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Blade Runner Analysis
'Blade Runner', the film adaption, directed by Ridley Scott in 1982, of the 1968 novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' by Philip K. Dick.
This essay will explore the meaning of the Tyrell slogan "More human than human" by following Deckard on Earth in Los Angeles 2019 as a
futuristic, dark and depressing industrial metropolis by looking into and discussing what is real and what is not, the good and the bad and why
replicants are more appealing than humans. This essay will analyse and pull apart the "Blade Runner' world, the condition of humanity and what it really
means to be human.
Throughout 'Blade Runner' the directors use many symbols, representing the real and not real to add more meaning and they don't show every detail
of the story, giving the audience the ability to interpret and make their own ideas and opinions. Something that wasn't real in the film was the use of
a unicorn. Deckard dreams of a unicorn and then in the end an origami unicorn is left for him by Gaff, which means he knows Deckard's memories
bringing up the question on whether Deckard is real (human) or nor real (replicant). Although real, the humans on earth aren't seen as real, most are
nameless and faceless, often covering their faces or are seen blurred in the background. To Tyrell those left of Earth aren't seen as important so they're
not seen or treated as people.
Throughout 'Blade Runner' both the good and the bad are Juxtaposed throughout film. Deckard is promoted as the "good guy" throughout the film. He's
on Earth under the orders of Tyrell on the Off–World colony to get rid of the replicants (the "bad guys"). Deckard has a job that he is doing for the
greater good of the world and off world while The Replicants are selfish. They are trying to increase their life span of 4 years, they are doing it for
themselves and are represented as the bad guys. There is good and bad when it comes to how the humans use the Replicants and the differences of
how the genders are treated. Replicants are the perfect "human" specimens made specifically for their jobs, so while the men are put to more manual
work, women are exploited for their bodies, working as pleasure models or are just submissive to men as it's the social construct. As
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Blade Runner Essay examples
Blade Runner
The movie that I chose to analyze for this section is Blade Runner. This movie takes place in Los Angeles in the year 2019. It is based on a
futuristic situation where a company has created an advance synthetic human form referred to as replicants. The replicants look identical to regular
humans, however they are faster, stronger, and more agile. Their intelligence is equal to if not more superior to humans. The replicants were sent to
the off world and used to further space exploration and used as slaves. When a revolt of the replicants took place it was determined that they would
no longer be able to return to earth. A police task force called the Blade Runners was established to retire (execute) more content...
As Deckert met with the creator and mastermind of this engineering, he met a replicant who has no knowledge of her synthetic nature. The engineers
have implanted memories into her brain to compensate for her short life span and lack of experiences. When Deckert learns that the female replicant
believes that she is human, he is surprised. The mastermind indicates that she is beginning to suspect her synthetic nature. The replicant who were not
sure of their nature, used belief as a sense of comfort. They used the photographs to validate their pasts.
The humans in the movie seem to have a very aristocentric point of view. They use the replicants and other forms of genetic engineering to further
themselves. Although the replicants bleed when shot, have feelings, including the abilities to love, the humans still view them as mere experimental
specimens. The replicants are actually equal to if not superior to the humans, yet the humans still see themselves as being superior. When the escapee
replicant learn about their actual nature as well as their short life span, they revolt. This is a fundamental response according to Camus. When
confronted regarding his mother, Lloyd (one of the escaped replicants) becomes violent and irrational. Perhaps this is due to the lack of nurturing
received as a child. The replicants have a very
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Blade Runner
Importance of Presentation
The movie 'Blade Runner' is a science fiction which deals with ideas, such as time travel or human cloning. The movie has certain terminologies which
form the base of the movie and which makes the movie interesting, such as 'Replicants' and 'Blade Runner'.
What are blade runners? They are androids that look like real human beings. They are artificially created humanoids with short, fixed life spans, which
are illegal on Earth but are used in the off– world colonies. They display not only great physical strength in the film but also great intelligence. In
simplest terms, 'Replicants are Robots or Clones' created by humans. The term replicant, in the movie, is used in such a way that it gives a new
meaning and concept
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Analysis Of Blade Runner
Blade Runner: what makes a Human?
Blade Runner is a 1982 film directed by Ridley Scott. It is a loose adaptation of 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' written by Philip K. Dick. It
has spawned a loyal following of fans and is seen as a cult classic by many people. The film has inspired a lot of popular culture in movies, anime and
video games (Hills, 2011). The films cult popularity is so great that it even received theatrical rereleases with additional scenes in 1992 ('Director's
Cut'), 2007 ('Final Cut') and a sequel in 2017.
The academic side of the film industry has given plenty of attention to this film too. There are hundreds of articles written about it. For instance, a few
articles in the 'Alien Zone' (Kuhn ed., 1990) mentioned this famous film and base their arguments on it. And there are certainly reasons why.Blade
Runner touches upon a variety of interesting subject and exhibits rich metaphors and symbolism. The most engaging subject of the film, for me at
least, seems to be the question of how human are replicants. One of the best examples discussing this question is the scene in which Rick Deckard
meats Rachael and administers to her a Voight–Kampff Test. The 'Final Cut' version of the film will be used in this analysis.
The scene is set after Deckard has been given the case of the rogue replicants. His Boss suggests visiting the Tyrell Corporation to learn if
Voight–Kampff test will work on the hunted replicants as this is the organization that builds the
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Film Analysis
FILM CHOSEN: Blade Runner (1982)
EXTRACT: INT – Sebastian's Building, starting with the shot of Deckard climbing up the wall. Duration: 9 minutes (Chapter 30, Blade Runner: The
Final Cut, 2007)
The following essay will be a close analysis of an extract from the 1982 film Blade Runner, which was directed by Ridley Scott. Blade Runner is a
science–fiction film based on the book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' which was written by Phillip K. Dick. This essay will also explore
how Ridley Scott's use of mise en scene and editing in Blade Runner can exhibit him as an auteur. An 'auteur' is known as the 'author' of the film; a
director that uses more content...
Ridley Scott can be classed as an auteur for his use of setting in his films; he tends to create a post–apocalyptic setting, mainly set in the not–so–distant
future. This can be seen in the extract of Blade Runner, from the wide angle, long shot of Deckard on the roof. The tall buildings, which are close
together, help to connote an industrialised city, and the lack of organic matter helps to show the futuristic world as very bleak, old and dirty. The use
of space surrounding Deckard when he is hanging from the roof help to establish that the city lacks people and is very de–humanised and an almost
dystopia, which is very similar to Alien.
Alien and Blade Runner warn us against a capitalist future gone wrong, where such feelings and bonds are so severely truncated that a quite literal
dehumanization has become perhaps the gravest danger. (Byers, 1990: 39)
This dehumanization feature which Ridley Scott has placed into both Blade Runner and Alien gives both films a sense of fear to the audience
when both films were first released, that the possibility of the earth being dehumanized is quite great. The shot of Deckard hanging from the roof
also shows how high the building is, with the audience barely being able to see the floor, which helps to connote a sense of uncertainty from the
audience, as they are unsure as to whether or not Deckard will fall. The use of rain in this scene is very powerful, as it makes the scene feel very
depressive, creating a bleak aspect
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Blade Runner Essay
Category One – Context Context investigates a text's personal, social and historical context. Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, was first released
in 1982. At this time, computers were at an all–time high in popularity and productivity, businesses were booming and the environment was being
ignored for financial profits. All of these values had an impact on the way Blade Runner was written and directed. Blade Runner was released right in
the middle of the 'Computer–Age.' This was the period in which computers were at their peak in popularity, and were moving away from the industrial
sector and more into people's households. This technology clearly influenced they way in which Blade Runner was directed, due to the amount of more content...
Also, when speaking to Zhora, we hear that real snakes are extremely expensive. Both of these comments suggest that wildlife is extremely rare – if not
extinct. This shows the lack of value placed on the wildlife. Both of these aspects of the physical environment of Blade Runner show a lack of
ecological values held by the people. This can relate to the module; Texts in Time. This module aims to compare and contrast texts from differing
periods. Blade Runner and Frankenstein oppose each other in this aspect of the worldspace. Whereas in Blade Runner, there is a lack of nature, in
Frankenstein, nature is an integral part of the story, and the sublime is a major part of the plot. This is a difference between the two stories, and is a
part of the module being studied – Texts in Time. Category Four– Genre Blade Runner has aspects of a number of genre's, but ultimately, the two
genre's that are most portrayed through the setting, characters and plot of the movie are Science Fiction and Crime Fiction. Science fiction is defined
as a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology, often in a futuristic setting. The worldspace of Blade
Runner and the plot of the movie perfectly fit into this definition. The movie itself revolves around the impact of the creation of replicants, which is an
imaginative innovation in technology. The movie itself is also set in the future (the year 2019).
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Blade Runner Essay example
Blade Runner
"Mise en scene, in discussions of film, refers to the composition of the individual film, the relation of objects, people and masses; the interplay of light
and dark; the pattern of colour; the camera's position and angle of view, as well as the movement within the frame". The complete film dictionary.
The Ridley Scott film Blade Runner, begins with opening credits, these are plain, bold, white text on a black background. This along with quiet music
and sudden beats of drums creates a very tense atmosphere and helps with suspense; there is a very military feel to this opening sequence. We are then
given an update of events, this tells us the film is set in the future more content...
The lighting is another prominent feature of Mise–en–scene used here, colours such as orange, red and black are very dominant, these along with what
looks like smoke or steam help with the atmosphere and are a commonly found in sci–fi films. There is no sign of nature, no greens of trees or blue in
the sky, this is perhaps to show that it is set in the future as this is what we may expect due to pollution and urban development. The only factor we
can so far relate to our world is the rain, and lightning. These help to add to the atmosphere and gloominess of the film that helps to create the
futuristic setting required. ======================================================================
We are then shown a large space ship like building, which size is hard to determine. This again helps us visualise the developments of the world, and
that this is a sci–fi film, Mise– en scene is often used as a definer of genre and therefore this helps to conform to the generic
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Symbolism In Blade Runner
When Blade Runner was released in 1982, it was greeted with a lukewarm reception by general movie–goers and critics alike. Director Ridley Scott's
film –– a futuristic tale about a group of renegade "replicants" (android slave labor banned on Earth, used in the colonization of space) and the police
officer (Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford) hired to kill them – was criticized for being too gloomy and too dense. However, since its dismal box
office run, Blade Runner has emerged as one of the most thematically and stylistically influential science fiction films in recent history.
There are two key literary devices of the film that play a key role in relaying themes. The first is setting––the time, place, and context of the story. In
some literature, the setting is rich and complex, a culture of its own, a set of rules alien to the reader that the characters in the story live by. The
second is symbolism, when a writer uses a tangible object to represent a higher, more complex notion or idea. In Blade Runner, Scott uses key traits of
the setting and symbols as a means to propose the moral dilemmas that will one day face humanity due to its fascination with technology.
The setting of the film is possibly the most important device in terms of theme. Blade Runner takes place in Los Angeles during the year 2017. In the
opening shot, Scott immediately exposes us to the side–effects of a full century of industrialization: Factories fill the cityscape, pouring a never–ending
stream of smoke into the sky. What was once sunny Southern California is now covered by a constant layer of pollution that blurs night and day.
Wrecked and abandoned skyscrapers trash the city. Acid rain pours continuously. The overall sensation of the opening scene has a sobering effect on the
viewer. After decades of technological advances for the betterment of society, what remains is a trashed, almost uninhabitable planet that has been
virtually abandoned. In essence, Scott warns us that technology has damaging effect on both the environment and culture.
The dreary setting of the film possibly me most powerful device Scott uses in order to relay his warning, but an equally important message is
symbolically demonstrated by the powerful Tyrell
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Mla Citation For Blade Runner
The name of the movie is Blade Runner
Blade Runner was made in 1982, its theatrical release was September 9th 1982
The main setting of the movie is the dark and despaired Los Angeles, of the year of 2019
The main characters are Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) the protagonist, and Ray Batty (Rutger Hauer) the antagonist. Rick Deckard is an ex–cop who
is a "blade runner". Blade runners are assassins sent to "retire" replicants who have returned to Earth. Ray Batty is the ruthless leader of a group of
Nexus Generation 6 replicants who have escaped their slave labour and returned to Earth.
In Blade Runner, the Tyrell Corporation created cyborgs called "replicants", who were created to mimic humans in every aspect, except emotion. The more content...
This is shown through the outfits worn by the characters in Blade Runner. Rick wears a noire styled 1950's detective outfit in the year 2019, while
Roy wears a 1970's black, leather, greaser jacket. Blade Runner is also different from the other pieces we have examined in this lesson because it takes
place in a dystopian society. Pollution has destroyed the environment and large mega–cities cover most of the earth. Cities are overcrowded, depressing
dumps where sunlight is never seen and rain is a common occurrence. Whereas in other stories such as Worker Drone, we see technology and the
future depicted, as a place where technology and progression has created a somewhat better place. People are able to get help starting their cars by
getting help right away using technology and Rahul is able to video chat his significant other
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Film Blade Runner Essay
Film Blade Runner
Director Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" is a film adaptation of the book: "Do androids dream of electric sheep." The film is about a man in the
division of the police that involves the "retirement" of NEXUS 6 Replicants; this division is called the Blade Runner division.
The film begins with a view in long shot of Los Angeles in 2019 as a dystopia. In the middle of the dark and crowded city, under the blackened sky
and blanket upon blanket of rain, are several towers repetitively spewing flames into the dark beyond making the country made of city seem like hell
at night. During the longshot there are three occasional shots of a close up eye belonging to Holden of more content...
The lighting is very dim and dark, which is a film genre almost, this genre is called "film noire," meaning black film saying that the film is dark. The
darkness of the scenery highlights the masses of smoke that is in the air, from Holden smoking, the flying cars exhaust and the dense pollution of the
ever–burning power stations. The blades of the fan on the ceiling of Holden's smoky, dim–lit office constantly remind you of the films name, Blade
Runner as the blades spin from the buildings interior. The ease of the office wall breaking as the effect of Leon, a NEXUS 6 replicant, firing a gun at
Holden and violently pushing him through the wall shows how brittle and poorly built the future is shown to be.
This, the second, scene introduces us to the main character, a former recruit of the Blade Runner division and he is found waiting behind an "fleet" of
people bearing umbrellas with neon–lit handles as a protection from the evil darkness of the merciless city, to be seated at a noodle bar. As he is
waiting we, the viewers, can see a multitude of blimps plastered with advertisements persuading the remaining inhabitants of Earth to vacate to a
different planet. We can also see whole building faces covered with advertisements showing upper class women eating foods and the lower classed
impoverished civilization have to watch these adverts and feel like
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Blade Runner Analysis

  • 1. Blade Runner Analysis 'Blade Runner', the film adaption, directed by Ridley Scott in 1982, of the 1968 novel 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' by Philip K. Dick. This essay will explore the meaning of the Tyrell slogan "More human than human" by following Deckard on Earth in Los Angeles 2019 as a futuristic, dark and depressing industrial metropolis by looking into and discussing what is real and what is not, the good and the bad and why replicants are more appealing than humans. This essay will analyse and pull apart the "Blade Runner' world, the condition of humanity and what it really means to be human. Throughout 'Blade Runner' the directors use many symbols, representing the real and not real to add more meaning and they don't show every detail of the story, giving the audience the ability to interpret and make their own ideas and opinions. Something that wasn't real in the film was the use of a unicorn. Deckard dreams of a unicorn and then in the end an origami unicorn is left for him by Gaff, which means he knows Deckard's memories bringing up the question on whether Deckard is real (human) or nor real (replicant). Although real, the humans on earth aren't seen as real, most are nameless and faceless, often covering their faces or are seen blurred in the background. To Tyrell those left of Earth aren't seen as important so they're not seen or treated as people. Throughout 'Blade Runner' both the good and the bad are Juxtaposed throughout film. Deckard is promoted as the "good guy" throughout the film. He's on Earth under the orders of Tyrell on the Off–World colony to get rid of the replicants (the "bad guys"). Deckard has a job that he is doing for the greater good of the world and off world while The Replicants are selfish. They are trying to increase their life span of 4 years, they are doing it for themselves and are represented as the bad guys. There is good and bad when it comes to how the humans use the Replicants and the differences of how the genders are treated. Replicants are the perfect "human" specimens made specifically for their jobs, so while the men are put to more manual work, women are exploited for their bodies, working as pleasure models or are just submissive to men as it's the social construct. As Get more content on
  • 2. Blade Runner Essay examples Blade Runner The movie that I chose to analyze for this section is Blade Runner. This movie takes place in Los Angeles in the year 2019. It is based on a futuristic situation where a company has created an advance synthetic human form referred to as replicants. The replicants look identical to regular humans, however they are faster, stronger, and more agile. Their intelligence is equal to if not more superior to humans. The replicants were sent to the off world and used to further space exploration and used as slaves. When a revolt of the replicants took place it was determined that they would no longer be able to return to earth. A police task force called the Blade Runners was established to retire (execute) more content... As Deckert met with the creator and mastermind of this engineering, he met a replicant who has no knowledge of her synthetic nature. The engineers have implanted memories into her brain to compensate for her short life span and lack of experiences. When Deckert learns that the female replicant believes that she is human, he is surprised. The mastermind indicates that she is beginning to suspect her synthetic nature. The replicant who were not sure of their nature, used belief as a sense of comfort. They used the photographs to validate their pasts. The humans in the movie seem to have a very aristocentric point of view. They use the replicants and other forms of genetic engineering to further themselves. Although the replicants bleed when shot, have feelings, including the abilities to love, the humans still view them as mere experimental specimens. The replicants are actually equal to if not superior to the humans, yet the humans still see themselves as being superior. When the escapee replicant learn about their actual nature as well as their short life span, they revolt. This is a fundamental response according to Camus. When confronted regarding his mother, Lloyd (one of the escaped replicants) becomes violent and irrational. Perhaps this is due to the lack of nurturing received as a child. The replicants have a very Get more content on
  • 3. Blade Runner Importance of Presentation The movie 'Blade Runner' is a science fiction which deals with ideas, such as time travel or human cloning. The movie has certain terminologies which form the base of the movie and which makes the movie interesting, such as 'Replicants' and 'Blade Runner'. What are blade runners? They are androids that look like real human beings. They are artificially created humanoids with short, fixed life spans, which are illegal on Earth but are used in the off– world colonies. They display not only great physical strength in the film but also great intelligence. In simplest terms, 'Replicants are Robots or Clones' created by humans. The term replicant, in the movie, is used in such a way that it gives a new meaning and concept Get more content on
  • 4. Analysis Of Blade Runner Blade Runner: what makes a Human? Blade Runner is a 1982 film directed by Ridley Scott. It is a loose adaptation of 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' written by Philip K. Dick. It has spawned a loyal following of fans and is seen as a cult classic by many people. The film has inspired a lot of popular culture in movies, anime and video games (Hills, 2011). The films cult popularity is so great that it even received theatrical rereleases with additional scenes in 1992 ('Director's Cut'), 2007 ('Final Cut') and a sequel in 2017. The academic side of the film industry has given plenty of attention to this film too. There are hundreds of articles written about it. For instance, a few articles in the 'Alien Zone' (Kuhn ed., 1990) mentioned this famous film and base their arguments on it. And there are certainly reasons why.Blade Runner touches upon a variety of interesting subject and exhibits rich metaphors and symbolism. The most engaging subject of the film, for me at least, seems to be the question of how human are replicants. One of the best examples discussing this question is the scene in which Rick Deckard meats Rachael and administers to her a Voight–Kampff Test. The 'Final Cut' version of the film will be used in this analysis. The scene is set after Deckard has been given the case of the rogue replicants. His Boss suggests visiting the Tyrell Corporation to learn if Voight–Kampff test will work on the hunted replicants as this is the organization that builds the Get more content on
  • 5. Film Analysis MAC 170: INTRODUCTION TO FILM STUDIES ASSIGNMENT ONE – FILM ANALYSIS FILM CHOSEN: Blade Runner (1982) EXTRACT: INT – Sebastian's Building, starting with the shot of Deckard climbing up the wall. Duration: 9 minutes (Chapter 30, Blade Runner: The Final Cut, 2007) The following essay will be a close analysis of an extract from the 1982 film Blade Runner, which was directed by Ridley Scott. Blade Runner is a science–fiction film based on the book 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' which was written by Phillip K. Dick. This essay will also explore how Ridley Scott's use of mise en scene and editing in Blade Runner can exhibit him as an auteur. An 'auteur' is known as the 'author' of the film; a director that uses more content... Ridley Scott can be classed as an auteur for his use of setting in his films; he tends to create a post–apocalyptic setting, mainly set in the not–so–distant future. This can be seen in the extract of Blade Runner, from the wide angle, long shot of Deckard on the roof. The tall buildings, which are close together, help to connote an industrialised city, and the lack of organic matter helps to show the futuristic world as very bleak, old and dirty. The use of space surrounding Deckard when he is hanging from the roof help to establish that the city lacks people and is very de–humanised and an almost dystopia, which is very similar to Alien. Alien and Blade Runner warn us against a capitalist future gone wrong, where such feelings and bonds are so severely truncated that a quite literal dehumanization has become perhaps the gravest danger. (Byers, 1990: 39) This dehumanization feature which Ridley Scott has placed into both Blade Runner and Alien gives both films a sense of fear to the audience when both films were first released, that the possibility of the earth being dehumanized is quite great. The shot of Deckard hanging from the roof also shows how high the building is, with the audience barely being able to see the floor, which helps to connote a sense of uncertainty from the audience, as they are unsure as to whether or not Deckard will fall. The use of rain in this scene is very powerful, as it makes the scene feel very depressive, creating a bleak aspect
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Blade Runner Essay Category One – Context Context investigates a text's personal, social and historical context. Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott, was first released in 1982. At this time, computers were at an all–time high in popularity and productivity, businesses were booming and the environment was being ignored for financial profits. All of these values had an impact on the way Blade Runner was written and directed. Blade Runner was released right in the middle of the 'Computer–Age.' This was the period in which computers were at their peak in popularity, and were moving away from the industrial sector and more into people's households. This technology clearly influenced they way in which Blade Runner was directed, due to the amount of more content... Also, when speaking to Zhora, we hear that real snakes are extremely expensive. Both of these comments suggest that wildlife is extremely rare – if not extinct. This shows the lack of value placed on the wildlife. Both of these aspects of the physical environment of Blade Runner show a lack of ecological values held by the people. This can relate to the module; Texts in Time. This module aims to compare and contrast texts from differing periods. Blade Runner and Frankenstein oppose each other in this aspect of the worldspace. Whereas in Blade Runner, there is a lack of nature, in Frankenstein, nature is an integral part of the story, and the sublime is a major part of the plot. This is a difference between the two stories, and is a part of the module being studied – Texts in Time. Category Four– Genre Blade Runner has aspects of a number of genre's, but ultimately, the two genre's that are most portrayed through the setting, characters and plot of the movie are Science Fiction and Crime Fiction. Science fiction is defined as a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology, often in a futuristic setting. The worldspace of Blade Runner and the plot of the movie perfectly fit into this definition. The movie itself revolves around the impact of the creation of replicants, which is an imaginative innovation in technology. The movie itself is also set in the future (the year 2019). Get more content on
  • 8. Blade Runner Essay example Blade Runner "Mise en scene, in discussions of film, refers to the composition of the individual film, the relation of objects, people and masses; the interplay of light and dark; the pattern of colour; the camera's position and angle of view, as well as the movement within the frame". The complete film dictionary. The Ridley Scott film Blade Runner, begins with opening credits, these are plain, bold, white text on a black background. This along with quiet music and sudden beats of drums creates a very tense atmosphere and helps with suspense; there is a very military feel to this opening sequence. We are then given an update of events, this tells us the film is set in the future more content... ====================================================================== The lighting is another prominent feature of Mise–en–scene used here, colours such as orange, red and black are very dominant, these along with what looks like smoke or steam help with the atmosphere and are a commonly found in sci–fi films. There is no sign of nature, no greens of trees or blue in the sky, this is perhaps to show that it is set in the future as this is what we may expect due to pollution and urban development. The only factor we can so far relate to our world is the rain, and lightning. These help to add to the atmosphere and gloominess of the film that helps to create the futuristic setting required. ====================================================================== We are then shown a large space ship like building, which size is hard to determine. This again helps us visualise the developments of the world, and that this is a sci–fi film, Mise– en scene is often used as a definer of genre and therefore this helps to conform to the generic Get more content on
  • 9. Symbolism In Blade Runner When Blade Runner was released in 1982, it was greeted with a lukewarm reception by general movie–goers and critics alike. Director Ridley Scott's film –– a futuristic tale about a group of renegade "replicants" (android slave labor banned on Earth, used in the colonization of space) and the police officer (Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford) hired to kill them – was criticized for being too gloomy and too dense. However, since its dismal box office run, Blade Runner has emerged as one of the most thematically and stylistically influential science fiction films in recent history. There are two key literary devices of the film that play a key role in relaying themes. The first is setting––the time, place, and context of the story. In some literature, the setting is rich and complex, a culture of its own, a set of rules alien to the reader that the characters in the story live by. The second is symbolism, when a writer uses a tangible object to represent a higher, more complex notion or idea. In Blade Runner, Scott uses key traits of the setting and symbols as a means to propose the moral dilemmas that will one day face humanity due to its fascination with technology. The setting of the film is possibly the most important device in terms of theme. Blade Runner takes place in Los Angeles during the year 2017. In the opening shot, Scott immediately exposes us to the side–effects of a full century of industrialization: Factories fill the cityscape, pouring a never–ending stream of smoke into the sky. What was once sunny Southern California is now covered by a constant layer of pollution that blurs night and day. Wrecked and abandoned skyscrapers trash the city. Acid rain pours continuously. The overall sensation of the opening scene has a sobering effect on the viewer. After decades of technological advances for the betterment of society, what remains is a trashed, almost uninhabitable planet that has been virtually abandoned. In essence, Scott warns us that technology has damaging effect on both the environment and culture. The dreary setting of the film possibly me most powerful device Scott uses in order to relay his warning, but an equally important message is symbolically demonstrated by the powerful Tyrell Get more content on
  • 10. Mla Citation For Blade Runner The name of the movie is Blade Runner Blade Runner was made in 1982, its theatrical release was September 9th 1982 The main setting of the movie is the dark and despaired Los Angeles, of the year of 2019 The main characters are Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) the protagonist, and Ray Batty (Rutger Hauer) the antagonist. Rick Deckard is an ex–cop who is a "blade runner". Blade runners are assassins sent to "retire" replicants who have returned to Earth. Ray Batty is the ruthless leader of a group of Nexus Generation 6 replicants who have escaped their slave labour and returned to Earth. In Blade Runner, the Tyrell Corporation created cyborgs called "replicants", who were created to mimic humans in every aspect, except emotion. The more content... This is shown through the outfits worn by the characters in Blade Runner. Rick wears a noire styled 1950's detective outfit in the year 2019, while Roy wears a 1970's black, leather, greaser jacket. Blade Runner is also different from the other pieces we have examined in this lesson because it takes place in a dystopian society. Pollution has destroyed the environment and large mega–cities cover most of the earth. Cities are overcrowded, depressing dumps where sunlight is never seen and rain is a common occurrence. Whereas in other stories such as Worker Drone, we see technology and the future depicted, as a place where technology and progression has created a somewhat better place. People are able to get help starting their cars by getting help right away using technology and Rahul is able to video chat his significant other Get more content on
  • 11. Film Blade Runner Essay Film Blade Runner Director Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" is a film adaptation of the book: "Do androids dream of electric sheep." The film is about a man in the division of the police that involves the "retirement" of NEXUS 6 Replicants; this division is called the Blade Runner division. The film begins with a view in long shot of Los Angeles in 2019 as a dystopia. In the middle of the dark and crowded city, under the blackened sky and blanket upon blanket of rain, are several towers repetitively spewing flames into the dark beyond making the country made of city seem like hell at night. During the longshot there are three occasional shots of a close up eye belonging to Holden of more content... The lighting is very dim and dark, which is a film genre almost, this genre is called "film noire," meaning black film saying that the film is dark. The darkness of the scenery highlights the masses of smoke that is in the air, from Holden smoking, the flying cars exhaust and the dense pollution of the ever–burning power stations. The blades of the fan on the ceiling of Holden's smoky, dim–lit office constantly remind you of the films name, Blade Runner as the blades spin from the buildings interior. The ease of the office wall breaking as the effect of Leon, a NEXUS 6 replicant, firing a gun at Holden and violently pushing him through the wall shows how brittle and poorly built the future is shown to be. This, the second, scene introduces us to the main character, a former recruit of the Blade Runner division and he is found waiting behind an "fleet" of people bearing umbrellas with neon–lit handles as a protection from the evil darkness of the merciless city, to be seated at a noodle bar. As he is waiting we, the viewers, can see a multitude of blimps plastered with advertisements persuading the remaining inhabitants of Earth to vacate to a different planet. We can also see whole building faces covered with advertisements showing upper class women eating foods and the lower classed impoverished civilization have to watch these adverts and feel like Get more content on