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Breaking down what UX means
Ich Gichuki | Service & Business Designer, Utu
An Innovation Company
that Delivers Growth
We are an innovation consultancy delivering meaningful,
sustainable top-line growth
We employ a service design approach to address our clients’
strategic objectives
An Innovation Company that Delivers Growth
Vincent Ndonye
Team Lead
Ichungwa Gichuki
Experience Design
Ian Gichuhi
Creative Technology
Makumi Wanjohi
Product Design
Olivia Muia
Brand Strategy
Mburu Njoroge
Visual Design
Juliet Mukunga
Experience Design
Ashi Kariuki
Creative Strategy
Jayline Karusi
Kevin Oduor
Communication Strategy
Winston Wachanga
Project Management
Daniel Aineah
Software Engineer
Our Methodology
and Approach
Five disciplines one fluid process
We use empathy to thread-the-needle between insight and impact
We use qualitative
research to understand
human behaviour and
use the insights to design
products and experiences.
We design strategies,
tools and conversations
to improve experiences
in face-to-face service
We have a full stack UX
team that translates
business strategy into
delightful experiences
with improved outcomes
We help organisations
define their desired
culture and hold design
sprint workshops
to create, measure and
celebrate the new culture.
We design, develop,
implement and integrate
cloud, mobile, and social
productivity solutions
including support &
managed services.
Our method is holistic, long-term, insight-driven and goal-directed.
Ten Types Innovation Framework
Network Structure Process Product
Service Channel Brand
Thewayinwhichyoumake money
Connections with others to create value
Signature or superior methods for doing
your work
Distinguishingfeaturesand functionality
Complementary products and services
Support and enhancements that surround
your offerings
How your offerings are delivered to
customers and users
Representation of your offerings and business
Distinctive interactions you foster
Double Diamond Process
Our method is first divergent then converges and is iterative.
Problem Statement
Trigger Solution
Find out more:
Breaking down what UX means
Ich Gichuki | Service & Business Designer, Utu
Hey, can you ‘do the UX’ for us?
A tale of UX as a misconception.
Fabricio Teixeira | Design Director at Work & Co, Founder of UX Collective |
Hi, I’m John, UX designer starting today on this project.
Cool, I’m Joe, project manager. Glad to have you on the team.
Glad to be here. How can I help?
So... We have designed a first version of our app, but we’re now thinking of
doing the UX to improve a few things… People are downloading the app,
using it once, but not really coming back to it over time.
So... We have designed a first version of our app, but we’re now thinking of
doing the UX to improve a few things… People are downloading the app,
using it once, but not really coming back to it over time.
“… do the UX…”
What they meant: can you help us think through the app’s interaction design, structure
and navigation?
Where the misconception is: presuming one single person is responsible for successfully
conceiving, designing, implementing and validating the user’s experience with a product.
A good user experience depends on:
Clear structure and navigation flows
Great copy and tone of voice
Compelling and clear visual design
The app’s performance and speed
Thoughtful transitions and animations
Clear structure and navigation flows
The product making sense to that user
The user’s internet connection
A clear understanding by the user of what the product does
The product adding value to what that user needs;
How accessible the product is
The user’s social, cultural and demographic context
Where the user is at the time they engage with the app
How the user is feeling that particular day they use the product
Everything the user has seen in their entire life
etc, etc, etc.
The user’s mobile phone performance and speed
Breaking down
what UX means
What is UX?
Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the
company, its services, and its products.
What is UX?
It includes the practical,
experiential, affective,
meaningful and valuable
aspects of interaction
Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the
company, its services, and its products.
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the
company, its services, and its products.
What is UX?
It includes a person’s
perceptions of system
aspects such as utility,
ease of use and efficiency
Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
"User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the
company, its services, and its products.
What is UX?
It is dynamic as it is constantly modified
over time due to changing usage
circumstances and changes to individual
systems as well as the wider usage
context in which they can be found.
Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
UX for
Product Managers
User Experience Design is the process or an approach
of creating products and services that provide
meaningful and relevant experiences to users.
It involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and
integrating the product, including aspects of branding,
design, usability, and function.
Let’s talk about UX Design
UX Design is user-centred
UX design encompasses the
entire user journey - it’s a
multidisciplinary field
UX designers come from a variety
of backgrounds such as visual
design, programming, psychology
and interaction design.
A UX designer’s typical tasks vary, but
often include user research, creating
personas, designing wireframes,
interactive prototypes and testing designs.
context of use
Specify user
Your goal is to get more and more users and engage
them with your product
How can the user experience of your product help?
How can you measure if your users are engaged?
And how can you find out why they are not?
How is UX measured?
The answer lies in data. Metrics help turn data into
digestible information, which can help drawing
conclusions and making decisions
What are metrics? What’s the difference between “metrics”
and “UX metrics”?
Why should you use UX metrics?
When should you measure your design?
How can you define the right metrics?
Who should define these metrics?
How is UX measured?
Standards of measurement assessing a product’s
efficiency, performance, progress, or quality.
They provide much more insight into the real
problems you’re trying to solve
They can tell you exactly what users are doing, but
they can’t tell you why they’re doing it or how to make
them stop
What are Metrics?
UX metrics represent a product’s user experience,
which is hard to quantify, but some useful
frameworks can help
Many big brands use UX metrics to improve the user
experience of their products (Google, Airbnb, YouTube).
One from Youtube which measures users’ engagement is:
“Average number of minutes spent watching videos/user/day”.
Metrics & UX metrics
The most straightforward answer is better
decision making.
The key is to figure out what pieces will improve
learning and decision making.
It lets us know where a product suffers the most.
Why bother with UX metrics?
When to measure a design
Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
When to measure a design
Best time to define a
measurement plan with
UX metrics
First-time users can give
crucial data
Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
When to measure a design
Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
Product on the market should
already have metrics set up
Before the next design sprint,
define the UX metrics in advance
and implement them in the app,
Present user insights for the whole
design team
When to measure a design
Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
Before implementing any changes
to your site, gather enough data
going one or two months back
Measure and compare the designs
to see if it generated the expected
You need a plan. Know what to look for!
If your products is a website, just wiring Google Analytics
to your site is not enough
Not knowing exactly what to looking for can get you lost
in data
You may come to the wrong conclusion, which will lead to
the wrong decision
How to define UX metrics
Take a step back. Look at the big picture, and spend
the time and resources to make a measurement plan.
There are a few frameworks which can help define the
metrics to measure product user experience.
How to define UX metrics
Mobile App UX Principles 

Improving user experience and optimizing conversion
Stephen Griffiths from Google
The HEART Framework
Defines the metrics to measure product user experience
Kerry Rodden, Hilary Hutchinson & Xin Fu from Google’s Research Team
A User Experience metrics and goals toolkit
There are 5 categories to think about from the user’s perspective:
Happiness – Measures of attitudes, often collected via survey
Engagement – Level of involvement
Adoption – Gaining new users of a product or a feature
Retention – User return rate
Task Success – Efficiency, effectiveness, and error rate
The HEART framework
Task Success
The HEART framework
Goals Signals Metrics
First, define just one or two things that are really
important for the product.
The fewer actionable metrics, the better.
For example, let’s choose “Engagement” for the
product YouTube for this exercise.
After choosing a category, there is a three-step
process to follow:
Goal > Signal > Metrics
The HEART framework - Step 1: Choose Categories
Start with the goals!
It can be really hard to start on an abstract level.
In this step, define the “big picture”.
What does engagement mean from a user’s
perspective. The goal of “engagement” for the
product YouTube is:
“for users to enjoy the videos they watch and
discover more videos.”
The HEART framework - Step 2: Define a Goal
Start with the goals!
It can be really hard to start on an abstract level.
In this step, define the “big picture”.
What does engagement mean from a user’s
perspective. The goal of “engagement” for the
product YouTube is:
“for users to enjoy the videos they watch and
discover more videos.”
The HEART framework - Step 2: Define a Goal
Break the goal down to signals
Only after goals are defined can they be broken
down to signal.
How do we know we have reached the goal?
Define signals which will answer this question.
The signal for “engagement” will be
“the amount of time users will spend watching
The HEART framework - Step 3: Goal to Signals
Convert signal to metrics
Signals can be transformed into metrics that can
be measured in the product.
The metric of the signal will be:
“average number of minutes spent watching
The HEART framework - Step 4: Signals to Metrics
More on HEART
Read more about the HEART
framework from its creator, Kerry
Rodden. Introduce the
framework to your team via the
Digital Therapy presentation.
The HEART framework
More Frameworks
Other frameworks which can
help define metrics include the
PULSE and the AARRR. Once you
have a plan, start the dirty work
and apply your metrics to your
UX Data Tools
There are tons of analytics tools
which can help. The most
popular ones include Google
Analytics, Kissmetrics, Mixpanel,
Crashlytics, Firebase, and Hotjar.
Following these steps (Goals > Signals > Metrics)
ensures getting actionable metrics, information
that will guide you in the right direction.
A big list of UX KPIs and Metrics
Remember, For a UX metric to be useful it
must have:
A timescale
A benchmark
A reason to be reported
An associated action
A big list of UX KPIs and Metrics
• Classic / common
• Banners
• Financial / sales / business
• Call / customer contact centre
• Social media
• Third party / benchmarks
• Email & campaigns
• Internal search
• IA
• User testing metrics:
• Satisfaction measurements
Check out Joe Leech's big list
of UX KPIs and Metrics
How UX is measured
UX Laddering
The UX Ladder
The UX ladder serves as a simple
benchmark for assessing the quality
of your user experience now, and
provides goals to aspire to in the
The UX Ladder - Functional
The bottom rung of the ladder is when a
product is functional.
That means the product is okay and
works most of the time if you take the
time to figure it out.
The UX Ladder - Usable
A step up from functional is usable.
Usable is 100% better than functional.
Users can complete tasks without major
The UX Ladder - Comfortable
A step up from usable is comfortable.
This can also be called intuitive—things
are in the right place.
The UX Ladder - Delightful
A step up from comfortable is delightful.
The product is easy to use and actually
surprises users, activating positive
The UX Ladder - Meaningful
Finally, the top rung of the ladder is
This is the Holy Grail of products. They
create meaning in users’ lives.
They can change not only an individual’s
behavior, but also the economy and the
The UX Ladder - Exercise
That means the
product is okay and
works most of the
time if you take the
time to figure it out.
Users can complete
tasks without major
Intuitive - things
are in the right
The product is easy
to use and actually
surprises users,
activating positive
They create meaning
in users’ lives. They
can change an
individual’s behavior
How would you describe the overall UX for mPESA?
Go to | Enter code: 82 41 13
Missed Opportunities in UX
UX Debt
We create experiences that are functional, usable, comfortable,
delightful and meaningful
UX problems occur due to
•Limited time, budgets and resources;
•Lack of understanding impact in UX when making design decisions
To improve your product, identify the threats.
UX Problems lead to UX Debt
UX Problems lead to UX Debt
Current Product Quality
UX Problems lead to UX Debt
Current Product Quality
Target Quality
UX Problems lead to UX Debt
Current Product Quality
UX Debt
Target Quality
Intentional UX Debt
Types of UX Debt
Unintentional UX Debt
Intentional UX debt is a result of decisions made based
on project constraints. Intentional UX Debt can be created
any time in the UX process cycle. It is caused by:
•Not enough budget, time, or people to design, test, iterate,
and build everything.
•Lots of budget and time but not enough people.
•Budget and more than enough people, but no time
Intentional UX Debt
Unintentional UX debt results from misconceptions
about users and from changes in their needs, abilities,
or expectations over time.
The worst Unintentional UX Debt is at product conception
Unintentional UX Debt naturally increases over time.
Unintentional UX Debt
•Determine if and where UX Debt exists
•Compare severity to importance
•Make time to fix it
•Socialize and systemize the concept
Get rid of UX Debt
“First you make it work, then you make it work well, and then
you make it so people can't imagine life any other way.
That's UX”.
Karl Fast
How to iteratively
improve UX
Good UX design can yield incredible
improvements in buyer behavior, lead
generation, and visitor engagement.
Iteratively improve UX
UX design works best when it’s an iterative process. With each
iteration, a UX designer can
•identify new opportunities,
•respond to changes in business goals and user needs,
•adapt to current market trends and advances in technology.
Iteratively improve UX
Developing a repeatable UX design process is not rocket science.
Best practices for UX design boil down to 6 distinct phases:
Understand > Research > Sketch > Design > Implement > Evaluate
Iteratively improve UX
An Innovation Company
that Delivers Growth

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Breaking down what UX means

  • 1.
  • 2. Breaking down what UX means Ich Gichuki | Service & Business Designer, Utu
  • 4.
  • 5. An Innovation Company that Delivers Growth
  • 6. We are an innovation consultancy delivering meaningful, sustainable top-line growth We employ a service design approach to address our clients’ strategic objectives An Innovation Company that Delivers Growth
  • 7. Vincent Ndonye Team Lead Ichungwa Gichuki Experience Design Ian Gichuhi Creative Technology Makumi Wanjohi Product Design Olivia Muia Brand Strategy Mburu Njoroge Visual Design Juliet Mukunga Experience Design Ashi Kariuki Creative Strategy Jayline Karusi Research Kevin Oduor Communication Strategy Winston Wachanga Project Management Daniel Aineah Software Engineer
  • 9. Five disciplines one fluid process We use empathy to thread-the-needle between insight and impact DESIGN RESEARCH We use qualitative research to understand human behaviour and use the insights to design products and experiences. We design strategies, tools and conversations to improve experiences in face-to-face service provision. HUMAN SERVICES DESIGN We have a full stack UX team that translates business strategy into delightful experiences with improved outcomes DIGITAL PRODUCTS DESIGN We help organisations define their desired culture and hold design sprint workshops to create, measure and celebrate the new culture. CULTURE TRANSFORMATION We design, develop, implement and integrate cloud, mobile, and social productivity solutions including support & managed services. BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY APPS
  • 10. Our method is holistic, long-term, insight-driven and goal-directed. Ten Types Innovation Framework Customer Engagement Profit Model Network Structure Process Product Performance Product System Service Channel Brand CONFIGURATION OFFERING EXPERIENCE PROFIT MODEL Thewayinwhichyoumake money NETWORK Connections with others to create value STRUCTURE Alignmentofyourtalentandassets PROCESS Signature or superior methods for doing your work PRODUCT PERFORMANCE Distinguishingfeaturesand functionality PRODUCT SYSTEM Complementary products and services SERVICE Support and enhancements that surround your offerings CHANNEL How your offerings are delivered to customers and users BRAND Representation of your offerings and business CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT Distinctive interactions you foster
  • 11. Double Diamond Process Our method is first divergent then converges and is iterative. EMPATHISE DEFINE IDEATE ITERATE Problem Statement TESTPROTOTYPE Trigger Solution
  • 13.
  • 14. Breaking down what UX means Ich Gichuki | Service & Business Designer, Utu #producttank
  • 15. Hey, can you ‘do the UX’ for us? A tale of UX as a misconception. Article: Fabricio Teixeira | Design Director at Work & Co, Founder of UX Collective |
  • 16. Hi, I’m John, UX designer starting today on this project. Cool, I’m Joe, project manager. Glad to have you on the team. Glad to be here. How can I help? So... We have designed a first version of our app, but we’re now thinking of doing the UX to improve a few things… People are downloading the app, using it once, but not really coming back to it over time.
  • 17. So... We have designed a first version of our app, but we’re now thinking of doing the UX to improve a few things… People are downloading the app, using it once, but not really coming back to it over time. “… do the UX…” What they meant: can you help us think through the app’s interaction design, structure and navigation? Where the misconception is: presuming one single person is responsible for successfully conceiving, designing, implementing and validating the user’s experience with a product.
  • 18. A good user experience depends on: Clear structure and navigation flows Great copy and tone of voice Compelling and clear visual design The app’s performance and speed Thoughtful transitions and animations Clear structure and navigation flows The product making sense to that user The user’s internet connection A clear understanding by the user of what the product does The product adding value to what that user needs; How accessible the product is The user’s social, cultural and demographic context Where the user is at the time they engage with the app How the user is feeling that particular day they use the product Everything the user has seen in their entire life etc, etc, etc. The user’s mobile phone performance and speed
  • 20. What is UX? Interaction Perceptions Dynamism "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products.
  • 21. What is UX? It includes the practical, experiential, affective, meaningful and valuable aspects of interaction Interaction Perceptions Dynamism "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products.
  • 22. "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. What is UX? It includes a person’s perceptions of system aspects such as utility, ease of use and efficiency Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
  • 23. "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. What is UX? It is dynamic as it is constantly modified over time due to changing usage circumstances and changes to individual systems as well as the wider usage context in which they can be found. Interaction Perceptions Dynamism
  • 25. User Experience Design is the process or an approach of creating products and services that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. It involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function. Let’s talk about UX Design
  • 26. UX Design is user-centred UX design encompasses the entire user journey - it’s a multidisciplinary field UX designers come from a variety of backgrounds such as visual design, programming, psychology and interaction design. A UX designer’s typical tasks vary, but often include user research, creating personas, designing wireframes, interactive prototypes and testing designs. Understand context of use Specify user requirements Design solutions Evaluate against requirements
  • 27. Your goal is to get more and more users and engage them with your product How can the user experience of your product help? How can you measure if your users are engaged? And how can you find out why they are not? How is UX measured?
  • 28. The answer lies in data. Metrics help turn data into digestible information, which can help drawing conclusions and making decisions What are metrics? What’s the difference between “metrics” and “UX metrics”? Why should you use UX metrics? When should you measure your design? How can you define the right metrics? Who should define these metrics? How is UX measured?
  • 29. Standards of measurement assessing a product’s efficiency, performance, progress, or quality. They provide much more insight into the real problems you’re trying to solve They can tell you exactly what users are doing, but they can’t tell you why they’re doing it or how to make them stop What are Metrics?
  • 30. UX metrics represent a product’s user experience, which is hard to quantify, but some useful frameworks can help Many big brands use UX metrics to improve the user experience of their products (Google, Airbnb, YouTube). One from Youtube which measures users’ engagement is: “Average number of minutes spent watching videos/user/day”. Metrics & UX metrics
  • 31. The most straightforward answer is better decision making. The key is to figure out what pieces will improve learning and decision making. It lets us know where a product suffers the most. Why bother with UX metrics?
  • 32. When to measure a design Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
  • 33. When to measure a design Best time to define a measurement plan with UX metrics First-time users can give crucial data Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign
  • 34. When to measure a design Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign Product on the market should already have metrics set up Before the next design sprint, define the UX metrics in advance and implement them in the app, Present user insights for the whole design team
  • 35. When to measure a design Before Product Launch Before Product Improvement After Redesign Before implementing any changes to your site, gather enough data going one or two months back Measure and compare the designs to see if it generated the expected result
  • 36. You need a plan. Know what to look for! If your products is a website, just wiring Google Analytics to your site is not enough Not knowing exactly what to looking for can get you lost in data You may come to the wrong conclusion, which will lead to the wrong decision How to define UX metrics
  • 37. Take a step back. Look at the big picture, and spend the time and resources to make a measurement plan. There are a few frameworks which can help define the metrics to measure product user experience. How to define UX metrics Mobile App UX Principles 
 Improving user experience and optimizing conversion Stephen Griffiths from Google The HEART Framework Defines the metrics to measure product user experience Kerry Rodden, Hilary Hutchinson & Xin Fu from Google’s Research Team
  • 38. A User Experience metrics and goals toolkit There are 5 categories to think about from the user’s perspective: Happiness – Measures of attitudes, often collected via survey Engagement – Level of involvement Adoption – Gaining new users of a product or a feature Retention – User return rate Task Success – Efficiency, effectiveness, and error rate The HEART framework
  • 40. First, define just one or two things that are really important for the product. The fewer actionable metrics, the better. For example, let’s choose “Engagement” for the product YouTube for this exercise. After choosing a category, there is a three-step process to follow: Goal > Signal > Metrics The HEART framework - Step 1: Choose Categories
  • 41. Start with the goals! It can be really hard to start on an abstract level. In this step, define the “big picture”. What does engagement mean from a user’s perspective. The goal of “engagement” for the product YouTube is: “for users to enjoy the videos they watch and discover more videos.” The HEART framework - Step 2: Define a Goal
  • 42. Start with the goals! It can be really hard to start on an abstract level. In this step, define the “big picture”. What does engagement mean from a user’s perspective. The goal of “engagement” for the product YouTube is: “for users to enjoy the videos they watch and discover more videos.” The HEART framework - Step 2: Define a Goal
  • 43. Break the goal down to signals Only after goals are defined can they be broken down to signal. How do we know we have reached the goal? Define signals which will answer this question. The signal for “engagement” will be “the amount of time users will spend watching videos.” The HEART framework - Step 3: Goal to Signals
  • 44. Convert signal to metrics Signals can be transformed into metrics that can be measured in the product. The metric of the signal will be: “average number of minutes spent watching videos/user/day.” The HEART framework - Step 4: Signals to Metrics
  • 45. More on HEART Read more about the HEART framework from its creator, Kerry Rodden. Introduce the framework to your team via the Digital Therapy presentation. metrics-for-your-product-5f46359ab5be The HEART framework More Frameworks Other frameworks which can help define metrics include the PULSE and the AARRR. Once you have a plan, start the dirty work and apply your metrics to your product. UX Data Tools There are tons of analytics tools which can help. The most popular ones include Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, Mixpanel, Crashlytics, Firebase, and Hotjar. Following these steps (Goals > Signals > Metrics) ensures getting actionable metrics, information that will guide you in the right direction.
  • 46. A big list of UX KPIs and Metrics Remember, For a UX metric to be useful it must have: A timescale A benchmark A reason to be reported An associated action
  • 47. A big list of UX KPIs and Metrics Categories • Classic / common • Banners • Financial / sales / business • RSS • Call / customer contact centre • SEO • Social media • Third party / benchmarks • Email & campaigns • Internal search • IA • User testing metrics: • Satisfaction measurements Check out Joe Leech's big list of UX KPIs and Metrics
  • 48. How UX is measured UX Laddering
  • 49. The UX Ladder The UX ladder serves as a simple benchmark for assessing the quality of your user experience now, and provides goals to aspire to in the future.
  • 50. The UX Ladder - Functional The bottom rung of the ladder is when a product is functional. That means the product is okay and works most of the time if you take the time to figure it out.
  • 51. The UX Ladder - Usable A step up from functional is usable. Usable is 100% better than functional. Users can complete tasks without major frustrations.
  • 52. The UX Ladder - Comfortable A step up from usable is comfortable. This can also be called intuitive—things are in the right place.
  • 53. The UX Ladder - Delightful A step up from comfortable is delightful. The product is easy to use and actually surprises users, activating positive emotions.
  • 54. The UX Ladder - Meaningful Finally, the top rung of the ladder is meaningful. This is the Holy Grail of products. They create meaning in users’ lives. They can change not only an individual’s behavior, but also the economy and the world.
  • 55. The UX Ladder - Exercise Functional That means the product is okay and works most of the time if you take the time to figure it out. Usable Users can complete tasks without major frustrations. Comfortable Intuitive - things are in the right place Delightful The product is easy to use and actually surprises users, activating positive emotions. Meaningful They create meaning in users’ lives. They can change an individual’s behavior How would you describe the overall UX for mPESA? Go to | Enter code: 82 41 13
  • 56.
  • 57.
  • 59. We create experiences that are functional, usable, comfortable, delightful and meaningful UX problems occur due to •Limited time, budgets and resources; •Lack of understanding impact in UX when making design decisions To improve your product, identify the threats. UX Problems lead to UX Debt
  • 60. UX Problems lead to UX Debt Meaningful Delightful Comfortable Usable Functional Current Product Quality ExperienceQuality
  • 61. UX Problems lead to UX Debt Meaningful Delightful Comfortable Usable Functional Current Product Quality ExperienceQuality Target Quality
  • 62. UX Problems lead to UX Debt Meaningful Delightful Comfortable Usable Functional Current Product Quality ExperienceQuality UX Debt Target Quality
  • 63. Intentional UX Debt Types of UX Debt Unintentional UX Debt
  • 64. Intentional UX debt is a result of decisions made based on project constraints. Intentional UX Debt can be created any time in the UX process cycle. It is caused by: •Not enough budget, time, or people to design, test, iterate, and build everything. •Lots of budget and time but not enough people. •Budget and more than enough people, but no time Intentional UX Debt
  • 65. Unintentional UX debt results from misconceptions about users and from changes in their needs, abilities, or expectations over time. The worst Unintentional UX Debt is at product conception Unintentional UX Debt naturally increases over time. Unintentional UX Debt
  • 66. •Determine if and where UX Debt exists •Compare severity to importance •Make time to fix it •Socialize and systemize the concept Get rid of UX Debt
  • 67. “First you make it work, then you make it work well, and then you make it so people can't imagine life any other way. That's UX”. Karl Fast
  • 69. Good UX design can yield incredible improvements in buyer behavior, lead generation, and visitor engagement. Iteratively improve UX
  • 70. UX design works best when it’s an iterative process. With each iteration, a UX designer can •identify new opportunities, •respond to changes in business goals and user needs, •adapt to current market trends and advances in technology. Iteratively improve UX
  • 71. Developing a repeatable UX design process is not rocket science. Best practices for UX design boil down to 6 distinct phases: Understand > Research > Sketch > Design > Implement > Evaluate Iteratively improve UX
  • 72.
  • 74. An Innovation Company that Delivers Growth