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Non – formal education
(Dis)advantaged –
equalizing opportunities
Mobility A1
Samara Public Non-profit Organization for
Disabled People Parus Nadezhdy (ICYE Russia/Lastochki )
Samara, Russian Federation
Aleksandra Cich
02/11/2018 - 30/10/2019
In the period between 2nd
November 2018 and 30th
October 2019 I was a volunteer for Samara Non-profit
Organization for Disabled People Parus Nadezhdy.
Since Parus Nadezhdy was founded in 2003, its main goal has been socialization and help intellectually and
physically challenged people in becoming self-reliant. Currently their activities mainly focus on conducting
two large projects.
First of them is called ‘Просветшкола’ which is a series of workshops for parents and guardians of disabled
children. During the lectures participants discuss topics concerning all aspects of a disabled child’s upbringing
which is followed by practical classes during which it is possible to practice gained skills under specialists’
The second project is called ‘Соправаждаемое проживание’ – which means camps organised in a health
resort, close to the city of Samara, where mentally disabled people, supported by their attendants, learn skills
such as cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning as well as they develop their hobbies and participate in classes in
a museum, visit local libraries and organise plays.
Other than that, the organization offers different classes which serve to develop passions and prepare to
undertaking employment as well as individual IT classes, physical education for the youngest children, art
classes and acting and dancing clubs. I had an opportunity to observe all educational activities for some time
and after that I actively carried out my tasks.
My responsibility was supporting members of the organization, who, for different reasons, were not able to
participate in the classes. As a person who did not have much knowledge about this kind of activities, I must
admit that it was a challenging task. However, the results
of my cooperation with my pupils turned out to be very
successful. I will try to tell you about my experience.
According to the goals of the organization, I mainly
focused on socialization and skills useful in every-day
1. One of my pupils was a middle-aged person who
suffered from cerebral palsy. What made her situation
especially difficult was that she had lost both her parents
in the past six months. She was a person who never left
home, so all she did was to use the Internet all day and
her parents had been the only people who connected her
with the world. After the mourning period, along with
her caretaker, we tried to explain to Tatiana that the world
was not limited to her house. In order to achieve my goal,
I started my own project ‘Вместе веселее’ whose aim
was to find Russian volunteers willing to support a disabled person in overcoming physical barriers such as
stairs or kerbs as well as to show her a way to live a relatively normal life, i.e going for walks or shopping.
My project, however, was not enough. My pupil still was not willing to leave home. What helped regain trust
in people was an easy move. Afew weeks before Tatiana’s birthday I had asked my friends to send her birthday
cards. On her birthday day Tatiana received about 70 surprise cards and understood that it was worth opening
up to the world and give people a chance. A few days after her birthday we went out for a walk together with
Russian volunteers. This walk was followed by many more. After some time, Tatiana got enough courage to
take a bus and go to a beach adjusted to disabled people’s needs. At the moment she is planning further trips.
2.Another pupil of mine was a teenager suffering from cerebral
palsy and autism spectrum. In his case we tried to work on his
communication skills. The boy was used to constant being with
his parents whom he could understand without words. Initially,
he was frustrated with my questions, he did not make any effort
to express himself or show his needs, he reacted with shouting
or saying ‘no’ to all my suggestions. The situation changed
drastically when his mother and I decided that I would spend
time with him by myself.At first the boy could only misbehave,
but when he realised that this time his parents would not show
up to explain what he had meant, he became calmer and tried
to tell me what he wanted to say. With the time our
communication was becoming easier and easier. It is a very
important skill which makes our lives much easier.
3. With Ania, a 10-year old enthusiast of dinosaurs, we developed her creativity and logical thinking by
creating our own board game. We took a lot of time inventing names and rules, drawing the board, making
counters and dices. A great advantage of this game is a possibility of adding new elements and developing its
4.Apupil who surprised me the most was a 13-year-old boy, raised by his grandparents, who used his computer
only to play games and did not know what the Internet was. During our meetings I wanted to show him how
the Internet worked as well as its positive and negative sides. In order to do that, we chose a subject, for
example “legends of Samara”, the we went through results and verified them on forums and social media sites.
5. Another pupil of mine was a 20-year-old founder of a prosperous film studio, suffering from cerebral palsy.
Our cooperation was to enable him his self-development
through different projects. He was not able to move his
arms, therefore he needed continuous help and he usually
worked with his mother. This is another example of a
situation, in which parents are able to understand almost
everything that the child says, whereas another person
cannot communicate with them without their parents’
help. Spending time with me made Aleksiej work on his
pronunciation and patience.
6. Another responsibility of mine was teaching English.
Level of English in Samaran schools is very low. My
pupils were lacking basic knowledge on grammar which
is essential to pass final exams, therefore I focused on
working on this issue. We also practised listening, reading
and conversational skills and I did my best to find subjects suitable for students’ age and their interest.
The key task in my work was to tear my pupils out of a closed circle, to show them new opportunities without
making them feel uncomfortable.
Mobility A2
NGO "Center for Euroinitiatives"
Sumy, Ukraine
Sebastian Ciba
13/01/2020 - 30/08/2020
Multimedia presentations
PowerPoint presentations - multimedia presentations containing text, graphics, films or other objects are
combined by the user into slides. PowerPoint, like most of these types of programs, allows you to create slide
templates (e.g. title slide, table slide, text and chart slide, etc.). It is also possible to select a slide template or
create it yourself, which allows for uniform appearance of all slides. Slides can also be completely different and
do not have the same look.
PowerPoint allows you to use objects from the entire Microsoft Office package, macros and scripts written in
Visual Basic. However, the program has considerable problems with supporting vector animations and some
graphic formats, such as animated GIFs and PNGs with transparency. It also happens that it often misinterprets
correctly constructed Windows Metafile files, not coming from Microsoft Office.
Fairy tale storytelling in video format
The opportunity to share Poland's traditions and culture was very important. The recording of sound and image
will allow you for multiple playback in many places and without the necessity of personal participation of the
storyteller. I used our fairy tale about Shoemaker Dratewka
Most of us have had the opportunity to experience Mafia fun/games at least once in our lives. There we have a
leader, a kind of master of the game, who chooses who is the Mafia, who is the Police and who lives in the city.
The whole game is about whether we can bluff and/or deduce. The Mafia wins if it manages to kill the majority
of the inhabitants. The city - if they manage to tell who the Mafia is before the Mafia has decimated the population.
Simple rules, quick game play, no need for props, the master of the game gets a little bored, but so do the killed
inhabitants. So what should we do to cut the coupons off from the familiar and much-loved fun? You have to
Werewolves are a game for 2 to 10 people. A single game lasts no more than 10 minutes, due to slightly changed
rules of popular Mafia. Werewolves are intended for players over 8 years of age, but even seven-year-olds will
enjoy the game. Everything should be simple, but at first it is not so. For different characters living in the city
have been introduced, and a mechanism has been introduced which consists in the constant migration of some
Speed friending
Speed-Friending is what it seems -
dating friends quickly instead of
regural dating.
Living book / Living Library
Everyone has a life story, and if so, how about sharing your experiences with others? The number of topics to talk
about is unlimited, everyone can participate. The first part is free speech, limited only by the author's imagination,
the second part is asking questions and answers. Sometimes you need an interpreter, sometimes people have similar
or completely different views of the world.
Mobility A3
Young Women's Christian Association-Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon
Agnieszka Nowakowska and Milena Kruczyk
07/11/2018 - 06/05/2019
Poster with the stickers
A teacher has to prepare small carton stickers with things/vocabulary
related to a given topic and draw a map on the carton.
Students have to match stickers to appropriate places on the carton. In
below example, students matched food to correct parts of the food
2 truth and 1 lie
Getting to know each other game. Students share with the others
in the class 2 truth and 1 lie about themselves and the others has
to guess which out of those 3 is a lie.
Name game
Ice breaker. Students stand in the circle, say their name and one
characteristic starting with the same letter. Next student has to
repeat after previous and add his/her own name and
characteristic and so on. The purpose is to get to know and
remember (by association with characteristic) each other’s name
Who am I?
The teacher prepares post-its with the name of famous people
on it. Student sticks a post it to his/her forehead and trying to
guess the person written on it by asking others question that can
be answered only by yes/no.
Exercise to repeat or remind what has been learned already.
One student draws a dash for each letter of the word, phrase or
the sentence and the other student(s) tries to guess it by
suggesting letters. If the letter does not exist in that word, phrase
or sentence, the student draws a part of the hangman figure. If
the student guesses the word at any time before the hangman
figure is completed, he/she gets points
5 seconds game
This is to review general knowledge or vocabulary learned.
Students have 5 seconds to name f.e. 3 things they can find in
the kitchen or 3 capitals in South America etc.
Word chain
This is to learn and repeat vocabulary. Students stay in the
circle. The first student has to give a word related to a given
topic, next student has to repeat and add the new one, next
student has to repeat both and add another one, etc…
Watching TedTalks
Students watch a short TedTalk about the
inspirational topic (f.e. zero-waste lifestyle). Teacher
pauses after every given idea in the video and then
discuss each
True/ False
Students get 10 cards with the statement that are true and 10
with false and need to put them on the left/right side of the desk.
Story puzzle
Teacher prepare a printed story and cut a paper for a few pieces.
Students have to put them in the correct order and draw the
chosen parts.
Students are divided into 2 teams and a teacher is reading a
quiz with 4 option to answer. The team that has more correct
answers win.
Students are getting crossword with vocabulary from a given
Students are watching a short movie about what is a
debate, how to debate and what are the rules. They are
getting divide into 2 groups and have to prepare
arguments pro and against a given topic (f.e. school
Cultural Day
This is a group project required around 2 weeks of
preparation. Each class gets 1 county assigned and prepare
a poster about it that contains general info, culture, food,
and fun facts. All the students in the class have to get
familiar with a country.
Apart from the posters, students have to find other creative
ways to show a country, such as food, music or any other
materials that can be gain f.e. from the embassies. During
the Cultural Day, there is a small fair and each of the class
present their country to the rest of the school on their stand.
Discussion activities about tourism and traveling:
guessing the city from pictures (Bangkok, Barcelona,
Moscow, and New York) and talking about them: in which
country and on what continent they are, what is the language
is spoken there, etc. (basic information + vocabulary).
Mobility A4
Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi
Gori, Georgia
Katarzyna Dach
16/08/2019 - 14/08/2020
Luiza Piekarska
16/10/2019 - 31/07/2020
We conducted a Polish language course
at the local university. In the first class,
we explained to the students that Polish
is a difficult language to learn, but it will
definitely a lot of fun while learning.
We tried to use Polish phrases when
talking to students so that they would get
used to the language - when you hear the
same word several times, you remember
it faster. We tried to convey not only the
knowledge of the language but, above
all, show Polish culture to students.
Therefore, at the end of each class, there
was time for a cultural element, e.g. we tried to sing a popular Polish song or recite a poem for children to
practice pronunciation of sounds difficult for foreigners. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we did not
complete the course, but I believe that the students left the classes with knowledge about Poland and with the
vocabulary that would allow them to have a conversation.
We also worked in a kindergarten. For
the first 15 minutes of the classes we
danced: first - a dance for good morning,
then a song related to the classes from
the previous week. We often used
pompoms for dancing.
One of the favorite games of children
was playing in the shadows, that is, the
children stood in a circle and repeated
the movement of the person standing
We also used children's creativity to create art work. One topic
of the work was to create your own monster. The children
created their own character from different parts of the body.
By the way, we learned the names of the parts of the body in
English, finally consolidating it with a song with a
We used movement games related to colors, e.g. two cards,
one red, the other green, after picking one of them up to the
music, only boys are dancing and girls are standing still. We
also played the popular game of colors.
During the holiday season, we were preparing a Christmas
tree chain. Each child made their own stretch, and in the end
we put all the pieces together to make one big chain. We worked as a team to hang this long chain in the room.
We had the to work with children from IDP settelments. We combined
fun with learning. We worked with children of all ages, from 5 to even
13. As a warm-up, we recalled the material from previous activities in
the form of ping pong - we ask the questions the children answer. We
often used quizzes to learn English - the children answered the questions
in Georgian, and then we looked for an equivalent in English. It is great
fun because we can see an element of competition there that made
children more willing to participate in the game. We also used
crosswords, puns and special dominoes very often.
Mobility A5
S.S.D. ar.l. L'Orma
Milan, Italy
Monika Kolaszewska
16/10/2019 - 31/08/2020
Palla dottore
It is a game designed for two teams. Each team
choses one person among each other to be a doctor.
Doctor is a person who can save the child who is
touched by the ball. He needs to put his hands on the
participant’s head and count to four. It is important
that the other team doesn’t know who the doctor is
so doctor saves the teammate accompanied by other
children who also touch the head of the teammate.
When somebody is hit by the ball, needs to sit down,
the same happens when the opponent catches the
ball he was supposed to be hit with, then the person who threw the ball also sits. The winner is the team which
is able to catch all the people in the field by hitting them with the ball. When the doctor is caught, he can save
himself by catching the ball twice.
It is a game designed for two teams.
When somebody is hit by the ball exits the
playing field, the person can go back to the
game when his teammate catches the ball. The
winner is the team which is able to catch all
the people in the field by hitting them with the
There are two teams, each team has half of the field. In the back of it they build two or three castellone (photo)
each team has to destroy with the ball castellone of the opponent. Participants can rebuild the castellone. The
game is on time. The winner is the team which destroyed more castellone.
Le uova del drago
In this game four teams take part and the dragon(s).
In the middle of the field is circle with eggs which is
protected by the dragon(s). The aim of the game is to
collect the eggs, to steal them from the circle without
being caught by the dragon and to bring the eggs
back to the camp. If participants are caught, they
have to leave the eggs in the centre circle. Dragon
can’t catch anybody who is inside the circle with
eggs. One chosen person from the team goes to try
to steal the egg from the dragon. Each turn participants change. In the same time there can be only four people
trying to steal the eggs, one person from each team.
It is a puzzle game in which the participants have to find the key to learn the rules of the game. At the beginning,
the leader selects a player (only the one who does not know the game) and tell him to move away from the rest
of the group so he does not hear the ongoing
conversation. The other players get
information that they are patients of a mental
hospital. Their job is to answer particular
questions asked by someone in this group that
is now isolated. However, they are not to
answer according to themselves, but the person
sitting on their right. They can answer yes or
no. When somebody makes a mistake,
participants say psichiatria and they switch
places. The player who was selected in the
beginning as the one not knowing the rules has to guess the mechanism of the answer and why people were
saying psichiatria.
Calcio seduto
In this game all participants are sitting on the ground and playing
football with the soft ball. Each team has a goal keeper. Players
from each team are located alternately in rows. The ball is passed
between participants by throwing it, only hands can be used. To
make a game a bit more difficult it is possible to use two balls in
the same time. The aim is to score as many goals as possible.
Gatto e topo
All participants create the circle, in which they are sitting facing
inside of the circle. One of the participants stays outside and walks
around the circle. When he touches somebody’s back, both of
them run in the opposite directions, wins the one who will sooner
sit at the empty space and the game starts from the beginning.
Words game
Participants are divided into teams. The goal of each team
is to collect the highest amount of points for writing words
in the given category (e.g. fruits and vegetables, things you
can find in the kitchen, animals). If the word is written in
English it is two points, if it is written in native language is
one point. Each game lasts one minute.
It is a game played to get to know each other. There is one
child who is a zombie, and walks around trying to catch
somebody and make that person a zombie.
When a zombie approaches the person, that person has to
say fast name of the other person in the group and then the
zombie starts walking towards that person. If a person can’t
say correct name of the participant of the game that person
becomes a zombie.
Ami il tuo vicino
(Do you like your neighbour?)
All participants are sitting in the circle and one person is
inside of it. The goal of the person inside the circle is to
steal somebody’s else seat. That person in the middle
chooses another one and asks the question ‘Ami il tuo
vicino?’ The person can answer yes, no or maybe. If the
person says yes, then people sitting on the right and left
have to swich places. If no, then the person has to say who
he likes e.g. I like everybody with red T-shirts and then
those people have to switch places. If the answer is maybe
then everybody switches their places
Project partners:
The project financed by European Commision funds in frame of Eramsus+ Programme

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Broszura_(Dis)advantaged - equalizing opportunities

  • 1. Non – formal education methods (Dis)advantaged – equalizing opportunities (2018-2-PL01-KA125-051392)
  • 2. Mobility A1 Samara Public Non-profit Organization for Disabled People Parus Nadezhdy (ICYE Russia/Lastochki ) Samara, Russian Federation Aleksandra Cich 02/11/2018 - 30/10/2019
  • 3. In the period between 2nd November 2018 and 30th October 2019 I was a volunteer for Samara Non-profit Organization for Disabled People Parus Nadezhdy. Since Parus Nadezhdy was founded in 2003, its main goal has been socialization and help intellectually and physically challenged people in becoming self-reliant. Currently their activities mainly focus on conducting two large projects. First of them is called ‘Просветшкола’ which is a series of workshops for parents and guardians of disabled children. During the lectures participants discuss topics concerning all aspects of a disabled child’s upbringing which is followed by practical classes during which it is possible to practice gained skills under specialists’ supervision. The second project is called ‘Соправаждаемое проживание’ – which means camps organised in a health resort, close to the city of Samara, where mentally disabled people, supported by their attendants, learn skills such as cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning as well as they develop their hobbies and participate in classes in a museum, visit local libraries and organise plays. Other than that, the organization offers different classes which serve to develop passions and prepare to undertaking employment as well as individual IT classes, physical education for the youngest children, art classes and acting and dancing clubs. I had an opportunity to observe all educational activities for some time and after that I actively carried out my tasks. My responsibility was supporting members of the organization, who, for different reasons, were not able to participate in the classes. As a person who did not have much knowledge about this kind of activities, I must admit that it was a challenging task. However, the results of my cooperation with my pupils turned out to be very successful. I will try to tell you about my experience. According to the goals of the organization, I mainly focused on socialization and skills useful in every-day life: 1. One of my pupils was a middle-aged person who suffered from cerebral palsy. What made her situation especially difficult was that she had lost both her parents in the past six months. She was a person who never left home, so all she did was to use the Internet all day and her parents had been the only people who connected her with the world. After the mourning period, along with her caretaker, we tried to explain to Tatiana that the world was not limited to her house. In order to achieve my goal, I started my own project ‘Вместе веселее’ whose aim was to find Russian volunteers willing to support a disabled person in overcoming physical barriers such as stairs or kerbs as well as to show her a way to live a relatively normal life, i.e going for walks or shopping.
  • 4. My project, however, was not enough. My pupil still was not willing to leave home. What helped regain trust in people was an easy move. Afew weeks before Tatiana’s birthday I had asked my friends to send her birthday cards. On her birthday day Tatiana received about 70 surprise cards and understood that it was worth opening up to the world and give people a chance. A few days after her birthday we went out for a walk together with Russian volunteers. This walk was followed by many more. After some time, Tatiana got enough courage to take a bus and go to a beach adjusted to disabled people’s needs. At the moment she is planning further trips. 2.Another pupil of mine was a teenager suffering from cerebral palsy and autism spectrum. In his case we tried to work on his communication skills. The boy was used to constant being with his parents whom he could understand without words. Initially, he was frustrated with my questions, he did not make any effort to express himself or show his needs, he reacted with shouting or saying ‘no’ to all my suggestions. The situation changed drastically when his mother and I decided that I would spend time with him by myself.At first the boy could only misbehave, but when he realised that this time his parents would not show up to explain what he had meant, he became calmer and tried to tell me what he wanted to say. With the time our communication was becoming easier and easier. It is a very important skill which makes our lives much easier. 3. With Ania, a 10-year old enthusiast of dinosaurs, we developed her creativity and logical thinking by creating our own board game. We took a lot of time inventing names and rules, drawing the board, making counters and dices. A great advantage of this game is a possibility of adding new elements and developing its plot. 4.Apupil who surprised me the most was a 13-year-old boy, raised by his grandparents, who used his computer only to play games and did not know what the Internet was. During our meetings I wanted to show him how the Internet worked as well as its positive and negative sides. In order to do that, we chose a subject, for example “legends of Samara”, the we went through results and verified them on forums and social media sites.
  • 5. 5. Another pupil of mine was a 20-year-old founder of a prosperous film studio, suffering from cerebral palsy. Our cooperation was to enable him his self-development through different projects. He was not able to move his arms, therefore he needed continuous help and he usually worked with his mother. This is another example of a situation, in which parents are able to understand almost everything that the child says, whereas another person cannot communicate with them without their parents’ help. Spending time with me made Aleksiej work on his pronunciation and patience. 6. Another responsibility of mine was teaching English. Level of English in Samaran schools is very low. My pupils were lacking basic knowledge on grammar which is essential to pass final exams, therefore I focused on working on this issue. We also practised listening, reading and conversational skills and I did my best to find subjects suitable for students’ age and their interest. The key task in my work was to tear my pupils out of a closed circle, to show them new opportunities without making them feel uncomfortable.
  • 6. Mobility A2 NGO "Center for Euroinitiatives" Sumy, Ukraine Sebastian Ciba 13/01/2020 - 30/08/2020
  • 7. Multimedia presentations PowerPoint presentations - multimedia presentations containing text, graphics, films or other objects are combined by the user into slides. PowerPoint, like most of these types of programs, allows you to create slide templates (e.g. title slide, table slide, text and chart slide, etc.). It is also possible to select a slide template or create it yourself, which allows for uniform appearance of all slides. Slides can also be completely different and do not have the same look. PowerPoint allows you to use objects from the entire Microsoft Office package, macros and scripts written in Visual Basic. However, the program has considerable problems with supporting vector animations and some graphic formats, such as animated GIFs and PNGs with transparency. It also happens that it often misinterprets correctly constructed Windows Metafile files, not coming from Microsoft Office. Fairy tale storytelling in video format The opportunity to share Poland's traditions and culture was very important. The recording of sound and image will allow you for multiple playback in many places and without the necessity of personal participation of the storyteller. I used our fairy tale about Shoemaker Dratewka
  • 8. Werewolf Most of us have had the opportunity to experience Mafia fun/games at least once in our lives. There we have a leader, a kind of master of the game, who chooses who is the Mafia, who is the Police and who lives in the city. The whole game is about whether we can bluff and/or deduce. The Mafia wins if it manages to kill the majority of the inhabitants. The city - if they manage to tell who the Mafia is before the Mafia has decimated the population. Simple rules, quick game play, no need for props, the master of the game gets a little bored, but so do the killed inhabitants. So what should we do to cut the coupons off from the familiar and much-loved fun? You have to spend...Werewolves. Werewolves are a game for 2 to 10 people. A single game lasts no more than 10 minutes, due to slightly changed rules of popular Mafia. Werewolves are intended for players over 8 years of age, but even seven-year-olds will enjoy the game. Everything should be simple, but at first it is not so. For different characters living in the city have been introduced, and a mechanism has been introduced which consists in the constant migration of some tiles.
  • 9. Speed friending Speed-Friending is what it seems - dating friends quickly instead of regural dating. Living book / Living Library Everyone has a life story, and if so, how about sharing your experiences with others? The number of topics to talk about is unlimited, everyone can participate. The first part is free speech, limited only by the author's imagination, the second part is asking questions and answers. Sometimes you need an interpreter, sometimes people have similar or completely different views of the world.
  • 10. Mobility A3 Young Women's Christian Association-Beirut Beirut, Lebanon Agnieszka Nowakowska and Milena Kruczyk 07/11/2018 - 06/05/2019
  • 11. Poster with the stickers A teacher has to prepare small carton stickers with things/vocabulary related to a given topic and draw a map on the carton. Students have to match stickers to appropriate places on the carton. In below example, students matched food to correct parts of the food pyramid. 2 truth and 1 lie Getting to know each other game. Students share with the others in the class 2 truth and 1 lie about themselves and the others has to guess which out of those 3 is a lie. Name game Ice breaker. Students stand in the circle, say their name and one characteristic starting with the same letter. Next student has to repeat after previous and add his/her own name and characteristic and so on. The purpose is to get to know and remember (by association with characteristic) each other’s name Who am I? The teacher prepares post-its with the name of famous people on it. Student sticks a post it to his/her forehead and trying to guess the person written on it by asking others question that can be answered only by yes/no.
  • 12. Hangman Exercise to repeat or remind what has been learned already. One student draws a dash for each letter of the word, phrase or the sentence and the other student(s) tries to guess it by suggesting letters. If the letter does not exist in that word, phrase or sentence, the student draws a part of the hangman figure. If the student guesses the word at any time before the hangman figure is completed, he/she gets points 5 seconds game This is to review general knowledge or vocabulary learned. Students have 5 seconds to name f.e. 3 things they can find in the kitchen or 3 capitals in South America etc. Word chain This is to learn and repeat vocabulary. Students stay in the circle. The first student has to give a word related to a given topic, next student has to repeat and add the new one, next student has to repeat both and add another one, etc…
  • 13. Watching TedTalks Students watch a short TedTalk about the inspirational topic (f.e. zero-waste lifestyle). Teacher pauses after every given idea in the video and then discuss each True/ False Students get 10 cards with the statement that are true and 10 with false and need to put them on the left/right side of the desk. Story puzzle Teacher prepare a printed story and cut a paper for a few pieces. Students have to put them in the correct order and draw the chosen parts. Quiz Students are divided into 2 teams and a teacher is reading a quiz with 4 option to answer. The team that has more correct answers win. Crosswords Students are getting crossword with vocabulary from a given topic.
  • 14. Debate Students are watching a short movie about what is a debate, how to debate and what are the rules. They are getting divide into 2 groups and have to prepare arguments pro and against a given topic (f.e. school uniforms). Cultural Day This is a group project required around 2 weeks of preparation. Each class gets 1 county assigned and prepare a poster about it that contains general info, culture, food, and fun facts. All the students in the class have to get familiar with a country. Apart from the posters, students have to find other creative ways to show a country, such as food, music or any other materials that can be gain f.e. from the embassies. During the Cultural Day, there is a small fair and each of the class present their country to the rest of the school on their stand.
  • 15. Discussion activities about tourism and traveling: guessing the city from pictures (Bangkok, Barcelona, Moscow, and New York) and talking about them: in which country and on what continent they are, what is the language is spoken there, etc. (basic information + vocabulary).
  • 16. Mobility A4 Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi Gori, Georgia Katarzyna Dach 16/08/2019 - 14/08/2020 Luiza Piekarska 16/10/2019 - 31/07/2020
  • 17. We conducted a Polish language course at the local university. In the first class, we explained to the students that Polish is a difficult language to learn, but it will definitely a lot of fun while learning. We tried to use Polish phrases when talking to students so that they would get used to the language - when you hear the same word several times, you remember it faster. We tried to convey not only the knowledge of the language but, above all, show Polish culture to students. Therefore, at the end of each class, there was time for a cultural element, e.g. we tried to sing a popular Polish song or recite a poem for children to practice pronunciation of sounds difficult for foreigners. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, we did not complete the course, but I believe that the students left the classes with knowledge about Poland and with the vocabulary that would allow them to have a conversation. We also worked in a kindergarten. For the first 15 minutes of the classes we danced: first - a dance for good morning, then a song related to the classes from the previous week. We often used pompoms for dancing. One of the favorite games of children was playing in the shadows, that is, the children stood in a circle and repeated the movement of the person standing inside.
  • 18. We also used children's creativity to create art work. One topic of the work was to create your own monster. The children created their own character from different parts of the body. By the way, we learned the names of the parts of the body in English, finally consolidating it with a song with a choreography. We used movement games related to colors, e.g. two cards, one red, the other green, after picking one of them up to the music, only boys are dancing and girls are standing still. We also played the popular game of colors. During the holiday season, we were preparing a Christmas tree chain. Each child made their own stretch, and in the end we put all the pieces together to make one big chain. We worked as a team to hang this long chain in the room. We had the to work with children from IDP settelments. We combined fun with learning. We worked with children of all ages, from 5 to even 13. As a warm-up, we recalled the material from previous activities in the form of ping pong - we ask the questions the children answer. We often used quizzes to learn English - the children answered the questions in Georgian, and then we looked for an equivalent in English. It is great fun because we can see an element of competition there that made children more willing to participate in the game. We also used crosswords, puns and special dominoes very often.
  • 19. Mobility A5 S.S.D. ar.l. L'Orma Milan, Italy Monika Kolaszewska 16/10/2019 - 31/08/2020
  • 20. Palla dottore It is a game designed for two teams. Each team choses one person among each other to be a doctor. Doctor is a person who can save the child who is touched by the ball. He needs to put his hands on the participant’s head and count to four. It is important that the other team doesn’t know who the doctor is so doctor saves the teammate accompanied by other children who also touch the head of the teammate. When somebody is hit by the ball, needs to sit down, the same happens when the opponent catches the ball he was supposed to be hit with, then the person who threw the ball also sits. The winner is the team which is able to catch all the people in the field by hitting them with the ball. When the doctor is caught, he can save himself by catching the ball twice. Dodgeball It is a game designed for two teams. When somebody is hit by the ball exits the playing field, the person can go back to the game when his teammate catches the ball. The winner is the team which is able to catch all the people in the field by hitting them with the ball. Castellone There are two teams, each team has half of the field. In the back of it they build two or three castellone (photo) each team has to destroy with the ball castellone of the opponent. Participants can rebuild the castellone. The game is on time. The winner is the team which destroyed more castellone.
  • 21. Le uova del drago In this game four teams take part and the dragon(s). In the middle of the field is circle with eggs which is protected by the dragon(s). The aim of the game is to collect the eggs, to steal them from the circle without being caught by the dragon and to bring the eggs back to the camp. If participants are caught, they have to leave the eggs in the centre circle. Dragon can’t catch anybody who is inside the circle with eggs. One chosen person from the team goes to try to steal the egg from the dragon. Each turn participants change. In the same time there can be only four people trying to steal the eggs, one person from each team. Psichiatria It is a puzzle game in which the participants have to find the key to learn the rules of the game. At the beginning, the leader selects a player (only the one who does not know the game) and tell him to move away from the rest of the group so he does not hear the ongoing conversation. The other players get information that they are patients of a mental hospital. Their job is to answer particular questions asked by someone in this group that is now isolated. However, they are not to answer according to themselves, but the person sitting on their right. They can answer yes or no. When somebody makes a mistake, participants say psichiatria and they switch places. The player who was selected in the beginning as the one not knowing the rules has to guess the mechanism of the answer and why people were saying psichiatria.
  • 22. Calcio seduto In this game all participants are sitting on the ground and playing football with the soft ball. Each team has a goal keeper. Players from each team are located alternately in rows. The ball is passed between participants by throwing it, only hands can be used. To make a game a bit more difficult it is possible to use two balls in the same time. The aim is to score as many goals as possible. Gatto e topo All participants create the circle, in which they are sitting facing inside of the circle. One of the participants stays outside and walks around the circle. When he touches somebody’s back, both of them run in the opposite directions, wins the one who will sooner sit at the empty space and the game starts from the beginning. Words game Participants are divided into teams. The goal of each team is to collect the highest amount of points for writing words in the given category (e.g. fruits and vegetables, things you can find in the kitchen, animals). If the word is written in English it is two points, if it is written in native language is one point. Each game lasts one minute. Zombie It is a game played to get to know each other. There is one child who is a zombie, and walks around trying to catch somebody and make that person a zombie. When a zombie approaches the person, that person has to say fast name of the other person in the group and then the zombie starts walking towards that person. If a person can’t say correct name of the participant of the game that person becomes a zombie.
  • 23. Ami il tuo vicino (Do you like your neighbour?) All participants are sitting in the circle and one person is inside of it. The goal of the person inside the circle is to steal somebody’s else seat. That person in the middle chooses another one and asks the question ‘Ami il tuo vicino?’ The person can answer yes, no or maybe. If the person says yes, then people sitting on the right and left have to swich places. If no, then the person has to say who he likes e.g. I like everybody with red T-shirts and then those people have to switch places. If the answer is maybe then everybody switches their places
  • 24. Project partners: The project financed by European Commision funds in frame of Eramsus+ Programme