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AMPS. 19 February 2014
Can you help me be a good affiliate?
Yes! Our network has campaigns suitable for those who are new to the industry or have
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What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing plays an important part in the successful marketing strategy of many
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Does it cost anything to join the Hexpress network?
Joining the Hexpress affiliate is free and there is unlimited potential for affiliates to earn
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Can I promote your products through any type of
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All our merchants provide only branded, authentic medications. We do not offer generics,
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Our network uses the latest affiliate technology to track your results. We understand the
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What payment options do you offer?
We have a number of flexible payment options available, including Moneybookers, and
wire transfer. We pay our affiliates at the start of every month, so there's no long wait to
receive your commissions. If you have a specific request regarding payment, please speak
to your campaign manager. We can normally adjust to your terms.
Can you help me be a good affiliate?
Yes! Our network has campaigns suitable for those who are new to the industry or have
been for years. We can help you to be more successful and ultimately, earn more money.
Our system uses the latest technology to provide banners and creative tools to help
affiliates make the most of the space available on their websites. In addition, every
affiliate is assigned a dedicated affiliate manager, who will be available to speak to via
phone, Skype, MSN and email. Our affiliate managers can help you with any queries you
may have and will provide advice on how to make the most of your website(s). This
includes promoting and optimising your sites to convert at the very highest level, making
you more money.
Paul Thompson
Partner With Hexpress Affiliate Network - Trusted Online Pharmacy Programs
Hexpress affiliate Network brings together trusted online pharmacy programs that offer
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Paul Thompson
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Read my ebook, The Brain."Think Happy-Be Happy"
The Brain
Presented by "Paul@AMPS"
18th October 2011.
Self-Development -
CHAPTER 1: Brain Damage
CHAPTER 2: The Brain
CHAPTER 3: Brain Teasers
CHAPTER 4:Brain Injury
CHAPTER 5:Brain Tumors
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the
information pressented is accurate.
INTRODUCTION: The brain monitors and regulates the
body's actions and reactions. It continuously receives
sensory information, and rapidly analyzes this data and then
responds accordingly by controlling bodily actions and
functions. The brainstem controls breathing, heart rate, and
other autonomic processes that are independent of
conscious brain functions. The neocortex is the center of
higher-order thinking, learning, and memory. The
cerebellum is responsible for the body's balance, posture,
and the coordination of movement.
Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull,
suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the
bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the human brain is
susceptible to many types of damage and disease. The most
common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries
such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a wide
variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of
the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological
barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible
to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease,
multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. A number of
psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and
depression, are thought to be associated with brain
dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is
not well understood.[7]
CHAPTER 1: Brain Damage
The term brain damage covers a very wide spectrum of
things. In most cases the damage that has been done is
irreversible. In others it can be helped with the use of
modern medicine. For example a person may have brain
damage due to a brain tumor. When it is successfully
removed they may end up regaining most of or all of their
normal functions.
Some babies are born with types of brain damage. This can
be due to a birth defect and their brain never developed
right in the womb. If a mother is drinking alcohol or taking
drugs during the pregnancy it can result in brain damage as
well. Sometimes an infant will be deprived of oxygen during
the birthing process and this can also cause it as well.
Brain damage is often the result of an injury that occurs. It
can be due to a car accident or a fall. Some people suffer
from it due to child abuse or domestic violence. There are
also violent types of crimes where brain damage can occur.
The individual may suffer the loss of some of their functions.
It will depend on the areas of the brain that have been
Other people are considered to be brain dead due to the
damages that have occurred. This means that the medical
professionals don’t think they will ever regain the ability to
do things on their own. They are often dependent upon
machines to keep them alive. Some family members decide
to let them continue this way in the hopes of a miracle.
Others allow the machines to be discontinued so that they
can let them go peacefully.
Depending on what has taken place, a full assessment will
be done to determine the extent of the brain damage. A plan
for treatment can be developed from that point. Some
individuals will do well with some type of regular medication
and therapy. Others are going to need surgery. There are
also those that have no hope of recovering due to the
extend of the damage that has occurred.
It is very important to do all you can to prevent brain
injuries. Mothers need to care for themselves properly
during pregnancy. Doctors need to keep a good eye on the
amount of oxygen that the baby is getting. Individuals need
to wear helmets and they need to have their seat belts on.
Those involved in physical violence need to report it so it
can’t go to the next level.
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CHAPTER 2: The Brain
The brain is a very complex part of our body and it performs
many different functions. Our brain allows us to make
decisions, to remember things, to be able to do our daily
tasks that we often take for granted, and allows us to
process information. Without the functions of the brain a
person is just in a shell with no hopes of having a normal life
at all.
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The brain allows the nerves in the body to carry messages
back and forth. This can be done extremely rapidly. There
are nerves attached to various parts of our bodies so that
they can directly get where they need to. For example when
you touch a hot stove the nerves from your hand instantly
trigger a message from the brain to remove your hand from
it. All of this takes about a second to occur.
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There are three main parts of the brain and each one has
specific functions that it is responsible for. The cerebrum is
the biggest part of it and located at the top. The primary
function of it is the ability to read, to process information,
our speech, and even our emotions. There are two sides of it
and each one controls the side of the body opposite of it.
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At the back of the brain is the cerebellum which is what will
help a person to maintain their balance. It also is what
controls walking, talking, and various types of movement
that require coordination. The brain stem is located where
the spinal cord connects to your neck. This is responsible for
the temperature of your body, blood pressure, and the
feelings of hunger and thirst a person experiences.
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It is very important to protect the brain when you are taking
part in various activities. Bike riding, motorcycles, and even
roller skating are all types of things you should do with a
helmet on. Many adults do enforce this rule with children but
they fail to see the importance of wearing one themselves.
Having a helmet on can prevent the brain from becoming
damaged should an accident occur.
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Recovering from a brain injury can be very tricky. Some
people are able to regain full use of it in no time at all. Other
people will always struggle with some things such as short
term memory loss. The brain is a very valuable part of our
body and it should be protected at all costs. This is one of
the reasons why it is so important to wear a seat belt when
you are in a moving vehicle.
CHAPTER 3: Brain Teasers
Have you noticed that as you get older your basic skills may
not be as sharp? Many of us use a calculator so much at
work that it is time consuming to do basic math in our
heads. A person’s memory can start to fade with time as
well. You may get annoyed that you forget names and
various things you need to do on your list of errands. One
way to keep your brain sharp though is to exercise it
The Self-Suggestion Kit
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There are plenty of fun brain teasers out there you can take
part in. Spend just a few minutes on them each day and you
will find your skills do quickly improve. There are calendars
for your desk that feature a fun brain teaser for each day.
This can be a great way to make sure you take the time to
engage in them.
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Brain teasers should be fun too so you won’t feel like you
have one more piece of work to accomplish. Do you like to
do puzzles, word searches, even Sudoku? All of these types
of activities will help to stimulate your brain. There are
books you can buy full of such activities. You can also do
them online if you want to instead. There are many skill
levels so you can continue to try more advances areas as
your skills get better.
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There are brain teasers for children of all ages too. They can
be fun to encourage them to continue learning. Many
children suffer a bit of a relapse over the summer months
due to school not being in session. If you help your children
find various types of brain teasers though that they like,
they may not lose so much of that information over the
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Take your time to look around and enjoy various types of
brain teasers. They have been proven to really help provide
your brain with a great work out. Just as your body benefits
from forms of exercise, so can your brain. Make sure you
have a good variety of these activities to do. That way you
won’t get bored and stop doing them. When they start to
become too easy you need to move on to something more
CHAPTER 4:Brain Injury
A brain injury is very serious and it can affect you for the
rest of your life. It is very important for people of all ages to
really take care of their brain. Young children can end up
with damages due to falls while not being properly
supervised. Older children love to engage in various types of
sports including skateboarding, bike riding, and
rollerblading. All of these types of sports should only be
done with a properly fitting helmet worn.
Adults can suffer from brain injuries too. They can be the
result of a fall, a car accident, and even events that happen
on the work site. Even with safety features in place
accidents can still happen in various types of businesses.
Some are more high risk than others though. A brain injury
can be mild but also cause a person to lose some of their
basic functions. Others can be very extreme and can prevent
the person from being able to take care of themselves.
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Some individuals have a complete change of behavior after a
brain injury. Someone that was very calm and mellow may
become angry and aggressive. They may start to cuss or to
say things they never would have done before. This is a very
common effect of a brain injury. It can be temporary or
these types of chances can be permanent. That can make it
very hard to deal with a person who you once knew
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The severity of a brain injury needs to be assessed by a
professional only. Should you come upon someone that has
a possible head injury such as a motorcyclist or bicyclist,
don’t’ remove their helmet. This should only be done once
trained medical staff has arrived on the scene. The helmet
may be keeping the pressure on the brain to a minimum so
that there won’t be as much swelling.
Even with all of the information out there in place about
brain injuries, more than 1.5 million of them are reported
annually. It is believed that approximately 50,000 of them
could have been prevented with the right safety equipment
being used. The number one cause of brain injuries is due to
falls. Statistically, twice as many males as females suffer
from some form of brain injury.
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CHAPTER 5:Brain Tumors
A brain tumor is a type of growth that develops on or around
the brain. Some of them are very small and others are
larger than you could imagine. They can result in the brain
being pushed against the skull so the person has severe
headaches. They can also affect the thinking process and the
neurological path of a person.
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Generally, tumors don’t start in the brain but they can
spread there from other parts of the body. People of all ages
can develop them for a variety of different reasons. A person
may start to have symptoms that a brain tumor is present.
They include frequent headaches, nausea, they notice their
speech or their balance is different, or they experience
memory loss. They may have more than one symptom at a
time and they will vary in severity.
In many people, brain tumors develop as the result of
cancer cells that have spread to the brain. Those that do are
referred to as malignant in nature. They are considered to
be life threatening because they will continue to grow. As
they do they will consume the healthy tissues in the brain.
They will also cause swelling in the brain against the cavity
that supports it.
Those types of brain tumors that don’t contain any cancer
cells are known as benign. They aren’t generally life
threatening but they can be if they are in a certain part of
the brain or they continue to grow. A doctor will do a CAT
SCAN to determine if a brain tumor does exist. If so the next
step it to complete testing to find out if it is benign or
Surgery to remove a brain tumor is more common today
than ever before. Many individuals are able to make a full
recovery. Most benign brain tumors won’t grow back after
they have been successfully removed. Malignant brain
tumors can grow back though so they have to be carefully
There are plenty of risks involved in removing brain tumors
and the patients must be aware of them. Not everyone with
a brain tumor is a candidate for surgery though. It will
depend on their overall health. It will also depend on the
size and the location of the brain tumor.
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
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BEING HAPPY. The Brain."Think Happy-Be Happy"
posative Asparations work. Remember, if you ever need a
helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older,
remember you have another hand: The first is to help
yourself, the second is to help others.
Audrey Hepburn
SELF-SUGGESTIONS are positive affirmations that influence
your mind.
They’re POWERFUL and they WORK.
By listening to empowering messages for just a few minutes
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It’s the secret behind The Secret: By changing your mindset,
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Outstanding abundance. Heightened self-esteem and
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All by discovering Self-Suggestion.
For years, behavioural psychologists have known about Self-
It’s the science of repeating positive affirmations enough, so
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actual personality. It's what psychologists called
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Self-Suggestion is proven by science: Brain research has
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this process of changing your mental attitude is critical to
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NOW, for the first time ever, self-development guru Bradley
Thompson has put together a powerful CD containing over
THRTY powerful Self-Suggestion AUDIO SESSIONS – which
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- and more.
Each 15-minute audio session contains HUNDREDS of
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This is "NEW SOFTWARE" for your BRAIN.
With each 15-minute session, you'll be guided into a light
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All YOU have to do is listen to your specific session, once or
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With Self-Suggestion, you WILL begin noticing BIG
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Started noticing a big difference within the first few days.
Awesome, the change seems to come from the inside.
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Would YOU like to discover the world of Self-Suggestion?
Self-help leader Bradley Thompson has pieced together over
30 professionally-created Self-Suggestion audio sessions to
change your life – in record-time.
These are your own personal AFFIRMATION SESSIONS,
designed to CHANGE your LIFE.
And he calls this CD collection: The Self-Suggestion Kit.
Here are the exciting 15-minute, Self-Suggestion sessions
you’ll find inside the package, and the kind of benefits they’ll
bring you:
***The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
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ABUNDANCE - Enjoying Abundance in Your Life
Enjoy an abundant, prosperous lifestyle - with the
suggestions inside this relaxing session.
BREATHING - Deep Power Breaths
Tap into the many, life-rewarding benefits of deep, power
breaths - with this guided session.
CONFIDENCE - Be Brave & Assertive
Allow powerful self-suggestion to boost your confidence and
assertiveness - with this great audio.
CONFIDENCE - Perfect Self-Image
Repair your perfect self-image using positive affirmations -
with this self-suggestion session.
CONFIDENCE - Rocket Your Self-Esteem
Tune into greater self-esteem and happiness - simply by
listening to this relaxing session.
CREATIVITY - Creative Supercharge
Suggest yourself to becoming a more creative, innovative
individual. Incorporating binaural beats.
DEPRESSION - A Shot of Shameless Optimism
Allow your mind to absorb powerful, positive, optimistic
affirmations - with this refreshing session.
DEPRESSION - Overcoming Dull Depression
Rescue yourself from dull-minded, overwhelming depression
- with the help of this liberating audio.
ENERGY - Quick Brain Refresher - Binaurals Only
Feel fresh, invigorated, alive, and like a brand new person -
after listening to this binaural audio.
ENERGY - The Big Energy Boost
Need to tap into your massive, hidden reserves of energy?
This is the ultimate session. With binaurals.
ENERGY - Wake Up, It's a Beautiful Morning
The ideal way to start your day - this refreshing program
leaves you feeling energized and full of life!
FEARS - Fade Out Fears
A truly relaxing session, programming your mind to become
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FEARS - Panic Attack Calm-Down
Suffering from a panic attack? This relaxation session will
enable you to calm, release and stabilize.
HEALTH - Enjoy Great Health
Designed to strengthen your health and build your immune
system, this session combines suggestions, binaurals and an
OM chorus.
HEALTH - Long-Term Pain Relief
Enjoy long-lasting pain relief through self-suggestion, with
this session. Contains embedded binaural beats.
HEALTH - White Healing Energy
Allow the white healing light to energize, purify and cleanse
your body - all inside this session.
MEDITATION - Deep Inner-Dive Meditation
Take a deep, deep dive inside yourself, and tap into mid-
range Delta levels. Relaxing, binaural session.
PERFORMANCE - Achieve Your Goals
Program your mind before work, every day - and ensure
you're raring to achieve! Includes binaurals.
PERFORMANCE - Awesome Concentration Skills
Rocket your concentration levels and improve mental acuity
- with this session, containing binaurals.
PERFORMANCE - Operate At Your Peak Performance
Self-suggest your way to operating at peak performance,
24/7 - with this binaural beats session.
PERFORMANCE - Warm Up Before The Big Thing
That big speech is about to start. Get yourself in-tune with
greatness - thanks to this powerful self-suggestion session!
RELATIONSHIPS - Boost Your Social Circle
Need to rocket your local friendships? Enjoy greater social
success - with this binaural beats session!
RELATIONSHIPS - Embrace Family & Friends
Having trouble embracing, accepting, loving your close
ones? Self-suggest your way to friends and family bliss!
RELATIONSHIPS - Find Forgiveness
Become a more peaceful, forgiving individual - with the
positive, loving suggestions inside this session.
RELAXATION - Progressive Relaxation
Slowly step through four levels of deep relaxation, letting
go of everything - coming out feeling refreshed and relaxed.
With binaurals.
RELAXATION - Reduce Stress
Allow your stress to melt away like a quick-burning candle -
with the powerful suggestions in this audio.
RELAXATION - Fifteen Minute Siesta
Every day needs a little time-out! Relax, de-stress and re-
energize your mind. Includes binaurals.
SLEEP - Deep Sleep - No Suggestions
This ultra-relaxing, binaural-only session will gently take
you into a deep, invigorating sleep. See you in the morning!
Do not put on loop.
SLEEP - Get Back to Sleep After Waking Up - No
Woken up mid-way during your sleep? Let this white-noise
session help you nod off once again.
ADDICTION RELIEF - Four Part Program
A powerful, four-part program - including one main session
- for letting go of addictions in your life. Listen at least once
in order, then as needed. Listen to Session 2 again to
reinforce the main benefits.
WEIGHT LOSS - Four Part Program
A wonder-results program for the ultimate in weight loss -
incorporating one main session. Listen to all four sessions in
order at least once, and as needed thereafter. Listen to
Session 2 again to reinforce the main benefits.
You can listen to a mixed sample of our Self-Suggestion
sessions by clicking here.
All of these sessions come delivered as MP3 files, on one
jam-packed CD. Each session lasts for exactly 15 minutes.
Just listen, relax - and change!
Prefer to pay by ? Please click here.
We accept all credit cards and US/UK checks, plus you'll be
the option to phone in your order if desired.
Autosuggestion is one of the quickest methods of changing
your self-image, and your life in general. With the
Self-Suggestion Kit, you get everything you need to
reprogram your mind - quickly and easily.”
— Michael Masterman, author of The Genius Mindset
CHANGE what you think – and CHANGE your life!
By using Self-Suggestion, you can dramatically alter your
thinking patterns – and begin to see your first powerful, all-
natural results within a week.
And in just a month, you will have FULLY ACHIEVED your
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But if you order in OCTOBER, you’ll receive even MORE.
In thanks for your order, we’re giving all customers ordering
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Love the siesta session, really helps liven up my day. Since
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Self-Suggestion is the QUICKEST METHOD of changing your
It allows you to install positive, new "programs" directly into
your mind.
It’s all based on the science of "Programmed Rehearsal" and
"Autosuggestion" – and built on many of the same mind
programming principles as NLP, hypnosis, belief, and
Just listen to these relaxing audio sessions – allowing the
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A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a
man need to be happy?
867.html - Albert Einstein
Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
0845.html - Abraham Lincoln
The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are
happy to do it.
08727.html - Mother Teresa
Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us
2175.html - Benjamin Franklin
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
971.html - Dalai Lama
Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is
nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it
one has the more one wants.
5453.html - Benjamin Franklin
There are two ways of being happy: We must either diminish
our wants or augment our means - either may do - the
result is the same and it is for each man to decide for
himself and to do that which happens to be easier.
3569.html - Benjamin Franklin
It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle
man who is the miserable man.
1681.html - Benjamin Franklin
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you
want to be happy, practice compassion.
551.html - Dalai Lama
How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who
insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal
human being.
6595.html - Oscar Wilde
A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does
not love her.
1856.html - Oscar Wilde
I'm a lucky guy and I'm happy to be with the Yankees. And I
want to thank everyone for making this night necessary.
938.html - Yogi Berra
Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man.
5683.html - Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is no lonelier man in death, except the suicide, than
that man who has lived many years with a good wife and
then outlived her. If two people love each other there can be
no happy end to it.
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Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of
Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of
education or of government by any one particular religious
faith is never a happy arrangement for the people.
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Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if
the market shut down for 10 years.
3492.html - Warren Buffett
I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy
today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead,
tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and
I'm going to be happy in it.
57474.html - Groucho Marx
For one swallow does not make a summer, nor does one
day; and so too one day, or a short time, does not make a
man blessed and happy.
I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie
burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being
strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe
that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that
tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
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I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in
primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I
believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that
tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.
13482.html - Audrey Hepburn
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The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
971.html - Dalai Lama
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Audrey Hepburn
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  • 1. AMPS. 19 February 2014 Can you help me be a good affiliate? Yes! Our network has campaigns suitable for those who are new to the industry or have been an affiliate marketer for years. We can help you to be more successful and ultimately, earn more money. Our system uses the latest technology to provide banners and creative tools to help affiliates make the most of the space available on their websites. In addition, every affiliate is assigned a dedicated affiliate manager, who will be available to speak to via phone, Skype, MSN and email. Our affiliate managers can help you with any queries you may have and will provide advice on how to make the most of your website(s). This includes promoting and optimising your sites to convert at the very highest level, making you more money. • With multi-million dollar brands backed by a network of pharmacies and doctors spanning four continents, Hexpress Affiliates is a global partner you can trust. What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing plays an important part in the successful marketing strategy of many online retailers. It's a way for retailers to create a network of people (affiliates) who will work to promote their websites and their products to customers over the internet. The affiliate can do this through using several different promotional tools, such as banner ads or links, which will direct users to the retailer's web site. The retailer tracks how many users visit their site because of the affiliate's promotional tools and will reward them with a commission based on either how many visitors or sales are generated. Does it cost anything to join the Hexpress network? Joining the Hexpress affiliate is free and there is unlimited potential for affiliates to earn more money by directing customers to any of our online stores. Furthermore, you'll also receive a share of the profits from any affiliates who you introduce to the Hexpress Affiliates Network. Can I promote your products through any type of website? Yes! The Hexpress affiliate network is designed to work with web sites of any form, regardless of the number of pages or the topic of the site. We also offer separate channels through our reports, to help you to track statistics from more than one website at once. How much will I earn through your network? All our merchants provide only branded, authentic medications. We do not offer generics, therefore, our average order values are amongst the highest offered by any health affiliate
  • 2. network. The network standard commission is 13% on successful orders, although this may be different depending on the specific campaign. The earnings potential for affiliates is unlimited! As our affiliate pharmacy network has grown over the last few years, it has not been uncommon to see affiliates regularly earning 5-figure sums per month. How do you track my results? Our network uses the latest affiliate technology to track your results. We understand the importance of every impression and every click. That's why we've invested in software that provides accurate, real-time statistics on all your promotional activities. The performance of all your campaigns can be tracked individually, along with the statistics from other affiliate websites. What payment options do you offer? We have a number of flexible payment options available, including Moneybookers, and wire transfer. We pay our affiliates at the start of every month, so there's no long wait to receive your commissions. If you have a specific request regarding payment, please speak to your campaign manager. We can normally adjust to your terms. Can you help me be a good affiliate? Yes! Our network has campaigns suitable for those who are new to the industry or have been for years. We can help you to be more successful and ultimately, earn more money. Our system uses the latest technology to provide banners and creative tools to help affiliates make the most of the space available on their websites. In addition, every affiliate is assigned a dedicated affiliate manager, who will be available to speak to via phone, Skype, MSN and email. Our affiliate managers can help you with any queries you may have and will provide advice on how to make the most of your website(s). This includes promoting and optimising your sites to convert at the very highest level, making you more money. • • id=100006128010839 Paul Thompson Partner With Hexpress Affiliate Network - Trusted Online Pharmacy Programs Hexpress affiliate Network brings together trusted online pharmacy programs that offer
  • 3. high payouts with industry leading marketing tools. Monetize... &&&& Like · · Share · 15 hours ago • • l " id=100006128010839 Paul Thompson Free Joke Sites Jokes that will make your chuckle button leap about, loads of one liners and more to make you're day. • Read my ebook, The Brain."Think Happy-Be Happy"
  • 4. The Brain Presented by "Paul@AMPS" 18th October 2011. Self-Development - afl=73291 CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Brain Damage CHAPTER 2: The Brain CHAPTER 3: Brain Teasers CHAPTER 4:Brain Injury CHAPTER 5:Brain Tumors CHPTER 6:LINKS TO HELP & BE HAPPY Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the information pressented is accurate. INTRODUCTION: The brain monitors and regulates the body's actions and reactions. It continuously receives sensory information, and rapidly analyzes this data and then responds accordingly by controlling bodily actions and functions. The brainstem controls breathing, heart rate, and other autonomic processes that are independent of conscious brain functions. The neocortex is the center of higher-order thinking, learning, and memory. The cerebellum is responsible for the body's balance, posture, and the coordination of movement. Despite being protected by the thick bones of the skull, suspended in cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood-brain barrier, the human brain is susceptible to many types of damage and disease. The most common forms of physical damage are closed head injuries such as a blow to the head, a stroke, or poisoning by a wide variety of chemicals that can act as neurotoxins. Infection of the brain, though serious, is rare due to the biological barriers which protect it. The human brain is also susceptible to degenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease,
  • 5. multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. A number of psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia and depression, are thought to be associated with brain dysfunctions, although the nature of such brain anomalies is not well understood.[7] CHAPTER 1: Brain Damage The term brain damage covers a very wide spectrum of things. In most cases the damage that has been done is irreversible. In others it can be helped with the use of modern medicine. For example a person may have brain damage due to a brain tumor. When it is successfully removed they may end up regaining most of or all of their normal functions. Some babies are born with types of brain damage. This can be due to a birth defect and their brain never developed right in the womb. If a mother is drinking alcohol or taking drugs during the pregnancy it can result in brain damage as well. Sometimes an infant will be deprived of oxygen during the birthing process and this can also cause it as well. Brain damage is often the result of an injury that occurs. It can be due to a car accident or a fall. Some people suffer from it due to child abuse or domestic violence. There are also violent types of crimes where brain damage can occur. The individual may suffer the loss of some of their functions. It will depend on the areas of the brain that have been affected. Other people are considered to be brain dead due to the damages that have occurred. This means that the medical professionals don’t think they will ever regain the ability to do things on their own. They are often dependent upon machines to keep them alive. Some family members decide to let them continue this way in the hopes of a miracle. Others allow the machines to be discontinued so that they
  • 6. can let them go peacefully. Depending on what has taken place, a full assessment will be done to determine the extent of the brain damage. A plan for treatment can be developed from that point. Some individuals will do well with some type of regular medication and therapy. Others are going to need surgery. There are also those that have no hope of recovering due to the extend of the damage that has occurred. It is very important to do all you can to prevent brain injuries. Mothers need to care for themselves properly during pregnancy. Doctors need to keep a good eye on the amount of oxygen that the baby is getting. Individuals need to wear helmets and they need to have their seat belts on. Those involved in physical violence need to report it so it can’t go to the next level. The NLP Secret ... Enjoy confidence & cure anything, with this long-lost NLP secret! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: CHAPTER 2: The Brain The brain is a very complex part of our body and it performs many different functions. Our brain allows us to make decisions, to remember things, to be able to do our daily tasks that we often take for granted, and allows us to process information. Without the functions of the brain a person is just in a shell with no hopes of having a normal life at all. Attract Studio ... Create your own Attraction Movies - and manifest your
  • 7. ideal life! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 The brain allows the nerves in the body to carry messages back and forth. This can be done extremely rapidly. There are nerves attached to various parts of our bodies so that they can directly get where they need to. For example when you touch a hot stove the nerves from your hand instantly trigger a message from the brain to remove your hand from it. All of this takes about a second to occur. The Master Blueprints ... Uncover the real power behind 'Think & Grow Rich' ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 There are three main parts of the brain and each one has specific functions that it is responsible for. The cerebrum is the biggest part of it and located at the top. The primary function of it is the ability to read, to process information, our speech, and even our emotions. There are two sides of it and each one controls the side of the body opposite of it. The Ultimate NLP Course ... Learn the 8 most powerful NLP techniques - in just 2 hours! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291
  • 8. At the back of the brain is the cerebellum which is what will help a person to maintain their balance. It also is what controls walking, talking, and various types of movement that require coordination. The brain stem is located where the spinal cord connects to your neck. This is responsible for the temperature of your body, blood pressure, and the feelings of hunger and thirst a person experiences. The Belief Secret ... Uncover the real secret behind "The Secret" - with Claude Bristol ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 It is very important to protect the brain when you are taking part in various activities. Bike riding, motorcycles, and even roller skating are all types of things you should do with a helmet on. Many adults do enforce this rule with children but they fail to see the importance of wearing one themselves. Having a helmet on can prevent the brain from becoming damaged should an accident occur. The Power of Breathing ... Breathe correctly and become happier, more focused & stress-free! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 Recovering from a brain injury can be very tricky. Some people are able to regain full use of it in no time at all. Other people will always struggle with some things such as short
  • 9. term memory loss. The brain is a very valuable part of our body and it should be protected at all costs. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to wear a seat belt when you are in a moving vehicle. CHAPTER 3: Brain Teasers Have you noticed that as you get older your basic skills may not be as sharp? Many of us use a calculator so much at work that it is time consuming to do basic math in our heads. A person’s memory can start to fade with time as well. You may get annoyed that you forget names and various things you need to do on your list of errands. One way to keep your brain sharp though is to exercise it regularly. The Self-Suggestion Kit ... Tap into the power of repetition - and change your world! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 There are plenty of fun brain teasers out there you can take part in. Spend just a few minutes on them each day and you will find your skills do quickly improve. There are calendars for your desk that feature a fun brain teaser for each day. This can be a great way to make sure you take the time to engage in them. Manipulative Psychology 101 ... Uncover the powerful secrets of social control, from Mr X ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details:
  • 10. d.aspx?afl=73291 Brain teasers should be fun too so you won’t feel like you have one more piece of work to accomplish. Do you like to do puzzles, word searches, even Sudoku? All of these types of activities will help to stimulate your brain. There are books you can buy full of such activities. You can also do them online if you want to instead. There are many skill levels so you can continue to try more advances areas as your skills get better. The Ultimate Self-Talk Series ... Change your inner programming, with these powerful Self-Talk CDs! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: There are brain teasers for children of all ages too. They can be fun to encourage them to continue learning. Many children suffer a bit of a relapse over the summer months due to school not being in session. If you help your children find various types of brain teasers though that they like, they may not lose so much of that information over the summer. The Ten Minute Cure ... Get rid of any fear or phobia - in just ten minutes flat! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 Take your time to look around and enjoy various types of
  • 11. brain teasers. They have been proven to really help provide your brain with a great work out. Just as your body benefits from forms of exercise, so can your brain. Make sure you have a good variety of these activities to do. That way you won’t get bored and stop doing them. When they start to become too easy you need to move on to something more challenging. CHAPTER 4:Brain Injury A brain injury is very serious and it can affect you for the rest of your life. It is very important for people of all ages to really take care of their brain. Young children can end up with damages due to falls while not being properly supervised. Older children love to engage in various types of sports including skateboarding, bike riding, and rollerblading. All of these types of sports should only be done with a properly fitting helmet worn. Adults can suffer from brain injuries too. They can be the result of a fall, a car accident, and even events that happen on the work site. Even with safety features in place accidents can still happen in various types of businesses. Some are more high risk than others though. A brain injury can be mild but also cause a person to lose some of their basic functions. Others can be very extreme and can prevent the person from being able to take care of themselves. The Ultimate Subliminal Video Collection ... Uncover the world's most powerful subliminal messaging videos! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291
  • 12. Some individuals have a complete change of behavior after a brain injury. Someone that was very calm and mellow may become angry and aggressive. They may start to cuss or to say things they never would have done before. This is a very common effect of a brain injury. It can be temporary or these types of chances can be permanent. That can make it very hard to deal with a person who you once knew differently. Stop Unwanted Thoughts ... Discover how to stop unwanted & obsessive thoughts! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: x?afl=73291 The severity of a brain injury needs to be assessed by a professional only. Should you come upon someone that has a possible head injury such as a motorcyclist or bicyclist, don’t’ remove their helmet. This should only be done once trained medical staff has arrived on the scene. The helmet may be keeping the pressure on the brain to a minimum so that there won’t be as much swelling. Even with all of the information out there in place about brain injuries, more than 1.5 million of them are reported annually. It is believed that approximately 50,000 of them could have been prevented with the right safety equipment being used. The number one cause of brain injuries is due to falls. Statistically, twice as many males as females suffer from some form of brain injury. Life Coaching Secrets ... Learn the secrets of life coaching - and enjoy a brand new career! ... Your affiliate link:
  • 13. ... Full affiliate details: CHAPTER 5:Brain Tumors A brain tumor is a type of growth that develops on or around the brain. Some of them are very small and others are larger than you could imagine. They can result in the brain being pushed against the skull so the person has severe headaches. They can also affect the thinking process and the neurological path of a person. The Five Rituals ... Discover how to look 30 years younger in just 10 minutes a day! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 Generally, tumors don’t start in the brain but they can spread there from other parts of the body. People of all ages can develop them for a variety of different reasons. A person may start to have symptoms that a brain tumor is present. They include frequent headaches, nausea, they notice their speech or their balance is different, or they experience memory loss. They may have more than one symptom at a time and they will vary in severity. In many people, brain tumors develop as the result of cancer cells that have spread to the brain. Those that do are referred to as malignant in nature. They are considered to be life threatening because they will continue to grow. As they do they will consume the healthy tissues in the brain.
  • 14. They will also cause swelling in the brain against the cavity that supports it. Those types of brain tumors that don’t contain any cancer cells are known as benign. They aren’t generally life threatening but they can be if they are in a certain part of the brain or they continue to grow. A doctor will do a CAT SCAN to determine if a brain tumor does exist. If so the next step it to complete testing to find out if it is benign or malignant. Surgery to remove a brain tumor is more common today than ever before. Many individuals are able to make a full recovery. Most benign brain tumors won’t grow back after they have been successfully removed. Malignant brain tumors can grow back though so they have to be carefully watched. There are plenty of risks involved in removing brain tumors and the patients must be aware of them. Not everyone with a brain tumor is a candidate for surgery though. It will depend on their overall health. It will also depend on the size and the location of the brain tumor. CHPTER 6:LINKS TO HELP & BE HAPPY The purpose of our lives is to be happy. 971.html - Dalai Lama"HYPERLINK " Hypnosis Downloads Superstore! Discover the power of hypnosis with almost 300 MP3 hypnosis downloads. Amazing site, highly recommended - A++++++ Hypnosis Have you ever been converted into doing or buying something you afterward regretted? Have you ever stopped midway
  • 15. through a favor for a friend, and thought – ?Why did I even agree to this? Chances are somebody has used one of the techniques included here on you ... The Secrets of REAL Hypnosis The Meditation Program ... Meditate deeper than a Zen monk, with these powerful CDs! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 The Hypnosis Vault ... Buy one hypnosis session, get seventeen others for free! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291"HYPERLINK " Advanced Cosmic Ordering ... Discover the hidden secrets behind Cosmic Ordering! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: ned.aspx?afl=73291 Sleep Programming ... Reprogram your mind while you sleep, with these CDs! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291
  • 16. ... Full affiliate details: d.aspx?afl=73291 Lucid Dreaming Adventures ... Fly around the world and meet your heroes - in your dreams! ... Your affiliate link: ... Full affiliate details: px?afl=73291 The Quantum Cookbook ... Discover the untold secrets of manifesting! ... Your affiliate link: afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: afl=73291 BEING HAPPY. The Brain."Think Happy-Be Happy" posative Asparations work. Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others. Audrey Hepburn SELF-SUGGESTIONS are positive affirmations that influence your mind. They’re POWERFUL and they WORK. By listening to empowering messages for just a few minutes each day, you’ll quickly begin to reprogram your mind – and
  • 17. enjoy positive new behaviours in JUST DAYS. It’s the secret behind The Secret: By changing your mindset, you’ll naturally begin attracting the greatest results in your life. Outstanding abundance. Heightened self-esteem and confidence. Shameless optimism. All-natural energy and enthusiasm for life. Excellent health. Powerful meditation. Sparkling relationships. Deeper sleep. Greater relaxation. You’ll also be able to ditch depression, and let go of long- standing fears – for good. All by discovering Self-Suggestion. For years, behavioural psychologists have known about Self- Suggestion. It’s the science of repeating positive affirmations enough, so they actually "sink into" the brain – and become part of your actual personality. It's what psychologists called "Programmed Rehearsal" and doctors call "Autosuggestion." Self-Suggestion is proven by science: Brain research has shown that it takes ONE MONTH of affirmation repetition for new attitudes and behaviours to "INSTALL" automatically into the mind. You might have heard that fact before. And this process of changing your mental attitude is critical to manifesting everything you desire in your life.
  • 18. NOW, for the first time ever, self-development guru Bradley Thompson has put together a powerful CD containing over THRTY powerful Self-Suggestion AUDIO SESSIONS – which "install" those behaviours for you, automatically. Covering everything from confidence to energy levels to relationships - and more. Ready-to-run AFFIRMATION SESSIONS: just LISTEN and CHANGE! Each 15-minute audio session contains HUNDREDS of positive, empowering affirmations - designed to help "rewire" your thinking, change your behaviour, and manifest just what YOU want in life. This is "NEW SOFTWARE" for your BRAIN. With each 15-minute session, you'll be guided into a light trance, and fed hundreds of positive affirmations to change your self-image - and ultimately change your life, QUICKLY. All YOU have to do is listen to your specific session, once or twice a day. You can listen to up to five sessions during any one period. With Self-Suggestion, you WILL begin noticing BIG CHANGES– starting within ONE WEEK. Started noticing a big difference within the first few days. Awesome, the change seems to come from the inside. Suddenly, I'm more confident, happier, empowered, I feel healthier, and so much more. Just amazed, THANK YOU!!!”
  • 19. — Mike C. Robinson, mcr******, TX 77338 Would YOU like to discover the world of Self-Suggestion? Self-help leader Bradley Thompson has pieced together over 30 professionally-created Self-Suggestion audio sessions to change your life – in record-time. These are your own personal AFFIRMATION SESSIONS, designed to CHANGE your LIFE. And he calls this CD collection: The Self-Suggestion Kit. Here are the exciting 15-minute, Self-Suggestion sessions you’ll find inside the package, and the kind of benefits they’ll bring you: ***The purpose of our lives is to be happy. 971.html - Dalai Lama ABUNDANCE - Enjoying Abundance in Your Life Enjoy an abundant, prosperous lifestyle - with the suggestions inside this relaxing session.
  • 20. BREATHING - Deep Power Breaths Tap into the many, life-rewarding benefits of deep, power breaths - with this guided session. CONFIDENCE - Be Brave & Assertive Allow powerful self-suggestion to boost your confidence and assertiveness - with this great audio. CONFIDENCE - Perfect Self-Image Repair your perfect self-image using positive affirmations - with this self-suggestion session. ***
  • 21. CONFIDENCE - Rocket Your Self-Esteem Tune into greater self-esteem and happiness - simply by listening to this relaxing session. CREATIVITY - Creative Supercharge Suggest yourself to becoming a more creative, innovative individual. Incorporating binaural beats. DEPRESSION - A Shot of Shameless Optimism Allow your mind to absorb powerful, positive, optimistic affirmations - with this refreshing session.
  • 22. DEPRESSION - Overcoming Dull Depression Rescue yourself from dull-minded, overwhelming depression - with the help of this liberating audio. *** ENERGY - Quick Brain Refresher - Binaurals Only Feel fresh, invigorated, alive, and like a brand new person - after listening to this binaural audio. ENERGY - The Big Energy Boost Need to tap into your massive, hidden reserves of energy? This is the ultimate session. With binaurals.
  • 23. ENERGY - Wake Up, It's a Beautiful Morning The ideal way to start your day - this refreshing program leaves you feeling energized and full of life! FEARS - Fade Out Fears A truly relaxing session, programming your mind to become more empowered and eliminate fear. *** FEARS - Panic Attack Calm-Down Suffering from a panic attack? This relaxation session will
  • 24. enable you to calm, release and stabilize. HEALTH - Enjoy Great Health Designed to strengthen your health and build your immune system, this session combines suggestions, binaurals and an OM chorus. HEALTH - Long-Term Pain Relief Enjoy long-lasting pain relief through self-suggestion, with this session. Contains embedded binaural beats. HEALTH - White Healing Energy
  • 25. Allow the white healing light to energize, purify and cleanse your body - all inside this session. *** MEDITATION - Deep Inner-Dive Meditation Take a deep, deep dive inside yourself, and tap into mid- range Delta levels. Relaxing, binaural session. PERFORMANCE - Achieve Your Goals Program your mind before work, every day - and ensure you're raring to achieve! Includes binaurals.
  • 26. PERFORMANCE - Awesome Concentration Skills Rocket your concentration levels and improve mental acuity - with this session, containing binaurals. PERFORMANCE - Operate At Your Peak Performance Self-suggest your way to operating at peak performance, 24/7 - with this binaural beats session. *** PERFORMANCE - Warm Up Before The Big Thing That big speech is about to start. Get yourself in-tune with greatness - thanks to this powerful self-suggestion session!
  • 27. RELATIONSHIPS - Boost Your Social Circle Need to rocket your local friendships? Enjoy greater social success - with this binaural beats session! RELATIONSHIPS - Embrace Family & Friends Having trouble embracing, accepting, loving your close ones? Self-suggest your way to friends and family bliss! RELATIONSHIPS - Find Forgiveness Become a more peaceful, forgiving individual - with the positive, loving suggestions inside this session. ***
  • 28. RELAXATION - Progressive Relaxation Slowly step through four levels of deep relaxation, letting go of everything - coming out feeling refreshed and relaxed. With binaurals. RELAXATION - Reduce Stress Allow your stress to melt away like a quick-burning candle - with the powerful suggestions in this audio. RELAXATION - Fifteen Minute Siesta Every day needs a little time-out! Relax, de-stress and re- energize your mind. Includes binaurals.
  • 29. SLEEP - Deep Sleep - No Suggestions This ultra-relaxing, binaural-only session will gently take you into a deep, invigorating sleep. See you in the morning! Do not put on loop. *** SLEEP - Get Back to Sleep After Waking Up - No Suggestions Woken up mid-way during your sleep? Let this white-noise session help you nod off once again. ADDICTION RELIEF - Four Part Program A powerful, four-part program - including one main session
  • 30. - for letting go of addictions in your life. Listen at least once in order, then as needed. Listen to Session 2 again to reinforce the main benefits. WEIGHT LOSS - Four Part Program A wonder-results program for the ultimate in weight loss - incorporating one main session. Listen to all four sessions in order at least once, and as needed thereafter. Listen to Session 2 again to reinforce the main benefits. You can listen to a mixed sample of our Self-Suggestion sessions by clicking here. All of these sessions come delivered as MP3 files, on one jam-packed CD. Each session lasts for exactly 15 minutes. Just listen, relax - and change!
  • 31. Prefer to pay by ? Please click here. We accept all credit cards and US/UK checks, plus you'll be given the option to phone in your order if desired. Autosuggestion is one of the quickest methods of changing your self-image, and your life in general. With the Self-Suggestion Kit, you get everything you need to reprogram your mind - quickly and easily.” — Michael Masterman, author of The Genius Mindset
  • 32. CHANGE what you think – and CHANGE your life! By using Self-Suggestion, you can dramatically alter your thinking patterns – and begin to see your first powerful, all- natural results within a week. And in just a month, you will have FULLY ACHIEVED your goals with that session. Permanent, lasting, positive change – all thanks to Self-Suggestion. But if you order in OCTOBER, you’ll receive even MORE. In thanks for your order, we’re giving all customers ordering during October the following special bonuses: FREE Copy of “Your Guide to Self-Suggestion” Let Bradley Thompson tell you more about the science behind Self-Suggestion, and how you can make maximum use of the 30+ sessions on your CD.
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  • 36. the option to phone in your order if desired Love the siesta session, really helps liven up my day. Since purchasing, I've experienced much more energy and my thinking is way more positive. I've used the sessions to manifest a new car and huge bonus already. Loving this.” — Carl Reese, ********, NC 28202 Self-Suggestion is the QUICKEST METHOD of changing your life. It allows you to install positive, new "programs" directly into your mind. It’s all based on the science of "Programmed Rehearsal" and "Autosuggestion" – and built on many of the same mind programming principles as NLP, hypnosis, belief, and subliminals. Just listen to these relaxing audio sessions – allowing the POSITIVE, EMPOWERING AFFIRMATIONS to install into your mind - and you’ll begin seeing results WITHIN A WEEK. Whether you want greater confidence, weight loss, energy, health, relaxation or creativity - these Self-Suggestion audio sessions can help! LET'S RECAP what you'll receive when you order today: Over THIRTY Self-Suggestion Sessions!
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  • 40. Binaural Beats Hypnosis Downloads Self-Development Newsletter © WCCL 1997-2011. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy CLICK HERE to Read Our Health Precautions & Disclaimer. A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy? 867.html - Albert Einstein Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. 0845.html - Abraham Lincoln The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it. 08727.html - Mother Teresa Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy. 2175.html - Benjamin Franklin The purpose of our lives is to be happy. 971.html - Dalai Lama Money has never made man happy, nor will it, there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.
  • 41. 5453.html - Benjamin Franklin There are two ways of being happy: We must either diminish our wants or augment our means - either may do - the result is the same and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which happens to be easier. 3569.html - Benjamin Franklin It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man. 1681.html - Benjamin Franklin If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. 551.html - Dalai Lama How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being. 6595.html - Oscar Wilde A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her. 1856.html - Oscar Wilde I'm a lucky guy and I'm happy to be with the Yankees. And I want to thank everyone for making this night necessary. 938.html - Yogi Berra Happy is the hearing man; unhappy the speaking man. 5683.html - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 42. There is no lonelier man in death, except the suicide, than that man who has lived many years with a good wife and then outlived her. If two people love each other there can be no happy end to it. 2951.html - Ernest Hemingway Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people. 7380.html - Eleanor Roosevelt Only buy something that you'd be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years. 3492.html - Warren Buffett I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it. 57474.html - Groucho Marx For one swallow does not make a summer, nor does one day; and so too one day, or a short time, does not make a man blessed and happy. 03.html I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
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