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(B-RYT) Covenant: ISH ( Man)
The Ruakh of YHWH
Has spoken through me,
His word is on my tongue
The Coronavirus in prophecy
Concerning GB and USA
Although this virus is aimed at the House
of Modern Day Y’shra’al
Ya‛aqoḇ, a servant of YHWH and of the Master YaHuWsHua
HaMeschiyach, to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion:
The prophecy is for today
From the Book of Yshá`Yâhu
Hear, O heavens and listen, O earth! For YHWH has spoken , “I
have reared and brought up children, but they have transgressed
against Me.
Your Sin
(speaking to the government)
they do not acknowledge, My people, they do not consider.
British Government
This is a warning of the Greed in the world ( Tehillim 49) of all
Nations, but mostly at GB and USA and the commonwealth ,
although it strikes at the heart of His Nation Y’IShra’Al
An knows its owner and a its master’s crib –
Y’sra’Al does not know my People have not understood
uses the other Nations to punish His own for their Sins, but have
no fear they too will feel the day of wrath 7 times more, for now
He is punishing his own
The wold virus coronavirus has exposed the greed among the
rulers of this world, under the EL ( God) who rules it ( Eph 2:2),
but its aim is at the very house of Y’Ishra’al and its
Alas, sinning nation, a people loaded with crookedness, a seed of
evil-doers, sons acting corruptly! They have forsaken YHWH, they
have provoked the Set-apart One of Y’Ishra’Al, they went
backward. Why should you be beaten anymore? You continue in
apostasy! All the head is sick and all the heart faints. From the
sole of the foot, to the head, there is no soundness in it – wounds
and bruises and open sores; they have not been closed or bound
up, or soothed with ointment.
The influx of other peoples and their Gods (ALAHIM) have turned
the nation of Britain away from the true YaHuWsHua, and
perversity, evildoers, and sons of corruption have become the
government We are the nation of Y’Ishra’al, we are a nation called
a covenant (Brit-ish) man, and includes the USA and GB plus the
A covenant is instituted through a sacrifice of a choice, fatted,
animal which is cut into two and the party of the covenant pass
through the pieces. If one party fails to meet the agreements of
the covenant, then the other may do the same to them. [
covenant, league, confederacy, confederate)
His Covenant , His Right Rules
And he took all these to Him and cut them in the middle and
placed each half opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds
This even though sounding strange was the forming of the
covenant The kingdom of Y’Ishra’al was indeed cut in two when
we did not keep our part of the covenant. They walked between
the pieces in a figure , symbolizing the eternal nature of the
covenant. Birds were the offering of those who could not afford
anything better. They are not cut because trusting YaHuWsHua
only in small things is not enough for this covenant. These birds
were very young, and the immature cannot satisfy YaHuWsHua
without further training in the Torah.
And it came to be, when the sun went down and it was dark, that
see, a smoking oven and a burning torch passing between those
The smoke shows that the oven is still being heated up; it has to
get to over 600 degrees Fahrenheit. When this stage is finished,
the fuel and fire are removed, and the heat the earth or brick
oven retains is enough to bake bread. The torch is to light the fire
and to provide light. The word for "torch" here is the same word
used of the "lightning flashes" seen at Mt. Sinai when YaHuWsHua
gave the Torah.
And all the people saw the thunders, the lightning flashes, the
sound of the ram’s horn and the mountain smoking. And the
people saw it and they trembled and stood at a distance,
Thus, the responsibility of Avram's seed in the covenant is to
"bake bread"
Because there is one bread, we, who are many, are one body, for
we all partake of the one bread.
O My people!
Turn back to Him from whom the children of Y’ishra’Al have
deeply fallen away.
To the heads of state, parliament and lords
Beware your sins will find you out
Your leaders lead you astray and swallow the way of your paths.”
YHWH shall stand up to plead and is standing to judge the
peoples. YHWH enters into judgment with the elders of His people
and its heads, “It is you who have eaten up the vineyard, the
plunder of the poor is in your houses. “What do you mean by
crushing My people and grinding the faces of the poor?” declares
the Master, YHWH of hosts. And YHWH says, “Because the
daughters of Tsiyon are haughty and walk with outstretched
necks and seductive eyes, walking and mincing as they go,
making a jingling with their feet, therefore YHWH shall smite
with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Tsiyon and
YHWH expose their nakedness.” In that day YHWH takes away the
finery of the anklets, headbands and the crescents, the pendants,
bracelets and the veils, the head-dresses, leg ornaments, sashes,
perfume bottles and the amulets, the rings and the nose jewels,
the costly robes, cloaks, shawls and the purses, the mirrors and
the fine linen and the turbans and the large veils. And it shall be:
Instead of a sweet fragrance, a smell of decay; and instead of a
belt, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of
a festal robe, a girding of sackcloth; and branding instead of
loveliness. Your men shall fall by the sword and your strength in
battle. Her gates shall lament and mourn, and she shall sit on the
ground deserted.
and his strength pass away because of fear and his
commanders shall be afraid of the banner,” declares YHWH,
whose light is in Tsiyon and whose furnace is in
reveals that this will take place in Yerushalayim, from which
righteousness and deliverance will go forth
For Tsiyon’s sake I am not silent and for Yerushalayim’s
sake I do not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as
brightness and her deliverance as a lamp that burns.
“For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace and all the
proud and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that
shall come shall burn them up,” said YHWH of hosts, “which
leaves to them neither root nor branch. “But to you who fear My
Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His
wings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the
stall. “And you shall trample the wrongdoers, for they shall be
ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” said
YHWH of hosts. “Remember the Towrah of Mosheh, My servant,
which I commanded him in Ḥorĕḇ for all Yishra’Al – laws and right
The way Avram knew he would inherit this Land in particular was
because here YaHuWsHua showed him Yerushaliiyim--and his
descendants within it. The original Hebrew text does not have the
vowel points or even spaces between words. Part of this verse, if
the words are cut differently, reads," Fire, fire an evil [thing] into
Rabin, decrees the YaHuWsHua on that day." As soon as the
sabbath on which this portion was read in synagogues all over the
world in 1995/ 5756 was over, YehuwDah Prime Minister Rabin
was shot twice by a man claiming YaHuWsHua had told him to do
And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant,
which have not performed the words of the covenant which they
had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed
between the parts thereof,
Passed between its pieces:
a traditional way of expressing the thought, “May the same befall
me if I do not keep my side of the agreement.” The nation of
Y’ishra’al was indeed cut in two when we did not keep the
covenant, we had made with YHWH . The covenant referred to
here is one of agreeing to obey an existing covenant that had
been broken. (v. 8) But this is the way Avraham himself made a
covenant with YHWH , and they were spitting on it and not taking
it seriously at all—but YHWH was.
YirmYâ’huw 34: 19
the heads of Yahuḏah and the heads of Yerushalayim, the
eunuchs and the priests and all the people of the land who
passed between the parts of the calf
YirmYâ’huw 34:20
‘And I shall give them into the hand of their enemies and into the
hand of those who seek their life. And their corpses shall be for
food to the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth
[ covenant, league, confederacy, confederate|
And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant,
which have not performed the words of the covenant which they
had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed
between the parts thereof,
and he divided them: He divided each one into two parts. The
verse does not lose its simple meaning, because He was forming
a covenant with him to keep His promise, to cause his sons to
inherit the land, as it is written
Bber 15: 18
On the same day YHWH made a covenant with Aḇram,
saying, “I have given this land to your seed, from the river of
Mitsrayim to the great river, the River Euphrates,
Look it up on a map, Y*ishra’Al is our land, it is the state of
Yehuda, but the land is Y’ishra’Al
River of Egypt: either the Nile ( as per targum Ps.-Jon.)
or Wadi El-Arish in N.E. Sinai. In That Day:
The first occurrence of this oft-repeated phrase that, on the
prophetic level,
alludes to the Day of YHWH
Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:1
And on the third day there was a wedding in Qanah of Galil,
and the mother of YaHuWsHua was there.
Y’ishra’al had these borders for a short time under David
and Sh’lomo, whose reigns of justice, peace, and wisdom
foreshadow "That Day"--an idiom for the final "day" of the
"world-week", the millennial Messianic Kingdom, when the
promise will be fulfilled in entirety.
This is the land of Y’ishra’al, the promise land
''On that day, the YHWH formed a covenant with Abram,
saying, etc.,'' and it is the custom of those who form a
covenant to divide an animal and to pass between its parts,
as it is written
YirmYâ’hu 34:19
''who passed between the parts of the calf.''
Here too, ''a smoking furnace and a fire brand, which passed
between the parts,'' was the agent of the Shechinah, which is
[referred to as] fire. but he did not divide the birds: Since
the idol worshipping nations are likened to bulls, rams, and
goats, as it is said
Tehillim 22:13
''Many bulls surrounded me, etc., ''
and Scripture states
Dan 8:20
'The ram that you saw, the one with horns,
represents the kings of Media and Persia,''
and Scripture states
(ibid. verse 21):
''And the he-goat is the king of Greece.'' And the
Y’Ishra’alites are likened to young doves, as it is said
Song of Songs 2:14
''My dove, in the clefts of the rock.''
Therefore, he divided the animals, as an allusion that the nations
will gradually perish. ''But he did not divide the bird,'' as an
allusion that Y’ishra‘al will exist forever.
This land of Y’ishra’al, is the promise land of the Y’Ishra’alites
and is not that which bears His name today, being Yehuda.
Dis 3:9.
“See, I am giving up [at the 6th seal] those of the congregation of
Satan, who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but lie. See, I am
making them come[at the 7th Trumpet] and worship before your
feet and to know that I have loved you. Because you have guarded
My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of
trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell
on the earth.
This coronavirus is just the beginning of the tribulation, already
earthquakes are in divers places, pestilence is next, when animal
diseases will effect humans. A world- wide earth quake is
imminent , has is a nuclear accident in Iran, that will cause the
River Euphrates, to stop
The Yehuḏim do not even acknowledge YaHuWsHua ( imman’uwl)
the anointed Meshiakh and therefore are not of the nation of Y
‘Ishra’al, neither are Christians, Muslims or any other man made
religion, ours is not a religion it’s a way, of life
According to scripture the assembly of YHWH are those who
Dis 12:17.
And the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to fight
with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of
YHWH and possessing the (testimony) witness of YaHuWsHua
Both emphases are necessary. We are not even considered the
seed of Y’ishra’al unless we both have the testimony of YHWH and
keep the commandments. If are not doing both, the dragon does
not bother about you, for you are no threat to him. If he can
afford to ignore us, we are accomplishing nothing. Doing both
will get him angry, but it is bait for the trap that will do him in.
Remember that this is a vision, so we are not talking about a
literal fire-breathing dragon with scales and wings. It represents a
system made up of lawless men, whose power base we threaten
when we keep the Torah, since we undercut their economic base
by stopping all commerce on the Sabbath, neglecting to bolster
their income at Christmas, etc. They know that when YHWH is
enthroned, they will all have to submit to him, and they want to
defer that as long as they can by getting us to neglect one or the
other of these elements.
How hard is that to understand.
We keep the commandments of YHWH after giving us the
commandments He wrote with His Finger on sapphire stone
seen from both sides , He did not add, subtract, delete
insert or change it in any form or shape
Debarim 5:22 states
These Words YHWH spoke to all your assembly, in the
mountain from the midst of the fire, of the cloud and of the
thick darkness with a loud voice and He added no more. He
wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.
This is not Yehudi law its YHWH instruction (torah) to the
Nation that would become Y’ishra’al
1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 23
And these are His commandments: that we should believe
on the name of His Son, YaHuWsHua ` the Anointed and we
should Affectionately love one another, (Philadélpheia) just
as He has given commandment to us delegates.
(Philadélpheia meaning Dear brother)
1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 24.
And the one observing His commandments dwells in Him,
and He in him; and by this we recognize that He dwells in
us: from the Rúakh that He has given to us.
In the book of Disclosure.
YHWH spoke of the eyes in the world today
Disclosure 5:6
. And I saw, and look! In the midst of the throne and of the
four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders was a
Lamb standing, as having been slaughtered, (YHWH` is
our Phâ´çech). having seven horns and seven eyes, which
are the seven Ruakh of YHWH, which have been sent forth
into all of the earth.
The Rúakh YHWH is an envoy of YHWH
Many have mistaken these to be the assemblies
And one especially is shown to be taken out of that day of
And to the envoy of the convocation( called out ones) in
Philadélpheia,(Brotherly love) write: these things says the
Pure One, the True One, the One holding the Key of Dâwíth
,“…the one which opens and no one can shut, and the one
which shuts but no one can open”:
When YHWH summerized the ten Utterances he Said
And he, responding, said: “You shall affectionately(
Philadélpheia) love YHWH, your mighty Ones,(plural) with all
your heart and with all of yourself , and with all of your
Mattiyahu 22: 40.
There is not another commandment greater than these. All
of the Law and the predicators hinge on these two
Deuteronomy 6: 4-5
Hear, Y’Ishra’al,
YHWH is your mighty One,
YHWH is First.
This is “the” commandment that he has been building up to. (v. 1)
Listen: Heb., Sh’ma--pay attention, hear, and obey. In Hebrew,
“commandment” means “what sets us in order.” It is a military
term. These are our marching orders. This, along with the next
several verses, is the heart of the Torah. Only YHWH: or, "YawHu
is First (or unified, all in all)." His commands need to be our first
consideration in regard to our actions, opinions, attitudes, and
priorities. Actually, He should be the only consideration.
and You shall love YHWH your mighty Ones with all of your heart,
and with all of yourself , and with all of your effort. ’and you shall
affectionately love your fellow as yourself
Resolve: literally, heart—the innermost centre of our being, where
we find our balance--the seat of our motivation, determination,
and inclinations. Before embarking on any venture, we must ask
how it will put Him first. If it cannot, there is no place for it.
Passion: soul, life-force, or appetite, i.e., what one hungers for.
Are we hungry for security, fame, power, respect, attention—or to
see His people in their Land? What the wicked hungers for will
leave him hungry, but what the righteous “eats” will satisfy him
The righteous eats to the satisfying of his being, But the
stomach of the wrong is lacking.
-when we “chew the cud” of YawHu ’s Torah day and night
Y’hoshua 1:8
“Do not let this Book of the Torah depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you
guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you
shall make your way prosperous, and act wisely.
Resources: the same word used in Hebrew for “very much”, i.e.,
forcefulness, from a root meaning to rake burning coals or
embers together. What should burn within us is love for YHWH .
How do we love Him with our resources? By using them to help
one another. If we use them wrongly, they will start the wrong
kinds of fires and burn us instead. YHWH said this verse was the
greatest commandment in the Torah. But he said a second was
“like it”: loving our neighbour as ourselves.
This is because loving those from the same flock—literally, who
graze from the same pasture as we do—is most of what YHWH
wants from us (Mikha 6:8), so if we do not do this, we cannot say
we love YHWH.
1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 4:20-21
If anyone might say: “I affectionately love YHWH yet might hate
his brother, he is a liar! For he who is not affectionately loving
his brother whom he has seen, how is he able to affectionately
love the mighty One Whom he has not seen? And this [v.7] is the
commandment we have from Him, so that he who affectionately
loves Yâ-hwéh should also affectionately love his brother!
Leviticus 19: 18
‘Do not seek revenge and do not bear a grudge against one of
the sons of your people, and] you shall love your fellow as
I am YHWH Obviously, this precludes “family feuds”. Children:
i.e., those less able to receive harsh correction, or those who do
not know any better. So we are not to bear a grudge against
those less mature than ourselves; our fellow is someone on our
own level. Do not take it personally if they do not receive our
correction. Instead, pray for YHWH to teach them in the most
effective way, even if that means bringing them trouble. Remove
your covering over them if they won’t respond to the “easy way”,
so they will need what you offered. Or bring someone who may
be better at explaining the particulars. As you love: It is much
easier to forgive someone you like, and reprove someone you
don't, but our feelings must be kept in check as well as our
How do we define our brother/ neighbour/fellow according
to scripture?
For whosoever also shall do the will of My Father
YHWH derived the authority to teach this from Bber 31:3,
in which Ya’aqóv is called away from those who have more
recently been his family to those who were originally his family.
Yâhuwchânâ’n Glad Tidings 6: 40, 4
Moreover, this is the will of My Father: that everyone who discerns
the Son and puts his trust in Him might possess endless life, and I
shall raise him up during the Last Day.”
1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 23
these are His commandments: that we should believe on the
name of His Son, YHWH ` the Anointed and we should
Affectionately (Philadélpheia) love one another, just as He has
given commandment to us delegates.
the mighty One Who is in the heavens, the same is My brother
and sister and mother. My mother and My brothers are those
who are hearing the Word of YHWH and working it.
Luwqá’ 8:
And He, having looked around on those who were sitting around
Him in a circle Márquwç 3: 34 , extending His hand over His
pupils, responding, said to them: “Look! My mother and My
brothers! For whosoever also shall do the will of My Father [the
mighty One Who is in the heavens, the same is My brother and
sister and mother My mother and My brothers are those who are
hearing the Word of YHWH and working it. They are the ones who
will enter My Father’s kingdom.”
Tâ’ówm 99
The pupils said to Him, “Your brothers and Your mother are
standing outside. “He said to them, “Those here who do the will of
My Father, these are My brothers and My mother. These are
those who will enter into the Kingdom of My Father.”
The key to the house of Dâwíth is YHWH HaMeshiakh, the door to
his house,
Yshá`Yâhu 22:22.
And I will put the Key of the house of Dâwíth to be his
responsibility, and it shall open and there will be none to shut,
and it shall shut and there will be none to open.
YHWH quotes this in
Dis. 3:7,
And to the envoy of the convocation in Philadélpheia, write:
these things says the Pure One, the True One, the One
holding the Key of Dâwíth ,
“…the one which opens and no one can shut, and the one
which shuts but no one can open”:
stating that he is the one to whom this is referring. I.e., He will
rule with a rod of iron; what He binds will not be loosed. "Key"
also relates to music in Hebrew as in English, and specifically is
used in relation to the music of the Temple.
Yshá`Yâhu 22: 23.
And I will drive its nub into a firm place, and it will be for a
throne of honour for the house of its father,
His ancestor: David. Sturdy: reliable; YâwHH kingdom is
stable and firmly established.
Yshá`Yâhu 22: 24.
And everyone esteemed of the house of its father will hang on it,
the offspring and the offshoots, all of the lesser vessels, from the
vessels of the bowls even to all of the vessels of the jars.
Yshá`Yâhu 22: 25.
In that Day, “declares YHWH of hosts, “the nub driven into the
firm place will give way, and it will be sheared off, and it will fall,
and the load that is on it will be cut down, because YHWH has
This verse seems to refer to Shevnâ, not Eḡlayim, the one already
in place and appearing firmly so, while in reality he is not.
Knowing the house of Y’ishra’al is GB; USA and the
commonwealth; Brexit should be seen has a final warning to
return to our roots
From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is nothing
intact in them – contusions and impacts and oozing wounds
which have not been closed and have not been bound up and
have not been soothed with ointment – Your land is desolation,
your cities are burned with fire; your countries, aliens in front of
you are consuming them, and they are desolation, like ones
overthrown by foreigners.
The house of Ya’aqob. is the House of Y’ishra’al and the nation
unto YHWH We are the grain (wheat) Feed co: Grain The
pictograph is a picture of a tent but also represents the family
which resides inside the tent. The is a picture of a head.
Combined these have the meaning of "family of heads". The plant
families of grains such as wheat and barley have a cluster of
seeds at the top of the stalk called "heads".
The Reign of YHWH has become like a Man (YHWH ) sowing good
seed within his field.(earth) But while the Man slept, his enemy
(HaSatan) came and sowed darnel (the sin of Chawwah) in the
midst of the wheat and went away. And when the blade sprouted
and produced fruit, then the darnel also appeared. And the
bondmen of the Sovereign of the house, having approached Him,
said to Him: ‘My Sovereign, didn’t You sow good seed in Your
field? From where then does it have the darnel?’ And He said to
them:‘ A man,( nachash) an enemy, did this.’ And the bondmen
said to Him,‘ Then do You wish, having gone forth, we should
gather them?’ But He said: ‘No – lest gathering the darnel, ye
should uproot the wheat with them. Permit both to grow together
until the harvest, then within harvest season I will say to the
harvesters, “Gather first the darnel, and bind them into bundles to
burn them; but bring the wheat together into My granary.”’”
Is it not written
Yshá`Yâhu 1:4.
Hówy, errant heathen mass, a people of massive perversity, the
seed of evildoers, sons of corruption, they have forsaken YHWH,
they have spurned the Pure One of Y’ishra’al, they left Him
behind. Alas, O sinful nation! O people weighed down with
crookedness! O offspring of mischief-makers! Children who bring
ruin! They have abandoned YHWH they have despised the Holy
One of Israel. They have gone back to being estranged! Being
estranged: or, "belonging to a stranger". These are pejorative
terms because He is very upset. He does not like them right now.
He has to address them as children, not as adults, though by now
they should have been mature, but they have squandered
everything He has given them. A parent can only take them so
far. He has done His part; He would be glad to help them out
further if they had taken responsibility to stay on the path He set
them on, but instead He has to bail them out of the mess they
have gotten into. They should be treating one another the way
He treated them, yet instead they rebel.
The influx of other peoples and their Gods have turned the nation
of Britain away from the true YHWH, and perversity, evildoers, and
sons of corruption have become the government
We are the nation of Y’Ishra’al, we are a nation called the
covenant berıyth (Brit-ish) man
This does not mean turning our backs on the poor, destitute,
sick, old or affirmed; but sojourning them through the laws of
Y’Ishra’al , and YHWH
Num 9:14
And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the
Passover unto YHWH according to the ordinance of the Passover,
and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have
one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born
in the land. "Now if there is a sojourner staying among you who
wants to participate in the Passover for YHWH, he must do it
according to the prescribed ritual of the Passover, and in its
proper manner; you shall have one [and the same] ritual
prescribed for [both] the newcomer and the native who was born
in the Land."
Prescribed ritual:.
There is no allowance made for one’s not having been part of the
community all along, for Y’ishra’al is always receiving outsiders to
be part of it, but once Y’Ishra’alites, they must behave as
Y’Ishra’alites. They share in all privileges, but could not do
anything in their old Gentile ways. This would turn out to be the
last time Y’Ishra’al l would observe this memorial in this journey
through the wilderness
Y’hoshua 5:7ff
probably because after hope was gone of the parents entering the
Land because of their unbelief, they did not prepare their children
to enter the Land or even keep the Passover, because they left
them uncircumcised. It would take 40 years to get most of the
“Egypt” out of us. Again today, parents who had no inkling of
their children returning to being Y’Ishra’alites left us with little
knowledge of our heritage until the time approached for another
Y’hoshua to lead us back to the Land.
A stranger that lives in our land shall join become part of
Y’shra’al by keeping the commandments of YHWH including the
feastival of Yâhuwthâ´h (Y’ishra’al)
Yshá`Yâhu 1:2
I grow sons and I raise them up, but they rebel against Me.
Listen...Cup your ear: This is an allusion back to the song Moshe
taught the descendants of Y’shra’al just prior to his death so that
they would pass it down through all their generations.
(D'varim/Deut. 32) The things Mosheh warned about were coming
to pass, and this was to be a vivid reminder of where the nation
was headed. Caused to grow from a term meaning to twist
together, like fibre’s that make a strong rope. Raised them: or
elevated them. Like a faithful parent, He has set in place all the
right mix of experiences and attitudes to put them in a position
to become as strong as they can be.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:3.
An ox recognizes his buyer, and the donkey of the manger
his owner; Y’Ishra’äl they do not acknowledge, My people,
they do not consider. Despite man's dominion over the
animals, the latter appear to better understand the authority
structures YHWH has set up. But it is worse when those He
has invested so much in do not understand who they belong
to or who they are supposed to be. His people may have
assumed that because YHWH kept feeding them, they could
also obtain food elsewhere, but YHWH has very specific
things He wants us to partake of. Forming close bonds with
foreigners Shemot 23:32 “Do not make a covenant with
them nor with their mighty ones tends toward idolatry. 5.
"`Why should you continue to be beaten down? You keep
veering from the path! The whole head is diseased; the
whole heart is unwell!
Head: Symbolic of the rulers who led YehuwDah in the wrong
direction. (v. 10) They are acting just like foreigners.
The UK today is spawning the devils seed, and being steered by
false gods, world religions and a government that does not care,
it has lost its way morally, and is corrupt, to see Britain leave the
EU, was to see prophecy come true, but have we now exchanged
one set of demons for another
Yshá`Yâhu 1:6.
"`From the sole of the foot all the way to the head, there is no
soundness in it. Bruises, scars, and fresh open wounds! They have
neither been closed up nor bandaged, nor soothed by ointment.
The head (government) is sick, and its makes the body sick
Yshá`Yâhu 1:7.
Your land is left desolate, your cities burned with fire! As for your
farmland, strangers devour it right in front of you, and [it is]
desolate as when overthrown by foreigners!
Allowing Islamic and Muslim extremists on Britain’s streets is a
violation of YHWH Law; Has Britain is facing war with EU and
beyond, the USA having lost its pride of being the most powerful
Nation in the world, will be set alight by civil war (blacks v whites)
already we see the sign of unrest, YHWH speaks in symbolic
language to literal, because they are in very deep trouble now.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:8. "
`The daughter of Tzion, too, is left like a temporary shelter in a
vineyard, like a lean-to in a cucumber garden, like a blockaded
city.' Grapes and cucumbers must be harvested quickly when they
ripen, so it was common to build rudimentary huts to spend the
night in so the harvester could maximize his time in the field.
They lie abandoned after the harvest is over, then become
overgrown by the vines. The builder no longer dwells within them.
YHWH is saying that (as we see below) the structure of Ishra’al
(Britain) society is still intact, but His presence has been removed
since He does not share His glory with another--and they do not
even realize it! Blockaded: watched over or guarded (from
outside), as in a siege. (No one can enter it anymore.)
Yshá`Yâhu 1:9.
"If YHWH of the Armies had not left us a surviving remnant--and
very few[at that]--we would have become like S'dom, and
resembled `Amorah!
Yshá`Yâhu 1:10.
"Listen to the word of YHWH, you dictators of S'dom; cup your
ears to the instruction of our YHWH, you people of `Amorah! He
feels like wringing their necks because they are supposed to be
grown up, but are acting like the people He had to destroy
because their attitude was so bad. Yshá`Yâhu1:11. "`What use to
Me is the abundance of your slaughtering?' says YHWH. `I am
overstuffed with the ascending [offerings] of rams and the fat of
overfed beasts, and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls,
sheep, or [prepared] he-goats.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:12.
"`When you come to appear before My face, who has required this
from your hands--to trample down My courts? Not only is Islamic
law gaining a foot hold on YHWH land , but Christianity has rob
us of the truth; all the world Religion owe their power to Satan,
who is the God of this world Temple offerings are all going on,
and this is not what He has the problem with, but He asks why
they are even coming, since they also have idols in their homes.
All they are doing, in His eyes, is tracking mud across His floor!
Yshá`Yâhu 1:13.
"`Do not bring any more empty tribute-offerings. And incense--
it's disgusting to Me! [New] moon, Sabbath, [and] summoning of
assemblies, I cannot endure! Even the festival assembly is a waste
of breath. He is so fed up with their worshipping outwardly but
without “truth in the inward parts” that He simply says, "Stop
profaning My extra special days!" YehuwDah is mixing the
worship of YHWH with paganism. Sure, He asked for these things
at one time, but now He does not want them because of their
attitude. They should be grateful that they are even allowed to
bring something to His house, but not even want to be around
them. Because their heart is not inclined to Him, they are doing
little more than murdering animals.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:14
"`My soul hates your [new] moons and appointed times. They are
a burden to Me; I am tired of putting up with them.
Lunatics = moon worshippers Does this contradict the Torah,
which commanded these feasts? No. The key is in the word
"your". The way they are carrying out His feasts has turned them
into a creation of their own hands.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:15.
"`When you spread out your hands, I will conceal My face from
you; also, when you increase the number of prayers, there will be
no listening from Me. Your hands are full of blood! Spread out
your hands: in prayer. They may be satisfied with this
arrangement, but He is not. So all they are really doing is
murdering animals. Until they confess their guilt and repent, He
will hide His face. cf. Hos. 5:15
Yshá`Yâhu 1:16.
Wash [it] off and make yourselves clean! Take away the evil
quality of your practices from [right] in front of My eyes! Stop
doing injurious things; Clean: in most biblical imagery, this is an
idiom for selflessness. This is what determines whether a certain
act is "of the flesh" or "of the Rúakh" if not specified in Torah.
Not only should they stop doing
these negative things in front of Him; they need to stop doing it
altogether, or sooner or later they will end up doing it in front of
Him to, and really ruin things.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:17
"`Learn to make [them] right: Demand justice, set straight what is
sour, advise those who are bereaved, contend for the case of the
widow. This is the "how" of what it means to make yourself clean.
(v. 16) Right: or positive, beneficial. Learn: literally, accept the
prodding if it now has to be painful, if that is the only thing that
will work. At least it will stimulate you to move in the right
direction. See yourself as a vessel designed to hold a lot but then
to overflow into smaller containers, expanding them in the
process as well. As you teach the less mature, don’t stop learning
yourself either, or you will become stagnant, killing any life that
remains in you. To teach others, we have to find answers to their
questions, and that requires us to learn more. To be mature, you
have to learn from everything you see or experience, rather than
being preoccupied with the few things you want to focus on.
Appreciate the doors that do open. Like King Sh’lomo, learn from
how the animals solve their problems. Notice the details; the
more you know, the closer you come to YHWH, for He knows
everything. If you are not being inspired to learn more by what
you are teaching, it is probably just rote, sterile, and useless
knowledge. Demand: or "seek out" in the strongest sense in
which it can be understood. Don’t just wait passively for it to fall
into your lap; go after it, ploughing through any obstacles.
Learning to discern requires a return to the Torah, which teaches
us to make such distinctions. (Lev. 10:10) They have the
infrastructure intact, but are perishing because they lack
knowledge. To learn how to make proper judgments, we can ask
those who know how, but it is even more beneficial to dig it out
for yourself, because Google might not always be around when
you need the right answer! Better still, learn from your past
mistakes and experiences, because failure only shows you how
not to do things; it does not mean letting the
problem beat you. Set straight: or keep moving straight ahead
through what seems sour. Don’t give up, but figure out why it
leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Break down the reasons and
find out if your complaint is valid or not.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:18.
"`Walk, now, and let [your words] be proven', says YHWH. `If your
sins are like scarlet, they can become as white as snow; if they are
as red as crimson, they can become like wool. Proven: or
"corrected"; alt., "let us reason together". (You say you love Me;
now show it by your actions! Keep My commandments!)
Scarlet...white as snow: This may be an allusion to an annual
occurrence in which, on Yom Kippur one part of a scarlet cord
was tied to the horn of the "scapegoat" for Azazel and the other
part hung on the Temple doors. After the goat was thrown off a
cliff in the wilderness east of Yerushaliiyim, YHWH showed His
acceptance of their atoning sacrifice by turning the cord bright
white. The Talmud tells us that this stopped occurring 40 years
before the destruction of the Temple--which would have been the
year YHWH died. In His mercy YHWH put up with Temple services
that again were out of His prescribed order until a platform was in
place for Torah to still be kept in exile to some degree, in which
the main points could be learned more clearly. But this verse is
typically translated "though your sins are as scarlet..." and
interpreted to mean simply that they would be forgiven, but it
says our sins (not we) are what becomes as white as snow. Sin
means "missing the target", and while we may start out skilled
and able to hit it, but if we slack off, we gradually lose our skill,
and it often takes an error as glaring as completely missing the
wall the target was on to awaken us to the fact that we are this
out of practice, and jars us back to facing how far off course we
have come. Thus the fact that we've missed the mark can become
a positive thing. Wool is rarely truly white, so the second analogy
may not be a parallelism after all. The contrast seems more
between natural material and dyed material. If we mark the
places we have erred with a bright, impossible-to-ignore
attention getter, we can more easily hone in on where the target
actually is, and find it again. We had to be jarred by the fact that
though we were very religions, half of what we were doing when
Christians was pagan, and only when that was made so obvious
that we had to admit it, could we get back on track.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:19.
"`If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the Land.
Consent: not just "are willing", but a very strong term: to pant
after, to want very badly. Compare Bber 24:8 And if the woman
refuses to follow you, then you shall be released from this oath;
only, do not take my son back there.”
Yshá`Yâhu 1:20 .
"`But if you refuse and [remain] rebellious, you will make the
sword eat, because the mouth of YHWH has spoken.'
Yshá`Yâhu 1:21.
"How the reliable town has become an [unfaithful] prostitute! [She
was] full of justice; righteousness stayed with her. But now-
Yshá`Yâhu 1:22.
"Your silver has turned into dross; your strong drink has been
diluted with water. It is easy to tell watered-down wine from the
full strength, but dross looks just like silver until heated up.
These people look perfectly
religious, but are treating one another like dirt, and oppressing
the weakest among them. He can see the difference.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:23.
"Your princes have backslidden, becoming companions of thieves!
Everyone loves a bribe, and is running after compensation. They
do not vindicate the fatherless, nor does the widow's cause reach
Princes: sarim; backslidden: sorarim. It is a Hebrew word play.
Running after: But do they ever catch it?
Yshá`Yâhu 1:24.
"On account of this, the Master YHWH of Armies--the Mighty One
of Y’ishra’al--declares, `Woe [to you]! I will free Myself from My
oppressors, and avenge Myself of My enemies.
Free Myself: ease or make Myself comfortable, i.e., not put up
with this nuisance anymore.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:25.
"`Then I will bring My hand back onto you, and purge away your
dross as with alkali, and remove all your alloy. Alkali: or lye or
potash, materials used in smelting metal. Alloy: base metal, the
part to be separated away.
Yshá`Yâhu 1:26.
"`And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your advisors
as at the beginning. After that, indeed, it will be proclaimed that
you are `the city of righteousness', `the reliable town'.
Judges: or law-givers
The Torah lifestyle can only work properly when there is a wide
consensus on obedience to His laws such as those of leaving
fields fallow, releasing debts, etc. Not until the proper authority
structures are restored can the fullest redemption be possible.
"`Tzion will be ransomed with due process, and her returnees
with ethical vindication.
"But the violent shattering of [both] trespassers and those who
wander from the way will be brought to an end together with
those who abandon YHWH,
Violent shattering: in context, their fragmenting of justice in
the court system.
"because they will be disappointed by the oaks that you have
taken pleasure in, and ashamed of the gardens which you had
chosen, Oaks...gardens: places of pagan worship, usually for
fertility rites.
Yshá`Yâhu1:30 .
"because you will be like a terebinth whose leaf is drooping, and a
garden in which there is no water,
"and the mighty [in wealth] will be like the tow [shaken from flax],
and his deeds like a spark, and both of them shall burn together,
and there will be no one to extinguish."
Compare 1 Cor. 3:14, 15.
If anyone’s work remains, which he has built on, he shall receive a
reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he shall suffer loss, but he
himself shall be saved, but so as through fire.
MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN This Age ruled by Satan is
about to account for its greed;
TAKE HEED GB and USA Yet a Remnant of the remnant will
be saved
Alahim YHWH ‘HaMeshiakh
In His Name
Blessed be, in His name
YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, YHWH bless
you.' "
Be not blind to the truth And, hinnei, two blind men sitting
by the way side, when they heard that YHWH passed by,
cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YHWH, [thou]
Ben David. An YHWH stood still, and called them, and said,
what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him,
YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So YHWH had
compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and
immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed
His servant and yours shalowm in Righteousness by the
GO I Keiyah
Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious
unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned
against him.
Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and
to their servants: Amein and Amein
Freely ye have received, freely give A rule necessary, and of
great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though
worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should
never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Rúakh
(Raukhual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic
with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from
the Rúakh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the
dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a
fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege The
Everlasting Covenant is The Shabbâ´th
YHWH `HaMeshiakh be with your Rúakh
Mat 10:22.
By the Word of YHWH
were the heavens made.
and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.
This is how you bless the children of Y’ishra’al
May this blessing be upon you
will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a
hedge of protection.
will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you bringing
order and he will give you comfort and sustenance.
will lift his wholeness of being and look upon you and he will set
in place all you need to be whole and complete.
Bemidbar 6:23-27
I write has the raukh moves me, not looking for dissention among
the true brethren (Nätzräya) nor by the man-made religion of the
world their opinion to me is nothing,
I serve the Almighty One
And the dragon was enraged with the woman (assembly), and he
went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the
commands of YHWH Alahim and possessing the witness of
YaHuWHsua Messiah.
I fail miserably yet it is all I know, I ran away many times from the
father, filled my answers with excuses, but I know,
I seek out the true Nätzräya according to scriptures, beginning
with His Sacred Calendar, endorsed by the scriptures, no one said
it will be easy, yet His reign is where my treasure is, I walk the
way of the heretic, not conforming to mans – made- god,
One thing I have learned we must read in the Hebrew perspective,
not modern day teachings, the writings of the Nätzräiym, our
modern day bibles are filled with lies, deception, they do not
speak the truth they have drawn so many away from the living
waters, the truth once delivered to the saints ( Yahudah1:3)
Baruch Haba B’shem YHWH
Blessed is He that comes in the name of YHWH
Shalom Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah)

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British man (YHWH)

  • 1. YHWH ALAHIM (B-RYT) Covenant: ISH ( Man) BRITISH-MAN The Ruakh of YHWH Has spoken through me, His word is on my tongue
  • 2. The Coronavirus in prophecy Concerning GB and USA Although this virus is aimed at the House of Modern Day Y’shra’al Ya‛aqoḇ, a servant of YHWH and of the Master YaHuWsHua HaMeschiyach, to the twelve tribes who are in the dispersion: Greetings. The prophecy is for today From the Book of Yshá`Yâhu Hear, O heavens and listen, O earth! For YHWH has spoken , “I have reared and brought up children, but they have transgressed against Me. Your Sin (speaking to the government) they do not acknowledge, My people, they do not consider. British Government
  • 3. MENĔ, MENĔ, TEQĔL, UPHARSIN. This is a warning of the Greed in the world ( Tehillim 49) of all Nations, but mostly at GB and USA and the commonwealth , although it strikes at the heart of His Nation Y’IShra’Al An knows its owner and a its master’s crib – Y’sra’Al does not know my People have not understood YHWH uses the other Nations to punish His own for their Sins, but have no fear they too will feel the day of wrath 7 times more, for now He is punishing his own The wold virus coronavirus has exposed the greed among the rulers of this world, under the EL ( God) who rules it ( Eph 2:2), but its aim is at the very house of Y’Ishra’al and its commonwealth Alas, sinning nation, a people loaded with crookedness, a seed of evil-doers, sons acting corruptly! They have forsaken YHWH, they have provoked the Set-apart One of Y’Ishra’Al, they went backward. Why should you be beaten anymore? You continue in apostasy! All the head is sick and all the heart faints. From the sole of the foot, to the head, there is no soundness in it – wounds and bruises and open sores; they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment.
  • 4. The influx of other peoples and their Gods (ALAHIM) have turned the nation of Britain away from the true YaHuWsHua, and perversity, evildoers, and sons of corruption have become the government We are the nation of Y’Ishra’al, we are a nation called a covenant (Brit-ish) man, and includes the USA and GB plus the commonwealth A covenant is instituted through a sacrifice of a choice, fatted, animal which is cut into two and the party of the covenant pass through the pieces. If one party fails to meet the agreements of the covenant, then the other may do the same to them. [ covenant, league, confederacy, confederate) His Covenant , His Right Rules And he took all these to Him and cut them in the middle and placed each half opposite the other, but he did not cut the birds This even though sounding strange was the forming of the covenant The kingdom of Y’Ishra’al was indeed cut in two when we did not keep our part of the covenant. They walked between the pieces in a figure , symbolizing the eternal nature of the covenant. Birds were the offering of those who could not afford anything better. They are not cut because trusting YaHuWsHua only in small things is not enough for this covenant. These birds were very young, and the immature cannot satisfy YaHuWsHua without further training in the Torah. And it came to be, when the sun went down and it was dark, that see, a smoking oven and a burning torch passing between those pieces.
  • 5. The smoke shows that the oven is still being heated up; it has to get to over 600 degrees Fahrenheit. When this stage is finished, the fuel and fire are removed, and the heat the earth or brick oven retains is enough to bake bread. The torch is to light the fire and to provide light. The word for "torch" here is the same word used of the "lightning flashes" seen at Mt. Sinai when YaHuWsHua gave the Torah. And all the people saw the thunders, the lightning flashes, the sound of the ram’s horn and the mountain smoking. And the people saw it and they trembled and stood at a distance, Thus, the responsibility of Avram's seed in the covenant is to "bake bread" Because there is one bread, we, who are many, are one body, for we all partake of the one bread. O My people! Turn back to Him from whom the children of Y’ishra’Al have deeply fallen away. To the heads of state, parliament and lords Beware your sins will find you out Your leaders lead you astray and swallow the way of your paths.” YHWH shall stand up to plead and is standing to judge the peoples. YHWH enters into judgment with the elders of His people and its heads, “It is you who have eaten up the vineyard, the plunder of the poor is in your houses. “What do you mean by crushing My people and grinding the faces of the poor?” declares
  • 6. the Master, YHWH of hosts. And YHWH says, “Because the daughters of Tsiyon are haughty and walk with outstretched necks and seductive eyes, walking and mincing as they go, making a jingling with their feet, therefore YHWH shall smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Tsiyon and YHWH expose their nakedness.” In that day YHWH takes away the finery of the anklets, headbands and the crescents, the pendants, bracelets and the veils, the head-dresses, leg ornaments, sashes, perfume bottles and the amulets, the rings and the nose jewels, the costly robes, cloaks, shawls and the purses, the mirrors and the fine linen and the turbans and the large veils. And it shall be: Instead of a sweet fragrance, a smell of decay; and instead of a belt, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a festal robe, a girding of sackcloth; and branding instead of loveliness. Your men shall fall by the sword and your strength in battle. Her gates shall lament and mourn, and she shall sit on the ground deserted. and his strength pass away because of fear and his commanders shall be afraid of the banner,” declares YHWH, whose light is in Tsiyon and whose furnace is in Yerushalayim. reveals that this will take place in Yerushalayim, from which righteousness and deliverance will go forth
  • 7. For Tsiyon’s sake I am not silent and for Yerushalayim’s sake I do not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her deliverance as a lamp that burns. “For look, the day shall come, burning like a furnace and all the proud and every wrongdoer shall be stubble. And the day that shall come shall burn them up,” said YHWH of hosts, “which leaves to them neither root nor branch. “But to you who fear My Name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings. And you shall go out and leap for joy like calves from the stall. “And you shall trample the wrongdoers, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” said YHWH of hosts. “Remember the Towrah of Mosheh, My servant, which I commanded him in Ḥorĕḇ for all Yishra’Al – laws and right rulings The way Avram knew he would inherit this Land in particular was because here YaHuWsHua showed him Yerushaliiyim--and his descendants within it. The original Hebrew text does not have the vowel points or even spaces between words. Part of this verse, if the words are cut differently, reads," Fire, fire an evil [thing] into Rabin, decrees the YaHuWsHua on that day." As soon as the sabbath on which this portion was read in synagogues all over the world in 1995/ 5756 was over, YehuwDah Prime Minister Rabin was shot twice by a man claiming YaHuWsHua had told him to do it!
  • 8. And And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, which have not performed the words of the covenant which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof, Passed between its pieces: a traditional way of expressing the thought, “May the same befall me if I do not keep my side of the agreement.” The nation of Y’ishra’al was indeed cut in two when we did not keep the covenant, we had made with YHWH . The covenant referred to here is one of agreeing to obey an existing covenant that had been broken. (v. 8) But this is the way Avraham himself made a covenant with YHWH , and they were spitting on it and not taking it seriously at all—but YHWH was. YirmYâ’huw 34: 19 the heads of Yahuḏah and the heads of Yerushalayim, the eunuchs and the priests and all the people of the land who passed between the parts of the calf YirmYâ’huw 34:20
  • 9. ‘And I shall give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of those who seek their life. And their corpses shall be for food to the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth [ covenant, league, confederacy, confederate| And I will give the men that have transgressed my covenant, which have not performed the words of the covenant which they had made before me, when they cut the calf in twain, and passed between the parts thereof, and he divided them: He divided each one into two parts. The verse does not lose its simple meaning, because He was forming a covenant with him to keep His promise, to cause his sons to inherit the land, as it is written Bber 15: 18 On the same day YHWH made a covenant with Aḇram, saying, “I have given this land to your seed, from the river of Mitsrayim to the great river, the River Euphrates, Look it up on a map, Y*ishra’Al is our land, it is the state of Yehuda, but the land is Y’ishra’Al River of Egypt: either the Nile ( as per targum Ps.-Jon.)
  • 10. or Wadi El-Arish in N.E. Sinai. In That Day: The first occurrence of this oft-repeated phrase that, on the prophetic level, alludes to the Day of YHWH Yâhuwchânâ´n 2:1 And on the third day there was a wedding in Qanah of Galil, and the mother of YaHuWsHua was there. Y’ishra’al had these borders for a short time under David and Sh’lomo, whose reigns of justice, peace, and wisdom foreshadow "That Day"--an idiom for the final "day" of the "world-week", the millennial Messianic Kingdom, when the promise will be fulfilled in entirety. This is the land of Y’ishra’al, the promise land ''On that day, the YHWH formed a covenant with Abram, saying, etc.,'' and it is the custom of those who form a covenant to divide an animal and to pass between its parts, as it is written YirmYâ’hu 34:19 ''who passed between the parts of the calf.''
  • 11. Here too, ''a smoking furnace and a fire brand, which passed between the parts,'' was the agent of the Shechinah, which is [referred to as] fire. but he did not divide the birds: Since the idol worshipping nations are likened to bulls, rams, and goats, as it is said Tehillim 22:13 ''Many bulls surrounded me, etc., '' and Scripture states Dan 8:20 'The ram that you saw, the one with horns, represents the kings of Media and Persia,'' and Scripture states (ibid. verse 21): ''And the he-goat is the king of Greece.'' And the Y’Ishra’alites are likened to young doves, as it is said Song of Songs 2:14 ''My dove, in the clefts of the rock.'' Therefore, he divided the animals, as an allusion that the nations will gradually perish. ''But he did not divide the bird,'' as an allusion that Y’ishra‘al will exist forever.
  • 12. This land of Y’ishra’al, is the promise land of the Y’Ishra’alites and is not that which bears His name today, being Yehuda. Dis 3:9. “See, I am giving up [at the 6th seal] those of the congregation of Satan, who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but lie. See, I am making them come[at the 7th Trumpet] and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you. Because you have guarded My Word of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth. This coronavirus is just the beginning of the tribulation, already earthquakes are in divers places, pestilence is next, when animal diseases will effect humans. A world- wide earth quake is imminent , has is a nuclear accident in Iran, that will cause the River Euphrates, to stop The Yehuḏim do not even acknowledge YaHuWsHua ( imman’uwl) the anointed Meshiakh and therefore are not of the nation of Y ‘Ishra’al, neither are Christians, Muslims or any other man made religion, ours is not a religion it’s a way, of life According to scripture the assembly of YHWH are those who Dis 12:17.
  • 13. And the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of YHWH and possessing the (testimony) witness of YaHuWsHua Both emphases are necessary. We are not even considered the seed of Y’ishra’al unless we both have the testimony of YHWH and keep the commandments. If are not doing both, the dragon does not bother about you, for you are no threat to him. If he can afford to ignore us, we are accomplishing nothing. Doing both will get him angry, but it is bait for the trap that will do him in. Remember that this is a vision, so we are not talking about a literal fire-breathing dragon with scales and wings. It represents a system made up of lawless men, whose power base we threaten when we keep the Torah, since we undercut their economic base by stopping all commerce on the Sabbath, neglecting to bolster their income at Christmas, etc. They know that when YHWH is enthroned, they will all have to submit to him, and they want to defer that as long as they can by getting us to neglect one or the other of these elements. How hard is that to understand. We keep the commandments of YHWH after giving us the commandments He wrote with His Finger on sapphire stone
  • 14. seen from both sides , He did not add, subtract, delete insert or change it in any form or shape Debarim 5:22 states These Words YHWH spoke to all your assembly, in the mountain from the midst of the fire, of the cloud and of the thick darkness with a loud voice and He added no more. He wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me. This is not Yehudi law its YHWH instruction (torah) to the Nation that would become Y’ishra’al 1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 23 And these are His commandments: that we should believe on the name of His Son, YaHuWsHua ` the Anointed and we should Affectionately love one another, (Philadélpheia) just as He has given commandment to us delegates. (Philadélpheia meaning Dear brother) 1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 24. And the one observing His commandments dwells in Him, and He in him; and by this we recognize that He dwells in us: from the Rúakh that He has given to us.
  • 15. In the book of Disclosure. YHWH spoke of the eyes in the world today Disclosure 5:6 . And I saw, and look! In the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders was a Lamb standing, as having been slaughtered, (YHWH` is our Phâ´çech). having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Ruakh of YHWH, which have been sent forth into all of the earth. The Rúakh YHWH is an envoy of YHWH Many have mistaken these to be the assemblies And one especially is shown to be taken out of that day of tribulation And to the envoy of the convocation( called out ones) in Philadélpheia,(Brotherly love) write: these things says the Pure One, the True One, the One holding the Key of Dâwíth ,“…the one which opens and no one can shut, and the one which shuts but no one can open”:
  • 16. When YHWH summerized the ten Utterances he Said Luwqá’10:27 And he, responding, said: “You shall affectionately( Philadélpheia) love YHWH, your mighty Ones,(plural) with all your heart and with all of yourself , and with all of your effort; Mattiyahu 22: 40. There is not another commandment greater than these. All of the Law and the predicators hinge on these two commandments.” Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 Hear, Y’Ishra’al, YHWH is your mighty One, YHWH is First. This is “the” commandment that he has been building up to. (v. 1) Listen: Heb., Sh’ma--pay attention, hear, and obey. In Hebrew, “commandment” means “what sets us in order.” It is a military term. These are our marching orders. This, along with the next several verses, is the heart of the Torah. Only YHWH: or, "YawHu is First (or unified, all in all)." His commands need to be our first
  • 17. consideration in regard to our actions, opinions, attitudes, and priorities. Actually, He should be the only consideration. and You shall love YHWH your mighty Ones with all of your heart, and with all of yourself , and with all of your effort. ’and you shall affectionately love your fellow as yourself Resolve: literally, heart—the innermost centre of our being, where we find our balance--the seat of our motivation, determination, and inclinations. Before embarking on any venture, we must ask how it will put Him first. If it cannot, there is no place for it. Passion: soul, life-force, or appetite, i.e., what one hungers for. Are we hungry for security, fame, power, respect, attention—or to see His people in their Land? What the wicked hungers for will leave him hungry, but what the righteous “eats” will satisfy him Mishle13:25 The righteous eats to the satisfying of his being, But the stomach of the wrong is lacking.
  • 18. -when we “chew the cud” of YawHu ’s Torah day and night Y’hoshua 1:8 “Do not let this Book of the Torah depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and act wisely. Resources: the same word used in Hebrew for “very much”, i.e., forcefulness, from a root meaning to rake burning coals or embers together. What should burn within us is love for YHWH . How do we love Him with our resources? By using them to help one another. If we use them wrongly, they will start the wrong kinds of fires and burn us instead. YHWH said this verse was the greatest commandment in the Torah. But he said a second was “like it”: loving our neighbour as ourselves. This is because loving those from the same flock—literally, who graze from the same pasture as we do—is most of what YHWH wants from us (Mikha 6:8), so if we do not do this, we cannot say we love YHWH. 1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 4:20-21 If anyone might say: “I affectionately love YHWH yet might hate his brother, he is a liar! For he who is not affectionately loving
  • 19. his brother whom he has seen, how is he able to affectionately love the mighty One Whom he has not seen? And this [v.7] is the commandment we have from Him, so that he who affectionately loves Yâ-hwéh should also affectionately love his brother! Leviticus 19: 18 ‘Do not seek revenge and do not bear a grudge against one of the sons of your people, and] you shall love your fellow as yourself I am YHWH Obviously, this precludes “family feuds”. Children: i.e., those less able to receive harsh correction, or those who do not know any better. So we are not to bear a grudge against those less mature than ourselves; our fellow is someone on our own level. Do not take it personally if they do not receive our correction. Instead, pray for YHWH to teach them in the most effective way, even if that means bringing them trouble. Remove your covering over them if they won’t respond to the “easy way”, so they will need what you offered. Or bring someone who may be better at explaining the particulars. As you love: It is much easier to forgive someone you like, and reprove someone you don't, but our feelings must be kept in check as well as our actions.
  • 20. How do we define our brother/ neighbour/fellow according to scripture? Mat_12:50 For whosoever also shall do the will of My Father YHWH derived the authority to teach this from Bber 31:3, in which Ya’aqóv is called away from those who have more recently been his family to those who were originally his family. Yâhuwchânâ’n Glad Tidings 6: 40, 4 Moreover, this is the will of My Father: that everyone who discerns the Son and puts his trust in Him might possess endless life, and I shall raise him up during the Last Day.” 1 Yâhuwchânâ´n 3: 23 these are His commandments: that we should believe on the name of His Son, YHWH ` the Anointed and we should Affectionately (Philadélpheia) love one another, just as He has given commandment to us delegates.
  • 21. the mighty One Who is in the heavens, the same is My brother and sister and mother. My mother and My brothers are those who are hearing the Word of YHWH and working it. Luwqá’ 8: And He, having looked around on those who were sitting around Him in a circle Márquwç 3: 34 , extending His hand over His pupils, responding, said to them: “Look! My mother and My brothers! For whosoever also shall do the will of My Father [the mighty One Who is in the heavens, the same is My brother and sister and mother My mother and My brothers are those who are hearing the Word of YHWH and working it. They are the ones who will enter My Father’s kingdom.” Tâ’ówm 99 The pupils said to Him, “Your brothers and Your mother are standing outside. “He said to them, “Those here who do the will of My Father, these are My brothers and My mother. These are those who will enter into the Kingdom of My Father.” The key to the house of Dâwíth is YHWH HaMeshiakh, the door to his house, Yshá`Yâhu 22:22.
  • 22. And I will put the Key of the house of Dâwíth to be his responsibility, and it shall open and there will be none to shut, and it shall shut and there will be none to open. YHWH quotes this in Dis. 3:7, And to the envoy of the convocation in Philadélpheia, write: these things says the Pure One, the True One, the One holding the Key of Dâwíth , “…the one which opens and no one can shut, and the one which shuts but no one can open”: stating that he is the one to whom this is referring. I.e., He will rule with a rod of iron; what He binds will not be loosed. "Key" also relates to music in Hebrew as in English, and specifically is used in relation to the music of the Temple. Yshá`Yâhu 22: 23. And I will drive its nub into a firm place, and it will be for a throne of honour for the house of its father, His ancestor: David. Sturdy: reliable; YâwHH kingdom is stable and firmly established.
  • 23. Yshá`Yâhu 22: 24. And everyone esteemed of the house of its father will hang on it, the offspring and the offshoots, all of the lesser vessels, from the vessels of the bowls even to all of the vessels of the jars. Yshá`Yâhu 22: 25. In that Day, “declares YHWH of hosts, “the nub driven into the firm place will give way, and it will be sheared off, and it will fall, and the load that is on it will be cut down, because YHWH has spoken!” This verse seems to refer to Shevnâ, not Eḡlayim, the one already in place and appearing firmly so, while in reality he is not. Knowing the house of Y’ishra’al is GB; USA and the commonwealth; Brexit should be seen has a final warning to return to our roots From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is nothing intact in them – contusions and impacts and oozing wounds which have not been closed and have not been bound up and have not been soothed with ointment – Your land is desolation,
  • 24. your cities are burned with fire; your countries, aliens in front of you are consuming them, and they are desolation, like ones overthrown by foreigners. The house of Ya’aqob. is the House of Y’ishra’al and the nation unto YHWH We are the grain (wheat) Feed co: Grain The pictograph is a picture of a tent but also represents the family which resides inside the tent. The is a picture of a head. Combined these have the meaning of "family of heads". The plant families of grains such as wheat and barley have a cluster of seeds at the top of the stalk called "heads". The Reign of YHWH has become like a Man (YHWH ) sowing good seed within his field.(earth) But while the Man slept, his enemy (HaSatan) came and sowed darnel (the sin of Chawwah) in the midst of the wheat and went away. And when the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the darnel also appeared. And the bondmen of the Sovereign of the house, having approached Him, said to Him: ‘My Sovereign, didn’t You sow good seed in Your field? From where then does it have the darnel?’ And He said to them:‘ A man,( nachash) an enemy, did this.’ And the bondmen said to Him,‘ Then do You wish, having gone forth, we should gather them?’ But He said: ‘No – lest gathering the darnel, ye should uproot the wheat with them. Permit both to grow together
  • 25. until the harvest, then within harvest season I will say to the harvesters, “Gather first the darnel, and bind them into bundles to burn them; but bring the wheat together into My granary.”’” Is it not written Yshá`Yâhu 1:4. Hówy, errant heathen mass, a people of massive perversity, the seed of evildoers, sons of corruption, they have forsaken YHWH, they have spurned the Pure One of Y’ishra’al, they left Him behind. Alas, O sinful nation! O people weighed down with crookedness! O offspring of mischief-makers! Children who bring ruin! They have abandoned YHWH they have despised the Holy One of Israel. They have gone back to being estranged! Being estranged: or, "belonging to a stranger". These are pejorative terms because He is very upset. He does not like them right now. He has to address them as children, not as adults, though by now they should have been mature, but they have squandered everything He has given them. A parent can only take them so far. He has done His part; He would be glad to help them out further if they had taken responsibility to stay on the path He set them on, but instead He has to bail them out of the mess they have gotten into. They should be treating one another the way He treated them, yet instead they rebel.
  • 26. The influx of other peoples and their Gods have turned the nation of Britain away from the true YHWH, and perversity, evildoers, and sons of corruption have become the government We are the nation of Y’Ishra’al, we are a nation called the covenant berıyth (Brit-ish) man This does not mean turning our backs on the poor, destitute, sick, old or affirmed; but sojourning them through the laws of Y’Ishra’al , and YHWH Num 9:14 And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the Passover unto YHWH according to the ordinance of the Passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land. "Now if there is a sojourner staying among you who wants to participate in the Passover for YHWH, he must do it according to the prescribed ritual of the Passover, and in its proper manner; you shall have one [and the same] ritual prescribed for [both] the newcomer and the native who was born in the Land." Prescribed ritual:.
  • 27. There is no allowance made for one’s not having been part of the community all along, for Y’ishra’al is always receiving outsiders to be part of it, but once Y’Ishra’alites, they must behave as Y’Ishra’alites. They share in all privileges, but could not do anything in their old Gentile ways. This would turn out to be the last time Y’Ishra’al l would observe this memorial in this journey through the wilderness Y’hoshua 5:7ff probably because after hope was gone of the parents entering the Land because of their unbelief, they did not prepare their children to enter the Land or even keep the Passover, because they left them uncircumcised. It would take 40 years to get most of the “Egypt” out of us. Again today, parents who had no inkling of their children returning to being Y’Ishra’alites left us with little knowledge of our heritage until the time approached for another Y’hoshua to lead us back to the Land. A stranger that lives in our land shall join become part of Y’shra’al by keeping the commandments of YHWH including the feastival of Yâhuwthâ´h (Y’ishra’al) Yshá`Yâhu 1:2 I grow sons and I raise them up, but they rebel against Me. Listen...Cup your ear: This is an allusion back to the song Moshe taught the descendants of Y’shra’al just prior to his death so that they would pass it down through all their generations. (D'varim/Deut. 32) The things Mosheh warned about were coming
  • 28. to pass, and this was to be a vivid reminder of where the nation was headed. Caused to grow from a term meaning to twist together, like fibre’s that make a strong rope. Raised them: or elevated them. Like a faithful parent, He has set in place all the right mix of experiences and attitudes to put them in a position to become as strong as they can be. Yshá`Yâhu 1:3. An ox recognizes his buyer, and the donkey of the manger his owner; Y’Ishra’äl they do not acknowledge, My people, they do not consider. Despite man's dominion over the animals, the latter appear to better understand the authority structures YHWH has set up. But it is worse when those He has invested so much in do not understand who they belong to or who they are supposed to be. His people may have assumed that because YHWH kept feeding them, they could also obtain food elsewhere, but YHWH has very specific things He wants us to partake of. Forming close bonds with foreigners Shemot 23:32 “Do not make a covenant with them nor with their mighty ones tends toward idolatry. 5. "`Why should you continue to be beaten down? You keep veering from the path! The whole head is diseased; the whole heart is unwell! Head: Symbolic of the rulers who led YehuwDah in the wrong direction. (v. 10) They are acting just like foreigners.
  • 29. The UK today is spawning the devils seed, and being steered by false gods, world religions and a government that does not care, it has lost its way morally, and is corrupt, to see Britain leave the EU, was to see prophecy come true, but have we now exchanged one set of demons for another Yshá`Yâhu 1:6. "`From the sole of the foot all the way to the head, there is no soundness in it. Bruises, scars, and fresh open wounds! They have neither been closed up nor bandaged, nor soothed by ointment. The head (government) is sick, and its makes the body sick Yshá`Yâhu 1:7. Your land is left desolate, your cities burned with fire! As for your farmland, strangers devour it right in front of you, and [it is] desolate as when overthrown by foreigners! Allowing Islamic and Muslim extremists on Britain’s streets is a violation of YHWH Law; Has Britain is facing war with EU and beyond, the USA having lost its pride of being the most powerful Nation in the world, will be set alight by civil war (blacks v whites) already we see the sign of unrest, YHWH speaks in symbolic language to literal, because they are in very deep trouble now. Yshá`Yâhu 1:8. " `The daughter of Tzion, too, is left like a temporary shelter in a vineyard, like a lean-to in a cucumber garden, like a blockaded
  • 30. city.' Grapes and cucumbers must be harvested quickly when they ripen, so it was common to build rudimentary huts to spend the night in so the harvester could maximize his time in the field. They lie abandoned after the harvest is over, then become overgrown by the vines. The builder no longer dwells within them. YHWH is saying that (as we see below) the structure of Ishra’al (Britain) society is still intact, but His presence has been removed since He does not share His glory with another--and they do not even realize it! Blockaded: watched over or guarded (from outside), as in a siege. (No one can enter it anymore.) Yshá`Yâhu 1:9. "If YHWH of the Armies had not left us a surviving remnant--and very few[at that]--we would have become like S'dom, and resembled `Amorah! Yshá`Yâhu 1:10. "Listen to the word of YHWH, you dictators of S'dom; cup your ears to the instruction of our YHWH, you people of `Amorah! He feels like wringing their necks because they are supposed to be grown up, but are acting like the people He had to destroy because their attitude was so bad. Yshá`Yâhu1:11. "`What use to Me is the abundance of your slaughtering?' says YHWH. `I am overstuffed with the ascending [offerings] of rams and the fat of
  • 31. overfed beasts, and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, sheep, or [prepared] he-goats. Yshá`Yâhu 1:12. "`When you come to appear before My face, who has required this from your hands--to trample down My courts? Not only is Islamic law gaining a foot hold on YHWH land , but Christianity has rob us of the truth; all the world Religion owe their power to Satan, who is the God of this world Temple offerings are all going on, and this is not what He has the problem with, but He asks why they are even coming, since they also have idols in their homes. All they are doing, in His eyes, is tracking mud across His floor! Yshá`Yâhu 1:13. "`Do not bring any more empty tribute-offerings. And incense-- it's disgusting to Me! [New] moon, Sabbath, [and] summoning of assemblies, I cannot endure! Even the festival assembly is a waste of breath. He is so fed up with their worshipping outwardly but without “truth in the inward parts” that He simply says, "Stop profaning My extra special days!" YehuwDah is mixing the worship of YHWH with paganism. Sure, He asked for these things at one time, but now He does not want them because of their attitude. They should be grateful that they are even allowed to bring something to His house, but not even want to be around them. Because their heart is not inclined to Him, they are doing little more than murdering animals.
  • 32. Yshá`Yâhu 1:14 "`My soul hates your [new] moons and appointed times. They are a burden to Me; I am tired of putting up with them. Lunatics = moon worshippers Does this contradict the Torah, which commanded these feasts? No. The key is in the word "your". The way they are carrying out His feasts has turned them into a creation of their own hands. Yshá`Yâhu 1:15. "`When you spread out your hands, I will conceal My face from you; also, when you increase the number of prayers, there will be no listening from Me. Your hands are full of blood! Spread out your hands: in prayer. They may be satisfied with this arrangement, but He is not. So all they are really doing is murdering animals. Until they confess their guilt and repent, He will hide His face. cf. Hos. 5:15 Yshá`Yâhu 1:16. Wash [it] off and make yourselves clean! Take away the evil quality of your practices from [right] in front of My eyes! Stop doing injurious things; Clean: in most biblical imagery, this is an idiom for selflessness. This is what determines whether a certain act is "of the flesh" or "of the Rúakh" if not specified in Torah. Not only should they stop doing
  • 33. these negative things in front of Him; they need to stop doing it altogether, or sooner or later they will end up doing it in front of Him to, and really ruin things. Yshá`Yâhu 1:17 "`Learn to make [them] right: Demand justice, set straight what is sour, advise those who are bereaved, contend for the case of the widow. This is the "how" of what it means to make yourself clean. (v. 16) Right: or positive, beneficial. Learn: literally, accept the prodding if it now has to be painful, if that is the only thing that will work. At least it will stimulate you to move in the right direction. See yourself as a vessel designed to hold a lot but then to overflow into smaller containers, expanding them in the process as well. As you teach the less mature, don’t stop learning yourself either, or you will become stagnant, killing any life that remains in you. To teach others, we have to find answers to their questions, and that requires us to learn more. To be mature, you have to learn from everything you see or experience, rather than being preoccupied with the few things you want to focus on. Appreciate the doors that do open. Like King Sh’lomo, learn from how the animals solve their problems. Notice the details; the more you know, the closer you come to YHWH, for He knows everything. If you are not being inspired to learn more by what you are teaching, it is probably just rote, sterile, and useless knowledge. Demand: or "seek out" in the strongest sense in which it can be understood. Don’t just wait passively for it to fall into your lap; go after it, ploughing through any obstacles.
  • 34. Learning to discern requires a return to the Torah, which teaches us to make such distinctions. (Lev. 10:10) They have the infrastructure intact, but are perishing because they lack knowledge. To learn how to make proper judgments, we can ask those who know how, but it is even more beneficial to dig it out for yourself, because Google might not always be around when you need the right answer! Better still, learn from your past mistakes and experiences, because failure only shows you how not to do things; it does not mean letting the problem beat you. Set straight: or keep moving straight ahead through what seems sour. Don’t give up, but figure out why it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Break down the reasons and find out if your complaint is valid or not. Yshá`Yâhu 1:18. "`Walk, now, and let [your words] be proven', says YHWH. `If your sins are like scarlet, they can become as white as snow; if they are as red as crimson, they can become like wool. Proven: or "corrected"; alt., "let us reason together". (You say you love Me; now show it by your actions! Keep My commandments!) Scarlet...white as snow: This may be an allusion to an annual occurrence in which, on Yom Kippur one part of a scarlet cord was tied to the horn of the "scapegoat" for Azazel and the other part hung on the Temple doors. After the goat was thrown off a cliff in the wilderness east of Yerushaliiyim, YHWH showed His acceptance of their atoning sacrifice by turning the cord bright
  • 35. white. The Talmud tells us that this stopped occurring 40 years before the destruction of the Temple--which would have been the year YHWH died. In His mercy YHWH put up with Temple services that again were out of His prescribed order until a platform was in place for Torah to still be kept in exile to some degree, in which the main points could be learned more clearly. But this verse is typically translated "though your sins are as scarlet..." and interpreted to mean simply that they would be forgiven, but it says our sins (not we) are what becomes as white as snow. Sin means "missing the target", and while we may start out skilled and able to hit it, but if we slack off, we gradually lose our skill, and it often takes an error as glaring as completely missing the wall the target was on to awaken us to the fact that we are this out of practice, and jars us back to facing how far off course we have come. Thus the fact that we've missed the mark can become a positive thing. Wool is rarely truly white, so the second analogy may not be a parallelism after all. The contrast seems more between natural material and dyed material. If we mark the places we have erred with a bright, impossible-to-ignore attention getter, we can more easily hone in on where the target actually is, and find it again. We had to be jarred by the fact that though we were very religions, half of what we were doing when Christians was pagan, and only when that was made so obvious that we had to admit it, could we get back on track. Yshá`Yâhu 1:19.
  • 36. "`If you consent and obey, you will eat the best of the Land. Consent: not just "are willing", but a very strong term: to pant after, to want very badly. Compare Bber 24:8 And if the woman refuses to follow you, then you shall be released from this oath; only, do not take my son back there.” Yshá`Yâhu 1:20 . "`But if you refuse and [remain] rebellious, you will make the sword eat, because the mouth of YHWH has spoken.' Yshá`Yâhu 1:21. "How the reliable town has become an [unfaithful] prostitute! [She was] full of justice; righteousness stayed with her. But now- murderers! Yshá`Yâhu 1:22. "Your silver has turned into dross; your strong drink has been diluted with water. It is easy to tell watered-down wine from the full strength, but dross looks just like silver until heated up. These people look perfectly religious, but are treating one another like dirt, and oppressing the weakest among them. He can see the difference. Yshá`Yâhu 1:23.
  • 37. "Your princes have backslidden, becoming companions of thieves! Everyone loves a bribe, and is running after compensation. They do not vindicate the fatherless, nor does the widow's cause reach them. Princes: sarim; backslidden: sorarim. It is a Hebrew word play. Running after: But do they ever catch it? Yshá`Yâhu 1:24. "On account of this, the Master YHWH of Armies--the Mighty One of Y’ishra’al--declares, `Woe [to you]! I will free Myself from My oppressors, and avenge Myself of My enemies. Free Myself: ease or make Myself comfortable, i.e., not put up with this nuisance anymore. Yshá`Yâhu 1:25. "`Then I will bring My hand back onto you, and purge away your dross as with alkali, and remove all your alloy. Alkali: or lye or potash, materials used in smelting metal. Alloy: base metal, the part to be separated away. Yshá`Yâhu 1:26.
  • 38. "`And I will restore your judges as at the first, and your advisors as at the beginning. After that, indeed, it will be proclaimed that you are `the city of righteousness', `the reliable town'. Judges: or law-givers The Torah lifestyle can only work properly when there is a wide consensus on obedience to His laws such as those of leaving fields fallow, releasing debts, etc. Not until the proper authority structures are restored can the fullest redemption be possible. Yshá`Yâhu1:27. "`Tzion will be ransomed with due process, and her returnees with ethical vindication. Yshá`Yâhu1:28. "But the violent shattering of [both] trespassers and those who wander from the way will be brought to an end together with those who abandon YHWH, Violent shattering: in context, their fragmenting of justice in the court system. Yshá`Yâhu1:29. "because they will be disappointed by the oaks that you have taken pleasure in, and ashamed of the gardens which you had
  • 39. chosen, Oaks...gardens: places of pagan worship, usually for fertility rites. Yshá`Yâhu1:30 . "because you will be like a terebinth whose leaf is drooping, and a garden in which there is no water, Yshá`Yâhu1:31. "and the mighty [in wealth] will be like the tow [shaken from flax], and his deeds like a spark, and both of them shall burn together, and there will be no one to extinguish." Compare 1 Cor. 3:14, 15. If anyone’s work remains, which he has built on, he shall receive a reward. If anyone’s work is burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, but so as through fire. CORRUPTION IS RIFE; MENE, MENE, TEKEL and PARSIN This Age ruled by Satan is about to account for its greed; TAKE HEED GB and USA Yet a Remnant of the remnant will be saved Alahim YHWH ‘HaMeshiakh
  • 40. In His Name Blessed be, in His name YHWH be with you.' and they answered him, YHWH bless you.' " Be not blind to the truth And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that YHWH passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YHWH, [thou] Ben David. An YHWH stood still, and called them, and said, what will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, YHWH, that our eyes may be opened. So YHWH had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him. His servant and yours shalowm in Righteousness by the GRACE of YHWH GO I Keiyah Remember me and pray for me that YHWH will be gracious unto me and be merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that read and that hear these things and to their servants: Amein and Amein Freely ye have received, freely give A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for hire, or make a secular traffic of the Rúakh (Raukhual work): what a scandal is it for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from
  • 41. the Rúakh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous sacrilege The Everlasting Covenant is The Shabbâ´th YHWH `HaMeshiakh be with your Rúakh Mat 10:22. By the Word of YHWH were the heavens made. and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. This is how you bless the children of Y’ishra’al May this blessing be upon you YHWH
  • 42. will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection. YHWH will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you bringing order and he will give you comfort and sustenance. YHWH will lift his wholeness of being and look upon you and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete. Bemidbar 6:23-27 I write has the raukh moves me, not looking for dissention among the true brethren (Nätzräya) nor by the man-made religion of the world their opinion to me is nothing, I serve the Almighty One YHWH And the dragon was enraged with the woman (assembly), and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of YHWH Alahim and possessing the witness of YaHuWHsua Messiah. I fail miserably yet it is all I know, I ran away many times from the father, filled my answers with excuses, but I know, I seek out the true Nätzräya according to scriptures, beginning with His Sacred Calendar, endorsed by the scriptures, no one said
  • 43. it will be easy, yet His reign is where my treasure is, I walk the way of the heretic, not conforming to mans – made- god, One thing I have learned we must read in the Hebrew perspective, not modern day teachings, the writings of the Nätzräiym, our modern day bibles are filled with lies, deception, they do not speak the truth they have drawn so many away from the living waters, the truth once delivered to the saints ( Yahudah1:3) Baruch Haba B’shem YHWH Blessed is He that comes in the name of YHWH Shalom Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah)