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We Would Love To
See You Smile
Best Dental Doctor in Bangalore-
We know you have choices when it comes to selecting dentist. Many of our smiling
customers make “MY DENTIST NOW” as their first full-service dental lab because
we give personal care and attention to every single case, every patient, every smile,
every time, so you can focus on what’s most important: your patients.
We are a team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure
that you receive the best Dental treatment and care which you require at the very
same time.
Best Tooth Crown treatment in Bangalore |
My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly Is Gum Treatment
Did you ever notice a pink spot on your brush after brushing your teeth? Or blood in
your mouth? If yes then it is a sign to underlying gum disease. The most common
reason behind loosing tooth is gum disease across worldwide. It is very important to
identify them early or it can lead to severe damage. Understanding gum disease and
identifying the problem and taking prevention and cure. Well most of the gum
disease are curable and if not treated well, the your oral health will deteriote in a bad
Sooner the better you realise of gum problems. So lets discuss what are the
symptoms of gum disease. So, lets discuss symptoms of gum disease.
Symptoms of Gum Disease:
One should keep an eye for the following symptoms for gum disease.
• Redness on the gums.
• Gums that are swollen, soft, and/or inflamed
• Bleeding while brushing or flossing your teeth
• Gums that are receding (when the gums pull away from the teeth)
• Pockets of gum
• Having bad breath and/or a bad taste in your mouth
Gingivitis and Periodontist are two main gum disease. If not treated properly can
cause serious damage to your oral health.
What Causes Gum Disease?
Tooth Decay is one of the main causes to gum disease. It is that sticky, clear film like
structure on your teeth. It is made form million of bacteria growing on your teeth and
gums. If you do not take care of your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing every
day, it will create toxin. These toxins then create irritation leading to gum disease.
The sooner you get a treatment is better else if bacteria spread to bone you have
only choice to seek dental restoration.
Best Treatements for Gum Disease:
Gingivitis Scaling and Polishing: A Primary Treatment Method
Scaling and polishing the teeth is the first treatments for gum disease. This not only
aids in the removal of current and new plaque but also tartar. Tartar is the hardened
bacteria left behind by plaque accumulation.
This procedure is similar to brushing and flossing, with the added benefit of tartar
removal. It’s a more thorough washing that helps to keep bacteria from infecting the
gums and bones.
Special tools can be used by the dentist or dental hygienist to clean away these
undesirable formations on the teeth. In case of good amount of tartar, you have to go
flossing, scaling again and again.
Planning the Roots for a Deeper Clean
Your dentist may suggest root planning if the bacteria have penetrated deep into
your teeth and down to the gums. This is also known as “debridement,” and it is a
more extensive cleaning aimed at the teeth roots.
It can be a bit uncomfortable, as it involves digging deep into the inner workings of
your affected tooth. However, it’s worth doing, because it cleans out all the bacteria
and plaque deposited deep down your gums.
Cost of the Gum Disease Treatment:
The cost of this dental treatment is not expensive. It is a pocket-friendly treatment. It
cost less than the comfort you will feel after the treatment. The treatment is pain free
and not too costly.
Let’s Get a Gum Disease Treatment.
Don’t ever ignore the gum disease symptoms, as they can worsen your dental health
in a big way. If you think you have gingivitis, please contact us right away. We’ll take
a closer look at the condition of your teeth and gums and explore the best care
options with you, for you! MY DENTIST NOW provides treatment cost-friendly in a
comfortable environment and with full procedure and treatment.
Best Dental Implant treatment in Bangalore
| My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly IsDental Implant
Do you have a problematic tooth or a missing tooth? If yes, then Dental Implants are
the real solution for you. The dental implant treatment is the placement of prosthetic,
permanent teeth that functions and looks like real and natural teeth. The Dental
Implant procedure is painless. It provides you with a lifetime lasting smile.
The 3 major part of dental implants are:
• The implant
• The abutment, and
• The crown (or arch)
The implants are the screw-like structure that embedded into the bone and is made
up of titanium. The patients having a severe bone loss in the upper jaw can get
cheekbone or zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants are longer as compared to
conventional implants and are embedded in the cheekbone (zygoma).
The connectors that fasten the prosthetic teeth to the implants are known as the
Abutment. For keeping the abutment tight, a screw runs through the prosthesis and
into the abutment. It is often angled, which allows the correct placement of the
prosthesis onto a slanted implant.
Single crown or Arch
A single crown or arch is also known as “prosthesis” or “tooth”. Crown is designed to
be as strong as natural teeth. The prosthesis is designed in a lab and is customised
to fit each patient. Prosthetic teeth can be designed for a single tooth or a full set of
teeth as well, known as the full arch.
Need for dental implants
1. Replacement of missing teeth-
People suffer from tooth loss due to decay, gum diseases, drugs, injury, or
chemotherapy. Many people who experience this con0dition choose to replace the lost
or decaying teeth with dental implants.
2. For Eating –
Not being able to bite or chew can be really frustrating. Dental implants restore 80 to 100
% of the original bite strength of the patient as soon as the healing period ends.
3. Self-confidence-
A missing tooth or unsightly teeth can make some people anxious in social situations.
Restoration of strong and natural teeth through dental implant treatment can really boost
confidence in an individual.
4. Reinforcement of the structure of the jawbone- A lost tooth can make an effect on the
teeth alignment as the neighbouring teeth slowly drift towards the empty space. This drift
can cause gradual facial deformity. Replacement of tooth helps in maintaining jaw
Types of Dental Implant cases
1.Conventional –
Usually, dental implants are embedded within the jawbone. Convention dental
implants can include a tooth, a bridge or a full arch.
• Single- 1 tooth can be replaced by individual implants. A healing period is required after
the placement of the implant before a final crown is fitted on top.
• Bridge- A bridge is used to fix a crown or crowns o over the missing tooth or teeth area.
• Full-Arch – Mostly, patients choose to have a replacement of a full set of upper or lower
teeth. Full arches are sets of prosthetic teeth that fixes onto 4 or more implants
2.Zygomatic –
Zygomatic dental implants are embedded in the cheekbone and are used in severe
bone loss cases. The length of the implants and the method of embedding
differentiates Zygomatic implants from conventional implants. The teeth of the upper
jaw are replaced by this method.
Placement of Dental Implants-
A 3-D image of a patient’s teeth is made after taking a CT-scan. After that, a
treatment plan is made on the basis of discussion between the doctor and the
Single Implant- firstly, the infection is removed from the area of treatment, if any.
Bone grating is the second step after the removal of the infection. Bone grafting
takes 3 months of time for the lower, whereas it takes 5-6 months for the upper arch.
After the bone is ready, the dental surgeon places an implant. The fusion of the
implant with grafted bone can take 3-6 months of time. After the fusion, abutment
and crown are fastened onto the implant.
Full Arch – after the removal of the remaining teeth and the infection, the surgeon
smooths the bone around the area where the placement of dental implants will be
done. After this, the implants are fastened into the bone surgically. Then, the
prosthetic teeth and the abutments are stiffened onto the implants. Usually, it takes
only one day to complete the procedure.
How painful is Dental Implant Surgery?
As you are asleep because of general anaesthesia, you will feel no pain during
dental implant surgery. After the surgery, the surgeon numbs your mouth with pain
relief medicines that are long-lasting and prevents discomfort for several hours after
you wake up. Prescription pain medicine is also given by the surgeon for use at
Foods that you should eat after dental implant
• Soft fruits and vegetables
• Tofu
• Fishes
• Eggs
• Soups
• Soft bread, muffins, pancakes, waffles
• Yogurt and ice cream
• Rice and pasta
• Generally, soft edible item are to be consumed
Cost –
The cost of Dental Implant treatment varies from 35,000 to 45,000 INR. The cost
depends on the factors like; the type of tooth implant, the material of the tooth
implant and even the design of the tooth implant matters. The cost also varies on the
basis of the expertise and experience of the surgeon, and the city you live in.
The material used in dental implant treatment- Most of the implants use titanium but
there are some other materials also, such as; Plastic, Acrylic, Metal, Porcelain,
Dental Implant treatment is the permanent solution of the lost or decays tooth and
gums. If you want to get your dental implant treatment done search for the dental
clinics in your area. Go to your search engine and type “dental implant near me” and
do some research and if satisfied, then go for it. For example, if you live in
Bangalore, you can also search for ‘Dental implant treatment in Bangalore’ or ‘dental
implant Bangalore’ and you will get all the clinic names on your screen. Just go to
the best hospital or clinic with an experienced team and get your dental implant
treatment done to restore that dazzling smile and the comfort of natural teeth.
Best Dental Prosthesis treatment in
Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly Is Dental Prosthesis
Missing teeth can affect your teeth functionality and smile aesthetic to a great extent.
Well, you can restore both of them with Dental Prosthesis. A dental prosthesis is
used to reconstruct intraoral problems i.e., missing teeth, missing parts of teeth, and
missing soft or hard structure of jaw and palate as well. A dental prosthesis specialist
is known as Prosthodontics. The dental equipment used in this procedure includes
crowns, dentures, bridges, dental implants, veneers and some of them can be
detachable or permanently fixed in the patient’s mouth.
Dental Prosthesis
There are several steps involved in making of prosthesis-
1. First step – is taking the precise impression, it is done so that the prosthesis base is
fully adapted to the basal seat in the patient’s mouth.
2. Second step – bite registration, which is done to determine the relative position of jaws
and teeth, to fit the dental prosthesis perfectly.
3. Third step – setting artificial teeth in a mock-up, is a trial process in which the patient
can give feedback on the set, based on the feedback prosthesis is adjusted and
4. Last step – precise finalizing, all the corrections are made in this step to achieve the
perfect teeth set through mock-up and then the final dental prosthesis is made.
Making dental prosthesis involves dental specialist and dental laboratory technician
Various types of Prosthesis-
• Fix dental prosthesis – A patient requires a permanent solution by fixing a dental
prosthesis if he/she has no teeth at all. These should be taken care of and should be
clean as it were their natural teeth.
• Removal of dental prosthesis – these dentures are removable, as these are screwed in
and mounted on the dental implants. It provides security and simplicity to the patients.
• Implants supported prosthesis – dental implants are placed into bone of the jaw. These
are placed into the root of the teeth and can replace one or several teeth.
• Dentures – these are fractional and replace a few false teeth or rows of false teeth.
• Veneers – Veneers are thin shells. These are used to cover the discoloured or chipped
teeth and enhances the appearance.
• Basic metal prosthesis – metallic prosthesis is the most commonly used dental
prostheses. These are made up of various metal alloys.
• Hybrid dental prosthesis – this is most appropriate for the cases in which the bone loses
its volume due to teeth lessness.
There are two types of dental prosthesis, one is complete or full dentures and the
second one is partial dentures. Complete or full dentures are made for patients
who have lost all their teeth. These are additionally fixed by dental implants. The
complete or full denture has a larger base that rests on the mucosa and creates a
feeling like a foreign body in the mouth.
The patients having several own natural teeth can go with Partial dentures. Partial
dentures are fixed to the remaining teeth, thus anchored in the mouth. Impede
speech, mucosae and tongue movement can be disturbed by some of the denture
Most of the patients get used to dentures easily, while some of the patients require a
bit longer time to get along with dentures. This depends on the factors like the
condition inside the patient’s mouth, construction of prosthesis and the age of the
patient. Patients get used to dentures more quickly when there is a shorter period
between teeth absence and getting a dental denture. It is because the basal seat is
more favourable for the construction of dental prosthesis and the bone crest is also
preserved better.
To get used to the dental prosthesis and learn how to control it, patience is the key.
A new denture establishes a new relationship between the jaws, it also changes the
chewing pattern thus, and the patients require getting used to the new dentures
whenever it is changed. Older patients usually choose to rebase the existing
dentures, instead of making a new one.
Rebasing does the minor changes to dentures and improves the existing shape of it,
thus getting used to it is not necessary.
Costs Pocket-friendly!
A dental prosthesis is less expensive than a dental implant. It can last a lifetime long
with regular check-ups and proper oral hygiene. Dentistry has improved to a great
extent and thus not require much effort to get used to dental prosthetics.
What Follow-up Care Is Necessary after Dental
Happy to have the gap you had in your mouth and to avoid further embarrassment of
Missing Teeth. Well, you must take proper precaution or you might face bad
infections after implantation. So this follow-up care is necessary for avoiding infection
issues and greeting perfect smile.
1. Proper Medication during the procedure.
2. There might be general discomforts like pain and little bleeding but need not worry take
prescribed aid by your dentist. The bleeding will stop within 4 to 6 hours.
3. If the pain and bleeding are unusual and more, definitely visit the dentist and get
4. Mild fever or headache is normal. Just take the prescribed medicine and rest a lot.
5. Never stand up from sleeping or lying position too quick or u might feel dizzy.
6. Dental Hygiene is a must. Do clean your mouth gently in 48 hours with half a tablespoon
of salt and four to five ounces of warm water.
7. Narcotic drugs generally make you feel dizzy and slow your reflexes. Drink Milkshakes
and Smoothie for cool comfort, relax the pain and will keep your stomach full.
Let’s Get New Tooth and Roll
Dental prostheses help patients feel more comfortable and confident by treating
missing teeth or by making discoloured teeth look more attractive. If a prosthesis
might be the solution to your dental problem, make an appointment with MY
DENTIST NOW or a prosthodontist to discuss your options for getting a perfect
Full mouth rehabilitation treatment in
Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly Is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?
Everyone prefers a clean, white and dazzling smile with good oral health. The way
one maintains their teeth also reflects on their personality. A beautiful smile always
adds charm to one’s personality. Full mouth rehabilitation is a restoration or
reconstructive procedure that can help you to get that irresistible smile. The meaning
of the word rehabilitation is to restore the good condition or the former privilege.
Full mouth rehabilitation or reconstruction plan is to optimize the entire mouth health
that includes the teeth, the gums, and the bite. Depending on the complexity of
cases, sometimes it is necessary to restore or replace every tooth with a
combination of dental practices. This extensive and intensive dental procedure is
performed to achieve equilibration.
What are the reasons for a deconstructive
Some of the conditions that responsible for deconstructive mouth are
• Ectodermal Dysplasia
• Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
• Amelogenesis
Full mouth rehabilitation involves restoration of crown, bridges, and dental veneers
treat bleeding and lose gum, operates the extra growth and helps the patient to
improve the tooth movements.
An individual having multiple oral health issues is a perfect candidate for the Full
moth dental rehabilitation procedure. The major benefits of Full mouth dental
treatments are –
Better oral health – Restoration of the health of your smile is the primary goal of the
full mouth reconstruction procedure. This treatment also addresses oral issues like
tooth decay, gum disease and other dental damages.
Improved Function –
Eating and speaking can become a challenge for you if you have missing or
damaged teeth. Dental specialists will help you replace or restore teeth, so you
never face difficulty speaking and eating.
Better self-confidence –
Many individuals are very conscious about their smile. Most of us even cover our
mouth while laughing. A full mouth dental rehabilitation will help you to feel confident
and have better self-esteem.
Beautiful Smile –
A full mouth rehabilitation results in smile enhancement. Cosmetic procedures can
also be included in your treatment plan.
When is a Full Mouth Rehabilitation necessary?
If an individual faces multiple issues affecting the health, function and beauty of a
smile, he/she may need a comprehensive combination of restoration, cosmetics and
general dentistry treatment. The severity of an individual’s case can be determined
by the difficulty in working of the mouth. If your mouth is not working properly, a full
mouth rehabilitation is the best solution.
A healthy mouth relies on the proper working of the hard and soft tissues. However,
there are multiple procedures for full mouth rehabilitation that may be performed, if
they don’t work properly.
1. Cosmetic Dentistry
It includes teeth whitening, teeth straightening, dental veneers, enamel bonding etc.
2. Restorative Dentistry
Fillings, tooth extraction, dentures, bridges, crowns, and the treatment of periodontal
3. General Dentistry
Dental examination, teeth cleaning and oral health check.
Individuals dealing with missing or loose teeth are also benefitted from this
procedure. People who suffered some sort of injury or facial trauma can be treated
with full mouth reconstruction. Repeated stress to the TMJ (Temporomandibular
joint) is caused by bite issues, which causes disorders and problems with teeth and
People having an advanced level of decay and damage are also a good candidate
for full mouth rehabilitation. During a dental examination, your dentist will examine
your gums, teeth, and jaws to the best treatment plan for you.
Process of Full Mouth rehabilitation
One appointment is not enough to improve your dental health. The various
procedure is there in full mouth rehabilitation. The procedure normally works this way
1. Your dentist will first examine your present dental and jaw health. X rays and lab
diagnosis is done to determine the treatment area, and the current setting of every tooth
is also examined.
2. After the examination, your dentist will share the best course of action for your full mouth
rehabilitation. Your dentist will set a treatment plan based on your dental issues.
3. In the cases in which only tooth restoration is required, the treatment procedure starts on
your second visit.
4. All the current other dental works, crown and bridges will be removed so the Dentist can
have a clean slate for the new restoration.
5. A full mouth scan will be taken so that every tooth can get the required work done on it.
6. You may also be given a temporary restoration while your permanent restoration is being
7. Once the basic health of your teeth is restored, the new restorations will be placed in,
using a specific dental technique based on the requirement of your mouth.
Cost of Full Mouth Rehabilitation in India
The cost of Full mouth dental treatment in India varies from 2.5 lakhs to 7.5 lakhs.
This depends on the complexity of your case and the treatment plan given by your
dentist. It also depends on the type of dental reconstruction you get.
Full mouth rehabilitation requires a team of dental specialists that includes-
• General or Restorative dentists
• Periodontists (specialised in gums)
• Oral surgeon
• Orthodontists (specialised in tooth movement and positioning)
• Endodontists (specialised in the tooth pulp)
Make sure to do thorough research and homework to find out right dentists as per
your specific need. Always try to get treated by the experienced dental team.
A full mouth rehabilitation can help to restore your oral health by treating all the
issues that compromise your dental well-being, which includes tooth loss, tooth
decay, gum disease, and severely damaged teeth. A well-experienced team of
dentists with a proper treatment plan can bring back your sparkling smile. A sparkling
smile will always keep your self-esteem high and you will be proud to show off your
smile. Post-treatment, prevent any kind of problem, maintain your oral hygiene, and
make regular visits to your dentist for dental checkups.
Invisible Braces treatment in Bangalore |
My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly Is Invisible Braces
An irresistible smile with straight teeth is a winner any day. Braces are very common
and very popular method of revitalizing that irresistible smile. Wire and bracket
braces are mostly used for this purpose and are quite unattractive. Invisible braces
are barely visible and are a great alternative to wire/bracket braces.
However, invisible braces are not very suitable for complex misalignment cases and
are better treated by traditional metal wire braces. Invisible braces are best in
treating Overbite or overjet, Crowded or widely spaced teeth and crooked teeth.
These invisible braces are specially designed for the adults and older teenagers. For
the younger teenager and children, tradition metal braces with brackets/wire are
recommended. However, your dentist or orthodontist are the only ones that can tell
you if you are an eligible candidate.
Types of Invisible braces
1. Clear Aligners-
Clear aligners such as invisalign braces involves a series of plastic aligners known
as tray. The trays move teeth into an alignment. Trays are not completely invisible
but are ensured that they are hardly detectable. These clear aligners are ideal for
treating underbite, overbite, crooked teeth, overcrowding and gaps between teeth.
Clear aligners are suitable to treat most of the orthodontic cases. The trays are quite
uncomfortable initially but involves no pain. Clear aligners can be removed
occasionally for eating, drinking or any kind of special events. These aligners do not
have metal wires and brackets thus lowers the discomfort than metal braces. These
clear aligners take more time for the treatment as they are removable and requires a
lot of self-discipline and consistency. These are provided in sets and as they are
removable, it’s easier to misplace or lose them. Losing them may result delay in
Cost – In India, the cost of clear aligners varies from 50,000 INR to 175,000 INR.
The cost of these aligners depend upon the city you live and the reputation of your
orthodontist. If you live in a metropolitan city then the cost of your aligner will be
much higher than a tier 3 city. Same goes for the orthodontists, more the reputation,
more is the cost. The complexity of your case also determines the costs of your clear
2. Ceramic Braces-
Ceramic braces or clear braces are made up of composite material. These material
are weaker but more brittle than metal brackets. Transparent braces are not as
effective as the traditional metal braces and clear alignment. The brackets of clear
braces are a bit larger than traditional metal braces. These can be felt under your
upper lip and are more noticeable than clear aligners. Clear braces require rubber
bands or ligature. The ligatures are white or clear, thus can stain. Similar to metal
braces these clear braces also cannot be removed, until the treatment is completed.
As they are non-removable, can cause a discomfort.
Cost– The cost of ceramic braces in India ranges between 15,000 INR to 50,000
INR. This again depends on the city and the orthodontist. The cost also depends on
the time period of your treatment and complexity of your case.
3. Inside braces –
Inside braces also known as lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth. As
lingual braces are placed inside of the teeth, they are hidden from view. Lingual
braces are not comfortable and are difficult to maintain. These braces are best for
the people who are conscious about wearing clear aligners or ceramic braces on
front of the teeth. Lingual braces are not removable and thus have the negligible
chance to be misplaced. Elastics can be used with lingual braces to accelerate the
treatment. Since lingual braces require computer customisation, these are costlier
than traditional braces. As the lingual braces use the computer technology, many of
the orthodontists are not experienced and not even comfortable in performing this
treatment. Patient can face some discomfort in speech, maintaining the dental
hygiene and plaque removal.
Cost– The cost of lingual braces vary from 72,000 INR to 190,000 INR. It again
depends on your city and the level of experience your orthodontist has. It also
depends on the duration of treatment.
Duration of each Treatment
The duration of treatment determined by factors that include the complexity of your
case and kind of braces you are wearing. On an average, the duration of the
treatment is from 18 to 24 months, but can be longer for some patients. Typically,
traditional metal wire braces are the fastest option, but talking about invisible braces,
Invisalign (clear aligner) almost takes the same duration.
Clear aligners takes 12-18 months on an average. The next most efficient option are
the ceramic braces and inside braces are the slowest option.
Digital treatment planning will always ensure the fast results. So, you can always
choose an orthodontist who uses digital planning treatment.
Right time to Get Braces
Every individual has a different case. One can start an orthodontic treatment at the
age of 7 and has no upper limit in terms of age.
Post Treatment care
• Brush and floss your teeth twice a day to ensure your oral hygiene. Healthier the teeth,
better would be the treatment results.
• Regular visits to your dentist for follow-up checks. Follow all the instructions and
suggestions given by your orthodontist.
• The treatment duration may vary with the complexity of your case, be patient. The teeth
takes time to align accordingly.
Points to cover your frequent doubts
• Time taken to put braces on – it usually takes 1-2 hrs to finish the procedure after
bonding the dental braces.
• Teeth extraction in treatment – in most of the cases orthodontists do not prefer extraction
for fixing braces. It also depends on the seriousness of crowding issue, one or two teeth
can be removed.
• Colour of the braces – These come in variety of colours and it totally depends on
patient’s choice. Ceramic and Transparent one is best to choose.
Pediatic dentistry treatment in Bangalore |
My Dentist Dental Clinic
Pediatric Dentistry The Best Care for
Sometimes it is hard to take care of your child’s teeth and when the dental state of
your child goes bad Dentist is what they fear. Make a Dentist visit more fun and see
the nearest Pediatric Dentist near you for your child’s care. pediatric dentist. A kid
welcome and friendly office environment is the first impression for a kid in a pediatric
office. The investigation lab of the paediatrician is appealing with a lot of bright
colours and murals. The drawings, games and pictured are appealing even for a
youngster. Pediatric Dentist works hard to keep kids smile bright shiny and healthy.
When a child visits a happy dentist, he will easily return for a check-up in 6 months
and for that parents will be grateful. Pediatric Dentist makes sure to remove the
problem from the child’s mouth with fun and joy. They tend to ease the pain and
lighten the mood of a child before taking him/her to the exam lab. A pediatric office
offers various benefits. For one these are highly experienced with taking care of kids
or adolescents’ teeth.
What are the Pediatric Dentists?
Pediatric Dentist is the one who deals with the oral health of the children. They have
the degree and qualification to take care of a child’s teeth, gums and whole mouth
throughout the stages of childhood. Children start to get their teeth in the first 6
months span of their life and tend to lose at the age of 6 to 7 years for their
permanent teeth. If not given proper dental care your child might face tooth decay or
gum problems that can cause pain for a lifetime. These days early oral or dental
problem is common as 5 times fever and 7 times asthma. Your child does need a
pediatric dentist to avoid a serious oral problem in the early stages of childhood.
Various procedures followed by pediatric for tooth care:
1. Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCs): Stainless steel crowns are used to restore teeth that
are too badly decayed to cured by white fillings. When tooth decay on back teeth has
been left untreated. Due to this Teeth may have critical damage to the enamel or dentin.
In such cases, tooth filling is not a viable option and stainless-steel crowns are
2. Tooth-coloured Fillings: This method is used to restore front or back teeth or the part
where cosmetic appearance is important. Composites are used to repair fractured teeth
or decayed ones and give a perfectly healthy smile. The shade of these composite
material is tried to match the shade of your natural teeth to make them look perfect and
natural and healthy.
3. X rays: In general children need more often X rays than adults. Their mouth grows and
they show sudden changes. The X-ray is recommended every six months to take care of
the decayed tooth. Children with less risk of tooth decay need less frequent X rays. X
rays show some tooth decays which cannot be seen from naked eyes.
4. Dental Cleaning: Before we get on with the procedure the first step is that the dentist
staff will examine your child’s mouth and will clean it thoroughly. After cleaning fluoride
will be applied to strengthen the weak areas due to decay. It is recommended to visit the
kids’ dental clinic every six months.
5. Fluoride: Cavities are formed when there is a weakening in the mineral composition in
the enamel of your teeth. Fluoride helps in remineralization and prevents cavities. Low-
level fluoride is found in water bodies. Fluoride is also found in small things in the
household like toothpaste, salt and etcetera.
6. Interceptic Orthodontic Care: Interceptive orthodontic treatment can prevent more
extensive treatment later. A dentist checks the progress of your child’s bite and jaw
development with routine dental examinations. This early assessment of your child’s
teeth may prevent extensive orthodontic work in his/her future.
7. Extractions: Extraction is carried only when the tooth decay is severe. If a primary molar
is removed prematurely, a space maintainer will be placed. Some extraction is done for a
reason when there is a cluster of teeth.
8. Pulp Treatment: Pulp Treatment is for treating infecting nerves or blood vessels in
teeth. Pulp therapy usually becomes necessary for these two reasons: one as a result of
severe tooth decay (dental cavities) or second as the result of any tooth injury. Failure to
not providing pulp treatment to your child can suffer from severe pain, infection or loss of
a tooth.
The Best Care for Your Children at Your
Children are not small adults. They are not always patient and co-operative during a
dental check-up. They tend to cry and do stuff which makes it tough for a doctor to
do their check-up. A pediatric dentist is qualified in a way to handle kids and how to
make them comfortable for the check-up. Also, a Pediatric clinic is designed in such
a way that a kid feels comfortable and amazing. This kids dental clinic or children
dental clinic is designed with appealing cheerful colours and cute wall paintings.
Children are not just small adults.
My Dentist Now guarantees the best Pediatric dentist near you. Just type in the
search bar “PEDIATRIC DENTIST NEAR ME” and roll your eyes for a sec and
there you get the best pediatric dentistry service nearby. A pediatric dentist offers a
wide range of treatment options with expertise training to care for your child’s teeth,
gums and mouth. When your child needs a dentist, make sure the pediatric dental
clinic is the one you are going to and you can be assured that a pediatric dentist will
provide the best possible care. Let your kid bite chocolates and candies freely, My
Dentist Now will make sure his/her dental health is safe.
Best Root Canal treatment in Bangalore |
My Dentist Dental Clinic
What Exactly IsRoot Canal Treatment
Tooth decay is one of the most common problems across the world. Over 30-40% of
adults suffer from tooth decay and cavities. If we consider all age including children
and adults 49% of them suffer from the same. The reason being the lack of dental
hygiene and periodic dental check-up. Dental Cavity happens when tooth enamel
softens. The softens of enamel is due to exposure to acid by bacteria and plaque.
This leads to the damaged tooth.
The continuous exposure to bacteria and plaque acid, first the enamel softens and
then the infection spread to the inner layer of the tooth called dentin. This leads to
inflammation, infection and severe tooth pain. This happens because the inner layer,
nerves are exposed to plaque acid. Dental cavities are the major reason for tooth
decay. The bacteria in the mouth process sugar and carbohydrates into acid leading
to tooth decay and severe pain.
Causes of Tooth Decay
• Poor oral hygiene
• Formation of dental plaque
• Consuming a lot of sugar
• Dry mouth.
Symptoms of Tooth Decay:
• Severe Toothache
• Increase in tooth sensitivity.
• Pain while chewing or biting food.
• Having a hole in the tooth and black colour filling.
Tooth decay is a serious problem and can lead to severe injury to your mouth. But
no need to worry. Root Canal is the best treatment for this issue and a very authentic
treatment carried by the dentist all across the world.
What Is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal treatment is one of the most common treatments performed by
Endodontist. Endodontist are those who are specialised in Root Canal Treatment
and other Endodontist treatment. Root Canal Treatment is done to relieve a patient
from the pain, inflammation between pulp and tooth.
It is most common that people fear root canal treatment. They shudder and shiver
when they hear they have to go under root canal treatment. Not anymore!
Considering the suffering one is going due to inflammation and infection it is a cost-
viable treatment. It isn’t painful treatment considering the latest technologies at MY
DENTIST NOW. The dental specialist is now totally equipped with pieces of
equipment that make this treatment cost-effective and less painful.
In this treatment, the dental specialist removes the infection and fill the root canal
and cover it with a cap which makes it a whole new tooth and no pain. A root canal is
done to save your tooth. Root canal is the best treatment for the tooth which are
chipped or have cracked. The infection and the pulp are removed easily to make the
patient suffer less.
Procedure of Root Canal Treatment:
The root canal is the most inner part of the tooth where all the nerves and blood
vessels are located. These blood vessels supply various nourishments to the tooth
keeping it in shape. If this part gets infected it leads to severe pain, swelling of soft
tissues and inflammation leading to tooth decay. Various diagnostic procedures are
carried like radiography, mobility check and others. After the diagnosis, the dentist
suggests whether to carry a root canal or not. If yes, amnesia is provided to the part
to go through less pain treatment. The dentist then removes the pulp and clean the
root canal f=by the help of files. In between saline is put in to clean thoroughly. The
root canal is now cleaned and shaped to carry the next treatment procedure. Next,
the root canal is filled with temporarily filling to remove any infection left. In the next
appointment with your dentist, there will be a proper permanent restoration done and
covered with a crown to avoid any further infection in the same tooth and also
provide strength to the tooth.
Many may feel some numbness or dizziness and fever but can be treated with the
medicine prescribed by an endodontist. The success rate of root canal treatment is
95% however some may feel problems and discomfort which can be reduced by the
medication prescribed and the follow-up care advised by the dentist. One must pay
attention to the advice and must keep oral hygiene by regular flossing and brushing
Recovery Period:
The recovery depends on the extent of infection. The dentist does provide some pain
medications and antibiotics to keep the infection away. However, one takes one to
two weeks to recover from the treatment. It is a short treatment and takes no long
time to recover. After the treatment, there are no pain and discomfort like sensitivity
or anything. If you feel a little discomfort take the medication or visit the dentist again
for a check-up.
Cost-effective Treatment:
The cost isn’t too much but it also depends on the extent of infection and tooth
decay. The location of the tooth, number of seating to be done and the infection
quantity suggest the payment. Every doctor or dentist believes in pocket-friendly
treatment, to gain the trust of the patient. It provides you with a lot of comforts so
need not worry about the cost.
Ready for Root Canal Treatment:
Root canal treatment is no longer a painful procedure with the latest advancement
and technique it is one of the most common treatment these days. Scared of cavity
eating your tooth. Book an appointment with MY DENTIST NOW, and take the
infectious pulp out. Let’s take care of your tooth and the decay in simple methods.
Cost-friendly treatment and more comfortable for to rest of your life.
At My Dentist we realize that a major component in good service is good communication.
We want to make it very easy for you to reach us with questions or concerns. Please feel
free to contact us in any of the following ways.
Contact - Clinic 1
Service Rd, 79/8 front of golden residency, Bellandur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560103
Phone no: 080 4377 2467
Clinic 2
#3, Municipal No. 638 12th Main, 4th Block Koramangala Extension, near Maharaja Hotel,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034
Phone no: 080 4173 7707
Book By Phone
080 4377 2467 / 080 4173 7707
Call us Anytime 24/7
Email Us

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  • 1. We Would Love To See You Smile Best Dental Doctor in Bangalore- MydentistNow We know you have choices when it comes to selecting dentist. Many of our smiling customers make “MY DENTIST NOW” as their first full-service dental lab because we give personal care and attention to every single case, every patient, every smile, every time, so you can focus on what’s most important: your patients. We are a team of dentists, hygienists and receptionists who work together to ensure that you receive the best Dental treatment and care which you require at the very same time. Best Tooth Crown treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic What Exactly Is Gum Treatment Did you ever notice a pink spot on your brush after brushing your teeth? Or blood in your mouth? If yes then it is a sign to underlying gum disease. The most common reason behind loosing tooth is gum disease across worldwide. It is very important to identify them early or it can lead to severe damage. Understanding gum disease and identifying the problem and taking prevention and cure. Well most of the gum disease are curable and if not treated well, the your oral health will deteriote in a bad way. Sooner the better you realise of gum problems. So lets discuss what are the symptoms of gum disease. So, lets discuss symptoms of gum disease. Symptoms of Gum Disease: One should keep an eye for the following symptoms for gum disease. • Redness on the gums. • Gums that are swollen, soft, and/or inflamed • Bleeding while brushing or flossing your teeth
  • 2. • Gums that are receding (when the gums pull away from the teeth) • Pockets of gum • Having bad breath and/or a bad taste in your mouth Gingivitis and Periodontist are two main gum disease. If not treated properly can cause serious damage to your oral health. What Causes Gum Disease? Tooth Decay is one of the main causes to gum disease. It is that sticky, clear film like structure on your teeth. It is made form million of bacteria growing on your teeth and gums. If you do not take care of your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing every day, it will create toxin. These toxins then create irritation leading to gum disease. The sooner you get a treatment is better else if bacteria spread to bone you have only choice to seek dental restoration. Best Treatements for Gum Disease: Gingivitis Scaling and Polishing: A Primary Treatment Method Scaling and polishing the teeth is the first treatments for gum disease. This not only aids in the removal of current and new plaque but also tartar. Tartar is the hardened bacteria left behind by plaque accumulation. This procedure is similar to brushing and flossing, with the added benefit of tartar removal. It’s a more thorough washing that helps to keep bacteria from infecting the gums and bones. Special tools can be used by the dentist or dental hygienist to clean away these undesirable formations on the teeth. In case of good amount of tartar, you have to go flossing, scaling again and again. Planning the Roots for a Deeper Clean Your dentist may suggest root planning if the bacteria have penetrated deep into your teeth and down to the gums. This is also known as “debridement,” and it is a more extensive cleaning aimed at the teeth roots. It can be a bit uncomfortable, as it involves digging deep into the inner workings of your affected tooth. However, it’s worth doing, because it cleans out all the bacteria and plaque deposited deep down your gums.
  • 3. Cost of the Gum Disease Treatment: The cost of this dental treatment is not expensive. It is a pocket-friendly treatment. It cost less than the comfort you will feel after the treatment. The treatment is pain free and not too costly. Let’s Get a Gum Disease Treatment. Don’t ever ignore the gum disease symptoms, as they can worsen your dental health in a big way. If you think you have gingivitis, please contact us right away. We’ll take a closer look at the condition of your teeth and gums and explore the best care options with you, for you! MY DENTIST NOW provides treatment cost-friendly in a comfortable environment and with full procedure and treatment. Best Dental Implant treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic
  • 4. What Exactly IsDental Implant Do you have a problematic tooth or a missing tooth? If yes, then Dental Implants are the real solution for you. The dental implant treatment is the placement of prosthetic, permanent teeth that functions and looks like real and natural teeth. The Dental Implant procedure is painless. It provides you with a lifetime lasting smile. The 3 major part of dental implants are: • The implant • The abutment, and • The crown (or arch) Implant The implants are the screw-like structure that embedded into the bone and is made up of titanium. The patients having a severe bone loss in the upper jaw can get cheekbone or zygomatic implants. Zygomatic implants are longer as compared to conventional implants and are embedded in the cheekbone (zygoma). Abutment The connectors that fasten the prosthetic teeth to the implants are known as the Abutment. For keeping the abutment tight, a screw runs through the prosthesis and into the abutment. It is often angled, which allows the correct placement of the prosthesis onto a slanted implant. Single crown or Arch A single crown or arch is also known as “prosthesis” or “tooth”. Crown is designed to be as strong as natural teeth. The prosthesis is designed in a lab and is customised to fit each patient. Prosthetic teeth can be designed for a single tooth or a full set of teeth as well, known as the full arch. Need for dental implants 1. Replacement of missing teeth- People suffer from tooth loss due to decay, gum diseases, drugs, injury, or chemotherapy. Many people who experience this con0dition choose to replace the lost or decaying teeth with dental implants. 2. For Eating – Not being able to bite or chew can be really frustrating. Dental implants restore 80 to 100 % of the original bite strength of the patient as soon as the healing period ends. 3. Self-confidence- A missing tooth or unsightly teeth can make some people anxious in social situations. Restoration of strong and natural teeth through dental implant treatment can really boost confidence in an individual. 4. Reinforcement of the structure of the jawbone- A lost tooth can make an effect on the teeth alignment as the neighbouring teeth slowly drift towards the empty space. This drift can cause gradual facial deformity. Replacement of tooth helps in maintaining jaw integrity. Types of Dental Implant cases 1.Conventional – Usually, dental implants are embedded within the jawbone. Convention dental implants can include a tooth, a bridge or a full arch. • Single- 1 tooth can be replaced by individual implants. A healing period is required after the placement of the implant before a final crown is fitted on top.
  • 5. • Bridge- A bridge is used to fix a crown or crowns o over the missing tooth or teeth area. • Full-Arch – Mostly, patients choose to have a replacement of a full set of upper or lower teeth. Full arches are sets of prosthetic teeth that fixes onto 4 or more implants 2.Zygomatic – Zygomatic dental implants are embedded in the cheekbone and are used in severe bone loss cases. The length of the implants and the method of embedding differentiates Zygomatic implants from conventional implants. The teeth of the upper jaw are replaced by this method. Placement of Dental Implants- A 3-D image of a patient’s teeth is made after taking a CT-scan. After that, a treatment plan is made on the basis of discussion between the doctor and the patient. Single Implant- firstly, the infection is removed from the area of treatment, if any. Bone grating is the second step after the removal of the infection. Bone grafting takes 3 months of time for the lower, whereas it takes 5-6 months for the upper arch. After the bone is ready, the dental surgeon places an implant. The fusion of the implant with grafted bone can take 3-6 months of time. After the fusion, abutment and crown are fastened onto the implant. Full Arch – after the removal of the remaining teeth and the infection, the surgeon smooths the bone around the area where the placement of dental implants will be done. After this, the implants are fastened into the bone surgically. Then, the prosthetic teeth and the abutments are stiffened onto the implants. Usually, it takes only one day to complete the procedure. How painful is Dental Implant Surgery? As you are asleep because of general anaesthesia, you will feel no pain during dental implant surgery. After the surgery, the surgeon numbs your mouth with pain relief medicines that are long-lasting and prevents discomfort for several hours after you wake up. Prescription pain medicine is also given by the surgeon for use at home.
  • 6. Foods that you should eat after dental implant treatment- • Soft fruits and vegetables • Tofu • Fishes • Eggs
  • 7. • Soups • Soft bread, muffins, pancakes, waffles • Yogurt and ice cream • Rice and pasta • Generally, soft edible item are to be consumed Cost – The cost of Dental Implant treatment varies from 35,000 to 45,000 INR. The cost depends on the factors like; the type of tooth implant, the material of the tooth implant and even the design of the tooth implant matters. The cost also varies on the basis of the expertise and experience of the surgeon, and the city you live in. The material used in dental implant treatment- Most of the implants use titanium but there are some other materials also, such as; Plastic, Acrylic, Metal, Porcelain, Zirconia. Dental Implant treatment is the permanent solution of the lost or decays tooth and gums. If you want to get your dental implant treatment done search for the dental clinics in your area. Go to your search engine and type “dental implant near me” and do some research and if satisfied, then go for it. For example, if you live in Bangalore, you can also search for ‘Dental implant treatment in Bangalore’ or ‘dental implant Bangalore’ and you will get all the clinic names on your screen. Just go to the best hospital or clinic with an experienced team and get your dental implant treatment done to restore that dazzling smile and the comfort of natural teeth. Best Dental Prosthesis treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic What Exactly Is Dental Prosthesis Missing teeth can affect your teeth functionality and smile aesthetic to a great extent. Well, you can restore both of them with Dental Prosthesis. A dental prosthesis is used to reconstruct intraoral problems i.e., missing teeth, missing parts of teeth, and missing soft or hard structure of jaw and palate as well. A dental prosthesis specialist is known as Prosthodontics. The dental equipment used in this procedure includes crowns, dentures, bridges, dental implants, veneers and some of them can be detachable or permanently fixed in the patient’s mouth.
  • 8. Dental Prosthesis There are several steps involved in making of prosthesis- 1. First step – is taking the precise impression, it is done so that the prosthesis base is fully adapted to the basal seat in the patient’s mouth. 2. Second step – bite registration, which is done to determine the relative position of jaws and teeth, to fit the dental prosthesis perfectly. 3. Third step – setting artificial teeth in a mock-up, is a trial process in which the patient can give feedback on the set, based on the feedback prosthesis is adjusted and finalised. 4. Last step – precise finalizing, all the corrections are made in this step to achieve the perfect teeth set through mock-up and then the final dental prosthesis is made. Making dental prosthesis involves dental specialist and dental laboratory technician both. Various types of Prosthesis- • Fix dental prosthesis – A patient requires a permanent solution by fixing a dental prosthesis if he/she has no teeth at all. These should be taken care of and should be clean as it were their natural teeth. • Removal of dental prosthesis – these dentures are removable, as these are screwed in and mounted on the dental implants. It provides security and simplicity to the patients. • Implants supported prosthesis – dental implants are placed into bone of the jaw. These are placed into the root of the teeth and can replace one or several teeth. • Dentures – these are fractional and replace a few false teeth or rows of false teeth. • Veneers – Veneers are thin shells. These are used to cover the discoloured or chipped teeth and enhances the appearance. • Basic metal prosthesis – metallic prosthesis is the most commonly used dental prostheses. These are made up of various metal alloys. • Hybrid dental prosthesis – this is most appropriate for the cases in which the bone loses its volume due to teeth lessness.
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  • 10. There are two types of dental prosthesis, one is complete or full dentures and the second one is partial dentures. Complete or full dentures are made for patients who have lost all their teeth. These are additionally fixed by dental implants. The complete or full denture has a larger base that rests on the mucosa and creates a feeling like a foreign body in the mouth. The patients having several own natural teeth can go with Partial dentures. Partial dentures are fixed to the remaining teeth, thus anchored in the mouth. Impede speech, mucosae and tongue movement can be disturbed by some of the denture parts. Most of the patients get used to dentures easily, while some of the patients require a bit longer time to get along with dentures. This depends on the factors like the condition inside the patient’s mouth, construction of prosthesis and the age of the patient. Patients get used to dentures more quickly when there is a shorter period between teeth absence and getting a dental denture. It is because the basal seat is
  • 11. more favourable for the construction of dental prosthesis and the bone crest is also preserved better. To get used to the dental prosthesis and learn how to control it, patience is the key. A new denture establishes a new relationship between the jaws, it also changes the chewing pattern thus, and the patients require getting used to the new dentures whenever it is changed. Older patients usually choose to rebase the existing dentures, instead of making a new one. Rebasing does the minor changes to dentures and improves the existing shape of it, thus getting used to it is not necessary. Costs Pocket-friendly! A dental prosthesis is less expensive than a dental implant. It can last a lifetime long with regular check-ups and proper oral hygiene. Dentistry has improved to a great extent and thus not require much effort to get used to dental prosthetics. What Follow-up Care Is Necessary after Dental Prosthesis! Happy to have the gap you had in your mouth and to avoid further embarrassment of Missing Teeth. Well, you must take proper precaution or you might face bad infections after implantation. So this follow-up care is necessary for avoiding infection issues and greeting perfect smile. 1. Proper Medication during the procedure. 2. There might be general discomforts like pain and little bleeding but need not worry take prescribed aid by your dentist. The bleeding will stop within 4 to 6 hours. 3. If the pain and bleeding are unusual and more, definitely visit the dentist and get treatment. 4. Mild fever or headache is normal. Just take the prescribed medicine and rest a lot. 5. Never stand up from sleeping or lying position too quick or u might feel dizzy. 6. Dental Hygiene is a must. Do clean your mouth gently in 48 hours with half a tablespoon of salt and four to five ounces of warm water. 7. Narcotic drugs generally make you feel dizzy and slow your reflexes. Drink Milkshakes and Smoothie for cool comfort, relax the pain and will keep your stomach full.
  • 12. Let’s Get New Tooth and Roll Dental prostheses help patients feel more comfortable and confident by treating missing teeth or by making discoloured teeth look more attractive. If a prosthesis might be the solution to your dental problem, make an appointment with MY DENTIST NOW or a prosthodontist to discuss your options for getting a perfect smile.
  • 13. Full mouth rehabilitation treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic What Exactly Is Full Mouth Rehabilitation? Everyone prefers a clean, white and dazzling smile with good oral health. The way one maintains their teeth also reflects on their personality. A beautiful smile always adds charm to one’s personality. Full mouth rehabilitation is a restoration or reconstructive procedure that can help you to get that irresistible smile. The meaning of the word rehabilitation is to restore the good condition or the former privilege. Full mouth rehabilitation or reconstruction plan is to optimize the entire mouth health that includes the teeth, the gums, and the bite. Depending on the complexity of cases, sometimes it is necessary to restore or replace every tooth with a combination of dental practices. This extensive and intensive dental procedure is performed to achieve equilibration.
  • 14. What are the reasons for a deconstructive mouth? Some of the conditions that responsible for deconstructive mouth are • Ectodermal Dysplasia • Dentinogenesis Imperfecta
  • 15. • Amelogenesis Full mouth rehabilitation involves restoration of crown, bridges, and dental veneers treat bleeding and lose gum, operates the extra growth and helps the patient to improve the tooth movements. An individual having multiple oral health issues is a perfect candidate for the Full moth dental rehabilitation procedure. The major benefits of Full mouth dental treatments are – Better oral health – Restoration of the health of your smile is the primary goal of the full mouth reconstruction procedure. This treatment also addresses oral issues like tooth decay, gum disease and other dental damages. Improved Function – Eating and speaking can become a challenge for you if you have missing or damaged teeth. Dental specialists will help you replace or restore teeth, so you never face difficulty speaking and eating. Better self-confidence – Many individuals are very conscious about their smile. Most of us even cover our mouth while laughing. A full mouth dental rehabilitation will help you to feel confident and have better self-esteem. Beautiful Smile – A full mouth rehabilitation results in smile enhancement. Cosmetic procedures can also be included in your treatment plan. When is a Full Mouth Rehabilitation necessary? If an individual faces multiple issues affecting the health, function and beauty of a smile, he/she may need a comprehensive combination of restoration, cosmetics and general dentistry treatment. The severity of an individual’s case can be determined by the difficulty in working of the mouth. If your mouth is not working properly, a full mouth rehabilitation is the best solution. A healthy mouth relies on the proper working of the hard and soft tissues. However, there are multiple procedures for full mouth rehabilitation that may be performed, if they don’t work properly. 1. Cosmetic Dentistry It includes teeth whitening, teeth straightening, dental veneers, enamel bonding etc. 2. Restorative Dentistry Fillings, tooth extraction, dentures, bridges, crowns, and the treatment of periodontal disease. 3. General Dentistry Dental examination, teeth cleaning and oral health check. Individuals dealing with missing or loose teeth are also benefitted from this procedure. People who suffered some sort of injury or facial trauma can be treated with full mouth reconstruction. Repeated stress to the TMJ (Temporomandibular joint) is caused by bite issues, which causes disorders and problems with teeth and gums.
  • 16. People having an advanced level of decay and damage are also a good candidate for full mouth rehabilitation. During a dental examination, your dentist will examine your gums, teeth, and jaws to the best treatment plan for you. Process of Full Mouth rehabilitation One appointment is not enough to improve your dental health. The various procedure is there in full mouth rehabilitation. The procedure normally works this way – 1. Your dentist will first examine your present dental and jaw health. X rays and lab diagnosis is done to determine the treatment area, and the current setting of every tooth is also examined. 2. After the examination, your dentist will share the best course of action for your full mouth rehabilitation. Your dentist will set a treatment plan based on your dental issues. 3. In the cases in which only tooth restoration is required, the treatment procedure starts on your second visit. 4. All the current other dental works, crown and bridges will be removed so the Dentist can have a clean slate for the new restoration. 5. A full mouth scan will be taken so that every tooth can get the required work done on it. 6. You may also be given a temporary restoration while your permanent restoration is being made. 7. Once the basic health of your teeth is restored, the new restorations will be placed in, using a specific dental technique based on the requirement of your mouth. Cost of Full Mouth Rehabilitation in India The cost of Full mouth dental treatment in India varies from 2.5 lakhs to 7.5 lakhs. This depends on the complexity of your case and the treatment plan given by your dentist. It also depends on the type of dental reconstruction you get. Full mouth rehabilitation requires a team of dental specialists that includes- • General or Restorative dentists • Periodontists (specialised in gums) • Oral surgeon • Orthodontists (specialised in tooth movement and positioning) • Endodontists (specialised in the tooth pulp) Make sure to do thorough research and homework to find out right dentists as per your specific need. Always try to get treated by the experienced dental team. A full mouth rehabilitation can help to restore your oral health by treating all the issues that compromise your dental well-being, which includes tooth loss, tooth decay, gum disease, and severely damaged teeth. A well-experienced team of dentists with a proper treatment plan can bring back your sparkling smile. A sparkling smile will always keep your self-esteem high and you will be proud to show off your smile. Post-treatment, prevent any kind of problem, maintain your oral hygiene, and make regular visits to your dentist for dental checkups.
  • 17. Invisible Braces treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic What Exactly Is Invisible Braces An irresistible smile with straight teeth is a winner any day. Braces are very common and very popular method of revitalizing that irresistible smile. Wire and bracket braces are mostly used for this purpose and are quite unattractive. Invisible braces are barely visible and are a great alternative to wire/bracket braces. However, invisible braces are not very suitable for complex misalignment cases and are better treated by traditional metal wire braces. Invisible braces are best in treating Overbite or overjet, Crowded or widely spaced teeth and crooked teeth. These invisible braces are specially designed for the adults and older teenagers. For the younger teenager and children, tradition metal braces with brackets/wire are recommended. However, your dentist or orthodontist are the only ones that can tell you if you are an eligible candidate. Types of Invisible braces 1. Clear Aligners- Clear aligners such as invisalign braces involves a series of plastic aligners known as tray. The trays move teeth into an alignment. Trays are not completely invisible but are ensured that they are hardly detectable. These clear aligners are ideal for treating underbite, overbite, crooked teeth, overcrowding and gaps between teeth. Clear aligners are suitable to treat most of the orthodontic cases. The trays are quite uncomfortable initially but involves no pain. Clear aligners can be removed occasionally for eating, drinking or any kind of special events. These aligners do not have metal wires and brackets thus lowers the discomfort than metal braces. These clear aligners take more time for the treatment as they are removable and requires a lot of self-discipline and consistency. These are provided in sets and as they are removable, it’s easier to misplace or lose them. Losing them may result delay in treatment. Cost – In India, the cost of clear aligners varies from 50,000 INR to 175,000 INR. The cost of these aligners depend upon the city you live and the reputation of your orthodontist. If you live in a metropolitan city then the cost of your aligner will be much higher than a tier 3 city. Same goes for the orthodontists, more the reputation, more is the cost. The complexity of your case also determines the costs of your clear alignments. 2. Ceramic Braces- Ceramic braces or clear braces are made up of composite material. These material are weaker but more brittle than metal brackets. Transparent braces are not as
  • 18. effective as the traditional metal braces and clear alignment. The brackets of clear braces are a bit larger than traditional metal braces. These can be felt under your upper lip and are more noticeable than clear aligners. Clear braces require rubber bands or ligature. The ligatures are white or clear, thus can stain. Similar to metal braces these clear braces also cannot be removed, until the treatment is completed. As they are non-removable, can cause a discomfort. Cost– The cost of ceramic braces in India ranges between 15,000 INR to 50,000 INR. This again depends on the city and the orthodontist. The cost also depends on the time period of your treatment and complexity of your case. 3. Inside braces – Inside braces also known as lingual braces are attached to the back of the teeth. As lingual braces are placed inside of the teeth, they are hidden from view. Lingual braces are not comfortable and are difficult to maintain. These braces are best for the people who are conscious about wearing clear aligners or ceramic braces on front of the teeth. Lingual braces are not removable and thus have the negligible chance to be misplaced. Elastics can be used with lingual braces to accelerate the treatment. Since lingual braces require computer customisation, these are costlier than traditional braces. As the lingual braces use the computer technology, many of the orthodontists are not experienced and not even comfortable in performing this treatment. Patient can face some discomfort in speech, maintaining the dental hygiene and plaque removal. Cost– The cost of lingual braces vary from 72,000 INR to 190,000 INR. It again depends on your city and the level of experience your orthodontist has. It also depends on the duration of treatment.
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  • 20. Duration of each Treatment The duration of treatment determined by factors that include the complexity of your case and kind of braces you are wearing. On an average, the duration of the treatment is from 18 to 24 months, but can be longer for some patients. Typically, traditional metal wire braces are the fastest option, but talking about invisible braces, Invisalign (clear aligner) almost takes the same duration. Clear aligners takes 12-18 months on an average. The next most efficient option are the ceramic braces and inside braces are the slowest option. Digital treatment planning will always ensure the fast results. So, you can always choose an orthodontist who uses digital planning treatment.
  • 21. Right time to Get Braces Every individual has a different case. One can start an orthodontic treatment at the age of 7 and has no upper limit in terms of age. Post Treatment care • Brush and floss your teeth twice a day to ensure your oral hygiene. Healthier the teeth, better would be the treatment results. • Regular visits to your dentist for follow-up checks. Follow all the instructions and suggestions given by your orthodontist. • The treatment duration may vary with the complexity of your case, be patient. The teeth takes time to align accordingly.
  • 22. Points to cover your frequent doubts • Time taken to put braces on – it usually takes 1-2 hrs to finish the procedure after bonding the dental braces. • Teeth extraction in treatment – in most of the cases orthodontists do not prefer extraction for fixing braces. It also depends on the seriousness of crowding issue, one or two teeth can be removed. • Colour of the braces – These come in variety of colours and it totally depends on patient’s choice. Ceramic and Transparent one is best to choose. Pediatic dentistry treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic Pediatric Dentistry The Best Care for Children Sometimes it is hard to take care of your child’s teeth and when the dental state of your child goes bad Dentist is what they fear. Make a Dentist visit more fun and see the nearest Pediatric Dentist near you for your child’s care. pediatric dentist. A kid welcome and friendly office environment is the first impression for a kid in a pediatric office. The investigation lab of the paediatrician is appealing with a lot of bright colours and murals. The drawings, games and pictured are appealing even for a youngster. Pediatric Dentist works hard to keep kids smile bright shiny and healthy. When a child visits a happy dentist, he will easily return for a check-up in 6 months and for that parents will be grateful. Pediatric Dentist makes sure to remove the problem from the child’s mouth with fun and joy. They tend to ease the pain and lighten the mood of a child before taking him/her to the exam lab. A pediatric office offers various benefits. For one these are highly experienced with taking care of kids or adolescents’ teeth. What are the Pediatric Dentists? Pediatric Dentist is the one who deals with the oral health of the children. They have the degree and qualification to take care of a child’s teeth, gums and whole mouth throughout the stages of childhood. Children start to get their teeth in the first 6 months span of their life and tend to lose at the age of 6 to 7 years for their permanent teeth. If not given proper dental care your child might face tooth decay or gum problems that can cause pain for a lifetime. These days early oral or dental problem is common as 5 times fever and 7 times asthma. Your child does need a pediatric dentist to avoid a serious oral problem in the early stages of childhood.
  • 23. Various procedures followed by pediatric for tooth care: 1. Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCs): Stainless steel crowns are used to restore teeth that are too badly decayed to cured by white fillings. When tooth decay on back teeth has been left untreated. Due to this Teeth may have critical damage to the enamel or dentin. In such cases, tooth filling is not a viable option and stainless-steel crowns are necessary. 2. Tooth-coloured Fillings: This method is used to restore front or back teeth or the part where cosmetic appearance is important. Composites are used to repair fractured teeth or decayed ones and give a perfectly healthy smile. The shade of these composite material is tried to match the shade of your natural teeth to make them look perfect and natural and healthy. 3. X rays: In general children need more often X rays than adults. Their mouth grows and they show sudden changes. The X-ray is recommended every six months to take care of the decayed tooth. Children with less risk of tooth decay need less frequent X rays. X rays show some tooth decays which cannot be seen from naked eyes. 4. Dental Cleaning: Before we get on with the procedure the first step is that the dentist staff will examine your child’s mouth and will clean it thoroughly. After cleaning fluoride will be applied to strengthen the weak areas due to decay. It is recommended to visit the kids’ dental clinic every six months. 5. Fluoride: Cavities are formed when there is a weakening in the mineral composition in the enamel of your teeth. Fluoride helps in remineralization and prevents cavities. Low- level fluoride is found in water bodies. Fluoride is also found in small things in the household like toothpaste, salt and etcetera. 6. Interceptic Orthodontic Care: Interceptive orthodontic treatment can prevent more extensive treatment later. A dentist checks the progress of your child’s bite and jaw development with routine dental examinations. This early assessment of your child’s teeth may prevent extensive orthodontic work in his/her future. 7. Extractions: Extraction is carried only when the tooth decay is severe. If a primary molar is removed prematurely, a space maintainer will be placed. Some extraction is done for a reason when there is a cluster of teeth. 8. Pulp Treatment: Pulp Treatment is for treating infecting nerves or blood vessels in teeth. Pulp therapy usually becomes necessary for these two reasons: one as a result of severe tooth decay (dental cavities) or second as the result of any tooth injury. Failure to not providing pulp treatment to your child can suffer from severe pain, infection or loss of a tooth.
  • 24. The Best Care for Your Children at Your Doorstep Children are not small adults. They are not always patient and co-operative during a dental check-up. They tend to cry and do stuff which makes it tough for a doctor to do their check-up. A pediatric dentist is qualified in a way to handle kids and how to make them comfortable for the check-up. Also, a Pediatric clinic is designed in such a way that a kid feels comfortable and amazing. This kids dental clinic or children dental clinic is designed with appealing cheerful colours and cute wall paintings. Children are not just small adults.
  • 25. My Dentist Now guarantees the best Pediatric dentist near you. Just type in the search bar “PEDIATRIC DENTIST NEAR ME” and roll your eyes for a sec and there you get the best pediatric dentistry service nearby. A pediatric dentist offers a wide range of treatment options with expertise training to care for your child’s teeth, gums and mouth. When your child needs a dentist, make sure the pediatric dental clinic is the one you are going to and you can be assured that a pediatric dentist will provide the best possible care. Let your kid bite chocolates and candies freely, My Dentist Now will make sure his/her dental health is safe. Best Root Canal treatment in Bangalore | My Dentist Dental Clinic What Exactly IsRoot Canal Treatment Tooth decay is one of the most common problems across the world. Over 30-40% of adults suffer from tooth decay and cavities. If we consider all age including children and adults 49% of them suffer from the same. The reason being the lack of dental hygiene and periodic dental check-up. Dental Cavity happens when tooth enamel softens. The softens of enamel is due to exposure to acid by bacteria and plaque. This leads to the damaged tooth. The continuous exposure to bacteria and plaque acid, first the enamel softens and then the infection spread to the inner layer of the tooth called dentin. This leads to inflammation, infection and severe tooth pain. This happens because the inner layer, nerves are exposed to plaque acid. Dental cavities are the major reason for tooth decay. The bacteria in the mouth process sugar and carbohydrates into acid leading to tooth decay and severe pain. Causes of Tooth Decay • Poor oral hygiene • Formation of dental plaque • Consuming a lot of sugar • Dry mouth.
  • 26. Symptoms of Tooth Decay: • Severe Toothache • Increase in tooth sensitivity. • Pain while chewing or biting food. • Having a hole in the tooth and black colour filling. Tooth decay is a serious problem and can lead to severe injury to your mouth. But no need to worry. Root Canal is the best treatment for this issue and a very authentic treatment carried by the dentist all across the world.
  • 27. What Is Root Canal Treatment? Root canal treatment is one of the most common treatments performed by Endodontist. Endodontist are those who are specialised in Root Canal Treatment and other Endodontist treatment. Root Canal Treatment is done to relieve a patient from the pain, inflammation between pulp and tooth. It is most common that people fear root canal treatment. They shudder and shiver when they hear they have to go under root canal treatment. Not anymore! Considering the suffering one is going due to inflammation and infection it is a cost- viable treatment. It isn’t painful treatment considering the latest technologies at MY DENTIST NOW. The dental specialist is now totally equipped with pieces of equipment that make this treatment cost-effective and less painful. In this treatment, the dental specialist removes the infection and fill the root canal and cover it with a cap which makes it a whole new tooth and no pain. A root canal is done to save your tooth. Root canal is the best treatment for the tooth which are chipped or have cracked. The infection and the pulp are removed easily to make the patient suffer less. Procedure of Root Canal Treatment: The root canal is the most inner part of the tooth where all the nerves and blood vessels are located. These blood vessels supply various nourishments to the tooth keeping it in shape. If this part gets infected it leads to severe pain, swelling of soft tissues and inflammation leading to tooth decay. Various diagnostic procedures are carried like radiography, mobility check and others. After the diagnosis, the dentist suggests whether to carry a root canal or not. If yes, amnesia is provided to the part to go through less pain treatment. The dentist then removes the pulp and clean the root canal f=by the help of files. In between saline is put in to clean thoroughly. The root canal is now cleaned and shaped to carry the next treatment procedure. Next, the root canal is filled with temporarily filling to remove any infection left. In the next appointment with your dentist, there will be a proper permanent restoration done and covered with a crown to avoid any further infection in the same tooth and also provide strength to the tooth. Many may feel some numbness or dizziness and fever but can be treated with the medicine prescribed by an endodontist. The success rate of root canal treatment is 95% however some may feel problems and discomfort which can be reduced by the medication prescribed and the follow-up care advised by the dentist. One must pay attention to the advice and must keep oral hygiene by regular flossing and brushing tooth.
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  • 29. Recovery Period: The recovery depends on the extent of infection. The dentist does provide some pain medications and antibiotics to keep the infection away. However, one takes one to two weeks to recover from the treatment. It is a short treatment and takes no long time to recover. After the treatment, there are no pain and discomfort like sensitivity or anything. If you feel a little discomfort take the medication or visit the dentist again for a check-up. Cost-effective Treatment: The cost isn’t too much but it also depends on the extent of infection and tooth decay. The location of the tooth, number of seating to be done and the infection quantity suggest the payment. Every doctor or dentist believes in pocket-friendly treatment, to gain the trust of the patient. It provides you with a lot of comforts so need not worry about the cost.
  • 30. Ready for Root Canal Treatment: Root canal treatment is no longer a painful procedure with the latest advancement and technique it is one of the most common treatment these days. Scared of cavity eating your tooth. Book an appointment with MY DENTIST NOW, and take the infectious pulp out. Let’s take care of your tooth and the decay in simple methods. Cost-friendly treatment and more comfortable for to rest of your life. CONTACT US At My Dentist we realize that a major component in good service is good communication. We want to make it very easy for you to reach us with questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us in any of the following ways. Contact - Clinic 1 Service Rd, 79/8 front of golden residency, Bellandur, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560103 Phone no: 080 4377 2467 Clinic 2 #3, Municipal No. 638 12th Main, 4th Block Koramangala Extension, near Maharaja Hotel, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034 Phone no: 080 4173 7707 Book By Phone 080 4377 2467 / 080 4173 7707 Call us Anytime 24/7 Email Us