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Starting as a local sensation, BOOMCHICKAPOP is a simple snack
that is healthy, convenient and offers a variety of flavors that
will never cease to impress a snack-seeker’s taste buds. The small
batch of popcorn is made with simple ingredients, certified
gluten-free, NON- GMO in all their products and can be as low as
35 calories per cup. Provision Advertising has a goal with their
new client, BOOMCHICKAPOP, as they want to, “Make It Pop.” It
being the popcorn brand. Provision is working to expand the brand
awareness as well as increase sales by advertising the health
benefits, high quality, and great taste of the snack to women ages
25-49. Our goal is to position BOOMCHICKAPOP within the mind
of the consumer as a type of popcorn with a variety of flavors that
everyone can desire.
1: Executive Summary
2: Agency Identity
3: History
4: Environmental Analysis
5: Competitor Analysis
6: SWOT Analysis
7: Objectives & Budget
8: Exploratory Research
9: Brand Value Proposition
10: Target Market
11: Campaign Strategy
12: The Big Idea & Creative Testing
13: Creative Strategy
14: TV Commercial
15: Radio & Direct Mail
16: Print Magazines
17: Media Objectives & Strategies
18: Media Mix-Magazine
19: Media Mix-Internet Radio
20: Media Mix-Television
21: Media Schedule & Budget
22-23: Brand Activation
24: Evaluation
25: Appendices
26: Creative Brief
27-28: Agency Profiles
29: References
It’s all in our agency’s name, what the client
wants will be provided to them. Provision
Advertising has a meaning as an agency to
help better their clients through research,
communication, innovation and execution. As a
full-service advertising agency, Provision
Advertising takes time to learn about their
client’s consumers and will supply the clients
with integrative and creative marketing tactics.
Provision works hard to make your advertis-
ing vision come to life. Our team listens to our
client’s goals and ideas and will execute them.
Using the resources we have, we will be able
to reach our client’s audience with substantial
The business started out as a kettle corn company in
the Bastian family’s garage in 2001.
Ms. Bastian and her husband, Dan, began selling home-
made kettle corn in a few local stores and at events.
By 2012 they started to launch a brand that they could
expand and move beyond kettle corn. That’s when they
launched BOOMCHICKAPOP, the sea salt popcorn flavor.
Four months later, the Sea Salt BOOMCHICKAPOP
popcorn became their No. 1 selling product.
They then started converting all of their products.into
BOOMCHICKAPOP which was completed by the end of
Although BOOMCHICKAPOP was not the first “healthy” popcorn snack for consumers, it began
to grow it’s brand awareness and distribution throughout the United States. Competitors such
as Skinny Pop and Smart Food are both two brands that are very well known, and according
to our survey, consumers either bought Smartfood or Skinny Pop at the grocery store, rather
than BOOMCHICKAPOP. Respondents were also unfamiliar with the name of our brand until they
saw the packaging. This shows that the competing brands have better brand awareness towards
consumers. Bringing this new brand into the market has caused a threat to it’s competitors.
The number of consumers is increasing based on the price, quality, taste and overall health of
the product. Due to many consumers being concerned with their caloric intake, BOOMCHICK-
APOP offers products with calories as low as 35 calorie per cup. Since being “healthy” is the
popular lifestyle, BOOMCHICKAPOP advertises their health benefits directly on their packaging
to emphasize their nutritional benefits and value of their products. By providing this type of
snack to the consumer that is NON-GMO, low in calorie, 0 grams of trans fat, vegan, gluten and
cholesterol-free, they have created a competitive product in the snack market giving consumers
the opportunity to purchase a something with not only nutritional value, but with a variety of
flavors to choose from too.
The food and drug administration must approve BOOMCHICKAPOP before being distributed
throughout the U.S. to assure a safe, wholesome and properly labeled product.
Has other flavors
No artificial flavors, NON-GMO,
gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut
free, tree nut free, preservative
free, zero trans fat, kosher, guilt
free snack
Contains 9-10 g of fat per serving
High in calories
Higher in price ($4.29)
Offers a healthier snack option of
35 calories a cup
No artificial flavors or
Creating products since 1985
Smartfood® is America’s #1
Selling Popcorn Brand based
on 2015 retail sales data from
Information Resources, Inc.
Limited amount of flavors
Not Kosher and contains gluten
Variety of flavors and types of
Company started in 1944: Brand
Microwave Popcorn
Higher Calorie options
Only 94% fat free in the healthi-
est option
Appealing packaging & branding
Certified Gluten Free & NON-GMO
Low calorie
Seasonal flavors
Low brand awareness
Consumer’s main preference for
Increase use of social media
Partnership with other healthy
lifestyle companies (gyms, SoulCycle)
Competing popcorn brands
Larger companies dominating
This campaign will increase sales of BOOMCHICKAPOP by
10%. This will be executed by using effective strategies of
communication to promote the convenient, healthy, high quality
snack with a variety of flavors.
BOOMCHICKAPOP will increase audience
comprehension to 75% and audience conviction to
50% in the target market of women ages 25-49. They
also intend to have an effective reach of 75 and an
effective frequency of 4.
For this campaign Provision Advertising has
a budget for BOOMCHICKAPOP of $10 million
to distribute on a number of different media. The
breakdown of the budget can be seen to the right. TIME FRAME
This campaign will run for 12 months. It will
begin May 2017 and will end the following year
in April 2018.
-What does our target audience choose for a snack?
-Do our consumers shop at stores that sell our brand?
-Discover our target audience’s preferred popcorn snack brands
-Determine our target audience brand awareness of BOOMCHICKAPOP
For our primary research, Provision Advertising conducted a Google form survey that
received 345 responses. 75.6% of respondents identified as female, 22.7% as male and
1.7% of respondents stated other. Based on the age ranges that were offered, only 31.5% of
respondents fall within our target demographic. When asked in the survey, “which brand of
pre-popped popcorn do you buy, 11.6% of respondents answered that they purchase BOOM-
CHICKAPOP. Another question asked was, “Have you ever heard of BOOMCHICKAPOP?” As a
response, 52% of women answered yes and 3.2% of women answered maybe. When shown a
bag of BOOMCHICKAPOP and asked the same question, there was a 16.9% increase of “yes”
responses and a 2.6% increase who responded with “maybe.” Provision Advertising can
conclude from this data that while people can recognize the brand, not enough of target
consumers are purchasing this brand of popcorn. Top name brands dominated consumer re-
sponses due to brand loyalty. Also, based on the findings, women ages 25-49 are not the ones
who are purchasing this brand of popcorn, but are aware of the brand. Provision Advertising
wants to make consumers more aware of the value of BOOMCHICKAPOP through it’s health
benefits and variety, thus creating more sales from the target market.
BOOMCHICKAPOP offers a variety of different flavors of pop-
corn. Their popcorn has many benefits to it’s consumers. Many of
the flavors are NON-GMO, gluten-free, kosher, whole grain, 0g
Trans fat, vegan friendly and contain as low as 35 calories per cup!
Aside from providing a satisfying taste there is no preparation
needed. It is an easy, quick, and convenient snack for being on the go!
BOOMCHICKAPOP puts cravings to rest whether you’re in the mood
for something sweet or salty. The product is a quick and easy way to
satisfy the consumer’s hunger without disrupting them from their
busy schedule.
Snackers who choose BOOMCHICKAPOP are not only
making a healthy decision, but a satisfying one. Those who
choose to snack with BOOMCHICKAPOP will be able to indulge
in the many flavors offered. Once consumers take a few bites
of popcorn they won’t feel bad reaching in for more because of
our clients guilt-free and savory products! BOOMCHICKAPOP
will leave the consumer with a feeling of contentment and joy.
It will leave her feeling good about herself not only because she
ate something healthy but purchased a product that gives back
to the community. BOOMCHICKAPOP is environmentally
conscious by using non-GMO ingredients in all of their products
leaving the consumer in high spirits knowing they are helping the
er is a fun, conscious shopper
who cares about her health while
valuing taste. She is a busy
woman who needs a snack to not
only satisfy her taste buds, but
also get her through the day. She is
environmentally conscious, likes to
give back to the community, and
values a healthy lifestyle.
Donna is a 36 year old woman from Albany, NY, with 8 and 10 year old daughters at home. She is a single mother who is studying
to get her masters at night while working during the day part-time as a substitute teacher. When Donna is not at work or with her
children she tries to find time to indulge in a book or catch up on soap operas. In the morning, Donna goes to a spinning class before
starting her day of packing lunches and driving the children around to all of their activities. Her mantra is to take one day at a time
and always has an optimistic attitude for the future. As a mother on a budget who needs to provide for her children and keep them
healthy, Donna chooses the Sweet and Salty BOOMCHICKAPOP to give her children and herself a little treat for the day.
Veronica is a 27 year old student who recently passed her bar exam from the University of Vermont Law
School. She is living in a small apartment in Burlington to help save money while trying to pay off her stu-
dent loans. Veronica rides her bike to and from her part time job as a barista on Church Street and on her
breaks at work she enjoys listening to the local musicians who line the street. Veronica incorporates at least
an hour of cardio in a day and is concerned about her appearance and figure. In her free time, Veronica
volunteers to help raise awareness of environmental issues and conservation initiatives. Veronica chooses
Lightly Sweet BOOMCHICKAPOP as her on-the-go snack to make her feel healthy and good about helping the
environment with her Non-GMO popcorn.
Meet Sophia, a 44 year old nurse at Hartford Hospital. She works long hours and gets a limited
amount of sleep. She has been married for 9 years and says that her children are the patients she
devotes her time to on a daily basis. Her job keeps her moving but both her and her husband spend
their lunch break at the gym down the street. It’s important that Sophia eats a well balanced diet
and remains active. During the weekends you can find Sophia and her husband camping, hiking or
going for a run around the park. She recycles at her home and emphasises wellness and nutrition,
which is why Sea Salt BOOMCHICKAPOP is on the grocery list.
The market for healthy snack foods is on the rise. According to our research, we must convince customers to
choose our brand when they’re in need of a snack. Not only will this product satisfy your hungry it will also
increase your wellness and nutrition. If we increase awareness and create brand loyalty this will prove to our
audience that BOOMCHICKAPOP will be the convenient, simple snack everyone will want.
Having a healthy lifestyle is a new trend that our target market is striving for. When customers are looking
for a healthy snack, they will want all simple ingredients with NON-GMO that is also low in calories. Women
will feel good and satisfied when they choose their favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP as their new snack
BOOMCHICKAPOP will insure convenience, health, high quality and a variety of flavors for all.
At Provision Advertising we tested our ads with 25 respondents between
within the age of our target audience. The majority of the responses were
positive and thought that our ads were pleasing to the eye and persuasive
in trying our brand. About half of the responses were heavily persuaded
to go out and try our popcorn and the other half, though they weren’t
previously aware of this brand, are now willing to try it. After testing
our ads, we added more direct calls to action, and increased how many
flavors of popcorn were shown to reinforce the variety in our brand.
Our audience understood the high-quality convenient snack that we are
promoting and a few observants even said they can’t wait to add some
“POP” in their lives.
CREATIVE STRATEGY: The Poppers live busy lives, they’re always on the go and we will focus on the fact that
BOOMCHICKAPOP is convenient. Whether it’s the cycler, the soccer mom, or a workaholic, BOOMCHICKAPOP offers a
flavor for every type of consumer. Our ads will portray their energy through bright “pops” of color and the variety bags of flavors
to symbolize each consumer’s uniqueness.
ART DIRECTION: In order to emphasize the variety of flavors BOOMCHICKAPOP offers, we created ads that portrayed
the bags in different designs to show off their bright color/flavors and make them look appealing to the consumer so that next time
they are at the grocery store, they will see our packaging, recognize it, and want to purchase a bag. Each illustration for magazine,
internet and direct mail ads will be placed over a matching background with a light texture and pastel color corresponding with the
bag’s color scheme. Our television commercial portrays a woman who is always on the go, doing many things every day. She can
always count on her bag of BOOMCHICKAPOP to supply her with a healthy snack at any time of the day. No matter what is changing
in her day, she can always rely on BOOMCHICKAPOP to be by her side.
COPYWRITING: Each magazine ad will display a blurb of creative copy below our illustration of the popcorn bags. They
are specific to which question the ad is asking the consumer: “Having a boring day? Make it Pop,” “Which flavor will you choose?”
and “What’s your top flavor?” The body copy explains there are 8 flavor options to choose from, the health benefits, as well as where
you can find BoomChickaPop in your local grocery store. Our slogan, Make It Pop, stands for multiple things within the experience.
“Popping” open your bag, “popping” it into your mouth, “pops” of color which signify the variety of flavors, how enjoying BOOM-
CHICKAPOP is the biggest “pop” in your day, as well as anything up to the consumer’s interpretation. We also added in our social
media icons, prompting consumers to “follow and like us.”
*sounds of stomach grumbling*
You look at the clock and it’s only 2:05 pm. It’s been two hours since
your lunch break and you have 3 more hours until you can go home for
dinner. Are you tired of the same old snack you bring to work everyday?
You probably are craving a unique, easy and tasty snack to satisfy your
hunger. Make your snack time pop with BOOMCHICKAPOP! Make a mind-
ful choice and fulfill your hunger with this healthy snack. It is made of
simple ingredients, certified gluten free, non-GMO and all their products
can be as low as 35 calories per cup. With a variety of flavors from Sea
Salt to White Cheddar to Sweet & Spicy and more, there is the perfect
taste for everybody. It’s your turn to make it pop! Get your bag today in
the organic section or snack aisle of your local supermarket.
Having our consumers receive a
large piece of advertisement in
the mail, will encourage brand
loyalty and increase awareness.
We accessed our target audience
through where we
have picked out 887,040 consumers
in large cities for it to be delivered to.
TAREGT MARKET: Our target audience for this ad campaign are called the
Poppers. This includes woman ages 25 to 34. These women’s lives are in fast
forward and tend to be limited on time. They are starting a family, attending
universities, finding a job or all of these combined. Our audience is focused on
wellness and nutrition and work hard to stay active. The way to reach this
audience is through magazines, radio, television and direct mail to make sure
these on the go women know how to snack.
MESSAGE WEIGHT: This campaign will be spread nationally and will have a
consistent message weight across the media platforms. The networks, radio, and
shows we decided to advertise through have predominantly female viewers or
listeners. Also, our product appeals more towards women, therefore the message
weight in magazines will be put towards readers that are mainly female.
REACH & FREQUENCY: Provision Advertising is striving for an effective
reach of 75% and an effective frequency of 4.
CONTINUITY: Provision Advertising will follow a pulsing campaign. This
means that ads will follow a continuous schedule but will spike during cer-
tain months. We aim to market BOOMCHICKAPOP during the warmer months,
which will be the beginning and end of our campaign.
Magazine (3) 1 full color page with bleed
Television (1) 30 Second commercial
Radio (spotify and pandora) (1) 30 second audio with a visual audio cover
display 250 x 250
Direct Mail (1) 11 ½ x 5 inches full color
Our advertisments for the Make It
Pop campaign will be national. Our print ads will
be distributed nationally across the United States
and direct mail will be sent to consumers who are
active on our social media platforms and online.
Television and radio ads will be playing through
popular networks and primetime during
their daily
Cosmopolitan: circulation: 3,011,84: Cosmopolitan magazine, reaching more
than 17 million readers a month, is the best-selling young women’s magazine
in the U.S.. Since it covers a variety of topics including fashion, health, love,
work and entertainment it has something for a variety of different women,
ages 25-49, would be interested in reading about.
Women’s Health: circulation: 1,511,791: Since this magazine focuses on
health, fitness, and nutrition, BOOMCHICKAPOP is a great product to be
advertised since it is a healthy and low-calorie snack for those who care
about living a healthy lifestyle. Women’s Health is the perfect magazine to
reach our target market because by placing ads in this magazine, we will be
reaching 21% of American women ages 25-49.
Family Circle: circulation: 4,056,154: Family Circle, a magazine that helps
readers look and feel their best by providing information about health, diet,
family activities, reaches 42.9% of people ages 25-49.This is a well known
magazine that contains content that our target market is interested in.
PANDORA: Having BOOMCHICKAPOP partner with
Pandora, which has 78 million monthly listeners, it
would be an effective way to increase Brand Awareness.
Pandora has developed a personalized music experience
that’s called the Music Genome Project. As a result
of this, they show only one ad at a time which helps
to capture the audience’s full attention while using
data enabled targeting to guarantee that the brand is
reaching the right target audience.
SPOTIFY : According to Spotify,
the average cross-platform free user
spends 148 minutes listening to
Spotify throughout their day, while
working, studying, exercising, or
relaxing. Since listeners can use
spotify almost wherever they go,
this is a great way to access our
target. Starting in May of 2015,
Spotify launched Playlist Targeting.
This enables brands to use Spotify’s
first-party data to help target differ-
ent audience segments rooted from
the streams on Spotify’s 1.5 billion
SOUNDCLOUD: Since SoundCloud is an independent,
up-and-coming streaming service, it is a smart way for
BOOMCHICKAPOP to reach their audience. With Sound-
Cloud, BOOMCHICKAPOP would be able to create audio
advertisements such as podcasts, which is an innovative
and diverse way to advertise their brand. Podcasts are
able to cover any topic that might be of interest to their
audience which doesn’t require a visual component.
The New York Times noted that the television show, Grey’s Anatomy, is the most popular television
show among women, with a little under 76% of the audience being female. Whether it is a woman and
her daughter getting together to watch Grey’s Anatomy, a graduate student tuning into ABC to watch
the show after a long day of studying, or a woman watching the show as she is on the treadmill at the
gym, Grey’s Anatomy is the perfect show to reach our target market since it is a program loved by
many women.
The show the Bachelor, which has had 20 seasons thus far and recently received 9.5 million viewers
during the two-hour season finale of this past season, attracts women of all ages. Since our target
audience has narrowed in on women, specifically ages 25-49, advertising during this show is a great
way for BOOMCHICKAPOP to increase brand awareness.
Ellen Degeneres, according to, has been ranked as the #1-rated talk show in women ages
25-54. Our target audience for BOOMCHICKAPOP fits perfectly into this age group making it a great
T.V. show to focus on that would help our brand get recognition.
Make your SOUL POP! Partnership with SoulCycle. Our objective is to
increase brand awareness to the healthy lifestyle workout community.
Having SoulCycle help promote BOOMCHICKAPOP allows the brand to be
exposed to many different women across several ages who are interested in
having a healthy snack. Our strategy is that SoulCycle is an on the rise
cycling company that has buildings in 11 different states in the U.S. Many
fit, higher income, and busy women attend these classes to help stay in
shape. The company promotes to “bring out the SOUL” in the members and
participants of the 45 minute classes. BOOMCHICKAPOP bags could be sold
in the studios as well as promoted on SoulCycle’s social media. We will also
have coupons available at SoulCycle and a coupon code off SoulCycle’s
website to use online. Some competitions will be incorporated such as, for
every class you attend, your name will be entered into a chance to win three
months worth of popcorn!
Make it POP in your mouth! Sponsored Snapchat Filter. Our objective is to expand social
media presence to Snapchat which will allow us to gain brand awareness among all
snapchat users. Our strategy is that the filter would have pieces of popcorn flying in the
users mouth when they open their mouth. A picture of BOOMCHICKAPOP’s popcorn bags
and flavors will be shown across the bottom of the screen. Interaction with customers is
a great way to get them to remember our name.
POP ‘n’ GO! BOOMCHICKAPOP vending machines. Our objective is to make
vending machines of BOOMCHICKAPOP for on-the-go customers to enjoy a
healthy, convenient, high quality snack. Our strategy is that this
vending machine will express how convenient
and high quality of the snack as well as
provide the variety of flavors for the
customers to pick from. There will be a scratch
off code on all the bags inside the vending
machine with different coupons to use in local
stores to buy BOOMCHICKAPOP! Vending
machines will be placed in shopping malls
during November and December since those
are busy shopping months and will be placed
in gyms during January and February since
many people set New Year’s resolutions to be
healthier. These will continue the idea of
quality on the go.
Provision Advertising has three main objectives for BOOMCHICKAPOP.
First, we aim to increase audience comprehension to 75%. We also
predict to increase audience conviction to 50% and our final objective is
to increase sales of BOOMCHICKAPOP by 10%. We predict that these
objectives will be achieved through using appropriate media
vehicles and brand activation strategies. This ultimately will be
executed by using effective strategies of communications to
promote the convenient, healthy, high quality snack. See below how
we have outlined our expected progress.
Sara Jackson is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from South Windsor,
Connecticut. She is a member of the Varsity Women’s Basketball Team and an active member of the
SAAC committee and Leadership Academy. She is passionate about her sports and studies while in her
free time she enjoys listening to music and spending time with friends and family. Sara is planning
on being in Account Planning with hopes of a successful career ahead of her. . Her favorite flavor of
BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Sweet & Salty.
Julia Benbenek is a sophomore integrated marketing communications major. On campus, Julia is
involved with the Honors Program as well as the IC Annual Fund. When she is not busy in her studies,
Julia enjoys supporting her Ithaca College’s sports team, as she is from Syracuse, New York so college
basketball and football have been imbedded in her. Julia hopes to move away from Syracuse in the future
to a larger city with great Advertising firms to start off her career. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKA-
POP is: White Cheddar.
Emily Stento is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from Delmar, NY. She is
involved in many clubs on campus including Women in Business, PRSSA, AMA, and club field
hockey. She enjoys traveling to learn about all the world has to offer, hiking, as well as spending time
with her friends and family. Emily is currently working as a remote intern for an LA placement agency
and hopes to go into a career within the Marketing field. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is:
Lightly Sweet.
Dayna Poskanzer is a sophomore studying Integrated Marketing Communications with
a minor in Communication Management and Design. She is interested in pursuing a career in
marketing, advertising, public relations or event planning in the future. She is passionate about
many things including creativity, nutrtiton, fitness, health, travel, fashion and all things
related to the media. She is highly involved with the Hifashion club as she is active member on
the events team. She is looking forward to exapnding her knoweldge in the field of Communica-
tions by gaining more experiences through internships. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP
is: Sweet and Spicy.
Julia Sambrotto is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from Buffalo, New York.
Julia is involved with the club High Fashion Studios on campus where she is a stylist for their fashion
shows. This club reflects herself as she hopes to pursue a career in fashion marketing. She is studying
abroad in London during the spring of 2017 as she hopes to take in new cultures and expand her passion
for traveling. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Sea Salt
Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP | Real, simple ingredients. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
Andreeva, N. (2016, January 04). ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ Renewed Through 2019-2020 Sea			
	 son. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from			
Grey’s Anatomy TV show on ABC: Ratings (cancel or renew?). (2016). Retrieved December 04, 2016, 		
Kissell, R. (2016, March 15). Ratings: “The Bachelor” Finale Strong, Notches ABC’s Top Monday in 		
	 Two Years. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from	
(n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from		
SRDS Media Planning Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from
The Family Circle Reader. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from		

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  • 2. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS & SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Starting as a local sensation, BOOMCHICKAPOP is a simple snack that is healthy, convenient and offers a variety of flavors that will never cease to impress a snack-seeker’s taste buds. The small batch of popcorn is made with simple ingredients, certified gluten-free, NON- GMO in all their products and can be as low as 35 calories per cup. Provision Advertising has a goal with their new client, BOOMCHICKAPOP, as they want to, “Make It Pop.” It being the popcorn brand. Provision is working to expand the brand awareness as well as increase sales by advertising the health benefits, high quality, and great taste of the snack to women ages 25-49. Our goal is to position BOOMCHICKAPOP within the mind of the consumer as a type of popcorn with a variety of flavors that everyone can desire. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1: Executive Summary 2: Agency Identity 3: History 4: Environmental Analysis 5: Competitor Analysis 6: SWOT Analysis 7: Objectives & Budget 8: Exploratory Research 9: Brand Value Proposition 10: Target Market 11: Campaign Strategy 12: The Big Idea & Creative Testing 13: Creative Strategy 14: TV Commercial 15: Radio & Direct Mail 16: Print Magazines 17: Media Objectives & Strategies 18: Media Mix-Magazine 19: Media Mix-Internet Radio 20: Media Mix-Television 21: Media Schedule & Budget 22-23: Brand Activation 24: Evaluation 25: Appendices 26: Creative Brief 27-28: Agency Profiles 29: References
  • 3. 2 AGENCYIDENTITY It’s all in our agency’s name, what the client wants will be provided to them. Provision Advertising has a meaning as an agency to help better their clients through research, communication, innovation and execution. As a full-service advertising agency, Provision Advertising takes time to learn about their client’s consumers and will supply the clients with integrative and creative marketing tactics. Provision works hard to make your advertis- ing vision come to life. Our team listens to our client’s goals and ideas and will execute them. Using the resources we have, we will be able to reach our client’s audience with substantial results.
  • 4. 3 HISTORY The business started out as a kettle corn company in the Bastian family’s garage in 2001. Ms. Bastian and her husband, Dan, began selling home- made kettle corn in a few local stores and at events. By 2012 they started to launch a brand that they could expand and move beyond kettle corn. That’s when they launched BOOMCHICKAPOP, the sea salt popcorn flavor. Four months later, the Sea Salt BOOMCHICKAPOP popcorn became their No. 1 selling product. They then started converting all of their products.into BOOMCHICKAPOP which was completed by the end of 2014.
  • 5. 4 ENVIROMENTALANALYSISCOMPETITIVE FORCES Although BOOMCHICKAPOP was not the first “healthy” popcorn snack for consumers, it began to grow it’s brand awareness and distribution throughout the United States. Competitors such as Skinny Pop and Smart Food are both two brands that are very well known, and according to our survey, consumers either bought Smartfood or Skinny Pop at the grocery store, rather than BOOMCHICKAPOP. Respondents were also unfamiliar with the name of our brand until they saw the packaging. This shows that the competing brands have better brand awareness towards consumers. Bringing this new brand into the market has caused a threat to it’s competitors. SOCIOCULTURE FORCES The number of consumers is increasing based on the price, quality, taste and overall health of the product. Due to many consumers being concerned with their caloric intake, BOOMCHICK- APOP offers products with calories as low as 35 calorie per cup. Since being “healthy” is the popular lifestyle, BOOMCHICKAPOP advertises their health benefits directly on their packaging to emphasize their nutritional benefits and value of their products. By providing this type of snack to the consumer that is NON-GMO, low in calorie, 0 grams of trans fat, vegan, gluten and cholesterol-free, they have created a competitive product in the snack market giving consumers the opportunity to purchase a something with not only nutritional value, but with a variety of flavors to choose from too. LEGAL REGULATORY FORCES The food and drug administration must approve BOOMCHICKAPOP before being distributed throughout the U.S. to assure a safe, wholesome and properly labeled product.
  • 6. 5 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS STRENGTHS Has other flavors No artificial flavors, NON-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, peanut free, tree nut free, preservative free, zero trans fat, kosher, guilt free snack Contains 9-10 g of fat per serving WEAKNESS High in calories Higher in price ($4.29) STRENGTHS Offers a healthier snack option of 35 calories a cup No artificial flavors or preservatives Creating products since 1985 Smartfood® is America’s #1 Selling Popcorn Brand based on 2015 retail sales data from Information Resources, Inc. WEAKNESS Limited amount of flavors Not Kosher and contains gluten STRENGTHSS Variety of flavors and types of popcorn Company started in 1944: Brand loyalty WEAKNESS Microwave Popcorn Higher Calorie options Only 94% fat free in the healthi- est option
  • 7. 6 SWOTANALYSIS STRENGTHS Appealing packaging & branding Certified Gluten Free & NON-GMO products Low calorie WEAKNESSES Price Seasonal flavors Low brand awareness OPPORTUNITIES Consumer’s main preference for popcorn Increase use of social media Partnership with other healthy lifestyle companies (gyms, SoulCycle) THREAT Competing popcorn brands Larger companies dominating industry/market
  • 8. 7 OBJECTIVES & BUDGETS MARKETING OBJECTIVES This campaign will increase sales of BOOMCHICKAPOP by 10%. This will be executed by using effective strategies of communication to promote the convenient, healthy, high quality snack with a variety of flavors. ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES BOOMCHICKAPOP will increase audience comprehension to 75% and audience conviction to 50% in the target market of women ages 25-49. They also intend to have an effective reach of 75 and an effective frequency of 4. BUDGET FORMATION For this campaign Provision Advertising has a budget for BOOMCHICKAPOP of $10 million to distribute on a number of different media. The breakdown of the budget can be seen to the right. TIME FRAME This campaign will run for 12 months. It will begin May 2017 and will end the following year in April 2018.
  • 9. 8 EXPLORATORYRESEARCH RESEARCH OBJECTIVES -What does our target audience choose for a snack? -Do our consumers shop at stores that sell our brand? -Discover our target audience’s preferred popcorn snack brands -Determine our target audience brand awareness of BOOMCHICKAPOP PRIMARY RESEARCH For our primary research, Provision Advertising conducted a Google form survey that received 345 responses. 75.6% of respondents identified as female, 22.7% as male and 1.7% of respondents stated other. Based on the age ranges that were offered, only 31.5% of respondents fall within our target demographic. When asked in the survey, “which brand of pre-popped popcorn do you buy, 11.6% of respondents answered that they purchase BOOM- CHICKAPOP. Another question asked was, “Have you ever heard of BOOMCHICKAPOP?” As a response, 52% of women answered yes and 3.2% of women answered maybe. When shown a bag of BOOMCHICKAPOP and asked the same question, there was a 16.9% increase of “yes” responses and a 2.6% increase who responded with “maybe.” Provision Advertising can conclude from this data that while people can recognize the brand, not enough of target consumers are purchasing this brand of popcorn. Top name brands dominated consumer re- sponses due to brand loyalty. Also, based on the findings, women ages 25-49 are not the ones who are purchasing this brand of popcorn, but are aware of the brand. Provision Advertising wants to make consumers more aware of the value of BOOMCHICKAPOP through it’s health benefits and variety, thus creating more sales from the target market.
  • 10. 9 BRAND VALUE PROPOSITION FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS BOOMCHICKAPOP offers a variety of different flavors of pop- corn. Their popcorn has many benefits to it’s consumers. Many of the flavors are NON-GMO, gluten-free, kosher, whole grain, 0g Trans fat, vegan friendly and contain as low as 35 calories per cup! Aside from providing a satisfying taste there is no preparation needed. It is an easy, quick, and convenient snack for being on the go! BOOMCHICKAPOP puts cravings to rest whether you’re in the mood for something sweet or salty. The product is a quick and easy way to satisfy the consumer’s hunger without disrupting them from their busy schedule. EMOTIONAL BENEFITS Snackers who choose BOOMCHICKAPOP are not only making a healthy decision, but a satisfying one. Those who choose to snack with BOOMCHICKAPOP will be able to indulge in the many flavors offered. Once consumers take a few bites of popcorn they won’t feel bad reaching in for more because of our clients guilt-free and savory products! BOOMCHICKAPOP will leave the consumer with a feeling of contentment and joy. It will leave her feeling good about herself not only because she ate something healthy but purchased a product that gives back to the community. BOOMCHICKAPOP is environmentally conscious by using non-GMO ingredients in all of their products leaving the consumer in high spirits knowing they are helping the environment. SELF-EXPRESSIVE BENEFITS The BOOMCHICKAPOP consum- er is a fun, conscious shopper who cares about her health while valuing taste. She is a busy woman who needs a snack to not only satisfy her taste buds, but also get her through the day. She is environmentally conscious, likes to give back to the community, and values a healthy lifestyle.
  • 11. 10 TARGETMARKET Donna is a 36 year old woman from Albany, NY, with 8 and 10 year old daughters at home. She is a single mother who is studying to get her masters at night while working during the day part-time as a substitute teacher. When Donna is not at work or with her children she tries to find time to indulge in a book or catch up on soap operas. In the morning, Donna goes to a spinning class before starting her day of packing lunches and driving the children around to all of their activities. Her mantra is to take one day at a time and always has an optimistic attitude for the future. As a mother on a budget who needs to provide for her children and keep them healthy, Donna chooses the Sweet and Salty BOOMCHICKAPOP to give her children and herself a little treat for the day. Veronica is a 27 year old student who recently passed her bar exam from the University of Vermont Law School. She is living in a small apartment in Burlington to help save money while trying to pay off her stu- dent loans. Veronica rides her bike to and from her part time job as a barista on Church Street and on her breaks at work she enjoys listening to the local musicians who line the street. Veronica incorporates at least an hour of cardio in a day and is concerned about her appearance and figure. In her free time, Veronica volunteers to help raise awareness of environmental issues and conservation initiatives. Veronica chooses Lightly Sweet BOOMCHICKAPOP as her on-the-go snack to make her feel healthy and good about helping the environment with her Non-GMO popcorn. Meet Sophia, a 44 year old nurse at Hartford Hospital. She works long hours and gets a limited amount of sleep. She has been married for 9 years and says that her children are the patients she devotes her time to on a daily basis. Her job keeps her moving but both her and her husband spend their lunch break at the gym down the street. It’s important that Sophia eats a well balanced diet and remains active. During the weekends you can find Sophia and her husband camping, hiking or going for a run around the park. She recycles at her home and emphasises wellness and nutrition, which is why Sea Salt BOOMCHICKAPOP is on the grocery list.
  • 12. 11 CAMPAIGN STRATEGY THE CHALLENGE The market for healthy snack foods is on the rise. According to our research, we must convince customers to choose our brand when they’re in need of a snack. Not only will this product satisfy your hungry it will also increase your wellness and nutrition. If we increase awareness and create brand loyalty this will prove to our audience that BOOMCHICKAPOP will be the convenient, simple snack everyone will want. KEY INSIGHT Having a healthy lifestyle is a new trend that our target market is striving for. When customers are looking for a healthy snack, they will want all simple ingredients with NON-GMO that is also low in calories. Women will feel good and satisfied when they choose their favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP as their new snack food. BRAND PROMISE BOOMCHICKAPOP will insure convenience, health, high quality and a variety of flavors for all.
  • 13. THE BIG IDEA 12 CREATIVE STRATEGY At Provision Advertising we tested our ads with 25 respondents between within the age of our target audience. The majority of the responses were positive and thought that our ads were pleasing to the eye and persuasive in trying our brand. About half of the responses were heavily persuaded to go out and try our popcorn and the other half, though they weren’t previously aware of this brand, are now willing to try it. After testing our ads, we added more direct calls to action, and increased how many flavors of popcorn were shown to reinforce the variety in our brand. Our audience understood the high-quality convenient snack that we are promoting and a few observants even said they can’t wait to add some “POP” in their lives.
  • 14. 13 CREATIVE STRATEGY CREATIVE STRATEGY: The Poppers live busy lives, they’re always on the go and we will focus on the fact that BOOMCHICKAPOP is convenient. Whether it’s the cycler, the soccer mom, or a workaholic, BOOMCHICKAPOP offers a flavor for every type of consumer. Our ads will portray their energy through bright “pops” of color and the variety bags of flavors to symbolize each consumer’s uniqueness. ART DIRECTION: In order to emphasize the variety of flavors BOOMCHICKAPOP offers, we created ads that portrayed the bags in different designs to show off their bright color/flavors and make them look appealing to the consumer so that next time they are at the grocery store, they will see our packaging, recognize it, and want to purchase a bag. Each illustration for magazine, internet and direct mail ads will be placed over a matching background with a light texture and pastel color corresponding with the bag’s color scheme. Our television commercial portrays a woman who is always on the go, doing many things every day. She can always count on her bag of BOOMCHICKAPOP to supply her with a healthy snack at any time of the day. No matter what is changing in her day, she can always rely on BOOMCHICKAPOP to be by her side. COPYWRITING: Each magazine ad will display a blurb of creative copy below our illustration of the popcorn bags. They are specific to which question the ad is asking the consumer: “Having a boring day? Make it Pop,” “Which flavor will you choose?” and “What’s your top flavor?” The body copy explains there are 8 flavor options to choose from, the health benefits, as well as where you can find BoomChickaPop in your local grocery store. Our slogan, Make It Pop, stands for multiple things within the experience. “Popping” open your bag, “popping” it into your mouth, “pops” of color which signify the variety of flavors, how enjoying BOOM- CHICKAPOP is the biggest “pop” in your day, as well as anything up to the consumer’s interpretation. We also added in our social media icons, prompting consumers to “follow and like us.”
  • 16. 15 RADIO & DIRECT MAIL RADIO EXECUTION *sounds of stomach grumbling* You look at the clock and it’s only 2:05 pm. It’s been two hours since your lunch break and you have 3 more hours until you can go home for dinner. Are you tired of the same old snack you bring to work everyday? You probably are craving a unique, easy and tasty snack to satisfy your hunger. Make your snack time pop with BOOMCHICKAPOP! Make a mind- ful choice and fulfill your hunger with this healthy snack. It is made of simple ingredients, certified gluten free, non-GMO and all their products can be as low as 35 calories per cup. With a variety of flavors from Sea Salt to White Cheddar to Sweet & Spicy and more, there is the perfect taste for everybody. It’s your turn to make it pop! Get your bag today in the organic section or snack aisle of your local supermarket. FRONT OF DIRECT MAIL BACK OF DIRECT MAIL MEDIA MIX DIRECT MAIL Having our consumers receive a large piece of advertisement in the mail, will encourage brand loyalty and increase awareness. We accessed our target audience through where we have picked out 887,040 consumers in large cities for it to be delivered to.
  • 18. 17 MEDIA OBJECTIVES & STRATEGIES MEDIA OBJECTIVES TAREGT MARKET: Our target audience for this ad campaign are called the Poppers. This includes woman ages 25 to 34. These women’s lives are in fast forward and tend to be limited on time. They are starting a family, attending universities, finding a job or all of these combined. Our audience is focused on wellness and nutrition and work hard to stay active. The way to reach this audience is through magazines, radio, television and direct mail to make sure these on the go women know how to snack. MESSAGE WEIGHT: This campaign will be spread nationally and will have a consistent message weight across the media platforms. The networks, radio, and shows we decided to advertise through have predominantly female viewers or listeners. Also, our product appeals more towards women, therefore the message weight in magazines will be put towards readers that are mainly female. MEDIA STRATEGIES: REACH & FREQUENCY: Provision Advertising is striving for an effective reach of 75% and an effective frequency of 4. CONTINUITY: Provision Advertising will follow a pulsing campaign. This means that ads will follow a continuous schedule but will spike during cer- tain months. We aim to market BOOMCHICKAPOP during the warmer months, which will be the beginning and end of our campaign. MEDIA DIMENSIONS: Magazine (3) 1 full color page with bleed Television (1) 30 Second commercial Radio (spotify and pandora) (1) 30 second audio with a visual audio cover display 250 x 250 Direct Mail (1) 11 ½ x 5 inches full color GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE Our advertisments for the Make It Pop campaign will be national. Our print ads will be distributed nationally across the United States and direct mail will be sent to consumers who are active on our social media platforms and online. Television and radio ads will be playing through popular networks and primetime during their daily commute.
  • 19. 18 MEDIA MIX-MAGAZINE Cosmopolitan: circulation: 3,011,84: Cosmopolitan magazine, reaching more than 17 million readers a month, is the best-selling young women’s magazine in the U.S.. Since it covers a variety of topics including fashion, health, love, work and entertainment it has something for a variety of different women, ages 25-49, would be interested in reading about. Women’s Health: circulation: 1,511,791: Since this magazine focuses on health, fitness, and nutrition, BOOMCHICKAPOP is a great product to be advertised since it is a healthy and low-calorie snack for those who care about living a healthy lifestyle. Women’s Health is the perfect magazine to reach our target market because by placing ads in this magazine, we will be reaching 21% of American women ages 25-49. Family Circle: circulation: 4,056,154: Family Circle, a magazine that helps readers look and feel their best by providing information about health, diet, family activities, reaches 42.9% of people ages 25-49.This is a well known magazine that contains content that our target market is interested in.
  • 20. 19 MEDIA MIX- INTERNET RADIO PANDORA: Having BOOMCHICKAPOP partner with Pandora, which has 78 million monthly listeners, it would be an effective way to increase Brand Awareness. Pandora has developed a personalized music experience that’s called the Music Genome Project. As a result of this, they show only one ad at a time which helps to capture the audience’s full attention while using data enabled targeting to guarantee that the brand is reaching the right target audience. SPOTIFY : According to Spotify, the average cross-platform free user spends 148 minutes listening to Spotify throughout their day, while working, studying, exercising, or relaxing. Since listeners can use spotify almost wherever they go, this is a great way to access our target. Starting in May of 2015, Spotify launched Playlist Targeting. This enables brands to use Spotify’s first-party data to help target differ- ent audience segments rooted from the streams on Spotify’s 1.5 billion playlists. SOUNDCLOUD: Since SoundCloud is an independent, up-and-coming streaming service, it is a smart way for BOOMCHICKAPOP to reach their audience. With Sound- Cloud, BOOMCHICKAPOP would be able to create audio advertisements such as podcasts, which is an innovative and diverse way to advertise their brand. Podcasts are able to cover any topic that might be of interest to their audience which doesn’t require a visual component.
  • 21. 20 The New York Times noted that the television show, Grey’s Anatomy, is the most popular television show among women, with a little under 76% of the audience being female. Whether it is a woman and her daughter getting together to watch Grey’s Anatomy, a graduate student tuning into ABC to watch the show after a long day of studying, or a woman watching the show as she is on the treadmill at the gym, Grey’s Anatomy is the perfect show to reach our target market since it is a program loved by many women. The show the Bachelor, which has had 20 seasons thus far and recently received 9.5 million viewers during the two-hour season finale of this past season, attracts women of all ages. Since our target audience has narrowed in on women, specifically ages 25-49, advertising during this show is a great way for BOOMCHICKAPOP to increase brand awareness. Ellen Degeneres, according to, has been ranked as the #1-rated talk show in women ages 25-54. Our target audience for BOOMCHICKAPOP fits perfectly into this age group making it a great T.V. show to focus on that would help our brand get recognition. MEDIA MIX-TELEVISION AIRS MONDAY’S ON ABC 8/7C AIRS ON PACIFIC & EASTERN TIME ON NBC 4 P.M AIRS ON THEURSDAY’S ON ABC 8/7C
  • 23. 22 BRANDACTIVATION Make your SOUL POP! Partnership with SoulCycle. Our objective is to increase brand awareness to the healthy lifestyle workout community. Having SoulCycle help promote BOOMCHICKAPOP allows the brand to be exposed to many different women across several ages who are interested in having a healthy snack. Our strategy is that SoulCycle is an on the rise cycling company that has buildings in 11 different states in the U.S. Many fit, higher income, and busy women attend these classes to help stay in shape. The company promotes to “bring out the SOUL” in the members and participants of the 45 minute classes. BOOMCHICKAPOP bags could be sold in the studios as well as promoted on SoulCycle’s social media. We will also have coupons available at SoulCycle and a coupon code off SoulCycle’s website to use online. Some competitions will be incorporated such as, for every class you attend, your name will be entered into a chance to win three months worth of popcorn!
  • 24. 23 BRAND ACTIVATION Make it POP in your mouth! Sponsored Snapchat Filter. Our objective is to expand social media presence to Snapchat which will allow us to gain brand awareness among all snapchat users. Our strategy is that the filter would have pieces of popcorn flying in the users mouth when they open their mouth. A picture of BOOMCHICKAPOP’s popcorn bags and flavors will be shown across the bottom of the screen. Interaction with customers is a great way to get them to remember our name. POP ‘n’ GO! BOOMCHICKAPOP vending machines. Our objective is to make vending machines of BOOMCHICKAPOP for on-the-go customers to enjoy a healthy, convenient, high quality snack. Our strategy is that this vending machine will express how convenient and high quality of the snack as well as provide the variety of flavors for the customers to pick from. There will be a scratch off code on all the bags inside the vending machine with different coupons to use in local stores to buy BOOMCHICKAPOP! Vending machines will be placed in shopping malls during November and December since those are busy shopping months and will be placed in gyms during January and February since many people set New Year’s resolutions to be healthier. These will continue the idea of quality on the go.
  • 25. 24 EVALUATION Provision Advertising has three main objectives for BOOMCHICKAPOP. First, we aim to increase audience comprehension to 75%. We also predict to increase audience conviction to 50% and our final objective is to increase sales of BOOMCHICKAPOP by 10%. We predict that these objectives will be achieved through using appropriate media vehicles and brand activation strategies. This ultimately will be executed by using effective strategies of communications to promote the convenient, healthy, high quality snack. See below how we have outlined our expected progress.
  • 28. 27 AGENCY PROFILES Sara Jackson is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from South Windsor, Connecticut. She is a member of the Varsity Women’s Basketball Team and an active member of the SAAC committee and Leadership Academy. She is passionate about her sports and studies while in her free time she enjoys listening to music and spending time with friends and family. Sara is planning on being in Account Planning with hopes of a successful career ahead of her. . Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Sweet & Salty. Julia Benbenek is a sophomore integrated marketing communications major. On campus, Julia is involved with the Honors Program as well as the IC Annual Fund. When she is not busy in her studies, Julia enjoys supporting her Ithaca College’s sports team, as she is from Syracuse, New York so college basketball and football have been imbedded in her. Julia hopes to move away from Syracuse in the future to a larger city with great Advertising firms to start off her career. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKA- POP is: White Cheddar. Emily Stento is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from Delmar, NY. She is involved in many clubs on campus including Women in Business, PRSSA, AMA, and club field hockey. She enjoys traveling to learn about all the world has to offer, hiking, as well as spending time with her friends and family. Emily is currently working as a remote intern for an LA placement agency and hopes to go into a career within the Marketing field. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Lightly Sweet.
  • 29. 28 AGENCYPROFILES Dayna Poskanzer is a sophomore studying Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Communication Management and Design. She is interested in pursuing a career in marketing, advertising, public relations or event planning in the future. She is passionate about many things including creativity, nutrtiton, fitness, health, travel, fashion and all things related to the media. She is highly involved with the Hifashion club as she is active member on the events team. She is looking forward to exapnding her knoweldge in the field of Communica- tions by gaining more experiences through internships. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Sweet and Spicy. Julia Sambrotto is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major from Buffalo, New York. Julia is involved with the club High Fashion Studios on campus where she is a stylist for their fashion shows. This club reflects herself as she hopes to pursue a career in fashion marketing. She is studying abroad in London during the spring of 2017 as she hopes to take in new cultures and expand her passion for traveling. Her favorite flavor of BOOMCHICKAPOP is: Sea Salt
  • 30. 29 REFERENCES Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP | Real, simple ingredients. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from Andreeva, N. (2016, January 04). ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ Renewed Through 2019-2020 Sea son. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from neres-show-renewed-2020-1201675545/ Grey’s Anatomy TV show on ABC: Ratings (cancel or renew?). (2016). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from Kissell, R. (2016, March 15). Ratings: “The Bachelor” Finale Strong, Notches ABC’s Top Monday in Two Years. Retrieved December 04, 2016, from bachelor-finale-strong-up-vs-last-year-1201730354/ (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from Source=10 SRDS Media Planning Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from The Family Circle Reader. (n.d.). Retrieved December 04, 2016, from diakit/familycircle/production/readership.html