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The Benefits of Stem Cell Science
                and AFA to Your Health

What is a Stem Cell?

The National Institute of Health defines a Stem Cell in this way: "Stem Cells have the
remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of
repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit or replenish other cells as
long as the person is still alive. When a Stem Cell divides, each new cell has the potential to
remain either a Stem Cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function,
such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell or a brain cell.”

The First Creation of Life

When the sperm fertilizes the egg, the first creation is a Stem Cell. It then divides into more
Stem Cells, which continue to divide until they begin to differentiate (or change), becoming
specific types of cells that will go on to form all of the various organs, tissues and parts of the
body. These are the embryonic Stem Cells that are the focus of the media’s attention. But
after birth, and throughout life, Stem Cells continue to be made in the body. And as science
has recently discovered, these Adult Stem Cells are the body’s primary system of
renewal and restoration.

Adult Stem Cells

Adult Stem Cells are predominantly formed in the bone marrow. And, just as in the beginnings
of life, adult Stem Cells can literally change into any type of cell in the body throughout life.
The Adult Stem Cells are released from the bone marrow into circulation in the blood stream
to seek out problem areas, then renew and restore those areas.

Example: The Heart

When circulating Stem Cells find the heart in reduced health, they exit the bloodstream,
attach to the heart and actually become brand new heart muscle cells, analogous to the
original cells that originally created the once infant heart. They then begin dividing into still
more new heart muscle cells. The same with the liver, the kidneys, the brain, the skin, eyes,
any organ, tissue, muscle, bone, connective tissue – literally any part of the body that is in
need of restoration.

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How do Stem Cells affect my health?

The National Institute of Health identifies 74 treatable diseases using adult stem cells in
therapy. These costly and complex therapies typically deliver a large quantity of adult Stem
Cells to the area undergoing treatment. Most require that Stem Cells be harvested from the
patient or adult donor, programmed in a lab to become a specific type of cell and then injected
into the body. For treatment of disease these therapies are many times the best method of
recovery, producing truly remarkable results. Thankfully, most of us don’t have issues that
require these extensive procedures.

For those of us just wanting to maintain optimal health or fight the effects of aging, injury and
day to day wear and tear, a smaller but steady release of our existing Stem Cells into the
blood stream can produce considerable health benefits.

When Stem Cell Enhancers are used as a daily supplement over time, the stimulation of
billions of additional Stem Cells in the blood stream could be one the safest and most efficient
methods for maintaining optimal health that science has yet discovered.

Adult Stem Cells – the best anti-aging system ever known.

Knowing what Adult Stem Cells do in the human body, doesn’t it make sense that having
more of them in the blood stream will undoubtedly have profound effects on your health, well
being, and provide an until know, untapped resource for fighting the effects of aging?

What are Stem Cell Enhancers?

Stem Cell Enhancers present a new paradigm in health and wellness. A patented product, the
first of it's kind, is a blend of two compounds extracted from an aqua botanical (water plant)
called Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae, or AFA. These compounds are extracted through a
process that uses no chemicals or harsh agents. One extract supports the release of Stem
Cells from the bone marrow. The other extract may support the migration of Stem Cells out of
the blood into tissues.

What do Stem Cell Enhancers do?

The effectiveness of this Stem Cell Enhancer was demonstrated in a triple-blind study.
Volunteers rested for one hour before establishing base levels. After the first blood samples,
volunteers were given either the Stem Cell Enhancer or placebo. Thereafter, blood samples
were taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. The number of
circulating Stem Cells was measured by analyzing the blood samples using a scientific
method called Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). The chart shows the placebo
group in red, the Stem Cell Enhancer group in blue. Consumption of the Stem Cell Enhancer
triggered a significant 25-30% increase in the number of circulating Stem Cells.

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What do the experts say?

One of the USA’s leading experts in Adult Stem Cell Science is Dr David A. Prentice, Ph.D.,
a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. The National Institutes of Health funds
much of his research. In 2003, he presented a detailed paper to the President’s Council on
Bioethics, referring to many of the studies listed in this document. In closing, he added:

“Adult Stem Cells have significant capabilities for growth, repair, and regeneration of
damaged cells and tissues in the body, akin to a built-in repair kit or maintenance crew
that needs only activation and stimulation to accomplish repair of damage.”

“Direct stimulation of endogenous (already present in the body) adult stem cells within a
tissue may be easiest, safest and most efficient way to stimulate tissue regeneration.
Such stimulation need not rely on any added stem cells.”

He could not have known then that in 2006, stem cell technology would provide a product as
simple as a daily supplement in capsule form that would directly stimulate stem cells in the
manner he was describing. Patented, this all natural Stem Cell Enhancer is today’s way to
easily, safely and efficiently stimulate renewal of your body. Thousands now are enjoying this
truly remarkable new revolution in health maintenance. Soon millions will be.

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Scientific Research Shows Benefits of AFA
Christian Drapeau, a foremost scientist in the study of Aphanizomenon flos aquae,
holds a Masters of Science degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal
Neurological Institute, an affiliate of McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and has been
extensively involved in the study of nutrition, naturopathy and various natural therapies. Most
significantly, Mr. Drapeau collaborated with many scientists affiliated with Harvard University,
McGill University, the University of Illinois, Oregon State University, the University of New
Mexico and the University of Mississippi in the study of the effects of blue-green algae
(Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) on human health. Mr. Drapeau continues his involvement in the
clinical study of AFA.

According to Mr. Drapeau, "The health benefits of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) have
been reported for more than two decades, yet it is only recently that science has revealed the
mechanisms by which AFA acts on the body, and the astonishing health benefits of AFA. AFA
contains a wide variety of phytonutrients that promote health, such as chlorophyll, carotenoids
and polyunsaturated fatty acids. AFA contains unique molecules that modulate various
aspects of human health. Phenylethylamine (PEA), known as the "molecule of love,"
enhances concentration and attention. PEA is also a natural mood elevator and anti-

Phycocyanin, the blue pigment in AFA, is a natural selective COX-2 inhibitor with strong anti
inflammatory properties. PEA stimulates the migration of immune cells in the body; the only
natural compound known to do so.

But the most extraordinary discovery is the ability of AFA to stimulate stem cell release
and migration, making AFA the first natural compound known to stimulate the natural innate
phenomenon of healing, regeneration and repair in the human body."

Nutrition & AFA

The discovery of this ancient strain of cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) has led
to a new Super Food that contains more protein and chlorophyll than any other food source.
Primitive as cyanophyta may appear, most are highly efficient photo synthesizers, even more
so than plants. AFA utilize light energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and
hydrogen from the water to synthesize proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. AFA grows only in
the wild and is far superior to any other cyanophyta on the planet. It is nature's perfect food.
AFA is unique among all food nutritional cyanophytas in that it also metabolizes molecular
nitrogen from the air to produce its proteins and other nitrogen containing bio-molecules.

The AFA cell is truly awe inspiring. Although hundreds of times smaller than the cells of the
plant or animal kingdoms, its wide range of sixty-four micro-nutrients is remarkable and
unsurpassed by any known food. It should be no surprise that the nucleic acids of AFA also
bio-stimulate the immune system.

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Role of Nutrients

Without proper nutrients, our bodies become nutritionally deficient. Aphanizomenon flos-
aquae (AFA) provides these missing nutrients. People tell us this product helps them function
at higher physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. While growing wild in nature, AFA's
simple metabolism enables it to synthesize and store more nutrients from the air, water, and
sunlight than land based plants. Below is a partial list of nutrients in AFA and their role in our


AFA contains more chlorophyll than any other natural food, 3 to 5 times more than even
wheat grass! Chlorophyll detoxifies the body from internally generated poisons and the waste
products of general metabolism. Chlorophyll also protects us from external environmental
pollutants we come in contact with each day.


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids build muscle, repair cells and are
the raw materials from which the essential brain neuro-hormones serotonin and dopamine are
synthesized. The brain hormones feed the brain's pleasure and mood control centers which
influence how we feel on a moment-to moment basis.


Enzymes are the spark of life behind every metabolic reaction in the body. Without enzymes,
even vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed. They are vital to digestion. Only living,
uncooked foods contain enzymes. AFA is a high enzyme, living food.


AFA is an abundant source of phycocyanin, the blue pigment found in the AFA. Similar to
chlorophyll, phycocyanin protects the body against various toxic substances found in our
food, air and water. Recent research has revealed that phycocyanin is an effective antioxidant
and promotes healthy joint functioning.


Beta-carotene is a precursor to Vitamin A. The U.S. Center for Disease Control states Vitamin
A helps prevent cancer. Like Vitamin C, beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant which
protects cells from free-radical damage caused by exposure to harmful chemicals and the
effects of consuming too much processed foods.


Minerals, especially trace minerals, are increasingly hard to find in the typical modern diet.
Vitamins cannot be utilized without minerals being present. AFA contains every mineral known

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to science, in an easily absorbed "chelated" form.


AFA is a source of almost every known vitamin. The vitamins found in AFA are absorbed
much more easily and completely than artificial, poorly assimilated man-made vitamins.


AFA provides a plant-based source of B12 without the potential health risks associated with
animal-based B12 sources which contain unwanted cholesterol, artificial chemicals and
hormones. B12 promotes vitality, stimulates libido, and is an essential nutrient for our nervous


Each of the trillion cell walls in our bodies are made from Essential Fatty Acids (EFA).
Researchers tell us most people are deficient in EFAs. AFA is rich in EFAs, especially the
Omega-3 form (the hardest to find, even in natural foods). Omega-3 helps to maintain healthy
cholesterol levels. Research shows Omega-3 is beneficial to the cardiovascular, immune and
nervous systems. The nutrients found in AFA are perfectly combined by nature, and work so
synergistically, that AFA delivers a wide range of nutritional health benefits for the regular

About the Brain

The brain is the most undernourished organ in the body. Although it comprises only 2% of the
total body weight, it uses 20% of the body's available energy resources. Each of its estimated
10 billion neurons has an insatiable appetite which must be satisfied every minute of every
day of our lives. AFA metabolizes molecular nitrogen directly from the air. This growth pattern
allows for the bio-synthesis of Low Molecular Weight Peptide Groups. These low molecular
weight peptides are the precursors of neurotransmitters, which are used by various regions of
the brain and body to initiate the secretion of other substances (such as hormones) that
influence metabolic functions.

Neurotransmitters can be seen as the chemical link whereby neurons communicate with one
another. The ability of the brain neurons to manufacture and utilize neurotransmitters is
dependent upon the concentration of amino acids in the bloodstream. This largely depends
upon the food consumption of the previous meal.

The Importance of Proteins & Amino Acids

All of the body's basic biochemical processes require energy to occur. It is from the ingestion
of various food substances that the required amount of energy is obtained. The central part of
the body's energy package that provides for the replication and repair of cells, organs and
organ systems is protein. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in a healthy
human body. It comprises a major portion of the blood and lymph and creates a natural

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immunity by giving the body a means of recognizing invading foreign cells and viruses.

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Proteins
comprise 90% of the hemoglobin and form the backbone of the body's immune system. The
algae contains more protein than any other organism (plant or animal). There are 22 amino
acids; 8 of these are essential and must be obtained from our foods. Without proper quantities
of all the amino acids, health cannot be maintained. When improper amounts of amino acids
are consumed, the less important body tissues are "cannibalized" causing premature aging
and possible severe deficiencies, such as lack of motivation, loss of memory, low mental
alertness, poor intellectual performance and depression. What is truly unique about the algae
is that its amino acid profile is almost identical to that found in our body, making AFA one of
nature's perfect foods.

AFA as a Foundation Food

Research has shown it's not only what you eat, but what your body absorbs and assimilates
that is important. AFA, existing at the beginning of the food chain, provides nutrition in its
simplest form, balanced whole food nutrition that is easily digested and absorbed. AFA has a
soft cell wall that is easily digested by the body. This allows rapid absorption of vital nutrients
with 97% assimilation. AFA, harvested from the wild in its 100% organic natural state, comes
to you directly from southern Oregon's extraordinary Upper Klamath Lake. Located at 4100
feet in elevation, the lake is far removed from any large cities that might pollute the air and
water, and is entirely surrounded by the Cascade Mountains. This unique ecosystem of
mineral-rich water, clean air and high intensity sunlight makes Upper Klamath Lake the
perfect ecosystem for this nutrient-dense whole food.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) from Klamath Lake exhibits the nutritional characteristics
that make it great. It is the most fundamental food on the planet; there is simply nothing that
compares. Cyanophyta has been harvested and consumed for centuries and yet, until
recently, its immense nutritional value has mostly gone unrecognized. Science is now
focusing their attention on AFA due to current research that has shown AFA's unique
photochemistry link to controlling many disorders affecting the body. The results of this
research and testing have been impressive enough for UC Irvine Scientists to call it a "Super
Food, capable of contributing to the achievement and maintenance of wellness".

The Importance of Vitamins

Typical Nutrient Composition (%Dry Weight)

* Protein 60%
* Lipids 4%
* Carbohydrate 22%
* Chlorophyll 3%
* Fiber 1.5%
* Minerals 7%
* Moisture 5%

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It's only what your body will use (absorb) that counts! AFA is 97% usable by the body,
compared to synthesized vitamins which are 5-25% usable. Vitamins are essential to human
life. They are organic compounds necessary in small amounts to promote growth and
maintenance of life. They do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the
body. They are needed to transform food into energy for the body. AFA contains a complete
balance of vitamins except for vitamins "D" and "E".

Vitamins (per 1 gram of AFA)

* Provitamin A (beta carotene) 2400.00 IU
* Thiamine B1 4.80 mcg
* Riboflavin B2 57.40 mcg
* Pyridoxine B6 11.10 mcg
* Cobalamin B12 8.00 mcg
* Ascorbic Acid C 6.70 mg
* Niacin 0.13 mg
* Folic Acid 1.00 mcg
* Choline 2.30 mg
* Pantothenic Acid 6.80 mcg
* Biotin 0.33 mcg
* Vitamin E 0.13 IU mcg
* Inositol 0.35 mg

The Importance of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a very important part of the AFA. Its molecular structure is almost the same as
that of the hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood throughout the
body. AFA is the prime nutrient, and chlorophyll is the central molecule for increasing the
oxygen availability to your system. Chlorophyll is vital for the body's rapid assimilation of
amino acids. AFA is the highest known source of chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll Content Comparison (per 10 grams)

* AFA 300 mg
* Spirulina 115 mg
* Chlorella 280 mg
* Barley Grass 149 mg
* Wheat Grass 55 mg

The Importance of Organic Minerals

Minerals are important to the overall functioning of the mind and body. They have two general
body functions - building and regulating. Without minerals, vitamins have no function.
Minerals help build the skeleton and all soft tissues, and regulate heartbeat, blood clotting,
internal pressure of body fluids, nerve response and oxygen transport from the lungs to the
tissues. AFA contains almost every organic mineral in trace amounts, which is what the body
must have to function well. Minerals can literally mean the difference between good health

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and serious disease. While the minerals only represent about one percent or less of our daily
food intake, without them we cannot metabolize our food, and we would then quickly perish.

Minerals (per 1 gram of AFA)

* Boron 10.00 mg
* Calcium 14.00 mg
* Chlorine 464.00 mcg
* Chromium 0.53 mcg
* Cobalt 2.00 mcg
* Copper 4.00 mcg
* Germanium 38.00 mcg
* Flourine 0.27 mcg
* Iodine 0.53 mcg
* Iron 350.70 mcg

* Magnesium 2.20 mg
* Manganese 32.00 mcg
* Molybdenum 3.30 mcg
* Nickel 5.30 mcg
* Phosphorus 5.10 mg
* Potassium 12.00 mcg
* Selenium 0.67 mcg
* Silicon 186.70 mcg
* Sodium 2.70 mg
* Tin 0.50 mcg
* Titanium 23.30 mcg
* Vanadium 2.70 mcg
* Zinc 18.70 mcg

The Importance of Beta-Carotene

The body uses beta carotene to produce its own vitamin A. Because the body converts beta
carotene into vitamin A only as needed, there is no threat of toxic build up. The beta carotene
in AFA is probably one of the most powerful natural antioxidants known today. It may well be
the single most important factor towards enhancing the immune system (by protecting the
thymus gland) and thus increasing our life span. However, the potential healing properties of
beta carotene are maximized ONLY when other important carotenoids are also present. AFA
contains many carotenoids, to synergistically neutralize the deleterious effects of dangerous
free radicals. In the past 25 years, twenty-four worldwide studies have looked at beta
carotene; all findings are consistent. Leading degenerative disease research authorities have
shown that people who consume higher-than-average amounts of foods rich in beta carotene
have lower incidence of degenerative diseases.

The Importance of Pure Drinking Water

We can go without food for weeks but without water we die of dehydration in a few days. Over

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two thirds of our body is water, yet most of us do not clearly understand the importance of
drinking pure water (no chlorine, no chemicals, no bacteria or carcinogens.) Water is the most
abundant compound in the human body and is necessary for:

* Digestion of food
* Regulation of body temperature
* Transport of food to the tissues
* Elimination of toxins and body wastes
* Circulation of body fluids (like blood and lymph)
* Lubricant in the joints and internal organs - keeping them moist
* Permitting the passage of substances between the cells and blood vessels
Water is part of the blood system holding dissolved minerals, like calcium and magnesium, in
solution and making them available to body tissues where they are required for proper health.

When water consumption is limited, the body robs some areas to protect different tissues and
organs, which results in pain, tissue damage, and a variety of common health problems. All
too frequently we tend to confuse thirst with hunger and instead of drinking water, we eat,
leading to weight gain. Your body needs a minimum of 1/2 ounce of pure water, per pound of
body weight, per day.

For more information about the best water for your body, please visit:

The Bottom Line

America's food supply is highly refined, processed, genetically altered and nutrient deficient.
All of these factors negatively affect our bodies over time. It is very difficult to eat and stay
healthy on the typical American diet. Over production of our farmlands have depleted the
soils, causing our foods to be nutrient deficient.

Most of the major degenerative diseases are largely caused by poor diet and unhealthy foods.
Dr. Stanley S. Bass, N.D., D.C., Ph.C. says: The closer the food comes to the natural state in
which it occurs, or the closer we come to its raw, unrefined form, the higher its quality is. In
this condition, all the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The
minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and life force are present. This life force is,
in turn, capable of reproducing tissue which is full of life and longer lasting in structure.

Eating organically grown unprocessed foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds provides your
body nutrients that are free of herbicides, pesticides and preservatives.

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is nature's most basic food. It exists at the beginning of the food
chain, provides perfect nutrition and contains more protein than other whole foods. This super
nutrition provides rich naturally occurring chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been shown to enhance
your entire health and boosts our immune system. This amazing food can also help to purify
the blood, promote intestinal regularity and naturally help heal the body.

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For more information about the best quality, most highly concentrated AFA
product available today, please visit:

The Stem Cell Enhancer Products Home Business

According to the US Department of Labor, there are approximately 38 million home based
businesses in the US. Some 300,000 women start home based businesses every year.
Entrepreneur magazine estimates that $427 billion is generated each year by home based
businesses. A Money magazine survey found that 20% of home businesses had a yearly
gross income of $100,000 to $500,000. You can be one of them.

Foundations for a Stem Cell Enhancer Products Home Business

With frustrations building over the medical system’s failure to address our daily health
concerns, the demand for more natural methods of maintaining health without side effects is
driving the tremendous growth of Stem Cell Enhancers. The company behind the product was
already receiving in excess of one million dollars a month in Stem Cell Enhancer orders in the
first 3 months of product availability.

The power of the product

Having carved out a new product category, tentatively called ‘Stem Cell Enhancers,’ these
products are without competition. They are also new products, just released in 2006.
Consider these points of interest:

* High demand product
* No competition
* Brand new, ground floor opportunity
* State of the art systems to grow your business for you

Income potential

In the first month of product availability independent distributors were earning up to 5 figure
monthly incomes, with more joining their ranks each month. Some work part time, some are
building primary and sole income businesses. Because they are on the ground floor, their
businesses will grow exponentially for years to come.

Easy to do

* No product to stock
* Nothing to ship
* No orders to take

When someone expresses an interest in Stem Cell Enhancers, a distributor can simply
direct them to the appropriate online, telephone, print or broadcast source.

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The state of the art systems provide all the resources necessary to run and expand a
business. With the latest technologies employed by StemTech, distributors can focus on
building their businesses, while the systems do the training, ordering and shipping.

              To Start Your Own Business
               Selling The Hottest Health
                    Product Available,
                        Please Visit:

Here are 4 other great things you can do for your health:

Alkaline Water. Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water and our
brains around 90%. Without water, we cannot survive and without water, the
acidic wastes generated from metabolism and the environment cannot be
flushed from our system.

But not all water is equal. I'm talking about drinking Alkaline Water here.

It offers superior hydration, high redox potential (-ORP) or the ability to
scavenge free radicals and will gradually wash away the organic acid buildup in
your joints and tissues which occurs when you metabolize food. Since water is
essential to life. Please visit: to read more.

Frequensea -- -- is made from
marine phytoplankton, which is considered to be a super food. It contains 14
amino acids, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, all the recommended vitamins, 72 trace
minerals, complex carbohydrates for energy and is delivered in a water soluble

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form for instant bio-availability in the body.

Strengthen the body's bio-field with Scalar Energy. Fusion Excel’s -- -- Quantum Pendant, Quantum Bracelet,
Quantum Flask and Quantum Watch are made from natural minerals that are
fused together and structurally bonded together at a molecular level.

Oxygen. Way back in 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in Physiology or
Medicine for his research into cancer cells and findings that the prime cause of
cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a
fermentation of sugar.
Alkaline water helps to oxygenate the body, however the cheapest and most
convenient way is to consume a 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
solution. It can be bought already diluted and the best way to take it is to inhale
it as a mist. There is a great ebook for further reading called "The One Minute
Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases."

                            Click here for more information

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Benefits of-stem-cell-science-and-afa-to-your-health

  • 1. The Benefits of Stem Cell Science and AFA to Your Health What is a Stem Cell? The National Institute of Health defines a Stem Cell in this way: "Stem Cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body. Serving as a sort of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit or replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. When a Stem Cell divides, each new cell has the potential to remain either a Stem Cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell or a brain cell.” The First Creation of Life When the sperm fertilizes the egg, the first creation is a Stem Cell. It then divides into more Stem Cells, which continue to divide until they begin to differentiate (or change), becoming specific types of cells that will go on to form all of the various organs, tissues and parts of the body. These are the embryonic Stem Cells that are the focus of the media’s attention. But after birth, and throughout life, Stem Cells continue to be made in the body. And as science has recently discovered, these Adult Stem Cells are the body’s primary system of renewal and restoration. Adult Stem Cells Adult Stem Cells are predominantly formed in the bone marrow. And, just as in the beginnings of life, adult Stem Cells can literally change into any type of cell in the body throughout life. The Adult Stem Cells are released from the bone marrow into circulation in the blood stream to seek out problem areas, then renew and restore those areas. Example: The Heart When circulating Stem Cells find the heart in reduced health, they exit the bloodstream, attach to the heart and actually become brand new heart muscle cells, analogous to the original cells that originally created the once infant heart. They then begin dividing into still more new heart muscle cells. The same with the liver, the kidneys, the brain, the skin, eyes, any organ, tissue, muscle, bone, connective tissue – literally any part of the body that is in need of restoration. Click here for more information
  • 2. How do Stem Cells affect my health? The National Institute of Health identifies 74 treatable diseases using adult stem cells in therapy. These costly and complex therapies typically deliver a large quantity of adult Stem Cells to the area undergoing treatment. Most require that Stem Cells be harvested from the patient or adult donor, programmed in a lab to become a specific type of cell and then injected into the body. For treatment of disease these therapies are many times the best method of recovery, producing truly remarkable results. Thankfully, most of us don’t have issues that require these extensive procedures. For those of us just wanting to maintain optimal health or fight the effects of aging, injury and day to day wear and tear, a smaller but steady release of our existing Stem Cells into the blood stream can produce considerable health benefits. When Stem Cell Enhancers are used as a daily supplement over time, the stimulation of billions of additional Stem Cells in the blood stream could be one the safest and most efficient methods for maintaining optimal health that science has yet discovered. Adult Stem Cells – the best anti-aging system ever known. Knowing what Adult Stem Cells do in the human body, doesn’t it make sense that having more of them in the blood stream will undoubtedly have profound effects on your health, well being, and provide an until know, untapped resource for fighting the effects of aging? What are Stem Cell Enhancers? Stem Cell Enhancers present a new paradigm in health and wellness. A patented product, the first of it's kind, is a blend of two compounds extracted from an aqua botanical (water plant) called Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae, or AFA. These compounds are extracted through a process that uses no chemicals or harsh agents. One extract supports the release of Stem Cells from the bone marrow. The other extract may support the migration of Stem Cells out of the blood into tissues. What do Stem Cell Enhancers do? The effectiveness of this Stem Cell Enhancer was demonstrated in a triple-blind study. Volunteers rested for one hour before establishing base levels. After the first blood samples, volunteers were given either the Stem Cell Enhancer or placebo. Thereafter, blood samples were taken at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after taking the consumables. The number of circulating Stem Cells was measured by analyzing the blood samples using a scientific method called Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). The chart shows the placebo group in red, the Stem Cell Enhancer group in blue. Consumption of the Stem Cell Enhancer triggered a significant 25-30% increase in the number of circulating Stem Cells. Click here for more information
  • 3. What do the experts say? One of the USA’s leading experts in Adult Stem Cell Science is Dr David A. Prentice, Ph.D., a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. The National Institutes of Health funds much of his research. In 2003, he presented a detailed paper to the President’s Council on Bioethics, referring to many of the studies listed in this document. In closing, he added: “Adult Stem Cells have significant capabilities for growth, repair, and regeneration of damaged cells and tissues in the body, akin to a built-in repair kit or maintenance crew that needs only activation and stimulation to accomplish repair of damage.” “Direct stimulation of endogenous (already present in the body) adult stem cells within a tissue may be easiest, safest and most efficient way to stimulate tissue regeneration. Such stimulation need not rely on any added stem cells.” He could not have known then that in 2006, stem cell technology would provide a product as simple as a daily supplement in capsule form that would directly stimulate stem cells in the manner he was describing. Patented, this all natural Stem Cell Enhancer is today’s way to easily, safely and efficiently stimulate renewal of your body. Thousands now are enjoying this truly remarkable new revolution in health maintenance. Soon millions will be. Click here for more information
  • 4. Scientific Research Shows Benefits of AFA Christian Drapeau, a foremost scientist in the study of Aphanizomenon flos aquae, holds a Masters of Science degree in Neurology and Neurosurgery from the Montreal Neurological Institute, an affiliate of McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and has been extensively involved in the study of nutrition, naturopathy and various natural therapies. Most significantly, Mr. Drapeau collaborated with many scientists affiliated with Harvard University, McGill University, the University of Illinois, Oregon State University, the University of New Mexico and the University of Mississippi in the study of the effects of blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) on human health. Mr. Drapeau continues his involvement in the clinical study of AFA. According to Mr. Drapeau, "The health benefits of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) have been reported for more than two decades, yet it is only recently that science has revealed the mechanisms by which AFA acts on the body, and the astonishing health benefits of AFA. AFA contains a wide variety of phytonutrients that promote health, such as chlorophyll, carotenoids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. AFA contains unique molecules that modulate various aspects of human health. Phenylethylamine (PEA), known as the "molecule of love," enhances concentration and attention. PEA is also a natural mood elevator and anti- depressant. Phycocyanin, the blue pigment in AFA, is a natural selective COX-2 inhibitor with strong anti inflammatory properties. PEA stimulates the migration of immune cells in the body; the only natural compound known to do so. But the most extraordinary discovery is the ability of AFA to stimulate stem cell release and migration, making AFA the first natural compound known to stimulate the natural innate phenomenon of healing, regeneration and repair in the human body." Nutrition & AFA The discovery of this ancient strain of cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) has led to a new Super Food that contains more protein and chlorophyll than any other food source. Primitive as cyanophyta may appear, most are highly efficient photo synthesizers, even more so than plants. AFA utilize light energy from the sun, carbon dioxide from the air, and hydrogen from the water to synthesize proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. AFA grows only in the wild and is far superior to any other cyanophyta on the planet. It is nature's perfect food. AFA is unique among all food nutritional cyanophytas in that it also metabolizes molecular nitrogen from the air to produce its proteins and other nitrogen containing bio-molecules. The AFA cell is truly awe inspiring. Although hundreds of times smaller than the cells of the plant or animal kingdoms, its wide range of sixty-four micro-nutrients is remarkable and unsurpassed by any known food. It should be no surprise that the nucleic acids of AFA also bio-stimulate the immune system. Click here for more information
  • 5. Role of Nutrients Without proper nutrients, our bodies become nutritionally deficient. Aphanizomenon flos- aquae (AFA) provides these missing nutrients. People tell us this product helps them function at higher physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. While growing wild in nature, AFA's simple metabolism enables it to synthesize and store more nutrients from the air, water, and sunlight than land based plants. Below is a partial list of nutrients in AFA and their role in our nutrition: CHLOROPHYLL AFA contains more chlorophyll than any other natural food, 3 to 5 times more than even wheat grass! Chlorophyll detoxifies the body from internally generated poisons and the waste products of general metabolism. Chlorophyll also protects us from external environmental pollutants we come in contact with each day. AMINO ACIDS Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids build muscle, repair cells and are the raw materials from which the essential brain neuro-hormones serotonin and dopamine are synthesized. The brain hormones feed the brain's pleasure and mood control centers which influence how we feel on a moment-to moment basis. ENZYMES Enzymes are the spark of life behind every metabolic reaction in the body. Without enzymes, even vitamins and minerals cannot be absorbed. They are vital to digestion. Only living, uncooked foods contain enzymes. AFA is a high enzyme, living food. PHYCOCYANIN AFA is an abundant source of phycocyanin, the blue pigment found in the AFA. Similar to chlorophyll, phycocyanin protects the body against various toxic substances found in our food, air and water. Recent research has revealed that phycocyanin is an effective antioxidant and promotes healthy joint functioning. ANTIOXIDANTS Beta-carotene is a precursor to Vitamin A. The U.S. Center for Disease Control states Vitamin A helps prevent cancer. Like Vitamin C, beta-carotene is also a powerful antioxidant which protects cells from free-radical damage caused by exposure to harmful chemicals and the effects of consuming too much processed foods. MINERALS Minerals, especially trace minerals, are increasingly hard to find in the typical modern diet. Vitamins cannot be utilized without minerals being present. AFA contains every mineral known Click here for more information
  • 6. to science, in an easily absorbed "chelated" form. VITAMINS AFA is a source of almost every known vitamin. The vitamins found in AFA are absorbed much more easily and completely than artificial, poorly assimilated man-made vitamins. VITAMIN B-12 AFA provides a plant-based source of B12 without the potential health risks associated with animal-based B12 sources which contain unwanted cholesterol, artificial chemicals and hormones. B12 promotes vitality, stimulates libido, and is an essential nutrient for our nervous system. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS Each of the trillion cell walls in our bodies are made from Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). Researchers tell us most people are deficient in EFAs. AFA is rich in EFAs, especially the Omega-3 form (the hardest to find, even in natural foods). Omega-3 helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Research shows Omega-3 is beneficial to the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems. The nutrients found in AFA are perfectly combined by nature, and work so synergistically, that AFA delivers a wide range of nutritional health benefits for the regular user. About the Brain The brain is the most undernourished organ in the body. Although it comprises only 2% of the total body weight, it uses 20% of the body's available energy resources. Each of its estimated 10 billion neurons has an insatiable appetite which must be satisfied every minute of every day of our lives. AFA metabolizes molecular nitrogen directly from the air. This growth pattern allows for the bio-synthesis of Low Molecular Weight Peptide Groups. These low molecular weight peptides are the precursors of neurotransmitters, which are used by various regions of the brain and body to initiate the secretion of other substances (such as hormones) that influence metabolic functions. Neurotransmitters can be seen as the chemical link whereby neurons communicate with one another. The ability of the brain neurons to manufacture and utilize neurotransmitters is dependent upon the concentration of amino acids in the bloodstream. This largely depends upon the food consumption of the previous meal. The Importance of Proteins & Amino Acids All of the body's basic biochemical processes require energy to occur. It is from the ingestion of various food substances that the required amount of energy is obtained. The central part of the body's energy package that provides for the replication and repair of cells, organs and organ systems is protein. Next to water, protein is the most abundant substance in a healthy human body. It comprises a major portion of the blood and lymph and creates a natural Click here for more information
  • 7. immunity by giving the body a means of recognizing invading foreign cells and viruses. Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body. Proteins comprise 90% of the hemoglobin and form the backbone of the body's immune system. The algae contains more protein than any other organism (plant or animal). There are 22 amino acids; 8 of these are essential and must be obtained from our foods. Without proper quantities of all the amino acids, health cannot be maintained. When improper amounts of amino acids are consumed, the less important body tissues are "cannibalized" causing premature aging and possible severe deficiencies, such as lack of motivation, loss of memory, low mental alertness, poor intellectual performance and depression. What is truly unique about the algae is that its amino acid profile is almost identical to that found in our body, making AFA one of nature's perfect foods. AFA as a Foundation Food Research has shown it's not only what you eat, but what your body absorbs and assimilates that is important. AFA, existing at the beginning of the food chain, provides nutrition in its simplest form, balanced whole food nutrition that is easily digested and absorbed. AFA has a soft cell wall that is easily digested by the body. This allows rapid absorption of vital nutrients with 97% assimilation. AFA, harvested from the wild in its 100% organic natural state, comes to you directly from southern Oregon's extraordinary Upper Klamath Lake. Located at 4100 feet in elevation, the lake is far removed from any large cities that might pollute the air and water, and is entirely surrounded by the Cascade Mountains. This unique ecosystem of mineral-rich water, clean air and high intensity sunlight makes Upper Klamath Lake the perfect ecosystem for this nutrient-dense whole food. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) from Klamath Lake exhibits the nutritional characteristics that make it great. It is the most fundamental food on the planet; there is simply nothing that compares. Cyanophyta has been harvested and consumed for centuries and yet, until recently, its immense nutritional value has mostly gone unrecognized. Science is now focusing their attention on AFA due to current research that has shown AFA's unique photochemistry link to controlling many disorders affecting the body. The results of this research and testing have been impressive enough for UC Irvine Scientists to call it a "Super Food, capable of contributing to the achievement and maintenance of wellness". The Importance of Vitamins Typical Nutrient Composition (%Dry Weight) * Protein 60% * Lipids 4% * Carbohydrate 22% * Chlorophyll 3% * Fiber 1.5% * Minerals 7% * Moisture 5% Click here for more information
  • 8. It's only what your body will use (absorb) that counts! AFA is 97% usable by the body, compared to synthesized vitamins which are 5-25% usable. Vitamins are essential to human life. They are organic compounds necessary in small amounts to promote growth and maintenance of life. They do not provide energy, nor do they construct or build any part of the body. They are needed to transform food into energy for the body. AFA contains a complete balance of vitamins except for vitamins "D" and "E". Vitamins (per 1 gram of AFA) * Provitamin A (beta carotene) 2400.00 IU * Thiamine B1 4.80 mcg * Riboflavin B2 57.40 mcg * Pyridoxine B6 11.10 mcg * Cobalamin B12 8.00 mcg * Ascorbic Acid C 6.70 mg * Niacin 0.13 mg * Folic Acid 1.00 mcg * Choline 2.30 mg * Pantothenic Acid 6.80 mcg * Biotin 0.33 mcg * Vitamin E 0.13 IU mcg * Inositol 0.35 mg The Importance of Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is a very important part of the AFA. Its molecular structure is almost the same as that of the hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying oxygenated blood throughout the body. AFA is the prime nutrient, and chlorophyll is the central molecule for increasing the oxygen availability to your system. Chlorophyll is vital for the body's rapid assimilation of amino acids. AFA is the highest known source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll Content Comparison (per 10 grams) * AFA 300 mg * Spirulina 115 mg * Chlorella 280 mg * Barley Grass 149 mg * Wheat Grass 55 mg The Importance of Organic Minerals Minerals are important to the overall functioning of the mind and body. They have two general body functions - building and regulating. Without minerals, vitamins have no function. Minerals help build the skeleton and all soft tissues, and regulate heartbeat, blood clotting, internal pressure of body fluids, nerve response and oxygen transport from the lungs to the tissues. AFA contains almost every organic mineral in trace amounts, which is what the body must have to function well. Minerals can literally mean the difference between good health Click here for more information
  • 9. and serious disease. While the minerals only represent about one percent or less of our daily food intake, without them we cannot metabolize our food, and we would then quickly perish. Minerals (per 1 gram of AFA) * Boron 10.00 mg * Calcium 14.00 mg * Chlorine 464.00 mcg * Chromium 0.53 mcg * Cobalt 2.00 mcg * Copper 4.00 mcg * Germanium 38.00 mcg * Flourine 0.27 mcg * Iodine 0.53 mcg * Iron 350.70 mcg * Magnesium 2.20 mg * Manganese 32.00 mcg * Molybdenum 3.30 mcg * Nickel 5.30 mcg * Phosphorus 5.10 mg * Potassium 12.00 mcg * Selenium 0.67 mcg * Silicon 186.70 mcg * Sodium 2.70 mg * Tin 0.50 mcg * Titanium 23.30 mcg * Vanadium 2.70 mcg * Zinc 18.70 mcg The Importance of Beta-Carotene The body uses beta carotene to produce its own vitamin A. Because the body converts beta carotene into vitamin A only as needed, there is no threat of toxic build up. The beta carotene in AFA is probably one of the most powerful natural antioxidants known today. It may well be the single most important factor towards enhancing the immune system (by protecting the thymus gland) and thus increasing our life span. However, the potential healing properties of beta carotene are maximized ONLY when other important carotenoids are also present. AFA contains many carotenoids, to synergistically neutralize the deleterious effects of dangerous free radicals. In the past 25 years, twenty-four worldwide studies have looked at beta carotene; all findings are consistent. Leading degenerative disease research authorities have shown that people who consume higher-than-average amounts of foods rich in beta carotene have lower incidence of degenerative diseases. The Importance of Pure Drinking Water We can go without food for weeks but without water we die of dehydration in a few days. Over Click here for more information
  • 10. two thirds of our body is water, yet most of us do not clearly understand the importance of drinking pure water (no chlorine, no chemicals, no bacteria or carcinogens.) Water is the most abundant compound in the human body and is necessary for: * Digestion of food * Regulation of body temperature * Transport of food to the tissues * Elimination of toxins and body wastes * Circulation of body fluids (like blood and lymph) * Lubricant in the joints and internal organs - keeping them moist * Permitting the passage of substances between the cells and blood vessels Water is part of the blood system holding dissolved minerals, like calcium and magnesium, in solution and making them available to body tissues where they are required for proper health. When water consumption is limited, the body robs some areas to protect different tissues and organs, which results in pain, tissue damage, and a variety of common health problems. All too frequently we tend to confuse thirst with hunger and instead of drinking water, we eat, leading to weight gain. Your body needs a minimum of 1/2 ounce of pure water, per pound of body weight, per day. For more information about the best water for your body, please visit: The Bottom Line America's food supply is highly refined, processed, genetically altered and nutrient deficient. All of these factors negatively affect our bodies over time. It is very difficult to eat and stay healthy on the typical American diet. Over production of our farmlands have depleted the soils, causing our foods to be nutrient deficient. Most of the major degenerative diseases are largely caused by poor diet and unhealthy foods. Dr. Stanley S. Bass, N.D., D.C., Ph.C. says: The closer the food comes to the natural state in which it occurs, or the closer we come to its raw, unrefined form, the higher its quality is. In this condition, all the enzymes are found intact. The amino acids are in their finest form. The minerals, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates and life force are present. This life force is, in turn, capable of reproducing tissue which is full of life and longer lasting in structure. Eating organically grown unprocessed foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds provides your body nutrients that are free of herbicides, pesticides and preservatives. Aphanizomenon flos-aquae is nature's most basic food. It exists at the beginning of the food chain, provides perfect nutrition and contains more protein than other whole foods. This super nutrition provides rich naturally occurring chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been shown to enhance your entire health and boosts our immune system. This amazing food can also help to purify the blood, promote intestinal regularity and naturally help heal the body. Click here for more information
  • 11. For more information about the best quality, most highly concentrated AFA product available today, please visit: The Stem Cell Enhancer Products Home Business According to the US Department of Labor, there are approximately 38 million home based businesses in the US. Some 300,000 women start home based businesses every year. Entrepreneur magazine estimates that $427 billion is generated each year by home based businesses. A Money magazine survey found that 20% of home businesses had a yearly gross income of $100,000 to $500,000. You can be one of them. Foundations for a Stem Cell Enhancer Products Home Business With frustrations building over the medical system’s failure to address our daily health concerns, the demand for more natural methods of maintaining health without side effects is driving the tremendous growth of Stem Cell Enhancers. The company behind the product was already receiving in excess of one million dollars a month in Stem Cell Enhancer orders in the first 3 months of product availability. The power of the product Having carved out a new product category, tentatively called ‘Stem Cell Enhancers,’ these products are without competition. They are also new products, just released in 2006. Consider these points of interest: * High demand product * No competition * Brand new, ground floor opportunity * State of the art systems to grow your business for you Income potential In the first month of product availability independent distributors were earning up to 5 figure monthly incomes, with more joining their ranks each month. Some work part time, some are building primary and sole income businesses. Because they are on the ground floor, their businesses will grow exponentially for years to come. Easy to do * No product to stock * Nothing to ship * No orders to take When someone expresses an interest in Stem Cell Enhancers, a distributor can simply direct them to the appropriate online, telephone, print or broadcast source. Click here for more information
  • 12. The state of the art systems provide all the resources necessary to run and expand a business. With the latest technologies employed by StemTech, distributors can focus on building their businesses, while the systems do the training, ordering and shipping. To Start Your Own Business Selling The Hottest Health Product Available, Please Visit: Bonus Here are 4 other great things you can do for your health: Alkaline Water. Our bodies are made up of more than 70% water and our brains around 90%. Without water, we cannot survive and without water, the acidic wastes generated from metabolism and the environment cannot be flushed from our system. But not all water is equal. I'm talking about drinking Alkaline Water here. It offers superior hydration, high redox potential (-ORP) or the ability to scavenge free radicals and will gradually wash away the organic acid buildup in your joints and tissues which occurs when you metabolize food. Since water is essential to life. Please visit: to read more. Frequensea -- -- is made from marine phytoplankton, which is considered to be a super food. It contains 14 amino acids, Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, all the recommended vitamins, 72 trace minerals, complex carbohydrates for energy and is delivered in a water soluble Click here for more information
  • 13. form for instant bio-availability in the body. Strengthen the body's bio-field with Scalar Energy. Fusion Excel’s -- -- Quantum Pendant, Quantum Bracelet, Quantum Flask and Quantum Watch are made from natural minerals that are fused together and structurally bonded together at a molecular level. Oxygen. Way back in 1931, Otto Warburg won the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research into cancer cells and findings that the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. Alkaline water helps to oxygenate the body, however the cheapest and most convenient way is to consume a 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide solution. It can be bought already diluted and the best way to take it is to inhale it as a mist. There is a great ebook for further reading called "The One Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases." Click here for more information