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Presented by- Riddhika kochar
Guided by- Jasuma Rai
1. Introduction
2. Composition and properties
3. Functions of blood
4. Erythropoiesis
5. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
6. Plasma protein
7. Red blood cells
8. White blood cells
9. Platelets
11.Coagulation of blood
12.Blood groups
Fluid of life
Fluid of growth
Fluid of Health
Blood is a connective tissue in a fluid form .
-Blood contains the blood cells which are
called formed elements and the liquid
portion known as plasma .
-Total blood Volume- 5-6 liters
(8% of total body weight , 80ml/kg body
Substance Normal value
Glucose 100 to 120 mg/dl
Creatinine 0.5 to 1.5mg/dl
Cholesterol Up to 200mg/dl
Plasma Proteins 6.4 to 8.3g/dl
Bilirubin 0.5 to 1.5g/ dl
Iron 50 to 150ug/dl
Copper 9 to 11 mg/dl
Potassium 3.5 to 5.0mEq/L
Ref- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30
1) Color of blood – Blood is red in color.
Arterial blood is scarlet red, Venous blood is purple in color.
2) Volume of blood- 5L
3) Ph- 7.4 (slightly Alkaline)
4) Specific gravity- Total blood- 1.052 to 1.061
Blood cells -1.092 to 1.010
Plasma – 1.022 to 1.026
5) Viscosity- Blood is 5 times more viscous than the water due to red
blood cells and plasma proteins.
Functions of blood
• Respiratory gases
• Nutrient carrier from GIT
• Transports hormone from endocrine glands
• Transports Metabolic waste
• Regulation of acid- base balance
• Adjusts and maintain body temp
• Maintain water content of cells.
• WBC protect against diseases by phagocytosis.
• Reservoir for substances like water, electrolyte etc.
• Performs hemostasis.
• Pro- erythroblast
• Early normoblast
• Intermediate normoblast
• Late normoblast
• Reticulocyte
• Matured erythrocyte
STAGES OF ERYTHROPOIESIS Site of erythropoiesis
It is the process of the origin, development and maturation of erythrocytes.
1. Mesoblastic stage- first two month of
IU life from mesenchyme of yolk sac.
2. Hepatic stage- from 3rd month in liver
3. Myeloid stage- last 3 month produced
in red bone marrow and liver
• It is the rate at which the erythrocytes settle down.
• Suspension stability.
• ESR is also called sedimentation rate , sed rate or Biernacki reaction. It was
first demonstrated by Edmund Biernacki in 1897.
• Demonstration of ESR
• There are two methods to determine ESR:
1.Westergren method
2.Wintrobe method
• By Westergren method:
• In males: 3 to 7 mm in 1 hour
• In females: 5 to 9 mm in 1 hour
• Infants : 0 to 2 mm in 1 hour
• By Wintrobe method:
• In males: 0 to 9 mm in 1 hour
• In females: 0 to 15 mm in 1 hour
• Infants : 0 to 5 mm in hour
1.Specific gravity of RBC
2.Rouleaux formation
3.increase in size of RBC
1.Viscosity of blood
2.RBC count
Significance of ESR
- Non- specific test
-Helps to confirm the diagnosis
- helps in prognosis as it monitor the
course of disease and response to the
Normal values-
Total protiens-7.3g/dl
Serum albumin- 4.7g/dl
Serum globulin- 2.3g/dl
Fibrinogen- 0.3g/dl
Serum albumin
Serum globulin
Role in coagulation
of blood
Role in defense
mechanism of body
Role in transport
Role in
maintenance of
osmotic pressure
Role in Erythrocyte
Sedimentation rate
Role in regulation
of Acid –Base
Variation in Plasma protein level
Elevation of all fractions of plasma protein is called Hyperproteinemia.
• Dehydration
• Hemolysis
• Leukemia
• Acute infections
Decrease in all fractions of plasma protein is called Hypoprotienemia.
• Diarrhea
• Hemorrhage
• Burns
• Pregnancy
-Red blood cells (RBCs) are the non-nucleated
formed elements in the blood.
-Red blood cells also known as Erythrocytes.
-Red color of the red blood cells is due to the
presence of the coloring pigment called
Normal value - 4 to 5.5 million/cu mm of blood
Adult males - 5 million / cu mm
Adult-Females – 4.5 million / cu mm
Normal Size and Shape
Shape- disk shaped and biconcave (dumbbell
Diameter : 7.2 μ
Thickness : At the periphery it is thicker with 2.2μm
and at the center it is thinner with 1μm because of
the biconcave shape.
Surface area : 120 sq. μ
Volume : 80– 90 cu μ
Lifespan : 120 days
Properties of Red blood cells
Packed cell
Fate of Red blood cells
□ The lifespan of RBC is about
120 days.
□ It is determined by
radioisotope method.
Functions of Red blood cells
1.Transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.
2.Transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.
3. Buffering action of blood
4.In blood group determination
Physiological Variations in Number of Red blood cells
• a) Increase in RBC count
• Age
• Sex
• High altitude
• Increased environmental temperature
• b) Decrease in RBC count
• High barometric pressure- deep sea
• During sleep
• Pregnancy
Pathological Variations in Red blood cells
Variation in SIZE of Red blood cells
Iron deficiency anemia
Increased osmotic
pressure in blood
Prolonged force
Megaloblastic anemia
Decreased osmotic
pressure in blood
Liver disease
Pernicious anemia
In Physiological conditions : Size of RBCs in Venous blood is slightly
larger than those in Arterial blood.
In Pathological conditions
Variation in SHAPE of Red blood cells
Variation in STRUCTURE of Red blood cells
Punctate Basophilism
•Found in lead poisoning
Howell- Jolly Bodies
•Seen in patient undergone
Ring in RBCs / Goblet rings
•Seen in certain type of anemia
• Leukocytes are the colorless & nucleated formed elements of blood.
• Plays an important role - defense mechanism of the body & protect the body
from invading organisms (acts like soldiers.)
• Larger in size than RBCs and less in number, nucleated, are of many types,
granules are present in some types of WBCs & the lifespan is shorter.
• Normal count : 4,000 – 11,000 cells/cu mm of blood.
- An increase in the number is called leukocytosis.
- An decrease in the number is called leukopenia.
• Based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm
Neutrophills Eosinophills
Monocytes Lymphocytes
Normal values
50 to 70%
2 to 4%
0 to 1%
20 to 30%
2 to 6%
Ref- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30
Properties of WBCs
1. Diapedesis 2.Ameboid Movement 3. Chemotaxis
□It is small, colorless, non nucleated & moderately refractive bodies.
Diameter:2.5 μ, Volume: 7.5 cu μ
□Platelets constitutes of a cell membrane, microtubules & cytoplasm.
□Microtubules provide structural support for the inactive platelets to
maintain disk like shape.
□Normal platelet count : 2,50,000 per cubic mm of blood to 4,00,000
per cubic mm of blood.
□Average life span- 10 days
Functions of platelets
1. Role in blood clotting
2. Role in repair of ruptured blood vessels
3.Role in prevention of blood loss
4.Role in clot retraction
Properties of Platelets
3. Agglutination
Applied physiology – Platelet disorders
decrease in platelet count
•Acute leukemia
•Small pox
increase in platelet count
•Allergic conditions
•Bone fracture
Persistent and abnormal increase in platelet count
•Chronic leukemia
-Defined as arrest or stoppage of blood.
Platelet Plug
Coagulation of
• Process in which blood
loses its fluidity and
becomes a jelly- like mass
few minutes after it shed
Stages of Blood clotting
into fibrin
Test for blood clotting
□ Bleeding time
□ Clotting time
□ Prothrombin time
□ Activated partial thromboplastin time
□ Thrombin time
□ International normalized ratio
Bleeding time Clotting time
Time interval from oozing of blood after a cut or injury
till the arrest of bleeding
Time interval from oozing of blood after a cut injury till
the formation of clot
Duke’s method Capillary tube method
Normal duration- 3 to 6 minutes Normal duration – 3 to 8 minutes
Prolonged in purpura Prolonged in Hemophilia
Prothrombin Time (PT) Partial Prothrombin Time(PTT) or
Activated Prothrombin Time (APTT)
Thrombin Time (TT)
Extrinsic Pathway Intrinsic Pathway
Time taken by blood to clot after adding
Time taken for the blood to clot after
adding an activator such as phospholipid
and calcium
Time taken for the blood to clot after
adding thrombin to it.
Normal value is 10 to 12 seconds. Normal range is 30 to 45 seconds. Normal duration is 12 to 20 seconds
Prolonged in deficiency of prothrombin,
factors 1,5,7,10 but normal in
Prolonged in Heparin or warfarin therapy
and hemophillia
Prolonged in Heparin therapy and during
To monitor levels when taking blood
thinning medicines
To check liver disease to screen for liver
Useful in monitoring the pt taking
Investigate the presence of heparin in
plasma . Fibrinogen abnormalities
Ref -Rose LF, Genco RJ, Cohen DW, Mealey BL. Periodontal medicine. BC Decker.; 2000.
□ International normalized ratio (INR) was devised as a way to standardize
measurements of prothrombin time.
□ The manufacturer assigns an international sensitivity index (ISI), which indicates the
activity of the tissue factor with a standardized sample
□ The INR usually varies between 1.0 and 2.0.
□ The normal range for INR in a healthy person is 0.9 to1.3
□ The normal PT is about 12 seconds .
4.0 or greater No surgical treatment until INR is reduced.
< 3.5 to 4.0 Scaling, Root planning only
< 2.5 to 3.0 Curettage, Periodontal surgery and
1.5 to 2.4 Full mouth extractions, multiple bony
impactions, gingivectomy, multiple quadrant
flap surgery
Ref - Morimoto Y, Niwa H, Minematsu K. Hemostatic management for periodontal treatments in patients on oral antithrombotic
therapy: a retrospective study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 2009 Dec
Blood groups were discovered by Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner in
• Landsteiner law :-
1.If a particular agglutinogen (antigen) is present in the RBCs,
corresponding agglutinin (antibody) must be absent in the serum.
2.If a particular agglutinogen is absent in the RBCs, the
corresponding agglutininmust be present in the serum.
RH factor
• It is an antigen present in RBCs
• Discovered in Rhesus monkey hence name as Rh factor
Hemolytic disease of fetus and newborn –
 Hemolytic disease is the disease in fetus and newborn, characterized by the
presence of abnormal hemolysis of RBCs. It is due to Rh incompatibility.
 When a mother is Rh negative and fetus is Rh positive usually first child escapes
the complication of Rh incompatibility. This is because the Rh antigen cannot
pass from fetal blood into mother’s blood through placental barrier.
Other Blood groups
• MNS blood group – reaction with anti-M ,N,S
• Bombay blood group-Rare phenotype / hh blood group
There is no ill effect with being H deficient but if blood
transfusion is ever needed, people with this blood type can receive
blood only from other donors who are H deficient.
A.P. H. Lee, C.A Effectiveness in 16 patients with 13 patients TAMW use after dental 1B
Boyle et al 2005 controlling haemophilia completed the scaling was as effective
haemorrhage participated. The study. No as using FRT
After intervention experiment statistically beforehand in
dental scaling in transfusing each patient significant controlling gingival
people with with saline before scaling difference was haemorrhage for people
haemophilia by both quadrants on one found in gingival with
using side of the mouth bleeding and haemophilia
tranexamic acid followed by TAMW four mouthwashing .
BRISTISH mouthwash. times daily for up to eight Five patients
DENTAL days. The control group reported no gingival
JOURNAL involved giving each bleeding with either
VOLUME 2 patient FRT before the ETR or the CR.
scaling the opposite side All subjects found
of the mouth followed by the
use of a placebo TAMW. ETR acceptable and
Both the operator and the easy and reported
patients were blinded in feeling safe in using
the study. TAMW alone to
control gingival
bleeding after
dental scaling.
It is important to have a thorough knowledge of blood and blood cells,
clotting factors in order to diagnose various disorders which will help us
a clinician in daily dental practices.
Hence,. in turn helping patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
• Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP
Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30.
• Rose LF, Genco RJ, Cohen DW, Mealey BL. Periodontal medicine. BC
Decker.; 2000.
• Lee, A., Boyle, C., Savidge, G. et al. Effectiveness in controlling
haemorrhage after dental scaling in people with hemophilia by using
tranexamic acid mouthwash. Br Dent J 198, 33–38 (2005).
• Walter J, High K . Haemophilias. Encyclopedia of life sciences. Nature
Publishing Group. 2001 [accessed on 4 July 2001].

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Blood and its applied aspect related to oral health

  • 1. BLOOD Presented by- Riddhika kochar Guided by- Jasuma Rai
  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Composition and properties 3. Functions of blood 4. Erythropoiesis 5. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 6. Plasma protein 7. Red blood cells 8. White blood cells 9. Platelets 10.Hemostasis 11.Coagulation of blood 12.Blood groups 13.Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction Fluid of life Fluid of growth Fluid of Health Blood is a connective tissue in a fluid form .
  • 4. COMPOSITION OF BLOOD -Blood contains the blood cells which are called formed elements and the liquid portion known as plasma . -Total blood Volume- 5-6 liters (8% of total body weight , 80ml/kg body weight)
  • 5.
  • 6. Substance Normal value Glucose 100 to 120 mg/dl Creatinine 0.5 to 1.5mg/dl Cholesterol Up to 200mg/dl Plasma Proteins 6.4 to 8.3g/dl Bilirubin 0.5 to 1.5g/ dl Iron 50 to 150ug/dl Copper 9 to 11 mg/dl Potassium 3.5 to 5.0mEq/L NORMAL VALUES OF SOME IMPORTANT SUBSTANCES IN BLOOD Ref- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30
  • 7. PROPERTIES OF BLOOD 1) Color of blood – Blood is red in color. Arterial blood is scarlet red, Venous blood is purple in color. 2) Volume of blood- 5L 3) Ph- 7.4 (slightly Alkaline) 4) Specific gravity- Total blood- 1.052 to 1.061 Blood cells -1.092 to 1.010 Plasma – 1.022 to 1.026 5) Viscosity- Blood is 5 times more viscous than the water due to red blood cells and plasma proteins.
  • 8. Functions of blood • Respiratory gases • Nutrient carrier from GIT • Transports hormone from endocrine glands • Transports Metabolic waste Transposition • Regulation of acid- base balance • Adjusts and maintain body temp • Maintain water content of cells. Regulation • WBC protect against diseases by phagocytosis. • Reservoir for substances like water, electrolyte etc. • Performs hemostasis. Protection
  • 9. Erythropoiesis • Pro- erythroblast • Early normoblast • Intermediate normoblast • Late normoblast • Reticulocyte • Matured erythrocyte STAGES OF ERYTHROPOIESIS Site of erythropoiesis It is the process of the origin, development and maturation of erythrocytes. 1. Mesoblastic stage- first two month of IU life from mesenchyme of yolk sac. 2. Hepatic stage- from 3rd month in liver 3. Myeloid stage- last 3 month produced in red bone marrow and liver
  • 10.
  • 11. ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE • It is the rate at which the erythrocytes settle down. • Suspension stability. • ESR is also called sedimentation rate , sed rate or Biernacki reaction. It was first demonstrated by Edmund Biernacki in 1897. • Demonstration of ESR • There are two methods to determine ESR: 1.Westergren method 2.Wintrobe method
  • 12. NORMAL VALUES OF ESR • By Westergren method: • In males: 3 to 7 mm in 1 hour • In females: 5 to 9 mm in 1 hour • Infants : 0 to 2 mm in 1 hour • By Wintrobe method: • In males: 0 to 9 mm in 1 hour • In females: 0 to 15 mm in 1 hour • Infants : 0 to 5 mm in hour
  • 13. FACTORS AFFECTING ESR • FACTORS INCREASING ESR : 1.Specific gravity of RBC 2.Rouleaux formation 3.increase in size of RBC • FACTORS DECREASING ESR : 1.Viscosity of blood 2.RBC count Significance of ESR - Non- specific test -Helps to confirm the diagnosis - helps in prognosis as it monitor the course of disease and response to the therapy.
  • 14. PLASMA PROTIENS Normal values- Total protiens-7.3g/dl Serum albumin- 4.7g/dl Serum globulin- 2.3g/dl Fibrinogen- 0.3g/dl Plasma proteins are Serum albumin Serum globulin Fibrinogen
  • 15. PROPERTIES Oncotic pressure Molecular weight Buffer action Role in coagulation of blood Role in defense mechanism of body Role in transport mechanism Role in maintenance of osmotic pressure Role in Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate Role in regulation of Acid –Base Balance FUNCTIONS
  • 16. Variation in Plasma protein level Elevation of all fractions of plasma protein is called Hyperproteinemia. • Dehydration • Hemolysis • Leukemia • Acute infections Decrease in all fractions of plasma protein is called Hypoprotienemia. • Diarrhea • Hemorrhage • Burns • Pregnancy
  • 17. RED BLOOD CELLS -Red blood cells (RBCs) are the non-nucleated formed elements in the blood. -Red blood cells also known as Erythrocytes. -Red color of the red blood cells is due to the presence of the coloring pigment called hemoglobin. Normal value - 4 to 5.5 million/cu mm of blood Adult males - 5 million / cu mm Adult-Females – 4.5 million / cu mm
  • 18. Normal Size and Shape Shape- disk shaped and biconcave (dumbbell shaped) Diameter : 7.2 μ Thickness : At the periphery it is thicker with 2.2μm and at the center it is thinner with 1μm because of the biconcave shape. Surface area : 120 sq. μ Volume : 80– 90 cu μ Lifespan : 120 days
  • 19. Properties of Red blood cells Rouleaux formation Specific gravity Packed cell volume Suspension Stability 1.092 to 1.101
  • 20. Fate of Red blood cells □ The lifespan of RBC is about 120 days. □ It is determined by radioisotope method.
  • 21. Functions of Red blood cells 1.Transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. 2.Transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. 3. Buffering action of blood 4.In blood group determination
  • 22. Physiological Variations in Number of Red blood cells • a) Increase in RBC count • Age • Sex • High altitude • Increased environmental temperature • b) Decrease in RBC count • High barometric pressure- deep sea • During sleep • Pregnancy
  • 23. Pathological Variations in Red blood cells INCREASE IN RBC COUNT : POLYCYTHEMIA Primary polycythemia: polycythemia vera Secondary polycythemia DECREASE IN RBC COUNT Anemia
  • 24. Variation in SIZE of Red blood cells Microcytes Iron deficiency anemia Increased osmotic pressure in blood Prolonged force breathing Macrocytes Megaloblastic anemia Decreased osmotic pressure in blood Liver disease Anisocytes Pernicious anemia In Physiological conditions : Size of RBCs in Venous blood is slightly larger than those in Arterial blood. In Pathological conditions
  • 25. Variation in SHAPE of Red blood cells
  • 26. Variation in STRUCTURE of Red blood cells Punctate Basophilism •Found in lead poisoning Howell- Jolly Bodies •Seen in patient undergone splenectomy Ring in RBCs / Goblet rings •Seen in certain type of anemia
  • 27. WHITE BLOOD CELLS • Leukocytes are the colorless & nucleated formed elements of blood. • Plays an important role - defense mechanism of the body & protect the body from invading organisms (acts like soldiers.) • Larger in size than RBCs and less in number, nucleated, are of many types, granules are present in some types of WBCs & the lifespan is shorter. • Normal count : 4,000 – 11,000 cells/cu mm of blood. - An increase in the number is called leukocytosis. - An decrease in the number is called leukopenia.
  • 28. CLASSIFICATION • Based on the presence or absence of granules in the cytoplasm Granulocytes Neutrophills Eosinophills Basophills Agranulocytes Monocytes Lymphocytes LEUKOCYTES
  • 29. Normal values 50 to 70% 2 to 4% 0 to 1% 20 to 30% 2 to 6%
  • 30.
  • 31. Ref- Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30
  • 32. Properties of WBCs 1. Diapedesis 2.Ameboid Movement 3. Chemotaxis
  • 33. PLATELETS □It is small, colorless, non nucleated & moderately refractive bodies. □Size Diameter:2.5 μ, Volume: 7.5 cu μ □Platelets constitutes of a cell membrane, microtubules & cytoplasm. □Microtubules provide structural support for the inactive platelets to maintain disk like shape. □Normal platelet count : 2,50,000 per cubic mm of blood to 4,00,000 per cubic mm of blood. □Average life span- 10 days
  • 34. Functions of platelets 1. Role in blood clotting 2. Role in repair of ruptured blood vessels 3.Role in prevention of blood loss 4.Role in clot retraction
  • 36. Applied physiology – Platelet disorders decrease in platelet count THROMBOCYTOPENIA •Acute leukemia •Chickenpox •Small pox •typhoid increase in platelet count THROMBOCYTOSIS •Allergic conditions •Hemorrhage •Bone fracture Persistent and abnormal increase in platelet count THROMBOCYTHEMIA •Carcinoma •Chronic leukemia
  • 37. HEMOSTASIS -Defined as arrest or stoppage of blood. STAGES OF HEMOSTASIS Vasoconstriction Platelet Plug Formation Coagulation of Blood
  • 38.
  • 39. COAGULATION OF BLOOD • Process in which blood loses its fluidity and becomes a jelly- like mass few minutes after it shed out.
  • 40. Stages of Blood clotting 1. Formation of Prothrombin activator 2. Conversion of prothrombin into thrombin 3. Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin
  • 41.
  • 42. Test for blood clotting □ Bleeding time □ Clotting time □ Prothrombin time □ Activated partial thromboplastin time □ Thrombin time □ International normalized ratio
  • 43. Bleeding time Clotting time Time interval from oozing of blood after a cut or injury till the arrest of bleeding Time interval from oozing of blood after a cut injury till the formation of clot Duke’s method Capillary tube method Normal duration- 3 to 6 minutes Normal duration – 3 to 8 minutes Prolonged in purpura Prolonged in Hemophilia
  • 44. Prothrombin Time (PT) Partial Prothrombin Time(PTT) or Activated Prothrombin Time (APTT) Thrombin Time (TT) Extrinsic Pathway Intrinsic Pathway Time taken by blood to clot after adding thromboplastin Time taken for the blood to clot after adding an activator such as phospholipid and calcium Time taken for the blood to clot after adding thrombin to it. Normal value is 10 to 12 seconds. Normal range is 30 to 45 seconds. Normal duration is 12 to 20 seconds Prolonged in deficiency of prothrombin, factors 1,5,7,10 but normal in hemophillia. Prolonged in Heparin or warfarin therapy and hemophillia Prolonged in Heparin therapy and during dysfibrinogenemia. To monitor levels when taking blood thinning medicines To check liver disease to screen for liver transplant Useful in monitoring the pt taking anticoagulants Investigate the presence of heparin in plasma . Fibrinogen abnormalities
  • 46.  INTERNATIONAL NORMALIZED RATIO □ International normalized ratio (INR) was devised as a way to standardize measurements of prothrombin time. □ The manufacturer assigns an international sensitivity index (ISI), which indicates the activity of the tissue factor with a standardized sample □ The INR usually varies between 1.0 and 2.0. □ The normal range for INR in a healthy person is 0.9 to1.3 □ The normal PT is about 12 seconds .
  • 47. INR VALUES TREATEMNT 4.0 or greater No surgical treatment until INR is reduced. < 3.5 to 4.0 Scaling, Root planning only < 2.5 to 3.0 Curettage, Periodontal surgery and Gingivectomy. 1.5 to 2.4 Full mouth extractions, multiple bony impactions, gingivectomy, multiple quadrant flap surgery Ref - Morimoto Y, Niwa H, Minematsu K. Hemostatic management for periodontal treatments in patients on oral antithrombotic therapy: a retrospective study. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology. 2009 Dec 1;108(6):889-96.
  • 48. BLOOD GROUPS Blood groups were discovered by Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner in 1901 • Landsteiner law :- 1.If a particular agglutinogen (antigen) is present in the RBCs, corresponding agglutinin (antibody) must be absent in the serum. 2.If a particular agglutinogen is absent in the RBCs, the corresponding agglutininmust be present in the serum.
  • 49. RH factor • It is an antigen present in RBCs • Discovered in Rhesus monkey hence name as Rh factor Hemolytic disease of fetus and newborn – ERRYTHROBLASTOSIS FETALIS  Hemolytic disease is the disease in fetus and newborn, characterized by the presence of abnormal hemolysis of RBCs. It is due to Rh incompatibility.  When a mother is Rh negative and fetus is Rh positive usually first child escapes the complication of Rh incompatibility. This is because the Rh antigen cannot pass from fetal blood into mother’s blood through placental barrier.
  • 50. Other Blood groups • MNS blood group – reaction with anti-M ,N,S • Bombay blood group-Rare phenotype / hh blood group There is no ill effect with being H deficient but if blood transfusion is ever needed, people with this blood type can receive blood only from other donors who are H deficient.
  • 51. AUTHOR TITLE METHODOLOGY RESULTS CONCLUSION LEVEL OF EVIDENCE A.P. H. Lee, C.A Effectiveness in 16 patients with 13 patients TAMW use after dental 1B Boyle et al 2005 controlling haemophilia completed the scaling was as effective haemorrhage participated. The study. No as using FRT After intervention experiment statistically beforehand in dental scaling in transfusing each patient significant controlling gingival people with with saline before scaling difference was haemorrhage for people haemophilia by both quadrants on one found in gingival with using side of the mouth bleeding and haemophilia tranexamic acid followed by TAMW four mouthwashing . BRISTISH mouthwash. times daily for up to eight Five patients DENTAL days. The control group reported no gingival JOURNAL involved giving each bleeding with either VOLUME 2 patient FRT before the ETR or the CR. scaling the opposite side All subjects found of the mouth followed by the use of a placebo TAMW. ETR acceptable and Both the operator and the easy and reported patients were blinded in feeling safe in using the study. TAMW alone to control gingival bleeding after dental scaling.
  • 52. CONCLUSION It is important to have a thorough knowledge of blood and blood cells, clotting factors in order to diagnose various disorders which will help us a clinician in daily dental practices. Hence,. in turn helping patients to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • 53. REFERENCES • Sembulingam K, Sembulingam P. Essentials of medical physiology. JP Medical Ltd; 2012 Sep 30. • Rose LF, Genco RJ, Cohen DW, Mealey BL. Periodontal medicine. BC Decker.; 2000. • Lee, A., Boyle, C., Savidge, G. et al. Effectiveness in controlling haemorrhage after dental scaling in people with hemophilia by using tranexamic acid mouthwash. Br Dent J 198, 33–38 (2005). • Walter J, High K . Haemophilias. Encyclopedia of life sciences. Nature Publishing Group. 2001 [accessed on 4 July 2001].

Editor's Notes

  1. Monocytes – largest cells among all , matured monocytes enter into tissue from blood to became tissue macrophage eg Kupffer cells in liver , alveolar macrophage on lung Lymphocyes- immunity t – cellular B- humoral Neutrophill/ polymorph play imp role in defence mechanism Basophill – healing process , allergy
  2. Pp and hb act as buffer and help in the regulation of A/B High specific heat of blood it maintains thermoregulatory mechanism Freely interchangeable
  3. Proerythrocyte / megaloblast- large size 20 u , nucleus is large has 2 or more nucleoli, no heamoglobin , its multipliy several time to form normoblast – syntheies start from here Early normo- little smaller that pro 15 u nucleoli disappear,basophilic in nature Intermediate norm- cells again get smaller- 12u nucleus is present, but now hb start appearing Late normo- size again decreases 8u, nucleus+small ink spot nucleus now it is acidophilic nuceus diasappears – pyknosis time 7 days Reticulocyte- immature rbc slightly larger than matured rbc , reticulum formed Matured rbc- reticulum disappears size 7.2 u hb present but not nuclu
  4. Rbc remain suspended uniformly in circulation is suspension stability
  5. Westergren method – 300mm long open on both side 1.6 ml of blood +0.4 ml anticoagulant = ratio 4:1 only for ESR Wintrobe method- 110 mm long , open on 1 end close on another For both ESR and PCV 1ML of blood + EDTA PCV- 40- 45%
  6. SERUM = PLASMA – FIBRINOGEN A/G Ratio is 2:1 IMP indicator in kidney
  7. PLASMAPHERESIS – experiment done in dogs oncotic pressure – 25mm/hg acceptance of hydrogen ions is buffer action , 1/6 th of total buffering action called as Whipple’s experiment mol wt – fibrinogen – 4,00,000 osmotic pressure -most of the substances are exchanged between blood and tissues.
  8. Non- nucleated only mammal which has RBC nucleated is RBC
  9. Pcv / hematocrit value / evf proportion of blood occupied by RBC is pcv
  10. Spleen is called graveyard of RBC WHICH is excreted by liver
  11. RBC carry the blood group antigens a b rh
  12. Persistent increase in Rbc count above 14 occurs in myeloproliferative disorders
  13. Crenation – echinocytes Spherocytosis – spectrin defieciency sickle cell anemia iron deficiency anemia
  14. Nuclear fragment are present in ectoplasm of RBCs megaloblastic anemia
  15. WBC RBC Colorless red Less no more 4.5 to 5.5 million/ cu mm Size larger smaller Shape irregular disk shaped bioconcave Nucleus + abs- Life span short ½ to 15 days long 120 days
  16. Dia 10 -12 u
  17. Diapedesis – is a process by which leukocytes squeeze through narrow blood vessels Ambeoid – NE MON LYMPH – protrusion of cytoplasm and change in shape Chemotaxis – attraction of WBC towards the injured tissues by the chemical substances released at the site injury. Phagocytosis- engulf the foreign bodies
  18. Platelet derived growth factor in cytoplasm is useful for repair of endothelium other structures of ruptured blood vessel 3 ways 1. 5HT causes contriction of blood vessels 2. Adhesive property 3. Formation of temporary plug Contractile protein – actin myosin thrombothenin
  19. Adhesiveness- property of sticking to a rough surface Aggregation grouping of platelets Agglutination- clumping together of platelets
  20. Chediak – higashi syndrome – platelets melanocyte phagocytes Partial albinism , neutrophil is abnormal – aggressive periodontitis Lazy leukocyte syndrome- neutropenia –agg perio destruction of bone Papilon lefevre syndrome – hyperkeratonic skin lesions , destruction of periodontium 2- 4 yr Down syndrome – deep periodontal pocket
  21. Enzyme cascade theory – all the factor present in form of inactive proenzyme . Proenzyme must be activated into enzymes to enforce the clot formation Cascade refers to a process that occurs through a series of steps intiating the next until final step is reached
  22. In Duke’s method- ear lobe template method- blade 1mm deep , 5mm long Ivy”s method- volar surface of forearm t
  23. Hemphillia A- genetic bleeding disorder in 8 gene B – 9 th gene C- 11th
  24. Blood loss ariaudo – 350ml –flap surgery berdon – 435 ml to 624 ml blood gingivectomy
  25. O is universal donor , AB is universal recipients
  26. Discovered by landstiener Wiener , agglutination of blood
  27. Chromosome 4 – glycophorin A, glycophorin B