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Belgium La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
6 7
Wallonia-Brussels InternationalThe Region of Wallonia
8 9
Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency Brussels Invest & Export
10 11
Alice Editions
Rue Beckers, 17
1040 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 26 60 10 45
F +32 26 75 73 24
Mr. Michel de Grand Ry, Editor
Publisher since 1995 in French language of art books and essays, Alice
Editions has created its department Alice Jeunesse in 2000. Today it
includes more than two hundred quality children’s illustrated books and
novels for young readers from eight years old to young adults. All the stories
develop emotions and living experiences as well as imagination. A great part
of its catalog is translated in more than twenty languages throughout the
world, including chinese language. The main title : La grande fabrique de
mots (The Great Word Factory).
Alice 1995
2000 Alice Jeunesse Alice Jeunesse
: Mrs. Valéria Docampo
Author / Noelia Blanco
Illustrator / Valeria Docampo
Publication date / January 2013
Category / Illustrated books , Age 4+
In the Mill Valley, machines progressively replaced humans. They ensure that everything is
perfect for everyone to the extent that all of the humans ended up forgetting what it was
like to dream. All of them apart from two people.
The bird-man dreams of ying off but even if he keeps on inventing new techniques, there
is no way for him to make it.
Anna, the dressmaker, would like to sew sea lace clothes with star sh buttons so much
instead of settling for alteration making. She secretly dreams of sumptuous costumes.
Together, they will show the other villagers that it is important to believe in your dreams
and that machines cannot replace everything. This time, the text invites each of us to ful ll
our dreams completely even though the obstacles seem insurmountable.
Author / Christelle Vallat
Illustrator / Stéphanie Augusseau
Publication date / May 2012
Category / Illustrated books , Age 3+
Rights sold / ( ), Portuguese (Brazil), Korean
Every day, people come to see Zélie and tell her their secrets and their pains. And once
they con ded in her, they leave her a little pea and go back home, feeling lighter. Zélie
gathers these peas and turns them into coloured balloons, cake decoration, lights hung
from the sky or ower gardens. One day she nds a green pea that she identi es as a child
pain. This pea belongs to Nino who had lost it. Nino can nally give it to Zélie who plants it
in a small pot. They will keep on waiting for the seed to grow for a long time because it
takes some time to transform a child pain! The whole book is bathed in a sweet and bright
atmosphere which makes the readers want to go and squeeze in the line of people
queuing up in front of Zelie.
Zélie Zélie
Niro Niro
12 13
BD alternative -
La Cinquième Couche
Rue des Taxandres, 20
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 479 35 10 83
F +32 25 38 24 34
Mr. Xavier Löwenthal
An independent Belgian publisher, La Cinquième Couche(5c) publishes
comics, graphics, literature and poetry since 1993. 5c plays an important
role in the development of alternative comics. Since 2010, 5c also
republished the art magazine “Soldes, Fins de Séries”.
5c 1993
2010 5c
“Soldes, Fins de Séries”
Author / William Henne
Publication date / 01 / 09 / 2006
Category / Alternative Comics
Jan Ache returned home, he became acquainted with his new wife and his new children.
The story begins in a society where its citizens interchange in accordance with their
needs. Despite Jan’s goodwill, it takes time for him to adapt. He tries to nd his
Jan Ache
Author / Xavier Löwenthal
Publication date / 01 / 05 / 2003
Category / Alternative Comics
Xavier Löwenthal was invited to go to the rainforest of Honduras to teach indigenous
people comics. He wrote a series of letters to his wife to describe his adventure in this
crazy project. Lettres à Pauline is a love letter combining with travel diary, caricature and
Xavier Löwenthal
Pauline Lettres à Pauline
14 15
BD alternative -
L’employé du Moi
Rue de l’Instruction, 51
1070 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 476 42 20 67
Mr. Cédric Manche, Author
L’employé du Moi is a structure of comic strips publishing created in
Brussels in 2000. Its purpose is to publish remarkable stories personally
invested as well in the graphic processing as in the tale. The publications of
“L’employé du Moi” are developed in close co-operation with the authors in
order to stick as much as possible to their artistic intentions (book format,
choice of the paper). Amongst the various approached types, you find
intimate story as well as nightmare scenario. Beyond the paper edition,
“L’employé du Moi” strives to promote comic strips creation via the site
“” , an international platform of on-line publication.
L’employé du Moi 2000
Author / Gaspard Ryelandt
Publication date / May 2012
Category / Alternative Comics
Through the three stories making up the anthology Eclosion , Gaspard Ryelandt
approaches three periods of a man’s life.
The childhood where he is confronted with little girls who discover his intimate secrets by
the dissection of living insects.
The adolescence where he peacefully spends his time gardening and keeping his
paraplegic mother is suddenly upset by the arrival of a remote cousin who is pregnant and
yet still a virgin at the same time.
The adulthood where, during a military training, two paratroopers allow themselves an
interlude out of the time, enjoying for a while the slow swaying of the river.
This anthology - in which wild nature, the awakening of the senses and of the desire take
shape in the magni cent wash drawings with indian ink achieved by Gaspard Ryelandt
- throws the reader in an almost mystical contemplation.
Author / Pierre Maurel
Publication date / April 2011
Category / Alternative Comics
“Blackbird” relates the daily activities of a group of young people who
devote themselves to “Fanzine” at the very moment when the government
authorities enact the prohibition to practice self-publishing.
Forced either to stop their activities or to become outlaws if choosing to publish their
creations, the members of the group will react by the abandon or by the resistance to that
situation and to the totalitarian drifts it rapidly brings along.
Through this tale build up as a thriller full of suspense, Pierre Maurel puts the question of
the place of the marginal cultures in a society ruled by the market and the mass and he
lets us foresee the fragile balance on which our democracies rest, once the individual
loses his fundamental liberties.
16 17
BD alternative - Fremok
Rue de l’Instruction, 51
1070 Bruxelles, Belgium
Mr. Thierry Van Hasselt, Author
FRMK (pronounced Frémok) is a publisher of comic books created by the
merger of the Belgian Fréon and the French Amok in 2002, each already
existing for ten years at that time. Since then, FRMK is located in Brussels.
Major actor in the independent comics scene since the 90’s, FRMK is driven
by a deliberate will to question all stereotypes of the mainstream comics
production, as format, art-technique or narration forms. Combining writing
and graphics, FRMK is the place of all experiments and creative crossroads.
From narrative figuration to contemporary art, painting or dance. This
renewed approach of the comics has led to some particularly avant-garde
Fremok FRMK
Author / Eric Lambé
Publication date / October 2012
Category / Alternative Comics
The son of the King is an island. The book has also called Two Islands. Open this
magni cient book is to pass through the doors to the world of books. 90 pages drawn
patiently, passionately, madly with blue and black ballpoint pen. “The son of the King is a
story that is both melancholy and grotesque. A re ection on time, light, the beautiful and
the ugly, academic and iconoclast, the monstrous, fantasy, con nement, madness.
Author / DoubleBob
Publication date / September 2012
Category / Alternative Comics
Writing is to transmit something that others does not note.
Basements talks about what’s behind the pain with a cast of characters
in mysterioiusly silent scenery. They are unknown to us, yet they evoke accurately
painfully familiar atmosphere of our darkest days. DoubleBob’s mysterious atmosphere of
distress through the book passes the SOS signals.
18 19
Editions Casterman
Cantersteen, 47
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 22 09 83 00
F +32 22 09 83 07
Mr. Willy Fadeur, International Rights Director
Mrs. Siu Yin Sally Mak, Exclusive Agent
Casterman is a Belgian publishing house founded in 1780. It is developing
two major editorial lines children’s books and comics. Around four hundred
new titles are released each year, and more than three thousand titles are
published under collaborations with the publishers around the world.Being
one of the top publishers in French comics and graphic fictions, Casterman’s
editorial production is well-known worldwide for example « The adventures
of Tintin » which has been translated in over 70 languages and sold over 200
million copies.
Casterman 1780 /
400 3000
Casterman « »
70 2 Casterman
Anne Herbauts Emile Jadoul Gabrielle Vincent
Godeleine de Rosamel Domitille de Pressensé Bénédicte Guettier
Bruno Heitz Béatrice Botte 1954
«Martine» 60
33 2010
Author / Gilbert Delahaye, Jean Louis Marlier, Marcel
Publication date / 24/10/2000
Category / Children’s books
Martine fell asleep on her storybook. She meets Pierrot, the baby
bird. They will start an amazing journey to nd 7 magic feathers. A step into the universe
of dreams and wonders.
Martine Pierrot
Author / Benoît Peeters
Illustrator / François Schuiten
Publication date / 25 / 08 / 2010
Category / Graphic Fiction
A young girl, Mary Von Rathen, whose unfortunate accident aboard the Star Express roller
coaster during a rare meteoric eclipse, leaves her stuck in the gravitational pull not of
earth, but of the orbiting meteor itself. Mary goes from aristocratic schoolgirl to runaway to
circus performer before meeting a group of scientists who believe a rocket ride to the
meteor could be the cure she needs.
Mary Von Rathen 45
, Augustin Désombres Wappendorf Mary
Augustin ; Mary Wappendorf
20 21
Rue de l’Ermitage, 55
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 26 42 24 71
F +32 26 42 24 55
Mr. Christophe Pourtois, Director
Founded in 1999, The CIVA (the International Centre for Urbanism,
Architecture and Landscape) carries out its various tasks by means of
exhibitions and publications and by organising seminars and conferences.
Its exhibitions, which can be on a single topic or focused on a broader
theme, are sometimes mounted in partnership with other cultural
organisations. Its publications include high-quality illustrated books and
CD-ROM catalogues about architecture, urbanism and landscape as well as
a collection of bilingual guides (in French and the local language) dedicated
to specific cities and their architectural heritage. In addition, for several
years, the CIVA has been one of the founding partners of the European
GAUDI network (Governance, Architecture, Urbanism, Democracy
Interaction) which exists to encourage co-operation between a number of
European organisations on issues relating to the history, preservation and
creation of contemporary architecture and also to raise public awareness.
1999 – CIVA
( )
: Mr. Christophe Pourtois
Author / Fang Zhenning, Christophe Pourtois, Marcelle
Publication date / 2005
Category / Architecture
The catalog of the exhibition Heart-Made. The Cutting-Edge of Chinese Contemporary
Architecture is the latest contribution to the debate about Chinese avant-garde
architecture. This richly illustrated book presents the changes and different architectural
trends which have emerged during the last decade and, in doing so, guides the reader
through the exhibition of the same name by following four “itineraries” and 50 projects.
Author / Carlo Olmo, Cristiana Chiorino, Christoph Pourtois,
Marcelle Rabinowicz
Publication date / 2011
Category / Architecture
The Italian engineer, architect and builder Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) is
responsible for some of the world’s architectural masterpieces including St. Mary
Cathedral in San Francisco and George Washington Bus Terminal in New York. Pier Luigi
Nervi: Architecture as a Challenge provides a complete overview of this proli c and
versatile master of twentieth-century architecture, examining his career from its outset in
the early 1920s up to the 1970s. In addition to a range of Nervi’s buildings and public
projects, the publication presents his pioneering research into technologies and
construction materials.
Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) Pier Luigi Nervi: Architecture as a
Challenge Pier Luigi Nervi 20
70 Nervi Nervi
22 23
Avenue Paul-Henri Spaak,7
1060 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 25 26 68 11
F +32 25 20 44 05
Mrs. Eva Hoff, Attachée de presse
Founded over fifty years ago by George Dargaud, the Dargaud group
publishes comic books and graphic novels, and has recently expanded its
film and TV production divisions (including animated films and DVD
production). Dargaud’s catalog covers a rich and varied field, including
numerous cult series (XIII, Valérian, Blueberry, Rabbi’s Cat) pioneered by
Dargaud, many of which were promoted through the pages of the famed
Pilote magazine. In addition to these flagship titles, the Dargaud brand
remains” an incubator of fresh new talent, with series such as “Poisson
Pilote” and “Long Courrier.” Dargaud’s editorial vision supported by an
extensive marketing and distribution team, has generated an unmatched
track record of bestsellers.
Pilote XIII Valérian Dargaud
( DVD) Dargaud 1989
: Mr. Philippe Delaby
Author / Yvest Sente, Iouri Jigounov
Publication date / November 2012
Category / Comics
Further adventures of XIII! Following in Van Hamme and
Vance’s footsteps, Yves Sente and Iouri Jigounov continue the
story in the most beautiful way in this volume 21. Continuing to
ee to Armand and Betty’s home in France, our amnesiac is hunted by mercenary
company, Usafe. They will even take Jones as hostage in Banichistan to attract
XIII. In the meanwhile, Betty is investigating the May ower, an additional source
of plot and disclosures.
Yves Sente Iouri Jigounov Van Hamme Vance
XIII – Usafe
XIII Armand Betty XIII Usafe
Jones Betty May ower
Author / Yvest Sente, André Juillard
Publication date / November 2012
Category / Comics
This new adventure of Blake and Mortimer leads our two
heroes to Oxford. The Ashmolean Museum and its famous
Archaeological collection is the scene of unexplained ights that are linked a
series of mysterious murders. Heroes like Agatha Christie, Blake and Mortimer
conduct the investigation. Yves Sente and André Juillard give us an adventure in
the traditional British detective novel.
Blake Mortimer
Agatha Christie,
Blake Mortimer Yves Sente André Juillard
24 25
Groupe De Boeck
Rue des Minimes, 39
1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 25 48 07 11
F +32 25 13 90 09
Mr. Michel Jezierski, International
Development Director
De Boeck Supérieur is a publisher of textbooks and scientific books in
French in sciences, medicine, techniques, human sciences, economics,
psychology, education, multimedia developments. Estem is aiming for
medical students and medical and nursing professionals. Solal is specialized
in journals and books dedicated to medicine, paramedicine and human
sciences. Duculot is specialized in French secondary and university
textbooks, reference and linguistic books, dictionaries, multimedia
developments. Delta Press is specialized in books dealing with engine.
De Boeck Éducation is a publisher in French of preschool, primary,
secondary level textbooks and reference books. Groupe De Boeck Pôle
juridique publishes law books and journals, in French, Dutch and English.
It is specialized in European, Belgian, Luxembourgian and international law.
De Boeck De Boeck Supérieur
De Boeck Education
De Boeck Université 25 2000
Duculot Estem
: Mrs. Michéle Lenoble-Pinson
Author / Maurice Grevisse, André Goosse
Publication date / September 2011
Category / Language(French) ( )
The strategies for the good use of French are the object of this
grammar book. Plenty citations from the literature works and
the press articlesare references for you to write good French compositions.
Continuing observations on the living language are always for the innovations to
improve your skills of practicing French. Those who are writers, correctors,
translators, journalists, editors and French teachers will adore this le Bon usage
without doubt.
Le bonusage :
Author / Stéphanie Callet
Publication date / June 2012
Category / Language(French) ( )
This tool propose: rules and exceptions / simple and clear explications /
progressive approaches / traditional, contemporary, numerous examples /
diversities of exercises with answers / test for evaluating capabilities
: / / /
/ /
Edition professionnelle
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nos auteurs,nos auteurs, no
distributeurs poudistribute s p
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les promotions eles ples promotions eromotions e
cours,urs, ..
Les Serious
Une évolution
Yasmine Kasbi
26 27
Esplanade de l’Europe 2, bte5
4020 Liège, Belgium
T +32 43 44 50 88
F +32 43 43 05 53
Mr. Luca Venanzi, Managing Director, publisher of French professional books
Founded in 1998 by the ICC Liege and Luca Venanzi (managing director), publishes practical books for professionals (SMEs managers,
executives, economic decision makers, managers, professionals, teachers,
students, ...).
16 essential publishing collections of Practical Guide,
Non-Commercial, E-Management , Mini-Management, Human Resources
Management, Real Estate, Communication, Professions Code, Code
Explanation, Business owners only, Marketing, Skills, Explained to Children,
Family Law, Legal.
/ /
: Mrs. Julie Brunel
Small business
guide pratique
Claude LepèreJean-Christophe Marcoux
ctivités nettement plus
veau média d’influence,
des changements de
tie de leur temps
qui s’y intègrent,
ême moment.évidente poursi le tempse ceux qui la
Author / Claude Lepère, Jean-Christophe Marcoux
Publication date / October 2011
Category / Business
Nowadays, running a company in this interactive world has
changed a lot of business habits, and the power centres
have been fragmented. Planning a long-term strategy has
therefore become a real challenge.
Every business leaders must learn how to re-think information in order to
maintain in uence, innovation and decision-making process.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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--- --- --- - -- - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- --- - -- --- - - - -- -- -- --- -- --- - - - --- -- - - -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - - --- -- -- - -- -- -
guide pratique
Parlons Affaires !Le guide de survie de l’homme d’affaires
Bruno Bernard
Florence Dasty
Let’s Talk Business!The Business People’s Survival Guide
Author / Bruno Bernard, Florence Dasty
Publication date / August 2011
Category / Business
This Survival Guide for the Business Man will allow you to achieve suf cient
communicative competence to interact ef ciently in French in day-to-day job-related tasks
and in everyday situations, such as business trip, home, in town, leisure time, transport
This illustrated guide is essential for business students, teachers and professionals, and
useful for anyone needing a toolkit to common expressions.
“Let’s talk business”
28 29
Editions Erasme 2DH
3271 Averbode, Belgium
T +32 13 78 01 56
F +32 13 78 01 83
Mr. Jean-Marie Deimotte, Head of
Research & Development
Since 1920, the Averbode Publishers group is a reference in the world of
education and childhood, specialized in high quality children’s books,
educational magazines, merchandising, websites and teacher support
- An editorial option: achieving permanent adequacy between teachers
expectations and our editions.
- A mission: meet the wishes of education professionals and the pleasure of
learning of their students.
- An objective: to provide real added value to the teachers and to offer
ethical products at prices accessible to all, without recourse to advertising.
Hopla and Nelly & Caesar are the main characters of the strong educational
universe of Averbode Publishers. The animation series of Hopla and Nelly &
Caesar are already being diffused by Taiwanese broadcasters. The company
operates worldwide and has offices in Belgium, France and the Netherlands.
Editions Erasme 2DH Averbode
Averbode Nelly & Caesar Hopla Missy
Mila Tom
; Hopla Nelly & Caesar
Author / Ingrid Godon
Publication date / 2012
Category / Children’s books , Age 3+
Ten color plates to nd adjectives, adverbs and prepositions of
location and direction. In front of, behind, face to face, or side by
side... A fun way to learn to nd the place and to build vocabulary
through nursery rhymes and illustrations of Nelly & Caesar!
Author / Ingrid Godon
Publication date / 2012
Category / Children’s books , Age 3+
It’s time to go to sleep... Nelly and Caesar get ready for the night. Before
going to bed, they brush their teeth and go to the toilet. That’s it, everyone is in bed!
Have a bedtime story to get a good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams, friends...
This picture book is divided into 5 themes and rhythmic rhymes which will help your child
to memorize the words related to the theme.
30 31
Espace Livres & création
Rue du Marteau, 19
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 22 18 58 02
F +32 22 17 51 71
Mr. Thierry Leroy, Director
Espace Livres & Création (EL&C) is a publishers association based in
Brussels. Established in 1990, it represents 50 small independent Belgian
publishing houses and periodicals. The membership is diverse and includes
publishers from a variety of genres (poetry, literature, arts, human sciences,
graphic novels). El&C promotes independent and creative publishing and
acts as an intermediary between its members, cultural institutions, libraries
and bookshops. It provides representation at book fairs and support to
distribution through its own network in Belgium.
EL&C 1990
(les Marchés de la poésie)
Member list
Aden Aesth Éditions Ah !
L’Âne qui butine L’Arbre à paroles Les Arts narratifs
Autrement dit Brandes Brugger Bruits
Les Cahiers du
Poème 2
Les Carnets du
dessert de lune
La Cinquième
Le Clou dans le fer Corlevour Le Cormier
Le Coudrier Couleur livres David
L’Employé du moi Éranthis Escales des lettres
Esperluète Formules Le Fram
Frémok Le Grand Tamanoir L’Herbe qui
Les Impressions
Indications Jeunesse et Droi
Le Journal des
Klet & Ko Laetoli
La Lettre volée Liaisons Maelström
Maipo Maison de la
poésie et de la
langue française
Mayak Mémogrames M.E.O.
Midis de la poésie La Muette Murmure des soirs
L’Oie de Cravan La Peuplade Phi
La Pierre d’alun Pylône Quadrature
Rodrigol Éditions 632 Le Taillis Pré
Le Tétras Lyre La Traductière Weyrich
Luce Wilquin
32 33
Editions Hemma
Rue de Chevron, 106
4987 Chevron, Belgium
T +32 86 43 01 44
F +32 86 43 40 86
Mr. Paul Bernard, International
Rights Manager
Hemma is a leader in children’s books for the mass market in France and
Benelux. It publishes books covering all segments, including for ages 0-8.
Hemma operates with partners in over 60 countries and publishes in over 30
languages. We have over 300 introductions a year. We are a major licensee
for companies such as Disney, Mattel, Hasbro.
Editions Hemma 0-8
Hemma 30 60
: Mrs. Elen Lescoat
Author / Benedicte Carboneill
Publication date / 11/10/2012
Category / Children’s books , Age 3+
Start the week with stories of the farm.
A new day is dawning on the Mathurin farm. Immediately Albert the rooster, crows its
nest trumpet. It’s Monday and a great week is still ahead.
Monday, Marguerite the cow learns to swim.
Tuesday, Albert the rooster will work hard to answer all his children’s questions.
With great tenderness and humor, these beautiful collections of stories reveal a slice of life
of the many inhabitants of the farm.
Large, beautiful, and contemporary styled illustrations will gently delight the little ones and
their parents.
Mathurin Albert
Author / Mireille Sauver
Publication date / 11/10/2012
Category / Children’s books , Age 4+
This is a collection of illustrated, magical stories full of tenderness, friendship, and learning
opportunities. Wes, the little triceratops, and Ezec, the small Iguanodon are two great
friends, Together, they grow up and learn from each one of their discoveries. Soon, they
meet Ony, the small pteranodon and form the collection of beautiful stories of this
dinosaurs basic trio s magical time. The pictures are beautifully and professionally
illustrated, capturing the young readers imagination with endearing and tender
Wes Ezec Ony
34 35
Rue du Cerf, 85
1332 Genval, Belgium
T +32 26 52 02 20
F +32 26 52 01 60
Mrs. Fabienne Gilles, Business Affairs
Manager / Book Publishing Rights
IMPS is the official licensor of the Smurfs, Benoit Brisefer and Johan Peewit
all properties created by the cartoonist Pierre Culliford, better known under
his pseudonym Peyo. Over the years, the team has developed licensed
merchandising programs worldwide that have secured the everlasting
success of these characters.
Summer 2011 was an important milestone for our little blue friends as they
made their first 3D-trip to the big screen. The live-action and animated family
comedy movie ‘The Smurfs’ produced by Sony Pictures was a worldwide
success and the sequel will be released summer 2013. IMPS’ publishing
program includes a large range of products from comics, story books,
activity books, novelties, to magazines and artworks. They are translated in
over 40 languages and are available for sale in all type of retail channels all
over the world.
120 40 2011
Author / Peyo
Publication date / May 2011
Category / Children’s books , Age 5+
In this Ready-to-Read, Papa Smurf sends all of the Smurfs back to school. At 100 years
old, they really need to brush up on their reading skills!
Author / Peyo
Publication date / 1960
Category / Comics
After having a magic ute stolen, Johan and Peewit seek help in the Land of the Smurfs,
where it was made.
Johan Peewit
Michel Foucault
Mal faire, dire vrai
Édition établie par Fabienne Brion et Bernard E. Harcourt
30th anniversary
27th International Conference on
Passive and Low Energy Architecture
Magali Bodart
Arnaud Evrard
> Proceedings vol. 1
Genèse et enjeux
/ / / / / / /
Nathalie Delobbe, Philippe Halin et Jacques Prémont
Préface de Jacques Grégoire
36 37
Presses universitaires de Louvain
AREC Halles Universitaires – bureau b215
Place de l’Université 1, bte L0.01.08
1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
T +32 10 47 91 93
F +32 10 47 92 88
Mrs. Bérangère Deprez, Editor
The Presses universitaires de Louvain publish in French, also in English and
occasionally in Spanish, Dutch, Italian, German, etc. To date, more than 550
titles are out of the press, covering every discipline. They offer collections
and journals in various fields ranging from legal history to French literature,
telecommunications, development, ethics, politics, philosophy, language
engineering, etc. The catalog offers monographs, conference proceedings,
theses, research reports, databases, teaching manuals and other scientific
documents by teachers and researchers at Université catholique de Louvain
and their scientific partners.
50 550
: Mrs. Fabienne Brion
Author / Nathalie Delobbe, Philippe Halin et Jacques Prémont
Publication date / 15 / 05 / 2012
Category / Psychology
The Enneagram is a dynamic model and a tool for the helps to understand the operations
of the personality and it describes nine major style of “basic personality” about everyone’s
own speci c motivation, internal tensions, resources and limits. Philippe, Jacques and
Nathalie, the psychotherapists with many years of experiences and professional
educational backgrounds, develop this model for the approaches of coaching and training
to enhance emotional intelligence, strengthen research capability, and construct
employment relationship to achieve missions of goals.
ghts on
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ding philoso
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ity,omic Scie
Author / Axel Gosseries, Yannick Vanderborght
Publication date / 27 / 10 / 2011
Category / Sociology
This book brings together fty of today’s nest thinkers. They were
asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a
wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the
occasion of Philippe Van Parijs’s sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting
themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics
on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various
dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the
fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy,
the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of
linguistic justice.
50 Philippe Van Parijs
Philippe Van Parijs
Huiles de santé et de beauté
Chantal & Lionel Clergeaud
38 39
Editions Amyris
Rue Lannoy, 22
1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 26 60 51 01
F +32 26 60 51 01
Mr. Benoît Patoul, CEO
The Publishing House, Editions Amyris, created in 1996, is recognised and
reputed today for the contents of their published works, as well as holding
the copyrights of all their publications which are original works. Some of the
collections are translated into English, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch and
Japanese editions. Integrated in different collections, for example, Douce
Alternative, Primum Non Nocere, Les Singuliers, our works cover the topics
of the preventional health and alternative medicines. Amyris editions take the
responsibilities to care about individual health concerns and bring with
scientific proof to the public therapists, naturopaths, doctors, pharmacists
and veterinaries also involved.
“Douce Alternative” –
“Primum Non Nocere” - ;
Author / Bosson Lydia
Publication date / March 2011
Category / Health
Rights sold / Italian, Spanish
Energy Aromatherapy, healing with the soul of plants
Essential oils can offer the most valuable substances which have not only a healing effect
on the physical body but also have an effect on our hormonal system and act on our
psycho-emotional and spiritual. This book gives us more than 50 plants to better serve our
health and general well-being.
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Se soigner par les huiles essentielles
Dominique Baudoux
Author / Baudoux Dominique
Publication date / October 2008
Category / Health
Rights sold / Dutch, English, Spanish
Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from aromatic plants to treat diseases and to
improve health and well-being. Currently, the therapeutic action of essential oils obtains a
huge success worldwide. Full of active ingredients, these essential oils endowed with
extraordinary energy which can stimulate the vital force.
40 41
Place Albert I, 9
1300 Limal, Belgium
T +32 10 42 02 90
F +32 10 40 21 84
Mr. Geoffrey Dormal, Marketing Assistant
Anthemis is a publishing house specializing in professional publishing.
Our publications are intended for professionals and students in the legal
domain but also to heads of companies, finance and accountancy
managers, company consultants, chief accountants, insurers, medical
practitioners, etc. We have published more than 500 titles since the year of
our society’s creation in 2005. Approximately 80 new titles are published
every year. We are striving to publish quality works suited to the needs of
professional, to offer a real partnership to authors and to distribute our
publications widely both in Belgium and abroad.
2005 500
80 Anthémis
Author / Stéphane Hoebeke, Bernard Mouffe
Publication date / November 2012
Category / Law
This book de nes the rights and the obligations of journalist and presents the desire to
promote the real freedom of expression and information. Under the context of the
globalization, the audio-visual press takes the advantages of internet to present the real
events and develop the services for constructing the social network and offering us a new
space of communication with aid of the sound and the image. Through four dimensions of
discussing, the process of the law for the European press will be realized legislation,
jurisprudence, ethics and abundant doctrine.
Editor / Magdalena Forowicz, Elisabeth Lambert Abdelgawad,
Inan Sevinc
Publication date /2012
Category / Law
This book provides a study on the representation of applicants for human rights before the
court of Strasbourg. The intention to ensure the defense, the strategies, by whom, and the
satis ed results are observed by three steps the approaches to evaluate social justice,
the strategies for going through the whole defense, and the considerations about the
vulnerable such as women, children, prisoners and the less fortunate.
42 43
CFC Editions
Place des Martyrs, 14
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 22 27 34 03
F +32 22 18 08 52
Mrs. Christine De Naeyer, Director
This non-profit association was established in 1987 by the French
Commission of Culture agglomeration of Brussels (hence the name CFC)
CFC publishing has achieved two programs of a project, including editorial
activity and promotion of a book store located in Latin community.
Its object consists of leading a policy of publishing, of distribution and of
promotion of books, which includes organization of expositions in order to
valorize the heritage and the artistic and literary creation in the region of the
CFC Editions
Quartiers Latins
Author / Didier Serplet, Werner Lambersy
Publication date / 01 / 04 /2012
Category / Heritage
Didier Serplet, Werner Lambersy: a plastic artist and a writer meet in
front of a wall, with eyes on some holes of it, the last traces of old
shoes scrapers. The poetry of letters enriches the poetry of images for a trip of the
elegance, starting from an unusual element of small heritage.
Didier Werner
Author / Marc Meganck, Xavier Claes
Publication date / 01 / 01 /2010
Category / Heritage
From the Middle Ages until the late eighteenth century, Brussels and the surroundings
counties more than forty monastic institutions. Eight of them are outside of the walls of the
city, located in the territory of today’s Brussels-Capital Region. This book offers photos of
the contemporary perspective of these monastic sites, and recalls the shared history to
overview the integration of the city.
40 8
44 45
Publications des facultés
universitaires de Saint-Louis
Boulevard du Jardin botanique, 43
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 22 11 78 94
F +32 22 11 79 97
Mrs. M.-Fr. Thoua, Subeditor
The publications of the faculties of Saint-Louis University reveal their
specialized fields on the human and social sciences. These publications are
more than 140 titles, divided into 3 collections. From statistics to theology,
from sociology to literary theory, through law and philosophy, few areas of
contemporary thinking in the human science have not been addressed by
any category of collection. These fundamental works touch the applied
research. Some of these books are in the form of monographs, textbooks for
students, and others are acts of conferences or seminars organized by the
faculties. Interdisciplinary goes through the catalog like a red string: most of
the issues discussed – cross fields – are indeed multiple and innovative
approaches. That’s the way for the University to assume its role – critics and
engagement – in the heart of the city.
Editor / Sophie Klimis, Philippe Caumières,
Laurent Van Eynde
Publication date / 2012
Category / Social Science
- Philosophy on agora
- The in uence of Socialisme ou Barbarie on French philosophy after world war
- Challenges to traditional Marxism from revolutionists and reformers
- The disorder against the organization debate on the differences of theories between
Lefort and Castoriadis at the time of Socialisme ou Barbarie
- Jean.-Francois Lyotard’s philosophy on differend
- Re exion on freedom contemporary critics on Socialisme ou Barbarie
- Castoriadis and Ellul the technique for autonomy
- Lefort Castoriadis
- Lyotard
- Castoriadis Ellul
Editor / Antoine Bailleux, Yves Cartuyvels, Hugues Dumont,
François Ost
Publication date / 2009
Category / Human Science
Translation as an only way to build a territory of Babel functions as the tool inter-
linguistic, inter-legal, inter-systemic for the construction of European rights. Translation
becomes the doctrine for the construction of Europe, rights, and dialogue of European
46 47
Editions Les Impressions
Avenue Albert, 84
1190 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 25 03 30 95
F +32 25 03 30 33
Mrs. Patricia Kilesse, Coordinator
An independent publisher founded in 1985, Les Impressions Nouvelles has
published to date nearly 200 books. It publishes each year some 15 books in
both fiction and non-fiction. At the time of massive media concentrations,
the company tries to invent new ways of defending the independent book
production. It prefers atypical text that transcends existing boundaries of
genres (ex: graphic novels of Martin Vaughn-James). Les Impressions
Nouvelles’s catalogue entails four main directions: comics, fiction, non-
fiction and children’s literature. All of its titles are distributed by Harmonia
1985 Les Impressions Nouvelles 200
( Martin Vaughn-James )
: Harmonia
: Mr. Erwin Dejasse
Author / Gourpe ACME
Publication date / November 2011
Category / Comics
Founded in 1990 by a group of authors, the association has imposed
20 years as a major hub of comics, with a catalog of experimentation, humor, reportage
and autobiography. The association has contributed ambitiously to the recognition of
comics. It has changed the landscape of the ninth art with the efforts of major authors
such as Marjane Satrapi, Lewis Trondheim, Joann Sfar and David B. “The association, an
editorial and aesthetic utopia”, is the rst volume of history and analysis devoted to its
outstanding project and provides understanding its twenty years of editing and aesthetic
Author / Aurélia Aurita
Publication date / 2008
Category / Comics
Chenda visited Japan for the rst time in 2004, then immediately
seduced by Frederic and the country of the rising Sun, and she
traveled to the country several times. If her love for her new lover is
reciprocal, then it is not the same in this case of her with her new adopting
country. Japan’s absurd administration for immigration has transformed her story into a
bureaucratic calvary. Behind Chenda’s disappointment with the Japanese immigration, a
more global issue is developing as well. Japan is not the only country that treats foreigners
with distrust and arbitrary attitude.
2004 Frédéric
2013 48 49
Fondation Maurice Carême
Avenue Nellie Melba, 14
1070 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 25 21 67 75
F +32 25 20 20 86
Mrs. Jeannine Burny, President
The mission of the Maurice Carême Foundation is to ensure and to promote
both the continuing distribution of the work and the study of Maurice
Carême and his personality with the most possibilities, both in Belgium and
foreign countries. The Foundation publishes the articles and researches in
relation to Maurice Carême’s work and his life, holds poetry expositions,
sponsors much of the Prizes in the name of Maurice Carême, and also
provides the academic thesis and dissertations with documents and
materials. The Foundation publishes an annual review with articles on
Maurice Carême’s works, extracts of his poems, information and list of
available works. Participation to the Friends of Maurice Carême is as a
donation requested to cover the transmitting costs. The Maurice Carême
Foundation is the only owner of edition rights.
Maurice Carême是比利時當代最著名的法語詩人,曾在法國獲詩王稱號,
少詩被知名音樂家選上譜曲,作品也被世界各國翻譯。Maurice Carême基金
會藉由出版研究Maurice Carême作品的專題著作、參展及辦活動等等,以推
廣Maurice Carême的作品,基金會是所有作品版權的唯一擁有者。
MauriCe CarêMe Chanté par doMitiLLe
Author 作者 / Maurice Carême
Publication date 出版日期 / October 2012
Category 類別 / Music 音樂
25 poems composed with music fly up the imagination and emotions of child.
A tender voice, harmonious melody goes well with the beauty and the softness of Maurice
Carême’s poems. The work of the Belgian poet is translated into more than 40 languages.
比利時童謠詩人–Maurice Carême,其柔美的音樂詩集,譯作超過40種語言發行。
Le jongLeur
Author 作者 / Maurice Carême
Publication date 出版日期 / 2012
Category 類別 / Poetry 詩集
Carême brings us into his imaginary party and childhood. He thinks only dreams
and magic of language can change into the real. Play appears as an act of resistance
to consider it as an activity of useless. He asked regain the ability of child to discover all
the amazing wonderland of the world.
作者」–Maurice Carême的文字。Le Jongleur是在這位詩人身後所持續發行的詩集系列一貫
50 51
Fonds Mercator
Rue du Midi, 2
1000 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 25 48 25 35
F +32 25 02 16 28
Mrs. Caroline Neesen
Fonds Mercator is a publisher of books on fine art and illustrated historical
studies. Up to now, Fonds Mercator has published some 200 titles, with a
world-wide print run of over one million copies. Most of them are distributed
in at least two or three languages (French, Dutch, English). The most
successful of the publications still in print include monographs on Flemish
and Belgian artists of international renown. Moreover, the fund also has more
general works on history and culture: outlines of Flemish art, Belgian painting
in the 19th and early 20th century or after the Second World War, books
devoted to cities such as Antwerp, Ghent or Bruges, historical studies on
Luxembourg, the Low Countries, Saint Francis and Saint Benedict. A book
from Fonds Mercator isn’t just a book, but a quality publication, based on
love of art, scholarly and technical expertise, and always unique.
Fonds Mercator
Fonds Mercator 200
( )
19 20 Fonds
Author / Jean-Pierre Criqui, Marie-Laure Bernadac
Publication date / July 2012
Category / Art
This catalogue illustrates the extraordinary encounter between the collections of the
Musée du Louvre and the world of one of the leading gures in contemporary art. As guest
artist at the Louvre, Belgian conceptual artist Wim Delvoye has created new, site-speci c
art for the museum. This bilingual (English and French) publication documents this and
other previously unpublished works by the controversial artist.
Demonstrating a range of techniques, these works respond to the Louvre’s collections
with subversive and ironic reinterpretations of older styles. From the design to the
installation of the works in situ, this book charts a course through the stylistic and
technical stunts of the Belgian artist.
VICTOR HORTA (1861 – 1947)
Author / Michèle Goslar
Publication date / July 2012
Category / Architecture
Victor Horta (1861–1947) is one of the greatest Belgian architects. But who was the man
behind the revolutionary “architect of Art Nouveau”? How did Horta receive his
commissions and in which circles did he move? How did he deal with disappointment and
criticism? Just what was it that was so innovative in his architecture and how did it
evolve? For the rst time in the literature on Horta, this monumental book, the result of
years of archival research, brings together answers to these questions. It also provides an
unusually comprehensive overview of Horta s oeuvre. Richly illustrated with his original
plans, contemporary photographs, and many pictures produced especially for this book,
it offers a new image of Horta the architect and Horta the man, and of his work and its
continuation up to the present. This book is not only the story of a life, it’s also an
indispensable reference for lovers of art, culture and architecture.
? ? ?
52 53
Boulevard Louis Schmidt, 79
1040 Brussels, Belgium
T +32 27 36 44 62
Mrs. Odile Josselin, Editor-in-Chief
The independent French publisher l’école des loisirs decides to create an
editorial office Pastel in Belgium with an object to diversify its collections.
Pastel has been directed by Odile Josselin since 2008. The catalogue
includes more than 600 titles, 80 % of them are original creations and more
than 60 authors are of Belgian origin, particularly Jeanne Ashbé, Kitty
Crowther (the grand triennial Award of French Community in 2006 and
Award of Astrid Lindgren in 2010), Claude K. Dubois, Émile Jadoul, Louis
Joos, Jean Maubille, Mario Ramos, Rascal (the grand triennial Award of
French Community in 2009), and Michel Van Zeveren. The editorial policy of
Pastel insists on the quality of literary and graphic as it can be
complimentary to the l’école des loisirs collections in respect to children
readers. The various universe of authors and illustrators and the world seen
through their eyes are appreciated within different foreign countries where
the works are published.
L’école des loisirs
Pastel 0-16
600 80%
60 Jeanne Ashbé 2006
2010 Kitty Crowther
Claude K. Dubois Émile Jadoul Louis Joos Jean Maubille
Mario Ramos 2009 Rascal
Michel Van Zeveren…
: Mrs. Kitty Crowther
: Mr. Carl Norac
Author / Kitty Crowther
Publication date / 2010
Category / Illustrated books , Age 5-7
One morning, Little Man goes for a walk. He meets something, on the side of a trail.
“Don’t be scared,” the thing says. Easy to say, Little Man thinks.
“Who are you?” he asks politely.
“I am God.”
“You are GOD? The GOD? I never thought you’d look like that.”
Little Man and God walk side by side on the trail.
“And how did you imagine God would be?”
“ ! ?”“ ! ”
“ ? ”
Author / Carl Norac
Illustrator / Isabelle Chatellard
Publication date / 2011
Category / Illustrated books , Age 7-10
Every day, Willie the Wolf hides in the bush to secretly admire pretty Yvonne. He loves to
look at the vixen’s dancing and to listen to her singing. Willie is in love with Yvonne. But
wolves have a bad reputation. How could he hope for one second to touch her heart?
Willie Yvonne Yvonne
Willie Yvonne
54 55
Editions de l’Université de
Avenue Paul Héger, 26 – CPI 163
1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
T +32 26 50 37 89
F +32 26 50 37 94
Mrs. Michèle Mat, International Rights
Founded in 1972, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles is a department of the
Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). We publish textbooks and university
level and research oriented books in pocket size and large format; books are
subject to an international referee process.
Specialties: European Union law, political science, sociology and
anthropology, philosophy, history, geography, land settlement and
Distribution: SODIS (France).
Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles
Author / Marianne Dony
Publication date / Feburary 2012
Category / Law
This book aims to familiarize the reader with the law and policy of the European Union two
years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty when the European Union cross
through a new crisis that would threaten one of its most iconic achievement, the single
currency. The author analyzes the institutional system of the European Union, major
characteristics of EU law, presents the main policies of the European Union deeply revised
by the Treaty of Lisbon, and contributes to all essential concepts to understand the
purpose, operation and means of action of the European Union.
Author / Patrick Pharo
Publication date / Feburary 2012
Category / Sociology
What is the relationship between pleasure, dependencies and addictions? Market
Companies stimulates the dependencies with social damage? How do they manage to
associate them? These are the questions addressed in this book from cognitive
anthropology and moral, and also with many surveys and documents relating to
cinematographic and literary about drug use, commercial seduction, sexual addiction or
dependence practice. This book can also be read as the novel of pleasures providing a
key to understanding the link caused by the overuse of psychoactive substances or
56 57
58 59
60 61
62 63
Wallonie-Bruxelles International
Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency
Brussels Invest & Export

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Belgium 2013 international book exhibition DM

  • 1. TiBE 2013 1 / 3 0 ( ) ~ 2 / 4 ( )
  • 2. Xinyi Road TWTC HALL 1 Floor Plan
  • 3.
  • 4. TiBE 201320113 4 5 Belgium La Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • 6. TiBE 2013 BEBE 8 9 Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency Brussels Invest & Export
  • 7. TiBE 2013 BEBE 10 11 Alice Editions Rue Beckers, 17 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 26 60 10 45 F +32 26 75 73 24 Mr. Michel de Grand Ry, Editor Publisher since 1995 in French language of art books and essays, Alice Editions has created its department Alice Jeunesse in 2000. Today it includes more than two hundred quality children’s illustrated books and novels for young readers from eight years old to young adults. All the stories develop emotions and living experiences as well as imagination. A great part of its catalog is translated in more than twenty languages throughout the world, including chinese language. The main title : La grande fabrique de mots (The Great Word Factory). Alice 1995 2000 Alice Jeunesse Alice Jeunesse Alice 20 : Mrs. Valéria Docampo LA VALLÉE DES MOULINS Author / Noelia Blanco Illustrator / Valeria Docampo Publication date / January 2013 Category / Illustrated books , Age 4+ In the Mill Valley, machines progressively replaced humans. They ensure that everything is perfect for everyone to the extent that all of the humans ended up forgetting what it was like to dream. All of them apart from two people. The bird-man dreams of ying off but even if he keeps on inventing new techniques, there is no way for him to make it. Anna, the dressmaker, would like to sew sea lace clothes with star sh buttons so much instead of settling for alteration making. She secretly dreams of sumptuous costumes. Together, they will show the other villagers that it is important to believe in your dreams and that machines cannot replace everything. This time, the text invites each of us to ful ll our dreams completely even though the obstacles seem insurmountable. Anna ZÉLIE Author / Christelle Vallat Illustrator / Stéphanie Augusseau Publication date / May 2012 Category / Illustrated books , Age 3+ Rights sold / ( ), Portuguese (Brazil), Korean Every day, people come to see Zélie and tell her their secrets and their pains. And once they con ded in her, they leave her a little pea and go back home, feeling lighter. Zélie gathers these peas and turns them into coloured balloons, cake decoration, lights hung from the sky or ower gardens. One day she nds a green pea that she identi es as a child pain. This pea belongs to Nino who had lost it. Nino can nally give it to Zélie who plants it in a small pot. They will keep on waiting for the seed to grow for a long time because it takes some time to transform a child pain! The whole book is bathed in a sweet and bright atmosphere which makes the readers want to go and squeeze in the line of people queuing up in front of Zelie. Zélie Zélie Zélie Niro Niro Zélie
  • 8. TiBE 2013 BEBE 12 13 BD alternative - La Cinquième Couche Rue des Taxandres, 20 1040 Brussels, Belgium T +32 479 35 10 83 F +32 25 38 24 34 Mr. Xavier Löwenthal An independent Belgian publisher, La Cinquième Couche(5c) publishes comics, graphics, literature and poetry since 1993. 5c plays an important role in the development of alternative comics. Since 2010, 5c also republished the art magazine “Soldes, Fins de Séries”. 5c 1993 2010 5c “Soldes, Fins de Séries” LA PERMUTATION (ERRATA) Author / William Henne Publication date / 01 / 09 / 2006 Category / Alternative Comics Jan Ache returned home, he became acquainted with his new wife and his new children. The story begins in a society where its citizens interchange in accordance with their needs. Despite Jan’s goodwill, it takes time for him to adapt. He tries to nd his ex-girlfriend. Jan Ache Jan LETTRES À PAULINE Author / Xavier Löwenthal Publication date / 01 / 05 / 2003 Category / Alternative Comics Xavier Löwenthal was invited to go to the rainforest of Honduras to teach indigenous people comics. He wrote a series of letters to his wife to describe his adventure in this crazy project. Lettres à Pauline is a love letter combining with travel diary, caricature and drawing. Xavier Löwenthal Pauline Lettres à Pauline
  • 9. TiBE 2013 BEBE 14 15 BD alternative - L’employé du Moi Rue de l’Instruction, 51 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 476 42 20 67 Mr. Cédric Manche, Author L’employé du Moi is a structure of comic strips publishing created in Brussels in 2000. Its purpose is to publish remarkable stories personally invested as well in the graphic processing as in the tale. The publications of “L’employé du Moi” are developed in close co-operation with the authors in order to stick as much as possible to their artistic intentions (book format, choice of the paper). Amongst the various approached types, you find intimate story as well as nightmare scenario. Beyond the paper edition, “L’employé du Moi” strives to promote comic strips creation via the site “” , an international platform of on-line publication. L’employé du Moi 2000 ECLOSION Author / Gaspard Ryelandt Publication date / May 2012 Category / Alternative Comics Through the three stories making up the anthology Eclosion , Gaspard Ryelandt approaches three periods of a man’s life. The childhood where he is confronted with little girls who discover his intimate secrets by the dissection of living insects. The adolescence where he peacefully spends his time gardening and keeping his paraplegic mother is suddenly upset by the arrival of a remote cousin who is pregnant and yet still a virgin at the same time. The adulthood where, during a military training, two paratroopers allow themselves an interlude out of the time, enjoying for a while the slow swaying of the river. This anthology - in which wild nature, the awakening of the senses and of the desire take shape in the magni cent wash drawings with indian ink achieved by Gaspard Ryelandt - throws the reader in an almost mystical contemplation. BLACKBIRD Author / Pierre Maurel Publication date / April 2011 Category / Alternative Comics “Blackbird” relates the daily activities of a group of young people who devote themselves to “Fanzine” at the very moment when the government authorities enact the prohibition to practice self-publishing. Forced either to stop their activities or to become outlaws if choosing to publish their creations, the members of the group will react by the abandon or by the resistance to that situation and to the totalitarian drifts it rapidly brings along. Through this tale build up as a thriller full of suspense, Pierre Maurel puts the question of the place of the marginal cultures in a society ruled by the market and the mass and he lets us foresee the fragile balance on which our democracies rest, once the individual loses his fundamental liberties.
  • 10. TiBE 2013 BEBE 16 17 BD alternative - Fremok Rue de l’Instruction, 51 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium Mr. Thierry Van Hasselt, Author FRMK (pronounced Frémok) is a publisher of comic books created by the merger of the Belgian Fréon and the French Amok in 2002, each already existing for ten years at that time. Since then, FRMK is located in Brussels. Major actor in the independent comics scene since the 90’s, FRMK is driven by a deliberate will to question all stereotypes of the mainstream comics production, as format, art-technique or narration forms. Combining writing and graphics, FRMK is the place of all experiments and creative crossroads. From narrative figuration to contemporary art, painting or dance. This renewed approach of the comics has led to some particularly avant-garde albums. Fremok FRMK Fremok LE FILS DU ROI Author / Eric Lambé Publication date / October 2012 Category / Alternative Comics The son of the King is an island. The book has also called Two Islands. Open this magni cient book is to pass through the doors to the world of books. 90 pages drawn patiently, passionately, madly with blue and black ballpoint pen. “The son of the King is a story that is both melancholy and grotesque. A re ection on time, light, the beautiful and the ugly, academic and iconoclast, the monstrous, fantasy, con nement, madness. 90 SOUS-SOLS Author / DoubleBob Publication date / September 2012 Category / Alternative Comics Writing is to transmit something that others does not note. Basements talks about what’s behind the pain with a cast of characters in mysterioiusly silent scenery. They are unknown to us, yet they evoke accurately painfully familiar atmosphere of our darkest days. DoubleBob’s mysterious atmosphere of distress through the book passes the SOS signals.
  • 11. TiBE 2013 BEBE 18 19 Editions Casterman Cantersteen, 47 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 22 09 83 00 F +32 22 09 83 07 Mr. Willy Fadeur, International Rights Director Mrs. Siu Yin Sally Mak, Exclusive Agent Casterman is a Belgian publishing house founded in 1780. It is developing two major editorial lines children’s books and comics. Around four hundred new titles are released each year, and more than three thousand titles are published under collaborations with the publishers around the world.Being one of the top publishers in French comics and graphic fictions, Casterman’s editorial production is well-known worldwide for example « The adventures of Tintin » which has been translated in over 70 languages and sold over 200 million copies. Casterman 1780 / 400 3000 Casterman « » 70 2 Casterman Anne Herbauts Emile Jadoul Gabrielle Vincent Godeleine de Rosamel Domitille de Pressensé Bénédicte Guettier Bruno Heitz Béatrice Botte 1954 «Martine» 60 33 2010 THE UNIVERSE OF MARTINE Author / Gilbert Delahaye, Jean Louis Marlier, Marcel Marlier Publication date / 24/10/2000 Category / Children’s books Martine fell asleep on her storybook. She meets Pierrot, the baby bird. They will start an amazing journey to nd 7 magic feathers. A step into the universe of dreams and wonders. Martine Pierrot 7 L’ENFANT PENCHÉE Author / Benoît Peeters Illustrator / François Schuiten Publication date / 25 / 08 / 2010 Category / Graphic Fiction A young girl, Mary Von Rathen, whose unfortunate accident aboard the Star Express roller coaster during a rare meteoric eclipse, leaves her stuck in the gravitational pull not of earth, but of the orbiting meteor itself. Mary goes from aristocratic schoolgirl to runaway to circus performer before meeting a group of scientists who believe a rocket ride to the meteor could be the cure she needs. Mary Von Rathen 45 Wappendorf Mary , Augustin Désombres Wappendorf Mary Augustin ; Mary Wappendorf
  • 12. TiBE 2013 BEBE 20 21 CIVA Rue de l’Ermitage, 55 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 26 42 24 71 F +32 26 42 24 55 Mr. Christophe Pourtois, Director Founded in 1999, The CIVA (the International Centre for Urbanism, Architecture and Landscape) carries out its various tasks by means of exhibitions and publications and by organising seminars and conferences. Its exhibitions, which can be on a single topic or focused on a broader theme, are sometimes mounted in partnership with other cultural organisations. Its publications include high-quality illustrated books and CD-ROM catalogues about architecture, urbanism and landscape as well as a collection of bilingual guides (in French and the local language) dedicated to specific cities and their architectural heritage. In addition, for several years, the CIVA has been one of the founding partners of the European GAUDI network (Governance, Architecture, Urbanism, Democracy Interaction) which exists to encourage co-operation between a number of European organisations on issues relating to the history, preservation and creation of contemporary architecture and also to raise public awareness. 1999 – CIVA ; ( ) CIVA GAUDI : Mr. Christophe Pourtois HEART-MADE.THE CUTTING-EDGE OF CHINESE CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE Author / Fang Zhenning, Christophe Pourtois, Marcelle Rabinowicz Publication date / 2005 Category / Architecture The catalog of the exhibition Heart-Made. The Cutting-Edge of Chinese Contemporary Architecture is the latest contribution to the debate about Chinese avant-garde architecture. This richly illustrated book presents the changes and different architectural trends which have emerged during the last decade and, in doing so, guides the reader through the exhibition of the same name by following four “itineraries” and 50 projects. PIER LUIGI NERVI: L’ARCHITECTURE COMME DÉFI Author / Carlo Olmo, Cristiana Chiorino, Christoph Pourtois, Marcelle Rabinowicz Publication date / 2011 Category / Architecture The Italian engineer, architect and builder Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) is responsible for some of the world’s architectural masterpieces including St. Mary Cathedral in San Francisco and George Washington Bus Terminal in New York. Pier Luigi Nervi: Architecture as a Challenge provides a complete overview of this proli c and versatile master of twentieth-century architecture, examining his career from its outset in the early 1920s up to the 1970s. In addition to a range of Nervi’s buildings and public projects, the publication presents his pioneering research into technologies and construction materials. Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) Pier Luigi Nervi: Architecture as a Challenge Pier Luigi Nervi 20 70 Nervi Nervi
  • 13. TiBE 2013 BEBE 22 23 Dargaud Avenue Paul-Henri Spaak,7 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 25 26 68 11 F +32 25 20 44 05 Mrs. Eva Hoff, Attachée de presse Founded over fifty years ago by George Dargaud, the Dargaud group publishes comic books and graphic novels, and has recently expanded its film and TV production divisions (including animated films and DVD production). Dargaud’s catalog covers a rich and varied field, including numerous cult series (XIII, Valérian, Blueberry, Rabbi’s Cat) pioneered by Dargaud, many of which were promoted through the pages of the famed Pilote magazine. In addition to these flagship titles, the Dargaud brand remains” an incubator of fresh new talent, with series such as “Poisson Pilote” and “Long Courrier.” Dargaud’s editorial vision supported by an extensive marketing and distribution team, has generated an unmatched track record of bestsellers. Dargaud Pilote XIII Valérian Dargaud ( DVD) Dargaud 1989 Media-Participations : Mr. Philippe Delaby XIII – L’APPÂT Author / Yvest Sente, Iouri Jigounov Publication date / November 2012 Category / Comics Further adventures of XIII! Following in Van Hamme and Vance’s footsteps, Yves Sente and Iouri Jigounov continue the story in the most beautiful way in this volume 21. Continuing to ee to Armand and Betty’s home in France, our amnesiac is hunted by mercenary company, Usafe. They will even take Jones as hostage in Banichistan to attract XIII. In the meanwhile, Betty is investigating the May ower, an additional source of plot and disclosures. Yves Sente Iouri Jigounov Van Hamme Vance XIII – Usafe XIII Armand Betty XIII Usafe Jones Betty May ower BLAKE ET MORTIMER – LE SERMENT DES CINQ LORD Author / Yvest Sente, André Juillard Publication date / November 2012 Category / Comics This new adventure of Blake and Mortimer leads our two heroes to Oxford. The Ashmolean Museum and its famous Archaeological collection is the scene of unexplained ights that are linked a series of mysterious murders. Heroes like Agatha Christie, Blake and Mortimer conduct the investigation. Yves Sente and André Juillard give us an adventure in the traditional British detective novel. Blake Mortimer Agatha Christie, Blake Mortimer Yves Sente André Juillard
  • 14. TiBE 2013 BEBE 24 25 Groupe De Boeck Rue des Minimes, 39 1000 Brussels, Belgium T +32 25 48 07 11 F +32 25 13 90 09 Mr. Michel Jezierski, International Development Director De Boeck Supérieur is a publisher of textbooks and scientific books in French in sciences, medicine, techniques, human sciences, economics, psychology, education, multimedia developments. Estem is aiming for medical students and medical and nursing professionals. Solal is specialized in journals and books dedicated to medicine, paramedicine and human sciences. Duculot is specialized in French secondary and university textbooks, reference and linguistic books, dictionaries, multimedia developments. Delta Press is specialized in books dealing with engine. De Boeck Éducation is a publisher in French of preschool, primary, secondary level textbooks and reference books. Groupe De Boeck Pôle juridique publishes law books and journals, in French, Dutch and English. It is specialized in European, Belgian, Luxembourgian and international law. De Boeck De Boeck Supérieur De Boeck Education De Boeck Université 25 2000 Duculot Estem Larcier : Mrs. Michéle Lenoble-Pinson LE BON USAGE Author / Maurice Grevisse, André Goosse Publication date / September 2011 Category / Language(French) ( ) The strategies for the good use of French are the object of this grammar book. Plenty citations from the literature works and the press articlesare references for you to write good French compositions. Continuing observations on the living language are always for the innovations to improve your skills of practicing French. Those who are writers, correctors, translators, journalists, editors and French teachers will adore this le Bon usage without doubt. Le bonusage : LES DISCOURS DIRECT ET INDIRECT Author / Stéphanie Callet Publication date / June 2012 Category / Language(French) ( ) This tool propose: rules and exceptions / simple and clear explications / progressive approaches / traditional, contemporary, numerous examples / diversities of exercises with answers / test for evaluating capabilities : / / / / /
  • 15. atalogue Edition professionnelle CCatalogue2012-2013 Nom de marqu ns de res d eerce e erie d eie s.aaeeveez lla possibilitéé dd découvrir noo ouvrages,, lee commanndee réagir quant à leur contenu. DD'uu clic, vouss ee saurez pluss suusaurez pluss suusaurez plus sup nos auteurs,nos auteurs, no distributeurs poudistribute s p leles librairiesairies les promotions eles ples promotions eromotions e cours,urs, .. Les Serious Games Une évolution e-management Yasmine Kasbi R métiers BernardDespas IvanLammerant coup surpapier infographistepour utile decrayon outablette TiBE 2013 BEBE 26 27 Esplanade de l’Europe 2, bte5 4020 Liège, Belgium T +32 43 44 50 88 F +32 43 43 05 53 Mr. Luca Venanzi, Managing Director, publisher of French professional books Founded in 1998 by the ICC Liege and Luca Venanzi (managing director), publishes practical books for professionals (SMEs managers, executives, economic decision makers, managers, professionals, teachers, students, ...). 16 essential publishing collections of Practical Guide, Non-Commercial, E-Management , Mini-Management, Human Resources Management, Real Estate, Communication, Professions Code, Code Explanation, Business owners only, Marketing, Skills, Explained to Children, Family Law, Legal. ; / / : Mrs. Julie Brunel Small business intelligence guide pratique Claude LepèreJean-Christophe Marcoux ClaudeLepère Jean-ChristopheMarcoux Smallbusinessintelligence guidepratique ctivités nettement plus veau média d’influence, des changements de tie de leur temps emble désormais qui s’y intègrent, ême moment.évidente poursi le tempse ceux qui la d’analyser,minanteanismes SMALL BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Author / Claude Lepère, Jean-Christophe Marcoux Publication date / October 2011 Category / Business Nowadays, running a company in this interactive world has changed a lot of business habits, and the power centres have been fragmented. Planning a long-term strategy has therefore become a real challenge. Every business leaders must learn how to re-think information in order to maintain in uence, innovation and decision-making process. ParlonsAffaires!Let’sTalkBusiness! nceDasty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------- -- ---------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- - - - - - - --- -- -- ---- -- -- - ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- --- --- --- - - - - - - - - - -- --- --- -- ------ --- -- ------ - - - - --- --- --- - -- - - - - - ---- -- -- - - -- --- - -- --- - - - -- -- -- --- -- --- - - - --- -- - - -- -- ---- -- - - - - - - - --- -- -- - -- -- - guide pratique Parlons Affaires !Le guide de survie de l’homme d’affaires Bruno Bernard Florence Dasty Let’s Talk Business!The Business People’s Survival Guide LET’S TALK BUSINESS Author / Bruno Bernard, Florence Dasty Publication date / August 2011 Category / Business This Survival Guide for the Business Man will allow you to achieve suf cient communicative competence to interact ef ciently in French in day-to-day job-related tasks and in everyday situations, such as business trip, home, in town, leisure time, transport This illustrated guide is essential for business students, teachers and professionals, and useful for anyone needing a toolkit to common expressions. “Let’s talk business”
  • 16. TiBE 2013 BEBE 28 29 Editions Erasme 2DH Abdijstraat,1 3271 Averbode, Belgium T +32 13 78 01 56 F +32 13 78 01 83 Mr. Jean-Marie Deimotte, Head of Research & Development Since 1920, the Averbode Publishers group is a reference in the world of education and childhood, specialized in high quality children’s books, educational magazines, merchandising, websites and teacher support materials. - An editorial option: achieving permanent adequacy between teachers expectations and our editions. - A mission: meet the wishes of education professionals and the pleasure of learning of their students. - An objective: to provide real added value to the teachers and to offer ethical products at prices accessible to all, without recourse to advertising. Hopla and Nelly & Caesar are the main characters of the strong educational universe of Averbode Publishers. The animation series of Hopla and Nelly & Caesar are already being diffused by Taiwanese broadcasters. The company operates worldwide and has offices in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Editions Erasme 2DH Averbode Averbode ; Averbode Nelly & Caesar Hopla Missy Mila Tom ; Hopla Nelly & Caesar MOT À MOT - DESSUS DESSOUS Author / Ingrid Godon Publication date / 2012 Category / Children’s books , Age 3+ Ten color plates to nd adjectives, adverbs and prepositions of location and direction. In front of, behind, face to face, or side by side... A fun way to learn to nd the place and to build vocabulary through nursery rhymes and illustrations of Nelly & Caesar! APPRENDRE DES MOTS - AU LIT! Author / Ingrid Godon Publication date / 2012 Category / Children’s books , Age 3+ It’s time to go to sleep... Nelly and Caesar get ready for the night. Before going to bed, they brush their teeth and go to the toilet. That’s it, everyone is in bed! Have a bedtime story to get a good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams, friends... This picture book is divided into 5 themes and rhythmic rhymes which will help your child to memorize the words related to the theme.
  • 17. TiBE 2013 BEBE 30 31 Espace Livres & création Rue du Marteau, 19 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 22 18 58 02 F +32 22 17 51 71 Mr. Thierry Leroy, Director Espace Livres & Création (EL&C) is a publishers association based in Brussels. Established in 1990, it represents 50 small independent Belgian publishing houses and periodicals. The membership is diverse and includes publishers from a variety of genres (poetry, literature, arts, human sciences, graphic novels). El&C promotes independent and creative publishing and acts as an intermediary between its members, cultural institutions, libraries and bookshops. It provides representation at book fairs and support to distribution through its own network in Belgium. EL&C 1990 50 (les Marchés de la poésie) EL&C Member list Aden Aesth Éditions Ah ! L’Âne qui butine L’Arbre à paroles Les Arts narratifs Autrement dit Brandes Brugger Bruits Les Cahiers du Poème 2 Les Carnets du dessert de lune La Cinquième Couche Le Clou dans le fer Corlevour Le Cormier Le Coudrier Couleur livres David L’Employé du moi Éranthis Escales des lettres Esperluète Formules Le Fram Frémok Le Grand Tamanoir L’Herbe qui tremble Les Impressions Nouvelles Indications Jeunesse et Droi Le Journal des Poètes Klet & Ko Laetoli La Lettre volée Liaisons Maelström Maipo Maison de la poésie et de la langue française Wallonie-Bruxelles Marginales Mayak Mémogrames M.E.O. Midis de la poésie La Muette Murmure des soirs L’Oie de Cravan La Peuplade Phi La Pierre d’alun Pylône Quadrature Rodrigol Éditions 632 Le Taillis Pré Le Tétras Lyre La Traductière Weyrich Luce Wilquin
  • 18. TiBE 2013 BEBE 32 33 Editions Hemma Rue de Chevron, 106 4987 Chevron, Belgium T +32 86 43 01 44 F +32 86 43 40 86 Mr. Paul Bernard, International Rights Manager Hemma is a leader in children’s books for the mass market in France and Benelux. It publishes books covering all segments, including for ages 0-8. Hemma operates with partners in over 60 countries and publishes in over 30 languages. We have over 300 introductions a year. We are a major licensee for companies such as Disney, Mattel, Hasbro. Editions Hemma 0-8 Hasbro Hemma 30 60 : Mrs. Elen Lescoat UNE SEMAINE À LA FERME Author / Benedicte Carboneill Publication date / 11/10/2012 Category / Children’s books , Age 3+ Start the week with stories of the farm. A new day is dawning on the Mathurin farm. Immediately Albert the rooster, crows its nest trumpet. It’s Monday and a great week is still ahead. Monday, Marguerite the cow learns to swim. Tuesday, Albert the rooster will work hard to answer all his children’s questions. Wednesday... With great tenderness and humor, these beautiful collections of stories reveal a slice of life of the many inhabitants of the farm. Large, beautiful, and contemporary styled illustrations will gently delight the little ones and their parents. Mathurin Albert Marguerite Albert 12 AVENTURES AU PAYS DES DINOSAURES Author / Mireille Sauver Publication date / 11/10/2012 Category / Children’s books , Age 4+ This is a collection of illustrated, magical stories full of tenderness, friendship, and learning opportunities. Wes, the little triceratops, and Ezec, the small Iguanodon are two great friends, Together, they grow up and learn from each one of their discoveries. Soon, they meet Ony, the small pteranodon and form the collection of beautiful stories of this dinosaurs basic trio s magical time. The pictures are beautifully and professionally illustrated, capturing the young readers imagination with endearing and tender characters. Wes Ezec Ony
  • 19. TiBE 2013 BEBE 34 35 IMPS Rue du Cerf, 85 1332 Genval, Belgium T +32 26 52 02 20 F +32 26 52 01 60 Mrs. Fabienne Gilles, Business Affairs Manager / Book Publishing Rights IMPS is the official licensor of the Smurfs, Benoit Brisefer and Johan Peewit all properties created by the cartoonist Pierre Culliford, better known under his pseudonym Peyo. Over the years, the team has developed licensed merchandising programs worldwide that have secured the everlasting success of these characters. Summer 2011 was an important milestone for our little blue friends as they made their first 3D-trip to the big screen. The live-action and animated family comedy movie ‘The Smurfs’ produced by Sony Pictures was a worldwide success and the sequel will be released summer 2013. IMPS’ publishing program includes a large range of products from comics, story books, activity books, novelties, to magazines and artworks. They are translated in over 40 languages and are available for sale in all type of retail channels all over the world. IMPS 120 40 2011 3D OFF TO SCHOOL! (READY-TO-READ. LEVEL2) Author / Peyo Publication date / May 2011 Category / Children’s books , Age 5+ In this Ready-to-Read, Papa Smurf sends all of the Smurfs back to school. At 100 years old, they really need to brush up on their reading skills! ! LA FLÛTE À 6 SCHTROUMPFS Author / Peyo Publication date / 1960 Category / Comics After having a magic ute stolen, Johan and Peewit seek help in the Land of the Smurfs, where it was made. Johan Peewit
  • 20. COURS DE LOUVAIN, 1981 Michel Foucault Mal faire, dire vrai FONCTION DE L’AVEU EN JUSTICE Édition établie par Fabienne Brion et Bernard E. Harcourt 30th anniversary 27th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture ARCHITECTURE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Magali Bodart Arnaud Evrard Editors > Proceedings vol. 1 ORGANISED BY ARCHITECTURE & CLIMAT UCL LES CONFLITS GELÉS DE L’ESPACE POSTSOVIÉTIQUE Genèse et enjeux Xavier FOLLEBOUCKT ////////////////////////////LECTURESUNIVERSITAIRES//////////// / / / / / / / Nathalie Delobbe, Philippe Halin et Jacques Prémont Préface de Jacques Grégoire ENNÉAGRAMME ÉVOLUTIF HPEI MANUELPOURLEPSYCHOLOGUEETLEPRATICIENCERTIFIÉ alieDelobbe,PhilippeHalinetJacquesPrémont TiBE 2013 BEBE 36 37 Presses universitaires de Louvain AREC Halles Universitaires – bureau b215 Place de l’Université 1, bte L0.01.08 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium T +32 10 47 91 93 F +32 10 47 92 88 Mrs. Bérangère Deprez, Editor The Presses universitaires de Louvain publish in French, also in English and occasionally in Spanish, Dutch, Italian, German, etc. To date, more than 550 titles are out of the press, covering every discipline. They offer collections and journals in various fields ranging from legal history to French literature, telecommunications, development, ethics, politics, philosophy, language engineering, etc. The catalog offers monographs, conference proceedings, theses, research reports, databases, teaching manuals and other scientific documents by teachers and researchers at Université catholique de Louvain and their scientific partners. 50 550 : Mrs. Fabienne Brion HPEI ENNÉAGRAMME ÉVOLUTIF Author / Nathalie Delobbe, Philippe Halin et Jacques Prémont Publication date / 15 / 05 / 2012 Category / Psychology The Enneagram is a dynamic model and a tool for the helps to understand the operations of the personality and it describes nine major style of “basic personality” about everyone’s own speci c motivation, internal tensions, resources and limits. Philippe, Jacques and Nathalie, the psychotherapists with many years of experiences and professional educational backgrounds, develop this model for the approaches of coaching and training to enhance emotional intelligence, strengthen research capability, and construct employment relationship to achieve missions of goals. AXE L GOSSE RIES & YAN NIC K VAN DER BORGH T, EDI TOR S ghts on l way of paying ding philoso pher. But it utifully here, both as a k of ideas on justice, and nition of the inte llectual hilippe Van Parijs, ost orig inal and most our time. ”Univers ity,omic Scie nces A.GOSSE RIES&Y.VAN DER BORGH T,EDS Arguingaboutjustice justice Arguingabout ESSAYS FOR PHILIPPE VAN PARIJS ARGUING ABOUT JUSTICE Author / Axel Gosseries, Yannick Vanderborght Publication date / 27 / 10 / 2011 Category / Sociology This book brings together fty of today’s nest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs’s sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. 50 Philippe Van Parijs Philippe Van Parijs
  • 21. LES HUILES VÉGÉTALES Huiles de santé et de beauté Chantal & Lionel Clergeaud DOUCE ALTERNATIVE EDITIONS AMYRIS NOUVELLE EDITION TiBE 2013 BEBE 38 39 Editions Amyris Rue Lannoy, 22 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 26 60 51 01 F +32 26 60 51 01 Mr. Benoît Patoul, CEO The Publishing House, Editions Amyris, created in 1996, is recognised and reputed today for the contents of their published works, as well as holding the copyrights of all their publications which are original works. Some of the collections are translated into English, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch and Japanese editions. Integrated in different collections, for example, Douce Alternative, Primum Non Nocere, Les Singuliers, our works cover the topics of the preventional health and alternative medicines. Amyris editions take the responsibilities to care about individual health concerns and bring with scientific proof to the public therapists, naturopaths, doctors, pharmacists and veterinaries also involved. Amyris “Douce Alternative” – “Primum Non Nocere” - ; L’AROMATHÉRAPIE ÉNERGÉTIQUE, GUÉRIR AVEC L’ÂME DES PLANTES Author / Bosson Lydia Publication date / March 2011 Category / Health Rights sold / Italian, Spanish Energy Aromatherapy, healing with the soul of plants Essential oils can offer the most valuable substances which have not only a healing effect on the physical body but also have an effect on our hormonal system and act on our psycho-emotional and spiritual. This book gives us more than 50 plants to better serve our health and general well-being. 50 fam ilial de plusieu rs ominiq ue Bau doux pour écrire sa vie aturelle médicale ncontestables : ct, il est surprismatiqu es qu’iltrouvent lee premièreation. Son corps, lematiqu esout être acien elle. ier es s MY RIS L’AROMATHÉRAPIE Se soigner par les huiles essentielles Dominique Baudoux DominiqueBaudoux DOUCE ALTERNATIVE ED ITIONS AM YRIS NOUVELLE EDITION L’A RO MATHÉRAPIE L’AROMATHÉRAPIE, SE SOIGNER PAR LES HUILES ESSENTIELLES Author / Baudoux Dominique Publication date / October 2008 Category / Health Rights sold / Dutch, English, Spanish Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils from aromatic plants to treat diseases and to improve health and well-being. Currently, the therapeutic action of essential oils obtains a huge success worldwide. Full of active ingredients, these essential oils endowed with extraordinary energy which can stimulate the vital force.
  • 22. TiBE 2013 BEBE 40 41 Anthémis Place Albert I, 9 1300 Limal, Belgium T +32 10 42 02 90 F +32 10 40 21 84 Mr. Geoffrey Dormal, Marketing Assistant Anthemis is a publishing house specializing in professional publishing. Our publications are intended for professionals and students in the legal domain but also to heads of companies, finance and accountancy managers, company consultants, chief accountants, insurers, medical practitioners, etc. We have published more than 500 titles since the year of our society’s creation in 2005. Approximately 80 new titles are published every year. We are striving to publish quality works suited to the needs of professional, to offer a real partnership to authors and to distribute our publications widely both in Belgium and abroad. Anthémis 2005 500 80 Anthémis LE DROIT DE LA PRESSE Author / Stéphane Hoebeke, Bernard Mouffe Publication date / November 2012 Category / Law This book de nes the rights and the obligations of journalist and presents the desire to promote the real freedom of expression and information. Under the context of the globalization, the audio-visual press takes the advantages of internet to present the real events and develop the services for constructing the social network and offering us a new space of communication with aid of the sound and the image. Through four dimensions of discussing, the process of the law for the European press will be realized legislation, jurisprudence, ethics and abundant doctrine. LA DÉFENSE DES REQUÉRANTS DEVANT LA COUR EUROPÉENNE DES DROITS DE L’HOMME Editor / Magdalena Forowicz, Elisabeth Lambert Abdelgawad, Inan Sevinc Publication date /2012 Category / Law This book provides a study on the representation of applicants for human rights before the court of Strasbourg. The intention to ensure the defense, the strategies, by whom, and the satis ed results are observed by three steps the approaches to evaluate social justice, the strategies for going through the whole defense, and the considerations about the vulnerable such as women, children, prisoners and the less fortunate.
  • 23. TiBE 2013 BEBE 42 43 CFC Editions Place des Martyrs, 14 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 22 27 34 03 F +32 22 18 08 52 Mrs. Christine De Naeyer, Director This non-profit association was established in 1987 by the French Commission of Culture agglomeration of Brussels (hence the name CFC) CFC publishing has achieved two programs of a project, including editorial activity and promotion of a book store located in Latin community. Its object consists of leading a policy of publishing, of distribution and of promotion of books, which includes organization of expositions in order to valorize the heritage and the artistic and literary creation in the region of the Brussels. CFC Editions Quartiers Latins GRATTE-PIEDS DE BRUXELLES Author / Didier Serplet, Werner Lambersy Publication date / 01 / 04 /2012 Category / Heritage Didier Serplet, Werner Lambersy: a plastic artist and a writer meet in front of a wall, with eyes on some holes of it, the last traces of old shoes scrapers. The poetry of letters enriches the poetry of images for a trip of the elegance, starting from an unusual element of small heritage. Didier Werner LE PATRIMOINE MONASTIQUE EN RÉGION BRUXELLOISE. INTÉGRATION DANS LA VILLE CONTEMPORAINE Author / Marc Meganck, Xavier Claes Publication date / 01 / 01 /2010 Category / Heritage From the Middle Ages until the late eighteenth century, Brussels and the surroundings counties more than forty monastic institutions. Eight of them are outside of the walls of the city, located in the territory of today’s Brussels-Capital Region. This book offers photos of the contemporary perspective of these monastic sites, and recalls the shared history to overview the integration of the city. 40 8 8
  • 24. TiBE 2013 BEBE 44 45 Publications des facultés universitaires de Saint-Louis Boulevard du Jardin botanique, 43 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 22 11 78 94 F +32 22 11 79 97 Mrs. M.-Fr. Thoua, Subeditor The publications of the faculties of Saint-Louis University reveal their specialized fields on the human and social sciences. These publications are more than 140 titles, divided into 3 collections. From statistics to theology, from sociology to literary theory, through law and philosophy, few areas of contemporary thinking in the human science have not been addressed by any category of collection. These fundamental works touch the applied research. Some of these books are in the form of monographs, textbooks for students, and others are acts of conferences or seminars organized by the faculties. Interdisciplinary goes through the catalog like a red string: most of the issues discussed – cross fields – are indeed multiple and innovative approaches. That’s the way for the University to assume its role – critics and engagement – in the heart of the city. 1973 140 SOCIALISME OU BARBARIE AUJOURD’HUI Editor / Sophie Klimis, Philippe Caumières, Laurent Van Eynde Publication date / 2012 Category / Social Science - Philosophy on agora - The in uence of Socialisme ou Barbarie on French philosophy after world war - Challenges to traditional Marxism from revolutionists and reformers - The disorder against the organization debate on the differences of theories between Lefort and Castoriadis at the time of Socialisme ou Barbarie - Jean.-Francois Lyotard’s philosophy on differend - Re exion on freedom contemporary critics on Socialisme ou Barbarie - Castoriadis and Ellul the technique for autonomy - - - - Lefort Castoriadis - Lyotard - - Castoriadis Ellul TRADUCTION ET DROITS EUROPEENS : ENJEUX D’UNE RENCONTRE Editor / Antoine Bailleux, Yves Cartuyvels, Hugues Dumont, François Ost Publication date / 2009 Category / Human Science Translation as an only way to build a territory of Babel functions as the tool inter- linguistic, inter-legal, inter-systemic for the construction of European rights. Translation becomes the doctrine for the construction of Europe, rights, and dialogue of European court.
  • 25. TiBE 2013 BEBE 46 47 Editions Les Impressions nouvelles Avenue Albert, 84 1190 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 25 03 30 95 F +32 25 03 30 33 Mrs. Patricia Kilesse, Coordinator An independent publisher founded in 1985, Les Impressions Nouvelles has published to date nearly 200 books. It publishes each year some 15 books in both fiction and non-fiction. At the time of massive media concentrations, the company tries to invent new ways of defending the independent book production. It prefers atypical text that transcends existing boundaries of genres (ex: graphic novels of Martin Vaughn-James). Les Impressions Nouvelles’s catalogue entails four main directions: comics, fiction, non- fiction and children’s literature. All of its titles are distributed by Harmonia Mundi. 1985 Les Impressions Nouvelles 200 15 ( Martin Vaughn-James ) : Harmonia Mundi : Mr. Erwin Dejasse L’ASSOCIATION: UNE UTOPIE ÉDITORIALE ET ESTHÉTIQUE Author / Gourpe ACME Publication date / November 2011 Category / Comics Founded in 1990 by a group of authors, the association has imposed 20 years as a major hub of comics, with a catalog of experimentation, humor, reportage and autobiography. The association has contributed ambitiously to the recognition of comics. It has changed the landscape of the ninth art with the efforts of major authors such as Marjane Satrapi, Lewis Trondheim, Joann Sfar and David B. “The association, an editorial and aesthetic utopia”, is the rst volume of history and analysis devoted to its outstanding project and provides understanding its twenty years of editing and aesthetic crusades. – JE NE VERRAI PAS OKINAWA Author / Aurélia Aurita Publication date / 2008 Category / Comics Chenda visited Japan for the rst time in 2004, then immediately seduced by Frederic and the country of the rising Sun, and she traveled to the country several times. If her love for her new lover is reciprocal, then it is not the same in this case of her with her new adopting country. Japan’s absurd administration for immigration has transformed her story into a bureaucratic calvary. Behind Chenda’s disappointment with the Japanese immigration, a more global issue is developing as well. Japan is not the only country that treats foreigners with distrust and arbitrary attitude. 2004 Frédéric
  • 26. TiBE 2013 48 49 比 利 時 簡 介 童 書 ● 漫 畫 學 術 ● 應 用 文 學 ● 藝 術 主 題 國 相 關 活 動 Fondation Maurice Carême Avenue Nellie Melba, 14 1070 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 25 21 67 75 F +32 25 20 20 86 Mrs. Jeannine Burny, President The mission of the Maurice Carême Foundation is to ensure and to promote both the continuing distribution of the work and the study of Maurice Carême and his personality with the most possibilities, both in Belgium and foreign countries. The Foundation publishes the articles and researches in relation to Maurice Carême’s work and his life, holds poetry expositions, sponsors much of the Prizes in the name of Maurice Carême, and also provides the academic thesis and dissertations with documents and materials. The Foundation publishes an annual review with articles on Maurice Carême’s works, extracts of his poems, information and list of available works. Participation to the Friends of Maurice Carême is as a donation requested to cover the transmitting costs. The Maurice Carême Foundation is the only owner of edition rights. Maurice Carême是比利時當代最著名的法語詩人,曾在法國獲詩王稱號, 又被稱為孩子們的詩人,創作大量詩集、短篇小說、童話故事與繪本,其中不 少詩被知名音樂家選上譜曲,作品也被世界各國翻譯。Maurice Carême基金 會藉由出版研究Maurice Carême作品的專題著作、參展及辦活動等等,以推 廣Maurice Carême的作品,基金會是所有作品版權的唯一擁有者。 MauriCe CarêMe Chanté par doMitiLLe Author 作者 / Maurice Carême Publication date 出版日期 / October 2012 Category 類別 / Music 音樂 25 poems composed with music fly up the imagination and emotions of child. A tender voice, harmonious melody goes well with the beauty and the softness of Maurice Carême’s poems. The work of the Belgian poet is translated into more than 40 languages. 輕柔的聲音與和諧的曲調,25首詩篇譜入音符,童真的想像隨樂曲起飛。 比利時童謠詩人–Maurice Carême,其柔美的音樂詩集,譯作超過40種語言發行。 Le jongLeur Author 作者 / Maurice Carême Publication date 出版日期 / 2012 Category 類別 / Poetry 詩集 Carême brings us into his imaginary party and childhood. He thinks only dreams and magic of language can change into the real. Play appears as an act of resistance to consider it as an activity of useless. He asked regain the ability of child to discover all the amazing wonderland of the world. 「我相信在詩謠這偌大的空間裡,總會預留一張空椅,為一位垂重老矣、永不滿足的文字創 作者」–Maurice Carême的文字。Le Jongleur是在這位詩人身後所持續發行的詩集系列一貫 的命題與軸線。狂歡節的想像充滿童趣,也是這位詩人的作品特點。
  • 27. TiBE 2013 BEBE 50 51 Fonds Mercator Rue du Midi, 2 1000 Brussels, Belgium T +32 25 48 25 35 F +32 25 02 16 28 Mrs. Caroline Neesen Fonds Mercator is a publisher of books on fine art and illustrated historical studies. Up to now, Fonds Mercator has published some 200 titles, with a world-wide print run of over one million copies. Most of them are distributed in at least two or three languages (French, Dutch, English). The most successful of the publications still in print include monographs on Flemish and Belgian artists of international renown. Moreover, the fund also has more general works on history and culture: outlines of Flemish art, Belgian painting in the 19th and early 20th century or after the Second World War, books devoted to cities such as Antwerp, Ghent or Bruges, historical studies on Luxembourg, the Low Countries, Saint Francis and Saint Benedict. A book from Fonds Mercator isn’t just a book, but a quality publication, based on love of art, scholarly and technical expertise, and always unique. Fonds Mercator Fonds Mercator 200 ( ) 19 20 Fonds Mercator WIM DELVOYE AT THE LOUVRE Author / Jean-Pierre Criqui, Marie-Laure Bernadac Publication date / July 2012 Category / Art This catalogue illustrates the extraordinary encounter between the collections of the Musée du Louvre and the world of one of the leading gures in contemporary art. As guest artist at the Louvre, Belgian conceptual artist Wim Delvoye has created new, site-speci c art for the museum. This bilingual (English and French) publication documents this and other previously unpublished works by the controversial artist. Demonstrating a range of techniques, these works respond to the Louvre’s collections with subversive and ironic reinterpretations of older styles. From the design to the installation of the works in situ, this book charts a course through the stylistic and technical stunts of the Belgian artist. WIM DELVOYE VICTOR HORTA (1861 – 1947) Author / Michèle Goslar Publication date / July 2012 Category / Architecture Victor Horta (1861–1947) is one of the greatest Belgian architects. But who was the man behind the revolutionary “architect of Art Nouveau”? How did Horta receive his commissions and in which circles did he move? How did he deal with disappointment and criticism? Just what was it that was so innovative in his architecture and how did it evolve? For the rst time in the literature on Horta, this monumental book, the result of years of archival research, brings together answers to these questions. It also provides an unusually comprehensive overview of Horta s oeuvre. Richly illustrated with his original plans, contemporary photographs, and many pictures produced especially for this book, it offers a new image of Horta the architect and Horta the man, and of his work and its continuation up to the present. This book is not only the story of a life, it’s also an indispensable reference for lovers of art, culture and architecture. Horta ? ? ? Horta
  • 28. TiBE 2013 BEBE 52 53 Pastel Boulevard Louis Schmidt, 79 1040 Brussels, Belgium T +32 27 36 44 62 Mrs. Odile Josselin, Editor-in-Chief The independent French publisher l’école des loisirs decides to create an editorial office Pastel in Belgium with an object to diversify its collections. Pastel has been directed by Odile Josselin since 2008. The catalogue includes more than 600 titles, 80 % of them are original creations and more than 60 authors are of Belgian origin, particularly Jeanne Ashbé, Kitty Crowther (the grand triennial Award of French Community in 2006 and Award of Astrid Lindgren in 2010), Claude K. Dubois, Émile Jadoul, Louis Joos, Jean Maubille, Mario Ramos, Rascal (the grand triennial Award of French Community in 2009), and Michel Van Zeveren. The editorial policy of Pastel insists on the quality of literary and graphic as it can be complimentary to the l’école des loisirs collections in respect to children readers. The various universe of authors and illustrators and the world seen through their eyes are appreciated within different foreign countries where the works are published. L’école des loisirs Pastel 0-16 Pastel 600 80% 60 Jeanne Ashbé 2006 2010 Kitty Crowther Claude K. Dubois Émile Jadoul Louis Joos Jean Maubille Mario Ramos 2009 Rascal Michel Van Zeveren… : Mrs. Kitty Crowther : Mr. Carl Norac LE PETIT HOMME ET DIEU / LITTLE MAN & GOD Author / Kitty Crowther Publication date / 2010 Category / Illustrated books , Age 5-7 One morning, Little Man goes for a walk. He meets something, on the side of a trail. “Don’t be scared,” the thing says. Easy to say, Little Man thinks. “Who are you?” he asks politely. “I am God.” “You are GOD? The GOD? I never thought you’d look like that.” Little Man and God walk side by side on the trail. “And how did you imagine God would be?” “ ! ?”“ ! ” “ ? ” “ ” RENDEZ-VOUS SOUS LA LUNE/ MEET ME UNDER THE MOON Author / Carl Norac Illustrator / Isabelle Chatellard Publication date / 2011 Category / Illustrated books , Age 7-10 Every day, Willie the Wolf hides in the bush to secretly admire pretty Yvonne. He loves to look at the vixen’s dancing and to listen to her singing. Willie is in love with Yvonne. But wolves have a bad reputation. How could he hope for one second to touch her heart? Willie Yvonne Yvonne Willie Yvonne ?
  • 29. TiBE 2013 BEBE 54 55 Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles Avenue Paul Héger, 26 – CPI 163 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium T +32 26 50 37 89 F +32 26 50 37 94 Mrs. Michèle Mat, International Rights Founded in 1972, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles is a department of the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). We publish textbooks and university level and research oriented books in pocket size and large format; books are subject to an international referee process. Specialties: European Union law, political science, sociology and anthropology, philosophy, history, geography, land settlement and environment. Distribution: SODIS (France). Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles DROIT DE L’UNION EUROPÉNNE Author / Marianne Dony Publication date / Feburary 2012 Category / Law This book aims to familiarize the reader with the law and policy of the European Union two years after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty when the European Union cross through a new crisis that would threaten one of its most iconic achievement, the single currency. The author analyzes the institutional system of the European Union, major characteristics of EU law, presents the main policies of the European Union deeply revised by the Treaty of Lisbon, and contributes to all essential concepts to understand the purpose, operation and means of action of the European Union. PLAISIRS ET DÉPENDANCES DANS LES SOCIÉTÉS MARCHANDES Author / Patrick Pharo Publication date / Feburary 2012 Category / Sociology What is the relationship between pleasure, dependencies and addictions? Market Companies stimulates the dependencies with social damage? How do they manage to associate them? These are the questions addressed in this book from cognitive anthropology and moral, and also with many surveys and documents relating to cinematographic and literary about drug use, commercial seduction, sexual addiction or dependence practice. This book can also be read as the novel of pleasures providing a key to understanding the link caused by the overuse of psychoactive substances or practices.
  • 34.
  • 35. Wallonie-Bruxelles International Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency Brussels Invest & Export