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BUSI 303: International Business Faith and Integration
Forum Questions
Faith and Integration Forum 2 – Questions
Question 1
1. Matthew 22:36-40 states, “Teacher, which is the greatest
commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the
second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law
and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” What
would be the implications for nations to follow the above, when
considering tariffs, quotas, and embargoes? Write a short essay
for each consideration.
Question 2
2. Psalm 24:1 states: “A Psalm of David. The earth is the
LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in
it”. 1 Corinthians 10:26 states: “… for, “The earth is the
Lord’s, and everything in it.” Job 41:11 states: “Who has a
claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven
belongs to me.” Consider the above scriptures and write a short
essay on the biblical worldview response to ownership,
operation, and transfer risk. Give equal response to each type of
Question 3
3. Ecclesiastes 11:11 states: “Cast your bread on the surface of
the waters, for you will find it after many days.” As mentioned
in the text, Solomon was deeply involved in cross-border
commerce. Consider the trade of grain. When the Israelites
would trade their grain with other nations, they were essentially
“casting [their] bread upon the water.” But notice that with
Solomon, the word is plural: “cast your bread on the waters.”
3a. Write a short essay explaining the implications from a
business perspective regarding diversification of money, assets,
and investments of “casting you bread upon the waters”?
3b. Write a short essay on the biblical worldview response to
dealing with business risk within the context of cross-border
commerce. What are some proper ways to approach business
risk while at the same time being responsible with investments?
How is being responsible with investments different than a
business gamble since both involve the risk of losing?
Question 4
4. Consider the trade theories: Mercantilism, Absolute
advantage, Comparative advantage, Factor proportions theory,
International product life cycle, International Trade Theory, or
New Trade Theory. Select one of them and determine what are
the Biblical Worldview shortcomings of the selected theories
and what if any recommendations would you make to do away
with these shortcomings.
10 Strategic Points
My Degree: Ph.D.
Program Emphasis: Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Ten Strategic Points
Comments or Feedback
Broad Topic Area Final Topic
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Southern
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Fort-Bend
County, Texas
Lit Review
(Theoretical Framework (Theory)
All Citations
A. De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen (2016). The
authors indicate that mental health has emerged as one of the
critical areas of focus in recent times, and for a long time, it
had been sidelined. However, with the realization that most
health conditions are related in one way or another to a mental
disorder, this area is now been studied extensively, and more
attention has been given to patients.
B. Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley
(2016). The authors reviewed and analyzed how the likelihood
of lower hospitalization was associated with the race of African
Americans while increasing age was a key predisposing factor
in increased likelihood of hospitalization in Fort-Bend county.
C. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). The authors
of this research article analyzed the hidden barriers to accessing
care and utilization of mental health for Asian American
Women in the Fort-Bend County of Texas. It showed that 299
women representing 43% of the survey participants have
suffered from symptoms of depression or have had suicidal
attempts. It examined the mismatch between available services
and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to mental
health and contribution of Asian family to the stigma of mental
D. Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi (2016). The
authors of this scholarly research article explored how changes
in social policy in recent years have affected women who have
low income in the Southern Texas area. They used the approach
of difference in difference to estimate associations between
health outcomes and welfare reforms among less affected
women compared to the most affected women.
Theoretical Foundation
Social Development Theory: The theoretical framework for this
research study is comprised of the theory by De Luca
(2016) The authors proposed that most of the chronic conditions
and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. It
compared the variances in the rates of utilization of Mental
Health among the African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics
in Southern Texas.
Literature Review
A. Empathic Approach: Emphasized the issues of underutilized
mental health resources and non-institutionalized adults as
behavioral risk factors in Southern Texas. (Augsberger, Yeung,
Dougher, & Hahm, 2015; Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, &
Kawachi, 2016; De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen,
2016; Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley,
2016). There are certain factors that influence the
underutilization of mental health services among Asian
American women with a history of depression and suicide in
Fort-Bend County. There is also a mismatch between available
services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to
mental health and contribution of families to the stigma of
mental health. It concluded that mental health utilization is
extremely low among all the cultures, especially among women
in the county. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015).
Professional Development:
Job Satisfaction: Mental health has recently emerged as a
critical area of interest as it had been sidelined for years. Due to
this realization, the illness is now been studied extensively, and
more attention has been given to patients. It has been suggested
that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead
to mental disorders in patients. For many reasons, mental health
is now among the priorities of medical practice (De Luca
Problem Statement
It is not known what is affecting the utilization of mental health
in Fort Bend County, Texas.
Research Questions
RQ1- How much higher is the cost for mental health care in the
county compared to the rest of Southern Texas?
RQ2- What is the average expenditure per adult enrollee in the
area for mental health care?
RQ3- Do the facilities offer state-of-the-art treatments using
research and discoveries in the field of mental health?
RQ4- What is the average number of mental health admissions
and lengths of stay at behavioral hospitals?
RQ5- Is there a statistically significant difference in the level of
utilization of mental health among the different cultures?
RQ6- Is there a statistically significant difference in the number
of isolations of behavioral hospitals
Target Population
· Location – Fort-Bend County, Texas. USA
· Target Population:
· Behavioral Hospitals
· Psychiatrists
· Therapists
· School Counselors
Sample: Will comprise of interviews with 10 hospitals, 10
schools and counselors, 10 Psychiatrists, and 10 Therapists in
the county.
Describe Phenomena (qualitative) or Define
Variables/Hypotheses (quantitative)
To understand why the people living in Fort-Bend County are
not effectively utilizing the mental health resources available to
· There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern
· The Fort-Bend County utilizes very low budget allocation on
funding of mental health care
· The utilization of mental health services in Southern Texas is
poor compared to cost.
Methodology & Design
Qualitative Descriptive Study
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive case study is to
understand what is affecting the utilization of mental health in
Fort Bend County, Texas
Data Collection Approach
· Informed & signed consent from participants
· Visits to hospital sites, schools and other mental health
· Interview with Physicians & Therapist recorded on tape
· Sampling Method: Purposeful Sampling
· Sources: Interviews, Surveys & Questionnaires
Data Analysis Approach
· Data will be collected and analyzed for the study.
· Descriptive statistics will be used in summarizing acquired
· Coding will be used to address questions posed.
· A narrative summary will be developed.
In the last five years, Medicare spent on average a whopping
$12,000 per enrollee in Southern Texas, which is nearly double
the national average. This is ironic because Southern Texas and
its environs have been declared to have a low household income
in the country (income per capita is $18,000). In other words,
Medicare spends an equivalent of 33% of what the average
person earns on their healthcare. “Southern Texas costs
Medicare at least $5,000 more per person each year than does
the average city in America,” according to Hamilton (2016), but
the author asserted that this is not always the case. Friedman
cites that in 1992, the average cost per Medicare enrollee in
Southern Texas was $4,990—very similar to the nation’s
Since then, Southern Texas health care costs had grown faster
than in any other market in the United States, exceeding more
than $7,000 per person. Even with this massive investment in
healthcare and the expenditure there are some shocking facts
about healthcare in the region. The utility at Southern Texas is
one-third higher than those at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
with state-of-the-art facilities, high quality care and outcomes
(Blosnich 2016). Yet, the Fort-Bend County of the State is
underutilizing its available mental health resources. The report
showed that the discrepancy was due to marked differences in
the amount of care ordered for patients. When compared with
similar patients countrywide, “patients in Fort-Bend county got
more of pretty much everything including more diagnostic
testing, more hospital treatment, more surgery, and more home
care but the services and resources remained underutilized by
its population.
Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C.
(2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health
services among Asian American women with a history of
depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1),
Basu, S., Rehkopf, D. H., Siddiqi, A., Glymour, M. M., &
Kawachi, I. (2016). Health behaviors, mental health, and health
care utilization among single mothers after welfare reforms in
the 1990s. American journal of epidemiology, 183(6), 531-538.
Blosnich, J. R., Marsiglio, M. C., Gao, S., Gordon, A. J.,
Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., ... & Fine, M. J. (2016). Mental
health of transgender veterans in US states with and without
discrimination and hate crime legal protection. American
journal of public health, 106(3), 534-540.
De Luca, S. M., Blosnich, J. R., Hentschel, E. A., King, E., &
Amen, S. (2016). Mental health care utilization: how race,
ethnicity and veteran status are associated with seeking
help. Community mental health journal, 52(2), 174-179.
Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E.,
Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., ... & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors
associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following
emergency department visits for behavioral health
conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.
Dissertation Prospectus
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Fort-Bend
County, Texas
The Prospectus Overview and Instructions
Prospectus Instructions:
1. Read the entire Prospectus Template to understand the
requirements for writing your prospectus. Each section contains
a narrative overview of what should be included in the section
and a table with required criteria for each section. WRITE TO
THE CRITERIA, as they will be used to assess the prospectus
for overall quality and feasibility of your proposed research
2. As you draft each section, delete the narrative instructions
and insert your work related to that section. Use the criterion
table for each section to ensure that you address the
requirements for that particular section. Do not delete/remove
the criterion table as this is used by you and your committee to
evaluate your prospectus.
3. Prior to submitting your prospectus for review by your chair
or methodologist, use the criteria table for each section to
complete a realistic self-evaluation, inserting what you believe
is your score for each listed criterion into the Learner Self-
Evaluation column. This is an exercise in self-evaluation and
critical reflection, and to ensure that you completed all sections,
addressing all required criteria for that section.
4. The scoring for the criteria ranges from a 0-3 as defined
below. Complete a realistic and thoughtful evaluation of your
work. Your chair and methodologist will also use the criterion
tables to evaluate your work.
5. Your Prospectus should be no longer than 6-10 pages when
the tables are deleted.
Item Not Present
Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are
Required: Not all components are present. Large gaps are
present in the components that leave the reader with significant
questions. All items scored at 1 must be addressed by learner
per reviewer comments.
Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations.Some Revisions May Be
Required Now or in the Future. Component is present and
adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with
questions. Any item scored at 2 must be addressed by the
learner per the reviewer comments.
Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions Required. Component
is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present
that leave the reader with questions. No changes required.
Dissertation Prospectus
The health sector in Texas has been applauded for the good
work in health allocations and expenditure. Fort Bend county
which is located within Texas has also been on the map for
having the best medical services in the country. Despite all the
expenditure and better services offered to the people living in
the county, Mental health sector still faces challenges. Research
has shown that many Asian and African American people living
in Fort Bend has little to no access and utilization of mental
health services within the region (Texas 2017). This has been
attributed to a number of factors which hinder most people from
accessing mental health services. The poor access to this
medical help has led to many people dying and committing
suicide as a result of poor utilization of mental illness health
This paper is aimed at discussing the factors which affect
mental health accessibility in Fort Bend, Texas. The study is
important in understanding the major reasons which limit
utilization of mental health services in the county and
recommending ways through which the issues can be resolved.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair Evaluation Score
Reviewer Score
This section briefly overviews the research focus or problem,
why this study is worth conducting, and how this study will be
The recommended length for this section is two to three
1. Dissertation topic is introduced along with why the study is
2. Provides a summary of results from the prior empirical
research on the topic.
3. Using results, societal needs, recommendations for further
study, or needs identified in three to five research studies
(primarily from the last three years), the learner identifies the
stated need, called a gap.
4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a
logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct
sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct
APA format.
NOTE: This Introduction section elaborates on the Topic from
the 10 Strategic Points. This Introduction section provides the
foundation for the Introduction section in Chapter 1 of the
Reviewer Comments:
Background of the Problem
Previous research works have explored the field of health
accessibility not only in Texas but throughout the country.
When narrowing done to Fort bend in Texas, research has
shown a gap alignment of medical services and needs of the
people living in the county. Children at Risk (2013) deliberates
on various increasing children with mental disorders’ needs in
the society. Most of these develop mental illness from birth.
Though Fort Bend has been applauded for having the best health
services, the area still faces a number of challenges which are a
threat to the child-health. Access to mental health is a gap yet
to be filled in Fort bend (Beatty, Wilson, Ciecior, & Stringer,
2015). This has been fueled by few mental health professionals
in Texas which has led to poor infrastructure in the mental
health sector. The sectors greatly affected are the juvenile
systems and emergency facilities. Many people in the region are
uninsured and also have lower income which makes it had for
them to get mental health services. In addition, poor parenting
was a great contributor of health illness. This calls for further
research into the field to understand more factors which affect
the utilization of mental-health services in the areas not only in
children but all people of Fort bend in Texas.
Goldman Robin & Chester (2018) argues that mental health
accessibility is an issue of concern among the healthcare
industry in Texas. The article carried a research to evaluate the
factors which affect medical accessibility with specification of
Hispanic and black Americans living in Texas. The results of
the research indicated that lack of education in mental health
was a major factor that affected the utilization of Mental health
within the region. This has increased the deaths resulting from
mental cases in the region. 56% of all the population received
mental health treatment. Out of the total percentage women
formed the highest number with those who had been sexually
abused at their young age forming many of the women.
However, due to poor education on mental health programs the
treatment was under-utilized, and target groups were not
sufficiently reached in the community.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Background of the Problem
This section uses the literature to provide the reader with a
definition and statement of the research gap and problem the
study will address. This section further presents a brief
historical perspective of when the problem started and how it
has evolved over time.
The recommended length for this section is two-three
1. Includes a brief discussion demonstrating how literature has
established the gap and a clear statement informing the reader
of the gap.
2. Discusses how the “need” or “defined gap” has evolved
historically into the current problem or opportunity to be
addressed by the proposed study (citing seminal and/or current
3. ALIGNMENT: The problem statement for the dissertation
will be developed from and justified by the “need” or “defined
gap” that is described in this section and supported by the
empirical research literature published within the past 3-5 years.
4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a
logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct
sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct
APA format.
NOTE: This Background of the Problem section uses
information from the Literature Review in the 10 Strategic
Points. This Background of the Problem section becomes the
Background of the Study in Note, this section develops the
foundation for Chapter 1 in the Proposal. It is then expanded to
develop the comprehensive Background to the Problem section
and Identification of the GAP sections in Chapter 2 (Literature
Review) in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual Framework and Review of
the Literature/Themes
Theoretical literature
Mental health services in Texas has faced several challenges.
Texas (2017) asserts that people suffering from mental illness
still faces problems despite the huge costs that are directed
towards the healthcare. Schwartz, (2017) In support of Texas
argue that the increased growth-rate of populations in Fort Bend
has impacted the health sector at large. The high population
together with economic constrains has led to few medical
insurances which limits access to health. The access and
utilization to mental medical care for the populations living in
Fort Bend has created a gap within the county (Children at Risk,
Literature Themes
Lack of proper mental health education and infrastructure has
been the major factor affecting the utilization of mental health.
Goldman Robin & Chester (2018) in his research found out that
women who had been exposed to sexual abuse and drug abuse
formed the high numbers of people who utilized mental health
services among the Hispanic and non-white people in Texas.
Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm, (2015) in support of
this research argued that mental health services had been
underutilized by Asian women living in fort-bend as a result of
both cultural needs and mismatch of the services offered in the
health facilities in Texas.
Lack of medical insurance. Research has shown that many
people due to poor economic status has left many people
without health insurance as they cannot afford. This limits many
average and lower-class families from accessing mental illness
services (Children at Risk, 2013).
Poor perception among the community members.
Researchers reveals that many people who live in Fort Bend
perceive child mental illness as a mere sign of hunger besides
poor diets. This has left many people neglecting utilization of
mental-healthcare in the community (Children at Risk, 2013).
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Theoretical Foundations and/or Conceptual Framework
This section identifies the theory(s) or model(s) that provide the
foundation for the research. This section should present the
theory(s) or models(s) and explain how the problem under
investigation relates to the theory or model. The theory(s) or
models(s) guide the research questions and justify what is being
measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related
(quantitative) or the phenomena being investigated (qualitative).
Review of the Literature/Themes
This section provides a broad, balanced overview of the existing
literature related to the proposed
research topic. It describes the literature in related topic areas
and its relevance to the proposed research topic findings,
providing a short 3-4 sentence description of each theme and
identifies its relevance to the research problem supporting it
with at least two citations from the empirical literature from the
past 3-5 years.
The recommended length for this section is 1 paragraph for
Theoretical Foundations and a bulleted list for Literature
Themes section.
1. Theoretical Foundationssection identifies the theory(s),
model(s) relevant to the variables (quantitative study) or
phenomenon (qualitative study). This section should explain
how the study topic or problem coming out of the “need” or
“defined gap” in the as described in the Background to the
Problem section relates to the theory(s) or model(s) presented in
this section. (One paragraph)
2. Review of the Literature Themes section: This section is a
bulleted list of the major themes or topics related to the
research topic. Each theme or topic should have a one-two
sentence summary.
3. ALIGNMENT: The Theoretical Foundations models and
theories need to be related to and support the problem statement
or study topic. The sections in the Review of the Literature are
topical areas needed to understand the various aspects of the
phenomenon (qualitative) or variables/groups (quantitative)
being studied; to select the design needed to address the
Problem Statement; to select surveys or instruments to collect
information on variables/groups; to define the population and
sample for the study; to describe components or factors that
comprise the phenomenon; to describe key topics related to the
study topic, etc.
4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a
logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct
sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct
APA format.
NOTE: The two parts of this section use information about the
Literature Review and Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual
Framework from the 10 Strategic Points.
This Theoretical Foundations section is expanded upon to
become the Theoretical Foundations section in Chapter 2
(Literature Review). The Theoretical Foundations and the
Literature Review sections are also used to help create the
Advancing Scientific Knowledge/Review of the Literature
section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review).
Reviewer Comments:
Problem Statement
The research will target to investigate factors that affect
utilization of mental health in the County of Fort Bend, Texas.
The study plans to use qualitative-descriptive-research design in
carrying out the study.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Problem Statement
This section includes the problem statement, the population
affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the
The recommended length for this section is one paragraph.
1. States the specific problem proposed for research with a clear
declarative statement.
Describes the population of interest affected by the problem.
The general population refers to all individuals that could be
affected by the study problem.
Describes the unit of analysis.
For qualitative studies this describes how the phenomenon will
be studied. This can be individuals, group, or organization
under study.
For quantitative studies, the unit of analysis needs to be defined
in terms of the variable structure (conceptual, operational, and
Discusses the importance, scope, or opportunity for the problem
and the importance of addressing the problem.
The problem statement is developed based on the need or gap
defined in the Background to the Study section.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on the Problem Statement from
the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for
the Problem Statement section in Chapter 1 and other Chapters
where appropriate in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Purpose of the Study
The qualitative descriptive study will aim at finding out
the factors that affect mental health utilization in Fort bend,
Texas. The study will go ahead to come up with
recommendation on how to improve the mental health
accessibility in the county.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
This section reflects what the study is about, connecting the
problem statement, methodology & research design, target
population, variables/phenomena, and geographic location.
The recommended length for this section is one paragraph.
1. Begins with one sentence that identifies the research
methodology and design, target population, variables
(quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be studied and
geographic location.
Quantitative Studies: Defines the variables and relationship of
Qualitative Studies: Describes the nature of the phenomena to
be explored.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on information in the Purpose
Statement from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes
the foundation for the Purpose of the Study section in Chapter 1
and other Chapters where appropriate in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Research Questions and/or Hypotheses
Research questions
Q1. What are the changes made in the health sector that can
facilitate the education framework of mental health in the
Q2. From the total number of admissions in the hospitals which
gender is largely affected by mental illness and how can this be
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair Score
Reviewer Score
Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses
· The recommendation is a minimum of two research questions
along with related hypotheses and variables is required for a
quantitative study.
· Also recommended is a minimum of two research questions
along with the phenomenon description is required for a
qualitative study.
· Put the Research Questions in the appropriate Table in
Appendix B based on whether the study is qualitative or
The recommended length for this section is a list of research
questions and associated hypotheses (quantitative)
1. Qualitative Studies: States the research question(s) the study
will answer and describes the phenomenon to be studied.
Quantitative Studies: States the research questions the study
will answer, identifies and describes the variables, and states
the hypotheses (predictive statements) using the format
appropriate for the specific design and statistical analysis.
Alignment: The research questions are based on both the
Problem Statement and Theoretical Foundation model(s) or
theory(s). There should be no research questions that are not
clearly aligned to the Problem Statement.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on the information about
Research Questions) & Hypothesis/variables or Phenomena
from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the
foundation for the Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses
section in Chapter 1 in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Advancing Scientific Knowledge and Significance of the Study
The major objective of any health sector is to improve
healthcare for the citizens regardless of the sickness. Fort Bend
has devoted a large share of its finances towards healthcare
which has seen it shine on the national map. Despite this effort,
statistics show that mental health accessibility in the county is
still very low. This has been evidenced by numerous research
findings. Lack of Insurance, professionals, infrastructure and
education has been theorized as major sources of the problem.
This project through qualitative descriptive research aims at
finding the factors that affect utilization of mental healthcare
and recommend better ways through which mental health
utilization can be improved in the county.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair Score
Reviewer Score
This section reiterates the gap or need in the literature and
states how the study will address the gap or need and how the
research will contribute to the literature, practical implications
to the community of interest, and alignment with the program of
The recommended length for this section is one to two
paragraphs, providing a brief synopsis of each criteria listed
below which will be expanded in the proposal.
1. Clearly identifies the “gap” or “need” in the literature that
was used to define the problem statement and develop the
research questions. (citations required)
Describes how the study will address the “gap” or “identified
need” defined in the literature and contribute to /advance the
body of literature. (citations required)
Describes the potential practical applications from the research.
(citations required)
Identifies and connects the theory(ies) or model(s) that provide
the theoretical foundations or conceptual frameworks for the
study. (citations required)
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section builds on information about the Literature
review and Theoretical Foundations sections in the 10 Strategic
Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Theoretical
Foundations section in Chapter 2
Reviewer Comments:
Rationale for Methodology
The study will adopt qualitative descriptive research design
(Colorafi, & Evans, 2016). The methodology is preferred as it is
flexible when researching on health science topic to support
various medical theories. This will support the research in
finding and filling the gap in the study.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Rationale for Methodology
The Rationale for Methodology section clearly justifies the
methodology the researcher plans to use for conducting the
study. It argues how the methodological choice (quantitative or
qualitative) is the best approach to answer the research
questions and address the problem statement. Finally, it
contains citations from textbooks and articles on research
methodology and/or articles on related studies to provide
evidence to support the argument for the selected methodology.
The recommended length for this section is one paragraph.
1. Identifies the specific research methodology for the study.
Justifies the methodology to be used for the study by discussing
why it is an appropriate approach for answering the research
question(s) and addressing the problem statement.
Quantitative Studies: Justify in terms of problem statement and
the variables for which data will be collected.
Qualitative Studies: Justify in terms of problem statement and
Uses citations from seminal (authoritative) sources (textbooks
and/or empirical research literature) to justify the selected
methodology. Note:Introductory or survey research textbooks
(such as Creswell) are not considered seminal sources.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on the Methodology and Design
in the 10 Strategic Points.This section becomes the foundation
for the Research Methodology in Chapter 1 of the Proposal and
the basis for developing Chapter 3, Research Methodology.
Reviewer Comments:
Nature of the Research Design for the Study
The design used will be qualitative descriptive study. This
method applies the description of the factors in play and how
they affect the outcome. This technique is best suited for the
research as it will provide a description of factors limiting
utilization of mental healthcare in Fort Bend.
The target population for this research will be 70
respondents, while the respondents will be chosen from Fort
Bend to form the sample population. Study area for the research
will be schools, hospitals and counseling facilities within Fort
Bend. The data collection will be done in a period of three
weeks with each respondent given 30 minutes for the interview
and feeling the questionnaire. After the exercise, the
questionnaires and all research materials will be coded. The
phenomenon under testing is factors that affect utilization of
mental health in the county of Fort Bend, Texas.
Criterion Score
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Nature of the Research Design for the Study
This section describes the specific research design to answer the
research questions and why this approach was selected. Here,
the learner discusses why the selected design is the best design
to address the problem statement and research questions as
compared to other designs. This section contains a description
of the research sample being studied, as well as, the process that
will be used to collect the data on the sample.
The recommended length for this section is two to three
paragraphs and must address each criterion.
1. Identifies and describes the selected design for the study.
Justifies why the selected design addresses the problem
statement and research questions.
Quantitative Studies: Justifies the selected design based on the
appropriateness of the design to address the research questions
and data for each variable.
Qualitative Studies: Justifies the selected design based on
appropriateness of design to address research questions and
study the phenomenon.
Briefly describes the target population and sample for the study.
Identifies the sources and instruments that will be used to
collect data needed to answer the research questions.
Briefly describes data collection procedures to collect data on
the sample.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section also elaborates on the Design portion of the
Methodology and Design section in the 10 Strategic Points. This
section provides the foundation for Nature of the Research
Design for the Study in Chapter 1.
Reviewer Comments:
Research Materials, Instrumentation, OR Sources of Data
The study will utilize both unstructured and structured
questionnaires in addition to face-face interviews for the
research. Tools will be used in collecting primary data, while
the selected group will be composed of schools besides
Similarly, the Research will also seek to understand
factors which, the interviewees think can improve the mental
health accessibility in the county.
Criterion Score
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
This section identifies and describes the types of data that will
be collected, as well as the specific research materials,
instruments, and sources used to collect those data (tests,
surveys, validated instruments, questionnaires, interview
protocols, databases, media, etc.).
The recommended length for this section is one to two
paragraphs. Note: this section can be set up as a bulleted list.
Quantitative- Instruments/Research Materials:
Provides a bulleted list of the instrumentation and/or materials
for data collection.
Describes the survey instruments or equipment/materials used
(experimental research), and specifies the type and level of data
collected with each instrument.
Includes citations from original publications by instrument
developers (and subsequent users as appropriate) or related
Qualitative - Sources of Data:
Describes the structure of each data collection instrument and
data sources (tests, questionnaires, interview protocols,
observations databases, media, etc.).
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on the Data Collection from the
10 Strategic Points.
This information is summarized high level in Chapter 1 in the
Proposal in the Nature of the Research Design for the Study
section. This section provides the foundation for Research
Materials,Instrumentation (quantitative) or Sources of Data
(qualitative) section in Chapter 3.
Reviewer Comments:Data Collection
Approval from the University will be sought before starting the
process of data collection. The dissertation will collect
information from a selected group of patients to provide
primary data.
Data will be collected systematically in way that begins with
schools, and hospitals. The process will be as follows:
· Five respondents from 10 schools, hospitals, hospitals will be
given questionnaires to fill be three researchers.
· Interviews will involve five respondents from every hospital
and school within the county.
· Respondents will respond to both interviews and both types of
· Manual coding will be done to all collected data.
· Data will be checked for any errors by both parties before
further processing.
· Data will be entered into SciLab for analysis.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
This section details the data collection process and procedures
so that another researcher could conduct or replicate the study.
It includes authorizations and detailed steps.
The recommended length for this section is a bullet or numbered
list of data collection steps that should not exceed one page.
Quantitative Studies: Lists steps for the actual data collection
that would allow replication of the study by another researcher,
including how each instrument or data source was used, how
and where data were collected, and recorded. Includes a linear
sequence of actions or step-by-step of procedures used to carry
out all the major steps for data collection. Includes a workflow
and corresponding timeline, presenting a logical, sequential,
and transparent protocol for data collection that would allow
another researcher to replicate the study.
Data from different sources may have to be collected in parallel
(e.g., paper-and-pen surveys for teachers, corresponding
students, and their parents AND retrieval of archival data from
the school district). A flow chart is ok—"linear" may not apply
to all situations
Qualitative Studies: Provides detailed description of data
collection process, including all sources of data and methods
used, such as interviews, member checking, observations,
surveys, field tests, and expert panel review. Note: The
collected data must be sufficient in breadth and depth to answer
the research question(s) and interpreted and presented correctly,
by theme, research question, and/or source of data.
Describes the procedures for obtaining participant informed
consent and for protecting the rights and well-being of the study
sample participants.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE:This section elaborates on the Sample and Location and
Data Collection in the 10 Strategic Points. This section provides
the foundation for the Data Collection Procedures section in
Chapter 3 in the Proposal. And it is summarized high level in
Chapter 1 in Nature of the Research Design for the Study in the
Reviewer Comments:
Data Analysis Procedures
Data analysis will use descriptive analysis, and the data
collected will first be manually coded in relation to the themes
of the study. The coded themes will then be analyzed, and
explanations given. The overall aim of analysis will be to find
factors that affect utilization of mental health in the county of
Fort Bend, Texas.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
This section provides detailed steps for the analytic procedures
to be used to conduct data analysis.
The recommended length for this section is one to two
paragraphs, can also be presented in bulleted format.
Describes in detail the relevant data collected for each stated
research question and/or each variable within each hypothesis
(if applicable).
Quantitative Studies: "In detail" means scales (and subscales) of
specified instruments AND type of data for each variable of
interest. IMPORTANT: For (quasi) experimental studies,
provide detailed description of all treatment materials per
treatment condition, as part of the description of the
independent variable corresponding to the experimental
What: Describes, in detail, statistical and non-statistical
analysis to be used and procedures used to conduct the data
Quantitative Studies: (1) describe data file preparation
(descriptive statistics used to check completeness and accuracy;
for files from different sources, possibly aggregating data to
obtain a common unit of analysis in all files, necessarily
merging files (using the key variable defining the unit of
analysis); (2) computation of statistics for the sample profile;
(3) computation of (subscales and) scales; (4) reliability
analysis for all scales and subscales; (5) computation of
descriptive statistics for all variables of interest in the study
(except those already presented in the sample profile); (6) state
and justify all statistical procedures ("tests") needed to generate
the information to answer all research questions; and (7) state
assumptions checks for all those statistical procedures
(including the tests and / or charts to be computed).
Qualitative Studies: This section begins by identifying and
discussing the specific analysis approach or strategy, followed
by a discussion of coding procedures to be used. Note: coding
procedures may be different for Thematic Analysis, Narrative
Analysis, Phenomenological Analysis, or Grounded Theory
Why: Provides the justification for each of the (statistical and
non-statistical) data analysis procedures used in the study.
Show Steps that Support Evidence
Quantitative Analysis - states the level of statistical
significance for each test as appropriate, and describes tests of
assumptions for each statistical test.
Qualitative Analysis - evidence of qualitative analysis
approach, such as coding and theming process, must be
completely described and included the analysis /interpretation
process. Clear evidence from how codes moved to themes must
be presented.
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section elaborates on the Data Analysis from the 10
Strategic Points.This section provides the foundation for Data
Analysis Procedures section in Chapter 3 in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Ethical Considerations
The study prior to its commencement will seek
authorization from all the authorized bodies. The research will
also seek authority from the University board for conducting the
research. All data collected will be purely used for research
purposes and remain confidential. The data will remain free to
withdrawal by respondents from the study. No personal names
and organizational names which may bring conflict of interest
in the research will be included. The research will remain in the
custody of the University with all rights reserved.
Learner Self-Evaluation Score
Chair or Score
Reviewer Score
Ethical Considerations
This section discusses the potential ethical issues surrounding
the research, as well as how human subjects and data will be
protected. It identifies how any potential ethical issues will be
The recommended length for this section is one paragraph.
1. Describes site authorization process, subject recruiting, and
informed consent processes.
2. Describes how the identities of the participants in the study
and data will be protected.
3. Discusses potential ethical concerns that might occur during
the data collection process.
4. ALIGNMENT: Ethical considerations are clearly aligned
with, and relate directly to the specific Data Collection
Procedures. This section also identifies ethical considerations
related to the target population being researched and
organization or location as described in the Purpose Statement
Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical
flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence
structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
NOTE: This section does not include information from any of
the 10 Strategic Points.
This section provides the foundation for Ethical Considerations
section in Chapter 3 in the Proposal.
Reviewer Comments:
Beatty, K. E., Wilson, K. D., Ciecior, A., & Stringer, L. (2015).
Collaboration among missouri nonprofit hospitals and local
health departments: Content analysis of community health
needs assessments. American Journal of Public Health, 105
Suppl 2(S2), S337-S344. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.3024
Children at Risk (2013), Fort Bend County Assessment, A
Report on the Needs of the Community’s Children, The
George Foundation and The Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce,
pp. 23.
Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive
methods in health science research. HERD: Health
Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25.
Goldman D., Robin R. W. & Chester B. (2018), Factors
Influencing Utilization of Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Services by American Indian Men and Women, pp. 1.
e-of-fort-bends-children-report- 2014.pdf
Schwartz, A. (2017). A report on the demographic changes and
changing needs of fort bend county Universit
Texas 2017 mental health national outcome measures (NOMS):
SAMHSA uniform reporting system: Center for mental health
services uniform reporting system output tables;2018 ASI
4096-13.50. (2018)
Appendix A
10 Strategic Points
My Degree: Ph.D.
Program Emphasis: Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Ten Strategic Points
Comments or Feedback
Broad Topic Area Final Topic
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Southern
Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Fort-Bend
County, Texas
Lit Review
(Theoretical Framework (Theory)
All Citations
A. De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen (2016). The
authors indicate that mental health has emerged as one of the
critical areas of focus in recent times, and for a long time, it
had been sidelined. However, with the realization that most
health conditions are related in one way or another to a mental
disorder, this area is now been studied extensively, and more
attention has been given to patients.
B. Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley
(2016). The authors reviewed and analyzed how the likelihood
of lower hospitalization was associated with the race of African
Americans while increasing age was a key predisposing factor
in increased likelihood of hospitalization in Fort-Bend county.
C. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). The authors
of this research article analyzed the hidden barriers to accessing
care and utilization of mental health for Asian American
Women in the Fort-Bend County of Texas. It showed that 299
women representing 43% of the survey participants have
suffered from symptoms of depression or have had suicidal
attempts. It examined the mismatch between available services
and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to mental
health and contribution of Asian family to the stigma of mental
D. Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi (2016). The
authors of this scholarly research article explored how changes
in social policy in recent years have affected women who have
low income in the Southern Texas area. They used the approach
of difference in difference to estimate associations between
health outcomes and welfare reforms among less affected
women compared to the most affected women.
Theoretical Foundation
Social Development Theory: The theoretical framework for this
research study is comprised of the theory by De Luca
(2016) The authors proposed that most of the chronic conditions
and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. It
compared the variances in the rates of utilization of Mental
Health among the African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics
in Southern Texas.
Literature Review
A. Empathic Approach: Emphasized the issues of underutilized
mental health resources and non-institutionalized adults as
behavioral risk factors in Southern Texas. (Augsberger, Yeung,
Dougher, & Hahm, 2015; Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, &
Kawachi, 2016; De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen,
2016; Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley,
2016). There are certain factors that influence the
underutilization of mental health services among Asian
American women with a history of depression and suicide in
Fort-Bend County. There is also a mismatch between available
services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to
mental health and contribution of families to the stigma of
mental health. It concluded that mental health utilization is
extremely low among all the cultures, especially among women
in the county. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015).
Professional Development:
Job Satisfaction: Mental health has recently emerged as a
critical area of interest as it had been sidelined for years. Due to
this realization, the illness is now been studied extensively, and
more attention has been given to patients. It has been suggested
that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead
to mental disorders in patients. For many reasons, mental health
is now among the priorities of medical practice (De Luca
Problem Statement
It is not known what is affecting the utilization of mental health
in Fort Bend County, Texas.
Research Questions
RQ1- How much higher is the cost for mental health care in the
county compared to the rest of Southern Texas?
RQ2- What is the average expenditure per adult enrollee in the
area for mental health care?
RQ3- Do the facilities offer state-of-the-art treatments using
research and discoveries in the field of mental health?
RQ4- What is the average number of mental health admissions
and lengths of stay at behavioral hospitals?
RQ5- Is there a statistically significant difference in the level of
utilization of mental health among the different cultures?
RQ6- Is there a statistically significant difference in the number
of isolations of behavioral hospitals
Target Population
· Location – Fort-Bend County, Texas. USA
· Target Population:
· Behavioral Hospitals
· Psychiatrists
· Therapists
· School Counselors
Sample: Will comprise of interviews with 10 hospitals, 10
schools and counselors, 10 Psychiatrists, and 10 Therapists in
the county.
Describe Phenomena (qualitative) or Define
Variables/Hypotheses (quantitative)
To understand why the people living in Fort-Bend County are
not effectively utilizing the mental health resources available to
· There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern
· The Fort-Bend County utilizes very low budget allocation on
funding of mental health care
· The utilization of mental health services in Southern Texas is
poor compared to cost.
Methodology & Design
Qualitative Descriptive Study
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive case study is to
understand what is affecting the utilization of mental health in
Fort Bend County, Texas
Data Collection Approach
· Informed & signed consent from participants
· Visits to hospital sites, schools and other mental health
· Interview with Physicians & Therapist recorded on tape
· Sampling Method: Purposeful Sampling
· Sources: Interviews, Surveys & Questionnaires
Data Analysis Approach
· Data will be collected and analyzed for the study.
· Descriptive statistics will be used in summarizing acquired
· Coding will be used to address questions posed.
· A narrative summary will be developed.
Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C.
(2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health
services among Asian American women with a history of
depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1),
Basu, S., Rehkopf, D. H., Siddiqi, A., Glymour, M. M., &
Kawachi, I. (2016). Health behaviors, mental health, and health
care utilization among single mothers after welfare reforms in
the 1990s. American journal of epidemiology, 183(6), 531-538.
Blosnich, J. R., Marsiglio, M. C., Gao, S., Gordon, A. J.,
Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., ... & Fine, M. J. (2016). Mental
health of transgender veterans in US states with and without
discrimination and hate crime legal protection. American
journal of public health, 106(3), 534-540.
De Luca, S. M., Blosnich, J. R., Hentschel, E. A., King, E., &
Amen, S. (2016). Mental health care utilization: how race,
ethnicity and veteran status are associated with seeking
help. Community mental health journal, 52(2), 174-179.
Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E.,
Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., ... & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors
associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following
emergency department visits for behavioral health
conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266.
Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19

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  • 1. BUSI 303: International Business Faith and Integration Forum Questions Faith and Integration Forum 2 – Questions Question 1 1. Matthew 22:36-40 states, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” What would be the implications for nations to follow the above, when considering tariffs, quotas, and embargoes? Write a short essay for each consideration. Question 2 2. Psalm 24:1 states: “A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it”. 1 Corinthians 10:26 states: “… for, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.” Job 41:11 states: “Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.” Consider the above scriptures and write a short essay on the biblical worldview response to ownership, operation, and transfer risk. Give equal response to each type of risk Question 3 3. Ecclesiastes 11:11 states: “Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days.” As mentioned in the text, Solomon was deeply involved in cross-border commerce. Consider the trade of grain. When the Israelites would trade their grain with other nations, they were essentially “casting [their] bread upon the water.” But notice that with Solomon, the word is plural: “cast your bread on the waters.” 3a. Write a short essay explaining the implications from a
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  • 3. Themes All Citations Gaps A. De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen (2016). The authors indicate that mental health has emerged as one of the critical areas of focus in recent times, and for a long time, it had been sidelined. However, with the realization that most health conditions are related in one way or another to a mental disorder, this area is now been studied extensively, and more attention has been given to patients. B. Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley (2016). The authors reviewed and analyzed how the likelihood of lower hospitalization was associated with the race of African Americans while increasing age was a key predisposing factor in increased likelihood of hospitalization in Fort-Bend county. C. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). The authors of this research article analyzed the hidden barriers to accessing care and utilization of mental health for Asian American Women in the Fort-Bend County of Texas. It showed that 299 women representing 43% of the survey participants have suffered from symptoms of depression or have had suicidal attempts. It examined the mismatch between available services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to mental health and contribution of Asian family to the stigma of mental health. D. Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi (2016). The authors of this scholarly research article explored how changes in social policy in recent years have affected women who have low income in the Southern Texas area. They used the approach of difference in difference to estimate associations between
  • 4. health outcomes and welfare reforms among less affected women compared to the most affected women. Theoretical Foundation Social Development Theory: The theoretical framework for this research study is comprised of the theory by De Luca (2016) The authors proposed that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. It compared the variances in the rates of utilization of Mental Health among the African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics in Southern Texas. Literature Review A. Empathic Approach: Emphasized the issues of underutilized mental health resources and non-institutionalized adults as behavioral risk factors in Southern Texas. (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm, 2015; Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi, 2016; De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen, 2016; Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley, 2016). There are certain factors that influence the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide in Fort-Bend County. There is also a mismatch between available services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to mental health and contribution of families to the stigma of mental health. It concluded that mental health utilization is extremely low among all the cultures, especially among women in the county. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). Professional Development: Job Satisfaction: Mental health has recently emerged as a critical area of interest as it had been sidelined for years. Due to this realization, the illness is now been studied extensively, and more attention has been given to patients. It has been suggested that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. For many reasons, mental health is now among the priorities of medical practice (De Luca 2016).
  • 5. Problem Statement It is not known what is affecting the utilization of mental health in Fort Bend County, Texas. Research Questions RQ1- How much higher is the cost for mental health care in the county compared to the rest of Southern Texas? RQ2- What is the average expenditure per adult enrollee in the area for mental health care? RQ3- Do the facilities offer state-of-the-art treatments using research and discoveries in the field of mental health? RQ4- What is the average number of mental health admissions and lengths of stay at behavioral hospitals? RQ5- Is there a statistically significant difference in the level of utilization of mental health among the different cultures? RQ6- Is there a statistically significant difference in the number of isolations of behavioral hospitals Population Target Population Sample · Location – Fort-Bend County, Texas. USA · Target Population: · Behavioral Hospitals · Psychiatrists · Therapists · School Counselors Sample: Will comprise of interviews with 10 hospitals, 10 schools and counselors, 10 Psychiatrists, and 10 Therapists in the county. Describe Phenomena (qualitative) or Define Variables/Hypotheses (quantitative)
  • 6. To understand why the people living in Fort-Bend County are not effectively utilizing the mental health resources available to them · There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern Texas · The Fort-Bend County utilizes very low budget allocation on funding of mental health care · The utilization of mental health services in Southern Texas is poor compared to cost. Methodology & Design Qualitative Descriptive Study Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative descriptive case study is to understand what is affecting the utilization of mental health in Fort Bend County, Texas Data Collection Approach · Informed & signed consent from participants · Visits to hospital sites, schools and other mental health facilities · Interview with Physicians & Therapist recorded on tape · Sampling Method: Purposeful Sampling · Sources: Interviews, Surveys & Questionnaires Data Analysis Approach · Data will be collected and analyzed for the study. · Descriptive statistics will be used in summarizing acquired data. · Coding will be used to address questions posed. · A narrative summary will be developed. Summary In the last five years, Medicare spent on average a whopping
  • 7. $12,000 per enrollee in Southern Texas, which is nearly double the national average. This is ironic because Southern Texas and its environs have been declared to have a low household income in the country (income per capita is $18,000). In other words, Medicare spends an equivalent of 33% of what the average person earns on their healthcare. “Southern Texas costs Medicare at least $5,000 more per person each year than does the average city in America,” according to Hamilton (2016), but the author asserted that this is not always the case. Friedman cites that in 1992, the average cost per Medicare enrollee in Southern Texas was $4,990—very similar to the nation’s average. Since then, Southern Texas health care costs had grown faster than in any other market in the United States, exceeding more than $7,000 per person. Even with this massive investment in healthcare and the expenditure there are some shocking facts about healthcare in the region. The utility at Southern Texas is one-third higher than those at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, with state-of-the-art facilities, high quality care and outcomes (Blosnich 2016). Yet, the Fort-Bend County of the State is underutilizing its available mental health resources. The report showed that the discrepancy was due to marked differences in the amount of care ordered for patients. When compared with similar patients countrywide, “patients in Fort-Bend county got more of pretty much everything including more diagnostic testing, more hospital treatment, more surgery, and more home care but the services and resources remained underutilized by its population.
  • 8. References Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542. 2913-015-1191-7 Basu, S., Rehkopf, D. H., Siddiqi, A., Glymour, M. M., & Kawachi, I. (2016). Health behaviors, mental health, and health care utilization among single mothers after welfare reforms in the 1990s. American journal of epidemiology, 183(6), 531-538. Blosnich, J. R., Marsiglio, M. C., Gao, S., Gordon, A. J., Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., ... & Fine, M. J. (2016). Mental health of transgender veterans in US states with and without discrimination and hate crime legal protection. American journal of public health, 106(3), 534-540. 02981 De Luca, S. M., Blosnich, J. R., Hentschel, E. A., King, E., &
  • 9. Amen, S. (2016). Mental health care utilization: how race, ethnicity and veteran status are associated with seeking help. Community mental health journal, 52(2), 174-179. Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., ... & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266. 14 Dissertation Prospectus Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Fort-Bend County, Texas The Prospectus Overview and Instructions Prospectus Instructions: 1. Read the entire Prospectus Template to understand the requirements for writing your prospectus. Each section contains a narrative overview of what should be included in the section and a table with required criteria for each section. WRITE TO THE CRITERIA, as they will be used to assess the prospectus
  • 10. for overall quality and feasibility of your proposed research study. 2. As you draft each section, delete the narrative instructions and insert your work related to that section. Use the criterion table for each section to ensure that you address the requirements for that particular section. Do not delete/remove the criterion table as this is used by you and your committee to evaluate your prospectus. 3. Prior to submitting your prospectus for review by your chair or methodologist, use the criteria table for each section to complete a realistic self-evaluation, inserting what you believe is your score for each listed criterion into the Learner Self- Evaluation column. This is an exercise in self-evaluation and critical reflection, and to ensure that you completed all sections, addressing all required criteria for that section. 4. The scoring for the criteria ranges from a 0-3 as defined below. Complete a realistic and thoughtful evaluation of your work. Your chair and methodologist will also use the criterion tables to evaluate your work. 5. Your Prospectus should be no longer than 6-10 pages when the tables are deleted. Score Assessment 0 Item Not Present 1 Item is Present. Does Not Meet Expectations. Revisions are Required: Not all components are present. Large gaps are present in the components that leave the reader with significant questions. All items scored at 1 must be addressed by learner per reviewer comments. 2 Item is Acceptable. Meets Expectations.Some Revisions May Be Required Now or in the Future. Component is present and adequate. Small gaps are present that leave the reader with
  • 11. questions. Any item scored at 2 must be addressed by the learner per the reviewer comments. 3 Item Exceeds Expectations. No Revisions Required. Component is addressed clearly and comprehensively. No gaps are present that leave the reader with questions. No changes required. Dissertation Prospectus Introduction The health sector in Texas has been applauded for the good work in health allocations and expenditure. Fort Bend county which is located within Texas has also been on the map for having the best medical services in the country. Despite all the expenditure and better services offered to the people living in the county, Mental health sector still faces challenges. Research has shown that many Asian and African American people living in Fort Bend has little to no access and utilization of mental health services within the region (Texas 2017). This has been attributed to a number of factors which hinder most people from accessing mental health services. The poor access to this medical help has led to many people dying and committing suicide as a result of poor utilization of mental illness health services. This paper is aimed at discussing the factors which affect mental health accessibility in Fort Bend, Texas. The study is important in understanding the major reasons which limit utilization of mental health services in the county and recommending ways through which the issues can be resolved.
  • 12. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair Evaluation Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Introduction This section briefly overviews the research focus or problem, why this study is worth conducting, and how this study will be completed. The recommended length for this section is two to three paragraphs. 1. Dissertation topic is introduced along with why the study is needed. 2. Provides a summary of results from the prior empirical research on the topic. 3. Using results, societal needs, recommendations for further study, or needs identified in three to five research studies (primarily from the last three years), the learner identifies the stated need, called a gap. 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format.
  • 13. NOTE: This Introduction section elaborates on the Topic from the 10 Strategic Points. This Introduction section provides the foundation for the Introduction section in Chapter 1 of the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Background of the Problem Previous research works have explored the field of health accessibility not only in Texas but throughout the country. When narrowing done to Fort bend in Texas, research has shown a gap alignment of medical services and needs of the people living in the county. Children at Risk (2013) deliberates on various increasing children with mental disorders’ needs in the society. Most of these develop mental illness from birth. Though Fort Bend has been applauded for having the best health services, the area still faces a number of challenges which are a threat to the child-health. Access to mental health is a gap yet to be filled in Fort bend (Beatty, Wilson, Ciecior, & Stringer, 2015). This has been fueled by few mental health professionals in Texas which has led to poor infrastructure in the mental health sector. The sectors greatly affected are the juvenile systems and emergency facilities. Many people in the region are uninsured and also have lower income which makes it had for them to get mental health services. In addition, poor parenting was a great contributor of health illness. This calls for further research into the field to understand more factors which affect the utilization of mental-health services in the areas not only in children but all people of Fort bend in Texas. Goldman Robin & Chester (2018) argues that mental health accessibility is an issue of concern among the healthcare industry in Texas. The article carried a research to evaluate the factors which affect medical accessibility with specification of
  • 14. Hispanic and black Americans living in Texas. The results of the research indicated that lack of education in mental health was a major factor that affected the utilization of Mental health within the region. This has increased the deaths resulting from mental cases in the region. 56% of all the population received mental health treatment. Out of the total percentage women formed the highest number with those who had been sexually abused at their young age forming many of the women. However, due to poor education on mental health programs the treatment was under-utilized, and target groups were not sufficiently reached in the community. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Background of the Problem This section uses the literature to provide the reader with a definition and statement of the research gap and problem the study will address. This section further presents a brief historical perspective of when the problem started and how it has evolved over time. The recommended length for this section is two-three paragraphs. 1. Includes a brief discussion demonstrating how literature has established the gap and a clear statement informing the reader of the gap. 1 2. Discusses how the “need” or “defined gap” has evolved historically into the current problem or opportunity to be
  • 15. addressed by the proposed study (citing seminal and/or current research). 1 3. ALIGNMENT: The problem statement for the dissertation will be developed from and justified by the “need” or “defined gap” that is described in this section and supported by the empirical research literature published within the past 3-5 years. 2 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This Background of the Problem section uses information from the Literature Review in the 10 Strategic Points. This Background of the Problem section becomes the Background of the Study in Note, this section develops the foundation for Chapter 1 in the Proposal. It is then expanded to develop the comprehensive Background to the Problem section and Identification of the GAP sections in Chapter 2 (Literature Review) in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual Framework and Review of the Literature/Themes Theoretical literature Mental health services in Texas has faced several challenges. Texas (2017) asserts that people suffering from mental illness
  • 16. still faces problems despite the huge costs that are directed towards the healthcare. Schwartz, (2017) In support of Texas argue that the increased growth-rate of populations in Fort Bend has impacted the health sector at large. The high population together with economic constrains has led to few medical insurances which limits access to health. The access and utilization to mental medical care for the populations living in Fort Bend has created a gap within the county (Children at Risk, 2013). Literature Themes Lack of proper mental health education and infrastructure has been the major factor affecting the utilization of mental health. Goldman Robin & Chester (2018) in his research found out that women who had been exposed to sexual abuse and drug abuse formed the high numbers of people who utilized mental health services among the Hispanic and non-white people in Texas. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm, (2015) in support of this research argued that mental health services had been underutilized by Asian women living in fort-bend as a result of both cultural needs and mismatch of the services offered in the health facilities in Texas. Lack of medical insurance. Research has shown that many people due to poor economic status has left many people without health insurance as they cannot afford. This limits many average and lower-class families from accessing mental illness services (Children at Risk, 2013). Poor perception among the community members. Researchers reveals that many people who live in Fort Bend perceive child mental illness as a mere sign of hunger besides poor diets. This has left many people neglecting utilization of mental-healthcare in the community (Children at Risk, 2013). Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score
  • 17. (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Theoretical Foundations and/or Conceptual Framework This section identifies the theory(s) or model(s) that provide the foundation for the research. This section should present the theory(s) or models(s) and explain how the problem under investigation relates to the theory or model. The theory(s) or models(s) guide the research questions and justify what is being measured (variables) as well as how those variables are related (quantitative) or the phenomena being investigated (qualitative). Review of the Literature/Themes This section provides a broad, balanced overview of the existing literature related to the proposed research topic. It describes the literature in related topic areas and its relevance to the proposed research topic findings, providing a short 3-4 sentence description of each theme and identifies its relevance to the research problem supporting it with at least two citations from the empirical literature from the past 3-5 years. The recommended length for this section is 1 paragraph for Theoretical Foundations and a bulleted list for Literature Themes section. 1. Theoretical Foundationssection identifies the theory(s), model(s) relevant to the variables (quantitative study) or phenomenon (qualitative study). This section should explain how the study topic or problem coming out of the “need” or “defined gap” in the as described in the Background to the Problem section relates to the theory(s) or model(s) presented in this section. (One paragraph) 1 2. Review of the Literature Themes section: This section is a
  • 18. bulleted list of the major themes or topics related to the research topic. Each theme or topic should have a one-two sentence summary. 1.5 3. ALIGNMENT: The Theoretical Foundations models and theories need to be related to and support the problem statement or study topic. The sections in the Review of the Literature are topical areas needed to understand the various aspects of the phenomenon (qualitative) or variables/groups (quantitative) being studied; to select the design needed to address the Problem Statement; to select surveys or instruments to collect information on variables/groups; to define the population and sample for the study; to describe components or factors that comprise the phenomenon; to describe key topics related to the study topic, etc. 1.5 4. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 1 NOTE: The two parts of this section use information about the Literature Review and Theoretical Foundations/Conceptual Framework from the 10 Strategic Points. This Theoretical Foundations section is expanded upon to become the Theoretical Foundations section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review). The Theoretical Foundations and the Literature Review sections are also used to help create the Advancing Scientific Knowledge/Review of the Literature section in Chapter 2 (Literature Review).
  • 19. Reviewer Comments: Problem Statement The research will target to investigate factors that affect utilization of mental health in the County of Fort Bend, Texas. The study plans to use qualitative-descriptive-research design in carrying out the study. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Problem Statement This section includes the problem statement, the population affected, and how the study will contribute to solving the problem. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. States the specific problem proposed for research with a clear declarative statement. 1 Describes the population of interest affected by the problem. The general population refers to all individuals that could be affected by the study problem. 1 Describes the unit of analysis. For qualitative studies this describes how the phenomenon will be studied. This can be individuals, group, or organization under study.
  • 20. For quantitative studies, the unit of analysis needs to be defined in terms of the variable structure (conceptual, operational, and measurement). 1 Discusses the importance, scope, or opportunity for the problem and the importance of addressing the problem. 1 The problem statement is developed based on the need or gap defined in the Background to the Study section. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 1 NOTE: This section elaborates on the Problem Statement from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Problem Statement section in Chapter 1 and other Chapters where appropriate in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Purpose of the Study The qualitative descriptive study will aim at finding out the factors that affect mental health utilization in Fort bend, Texas. The study will go ahead to come up with recommendation on how to improve the mental health accessibility in the county. Criteria
  • 21. Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) PURPOSE OF THE STUDY This section reflects what the study is about, connecting the problem statement, methodology & research design, target population, variables/phenomena, and geographic location. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. Begins with one sentence that identifies the research methodology and design, target population, variables (quantitative) or phenomena (qualitative) to be studied and geographic location. 1 Quantitative Studies: Defines the variables and relationship of variables. Qualitative Studies: Describes the nature of the phenomena to be explored. 1 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 1 NOTE: This section elaborates on information in the Purpose Statement from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Purpose of the Study section in Chapter 1
  • 22. and other Chapters where appropriate in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Research Questions and/or Hypotheses Research questions Q1. What are the changes made in the health sector that can facilitate the education framework of mental health in the community? Q2. From the total number of admissions in the hospitals which gender is largely affected by mental illness and how can this be mitigated? Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses · The recommendation is a minimum of two research questions along with related hypotheses and variables is required for a quantitative study. · Also recommended is a minimum of two research questions along with the phenomenon description is required for a qualitative study. · Put the Research Questions in the appropriate Table in Appendix B based on whether the study is qualitative or quantitative. The recommended length for this section is a list of research questions and associated hypotheses (quantitative) 1. Qualitative Studies: States the research question(s) the study will answer and describes the phenomenon to be studied. Quantitative Studies: States the research questions the study
  • 23. will answer, identifies and describes the variables, and states the hypotheses (predictive statements) using the format appropriate for the specific design and statistical analysis. 2 Alignment: The research questions are based on both the Problem Statement and Theoretical Foundation model(s) or theory(s). There should be no research questions that are not clearly aligned to the Problem Statement. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This section elaborates on the information about Research Questions) & Hypothesis/variables or Phenomena from the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Research Question(s) and/or Hypotheses section in Chapter 1 in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Advancing Scientific Knowledge and Significance of the Study The major objective of any health sector is to improve healthcare for the citizens regardless of the sickness. Fort Bend has devoted a large share of its finances towards healthcare which has seen it shine on the national map. Despite this effort, statistics show that mental health accessibility in the county is still very low. This has been evidenced by numerous research findings. Lack of Insurance, professionals, infrastructure and education has been theorized as major sources of the problem. This project through qualitative descriptive research aims at
  • 24. finding the factors that affect utilization of mental healthcare and recommend better ways through which mental health utilization can be improved in the county. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) ADVANCING SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE and SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This section reiterates the gap or need in the literature and states how the study will address the gap or need and how the research will contribute to the literature, practical implications to the community of interest, and alignment with the program of study. The recommended length for this section is one to two paragraphs, providing a brief synopsis of each criteria listed below which will be expanded in the proposal. 1. Clearly identifies the “gap” or “need” in the literature that was used to define the problem statement and develop the research questions. (citations required) 2 Describes how the study will address the “gap” or “identified need” defined in the literature and contribute to /advance the body of literature. (citations required) 2 Describes the potential practical applications from the research. (citations required) 2
  • 25. Identifies and connects the theory(ies) or model(s) that provide the theoretical foundations or conceptual frameworks for the study. (citations required) 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This section builds on information about the Literature review and Theoretical Foundations sections in the 10 Strategic Points. This section becomes the foundation for the Theoretical Foundations section in Chapter 2 Reviewer Comments: Rationale for Methodology The study will adopt qualitative descriptive research design (Colorafi, & Evans, 2016). The methodology is preferred as it is flexible when researching on health science topic to support various medical theories. This will support the research in finding and filling the gap in the study. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3)
  • 26. Rationale for Methodology The Rationale for Methodology section clearly justifies the methodology the researcher plans to use for conducting the study. It argues how the methodological choice (quantitative or qualitative) is the best approach to answer the research questions and address the problem statement. Finally, it contains citations from textbooks and articles on research methodology and/or articles on related studies to provide evidence to support the argument for the selected methodology. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. Identifies the specific research methodology for the study. 2 Justifies the methodology to be used for the study by discussing why it is an appropriate approach for answering the research question(s) and addressing the problem statement. Quantitative Studies: Justify in terms of problem statement and the variables for which data will be collected. Qualitative Studies: Justify in terms of problem statement and phenomenon. 2 Uses citations from seminal (authoritative) sources (textbooks and/or empirical research literature) to justify the selected methodology. Note:Introductory or survey research textbooks (such as Creswell) are not considered seminal sources. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA
  • 27. format. 2 NOTE: This section elaborates on the Methodology and Design in the 10 Strategic Points.This section becomes the foundation for the Research Methodology in Chapter 1 of the Proposal and the basis for developing Chapter 3, Research Methodology. Reviewer Comments: Nature of the Research Design for the Study The design used will be qualitative descriptive study. This method applies the description of the factors in play and how they affect the outcome. This technique is best suited for the research as it will provide a description of factors limiting utilization of mental healthcare in Fort Bend. The target population for this research will be 70 respondents, while the respondents will be chosen from Fort Bend to form the sample population. Study area for the research will be schools, hospitals and counseling facilities within Fort Bend. The data collection will be done in a period of three weeks with each respondent given 30 minutes for the interview and feeling the questionnaire. After the exercise, the questionnaires and all research materials will be coded. The phenomenon under testing is factors that affect utilization of mental health in the county of Fort Bend, Texas. Criterion Score Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Nature of the Research Design for the Study This section describes the specific research design to answer the research questions and why this approach was selected. Here,
  • 28. the learner discusses why the selected design is the best design to address the problem statement and research questions as compared to other designs. This section contains a description of the research sample being studied, as well as, the process that will be used to collect the data on the sample. The recommended length for this section is two to three paragraphs and must address each criterion. 1. Identifies and describes the selected design for the study. 2 Justifies why the selected design addresses the problem statement and research questions. Quantitative Studies: Justifies the selected design based on the appropriateness of the design to address the research questions and data for each variable. Qualitative Studies: Justifies the selected design based on appropriateness of design to address research questions and study the phenomenon. 1 Briefly describes the target population and sample for the study. 2 Identifies the sources and instruments that will be used to collect data needed to answer the research questions. 1 Briefly describes data collection procedures to collect data on the sample. 2
  • 29. Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This section also elaborates on the Design portion of the Methodology and Design section in the 10 Strategic Points. This section provides the foundation for Nature of the Research Design for the Study in Chapter 1. Reviewer Comments: Research Materials, Instrumentation, OR Sources of Data The study will utilize both unstructured and structured questionnaires in addition to face-face interviews for the research. Tools will be used in collecting primary data, while the selected group will be composed of schools besides hospitals. Similarly, the Research will also seek to understand factors which, the interviewees think can improve the mental health accessibility in the county. Criterion Score Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) RESEARCH MATERIALS, INSTRUMENTATION, OR SOURCES OF DATA This section identifies and describes the types of data that will be collected, as well as the specific research materials, instruments, and sources used to collect those data (tests, surveys, validated instruments, questionnaires, interview
  • 30. protocols, databases, media, etc.). The recommended length for this section is one to two paragraphs. Note: this section can be set up as a bulleted list. Quantitative- Instruments/Research Materials: Provides a bulleted list of the instrumentation and/or materials for data collection. Describes the survey instruments or equipment/materials used (experimental research), and specifies the type and level of data collected with each instrument. Includes citations from original publications by instrument developers (and subsequent users as appropriate) or related studies. 1 Qualitative - Sources of Data: Describes the structure of each data collection instrument and data sources (tests, questionnaires, interview protocols, observations databases, media, etc.). 1 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 1 NOTE: This section elaborates on the Data Collection from the 10 Strategic Points. This information is summarized high level in Chapter 1 in the Proposal in the Nature of the Research Design for the Study section. This section provides the foundation for Research Materials,Instrumentation (quantitative) or Sources of Data (qualitative) section in Chapter 3.
  • 31. Reviewer Comments:Data Collection Approval from the University will be sought before starting the process of data collection. The dissertation will collect information from a selected group of patients to provide primary data. Data will be collected systematically in way that begins with schools, and hospitals. The process will be as follows: · Five respondents from 10 schools, hospitals, hospitals will be given questionnaires to fill be three researchers. · Interviews will involve five respondents from every hospital and school within the county. · Respondents will respond to both interviews and both types of questionnaires. · Manual coding will be done to all collected data. · Data will be checked for any errors by both parties before further processing. · Data will be entered into SciLab for analysis. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) DATA COLLECTION AND MANAGEMENT This section details the data collection process and procedures so that another researcher could conduct or replicate the study. It includes authorizations and detailed steps. The recommended length for this section is a bullet or numbered list of data collection steps that should not exceed one page. Quantitative Studies: Lists steps for the actual data collection that would allow replication of the study by another researcher, including how each instrument or data source was used, how and where data were collected, and recorded. Includes a linear
  • 32. sequence of actions or step-by-step of procedures used to carry out all the major steps for data collection. Includes a workflow and corresponding timeline, presenting a logical, sequential, and transparent protocol for data collection that would allow another researcher to replicate the study. Data from different sources may have to be collected in parallel (e.g., paper-and-pen surveys for teachers, corresponding students, and their parents AND retrieval of archival data from the school district). A flow chart is ok—"linear" may not apply to all situations Qualitative Studies: Provides detailed description of data collection process, including all sources of data and methods used, such as interviews, member checking, observations, surveys, field tests, and expert panel review. Note: The collected data must be sufficient in breadth and depth to answer the research question(s) and interpreted and presented correctly, by theme, research question, and/or source of data. 2 Describes the procedures for obtaining participant informed consent and for protecting the rights and well-being of the study sample participants. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE:This section elaborates on the Sample and Location and Data Collection in the 10 Strategic Points. This section provides the foundation for the Data Collection Procedures section in
  • 33. Chapter 3 in the Proposal. And it is summarized high level in Chapter 1 in Nature of the Research Design for the Study in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Data Analysis Procedures Data analysis will use descriptive analysis, and the data collected will first be manually coded in relation to the themes of the study. The coded themes will then be analyzed, and explanations given. The overall aim of analysis will be to find factors that affect utilization of mental health in the county of Fort Bend, Texas. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURES This section provides detailed steps for the analytic procedures to be used to conduct data analysis. The recommended length for this section is one to two paragraphs, can also be presented in bulleted format. Describes in detail the relevant data collected for each stated research question and/or each variable within each hypothesis (if applicable). Quantitative Studies: "In detail" means scales (and subscales) of specified instruments AND type of data for each variable of interest. IMPORTANT: For (quasi) experimental studies, provide detailed description of all treatment materials per treatment condition, as part of the description of the independent variable corresponding to the experimental
  • 34. manipulation. 2 What: Describes, in detail, statistical and non-statistical analysis to be used and procedures used to conduct the data analysis. Quantitative Studies: (1) describe data file preparation (descriptive statistics used to check completeness and accuracy; for files from different sources, possibly aggregating data to obtain a common unit of analysis in all files, necessarily merging files (using the key variable defining the unit of analysis); (2) computation of statistics for the sample profile; (3) computation of (subscales and) scales; (4) reliability analysis for all scales and subscales; (5) computation of descriptive statistics for all variables of interest in the study (except those already presented in the sample profile); (6) state and justify all statistical procedures ("tests") needed to generate the information to answer all research questions; and (7) state assumptions checks for all those statistical procedures (including the tests and / or charts to be computed). Qualitative Studies: This section begins by identifying and discussing the specific analysis approach or strategy, followed by a discussion of coding procedures to be used. Note: coding procedures may be different for Thematic Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Phenomenological Analysis, or Grounded Theory Analysis. 2 Why: Provides the justification for each of the (statistical and non-statistical) data analysis procedures used in the study. 2
  • 35. Show Steps that Support Evidence Quantitative Analysis - states the level of statistical significance for each test as appropriate, and describes tests of assumptions for each statistical test. Qualitative Analysis - evidence of qualitative analysis approach, such as coding and theming process, must be completely described and included the analysis /interpretation process. Clear evidence from how codes moved to themes must be presented. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This section elaborates on the Data Analysis from the 10 Strategic Points.This section provides the foundation for Data Analysis Procedures section in Chapter 3 in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments: Ethical Considerations The study prior to its commencement will seek authorization from all the authorized bodies. The research will also seek authority from the University board for conducting the research. All data collected will be purely used for research purposes and remain confidential. The data will remain free to withdrawal by respondents from the study. No personal names and organizational names which may bring conflict of interest in the research will be included. The research will remain in the
  • 36. custody of the University with all rights reserved. Criteria Learner Self-Evaluation Score (0-3) Chair or Score (0-3) Reviewer Score (0-3) Ethical Considerations This section discusses the potential ethical issues surrounding the research, as well as how human subjects and data will be protected. It identifies how any potential ethical issues will be addressed. The recommended length for this section is one paragraph. 1. Describes site authorization process, subject recruiting, and informed consent processes. 2 2. Describes how the identities of the participants in the study and data will be protected. 2 3. Discusses potential ethical concerns that might occur during the data collection process. 2 4. ALIGNMENT: Ethical considerations are clearly aligned with, and relate directly to the specific Data Collection Procedures. This section also identifies ethical considerations related to the target population being researched and organization or location as described in the Purpose Statement
  • 37. section. 2 Section is written in a way that is well structured, has a logical flow, uses correct paragraph structure, uses correct sentence structure, uses correct punctuation, and uses correct APA format. 2 NOTE: This section does not include information from any of the 10 Strategic Points. This section provides the foundation for Ethical Considerations section in Chapter 3 in the Proposal. Reviewer Comments:
  • 38. References Beatty, K. E., Wilson, K. D., Ciecior, A., & Stringer, L. (2015). Collaboration among missouri nonprofit hospitals and local health departments: Content analysis of community health needs assessments. American Journal of Public Health, 105 Suppl 2(S2), S337-S344. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.3024 Children at Risk (2013), Fort Bend County Assessment, A Report on the Needs of the Community’s Children, The George Foundation and The Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce, pp. 23. Colorafi, K. J., & Evans, B. (2016). Qualitative descriptive methods in health science research. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 16-25. Goldman D., Robin R. W. & Chester B. (2018), Factors Influencing Utilization of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services by American Indian Men and Women, pp. 1. e-of-fort-bends-children-report- 2014.pdf Schwartz, A. (2017). A report on the demographic changes and changing needs of fort bend county Universit Texas 2017 mental health national outcome measures (NOMS): SAMHSA uniform reporting system: Center for mental health services uniform reporting system output tables;2018 ASI 4096-13.50. (2018) Appendix A 10 Strategic Points My Degree: Ph.D.
  • 39. Program Emphasis: Industrial & Organizational Psychology Ten Strategic Points Comments or Feedback Broad Topic Area Final Topic Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Southern Texas Factors Affecting Utilization of Mental Health in Fort-Bend County, Texas Lit Review (Theoretical Framework (Theory) Gaps Themes All Citations Gaps A. De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen (2016). The authors indicate that mental health has emerged as one of the critical areas of focus in recent times, and for a long time, it had been sidelined. However, with the realization that most health conditions are related in one way or another to a mental disorder, this area is now been studied extensively, and more attention has been given to patients. B. Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley (2016). The authors reviewed and analyzed how the likelihood of lower hospitalization was associated with the race of African Americans while increasing age was a key predisposing factor in increased likelihood of hospitalization in Fort-Bend county. C. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). The authors of this research article analyzed the hidden barriers to accessing
  • 40. care and utilization of mental health for Asian American Women in the Fort-Bend County of Texas. It showed that 299 women representing 43% of the survey participants have suffered from symptoms of depression or have had suicidal attempts. It examined the mismatch between available services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to mental health and contribution of Asian family to the stigma of mental health. D. Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi (2016). The authors of this scholarly research article explored how changes in social policy in recent years have affected women who have low income in the Southern Texas area. They used the approach of difference in difference to estimate associations between health outcomes and welfare reforms among less affected women compared to the most affected women. Theoretical Foundation Social Development Theory: The theoretical framework for this research study is comprised of the theory by De Luca (2016) The authors proposed that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. It compared the variances in the rates of utilization of Mental Health among the African Americans, Caucasians and Hispanics in Southern Texas. Literature Review A. Empathic Approach: Emphasized the issues of underutilized mental health resources and non-institutionalized adults as behavioral risk factors in Southern Texas. (Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm, 2015; Basu, Rehkopf, Siddiqi, Glymour, & Kawachi, 2016; De Luca, Blosnich, Hentschel, King, & Amen, 2016; Hamilton, Desai, Hoot, Gearing, Jeong, Meyer, & Begley, 2016). There are certain factors that influence the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide in Fort-Bend County. There is also a mismatch between available services and cultural needs, contribution of Asian society to
  • 41. mental health and contribution of families to the stigma of mental health. It concluded that mental health utilization is extremely low among all the cultures, especially among women in the county. Augsberger, Yeung, Dougher, & Hahm (2015). Professional Development: Job Satisfaction: Mental health has recently emerged as a critical area of interest as it had been sidelined for years. Due to this realization, the illness is now been studied extensively, and more attention has been given to patients. It has been suggested that most of the chronic conditions and terminal illnesses lead to mental disorders in patients. For many reasons, mental health is now among the priorities of medical practice (De Luca 2016). Problem Statement It is not known what is affecting the utilization of mental health in Fort Bend County, Texas. Research Questions RQ1- How much higher is the cost for mental health care in the county compared to the rest of Southern Texas? RQ2- What is the average expenditure per adult enrollee in the area for mental health care? RQ3- Do the facilities offer state-of-the-art treatments using research and discoveries in the field of mental health? RQ4- What is the average number of mental health admissions and lengths of stay at behavioral hospitals? RQ5- Is there a statistically significant difference in the level of utilization of mental health among the different cultures? RQ6- Is there a statistically significant difference in the number of isolations of behavioral hospitals Population Target Population
  • 42. Sample · Location – Fort-Bend County, Texas. USA · Target Population: · Behavioral Hospitals · Psychiatrists · Therapists · School Counselors Sample: Will comprise of interviews with 10 hospitals, 10 schools and counselors, 10 Psychiatrists, and 10 Therapists in the county. Describe Phenomena (qualitative) or Define Variables/Hypotheses (quantitative) To understand why the people living in Fort-Bend County are not effectively utilizing the mental health resources available to them · There is a high rate of mental health conditions in Southern Texas · The Fort-Bend County utilizes very low budget allocation on funding of mental health care · The utilization of mental health services in Southern Texas is poor compared to cost. Methodology & Design Qualitative Descriptive Study Purpose Statement The purpose of this qualitative descriptive case study is to understand what is affecting the utilization of mental health in Fort Bend County, Texas Data Collection Approach · Informed & signed consent from participants · Visits to hospital sites, schools and other mental health facilities
  • 43. · Interview with Physicians & Therapist recorded on tape · Sampling Method: Purposeful Sampling · Sources: Interviews, Surveys & Questionnaires Data Analysis Approach · Data will be collected and analyzed for the study. · Descriptive statistics will be used in summarizing acquired data. · Coding will be used to address questions posed. · A narrative summary will be developed.
  • 44. References Augsberger, A., Yeung, A., Dougher, M., & Hahm, H. C. (2015). Factors influencing the underutilization of mental health services among Asian American women with a history of depression and suicide. BMC health services research, 15(1), 542. 2913-015-1191-7 Basu, S., Rehkopf, D. H., Siddiqi, A., Glymour, M. M., & Kawachi, I. (2016). Health behaviors, mental health, and health care utilization among single mothers after welfare reforms in the 1990s. American journal of epidemiology, 183(6), 531-538. Blosnich, J. R., Marsiglio, M. C., Gao, S., Gordon, A. J., Shipherd, J. C., Kauth, M., ... & Fine, M. J. (2016). Mental health of transgender veterans in US states with and without discrimination and hate crime legal protection. American journal of public health, 106(3), 534-540. 02981 De Luca, S. M., Blosnich, J. R., Hentschel, E. A., King, E., & Amen, S. (2016). Mental health care utilization: how race, ethnicity and veteran status are associated with seeking help. Community mental health journal, 52(2), 174-179. Hamilton, J. E., Desai, P. V., Hoot, N. R., Gearing, R. E., Jeong, S., Meyer, T. D., ... & Begley, C. E. (2016). Factors associated with the likelihood of hospitalization following emergency department visits for behavioral health
  • 45. conditions. Academic Emergency Medicine, 23(11), 1257-1266. Prospectus Template v.8.2 05.09.19