaal Jack Nassau Grant Nelson David & Patricia Neumann Mr. Daniel R. Newman J. Nicholas Newman Nancy Newman Oliver Newman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Newstein Mr. John M. Nicholas & Ms. Nicole A. Armstrong Peter & Diana Nicholson Mr. Carmelo Nicolosi Mrs. Emily Nisenbaum Melissa Nolte Mrs. Kimberly Noonan Mrs. Tinie Noordzij Ms. Margaret Norman A. Northshield Mr. Russell Norton John Nunnelly Ghislaine Nygren Mary M. Nyman Marjorie & Frank O’Brien Stuart O’Brien Sylvia O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. O’Connor Katie O’Donnell Catherine Offinger Carol O’Hare Mrs. Melissa Olean Thomas Olival Rob Oliveira Richard & Mary Olmsted Ms. Nancy Olson Mr. Richard Olszewski Ms. Molly Olver Richard Olver Donald O’Malley Mr. Mark A. O’Neil & Laura O’Neil Prof. Joseph O’Rourke Paul & Kate Ouellette Mrs. Maria Pacheco Michael Papetti Greg Parkinson Paul Parkosewich Ann Parks Mr. & Mrs. James Partan Ms. Joan S. Partridge Pasco-Anderson Family Ms. Theresa A. Pasley Mrs. Tracy Paterson Lucy W. Bartlett & Tod Patterson Bob & Martha Payne Shirley Pearson Charles Peck Nancy Peckham Douglas & Marianne Peebles Susan Pellerin David & Joan Pepin Rosemary Pereira & David Gibbs Elizabeth F. Perkins Ms. Maureen Perkins John & April Perkoski Laura & Frank Perrine Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perry Ms. Sarah Person Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Peters Stephen & Janet Peters Ms. Marlena Pettit Russ & Elise Phillips Natalie C. Phillips Joseph Pickett & Jane Dickson Joan W. Pierce Carolyn C. Pimental Shel Pitney Mr. Andrew Pittman Mr. Baird Pittman Mr. & Mrs. George L. Place Richard A. Pline Ronald S. Plourde Mr. Andrew Pollock & Mr. Jeffrey Schmalz Jeff Pontiff Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Pope Popik Family Ms. Rosemary Porte Dr. Aubrey J. Pothier, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Potter, Jr. William Powell Garnett Powers, Jr. Anne Preisig David Prentiss Mr. & Mrs. William C. Prescott Jr. Michelle Prevost Richard & Carolyn Price Florence D. Prince Stephanie & Robert Prior Amanda Prost John & Mimi Putnam Mrs. Timothy Putnam Ms. Sandra Quintin Mr. David Radochia Mrs. Miriam Ragsdale Ms. Rebecca Rahmlow Dr. Alvan W. Ramler & Mrs. Leslie Ramler The Ramsdell Family Kim A. Randall Carol Rankin Mr. Sonny Rapozo Laurie A. Raymond Mr. & Mrs. John P. Re Ms. Marianne Reardon & Mr. James Reardon Robert & Elizabeth Reardon Mary E. Reed Bill & Martha Reed John P. Reid Joshua Reitsma Daniel Renaud Jill, Cassidy, & Sintra Reves-Sohn Mimir Reynisson Jack & Cynthia Reynolds Mrs. Marie Reynolds Mr. Richard Rheaume Ann-Margaret Richard Mary Jane Richard & Jack Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Richardson Philip & Judith Richardson Thomas & Elizabeth Richardson Frances D. Ricketson Marshall A. Ries, Jr. Marysarah Riggs Dr. Johanna V. Riley & Mr. Jeffrey Riley Mr. & Mrs. Marcel Ringawa Fred & Lois Rioles Ken Robbins Richard & Janice Robbins Ms. Gail Roberts Noel & Ann Roberts Laurie Robertson-Lorant Bob Rocha & Kristen Leotti Penelope P. Rodday Mr. & Mrs. John B. Rogers Mr. Justin R. Rohn Mr. Paul Rondina Mrs. Marissa Rosa Ted & Wendy Rose Theresa Rosen Dr. M.C. Rosenfield Joy & Darryl Rosenthal Jessica Ross Mr. Michael Ross Sarah Ross-Bailly & Devin Bailly Mr. & Mrs. James J. Rourke, Jr. Steve Rowland Anastasia Rudenko Asya Rudenko Don & Susan Rudnick Mr. Steven Ruggieri William & Andrea Rugh Ms. Anne-Marie Runfola & Mr. Ken Kostel Mike & Toby Ryan Mr. R. J. Ryan & Ms. Linda Overing Tanja Ryden & Thomas J. H. Peirce Mike & Sandy Ryer Lawrence E. Sacco Erica & Wes Sahlin
  • 22. 20 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION Richard Sailor & Mary Johnston Mr. Steve Saint-Aubin & Ms. Cynthia Poyant Charles A. Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. Irving C. Salley Maryellen Salop Ksenia Samokhvalova Bob & Barbara Sanderson Charles & Renate Sands John & Anahid Sardelli Louis Sardelli & Liz Holstien Christopher Saunders Mary I. Savignano Kevin Schabow Mr. Schaefer Richard & Loretta Schaefer Grant Schenck & Cathy Ford Ms. Mary-Lou Schenck Ms. Martha Schley Thayer Helen Chin Schlichte Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Schmandt Paul & Tina Schmid Ms. Andrea F. Schoenfeld Ms. Lena Schulze Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Schuyler Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schwab Beth Schwarzman Mr. Tony Sciullo Anne K. Scott Jane Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Scott Ms. Ellen Semonoff Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Seney Mr. Raj Seth Steven Shapin Jane Shapira Marky & Rusty Shapleigh Mr. Daniel Shedd Ms. Aileen Shen Brownie & Pam Sherman Caryl & Jose Gonzalez Richard & Janet Sherwood Patricia Shoyinka Sharon E. Shustack Mr. Marvin Siflinger Brett & Kelly Silva Ted Silva Jack Silva Anne D. Silveira Augustine & Beverly Silveira Bonnie & Louis Silverstein Gary & Therese Simmons The Sinagra Family Ms. Margaret Sine Paul & Elizabeth Sittenfeld Mr. Andre Skjegstad Scott & Peggy Slade Alan & Sandra Slavin Walter Smietana & Wanda Francis Cmdr. Anne Morton Smith Barry & Susan Smith Mr. Jonathan H. Smith Mr. Lowell Smith Martin A. Smith Philip Smith & Lisa Bright Scott Smith Mr. Troy Smith Kathryn Solow Mr. & Mrs. John Sorrentino Mark & Doris Sottnick Kathleen E. Sousa Ms. Tammy Sousa Ellen Sowa Peter B. & Nancy E. Spindler Mr. & Mrs. John Spooner Mrs. Toby Sproch Mrs. Jean St Geais Ms. Anne Marie Stack Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth Stanberry Wallace & Pamela Stark Mrs. Heather Stefanski Antoinette Steinacker Barry Steinberg Richard Sterling Judith & Robert Sterns Katherine Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Stickney Mr. John Stobierski Roger Stokey Ms. Meg Stolt Ms. Susan Stone Penelope Straker Margaret Strickland Mark & Nancy Strickland Mr. Michael Strickman Ms. Beth Strubeck & Mr. W. Douglas Strubeck Mr. & Mrs. F. Bradley Stumcke, Jr. Lewis A. Suber Mr. Benjamin Suddard Matthew Sudduth Geoff Sullivan Kenneth L. Sullivan Scott & Lee Sullivan Mr. Spencer Sullivan Tim Sullivan Angela Sweeten Kimberly Sweney Sarah Sweney Jone H. Swift Ms. Lee Swislow Mr. & Mrs. David Sylvain Mr. Matt Sylvain Mark Sylvester Michael & Deanna Szymczak Mrs. Kathryn Tabor William & Karen Tafuri Dr. Jonathan Talamo Paul A. Tamburello, Jr. Robin Tanner Ms. Constance I. Tarvis Dana Tatlock Dr. & Mrs. Barton Tayer David & Linda Taylor Low Taylor & Lolly Schenck Carol & Scott Taylor Stephen Taylor David & Pauline Teixeira Joseph & Jean Tellier Jennifer Telling Mr. Jeff Terwilliger Rob & Kama Thieler Jennifer & Joseph Thompson Dr. John W. Thompson, Jr. John & Kathy Thompson Dr. Eric J. Thorgerson & Ms. Elizabeth H. Foote Carl & Judy Thornhill William N. Tifft & Ellen Bruzelius Coyt & Susan Tillman Howard & Nancy Tinkham Stacy Tinkham Shari Tishman Mr. Brian W.F. Tobin Ms. Barbara Tonelli Barbara Traban Ms. Leah Trafford Margaret Weymouth Trainer Mrs. Jane Trask Bob Travers Bruce W. Tripp Mr. Carl Tripp Dr. Leslie Trott & Mrs. Elaine Cumiskey Mrs. Walter H. Trumbull Robert & Sally Truslow Kim Tulloch Mark Tung Mr. Robert Turnage Mr. Will Turnage Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Warren Turner Mr. Matthew Tweedie Ms. Mary Tyrrell William J. Underwood, Jr. Ben Upham Ivan & Virginia Valiela Elisa van Dam Jeanne Van Orman Mr. J. Lee Varvaro Ms. Teresa Vasconcellos Mrs. Laura Vaughn Mr. William F. Vendt Dawn C. Ventura Mr. & Mrs. George Vezina George R. Vigeant Ms. Shona Vitelli Mrs. Judith Vollaro Arthur & Joanne Voorhis Christopher Wadsworth Mr. & Mrs. Martin Waine Wayne Walega Capt. Clinton Walker Mrs. Jeanne Campbell Walker Robert J. Walsh & Carol Goodman Edgar & Andrea Walters Tom Walters Mr. Daniel E. Waltz Darlene K. Warner Joanne Warren William D. Watling, Jr. Mr. Michael Waugh Mrs. Amy Way Janice Weber & John Newton Mr. J.C. Weber Joanna & Loring Weeks Mrs. Jane Weigel Ellen Weiss Thomas Weiss Roger & Elise Wellington Robert H. & Marilyn Werner Jonathan & Katharine West Mr. & Mrs. Michael Weymouth Jean L. Whalen Andrea Wheatley Earlene Wheeler Mr. James Wheeler Christopher White & Jennifer Greenman Mr. Jeff White Joshua White Beth Whitney & Keith Kane Anne & Jeremy Whitney Wilbur Family Jodi Wilkins Hilary Wilkinson Carolyn Willard Maryl Willcox Alice Hunt Williams Meg Williams Richie & Mary Ellen Williams Tony Williams Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Jack Willis Ms. Lynne Willis Ralph Willmer Helen & Albert Wilson Joan Wilson Ms. Kirsten Wilson Michael Wilson Ms. Suzanne Wilson Julie Winters Ms. Kathryn Wisniewski & Mr. Paul Wisniewski Rabbi Bruce Witt Margot & David Wizansky Lady Karis Wold Mr. Nelson Wong Mr. Kinder Woodcock Diane Woods Nancy Woods Jim & Shirley Woodward Nancy Woodworth Kelly Wright John & Lois Wurts Juliet D. Xifaras Dr. John Yee On May 22, 2012, the Buzzards Bay Coalition hosted its first ever Golf Outing in partnership with the Bay Club at Mattaposiett, raising over $36,000 to fund clean water projects that reduce nitrogen pollution in New Bedford Harbor. Sixty-eight golfers enjoyed 18 holes on this picturesque, ‘International Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program’ certified course followed by a cocktail party reception and auction at the Bay Club’s Golf House Restaurant. The fundraiser included a live auction led by guest auctioneer, and former New Bedford Mayor, John Bullard. Citizens Bank served as a lead sponsor for the event. 20 | BUZZARDS BAY COALITION
  • 23. 2012 Annual Report | 21 CORPORATIONS Leader $5,000 and above Decas Cranberry Products, Inc. Edson International Foley Hoag LLP Goodwin Procter, LLP Keeper Springs Reynolds DeWalt Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C. Partner $2,500-$4,999 Citizens Bank of Massachusetts Kingman Yacht Center Richard Renner Architects Robert S. Dorfman Company, Inc. Sylvia & Company Insurance Agency, Inc. Waterkeeper Alliance - Toyota/KEEN WilmerHale Patron $1,000-$2,499 Acushnet Company Blue Wolf Communications, Inc. Cornell Dubilier Electronics Fiber Optic Center, Inc. Joseph Barry Co., LLC Northeast Marine Pilots, Inc. Nye Synthetic Lubricants Stonehouse Inc. Supporter $500-$999 Beaumont Solar Co. Brennan & Fournier Burr Brothers Boats, Inc. Cuttyhunk Shellfish Farms, Inc. Hawthorn Medical Associates Horsley Witten Group, Inc. Southern Mass Credit Union The Great American Rain Barrel Co. The Wood Lumber Co. Tim Johnson Architect, LLC Triad Boat Works Associate $250-$499 B&D Construction Co., Inc Ballentine’s Boat Shop Capeway Veterinary Hospital of Fairhaven, Inc. Cataumet Boats, Inc. Cooper Insurance Agency, Inc. Lars V. Olson Fine Homebuilding, Inc. Longo Dental Associates LRW Holdings, LLC Lyons Plumbing & Heating Inc. Mann Farms, Inc. Maritime Boat Transport Massachusetts Marine Trades Association McGowan Marine Moby Dick Marina, Inc. NCAComp NET Global Newman Associates, Inc. Ocean Options Oomph, Inc. Pacific Restoration Inc. Paresky Flitt & Company, LLP Parker’s Boat Yard, Inc. Patriot Party Boats, Inc. Piedmont Plastics Plymouth Water Company, Inc. Polymertech Inc. Quissett Harbor Boatyard, Inc. R.P. Valois & Company, Inc. Rogers Gallery & Framery Sconticut Tax Services, Inc. Sea Fuels Marine Services, Inc Sid Wainer & Son Sprague Pest Solutions Standish Oil Co., Inc. Straly Corporation Takeoffs, Inc. The Merlin Group, Inc. Thermax Inc. United Way of Rhode Island Viking Supply Company Wiggin Precast Corporation Woods Hole Boat Sales, Inc. Zo-Air Company, Inc. Organizations Acushnet River Safe Boating Club/USCG Aux 65 Alma Del Mar Charter School Aptucxet Garden Club of Bourne Bourne Conservation Trust Buzzards Bay Rowing Club, Inc. Congregational Church of South Dartmouth Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust Duxbury Cruising Club Falmouth Artists Guild, Inc. Falmouth Garden Club Garden Club of Greater New Bedford Great Blue Hill Power Squadron Knollmere Beach Association Mattapoisett Friends Meeting New Urban Farmers North Falmouth Village Association Quissett Yacht Club, Inc. Rochester Golf Club SEMAP, Inc. Sippewissett Association St. Johns Episcopal Church The 300 Committee, Inc. The Afternoon Club The Lloyd Center for the Environment Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven Wareham Garden Club West Falmouth Village Association West Island Improvement Association Woods Hole Business Association Foundations Arcadia Charitable Trust Baker Root Family Foundation Inc. Betty K. Knowles Revocable Trust The Boston Foundation The William C. Bullitt Foundation, Inc. Cape Cod Five Charitable Foundation Patrick Carney Foundation CHT Foundation Combined Jewish Philanthropies - Stone Teplow Families Community Foundation of Southeastern MA Community Foundation of Southeastern MA - Henry H. Crapo Foundation Fund Community Foundation of Southeastern MA - Women’s Philanthropy Initiative Jessie B. Cox Charitable Lead Trust The Croll Foundation Crossways Charitable Foundation Theodore H. Cutler Family Charitable Trust Elizabeth Taylor Fessenden Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fish Family Foundation Foundation 33:11 The Foundation for an American Vision Frisbie Family Foundation Gidwitz Family Foundation The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment Gregory Foundation Trust The Harbor Oaks Foundation Harwood Family Fund Horizon Foundation, Inc. Roy A. Hunt Foundation George N. Hurd, Jr. Fund Island Foundation, Inc. The Ives Family Charitable Trust JC Kellogg Foundation Kenwood Foundation Little Island Trust LP Charitable Trust The Ludes Family Foundation The Peter Lloyd MacDonald Foundation McCormick Family Fund The Miller Foundation Morningstar Family Foundation The Nichols Foundation, Inc. The Norcross Wildlife Foundation, Inc. Normandie Foundation The Norweb Foundation The O’Herron Family Foundation Oppenheimer and Co. Inc. H.O. Peet Foundation The Pennyghael Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Rathmann Family Foundation Reardon Brothers Trust The Rhode Island Foundation The James O. Robbins Family Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Rochester Area Community Foundation Rose Family Foundation Schwab Charitable Fund Sheehan Family Foundation The Esther Simon Charitable Trust Stearns Charitable Trust Tear of the Clouds, LLC The W. & R. Bernheimer Family Foundation The Waldo Trust Sidney J. Weinberg, Jr. Foundation The Westport Fund Debross Hathaway Marvel, Inc. Imtra Corporation InvoSurg, Inc. Marshall Marine Corporation Mediation Cape Cod New Bedford Thread Company, Inc. NSTAR Electric and Gas Corporation Paquettes Auto Supply Ryan Family Amusements, Inc. Rose Alley Ale House Strategic Planning The Nephew’s Thomas P. Crotty & Associates PLLC Thompson Farland, Inc. Tullius Partners Walko Chiropractic Physicians Member $100-$249 ADM Food Service Companies, Inc. American Pride Seafoods Arctic Cold Storage, Inc. Arne Excavating Blackstone Williams Properties, LLC Bosworth Insurance Agency, Inc. Bristol County Blueprint Co. Bristol Development, LLC BroadBased Communications Bryant Brothers Shellfish C&J Hunt Construction Services LLC Chase Farm Veterinary Hospital Custom Cabinetry Designs Cuttyhunk Water Taxi: Division of Triton Sea Enterprises Inc Environmental Operating Solutions, Inc. Fatty Knees Boat Co. LLC G.A.F. Engineering, Inc. Gaspar’s Sausage Co., Inc. Great Hill Dairy, Inc. Griffith Cranberry Co., Inc. Hallmark Electric Harbor Blue Seafood Integrated Financial Services John & Nicholas, Inc. Joyce D. Lopes Realty Corp. Korde & Associates, P.C. L.A. Window Cleaning, LLC Laplante & Associates, Inc. Vanessa Yip Nancy York Robert & Judith Yorke Mr. & Mrs. Garson Yu Mr. M Richard Yung Deborah Zabel John & Regina Zakotnik Barbara & Anthony Zeimetz Erik & Linda Zettler Ann & Hans Ziegler Peter & Heather Zine Scott Zolkos Cate & Timm Zolkos Rod & Ruth Zwirner Anonymous