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•	 Cognizant Reports

Building a More Responsive, Intelligent
and Demand-Driven Consumer Goods
Supply Chain

   Executive Summary                                      price multiples even if earnings per share and
   Achieving supply chain management excellence           growth rates are similar between the companies.1
   requires organizations to sit at the intersection
   of supply and demand and deliver exemplary             Yet, leading up to the Great Recession, supply
   customer service without inadvertently allowing        chains across many consumer goods sectors
   inventory to swell. That’s easier said than done.      were not exceptionally nimble or flexible. Few
   In the intensively competitive PC industry, Dell,      companies were able to adjust supply to declining
   for example, has deployed analytics to zoom            demand, and even those that could were unable
   into “not normal” peaks and troughs to balance         to show bottom-line improvements that were
   supply with demand.                                    directly related to better use of capital.

   But Dell is an exception to the rule. Supply chain     In addition, there are several external factors
   management practices have a long way to go in          that influence the consumer goods supply chain
   helping organizations achieve this long-sought-        (see Figure 1). These drivers, and their implica-
   after demand-driven equilibrium. In fact, it is        tions, include the following:
   really only in the last decade or so that the direct
   link between supply chain management and                	 Economic volatility. With globalization,
   corporate cash flow generation is well understood         emerging economies are growing at a rela-
   or, more accurately, has received a broad level of        tively faster pace than established markets.
   interest that can enable organizations to more            Consumers in these markets are demand-
   effectively utilize precious capital.                     ing more, causing demand volatility, which
                                                             requires increased supply chain flexibility.
   According to Gerry Marsh, a supply chain financial      	 Consumer preference. Consumer tastes and
   consultant who works with some of the world’s             preferences change at lightning speed and
   largest companies, businesses that are able to            vary from region to region. Supply chains must
   use the supply chain to generate more cash flow           be optimized to address these ever-changing
   than their competitors typically have higher stock        preferences.

   cognizant reports | december 2011
Regulatory compliance. With the advent of                             offered chips that tracked their carbon foot-
   government initiatives such as the U.S. Food                          print along the supply chain. The company was
   Safety Modernization Act, it is mandatory for                         able to command a premium for this product
   importers to track and trace the entire supply                        line, until recession-induced pricing pressures
   chain for irregularities. This has benefits for                       emerged.
   customers but adds cost to the supply chain.                        	 Technological advances. This relates to the
 	 Sustainability. Consumers are showing                                 exponential growth in basic computing power
   increased sensitivity to their carbon footprints.                     and the enormous quantities of data available
   They want to ensure that the products they                            to companies across the value chain. Compa-
   consume originate from a supply chain that is                         nies can make use of “big data” to optimize
   environmentally friendly. It has become ever                          their supply chains and enhance their profit-
   more critical to integrate sustainability objec-                      ability by intelligently responding to contin-
   tives with the broader supply chain objectives                        gencies. By analyzing big data, they can more
   of the organization. Before the downturn of                           easily create supply chains that are green,
   2008, for instance, a UK semiconductor maker                          responsive, flexible and intelligent.

Drivers of Change in CE Supply Chains
Drivers                  Implications                                    Recommendations

Economic volatility      	 Worldwide demand has increased for             	 Use flexible supply chains to enable regional
 	 Growth in emerging      consumer goods products, as has the              customization.
   markets                 need for regional customization. An
                           example is Frito Lay, which has applied
 	 Pricing fluctuation     a successful practice of developing            	 Design agile supply chains that can cost-effectively
   of raw materials        regionally popular snack food flavors            offer regional customizations.
                           in India to North America, where it
                           now offers flavors developed to suit the
                           palate of different areas of the U.S.2

                         	 Pressure has intensified on operating          	 Accommodate price volatility by shifting
                           costs.                                           production to the segment of the supply chain
                                                                            with minimal price changes.

Changing consumer        	 Demand patterns are changing from              	 Optimize the supply chain by using demand-sensing
preferences                region to region.                                applications, which apply customer order flows,
                                                                            sales histories and shipping calendars. This enables
                                                                            organizations to more accurately forecast demand and
                                                                            address changing demand patterns.

Regulatory compliance    	 Adverse supplier responsibility reports        	 Proactively embed regulatory aspects into the supply
                           can damage company reputation.                   chain. This can lead to the generation of real-time
                                                                            alerts that identify non-compliance.
                         	 The U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act
                           stipulates that importers track and trace      	 Use IT to track and trace the entire supply chain.
                           everything in the entire supply chain.
                                                                          	 Use existing solutions to track the food supply chain
                                                                            from “farm to fork,” which helps consumer goods
                                                                            companies manage compliance at much reduced costs.

Sustainability issues    Health concerns, environmental awareness        Integrate sustainability objectives within supply
                         and food scares are increasing.                 chain strategies.

Technology advances      Legacy technologies help supply chains          Enhance supply chains with “big data” to reduce latency
                         respond with some inherent latency.             and create more responsive supply chains.

Figure 1

Improving Supply Chain Management                                    which is a 4% increase from June 2011. In fact, in
The U.S. consumer goods industry has seen                            March 2011, the monthly value of shipments had
rapid growth, despite minor hiccups, since June                      exceeded the pre-crisis peak level. As shipment
2009. This is indicated by the growth of shipment                    volumes increase, timely fulfillment requires a
values from $120 billion to $130 billion3 in the                     more robust and efficient supply chain. In fact,
intervening period (see Figure 2, next page). New                    the consumer goods industry is only as good as
orders increased to $201.5 billion4 in July 2011,                    the various supply chains that support it.

                                        cognizant reports            2
Monthly Value of CG Shipments
                                                                                                                                                            its operational complexity. Consumer goods
                    130                                                                                                                                     companies must respond with supply chains
                    125                                                                                                                                     equipped to accommodate vast differences in
                                                                                                                                                            preference and demand elasticity.
CG Shipments ($B)

                    115                                                                                                                                  	 Supply chains need to be flexible and agile;
                    110                                                                                                                                    one size does not fit all. The volatility of
                                                                                                                                                           exchange rates and pricing of raw materials,
                                                                                                                                                           as well as wage increases across the value
                    100                                                                                                                                    chain, are wreaking havoc on supply chains.
                                                                                                                                                           A CG company with a manufacturing facility





                                                                                                                                                           in China and retailers and customers in the
                                                                                                                                                           U.S., for example, could face problems if the
Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers and Grocery Manufacturers
Association.                                                                                                                                               U.S. dollar were to decline against the Yuan,
 Figure 2
                                                                                                                                                           China’s currency. If this happened, the price
                                                                                                                                                           of raw materials would rise, as would the cost
                                                                                                                                                           of shipping, since fees collected by offshore
One way consumer goods companies have                                                                                                                      shippers tend to be denominated in dollars.
prospered is by dividing their supply chains                                                                                                               This would put the supplier in serious jeop-
into smaller, more manageable pieces. These                                                                                                                ardy as a result of a significant reduction in its
pieces are tailored to individual compo-                                                                                                                   operating margins. The decline in the U.S. dol-
nents and stock keeping units (SKUs). Size                                                                                                                 lar would also increase wages in China in dollar
is driven by scale; the smaller the piece, the                                                                                                             terms, further reducing operating margins.
more optimized the supply chain is likely to
be. This drives the need to create an “area of                                                                                                          Organizations need to ensure their supply chains
comfort” for each SKU/group. For instance, a                                                                                                            are flexible enough to avoid the aforementioned
multinational CG company was able to reduce                                                                                                             issues. Building a more flexible supply chain
its cost of goods sold by 15% by using efficiently                                                                                                      around product segmentation is one proven way
segmented supply chains.                                                                                                                                to address these challenges.

To improve supply chain performance, we believe                                                                                                         A U.S.-based CG company, which had shifted all
consumer goods companies must effectively                                                                                                               its manufacturing to China, faced this problem.
respond to five key drivers: economic volatil-                                                                                                          Its China plant was accustomed to producing
ity (growth in emerging markets and price fluc-                                                                                                         the company’s entire range of products, as well
tuations of raw materials), changing consumer                                                                                                           as the underlying components. Amid an increase
preferences, regulatory compliance, sustainabil-                                                                                                        in global demand volatility, customer complaints
ity issues and technology advances.                                                                                                                     spiked as a result of product delivery delays.
                                                                                                                                                        Some customers also experienced service issues,
Economic volatility                                                                                                                                     and forecasting was a problem, as well.
Amid ongoing global economic turbulence, geo-
graphically distributed demand, volatile exchange                                                                                                       The company analyzed its portfolio of products to
rates and wage inflation in emerging economies,                                                                                                         learn more about the volatility of demand for each
supply chains are becoming exponentially more                                                                                                           SKU, as well as the overall volume of each SKU
complex. The following are two cases in point:                                                                                                          produced every week. This analysis was performed
                                                                                                                                                        using cluster analysis on proprietary software.
        	 With globalization and growth in emerg-                                                                                                       The impact on operational performance of the
          ing markets, the demand for products can                                                                                                      volatility in demand and volume of each SKU was
          come from any part of the world. This also                                                                                                    also analyzed, using advanced regression models.
          creates a situation where the tastes and pref-
          erences of global customers can vary signifi-                                                                                                 The company divided its products into four cat-
          cantly. Colgate-Palmolive,5 for example, has                                                                                                  egories (see Figure 3, next page). For the high-
          operations spread over 57 facilities in 11 dif-                                                                                               volume and low-volatility products, it kept pro-
          ferent markets worldwide, which increases                                                                                                     duction in China. For high-volume/high-volatility

                                                                                                  cognizant reports                                     3
Demand Analysis by SKUs

     Huge and stable demand                                                               Huge and unstable demand


     Low and stable demand                                                                Low and unstable demand

Source: Cognizant Research Center assessment of Boston Consulting Group calculations
Figure 3

and low-volume/high-volatility products, produc-                 network7 (CDSN), a continuous replenishment
tion was shifted to the U.S. For low-volume/low-                 process (CRP) and efficient consumer response
volatility products, it moved production to both                 (ECR). CDSN uses demand-data and exception
the U.S. and Mexico. This reduced the company’s                  events data to inform decisions on product man-
cost of goods sold by 15%.6 It also improved prod-               ufacturing and replenishments. CRP is a usage-
uct quality and service levels.                                  triggered, vendor managed inventory system that
                                                                 frees up cash at both the supplier and retailer
The above segmentation also increased the                        ends. ECR involves collecting sales data at the
company’s supply chain velocity, which is defined                retailer’s end and immediately replenishing stock
as distance over time. If the time is reduced,                   using automated order generation. The desired
needless to say, the velocity increases. The                     outcome of all these initiatives is a focused
end-to-end pipeline time was reduced by the                      supply chain effort, starting at the customer.
reconfiguration of the production facilities.                    Further, performance consistency8 and value
                                                                 delivery form the bedrock of the supply chain.
Changing Consumer Preferences
Consumers have become more demanding, which                      It has been observed that there is an exponen-
creates more time-to-market pressure. They seek                  tial increase in cost savings as a percentage of
better levels of service delivery. A quick analysis              potential production savings if more ordering is
of the books of CG companies reveals that a few                  done through CRP (see Figure 4, next page). In
customers are often responsible for the major-                   CRP, the focus is on the tradeoff between increas-
ity of profits. Therefore, all customers cannot be               ing inventory and reducing out-of-stocks. Inven-
treated equally. Customers need to be segmented                  tory or out-of-stocks occur when the supply does
depending on their profitability, and as a result,               not respond to demand immediately. It involves
supply chains need to be altered and configured                  mapping of supply chain processes for product
accordingly. Demand profiles can be used to seg-                 and data flow, assessing current capability and
ment supply chains for better results. Customer                  addressing improvement opportunities.
analytics should provide insights into demo-
graphic trends that contribute to targeted adver-                CDSNs have also demonstrated their value
tising and proportion management initiatives.                    in improving organizational profitability. P&G
                                                                 reported $1 billion in incremental sales, a nearly
Procter & Gamble is a leader in tracing consumer                 50% reduction in inventory and 20% lower
preferences back to its supply chain. P&G has                    supply chain costs, from the time it implemented
created methodologies to aid and abet this                       CDSN in the mid-1990s to 2010.9
analysis, such as a consumer-driven supply

                                      cognizant reports          4
Projected Manufacturing Cost
                                                                                               suppliers in China was using a chemical that was
Savings using CRP Ordering                                                                     harmful to employees on the production line.10
Savings as % of Potential Production                                                           Such findings can mar the reputation of any com-
                                                                                               pany. To prevent harm to employees and company
                                       60%                                                     reputations, companies can use data centers
                                       40%                                                     across the entire supply chain more effectively, to
                                                                                               generate an alert when violations occur, analyze
                                       20%                                                     the situation and decide on an appropriate action.
                                                                                               Feihe International, a leading producer and
                                                                                               distributor of premium infant formula, milk
                                              0%    20%      40%      60%      80%      100%
                                                                                               powder, soya bean, rice and walnut products
                                                   Percent of Total Product Ordering via CRP   in China, deployed an integrated food safety
Source: William D. Peace Jr., “Supply Chain Management:                                        solution, with the objective of increasing
The Real Wow Factor,” Feb. 3, 2011.                                                            customer confidence and improving quality. This
Figure 4                                                                                       solution enabled the company to trace foods,
                                                                                               feeds, ingredients and food-producing animals
Regulatory Compliance                                                                          through all stages of production, processing
Recent years have witnessed a major spike in the                                               and distribution. It also enhances traceability
contamination of packaged food and other con-                                                  across all stakeholders to significantly improve
sumer products. The list is long, starting from                                                quality, safety tracking, compliance monitoring
melamine-contaminated milk powder, lead-tainted                                                and issue resolution. Such solutions are becom-
toys and salmonella-containing peanuts. Some of                                                ing increasingly important, as consumers become
these tainted products resulted in thousands of                                                more demanding and regulations, more strict.
hospitalizations; a few deaths were also reported.
                                                                                               Sustainability Issues
Therefore, regulations are important to assess the                                             Consumers have become increasingly conscious
impact on human health by tracing all imported,                                                of their carbon footprint and increasingly want
fully assembled goods and components that                                                      insight into the entire production process before
factor into the entire U.S. supply chain. These                                                they consume a product. Is the process green?
regulations are also beginning to impact                                                       What is the environmental cost of product manu-
how global supply chains are managed and                                                       facturing? Are there any negative externalities
monitored. Such regulations would add further                                                  in the entire process? Many CG companies hear
— but necessary — costs to the supply chain. To                                                about these issues directly from consumers and
enable this, regulators would need voluminous                                                  from social media. The answer to these questions
information and analysis on compliance activi-                                                 is the use of green supply chains.
ties. With today’s massive computing power, CG
companies should be able to crunch data and                                                    Companies that follow green supply chain prac-
present it to regulators in near real time. This                                               tices proactively manage supplier environmental
data analysis, with the ranges specified, should                                               performance. Adoption of environmentally effi-
be used to generate alerts whenever certain com-                                               cient manufacturing methods, such as those used
pliance parameters are crossed, meaning that a                                                 by 3M, Procter & Gamble and Xerox, can help
regulatory mandate has been breached.                                                          reduce the carbon footprint. This involves using
                                                                                               improved technology like carbon dioxide filters
Consumer goods companies are also required                                                     to reduce environmental impacts, more tightly
to publish a supplier responsibility report on                                                 managing product lifecycles and taking back
their Web sites, consisting of labor and human                                                 expired products.
rights violations, if any, employee health and
safety, environmental impacts and ethical                                                      The CG industry is increasing its efforts to
business practices, collected across the entire                                                reduce the weight and increase the recyclability
supplier base. One such report published recently                                              of products. The recycling11 rate of CG product
by Apple disclosed that one of the company’s                                                   containers and packaging in the U.S. is 40%,

                                                                        cognizant reports      5
compared with the national recycling average           capabilities of big-data supply chains. This data
of 34%. This not only reflects strong community        would help identify consumer sentiment toward
support for green manufacturing initiatives, but       particular brands, as well as strong advocates for
it also influences the existing regulatory regime,     the company’s goods and services, who can be
wherein new regulations are framed to increase         positioned as product ambassadors. Companies
recycling rates.                                       can engage such ambassadors to help convey
                                                       positive brand messaging far and wide via social
Exploration of bio-technology-based products is        media, thus reaching a wider pool of consumers.
another step in greening the supply chain, as is
disposal of products when they have approached         In this way, supply chains would become
their “end of life.” Xerox has almost perfected        demand-driven. To get there, processes need
this art,12 with an initiative that encourages         to be designed from the outside-in, taking
customers to return products to Xerox for              demand-side factors into consideration. Much
recycling, which the company then uses when            of the data residing across the supply chain is
remanufacturing machines, using strict specifica-      hidden in isolated systems. The IT depart-
tions of quality and performance.13                    ment has little awareness, for instance, about
                                                       sales and marketing data. If this data can be
European legislation also plays an important           integrated across all business functions, then
role in sustainability issues. The EU regula-          new market opportunities can be identified, new
tion on product quality and safety assurance           product launches can be improved, and product
requires organizations to identify, measure and        recalls can be avoided. It is necessary to gain top
control potential dangers related to food safety.      management support to make this happen.
Critical values must be defined that serve as a
benchmark against which actual outcomes are            With technological advances, sophisticated mod-
measured. Systems such as integrated food              els of data analysis become available for use by
safety solutions can cost-effectively deliver all      companies. Multi-tiered causal analysis (MTCA)
the product quality and safety information             is one such model. MTCA integrates point-of-sale
required for decision-making.                          data and syndicated scanner panel data into the
                                                       forecasting process to determine the effects of
Technological Advances                                 consumer demand on factory shipments. Another
For years, consumer goods companies have used          causal model can be applied to predict POS data,
enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems,            using variables such as retail price, in-store
advanced planning solutions (APS) and supply           merchandising vehicles, sales promotions and
chain execution (SCE) software, along with busi-       competitive retail activities.
ness intelligence tools. Although such systems
result in more responsive supply chains, there is      For most manufacturers, up to one-third of
a huge amount of latency involved, between data        procured parts will be “new” each year, with
collection and operational action.                     only small variations from earlier versions.15
                                                       A predictive model can identify these varia-
Data collection process optimization and trans-        tions and use them to determine what the net
parency across the supply chain is the future.         price change should be, sparing manufacturers
With the advances in computing power and ubiq-         unnecessary expense.
uity of data, there is a case for big-data supply
chains14 to reinvent the game. Such supply chains      Importance of Supply Chain Risk
would not only be more responsive, but they            Management
would also operate more intelligently. The conver-     Responding to these five drivers does not guar-
gence of technologies such as mobile, geoloca-         antee growth and survival. There is another set
tion and digital is a big driver for big-data supply   of events that can interrupt the most efficient of
chains. E-commerce players are using new tech-         supply chains: natural disasters. The frequency of
niques of capturing and combining structured           weather-related natural disasters has increased
data from smartphones and other digital devices,       tremendously over the last 30 years, from
as well as unstructured data from social net-          fewer than 400 annual events in 1980 to more
working sites such as Facebook, to enhance the         than 1,000 in 2008.16 Tsunamis, earthquakes

                                 cognizant reports     6
and hurricanes can damage supply chains,                 A poignant example of supply chain risk manage-
making global supply chain crisis management a           ment emerges from a fire in 2000 that destroyed
key item on the CG agenda.                               a New Mexico electronics component plant that
                                                         supplies parts to both Nokia and Eriksson. Since
CG companies typically dispatch crisis teams             Nokia had a risk management plan in place, it
to monitor supply sources, find substitutes for          was able to secure parts from another supplier.
scarce inputs and assess potential risk factors.         On the other hand, Eriksson faced overwhelming
After a crisis strikes, these teams are tasked with      supply shortages that led to estimated losses of
finding patterns in price volatility and demand          $390 million that year.18
fluctuations. But such contingencies are often not
enough to avert disaster.                                Greater real-time supply chain visibility can offer
                                                         data from both the supply side and the demand
Toyota was significantly impacted by the March           side (point of sale, etc.) If supply and demand
2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. As result,         chain information is shared just-in-time, then a
the auto maker is taking steps to implement bet-         back-up plan can be put into effect in the event
ter supply chain risk management practices. As           of a natural disaster. This plan could include
Shinichi Sasaki, Toyota Executive Vice President         switching over to another supplier that may
commented, “We are making checks now to see              be waiting in the wings, or it may mean keep-
what needs to be done to enable recovery within          ing inventory of repair components on-hand to
two weeks when the next one — expected in the            quickly deal with a shortage caused by natural
central Tokai region — hits.”17 The company is           disaster.19
also working on a three-step program for risk
mitigation, which includes standardizing auto            Demand analysis can play a key role here.
parts across Japanese manufacturers; asking              Demand signal data should include inputs from
suppliers further down the supply chain to hold          disaster prediction models to ensure the plan is
a few month’s worth of inventory for specialized         comprehensive. The challenge arises from the
components; and mandating that each produc-              ways and means of accessing and integrat-
tion process operates independently in terms             ing huge volumes of data. With scalable data
of parts procurement.                                    warehouses and integration techniques that
                                                         compress latency to near-zero wait times, these
To mitigate the risk of natural disasters, supply        challenges can be overcome. Deeper supplier
must be diversified. And if particular suppliers         relationships can also minimize losses from
are critical, then companies should consider             business disruptions caused by natural disasters.
acquiring component suppliers.

	 “Global Commerce Management: The Executive Business Case for Operational Excellence,” Supply

  Chain Digest, 2005.
    	 “Frito-Lay Tastes from Home # Giveaway,” Cuzinlogic, Aug. 23, 2011.
    	 “2011 Financial Performance Report: Thriving in a Connected World,” PricewaterhouseCoopers and
      Grocery Manufacturer’s Association, 2011.
    	 “Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders,” U.S. Census
      Bureau, October 2011.
    	 Peter C. Witton, “Colgate Rethinks a Supply Chain,” Outlook Journal, Accenture, 2000, No. 1.

                                  cognizant reports      7
    	 Yogesh Malik, Alex Niemeyer, Brian Ruwadi, “Building the Supply Chain of the Future,” McKinsey
      Quarterly, January 2011.
 	 Dan Gilmore, “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest, Aug. 5, 2011.
     	 “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest.
    	 “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest.
     	 David Barboza, “Workers Sickened at Apple Supplier in China,” The New York Times, Feb. 22, 2011.
    	 “Reducing our Footprint: The Food, Beverage and Consumer Products Industry’s Progress in
      Sustainable Packaging,” Grocery Manufacturers Association, March 2011.
     	 “Global Imaging: Can You Say ‘World of Uncertainty?’” Digital Printing Blog, March 2, 2010.
     	 “Xerox 2010 Report on Global Citizenship,” Xerox Corp., 2010.
     	 Lora Cecere, “Trends I Am Watching,” Supply Chain Shaman Blog, Nov. 28, 2011. http://www.sup-
     	“Supply Chain Analytics: How Hard Should You Squeeze?” Deloitte Debates, Deloitte
      Development LLC, 2010.
     	 “After Japan’s Earthquake: Rethinking the Supply Chain,” The Boston Consulting Group, June 2011.
     	 Kevin Scarpati, “Toyota Eyes Quake-Proof Supply Chain,”, Sept. 6, 2011.
     	 “Supply Chain Risk Management: A Delicate Balancing Act,” IBM Global Business Services, 2008.
     	 “Preparing for the Worst: Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Risk Management,” CFO Research
       Services, CFO Publishing Corp., 2009.

Sanjay Fuloria, Ph.D, Cognizant Research Center

Subject Matter Experts
Ramji Mani, Raghu Ramamurthy and Ganesh Iyer are Principal Consultants with Cognizant Business
Consulting, with extensive experience advising companies on supply chain management issues across
the consumer goods and manufacturing industries.

                                  cognizant reports    8
About Cognizant

Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out-
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With over 50 global delivery centers and more than 130,000 employees as of September 30, 2011, we combine a unique
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Building a More Responsive, Intelligent and Demand-driven Supply Chain

  • 1. • Cognizant Reports Building a More Responsive, Intelligent and Demand-Driven Consumer Goods Supply Chain Executive Summary price multiples even if earnings per share and Achieving supply chain management excellence growth rates are similar between the companies.1 requires organizations to sit at the intersection of supply and demand and deliver exemplary Yet, leading up to the Great Recession, supply customer service without inadvertently allowing chains across many consumer goods sectors inventory to swell. That’s easier said than done. were not exceptionally nimble or flexible. Few In the intensively competitive PC industry, Dell, companies were able to adjust supply to declining for example, has deployed analytics to zoom demand, and even those that could were unable into “not normal” peaks and troughs to balance to show bottom-line improvements that were supply with demand. directly related to better use of capital. But Dell is an exception to the rule. Supply chain In addition, there are several external factors management practices have a long way to go in that influence the consumer goods supply chain helping organizations achieve this long-sought- (see Figure 1). These drivers, and their implica- after demand-driven equilibrium. In fact, it is tions, include the following: really only in the last decade or so that the direct link between supply chain management and Economic volatility. With globalization, corporate cash flow generation is well understood emerging economies are growing at a rela- or, more accurately, has received a broad level of tively faster pace than established markets. interest that can enable organizations to more Consumers in these markets are demand- effectively utilize precious capital. ing more, causing demand volatility, which requires increased supply chain flexibility. According to Gerry Marsh, a supply chain financial Consumer preference. Consumer tastes and consultant who works with some of the world’s preferences change at lightning speed and largest companies, businesses that are able to vary from region to region. Supply chains must use the supply chain to generate more cash flow be optimized to address these ever-changing than their competitors typically have higher stock preferences. cognizant reports | december 2011
  • 2. Regulatory compliance. With the advent of offered chips that tracked their carbon foot- government initiatives such as the U.S. Food print along the supply chain. The company was Safety Modernization Act, it is mandatory for able to command a premium for this product importers to track and trace the entire supply line, until recession-induced pricing pressures chain for irregularities. This has benefits for emerged. customers but adds cost to the supply chain. Technological advances. This relates to the Sustainability. Consumers are showing exponential growth in basic computing power increased sensitivity to their carbon footprints. and the enormous quantities of data available They want to ensure that the products they to companies across the value chain. Compa- consume originate from a supply chain that is nies can make use of “big data” to optimize environmentally friendly. It has become ever their supply chains and enhance their profit- more critical to integrate sustainability objec- ability by intelligently responding to contin- tives with the broader supply chain objectives gencies. By analyzing big data, they can more of the organization. Before the downturn of easily create supply chains that are green, 2008, for instance, a UK semiconductor maker responsive, flexible and intelligent. Drivers of Change in CE Supply Chains Drivers Implications Recommendations Economic volatility Worldwide demand has increased for Use flexible supply chains to enable regional Growth in emerging consumer goods products, as has the customization. markets need for regional customization. An example is Frito Lay, which has applied Pricing fluctuation a successful practice of developing Design agile supply chains that can cost-effectively of raw materials regionally popular snack food flavors offer regional customizations. in India to North America, where it now offers flavors developed to suit the palate of different areas of the U.S.2 Pressure has intensified on operating Accommodate price volatility by shifting costs. production to the segment of the supply chain with minimal price changes. Changing consumer Demand patterns are changing from Optimize the supply chain by using demand-sensing preferences region to region. applications, which apply customer order flows, sales histories and shipping calendars. This enables organizations to more accurately forecast demand and address changing demand patterns. Regulatory compliance Adverse supplier responsibility reports Proactively embed regulatory aspects into the supply can damage company reputation. chain. This can lead to the generation of real-time alerts that identify non-compliance. The U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act stipulates that importers track and trace Use IT to track and trace the entire supply chain. everything in the entire supply chain. Use existing solutions to track the food supply chain from “farm to fork,” which helps consumer goods companies manage compliance at much reduced costs. Sustainability issues Health concerns, environmental awareness Integrate sustainability objectives within supply and food scares are increasing. chain strategies. Technology advances Legacy technologies help supply chains Enhance supply chains with “big data” to reduce latency respond with some inherent latency. and create more responsive supply chains. Figure 1 Improving Supply Chain Management which is a 4% increase from June 2011. In fact, in The U.S. consumer goods industry has seen March 2011, the monthly value of shipments had rapid growth, despite minor hiccups, since June exceeded the pre-crisis peak level. As shipment 2009. This is indicated by the growth of shipment volumes increase, timely fulfillment requires a values from $120 billion to $130 billion3 in the more robust and efficient supply chain. In fact, intervening period (see Figure 2, next page). New the consumer goods industry is only as good as orders increased to $201.5 billion4 in July 2011, the various supply chains that support it. cognizant reports 2
  • 3. Monthly Value of CG Shipments its operational complexity. Consumer goods 130 companies must respond with supply chains 125 equipped to accommodate vast differences in preference and demand elasticity. 120 CG Shipments ($B) 115 Supply chains need to be flexible and agile; 110 one size does not fit all. The volatility of exchange rates and pricing of raw materials, 105 as well as wage increases across the value 100 chain, are wreaking havoc on supply chains. A CG company with a manufacturing facility Mar-11 Sep-10 Dec-10 Jun-10 Mar-10 Dec-07 Sep-09 Dec-09 Sep-08 Dec-08 Jun-09 Jun-08 Mar-09 Mar-08 in China and retailers and customers in the U.S., for example, could face problems if the Source: PricewaterhouseCoopers and Grocery Manufacturers Association. U.S. dollar were to decline against the Yuan, Figure 2 China’s currency. If this happened, the price of raw materials would rise, as would the cost of shipping, since fees collected by offshore One way consumer goods companies have shippers tend to be denominated in dollars. prospered is by dividing their supply chains This would put the supplier in serious jeop- into smaller, more manageable pieces. These ardy as a result of a significant reduction in its pieces are tailored to individual compo- operating margins. The decline in the U.S. dol- nents and stock keeping units (SKUs). Size lar would also increase wages in China in dollar is driven by scale; the smaller the piece, the terms, further reducing operating margins. more optimized the supply chain is likely to be. This drives the need to create an “area of Organizations need to ensure their supply chains comfort” for each SKU/group. For instance, a are flexible enough to avoid the aforementioned multinational CG company was able to reduce issues. Building a more flexible supply chain its cost of goods sold by 15% by using efficiently around product segmentation is one proven way segmented supply chains. to address these challenges. To improve supply chain performance, we believe A U.S.-based CG company, which had shifted all consumer goods companies must effectively its manufacturing to China, faced this problem. respond to five key drivers: economic volatil- Its China plant was accustomed to producing ity (growth in emerging markets and price fluc- the company’s entire range of products, as well tuations of raw materials), changing consumer as the underlying components. Amid an increase preferences, regulatory compliance, sustainabil- in global demand volatility, customer complaints ity issues and technology advances. spiked as a result of product delivery delays. Some customers also experienced service issues, Economic volatility and forecasting was a problem, as well. Amid ongoing global economic turbulence, geo- graphically distributed demand, volatile exchange The company analyzed its portfolio of products to rates and wage inflation in emerging economies, learn more about the volatility of demand for each supply chains are becoming exponentially more SKU, as well as the overall volume of each SKU complex. The following are two cases in point: produced every week. This analysis was performed using cluster analysis on proprietary software. With globalization and growth in emerg- The impact on operational performance of the ing markets, the demand for products can volatility in demand and volume of each SKU was come from any part of the world. This also also analyzed, using advanced regression models. creates a situation where the tastes and pref- erences of global customers can vary signifi- The company divided its products into four cat- cantly. Colgate-Palmolive,5 for example, has egories (see Figure 3, next page). For the high- operations spread over 57 facilities in 11 dif- volume and low-volatility products, it kept pro- ferent markets worldwide, which increases duction in China. For high-volume/high-volatility cognizant reports 3
  • 4. Demand Analysis by SKUs Volume Huge and stable demand Huge and unstable demand Volatility Low and stable demand Low and unstable demand Source: Cognizant Research Center assessment of Boston Consulting Group calculations Figure 3 and low-volume/high-volatility products, produc- network7 (CDSN), a continuous replenishment tion was shifted to the U.S. For low-volume/low- process (CRP) and efficient consumer response volatility products, it moved production to both (ECR). CDSN uses demand-data and exception the U.S. and Mexico. This reduced the company’s events data to inform decisions on product man- cost of goods sold by 15%.6 It also improved prod- ufacturing and replenishments. CRP is a usage- uct quality and service levels. triggered, vendor managed inventory system that frees up cash at both the supplier and retailer The above segmentation also increased the ends. ECR involves collecting sales data at the company’s supply chain velocity, which is defined retailer’s end and immediately replenishing stock as distance over time. If the time is reduced, using automated order generation. The desired needless to say, the velocity increases. The outcome of all these initiatives is a focused end-to-end pipeline time was reduced by the supply chain effort, starting at the customer. reconfiguration of the production facilities. Further, performance consistency8 and value delivery form the bedrock of the supply chain. Changing Consumer Preferences Consumers have become more demanding, which It has been observed that there is an exponen- creates more time-to-market pressure. They seek tial increase in cost savings as a percentage of better levels of service delivery. A quick analysis potential production savings if more ordering is of the books of CG companies reveals that a few done through CRP (see Figure 4, next page). In customers are often responsible for the major- CRP, the focus is on the tradeoff between increas- ity of profits. Therefore, all customers cannot be ing inventory and reducing out-of-stocks. Inven- treated equally. Customers need to be segmented tory or out-of-stocks occur when the supply does depending on their profitability, and as a result, not respond to demand immediately. It involves supply chains need to be altered and configured mapping of supply chain processes for product accordingly. Demand profiles can be used to seg- and data flow, assessing current capability and ment supply chains for better results. Customer addressing improvement opportunities. analytics should provide insights into demo- graphic trends that contribute to targeted adver- CDSNs have also demonstrated their value tising and proportion management initiatives. in improving organizational profitability. P&G reported $1 billion in incremental sales, a nearly Procter & Gamble is a leader in tracing consumer 50% reduction in inventory and 20% lower preferences back to its supply chain. P&G has supply chain costs, from the time it implemented created methodologies to aid and abet this CDSN in the mid-1990s to 2010.9 analysis, such as a consumer-driven supply cognizant reports 4
  • 5. Projected Manufacturing Cost suppliers in China was using a chemical that was Savings using CRP Ordering harmful to employees on the production line.10 100% Savings as % of Potential Production Such findings can mar the reputation of any com- 80% pany. To prevent harm to employees and company 60% reputations, companies can use data centers 40% across the entire supply chain more effectively, to generate an alert when violations occur, analyze 20% the situation and decide on an appropriate action. 0% Feihe International, a leading producer and -20% distributor of premium infant formula, milk 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% powder, soya bean, rice and walnut products Percent of Total Product Ordering via CRP in China, deployed an integrated food safety Source: William D. Peace Jr., “Supply Chain Management: solution, with the objective of increasing The Real Wow Factor,” Feb. 3, 2011. customer confidence and improving quality. This Figure 4 solution enabled the company to trace foods, feeds, ingredients and food-producing animals Regulatory Compliance through all stages of production, processing Recent years have witnessed a major spike in the and distribution. It also enhances traceability contamination of packaged food and other con- across all stakeholders to significantly improve sumer products. The list is long, starting from quality, safety tracking, compliance monitoring melamine-contaminated milk powder, lead-tainted and issue resolution. Such solutions are becom- toys and salmonella-containing peanuts. Some of ing increasingly important, as consumers become these tainted products resulted in thousands of more demanding and regulations, more strict. hospitalizations; a few deaths were also reported. Sustainability Issues Therefore, regulations are important to assess the Consumers have become increasingly conscious impact on human health by tracing all imported, of their carbon footprint and increasingly want fully assembled goods and components that insight into the entire production process before factor into the entire U.S. supply chain. These they consume a product. Is the process green? regulations are also beginning to impact What is the environmental cost of product manu- how global supply chains are managed and facturing? Are there any negative externalities monitored. Such regulations would add further in the entire process? Many CG companies hear — but necessary — costs to the supply chain. To about these issues directly from consumers and enable this, regulators would need voluminous from social media. The answer to these questions information and analysis on compliance activi- is the use of green supply chains. ties. With today’s massive computing power, CG companies should be able to crunch data and Companies that follow green supply chain prac- present it to regulators in near real time. This tices proactively manage supplier environmental data analysis, with the ranges specified, should performance. Adoption of environmentally effi- be used to generate alerts whenever certain com- cient manufacturing methods, such as those used pliance parameters are crossed, meaning that a by 3M, Procter & Gamble and Xerox, can help regulatory mandate has been breached. reduce the carbon footprint. This involves using improved technology like carbon dioxide filters Consumer goods companies are also required to reduce environmental impacts, more tightly to publish a supplier responsibility report on managing product lifecycles and taking back their Web sites, consisting of labor and human expired products. rights violations, if any, employee health and safety, environmental impacts and ethical The CG industry is increasing its efforts to business practices, collected across the entire reduce the weight and increase the recyclability supplier base. One such report published recently of products. The recycling11 rate of CG product by Apple disclosed that one of the company’s containers and packaging in the U.S. is 40%, cognizant reports 5
  • 6. compared with the national recycling average capabilities of big-data supply chains. This data of 34%. This not only reflects strong community would help identify consumer sentiment toward support for green manufacturing initiatives, but particular brands, as well as strong advocates for it also influences the existing regulatory regime, the company’s goods and services, who can be wherein new regulations are framed to increase positioned as product ambassadors. Companies recycling rates. can engage such ambassadors to help convey positive brand messaging far and wide via social Exploration of bio-technology-based products is media, thus reaching a wider pool of consumers. another step in greening the supply chain, as is disposal of products when they have approached In this way, supply chains would become their “end of life.” Xerox has almost perfected demand-driven. To get there, processes need this art,12 with an initiative that encourages to be designed from the outside-in, taking customers to return products to Xerox for demand-side factors into consideration. Much recycling, which the company then uses when of the data residing across the supply chain is remanufacturing machines, using strict specifica- hidden in isolated systems. The IT depart- tions of quality and performance.13 ment has little awareness, for instance, about sales and marketing data. If this data can be European legislation also plays an important integrated across all business functions, then role in sustainability issues. The EU regula- new market opportunities can be identified, new tion on product quality and safety assurance product launches can be improved, and product requires organizations to identify, measure and recalls can be avoided. It is necessary to gain top control potential dangers related to food safety. management support to make this happen. Critical values must be defined that serve as a benchmark against which actual outcomes are With technological advances, sophisticated mod- measured. Systems such as integrated food els of data analysis become available for use by safety solutions can cost-effectively deliver all companies. Multi-tiered causal analysis (MTCA) the product quality and safety information is one such model. MTCA integrates point-of-sale required for decision-making. data and syndicated scanner panel data into the forecasting process to determine the effects of Technological Advances consumer demand on factory shipments. Another For years, consumer goods companies have used causal model can be applied to predict POS data, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, using variables such as retail price, in-store advanced planning solutions (APS) and supply merchandising vehicles, sales promotions and chain execution (SCE) software, along with busi- competitive retail activities. ness intelligence tools. Although such systems result in more responsive supply chains, there is For most manufacturers, up to one-third of a huge amount of latency involved, between data procured parts will be “new” each year, with collection and operational action. only small variations from earlier versions.15 A predictive model can identify these varia- Data collection process optimization and trans- tions and use them to determine what the net parency across the supply chain is the future. price change should be, sparing manufacturers With the advances in computing power and ubiq- unnecessary expense. uity of data, there is a case for big-data supply chains14 to reinvent the game. Such supply chains Importance of Supply Chain Risk would not only be more responsive, but they Management would also operate more intelligently. The conver- Responding to these five drivers does not guar- gence of technologies such as mobile, geoloca- antee growth and survival. There is another set tion and digital is a big driver for big-data supply of events that can interrupt the most efficient of chains. E-commerce players are using new tech- supply chains: natural disasters. The frequency of niques of capturing and combining structured weather-related natural disasters has increased data from smartphones and other digital devices, tremendously over the last 30 years, from as well as unstructured data from social net- fewer than 400 annual events in 1980 to more working sites such as Facebook, to enhance the than 1,000 in 2008.16 Tsunamis, earthquakes cognizant reports 6
  • 7. and hurricanes can damage supply chains, A poignant example of supply chain risk manage- making global supply chain crisis management a ment emerges from a fire in 2000 that destroyed key item on the CG agenda. a New Mexico electronics component plant that supplies parts to both Nokia and Eriksson. Since CG companies typically dispatch crisis teams Nokia had a risk management plan in place, it to monitor supply sources, find substitutes for was able to secure parts from another supplier. scarce inputs and assess potential risk factors. On the other hand, Eriksson faced overwhelming After a crisis strikes, these teams are tasked with supply shortages that led to estimated losses of finding patterns in price volatility and demand $390 million that year.18 fluctuations. But such contingencies are often not enough to avert disaster. Greater real-time supply chain visibility can offer data from both the supply side and the demand Toyota was significantly impacted by the March side (point of sale, etc.) If supply and demand 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. As result, chain information is shared just-in-time, then a the auto maker is taking steps to implement bet- back-up plan can be put into effect in the event ter supply chain risk management practices. As of a natural disaster. This plan could include Shinichi Sasaki, Toyota Executive Vice President switching over to another supplier that may commented, “We are making checks now to see be waiting in the wings, or it may mean keep- what needs to be done to enable recovery within ing inventory of repair components on-hand to two weeks when the next one — expected in the quickly deal with a shortage caused by natural central Tokai region — hits.”17 The company is disaster.19 also working on a three-step program for risk mitigation, which includes standardizing auto Demand analysis can play a key role here. parts across Japanese manufacturers; asking Demand signal data should include inputs from suppliers further down the supply chain to hold disaster prediction models to ensure the plan is a few month’s worth of inventory for specialized comprehensive. The challenge arises from the components; and mandating that each produc- ways and means of accessing and integrat- tion process operates independently in terms ing huge volumes of data. With scalable data of parts procurement. warehouses and integration techniques that compress latency to near-zero wait times, these To mitigate the risk of natural disasters, supply challenges can be overcome. Deeper supplier must be diversified. And if particular suppliers relationships can also minimize losses from are critical, then companies should consider business disruptions caused by natural disasters. acquiring component suppliers. Footnotes “Global Commerce Management: The Executive Business Case for Operational Excellence,” Supply 1 Chain Digest, 2005. 2 “Frito-Lay Tastes from Home # Giveaway,” Cuzinlogic, Aug. 23, 2011. frito-lay-tastes-from-home-giveaway/ 3 “2011 Financial Performance Report: Thriving in a Connected World,” PricewaterhouseCoopers and Grocery Manufacturer’s Association, 2011. food-beverage-consumer-products-sector-issues.jhtml 4 “Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturers’ Shipments, Inventories and Orders,” U.S. Census Bureau, October 2011. 5 Peter C. Witton, “Colgate Rethinks a Supply Chain,” Outlook Journal, Accenture, 2000, No. 1. cognizant reports 7
  • 8. 6 Yogesh Malik, Alex Niemeyer, Brian Ruwadi, “Building the Supply Chain of the Future,” McKinsey Quarterly, January 2011. future_2729 7 Dan Gilmore, “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest, Aug. 5, 2011. 8 “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest. 9 “Supply Chain Lessons from Procter & Gamble,” Supply Chain Digest. 10 David Barboza, “Workers Sickened at Apple Supplier in China,” The New York Times, Feb. 22, 2011. 11 “Reducing our Footprint: The Food, Beverage and Consumer Products Industry’s Progress in Sustainable Packaging,” Grocery Manufacturers Association, March 2011. file-manager/Sustainability/ReducingOurFootprint.pdf 12 “Global Imaging: Can You Say ‘World of Uncertainty?’” Digital Printing Blog, March 2, 2010. 13 “Xerox 2010 Report on Global Citizenship,” Xerox Corp., 2010. citizenship-2010/sustainability/waste-prevention.html 14 Lora Cecere, “Trends I Am Watching,” Supply Chain Shaman Blog, Nov. 28, 2011. http://www.sup- 15 “Supply Chain Analytics: How Hard Should You Squeeze?” Deloitte Debates, Deloitte Development LLC, 2010. deloitte-debates/cefe46d054aaa210VgnVCM3000001c56f00aRCRD.htm 16 “After Japan’s Earthquake: Rethinking the Supply Chain,” The Boston Consulting Group, June 2011. 17 Kevin Scarpati, “Toyota Eyes Quake-Proof Supply Chain,”, Sept. 6, 2011. 18 “Supply Chain Risk Management: A Delicate Balancing Act,” IBM Global Business Services, 2008. 19 “Preparing for the Worst: Natural Disasters and Supply Chain Risk Management,” CFO Research Services, CFO Publishing Corp., 2009. Author Sanjay Fuloria, Ph.D, Cognizant Research Center Subject Matter Experts Ramji Mani, Raghu Ramamurthy and Ganesh Iyer are Principal Consultants with Cognizant Business Consulting, with extensive experience advising companies on supply chain management issues across the consumer goods and manufacturing industries. cognizant reports 8
  • 9. About Cognizant Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process out- sourcing services. Cognizant’s single-minded passion is to dedicate our global technology and innovation know-how, our industry expertise and worldwide resources to working together with clients to make their businesses stronger. With over 50 global delivery centers and more than 130,000 employees as of September 30, 2011, we combine a unique global delivery model infused with a distinct culture of customer satisfaction. A member of the NASDAQ-100 Index and S&P 500 Index, Cognizant is a Forbes Global 2000 company and a member of the Fortune 1000 and is ranked among the top information technology companies in BusinessWeek’s Hot Growth and Top 50 Performers listings. Visit us online at for more information. World Headquarters European Headquarters India Operations Headquarters 500 Frank W. Burr Blvd. Haymarket House #5/535, Old Mahabalipuram Road Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA 28-29 Haymarket Okkiyam Pettai, Thoraipakkam Phone: +1 201 801 0233 London SW1Y 4SP UK Chennai, 600 096 India Fax: +1 201 801 0243 Phone: +44 (0) 20 7321 4888 Phone: +91 (0) 44 4209 6000 Toll Free: +1 888 937 3277 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7321 4890 Fax: +91 (0) 44 4209 6060 Email: Email: Email: © ­­ Copyright 2011, Cognizant. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express written permission from Cognizant. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.