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Boys And Autism Essay
What makes you, you? Think of key features about yourself that describe who you are and what things make you special. Now, think of life without
any problems at all, sounds too good to be true life will constantly be a rocky road but it's manageable just like autism. Autism is a bio–neurological
developmental disability. In most cases of autism it is found before three years of age. Autism affects the development of the brain, not so much that the
big thing of mush doesn't grow but people, and kids who have autism struggle with social interactions the most along with many other things, but
autism spectrum disorder is found in 1 and 68 children, boys are a lot more likely to get autism it was stated that the boys are 4x more likely to get it ...
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People with PDD–NOS usually have fewer and milder symptoms than those with autistic disorder. The symptoms might cause only social and
communication challenges. ( ) When I watched the documentary on autism and really focused on
the kids i see everyday I noticed they constantly need reassurance and if you don't answer a right away they'll make it known that you need to
answer it. Or one student i know, if he does something wrong he will constantly says "i don't know" or It wasn't me" he can never be wrong,
Another student will admit to his mistakes and try to fix what he did wrong. In my school students have an IEP and IEP is an Individualized
Educational Plan this helps students from kindergarten till they graduate create a plan and help them grow and succeed. Once they do graduate they
don't have an IEP anymore but most schools will give them papers to continue to have a plan. Autism has no known cure but once it is diagnosed at
an early age kids and parents should seek intervention, it'll help the child to grow and become stronger and face their
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Infantile Autism Essay
What is Autism? Did you know, according to CCN, about sixty–eight children has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? ASD, also known as autism, is a
brain disorder that interferes with a person's behavior and/or interactions with others. The word "autism," which has been in use for about 100 years,
comes from the Greek word "autos," meaning "self." The term describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction –– hence, an
isolated self (WedMD). Autism itself is often called "autistic disorder", "childhood autism", or "infantile autism". "It appears in infancy and early
childhood, causing delay in many basic actions that develops at that time, such as learning to talk, ... Show more content on ...
The word "Autism" was first used in 1908 to describe schizophrenia, a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally, people who were
self–absorbed or cocky. In 1943, Dr. Leo Kenner was the first to used Autism for kids who were highly intelligent but did not want to interact with
others, he called this "early infantile autism." In 1950, Bruno Bettelhiem, a child development specialist, viewed autism was being caused by
emotionally cold and distanced mothers. This became known as the "Refrigerator Mother Theory". The Refrigerator Mother Theory is when a
mother does not interact, or play, with the child at all, causing the child to be "fridged"( David E. Simpson, J.J. Hanley, and Gordon Quinn in the
film "History of Autism Blame"). In 1987, The DSM ( Dianostic and Statistical Manual of Matal Disorders) replaced "infantile autism" with "autism
disorder". Around this time, researchers used to think the cause of autism was due to bad parenting. Not only that, the federal government made
autism a special education category. This allowed public schools to start knowing children with autism and offer them special services. Some children
would be sent to foster care to see if they would recover back then, By this time, many researchers were convinced that "the basic reasons were to be
found in neurological disturbances, sometimes combined with hereditary illnesses like tuberous sclerosis, metabolic disturbances like PKU or
chromosomal aberrations such as fragile X–chromosome"(Certec). In 1994, the National Alliance for Autism Research and Cure Autism Now raised
awareness about ASD. Later on that year, researchers began to believe that the cause of autism was due to mercury in vaccines. This lead to vaccine
makers to stop making "thimerosal, a vaccine that is made of mainly mercury. In 2001, the National Institute of Health could not find
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Emotional Therapy
When a child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the parents face numerous questions about what that means for their child's life. With
a growing prevalence rate of ASD, many parents face the similar struggle in determining what type of treatment will provide the best outcomes for
their child. Two popular treatment choices are applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and skills training. According to the National Institute of Mental
Health (2017), ASD is a group of developmental disorders that impacts 1 in 68 children and includes "a spectrum" of symptoms, skills, and levels of
disability. Individuals with ASD may face challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, language and communication, and learn differently than...
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They hypothesized that the behavioral treatment group would have better outcomes after one year when compared to those in an equally intensive,
eclectic special education treatment group. The study consisted of 25 children age four to seven who had a diagnosis of childhood autism from both the
Autism Diagnostic Interview and an independent child clinical psychologist within six months of the start of the study. All participants had an IQ at or
above 50 on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised (WPPSI–R) and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development–Revised
(BSID–R). A person in the field of ASD research, who was independent of the study, then assigned the children to either the behavioral treatment or
eclectic treatment. Both groups received treatment in public elementary schools and were assigned to a special education teacher and at least one aide.
The groups averaged 28.52 hours per week of treatment at school. The children assigned to the behavioral treatment had an emphasis on the
"implementation of experimentally validated teaching approaches based on operant conditioning principles such as shaping, chaining, discrimination
training, and contingency management," (Eikeseth et al., 2002). In the eclectic treatment, children received individualized intervention that utilized
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems
in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The term "spectrum" inautism spectrum
disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. ( Autism Spectrum disorder is a broad name for other diagnosis such as
Asperger's Syndrome, Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Asperger Syndrome (AS) sometimes called high functioning
Autism, is part of a unique group of neurodevelopment disorders, all complex. Those affected by it suffer social impairment, difficulty ... Show more
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The way they interact, and talk is not like everyone else. Deficits among social behavior or social understanding result in difficulty to understand
other's feelings, inappropriate body language and gestures, and difficulty to make friends their same age. Speech and language comprehension is
another struggle. Symptoms of this may include speaking in an abnormal tone of voice, does not understand simple questions or statements and doesn't
pick up on sarcasm or humor, taking everything seriously. They also deal with restricted behavior and play this includes repetitive body movements
such as, hand flapping, spinning, rocking. They may also have odd ways of moving, clumsiness and has a strong need for same day routines and
schedules. Change is not often accepted. Learning and school is another difficult struggle for
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Asd Diagnoses
As research into autism spectrum disorders has increased over recent years and this has resulted in changes to the way that American psychiatry
diagnoses autism spectrum disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is used by clinicians as a guide to diagnoses of mental health
illnesses and since its first publication in 1930's it has been updated every 20 years, and these updates reflect on new research and discoveries.
In 2013 DSM–5 was published and the information within this publication has changed greatly in relation to possible ASD diagnoses. DSM–5 has
removed the indicators of cognitive delay and language delay from diagnoses, and that they are in fact markers of intellectual impairment, which 40%
of children with an ASD ... Show more content on ...
Asperger's and PDD–NOS have been removed from DSM–5, they are now under the same diagnoses of ASD. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, a
condition where children hit all developmental milestones for the first two to four years of life, sometimes lose the communication skills, non–verbal
skills, play and social skills that they have developed, is now diagnosed as ASD.
Rett's Syndrome (once under the ASD umbrella) a condition only observed in female children to date, and is characterised by normal language and
social development until the child is aged between one and four years old, which results in loss of all skills gained and then ultimately needing care
24 hours a day, has been removed from the ASD umbrella.
A new disorder has been added to the DSM–5 and this is: social communication disorder. Children with this disorder will have continuous difficulties in
the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication. They have difficulties with pragmatics the unspoken, subtle rules of spoken language that allow
people to connect. They don't always understand the art of two–way conversation. Some of them monopolize conversations or interrupt a lot. Others
may hesitate to talk at all.
It is thought that the updated diagnostic criteria are clearer and simpler for those diagnosing resulting in suitable and correct diagnoses being given to
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Learning Disability And Disorder ( Autism )
Learning Disability/Disorder A learning disability or disorder is a term used for various learning complications. Individuals who have to cope with a
learning disability are not dumb or lazy, in fact, they are just as smart, or in some cases, smarter, than individuals without any disability. The only
different thing between the two is that an individual with a disability has their brain wired somewhat different and this affects the way they receive and
process information. This means that they see, hear, and understand things in a different way. This leads to trouble while learning new information and
putting it to practice. Reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and reasoning are the areas that are most affected by these learning... Show more
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Finding the treatment that addresses the needs of the individual is far more important than deciding what to call the "problem."
There are many categories of autism, hence the reason why it is called autism spectrum, but the three most common are Autism, Asperger's Syndrome,
and Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD–NOS). These three categories share many of the same symptoms, but they
differentiate in the severity and impact it has on each individual. Autism, is the most severe in the whole spectrum, followed by Asperger's Syndrome
and PDD–NOS. Autism is often referred as autistic disorder, Asperger's Syndrome as high–functioning autism, and PDD–NOS as atypical autism.
According to the Autism Spectrum Resource Center, only 20% of individuals on the autism spectrum have classic autism, while the rest fall under the
milder range. Since the autism spectrum disorders share many similar symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, particularly in the
early stages.
Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of the autism spectrum disorders include problems with social skills, language and speech, as well as
restriction in activities and interests. However, there are enormous differences when it comes to the severity and patterns of behavior. When
diagnosing a problem in speech and language, one may find a delay in learning how to talk or not talking
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 PDD
During planning and designing process of the game there were some requirements that did not make into the final version. These can be found in my
PDD and these were the original ideas that I wanted to implement for my game, but due to unforeseeable reasons and time I had to cut these
requirements from the final version of game. Hence, some compromises were made and the current is somewhat different from what I envision at
beginning though the core aspect of the game still remains intact, which is to make a topdown shooter game. Here are the objectives stated in the PDD
that weren't implemented in the final version:
During the initial design I did plan for some sort of pop up items (e.g. turret, power ups) in the game where it will temporary boast the player stats
(e.g. increasing the player health) or spawn a companion (e.g. friendly turret) to assist player with their predicament. This design was influenced by
other games in this genre where multiple items are spawned in the game world to assist player and it is the most used formula in most games, as it
allows player to adapt new strategies. At the beginning I did thought it will play a key role in the game but late on when I revisited my design again I
thought it might make the game more complicated, plus I was behind the schedule so I dropped from my objectives as given the time and its
importance it wasn't ... Show more content on ...
Though late I dropped from the requirements due to limited technical solution and time as the prototype that I made did not worked properly and the
time was running out so I had to drop from the game. Also, reason been that it did not affect the overall functionality and I wanted the project to be as
simple as possible for easier
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Mary Ainsworth Attachment Theory
This essay aims to analyse the topics of attachment and emotional development in relation to our understanding of developmental disorders. It will start
outlining what developmental disorders are (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder etc.) and then it will introduce
Theory of Mind and the False–belief task's critique, John Bowlby's hypothesis, Mary Ainsworth's attachment theory and Strange Situation experiment
and their critiques. Finally it will discuss the relevance of these studies for the assessment of the cited disorders.
In psychology the term PDD, or "pervasive development disorders", refers to a group of conditions that are present from early life and persist into
adulthood. They indicate serious cognitive
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Research Paper On Rett's Syndrome
Rett's syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the gradual loss of purposeful hand movements and development of characteristic,
stereotypical hand movements (hand– wringing or hand – washing movements); loss of previously acquired speech; psychomotor retardation; ataxia;
truncal apraxia; deceleration of head circumference; and autistic symptoms. These characterizations start to appear in a normally developed child after
6 months to 48 months of age170.
In the past, RS has been generally associated with autistic syndrome, but recently it has been identified as a genetic disorder with a mutation on the
X–chromosome. However, RS is now classified in the category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (according to the DSM–IV–TR)
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Autism Essay
Autism is characterized as a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interactions, nonverbal and verbal communication, and restricted and
repetitive behavior. On a global scale, autism was estimated to affect 21.7 million people in 2013, and the number continues to rise as time persists.
Children are often diagnosed while they are infants, usually in the first two years of life, when parents notice odd behaviors such as assembling toys
or stacking of objects. It is not yet well understood how autism occurs, but we do know that autism affects information processing in the brain by
changing the way nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize. Autism is one of the three disorders that make up the Autism Spectrum, the
second is
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Asperger's Syndrome Essay
Asperger's syndrome, which is also referred to as Asperger's disorder, is a type of Persuasive Developmental Disorder. Persuasive Developmental
Disorder or PDD are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of basic skills, the most recognizable of these skills is the ability to
communicate and socialize with others as well as use their own imagination. Although Asperger's syndrome is similar in some ways to autism, there are
important differences between the two. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically function higher than those children with autism. In addition to
them being higher functioning; children with Asperger's syndrome generally have normal intelligence and slightly less than normal language
development. Hans... Show more content on ...
Problems with social skills include difficulty interacting with others, are often awkward in social situations, and have difficulty starting and
maintaining a conversation. Individuals with Asperger's syndrome may develop odd, repetitive movements, such as hand twitching or finger
twisting. They might also develop unusual rituals, such as getting dressed in a specific order, and are resistant to change the ritual. Some
communication difficulties people with Asperger's syndrome may exhibit are, not being able to make eye contact when speaking with someone,
trouble using facial expressions and gestures, and understanding body language. They also have a tendency to misunderstand language in context
and are very literal in their use of language. Individuals could express limited range of interests; they could develop an almost obsessive interest in a
few areas, such as weather, topics in school, or sports. Many individuals with Asperger's syndrome are exceedingly gifted or skilled in a particular
area, such as history or science. The coordination of individuals with Asperger's syndrome may seem clumsy or awkward. There is no cure for
Asperger's syndrome but early diagnosis and treatment helps individuals to develop to their full potential. The principal goal of treatment is to improve
the overall ability of an individual to function. Behavioral therapy uses positive reinforcement, self–help, and social skills therapy to improve behavior
and communication. Medicines are most commonly used to treat problem behaviors, such as anxiety, obsessive–compulsive behavior or OCD,
hyperactivity, and
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The Documentary On How These Individuals Are Affected By...
Summary of the documentary on how these individuals are affected by how they live with ADS and the challenged on how to live in a "normal
societies". Throughout the film, most of the adults were just figuring out that there's is something wrong with them, as the other individuals diagnosed
as young age. The documentary mention about treatments like medicine, they discussed on how they live with this for many years, or how they acted
from friends and family. These individuals on how they think or try to speak are unbelievable because people try to write them off as stupid and they
not average humans.
Neurotypical, which is a film on ASD, shows the signs of the dysfunction and the insights on how these individuals live in their daily ... Show more
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How people are changing these individuals lives because they are not thinking the same as regular people. Some of these individuals did not put on
any medication to calm themselves down. The families and the individuals have a hard time to deal with ASD. However, they deal with it in the best
way they can.
Reaction to the film based on how these individual were adults and how they defined ASD, one married her husband had said his wife, and her mother
have it and they deal with it fine like anyone else would, he also had mentioned DSM–5 and how to be on the other side of the spectrum. These
individuals seem to live an ordinary life, people cannot even tell that these families have challenges or anything that comes to light.
Viewing this documentary, opinions of this individual with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) did, in fact, change the opinion of who they are. ASD
can start from when they were born to a mature adult. This film presented lessons on how families and the individuals have gone through a daily
lifestyle. One lesson that shown in the movie is that they understand going on however it may take the time to process through their brains.
My late cousin on my father's side, he has a son who is Autistic. I know little about his son due to family conflict. However, when I saw my cousin,
he would explain how his son is doing and that he is in a special school for students like him to get the help by individuals. However, I have not seen
my cousin son since, my
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The Characters Of Autism In The Movie Rain Man
In the 1988 movie Rain Man, Charlie Babbitt, a self–centered car dealer world is turned upside down after discovering he has an autistic older brother.
When Charlie learned that his father died and bequeathed all his money to the mental institution in which Raymond (his older brother) lives, Charlie
takes Raymond out of the facility in hopes of getting his share of the money. Along the way, Charlie is no longer driven by money. He wants to be
involved in Raymond's life as much as possible. The disability that Raymond has is autism. According to kkdkdkdkdkd, "Autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) refers to a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with
social communication and interaction. The symptoms are present from early childhood and affect daily functioning.."
/Disorders/Patient–Caregiver–Education/Fact–Sheets/Autism–Spectrum–Disorder–Fact–Sheet "autistic savant"–one who combines certain deficiencies
in social interaction, language and sensory processing with extraordinary abilities in math and memory–the film helped establish the "savant" as a
misleading stereotype for all individuals on the autism spectrum
Some ways in which autism was portrayed in this movie was Raymond's lack of social skills. He never makes eye contact, hates being touched, and
responds yes to everything. This can be seen when Charlie went to hug Raymond after winning all the money at
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How Autism Has Changed My Life
Every single day in my life I think about the person who has probably changed my life completely: my brother. I can truly say that if he had not
been around this whole time, I would probably have been a totally different person that I am today. I believe having a relative who has autism can
really change your perspective about life. My whole life I have asked myself what would have been of this life if he had the chance of having one,
how could he maybe behave differently, communicate, socialize with people, what kind of things we could have done together. I think having a
disorder like this, it is a limitation, however, we must try to live the best dealing with this. Because they are not in this alone, we are all in this together
supporting... Show more content on ...
This specific type of pervasive developmental disorder differs from childhood autism either in age of onset or in failing to fulfil all three sets of
diagnostic criteria. This subcategory should be used when there is abnormal and impaired development that is present only after age three years, and a
lack of sufficient demonstrable abnormalities in one or two of the three areas of psychopathology required for the diagnosis of autism. Some of the
abnormalities are reciprocal social interactions, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour in spite of characteristic abnormalities
in the other area(s). "Atypical autism arises most often in profoundly retarded individuals and in individuals with a severe specific developmental
disorder of receptive language" (Research Autism,
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Leo Kanner's Description About Autism Autistic...
Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. Autism is usually known as a people who have abnormalities development and can be called as autism
disorder. The developmental problems that occur make them quite different from a normal human being. Their think and feel the environment
differently to other people. Different autism has different disabilities. Some autism cannot speak and some may have fairly limited speech. Different
autism needs different level of support. They needs attention and support more than normal person. This was important so they will feel their life more
Leo Kanner was the first person that identified about autism. His description about autism 'Autistic disturbances of effective contract' was published in
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Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
Currently there are several different types of therapies, dietary regimens, and other interventions available to the families of children who have been
diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, only one set of techniques has been thoroughly researched enough to show unequivocally
how efficacious the results have been for almost forty years. The principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have been applied in several
settings and have shown remarkable results. The positive treatment results have helped improve the lives of children who are diagnosed with ASD as
well the lives of their families and caregivers. This paper will explore the beginnings of ABA therapy and track the progress of current research has
made ... Show more content on ...
Difficulty developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships. Restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities and
inflexible adherence to routines.
The DSM also specifies that these symptoms must be exist in the child's early developmental period and must produce "clinically significant"
impairment for the individual in social, occupational, or other important areas of daily functioning. Failing to create normal social relationships can
have detrimental long–term effects, so it is important to assess an individual for a developmental disability as soon as possible. The sooner a diagnosis
can be made, the sooner treatment can begin. Many studies have found that the sooner a child received therapy, the better their long–term results were
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Children With Autism : A Growing Concern For Parents,...
Autism has become a growing concern for parents, teachers, and doctors around the world. The need for new therapeutic techniques and strategies has
prompted the world of science to help find answers and new ways to engage individuals with autism. Professionals such as speech therapists,
behavioral therapists, and teachers have begun to explore the use of robots to help children with autism learn new social and communication skills.
These specialized robots are programmed to aid in the development of pragmatics, one of the most common challenges for children with autism.
Through the use of robots, therapists are seeing marked improvement in the language and social skills of their clients.
Introduction: Most children are eager communicators who are determined to engage their world and the people within it. Social interaction and
communication lay the foundation for learning, and help children build important life skills that are critical for development. When a child is affected
by autism, these skills are usually greatly diminished, and the development of the child becomes delayed. As the number of children diagnosed with
Autism increases, so does the need for new therapeutic strategies and techniques for intervention. Speech therapists have been turning to technology to
help their clients communicate since the invention of the first AAC device. Individuals with autism typically prefer to
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Autism Spectrum Analysis
Autism can be a mysterious topic, with a black box of information scientists have been trying to open for years. But today, people know a lot more
about the inner workings of ASD. Some interesting facts and statistics are that the most obvious signs of autism occur at a very young age, usually 2–3
years old, and 1 in every 68 children have been diagnosed with it (What is autism?). The cause of this disorder is found in the brain, where their mind
map is scrambled. This means that there are abnormalities in the cerebellum, brain stem, limbic system, and frontal cortex (Albano). In addition, the
word autism comes from the greek word 'autos', which means 'self.' This is due to the fact that autistic people seem "self absorbed" (Autism Spectrum...
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Their actions are described in area one: but the causes of these social behaviors are harder to find out. It is known that when they're pushed beyond the
limits, or have overloaded senses, they can–in a way–start to ignore the world around them. Albano describes Grandin's own personal experience on
this same topic, saying, "I pulled away when people tried to hug me, because being touched sent an overwhelming tidal wave of stimulation through my
body...when noise and sensory over–stimulation became too intense, I was able to shut off my hearing and retreat into my own world." There's a
possibility that another reason why autistic people have foreign reactions is that their vision might be distorted. While autistic humans are certainly
nowhere near being blind–otherwise they wouldn't be visual learners–they do feel objects a lot, to understand what the boundaries are in our complex
world (Albano). As has been said, people with autism don't understand things like puns and metaphors. This is because they "like logic" and when
things are cogent. Jeff Hudale claims to like numbers, "namely math computations," which is common in autistic people, especially those with
Asperger's. This is because of that logical thinking. It is also why social interactions are such a struggle for people with autism: There are no rules
applied (Hamilton). Since it's so hard to communicate, autistic people try to say what they mean in other ways. To illustrate, when someone with ASD
starts having a meltdown, one can try to find the source of their upset mood, therefore understanding what's bothering them without the person even
having to explain 'what's wrong.' The result is an outburst instead. Every action for autistic people is a form of communication that they can't say with
words. It may only be a small inkling of what they mean, but if one notices something that usually happens before a
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The First Three Years Of Life
Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. This is the result of a neurological disorder that
affects the functioning of the brain.
Autism is four more times prevalent in boys than girls. Autism shows no racial, ethnic or social boundaries. Family income, lifestyle and educational
levels do not affect the chance of autism's occurrence. Autism and its associated behaviors have been estimated to occur in as many and one in 500
individuals. In this essay, I will discuss the signs and symptoms of autism, types of autism, the diagnosis of autism and studies done on autism.
Autism affects the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction and communication ... Show more content on ...
Although a specific cause is not known, current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain. In many families, there
appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities. This suggests that there is a genetic basis to the disorder. Buty there has been no gene linked
directly to autism. The genetic basis is believed by researchers to be highly complex, probably involving several genes in combination.
Autism is not a mental illness. Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Autism is not cause by bad parenting. These are
just some of the several theories that are false about the cause of autism. They have been proven false. Furthermore, no known psychological factors in
the development of the child have been shown to cause autism.
An accurate diagnosis must be based on observation of the individual's communication, developmental levels and behavior. Because many of the
behaviors associated with autism are shared by other disorders, various medical tests may be ordered to rule out or identify other possible causes of the
symptoms being exhibited.
Because the characteristics of autism vary so much, a child should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team which may include a neurologist,
developmental pediatrician, pshycologist, learning consultant, speech/language therapist or another knowledgeable professional about autism. In some
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Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study
Autism affects one in every forty five children in the United States (Autism Speaks 2015). Autism is an extremely broad behavioral disorder that
affects a person's social and communication skills. Each autistic person's case is different. Although Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) cause a daily
struggle, it is immensely possible for a person with autism to live an ordinary life. My first cousin Dawson Dabbs has struggled with autism since he
was three years old. However, he was not correctly diagnosed with autism until he was seven years of age. He was misdiagnosed originally by one
doctor with moderate to severe Asperger's syndrome with an acute sensory processing disorder. He was considered by the doctors to be a late onset
patient which ... Show more content on ...
Each autistic child is different, and they all have differing characteristics. Each student needs an individualized education program (IEP). An IEP is
a document that writes out the specific needs of the student and how the needs will be met. It is crucial for a child with autism to have an IEP. A
parent of a child with autism needs to learn how to support the child, and the parent should make sure the child is motivated and comfortable in
school (Autism Speaks). The IEP is what will help give the child a great school experience, and it help them stay more calm during class. It is critical
that the school staff is cooperative in aiding children through their education. It is very important to make sure the child has the correct support
systems in school and feel as comfortable as possible (Autism Speaks). A child with autism may face other challenges throughout their educational
years which most definitely include bullying. It has been found that sixty three percent of 1,167 children have been bullied at some time in their life
(Autism Speaks). For an autistic child, detecting that they are being bullied may be difficult because of their social deficits (NATTAP Partners 2008).
For children who do not understand they are being bullied it is best to talk to them as honestly as possible and contact the school for support. Children
with autism need a vast amount of
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
Over the past 40 years, the rate at which diagnoses for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occur has seen a dramatic growth in numbers. With
diagnoses for ASD increasing, more siblings are also being found to have grown up with a sister or brother with autism spectrum disorder. Previous
studies have shown no consensus on whether or not siblings of persons with ASD are at risk for negative effects. However, patterns of anxiety among
these siblings are being examined to see if characteristics of a child with autism spectrum disorder and their parents can predict anxiety. Anxiety
disorders are one of the most common psychological disorders found in childhood and research has shown that they can have a negative impact on a
child's current and future development if left untreated (Cartwright–Hatton et al. 2006; Johnson et al. 2000; Visu–Petra et al. 2010; Vitiello and
Waslick 2010). About 80% of children with high–functioning autism spectrum disorder have one or more concurrent anxiety disorders (de Bruin et al.,
2007). Research suggests that they may be a link between anxiety disorders and impairments in daily living skills (Drahota et al., 2010). Anxiety does
not just put children with ASD at risk but also has an impact on family members as well.
In a study done by Shivers, Deisenroth, & Taylor (2013), they hypothesized that siblings of individuals with ASD would have higher rates of anxiety
than normal and from these siblings, girls would have higher levels of anxiety than boys
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Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study
The recent rise in the diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorders, or ASDs, is alarming parents and doctors alike, and has also given rise to the
question of why the rates of diagnoses are increasing. There are many hypotheses on why the Autism rates have been increasing, and they range
from the availability of better medical care and the knowledge of the early warning signs, to what a child eats during its early years and
environmental toxins. There are also many who believe that diagnosing a child at an early age is beneficial, and others who believe that an early
diagnoses could hinder a child from reaching their full potential due to a 'label'. Autism Spectrum Disorders are a serious matter, often involving the
need for specialized medical ... Show more content on ...
In her study, Lily Hong explains that "infant formula is not an equivalent substitution for breast milk" (Hong et al. 279). Formula is not the same as
breast milk because formula is "static" as described by Hong, whereas breast milk is constantly changing throughout the day as well as changing as the
child's needs change (Hong et al. 279). Hong also explains that formulas made for preemies contain more vitamins than recommended for infants born
at term. She calls these formulas "super–fortified" and that these formulas can have significant negative effects on an infant's neural system and on the
absorption of other essential nutrients. On the other hand, Hong disagrees with Padhye's hypothesis because she believes that breast feeding may be
the cause of the recent rise of ASDs. Hong explains that environmental pollutants have been found in the breast milk of women who live in developed
countries, such as the United States. The persistent organic pollutants or POPs, are stored in adipose tissue because the body doesn't have a use for
them. The POPs can then travel through the lymph of a breast feeding woman and can be passed into the mammary glands and then to the breast
feeding child. These POPs can cause severe developmental delays such as those seen in children diagnosed with ASDs.
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Vs Dsm-Iv
Revisions have been made to the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) between DSM– IV and DSM– V. Many of those who met the different benchmarks
for the DSM IV didn't meet it when the DSM–V was published. In the DSM–IV there were three different areas that can be diagnosed within the ASD
spectrum; Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder andPervasive Developmental Disorder (Gibbs et al., 2012). Certain symptoms were to be diagnosed
the minimum features were at least 6 in the 3 distinct areas two being from social interaction, one in communication area, the other being abnormality
(Gibbs et al., 2012) The DSM V was released in May 2013 it brought questioning and unease for many clinicians and parents. In the DSM–V it was
isolated classification ... Show more content on ...
there are also some precautions that need to take place with diagnosing one ADHD and how it is treated with psychoactive drugs. ADHD is one of the
most common diagnosis in children and its identified as a person is doesn't pay attention, hyper, and acts off of feeling immediately (American
Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is believed that there is little fashion when talking about ADHD symptoms changing over time and
neuropsychological presentation (Spring, 2011)
When talking about biological and social factors in dealing with ADHD a factor that must be paid attention to is the society the student may live in.
What also must be considered is if parenting is being down right and if what we expect of the child age appropriate. It is believed that ADHD is not
only medical but social as well (Brady,
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Research Paper On Autistic Children
Most Autistic kids have different abilities and have different thing they can not do . It is important to raise awareness for kids with Autism. Most
people do not realize how many kids are diagnosed with Autism. Autistic kids are not always the same, there are other kids diagnosed with different
types. According to Autism Speaks, "Autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development. However, the most obvious signs of autism and
symptoms of autism tend to emerge between 2 and 3 years of age" ("What Is Autism"). Autism spectrum disorder and autism are different types of
complex disorders of the brain development. These types of disorders are shown by their characteristics per person and also shown by their difficulties
in social ... Show more content on ...
"Not long ago, the answer to this question would have been "we have no idea." Research is now delivering the answers. First and foremost, we now
know that there is no one cause of autism just as there is no one type of Autism." ( Autism Speaks). Over the past five years, Scientists have found that
there was a rare number gene change that was connected with Autism. A small number of the gene that is affected by Autism is made by themselves.
Most cases of Autism has been found to be caused by a sequence of Autism risk genes and conditions affecting early brain development. The number of
non genetic and genetic or conditions can increase a child's risk of getting Autism. The verification of the Autism risks requires events that has
happened during or before birth. It involves the parents age around the time of getting pregnant including both parents, illness relating to the mother
while pregnant and difficulties while or during birth. Complications during the pregnancy or labor due to the lack of oxygen to the baby's brain. "It is
important to keep in mind that these factors, by themselves, do not cause Autism. Rather, in combination with genetic risk factors, they appear to
modestly increase risk." (Autism Speaks). A growing body of research recommend that women can lower the risk of having a baby with Autism by
taking prenatal vitamins. Searchers are now looking at the immune system in Autism kids. "Autism
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Autism In Children
The number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, commonly abbreviated as ASDs, is gradually increasing. Today, about one in
sixty–eight children have been diagnosed with one of these four disorders, which is a huge increase from one in one hundred fifty, as seen in 2000
("Data & Statistics" 1). ASDs often coincide with other developmental, psychiatric, neurological, chromosomal, and genetic diagnosis, such as an
intellectual disability, attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy, Down syndrome, or cystic fibrosis ("Data & Statistics" 1). The four
different types of ASDs are autistic disorder, also known as classicalautism, Asperger's syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise
specified (PDD–NOS), ... Show more content on ...
Behaviorally, students have a strong need for routines, develop an obsessive attachment to unusual object, such as rubber bands, have repetitive body
motions, such as hand flapping, and are constantly in motion (Hutman 4). Children with ASDs also display many sensory problems, emotional
difficulties, and delayed cognitive abilities (Hutman 5). These symptoms and difficulties affect the child's development and learning (Jurgens 1).
Children who are nonverbal do not develop social skills, while others may be delayed cognitively, have physical impairments, or have specific learning
disabilities, such as dyslexia. Despite these issues, assistive technology (AT) is available to children to help them learn in the classroom. ATs are
"defined as any device, piece of equipment or system that helps bypass, work around or compensate for an individual's specific learning deficits
(Stanberry 2). Ultimately, children diagnosed with ASDs have many technological resources to assist their learning in the classroom despite their
listening and attention, mathematical, organization, reading, writing, and verbal communication
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Asperger's Syndrome Research Paper
Asperger's Syndrome also referred to as Asperger's disorder is a type of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). (Shroff) Autism on the other hand is
a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. (Google) And according to numerous of reports, there are over
two hundred thousand to three million cases of this very public disease.
Consequently, it also poses a stark threat to not only adults but also to your children for those who will have them. As such, children who have
Asperger's are at risk for developing other conditions, such as depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. (Shroff) What has
caused me to talk of this, is what was just specified, depression has a troubling ... Show more content on ...
Again, this goes back to the consistency they both need and crave." (Smith,
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Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a frightening diagnosis for most families that can bring with it fears of an uncertain future. Support for children with
autism and their families is essential because it isn 't something that children will just grow out of. It is a life–long condition, but the right treatment,
support and care can create a positive outcome for everyone concerned.
Early diagnosis is the most important thing you can do to help your child, as it is the first step in understanding not only their weaknesses, but their
strengths as well. The more information you have, the more equipped you will be to make the best decisions for your child and create a customized
treatment plan. Try to get help as soon as you suspect that there might be something wrong, instead of waiting to see if they outgrow any problems. In
many ways, it is better to seek help even before you get an official diagnosis because early intervention is so important. Continuing to educate yourself
about autism spectrum disorder will help too, as you can become an expert on your child and their disorder.
Once you begin to have a firm handle on what is really going on, acceptance is the key. Learn your child 's common stress triggers and the best way
to keep them calm. Try to troubleshoot problems and prevent difficult situations by continuously experimenting and looking for new approaches to old
problems. Be aware of your child 's unique sensory needs as these might be over or under
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis
According to an article about ASD, the author says, "A diagnosis of ASD now includes several conditions that used to be diagnosed separately: autistic
disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD–NOS), and Asperger syndrome" ("Facts About ASD"). ASD can be called
these other diseases for the reason that their symptoms relate to one another. Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder can be very difficult. Currently, there
is no medical test used for diagnosis. For the reason that autism has many symptoms, trying to select a diagnosis is challenging ("Diagnosis, Causes &
Symptoms"). The best way to diagnosis a child with autism spectrum disorder is to observe their behavior, the way they act when they are alone and also
... Show more content on ...
Researchers are currently doing their very best in discovering a concrete diagnosis for autism. Meanwhile, there are children who are getting the
treatment they need, while there are also children going without treatment, for the reason that they have not been diagnosed. Autism spectrum disorder
is caused by the gene and chromosomal makeup of the child's DNA. There is hope in the future that scientists will find a way to try and prevent
autism and also discover a diagnosis. Meanwhile, to prevent autism, mothers need to be healthy while pregnant and avoid all the risks leading to
ASD. Children with ASD need to receive all the help that is available so that they can try and live a normal
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Services For Adults With An Autism Spectrum Disorder
I read and analyzed the following texts:
1.Services for Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder by Paul T. Shattuck, Anne M roux, Laura E Hudson, Julie Lounds Taylor, Matthew J Maenner,
Jean–Francois Trani Published October 2011
2.National Autism Indicators Report by Anne M. Roux, MPH, MA; Paul T. Shattuck, PhD, MSSW; Jessica E. Rast, MPH; Julianna A. Rava, BA;
Kristy A. Anderson, MSW. Published 2015.
3.Young Adults on theAutism Spectrum Face Tough Prospects for Jobs and Independent Living by Rachel Ewing.
Firstly, in conclusion, the central theme is explored based principally on two areas of enquiry including, the National Autism Indicators Report
additionally, the journal titled American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. It is explained in these three texts that adolescent adults on the
autism spectrum face challenges when it comes to the period of change from high school to a self–governing adult life. Furthermore, according to Dr.
Paul T. Shattuck, "Roughly 50,000 youth with autism will turn 18 years old this year" Additionally, Shattuck pointed out "So many of these young
people have the potential to work and participate in their communities. Supporting this potential will benefit everyone – the person with autism, the
family, employers and society." I read these quotes in the article titled Young Adults On the Autism Spectrum Face Tough Prospects for Jobs and
Independent Living by Ewing. Another essential point is that in a journal titled American
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Paper
The purpose of this research paper is to reflect on the understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in depths. Autism Spectrum Disorder is
categorized as a set of complex neurodevelopment disorders that accompany repetitive and specific patterns of behaviors along with difficulty with
social interaction (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes [NINDS], 2015). This research paper will discuss Autism Spectrum
Disorder in several aspects such as definition, symptoms, cause, diagnosis, treatment and relatable disorders.
One of the most compelling advances in research is that of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The growth of individuals being diagnosed with ASD
seems to increase with time. According ... Show more content on ...
But they do have core symptoms in areas such as social interaction and relationship, verbal and nonverbal communication, and limited interests in
activity and play. (WebMD, 2014). It is often common for individuals with ASD to have issues with social interaction. For example, they may have
issues with making eye contact with others or lack facial expressions. Individuals with ASD may also have a hard time understanding others emotions.
They may also have a difficult time establishing friendships. Some verbal and non–verbal communication symptoms are that they may lack or are
delayed in learning how to talking (Web MD, 2014). Research has shown that about "40% of people with autism never speak" (Volkmar FR, et al.,
2009). Another symptom that occurs is repetitive use of words or phrases. For example, they will repeat something that they may have overheard
from others. It is also problematic for individuals to intercept what others are trying to say. For example, if someone is trying to be sarcastic, they may
not understand what the individual meant or interpret it literal. Some examples of limited interest in activities and play, is that they focus on an
unusual part of an item. For example, they will focus on the rope of a yo–yo and not play with the actual toy. They may also preoccupy themselves on
a certain topic such as cars or music. One of the most common symptom of limited interest would
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Autism Ethical Practices
Historical, Legal, and (Un)Ethical Practices of Autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is becoming more and more prevalent in today's society. Accordingly, ASD has a substantial role in special
education which requires educators to gain additional knowledge and training in order to meet those needs of students in their classrooms who are
dealing with ASD. Educators in the field must be aware of the historical, legal, and ethical or unethical practices of Autism in order to gain a better
understanding of the disorder and the mental and physical impact it has on their students.
The historical aspect of Autism often focuses on the origin and the evolution of the disorder throughout history. The term "Autism" was initially used by
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Case laws that deal with Autism often argue that the needs of those with Autism are not being properly met, which has a serious influence on the
mental and physical development of the individuals with Autism. One example of a case law in unethical practices of Autism is the Amanda J. v.
Clark County case law that occurred in 2001. In this case law the parents of Amanda J. claimed that the school psychologists failed to notify them that
their child may be dealing with Autism. Furthermore, the parents claimed that during the IEP process the school failed to involve and entirely inform
them of the development of Amanda's IEP. It was also stated that during the IEP process, Amanda's mother requested copies of Amanda's evaluations
but the school failed to provide Amanda's mother with the copies of those essential forms until the first IEP meeting concluded. When the court
finalized this case law it was agreed that the school violated the requirements of the IDEA, due to the fact that they prevented Amanda's parent from
being fully included in the IEP process of their child. The court established that an appropriate IEP that accommodates the exceptional needs of the
child could not be properly developed if the individuals who are most involved in the child's life are not fully involved or able to participate in the
development of the IEP
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Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Chapter Analysis
Chapter 1 focuses on autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Described in 1943 by Dr.
Leo Kanner, autism (also known as autistic disorder, childhood autism, or infantile disorder) is one of the PDDs along with Rett's disorder, Childhood
Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) referred to as Heller's syndrome, Asperger disorder, andPervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (
PDD–NOS). Rett's is a rare genetic abnormality affecting brain development in girls. There are treatments available, but there is no known cure.
Asperger disorder affects an individual's ability to socialize and communicate effectively. Individuals with Asperger disorder may be socially awkward
and have a compulsive ... Show more content on ...
While there are many theories there is no single cause of autism. One theory assumes multiple factors interacting in complex ways (i.e. genes,
environment and brain) can cause autism. Genetics play a role but do not explain the full picture or the recent increase in reported cases. According to
Volkmar and Weisner (2009), "Identical twins have identical genes, while fraternal twins share only some genes. The implication of this finding was
that there was potentially a very strong genetic contribution in autism. A number of studies have shown that this is the case. " (p. 26). There are
medical conditions associated with autism which include, phenylketonuria, congenital rubella, tuberous sclerosis, and Fragile X. The strongest
associations are with Fragile X, a genetic condition causing intellectual disability and tuberous sclerosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form
in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart. There is no strong evidence that environmental etologies cause autism. Some researchers
assume that environmental toxins can increase the rate of autism, but evidence proposed for environmental factors is based on a case by case report
which is difficult to interpret (Volkmar & Weisner,
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Asperger's Syndrome Research Paper
Relationship between Aspergers and Autism
Autism is often described as a spectrum disorder because of the variety of ways in which it can present itself in different individuals. There is no
single known cause and because of the complexity of the disease and the fact that no two children are alike, it is very probable that there are many
causes. At this point researchers believe that these causes can include genetic errors, environmental factors, the role of the immune system and damage
to the brain that may occur during birth.
Autism Spectrum covers a wide range of psychological conditions. It is also known as Autism Spectrum disorders or ASD, Autism Spectrum Conditions
or ASC, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDDs.
Autism Spectrum ... Show more content on ...
Until that time individuals who suffered from Asperger syndrome were considered to be a bit eccentric or odd but did not have a diagnosis or
considered to be disabled.
Controversy continues to be an issue with Asperger syndrome because researchers are still focusing on whether high functioning Asperger syndrome
is really a disability or just a "difference". By categorizing this condition as different they feel that the diagnosis will be more neutral and value free
rather than describing it as an impairment or a disability. The latter may apply only to lower functioning cases of autism and should be reserved only
for those who require financial and physical support.
Individuals who suffer from Asperger syndrome and autism find their condition is difficult and leave them socially isolated and lonely. By definition
the disorder brings difficulties in socialization and communication, both for the child and the parents. It probably means fewer play dates and birthday
invitations and stares from parents in public when a child's meltdown is part of a disability and not the result of "bad
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Eassy On Autism
Autism is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as being "a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social
interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour". Autism is one of 5 Pervasive Developmental
Disorders and is a form of a bio–neurological disorder that can often be found in children before the age of 5. The other 4 Pervasive Developmental
Disorders are Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett's syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is one of the most well–known PDD that there is and is normally characterised for having an impairment on social
development and is associated with having difficulties when interacting in social situations. Autism can also be noticed as people may be have a
difficulty in understanding emotions. . Autism can lead to a delay in the skills of ... Show more content on ...
Autism is the cause of a wide wealth of difficulties that have an impact on someone's physical, intellectual, emotional and social health (P.I.E.S).
Autistic people are comparable in their symptoms as they all have a unique way of how they view, hear and feel the world. Autism can be
recognised in a variety of ways and can be characterized by finding it difficult to understand and empathise with other people. The cause of autism is
still unresolved as it was believed that vaccines and one of their ingredients, Thimerosal was the root cause of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
However, scientific studies have proved that this is not the case but there is still no tangible reason as to the cause of autism. There are many different
causes of autism that have been discovered because of the scientific research. There is a variation of scientific research to suggest that autism is called
by a multitude of physical factors. Scientific research thinks that genetics may be responsible for some of the causes of
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Autism Spectrum Condition Of Autism
Autism Spectrum condition
People with autism struggle with their comprehension of world around them. They have what experts call straight line thinking, which means that they
often struggle with abstract concepts for example sarcasm, irony or humour. (Raining cats and dogs)
Autism is to be thought of as a spectrum, no two people with autism are the same as no two people without autism are the same. People with autism just
think and may react differently to situations.
Autism is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured, but positive steps to a more independent lifestyle can be made with the right programmes and
tailored person centred approaches.
Socially people with autism can come across as awkward and find making friends or new relationships difficult. They may find it difficult in
understanding how others feel and react to certain situations.
People with higher functioning autism generally have very set patterns of behaviour that are unwavering. Their expectations are if they expect to do
certain things at certain times this will be accommodated. In my experience deviations from this set pattern can cause complications possibly in the
form of behaviours of concern.
People with autism sometimes have specific areas of interest this could be for instance Star Trek or Football. They will have little to no interest in
what is going on in your life the literal translation for autism is "self" so this can appear as an autistic person being selfish this is not the case they
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Write An Essay On Asperger's Syndrome
Description Asperger's Syndrome is described as an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), once known as Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD), and
is characterized as a milder version of autism. Children with Asperger's seem to adapt easier to social interactions as they get older, contrary to autism.
Autism is a syndrome of extreme withdrawal and obsessive behavior. Asperger's syndrome is similar toautism in a way that children experience
difficulties with social interaction and communication. Also, children will have issues with concentration or coordination. Asperger's and autism do
have a lot of differences as well. One difference being the onset for autism is in infancy whereas in Asperger's it is, at least, recognized later. Children
with Asperger's tend to have average or above average intelligence and seem ... Show more content on ...
Because the signs and symptoms are not as prevalent, like in autism, some physicians may just see the strange behaviors as "awkward" or "different".
Sometimes, just an observation of their behavior is all that is needed however; a psychosocial evaluation should be performed which can determine
when the symptoms were first recognized. With this evaluation, a physician can develop a pattern of unusual behaviors, language patterns or habits. If
applicable, a blood test or imaging studies may be done to rule out any other underlying physical cause. Many children are diagnosed after 3, with
majority being between the ages of 5 and 9.
Treatment There is no cure for Asperger's. As children grow into adults, Asperger's will always be with them. Most people can lead happy, full lives.
Appropriate behavioral therapy or education and support may be all that is needed to achieve this goal.
Prevention There is no known way to prevent Asperger's syndrome. What is recommended is an early diagnosis and intervention which would assist in
preventing behavioral or emotional complications related to Asperger's.
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Autism Spectrum Disorders Prevalence
Autism Prevalence Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) refers to a group of developmental brain disorders that affect a child's cognitive, behavioral,
and social abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). There are several forms of ASD that have different impairments and levels of
severity. Recent research has been looking at the increased prevalence of ASD and possible causes of this increase. In attempts to determine reasons
for the increased prevalence of ASD, Schieve et al. examined the relationship between the risk factors of pregnancy and the increase in ASD. A
mathematical model was created to identify and measure if such a relationship existed. In the model, the research looked at each risk factor of
pregnancy, individually and in combination, and if there was any evidence that these risk factors impacted an ASD (Schieve et al., 2011). If there was
an impact found, they looked at how much of an impact it made. The pregnancy data is from the U.S population–based surveillance datasets. Although
the different pregnancy risk factors were associated with ASDs, Schieve et al. determined that the increase in ASD due to pregnancy risk factors is
minimal (2011). Another study looked into a different explanation for the increased prevalence of ASD in the population. As compared to the Schieve
et al. (2011) study, Kogan et al. (2009) conducted research by using randomly dialed telephone surveys. The research participants consisted children
between the ages of 3–17
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Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )
According to the CDC, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term that includes a group of developmental disabilities that can cause
significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. It affects a significant number of individuals in the United States, with the prevalence
continuing to grow (Frye, 2014). A significant proportion of individuals with ASD also experience medical conditions such as epilepsy. In fact,
treatment resistant epilepsy appears to have a higher prevalence in children with ASD than in children without ASD (Frye 2014). Many children with
ASD also appear to have underlying metabolic conditions, including disorders of vitamin metabolism. Biotin, a vitamin of the B complex, is composed
of ureido ring fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring and is involved in the regulation of metabolism amongst many other vital life functions.
Biotinidase deficiency is caused by mutations in BTD gene (located on the short p arm of chromosome 3 at position 25), which results in a deficiency
of the biotinidase enzyme, an enzyme that is needed to recycle biotin, an essential cofactor for several carboxylase enzymes (Frye, 2014). Symptoms
include seizures, developmental delays, skin rash, alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, feeding difficulties, vomiting, diarrhea, brain atrophy and ataxia.
(Frye, 2014). The identification and treatment of biotin disorders could improve the underlying metabolic derangements and potentially improve
behavior and seizure frequency
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LD 210 OUM/601/5316 Introductory awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions Title LD 210 Introductory awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions
Level 2 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes The learner will: Assessment criteria The learner can: 1. Understand the areas in which individuals with an
autistic spectrum condition characteristically have difficulties 1.1 Describe the types of difficulty that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition
may have with language and other ways of communicating with others 1.2 Identify problems that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may
have in social interaction and relationships 1.3 Outline the problems of inflexibility and restrictiveness in activities and interests and how... Show more
content on ...
It provides learners with key
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Boys And Autism Essay

  • 1. Boys And Autism Essay What makes you, you? Think of key features about yourself that describe who you are and what things make you special. Now, think of life without any problems at all, sounds too good to be true life will constantly be a rocky road but it's manageable just like autism. Autism is a bio–neurological developmental disability. In most cases of autism it is found before three years of age. Autism affects the development of the brain, not so much that the big thing of mush doesn't grow but people, and kids who have autism struggle with social interactions the most along with many other things, but autism spectrum disorder is found in 1 and 68 children, boys are a lot more likely to get autism it was stated that the boys are 4x more likely to get it ... Show more content on ... People with PDD–NOS usually have fewer and milder symptoms than those with autistic disorder. The symptoms might cause only social and communication challenges. ( ) When I watched the documentary on autism and really focused on the kids i see everyday I noticed they constantly need reassurance and if you don't answer a right away they'll make it known that you need to answer it. Or one student i know, if he does something wrong he will constantly says "i don't know" or It wasn't me" he can never be wrong, Another student will admit to his mistakes and try to fix what he did wrong. In my school students have an IEP and IEP is an Individualized Educational Plan this helps students from kindergarten till they graduate create a plan and help them grow and succeed. Once they do graduate they don't have an IEP anymore but most schools will give them papers to continue to have a plan. Autism has no known cure but once it is diagnosed at an early age kids and parents should seek intervention, it'll help the child to grow and become stronger and face their ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Infantile Autism Essay What is Autism? Did you know, according to CCN, about sixty–eight children has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? ASD, also known as autism, is a brain disorder that interferes with a person's behavior and/or interactions with others. The word "autism," which has been in use for about 100 years, comes from the Greek word "autos," meaning "self." The term describes conditions in which a person is removed from social interaction –– hence, an isolated self (WedMD). Autism itself is often called "autistic disorder", "childhood autism", or "infantile autism". "It appears in infancy and early childhood, causing delay in many basic actions that develops at that time, such as learning to talk, ... Show more content on ... The word "Autism" was first used in 1908 to describe schizophrenia, a brain disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally, people who were self–absorbed or cocky. In 1943, Dr. Leo Kenner was the first to used Autism for kids who were highly intelligent but did not want to interact with others, he called this "early infantile autism." In 1950, Bruno Bettelhiem, a child development specialist, viewed autism was being caused by emotionally cold and distanced mothers. This became known as the "Refrigerator Mother Theory". The Refrigerator Mother Theory is when a mother does not interact, or play, with the child at all, causing the child to be "fridged"( David E. Simpson, J.J. Hanley, and Gordon Quinn in the film "History of Autism Blame"). In 1987, The DSM ( Dianostic and Statistical Manual of Matal Disorders) replaced "infantile autism" with "autism disorder". Around this time, researchers used to think the cause of autism was due to bad parenting. Not only that, the federal government made autism a special education category. This allowed public schools to start knowing children with autism and offer them special services. Some children would be sent to foster care to see if they would recover back then, By this time, many researchers were convinced that "the basic reasons were to be found in neurological disturbances, sometimes combined with hereditary illnesses like tuberous sclerosis, metabolic disturbances like PKU or chromosomal aberrations such as fragile X–chromosome"(Certec). In 1994, the National Alliance for Autism Research and Cure Autism Now raised awareness about ASD. Later on that year, researchers began to believe that the cause of autism was due to mercury in vaccines. This lead to vaccine makers to stop making "thimerosal, a vaccine that is made of mainly mercury. In 2001, the National Institute of Health could not find ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Emotional Therapy When a child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the parents face numerous questions about what that means for their child's life. With a growing prevalence rate of ASD, many parents face the similar struggle in determining what type of treatment will provide the best outcomes for their child. Two popular treatment choices are applied behavioral analysis (ABA) and skills training. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2017), ASD is a group of developmental disorders that impacts 1 in 68 children and includes "a spectrum" of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability. Individuals with ASD may face challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, language and communication, and learn differently than... Show more content on ... They hypothesized that the behavioral treatment group would have better outcomes after one year when compared to those in an equally intensive, eclectic special education treatment group. The study consisted of 25 children age four to seven who had a diagnosis of childhood autism from both the Autism Diagnostic Interview and an independent child clinical psychologist within six months of the start of the study. All participants had an IQ at or above 50 on the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence–Revised (WPPSI–R) and the Bayley Scales of Infant Development–Revised (BSID–R). A person in the field of ASD research, who was independent of the study, then assigned the children to either the behavioral treatment or eclectic treatment. Both groups received treatment in public elementary schools and were assigned to a special education teacher and at least one aide. The groups averaged 28.52 hours per week of treatment at school. The children assigned to the behavioral treatment had an emphasis on the "implementation of experimentally validated teaching approaches based on operant conditioning principles such as shaping, chaining, discrimination training, and contingency management," (Eikeseth et al., 2002). In the eclectic treatment, children received individualized intervention that utilized ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDD) Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication. The disorder also includes limited and repetitive patterns of behavior. The term "spectrum" inautism spectrum disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity. ( Autism Spectrum disorder is a broad name for other diagnosis such as Asperger's Syndrome, Autistic Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). Asperger Syndrome (AS) sometimes called high functioning Autism, is part of a unique group of neurodevelopment disorders, all complex. Those affected by it suffer social impairment, difficulty ... Show more content on ... The way they interact, and talk is not like everyone else. Deficits among social behavior or social understanding result in difficulty to understand other's feelings, inappropriate body language and gestures, and difficulty to make friends their same age. Speech and language comprehension is another struggle. Symptoms of this may include speaking in an abnormal tone of voice, does not understand simple questions or statements and doesn't pick up on sarcasm or humor, taking everything seriously. They also deal with restricted behavior and play this includes repetitive body movements such as, hand flapping, spinning, rocking. They may also have odd ways of moving, clumsiness and has a strong need for same day routines and schedules. Change is not often accepted. Learning and school is another difficult struggle for ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Asd Diagnoses As research into autism spectrum disorders has increased over recent years and this has resulted in changes to the way that American psychiatry diagnoses autism spectrum disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) is used by clinicians as a guide to diagnoses of mental health illnesses and since its first publication in 1930's it has been updated every 20 years, and these updates reflect on new research and discoveries. In 2013 DSM–5 was published and the information within this publication has changed greatly in relation to possible ASD diagnoses. DSM–5 has removed the indicators of cognitive delay and language delay from diagnoses, and that they are in fact markers of intellectual impairment, which 40% of children with an ASD ... Show more content on ... Asperger's and PDD–NOS have been removed from DSM–5, they are now under the same diagnoses of ASD. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, a condition where children hit all developmental milestones for the first two to four years of life, sometimes lose the communication skills, non–verbal skills, play and social skills that they have developed, is now diagnosed as ASD. Rett's Syndrome (once under the ASD umbrella) a condition only observed in female children to date, and is characterised by normal language and social development until the child is aged between one and four years old, which results in loss of all skills gained and then ultimately needing care 24 hours a day, has been removed from the ASD umbrella. A new disorder has been added to the DSM–5 and this is: social communication disorder. Children with this disorder will have continuous difficulties in the social use of verbal and nonverbal communication. They have difficulties with pragmatics the unspoken, subtle rules of spoken language that allow people to connect. They don't always understand the art of two–way conversation. Some of them monopolize conversations or interrupt a lot. Others may hesitate to talk at all. It is thought that the updated diagnostic criteria are clearer and simpler for those diagnosing resulting in suitable and correct diagnoses being given to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Learning Disability And Disorder ( Autism ) Learning Disability/Disorder A learning disability or disorder is a term used for various learning complications. Individuals who have to cope with a learning disability are not dumb or lazy, in fact, they are just as smart, or in some cases, smarter, than individuals without any disability. The only different thing between the two is that an individual with a disability has their brain wired somewhat different and this affects the way they receive and process information. This means that they see, hear, and understand things in a different way. This leads to trouble while learning new information and putting it to practice. Reading, writing, math, speaking, listening, and reasoning are the areas that are most affected by these learning... Show more content on ... Finding the treatment that addresses the needs of the individual is far more important than deciding what to call the "problem." Categories There are many categories of autism, hence the reason why it is called autism spectrum, but the three most common are Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD–NOS). These three categories share many of the same symptoms, but they differentiate in the severity and impact it has on each individual. Autism, is the most severe in the whole spectrum, followed by Asperger's Syndrome and PDD–NOS. Autism is often referred as autistic disorder, Asperger's Syndrome as high–functioning autism, and PDD–NOS as atypical autism. According to the Autism Spectrum Resource Center, only 20% of individuals on the autism spectrum have classic autism, while the rest fall under the milder range. Since the autism spectrum disorders share many similar symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, particularly in the early stages. Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of the autism spectrum disorders include problems with social skills, language and speech, as well as restriction in activities and interests. However, there are enormous differences when it comes to the severity and patterns of behavior. When diagnosing a problem in speech and language, one may find a delay in learning how to talk or not talking ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 PDD During planning and designing process of the game there were some requirements that did not make into the final version. These can be found in my PDD and these were the original ideas that I wanted to implement for my game, but due to unforeseeable reasons and time I had to cut these requirements from the final version of game. Hence, some compromises were made and the current is somewhat different from what I envision at beginning though the core aspect of the game still remains intact, which is to make a topdown shooter game. Here are the objectives stated in the PDD that weren't implemented in the final version: Items During the initial design I did plan for some sort of pop up items (e.g. turret, power ups) in the game where it will temporary boast the player stats (e.g. increasing the player health) or spawn a companion (e.g. friendly turret) to assist player with their predicament. This design was influenced by other games in this genre where multiple items are spawned in the game world to assist player and it is the most used formula in most games, as it allows player to adapt new strategies. At the beginning I did thought it will play a key role in the game but late on when I revisited my design again I thought it might make the game more complicated, plus I was behind the schedule so I dropped from my objectives as given the time and its importance it wasn't ... Show more content on ... Though late I dropped from the requirements due to limited technical solution and time as the prototype that I made did not worked properly and the time was running out so I had to drop from the game. Also, reason been that it did not affect the overall functionality and I wanted the project to be as simple as possible for easier ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Mary Ainsworth Attachment Theory This essay aims to analyse the topics of attachment and emotional development in relation to our understanding of developmental disorders. It will start outlining what developmental disorders are (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder etc.) and then it will introduce Theory of Mind and the False–belief task's critique, John Bowlby's hypothesis, Mary Ainsworth's attachment theory and Strange Situation experiment and their critiques. Finally it will discuss the relevance of these studies for the assessment of the cited disorders. In psychology the term PDD, or "pervasive development disorders", refers to a group of conditions that are present from early life and persist into adulthood. They indicate serious cognitive ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Research Paper On Rett's Syndrome Rett's syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by the gradual loss of purposeful hand movements and development of characteristic, stereotypical hand movements (hand– wringing or hand – washing movements); loss of previously acquired speech; psychomotor retardation; ataxia; truncal apraxia; deceleration of head circumference; and autistic symptoms. These characterizations start to appear in a normally developed child after 6 months to 48 months of age170. In the past, RS has been generally associated with autistic syndrome, but recently it has been identified as a genetic disorder with a mutation on the X–chromosome. However, RS is now classified in the category of Pervasive Developmental Disorders (according to the DSM–IV–TR) ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Autism Essay Autism is characterized as a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social interactions, nonverbal and verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. On a global scale, autism was estimated to affect 21.7 million people in 2013, and the number continues to rise as time persists. Children are often diagnosed while they are infants, usually in the first two years of life, when parents notice odd behaviors such as assembling toys or stacking of objects. It is not yet well understood how autism occurs, but we do know that autism affects information processing in the brain by changing the way nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize. Autism is one of the three disorders that make up the Autism Spectrum, the second is ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Asperger's Syndrome Essay Asperger's syndrome, which is also referred to as Asperger's disorder, is a type of Persuasive Developmental Disorder. Persuasive Developmental Disorder or PDD are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of basic skills, the most recognizable of these skills is the ability to communicate and socialize with others as well as use their own imagination. Although Asperger's syndrome is similar in some ways to autism, there are important differences between the two. Children with Asperger's syndrome typically function higher than those children with autism. In addition to them being higher functioning; children with Asperger's syndrome generally have normal intelligence and slightly less than normal language development. Hans... Show more content on ... Problems with social skills include difficulty interacting with others, are often awkward in social situations, and have difficulty starting and maintaining a conversation. Individuals with Asperger's syndrome may develop odd, repetitive movements, such as hand twitching or finger twisting. They might also develop unusual rituals, such as getting dressed in a specific order, and are resistant to change the ritual. Some communication difficulties people with Asperger's syndrome may exhibit are, not being able to make eye contact when speaking with someone, trouble using facial expressions and gestures, and understanding body language. They also have a tendency to misunderstand language in context and are very literal in their use of language. Individuals could express limited range of interests; they could develop an almost obsessive interest in a few areas, such as weather, topics in school, or sports. Many individuals with Asperger's syndrome are exceedingly gifted or skilled in a particular area, such as history or science. The coordination of individuals with Asperger's syndrome may seem clumsy or awkward. There is no cure for Asperger's syndrome but early diagnosis and treatment helps individuals to develop to their full potential. The principal goal of treatment is to improve the overall ability of an individual to function. Behavioral therapy uses positive reinforcement, self–help, and social skills therapy to improve behavior and communication. Medicines are most commonly used to treat problem behaviors, such as anxiety, obsessive–compulsive behavior or OCD, hyperactivity, and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Documentary On How These Individuals Are Affected By... Summary of the documentary on how these individuals are affected by how they live with ADS and the challenged on how to live in a "normal societies". Throughout the film, most of the adults were just figuring out that there's is something wrong with them, as the other individuals diagnosed as young age. The documentary mention about treatments like medicine, they discussed on how they live with this for many years, or how they acted from friends and family. These individuals on how they think or try to speak are unbelievable because people try to write them off as stupid and they not average humans. Neurotypical, which is a film on ASD, shows the signs of the dysfunction and the insights on how these individuals live in their daily ... Show more content on ... How people are changing these individuals lives because they are not thinking the same as regular people. Some of these individuals did not put on any medication to calm themselves down. The families and the individuals have a hard time to deal with ASD. However, they deal with it in the best way they can. Reaction to the film based on how these individual were adults and how they defined ASD, one married her husband had said his wife, and her mother have it and they deal with it fine like anyone else would, he also had mentioned DSM–5 and how to be on the other side of the spectrum. These individuals seem to live an ordinary life, people cannot even tell that these families have challenges or anything that comes to light. Viewing this documentary, opinions of this individual with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) did, in fact, change the opinion of who they are. ASD can start from when they were born to a mature adult. This film presented lessons on how families and the individuals have gone through a daily lifestyle. One lesson that shown in the movie is that they understand going on however it may take the time to process through their brains. My late cousin on my father's side, he has a son who is Autistic. I know little about his son due to family conflict. However, when I saw my cousin, he would explain how his son is doing and that he is in a special school for students like him to get the help by individuals. However, I have not seen my cousin son since, my ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Characters Of Autism In The Movie Rain Man In the 1988 movie Rain Man, Charlie Babbitt, a self–centered car dealer world is turned upside down after discovering he has an autistic older brother. When Charlie learned that his father died and bequeathed all his money to the mental institution in which Raymond (his older brother) lives, Charlie takes Raymond out of the facility in hopes of getting his share of the money. Along the way, Charlie is no longer driven by money. He wants to be involved in Raymond's life as much as possible. The disability that Raymond has is autism. According to kkdkdkdkdkd, "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction. The symptoms are present from early childhood and affect daily functioning.." /Disorders/Patient–Caregiver–Education/Fact–Sheets/Autism–Spectrum–Disorder–Fact–Sheet "autistic savant"–one who combines certain deficiencies in social interaction, language and sensory processing with extraordinary abilities in math and memory–the film helped establish the "savant" as a misleading stereotype for all individuals on the autism spectrum Some ways in which autism was portrayed in this movie was Raymond's lack of social skills. He never makes eye contact, hates being touched, and responds yes to everything. This can be seen when Charlie went to hug Raymond after winning all the money at ... Get more on ...
  • 14. How Autism Has Changed My Life Every single day in my life I think about the person who has probably changed my life completely: my brother. I can truly say that if he had not been around this whole time, I would probably have been a totally different person that I am today. I believe having a relative who has autism can really change your perspective about life. My whole life I have asked myself what would have been of this life if he had the chance of having one, how could he maybe behave differently, communicate, socialize with people, what kind of things we could have done together. I think having a disorder like this, it is a limitation, however, we must try to live the best dealing with this. Because they are not in this alone, we are all in this together supporting... Show more content on ... This specific type of pervasive developmental disorder differs from childhood autism either in age of onset or in failing to fulfil all three sets of diagnostic criteria. This subcategory should be used when there is abnormal and impaired development that is present only after age three years, and a lack of sufficient demonstrable abnormalities in one or two of the three areas of psychopathology required for the diagnosis of autism. Some of the abnormalities are reciprocal social interactions, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behaviour in spite of characteristic abnormalities in the other area(s). "Atypical autism arises most often in profoundly retarded individuals and in individuals with a severe specific developmental disorder of receptive language" (Research Autism, ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Leo Kanner's Description About Autism Autistic... Autism is a lifelong developmental disability. Autism is usually known as a people who have abnormalities development and can be called as autism disorder. The developmental problems that occur make them quite different from a normal human being. Their think and feel the environment differently to other people. Different autism has different disabilities. Some autism cannot speak and some may have fairly limited speech. Different autism needs different level of support. They needs attention and support more than normal person. This was important so they will feel their life more meaningful. Leo Kanner was the first person that identified about autism. His description about autism 'Autistic disturbances of effective contract' was published in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Introduction: Currently there are several different types of therapies, dietary regimens, and other interventions available to the families of children who have been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, only one set of techniques has been thoroughly researched enough to show unequivocally how efficacious the results have been for almost forty years. The principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have been applied in several settings and have shown remarkable results. The positive treatment results have helped improve the lives of children who are diagnosed with ASD as well the lives of their families and caregivers. This paper will explore the beginnings of ABA therapy and track the progress of current research has made ... Show more content on ... Difficulty developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships. Restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities and inflexible adherence to routines. The DSM also specifies that these symptoms must be exist in the child's early developmental period and must produce "clinically significant" impairment for the individual in social, occupational, or other important areas of daily functioning. Failing to create normal social relationships can have detrimental long–term effects, so it is important to assess an individual for a developmental disability as soon as possible. The sooner a diagnosis can be made, the sooner treatment can begin. Many studies have found that the sooner a child received therapy, the better their long–term results were ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Children With Autism : A Growing Concern For Parents,... Abstract: Autism has become a growing concern for parents, teachers, and doctors around the world. The need for new therapeutic techniques and strategies has prompted the world of science to help find answers and new ways to engage individuals with autism. Professionals such as speech therapists, behavioral therapists, and teachers have begun to explore the use of robots to help children with autism learn new social and communication skills. These specialized robots are programmed to aid in the development of pragmatics, one of the most common challenges for children with autism. Through the use of robots, therapists are seeing marked improvement in the language and social skills of their clients. Introduction: Most children are eager communicators who are determined to engage their world and the people within it. Social interaction and communication lay the foundation for learning, and help children build important life skills that are critical for development. When a child is affected by autism, these skills are usually greatly diminished, and the development of the child becomes delayed. As the number of children diagnosed with Autism increases, so does the need for new therapeutic strategies and techniques for intervention. Speech therapists have been turning to technology to help their clients communicate since the invention of the first AAC device. Individuals with autism typically prefer to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Autism Spectrum Analysis Autism can be a mysterious topic, with a black box of information scientists have been trying to open for years. But today, people know a lot more about the inner workings of ASD. Some interesting facts and statistics are that the most obvious signs of autism occur at a very young age, usually 2–3 years old, and 1 in every 68 children have been diagnosed with it (What is autism?). The cause of this disorder is found in the brain, where their mind map is scrambled. This means that there are abnormalities in the cerebellum, brain stem, limbic system, and frontal cortex (Albano). In addition, the word autism comes from the greek word 'autos', which means 'self.' This is due to the fact that autistic people seem "self absorbed" (Autism Spectrum... Show more content on ... Their actions are described in area one: but the causes of these social behaviors are harder to find out. It is known that when they're pushed beyond the limits, or have overloaded senses, they can–in a way–start to ignore the world around them. Albano describes Grandin's own personal experience on this same topic, saying, "I pulled away when people tried to hug me, because being touched sent an overwhelming tidal wave of stimulation through my body...when noise and sensory over–stimulation became too intense, I was able to shut off my hearing and retreat into my own world." There's a possibility that another reason why autistic people have foreign reactions is that their vision might be distorted. While autistic humans are certainly nowhere near being blind–otherwise they wouldn't be visual learners–they do feel objects a lot, to understand what the boundaries are in our complex world (Albano). As has been said, people with autism don't understand things like puns and metaphors. This is because they "like logic" and when things are cogent. Jeff Hudale claims to like numbers, "namely math computations," which is common in autistic people, especially those with Asperger's. This is because of that logical thinking. It is also why social interactions are such a struggle for people with autism: There are no rules applied (Hamilton). Since it's so hard to communicate, autistic people try to say what they mean in other ways. To illustrate, when someone with ASD starts having a meltdown, one can try to find the source of their upset mood, therefore understanding what's bothering them without the person even having to explain 'what's wrong.' The result is an outburst instead. Every action for autistic people is a form of communication that they can't say with words. It may only be a small inkling of what they mean, but if one notices something that usually happens before a ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The First Three Years Of Life Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life. This is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. Autism is four more times prevalent in boys than girls. Autism shows no racial, ethnic or social boundaries. Family income, lifestyle and educational levels do not affect the chance of autism's occurrence. Autism and its associated behaviors have been estimated to occur in as many and one in 500 individuals. In this essay, I will discuss the signs and symptoms of autism, types of autism, the diagnosis of autism and studies done on autism. Autism affects the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction and communication ... Show more content on ... Although a specific cause is not known, current research links autism to biological or neurological differences in the brain. In many families, there appears to be a pattern of autism or related disabilities. This suggests that there is a genetic basis to the disorder. Buty there has been no gene linked directly to autism. The genetic basis is believed by researchers to be highly complex, probably involving several genes in combination. Autism is not a mental illness. Children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Autism is not cause by bad parenting. These are just some of the several theories that are false about the cause of autism. They have been proven false. Furthermore, no known psychological factors in the development of the child have been shown to cause autism. An accurate diagnosis must be based on observation of the individual's communication, developmental levels and behavior. Because many of the behaviors associated with autism are shared by other disorders, various medical tests may be ordered to rule out or identify other possible causes of the symptoms being exhibited. Because the characteristics of autism vary so much, a child should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team which may include a neurologist, developmental pediatrician, pshycologist, learning consultant, speech/language therapist or another knowledgeable professional about autism. In some ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study Autism affects one in every forty five children in the United States (Autism Speaks 2015). Autism is an extremely broad behavioral disorder that affects a person's social and communication skills. Each autistic person's case is different. Although Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) cause a daily struggle, it is immensely possible for a person with autism to live an ordinary life. My first cousin Dawson Dabbs has struggled with autism since he was three years old. However, he was not correctly diagnosed with autism until he was seven years of age. He was misdiagnosed originally by one doctor with moderate to severe Asperger's syndrome with an acute sensory processing disorder. He was considered by the doctors to be a late onset patient which ... Show more content on ... Each autistic child is different, and they all have differing characteristics. Each student needs an individualized education program (IEP). An IEP is a document that writes out the specific needs of the student and how the needs will be met. It is crucial for a child with autism to have an IEP. A parent of a child with autism needs to learn how to support the child, and the parent should make sure the child is motivated and comfortable in school (Autism Speaks). The IEP is what will help give the child a great school experience, and it help them stay more calm during class. It is critical that the school staff is cooperative in aiding children through their education. It is very important to make sure the child has the correct support systems in school and feel as comfortable as possible (Autism Speaks). A child with autism may face other challenges throughout their educational years which most definitely include bullying. It has been found that sixty three percent of 1,167 children have been bullied at some time in their life (Autism Speaks). For an autistic child, detecting that they are being bullied may be difficult because of their social deficits (NATTAP Partners 2008). For children who do not understand they are being bullied it is best to talk to them as honestly as possible and contact the school for support. Children with autism need a vast amount of ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Over the past 40 years, the rate at which diagnoses for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) occur has seen a dramatic growth in numbers. With diagnoses for ASD increasing, more siblings are also being found to have grown up with a sister or brother with autism spectrum disorder. Previous studies have shown no consensus on whether or not siblings of persons with ASD are at risk for negative effects. However, patterns of anxiety among these siblings are being examined to see if characteristics of a child with autism spectrum disorder and their parents can predict anxiety. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common psychological disorders found in childhood and research has shown that they can have a negative impact on a child's current and future development if left untreated (Cartwright–Hatton et al. 2006; Johnson et al. 2000; Visu–Petra et al. 2010; Vitiello and Waslick 2010). About 80% of children with high–functioning autism spectrum disorder have one or more concurrent anxiety disorders (de Bruin et al., 2007). Research suggests that they may be a link between anxiety disorders and impairments in daily living skills (Drahota et al., 2010). Anxiety does not just put children with ASD at risk but also has an impact on family members as well. In a study done by Shivers, Deisenroth, & Taylor (2013), they hypothesized that siblings of individuals with ASD would have higher rates of anxiety than normal and from these siblings, girls would have higher levels of anxiety than boys ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study The recent rise in the diagnoses of Autism Spectrum Disorders, or ASDs, is alarming parents and doctors alike, and has also given rise to the question of why the rates of diagnoses are increasing. There are many hypotheses on why the Autism rates have been increasing, and they range from the availability of better medical care and the knowledge of the early warning signs, to what a child eats during its early years and environmental toxins. There are also many who believe that diagnosing a child at an early age is beneficial, and others who believe that an early diagnoses could hinder a child from reaching their full potential due to a 'label'. Autism Spectrum Disorders are a serious matter, often involving the need for specialized medical ... Show more content on ... In her study, Lily Hong explains that "infant formula is not an equivalent substitution for breast milk" (Hong et al. 279). Formula is not the same as breast milk because formula is "static" as described by Hong, whereas breast milk is constantly changing throughout the day as well as changing as the child's needs change (Hong et al. 279). Hong also explains that formulas made for preemies contain more vitamins than recommended for infants born at term. She calls these formulas "super–fortified" and that these formulas can have significant negative effects on an infant's neural system and on the absorption of other essential nutrients. On the other hand, Hong disagrees with Padhye's hypothesis because she believes that breast feeding may be the cause of the recent rise of ASDs. Hong explains that environmental pollutants have been found in the breast milk of women who live in developed countries, such as the United States. The persistent organic pollutants or POPs, are stored in adipose tissue because the body doesn't have a use for them. The POPs can then travel through the lymph of a breast feeding woman and can be passed into the mammary glands and then to the breast feeding child. These POPs can cause severe developmental delays such as those seen in children diagnosed with ASDs. ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Autism Spectrum Disorder Vs Dsm-Iv Revisions have been made to the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) between DSM– IV and DSM– V. Many of those who met the different benchmarks for the DSM IV didn't meet it when the DSM–V was published. In the DSM–IV there were three different areas that can be diagnosed within the ASD spectrum; Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder andPervasive Developmental Disorder (Gibbs et al., 2012). Certain symptoms were to be diagnosed the minimum features were at least 6 in the 3 distinct areas two being from social interaction, one in communication area, the other being abnormality (Gibbs et al., 2012) The DSM V was released in May 2013 it brought questioning and unease for many clinicians and parents. In the DSM–V it was isolated classification ... Show more content on ... there are also some precautions that need to take place with diagnosing one ADHD and how it is treated with psychoactive drugs. ADHD is one of the most common diagnosis in children and its identified as a person is doesn't pay attention, hyper, and acts off of feeling immediately (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). It is believed that there is little fashion when talking about ADHD symptoms changing over time and neuropsychological presentation (Spring, 2011) When talking about biological and social factors in dealing with ADHD a factor that must be paid attention to is the society the student may live in. What also must be considered is if parenting is being down right and if what we expect of the child age appropriate. It is believed that ADHD is not only medical but social as well (Brady, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Research Paper On Autistic Children Most Autistic kids have different abilities and have different thing they can not do . It is important to raise awareness for kids with Autism. Most people do not realize how many kids are diagnosed with Autism. Autistic kids are not always the same, there are other kids diagnosed with different types. According to Autism Speaks, "Autism appears to have its roots in very early brain development. However, the most obvious signs of autism and symptoms of autism tend to emerge between 2 and 3 years of age" ("What Is Autism"). Autism spectrum disorder and autism are different types of complex disorders of the brain development. These types of disorders are shown by their characteristics per person and also shown by their difficulties in social ... Show more content on ... "Not long ago, the answer to this question would have been "we have no idea." Research is now delivering the answers. First and foremost, we now know that there is no one cause of autism just as there is no one type of Autism." ( Autism Speaks). Over the past five years, Scientists have found that there was a rare number gene change that was connected with Autism. A small number of the gene that is affected by Autism is made by themselves. Most cases of Autism has been found to be caused by a sequence of Autism risk genes and conditions affecting early brain development. The number of non genetic and genetic or conditions can increase a child's risk of getting Autism. The verification of the Autism risks requires events that has happened during or before birth. It involves the parents age around the time of getting pregnant including both parents, illness relating to the mother while pregnant and difficulties while or during birth. Complications during the pregnancy or labor due to the lack of oxygen to the baby's brain. "It is important to keep in mind that these factors, by themselves, do not cause Autism. Rather, in combination with genetic risk factors, they appear to modestly increase risk." (Autism Speaks). A growing body of research recommend that women can lower the risk of having a baby with Autism by taking prenatal vitamins. Searchers are now looking at the immune system in Autism kids. "Autism ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Autism In Children The number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, commonly abbreviated as ASDs, is gradually increasing. Today, about one in sixty–eight children have been diagnosed with one of these four disorders, which is a huge increase from one in one hundred fifty, as seen in 2000 ("Data & Statistics" 1). ASDs often coincide with other developmental, psychiatric, neurological, chromosomal, and genetic diagnosis, such as an intellectual disability, attention–deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), epilepsy, Down syndrome, or cystic fibrosis ("Data & Statistics" 1). The four different types of ASDs are autistic disorder, also known as classicalautism, Asperger's syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder, not otherwise specified (PDD–NOS), ... Show more content on ... Behaviorally, students have a strong need for routines, develop an obsessive attachment to unusual object, such as rubber bands, have repetitive body motions, such as hand flapping, and are constantly in motion (Hutman 4). Children with ASDs also display many sensory problems, emotional difficulties, and delayed cognitive abilities (Hutman 5). These symptoms and difficulties affect the child's development and learning (Jurgens 1). Children who are nonverbal do not develop social skills, while others may be delayed cognitively, have physical impairments, or have specific learning disabilities, such as dyslexia. Despite these issues, assistive technology (AT) is available to children to help them learn in the classroom. ATs are "defined as any device, piece of equipment or system that helps bypass, work around or compensate for an individual's specific learning deficits (Stanberry 2). Ultimately, children diagnosed with ASDs have many technological resources to assist their learning in the classroom despite their listening and attention, mathematical, organization, reading, writing, and verbal communication ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Asperger's Syndrome Research Paper Asperger's Syndrome also referred to as Asperger's disorder is a type of pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). (Shroff) Autism on the other hand is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. (Google) And according to numerous of reports, there are over two hundred thousand to three million cases of this very public disease. Consequently, it also poses a stark threat to not only adults but also to your children for those who will have them. As such, children who have Asperger's are at risk for developing other conditions, such as depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, and obsessive–compulsive disorder. (Shroff) What has caused me to talk of this, is what was just specified, depression has a troubling ... Show more content on ... Again, this goes back to the consistency they both need and crave." (Smith, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder is a frightening diagnosis for most families that can bring with it fears of an uncertain future. Support for children with autism and their families is essential because it isn 't something that children will just grow out of. It is a life–long condition, but the right treatment, support and care can create a positive outcome for everyone concerned. Diagnosis Early diagnosis is the most important thing you can do to help your child, as it is the first step in understanding not only their weaknesses, but their strengths as well. The more information you have, the more equipped you will be to make the best decisions for your child and create a customized treatment plan. Try to get help as soon as you suspect that there might be something wrong, instead of waiting to see if they outgrow any problems. In many ways, it is better to seek help even before you get an official diagnosis because early intervention is so important. Continuing to educate yourself about autism spectrum disorder will help too, as you can become an expert on your child and their disorder. Acceptance Once you begin to have a firm handle on what is really going on, acceptance is the key. Learn your child 's common stress triggers and the best way to keep them calm. Try to troubleshoot problems and prevent difficult situations by continuously experimenting and looking for new approaches to old problems. Be aware of your child 's unique sensory needs as these might be over or under ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis According to an article about ASD, the author says, "A diagnosis of ASD now includes several conditions that used to be diagnosed separately: autistic disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD–NOS), and Asperger syndrome" ("Facts About ASD"). ASD can be called these other diseases for the reason that their symptoms relate to one another. Diagnosing autism spectrum disorder can be very difficult. Currently, there is no medical test used for diagnosis. For the reason that autism has many symptoms, trying to select a diagnosis is challenging ("Diagnosis, Causes & Symptoms"). The best way to diagnosis a child with autism spectrum disorder is to observe their behavior, the way they act when they are alone and also ... Show more content on ... Researchers are currently doing their very best in discovering a concrete diagnosis for autism. Meanwhile, there are children who are getting the treatment they need, while there are also children going without treatment, for the reason that they have not been diagnosed. Autism spectrum disorder is caused by the gene and chromosomal makeup of the child's DNA. There is hope in the future that scientists will find a way to try and prevent autism and also discover a diagnosis. Meanwhile, to prevent autism, mothers need to be healthy while pregnant and avoid all the risks leading to ASD. Children with ASD need to receive all the help that is available so that they can try and live a normal ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Services For Adults With An Autism Spectrum Disorder I read and analyzed the following texts: 1.Services for Adults with an Autism Spectrum Disorder by Paul T. Shattuck, Anne M roux, Laura E Hudson, Julie Lounds Taylor, Matthew J Maenner, Jean–Francois Trani Published October 2011 2.National Autism Indicators Report by Anne M. Roux, MPH, MA; Paul T. Shattuck, PhD, MSSW; Jessica E. Rast, MPH; Julianna A. Rava, BA; Kristy A. Anderson, MSW. Published 2015. 3.Young Adults on theAutism Spectrum Face Tough Prospects for Jobs and Independent Living by Rachel Ewing. Firstly, in conclusion, the central theme is explored based principally on two areas of enquiry including, the National Autism Indicators Report additionally, the journal titled American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. It is explained in these three texts that adolescent adults on the autism spectrum face challenges when it comes to the period of change from high school to a self–governing adult life. Furthermore, according to Dr. Paul T. Shattuck, "Roughly 50,000 youth with autism will turn 18 years old this year" Additionally, Shattuck pointed out "So many of these young people have the potential to work and participate in their communities. Supporting this potential will benefit everyone – the person with autism, the family, employers and society." I read these quotes in the article titled Young Adults On the Autism Spectrum Face Tough Prospects for Jobs and Independent Living by Ewing. Another essential point is that in a journal titled American ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Paper Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to reflect on the understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in depths. Autism Spectrum Disorder is categorized as a set of complex neurodevelopment disorders that accompany repetitive and specific patterns of behaviors along with difficulty with social interaction (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes [NINDS], 2015). This research paper will discuss Autism Spectrum Disorder in several aspects such as definition, symptoms, cause, diagnosis, treatment and relatable disorders. One of the most compelling advances in research is that of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The growth of individuals being diagnosed with ASD seems to increase with time. According ... Show more content on ... But they do have core symptoms in areas such as social interaction and relationship, verbal and nonverbal communication, and limited interests in activity and play. (WebMD, 2014). It is often common for individuals with ASD to have issues with social interaction. For example, they may have issues with making eye contact with others or lack facial expressions. Individuals with ASD may also have a hard time understanding others emotions. They may also have a difficult time establishing friendships. Some verbal and non–verbal communication symptoms are that they may lack or are delayed in learning how to talking (Web MD, 2014). Research has shown that about "40% of people with autism never speak" (Volkmar FR, et al., 2009). Another symptom that occurs is repetitive use of words or phrases. For example, they will repeat something that they may have overheard from others. It is also problematic for individuals to intercept what others are trying to say. For example, if someone is trying to be sarcastic, they may not understand what the individual meant or interpret it literal. Some examples of limited interest in activities and play, is that they focus on an unusual part of an item. For example, they will focus on the rope of a yo–yo and not play with the actual toy. They may also preoccupy themselves on a certain topic such as cars or music. One of the most common symptom of limited interest would ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Autism Ethical Practices Historical, Legal, and (Un)Ethical Practices of Autism Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is becoming more and more prevalent in today's society. Accordingly, ASD has a substantial role in special education which requires educators to gain additional knowledge and training in order to meet those needs of students in their classrooms who are dealing with ASD. Educators in the field must be aware of the historical, legal, and ethical or unethical practices of Autism in order to gain a better understanding of the disorder and the mental and physical impact it has on their students. Historical The historical aspect of Autism often focuses on the origin and the evolution of the disorder throughout history. The term "Autism" was initially used by ... Show more content on ... Case laws that deal with Autism often argue that the needs of those with Autism are not being properly met, which has a serious influence on the mental and physical development of the individuals with Autism. One example of a case law in unethical practices of Autism is the Amanda J. v. Clark County case law that occurred in 2001. In this case law the parents of Amanda J. claimed that the school psychologists failed to notify them that their child may be dealing with Autism. Furthermore, the parents claimed that during the IEP process the school failed to involve and entirely inform them of the development of Amanda's IEP. It was also stated that during the IEP process, Amanda's mother requested copies of Amanda's evaluations but the school failed to provide Amanda's mother with the copies of those essential forms until the first IEP meeting concluded. When the court finalized this case law it was agreed that the school violated the requirements of the IDEA, due to the fact that they prevented Amanda's parent from being fully included in the IEP process of their child. The court established that an appropriate IEP that accommodates the exceptional needs of the child could not be properly developed if the individuals who are most involved in the child's life are not fully involved or able to participate in the development of the IEP ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Chapter Analysis Chapter 1 focuses on autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs) and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Described in 1943 by Dr. Leo Kanner, autism (also known as autistic disorder, childhood autism, or infantile disorder) is one of the PDDs along with Rett's disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD) referred to as Heller's syndrome, Asperger disorder, andPervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ( PDD–NOS). Rett's is a rare genetic abnormality affecting brain development in girls. There are treatments available, but there is no known cure. Asperger disorder affects an individual's ability to socialize and communicate effectively. Individuals with Asperger disorder may be socially awkward and have a compulsive ... Show more content on ... While there are many theories there is no single cause of autism. One theory assumes multiple factors interacting in complex ways (i.e. genes, environment and brain) can cause autism. Genetics play a role but do not explain the full picture or the recent increase in reported cases. According to Volkmar and Weisner (2009), "Identical twins have identical genes, while fraternal twins share only some genes. The implication of this finding was that there was potentially a very strong genetic contribution in autism. A number of studies have shown that this is the case. " (p. 26). There are medical conditions associated with autism which include, phenylketonuria, congenital rubella, tuberous sclerosis, and Fragile X. The strongest associations are with Fragile X, a genetic condition causing intellectual disability and tuberous sclerosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart. There is no strong evidence that environmental etologies cause autism. Some researchers assume that environmental toxins can increase the rate of autism, but evidence proposed for environmental factors is based on a case by case report which is difficult to interpret (Volkmar & Weisner, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Asperger's Syndrome Research Paper Relationship between Aspergers and Autism Autism is often described as a spectrum disorder because of the variety of ways in which it can present itself in different individuals. There is no single known cause and because of the complexity of the disease and the fact that no two children are alike, it is very probable that there are many causes. At this point researchers believe that these causes can include genetic errors, environmental factors, the role of the immune system and damage to the brain that may occur during birth. Autism Spectrum covers a wide range of psychological conditions. It is also known as Autism Spectrum disorders or ASD, Autism Spectrum Conditions or ASC, or Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDDs. Autism Spectrum ... Show more content on ... Until that time individuals who suffered from Asperger syndrome were considered to be a bit eccentric or odd but did not have a diagnosis or considered to be disabled. Controversy continues to be an issue with Asperger syndrome because researchers are still focusing on whether high functioning Asperger syndrome is really a disability or just a "difference". By categorizing this condition as different they feel that the diagnosis will be more neutral and value free rather than describing it as an impairment or a disability. The latter may apply only to lower functioning cases of autism and should be reserved only for those who require financial and physical support. Individuals who suffer from Asperger syndrome and autism find their condition is difficult and leave them socially isolated and lonely. By definition the disorder brings difficulties in socialization and communication, both for the child and the parents. It probably means fewer play dates and birthday invitations and stares from parents in public when a child's meltdown is part of a disability and not the result of "bad ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Eassy On Autism Autism is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as being "a developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behaviour". Autism is one of 5 Pervasive Developmental Disorders and is a form of a bio–neurological disorder that can often be found in children before the age of 5. The other 4 Pervasive Developmental Disorders are Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Rett's syndrome, Asperger's Syndrome. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is one of the most well–known PDD that there is and is normally characterised for having an impairment on social development and is associated with having difficulties when interacting in social situations. Autism can also be noticed as people may be have a difficulty in understanding emotions. . Autism can lead to a delay in the skills of ... Show more content on ... Autism is the cause of a wide wealth of difficulties that have an impact on someone's physical, intellectual, emotional and social health (P.I.E.S). Autistic people are comparable in their symptoms as they all have a unique way of how they view, hear and feel the world. Autism can be recognised in a variety of ways and can be characterized by finding it difficult to understand and empathise with other people. The cause of autism is still unresolved as it was believed that vaccines and one of their ingredients, Thimerosal was the root cause of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. However, scientific studies have proved that this is not the case but there is still no tangible reason as to the cause of autism. There are many different causes of autism that have been discovered because of the scientific research. There is a variation of scientific research to suggest that autism is called by a multitude of physical factors. Scientific research thinks that genetics may be responsible for some of the causes of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Autism Spectrum Condition Of Autism Autism Spectrum condition People with autism struggle with their comprehension of world around them. They have what experts call straight line thinking, which means that they often struggle with abstract concepts for example sarcasm, irony or humour. (Raining cats and dogs) Autism is to be thought of as a spectrum, no two people with autism are the same as no two people without autism are the same. People with autism just think and may react differently to situations. Autism is a lifelong condition that cannot be cured, but positive steps to a more independent lifestyle can be made with the right programmes and tailored person centred approaches. Socially people with autism can come across as awkward and find making friends or new relationships difficult. They may find it difficult in understanding how others feel and react to certain situations. People with higher functioning autism generally have very set patterns of behaviour that are unwavering. Their expectations are if they expect to do certain things at certain times this will be accommodated. In my experience deviations from this set pattern can cause complications possibly in the form of behaviours of concern. People with autism sometimes have specific areas of interest this could be for instance Star Trek or Football. They will have little to no interest in what is going on in your life the literal translation for autism is "self" so this can appear as an autistic person being selfish this is not the case they ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Write An Essay On Asperger's Syndrome Description Asperger's Syndrome is described as an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), once known as Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD), and is characterized as a milder version of autism. Children with Asperger's seem to adapt easier to social interactions as they get older, contrary to autism. Autism is a syndrome of extreme withdrawal and obsessive behavior. Asperger's syndrome is similar toautism in a way that children experience difficulties with social interaction and communication. Also, children will have issues with concentration or coordination. Asperger's and autism do have a lot of differences as well. One difference being the onset for autism is in infancy whereas in Asperger's it is, at least, recognized later. Children with Asperger's tend to have average or above average intelligence and seem ... Show more content on ... Because the signs and symptoms are not as prevalent, like in autism, some physicians may just see the strange behaviors as "awkward" or "different". Sometimes, just an observation of their behavior is all that is needed however; a psychosocial evaluation should be performed which can determine when the symptoms were first recognized. With this evaluation, a physician can develop a pattern of unusual behaviors, language patterns or habits. If applicable, a blood test or imaging studies may be done to rule out any other underlying physical cause. Many children are diagnosed after 3, with majority being between the ages of 5 and 9. Treatment There is no cure for Asperger's. As children grow into adults, Asperger's will always be with them. Most people can lead happy, full lives. Appropriate behavioral therapy or education and support may be all that is needed to achieve this goal. Prevention There is no known way to prevent Asperger's syndrome. What is recommended is an early diagnosis and intervention which would assist in preventing behavioral or emotional complications related to Asperger's. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Autism Spectrum Disorders Prevalence Autism Prevalence Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) refers to a group of developmental brain disorders that affect a child's cognitive, behavioral, and social abilities (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). There are several forms of ASD that have different impairments and levels of severity. Recent research has been looking at the increased prevalence of ASD and possible causes of this increase. In attempts to determine reasons for the increased prevalence of ASD, Schieve et al. examined the relationship between the risk factors of pregnancy and the increase in ASD. A mathematical model was created to identify and measure if such a relationship existed. In the model, the research looked at each risk factor of pregnancy, individually and in combination, and if there was any evidence that these risk factors impacted an ASD (Schieve et al., 2011). If there was an impact found, they looked at how much of an impact it made. The pregnancy data is from the U.S population–based surveillance datasets. Although the different pregnancy risk factors were associated with ASDs, Schieve et al. determined that the increase in ASD due to pregnancy risk factors is minimal (2011). Another study looked into a different explanation for the increased prevalence of ASD in the population. As compared to the Schieve et al. (2011) study, Kogan et al. (2009) conducted research by using randomly dialed telephone surveys. The research participants consisted children between the ages of 3–17 ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Autism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) According to the CDC, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term that includes a group of developmental disabilities that can cause significant social, communication and behavioral challenges. It affects a significant number of individuals in the United States, with the prevalence continuing to grow (Frye, 2014). A significant proportion of individuals with ASD also experience medical conditions such as epilepsy. In fact, treatment resistant epilepsy appears to have a higher prevalence in children with ASD than in children without ASD (Frye 2014). Many children with ASD also appear to have underlying metabolic conditions, including disorders of vitamin metabolism. Biotin, a vitamin of the B complex, is composed of ureido ring fused with a tetrahydrothiophene ring and is involved in the regulation of metabolism amongst many other vital life functions. Biotinidase deficiency is caused by mutations in BTD gene (located on the short p arm of chromosome 3 at position 25), which results in a deficiency of the biotinidase enzyme, an enzyme that is needed to recycle biotin, an essential cofactor for several carboxylase enzymes (Frye, 2014). Symptoms include seizures, developmental delays, skin rash, alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, feeding difficulties, vomiting, diarrhea, brain atrophy and ataxia. (Frye, 2014). The identification and treatment of biotin disorders could improve the underlying metabolic derangements and potentially improve behavior and seizure frequency ... Get more on ...
  • 39. LD210AutisticSpectrumConditionsv8 LD 210 OUM/601/5316 Introductory awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions Title LD 210 Introductory awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions Level 2 Credit value 2 Learning outcomes The learner will: Assessment criteria The learner can: 1. Understand the areas in which individuals with an autistic spectrum condition characteristically have difficulties 1.1 Describe the types of difficulty that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may have with language and other ways of communicating with others 1.2 Identify problems that individuals with an autistic spectrum condition may have in social interaction and relationships 1.3 Outline the problems of inflexibility and restrictiveness in activities and interests and how... Show more content on ... It provides learners with key ... Get more on ...