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A 5-day WhatsApp training session which aimed at dispensing value on how to grow businesses
on digital platforms, attract targeted audience, grow strong network and influence and finally
to make cool figures while at it.
Today, we will discuss on two things
 Your Brand
 Trust
Let me relate a story.
When I had 300 views as of last year, my friend had more than 4k+ views. At that time, many
of us knew about Racksterli.
Guess what, even with such number of views, I was able to refer 150+ persons and gave him
about 30+ referrals but he couldn't refer more than 18
Who else is saying views matter at first?
Inasmuch as you need views, just know getting views is not what will make you big or achieve
your goals.
So let's talk about branding
But note that after this session, I expect you to come up with an amazing brand name.
And you should know that this journey is not an easy one. You just have to put effort. However,
the amazing reality is that it pays
I will relate short stories of two important personalities in this journey. If this doesn't inspire you,
nothing will.
Her MLM Success story in the Network Marketing business is beyond dreams. Ms. Sarah Robbins
was leading a normal life and was a school teacher. The shaky economy drove her in constant
fear of losing her job. In order to avoid a penniless situation in case she lost her job, she started
selling Rodan and Fields products. Her only intention at that time was to earn a bit of extra cash
to supplement her regular income.
With a bit of hard work, she could soon earn more than her regular income and decided that
she would quit her job as a school teacher and concentrate fully on multi-level marketing. This
decision fetched her six-figure income as a commission on sales. Sarah was so successful that she
is the only consultant to date who was inducted into the Rodan + Fields Hall of Fame before the
age of 20. She is also the first one to get into the Million Dollar Circle. Today, she is one of the
top-selling consultants of the company.
He began his real estate career in 2004 in Florida and was a successful financial consultant and
a real estate executive who lost a lot of his business during the financial and real estate crash
of 2008. He made a lot of money at the time from his real estate business but lost it all in the
crash. In addition to his financial losses, he suffered personal losses as well and got separated
from his wife after losing his house due to debt.
At this juncture, he started dating a woman named Jessica. She was a network marketer herself
and under her persuasion, he joined Numis, a multi-level marketing company.By February 2011,
he managed to earn $46,000 in a single month and had broken the previous earning records
with the company. By June of that year, he had earned more than $52,000, another golden
feather in his cap.
He is now into network marketing consulting and devotes most of his time to offering advice and
tips to help others to succeed in network marketing. His net worth is approximately $15 million
These are top two personalities in this industry
They didn't make those huge amount when they started, it took them rigorous hard work to get
there. Remember this: We were given equal opportunity + Equal chance
Since they did it, we can do same even better. Believe this with all your heart
Your brand is not just your name or recognizable logo but what distinguishes you from the
crowded market. A brand is basically your "Identity".
 What people know you as
 What they know you for
 How you're perceived
How to build your Brand
Before starting up your brand, you should;
1. Research on your target audience and competitors
2. Pick your focus and personality: What do you like doing? Start doing it, not just for
yourself but for your audience.
3. Choose a business/brand name: If you don't have a business/brand name, tell me,
what's stopping you?
The name must be one that surely inspires you. That's what distinguishes you from the
crowded market. How many Muhammad Ali do we have? So many yet we only really
know of one.
So even if the name is not unique, building your brand is another way of bringing your
brand to limelight.
4. If possible, get a logo: We have so many integrated web app and software for
graphics now. Graphics now made easy.
5. Lastly, grow your brand: How do you do that? Pick a niche and target interested
Your target audience is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or
Someone's niche can be selling perfume. Another person can be ‘teaching others how to design
graphics’. So choose a small segment and do perfectly well there.
Do you know someone is making millions just by editing live football matches and posting on FB?
What can you do for free even without being paid?
In every business, you are not alone. You have other people striving to make it too. In fact, that
makes business itself interesting
Inasmuch as It is certain that the more your views, the more you are likely to get more
customers, but you can have much views without anyone trying to buy in your idea/business.
For instance, when you want to start up a Tiktoc media on scientific history, you are supposed
to overlook and ignore other things that are not related to your niche even if they are
trending. Bet me you won't look confused.
You can try to be a king in your Domain (niche)
We are all guilty of this, try to minimize updates even if they are important. This applies to
other social platforms you will be using to promote your business
This is the most important of them all. Why on earth should I sign up with your business
when you barge into my DM without me knowing you? I will even report you or mark you
as spam.
How can you introduce your cold market into your business without converting them to
warm market?
Lest I forget, please don't be desperate to make money so fast from your business. Money
comes with value.
Take note:
I hope we've gotten knowledge on how to undo our mistakes.
Now let's talk about a new way to be best in our Niche:
 Find and solve your customer's pain point: This is very important in selling yourself.
They will always fall back to you when they are having issues, thereby increasing trust.
Trust is different from other form of emotional affections.
How many of you here have seen me? Yet I have been entrusted with millions by many
Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time.
- Arthur Ashe
Make sure you build that trust in your business. You have to be very honest with your
Note: this will favour WhatsApp influencers more than other social platforms but you can still
learn from here.
According to local sources, WhatsApp is the best platform to generate sales daily and faster
I hope we all know the benefits of whatsApp views:
 More money
 Popularity
 Drive sales
 New Discoveries
 Engage interesting persons like you
Today, I will tell you the difference between views and networks and why the saying 'Your
network is your net worth' is 100% true.
There are some of your viewers who always want to engage in business with you. These ones
are called your "NETWORK". They are automatically your loyalist and want to buy into
anything with you.
While there are some others who will never want to engage and they are your "VIEWS".
Although they may always like your posts or even comment on your posts.
The days are gone when a celebrity is given an advert or product to promote with full payment
because of his/her number of followers. Now, most adverts come as earn per sale (affiliate
marketing). So even if you have views you will still want to convert them to customers/clients
Let's talk about ‘How to get more whatsApp Viewers:’
These methods are tested and trusted, as I've used them and they've worked for me. You can
apply some of these methods to other platforms like Facebook and Twitter
1. Manual DM (The best method but stressful and arduous): With this method you can
get 5k to 10k views without spending a dime. It is 100% efficient. In order not to save
people's number who will end up not having interest in your niche, make sure you
target your market
Let's say your niche involves Business ideas/opportunities
It consists:
 giving out business ideas
 Free business plan
 Government loan updates and so on
You can all start giving all these for free and that will be your investment. I had the opportunity
to make money by selling out SSCE materials to students (close to 300+ materials) but I decided
in giving them out for free. I could have sold them for 500-1000 per document but I used that
to increase my network.
For someone whose niche is business opportunities/ideas, in order not to save irrelevant contact,
target your market!! Don't google WhatsApp groups please, 80% are infiltrated with
Go to Facebook or Twitter
Type any keyword like 'Npower whatsapp Group' and you will find more than 100+
WhatsApp group links (the participants are 100% jobs seekers). Join the groups and then can
ask the admin before posting publicly or DM them politely
P.S: This method is not for lazy people
When you're in their inbox, say something like this: 'Hello I'm..., I'm giving out.... for FREE if you
don't mind save my contact and stay tuned for more updates on my status'.
You can also Try other JOB or grant platforms too. With this method you can get 5k to 10k
views in 60 days, No jokes.
Even if 40% of this people get interested in your products or paid services. You should already
be counting six zeros but in naira though.
Know that not everyone will give in to your request, that shouldn't discourage you. Where you
are going should be your motivation
When I was doing this manual DM stuff, so many people even insulted me but after I started
making waves, the same people will message me and ask me to save their contacts.
This method has 80% success rate and is very efficient
Check out: The
VCF file for WhatsApp will soon be available and as well as other social media
platforms- just a matter of hard work and consistency.
Other platforms like also perform similar function like Genix Booster
This method is highly efficient. If you are very good in writing, I mean very very good in
writing, this method is your go to. With this method, 70% of visitors coming in are likely
your network and not just your views.
This is because they are coming in for the JOY of you.
See I'm not bragging but if I should delete all my contacts and even change brand, in 50
days I would hit 6 zeros in naira. Affiliate marketing is top notch. You should know what
you have.
As marketers, “great content” isn't just defined by me or you. It is defined by the people the
content is intended for – prospects, customers & influencers. It is defined by the people we're
trying to attract, engage and influence.
For contents creators, I recommend these two contents gurus to model after:
 Neil patel
 Sabry suby
Guest blogging is best suitable for blog owners. If you have a blog you can drive
visitors from other large forums like Nairaland, Quora and the rest to your website.
This can also work for non-website owners like Facebook promoters and WhatsApp influencers.
You just go to these platforms, answer questions and drop a link to either your website,
WhatsApp or Facebook page. People who engage in those platforms are likely to click on your
link. But to attract such engagement, you have to be very knowledgeable in content writing and
Copy writing.
You can redirect people to your WhatsApp and other social platform by guest blogging.
If you apply all these methods, building large audience would be a cinch.
Tip1: About manual DMs: It is not advised to use WHATSAPP BUSINESS to carry out this
operation. Use a standard account to avoid bans.
Tip 2: Take breaks in between sending your messages or slow down your pace by giving days
Tip 3: Do not drop contents that'll push people to report your account. If they don't respond
back, don't be rude or abusive. Just move over to the next person.
Tip 4: Avoid long texts. Be a bit informal because you're trying to build relationships. Make it
very short so they can read it.
Based on statistics, only 45% out of 100 respond if your introduction is average. If it's great, at
least 60% out of 100 will respond.
How do you convert new persons in your CL to customers who are willing to buy your idea,
services and products?
1. Build trust
Trust is never built in a day. It's a process but you have to build trust, no matter what.
2. Don't be desperate to earn
Money will surely come, but do not be desperate. People love free services. Try to give out
free services. This will build strong connection between you and your audience.
3. Don't promote everything
This kills and destroys trust. Why on earth should you be promoting more than 2 platforms at
a time. You will only look confused.
Don't do this. Stop it if you already are.
4. Don't advertise everything
Inasmuch as you want to make money, you should not advertise every business or post that
may come your way. When you keep promoting other TVs whose mode of services differs
from yours or are likely not sincere, if anything happens you will be held responsible.
I turn down 2 – 3 paid ads daily. Even though I should be making 3 – 4k from each of them,
I don't care because the future is the target.
Last year, a viewer of mine asked me to post for him/her that he/she was in a contest. I was
touched to help (P.S Don't allow emotions control you as an influencer) so the first question I
asked was "The TV you are referring people to, what do they post?".
He replied "just memes and normal services". So I agreed to post and I was paid 4,000
naira, about an hour later, after posting, one of my viewer messaged me that the TV I
posted had just been posting adult contents {pornographic content}. Few minutes later,
another viewer messaged me and the same information kept coming in so I just had to delete
the post.
In essence, don't advertise everything. Make sure you confirm and reconfirm. This will help
build your community and also trust.
Tip 1: Your biggest customers are those people referred by friends. Those are not viewers, they
come automatically as clients.
Tip 2: Try your best to give out services for FREE
Nothing is free. Did you get this training for free (though it was a free training)? But I was paid
to teach here. It may seem as though you are giving out free services, but brother/sister, it's not
free oooo. You are building your business.
Question 1
I noticed many TVs do complain that they can't post stuff on their status at times due to much
messages or due to their viewers not blocking the TVs from seeing their own status. How can
someone be able to stop this from happening?
ANSWER: You cannot stop this. You can only minimise it by asking your viewers to restrict you
from viewing their status.
Question 2
How can someone earn from blogging?
ANSWER: You earn money from your blog same way as a YouTuber would earn
 Google ads
 Ads paid by individuals
Google pays you by posting their ads on your website through what we call "ADSENSE". If a
Nigerian visits your site, the pay will be different from a visitor from USA.
They earn through several means which include:
 Affiliate marketing
 Google Adsense (Google advertise people's business on their website)
 Sponsored post
Question 3
In order to please viewers must someone post nonsense as in adult content? Because that is what
I see so many TV do?
ANSWER: Okay I believe that the number one evidence of a scam TV is one which posts adult
content on a regular (I didn't say all are scammers but 90% are). You don't need that to get
more viewers or attract people. You will only attract sick minds.
Question 4
Boss, I would have loved to get advice on how many people I should message per day in other
not to get blocked by WHATSAPP . I don't want to lose my sim card.
ANSWER: When I started, I used a software called WhatsApp Autobot such that when I join a
group, the software will automatically download all their contacts and will automatically
message them
Boss, you know it's possible for someone to run out of content, so what's your advise in other to
get more contents to post please?
ANSWER: Whenever you run out of idea, you business goes into extinction.
What I will post next month is already in my head. Always search and source for content
I laugh at people who are not yet serious, before this business and method goes extinct, make
sure you build wealth from it. Come 2024, everyone will become an influencer.
Do you know that before if you could switch on and switch off a computer you could make
millions? But now everyone can do this so you won't be paid for doing it.
Even if your skill is ABC, your success via that skill is limited by the number of people who know
same thing. That's why you would need higher skill to make money in the United state than you
would need here in Nigeria. The more everyone gets into a particular occupation, the more it
goes into extinction. Remember how POS was hotcake then but now POS is everywhere.
Be Unique.
Be Intentional.
Use this information and work your way towards hitting that goal.
Your Influencer Guide
Intentionally left blank

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Business mixer 101

  • 2. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING Asking for copyright? There is none! This is a free resource created to help many promote their services and products on many digital platforms, if it lands in your hands, share it. Share it to as many people as you can! Be my father Christmas and spread the love. Spread it via your WhatsApp, E-mail, Facebook, Instagram; to as many people as you can reach! Hey, but don’t sell it. Don’t make money from it because I’ve given it to you for free. Just share it. Forward it. Shout about it. Kudos! Published by Genix Check the antepenultimate, penultimate and last pages for our Anti- scam chronicle, Profile and contact.
  • 3. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING INTRODUCTION A 5-day WhatsApp training session which aimed at dispensing value on how to grow businesses on digital platforms, attract targeted audience, grow strong network and influence and finally to make cool figures while at it.
  • 5. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING DAY 1 INTRODUCTION TO BRANDING SESSION 1: Today, we will discuss on two things  Your Brand  Trust Let me relate a story. When I had 300 views as of last year, my friend had more than 4k+ views. At that time, many of us knew about Racksterli. Guess what, even with such number of views, I was able to refer 150+ persons and gave him about 30+ referrals but he couldn't refer more than 18 Who else is saying views matter at first? Inasmuch as you need views, just know getting views is not what will make you big or achieve your goals. So let's talk about branding But note that after this session, I expect you to come up with an amazing brand name. And you should know that this journey is not an easy one. You just have to put effort. However, the amazing reality is that it pays SESSION 2: I will relate short stories of two important personalities in this journey. If this doesn't inspire you, nothing will. 1. SARAH ROBBINS Her MLM Success story in the Network Marketing business is beyond dreams. Ms. Sarah Robbins was leading a normal life and was a school teacher. The shaky economy drove her in constant fear of losing her job. In order to avoid a penniless situation in case she lost her job, she started selling Rodan and Fields products. Her only intention at that time was to earn a bit of extra cash to supplement her regular income.
  • 6. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING With a bit of hard work, she could soon earn more than her regular income and decided that she would quit her job as a school teacher and concentrate fully on multi-level marketing. This decision fetched her six-figure income as a commission on sales. Sarah was so successful that she is the only consultant to date who was inducted into the Rodan + Fields Hall of Fame before the age of 20. She is also the first one to get into the Million Dollar Circle. Today, she is one of the top-selling consultants of the company. 2. RAY HIGHDON He began his real estate career in 2004 in Florida and was a successful financial consultant and a real estate executive who lost a lot of his business during the financial and real estate crash of 2008. He made a lot of money at the time from his real estate business but lost it all in the crash. In addition to his financial losses, he suffered personal losses as well and got separated from his wife after losing his house due to debt. At this juncture, he started dating a woman named Jessica. She was a network marketer herself and under her persuasion, he joined Numis, a multi-level marketing company.By February 2011, he managed to earn $46,000 in a single month and had broken the previous earning records with the company. By June of that year, he had earned more than $52,000, another golden feather in his cap. He is now into network marketing consulting and devotes most of his time to offering advice and tips to help others to succeed in network marketing. His net worth is approximately $15 million dollars. These are top two personalities in this industry They didn't make those huge amount when they started, it took them rigorous hard work to get there. Remember this: We were given equal opportunity + Equal chance Since they did it, we can do same even better. Believe this with all your heart SESSION 3: BASICS OF BRANDING Your brand is not just your name or recognizable logo but what distinguishes you from the crowded market. A brand is basically your "Identity".  What people know you as
  • 7. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING  What they know you for  How you're perceived How to build your Brand Before starting up your brand, you should; 1. Research on your target audience and competitors 2. Pick your focus and personality: What do you like doing? Start doing it, not just for yourself but for your audience. 3. Choose a business/brand name: If you don't have a business/brand name, tell me, what's stopping you? The name must be one that surely inspires you. That's what distinguishes you from the crowded market. How many Muhammad Ali do we have? So many yet we only really know of one. So even if the name is not unique, building your brand is another way of bringing your brand to limelight. 4. If possible, get a logo: We have so many integrated web app and software for graphics now. Graphics now made easy. 5. Lastly, grow your brand: How do you do that? Pick a niche and target interested audience. Your target audience is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. Someone's niche can be selling perfume. Another person can be ‘teaching others how to design graphics’. So choose a small segment and do perfectly well there. Do you know someone is making millions just by editing live football matches and posting on FB? What can you do for free even without being paid?
  • 8. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING DAY 2 HOW TO OUTPERFORM YOUR COMPETITORS In every business, you are not alone. You have other people striving to make it too. In fact, that makes business itself interesting 1. LOOK FOR CUSTOMERS NOT VIEWS Inasmuch as It is certain that the more your views, the more you are likely to get more customers, but you can have much views without anyone trying to buy in your idea/business. 2. STAY IN YOUR NICHE For instance, when you want to start up a Tiktoc media on scientific history, you are supposed to overlook and ignore other things that are not related to your niche even if they are trending. Bet me you won't look confused. You can try to be a king in your Domain (niche) 3. TOO MUCH STATUS We are all guilty of this, try to minimize updates even if they are important. This applies to other social platforms you will be using to promote your business 4. SELL YOURSELF BEFORE SELLING YOUR BUSINESS This is the most important of them all. Why on earth should I sign up with your business when you barge into my DM without me knowing you? I will even report you or mark you as spam. How can you introduce your cold market into your business without converting them to warm market? Lest I forget, please don't be desperate to make money so fast from your business. Money comes with value. Take note: I hope we've gotten knowledge on how to undo our mistakes. Now let's talk about a new way to be best in our Niche:  Find and solve your customer's pain point: This is very important in selling yourself.
  • 9. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING They will always fall back to you when they are having issues, thereby increasing trust. Trust is different from other form of emotional affections. How many of you here have seen me? Yet I have been entrusted with millions by many Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time. - Arthur Ashe Make sure you build that trust in your business. You have to be very honest with your customers/viewers.
  • 10. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING DAY 3 HOW TO GROW VIEWS ORGANICALLY AND CONVERT THEM TO CUSTOMER AND CLIENTS? Note: this will favour WhatsApp influencers more than other social platforms but you can still learn from here. According to local sources, WhatsApp is the best platform to generate sales daily and faster I hope we all know the benefits of whatsApp views:  More money  Popularity  Drive sales  New Discoveries  Engage interesting persons like you Today, I will tell you the difference between views and networks and why the saying 'Your network is your net worth' is 100% true. There are some of your viewers who always want to engage in business with you. These ones are called your "NETWORK". They are automatically your loyalist and want to buy into anything with you. While there are some others who will never want to engage and they are your "VIEWS". Although they may always like your posts or even comment on your posts. The days are gone when a celebrity is given an advert or product to promote with full payment because of his/her number of followers. Now, most adverts come as earn per sale (affiliate marketing). So even if you have views you will still want to convert them to customers/clients (network) Let's talk about ‘How to get more whatsApp Viewers:’ These methods are tested and trusted, as I've used them and they've worked for me. You can apply some of these methods to other platforms like Facebook and Twitter 1. Manual DM (The best method but stressful and arduous): With this method you can get 5k to 10k views without spending a dime. It is 100% efficient. In order not to save
  • 11. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING people's number who will end up not having interest in your niche, make sure you target your market Let's say your niche involves Business ideas/opportunities It consists:  giving out business ideas  Free business plan  Government loan updates and so on You can all start giving all these for free and that will be your investment. I had the opportunity to make money by selling out SSCE materials to students (close to 300+ materials) but I decided in giving them out for free. I could have sold them for 500-1000 per document but I used that to increase my network. For someone whose niche is business opportunities/ideas, in order not to save irrelevant contact, target your market!! Don't google WhatsApp groups please, 80% are infiltrated with spammers Go to Facebook or Twitter Type any keyword like 'Npower whatsapp Group' and you will find more than 100+ WhatsApp group links (the participants are 100% jobs seekers). Join the groups and then can ask the admin before posting publicly or DM them politely P.S: This method is not for lazy people When you're in their inbox, say something like this: 'Hello I'm..., I'm giving out.... for FREE if you don't mind save my contact and stay tuned for more updates on my status'. You can also Try other JOB or grant platforms too. With this method you can get 5k to 10k views in 60 days, No jokes. Even if 40% of this people get interested in your products or paid services. You should already be counting six zeros but in naira though. Know that not everyone will give in to your request, that shouldn't discourage you. Where you are going should be your motivation When I was doing this manual DM stuff, so many people even insulted me but after I started making waves, the same people will message me and ask me to save their contacts.
  • 12. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING 2. USING GENIX BOOSTER + OTHER APKS LIKE GENIX BOOSTER This method has 80% success rate and is very efficient Check out: The VCF file for WhatsApp will soon be available and as well as other social media platforms- just a matter of hard work and consistency. Other platforms like also perform similar function like Genix Booster 3. THE CONTENT MAGNET METHOD This method is highly efficient. If you are very good in writing, I mean very very good in writing, this method is your go to. With this method, 70% of visitors coming in are likely your network and not just your views. This is because they are coming in for the JOY of you. See I'm not bragging but if I should delete all my contacts and even change brand, in 50 days I would hit 6 zeros in naira. Affiliate marketing is top notch. You should know what you have. As marketers, “great content” isn't just defined by me or you. It is defined by the people the content is intended for – prospects, customers & influencers. It is defined by the people we're trying to attract, engage and influence. For contents creators, I recommend these two contents gurus to model after:  Neil patel  Sabry suby 4. GUEST BLOGGING Guest blogging is best suitable for blog owners. If you have a blog you can drive visitors from other large forums like Nairaland, Quora and the rest to your website. This can also work for non-website owners like Facebook promoters and WhatsApp influencers. You just go to these platforms, answer questions and drop a link to either your website, WhatsApp or Facebook page. People who engage in those platforms are likely to click on your link. But to attract such engagement, you have to be very knowledgeable in content writing and Copy writing.
  • 13. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING You can redirect people to your WhatsApp and other social platform by guest blogging. If you apply all these methods, building large audience would be a cinch. ADDED TIPS Tip1: About manual DMs: It is not advised to use WHATSAPP BUSINESS to carry out this operation. Use a standard account to avoid bans. Tip 2: Take breaks in between sending your messages or slow down your pace by giving days interval Tip 3: Do not drop contents that'll push people to report your account. If they don't respond back, don't be rude or abusive. Just move over to the next person. Tip 4: Avoid long texts. Be a bit informal because you're trying to build relationships. Make it very short so they can read it. Based on statistics, only 45% out of 100 respond if your introduction is average. If it's great, at least 60% out of 100 will respond.
  • 14. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING DAY 4 HOW TO EARN [CONVERT YOUR VIEWERS TO CUSTOMERS] How do you convert new persons in your CL to customers who are willing to buy your idea, services and products? 1. Build trust Trust is never built in a day. It's a process but you have to build trust, no matter what. 2. Don't be desperate to earn Money will surely come, but do not be desperate. People love free services. Try to give out free services. This will build strong connection between you and your audience. 3. Don't promote everything This kills and destroys trust. Why on earth should you be promoting more than 2 platforms at a time. You will only look confused. Don't do this. Stop it if you already are. 4. Don't advertise everything Inasmuch as you want to make money, you should not advertise every business or post that may come your way. When you keep promoting other TVs whose mode of services differs from yours or are likely not sincere, if anything happens you will be held responsible. I turn down 2 – 3 paid ads daily. Even though I should be making 3 – 4k from each of them, I don't care because the future is the target. Last year, a viewer of mine asked me to post for him/her that he/she was in a contest. I was touched to help (P.S Don't allow emotions control you as an influencer) so the first question I asked was "The TV you are referring people to, what do they post?". He replied "just memes and normal services". So I agreed to post and I was paid 4,000 naira, about an hour later, after posting, one of my viewer messaged me that the TV I posted had just been posting adult contents {pornographic content}. Few minutes later, another viewer messaged me and the same information kept coming in so I just had to delete the post. In essence, don't advertise everything. Make sure you confirm and reconfirm. This will help build your community and also trust.
  • 15. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING ADDED TIPS Tip 1: Your biggest customers are those people referred by friends. Those are not viewers, they come automatically as clients. Tip 2: Try your best to give out services for FREE Nothing is free. Did you get this training for free (though it was a free training)? But I was paid to teach here. It may seem as though you are giving out free services, but brother/sister, it's not free oooo. You are building your business.
  • 16. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING DAY 5 QUESTION AND ANSWER REVIEW SESSION. Question 1 I noticed many TVs do complain that they can't post stuff on their status at times due to much messages or due to their viewers not blocking the TVs from seeing their own status. How can someone be able to stop this from happening? ANSWER: You cannot stop this. You can only minimise it by asking your viewers to restrict you from viewing their status. Question 2 How can someone earn from blogging? ANSWER: You earn money from your blog same way as a YouTuber would earn  Google ads  Ads paid by individuals Google pays you by posting their ads on your website through what we call "ADSENSE". If a Nigerian visits your site, the pay will be different from a visitor from USA. They earn through several means which include:  Affiliate marketing  Google Adsense (Google advertise people's business on their website)  Sponsored post Question 3 In order to please viewers must someone post nonsense as in adult content? Because that is what I see so many TV do?
  • 17. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING ANSWER: Okay I believe that the number one evidence of a scam TV is one which posts adult content on a regular (I didn't say all are scammers but 90% are). You don't need that to get more viewers or attract people. You will only attract sick minds. Question 4 Boss, I would have loved to get advice on how many people I should message per day in other not to get blocked by WHATSAPP . I don't want to lose my sim card. ANSWER: When I started, I used a software called WhatsApp Autobot such that when I join a group, the software will automatically download all their contacts and will automatically message them QUESTION 5 Boss, you know it's possible for someone to run out of content, so what's your advise in other to get more contents to post please? ANSWER: Whenever you run out of idea, you business goes into extinction. What I will post next month is already in my head. Always search and source for content
  • 18. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING CONCLUSION I laugh at people who are not yet serious, before this business and method goes extinct, make sure you build wealth from it. Come 2024, everyone will become an influencer. Do you know that before if you could switch on and switch off a computer you could make millions? But now everyone can do this so you won't be paid for doing it. Even if your skill is ABC, your success via that skill is limited by the number of people who know same thing. That's why you would need higher skill to make money in the United state than you would need here in Nigeria. The more everyone gets into a particular occupation, the more it goes into extinction. Remember how POS was hotcake then but now POS is everywhere. Be Unique. Be Intentional. Use this information and work your way towards hitting that goal. Your Influencer Guide Genix
  • 22. BUSINESS MIXER – A 5-DAY FREE TRAINING Intentionally left blank