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ISSUE 4: July 2011


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  WELCOME                              What a busy and successful first year                                              However, I am delighted at the
                                       Knole community has had. We                                                        amount of successes we have
                                       continue to work hard to ensure that                                               achieved and would like to pay
                                       Knole Academy students achieve                                                     tribute to the governors, leadership
                                       their full potential. Many staff have                                              team and whole staff for their huge
                                       given of their time and expertise,                                                 efforts and generosity of time and
                                       working Saturdays, evenings during                                                 expertise in both setting up and
                                       holidays, sometimes with                                                           establishing Knole Academy as a
                                       remuneration and sometimes                                                         vibrant and inspiring place for
                                       voluntarily to ensure that students                                                teaching and learning. It is a
  ‘Education is not                    are as prepared as possible for public                                             measure of the success of the
  the filling of a                     examinations.                                                                      academy that so few of our quality
                                                                                                                          staff are leaving (2 retirements and 1
                                        We are delighted that we will be
  pail, but the                        on one site next year as this should                                               promotion).
                                       ensure that we have further capacity                                               Next year will bring its own
  lighting of a fire.’                 to improve. We are also pleased that                                               challenges in terms of re-establishing
                                       we have secured almost £900,000 for                                                vision and expectations on one site
                                       the capital bid, more details of which                                             but the staff are ready and willing for
  William Butler Yeats                 will follow shortly.                                                               this challenge.
  Poet and Playwright                  Looking back on the year it would
                                       be easy to criticise what we have not                                              Mary Boyle
                                       yet quite achieved and it is the case                                              Principal
                                       that we were extremely ambitious.
TUESDAY 21st JUNE                                         MEDIA STUDIES
 Knole Academy held its first summer exhibition to
 show case the outstanding work of the A level art,       Knole Academy media studies students
 textiles, graphics and media students. The evening       celebrated their first ever exhibition of
 was a visual feast. Work was displayed in three
                                                          work and awards ceremony alongside the
 areas of the school and the highlight of the evening
 was the A2 media student’s film premier followed
                                                          art exhibition and catwalk show this term.
 by the A level textiles students’ catwalk show. We       The A2 students, in particular, produced
 were able to award a significant number of prizes        some stunning video and art coursework
 to outstanding students, generously sponsored            and every one of them should be
 by Sevenoaks and Knole branches of DFAS, Gary            congratulated for their effort and
 Gabriel Associates, Gordon Phillips (our lead            amazing creativity. A2 students Alice
 sponsor) plus Knole Academy prizes.                      Jamieson and James Coomber were both
                                                          awarded well deserved art and media
 The galleries and auditorium were packed with not        awards and the AS media award went to
 only students and their families but local               Rebekah Burgess who is proving to be an
 dignitaries, sponsors, eminent artists, staff past and
                                                          extremely competent film maker. I would
 present and many, many friends of the school. All
 were overwhelmed and delighted with the
                                                          like to wish all the media students leaving
 exhibition.                                              us this year all the very best for the future.

                                                          Mrs Leith

 Science students have their pound of flesh
 Mrs Corbett and Mr Deighton’s Year 12 AS Applied Science class set out on their first
 dissection of a full, complex organism — a brown rat, Rattus norvegicus.

 The students were guided through each stage of the process as they established
 how multifaceted living ‘machines’ function. Each tiny organ was carefully removed
                                               and examined. Eager student, Rimini
                                               Stone perused the rat before she commented, “It is fascinating to see
                                               the sizes and establish the weights of the organs”.

                                                As Kacey Broad carried out her exploration of the heart and lungs she
                                                described how thrilled she was, “Dissecting a rat was one of the most
                                                interesting experiences I’ve had. Being able to take a close look at the
                                                organs was fascinating.”

                                                Students were fully engaged and the task enabled them to develop
                                                their scientific capabilities. Ollie Nichol excitedly summed up the
                                                thoughts of the class, “A great experience! Fantastic to see the
                                                physiology of the rat in real life.”

                                                            MATHS CHALLENGE
The UK Maths Challenge is run by Leeds University and allows selected students to sit a complex maths test. The
most recent test was sat by students in year 7 and 8 and we are proud to announce that the highest scoring students
from Year 8 were: Richard Lusher (Gold), Chloe Farwell and Jamie Parker (Silver), Robert Nicholson, Aran Kaina, Ellie
Minshull and Charlotte Taylor (Bronze). Well done also to Craig Norris and Frank Smith (Year 7) who also won bronze.
Congratulations to those students for an outstanding effort.

Competition: All students are invited to attempt our maths competition. The first student with the correct
solution to Mr Cason will win a prize.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 1 peck =1/4 bushel and 1 bushel = 1/9 barrel. How many more
pecks must Peter Piper pick to fill a barrel?
A) 12	   B) 13 C) 34 D)35            E) 36

                                                          Twelve of our Year
                                                          11 students opted
                                                          to undertake rock
                                                          climbing and use it
                                                          as an assessable
                                                          option as part of
                                                          the practical
                                                          component of their

       GCSE PE
                                                          GCSE PE course. It
                                                          proved to be a huge
                                                          success. They all

                                                          attained either an
                                                          A or A* grade and

                                                          had a thoroughly enjoyable time in the process. Laybacks, fist
                                                          jams, belaying, abseiling and knot work were just some of the
                                                          skills that our students perfected over the two-day course at

  THE HEIGHTS                                             the Bowls Outdoor Education Centre in Sussex. The students
                                                          demonstrated bravery, courage and determination

                                                          throughout and readily accepted that a total reliance upon
                                                          the maturity and ability of their peers was
                                                          essential in order to ensure safety. Next year our
                                                          Year 10 GCSE PE students will be offered the
                                                          same opportunity. I’m sure they will grab it with
                                                          both hands.                                                03
   As Knole Academy’s first year 7 group approach the
   end of their first year it is a good time to look back
   and see how far they have come in this time. In
   September 2010 they came to the Academy excited
   and quite anxious, mainly about getting their lunch
   and finding their way around school. The ‘Show
   and Tell’ event showed everyone how well they
   had adjusted to secondary school. They are now
   well settled in the Academy and making good use
   of all opportunities they are given. Most students
   have participated in extra curricular activities and
   all have grown in confidence. It is good to see that
   most students have a positive attitude from the
   attendance records. The average for the year group
   is 95% and over 40 students have attendance of
   more than 99%, which is fantastic. Next year we
   hope to see even more students with excellent at-
   tendance. I am sure that they will take the
   confidence that they have developed this year with
   them into year 8 and become excellent role models
   for the new year 7 in September.

Blazing moments
Year 8 seems to have flown by very quickly. Year 8 students
have continued to maintain their excellent attendance
records. The average attendance for the year group is 95%
and 33 students have attendance of more than 99%, 13 of
whom have 100%. These students have to be congratulated
and will be rewarded with a trip to Thorpe Park.

I asked some Year 8 students to share their highlights of
Year 8.

“This year I really enjoyed the school trip to the Royal Ballet.
We saw really talented people, doing what they do best”
Amy Edwards 8DT

“My highlight this year was doing my GCSE Maths exam
early. We (Giuliana Jelly, Chloe Farwell, Sophie Allchin, Katie
Slade and Heather Campbell) did our GCSE Maths on 6th
June and 10th June 2011.” Giuliana Jelly

I now look forward to Year 9 and hope that every student will
continue to flourish with the range of opportunities
available to them at Knole Academy.

Mrs McGauley

                                          As the end of key stage 3 approaches year 9 and their tutors have taken
                                          a little time to reflect upon their memories, achievements and how they
                                          have changed.

                                          ‘I remember their first day at secondary school the pensive, anxious
                                          faces and that was only the parents.’
                                          ‘I have enjoyed all the times in form where we have laughed together’
                                          ‘I have enjoyed doing the drama challenges’
                                          ‘I am proud of when I came first in the 100 metres last sports day’
                                          ‘My best friend taught me to draw a star in art’
                                          ‘I had 100% attendance’

                                          We are now about to embark on a big transition into key stage 4. I want
                                          to wish the girls lots of luck on their next journey at Knole Academy.

YEAR 10 GIRLS                                                YEAR 11 GIRLS
PASTORAL CARE                                                PASTORAL CARE
                                                             What a busy yet challenging year we have had. It
The year 10 students started their GCSE studies in           has been a real pleasure and a privilege to work with
September by attending a workshop at Knole East.             the Year 11 girls. This is the year when serious work
The day marked the beginning of a new stage in their         needed to be done and many deadlines had to be
education. Since then it has been a very busy year and       met. It is also a time when stress could have taken
they have realised just how quickly their GCSE studies       over and affected performance and behaviour. I
progress, with GCSE examinations and controlled              must be a very lucky year leader but I am proud that
assessments before Christmas. They are now more than         every single girl did their best. I am also delighted
half way through their GCSE courses and have a very          that attendance and punctuality for GCSE exams was
good idea of what they need to do to be successful           excellent. Now the time has come to wait for results
next year. They have also continued to play a full part      and hope that all that potential has been
in school life, with students taking up opportunities to     realised. Throughout the four years that I have been
perform in the school production, in school                  year leader for this year I have never felt
concerts and sports events. They have also had events        disappointed. Many girls have been motivated to
to prepare them for their careers and are looking            study and revise following the advice given
forward, mainly with excitement, to their work               during PSHE lessons and assemblies. Girls embarking
experience placements. Now it is really important that       on their own personal journey have found the help
they maintain their confidence and hard work into year       given about a choice of career, and particularly on
11 so that they can achieve the GCSE grades that they        how to do a really good job interview, invaluable. All
are capable of.                                              the Year 11 Tutors are sad to have said goodbye to
                                                             their young ladies. I can honestly say that the leavers

                                                             assembly was very moving and in its own way an apt
                                                             tribute to such an outstanding and charming year.

PASTORAL CARE                                                Miss K Hughes.

                                                             YEAR 11 BOYS
                                                             PASTORAL CARE
The last two terms have had a rather different feel for
the current year ten boys. All students have had to get
used to life in their option classrooms without their          May I take this opportunity again to wish all year
year eleven peers, as they have now gone on study              eleven students the best of luck in their remaining
leave. I have been really impressed with the manner            exams this summer? The year eleven leaving
in which the students have conducted themselves in             celebration was thoroughly enjoyable but I do
preparation for and during their GCSE exams this term.         however need to formally apologise for the
It is an exciting time to think that, come August, some        horrendous rendition of American Pie sung by
year ten students will already have up to eight GCSEs.         myself and Mr Massey. As I said on the day, you
This number will only increase as students complete            were a fantastic year group to lead and
their core GCSE subjects next year alongside an                work with. I wish you every success in

additional one year optional qualification. Good luck          the future. I will see you all on results
lads.                                                          day.
AIR                                                  FIRE Dear all,
A really good year for the A team so far.                 All members of the Fire house have continued
All you Air heads out there should be very                to put in maximum effort in all activities under-
proud of the fact that we are currently                   taken and we are at the top of the house point
running in second place for total house                   league at present with 5082 points. We are
points scored since September.                            hoping that with the house competition results,
                                                          Sports day as well as creativity week, we can ac-
                                                          cumulate more points and take the cup home to
We are only 765 points behind the current
leaders Fire. I know I said winning isn’t
everything, it’s the only thing, but try                  Congratulations to Liberty Brown 8EW with 377
telling that to JLS or Lemar. Anyway as Mr                house points, Chloe Baldock 9BE with 343 house
T said, ‘I pity the fool’ that challenges our             points and Chelsea Rowe 7JA with 170 house
house on sports day, good luck.                           points. The top three fire girls!
                                                   TI-    Remember Flames never give up and never

                                                          TOP FLAME.

                                                          ‘Fire is made up of many flames,
                                                          So lets all remember to play the game.
                                                          Don’t be afraid to trust the dream,
                                                          That we will be the winning team!

                                                          Through storms, hurricanes,
                                                          And all kinds of weather,
                                                          We will brave the elements
                                                          And never flounder!

                                                          Through harvest, Christmas, Easter and summer,
                                                          We will tread the earth and cross the water.
                                                          We will calm the wind and always remember,

                                                          To never give up and never surrender. ‘

Vital for all forms of life                              I would like to tell you all about my experience of
                                                         being in the house ‘Fire’. Everyone in Fire works towards
We began the year with great enthusiasm and              getting as many house points as they possibly can, out
the members of WATER house are still inspired            of all four house groups we have the highest amount
to put out the fire, turn earth into mud and air         of house points so far this year. Every time we walk
into rain.                                               in to the auditorium we always have our theme tune
                                                         playing ‘The Ring of Fire’ by Johnny Cash. Our proud
We will rock your boat.                                  leader of Fire Madame Hughes always has a red feather
                                                         boa round her neck and is always singing along to the
                                                         theme song!
Thanks are due to our house captains Poppy
Diggens, Brooke Holford and Joe Watts for all            Some of you may know that we have sports day soon
their hard work and to the members of 7RS who            and I know that all of our house are going to do their
have learned the Haka with Miss Laliberte and            very best to win and, even if we don’t win it, it isn’t the
have been practising their cheerleading skills           winning that matters it is the taking part!
during lunch breaks.                                     Fire is a very supportive house; we all work as a team
                                                         and are there to offer support to people who need it
          Be afraid; thunder goes with rain.             and we always respect and encourage our team no

                                                         matter what!
06        See you next year.
                                                         Rebecca McAllister 8EW (an ardent flame!)
LA PIZZA - J’ADORE                                                GEOGRAPHY
 Last week the year 10 French                                        The Year 11 BTEC Travel and
 GCSE groups had an unusual                                          Tourism students put on a fantastic
 preparation for their                                               and very professional exhibition
 forthcoming Controlled                                              as part of one of their coursework
                                                                     assignments. This was attended by
 Speaking Assessments. They
                                                                     staff and students from a range of
 made pizzas and salads, laid
                                                                     year groups. The Year 11s worked
 the table whilst the pizzas                                         extremely hard to produce a display
 were cooking and then they                                          about places to go and things to do
 all sat down to eat the meal                                        in the local area and the south east
 together and discuss it. The                                        more widely. All this hard work paid
 next step is to talk about it for                                   off, as they girls received a raft of
 four to six minutes and have                                        positive comments from those who
 the conversation recorded.                                          attended. Well done Year 11 and
                                                                     Miss Shaw.

                                                                     Miss L Towse

We have been delighted with the
response to Mrs Boyle’s request for
volunteers to help with extra reading.
Friends of the Academy meet once
a week with small groups of Year 10
students at both Knole East and
Knole West.

We have found that these groups
promote not only reading confidence but
also social skills. Students are now more       THE GLOBE PLAYERS
receptive to others’ opinions and keener
to make their own
                                              YEAR 7 PERFORMANCE
                                               We thought it was going be another rainy Wednesday
                                               afternoon. Until our teacher told us we were going to
                                               see a play to do with William Shakespeare. We all sat
This initiative has only been possible with    in the auditorium in a big circle. We didn’t know much
the dedication of the volunteers and Mrs       about Shakespeare, we were very enthusiastic about it.
Burns’ hard work in organising it.             There weren’t many props but that’s what it was like in
Thank you all very much indeed.                Shakespeare’s times. The people told us we had to use
                                               our imagination and listen to the words they were saying
Mrs Guy                                        carefully. There were six interesting plays, our favourites
                                               were Romeo and Juliet and The Twelfth Night. Between
                                               plays the people who were acting told us William
                                               Shakespeare’s life and more about the plays as we only
                                               saw a bit of each. The costumes were limited so again
                                               you had to use your imagination. One of the plays we
                                               had to use our imagination a lot was about two pairs of
                                               identical twins but the actors really didn’t look
                                               ANYTHING alike! In Romeo and Juliet the girl actor was
                                               so inspiring that when Juliet had to cry she had a
                                               believable expression on her face and even managed to
                                               cry. It was a very interesting and enjoyable afternoon.

                                               Jessica Green and Ellie Moore
CANARY WHARF &                                             YEAR 10
MOTOR EXPO                                                 BUSINESS STUDIES
                                                            On Monday 28th March we went on a business
                                                            trip to Bluewater to find out about how the
                                                            businesses work and about whether staff and
                                                            customers are happy with the service provided
                                                            and their jobs.

                                                            I really enjoyed the trip, firstly we had a tour
                                                            around Bluewater. The tour man told us about
                                                            the architecture, how it was designed and some
                                                            information on the amount of staff and average
                                                            spend of each person that goes there.

                                                             We then had some tasks to do, we had to ask
                                                            staff and customers our questionnaires that
                                                            we designed in our business lesson. We asked
                                                            staff in different shops and customers that were
Students from Yr12 and 13 Business Studies visited          different ages to get a range of answers. For our
Canary Wharf and the London Motor Expo on June              other tasks we needed to collect some research
8th 2011. The visit exposed students to a working day       from the core stores at Bluewater and then we
in London’s financial hub – home to companies such          applied the research to say how they use the
as Barclays, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Citigroup and             marketing mix. Overall I found the trip
Thomson Reuters - and allowed them to walk around           educational and it was fun at the same time.
and view exhibits from Europe’s premier motor
manufacturers.                                              Chloe Shears

Students quizzed Land Rover and Bentley staff as to
the core purpose of the show: “to showcase
innovative products, to stimulate public interest and
to collate customer contacts for future marketing, test
drives and hopefully sales” was the response received
from both firms.                                                                                  ICT
Students were driven around Land Rover’s off road                            This term has been very busy
experience, learned about new green’ technology                              for the ICT department with
from Nissan and Vauxhall and found vehicles they can                         looming coursework deadlines
aspire to own in the future.                                                 for the National Certificate.
                                                                             Final figures are not yet ready
Attended by: Frank Puxty, Kirsty Dixon, Christie                             but it is looking like a bumper
Monahan, Jenny Healey, Sarah-Jane Levings, Tolu Ajao,                        year for ICT results, with many
Rimini Stone, Kacey Broad, Tamannah Miah, Elizabeth                          students achieving a B grade
Foster, Lauren Debenham, Ashley Chinyani, Charlie                            and above.
Silvester, Joe Decoine, Lisa Roberts, Mr Dewey and Mrs
Grant                                                     Meanwhile years 7 and 8 have been using new
                                                          interactive software 'ActivExpresions'. This allows
                                                          students to each have an interactive handset with
                                                          which they can answer questions posed by staff.
                                                          This allows the students to test their own
                                                          understanding of topics studied in class.

                                                          We would also like to thank parents and
                                                          students for donating Tesco’s Computers for
                                                          Schools vouchers, we collected just over 6000,
                                                          however we have decided to bank them until
                                                          next year when we hope to add to this year’s
08                                                        total.
  6th form hairdressing and textile students have shown great creativity       BEAUTY COURSES
  this year. Excellent examples of their hard work were displayed during
  the ‘Cat Walk’ show on 21st June.                                            BEING OFFERED
                                         Achievement for year 11 has
                                         been pleasing this year. A
                                                                               NEXT YEAR
                                         large number of students, 48%          Nail Art Certificate at level 2
                                         achieved the Diploma in
                                         Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy        Long hair dressing &
                                         rather than the certificate this       Photographic make-up
                                                                                Award at level 2
                                         The department review for Work         Workskills BTEC at level 2
                                         Related Learning identified
                                         some excellent practice during
                                         teaching and learning. It was
                                         considered learners made good
                                         progress on courses and were
                                         well supported in their studies.

This year students have learned about and have acquired skills in:
plumbing, brick-laying, carpentry, electrical installation, health and
safety, technical drawing including CAD and painting and
decorating. Tasks including soldering in plumbing using blow
torches, and setting the solder on fittings to complete a pipe system
during their practical assessment. This was only allowed because of
the students’ maturity and sensible approach to the course.

Throughout, the students have demonstrated an ability to assist
their peers and work as a team to ensure everyone achieved the
task set.
                                                                            Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
Year 10 were given the opportunity of visiting K College Brook              Year 11 girls have now successfully
Street site, where they listened to a talk given by various people          completed their portfolio and are awaiting
involved in “Campus 21, Completion and Beyond”. Speakers                    moderation on the 1st July 2011.The girls
included Galliford Try which is a national housebuilding and                worked very hard over the two years and
construction company and Davis Langdon which is a global                    have produced some stunning work and we
construction consultant.                                                    therefore do not anticipate any problems
                                                                            with their success which will give them a B
The students were given the opportunity to ask questions regarding          grade GCSE.
the construction process of the new college building, look around
the site area that is still being completed and participate in group        Year ten girls have successfully completed
work activities. The students’ conduct during the day was                   their production of children’s story books
                                    commented on as being exemplary         and moved onto a new challenge where in
                                    and a credit to Knole academy.          groups they had to produce a two course
                                                                            vegetarian meal. They successfully
                                Year 10 students will continue to           produced these and invited a number of
                                study construction next year whilst         staff to trial the dishes who gave really
                                several of the year 11 students will        positive feedback. Currently they are

 KNOLE PASSPORT                 return to K College to start courses        investigating a foreign country they would
                                in their chosen field from                  like to visit and are producing a persuasive
                                construction; one student will be           brochure on their chosen destination.
                                starting a new career in carpentry
                                and hopefully attending college
                                one day a week to achieve a higher
                                qualification.                                                                   09
    Food Technology really is a fantastic subject, as you   On Wednesday 22nd June we went to
    learn not just about the preparation and cooking of     Sevenoaks School for a taster day in
    the food but you also get to know marketing             Russian and Mandarin Chinese. We were
    techniques, safety and hygiene and the processes        divided in to two groups and taken off to do
    which the foods actually go through to end up on        either Mandarin or Russian. The groups then
    your plate. Year 10 food technology is taught by        swapped for the afternoon so that everyone
    Mrs McGauley. Every Wednesday she stays after           had the chance to do both languages. In
    school to help the GCSE students to do research and     Russian we learned the alphabet and how to
    coursework – until 6:00pm! I stayed behind on my        form a basic conversation - then we made
    birthday to show my gratitude.                          posters using the words we had learned. It
                                                            was great fun! In Chinese, we sampled
    We are currently working on shop surveys, design        traditional Chinese food, learned a basic
    briefs and design specification. I have looked at       conversation , tried our hand at calligraphy
    the different brand ranges and nutritional details      and made Happiness signs. We had an
    of foods to make sure that they are suitable for my     amazing, fun day. Everyone we met was
    target audience.                                        polite and welcoming.

    Brooke Smith                                            Ella Cullom and Kirsty Holden-Murphy

    CHILD                                                   HEALTH AND
    DEVELOPMENT                                             SOCIAL CARE                                      	
                                                             In Health and Social Care Level 2 there are 6
    In child development we have investigated play           different units of work to complete.
    and why it is important for children. We were
    learning how making a creative activity out of           In the units we learnt about the way service
    boxes will encourage a young child’s learning and        users should be treated. We gained an
    development. Our class had fun when we made a            understanding of how to help the elderly and
    train, robot, castle, playground and house out of        young children.
    shoe boxes and cardboard boxes. Mrs. Boyle judged
    our models. We found that making items from              We had work experience every Tuesday. I
    boxes encourages a child’s imagination when they         went to Gloucester House and this gave me
    choose the item to make, materials and the colours       the opportunity to work within a care setting.
    to use. We found that making and playing with the
    items we made encourages all areas of a child’s          During our work experience placement we
    development.                                             attended training and gained certificates in
                                                             Moving and Handling and Health and Safety
    We have started our child study and we have              Awareness. We were given the chance to
    completed an introductory visit to our child to find     lead our own activities, which we were then
    out what stage of development they are at We             graded on and several of us received a
    need to plan activities that we can do over the next     distinction.
    four visits to our child where we can observe how
    they are growing and developing.                         In unit 1 we learnt about the laws within care
                                                             settings and how they must be implemented.
                 Lauren Aldridge                             I found this very interesting.
                 Shenhaz Ali

    10           Natalie Fisher
                 Bethany Stewart
                                                             Vickie Bright.
Knole Academy’s first DofE group are commencing their
Bronze Award and have started their volunteering,
physical activity and skills sections of the programme. Over
the coming months they will start planning and training
for their Bronze expedition: learning to use camp
equipment, first aid, map reading and navigation.

                                                               The DofE Award scheme recognises students’
                                                               teamwork and initiative skills as well as their
                                                               contribution to their local community. Our first
                                                               group are all in Year 12 and the scheme will be
                                                               open to all students over the age of 14 from
                                                               September 2011. Contact our DofE unit leader, Mr
                                                               Dewey for more information.

                                                               Current Participants: Rimini Stone, Faith Allfrey,
                                                               Christie Monahan, Lauren Debenham, Tammana
                                                               Miah, Kacey Broad and Elizabeth Foster

We are very excited about the Knole Passport which is being launched next year. This will be a fantastic
opportunity for students to work towards an award that will recognise their hard work and effort in and
out of school. There will be lots of activities in which the students can participate in order to achieve
their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award and it will be an excellent introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh
Award. I am sure that the ‘Home Life’ challenges will prove very popular with parents as the students
start to help more with the household tasks and chores. Please do encourage your child to sign up to
the Award.

                                                            WEDNESDAY 25TH MAY
                                                                              Drama took over KS3 for the morning to
                                                                              host the 2011 drama challenge. This marks
                                                                              the fifth year for the event and has once
                                                                              again caused pupils to show their seriously
                                                                              competitive streaks. The challenge gives
                                                                              pupils in Yr 7, 8 and 9 the opportunity to
                                                                              revisit skills previously learnt during their
                                                                              drama course here at Knole Academy. Each
                                                                              year group devises a 5 minute improvisation
                                                                              using a given theme.
                                                                              This year the themes have been:

                                                                              Yr 7 – “SECRETS”
                                                                              Yr 8 – “AMBITION”
                                                                              Yr 9 – “HAUNTED TALES”

The debate team headed to Sevenoaks School on 12th
                                                                              This year we were extremely lucky to have
                                                                              professional actress Lexie Lambert
                                                                              adjudicating the challenge.
May 2011 to test their debating skills. The girls had to take             The winners are as follows:
part in two debates, one on whether Physical Education
                                                                          Year 7 - Rumbidzai Chimbizi, Hollie Webb, Ellie
should be compulsory for students and the other whether
                                                                          Hill, Georgia Armstrong and Elsa Waterfield
students should be provided with laptops. The team were
                                                                          with Genie & Me.
fantastic in their efforts and came second winning a medal
each. They did really well and should be proud of their                   Year 8 - Zoe Maxwell, Amy Yandle, Rati Sivyer
achievement.                                                              and Amelia Obbard with Clumsy Fairies.

                                                                          Year 9 - Maddie Bathe, Bethany Debenham,
                                                                          Abigail Scott-Inglis, Kelly Bethell, Elizabeth
                                                                          Bull, Megan Hadlow and Sophie Butters with
                                                                          Come Play With Me.

                                                                          Many congratulations to students and teachers
                                                                          who participated.

Left to right: Gemma Sowten, Zoe Maxwell, Chloe Miller,                   Mrs V Hollidge - Drama
Molly Ironside and Ella Zeki

  The importance of learning History
  History has happened. Do we really need to look backwards?
  YES! I firmly believe that it is essential that students learn history, because
  of the vital life skills it develops. Hitler said “the broad masses of the
  nation will be more likely to believe a big lie than a smaller one.” Students
  of history will be less likely to believe big lies or small ones.
  Don’t just take my word for it. Here are some comments made by A Level
  history students:

  “History is a fascinating subject, and is really interesting. Learning history really broadens your mind, and teaches the
  essential skills needed to do well in your other subjects and in life.” Ollie Nichol 12CS

  “I like learning history because it’s a very well respected subject to have on your CV.” Charlotte Taylor 12JL

              “I enjoy learning history because it gives me an idea about what could happen in the future- history
              repeats itself” Jacob Lowe 13RD
12            Jane Elliott - Subject Leader for History
DANCE                         DANCE AUDITIONS
                                                          FOR KNOLE CASCADE
Knole Platform
Congratulations to all the students who took part in
                                                          DANCE COMPANIES
                                                             (Junior & Senior) will be announced in assemblies in
the Knole Platform at Knole West on 4th May.                 September 2011.

Cascade Dance Platform                                       FUTURE DANCE EVENTS FOR 2011-2012
Congratulations to all the students who took part in
the Cascade Platform at K College on 14th and 15th           ANNUAL DANCE SHOW
May.                                                         JOURNEY TO THE THRONE
                                                             CASCADE CHRISTMAS PLATFORM

                                                             CHRISTMAS CONCERT

                                                             I will be looking for dancers for the performances above.
Media Studies and Dance Trip to see FREE RUN                 Please check the performing arts board regularly for
performing at the E4 Underbelly Festival at the              announcements. The board is located near the English
Southbank Centre                                             area.

Miss Simmons and Mrs Leith took a group of 30

students to see Free Run on 5th July.

The show was an hour display of explosive action of
free running, one of the world’s most exciting and          The Change Schools Communications Project with year
dangerous extreme sports. The show stared 3RUN,             7 has been gathering pace since we last reported in April
the UK’s number one free running team, holders of           and came to an exciting conclusion on 6th July.
fifteen Guinness world records. The performance
also displayed a fabulous film projection which gave      Year 7 have been working on the theme of
a modern and exciting edge.                               communication with 4 other communities in the
                                                          Sevenoaks area – Dorton House School for students with
This was a truly amazing opportunity especially as        visual impairment, Valence School for students with severe
this was the UK’s first ever free running stage show.     medical and special needs, Rockdale Housing for the
                                                          elderly and First Steps Nursery. After initial contact with
                                                          each of these 4 partners which involved small groups of
students, everyone involved was very keen to organise activities which could include every student in the academy.

7K and 7E invited the whole of First Steps Nursery to a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on Friday 27th May. The challenge was to
design a series of activities that would interest and entertain the little children for the afternoon. Some students were
able to incorporate some French into the games they devised for them. The nursery children were thrilled and

everyone enjoyed the entire afternoon including the ice cream part of the picnic.

7A and 7L visited Rockdale, one class at a time, to work with some of the residents on a sign language activity. They
taught each other symbols and messages and thought up how to sign messages to the world. It was a truly
collaborative experience.

7O and 7C visited Valence School on 2 separate occasions to undertake a challenge set by the Valence students and
staff to follow a trail and find answers to clues by following the lead of the Valence students. It was a cunning ploy
and stretched year 7 to their limits – not least in adding up the answers to clues in their head! Valence School has
wonderful grounds and the students loved discovering all the hidden corners and the beautiful nature trail which
also sports an inspiring outside classroom.
7M and 7N visited Dorton House School to follow a rotation of activities which ranged from playing football
blindfolded to putting together a radio show in their radio studio. At the time of going to press, the visits had not yet
happened, but if the success of the last 2 encounters between Knole Academy students and Dorton House students
is anything to go by, these 2 visits will have been highly enjoyable and worthwhile.
To summarise the process of the project, its aims and its successes there was a Gala Afternoon held in
school on Wednesday 6th July.
Alison Truphet - Project Manager
Congratulations to all Knole students who have over
                                                              WORK RELATED
99 percent attendance this academic year. They will all be
invited on a trip to Thorpe Park in July as a reward.

      D OF E AWARD
Good attendance is crucial in allowing students the best
opportunity to achieve their learning potential. It is also
                                                              On May 4th 2011, Year 10 enjoyed an exciting
                                                              work related learning activity at Knole East and

the first thing an employer looks at when assessing
candidates for interview.
                                                              Knole West. The students’ brief was to construct
                                                              an item that could be made from recyclable
                                                              household material. The students were divided
Our weekly attendance trophies for each year group have       into groups and their task was to design and
added some healthy competition between tutor groups           construct a prototype; package, promote and
and tutors, with attendance being a real focus for all
                                                              market their product by presenting it to their
                                                              fellow classmates. The calibre of work produced
We are sure that students will really enjoy the trip and      was of high quality and a testament to the
hope that next year even more students will qualify.          dedication and hard work that was shown by the
                                                              students throughout the day.
Below is a list of all students with 100 percent attendance
this year – fantastic.                                        On June 17th 2011Year 10 students had a Work
                                                              Experience preparation session. This was held at
                                                              both Knole East and West. Students were given
                                                              instructions on Health & Safety, Team Work and
Anita Adebola 7CG, Jessica Baker 11MH, Yasmin                 Problem Solving, First Impressions, Interview
Baldock 11LT, Sarah Bowen 7CB, Jade Cockburn 9TF,
                                                              Skills and Time-Keeping, Presentation Skills and
Emily Critcher 7RS, Laura Crowe 8DT , Rachel Easton
                                                              Work Experience folders.
11CC, Gemma Ellis 8IW, Hayley Ferrari 10HL, Hannah
Gallagher 8IW, Kate Hosiene 8SD, Charlotte Ham 8IW,
Chantelle Heath 11LT, Laura Hunt 9NC, Megan Keily 8IW,        Both the days were well received by the year 10
Lucia Kitchen 8IW, Celine Lagos 7PB, Mix Lakaew 7CG,          students and hopefully have given them the
Hannah Lowe 10TS, Rachel Macey 9BE, Bethany Millar            confidence to go out into the world of work in
7CG, Megan Newton 9NC, Phoebe Nightingale 7KB,                July and enjoy their work experience placements.
Zoe-Louise Paans 7CG, Maisie Piggott 7JA, Jack Randall

9DO, Savannah Riach 8EW, Elizabeth Satterley 7CG,
Joseph Slawinski 7MG, Jack Smith 8ST, Rachael Stothard

8EW, Aiden Taylor 8ST, Samantha Tilley 7KB, Hannah
Uregbula 8IW, Rebecca Webster 8SD, Christopher

Wilkinson 7KT, Georgia Winchcombe 9NC, Emma
Woodhouse 8SD.

                                                               On 28 April 30 year 12 students visited The
                                                               University of Kent, Canterbury for a higher
                                                               education convention. Students were able
                                                               to speak with representatives from a wide
                                                               range of universities as well as attending
                                                               seminars on student finance, gap years,
                                                               applications and personal statements as well
                                                               as tours of the campus. The visit was very
                                                               popular with students who gained a
                                                               valuable insight into the next stage of their

                  “I now have a better                        “It helped me make a
14                understanding of course                     decision on what courses to
                   requirements”                              take”
Our first farewell is to Mrs Francene Kennedy who started teaching on the Knole West site in 1974 at
the then Sevenoaks School for Girls. She will be remembered as a science teacher, but also as a pastoral
leader for a number of years.
Mrs Elaine Moss, vice principal, started teaching art and design at Sevenoaks School for Girls in 1984.
she has been head of art and design, technology, assistant headteacher and deputy headteacher
leading on the visual arts specialism. Her contribution to whole school development has been
immense and her creative flair will be sorely missed by the students and staff. Fortunately, she will
continue next year to lead on the specialisms on a part time basis.
Mrs Isabelle Winstone has been offered a promotion at another school and we wish her all the very
best and thank her for her two years at the school. She has left her mark on A level textiles and Catwalk
We all wish them lots of luck for the future.

                                                     WELCOME TO...
 The cashless payment system in the Knole West        We are very pleased to welcome the following
 Dining Room has been a great success – queues        staff to Knole Academy in September. In
 at the tills are almost non existent. Staff and      English, we will have Mr Town and Miss Kimber.
 students transferring from Knole East will be        In Science Miss Alldis and Mr Dawes. In ICT Miss
 added to the system in September and we              Maginn and in maths and music we welcome
 encourage everyone to use the online payment         two part time teachers, Mrs Cheveley and Miss
 and monitoring facility at                           Ive respectively. We look forward to making which will            them all feel most welcome and a part of the
 help reduce the peak time queues at the cash         Knole Academy team.
 entry machine.

Earlier in the year students in each of the academy houses
submitted designs for a brand new logo to represent their house.
Many creative designs were submitted and it was very hard to
choose the best ideas. On Wednesday 15 June students who
produced a selection of the most exciting designs took part in a
logo workshop to review, combine, refine and finalise their ideas.
The outcomes from this workshop were then refined further by Miss
Miller using computer design software ready to be used in all future
House events.

        Air	 	                    Earth 		                   Water		                   Fire        15
REVIEWS 2010-2011 FOR YOUR CALENDAR                   THU 1 SEPT - FRI 16 DEC : Autumn Term
    As we approach the end of the academic            TUES 3 JAN - FRI 30 MARCH: Spring Term
    year, I am pleased to be able to feedback on      MON 16 APR - FRI 20 JULY: Summer Term	       	
    another series of subject reviews as well as
    a review on Special Educational Needs and         THURS 18 AUG: GCE Results Day 11am-12pm
    Post 16 provision.                                                  (KW Auditorium)

    The subject areas covered include                 THURS 25 AUG: GCSE Results Day 11am-12pm
    construction, Asdan, hair & beauty, food                            (KW Auditorium)
    studies, health & social care, child
    development, business studies, law, science       MON 5 SEPT: Term begins for ALL students.
    and public services. As you can see, we have
    been extremely busy with our monitoring
    programme and, as always, we are very             THURS 29 SEPT : Open Evening
    grateful to the students and parents who
    take the time to present to us their views
    and opinions. The questionnaires gave             MON 3 OCT & TUES 4 OCT: Open Mornings
    positive feedback across the board with
    over 90% of students and parents regularly
                                                      MON 24 OCT - MON 31 OCT : Half Term Holiday
    agreeing that subjects are enjoyed, progress
    is being made, work is clearly explained
    and discussed with individuals and that           STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAYS
    students are expected to work hard and do         Thursday 1st September	 	 	           INSET DAY
    their best. It is also generally acknowledged     Friday 2nd September 			              INSET DAY
                                                      Monday 31st October 	 		              INSET DAY
    that students know their targets and how to
                                                      Wednesday 4th January 			             INSET DAY
    achieve them and that they can get on with        Monday 16th April			                  INSET DAY
    their work without interruption, although
    on this last point there were individual cases
    where disruption in class was an issue. The      PLEASE DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS
    setting and marking of homework met with         DURING TERM TIME - THEY WILL NOT BE
    a varied response and students have been
    recently reminded to ensure that homework        AUTHORISED

                                                     KNOLE ACADEMY
    is recorded in planners on a regular basis.

    As well as these focal points in the year
    where parental comments are invited,
    please note that parents are encouraged to
    communicate their views to the academy            Due to the difficulties with uniform supply that we
    via student planners, form tutors, email or       have experienced throughout this year and because
    by attending the parent forum meetings.           of the large number of complaints from parents
                                                      about the quality of a number of items (especially
    Mr P R Derrick
                                                      the blazer and the skirt) supplied by Price & Buckland
    Vice Principal
                                                      we have made the decision to use John Lewis as our
                                                      main uniform supplier.
ARTS & LANGUAGES                                      Price & Buckland will continue to supply the PE kit
                                                      and school tie for boys, as these items are very
Principal: Mrs Mary Boyle MA, MEd                            competitively priced and they wear well. The school                                  tie can also be purchased from the academy.
Tel: 01732 454608                                     Ordering of both school uniform and PE kit is done
                                                      on line. Please visit the Academy website for more
                                                       information and for the complete uniform list. If any
                                                      parents are unable to access a computer at home
  16                                                  please contact Mrs Mills who will send out a letter.

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Blaze 4 july 2011

  • 1. ISSUE 4: July 2011 E! SU alk tw ca I S on th e ea r? I S de sig ns fle s h 1 et hi sy H al s f 01 nc in icu nd o r2 1 da 01 atten T bi ti on ir o rig eg u rv ir po te m be 0- % 2 IN e p hi ut th No the Se 2 01 d 100 os us m og Ex tr t ss tt 2’s ge fro e h rs iev e eL er ent Raear 1 t ce d nd ts ac ous m stud or tro du te n yH m l Su -Leve Y sp At tude em 03 in as eing p s s c ad To hich 02 A l eP b rd o nogo le A o e L ew K 14 W wa Kn w a u en s 11 Ne Hoee th 15 S WELCOME What a busy and successful first year However, I am delighted at the Knole community has had. We amount of successes we have continue to work hard to ensure that achieved and would like to pay Knole Academy students achieve tribute to the governors, leadership their full potential. Many staff have team and whole staff for their huge given of their time and expertise, efforts and generosity of time and working Saturdays, evenings during expertise in both setting up and holidays, sometimes with establishing Knole Academy as a remuneration and sometimes vibrant and inspiring place for voluntarily to ensure that students teaching and learning. It is a ‘Education is not are as prepared as possible for public measure of the success of the the filling of a examinations. academy that so few of our quality staff are leaving (2 retirements and 1 We are delighted that we will be pail, but the on one site next year as this should promotion). ensure that we have further capacity Next year will bring its own lighting of a fire.’ to improve. We are also pleased that challenges in terms of re-establishing we have secured almost £900,000 for vision and expectations on one site the capital bid, more details of which but the staff are ready and willing for William Butler Yeats will follow shortly. this challenge. Poet and Playwright Looking back on the year it would be easy to criticise what we have not Mary Boyle yet quite achieved and it is the case Principal that we were extremely ambitious.
  • 2. SUMMER EXHIBITION TUESDAY 21st JUNE MEDIA STUDIES Knole Academy held its first summer exhibition to show case the outstanding work of the A level art, Knole Academy media studies students textiles, graphics and media students. The evening celebrated their first ever exhibition of was a visual feast. Work was displayed in three work and awards ceremony alongside the areas of the school and the highlight of the evening was the A2 media student’s film premier followed art exhibition and catwalk show this term. by the A level textiles students’ catwalk show. We The A2 students, in particular, produced were able to award a significant number of prizes some stunning video and art coursework to outstanding students, generously sponsored and every one of them should be by Sevenoaks and Knole branches of DFAS, Gary congratulated for their effort and Gabriel Associates, Gordon Phillips (our lead amazing creativity. A2 students Alice sponsor) plus Knole Academy prizes. Jamieson and James Coomber were both awarded well deserved art and media The galleries and auditorium were packed with not awards and the AS media award went to only students and their families but local Rebekah Burgess who is proving to be an dignitaries, sponsors, eminent artists, staff past and extremely competent film maker. I would present and many, many friends of the school. All were overwhelmed and delighted with the like to wish all the media students leaving exhibition. us this year all the very best for the future. Mrs Leith 02
  • 3. RATTUS NORVEGICUS Science students have their pound of flesh Mrs Corbett and Mr Deighton’s Year 12 AS Applied Science class set out on their first dissection of a full, complex organism — a brown rat, Rattus norvegicus. The students were guided through each stage of the process as they established how multifaceted living ‘machines’ function. Each tiny organ was carefully removed and examined. Eager student, Rimini Stone perused the rat before she commented, “It is fascinating to see the sizes and establish the weights of the organs”. As Kacey Broad carried out her exploration of the heart and lungs she described how thrilled she was, “Dissecting a rat was one of the most interesting experiences I’ve had. Being able to take a close look at the organs was fascinating.” Students were fully engaged and the task enabled them to develop their scientific capabilities. Ollie Nichol excitedly summed up the thoughts of the class, “A great experience! Fantastic to see the physiology of the rat in real life.” MATHS CHALLENGE The UK Maths Challenge is run by Leeds University and allows selected students to sit a complex maths test. The most recent test was sat by students in year 7 and 8 and we are proud to announce that the highest scoring students from Year 8 were: Richard Lusher (Gold), Chloe Farwell and Jamie Parker (Silver), Robert Nicholson, Aran Kaina, Ellie Minshull and Charlotte Taylor (Bronze). Well done also to Craig Norris and Frank Smith (Year 7) who also won bronze. Congratulations to those students for an outstanding effort. Competition: All students are invited to attempt our maths competition. The first student with the correct solution to Mr Cason will win a prize. Question: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 1 peck =1/4 bushel and 1 bushel = 1/9 barrel. How many more pecks must Peter Piper pick to fill a barrel? A) 12 B) 13 C) 34 D)35 E) 36 Twelve of our Year 11 students opted to undertake rock climbing and use it as an assessable option as part of the practical component of their GCSE PE GCSE PE course. It proved to be a huge success. They all STUDENTS attained either an A or A* grade and REACHING had a thoroughly enjoyable time in the process. Laybacks, fist jams, belaying, abseiling and knot work were just some of the skills that our students perfected over the two-day course at THE HEIGHTS the Bowls Outdoor Education Centre in Sussex. The students demonstrated bravery, courage and determination AT BOWLS throughout and readily accepted that a total reliance upon the maturity and ability of their peers was essential in order to ensure safety. Next year our Year 10 GCSE PE students will be offered the same opportunity. I’m sure they will grab it with both hands. 03 03
  • 4. YEAR 7 PASTORAL CARE As Knole Academy’s first year 7 group approach the end of their first year it is a good time to look back and see how far they have come in this time. In September 2010 they came to the Academy excited and quite anxious, mainly about getting their lunch and finding their way around school. The ‘Show and Tell’ event showed everyone how well they had adjusted to secondary school. They are now well settled in the Academy and making good use of all opportunities they are given. Most students have participated in extra curricular activities and all have grown in confidence. It is good to see that most students have a positive attitude from the attendance records. The average for the year group is 95% and over 40 students have attendance of more than 99%, which is fantastic. Next year we hope to see even more students with excellent at- tendance. I am sure that they will take the confidence that they have developed this year with them into year 8 and become excellent role models for the new year 7 in September. YEAR 8 PASTORAL CARE Blazing moments Year 8 seems to have flown by very quickly. Year 8 students have continued to maintain their excellent attendance records. The average attendance for the year group is 95% and 33 students have attendance of more than 99%, 13 of whom have 100%. These students have to be congratulated and will be rewarded with a trip to Thorpe Park. I asked some Year 8 students to share their highlights of Year 8. “This year I really enjoyed the school trip to the Royal Ballet. We saw really talented people, doing what they do best” Amy Edwards 8DT “My highlight this year was doing my GCSE Maths exam early. We (Giuliana Jelly, Chloe Farwell, Sophie Allchin, Katie Slade and Heather Campbell) did our GCSE Maths on 6th June and 10th June 2011.” Giuliana Jelly I now look forward to Year 9 and hope that every student will continue to flourish with the range of opportunities available to them at Knole Academy. Mrs McGauley 04
  • 5. YEAR 9 PASTORAL CARE As the end of key stage 3 approaches year 9 and their tutors have taken a little time to reflect upon their memories, achievements and how they have changed. ‘I remember their first day at secondary school the pensive, anxious faces and that was only the parents.’ ‘I have enjoyed all the times in form where we have laughed together’ ‘I have enjoyed doing the drama challenges’ ‘I am proud of when I came first in the 100 metres last sports day’ ‘My best friend taught me to draw a star in art’ ‘I had 100% attendance’ We are now about to embark on a big transition into key stage 4. I want to wish the girls lots of luck on their next journey at Knole Academy. YEAR 10 GIRLS YEAR 11 GIRLS PASTORAL CARE PASTORAL CARE What a busy yet challenging year we have had. It The year 10 students started their GCSE studies in has been a real pleasure and a privilege to work with September by attending a workshop at Knole East. the Year 11 girls. This is the year when serious work The day marked the beginning of a new stage in their needed to be done and many deadlines had to be education. Since then it has been a very busy year and met. It is also a time when stress could have taken they have realised just how quickly their GCSE studies over and affected performance and behaviour. I progress, with GCSE examinations and controlled must be a very lucky year leader but I am proud that assessments before Christmas. They are now more than every single girl did their best. I am also delighted half way through their GCSE courses and have a very that attendance and punctuality for GCSE exams was good idea of what they need to do to be successful excellent. Now the time has come to wait for results next year. They have also continued to play a full part and hope that all that potential has been in school life, with students taking up opportunities to realised. Throughout the four years that I have been perform in the school production, in school year leader for this year I have never felt concerts and sports events. They have also had events disappointed. Many girls have been motivated to to prepare them for their careers and are looking study and revise following the advice given forward, mainly with excitement, to their work during PSHE lessons and assemblies. Girls embarking experience placements. Now it is really important that on their own personal journey have found the help they maintain their confidence and hard work into year given about a choice of career, and particularly on 11 so that they can achieve the GCSE grades that they how to do a really good job interview, invaluable. All are capable of. the Year 11 Tutors are sad to have said goodbye to their young ladies. I can honestly say that the leavers YEAR 10 BOYS assembly was very moving and in its own way an apt tribute to such an outstanding and charming year. PASTORAL CARE Miss K Hughes. YEAR 11 BOYS PASTORAL CARE The last two terms have had a rather different feel for the current year ten boys. All students have had to get used to life in their option classrooms without their May I take this opportunity again to wish all year year eleven peers, as they have now gone on study eleven students the best of luck in their remaining leave. I have been really impressed with the manner exams this summer? The year eleven leaving in which the students have conducted themselves in celebration was thoroughly enjoyable but I do preparation for and during their GCSE exams this term. however need to formally apologise for the It is an exciting time to think that, come August, some horrendous rendition of American Pie sung by year ten students will already have up to eight GCSEs. myself and Mr Massey. As I said on the day, you This number will only increase as students complete were a fantastic year group to lead and their core GCSE subjects next year alongside an work with. I wish you every success in 05 additional one year optional qualification. Good luck the future. I will see you all on results lads. day.
  • 6. AIR FIRE Dear all, A really good year for the A team so far. All members of the Fire house have continued All you Air heads out there should be very to put in maximum effort in all activities under- proud of the fact that we are currently taken and we are at the top of the house point running in second place for total house league at present with 5082 points. We are points scored since September. hoping that with the house competition results, Sports day as well as creativity week, we can ac- cumulate more points and take the cup home to We are only 765 points behind the current FIRE. leaders Fire. I know I said winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing, but try Congratulations to Liberty Brown 8EW with 377 telling that to JLS or Lemar. Anyway as Mr house points, Chloe Baldock 9BE with 343 house T said, ‘I pity the fool’ that challenges our points and Chelsea Rowe 7JA with 170 house house on sports day, good luck. points. The top three fire girls! TI- Remember Flames never give up and never surrender. Sincerely TOP FLAME. ‘Fire is made up of many flames, So lets all remember to play the game. Don’t be afraid to trust the dream, That we will be the winning team! Through storms, hurricanes, And all kinds of weather, We will brave the elements And never flounder! Through harvest, Christmas, Easter and summer, We will tread the earth and cross the water. We will calm the wind and always remember, WATER To never give up and never surrender. ‘ Vital for all forms of life I would like to tell you all about my experience of being in the house ‘Fire’. Everyone in Fire works towards We began the year with great enthusiasm and getting as many house points as they possibly can, out the members of WATER house are still inspired of all four house groups we have the highest amount to put out the fire, turn earth into mud and air of house points so far this year. Every time we walk into rain. in to the auditorium we always have our theme tune playing ‘The Ring of Fire’ by Johnny Cash. Our proud We will rock your boat. leader of Fire Madame Hughes always has a red feather boa round her neck and is always singing along to the theme song! Thanks are due to our house captains Poppy Diggens, Brooke Holford and Joe Watts for all Some of you may know that we have sports day soon their hard work and to the members of 7RS who and I know that all of our house are going to do their have learned the Haka with Miss Laliberte and very best to win and, even if we don’t win it, it isn’t the have been practising their cheerleading skills winning that matters it is the taking part! during lunch breaks. Fire is a very supportive house; we all work as a team and are there to offer support to people who need it Be afraid; thunder goes with rain. and we always respect and encourage our team no 06 matter what! 06 See you next year. Rebecca McAllister 8EW (an ardent flame!)
  • 7. LA PIZZA - J’ADORE GEOGRAPHY Last week the year 10 French The Year 11 BTEC Travel and GCSE groups had an unusual Tourism students put on a fantastic preparation for their and very professional exhibition forthcoming Controlled as part of one of their coursework assignments. This was attended by Speaking Assessments. They staff and students from a range of made pizzas and salads, laid year groups. The Year 11s worked the table whilst the pizzas extremely hard to produce a display were cooking and then they about places to go and things to do all sat down to eat the meal in the local area and the south east together and discuss it. The more widely. All this hard work paid next step is to talk about it for off, as they girls received a raft of four to six minutes and have positive comments from those who the conversation recorded. attended. Well done Year 11 and Miss Shaw. READING Miss L Towse We have been delighted with the response to Mrs Boyle’s request for volunteers to help with extra reading. Friends of the Academy meet once a week with small groups of Year 10 students at both Knole East and Knole West. We have found that these groups promote not only reading confidence but also social skills. Students are now more THE GLOBE PLAYERS receptive to others’ opinions and keener to make their own YEAR 7 PERFORMANCE We thought it was going be another rainy Wednesday contribution. afternoon. Until our teacher told us we were going to see a play to do with William Shakespeare. We all sat This initiative has only been possible with in the auditorium in a big circle. We didn’t know much the dedication of the volunteers and Mrs about Shakespeare, we were very enthusiastic about it. Burns’ hard work in organising it. There weren’t many props but that’s what it was like in Thank you all very much indeed. Shakespeare’s times. The people told us we had to use our imagination and listen to the words they were saying Mrs Guy carefully. There were six interesting plays, our favourites were Romeo and Juliet and The Twelfth Night. Between plays the people who were acting told us William Shakespeare’s life and more about the plays as we only saw a bit of each. The costumes were limited so again you had to use your imagination. One of the plays we had to use our imagination a lot was about two pairs of identical twins but the actors really didn’t look ANYTHING alike! In Romeo and Juliet the girl actor was so inspiring that when Juliet had to cry she had a believable expression on her face and even managed to cry. It was a very interesting and enjoyable afternoon. Jessica Green and Ellie Moore 07
  • 8. CANARY WHARF & YEAR 10 MOTOR EXPO BUSINESS STUDIES TITLE On Monday 28th March we went on a business trip to Bluewater to find out about how the businesses work and about whether staff and customers are happy with the service provided and their jobs. I really enjoyed the trip, firstly we had a tour around Bluewater. The tour man told us about the architecture, how it was designed and some information on the amount of staff and average spend of each person that goes there. We then had some tasks to do, we had to ask staff and customers our questionnaires that we designed in our business lesson. We asked staff in different shops and customers that were Students from Yr12 and 13 Business Studies visited different ages to get a range of answers. For our Canary Wharf and the London Motor Expo on June other tasks we needed to collect some research 8th 2011. The visit exposed students to a working day from the core stores at Bluewater and then we in London’s financial hub – home to companies such applied the research to say how they use the as Barclays, Credit Suisse, HSBC, Citigroup and marketing mix. Overall I found the trip Thomson Reuters - and allowed them to walk around educational and it was fun at the same time. and view exhibits from Europe’s premier motor manufacturers. Chloe Shears Students quizzed Land Rover and Bentley staff as to the core purpose of the show: “to showcase innovative products, to stimulate public interest and to collate customer contacts for future marketing, test drives and hopefully sales” was the response received from both firms. ICT Students were driven around Land Rover’s off road This term has been very busy experience, learned about new green’ technology for the ICT department with from Nissan and Vauxhall and found vehicles they can looming coursework deadlines aspire to own in the future. for the National Certificate. Final figures are not yet ready Attended by: Frank Puxty, Kirsty Dixon, Christie but it is looking like a bumper Monahan, Jenny Healey, Sarah-Jane Levings, Tolu Ajao, year for ICT results, with many Rimini Stone, Kacey Broad, Tamannah Miah, Elizabeth students achieving a B grade Foster, Lauren Debenham, Ashley Chinyani, Charlie and above. Silvester, Joe Decoine, Lisa Roberts, Mr Dewey and Mrs Grant Meanwhile years 7 and 8 have been using new interactive software 'ActivExpresions'. This allows students to each have an interactive handset with which they can answer questions posed by staff. This allows the students to test their own understanding of topics studied in class. We would also like to thank parents and students for donating Tesco’s Computers for Schools vouchers, we collected just over 6000, however we have decided to bank them until next year when we hope to add to this year’s 08 total.
  • 9. NEW HAIR AND HAIR AND BEAUTY 6th form hairdressing and textile students have shown great creativity BEAUTY COURSES this year. Excellent examples of their hard work were displayed during the ‘Cat Walk’ show on 21st June. BEING OFFERED Achievement for year 11 has been pleasing this year. A NEXT YEAR large number of students, 48% Nail Art Certificate at level 2 achieved the Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Long hair dressing & rather than the certificate this Photographic make-up year. Award at level 2 The department review for Work Workskills BTEC at level 2 Related Learning identified some excellent practice during teaching and learning. It was considered learners made good progress on courses and were well supported in their studies. CONSTRUCTION This year students have learned about and have acquired skills in: plumbing, brick-laying, carpentry, electrical installation, health and safety, technical drawing including CAD and painting and decorating. Tasks including soldering in plumbing using blow torches, and setting the solder on fittings to complete a pipe system during their practical assessment. This was only allowed because of the students’ maturity and sensible approach to the course. ASDAN Throughout, the students have demonstrated an ability to assist their peers and work as a team to ensure everyone achieved the task set. Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Year 10 were given the opportunity of visiting K College Brook Year 11 girls have now successfully Street site, where they listened to a talk given by various people completed their portfolio and are awaiting involved in “Campus 21, Completion and Beyond”. Speakers moderation on the 1st July 2011.The girls included Galliford Try which is a national housebuilding and worked very hard over the two years and construction company and Davis Langdon which is a global have produced some stunning work and we construction consultant. therefore do not anticipate any problems with their success which will give them a B The students were given the opportunity to ask questions regarding grade GCSE. the construction process of the new college building, look around the site area that is still being completed and participate in group Year ten girls have successfully completed work activities. The students’ conduct during the day was their production of children’s story books commented on as being exemplary and moved onto a new challenge where in and a credit to Knole academy. groups they had to produce a two course vegetarian meal. They successfully Year 10 students will continue to produced these and invited a number of study construction next year whilst staff to trial the dishes who gave really several of the year 11 students will positive feedback. Currently they are KNOLE PASSPORT return to K College to start courses investigating a foreign country they would in their chosen field from like to visit and are producing a persuasive construction; one student will be brochure on their chosen destination. starting a new career in carpentry and hopefully attending college one day a week to achieve a higher qualification. 09
  • 10. YEAR 10 GCSE LANGUAGES FOOD TECHNOLOGY TASTER DAY Food Technology really is a fantastic subject, as you On Wednesday 22nd June we went to learn not just about the preparation and cooking of Sevenoaks School for a taster day in the food but you also get to know marketing Russian and Mandarin Chinese. We were techniques, safety and hygiene and the processes divided in to two groups and taken off to do which the foods actually go through to end up on either Mandarin or Russian. The groups then your plate. Year 10 food technology is taught by swapped for the afternoon so that everyone Mrs McGauley. Every Wednesday she stays after had the chance to do both languages. In school to help the GCSE students to do research and Russian we learned the alphabet and how to coursework – until 6:00pm! I stayed behind on my form a basic conversation - then we made birthday to show my gratitude. posters using the words we had learned. It was great fun! In Chinese, we sampled We are currently working on shop surveys, design traditional Chinese food, learned a basic briefs and design specification. I have looked at conversation , tried our hand at calligraphy the different brand ranges and nutritional details and made Happiness signs. We had an of foods to make sure that they are suitable for my amazing, fun day. Everyone we met was target audience. polite and welcoming. Brooke Smith Ella Cullom and Kirsty Holden-Murphy CHILD HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT SOCIAL CARE In Health and Social Care Level 2 there are 6 In child development we have investigated play different units of work to complete. and why it is important for children. We were learning how making a creative activity out of In the units we learnt about the way service boxes will encourage a young child’s learning and users should be treated. We gained an development. Our class had fun when we made a understanding of how to help the elderly and train, robot, castle, playground and house out of young children. shoe boxes and cardboard boxes. Mrs. Boyle judged our models. We found that making items from We had work experience every Tuesday. I boxes encourages a child’s imagination when they went to Gloucester House and this gave me choose the item to make, materials and the colours the opportunity to work within a care setting. to use. We found that making and playing with the items we made encourages all areas of a child’s During our work experience placement we development. attended training and gained certificates in Moving and Handling and Health and Safety We have started our child study and we have Awareness. We were given the chance to completed an introductory visit to our child to find lead our own activities, which we were then out what stage of development they are at We graded on and several of us received a need to plan activities that we can do over the next distinction. four visits to our child where we can observe how they are growing and developing. In unit 1 we learnt about the laws within care settings and how they must be implemented. Lauren Aldridge I found this very interesting. Shenhaz Ali 10 Natalie Fisher Bethany Stewart Vickie Bright.
  • 11. DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD SCHEME Knole Academy’s first DofE group are commencing their Bronze Award and have started their volunteering, physical activity and skills sections of the programme. Over the coming months they will start planning and training for their Bronze expedition: learning to use camp equipment, first aid, map reading and navigation. The DofE Award scheme recognises students’ teamwork and initiative skills as well as their contribution to their local community. Our first group are all in Year 12 and the scheme will be open to all students over the age of 14 from September 2011. Contact our DofE unit leader, Mr Dewey for more information. Current Participants: Rimini Stone, Faith Allfrey, Christie Monahan, Lauren Debenham, Tammana Miah, Kacey Broad and Elizabeth Foster KNOLE PASSPORT We are very excited about the Knole Passport which is being launched next year. This will be a fantastic opportunity for students to work towards an award that will recognise their hard work and effort in and out of school. There will be lots of activities in which the students can participate in order to achieve their Bronze, Silver or Gold Award and it will be an excellent introduction to the Duke of Edinburgh Award. I am sure that the ‘Home Life’ challenges will prove very popular with parents as the students start to help more with the household tasks and chores. Please do encourage your child to sign up to the Award. 11
  • 12. DRAMA CHALLENGE WEDNESDAY 25TH MAY Drama took over KS3 for the morning to host the 2011 drama challenge. This marks the fifth year for the event and has once again caused pupils to show their seriously competitive streaks. The challenge gives pupils in Yr 7, 8 and 9 the opportunity to revisit skills previously learnt during their drama course here at Knole Academy. Each year group devises a 5 minute improvisation using a given theme. This year the themes have been: KNOLE ACADEMY Yr 7 – “SECRETS” Yr 8 – “AMBITION” Yr 9 – “HAUNTED TALES” DEBATE TEAM The debate team headed to Sevenoaks School on 12th This year we were extremely lucky to have professional actress Lexie Lambert adjudicating the challenge. May 2011 to test their debating skills. The girls had to take The winners are as follows: part in two debates, one on whether Physical Education Year 7 - Rumbidzai Chimbizi, Hollie Webb, Ellie should be compulsory for students and the other whether Hill, Georgia Armstrong and Elsa Waterfield students should be provided with laptops. The team were with Genie & Me. fantastic in their efforts and came second winning a medal each. They did really well and should be proud of their Year 8 - Zoe Maxwell, Amy Yandle, Rati Sivyer achievement. and Amelia Obbard with Clumsy Fairies. Year 9 - Maddie Bathe, Bethany Debenham, Abigail Scott-Inglis, Kelly Bethell, Elizabeth Bull, Megan Hadlow and Sophie Butters with Come Play With Me. Many congratulations to students and teachers who participated. Left to right: Gemma Sowten, Zoe Maxwell, Chloe Miller, Mrs V Hollidge - Drama Molly Ironside and Ella Zeki HISTORY The importance of learning History History has happened. Do we really need to look backwards? YES! I firmly believe that it is essential that students learn history, because of the vital life skills it develops. Hitler said “the broad masses of the nation will be more likely to believe a big lie than a smaller one.” Students of history will be less likely to believe big lies or small ones. Don’t just take my word for it. Here are some comments made by A Level history students: “History is a fascinating subject, and is really interesting. Learning history really broadens your mind, and teaches the essential skills needed to do well in your other subjects and in life.” Ollie Nichol 12CS “I like learning history because it’s a very well respected subject to have on your CV.” Charlotte Taylor 12JL “I enjoy learning history because it gives me an idea about what could happen in the future- history repeats itself” Jacob Lowe 13RD 12 12 Jane Elliott - Subject Leader for History
  • 13. DANCE DANCE AUDITIONS FOR KNOLE CASCADE Knole Platform Congratulations to all the students who took part in DANCE COMPANIES (Junior & Senior) will be announced in assemblies in the Knole Platform at Knole West on 4th May. September 2011. Cascade Dance Platform FUTURE DANCE EVENTS FOR 2011-2012 Congratulations to all the students who took part in the Cascade Platform at K College on 14th and 15th ANNUAL DANCE SHOW May. JOURNEY TO THE THRONE CASCADE CHRISTMAS PLATFORM FREE RUN CHRISTMAS CONCERT I will be looking for dancers for the performances above. Media Studies and Dance Trip to see FREE RUN Please check the performing arts board regularly for performing at the E4 Underbelly Festival at the announcements. The board is located near the English Southbank Centre area. COMMUNICATIONS Miss Simmons and Mrs Leith took a group of 30 PROJECT students to see Free Run on 5th July. The show was an hour display of explosive action of free running, one of the world’s most exciting and The Change Schools Communications Project with year dangerous extreme sports. The show stared 3RUN, 7 has been gathering pace since we last reported in April the UK’s number one free running team, holders of and came to an exciting conclusion on 6th July. fifteen Guinness world records. The performance also displayed a fabulous film projection which gave Year 7 have been working on the theme of a modern and exciting edge. communication with 4 other communities in the Sevenoaks area – Dorton House School for students with This was a truly amazing opportunity especially as visual impairment, Valence School for students with severe this was the UK’s first ever free running stage show. medical and special needs, Rockdale Housing for the elderly and First Steps Nursery. After initial contact with each of these 4 partners which involved small groups of students, everyone involved was very keen to organise activities which could include every student in the academy. 7K and 7E invited the whole of First Steps Nursery to a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on Friday 27th May. The challenge was to design a series of activities that would interest and entertain the little children for the afternoon. Some students were COMMUNICATIONS able to incorporate some French into the games they devised for them. The nursery children were thrilled and PROJECT everyone enjoyed the entire afternoon including the ice cream part of the picnic. 7A and 7L visited Rockdale, one class at a time, to work with some of the residents on a sign language activity. They taught each other symbols and messages and thought up how to sign messages to the world. It was a truly collaborative experience. 7O and 7C visited Valence School on 2 separate occasions to undertake a challenge set by the Valence students and staff to follow a trail and find answers to clues by following the lead of the Valence students. It was a cunning ploy and stretched year 7 to their limits – not least in adding up the answers to clues in their head! Valence School has wonderful grounds and the students loved discovering all the hidden corners and the beautiful nature trail which also sports an inspiring outside classroom. 7M and 7N visited Dorton House School to follow a rotation of activities which ranged from playing football blindfolded to putting together a radio show in their radio studio. At the time of going to press, the visits had not yet happened, but if the success of the last 2 encounters between Knole Academy students and Dorton House students is anything to go by, these 2 visits will have been highly enjoyable and worthwhile. To summarise the process of the project, its aims and its successes there was a Gala Afternoon held in school on Wednesday 6th July. Alison Truphet - Project Manager 13
  • 14. TOP ATTENDERS YEAR 10 Congratulations to all Knole students who have over WORK RELATED LEARNING 99 percent attendance this academic year. They will all be invited on a trip to Thorpe Park in July as a reward. D OF E AWARD Good attendance is crucial in allowing students the best opportunity to achieve their learning potential. It is also On May 4th 2011, Year 10 enjoyed an exciting work related learning activity at Knole East and SCHEME the first thing an employer looks at when assessing candidates for interview. Knole West. The students’ brief was to construct an item that could be made from recyclable household material. The students were divided Our weekly attendance trophies for each year group have into groups and their task was to design and added some healthy competition between tutor groups construct a prototype; package, promote and and tutors, with attendance being a real focus for all market their product by presenting it to their students. fellow classmates. The calibre of work produced We are sure that students will really enjoy the trip and was of high quality and a testament to the hope that next year even more students will qualify. dedication and hard work that was shown by the students throughout the day. Below is a list of all students with 100 percent attendance this year – fantastic. On June 17th 2011Year 10 students had a Work Experience preparation session. This was held at both Knole East and West. Students were given instructions on Health & Safety, Team Work and Anita Adebola 7CG, Jessica Baker 11MH, Yasmin Problem Solving, First Impressions, Interview Baldock 11LT, Sarah Bowen 7CB, Jade Cockburn 9TF, Skills and Time-Keeping, Presentation Skills and Emily Critcher 7RS, Laura Crowe 8DT , Rachel Easton Work Experience folders. 11CC, Gemma Ellis 8IW, Hayley Ferrari 10HL, Hannah Gallagher 8IW, Kate Hosiene 8SD, Charlotte Ham 8IW, Chantelle Heath 11LT, Laura Hunt 9NC, Megan Keily 8IW, Both the days were well received by the year 10 Lucia Kitchen 8IW, Celine Lagos 7PB, Mix Lakaew 7CG, students and hopefully have given them the Hannah Lowe 10TS, Rachel Macey 9BE, Bethany Millar confidence to go out into the world of work in 7CG, Megan Newton 9NC, Phoebe Nightingale 7KB, July and enjoy their work experience placements. Zoe-Louise Paans 7CG, Maisie Piggott 7JA, Jack Randall HIGHER 9DO, Savannah Riach 8EW, Elizabeth Satterley 7CG, Joseph Slawinski 7MG, Jack Smith 8ST, Rachael Stothard EDUCATION 8EW, Aiden Taylor 8ST, Samantha Tilley 7KB, Hannah Uregbula 8IW, Rebecca Webster 8SD, Christopher CONVENTION Wilkinson 7KT, Georgia Winchcombe 9NC, Emma Woodhouse 8SD. On 28 April 30 year 12 students visited The University of Kent, Canterbury for a higher education convention. Students were able to speak with representatives from a wide range of universities as well as attending seminars on student finance, gap years, applications and personal statements as well as tours of the campus. The visit was very popular with students who gained a valuable insight into the next stage of their education. “I now have a better “It helped me make a 14 understanding of course decision on what courses to requirements” take”
  • 15. FAREWELLS TO... Our first farewell is to Mrs Francene Kennedy who started teaching on the Knole West site in 1974 at the then Sevenoaks School for Girls. She will be remembered as a science teacher, but also as a pastoral leader for a number of years. Mrs Elaine Moss, vice principal, started teaching art and design at Sevenoaks School for Girls in 1984. she has been head of art and design, technology, assistant headteacher and deputy headteacher leading on the visual arts specialism. Her contribution to whole school development has been immense and her creative flair will be sorely missed by the students and staff. Fortunately, she will continue next year to lead on the specialisms on a part time basis. Mrs Isabelle Winstone has been offered a promotion at another school and we wish her all the very best and thank her for her two years at the school. She has left her mark on A level textiles and Catwalk shows. We all wish them lots of luck for the future. WELCOME TO... The cashless payment system in the Knole West We are very pleased to welcome the following Dining Room has been a great success – queues staff to Knole Academy in September. In at the tills are almost non existent. Staff and English, we will have Mr Town and Miss Kimber. students transferring from Knole East will be In Science Miss Alldis and Mr Dawes. In ICT Miss added to the system in September and we Maginn and in maths and music we welcome encourage everyone to use the online payment two part time teachers, Mrs Cheveley and Miss and monitoring facility at Ive respectively. We look forward to making which will them all feel most welcome and a part of the help reduce the peak time queues at the cash Knole Academy team. entry machine. HOUSE LOGOS Earlier in the year students in each of the academy houses submitted designs for a brand new logo to represent their house. Many creative designs were submitted and it was very hard to choose the best ideas. On Wednesday 15 June students who produced a selection of the most exciting designs took part in a logo workshop to review, combine, refine and finalise their ideas. The outcomes from this workshop were then refined further by Miss Miller using computer design software ready to be used in all future House events. Air Earth Water Fire 15
  • 16. SUBJECT KEY DATES REVIEWS 2010-2011 FOR YOUR CALENDAR THU 1 SEPT - FRI 16 DEC : Autumn Term As we approach the end of the academic TUES 3 JAN - FRI 30 MARCH: Spring Term year, I am pleased to be able to feedback on MON 16 APR - FRI 20 JULY: Summer Term another series of subject reviews as well as a review on Special Educational Needs and THURS 18 AUG: GCE Results Day 11am-12pm Post 16 provision. (KW Auditorium) The subject areas covered include THURS 25 AUG: GCSE Results Day 11am-12pm construction, Asdan, hair & beauty, food (KW Auditorium) studies, health & social care, child development, business studies, law, science MON 5 SEPT: Term begins for ALL students. and public services. As you can see, we have been extremely busy with our monitoring programme and, as always, we are very THURS 29 SEPT : Open Evening grateful to the students and parents who take the time to present to us their views and opinions. The questionnaires gave MON 3 OCT & TUES 4 OCT: Open Mornings positive feedback across the board with over 90% of students and parents regularly MON 24 OCT - MON 31 OCT : Half Term Holiday agreeing that subjects are enjoyed, progress is being made, work is clearly explained and discussed with individuals and that STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAYS students are expected to work hard and do Thursday 1st September INSET DAY their best. It is also generally acknowledged Friday 2nd September INSET DAY Monday 31st October INSET DAY that students know their targets and how to Wednesday 4th January INSET DAY achieve them and that they can get on with Monday 16th April INSET DAY their work without interruption, although on this last point there were individual cases where disruption in class was an issue. The PLEASE DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS setting and marking of homework met with DURING TERM TIME - THEY WILL NOT BE a varied response and students have been recently reminded to ensure that homework AUTHORISED KNOLE ACADEMY is recorded in planners on a regular basis. UNIFORM As well as these focal points in the year where parental comments are invited, please note that parents are encouraged to communicate their views to the academy Due to the difficulties with uniform supply that we via student planners, form tutors, email or have experienced throughout this year and because by attending the parent forum meetings. of the large number of complaints from parents about the quality of a number of items (especially Mr P R Derrick the blazer and the skirt) supplied by Price & Buckland Vice Principal we have made the decision to use John Lewis as our main uniform supplier. SPECIALISING IN EXPRESSIVE ARTS & LANGUAGES Price & Buckland will continue to supply the PE kit and school tie for boys, as these items are very Principal: Mrs Mary Boyle MA, MEd competitively priced and they wear well. The school tie can also be purchased from the academy. Tel: 01732 454608 Ordering of both school uniform and PE kit is done on line. Please visit the Academy website for more information and for the complete uniform list. If any parents are unable to access a computer at home 16 please contact Mrs Mills who will send out a letter.