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What is Brand Awareness?
Brand awareness is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability
of the product. It is the degree to which consumers precisely associate the brand with the
specific product. It is measured as ratio of niche market that has former knowledge of brand.
Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand
recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize prior knowledge of brand when they are
asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the
consumers can clearly differentiate the brand as having being earlier noticed or heard.
While brand recall is the potential of customer to recover a brand from his memory when
given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying scenario as a
signal. In other words, it refers that consumers should correctly recover brand from the
memory when given a clue or he can recall the specific brand when the product category is
mentioned. It is generally easier to recognize a brand rather than recall it from the memory.
Building brand awareness is essential for building brand equity.
It includes use of various renowned channels of promotion such as advertising, word of
mouth publicity, social media like blogs, sponsorships, launching events, etc. To create brand
awareness, it is important to create reliable brand image, slogans and taglines. The brand
message to be communicated should also be consistent. Strong brand awareness leads to high
sales and high market share. Brand awareness can be regarded as a means through which
consumers become acquainted and familiar with a brand and recognize that brand.
Brand Association
Brand Associations are not benefits, but are images and symbols associated with a brand or a
brand benefit. Brand association is anything which is deep seatedin customer’s mind
about the brand. Brand should be associated with something positive so that the customers
relate your brand to being positive. Brand associations are the attributes of brand which come
into consumers mind when the brand is talked about. It is related with the implicit and
explicit meanings which a consumer relates/associates with a specific brand name. Brand
association can also be defined as the degree to which a specific product/service is recognized
within its product/service class/category. While choosing a brand name, it is essential that the
name chosen should reinforce an important attribute or benefit association that forms its
product positioning.
Brand associations are formed on the following basis:
 Customers contact with the organization and it’s employees;
 Advertisements;
 Word of mouth publicity;
 Price at which the brand is sold;
 Celebrity/big entity association;
 Quality of the product;
 Products and schemes offered by competitors;
 Product class/category to which the brand belongs;
 POP ( Point of purchase) displays; etc
Positive brand associations are developed if the product which the brand depicts is durable,
marketable and desirable. The customers must be persuaded that the brand possess the
features and attributes satisfying their needs. This will lead to customers having a positive
impression about the product. Positive brand association helps an organization to gain
goodwill, and obstructs the competitor’s entry into the market.
Steps in Building a Brand Name Product or Service
At times, organizations are often inspired by a variety of ideas to create products and services
which can be offered locally or globally. Generally, such products or services require the
establishment of a brand or company name. Often these brands include both logo and
lettering and can do a long way in advertising such products or services. Therefore, one of the
most important steps in building a Brand is decide upon a brand name for the product or
service one wishes to sell.
Branding is a process that allows an individual or a group of individuals the ability to
provide a brand image and lettering to an idea. Upon doing so, one has a better chance of
selling such items to a broader audience whether that is on a local or global level. Therefore,
while the old adage “nothing happens until somebody sells something,” still stands true to
some extent, at times almost seems as if the process of advertising and branding has
overtaken the desire to sell.
One of the most important steps in selling any product or service is the belief one holds in
relation to the item. Therefore, only those who strongly believe in the products and services
offered by the company are going to be good at selling same. Otherwise, one may want to
work from an advertising or graphic artist perspective in relation to advertising rather than
sales when it comes to time to market same.
Another step is to build a brand that maintains loyalty with its customer base and has a strong
customer service department. For, having such a department in today's world where one is
both experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to helping others can be a rare find. So,
companies who represent oneself has having a strong customer base and even stronger
customer service department are often more successful than those who do not.
A very important step in marketing a brand is to identify the target audience before creating
the logo and lettering in relation to marketing. This is because different age groups react
differently to a variety of logo and lettering especially as so much is misrepresented by a
variety of gangs and others using such material inappropriately. Therefore, if one can define
the brand name, logo and lettering and present same to a marketing research review panel or
the like, one may be able to gain a better understanding of which audience one needs to direct
their product or service to in order to create the most sales.
Still, if one can communicate the use of their product or service clearly, establish trust
within the community, be that locally or globally, aim marketing at the right audience, build
a base of buyers and customer loyalty and offer great customer service, then one is on their
way to not only creating and advertising an excellent brand but selling one as well.
Therefore, when looking for steps in building a brand, there are many steps which one can
complete to help make the creation of such brand an easier task. These include, knowing your
audience, building your brand, finding a great logo and lettering to represent same, targeting
the appropriate audience and placing a number of ads in as many online and offline
advertising venues one can find. For, after doing so, one may just find that they are selling
even more products and services than one had ever dreamed possible.
Brand Positioning - Definition and Concept
Brand positioning refers to “target consumer’s reason to buy your brand in preference
to others. It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and
delivered by the brand’s benefits/reasons to buy; and it focusses at all points of contact with
the consumer. Brand positioning must make sure that:
 Is it unique/distinctive vs. competitors
 Is it significant and encouraging to the niche market
 Is it appropriate to all major geographic markets and businesses
 Is the proposition validated with unique, appropriate and original products
 Is it sustainable - can it be delivered constantly across all points of contact with the
 Is it helpful for organization to achieve its financial goals
 Is it able to support and boost up the organization
1. In order to create a distinctive place in the market, a niche market has to be carefully
chosen and a differential advantage must be created in their mind. Brand positioning
is a medium through which an organization can portray its customers what it wants to
achieve for them and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms
customer’s views and opinions.
2. Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a
manner that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customer’s mind.
Brand Positioning involves identifying and determining points of similarity and
difference to ascertain the right brand identity and to create a proper brand image.
3. Brand Positioning is the key of marketing strategy. A strong brand positioning directs
marketing strategy by explaining the brand details, the uniqueness of brand and it’s
similarity with the competitive brands, as well as the reasons for buying and using
that specific brand. Positioning is the base for developing and increasing the required
knowledge and perceptions of the customers. It is the single feature that sets your
service apart from your competitors. For instance- Kingfisher stands for youth and
excitement. It represents brand in full flight.
1. Aim to make your brand the first name that consumers mention during a recall test.
This is important because your brand must also be the first name that consumers recall
when they are making a purchasing decision online or in a store. Brands that achieve
this position are described as "front of mind" and have a strong competitive
advantage. Success in a brand recall test is a measure of the effectiveness of your
marketing activities. If your brand achieves a low position in a test, modify your
marketing program to focus on activities such as advertising to raise awareness.
2. Brand Recognition Goals
3. Brand recognition tests measure the effectiveness of different marketing decisions you
have made, such as choosing one logo design over another or using certain images in
your advertising. Researchers show an advertisement, a logo or a brand name and ask
consumers if they recognize it or have seen it before. For example, consumers may
report that they recognize a brand as one that they saw in an advertisement or a store
display. The goal for this test is to achieve high levels of recognition. The results of
the test can help you to refine the content or design of your marketing
communications so that you improve recognition levels and improve the return on
your marketing expenditure.
4. Social Media Goals
5. Tracking your brand’s following in social media is another useful measure of brand
awareness. By measuring the number of your brand’s followers on media such as
Twitter or Facebook, you can monitor the growth or decline in levels of interest. An
important goal is to increase the level of exposure you achieve in social media.
3 Steps for Building a Brand Awareness Strategy with Great ROI
Building a strong brand awareness strategy isn’t just a great idea — a solid strategy helps you
directly impact your company’s bottom line sales figures. A great brand awareness strategy
requires a multi-faceted approach to improving brand engagement with past, current, and
future customers. In a world where 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the
customer feels they are being treated, it is incredibly important that brands establish a loyal
following of active customers. To truly understand if your brand awareness marketing tactics
have actually converted loyal followers into active customers, marketers need to first
undertake three important steps:
Step 1: Segment Branding Efforts to Target Highly Specific Audiences
In a similar fashion to direct response marketing campaigns, brand awareness strategies
should continue to focus on capturing the attention of current customers. These customers can
be identified as those individuals whom have shown an interest by visiting the company
website, reading company announcements, or otherwise indicated intent to purchase.
To make the most of branding efforts, marketers should focus their attention on the brand's
identified target market. Through increased efforts marketers can increase brand-awareness to
a larger, more qualified audience. Audiences can be found online via the brand website or
through direct targeting on the right social media networks at the right time.
Step 2: Use Search Result Retargeting to Establish Strong Brand Recall
Retargeted ads are a type of digital display ad that “retargets” a user who has visited your
website or interacted with a digital asset. Using digital retargeting, especially in display ads,
can stimulate brand recall and encourage prospects to come back to your site. There are four
general ways that you can use retargeting to establish stronger brand recall amongst current
and prospective customers:
 Retarget individuals with a preliminary brand awareness.
 Retarget people who have previously visited your site.
 Focus on people who have opened an email.
 Track users who have searched for your product by name.
Step 3: Make Social Customer Engagement a Priority
Did you know that in 2014 92 percent of marketers agreed that social media was important
for their business? However, only 72 percent of marketers use social media to develop loyal
fans. Instead of sitting passively by while fans come to your brand's social media accounts,
you will need to proactively search for your targeted (soon to be loyal) audience.
In 2015 and beyond, success on social media networks will require marketers to take a
proactive, rather than reactive, stance. Being proactive can help you to increase brand
awareness in your audience and the ROI of your social media marketing. Social media
listening tools and referral program software can help you be proactive in your social media
marketing efforts.
By being proactive you can:
 Build a better brand experience for customers.
 Improve prospective customer engagement levels.
 Help prospective customers become loyal brand followers.
 Engage in a dual conversation between your past, present, and future customers.
 Turn leads into profitable sales.
Your Brand Awareness Strategy Can Lead to Greater ROI
With the above three steps in mind, it is easy to see how a solid brand awareness strategy,
coupled with active data collection and analysis, can lead to an increase in a brand's
marketing ROI. Targeting highly-specific audiences can result in improved engagement,
increased brand loyalty, and a higher number of direct sales, and creating strong brand recall
in past, current, and prospective customers can lead to improved brand engagement. Finally,
making social customer engagement a priority can help brands actively find loyal brand
ambassadors who are interested in telling their vast networks about their favorite brand. In
short, with dedication and strategic targeting, building a brand awareness strategy can result
in an increased ROI.
According to Nilson, competitiveness is the key to business success, and strong brands can
make the difference between success and failure. A brand is often a company’s most valuable
asset because it provides customers with a way of recognising and specifying a particular
product if they want to choose it again or recommend it to others. A brand also enables
marketers to develop specific images and interrelated marketing strategies for a particular
product. Establishing brand value begins with creating brand awareness.
Brand-related marketing activities should therefore focus on building brand awareness. This
can be achieved by following the stages in the strategic brand management process. Strategic
brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programmes and
activities to build measure and manage brand equity.
The strategic brand management process begins with the identification and establishment of
the position of the brand. Marketers can only identify and establish brand positioning and
value if they, firstly, determine customer-based brand equity , and secondly, establish brand
positioning and values .
Step 1: Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values
Step 2: Planning and implementing brand marketing programmes
Step 3: Measuring and interpreting brand performance
Step 4: Growing and sustaining brand equity
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd.
Industry Health Insurance
Founded 2007
Key people Mr. Antony Jacob
Products Health insurance, Accident
insurance, Travel insurance
Number of
2,200 (as of September 2016)
Parent Apollo Hospitals and Munich Health
Website Apollo Munich Health Insurance
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd. is a private sector health
insurance company in India. Founded on 8 August 2007, it is a joint venture between
the Apollo Hospitals group and Munich Health, one of the three business segments
of Munich Re; a leading reinsurance company based in Germany.
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Limited was previously known as Apollo DKV
Insurance Company Limited. The company started as a joint venture between Apollo Group
of Hospitals and DKV AG, Europe's largest private health insurer (Deutsche
Krankenversicherung AG) on the 8th of August, 2007. Apollo DKV started on a journey to
re-define the health insurance sector in India. The stake holding of the two companies were in
the ratio of 74:26 (Apollo Group of Hospitals—DKV AG).
About the promoters:
DKV, with its headquarters in Cologne, Germany, was the market leader in Europe and one
of the top 5 health insurance providers in the world. The company was represented across
Europe and Asia. Since DKV was a part of the ERGO Group, it was a part of Munich Re
Group, one of the world’s largest re-insurers.
Apollo Group of Hospitals is the largest healthcare provider in Asia. The group changed the
way healthcare was perceived in the nation. Apollo Hospitals brought many modern medical
techniques which were previously not available in the country. This gave Indians the chance
to get world-class treatment without having to leave the country.
Branding and Positioning of Apollo DKV:
Apollo DKV changed the focus of the market and customers from ‘curative’ to ‘preventive’
healthcare. The brand identity of Apollo DKV, in the form of the joyful and healthy man,
depicted the innovative stand of the company. Since Apollo DKV started on the journey with
the prime aim of helping people stay healthy regardless of medical care expenses, the ‘Happy
Man’ also illustrated the company’s ‘Let’s Stay Healthy’ philosophy.
Apollo DKV was the only health insurance provider in the country that was backed by an
integrated healthcare group and one of the largest pure health insurance providers in the
international market. The mission of the company was to constantly provide customers with
innovative healthcare solutions to meet their healthcare needs.
Products launched by Apollo DKV:
Apollo DKV launched a number of health insurance products, which are till date, among the
best medical insurance policies in the nation. The plans launched by Apollo DKV were:
 Easy Health Individual Health Insurance Plan
 Easy Health Family Health Insurance Plan
 Insure Health
 Maxima
 Easy Travel Insurance Plan
 Personal Accident Insurance Plan
Apollo DKV to Apollo Munich:
In December 2009, Apollo DKV was renamed as Apollo Munich Health Insurance. The
company continues to bring out innovative products. Apollo Munich offers a large number of
customer care services to help people stay healthy and fit always. The journey of
uncomplicating health insurance in the country has just begun and has a long way to go.
Request A Call Back
About Max Bupa
Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited is an Indian assurance firm and a joint
venture between Max India Limited and Bupa Finance plc UK, established for the purpose of
carrying on health insurance in business in India. The company is incorporated under
the Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office in New Delhi, with 11 branch offices
across India.
The firm offers health insurance products to individuals as well as corporations.
Max India Limited is a multi-business corporate provider of private healthcare. It includes
a life insurance subsidiary Max Life Insurance, a joint venture between Max India and
the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group of Japan; a healthcare company, Max Healthcare; and
a Clinical Research business, Max Neeman, a fully owned subsidiary.
From its past, Max India continues its interest in manufacture of Specialty Products for the
packaging industry.
The British United Provident Association Limited (Bupa) is the parent company of the Bupa
Group. As such it has no shareholders and all of its surpluses are re-invested back into the
various businesses. The Bupa Group offers health insurance to customers around the world
and specialises in health insurance and aged care. Bupa Group has more than 10 million
customers in over 190 countries. Bupa Group provides health insurance cover for individuals,
families and companies. It is the largest private medical insurer in the UK.

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Brand awareness

  • 1. What is Brand Awareness? Brand awareness is the probability that consumers are familiar about the life and availability of the product. It is the degree to which consumers precisely associate the brand with the specific product. It is measured as ratio of niche market that has former knowledge of brand. Brand awareness includes both brand recognition as well as brand recall. Brand recognition is the ability of consumer to recognize prior knowledge of brand when they are asked questions about that brand or when they are shown that specific brand, i.e., the consumers can clearly differentiate the brand as having being earlier noticed or heard. While brand recall is the potential of customer to recover a brand from his memory when given the product class/category, needs satisfied by that category or buying scenario as a signal. In other words, it refers that consumers should correctly recover brand from the memory when given a clue or he can recall the specific brand when the product category is mentioned. It is generally easier to recognize a brand rather than recall it from the memory. Building brand awareness is essential for building brand equity. It includes use of various renowned channels of promotion such as advertising, word of mouth publicity, social media like blogs, sponsorships, launching events, etc. To create brand awareness, it is important to create reliable brand image, slogans and taglines. The brand message to be communicated should also be consistent. Strong brand awareness leads to high sales and high market share. Brand awareness can be regarded as a means through which consumers become acquainted and familiar with a brand and recognize that brand. Brand Association Brand Associations are not benefits, but are images and symbols associated with a brand or a brand benefit. Brand association is anything which is deep seatedin customer’s mind about the brand. Brand should be associated with something positive so that the customers relate your brand to being positive. Brand associations are the attributes of brand which come into consumers mind when the brand is talked about. It is related with the implicit and explicit meanings which a consumer relates/associates with a specific brand name. Brand association can also be defined as the degree to which a specific product/service is recognized within its product/service class/category. While choosing a brand name, it is essential that the name chosen should reinforce an important attribute or benefit association that forms its product positioning.
  • 2. Brand associations are formed on the following basis:  Customers contact with the organization and it’s employees;  Advertisements;  Word of mouth publicity;  Price at which the brand is sold;  Celebrity/big entity association;  Quality of the product;  Products and schemes offered by competitors;  Product class/category to which the brand belongs;  POP ( Point of purchase) displays; etc Positive brand associations are developed if the product which the brand depicts is durable, marketable and desirable. The customers must be persuaded that the brand possess the features and attributes satisfying their needs. This will lead to customers having a positive impression about the product. Positive brand association helps an organization to gain goodwill, and obstructs the competitor’s entry into the market.
  • 3. Steps in Building a Brand Name Product or Service At times, organizations are often inspired by a variety of ideas to create products and services which can be offered locally or globally. Generally, such products or services require the establishment of a brand or company name. Often these brands include both logo and lettering and can do a long way in advertising such products or services. Therefore, one of the most important steps in building a Brand is decide upon a brand name for the product or service one wishes to sell. Branding is a process that allows an individual or a group of individuals the ability to provide a brand image and lettering to an idea. Upon doing so, one has a better chance of selling such items to a broader audience whether that is on a local or global level. Therefore, while the old adage “nothing happens until somebody sells something,” still stands true to some extent, at times almost seems as if the process of advertising and branding has overtaken the desire to sell. One of the most important steps in selling any product or service is the belief one holds in relation to the item. Therefore, only those who strongly believe in the products and services offered by the company are going to be good at selling same. Otherwise, one may want to work from an advertising or graphic artist perspective in relation to advertising rather than sales when it comes to time to market same. Another step is to build a brand that maintains loyalty with its customer base and has a strong customer service department. For, having such a department in today's world where one is both experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to helping others can be a rare find. So, companies who represent oneself has having a strong customer base and even stronger customer service department are often more successful than those who do not. A very important step in marketing a brand is to identify the target audience before creating the logo and lettering in relation to marketing. This is because different age groups react differently to a variety of logo and lettering especially as so much is misrepresented by a variety of gangs and others using such material inappropriately. Therefore, if one can define the brand name, logo and lettering and present same to a marketing research review panel or the like, one may be able to gain a better understanding of which audience one needs to direct their product or service to in order to create the most sales. Still, if one can communicate the use of their product or service clearly, establish trust within the community, be that locally or globally, aim marketing at the right audience, build a base of buyers and customer loyalty and offer great customer service, then one is on their way to not only creating and advertising an excellent brand but selling one as well. Therefore, when looking for steps in building a brand, there are many steps which one can complete to help make the creation of such brand an easier task. These include, knowing your audience, building your brand, finding a great logo and lettering to represent same, targeting the appropriate audience and placing a number of ads in as many online and offline advertising venues one can find. For, after doing so, one may just find that they are selling even more products and services than one had ever dreamed possible.
  • 4. Brand Positioning - Definition and Concept Brand positioning refers to “target consumer’s reason to buy your brand in preference to others. It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and delivered by the brand’s benefits/reasons to buy; and it focusses at all points of contact with the consumer. Brand positioning must make sure that:  Is it unique/distinctive vs. competitors  Is it significant and encouraging to the niche market  Is it appropriate to all major geographic markets and businesses  Is the proposition validated with unique, appropriate and original products  Is it sustainable - can it be delivered constantly across all points of contact with the consumer  Is it helpful for organization to achieve its financial goals  Is it able to support and boost up the organization 1. In order to create a distinctive place in the market, a niche market has to be carefully chosen and a differential advantage must be created in their mind. Brand positioning is a medium through which an organization can portray its customers what it wants to achieve for them and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms customer’s views and opinions. 2. Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customer’s mind. Brand Positioning involves identifying and determining points of similarity and difference to ascertain the right brand identity and to create a proper brand image. 3. Brand Positioning is the key of marketing strategy. A strong brand positioning directs marketing strategy by explaining the brand details, the uniqueness of brand and it’s similarity with the competitive brands, as well as the reasons for buying and using that specific brand. Positioning is the base for developing and increasing the required knowledge and perceptions of the customers. It is the single feature that sets your service apart from your competitors. For instance- Kingfisher stands for youth and excitement. It represents brand in full flight.
  • 5. 1. Aim to make your brand the first name that consumers mention during a recall test. This is important because your brand must also be the first name that consumers recall when they are making a purchasing decision online or in a store. Brands that achieve this position are described as "front of mind" and have a strong competitive advantage. Success in a brand recall test is a measure of the effectiveness of your marketing activities. If your brand achieves a low position in a test, modify your marketing program to focus on activities such as advertising to raise awareness. 2. Brand Recognition Goals 3. Brand recognition tests measure the effectiveness of different marketing decisions you have made, such as choosing one logo design over another or using certain images in your advertising. Researchers show an advertisement, a logo or a brand name and ask consumers if they recognize it or have seen it before. For example, consumers may report that they recognize a brand as one that they saw in an advertisement or a store display. The goal for this test is to achieve high levels of recognition. The results of the test can help you to refine the content or design of your marketing communications so that you improve recognition levels and improve the return on your marketing expenditure. 4. Social Media Goals 5. Tracking your brand’s following in social media is another useful measure of brand awareness. By measuring the number of your brand’s followers on media such as Twitter or Facebook, you can monitor the growth or decline in levels of interest. An important goal is to increase the level of exposure you achieve in social media.
  • 6. 3 Steps for Building a Brand Awareness Strategy with Great ROI Building a strong brand awareness strategy isn’t just a great idea — a solid strategy helps you directly impact your company’s bottom line sales figures. A great brand awareness strategy requires a multi-faceted approach to improving brand engagement with past, current, and future customers. In a world where 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated, it is incredibly important that brands establish a loyal following of active customers. To truly understand if your brand awareness marketing tactics have actually converted loyal followers into active customers, marketers need to first undertake three important steps: Step 1: Segment Branding Efforts to Target Highly Specific Audiences In a similar fashion to direct response marketing campaigns, brand awareness strategies should continue to focus on capturing the attention of current customers. These customers can be identified as those individuals whom have shown an interest by visiting the company website, reading company announcements, or otherwise indicated intent to purchase. To make the most of branding efforts, marketers should focus their attention on the brand's identified target market. Through increased efforts marketers can increase brand-awareness to a larger, more qualified audience. Audiences can be found online via the brand website or through direct targeting on the right social media networks at the right time. Step 2: Use Search Result Retargeting to Establish Strong Brand Recall Retargeted ads are a type of digital display ad that “retargets” a user who has visited your website or interacted with a digital asset. Using digital retargeting, especially in display ads, can stimulate brand recall and encourage prospects to come back to your site. There are four general ways that you can use retargeting to establish stronger brand recall amongst current and prospective customers:  Retarget individuals with a preliminary brand awareness.  Retarget people who have previously visited your site.  Focus on people who have opened an email.  Track users who have searched for your product by name.
  • 7. Step 3: Make Social Customer Engagement a Priority Did you know that in 2014 92 percent of marketers agreed that social media was important for their business? However, only 72 percent of marketers use social media to develop loyal fans. Instead of sitting passively by while fans come to your brand's social media accounts, you will need to proactively search for your targeted (soon to be loyal) audience. In 2015 and beyond, success on social media networks will require marketers to take a proactive, rather than reactive, stance. Being proactive can help you to increase brand awareness in your audience and the ROI of your social media marketing. Social media listening tools and referral program software can help you be proactive in your social media marketing efforts. By being proactive you can:  Build a better brand experience for customers.  Improve prospective customer engagement levels.  Help prospective customers become loyal brand followers.  Engage in a dual conversation between your past, present, and future customers.  Turn leads into profitable sales. Your Brand Awareness Strategy Can Lead to Greater ROI With the above three steps in mind, it is easy to see how a solid brand awareness strategy, coupled with active data collection and analysis, can lead to an increase in a brand's marketing ROI. Targeting highly-specific audiences can result in improved engagement, increased brand loyalty, and a higher number of direct sales, and creating strong brand recall in past, current, and prospective customers can lead to improved brand engagement. Finally, making social customer engagement a priority can help brands actively find loyal brand ambassadors who are interested in telling their vast networks about their favorite brand. In short, with dedication and strategic targeting, building a brand awareness strategy can result in an increased ROI.
  • 8. BRAND MANAGEMENT According to Nilson, competitiveness is the key to business success, and strong brands can make the difference between success and failure. A brand is often a company’s most valuable asset because it provides customers with a way of recognising and specifying a particular product if they want to choose it again or recommend it to others. A brand also enables marketers to develop specific images and interrelated marketing strategies for a particular product. Establishing brand value begins with creating brand awareness. Brand-related marketing activities should therefore focus on building brand awareness. This can be achieved by following the stages in the strategic brand management process. Strategic brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programmes and activities to build measure and manage brand equity. IDENTIFYING AND ESTABLISHING BRAND POSITIONING AND VALUES The strategic brand management process begins with the identification and establishment of the position of the brand. Marketers can only identify and establish brand positioning and value if they, firstly, determine customer-based brand equity , and secondly, establish brand positioning and values . Step 1: Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values Step 2: Planning and implementing brand marketing programmes Step 3: Measuring and interpreting brand performance Step 4: Growing and sustaining brand equity
  • 9. COMPANY PROFILE Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd. Industry Health Insurance Founded 2007 Key people Mr. Antony Jacob Products Health insurance, Accident insurance, Travel insurance Number of employees 2,200 (as of September 2016) Parent Apollo Hospitals and Munich Health
  • 10. Website Apollo Munich Health Insurance HISTORY OF APOLLO MUNICH Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd. is a private sector health insurance company in India. Founded on 8 August 2007, it is a joint venture between the Apollo Hospitals group and Munich Health, one of the three business segments of Munich Re; a leading reinsurance company based in Germany. Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Limited was previously known as Apollo DKV Insurance Company Limited. The company started as a joint venture between Apollo Group of Hospitals and DKV AG, Europe's largest private health insurer (Deutsche Krankenversicherung AG) on the 8th of August, 2007. Apollo DKV started on a journey to re-define the health insurance sector in India. The stake holding of the two companies were in the ratio of 74:26 (Apollo Group of Hospitals—DKV AG). About the promoters: DKV, with its headquarters in Cologne, Germany, was the market leader in Europe and one of the top 5 health insurance providers in the world. The company was represented across Europe and Asia. Since DKV was a part of the ERGO Group, it was a part of Munich Re Group, one of the world’s largest re-insurers. Apollo Group of Hospitals is the largest healthcare provider in Asia. The group changed the way healthcare was perceived in the nation. Apollo Hospitals brought many modern medical techniques which were previously not available in the country. This gave Indians the chance to get world-class treatment without having to leave the country. Branding and Positioning of Apollo DKV: Apollo DKV changed the focus of the market and customers from ‘curative’ to ‘preventive’ healthcare. The brand identity of Apollo DKV, in the form of the joyful and healthy man, depicted the innovative stand of the company. Since Apollo DKV started on the journey with the prime aim of helping people stay healthy regardless of medical care expenses, the ‘Happy Man’ also illustrated the company’s ‘Let’s Stay Healthy’ philosophy. Apollo DKV was the only health insurance provider in the country that was backed by an integrated healthcare group and one of the largest pure health insurance providers in the international market. The mission of the company was to constantly provide customers with innovative healthcare solutions to meet their healthcare needs.
  • 11. Products launched by Apollo DKV: Apollo DKV launched a number of health insurance products, which are till date, among the best medical insurance policies in the nation. The plans launched by Apollo DKV were:  Easy Health Individual Health Insurance Plan  Easy Health Family Health Insurance Plan  Insure Health  Maxima  Easy Travel Insurance Plan  Personal Accident Insurance Plan Apollo DKV to Apollo Munich: In December 2009, Apollo DKV was renamed as Apollo Munich Health Insurance. The company continues to bring out innovative products. Apollo Munich offers a large number of customer care services to help people stay healthy and fit always. The journey of uncomplicating health insurance in the country has just begun and has a long way to go. Request A Call Back
  • 12. About Max Bupa Max Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited is an Indian assurance firm and a joint venture between Max India Limited and Bupa Finance plc UK, established for the purpose of carrying on health insurance in business in India. The company is incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 with its registered office in New Delhi, with 11 branch offices across India. The firm offers health insurance products to individuals as well as corporations. Max India Limited is a multi-business corporate provider of private healthcare. It includes a life insurance subsidiary Max Life Insurance, a joint venture between Max India and the Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group of Japan; a healthcare company, Max Healthcare; and a Clinical Research business, Max Neeman, a fully owned subsidiary. From its past, Max India continues its interest in manufacture of Specialty Products for the packaging industry. The British United Provident Association Limited (Bupa) is the parent company of the Bupa Group. As such it has no shareholders and all of its surpluses are re-invested back into the various businesses. The Bupa Group offers health insurance to customers around the world and specialises in health insurance and aged care. Bupa Group has more than 10 million customers in over 190 countries. Bupa Group provides health insurance cover for individuals, families and companies. It is the largest private medical insurer in the UK.