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*5781:1:14th to 21st
The Ruakh of
has spoken through me,
And His word is on my tongue
And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of
Unleavened Bread to HVHY ‘On the first day you have a set-apart
gathering, you do no servile work On the seventh day is a set-
apart gathering, you do no servile work.’
Hebrew read right to left
English read left to right
Todays Calendar
The true Feast of Unleavened Bread has nothing to do with he
The evening of the 1st April till evening of the *8thApril
*Previous evening begins the 7th Day
According to The Hebrew Scriptual
And HVHY spoke to Mosheh, saying, “Speak to the
children of Y’shra ’Al and say to them, The appointed times of
HVHY which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings,
My appointed times, are these:
Six days work is done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a
set apart gathering. You do no work, it is a Sabbath to HVHY
in all your dwellings. ‘These are the appointed times of HVHY,
set-apart gatherings which you are to proclaim at their
appointed times.
‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between
the evenings, is the Passover to HVHY. And on the
fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Unleavened Bread to
HVHY seven days you eat unleavened bread. ‘On the first
day you have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. ‘And
you shall bring an offering made by fire to HVHY for seven
days. On the seventh day is a set-apart gathering, you do no
servile work.’
‘And on this same day you shall proclaim a set-apart gathering
for yourselves, you do no servile work on it – a law forever in all
your dwellings throughout your generations
Do two walk together without having met?
These appointed times are of HVHY, not mans , to place the
almighty in creation is an insult to his Almightiness, He is above
all, and rules over all.
Has a nation we are ordered out of this world so that we do not
partake in its sins, nor share the plagues that are about to come
upon it.
That includes moon worship, moon months, where does it say the
day is ruled by the moon, its not but by the sun,
When the sabbath was givern after their 400 odd years in captivity
HVHY used Manna from Heaven, not the sun moon or stars, today
time is limiting the greatness of AL, by the reasoning of man. Yet
we read
Y’sra’AL is a nation not a land, the Jews live in Yehuda , a
kingdom that is separate to the kingdom of Y’sra’AL, , one of the
first recordings of the two , is at a time of war between them both
in the book of kings,
They devised their own religion based on HVHY truth, but
distorted it by their own writtings, hiding the true name of the
They are not the true Y’sra’alites who follow the true way,
because they do not except the Anointed one, but adhere to their
And the dragon was enraged with the woman ( assembly) and he
went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the
commands of Uwl and possessing the witness of YHVHswa
“And now, O Y’shra ’Al,
listen to the laws and the right-rulings which I am teaching you to
do, so that you live and shall go in and possess the land which
HVHY Uwl of your fathers is giving you. “Do not add to the Word
which I command you and do not take away from it, so as to
guard the commands of HVHY our Uwl which I am commanding
you. “Your eyes have seen what HVHY did at Ba‛al Pe‛or, for HVHY
our Uwl has destroyed from your midst all the men who followed
Ba‛al Pe‛or. But you who are clinging to HVHY our Uwl are alive
today, every one of you. See, I have taught you laws and right-
rulings, as HVHY my Uwl commanded me, to do thus in the land
which you go to possess. “And you shall guard and do them, for
this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of
the peoples who hear all these laws and they shall say, ‘Only a
wise and understanding people is this great nation!’ “For what
great nation is there which has Uwl so near to it, as HVHY our Uwl
is to us, whenever we call on Him? “And what great nation is
there that has such laws and righteous right rulings like all this
which I set before you this day? “Only, guard yourself and
guard your life diligently, lest you forget the Words your eyes
have seen and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of
your life. And you shall make them known to your children and
your grandchildren.
“The day when you stood before HVHY our Uwl in Ḥorĕḇ, HVHY
said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me and I make them hear My
Words, so that they learn to fear Me all the days they live on
the earth and teach them to their children.“And you came near
and stood at the foot of the mountain and the mountain burned
with fire to the heart of the heavens – darkness, cloud and thick
darkness. “And HVHY spoke to you out of the midst of the fire.
You heard a voice of words, but saw no form, you only heard a
voice. And He made known to you His covenant which He
commanded you to do, the Ten Words and He wrote them on two
tablets of stone. “And HVHY commanded me at that time to teach
you laws and right rulings, for you to do them in the land which
you pass over to possess. “Therefore, diligently guard yourselves,
for you saw no form when HVHY spoke to you at Ḥorĕḇ out of the
midst of the fire, lest you should do corruptly and shall make for
yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness
of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth or
the likeness of any winged flyer that flies in the heavens, the
likeness of any creature that creeps on the ground or the likeness
of any fish that is in the water under the earth;
!!!!!!! read carefully !!!!!!!
and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and shall see the sun
and the moon and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and
you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them,
which HVHY our Uwl has allotted to all the peoples under all the
“But HVHY has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace,
out of Mitsrayim, to be His people, an inheritance, as it is today.
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation,
a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises
of Him who called you out of darkness into
who once were not a people, but now the
people of Uwl, who had not obtained compassion, but now
obtained compassion.
We are sojourns and pilgrims in this world, battling the lies. And
lusts of the flesh which battle against life, having your behaviour
among the gentiles good so that when they speak against you as
evil-doers, let them, by observing your good works, esteem Uwl
in a day of visitation.
Moon worshippers beware
When there is found among you, in one of your gates which HVHY
our Uwl is giving to you, a man or woman who does that which is
evil in the sight of HVHY our Uwl, in transgressing His covenant,
and has gone and served other gods, and worshiped them; or the
sun, or the moon,or of the host of the heavens, which I have not
commanded; and it has been revealed to you, and you have
heard, and searching have searched; and, behold, it is true; and
the thing is confirmed, that this hateful thing has been done in
Yshra‘Al, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or that
woman who has done this evil thing, the man or the woman; and
you shall stone them with stones, and they shall die.
Book of the covenant states
And the king commanded all the people, saying, Perform a
Passover to HVHY our Uwl, as it is written in this Book of the
covenant. Surely none has been performed like this Passover from
the days of the Judges who judged Y’shra‘Al even to all the days
of the kings of Yshra‘Al, and of the kings of Judah; but in the
eighteenth year of King Josiah, this Passover was prepared to
HVHY in Jerusalem. And also the mediums, and the spirit-
knowers, and the family gods, and the idols, and all the
detestable things that were seen in the land of Judah and in
Jerusalem, Josiah put away in order to fulfill the Words of the
that were written in the Book that Hilkiah the priest had
found in the house of HVHY. And there was no king before him
like him, who turned to HVHY with all his heart, and with all his
soul, and with all his might, according to all the of Moshe;
It is according to the , not the religion of man
and after him none rose up like him.
However, HVHY did not turn away from the fury of His great
anger with which His anger glowed against Yehuda because of all
the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him. And
HVHY said, I will also turn away Yehuda from My face, as I turned
Y’shra ‘Al away, and I will reject this city that I have chosen,
Yarushalom, and the house of which I have said, My name shall
be there. And they shall spread them before the sun and the
moon and all the host of the heavens whom they have loved, and
whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and
whom they have sought, and whom they have worshiped. They
shall not be gathered or buried; they shall be dung on the face of
the ground1 . And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the
rest of those who remain of this evil family, who remain there in
all the places where I have driven them, says HVHY of Hosts.
Deu 17:3, 2Ki 23:4, 2Ki 23:5, 2Ki 23:11, Job 31:26, Job 31:27, Jer 8:2, Eze 8:16, Amo 5:25, Amo
5:26 Gen 2:1, 2Ki 17:16, 2Ki 21:3, Jer 19:13, Zep 1:5, Act 7:42, Rom 1:25 Gen 1:16-18, Jos 10:12,
Jos 10:13, Neh 9:6, Psa 74:16, Psa 74:17, Psa 136:7-9, Psa 148:3-5, Jer 31:35, Jer 33:25, Mat 5:45
“And HVHY was enraged with me because of your words and
swore that I would not pass over the Yardĕn and that I would not
enter the good land which HVHY our Uwl is giving you as an
inheritance. “For I am to die in this land, I am not passing over
the Yardĕn, but you are passing over and shall possess that good
land. “Guard yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of HVHY our
Uwl which He made with you and shall make for yourselves a
carved image in the form of whatever HVHY your Uwl has
forbidden you. For HVHY our Uwl is a consuming fire, a jealous
Uwl. “When you bring forth children and grandchildren and shall
grow old in the land and shall do corruptly and make a carved
image in the form of whatever and shall do what is evil in the eyes
of HVHY our Uwl to provoke Him, “I shall call the heavens
and earth to witness against you on that day, that you soon
completely perish from the land which you pass over the Yardĕn
to possess – you do not prolong your days in it but are
completely destroyed. “And HVHY shall scatter you among the
peoples and you shall be left few in number among the gentiles
where HVHY drives you. “And there you shall serve mighty ones,
the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor
hear nor eat nor smell. “But from there you shall seek HVHY our
Uwl and shall find, when you search for Him with all your heart
and with all your being. “In your distress, when all these words
shall come upon you in the latter days, then you shall return to
HVHY our Uwl and shall obey His voice. “For HVHY your Uwl is a
compassionate Uwl, He does not forsake you, nor destroy you,
nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.
“For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you,
since the day that Uwl created man on the earth and ask from one
end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, whether there
has been a Word as great as this, or has been heard like it. “Has a
people heard the voice of Uwl speaking out of the midst of the
fire, as you have heard and live? “Or has Uwl tried to go and take
for Himself a nation from the midst of a nation by trials and by
signs and by wonders and by battle and by a strong hand and an
outstretched arm and by great fearsome deeds, according to all
that HVHY your Uwl did for you in Mitsrayim before your eyes?
“You have been shown it, to know that HVHY Himself is Uwl; there
is no one beside Him. “From the heavens He let you hear His
voice, to instruct you and on earth He showed you His great fire
and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire. “And
because He loved your fathers, therefore He chose their seed after
them and brought you out of Mitsrayim with His Presence, with
His great power, to drive out from before you nations greater
and stronger than you, to bring you in, to give you their land as
an Inheritance , as it is today“ And you shall know today and shall
recall to your heart that HVHY Himself is Uwl in the heavens
above and on the earth beneath; there is none else. “And you
shall guard His laws and His commands which I command you
today, so that it is well with you and with your children after you
and so that you prolong your days on the soil which HVHY your
Uwl is giving you for all time. ” Then Mosheh separated three
cities beyond the Yardĕn, toward the rising of the sun, for him
who killed someone to flee there, he who kills his neighbour
unintentionally, without having hated him in time past and might
flee to one of these cities and live: Betser in the wilderness in the
level land for the Re’uḇĕnites and Ramoth in Gil‛aḏ for the Gaḏites
and Golan in Bashan for the Menashshites. And this is the
which Mosheh set before the children of Y’sra’uwl. These are the
witnesses and the laws and the right-rulings which Mosheh spoke
to the children of Y’sra’uwl. after they came out of Mitsrayim,
beyond the Yardĕn, in the valley opposite Bĕyth Pe‛or, in the land
of Siḥon sovereign of the Amorites, who dwelt at Ḥeshbon, whom
Mosheh and the children of Y’sra’uwl. had smitten after they
came out of Mitsrayim. And they took possession of his land and
the land of Oḡ sovereign of Bashan, two sovereigns of the
Amorites, who were beyond the Yardĕn, toward the rising of the
sun, from Aro‛ĕr, which is on the bank of the wadi Arnon, even to
Mount Siyon, which is Ḥermon, and all the desert plain beyond
the Yardĕn as far as the Sea of the Araḇah, below the slopes of
Establish your hearts,
for the coming of the Master has drawn near.
Do not grumble against each other,
lest you be judged.
the Judge is standing at the door!
May this blessing be upon you
YHVH ( ,)
will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a
hedge of protection.
YHVH ( ,)
will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you bringing
order and he will give you comfort and sustenance.
YHVH ( , )
will lift up his wholeness of being and look upon you and he
will set in place all you need to be whole and complete.
Bemidbar 6:23-
I write has the raukh moves me, not looking for dissention
among the true brethren (Nätzräya) nor by the man-made
religion of the world their opinion to me is nothing,
I serve the Almighty One
And the dragon was enraged with the woman (assembly), and
he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding
the commands of Alef and possessing the witness of Yhvhswa
I fail miserably yet it is all I know, I ran away many times from
the father, filled my answers with excuses, but I know,
I seek out the true Nätzräya according to scriptures, beginning
with His Sacred Calendar, endorsed by the scriptures, no one
said it will be easy, yet His reign is where my treasure is, I
walk the way of the heretic, not conforming to mans – made-
One thing I have learned we must read in the Hebrew
perspective, not modern day teachings, the writings of the
Nätzräiym, our modern day bibles are filled with lies,
deception, they do not speak the truth they have drawn so
many away from the living waters, the truth once delivered to
the saints ( Yahudah1:3)
Baruch Haba B’shem YHVH
Blessed is He that comes in the name of YHVH
Tel +4915901336551
©Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah)
Elder Keironjohn
Spenger str 51
D-32130 Enger
And I heard another voice from the heavens saying, “Come out of
her, my people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of
her plagues

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Put away your sin you moon worshippers (YHVH-HVHY)

  • 1. *5781:1:14th to 21st The Ruakh of has spoken through me, And His word is on my tongue And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Unleavened Bread to HVHY ‘On the first day you have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work On the seventh day is a set- apart gathering, you do no servile work.’ Hebrew read right to left - English read left to right
  • 2. Todays Calendar The true Feast of Unleavened Bread has nothing to do with he moon, The evening of the 1st April till evening of the *8thApril 2020 *Previous evening begins the 7th Day According to The Hebrew Scriptual Calendar And HVHY spoke to Mosheh, saying, “Speak to the children of Y’shra ’Al and say to them, The appointed times of HVHY which you are to proclaim as set-apart gatherings, My appointed times, are these: Six days work is done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of rest, a set apart gathering. You do no work, it is a Sabbath to HVHY
  • 3. in all your dwellings. ‘These are the appointed times of HVHY, set-apart gatherings which you are to proclaim at their appointed times. ‘In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, between the evenings, is the Passover to HVHY. And on the fifteenth day of this month is the Festival of Unleavened Bread to HVHY seven days you eat unleavened bread. ‘On the first day you have a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work. ‘And you shall bring an offering made by fire to HVHY for seven days. On the seventh day is a set-apart gathering, you do no servile work.’ ‘And on this same day you shall proclaim a set-apart gathering for yourselves, you do no servile work on it – a law forever in all your dwellings throughout your generations Do two walk together without having met? These appointed times are of HVHY, not mans , to place the almighty in creation is an insult to his Almightiness, He is above all, and rules over all. Has a nation we are ordered out of this world so that we do not partake in its sins, nor share the plagues that are about to come upon it. That includes moon worship, moon months, where does it say the day is ruled by the moon, its not but by the sun, When the sabbath was givern after their 400 odd years in captivity HVHY used Manna from Heaven, not the sun moon or stars, today
  • 4. time is limiting the greatness of AL, by the reasoning of man. Yet we read Y’sra’AL is a nation not a land, the Jews live in Yehuda , a kingdom that is separate to the kingdom of Y’sra’AL, , one of the first recordings of the two , is at a time of war between them both in the book of kings, They devised their own religion based on HVHY truth, but distorted it by their own writtings, hiding the true name of the Almighty, They are not the true Y’sra’alites who follow the true way, because they do not except the Anointed one, but adhere to their fathers And the dragon was enraged with the woman ( assembly) and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the
  • 5. commands of Uwl and possessing the witness of YHVHswa HaMeshiakh. “And now, O Y’shra ’Al, listen to the laws and the right-rulings which I am teaching you to do, so that you live and shall go in and possess the land which HVHY Uwl of your fathers is giving you. “Do not add to the Word which I command you and do not take away from it, so as to guard the commands of HVHY our Uwl which I am commanding you. “Your eyes have seen what HVHY did at Ba‛al Pe‛or, for HVHY our Uwl has destroyed from your midst all the men who followed Ba‛al Pe‛or. But you who are clinging to HVHY our Uwl are alive today, every one of you. See, I have taught you laws and right- rulings, as HVHY my Uwl commanded me, to do thus in the land which you go to possess. “And you shall guard and do them, for this is your wisdom and your understanding before the eyes of the peoples who hear all these laws and they shall say, ‘Only a wise and understanding people is this great nation!’ “For what great nation is there which has Uwl so near to it, as HVHY our Uwl is to us, whenever we call on Him? “And what great nation is there that has such laws and righteous right rulings like all this which I set before you this day? “Only, guard yourself and guard your life diligently, lest you forget the Words your eyes have seen and lest they turn aside from your heart all the days of your life. And you shall make them known to your children and your grandchildren. “The day when you stood before HVHY our Uwl in Ḥorĕḇ, HVHY said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me and I make them hear My Words, so that they learn to fear Me all the days they live on
  • 6. the earth and teach them to their children.“And you came near and stood at the foot of the mountain and the mountain burned with fire to the heart of the heavens – darkness, cloud and thick darkness. “And HVHY spoke to you out of the midst of the fire. You heard a voice of words, but saw no form, you only heard a voice. And He made known to you His covenant which He commanded you to do, the Ten Words and He wrote them on two tablets of stone. “And HVHY commanded me at that time to teach you laws and right rulings, for you to do them in the land which you pass over to possess. “Therefore, diligently guard yourselves, for you saw no form when HVHY spoke to you at Ḥorĕḇ out of the midst of the fire, lest you should do corruptly and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure – the likeness of male or female, the likeness of any beast that is on the earth or the likeness of any winged flyer that flies in the heavens, the likeness of any creature that creeps on the ground or the likeness of any fish that is in the water under the earth; !!!!!!! read carefully !!!!!!! and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and shall see the sun and the moon and the stars – all the host of the heavens – and you be drawn away into bowing down to them and serving them, which HVHY our Uwl has allotted to all the peoples under all the heavens. “But HVHY has taken you and brought you out of the iron furnace, out of Mitsrayim, to be His people, an inheritance, as it is today.
  • 7. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, a people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into who once were not a people, but now the people of Uwl, who had not obtained compassion, but now obtained compassion. We are sojourns and pilgrims in this world, battling the lies. And lusts of the flesh which battle against life, having your behaviour among the gentiles good so that when they speak against you as evil-doers, let them, by observing your good works, esteem Uwl in a day of visitation. Moon worshippers beware When there is found among you, in one of your gates which HVHY our Uwl is giving to you, a man or woman who does that which is evil in the sight of HVHY our Uwl, in transgressing His covenant, and has gone and served other gods, and worshiped them; or the sun, or the moon,or of the host of the heavens, which I have not commanded; and it has been revealed to you, and you have heard, and searching have searched; and, behold, it is true; and the thing is confirmed, that this hateful thing has been done in Yshra‘Al, then you shall bring out to your gates that man or that woman who has done this evil thing, the man or the woman; and you shall stone them with stones, and they shall die. Book of the covenant states
  • 8. And the king commanded all the people, saying, Perform a Passover to HVHY our Uwl, as it is written in this Book of the covenant. Surely none has been performed like this Passover from the days of the Judges who judged Y’shra‘Al even to all the days of the kings of Yshra‘Al, and of the kings of Judah; but in the eighteenth year of King Josiah, this Passover was prepared to HVHY in Jerusalem. And also the mediums, and the spirit- knowers, and the family gods, and the idols, and all the detestable things that were seen in the land of Judah and in Jerusalem, Josiah put away in order to fulfill the Words of the that were written in the Book that Hilkiah the priest had found in the house of HVHY. And there was no king before him like him, who turned to HVHY with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the of Moshe; It is according to the , not the religion of man and after him none rose up like him. However, HVHY did not turn away from the fury of His great anger with which His anger glowed against Yehuda because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him. And HVHY said, I will also turn away Yehuda from My face, as I turned Y’shra ‘Al away, and I will reject this city that I have chosen, Yarushalom, and the house of which I have said, My name shall be there. And they shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of the heavens whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshiped. They
  • 9. shall not be gathered or buried; they shall be dung on the face of the ground1 . And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the rest of those who remain of this evil family, who remain there in all the places where I have driven them, says HVHY of Hosts. Deu 17:3, 2Ki 23:4, 2Ki 23:5, 2Ki 23:11, Job 31:26, Job 31:27, Jer 8:2, Eze 8:16, Amo 5:25, Amo 5:26 Gen 2:1, 2Ki 17:16, 2Ki 21:3, Jer 19:13, Zep 1:5, Act 7:42, Rom 1:25 Gen 1:16-18, Jos 10:12, Jos 10:13, Neh 9:6, Psa 74:16, Psa 74:17, Psa 136:7-9, Psa 148:3-5, Jer 31:35, Jer 33:25, Mat 5:45 “And HVHY was enraged with me because of your words and swore that I would not pass over the Yardĕn and that I would not enter the good land which HVHY our Uwl is giving you as an inheritance. “For I am to die in this land, I am not passing over the Yardĕn, but you are passing over and shall possess that good land. “Guard yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of HVHY our Uwl which He made with you and shall make for yourselves a carved image in the form of whatever HVHY your Uwl has forbidden you. For HVHY our Uwl is a consuming fire, a jealous Uwl. “When you bring forth children and grandchildren and shall grow old in the land and shall do corruptly and make a carved image in the form of whatever and shall do what is evil in the eyes of HVHY our Uwl to provoke Him, “I shall call the heavens and earth to witness against you on that day, that you soon completely perish from the land which you pass over the Yardĕn to possess – you do not prolong your days in it but are completely destroyed. “And HVHY shall scatter you among the peoples and you shall be left few in number among the gentiles where HVHY drives you. “And there you shall serve mighty ones, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see nor hear nor eat nor smell. “But from there you shall seek HVHY our
  • 10. Uwl and shall find, when you search for Him with all your heart and with all your being. “In your distress, when all these words shall come upon you in the latter days, then you shall return to HVHY our Uwl and shall obey His voice. “For HVHY your Uwl is a compassionate Uwl, He does not forsake you, nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them. “For ask now of the days that are past, which were before you, since the day that Uwl created man on the earth and ask from one end of the heavens to the other end of the heavens, whether there has been a Word as great as this, or has been heard like it. “Has a people heard the voice of Uwl speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard and live? “Or has Uwl tried to go and take for Himself a nation from the midst of a nation by trials and by signs and by wonders and by battle and by a strong hand and an outstretched arm and by great fearsome deeds, according to all that HVHY your Uwl did for you in Mitsrayim before your eyes? “You have been shown it, to know that HVHY Himself is Uwl; there is no one beside Him. “From the heavens He let you hear His voice, to instruct you and on earth He showed you His great fire and you heard His words out of the midst of the fire. “And because He loved your fathers, therefore He chose their seed after them and brought you out of Mitsrayim with His Presence, with His great power, to drive out from before you nations greater and stronger than you, to bring you in, to give you their land as an Inheritance , as it is today“ And you shall know today and shall recall to your heart that HVHY Himself is Uwl in the heavens above and on the earth beneath; there is none else. “And you shall guard His laws and His commands which I command you today, so that it is well with you and with your children after you and so that you prolong your days on the soil which HVHY your Uwl is giving you for all time. ” Then Mosheh separated three cities beyond the Yardĕn, toward the rising of the sun, for him who killed someone to flee there, he who kills his neighbour
  • 11. unintentionally, without having hated him in time past and might flee to one of these cities and live: Betser in the wilderness in the level land for the Re’uḇĕnites and Ramoth in Gil‛aḏ for the Gaḏites and Golan in Bashan for the Menashshites. And this is the which Mosheh set before the children of Y’sra’uwl. These are the witnesses and the laws and the right-rulings which Mosheh spoke to the children of Y’sra’uwl. after they came out of Mitsrayim, beyond the Yardĕn, in the valley opposite Bĕyth Pe‛or, in the land of Siḥon sovereign of the Amorites, who dwelt at Ḥeshbon, whom Mosheh and the children of Y’sra’uwl. had smitten after they came out of Mitsrayim. And they took possession of his land and the land of Oḡ sovereign of Bashan, two sovereigns of the Amorites, who were beyond the Yardĕn, toward the rising of the sun, from Aro‛ĕr, which is on the bank of the wadi Arnon, even to Mount Siyon, which is Ḥermon, and all the desert plain beyond the Yardĕn as far as the Sea of the Araḇah, below the slopes of Pisgah. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Master has drawn near. Do not grumble against each other, brothers, lest you be judged. See, the Judge is standing at the door!
  • 12. May this blessing be upon you YHVH ( ,) will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection. YHVH ( ,) will illuminate the wholeness of his being toward you bringing order and he will give you comfort and sustenance. YHVH ( , ) will lift up his wholeness of being and look upon you and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete. Bemidbar 6:23- 27 I write has the raukh moves me, not looking for dissention among the true brethren (Nätzräya) nor by the man-made religion of the world their opinion to me is nothing, I serve the Almighty One
  • 13. And the dragon was enraged with the woman (assembly), and he went to fight with the remnant of her seed, those guarding the commands of Alef and possessing the witness of Yhvhswa HaMessiakh. I fail miserably yet it is all I know, I ran away many times from the father, filled my answers with excuses, but I know, I seek out the true Nätzräya according to scriptures, beginning with His Sacred Calendar, endorsed by the scriptures, no one said it will be easy, yet His reign is where my treasure is, I walk the way of the heretic, not conforming to mans – made- god, One thing I have learned we must read in the Hebrew perspective, not modern day teachings, the writings of the Nätzräiym, our modern day bibles are filled with lies, deception, they do not speak the truth they have drawn so many away from the living waters, the truth once delivered to the saints ( Yahudah1:3) Baruch Haba B’shem YHVH Blessed is He that comes in the name of YHVH Shalom Tel +4915901336551 ©Elder Keironjohn (Keiyah) Elder Keironjohn
  • 14. Spenger str 51 D-32130 Enger (Germany) And I heard another voice from the heavens saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues