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An assignment on
Business Strategy


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Executive Summary
Autoglassiswell-known as the best service providing company in the service businessrelating
to the banks and other service providers. In the windshield repairingbusinessAutoglass has
displayedanextraordinarilywork in satisfying the clienteles and providing the finest
windshield replacement or repairing service.
Throughoutaninspection in the industry 92% of the Autoglassconsumers were pleased at their
service. Autoglassupholds a pleasantaffiliationamong the customers and workforcesfor the
reason that they think if workers are mollified working in Autoglass then they will assist the
consumers more proficiently and it will turn on the income. Since the opening of the business
to this day Autoglassemphases on the desires and demands of the consumers and the mode of
providing facilities in an effective way.
Autoglasss currently the market frontrunner in the business and they are rising in a balanced
pace. They currently have 500 branches aiding in the Europe. Based on the given situation
and going over the Autoglass it can be concluded that Autoglass is in a durablelocation in the
windscreen replacement business and will be able to face upcomingdefies in an efficient and
effective method.

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. ii
Task 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 4
AND CORE COMPETENCIES OF AUTOGLASS ................................................................ 4
AUTOGLASS ........................................................................................................................... 4
Task 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 PRODUCE AN ORGANIZATIONAL AUDIT FOR AUTOGLASS ............................... 9
LEAST TWO APPROACHES ............................................................................................... 10
TO AUTOGLASS .................................................................................................................. 12
Task 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Task 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 18
IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOGLASS .............................................................................. 18
FOR AUTOGLASS ................................................................................................................ 19
TO MONITOR A GIVEN STRATEGY ................................................................................ 19
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 20
Reference ................................................................................................................................ 21

Task 1
Autoglass Company Mission:
Mission of acompany is based on the currentcondition and action procedures according
which the workforces are to perform to accomplish the purposes of the company (Kotler, P.,
2000). The main attention of the Autoglass Company is on the client’s satisfaction and
providing the finest windscreen services to the customers (Autoglass Company). By
accomplishing the operations, the dream of an organization takes character and the objective
Autoglass Company Vision:
Vision of an organization is the upcomingobjectives and aim that an organizations attempt to
complete by describing the assignments and setting goals and intentions to accomplish
(Kotler, P., 2000). The prophecy of The Autoglass Company is to assist the consumers
efficiently and deliver the highest level of pleasureto the consumers (Autoglass Company).
The vision of helping customers with honesty will lead them to raise and set margins in the
Autoglass Company Core Competency:
A core competency is a notion of concept that specifies the issues that a business realizes as
vital to the tactic the company or its personnel work (Grant M. R., 2010). Core competency
describes the core maneuver of an organization that figure the business objectives and visions
of that specific organization (Kotler, P., 2000). In instance of Autoglass the core competency
is that they can swap or repair any kind of wrecked or damaged windshield of any model
(Autoglass Company).
Strategic Intent:
The notion of strategic intent proposes that there is a general outlook on whereas the
enterprise ought to be going rather than a unquestionable affirmation of aide in Nursing
expected conclusion and this means that there ought to be galore of flexibility central the
affirmation to permit for workers begin, cluster facilitate and adaptation in light-weight of
modified attenuating constituents (Hoffman, K. Douglas, Scott W. Kelley, and Holly M.
Rotalsky.2009). The strategic intent of Autoglass is to determine itself as a result of the
market foremost wholeheartedly. They’re doing all the undertakings to remain foremost.
Role of Strategy of Autoglass:
The foremost task in strategic administration is commonly the compilation and dissemination
of the illusion and therefore the procedure affirmation. This summarizes, in essence, the
comprehending of a corporation (Hoffman, K. Douglas, Scott W. Kelley, and Holly M.
Rotalsky.2009). Autoglass has assembled their functions in theme conceiving in associate
extremely approach that the notions maintain associate unquestionable time span centralized
the execution (Autoglass Company).
Objective and goals of Autoglass:
The foremost aim of Autoglass is to direct their vendee by fixing or refurbishing broken
screen of any vehicle. The aim of Autoglass is to pattern their enterprise augment and
facilitate the worldwide persons (Autoglass Company). They’re increasing their enterprise by
being triumphant the hearts of the purchasers.

In order plan policies and implement strategies there are severalvibranttopics that will
essentiallyconsidered. Based on the circumstance, Ansoff’s model can be used to examine
the competitive advantages (Kotler, P., 2000).
Autoglass’s Competitive Benefits
Autoglassoffers the finest service of replacing windscreens. They are providing numerous
services to clienteles concerning windscreens and seizing a fair share of the market
(Autoglass Company). As Autoglass is developing day by day, they can use the Ansoff’s
model to investigate their competitive compensations.
Autoglassis providing facilities to more than one million consumers having issues with their
windshields every year. Ansoff’smodel of Growthproposes four different sets of substitutions
(Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). Based on the consequence and inquiry we learned that
Autoglass is increasing its market regularly and has the competency to assistfurther than they
are doing at this time. Therefore based on the situation,Autoglass can serve customers
through their current products and similarly can announce a new mean of services
(Automotive Industry, 2013). These four alternative strategies face different types of
possibilities. The strategies are:
1. Market penetration:A market scheme herewith a enterprise explorations for to
recognize bigger dominance in the market all through which they already are giving
(Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). This conceives commonly focuses on apprehending
a larger share of aide degree dwelling market. All through this part Autoglass will
increase its market segments by enterprise an allotment of their merchandise and
request an allotment of customers.
2. Product development:Autoglass can announce to the market a new artifact that
would supplement the existing products. But this tactic has a severe disadvantage. If
the consumers failed to infer the new product then this one would result in dropping
3. Market development:Autoglass is the marketplace leader in windshield repairing
business. So they can brand Autoglass more widely and try to snatch new consumers
to upturn its market segment.
4. Diversification:Autoglass can generateanassortment that will banquet the risks and
decrease the loss of revenue.
Autoglass also must give importance to the geographic segment where they should maneuver
and specify the leastrequests of the dealers to get the eminence product. Autoglass Company
is in uppermost of its functioning industry so they can raise the growth amount in a fixed
manner by nourishing both present as well as new customers and upsurge its market segment.
Autoglass can set a five years development strategy based on the Ansoff’s Growth Model to
attain the target.
Definition of Top-Down and Bottom-Up
Top Down: A top-down approach is basically the breaking down of a scheme to gain
awareness into its compositional sub-systems (Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013).

Autoglass is exhausting this approach in their product expansion and they are
quiteprosperous in using this tactic.
Bottom-Up: A bottom-up approach is the patching together of schemes to give upsurge to
more multifaceted systems, thus creating the original systems sub-systems of the promising
system (Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013). Autoglass is using this approach in their
package development to mollify the customers and they are quite successful in using this
Behavioral Approach for Autoglass:Autoglass ought to access centered the top-down
adjustment in alignment to capitalize their assets and to handle the affray aural the future.
Autoglass could be a growing action centered the action and accordingly the account they're
adventure won't be appropriate for them to comprise on to the area axial the market. They
accept to access to up with some developments for his or her commodity and bazaar in
alignment that they could an absolute exchange for the purchasers.
Casual conceiving Informal Planning:Informal planning is that the procedures while the
supervisor or foremost of an assembly evolves an inspiration with no one accepted structure
and rigid associations (Grant M.R. 2010). Certain as blasting instant things managers use this
approach while it's conditionally significant to conceive any prescribed structure of close to
up with or the timeline for conceiving isn't ample. It’s significant to order short allowance
objectives of the organization.

In order to develop in the businessAutoglass can use three procedures, and they are:
1. BCG Growth Share Matrix
Autoglass can line up their products in such a method where they can distinguish their
products and keepanagreement in the product assortment (Kotler, P., 2000). It will
similarly help Autoglass to define when and wherever they are going to finance in a
new product development and at what time to remove all the wages from the product.
Placing goods in the BCG growth share matrix Autoglass will face 4 types of consequences
in the market. And they are:

High Growth and High Market Share (STARS)
This strategy involves high amount of cash and the administration needs to
regulate the flow of currency in the business.
The star businesses are prior to become cash cows in the upcoming and
management can harvest from the business venture.

Low Growth but High Market Share (CASH COWS)
From the matrix, we can see the product which has low growth but high
market share is the steady business and generates steady revenue.


Low Growth and Low Market Share (DOGS)
When the products starts to lose its market share and growth rates decline then
the product falls into dogs category. The organizations should divest from the
business at this moment.
Management should watch over any unnecessary expenses.


High Growth but Low Market Share (QUESTION MARKS)
The products which are newly introduced fall in this category and have the
potentiality to maximize growth.
The product has also the risk of being a dog product if it does not turn in any
2. Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE)
Autoglass can practice the SPACE matrix to regulate the market petition and
requirements to function and make tactics to expand the marketplace (Armstrong, G.,
& Kotler, P., 2006). SPACE matrix has four altered quadrants which describe the
organizations place and the progress of actions (Kotler, P., 2000). Autoglass is in a
sturdysituation in the market. So, they can practice the forceful strategies to seizure
the market and it will moreover help in defining the SWOT of the organizations.
3. Profit Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS)
PIMS is a kind of catalogue that gives compacted information and suggestion to
upkeep the plans that are carry out to gain modest advantages.Autoglass would likely
sustain person’s service data in alignment to study their standards and conceiving
method in alignment that they will contain pathway of their accomplishment and
implementation of the methods.

Task 2
SWOT Analysis

• Visual Clarity
• Low cost
• Safety

• New Product
• Emerging economy

• Promotion
• Advertisement

• Geographic Location
• Government Policy

Figure: SWOT Analysis
Autoglass provides extraordinary products at small cost.
The safety structures in the product are high.
Windshields deliver visual clarity.
Autoglasspromotes less of their brand.
Lack of advertisement is present.
Windshield swapping or repairing is existing in emerging economy.
Development of new merchandises creates new opportunities.

Operation in unnecessary places is loss of capital.
Government policies shape the business environment.

PESTLE analysis is directed to regulate the operation strategy in the business and to pick up
the appeal of the industry of operation (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). In order to
function in abusiness there are numerous factors that requires to be accounted for
(Automotive Industry, 2013). Organizations can make best use of opportunities and reduce
threats by conducting PESTLE analysis.
PESTLE analysis
Political environment in any country controls the charm of the business.
Government steadiness is important for the reason that it may affect the upcoming
Organizations must pay taxes and taxation strategies affect the business.
Purchasing capability of the people regulates cost and level of facility in the industry.
The need for swapping windshield is characterized by the level of financial activity.
Lifestyle and likingsshapes abusiness.
The choice to own avehicle and need to swap windshield depends on the social norm.
Technology connecting the designs.
Technology of windshieldmanufacturing.
Law regarding safety methods is important.
Employment and customer law is vastly emphasized.

Some things are away from control of the organizations such as weather, environment
and climate change.
Porter’s five forces study helps the management to determine and understand the
completesituation of the industry (Kotler, P., 2000).
Porter’s five forces are:
1. The threat of new entrants
Economies of Scale: This is normally a low risk and it measures the balance of
economy in the production.
Government Policy: Government policy can bind the entry and exit barrier in an
2. The bargaining power of customers
Threat of Backward Integration:Organizations face the danger of hesitant
integration with the providers.
3. The threat of substitute products
Prices:Expensesplay avital role in every industry. Buyers may move from one
product to another just for the reason of price sensitivity.
Access:Buyers entrance in the business is now a day’s considerably easier than it was
4. The amount of bargaining power suppliers have
Threat of forward Integration:Organizations face the threat of advancing
integration with the dealers. With the assistanceof the suppliers, buyers can create the
same products that are offered by a different company.
5. The intensity of the competitive rivalry
Number of Competitors:Competitor’squantity plays an imperative role in pricing
Diversity of Rivals:The opponents challenge and cross each other’s track in creating
and implementing strategies.

The stakeholders’ grid:

High Influence
Low Interest

Low Influence
Low Interest

High Influence
High Interest

Low Influence
High Interest

Figure: Stakeholders’ Grid
1. Promoters: It refers to the stakeholders who effect the strategies and also has great
2. Latent’s: It refers to the stakeholders who influence strategies but has small interest.
3. Apathetic: It refers to the Stakeholders who has low interest and seldom influences
the strategies.
4. Defenders: It refers to the stakeholders who have low influence in the strategy
making but high interest.
The neutrals art ceaseless in four classifications in alignment that every stakeholder has their
actual privileges and obligations in abode of the conceiving the concepts for the affiliation
which can be directed for the advancement of the association. Autoglass has mapped the
stakeholder’s axial the affiliation in alignment that the stakeholders can allowance their
obligation in appraise of the organization’s earnings.

Task 3








Market Entry Strategy
Organic Growth: once associate enterprise association accomplishes development over its
own enterprise that's as identical as a result of the start of the organization, it's far-famed as
organic development. It omits any development that is profited by pacing into the opposite
enterprise or consolidation or acquisition.
Merger: Merger is that the procedure by 2 enterprises gets united and turns into one entity
through lawful consolidation. The beginning of Autoglass was through such consolidation
Acquisition: this can be the procedure wherever one unquestionable enterprise buys another
whole enterprise and assemblies up itself as a result of the man of affairs. During this
technique 100 percent or adjacent 100 percent possession craves to be reaching by.
StrategicAlliance: this can be the strategy whereas two or additional enterprises agree upon
reasonably widespread objectives and share each other’s assets to meet those objectives. This
approach is wholeheartedly a concept that resides between the conception of organic
development and connecting or acquisition.
Licensing: it's the conceive through that a mother enterprise (licensor) permits another
enterprise (licensee) to use its trademark and deal the merchandise or services on the
groundwork of affirmations on varied time spans. The time span adopts the authorizing
impute that wishes to be paid to the licensor.
Franchising: it's the conceive, through that associate enterprise profits from the proper to use
another company’s trademark, enterprise kind, procedures whereas the franchisor provision
the proper to the franchisee. For obtaining market share overseas, Autoglass might use this
approach by circulation franchises in distinct locations.


RelatedDiversification: once associate enterprise elaborates its enterprise with some
diversification interior the house line of merchandise (Isen, Alice M., 2012). The new
productions parallelogram contemplate alike to the present merchandise.
HorizontalIntegration: In degree integration associate enterprise diversity or comes by yield
facility of related to or complementary merchandise (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000).
Seldomis it planning to in addition happen that an organization purchases one amidst its
competitors and pattern integration. Autoglass would probably pattern such integration by
connecting with alternate output that is related to with its house merchandise.
UnrelatedDiversification: it's the strategy once associate enterprise new staff into
diversification by inserting new merchandise and services that doesn’t settle for as factual the
house merchandise (Isen, Alice M., 2012). it'll be unrelated diversification if Autoglass starts
mercantilism house window crystal or attractiveness mirrors.
VerticalIntegration: In integration a business connections with the enterprises or partners of
the provide string of links and in some things all the partners of the string of attachments
comprise below one man of affairs (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). Autoglass may give
work into integration by connecting with the suppliers and vendors.

MarketPenetration: It implies that penetrating the comparable market by giving comparable
value against the price of the competitors. This approach is committed to instantly strike the
competitors by benefiting their customers. It’s usually used to complete sales development.
MarketDevelopment: It proposes that aiming at new person’s phases and appealing the nonbuying customers of that phase. It assists to increase the market share by supplementing new
a part of shoppers. It’s promise for Autoglass to develop the market by geographically
increasing the enterprise and returning to the consumers.
Product Development: It implies that developing new merchandise that don't live presently
and then appealing customers to urge associate allotment of diversity of merchandise or
Innovation: It proposes that looking for a only new would love of the consumers within the
market and innovating replacement merchandise or service to rendezvous that need.

Innovation: It proposes that looking for a only new would love of the consumers within the
market and innovating replacement merchandise or service to rendezvous that need.

Retrenchment: a subject used by corporations to cut back the range or the last size of the
strategies of the business. This theme is typicallyused so on slash costs with the aim of
adjusting into an additional economic steady enterprise.
Turnaround: flip around could also be a way dedicated to enterprise renewal. It utilizes
investigation and reaching to save caused anguish corporations and returns them to condition.
Turnaround administration enlists administration rethink, activity supported largely
accountancy, supply malfunction determinants enquiry, and SWOT investigation to figure
out why the enterprise is lowering short. thus on pattern a comeback within the enterprise
associations have to be compelled to verify the bottom of the adversities and supported those
adversities they need to pattern up new strategies and standards to trounce those problems.
Liquidation: once a firm is terminated or bankrupted, its assets parallelogram live noted and
moreover the development buys creditors. Any leftovers square measure circulated to
shareholders. Liquidating a firm is that the last stage of the firm’s survival. If no alternate
ideas agree the organizations then it ought to deal its assets then pay the shareholders and
Divestment: the strategy of withdrawal of shopping for into. moreover mentioned to as
divestiture, it's created for either economic or communal goals. Divestment is that the
converse of shopping for into. It the manoeuvre of dragging out the assets operational and
agreements those to rendezvous the gap inside the financial affairs and then on liquidate the
association divestment is very important for any association.

Porter’s Generic Strategy

Michael Porter described the overall strategies for an organization to function in the industry.
Companies usethese strategies to increase competitive advantages (Kotler, P., 2000). The
strategies are:
1. Overall Cost Leadership
2. Focal Point


Based on the scenario it
can be concluded that
Autoglass is following
the cost leadership in the
business and they are
proposing their services
in the bottommost cost
possible (Armstrong, G.,
& Kotler, P. 2006). It is
supportive to attract
more clienteles and go
into the new market.

Focal Point

Overall Cost Leadership

3. Differentiation

To expand business in
the industry
organizations wishes to
focus on an exact
objective (Armstrong,
G., & Kotler, P., 2006).
Autoglass is focusing on
aiding the consumers
and please them for their
money worth. Autoglass
has converted the best
windshield repairing or
replacing service

Cost leadership singlehandedly cannot help an
organization to adore
profit from the market.
Variation is necessary to
bring in more revenues
and grabbing additional
customers (Armstrong,
G., & Kotler, P. 2006).
The Autoglass is
contributing 24/7
customer facilities to
separate them from the

Figure: Porter’s Generic Strategy








In alignment to perplex the market segment Autoglass enterprise needs new notions and new
components which can be cooperative for them to flourish the market. So considering future
conceive they can investigate their market need and arrive to to up with some development of
the new merchandise to diversify their services and arrest a new market segment.
Autoglass should be following the upright integration conceive to augment their enterprise.
They can accelerate with coalition with automakers to arrest the new market segment.
Autoglass is in a strong place and they might be proficient to accelerate with the coalition
with new associations. Because this conceive is befitting for the associations development
and their centre capabilities acquiesce with the conceive. Coalition with affiliated
associations will endow Autoglass to put more aim on the customer’s fondness and can
develop new merchandise class to fulfill the craves of the customers.
Only starting new merchandise line and expanding the market will not solely help the
Autoglass enterprise to perplex in the market. Autoglass should wholeheartedly reassess the
answer of the customers so that they might realise what the customers are looking for and to
what degree of acceptance customer’s crave.
The Autoglass is at present have a 92% acceptance rate amidst the customers. But with
expansion of the enterprise the acceptance rate might fluctuate and Autoglass need to
assemble a timescale for the new goals and elongation of the new services. considering the
position in the enterprise, Autoglass can provide a 5 quarters conceive that will be plentiful
for Autoglass to contend up with the affray and sustain coalition with the automakers to
perplex the enterprise. Autoglass can standard next 5 quarters to obey with notions they have
taken and fulfill the firm pledge to the customers.

Task 4







Affecting the guidelines within the organization is extremely necessary and it brings a
definite consequence for the organization’s wellbeing (Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012). Within
the application of the strategies it indicates to the strategies that area unit chosen and thought
of to earn revenue for the organization. Seeing the tactics policies are well expressed and
tested to establish if those strategies are unit suitable or not (Purchase Behavior, 2013). If the
strategies fail to realize vital score then it's turned down and thought of as barren one.
Autoglassneed to practice in depth straining procedures of the strategies to grab and preserve
the market share.
Autoglass management should compute the selling and sales ways to double-check the best
market share and sales. The sales cluster ought to be developed throughout a means which
will continue with the affray inside the market. Productive advertisements in relevant
localities would probably facilitate an allotment throughout this consider. The centre
competencies should to be clearly concentrated to attractiveness the shoppers.
CEO of a company is responsible for turning the thoughts into reality and generating a mark
inside the business (Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012). To use economical and operational
policies all the teams inside the organization are combined in the least stages of the
viewpoint and plan of action call which ends up in a very well coherent set up and also the
diversification or modification of the techniques are possible (Schultz, H.2006).
In order to achieve the targeted market portion clear and reliable statements arerequired.
Communal picturingare wellrequired in identifying and reviewing the premises, bases of the
policies and recommend actions (Ivanauskiene, N, &Auruskeviciene, V., 2009).
Managers have to inspire and influence the workforces to perform the guidelines that are
accepted expeditiously and effectively. Satisfying the mark, achievement can end in
operative satisfaction and coherence in job atmosphere.

In order to calculate the resources of Autoglass, the organization must choice proper supplies
and put them in the particular departments to deliver the services. Autoglass has ranked its
human resources as a result it became the best service supplier of windscreens.Autoglass
additionally has fleet pairing which needs man power in addition and that they genuine
measure cautious concerning their hands (Dessler, G., 2000). Therefore Autoglassapplies a
lot in instruction and developing the talents of the staff (Dessler, G., 2000).
In thought of resources and time distributionAutoglass is that the innovator in the business as
anoutcome of their action the most operational materials to confirm the durability and safety
of the consumers and conjointly maintaining period in delivering the service (Autoglass
In the given situation the Autoglass Company is economical in their resources and efficient
in evaluating the resources to produce the most effective and satisfying service.

Evaluation of the benchmark outcomes:
Quarter 1

The company should be bring up with the strategies and find out the
feasibility of the strategies whether the strategies would reflect in the expected
outcome. They can take the feedback of the customers and find out what else
they are looking for in the windscreen repairing service. There should be
weekly and monthly monitoring by the line managers of the divisions.

Quarter 2

During the period Autoglass should review the customer’s feedback and
implement the desired plan to expand the business. The line managers should be
responsible for collecting the feedbacks and acting towards it.

Quarter 3

This is the quarter of gathering information and takes research note on the
implemented strategies. The management should find out the gap between the
expected outcome and actual outcome. The GAP might occur because of lack of
coordination or inefficiency of the employees and line managers.
Quarter 4

Management should organize a training program to fill in the gap. So that
the employees can achieve the organization goal in desired manner.

Quarter 5

In this quarter the organization might achieve the desired results based on the
strategy making and the implementation method. If the management fails to
achieve the objectives through the strategies, then they have to initiate actions
based on information like training the employees or providing support to them.

Table: Evaluation of the outcomes


As a market leader Autoglass has set a replacement customary of services to its
customers. This instance cannot be eluded cooperation and Autoglass shows that they
need an enormous range of qualified and economical employees by whom they need
achieved that was once out of the question during this trade. Their client satisfaction
rate is jealous for a service company of the planet. Their technological initiation was
thrilling for the shoppers. Now-a-day they're attempting to expand their market and it
{should} cause those facing new challenges however so as to become a worldwide
market leader each company should settle for any reasonably challenges.

Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012, 'Corporate Wikis: The Impact of Autoglasss in the Windscreen
industry, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 87-116.
Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., (2006). Marketing:An introduction (8thed.). New York: Prentice
Autoglass Company. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November, 2013].
Automotive Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. 2013. Automotive
Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 November,
Dessler, G., 2000. Human Resource Management. 5th ed. Delhi: Pearson.
Ivanauskiene, N, &Auruskeviciene, V., 2009, Change Management and Its preparation',
Economics & Management, pp. 407-412.
Kotler, P., 2000. Marketing Management. 5th ed. New Delhi: Prentice hall of India.
Purchase Behavior- Business Customers. 2013. Purchase Behavior- Business Customers.
[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 October, 2013].
Schultz, H., (2006). Discover the Traits of Top Management [online]. S.N. [Accessed 28
November, 2013].
Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013.Strategic Management and Business Policy. 5th ed.
Delhi: Pearson.


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  • 1. An assignment on Business Strategy Submitted: Name: ID: Submitted To: Date of Submission: i
  • 2. Executive Summary Autoglassiswell-known as the best service providing company in the service businessrelating to the banks and other service providers. In the windshield repairingbusinessAutoglass has displayedanextraordinarilywork in satisfying the clienteles and providing the finest windshield replacement or repairing service. Throughoutaninspection in the industry 92% of the Autoglassconsumers were pleased at their service. Autoglassupholds a pleasantaffiliationamong the customers and workforcesfor the reason that they think if workers are mollified working in Autoglass then they will assist the consumers more proficiently and it will turn on the income. Since the opening of the business to this day Autoglassemphases on the desires and demands of the consumers and the mode of providing facilities in an effective way. Autoglasss currently the market frontrunner in the business and they are rising in a balanced pace. They currently have 500 branches aiding in the Europe. Based on the given situation and going over the Autoglass it can be concluded that Autoglass is in a durablelocation in the windscreen replacement business and will be able to face upcomingdefies in an efficient and effective method. ii
  • 3. Contents Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. ii Task 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.1 EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF STRATEGY, MISSION, VISIONS, OBJECTIVE, GOALS AND CORE COMPETENCIES OF AUTOGLASS ................................................................ 4 1.2 REVIEW THE VITAL ISSUES INVOLVED IN STRATEGIC PLANNING IN AUTOGLASS ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 EXPLAIN MINIMUM THREE PLANNING TECHNIQUE FOR AUTOGLASS........... 7 Task 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 9 2.1 PRODUCE AN ORGANIZATIONAL AUDIT FOR AUTOGLASS ............................... 9 2.2 CARRY OUT AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT FOR AUTOGLASS USING AT LEAST TWO APPROACHES ............................................................................................... 10 2.3 EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF STAKEHOLDERS’ ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO AUTOGLASS .................................................................................................................. 12 Task 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 ANALYZE POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES STRATEGIES RELATING TO SUBSTANTIVE GROWTH, LIMITED GROWTH AND RETRENCHMENT................... 13 3.2 SELECT AN APPROPRIATE FUTURE STRATEGY FOR AUTOGLASS ................. 16 Task 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 COMPARE THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOGLASS .............................................................................. 18 4.2 EVALUATE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS TO IMPLEMENT A NEW STRATEGY FOR AUTOGLASS ................................................................................................................ 19 4.3 DISCUSS TARGETS AND TIMESCALES FOR ACHIEVEMENT FOR AUTOGLASS TO MONITOR A GIVEN STRATEGY ................................................................................ 19 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 20 Reference ................................................................................................................................ 21 iii
  • 4. Task 1 1.1 EXPLAIN THE ROLE OF STRATEGY, OBJECTIVE, VISIONS, MISSION, GOALS AND CORE COMPETENCIES OF AUTOGLASS Autoglass Company Mission: Mission of acompany is based on the currentcondition and action procedures according which the workforces are to perform to accomplish the purposes of the company (Kotler, P., 2000). The main attention of the Autoglass Company is on the client’s satisfaction and providing the finest windscreen services to the customers (Autoglass Company). By accomplishing the operations, the dream of an organization takes character and the objective becomesvibrant. Autoglass Company Vision: Vision of an organization is the upcomingobjectives and aim that an organizations attempt to complete by describing the assignments and setting goals and intentions to accomplish (Kotler, P., 2000). The prophecy of The Autoglass Company is to assist the consumers efficiently and deliver the highest level of pleasureto the consumers (Autoglass Company). The vision of helping customers with honesty will lead them to raise and set margins in the business. Autoglass Company Core Competency: A core competency is a notion of concept that specifies the issues that a business realizes as vital to the tactic the company or its personnel work (Grant M. R., 2010). Core competency describes the core maneuver of an organization that figure the business objectives and visions of that specific organization (Kotler, P., 2000). In instance of Autoglass the core competency is that they can swap or repair any kind of wrecked or damaged windshield of any model (Autoglass Company). Strategic Intent: The notion of strategic intent proposes that there is a general outlook on whereas the enterprise ought to be going rather than a unquestionable affirmation of aide in Nursing expected conclusion and this means that there ought to be galore of flexibility central the 4
  • 5. affirmation to permit for workers begin, cluster facilitate and adaptation in light-weight of modified attenuating constituents (Hoffman, K. Douglas, Scott W. Kelley, and Holly M. Rotalsky.2009). The strategic intent of Autoglass is to determine itself as a result of the market foremost wholeheartedly. They’re doing all the undertakings to remain foremost. Role of Strategy of Autoglass: The foremost task in strategic administration is commonly the compilation and dissemination of the illusion and therefore the procedure affirmation. This summarizes, in essence, the comprehending of a corporation (Hoffman, K. Douglas, Scott W. Kelley, and Holly M. Rotalsky.2009). Autoglass has assembled their functions in theme conceiving in associate extremely approach that the notions maintain associate unquestionable time span centralized the execution (Autoglass Company). Objective and goals of Autoglass: The foremost aim of Autoglass is to direct their vendee by fixing or refurbishing broken screen of any vehicle. The aim of Autoglass is to pattern their enterprise augment and facilitate the worldwide persons (Autoglass Company). They’re increasing their enterprise by being triumphant the hearts of the purchasers. 1.2 REVIEW THE VITAL ISSUES INVOLVED IN STRATEGIC PLANNING IN AUTOGLASS In order plan policies and implement strategies there are severalvibranttopics that will essentiallyconsidered. Based on the circumstance, Ansoff’s model can be used to examine the competitive advantages (Kotler, P., 2000). Autoglass’s Competitive Benefits Autoglassoffers the finest service of replacing windscreens. They are providing numerous services to clienteles concerning windscreens and seizing a fair share of the market (Autoglass Company). As Autoglass is developing day by day, they can use the Ansoff’s model to investigate their competitive compensations. Autoglassis providing facilities to more than one million consumers having issues with their windshields every year. Ansoff’smodel of Growthproposes four different sets of substitutions 5
  • 6. (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). Based on the consequence and inquiry we learned that Autoglass is increasing its market regularly and has the competency to assistfurther than they are doing at this time. Therefore based on the situation,Autoglass can serve customers through their current products and similarly can announce a new mean of services (Automotive Industry, 2013). These four alternative strategies face different types of possibilities. The strategies are: 1. Market penetration:A market scheme herewith a enterprise explorations for to recognize bigger dominance in the market all through which they already are giving (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). This conceives commonly focuses on apprehending a larger share of aide degree dwelling market. All through this part Autoglass will increase its market segments by enterprise an allotment of their merchandise and request an allotment of customers. 2. Product development:Autoglass can announce to the market a new artifact that would supplement the existing products. But this tactic has a severe disadvantage. If the consumers failed to infer the new product then this one would result in dropping revenue. 3. Market development:Autoglass is the marketplace leader in windshield repairing business. So they can brand Autoglass more widely and try to snatch new consumers to upturn its market segment. 4. Diversification:Autoglass can generateanassortment that will banquet the risks and decrease the loss of revenue. Autoglass also must give importance to the geographic segment where they should maneuver and specify the leastrequests of the dealers to get the eminence product. Autoglass Company is in uppermost of its functioning industry so they can raise the growth amount in a fixed manner by nourishing both present as well as new customers and upsurge its market segment. Autoglass can set a five years development strategy based on the Ansoff’s Growth Model to attain the target. Definition of Top-Down and Bottom-Up Top Down: A top-down approach is basically the breaking down of a scheme to gain awareness into its compositional sub-systems (Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013). 6
  • 7. Autoglass is exhausting this approach in their product expansion and they are quiteprosperous in using this tactic. Bottom-Up: A bottom-up approach is the patching together of schemes to give upsurge to more multifaceted systems, thus creating the original systems sub-systems of the promising system (Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013). Autoglass is using this approach in their package development to mollify the customers and they are quite successful in using this tactic. Behavioral Approach for Autoglass:Autoglass ought to access centered the top-down adjustment in alignment to capitalize their assets and to handle the affray aural the future. Autoglass could be a growing action centered the action and accordingly the account they're adventure won't be appropriate for them to comprise on to the area axial the market. They accept to access to up with some developments for his or her commodity and bazaar in alignment that they could an absolute exchange for the purchasers. Casual conceiving Informal Planning:Informal planning is that the procedures while the supervisor or foremost of an assembly evolves an inspiration with no one accepted structure and rigid associations (Grant M.R. 2010). Certain as blasting instant things managers use this approach while it's conditionally significant to conceive any prescribed structure of close to up with or the timeline for conceiving isn't ample. It’s significant to order short allowance objectives of the organization. 1.3 EXPLAIN MINIMUM THREE PLANNING TECHNIQUE FOR AUTOGLASS In order to develop in the businessAutoglass can use three procedures, and they are: 1. BCG Growth Share Matrix Autoglass can line up their products in such a method where they can distinguish their products and keepanagreement in the product assortment (Kotler, P., 2000). It will similarly help Autoglass to define when and wherever they are going to finance in a new product development and at what time to remove all the wages from the product. Placing goods in the BCG growth share matrix Autoglass will face 4 types of consequences in the market. And they are: i. High Growth and High Market Share (STARS) 7
  • 8. This strategy involves high amount of cash and the administration needs to regulate the flow of currency in the business. The star businesses are prior to become cash cows in the upcoming and management can harvest from the business venture. ii. Low Growth but High Market Share (CASH COWS) From the matrix, we can see the product which has low growth but high market share is the steady business and generates steady revenue. iii. Low Growth and Low Market Share (DOGS) When the products starts to lose its market share and growth rates decline then the product falls into dogs category. The organizations should divest from the business at this moment. Management should watch over any unnecessary expenses. iv. High Growth but Low Market Share (QUESTION MARKS) The products which are newly introduced fall in this category and have the potentiality to maximize growth. The product has also the risk of being a dog product if it does not turn in any revenue. 2. Strategic Position & Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE) Autoglass can practice the SPACE matrix to regulate the market petition and requirements to function and make tactics to expand the marketplace (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). SPACE matrix has four altered quadrants which describe the organizations place and the progress of actions (Kotler, P., 2000). Autoglass is in a sturdysituation in the market. So, they can practice the forceful strategies to seizure the market and it will moreover help in defining the SWOT of the organizations. 3. Profit Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS) PIMS is a kind of catalogue that gives compacted information and suggestion to upkeep the plans that are carry out to gain modest advantages.Autoglass would likely sustain person’s service data in alignment to study their standards and conceiving method in alignment that they will contain pathway of their accomplishment and implementation of the methods. 8
  • 9. Task 2 2.1 PRODUCE AN ORGANIZATIONAL AUDIT FOR AUTOGLASS SWOT Analysis Strengths • Visual Clarity • Low cost • Safety Opportunities • New Product • Emerging economy SWOT Weaknesses • Promotion • Advertisement Threats • Geographic Location • Government Policy Figure: SWOT Analysis Strengths Autoglass provides extraordinary products at small cost. The safety structures in the product are high. Windshields deliver visual clarity. Weaknesses Autoglasspromotes less of their brand. Lack of advertisement is present. Opportunities Windshield swapping or repairing is existing in emerging economy. Development of new merchandises creates new opportunities. 9
  • 10. Threats Operation in unnecessary places is loss of capital. Government policies shape the business environment. 2.2 CARRY OUT AN ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT FOR AUTOGLASS USING AT LEAST TWO APPROACHES PESTLE analysis is directed to regulate the operation strategy in the business and to pick up the appeal of the industry of operation (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). In order to function in abusiness there are numerous factors that requires to be accounted for (Automotive Industry, 2013). Organizations can make best use of opportunities and reduce threats by conducting PESTLE analysis. PESTLE analysis Political Political environment in any country controls the charm of the business. Government steadiness is important for the reason that it may affect the upcoming decisions. Organizations must pay taxes and taxation strategies affect the business. Economical Purchasing capability of the people regulates cost and level of facility in the industry. The need for swapping windshield is characterized by the level of financial activity. Socio-cultural Lifestyle and likingsshapes abusiness. The choice to own avehicle and need to swap windshield depends on the social norm. Technological Technology connecting the designs. Technology of windshieldmanufacturing. Legal Law regarding safety methods is important. Employment and customer law is vastly emphasized. 10
  • 11. Environmental Some things are away from control of the organizations such as weather, environment and climate change. Porter’s five forces study helps the management to determine and understand the completesituation of the industry (Kotler, P., 2000). Porter’s five forces are: 1. The threat of new entrants Economies of Scale: This is normally a low risk and it measures the balance of economy in the production. Government Policy: Government policy can bind the entry and exit barrier in an industry. 2. The bargaining power of customers Threat of Backward Integration:Organizations face the danger of hesitant integration with the providers. 3. The threat of substitute products Prices:Expensesplay avital role in every industry. Buyers may move from one product to another just for the reason of price sensitivity. Access:Buyers entrance in the business is now a day’s considerably easier than it was before. 4. The amount of bargaining power suppliers have Threat of forward Integration:Organizations face the threat of advancing integration with the dealers. With the assistanceof the suppliers, buyers can create the same products that are offered by a different company. 5. The intensity of the competitive rivalry Number of Competitors:Competitor’squantity plays an imperative role in pricing policy. Diversity of Rivals:The opponents challenge and cross each other’s track in creating and implementing strategies. 11
  • 12. 2.3 EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE OF STAKEHOLDERS’ ANALYSIS IN RELATION TO AUTOGLASS The stakeholders’ grid: High Influence Low Interest (Latent’s) Low Influence Low Interest (Apathetic) High Influence High Interest (Promoters) Low Influence High Interest (Defenders) Figure: Stakeholders’ Grid 1. Promoters: It refers to the stakeholders who effect the strategies and also has great interest. 2. Latent’s: It refers to the stakeholders who influence strategies but has small interest. 3. Apathetic: It refers to the Stakeholders who has low interest and seldom influences the strategies. 4. Defenders: It refers to the stakeholders who have low influence in the strategy making but high interest. The neutrals art ceaseless in four classifications in alignment that every stakeholder has their actual privileges and obligations in abode of the conceiving the concepts for the affiliation which can be directed for the advancement of the association. Autoglass has mapped the stakeholder’s axial the affiliation in alignment that the stakeholders can allowance their obligation in appraise of the organization’s earnings. Task 3 12
  • 13. 3.1 ANALYZE POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVES STRATEGIES RELATING TO SUBSTANTIVE GROWTH, LIMITED GROWTH AND RETRENCHMENT Market Entry Strategy Organic Growth: once associate enterprise association accomplishes development over its own enterprise that's as identical as a result of the start of the organization, it's far-famed as organic development. It omits any development that is profited by pacing into the opposite enterprise or consolidation or acquisition. Merger: Merger is that the procedure by 2 enterprises gets united and turns into one entity through lawful consolidation. The beginning of Autoglass was through such consolidation Acquisition: this can be the procedure wherever one unquestionable enterprise buys another whole enterprise and assemblies up itself as a result of the man of affairs. During this technique 100 percent or adjacent 100 percent possession craves to be reaching by. StrategicAlliance: this can be the strategy whereas two or additional enterprises agree upon reasonably widespread objectives and share each other’s assets to meet those objectives. This approach is wholeheartedly a concept that resides between the conception of organic development and connecting or acquisition. Licensing: it's the conceive through that a mother enterprise (licensor) permits another enterprise (licensee) to use its trademark and deal the merchandise or services on the groundwork of affirmations on varied time spans. The time span adopts the authorizing impute that wishes to be paid to the licensor. Franchising: it's the conceive, through that associate enterprise profits from the proper to use another company’s trademark, enterprise kind, procedures whereas the franchisor provision the proper to the franchisee. For obtaining market share overseas, Autoglass might use this approach by circulation franchises in distinct locations. SubstantiveGrowth 13
  • 14. RelatedDiversification: once associate enterprise elaborates its enterprise with some diversification interior the house line of merchandise (Isen, Alice M., 2012). The new productions parallelogram contemplate alike to the present merchandise. HorizontalIntegration: In degree integration associate enterprise diversity or comes by yield facility of related to or complementary merchandise (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). Seldomis it planning to in addition happen that an organization purchases one amidst its competitors and pattern integration. Autoglass would probably pattern such integration by connecting with alternate output that is related to with its house merchandise. UnrelatedDiversification: it's the strategy once associate enterprise new staff into diversification by inserting new merchandise and services that doesn’t settle for as factual the house merchandise (Isen, Alice M., 2012). it'll be unrelated diversification if Autoglass starts mercantilism house window crystal or attractiveness mirrors. VerticalIntegration: In integration a business connections with the enterprises or partners of the provide string of links and in some things all the partners of the string of attachments comprise below one man of affairs (Melody, Y. & Kevin, H., 2000). Autoglass may give work into integration by connecting with the suppliers and vendors. LimitedGrowth MarketPenetration: It implies that penetrating the comparable market by giving comparable value against the price of the competitors. This approach is committed to instantly strike the competitors by benefiting their customers. It’s usually used to complete sales development. MarketDevelopment: It proposes that aiming at new person’s phases and appealing the nonbuying customers of that phase. It assists to increase the market share by supplementing new a part of shoppers. It’s promise for Autoglass to develop the market by geographically increasing the enterprise and returning to the consumers. Product Development: It implies that developing new merchandise that don't live presently and then appealing customers to urge associate allotment of diversity of merchandise or services. Innovation: It proposes that looking for a only new would love of the consumers within the market and innovating replacement merchandise or service to rendezvous that need. 14
  • 15. Innovation: It proposes that looking for a only new would love of the consumers within the market and innovating replacement merchandise or service to rendezvous that need. Disinvestment: Retrenchment: a subject used by corporations to cut back the range or the last size of the strategies of the business. This theme is typicallyused so on slash costs with the aim of adjusting into an additional economic steady enterprise. Turnaround: flip around could also be a way dedicated to enterprise renewal. It utilizes investigation and reaching to save caused anguish corporations and returns them to condition. Turnaround administration enlists administration rethink, activity supported largely accountancy, supply malfunction determinants enquiry, and SWOT investigation to figure out why the enterprise is lowering short. thus on pattern a comeback within the enterprise associations have to be compelled to verify the bottom of the adversities and supported those adversities they need to pattern up new strategies and standards to trounce those problems. Liquidation: once a firm is terminated or bankrupted, its assets parallelogram live noted and moreover the development buys creditors. Any leftovers square measure circulated to shareholders. Liquidating a firm is that the last stage of the firm’s survival. If no alternate ideas agree the organizations then it ought to deal its assets then pay the shareholders and stakeholders. Divestment: the strategy of withdrawal of shopping for into. moreover mentioned to as divestiture, it's created for either economic or communal goals. Divestment is that the converse of shopping for into. It the manoeuvre of dragging out the assets operational and agreements those to rendezvous the gap inside the financial affairs and then on liquidate the association divestment is very important for any association. Porter’s Generic Strategy 15
  • 16. Michael Porter described the overall strategies for an organization to function in the industry. Companies usethese strategies to increase competitive advantages (Kotler, P., 2000). The strategies are: 1. Overall Cost Leadership 2. Focal Point Differentiation Based on the scenario it can be concluded that Autoglass is following the cost leadership in the business and they are proposing their services in the bottommost cost possible (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. 2006). It is supportive to attract more clienteles and go into the new market. Focal Point Overall Cost Leadership 3. Differentiation To expand business in the industry organizations wishes to focus on an exact objective (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., 2006). Autoglass is focusing on aiding the consumers and please them for their money worth. Autoglass has converted the best windshield repairing or replacing service providers. Cost leadership singlehandedly cannot help an organization to adore profit from the market. Variation is necessary to bring in more revenues and grabbing additional customers (Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P. 2006). The Autoglass is contributing 24/7 customer facilities to separate them from the others. Figure: Porter’s Generic Strategy 3.2 SELECT AN APPROPRIATE FUTURE STRATEGY FOR AUTOGLASS In alignment to perplex the market segment Autoglass enterprise needs new notions and new components which can be cooperative for them to flourish the market. So considering future conceive they can investigate their market need and arrive to to up with some development of the new merchandise to diversify their services and arrest a new market segment. Autoglass should be following the upright integration conceive to augment their enterprise. They can accelerate with coalition with automakers to arrest the new market segment. Autoglass is in a strong place and they might be proficient to accelerate with the coalition with new associations. Because this conceive is befitting for the associations development 16
  • 17. and their centre capabilities acquiesce with the conceive. Coalition with affiliated associations will endow Autoglass to put more aim on the customer’s fondness and can develop new merchandise class to fulfill the craves of the customers. Only starting new merchandise line and expanding the market will not solely help the Autoglass enterprise to perplex in the market. Autoglass should wholeheartedly reassess the answer of the customers so that they might realise what the customers are looking for and to what degree of acceptance customer’s crave. The Autoglass is at present have a 92% acceptance rate amidst the customers. But with expansion of the enterprise the acceptance rate might fluctuate and Autoglass need to assemble a timescale for the new goals and elongation of the new services. considering the position in the enterprise, Autoglass can provide a 5 quarters conceive that will be plentiful for Autoglass to contend up with the affray and sustain coalition with the automakers to perplex the enterprise. Autoglass can standard next 5 quarters to obey with notions they have taken and fulfill the firm pledge to the customers. 17
  • 18. Task 4 4.1 COMPARE THE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTOGLASS Affecting the guidelines within the organization is extremely necessary and it brings a definite consequence for the organization’s wellbeing (Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012). Within the application of the strategies it indicates to the strategies that area unit chosen and thought of to earn revenue for the organization. Seeing the tactics policies are well expressed and tested to establish if those strategies are unit suitable or not (Purchase Behavior, 2013). If the strategies fail to realize vital score then it's turned down and thought of as barren one. Autoglassneed to practice in depth straining procedures of the strategies to grab and preserve the market share. Autoglass management should compute the selling and sales ways to double-check the best market share and sales. The sales cluster ought to be developed throughout a means which will continue with the affray inside the market. Productive advertisements in relevant localities would probably facilitate an allotment throughout this consider. The centre competencies should to be clearly concentrated to attractiveness the shoppers. CEO of a company is responsible for turning the thoughts into reality and generating a mark inside the business (Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012). To use economical and operational policies all the teams inside the organization are combined in the least stages of the viewpoint and plan of action call which ends up in a very well coherent set up and also the diversification or modification of the techniques are possible (Schultz, H.2006). In order to achieve the targeted market portion clear and reliable statements arerequired. Communal picturingare wellrequired in identifying and reviewing the premises, bases of the policies and recommend actions (Ivanauskiene, N, &Auruskeviciene, V., 2009). Managers have to inspire and influence the workforces to perform the guidelines that are accepted expeditiously and effectively. Satisfying the mark, achievement can end in operative satisfaction and coherence in job atmosphere. 18
  • 19. 4.2 EVALUATE RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS TO IMPLEMENT A NEW STRATEGY FOR AUTOGLASS In order to calculate the resources of Autoglass, the organization must choice proper supplies and put them in the particular departments to deliver the services. Autoglass has ranked its human resources as a result it became the best service supplier of windscreens.Autoglass additionally has fleet pairing which needs man power in addition and that they genuine measure cautious concerning their hands (Dessler, G., 2000). Therefore Autoglassapplies a lot in instruction and developing the talents of the staff (Dessler, G., 2000). In thought of resources and time distributionAutoglass is that the innovator in the business as anoutcome of their action the most operational materials to confirm the durability and safety of the consumers and conjointly maintaining period in delivering the service (Autoglass Company). In the given situation the Autoglass Company is economical in their resources and efficient in evaluating the resources to produce the most effective and satisfying service. 4.3 DISCUSS TARGETS AND TIMESCALES FOR ACHIEVEMENT FOR AUTOGLASS TO MONITOR A GIVEN STRATEGY Evaluation of the benchmark outcomes: Quarter 1 The company should be bring up with the strategies and find out the feasibility of the strategies whether the strategies would reflect in the expected outcome. They can take the feedback of the customers and find out what else they are looking for in the windscreen repairing service. There should be weekly and monthly monitoring by the line managers of the divisions. Quarter 2 During the period Autoglass should review the customer’s feedback and implement the desired plan to expand the business. The line managers should be responsible for collecting the feedbacks and acting towards it. Quarter 3 This is the quarter of gathering information and takes research note on the implemented strategies. The management should find out the gap between the expected outcome and actual outcome. The GAP might occur because of lack of coordination or inefficiency of the employees and line managers. 19
  • 20. Quarter 4 Management should organize a training program to fill in the gap. So that the employees can achieve the organization goal in desired manner. Quarter 5 In this quarter the organization might achieve the desired results based on the strategy making and the implementation method. If the management fails to achieve the objectives through the strategies, then they have to initiate actions based on information like training the employees or providing support to them. Table: Evaluation of the outcomes Conclusion As a market leader Autoglass has set a replacement customary of services to its customers. This instance cannot be eluded cooperation and Autoglass shows that they need an enormous range of qualified and economical employees by whom they need achieved that was once out of the question during this trade. Their client satisfaction rate is jealous for a service company of the planet. Their technological initiation was thrilling for the shoppers. Now-a-day they're attempting to expand their market and it {should} cause those facing new challenges however so as to become a worldwide market leader each company should settle for any reasonably challenges. 20
  • 21. Reference Arazy, O, &Gellatly, I., 2012, 'Corporate Wikis: The Impact of Autoglasss in the Windscreen industry, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 87-116. Armstrong, G., & Kotler, P., (2006). Marketing:An introduction (8thed.). New York: Prentice Hall. Autoglass Company. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November, 2013]. Automotive Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. 2013. Automotive Industry: Market Research Reports, Statistics and Analysis. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 November, 2013]. Dessler, G., 2000. Human Resource Management. 5th ed. Delhi: Pearson. Ivanauskiene, N, &Auruskeviciene, V., 2009, Change Management and Its preparation', Economics & Management, pp. 407-412. Kotler, P., 2000. Marketing Management. 5th ed. New Delhi: Prentice hall of India. Purchase Behavior- Business Customers. 2013. Purchase Behavior- Business Customers. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 October, 2013]. Schultz, H., (2006). Discover the Traits of Top Management [online]. S.N. [Accessed 28 November, 2013]. Wheelen& Hunger, T.L. &J.D., 2013.Strategic Management and Business Policy. 5th ed. Delhi: Pearson. 21