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Agri-food 2012
 and Insights
BDO                            Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights

Contents   Foreword	
           Some key statistics	
           BDO: Funding	                                        4
           BDO: EII Scheme	                                     6
           BDO: R&D Tax Credits	                                8

           The view from the marketplace
           Glenisk	                                           12
           Green Farm Foods	                                  14
           Mr. Crumb	                                         16
           Nature’s Best	                                     18
           Pallas Foods	                                      20
           Rosderra Irish Meats	                              22

           Outside experts looking in
           Geoff Meagher	                                     26
           Philip Barlow	                                     28
           Maree Gallagher	                                   30

           The view from support agencies
           Bord Bia	                                         34
           Enterprise Ireland	                               36
           IBEC	                                             38
           Irish Exporters Association	                      40
           Teagasc	                                          42

           Some thoughts from the banking sector
           Bank of Ireland	                   46
           Ulster Bank	                       47

           Our Agri-Food Team | BDO	                         48
2   BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

By Stewart Dunne

                                                                                           “The vision of Irish agri-food as a
                                                                                          sustainable, dynamic and growth-
                                                                                                 oriented industry is rapidly
                                                                                                       gaining momentum.”

The Irish food and drink industry has enjoyed surging levels             While funding issues, naturally, are articulated throughout, our
of export growth over the last two years, and shown an                   contributors also stress structural concerns such as the skills shortage
                                                                         at certain levels of the industry and the need for greater investment in
impressive ability to win significant new business on the                R&D and new product development (NPD).
international stage. Nowhere is the sense of ambition more
evident than in the SME sector.                                          On the positive side, contributors also highlight the range of non-
                                                                         traditional funding opportunities that exist, from leveraging R&D
The vision of Irish agri-food as a sustainable, dynamic and growth-      tax credits to equity investments to trade finance products. BDO’s
oriented industry is rapidly gaining momentum and the industry’s         unrivaled insight and expertise in the areas of funding; access to the
ability to offer an even spread of employment and wealth-creation        R&D tax credit; and the administration of the EII Scheme, will be of
across the island makes its success one of particular socio-economic     particular interest to the industry and are covered in some detail by
value.                                                                   my colleagues within this publication. Above all, contributors stress
                                                                         the value of relationship building and networking as businesses seek
Through Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights our goal is to bring        out the funding champions who will enable them to scale up and grow.
alive both the sense of vibrancy in the industry and the diversity
of perspectives that exist on how it will meet the challenges of the     BDO has a longstanding commitment to understanding the needs of
coming years.                                                            our clients and to going beyond their expectations as we meet them.
                                                                         The agri-food industry is a priority for us and, through this publication,
There are, undoubtedly, structural and funding issues that need to       I hope to give a sense of our ambitions to partner with you as you set
be addressed if we are to scale up to the growth levels set out in       out your priorities for growth in the decade ahead.
the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Food Harvest
2020. Through conversations with support agencies, advisers, the
banking sector and, of course, the food companies themselves, Agri-
Food Opportunities and Insights gives a sense of where the industry
sees itself, and what actions are necessary if we are to realise the
opportunity for Ireland’s high-quality agri-food outputs. On behalf of   Stewart Dunne
BDO I wish to extend my thanks to all who contributed their time to      Lead Partner, BDO Agri-Food Team
make this document what it is.                                 
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   3


The value of Irish food and drink exports increased by
12% in 2011 to reach €8.85bn. 25% ahead of levels
recorded in 2009.
Irish food and drink exports 2009-2011                   Irish food and drink exports 2009-2011

Source: Bord Bia                                         Source: Bord Bia

The UK remains a key export market but broadening        Ireland has achieved the most significant
market reach is evident as a greater proportion of       improvement in competitiveness (-12%) of
our exports go to other european countries and           all the euro area countries.
international markets.                                   Changes in Harmonised Competitiveness Index, based on GDP deflator
                                                         (Q2 2008-Q2 2011)
Trends in Export values by region (€m)

Source: Bord Bia estimates

Market distribution of Irish food
and drink exports (%)

                                                         Source: European Central Bank

Source: Bord Bia estimates
4    BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Our perspective on the funding op

    Richard Duffy, Director, Corporate
    Finance, BDO Agri-food team

What is the message to agri-food clients when they ask about                   to adapt, an environment in which a company has a mix of funding
funding?                                                                       sources is a more sustainable one in the long term.
Given the agri-food sector’s strong growth in recent years, and projected
on-going growth, the sector has been singled out as having a central           Separately, the recent announcement from the government of the
role to play in aiding economic recovery. As such, the government and          introduction of the loan guarantee scheme is to be welcomed. The
its agencies, the banks and investors are very favourably disposed to          challenge for SMEs is to stay up-to-date in a changing landscape and
financing/supporting companies within the sector. Against this backdrop,       to be able to target the right funding sources as they develop their
the message, on balance is a positive one for clients: while challenging to    businesses and, thereafter, present a credible business case to secure
obtain, funding is available.                                                  those funds available. Surprisingly, many businesses are still not aware of
                                                                               the range of funding opportunities that are out there.
In our experience, the larger agri-food corporates encounter fewer
difficulties in sourcing finance, given their established track record with    Are grants a feasible option for funding in the current environment?
their funders. Where issues are more likely to emerge are in the SME           Enterprise Ireland are key funders in this regard and have a range of
sector. As companies, at this level, seek to consolidate their position        grant aids/support programmes that are appropriate for different
and scale up, particularly within the consumer foods area, they will           stages of a company’s growth. The support and incentive programmes
undoubtedly experience difficulties in accessing funds.                        available from Enterprise Ireland range from building a company’s cost
                                                                               competitiveness, export development and R&D to key management
With that in mind, it is important to know what funding products are           development and financial support to accelerate a company’s growth
available, if they are suitable for your business; how these products can be   potential.
accessed; and what supporting information is required. I would also argue
it’s never been more important to seek advice in respect of the above.         Enterprise Ireland can provide investment on a matching funding
                                                                               principle. This model was initially developed for the technology sector,
Are banks still the primary route to access funding for the sector?            which tends to have faster scale ups. Despite the fact that agri-food
The banks were the main source of funding up until 2008. Everyone now          companies tend to grow more slowly this funding source is still very valid
recognises that the days of gearing up property assets to secure cheap         and accessible. How does this work? The investment from Enterprise
and readily accessible credit is over. In reality, SMEs in Ireland were too    Ireland is typically for a five-year term and structured by way of
reliant on bank finance to fund growth. The pendulum has now swung in          preference shares in the company.
the opposite direction, with a mind-set among some clients that banks
aren’t lending at all.                                                         Are companies looking more seriously at the equity route?
                                                                               With traditional sources now more limited, there is certainly a need for
The banks have an incredibly important role to play in funding SMEs. It is     more equity finance in companies. The reality is companies are under
true to say the quantum of finance available is more limited, the process      capitalised, typically operating on tight margins, where it is increasingly
more involved and the nature of the finance changed. Having said all this,     difficult to get paid on a timely basis. We are back to probably a 50:50
finance is still available from the banks for well managed businesses with     split between debt and equity in all future financing arrangement for
a sound business plan.                                                         companies.

What banking products are available?                                           What are the equity options?
For companies seeking to scale up in the agri-food sector, banks are           In addition to the Enterprise Ireland schemes and the Enterprise
particularly interested in providing invoice discounting, as a principal       and Investment Incentive Schemes (EIIS), there are certainly private
form of finance, if suited to the circumstances of the business. Other         individuals and companies out there who have cash resources for
debt instruments being actively marketed as a source of working capital        investment within the sector. We are facilitating such investments on a
funding include trade finance products.                                        number of projects. Securing equity finance is a challenging process but
                                                                               we believe we are well positioned, having access to a pool of investors
The more important point to consider is that the days of securing finance      and an experienced advisory team who are supporting our clients in
mainly from one principal source are over. While it can pose a challenge       securing this type of finance.
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   5


                                                                                         “Perhaps the more important point is that
                                                                                    the days of accessing finance mainly from one
                                                                                      principal source are over. While it can pose a
                                                                                      challenge to adapt, an environment in which
                                                                                       a company has a mix of funding sources is a
                                                                                           more sustainable one in the long term.”

 Other than financial, what benefits does an equity investor bring?                 elements to it but it is relationship driven at the end of the day. It is
 Companies that operated traditionally as owner/managers can, initially,            about finding support of credible people who fully believe in what you
 be uncomfortable about allowing a third party into that relationship, as           want to achieve.
 they are reluctant to give up shareholding. However, in our experience,
 introducing a new partner allows an opportunity for companies to                   We have seen plenty of anecdotal evidence of people using their
 accelerate the growth of their businesses. Ultimately, for SMEs, it is             networks and their advisers’ network to get the right introductions
 about access to resources and opportunities to build scale. In addition            to both prospective equity and debt funders. So our advice is, as you
 to providing extra financing, a new investor can bring their relevant              are doing your market research and gathering data for your business
 experience, new ideas and access to management skills, new customers               plan, you need to be building your network at the same time. All of this
 and new markets.                                                                   assumes you have a business plan that is credible, has growth potential
                                                                                    and has a capable management who can deliver the plan.
 Are you seeing an interest among venture capitalists (VCs) in the
 agri-food sector?                                                                  Any interesting examples of this?
 VCs, both locally and internationally, have not traditionally been                 We had one recent example of a client within the food industry who had
 interested in the Irish agri-food sector. However, we are certainly seeing         an innovative proposition that required in excess of €1 million funding.
 private equity houses and institutional funders outside Ireland now                They had the business concept, relevant experience, and supplier and
 looking seriously at the sector here. There is unlikely to be any immediate        customer connections to make it happen. We helped develop, present
 uplift in activity, but looking to the future, I think it’s safe to predict some   and critique the business plan, quantify their funding requirement and
 interesting investments will happen.                                               negotiate on their behalf in raising the finance.

 Why will they invest?                                                              Furthermore, having assessed the opportunity, we advised it was an
 Overall, VC’s interest in Ireland will be driven by a consolidation of             equity investment that was required to deliver on the opportunity. Both
 a particular part of the agri-food sector where they will invest in                BDO and the company sought financial support from their respective
 a ‘consolidator’ or they will be attracted to certain companies of                 contacts. Ultimately, the funds were secured from a private source
 reasonable scale, who will have an established footprint in both Irish and         known to both BDO and the company. The investor, fundamentally,
 overseas markets. As such, other than on an ad hoc basis, in our opinion,          believed in the promoter’s and the opportunity.
 the SME sector is unlikely to reap the full benefit of this potential source
 of funding.                                                                        Had they been depending exclusively on debt funding, it is unlikely
                                                                                    the project would have been funded at the pace been sought by the
 What sort of practical advice do you give clients about funding?                   promoters, given the company’s stage of development. In our opinion,
 One very simple and effective message is to use your adviser’s/non-                this fundraise was successful, as it was about having a pool of relevant
 executive director’s network, and your own contacts. Access to funding             funding partners available and matching the opportunity against these
 is about knowing what funding sources are available, getting access to             sources. We have a growing number of examples like this, which show
 people and finding the right individual at the right time.                         that accessing different sources of money can work.

 Don’t be reluctant in taking advantage of people’s knowledge base,                 Any closing thoughts?
 their relationships and their resources, as a means to access funding              It’s important to stand back and look at all the options. Now, more than
 opportunities. Companies need ‘champions’ on their side, whatever                  ever, companies need to consider the suite of funds on offer and match
 funding route they are taking and your contacts might know just who                the funding requirement against the funding source. Even if you see
 those parties are.                                                                 a source as only a minor contributor, you need to realise that funding
                                                                                    from alternative sources is the new norm. In terms of the business plan,
 You will probably need several champions along the way. They can be                you need to invest time and use an experience adviser to support you to
 your adviser, your banking contact, who will need to present and support           ensure the plan is as robust as possible. Your advisers should, importantly,
 your company’s plan through a rigorous credit committee process,                   have a network and access to potential funding partners. In summary in
 as well as other individuals. The funding process has many technical               order to successfully fundraise: prepare well, be credible, seek advice.
6    BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Employment & Investment Incentive S

    Andrew Bourg, Director, Corporate Investment
    & Business Advisory, BDO Agri-food team

What is the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (EII                     a 16-year track record with the BES. Over that period, we have raised
Scheme)?                                                                        and invested c. €128 million in over 140 companies with a large number
The EII Scheme was introduced by the Government to provide a source             of those in the food and drink sector. Our funds are managed and the
of equity funding for SMEs at a time when funding from traditional              investments are monitored in a very ‘hands on’ way by our full-time and
sources is limited. Essentially, it builds on, and replaces, the old Business   experienced management team, and that approach has worked well for
Expansion Scheme (BES), taking the benefits of BES and extending them           both companies and investors alike.
considerably. For private investors, the EII scheme offers attractive tax
relief of up to 41% to invest in medium-term equity capital in companies.       Our most recent fund, The Davy EII Fund, successfully raised over €3.2
                                                                                million and we are actively targeting 4 to 6 growing companies to assess
What are the main differences between EII and BES?                              their suitability for the investment of these funds in 2012.
Firstly, the EII Scheme significantly widens the scope of companies that
can raise EII funding. It’s no longer just manufacturing companies and          Do you feel enough SMEs know about EII?
those involved in internationally traded goods and services, as was the         Surprisingly, we sometimes encounter companies and advisers that
case with BES. EII funding is effectively available as a source of funding      do not know the scheme is available to them or that the scale of the
to all companies (some minor exceptions apply). Secondly, companies             changes made from the old BES means they now have access to a
can now raise up to €10 million, whereas, under BES, the limit was €2           new funding source. It depends on the company and how proactive
million. Under the new scheme, the amount that can be raised in any 12          management is in pursuing funding options. As the longest running EII
month period has also been increased from €1.5 million to €2.5 million.         scheme manager in the country, we are helping to educate the market
Finally, the EII scheme has a shorter investment term of three years            on these recent changes and the level of awareness is growing fast.
compared to five years under the BES.
                                                                                What do you look for in a company when you are making
What are the benefits to investors?                                             investment decisions?
The EII Scheme offers one of the few remaining tax reliefs and is one of        In broad terms we look for companies which have the following key
the few sources of total income tax relief (which includes, for example,        attributes:
rental income and deposit income) and investors can avail of tax relief
on investments up to €150,000 p.a. Investors can claim tax relief of              –– 
                                                                                    Strong and capable management team
30% in the year of investment and, in addition to this, and of particular         –– 
                                                                                    Three-to-five year strong trading record
interest to the food and drink sector, where it is proven that additional
                                                                                    Growth potential
jobs are created, or the company increases its R&D expenditure, an
additional 11% tax relief can be claimed by the investors.                        –– 
                                                                                    Positive net asset value
                                                                                  ––  rospect for realisation of the investment after the three year EII
What is BDO’s role in the EII Scheme?                                               scheme period.
BDO and Davy operate a joint venture to raise and provide funding to
SMEs under the EII Scheme. Our joint involvement with EII builds on             Specifically, and just as important to the above, is good business
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   7

 SCHEME – The new bes

                                                                                     “Surprisingly, we sometimes encounter
                                                                                  companies and advisers that do not know
                                                                                 the scheme is available to them or that the
                                                                                    scale of the changes made from the old
                                                                                        BES means they now have access to
                                                                                                      a new funding source.”

  planning, management and the availability of timely and                     What role can an advisory firm play as a business scales up in that way?
  reliable management information. It is critical that we can tell,           In our experience, an experienced adviser plays a key role as a business
  with some reliability, how a company is performing and,                     scales up. The management team are in the trenches and laying the
  more importantly, that the management/promoters have this                   foundations for the growth, as a result the adviser should be a bouncing
  information too.                                                            board to reviewing management’s growth plans and projections to
                                                                              ensure that “profitable” growth is achieved, as well as ensuring that
  Are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) a reliable guide?                     the growth will be adequately funded. Companies often make the
  Absolutely, a lot of the food and drink companies we have invested in       mistake of scaling up too quickly and that can cause difficulties if they
  operate a system of KPIs and those which did not, we have assisted in       are underfunded. A good and experienced adviser will help give the
  devising such a system. As a result management know on a weekly,            visibility on where the company is at all times, making sure they are not
  or even daily basis, how they are performing so there are no surprises      overextending themselves and putting the core business at risk.
  when the management accounts are produced. Typical KPI’s include for
  example production yield %, labour, raw material and wastage cost per       Any closing thoughts?
  KG of inputs, capacity utilisation and customer service levels to name      I would encourage any companies interested in looking to raise EII
  a few. These “key indicators” empower the management team to take           funding (be it from a fund like The Davy EII Fund or from private
  corrective action in a timely manner, if necessary.                         individuals) to get in touch with us. There are very significant benefits
                                                                              that this kind of equity funding can bring to food and drink companies
  Any interesting funding success stories?                                    including:
  We have a number, but one example is a food company which,
  when we initially invested in the late 1990’s had annual turnover of          –– 
                                                                                  Fixed cost of finance,
  c. €500,000. We followed the initial investment with 3 further BES            ––  capital repayments until 2015;
  investment rounds investing the €2 million BES limit. That company
                                                                                  Existing shareholders retain control of the business;
  now has an annual turnover of c. €28 million, with well-known
  branded products in both domestic and export markets.                         ––  nvestment is equity not debt thereby improving the balance sheet
                                                                                  gearing and
  The business planning side of the story is very important, the company        ––  may trigger additional funding from e.g. Enterprise Ireland.
  did not initially have a KPI model, but we assisted the company in
  implementing one and everything now gets measured. The company              More broadly, I would say that, in BDO, our goal is to assist companies
  used the BES investments to increase production capacity, intensify its     achieve their growth plans in the areas they require assistance on,
  NPD, increase its marketing campaigns to build its brands in its target     whether its funding be it EII Scheme, Enterprise Ireland or the banks,
  markets. Furthermore, the BES investment enabled the company to             to developing and refining their KPI models, to reviewing their growth
  leverage further funding from Enterprise Ireland in its export plans, so    plans, it’s an exciting time to be working with the industry and we have
  it is tangible proof of the benefits equity funding can bring to the food   an enormous bank of expertise to support companies as they scale up
  and drink sector.                                                           for growth to leverage the export led recovery.
8    BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Research  Development tax credit

    Derek Henry, Head of RD tax services,
    BDO Agri-food team

What is the RD tax credit?                                                    This is not a typical interaction in most companies so it requires
Revenue first introduced tax relief on research and development (RD)          planning and coordination. Scientific/engineering staff are often
expenditure in 2004 and, subsequently, amended conditions relating             unfamiliar, and sometimes uncomfortable, with the legal terminology
to it over the years. Section 766 TCA 1997 provides for a tax credit of        of the qualification criteria. This can lead to delays and, sometimes,
25% of incremental expenditure by a company, or group of companies,            mistakes in the application process, which may frustrate further
incurred wholly and exclusively on RD. The most recent change was in          attempts at securing the credit.
Finance Act 2012.
                                                                               Can the necessary expertise be brought in?
How can the RD tax credit benefit food and drink companies?                   At BDO we have established a multi-disciplinary team approach
The main benefit is that companies are entitled to a credit of 25% of          that targets that issue. Through the BDO International RD Centre
their incremental RD expenditure. This credit is in addition to the           of Excellence, our Irish tax experts collaborate with a team of highly
normal corporation tax deduction for the expenditure. This means that          experienced RD engineers/scientists to provide a full RD tax solution
a company can achieve an effective tax deduction of up to 37.5% on             for clients. We routinely assist in all aspects of the claim, for a wide
most RD expenditure. The credit can be offset against a company’s             variety of clients, including food and drink companies. The service covers
corporation tax liability of the period. If the company does not have a        everything from technical report preparation, financial calculation and
corporation tax liability it can claim a cash payment of the value of the      support, to documentation support and interaction with Revenue in the
unused credit in that period from the tax authorities, subject to certain      case of a review. Our clients have found the BDO approach to be both
restrictions. This means the credit can represent a viable, and significant,   very effective and efficient. Our goal is to take away, as much as possible,
source of funding for businesses with cashflow difficulties.                   the stress of making the claim for the company, so its in-house staff is
                                                                               freed up to focus on their day-to-day work.
Are there any particular challenges to claiming the relief?
The biggest issue that emerges among companies is lack of knowledge
in terms of what activities qualify for RD. Misconceptions on the types       “There are obvious financial rewards from
of activities that qualify mean that many companies routinely miss out         qualifying for the RD tax credit regime and
on this valuable relief because they – incorrectly – believe that they are
not carrying on RD.
                                                                               they have, in some cases, thrown a lifeline
                                                                               to companies.”
Is there some ambiguity in the application of the definition of RD?
Companies can encounter difficulties when attempting to practically            Could the RD tax credit be improved?
apply the technical qualification requirements set out in the Act to the       Ireland is in fierce competition with other international jurisdictions
actual work they are carrying out. This is exacerbated by the fact that        to attract foreign investment in its RD activities and to ensure
making a claim requires a multi-faceted approach. Applying for the tax         indigenous companies are not lured away to do their research
credit is, naturally, viewed as a function of the finance department;          elsewhere. In this regard, it is essential that the RD tax credit
however, it is necessary to engage with a company’s scientific/                remains internationally competitive. The government introduced
engineering staff to ensure the claim is appropriately prepared.               a number of welcome measures aimed at enhancing the regime in
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   9

                                                                                   “The biggest issue that emerges among
                                                                               companies is lack of knowledge in terms of
                                                                            what activities qualify for RD. Misconceptions
                                                                               on the types of activities that qualify mean
                                                                                  that many companies routinely miss out
                                                                                                      on this valuable relief.”

Finance Bill 2012. In particular, the increase in the limit on the amount     companies. It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list and
of outsourced activities claimable and the relaxation of the base year        each case has to be reviewed in its own context to assess eligibility.
are positives. That said, some of these enhancements will have only           However, areas where we have, in the past, found qualifying RD
a limited impact on many companies. In particular, the qualifying             activities – and often to the surprise of our clients – would include
conditions under which the credit can be used to reward employees             the following:
are overly prescriptive, to such an extent that only a limited number
of companies will qualify.                                                      –– 
                                                                                  Agro-ecology areas such as:
                                                                                       Organic farming
Also, while the base year relaxation is welcome, we would argue that
                                                                                       Sustainable agriculture
the credit should move to a full volume-base system as opposed to the
current incremental system. The incremental system is cumbersome                       Alternative food systems
and unfairly penalises companies who were carrying on RD in Ireland            –– 
                                                                                  Plant breeding
in 2003.                                                                        ––  science
                                                                                  Taste/flavour profiling
What type of activities has BDO found qualify, within the food and
drink sector?                                                                   –– 
                                                                                  Calorie reduction projects
Food and drink is, by its nature, a highly innovative sector, with a high       –– 
                                                                                  Shelf-life extension projects
level of scientific and/or engineering expertise usually attached to            –– 
                                                                                  Raw material sourcing projects
                                                                                  Packages and/or process development
                                                                                  Waste management
                                                                                  Energy efficiency projects.

                                                                              How have companies used cashflow from the RD tax credit?
                                                                              There are obvious financial rewards from qualifying for the RD
                                                                              tax credit regime and they have, in some cases, thrown a lifeline
                                                                              to companies. Typically, we would see the tax credit used to fund
                                                                              more RD projects within the industry. This would include, where
                                                                              it was deemed necessary, the hiring of suitably qualified scientific/
                                                                              engineering staff to support the future RD efforts of the company.
                                                                              In that sense, it can certainly be seen to be a highly successful
                                                                              initiative by Revenue, as it reinforces the RD efforts of companies,
                                                                              and provides an essential support as they scale up their businesses
                                                                              and deliver growth to the economy.
10   BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

         The view
         from the
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   11

Green Farm Foods
Mr. Crumb
Nature’s Best
Pallas Foods
Rosderra Irish Meats
12    BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

                                                                                   important, I’m of the belief that the judging criteria and, hence, sense
                                                                                   of loyalty is different in export markets. You need to adapt and invest
                                                                                   resources to manage that. There is also the fact that, the further you go
                                                                                   from home, the more you will be judged on price.

                                                                                   Where do you see the opportunities for growth/scaling your
                                                                                   I still see plenty of room for growth for us in Ireland and I’d like to think
                                                                                   that we can complement continued domestic growth with targeted/
     Vincent Cleary, Managing Director, Glenisk                                    bespoke products for specific overseas markets, so it’s about finding the
                                                                                   right balance really. We built in significant spare capacity the last time
                                                                                   we upgraded our processing facility and we have plenty of scope to grow
Tell us a little about your company?                                               fully into our premises. Although there are bottlenecks, by and large, I am
Glenisk is a family business, based in Killeigh, Co. Offaly, celebrating           factoring in growth of 20% year-on-year for the next number of years.
25 years in business this year. Organic since the mid 1990s, we work
with 50 small family farms and, in fact, use 90% of the organic milk               Will this require specific funding?
produced on the island of Ireland. Although we have gone through many              Funding is not an issue for us, at the moment, as we are adequately
changes, I’d like to think that we remain true to our core principles.             resourced. However, I have had dealings with Irish banks and would be
                                                                                   very aware of the limitations here at the moment. Needless to say, in all
How have the last two-to-three years been for you?                                 planning, sound financial advice is critical, i.e., you can’t build what you
We have experienced our strongest growth, ever, in the past number                 haven’t got or can’t get.
of years, but it has come at a cost. We have absorbed significant
‘commodity’ and input inflation, but have become more efficient and,               How important are government agencies in supporting your business?
hence, competitive as a result. We have gone through two rounds of                 There are soft supports that we avail of and we have had positive
deflation (one self imposed and one forced on us). As a result of all that,
our margins have severely depleted. Fortunately, there seems to be
some light appearing at the end of the tunnel and I believe that we can
continue on the path of sustainable growth that we set out on.

What has changed most in your business planning in this time?
I would say our mindset. Necessity is, indeed, the mother of all
innovation. Everyone is wiser in hindsight, but in many respects, we
could be accused of having become quite complacent during the boom
times – everything seemed easier and the margins were assured. The
recession has brought with it a firm dose of reality and a more realistic
view that nothing worthwhile comes easily.

How has your commitment to new product development (NPD)
been impacted?
NPD is still at the core of our business, but it is no longer taken for
granted. We put a lot more time and thought into researching our
consumers. Understanding their needs and expectations is paramount.
I would see myself as an observer of consumers and, of course, as one
myself, I like to think I have the ability to empathise with others. I believe
that if you can identify and recognise the need, you are half way to
solving it. I don’t believe in copying other people’s ideas but I will certainly
take inspiration from something/someone I come across – it could be
as simple as a customer or a colleague articulating a problem, to an
observation on an item/product to being inspired by my four-year-old
daughter. We have to be more than simply organic – and NPD is central to
this endeavour – as illustrated by launches of recent years, which include
sugar-free baby yogurts; greek-style yogurts; granola top-cups etc.

The major opportunity for food and drink companies seems to be in
exports – do you agree?
It was said to me once that the domestic market should be the most
profitable part of your business and that, to conquer the world, you
must be king of your own country first. So, although exports are
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   13

experiences of the various agencies over the years. However, our family
farm philosophy is about self-sufficiency and we are firm believers in
doing things for ourselves rather than expecting others to do them.

Are there any business challenges specific to an organic producer?
A sufficient supply of our main raw material – organic milk – is a
constant challenge. We have 50 excellent farmers who supply us but,
despite the fact that we pay well over the odds for our supply, the
broader farming community has been slow to embrace the organic
philosophy. There needs to be a significant change in mindset across
Irish agriculture, particularly when you consider how organic farming
fits into the green, clean image that Ireland wants to project. Our
experience is proof of how organic farming helps to protect the              self-sufficiency is reflected in the fact that we do our own distribution
livelihood of small, family-run farms, and keeps the countryside varied,     within Ireland in the points of central distribution. Over the years, we
clean and full of wildlife. There is also a very strong animal welfare and   have never had any issues in getting our products listed among the Irish
environmental story in organic production that could be channelled into      retailers. It helps that we have built up plenty of experience treading
how Irish agriculture is perceived, if more of the farming community         the well-worn path over our time in business. In terms of building our
came on board. Organic cows frequently live to the age of 15 and enjoy       internal management capacity, like any small organisation, we are
a natural environment where calves feed from the udder rather than           excellent multi-taskers. As the business has grown, we’ve hired the
on artificial milk substitute. Organic farming also produces less carbon     right people for the job. Everyone pulls their weight and I’d like to think
emissions and so has a lesser impact on the environment.                     that I lead by example.

Tell us a little about building your brand over the years?                   Any closing thoughts?
We set out our point of difference a number of years back, based on          In the food and drinks industry, as elsewhere, some of the cleverest ideas
the Glenisk philosophy that healthy soils creates healthy food and           are the simplest ones. On the other hand, in our experience, the more
allow us to raise healthy children. The model has been tweaked and           complicated the idea the more expensive and difficult it can be to deliver
continues to be tweaked but has remained pretty consistent. In terms         the package that is required to educate the consumer. We see ourselves
of promotion, we would always aim to spend our limited marketing             as standing for an organic Ireland. It’s a simple, powerful message
funds wisely – seeking maximum exposure at every opportunity, so             that consumers have engaged with and one that we feel the broader
as to give us the greatest possible ‘bang for our buck’. Our sense of        agricultural community in Ireland should be engaging with too.
14 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Green Farm foods

  Kenneth Greene, Chief Executive, Green Farm Foods

Tell us a little about Green Farm Foods?                                       lifecycle before it is copied or goes into own label, at which point the
Green Farm Foods was established in 1991 and is based in Rathowen, Co.         margins start to drop. The RD tax credits have been a big plus over the
Westmeath. Our facility extends to 4,000 sq metres and we employ 115           years and we have been able to offset our spend on NPD against that.
people. Over the past two decades, we have continuously expanded to
meet growing demand and, today, we are brand leaders in the premium            Poultry is one of the sectors where it is tough to get margin. How do
sliced cooked meats category, and our products are found in Supervalu,         you manage that?
Centra, Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Londis, Spar, Superquinn and other               Marketing and branding are very important to us and, over the years, we
independent stores.                                                            have become a brand leader in the premium sector of sliced cooked meat.
                                                                               We source high-quality raw materials to support that. Price is certainly
Can you talk about your move into the branded space?                           a huge issue and consumers dictate what they pay for a product. On the
The Green Farm Foods brand is built on health, nutrition and taste. In         sourcing side, we increasingly source from Europe. People need to know
July last year, we became the first Irish company to move to ‘nothing but      where their food is coming from and we are very clear on that. We would
natural’ – which means no preservatives, phosphates, and a gluten free         source from fully integrated factories in Germany, Holland and Ireland.
product. Initially, we had focused more on foodservice than on retail.
Margins are very tight in foodservice and so we recognised that, if we         Is it difficult for SMEs to build brands and brand awareness?
wanted to develop our business, we needed to secure better returns.            Consumers are very savvy when it comes to food and, when we launched,
From 2002 onwards, we focused all our energy and resources on retail           in 2005, we saw the opportunity. We did our research – on a shoestring
and developed a premium product range, which we launched in 2005.              budget – and the market was very receptive to our product. What was
We have tripled our turnover since then. Today, we are regarded as brand       important to us was giving the customer a quality product and the
leaders in premium cooked meats. We also do private label, but our             portion sizes they wanted. You can have a great master plan and large
main focus is on our brand and we would always seek to marry the two           marketing budgets but it is equally important to get the basics right and
together when we talk to retailers.                                            to really understand your customer well.

How have the last two-to-three years been for you?                             Are you looking at overseas markets at the moment?
Retail space has become a lot tighter and the space has to be worked a         It’s a great time to focus on growth and our strategy, for the next two
lot harder. We are currently working on business plans with all our retailer   years, is to grow our exports to 45% of our business. At the moment,
customers, looking at our range and our marketing strategy. The reality is,    they are 28%. We have identified our market and set our plans in place.
if you don’t offer products that are selling, you won’t get on the shelves,    Recently, we took part in Bord Bia’s Marketplace and we had a successful
so the pressure is really on companies to come up with very innovative         experience there. We are primarily focused on bringing the brand to the
products.                                                                      UK but we are also looking at Holland, Germany, France and Spain.

How is NPD prioritised in the company?                                         We have been exporting for about two years and it has probably
We have a very busy RD department and we have always recognised               taken longer than we would have expected to build scale. If you had
the need to apply innovation and added value to everything we do.              deep pockets you would get there quicker but it is all about building
We recognise there will be casualties along the way, but it’s about            relationships and showing that you can deliver. We are still growing at
maximising returns when you get a winning product. Every product has           home, but the domestic market remains quite tough and is very much
a lifespan and, once you launch it onto the market, it will have a certain     focused on value and volume.
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   15

Is getting the funding to scale up an issue?
We are planning a major expansion at the moment and we know we
will get the funding but it will be over 24 months, as opposed to the
12 months we would have liked. We are privileged to be in a situation
where we have reasonably good cashflow and the credibility of a few
years of experience under our belt. If we were starting as a new entry, at
this point, I think it would be very difficult.

What key decisions have you made that have allowed you to stay
We have a very efficient factory with highly motivated staff and a great
team ethic. We have also invested in automation and technology. We
would monitor our KPIs on a weekly basis. We are paying higher prices
in our inputs at the moment and it is difficult to pass that on, but we are
talking to the market and try to negotiate pay increases if we have to.

How is the issue of discounting affecting you?
What is interesting is that even buyers in Irish multiples are seeing there
are no long-term benefits to the discounting. Consumers are shopping
the aisles and following the discounts – so you may have a sales spike
but with low margins and the consumer will be shopping elsewhere next
week. That said, when we look at our facility, we need a certain amount
of volume going through at all times to cover our operating costs and
it is better to have that throughput than to deal with the factory floor
being idle.

Any closing thoughts?
I would see myself as an optimist with regard to growth in the sector,
but that would be laced with a certain amount of pessimism given the
overall political and economic issues, and the pressures people have to
deal with in the environment of austerity.

We are fortunate to be in a business where sales are growing but,
certainly, SMEs in Ireland, in general, are under a lot of pressure.
We need to encourage entrepreneurs back into the economy and, for
the next generation, to take out the roadblocks that are currently
in the way.
16    BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

                                                                               Manager as well as a Sales Director in the UK market and have people
                                                                               working with us in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy.

                                                                               Do you feel companies are getting the support needed from
                                                                               government agencies?
                                                                               Breaking into foreign markets is very costly. An SME in a tight financial
                                                                               credit situation, like we are all experiencing at the moment, won’t
                                                                               commit those resources unless they have financial support, so the
                                                                               agencies and, in particular Enterprise Ireland, really need to refocus on
     Bernard Coyle, Managing Director, Mr Crumb                                these companies.

                                                                               What’s interesting is, with alcohol, you can export to any country in
Tell us a little bit about the company?                                        the world with the same product, but you cannot do the same with
Mr. Crumb began, in 1996, as a fresh breadcrumb and stuffing                   food. Every market is different. The UK market is quite different to
manufacturer. We started from scratch, on a green field site, with two         Ireland and, when we moved into France, we were surprised to find
people – myself and my wife in a 5,000 sq. ft factory and, in 2005, we         consumer tastes were quite different again. Adapting to that takes time
added another 25,000 sq. ft to that. We have 64 full-time employees,           and resources. If you go on to Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, these
rising to 80 at peak times, and our turnover is between €7m and €10m.          are all different markets so there is a long lead in time to meeting their
                                                                               requirements. It’s also very expensive sending numerous samples out by
What’s the Mr. Crumb offering?                                                 courier for 24 hour delivery to these markets.
We are a niche, artisan business and what we have tried to do, I believe
with some success, is to bring artisan products to the mass market, firstly    So SMEs will need funding support to scale up?
through the multiples in Ireland and now to the UK and the rest of Europe.     Absolutely. It will not happen, except in a few isolated cases, unless that
We have a strong brand following in Ireland and we also do private label.      support is there. It’s just a big ask for SMEs to commit very scarce and
The differentiation of our product, versus our competitors, is its quality,    tight resources to a market where they might not get a return for two or
freshness and convenience. All our bread for crumbing is baked, for            three years down the line. That’s what agencies need to be aware of.
example, whereas others use damages or returns, and all our stuffings
are cooked, whereas our competitors are not. We have diversified over          A lot of Irish producers find it hard to get scale. There is a leap of faith
the last number of years, into food-to-go, chilled and frozen party food,      involved in scaling up and there is always a danger that the business
Mexican-themed products, sauces, butters and chutneys.                         you base your planning and financing on doesn’t materialise in a given
                                                                               time frame. If you go back to your bank and you haven’t achieved
What has driven that diversity?                                                the turnover, that’s where a problem can arise – if the bank doesn’t
We have always been very strong on new product development (NPD)               understand the business it may not extend any further credit to you. In
and always tried to be ahead of the curve. Within six months of setting        fairness, we have always found our bank to be very supportive and we
up, we had HACCP, which wasn’t a legal requirement at the time, as well        have been lucky in having a good relationship with them down through
as Hygiene Mark, Q Mark and ISO9002. Within 12 months we had BRC               the years.
Higher Grade. We also set up an NPD kitchen, which, today, employs
five people, who are constantly turning out new ideas and variations,
and new lines for the business. We would dedicate 10% of our sales to
RD, which is not uncommon across Europe and the UK, but very high
by Irish standards.

Has the move to exporting been relatively straightforward?
We have found the UK to be very tough to crack over the years. It’s not
an exaggeration to say that we spent upwards of a million in getting into
the market.

Our core products, stuffing and crumb, are all about freshness, and in
the UK, the market focus is on dried and long-life. It is really only in the
last three years that we started to get traction. Waitrose was the first
multiple to take us onboard and now we have products in Morrison’s,
Asda, MS and, just before Christmas, we launched party food into
Tesco UK.

In terms of continental Europe, we have launched into Picard in France,
which is seen as the frozen equivalent of Marks  Spencer there, and has
approx. 900 stores. They are a key customer. Our emphasis, this year,
will be on the UK and continental Europe. We have a National Accounts
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   17

Is the role of the financial adviser important here?                        and so on, there is no point in looking to export to the UK or Europe.
It’s important that all parties around the table see the overall picture.   In a sense, the scaling up has to take place before you approach these
External financial advisers can be very useful soundboards to your          markets, so it’s a chicken and egg situation.
plans. They bring an external pair of eyes and ears and can flag issues
that you might not see. Most financial planning is done in-house, but       Is the pressure to provide discounts a major issue for you?
it is important to have someone external, to run your business plans        Consumers are, literally, being bombarded with offers in supermarkets
past, and in that regard, we have found BDO’s expertise invaluable,         right now and there is a danger of dumbing down the market. Food
particularly at seeing the bigger picture.                                  companies are caught, to an extent, on two sides, between rising input
                                                                            prices and not being able to get the return from the market. You can’t
Are there any other logistical bottlenecks to scaling up?                   increase your margin with higher prices, so you have to try to maintain it
We have a lot of wonderful artisan companies in Ireland but the number      by being smarter and more efficient.
of these that graduate to the next tier, that get to the scale where they
employ 100 people, you could probably count on one hand. It always          Unfortunately, promotions won’t be going away any time soon.
amazes me that food companies in the UK, who may set up at the              Retailers, particularly the discounters, are still opening shops so there
same time as an Irish company, beginning from the same small base,          is extra shelf space coming on the market but less people working and
often scale up so much quicker. One of the major problems we have is        more people emigrating. That is feeding back into a war between the
                                                                            multiples, and special offers and promotions are a key part of their
“Consumers are, literally, being bombarded                                  armoury.

with offers in supermarkets right now and there                             Are food and drink companies effectively powerless in negotiations?
is a danger of dumbing down the market.”                                    Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, they are faced with fait accompli. What
                                                                            I would say is, you need to have a strong relationship with retailers,
in getting suitably qualified middle management, by that I mean NPD         and a strong brand, to show that you are delivering best practice and
and technical managers, as well as purchasing, planning, production and     are proactive in the market place, either with new products, products
logistics people, with experience in the food industry. This has been an    extensions, greener packaging or a strong environmental story. The
issue since the late 1990s and, in fact, has actually gotten a lot worse.   environment is a huge issue in retail in the UK and Europe right now and
In Mr. Crumb, we have had posts open for up to six months for the right     is only going to get bigger. So, as manufacturers, we all need to be looking
people and not been able to fill them, and have had to go abroad to         at our carbon footprint. Mr. Crumb has planted 22,000 trees to offset our
recruit. This is common across the food industry at the moment.             carbon footprint and is planting another 16,000 trees in spring 2012. We
                                                                            have gotten very good feedback from the multiples across the board on
The food industry is one of the most heavily policed industries in the      that. You need to be proactively going to them, before they come to you,
world – up to and, in some cases, surpassing pharmaceutical standards       and say ‘this is what we have done, what we will be doing over the next
– so you really need people who know what they are doing and we don’t       12 months and what we’ll be doing over the next 36 months’.
have the broad base in this country to provide the pool of expertise.
Unless you can tick all the boxes for the multiples, like your NPD          There is a very strong Carbon programme been driven hard by The
manager, technical manager, account manager, financial controller           Carbon Trust in the UK at the moment, and we are really only starting
                                                                            out on this road here.

                                                                            Have the new RD credits helped food companies?
                                                                            RD credits are available and are a great help, but not everything is
                                                                            covered. Take an RD kitchen – it’s a necessity, but it is costly and we
                                                                            find a lot of what we do is not eligible for RD tax credits or funding. It’s
                                                                            an ongoing discussion with our Finance Office as to why we are doing
                                                                            so much NPD and none of it is eligible, so the basics are there, but it
                                                                            needs tweaking. The danger, in the current environment, is that a lot of
                                                                            companies will park what they see as non-essential expenditure, and we
                                                                            will fall further behind the UK and Europe.

                                                                            Any closing thoughts?
                                                                            We have some great companies and a lot of terrific artisan-type
                                                                            companies, and what I think is wonderful about the food industry in
                                                                            Ireland is the great spread of employment throughout the country that
                                                                            they are supporting. Mr. Crumb is based in a very small village and, in
                                                                            terms of the micro economy, our importance is enormous. There are
                                                                            a lot of similar companies in other places doing the exact same, and
                                                                            that is fantastic, and needs to be built upon, because we need jobs like
                                                                            never before. Business needs to look up and concentrate more on export
                                                                            markets, because that’s where the big opportunities lie at the moment.
18   BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Nature’s Best
                                             Tell us a little about your company?
                                             Nature’s Best is an Irish-owned chilled consumer food manufacturing
                                             company, founded in 1987. We employ 200 people and are based in
                                             Drogheda, Co. Louth. Our product range includes salad bowls, bagged
                                             leafy salads, wet salads, wet salad bar, prepared vegetables and stir
                                             fry, etc. The company’s product and production expertise is aimed
                                             primarily at larger supermarket chains that require private-label
                                             packaging and have very high quality safety, category management,
                                             service level and innovation requirements. By extending our
 Owen Quinn, CFO, Nature’s Best              capabilities, we are currently entering new fresh chilled convenience

                                                “Agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and Bord
                                                Bia have played important supporting roles as
                                                  we have grown and expanded the business.”
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   19

How have the last two-to-three years been for you?                         financial advisers have played in this regard, ensuring that we are not
Between June 2008 and December 2010, we saw a decline in our               missing out on any funding opportunities. As a more general comment,
volume. Our market is now more competitive and is offering more value      I think the government needs to do more to encourage more people to
to the consumer. In 2011, we saw some recovery with a 10%+ rise in         eat fresh Irish produced healthy quality food in Ireland and abroad.
manufacturing volume growth, pointing to some recovery in the market.
                                                                           What would you see as the challenges facing you as you plan for
What has changed most in your business planning in this time?              growth?
Over the last year, we have developed a tighter delivery window, which     Our cost base, in Ireland, is still an issue vis a vis the UK and the rest
impacts on our waste, labour, transport and other overhead costs.          of Europe. The availability of funds to support long-term sustainable
However, the tighter the window – from order capture to despatch –         growth is an issue for us, as it is for a lot of companies. It is difficult
the more people that have to be applied to the process. In some cases,     for an SME to fund the development of a brand and most growth
we have to not only crew up but also commence earlier in the day and       opportunities for us, both at home and abroad, will be under private
work to an estimated order, then rework surplus stock or restart to        supermarket label. We have no issues in terms of route to market and
make up the difference. In the short shelf life, fast moving consumer      have always found private label to be easier to get listed than branded.
goods (FMCG) environment, it is vital to plan ahead and bring strategic    With regard to developing product differentiation, which is key to
thinking to your decision making.                                          growing our opportunities, we have recognised that our NPD must
                                                                           be synergistic with our core capabilities and follow established retail
The major opportunity for food and drink companies seems to be             prices. That is to say, there is little point in developing products that we
in exports – do you agree?                                                 can’t deliver efficiently or that are outside the established price points
I think this is the case, especially with longer shelf-life products, as   of consumers. Our differentiation will be based on better execution
most Irish companies offer an excellent high-quality product. With the     and pursuit of key consumer trends, such as quality, health, nutrition,
right product, the correct shelf life and enough funding in place, we      packaging (convenience, sustainability) and freshness.
would see that a lot of Irish SMEs could scale up to be very competitive
exporters, as we ourselves plan to be, in the next few years. From         What are your thoughts on branding and NPD?
our own point of view, given the nature of what we produce, most           If your product is unique and can’t be copied or its quality can’t be
of Nature’s Best opportunities are currently in the home market.           matched then branding gives a smaller company greater leverage with
However, we do have opportunities in Northern Ireland and Britain.         a retailer. For us, the private label route creates more opportunities
Our approach, both domestically and in exports, is to identify gaps        with less funding required. However, there are downsides. There
in the market and, using market and consumer research, target these        is more risk attached to losing your private label business than,
opportunities.                                                             say, having a brand delisted with one customer. Also, in terms of
                                                                           investment, a private label manufacturer has a lower valuation than a
Have government agencies been supportive?                                  branded competitor. One thing people overlook with private label is
Agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and Bord Bia have played important     that NPD is still as important as it is to branded suppliers. We doubled
supporting roles as we have grown and expanded the business.               the size of our innovation team from five to ten in November 2011.
                                                                           More broadly, one area of weakness we would see in NPD in Ireland is
Enterprise Ireland has invested preference shares in Nature’s Best and     in food packaging, an area that is critically important to us.
we have up-skilled our management team with their help also. Our
executive team completed the Enterprise Ireland/IMI 1 Year Transform       Any closing thoughts?
Programme in October 2009 and our CEO completed the Enterprise             Our experience would lead us to believe that every SME should
Ireland/IMD 1 Year Leadership 4 Growth Programme in December               complete the Enterprise Ireland Transform 1 Year Programme with a
2011. Most recently, I commenced the Enterprise Ireland/Stanford 1         business mentor. It will force management teams to spend a lot more
Year Strategic ‘Leadership 4 CFOs’ programme, in December 2011. We         time on developing a winning strategy and that is the key to winning
are currently receiving grants and it important to stress the role our     more business at home and abroad.
20 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Pallas Foods

  Dan Geary, Operations Director, Pallas Foods

Tell us a little bit about your company?                                   where we are out of stock and further increase order accuracy. Our
Pallas Foods was established by the Geary family in the early 1980s        development chefs work with our customers to develop new menus,
and is, today, one of the leading foodservice distributors on the island   reduce waste, implement portion control and efficiently manage
of Ireland. We have been part of Sysco since March 2009 and employ         inventory to assist them to develop a sustainable margin.
approximately 500 people. We currently service over 7,000 customers
and have a portfolio of more than 7,000 products. We are unique            Are we branding Ireland strongly enough in foodservice?
in that we offer fresh, frozen, ambient and non-food products, in          The opportunity for the industry centres on the perception of Ireland
addition to an extensive wine list.                                        as a green, clean country and further regulation and metrics should
                                                                           be implemented to ensure this reputation can be maintained and
How have the last three years been for foodservice providers in            protected. As an extension of this, Ireland should position its agri-food
Ireland?                                                                   industry as a world leader in the protection of animal welfare. It is
The past few years have been very difficult for many of our customers      essential to maintain consumer confidence in the safety and quality of
and, throughout the industry, we see that it is those who offer value      food produced in Ireland.
to their customers who are continuing to perform. Consumers are
more demanding and rightly so: if they are disappointed by a dining        Awareness of country of origin in foodservice is much lower than
experience, whether in a deli or a Michelin-star restaurant, they will     in retail. Isn’t that a key issue for suppliers?
vote with their feet. As a distributor to the foodservice industry, we     It is true that consumer awareness of the origins of food is not as
have seen, and experienced, significant margin pressure throughout         strong in foodservice as in retail, where Irish branding and Bord Bia
the supply chain and this, coupled with increasing costs and rising        quality assurance logo may be evident on the packaging. However,
commodity prices, has resulted in difficult conditions for both our        consumers who choose to buy Irish in a retail setting can be
suppliers and our customers.                                               encouraged to do the same when eating out also. The foodservice
                                                                           industry needs to be encouraged to promote Irish food and Irish
How have you responded?                                                    brands on their menus, but alongside this, there needs to be a
Like all links in the supply chain, we have been driven to increase        system of certification and regulation to ensure the integrity of
efficiency and reduce our cost base to survive. We have also worked        the menu claims.
to increase the value we offer to our customers. By offering frequent
or daily deliveries in high-volume areas, across the 32 counties, we       How do we meet the challenge of cheaper imports?
reduce the risk for our customers in holding inventory. We are in the      The challenge of competing with cheaper imports is more evident with
process of introducing new technology which will reduce incidences         commodity items. There will always be a demand for the cheapest
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights   21

      “With strong promotion and branding to
   drive awareness, there will be an increasing
   willingness by consumers to pay a premium
              for quality Irish core ingredients.”

food from certain sectors of the foodservice industry and, with the
cost base for Irish producers, it is not feasible to try to compete with
these producers. However, with strong promotion and branding to drive
awareness, there will be an increasing willingness by consumers to pay a
premium for quality Irish core ingredients.

What are the key claims Irish suppliers can make, aside from being
produced in Ireland?
Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of where their food
comes from and how it is produced. We would see, within foodservice,
a strong appreciation for the high-quality core ingredients produced
by Ireland’s agri-food sector. There is growing consumer demand for
food that is traceable and safe, while being produced in a manner that
is environmentally responsible and protects animal welfare. The Irish
agri-food sector is ideally positioned to capitalise on these consumer
demands and the foodservice industry should leverage this to promote
their business and stand apart from their competitors.

Any closing thoughts?
The Irish agri-food sector produces raw ingredients of a quality
unsurpassed anywhere in the world and, at present, there is a growing
demand from consumers for a more honest and natural dining
experience. People are demonstrating a keen appreciation for quality
‘centre of plate’ ingredients and we are seeing a huge upsurge in demand
for products and brands such as Hereford prime Irish beef, Slaney
Valley Irish spring lamb, Silver Hill Irish duck, Glin Valley chicken and
Irish farmhouse cheeses. I believe that the future of the Irish agri-food
industry lies in a continued focus on maintaining the quality of the
produce and, also, working towards efficiency and reducing costs.
22 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

Rosderra Irish Meats

  Andrew Fleming, Director, Rosderra Irish Meats

Tell us a little about the company?                                            we are seeking out tend to be large volume users and we want to sell
The original company was formed back in 1907 in Roscrea, Co.                   container after container to them.
Tipperary, when a group of farmers formed a co-op to market and
sell their pork. The business ended up under the ownership of Glanbia          Is the international commodity price key to growth then?
until 2008, when it was sold to the senior management team. The                It’s one aspect of it, certainly, but another is flexibility. While we have
business wasn’t a strategic fit for Glanbia, as they were developing           50% of the Irish market, on an international scale we are relatively
their expertise in cheese and nutrition. We have factories in Clara,           small, so we can offer a flexibility that our main competitors – the Dutch
Edenderry, Jamestown, Roscrea and Stadone and employ approximately             and the Danes – can’t. We would argue that, rather than a commodity
900 people, with turnover in excess of €250m. We are a major supplier          product, we can give a more specialised product and that gives us a
to retail, catering and food processors in Ireland and have significant        competitive advantage.
export markets in the EU, Russia, Asia, North America and South Africa.
                                                                               Do you sell on the fact that you are Irish?
How has your focus changed in the last three years?                            We do stress the quality and traceability of Irish products and our
The export market has driven our growth over this time. You don’t have         standards of animal welfare so, yes, we do play the Irish card. It’s actually
to go too far to see the number of promotions on meat in the domestic          critical in the home market with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo.
market and that has the effect of keeping prices very challenging. A key
strategic decision we have made is to move away from the price-driven
UK market and to reduce our dependency on it. We have successfully                    “In 2011, 9% volume growth was achieved
replaced it with markets in China, Russia and Japan. Discounting is still
a factor in some of these overseas markets but, as we don’t sell directly
                                                                                 and the price of meat went up internationally.
to retailers there and don’t negotiate with them, to some degree we are           All told, the value of the pork sector has gone
insulated from that.                                                                up by 20% over the last 12 months and the
How have you adapted to the challenge of the home markets?                                       vast majority of that is exports.”
Consumers here and in the UK are looking for more for less so it’s about
delivering on price, but without compromising on quality. We are very
particular with our bacon products and so we have to become more               Internationally, Ireland has a reputation for quality but that just gets you
efficient to survive, which is what we’ve done, by getting our facilities      to the table, you have to be able to demonstrate that you, as a producer,
more productive and delivering a better quality, more consistent product.      offer that quality. Over the years, we have built up a strong reputation for
                                                                               quality and, in fact, our plant number has become a form of our brand.
How has your business planning changed over this time?
Firstly, you have to go back to the point that, as a business, we are not in   Do you see exports scaling up significantly in the years ahead?
the position to pick and choose exactly what we sell. You can’t produce        The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has targeted 50%
more of different parts of the pig that you could sell for a premium, so       growth for the sector by 2020. In 2011, 9% volume growth was achieved
you have to deal with all of the pig. In that sense, our business is quite     and, also, the price of meat went up internationally, so that, all told, the
different from many others, in that it is about revenue maximisation.          value of the pork sector has gone up by 20% over the last 12 months
Secondly, we are lucky in that we operate in a market which is very            and the vast majority of that is exports.
significant internationally and growing at a rate of 1.5% annually.
With the work we have done in our facilities, we have access to the            However, we have had to get our cost base right to compete and get all
entire range of markets, globally, that provide the best opportunities.        areas of the business lean and fit for purpose. We are at a disadvantage
We monitor all our markets very carefully and move, to some extent             in that a lot of the raw material for our farmer base is imported – the
opportunistically, where prices are stronger. Strategically, we have           Irish economy is not self sufficient in animal feed supply and that is
developed positions in Asia and have found having a presence on the            quite an expense within the supply chain.
ground to be very beneficial. We have a number of people there to get
a better feel of what’s happening in the market. One issue is that we          How have you made your business more competitive?
would not sell anything less than container loads, so the customers that       With the support of Enterprise Ireland, we have undertaken a lean
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 23

programme, a root and branch review of all our activities, to see if we can    Would you like to extend into the retail space in these third country
be more efficient. That has come on top of a long culture of continuous        markets?
improvement and there are a number of areas where we have made                 At this point, our view is we are operating on a business-to-business
strides in recent years. Interestingly, we haven’t reduced our labour force,   model and we don’t compete with our customers in international
in fact, it has gone up by over 100 people since we bought the business        markets. Engaging with retailers, in terms of everything from managing
in 2008. But lean isn’t about cutting staff, it’s about working smarter and    promotional activity, to returns, to lead times, is challenging. It can take
producing a better and more consistent quality product.                        six weeks to get product to China, so our responsiveness would make us
                                                                               very cautious about that type of move.
Are you happy with the overall support the sector gets from
government and agencies?                                                       How important is RD to a business like yours?
If you look back, one of the critical challenges we faced, as a sector,        NPD is very significant, particularly in the Irish market. Pork is a very
was in December 2009, when there was an international recall of                well established product so the opportunity for massive NPD is limited.
all Irish pork products because of dioxin contamination in one feed            Where NPD does come in is around the edges, with different flavours,
supplier. That had a devastating effect on business and could effectively      sauces, packaging and so on. We would work extensively with our
have destroyed the industry. The government stepped in and put a               customer base to come up with different variants, cures and packaging.
package in place to save it and that was very successful, with the funds       We have put in a lot of effort in that regard.
paid back over the following years in tax revenue etc. In addition, the
swift response to the dioxin issue, one could argue, has enhanced our          What role do your financial advisers play?
reputation abroad as high-quality producers with high standards.               BDO played an advisory role at the time of the acquisition in 2008 and
                                                                               have made a contribution, primarily through their corporate finance
I mentioned the Enterprise Ireland lean programme already as                   function. We would regularly touch base for issues or advice, often in
being particularly beneficial. With regard to Bord Bia, their support,         an informal way.
particularly with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo is very important
in marketing our product in Ireland and people do seek out Irish               Is there anything specific you feel the sector is crying out for now?
products as a result. That said, there are a raft of other logos out there     A pro-business banking culture is critical, as is freeing up funds for
that are probably confusing consumers and we need to work on that.             good investment projects and good business people. Pig farmers
                                                                               are quite different from the more traditional farmers in their
What about availability of funding? Do you get a sense that banks              business focus and don’t always get the credit for that. They get no
are more amenable to companies involved in food and drink exports?             contribution from CAP and those who have survived the challenges
I think they probably are. Thankfully we haven’t had any major issues          over the years and are still in business are serious business people.
and we have seen banks we have not dealt with before show interest.            The industry is self-sufficient to a very high degree and the level of
The bigger issue for us is our customer base and their lack of funds,          government intervention is minimal relative to other sectors. We are
which has increased our credit risk. That’s been a challenge and we            hopeful feed prices will come down and I would see a very strong
have put extra resources into managing it. That said, we have been             opportunity for tillage farmers to work with the industry and to set up
on the ground in various markets over the years, in some cases for 20          contract fattening enterprises on their farm to complement their base
years, so we know the markets and the distribution channels very well.         business. We will be pushing for that, in the years ahead, to grow the
We have encountered difficulties where people try to grow too quickly          national herd.
and we have learned to watch for the signs.
                                                                               Any closing thoughts?
We also have to consider the challenges our suppliers face. They have          We are confident demand for pork is very strong and growing
had a difficult few years, driven by increased feed prices, and we will        internationally. Ireland currently supplies less than 0.5% of
have a very significant challenge in complying with a new welfare              internationally traded pork so the opportunity for growth is significant
directive on loose sow housing that comes into effect from January             if our supply chain can deliver the raw material. We are here to grow
next year. The ability of the supply base to fund the investment needed        the business and take advantage of the market opportunities that are
here is critical and, to my mind, the greatest challenge facing the            there. There are not a lot of other industries out there that have the
industry right now.                                                            luxury of saying that right now.
24 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector

        outside experts
        looking in
Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 25

Geoff Meagher
Philip Barlow, Barlow
Maree Gallagher, MGA
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012
BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012

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BDO IRELAND Agri Food Opportunities And Insights.2012

  • 2.
  • 3. BDO Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights Contents Foreword Some key statistics 2 3 BDO: Funding 4 BDO: EII Scheme 6 BDO: R&D Tax Credits 8 The view from the marketplace Glenisk 12 Green Farm Foods 14 Mr. Crumb 16 Nature’s Best 18 Pallas Foods 20 Rosderra Irish Meats 22 Outside experts looking in Geoff Meagher 26 Philip Barlow 28 Maree Gallagher 30 The view from support agencies Bord Bia 34 Enterprise Ireland 36 IBEC 38 Irish Exporters Association 40 Teagasc 42 Some thoughts from the banking sector Bank of Ireland 46 Ulster Bank 47 Our Agri-Food Team | BDO 48
  • 4. 2 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Foreword By Stewart Dunne “The vision of Irish agri-food as a sustainable, dynamic and growth- oriented industry is rapidly gaining momentum.” The Irish food and drink industry has enjoyed surging levels While funding issues, naturally, are articulated throughout, our of export growth over the last two years, and shown an contributors also stress structural concerns such as the skills shortage at certain levels of the industry and the need for greater investment in impressive ability to win significant new business on the R&D and new product development (NPD). international stage. Nowhere is the sense of ambition more evident than in the SME sector. On the positive side, contributors also highlight the range of non- traditional funding opportunities that exist, from leveraging R&D The vision of Irish agri-food as a sustainable, dynamic and growth- tax credits to equity investments to trade finance products. BDO’s oriented industry is rapidly gaining momentum and the industry’s unrivaled insight and expertise in the areas of funding; access to the ability to offer an even spread of employment and wealth-creation R&D tax credit; and the administration of the EII Scheme, will be of across the island makes its success one of particular socio-economic particular interest to the industry and are covered in some detail by value. my colleagues within this publication. Above all, contributors stress the value of relationship building and networking as businesses seek Through Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights our goal is to bring out the funding champions who will enable them to scale up and grow. alive both the sense of vibrancy in the industry and the diversity of perspectives that exist on how it will meet the challenges of the BDO has a longstanding commitment to understanding the needs of coming years. our clients and to going beyond their expectations as we meet them. The agri-food industry is a priority for us and, through this publication, There are, undoubtedly, structural and funding issues that need to I hope to give a sense of our ambitions to partner with you as you set be addressed if we are to scale up to the growth levels set out in out your priorities for growth in the decade ahead. the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Food Harvest 2020. Through conversations with support agencies, advisers, the banking sector and, of course, the food companies themselves, Agri- Food Opportunities and Insights gives a sense of where the industry sees itself, and what actions are necessary if we are to realise the opportunity for Ireland’s high-quality agri-food outputs. On behalf of Stewart Dunne BDO I wish to extend my thanks to all who contributed their time to Lead Partner, BDO Agri-Food Team make this document what it is.
  • 5. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 3 Some key STATISTICS The value of Irish food and drink exports increased by 12% in 2011 to reach €8.85bn. 25% ahead of levels recorded in 2009. Irish food and drink exports 2009-2011 Irish food and drink exports 2009-2011 Source: Bord Bia Source: Bord Bia The UK remains a key export market but broadening Ireland has achieved the most significant market reach is evident as a greater proportion of improvement in competitiveness (-12%) of our exports go to other european countries and all the euro area countries. international markets. Changes in Harmonised Competitiveness Index, based on GDP deflator (Q2 2008-Q2 2011) Trends in Export values by region (€m) Source: Bord Bia estimates Market distribution of Irish food and drink exports (%) Source: European Central Bank Source: Bord Bia estimates
  • 6. 4 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Our perspective on the funding op Richard Duffy, Director, Corporate Finance, BDO Agri-food team What is the message to agri-food clients when they ask about to adapt, an environment in which a company has a mix of funding funding? sources is a more sustainable one in the long term. Given the agri-food sector’s strong growth in recent years, and projected on-going growth, the sector has been singled out as having a central Separately, the recent announcement from the government of the role to play in aiding economic recovery. As such, the government and introduction of the loan guarantee scheme is to be welcomed. The its agencies, the banks and investors are very favourably disposed to challenge for SMEs is to stay up-to-date in a changing landscape and financing/supporting companies within the sector. Against this backdrop, to be able to target the right funding sources as they develop their the message, on balance is a positive one for clients: while challenging to businesses and, thereafter, present a credible business case to secure obtain, funding is available. those funds available. Surprisingly, many businesses are still not aware of the range of funding opportunities that are out there. In our experience, the larger agri-food corporates encounter fewer difficulties in sourcing finance, given their established track record with Are grants a feasible option for funding in the current environment? their funders. Where issues are more likely to emerge are in the SME Enterprise Ireland are key funders in this regard and have a range of sector. As companies, at this level, seek to consolidate their position grant aids/support programmes that are appropriate for different and scale up, particularly within the consumer foods area, they will stages of a company’s growth. The support and incentive programmes undoubtedly experience difficulties in accessing funds. available from Enterprise Ireland range from building a company’s cost competitiveness, export development and R&D to key management With that in mind, it is important to know what funding products are development and financial support to accelerate a company’s growth available, if they are suitable for your business; how these products can be potential. accessed; and what supporting information is required. I would also argue it’s never been more important to seek advice in respect of the above. Enterprise Ireland can provide investment on a matching funding principle. This model was initially developed for the technology sector, Are banks still the primary route to access funding for the sector? which tends to have faster scale ups. Despite the fact that agri-food The banks were the main source of funding up until 2008. Everyone now companies tend to grow more slowly this funding source is still very valid recognises that the days of gearing up property assets to secure cheap and accessible. How does this work? The investment from Enterprise and readily accessible credit is over. In reality, SMEs in Ireland were too Ireland is typically for a five-year term and structured by way of reliant on bank finance to fund growth. The pendulum has now swung in preference shares in the company. the opposite direction, with a mind-set among some clients that banks aren’t lending at all. Are companies looking more seriously at the equity route? With traditional sources now more limited, there is certainly a need for The banks have an incredibly important role to play in funding SMEs. It is more equity finance in companies. The reality is companies are under true to say the quantum of finance available is more limited, the process capitalised, typically operating on tight margins, where it is increasingly more involved and the nature of the finance changed. Having said all this, difficult to get paid on a timely basis. We are back to probably a 50:50 finance is still available from the banks for well managed businesses with split between debt and equity in all future financing arrangement for a sound business plan. companies. What banking products are available? What are the equity options? For companies seeking to scale up in the agri-food sector, banks are In addition to the Enterprise Ireland schemes and the Enterprise particularly interested in providing invoice discounting, as a principal and Investment Incentive Schemes (EIIS), there are certainly private form of finance, if suited to the circumstances of the business. Other individuals and companies out there who have cash resources for debt instruments being actively marketed as a source of working capital investment within the sector. We are facilitating such investments on a funding include trade finance products. number of projects. Securing equity finance is a challenging process but we believe we are well positioned, having access to a pool of investors The more important point to consider is that the days of securing finance and an experienced advisory team who are supporting our clients in mainly from one principal source are over. While it can pose a challenge securing this type of finance.
  • 7. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 5 tions “Perhaps the more important point is that the days of accessing finance mainly from one principal source are over. While it can pose a challenge to adapt, an environment in which a company has a mix of funding sources is a more sustainable one in the long term.” Other than financial, what benefits does an equity investor bring? elements to it but it is relationship driven at the end of the day. It is Companies that operated traditionally as owner/managers can, initially, about finding support of credible people who fully believe in what you be uncomfortable about allowing a third party into that relationship, as want to achieve. they are reluctant to give up shareholding. However, in our experience, introducing a new partner allows an opportunity for companies to We have seen plenty of anecdotal evidence of people using their accelerate the growth of their businesses. Ultimately, for SMEs, it is networks and their advisers’ network to get the right introductions about access to resources and opportunities to build scale. In addition to both prospective equity and debt funders. So our advice is, as you to providing extra financing, a new investor can bring their relevant are doing your market research and gathering data for your business experience, new ideas and access to management skills, new customers plan, you need to be building your network at the same time. All of this and new markets. assumes you have a business plan that is credible, has growth potential and has a capable management who can deliver the plan. Are you seeing an interest among venture capitalists (VCs) in the agri-food sector? Any interesting examples of this? VCs, both locally and internationally, have not traditionally been We had one recent example of a client within the food industry who had interested in the Irish agri-food sector. However, we are certainly seeing an innovative proposition that required in excess of €1 million funding. private equity houses and institutional funders outside Ireland now They had the business concept, relevant experience, and supplier and looking seriously at the sector here. There is unlikely to be any immediate customer connections to make it happen. We helped develop, present uplift in activity, but looking to the future, I think it’s safe to predict some and critique the business plan, quantify their funding requirement and interesting investments will happen. negotiate on their behalf in raising the finance. Why will they invest? Furthermore, having assessed the opportunity, we advised it was an Overall, VC’s interest in Ireland will be driven by a consolidation of equity investment that was required to deliver on the opportunity. Both a particular part of the agri-food sector where they will invest in BDO and the company sought financial support from their respective a ‘consolidator’ or they will be attracted to certain companies of contacts. Ultimately, the funds were secured from a private source reasonable scale, who will have an established footprint in both Irish and known to both BDO and the company. The investor, fundamentally, overseas markets. As such, other than on an ad hoc basis, in our opinion, believed in the promoter’s and the opportunity. the SME sector is unlikely to reap the full benefit of this potential source of funding. Had they been depending exclusively on debt funding, it is unlikely the project would have been funded at the pace been sought by the What sort of practical advice do you give clients about funding? promoters, given the company’s stage of development. In our opinion, One very simple and effective message is to use your adviser’s/non- this fundraise was successful, as it was about having a pool of relevant executive director’s network, and your own contacts. Access to funding funding partners available and matching the opportunity against these is about knowing what funding sources are available, getting access to sources. We have a growing number of examples like this, which show people and finding the right individual at the right time. that accessing different sources of money can work. Don’t be reluctant in taking advantage of people’s knowledge base, Any closing thoughts? their relationships and their resources, as a means to access funding It’s important to stand back and look at all the options. Now, more than opportunities. Companies need ‘champions’ on their side, whatever ever, companies need to consider the suite of funds on offer and match funding route they are taking and your contacts might know just who the funding requirement against the funding source. Even if you see those parties are. a source as only a minor contributor, you need to realise that funding from alternative sources is the new norm. In terms of the business plan, You will probably need several champions along the way. They can be you need to invest time and use an experience adviser to support you to your adviser, your banking contact, who will need to present and support ensure the plan is as robust as possible. Your advisers should, importantly, your company’s plan through a rigorous credit committee process, have a network and access to potential funding partners. In summary in as well as other individuals. The funding process has many technical order to successfully fundraise: prepare well, be credible, seek advice.
  • 8. 6 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Employment & Investment Incentive S Andrew Bourg, Director, Corporate Investment & Business Advisory, BDO Agri-food team What is the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (EII a 16-year track record with the BES. Over that period, we have raised Scheme)? and invested c. €128 million in over 140 companies with a large number The EII Scheme was introduced by the Government to provide a source of those in the food and drink sector. Our funds are managed and the of equity funding for SMEs at a time when funding from traditional investments are monitored in a very ‘hands on’ way by our full-time and sources is limited. Essentially, it builds on, and replaces, the old Business experienced management team, and that approach has worked well for Expansion Scheme (BES), taking the benefits of BES and extending them both companies and investors alike. considerably. For private investors, the EII scheme offers attractive tax relief of up to 41% to invest in medium-term equity capital in companies. Our most recent fund, The Davy EII Fund, successfully raised over €3.2 million and we are actively targeting 4 to 6 growing companies to assess What are the main differences between EII and BES? their suitability for the investment of these funds in 2012. Firstly, the EII Scheme significantly widens the scope of companies that can raise EII funding. It’s no longer just manufacturing companies and Do you feel enough SMEs know about EII? those involved in internationally traded goods and services, as was the Surprisingly, we sometimes encounter companies and advisers that case with BES. EII funding is effectively available as a source of funding do not know the scheme is available to them or that the scale of the to all companies (some minor exceptions apply). Secondly, companies changes made from the old BES means they now have access to a can now raise up to €10 million, whereas, under BES, the limit was €2 new funding source. It depends on the company and how proactive million. Under the new scheme, the amount that can be raised in any 12 management is in pursuing funding options. As the longest running EII month period has also been increased from €1.5 million to €2.5 million. scheme manager in the country, we are helping to educate the market Finally, the EII scheme has a shorter investment term of three years on these recent changes and the level of awareness is growing fast. compared to five years under the BES. What do you look for in a company when you are making What are the benefits to investors? investment decisions? The EII Scheme offers one of the few remaining tax reliefs and is one of In broad terms we look for companies which have the following key the few sources of total income tax relief (which includes, for example, attributes: rental income and deposit income) and investors can avail of tax relief on investments up to €150,000 p.a. Investors can claim tax relief of ––  Strong and capable management team 30% in the year of investment and, in addition to this, and of particular ––  Three-to-five year strong trading record interest to the food and drink sector, where it is proven that additional ––  Growth potential jobs are created, or the company increases its R&D expenditure, an additional 11% tax relief can be claimed by the investors. ––  Positive net asset value ––  rospect for realisation of the investment after the three year EII P What is BDO’s role in the EII Scheme? scheme period. BDO and Davy operate a joint venture to raise and provide funding to SMEs under the EII Scheme. Our joint involvement with EII builds on Specifically, and just as important to the above, is good business
  • 9. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 7  SCHEME – The new bes “Surprisingly, we sometimes encounter companies and advisers that do not know the scheme is available to them or that the scale of the changes made from the old BES means they now have access to a new funding source.” planning, management and the availability of timely and What role can an advisory firm play as a business scales up in that way? reliable management information. It is critical that we can tell, In our experience, an experienced adviser plays a key role as a business with some reliability, how a company is performing and, scales up. The management team are in the trenches and laying the more importantly, that the management/promoters have this foundations for the growth, as a result the adviser should be a bouncing information too. board to reviewing management’s growth plans and projections to ensure that “profitable” growth is achieved, as well as ensuring that Are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) a reliable guide? the growth will be adequately funded. Companies often make the Absolutely, a lot of the food and drink companies we have invested in mistake of scaling up too quickly and that can cause difficulties if they operate a system of KPIs and those which did not, we have assisted in are underfunded. A good and experienced adviser will help give the devising such a system. As a result management know on a weekly, visibility on where the company is at all times, making sure they are not or even daily basis, how they are performing so there are no surprises overextending themselves and putting the core business at risk. when the management accounts are produced. Typical KPI’s include for example production yield %, labour, raw material and wastage cost per Any closing thoughts? KG of inputs, capacity utilisation and customer service levels to name I would encourage any companies interested in looking to raise EII a few. These “key indicators” empower the management team to take funding (be it from a fund like The Davy EII Fund or from private corrective action in a timely manner, if necessary. individuals) to get in touch with us. There are very significant benefits that this kind of equity funding can bring to food and drink companies Any interesting funding success stories? including: We have a number, but one example is a food company which, when we initially invested in the late 1990’s had annual turnover of ––  Fixed cost of finance, c. €500,000. We followed the initial investment with 3 further BES ––  capital repayments until 2015; No investment rounds investing the €2 million BES limit. That company ––  Existing shareholders retain control of the business; now has an annual turnover of c. €28 million, with well-known branded products in both domestic and export markets. ––  nvestment is equity not debt thereby improving the balance sheet I gearing and The business planning side of the story is very important, the company ––  may trigger additional funding from e.g. Enterprise Ireland. It did not initially have a KPI model, but we assisted the company in implementing one and everything now gets measured. The company More broadly, I would say that, in BDO, our goal is to assist companies used the BES investments to increase production capacity, intensify its achieve their growth plans in the areas they require assistance on, NPD, increase its marketing campaigns to build its brands in its target whether its funding be it EII Scheme, Enterprise Ireland or the banks, markets. Furthermore, the BES investment enabled the company to to developing and refining their KPI models, to reviewing their growth leverage further funding from Enterprise Ireland in its export plans, so plans, it’s an exciting time to be working with the industry and we have it is tangible proof of the benefits equity funding can bring to the food an enormous bank of expertise to support companies as they scale up and drink sector. for growth to leverage the export led recovery.
  • 10. 8 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Research Development tax credit Derek Henry, Head of RD tax services, BDO Agri-food team What is the RD tax credit? This is not a typical interaction in most companies so it requires Revenue first introduced tax relief on research and development (RD) planning and coordination. Scientific/engineering staff are often expenditure in 2004 and, subsequently, amended conditions relating unfamiliar, and sometimes uncomfortable, with the legal terminology to it over the years. Section 766 TCA 1997 provides for a tax credit of of the qualification criteria. This can lead to delays and, sometimes, 25% of incremental expenditure by a company, or group of companies, mistakes in the application process, which may frustrate further incurred wholly and exclusively on RD. The most recent change was in attempts at securing the credit. Finance Act 2012. Can the necessary expertise be brought in? How can the RD tax credit benefit food and drink companies? At BDO we have established a multi-disciplinary team approach The main benefit is that companies are entitled to a credit of 25% of that targets that issue. Through the BDO International RD Centre their incremental RD expenditure. This credit is in addition to the of Excellence, our Irish tax experts collaborate with a team of highly normal corporation tax deduction for the expenditure. This means that experienced RD engineers/scientists to provide a full RD tax solution a company can achieve an effective tax deduction of up to 37.5% on for clients. We routinely assist in all aspects of the claim, for a wide most RD expenditure. The credit can be offset against a company’s variety of clients, including food and drink companies. The service covers corporation tax liability of the period. If the company does not have a everything from technical report preparation, financial calculation and corporation tax liability it can claim a cash payment of the value of the support, to documentation support and interaction with Revenue in the unused credit in that period from the tax authorities, subject to certain case of a review. Our clients have found the BDO approach to be both restrictions. This means the credit can represent a viable, and significant, very effective and efficient. Our goal is to take away, as much as possible, source of funding for businesses with cashflow difficulties. the stress of making the claim for the company, so its in-house staff is freed up to focus on their day-to-day work. Are there any particular challenges to claiming the relief? The biggest issue that emerges among companies is lack of knowledge in terms of what activities qualify for RD. Misconceptions on the types “There are obvious financial rewards from of activities that qualify mean that many companies routinely miss out qualifying for the RD tax credit regime and on this valuable relief because they – incorrectly – believe that they are not carrying on RD. they have, in some cases, thrown a lifeline to companies.” Is there some ambiguity in the application of the definition of RD? Companies can encounter difficulties when attempting to practically Could the RD tax credit be improved? apply the technical qualification requirements set out in the Act to the Ireland is in fierce competition with other international jurisdictions actual work they are carrying out. This is exacerbated by the fact that to attract foreign investment in its RD activities and to ensure making a claim requires a multi-faceted approach. Applying for the tax indigenous companies are not lured away to do their research credit is, naturally, viewed as a function of the finance department; elsewhere. In this regard, it is essential that the RD tax credit however, it is necessary to engage with a company’s scientific/ remains internationally competitive. The government introduced engineering staff to ensure the claim is appropriately prepared. a number of welcome measures aimed at enhancing the regime in
  • 11. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 9 “The biggest issue that emerges among companies is lack of knowledge in terms of what activities qualify for RD. Misconceptions on the types of activities that qualify mean that many companies routinely miss out on this valuable relief.” Finance Bill 2012. In particular, the increase in the limit on the amount companies. It would be impossible to provide an exhaustive list and of outsourced activities claimable and the relaxation of the base year each case has to be reviewed in its own context to assess eligibility. are positives. That said, some of these enhancements will have only However, areas where we have, in the past, found qualifying RD a limited impact on many companies. In particular, the qualifying activities – and often to the surprise of our clients – would include conditions under which the credit can be used to reward employees the following: are overly prescriptive, to such an extent that only a limited number of companies will qualify. ––  Agro-ecology areas such as:  Organic farming Also, while the base year relaxation is welcome, we would argue that  Sustainable agriculture the credit should move to a full volume-base system as opposed to the current incremental system. The incremental system is cumbersome  Alternative food systems and unfairly penalises companies who were carrying on RD in Ireland ––  Plant breeding in 2003. ––  science Soil ––  Taste/flavour profiling What type of activities has BDO found qualify, within the food and drink sector? ––  Calorie reduction projects Food and drink is, by its nature, a highly innovative sector, with a high ––  Shelf-life extension projects level of scientific and/or engineering expertise usually attached to ––  Raw material sourcing projects ––  Packages and/or process development ––  Waste management ––  Energy efficiency projects. How have companies used cashflow from the RD tax credit? There are obvious financial rewards from qualifying for the RD tax credit regime and they have, in some cases, thrown a lifeline to companies. Typically, we would see the tax credit used to fund more RD projects within the industry. This would include, where it was deemed necessary, the hiring of suitably qualified scientific/ engineering staff to support the future RD efforts of the company. In that sense, it can certainly be seen to be a highly successful initiative by Revenue, as it reinforces the RD efforts of companies, and provides an essential support as they scale up their businesses and deliver growth to the economy.
  • 12. 10 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector The view from the MarketPlace
  • 13. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 11 Glenisk Green Farm Foods Mr. Crumb Nature’s Best Pallas Foods Rosderra Irish Meats
  • 14. 12 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Glenisk important, I’m of the belief that the judging criteria and, hence, sense of loyalty is different in export markets. You need to adapt and invest resources to manage that. There is also the fact that, the further you go from home, the more you will be judged on price. Where do you see the opportunities for growth/scaling your business? I still see plenty of room for growth for us in Ireland and I’d like to think that we can complement continued domestic growth with targeted/ Vincent Cleary, Managing Director, Glenisk bespoke products for specific overseas markets, so it’s about finding the right balance really. We built in significant spare capacity the last time we upgraded our processing facility and we have plenty of scope to grow Tell us a little about your company? fully into our premises. Although there are bottlenecks, by and large, I am Glenisk is a family business, based in Killeigh, Co. Offaly, celebrating factoring in growth of 20% year-on-year for the next number of years. 25 years in business this year. Organic since the mid 1990s, we work with 50 small family farms and, in fact, use 90% of the organic milk Will this require specific funding? produced on the island of Ireland. Although we have gone through many Funding is not an issue for us, at the moment, as we are adequately changes, I’d like to think that we remain true to our core principles. resourced. However, I have had dealings with Irish banks and would be very aware of the limitations here at the moment. Needless to say, in all How have the last two-to-three years been for you? planning, sound financial advice is critical, i.e., you can’t build what you We have experienced our strongest growth, ever, in the past number haven’t got or can’t get. of years, but it has come at a cost. We have absorbed significant ‘commodity’ and input inflation, but have become more efficient and, How important are government agencies in supporting your business? hence, competitive as a result. We have gone through two rounds of There are soft supports that we avail of and we have had positive deflation (one self imposed and one forced on us). As a result of all that, our margins have severely depleted. Fortunately, there seems to be some light appearing at the end of the tunnel and I believe that we can continue on the path of sustainable growth that we set out on. What has changed most in your business planning in this time? I would say our mindset. Necessity is, indeed, the mother of all innovation. Everyone is wiser in hindsight, but in many respects, we could be accused of having become quite complacent during the boom times – everything seemed easier and the margins were assured. The recession has brought with it a firm dose of reality and a more realistic view that nothing worthwhile comes easily. How has your commitment to new product development (NPD) been impacted? NPD is still at the core of our business, but it is no longer taken for granted. We put a lot more time and thought into researching our consumers. Understanding their needs and expectations is paramount. I would see myself as an observer of consumers and, of course, as one myself, I like to think I have the ability to empathise with others. I believe that if you can identify and recognise the need, you are half way to solving it. I don’t believe in copying other people’s ideas but I will certainly take inspiration from something/someone I come across – it could be as simple as a customer or a colleague articulating a problem, to an observation on an item/product to being inspired by my four-year-old daughter. We have to be more than simply organic – and NPD is central to this endeavour – as illustrated by launches of recent years, which include sugar-free baby yogurts; greek-style yogurts; granola top-cups etc. The major opportunity for food and drink companies seems to be in exports – do you agree? It was said to me once that the domestic market should be the most profitable part of your business and that, to conquer the world, you must be king of your own country first. So, although exports are
  • 15. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 13 experiences of the various agencies over the years. However, our family farm philosophy is about self-sufficiency and we are firm believers in doing things for ourselves rather than expecting others to do them. Are there any business challenges specific to an organic producer? A sufficient supply of our main raw material – organic milk – is a constant challenge. We have 50 excellent farmers who supply us but, despite the fact that we pay well over the odds for our supply, the broader farming community has been slow to embrace the organic philosophy. There needs to be a significant change in mindset across Irish agriculture, particularly when you consider how organic farming fits into the green, clean image that Ireland wants to project. Our experience is proof of how organic farming helps to protect the self-sufficiency is reflected in the fact that we do our own distribution livelihood of small, family-run farms, and keeps the countryside varied, within Ireland in the points of central distribution. Over the years, we clean and full of wildlife. There is also a very strong animal welfare and have never had any issues in getting our products listed among the Irish environmental story in organic production that could be channelled into retailers. It helps that we have built up plenty of experience treading how Irish agriculture is perceived, if more of the farming community the well-worn path over our time in business. In terms of building our came on board. Organic cows frequently live to the age of 15 and enjoy internal management capacity, like any small organisation, we are a natural environment where calves feed from the udder rather than excellent multi-taskers. As the business has grown, we’ve hired the on artificial milk substitute. Organic farming also produces less carbon right people for the job. Everyone pulls their weight and I’d like to think emissions and so has a lesser impact on the environment. that I lead by example. Tell us a little about building your brand over the years? Any closing thoughts? We set out our point of difference a number of years back, based on In the food and drinks industry, as elsewhere, some of the cleverest ideas the Glenisk philosophy that healthy soils creates healthy food and are the simplest ones. On the other hand, in our experience, the more allow us to raise healthy children. The model has been tweaked and complicated the idea the more expensive and difficult it can be to deliver continues to be tweaked but has remained pretty consistent. In terms the package that is required to educate the consumer. We see ourselves of promotion, we would always aim to spend our limited marketing as standing for an organic Ireland. It’s a simple, powerful message funds wisely – seeking maximum exposure at every opportunity, so that consumers have engaged with and one that we feel the broader as to give us the greatest possible ‘bang for our buck’. Our sense of agricultural community in Ireland should be engaging with too.
  • 16. 14 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Green Farm foods Kenneth Greene, Chief Executive, Green Farm Foods Tell us a little about Green Farm Foods? lifecycle before it is copied or goes into own label, at which point the Green Farm Foods was established in 1991 and is based in Rathowen, Co. margins start to drop. The RD tax credits have been a big plus over the Westmeath. Our facility extends to 4,000 sq metres and we employ 115 years and we have been able to offset our spend on NPD against that. people. Over the past two decades, we have continuously expanded to meet growing demand and, today, we are brand leaders in the premium Poultry is one of the sectors where it is tough to get margin. How do sliced cooked meats category, and our products are found in Supervalu, you manage that? Centra, Dunnes Stores, Tesco, Londis, Spar, Superquinn and other Marketing and branding are very important to us and, over the years, we independent stores. have become a brand leader in the premium sector of sliced cooked meat. We source high-quality raw materials to support that. Price is certainly Can you talk about your move into the branded space? a huge issue and consumers dictate what they pay for a product. On the The Green Farm Foods brand is built on health, nutrition and taste. In sourcing side, we increasingly source from Europe. People need to know July last year, we became the first Irish company to move to ‘nothing but where their food is coming from and we are very clear on that. We would natural’ – which means no preservatives, phosphates, and a gluten free source from fully integrated factories in Germany, Holland and Ireland. product. Initially, we had focused more on foodservice than on retail. Margins are very tight in foodservice and so we recognised that, if we Is it difficult for SMEs to build brands and brand awareness? wanted to develop our business, we needed to secure better returns. Consumers are very savvy when it comes to food and, when we launched, From 2002 onwards, we focused all our energy and resources on retail in 2005, we saw the opportunity. We did our research – on a shoestring and developed a premium product range, which we launched in 2005. budget – and the market was very receptive to our product. What was We have tripled our turnover since then. Today, we are regarded as brand important to us was giving the customer a quality product and the leaders in premium cooked meats. We also do private label, but our portion sizes they wanted. You can have a great master plan and large main focus is on our brand and we would always seek to marry the two marketing budgets but it is equally important to get the basics right and together when we talk to retailers. to really understand your customer well. How have the last two-to-three years been for you? Are you looking at overseas markets at the moment? Retail space has become a lot tighter and the space has to be worked a It’s a great time to focus on growth and our strategy, for the next two lot harder. We are currently working on business plans with all our retailer years, is to grow our exports to 45% of our business. At the moment, customers, looking at our range and our marketing strategy. The reality is, they are 28%. We have identified our market and set our plans in place. if you don’t offer products that are selling, you won’t get on the shelves, Recently, we took part in Bord Bia’s Marketplace and we had a successful so the pressure is really on companies to come up with very innovative experience there. We are primarily focused on bringing the brand to the products. UK but we are also looking at Holland, Germany, France and Spain. How is NPD prioritised in the company? We have been exporting for about two years and it has probably We have a very busy RD department and we have always recognised taken longer than we would have expected to build scale. If you had the need to apply innovation and added value to everything we do. deep pockets you would get there quicker but it is all about building We recognise there will be casualties along the way, but it’s about relationships and showing that you can deliver. We are still growing at maximising returns when you get a winning product. Every product has home, but the domestic market remains quite tough and is very much a lifespan and, once you launch it onto the market, it will have a certain focused on value and volume.
  • 17. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 15 Is getting the funding to scale up an issue? We are planning a major expansion at the moment and we know we will get the funding but it will be over 24 months, as opposed to the 12 months we would have liked. We are privileged to be in a situation where we have reasonably good cashflow and the credibility of a few years of experience under our belt. If we were starting as a new entry, at this point, I think it would be very difficult. What key decisions have you made that have allowed you to stay competitive? We have a very efficient factory with highly motivated staff and a great team ethic. We have also invested in automation and technology. We would monitor our KPIs on a weekly basis. We are paying higher prices in our inputs at the moment and it is difficult to pass that on, but we are talking to the market and try to negotiate pay increases if we have to. How is the issue of discounting affecting you? What is interesting is that even buyers in Irish multiples are seeing there are no long-term benefits to the discounting. Consumers are shopping the aisles and following the discounts – so you may have a sales spike but with low margins and the consumer will be shopping elsewhere next week. That said, when we look at our facility, we need a certain amount of volume going through at all times to cover our operating costs and it is better to have that throughput than to deal with the factory floor being idle. Any closing thoughts? I would see myself as an optimist with regard to growth in the sector, but that would be laced with a certain amount of pessimism given the overall political and economic issues, and the pressures people have to deal with in the environment of austerity. We are fortunate to be in a business where sales are growing but, certainly, SMEs in Ireland, in general, are under a lot of pressure. We need to encourage entrepreneurs back into the economy and, for the next generation, to take out the roadblocks that are currently in the way.
  • 18. 16 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector MR. CRUMB Manager as well as a Sales Director in the UK market and have people working with us in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Italy. Do you feel companies are getting the support needed from government agencies? Breaking into foreign markets is very costly. An SME in a tight financial credit situation, like we are all experiencing at the moment, won’t commit those resources unless they have financial support, so the agencies and, in particular Enterprise Ireland, really need to refocus on Bernard Coyle, Managing Director, Mr Crumb these companies. What’s interesting is, with alcohol, you can export to any country in Tell us a little bit about the company? the world with the same product, but you cannot do the same with Mr. Crumb began, in 1996, as a fresh breadcrumb and stuffing food. Every market is different. The UK market is quite different to manufacturer. We started from scratch, on a green field site, with two Ireland and, when we moved into France, we were surprised to find people – myself and my wife in a 5,000 sq. ft factory and, in 2005, we consumer tastes were quite different again. Adapting to that takes time added another 25,000 sq. ft to that. We have 64 full-time employees, and resources. If you go on to Spain, Italy and the Netherlands, these rising to 80 at peak times, and our turnover is between €7m and €10m. are all different markets so there is a long lead in time to meeting their requirements. It’s also very expensive sending numerous samples out by What’s the Mr. Crumb offering? courier for 24 hour delivery to these markets. We are a niche, artisan business and what we have tried to do, I believe with some success, is to bring artisan products to the mass market, firstly So SMEs will need funding support to scale up? through the multiples in Ireland and now to the UK and the rest of Europe. Absolutely. It will not happen, except in a few isolated cases, unless that We have a strong brand following in Ireland and we also do private label. support is there. It’s just a big ask for SMEs to commit very scarce and The differentiation of our product, versus our competitors, is its quality, tight resources to a market where they might not get a return for two or freshness and convenience. All our bread for crumbing is baked, for three years down the line. That’s what agencies need to be aware of. example, whereas others use damages or returns, and all our stuffings are cooked, whereas our competitors are not. We have diversified over A lot of Irish producers find it hard to get scale. There is a leap of faith the last number of years, into food-to-go, chilled and frozen party food, involved in scaling up and there is always a danger that the business Mexican-themed products, sauces, butters and chutneys. you base your planning and financing on doesn’t materialise in a given time frame. If you go back to your bank and you haven’t achieved What has driven that diversity? the turnover, that’s where a problem can arise – if the bank doesn’t We have always been very strong on new product development (NPD) understand the business it may not extend any further credit to you. In and always tried to be ahead of the curve. Within six months of setting fairness, we have always found our bank to be very supportive and we up, we had HACCP, which wasn’t a legal requirement at the time, as well have been lucky in having a good relationship with them down through as Hygiene Mark, Q Mark and ISO9002. Within 12 months we had BRC the years. Higher Grade. We also set up an NPD kitchen, which, today, employs five people, who are constantly turning out new ideas and variations, and new lines for the business. We would dedicate 10% of our sales to RD, which is not uncommon across Europe and the UK, but very high by Irish standards. Has the move to exporting been relatively straightforward? We have found the UK to be very tough to crack over the years. It’s not an exaggeration to say that we spent upwards of a million in getting into the market. Our core products, stuffing and crumb, are all about freshness, and in the UK, the market focus is on dried and long-life. It is really only in the last three years that we started to get traction. Waitrose was the first multiple to take us onboard and now we have products in Morrison’s, Asda, MS and, just before Christmas, we launched party food into Tesco UK. In terms of continental Europe, we have launched into Picard in France, which is seen as the frozen equivalent of Marks Spencer there, and has approx. 900 stores. They are a key customer. Our emphasis, this year, will be on the UK and continental Europe. We have a National Accounts
  • 19. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 17 Is the role of the financial adviser important here? and so on, there is no point in looking to export to the UK or Europe. It’s important that all parties around the table see the overall picture. In a sense, the scaling up has to take place before you approach these External financial advisers can be very useful soundboards to your markets, so it’s a chicken and egg situation. plans. They bring an external pair of eyes and ears and can flag issues that you might not see. Most financial planning is done in-house, but Is the pressure to provide discounts a major issue for you? it is important to have someone external, to run your business plans Consumers are, literally, being bombarded with offers in supermarkets past, and in that regard, we have found BDO’s expertise invaluable, right now and there is a danger of dumbing down the market. Food particularly at seeing the bigger picture. companies are caught, to an extent, on two sides, between rising input prices and not being able to get the return from the market. You can’t Are there any other logistical bottlenecks to scaling up? increase your margin with higher prices, so you have to try to maintain it We have a lot of wonderful artisan companies in Ireland but the number by being smarter and more efficient. of these that graduate to the next tier, that get to the scale where they employ 100 people, you could probably count on one hand. It always Unfortunately, promotions won’t be going away any time soon. amazes me that food companies in the UK, who may set up at the Retailers, particularly the discounters, are still opening shops so there same time as an Irish company, beginning from the same small base, is extra shelf space coming on the market but less people working and often scale up so much quicker. One of the major problems we have is more people emigrating. That is feeding back into a war between the multiples, and special offers and promotions are a key part of their “Consumers are, literally, being bombarded armoury. with offers in supermarkets right now and there Are food and drink companies effectively powerless in negotiations? is a danger of dumbing down the market.” Unfortunately, in a lot of cases, they are faced with fait accompli. What I would say is, you need to have a strong relationship with retailers, in getting suitably qualified middle management, by that I mean NPD and a strong brand, to show that you are delivering best practice and and technical managers, as well as purchasing, planning, production and are proactive in the market place, either with new products, products logistics people, with experience in the food industry. This has been an extensions, greener packaging or a strong environmental story. The issue since the late 1990s and, in fact, has actually gotten a lot worse. environment is a huge issue in retail in the UK and Europe right now and In Mr. Crumb, we have had posts open for up to six months for the right is only going to get bigger. So, as manufacturers, we all need to be looking people and not been able to fill them, and have had to go abroad to at our carbon footprint. Mr. Crumb has planted 22,000 trees to offset our recruit. This is common across the food industry at the moment. carbon footprint and is planting another 16,000 trees in spring 2012. We have gotten very good feedback from the multiples across the board on The food industry is one of the most heavily policed industries in the that. You need to be proactively going to them, before they come to you, world – up to and, in some cases, surpassing pharmaceutical standards and say ‘this is what we have done, what we will be doing over the next – so you really need people who know what they are doing and we don’t 12 months and what we’ll be doing over the next 36 months’. have the broad base in this country to provide the pool of expertise. Unless you can tick all the boxes for the multiples, like your NPD There is a very strong Carbon programme been driven hard by The manager, technical manager, account manager, financial controller Carbon Trust in the UK at the moment, and we are really only starting out on this road here. Have the new RD credits helped food companies? RD credits are available and are a great help, but not everything is covered. Take an RD kitchen – it’s a necessity, but it is costly and we find a lot of what we do is not eligible for RD tax credits or funding. It’s an ongoing discussion with our Finance Office as to why we are doing so much NPD and none of it is eligible, so the basics are there, but it needs tweaking. The danger, in the current environment, is that a lot of companies will park what they see as non-essential expenditure, and we will fall further behind the UK and Europe. Any closing thoughts? We have some great companies and a lot of terrific artisan-type companies, and what I think is wonderful about the food industry in Ireland is the great spread of employment throughout the country that they are supporting. Mr. Crumb is based in a very small village and, in terms of the micro economy, our importance is enormous. There are a lot of similar companies in other places doing the exact same, and that is fantastic, and needs to be built upon, because we need jobs like never before. Business needs to look up and concentrate more on export markets, because that’s where the big opportunities lie at the moment.
  • 20. 18 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Nature’s Best Tell us a little about your company? Nature’s Best is an Irish-owned chilled consumer food manufacturing company, founded in 1987. We employ 200 people and are based in Drogheda, Co. Louth. Our product range includes salad bowls, bagged leafy salads, wet salads, wet salad bar, prepared vegetables and stir fry, etc. The company’s product and production expertise is aimed primarily at larger supermarket chains that require private-label packaging and have very high quality safety, category management, service level and innovation requirements. By extending our Owen Quinn, CFO, Nature’s Best capabilities, we are currently entering new fresh chilled convenience categories. “Agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and Bord Bia have played important supporting roles as we have grown and expanded the business.”
  • 21. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 19 How have the last two-to-three years been for you? financial advisers have played in this regard, ensuring that we are not Between June 2008 and December 2010, we saw a decline in our missing out on any funding opportunities. As a more general comment, volume. Our market is now more competitive and is offering more value I think the government needs to do more to encourage more people to to the consumer. In 2011, we saw some recovery with a 10%+ rise in eat fresh Irish produced healthy quality food in Ireland and abroad. manufacturing volume growth, pointing to some recovery in the market. What would you see as the challenges facing you as you plan for What has changed most in your business planning in this time? growth? Over the last year, we have developed a tighter delivery window, which Our cost base, in Ireland, is still an issue vis a vis the UK and the rest impacts on our waste, labour, transport and other overhead costs. of Europe. The availability of funds to support long-term sustainable However, the tighter the window – from order capture to despatch – growth is an issue for us, as it is for a lot of companies. It is difficult the more people that have to be applied to the process. In some cases, for an SME to fund the development of a brand and most growth we have to not only crew up but also commence earlier in the day and opportunities for us, both at home and abroad, will be under private work to an estimated order, then rework surplus stock or restart to supermarket label. We have no issues in terms of route to market and make up the difference. In the short shelf life, fast moving consumer have always found private label to be easier to get listed than branded. goods (FMCG) environment, it is vital to plan ahead and bring strategic With regard to developing product differentiation, which is key to thinking to your decision making. growing our opportunities, we have recognised that our NPD must be synergistic with our core capabilities and follow established retail The major opportunity for food and drink companies seems to be prices. That is to say, there is little point in developing products that we in exports – do you agree? can’t deliver efficiently or that are outside the established price points I think this is the case, especially with longer shelf-life products, as of consumers. Our differentiation will be based on better execution most Irish companies offer an excellent high-quality product. With the and pursuit of key consumer trends, such as quality, health, nutrition, right product, the correct shelf life and enough funding in place, we packaging (convenience, sustainability) and freshness. would see that a lot of Irish SMEs could scale up to be very competitive exporters, as we ourselves plan to be, in the next few years. From What are your thoughts on branding and NPD? our own point of view, given the nature of what we produce, most If your product is unique and can’t be copied or its quality can’t be of Nature’s Best opportunities are currently in the home market. matched then branding gives a smaller company greater leverage with However, we do have opportunities in Northern Ireland and Britain. a retailer. For us, the private label route creates more opportunities Our approach, both domestically and in exports, is to identify gaps with less funding required. However, there are downsides. There in the market and, using market and consumer research, target these is more risk attached to losing your private label business than, opportunities. say, having a brand delisted with one customer. Also, in terms of investment, a private label manufacturer has a lower valuation than a Have government agencies been supportive? branded competitor. One thing people overlook with private label is Agencies such as Enterprise Ireland and Bord Bia have played important that NPD is still as important as it is to branded suppliers. We doubled supporting roles as we have grown and expanded the business. the size of our innovation team from five to ten in November 2011. More broadly, one area of weakness we would see in NPD in Ireland is Enterprise Ireland has invested preference shares in Nature’s Best and in food packaging, an area that is critically important to us. we have up-skilled our management team with their help also. Our executive team completed the Enterprise Ireland/IMI 1 Year Transform Any closing thoughts? Programme in October 2009 and our CEO completed the Enterprise Our experience would lead us to believe that every SME should Ireland/IMD 1 Year Leadership 4 Growth Programme in December complete the Enterprise Ireland Transform 1 Year Programme with a 2011. Most recently, I commenced the Enterprise Ireland/Stanford 1 business mentor. It will force management teams to spend a lot more Year Strategic ‘Leadership 4 CFOs’ programme, in December 2011. We time on developing a winning strategy and that is the key to winning are currently receiving grants and it important to stress the role our more business at home and abroad.
  • 22. 20 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Pallas Foods Dan Geary, Operations Director, Pallas Foods Tell us a little bit about your company? where we are out of stock and further increase order accuracy. Our Pallas Foods was established by the Geary family in the early 1980s development chefs work with our customers to develop new menus, and is, today, one of the leading foodservice distributors on the island reduce waste, implement portion control and efficiently manage of Ireland. We have been part of Sysco since March 2009 and employ inventory to assist them to develop a sustainable margin. approximately 500 people. We currently service over 7,000 customers and have a portfolio of more than 7,000 products. We are unique Are we branding Ireland strongly enough in foodservice? in that we offer fresh, frozen, ambient and non-food products, in The opportunity for the industry centres on the perception of Ireland addition to an extensive wine list. as a green, clean country and further regulation and metrics should be implemented to ensure this reputation can be maintained and How have the last three years been for foodservice providers in protected. As an extension of this, Ireland should position its agri-food Ireland? industry as a world leader in the protection of animal welfare. It is The past few years have been very difficult for many of our customers essential to maintain consumer confidence in the safety and quality of and, throughout the industry, we see that it is those who offer value food produced in Ireland. to their customers who are continuing to perform. Consumers are more demanding and rightly so: if they are disappointed by a dining Awareness of country of origin in foodservice is much lower than experience, whether in a deli or a Michelin-star restaurant, they will in retail. Isn’t that a key issue for suppliers? vote with their feet. As a distributor to the foodservice industry, we It is true that consumer awareness of the origins of food is not as have seen, and experienced, significant margin pressure throughout strong in foodservice as in retail, where Irish branding and Bord Bia the supply chain and this, coupled with increasing costs and rising quality assurance logo may be evident on the packaging. However, commodity prices, has resulted in difficult conditions for both our consumers who choose to buy Irish in a retail setting can be suppliers and our customers. encouraged to do the same when eating out also. The foodservice industry needs to be encouraged to promote Irish food and Irish How have you responded? brands on their menus, but alongside this, there needs to be a Like all links in the supply chain, we have been driven to increase system of certification and regulation to ensure the integrity of efficiency and reduce our cost base to survive. We have also worked the menu claims. to increase the value we offer to our customers. By offering frequent or daily deliveries in high-volume areas, across the 32 counties, we How do we meet the challenge of cheaper imports? reduce the risk for our customers in holding inventory. We are in the The challenge of competing with cheaper imports is more evident with process of introducing new technology which will reduce incidences commodity items. There will always be a demand for the cheapest
  • 23. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 21 “With strong promotion and branding to drive awareness, there will be an increasing willingness by consumers to pay a premium for quality Irish core ingredients.” food from certain sectors of the foodservice industry and, with the cost base for Irish producers, it is not feasible to try to compete with these producers. However, with strong promotion and branding to drive awareness, there will be an increasing willingness by consumers to pay a premium for quality Irish core ingredients. What are the key claims Irish suppliers can make, aside from being produced in Ireland? Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of where their food comes from and how it is produced. We would see, within foodservice, a strong appreciation for the high-quality core ingredients produced by Ireland’s agri-food sector. There is growing consumer demand for food that is traceable and safe, while being produced in a manner that is environmentally responsible and protects animal welfare. The Irish agri-food sector is ideally positioned to capitalise on these consumer demands and the foodservice industry should leverage this to promote their business and stand apart from their competitors. Any closing thoughts? The Irish agri-food sector produces raw ingredients of a quality unsurpassed anywhere in the world and, at present, there is a growing demand from consumers for a more honest and natural dining experience. People are demonstrating a keen appreciation for quality ‘centre of plate’ ingredients and we are seeing a huge upsurge in demand for products and brands such as Hereford prime Irish beef, Slaney Valley Irish spring lamb, Silver Hill Irish duck, Glin Valley chicken and Irish farmhouse cheeses. I believe that the future of the Irish agri-food industry lies in a continued focus on maintaining the quality of the produce and, also, working towards efficiency and reducing costs.
  • 24. 22 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector Rosderra Irish Meats Andrew Fleming, Director, Rosderra Irish Meats Tell us a little about the company? we are seeking out tend to be large volume users and we want to sell The original company was formed back in 1907 in Roscrea, Co. container after container to them. Tipperary, when a group of farmers formed a co-op to market and sell their pork. The business ended up under the ownership of Glanbia Is the international commodity price key to growth then? until 2008, when it was sold to the senior management team. The It’s one aspect of it, certainly, but another is flexibility. While we have business wasn’t a strategic fit for Glanbia, as they were developing 50% of the Irish market, on an international scale we are relatively their expertise in cheese and nutrition. We have factories in Clara, small, so we can offer a flexibility that our main competitors – the Dutch Edenderry, Jamestown, Roscrea and Stadone and employ approximately and the Danes – can’t. We would argue that, rather than a commodity 900 people, with turnover in excess of €250m. We are a major supplier product, we can give a more specialised product and that gives us a to retail, catering and food processors in Ireland and have significant competitive advantage. export markets in the EU, Russia, Asia, North America and South Africa. Do you sell on the fact that you are Irish? How has your focus changed in the last three years? We do stress the quality and traceability of Irish products and our The export market has driven our growth over this time. You don’t have standards of animal welfare so, yes, we do play the Irish card. It’s actually to go too far to see the number of promotions on meat in the domestic critical in the home market with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo. market and that has the effect of keeping prices very challenging. A key strategic decision we have made is to move away from the price-driven UK market and to reduce our dependency on it. We have successfully “In 2011, 9% volume growth was achieved replaced it with markets in China, Russia and Japan. Discounting is still a factor in some of these overseas markets but, as we don’t sell directly and the price of meat went up internationally. to retailers there and don’t negotiate with them, to some degree we are All told, the value of the pork sector has gone insulated from that. up by 20% over the last 12 months and the How have you adapted to the challenge of the home markets? vast majority of that is exports.” Consumers here and in the UK are looking for more for less so it’s about delivering on price, but without compromising on quality. We are very particular with our bacon products and so we have to become more Internationally, Ireland has a reputation for quality but that just gets you efficient to survive, which is what we’ve done, by getting our facilities to the table, you have to be able to demonstrate that you, as a producer, more productive and delivering a better quality, more consistent product. offer that quality. Over the years, we have built up a strong reputation for quality and, in fact, our plant number has become a form of our brand. How has your business planning changed over this time? Firstly, you have to go back to the point that, as a business, we are not in Do you see exports scaling up significantly in the years ahead? the position to pick and choose exactly what we sell. You can’t produce The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has targeted 50% more of different parts of the pig that you could sell for a premium, so growth for the sector by 2020. In 2011, 9% volume growth was achieved you have to deal with all of the pig. In that sense, our business is quite and, also, the price of meat went up internationally, so that, all told, the different from many others, in that it is about revenue maximisation. value of the pork sector has gone up by 20% over the last 12 months Secondly, we are lucky in that we operate in a market which is very and the vast majority of that is exports. significant internationally and growing at a rate of 1.5% annually. With the work we have done in our facilities, we have access to the However, we have had to get our cost base right to compete and get all entire range of markets, globally, that provide the best opportunities. areas of the business lean and fit for purpose. We are at a disadvantage We monitor all our markets very carefully and move, to some extent in that a lot of the raw material for our farmer base is imported – the opportunistically, where prices are stronger. Strategically, we have Irish economy is not self sufficient in animal feed supply and that is developed positions in Asia and have found having a presence on the quite an expense within the supply chain. ground to be very beneficial. We have a number of people there to get a better feel of what’s happening in the market. One issue is that we How have you made your business more competitive? would not sell anything less than container loads, so the customers that With the support of Enterprise Ireland, we have undertaken a lean
  • 25. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 23 programme, a root and branch review of all our activities, to see if we can Would you like to extend into the retail space in these third country be more efficient. That has come on top of a long culture of continuous markets? improvement and there are a number of areas where we have made At this point, our view is we are operating on a business-to-business strides in recent years. Interestingly, we haven’t reduced our labour force, model and we don’t compete with our customers in international in fact, it has gone up by over 100 people since we bought the business markets. Engaging with retailers, in terms of everything from managing in 2008. But lean isn’t about cutting staff, it’s about working smarter and promotional activity, to returns, to lead times, is challenging. It can take producing a better and more consistent quality product. six weeks to get product to China, so our responsiveness would make us very cautious about that type of move. Are you happy with the overall support the sector gets from government and agencies? How important is RD to a business like yours? If you look back, one of the critical challenges we faced, as a sector, NPD is very significant, particularly in the Irish market. Pork is a very was in December 2009, when there was an international recall of well established product so the opportunity for massive NPD is limited. all Irish pork products because of dioxin contamination in one feed Where NPD does come in is around the edges, with different flavours, supplier. That had a devastating effect on business and could effectively sauces, packaging and so on. We would work extensively with our have destroyed the industry. The government stepped in and put a customer base to come up with different variants, cures and packaging. package in place to save it and that was very successful, with the funds We have put in a lot of effort in that regard. paid back over the following years in tax revenue etc. In addition, the swift response to the dioxin issue, one could argue, has enhanced our What role do your financial advisers play? reputation abroad as high-quality producers with high standards. BDO played an advisory role at the time of the acquisition in 2008 and have made a contribution, primarily through their corporate finance I mentioned the Enterprise Ireland lean programme already as function. We would regularly touch base for issues or advice, often in being particularly beneficial. With regard to Bord Bia, their support, an informal way. particularly with the Bord Bia Quality Assurance logo is very important in marketing our product in Ireland and people do seek out Irish Is there anything specific you feel the sector is crying out for now? products as a result. That said, there are a raft of other logos out there A pro-business banking culture is critical, as is freeing up funds for that are probably confusing consumers and we need to work on that. good investment projects and good business people. Pig farmers are quite different from the more traditional farmers in their What about availability of funding? Do you get a sense that banks business focus and don’t always get the credit for that. They get no are more amenable to companies involved in food and drink exports? contribution from CAP and those who have survived the challenges I think they probably are. Thankfully we haven’t had any major issues over the years and are still in business are serious business people. and we have seen banks we have not dealt with before show interest. The industry is self-sufficient to a very high degree and the level of The bigger issue for us is our customer base and their lack of funds, government intervention is minimal relative to other sectors. We are which has increased our credit risk. That’s been a challenge and we hopeful feed prices will come down and I would see a very strong have put extra resources into managing it. That said, we have been opportunity for tillage farmers to work with the industry and to set up on the ground in various markets over the years, in some cases for 20 contract fattening enterprises on their farm to complement their base years, so we know the markets and the distribution channels very well. business. We will be pushing for that, in the years ahead, to grow the We have encountered difficulties where people try to grow too quickly national herd. and we have learned to watch for the signs. Any closing thoughts? We also have to consider the challenges our suppliers face. They have We are confident demand for pork is very strong and growing had a difficult few years, driven by increased feed prices, and we will internationally. Ireland currently supplies less than 0.5% of have a very significant challenge in complying with a new welfare internationally traded pork so the opportunity for growth is significant directive on loose sow housing that comes into effect from January if our supply chain can deliver the raw material. We are here to grow next year. The ability of the supply base to fund the investment needed the business and take advantage of the market opportunities that are here is critical and, to my mind, the greatest challenge facing the there. There are not a lot of other industries out there that have the industry right now. luxury of saying that right now.
  • 26. 24 BDO: Advisers to the Agri-Food Sector outside experts looking in
  • 27. Agri-Food Opportunities and Insights 25 Geoff Meagher Philip Barlow, Barlow Maree Gallagher, MGA