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Basic Immunology from the 
Dermatologic point of view 
DDrr SSaammiiaa EEssmmaatt 
PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff DDeerrmmaattoollooggyy 
CCaaiirroo UUnniivveerrssiittyy
The Immune System 
• Protection from foreign 
macromolecules or invading organisms 
(viruses, bacteria, protozoa or even larger 
• Autoimmunity 
immune responses against our own 
• Tumor immunity. 
Against our own aberrant cells.
• Our first line of defense against foreign 
organisms are barrier tissues (skin and 
mucous membranes). 
• The skin represents a major barrier 
against the outside environment, being 
constantly exposed to microbial 
mechanical and physical insults. 
• The skin protection is not only 
• It uses the immune system for protection. 
• Has the capacity to generate an immune 
response through the SALT (skin 
associated lymphoid tissues).
• There are two types of immune reaction to 
• A rapid more primitive reaction called the 
innate immunity. 
• A later highly specific more developed 
adaptive immune system. 
• Both types of the immune response can 
be generated in the skin
Pathogen associated molliuclar pattern
Immune system 
• Innate immunity: 
Composed of heriditary components that provide an 
immediate "first-line" of defense to continuously 
protect against pathogens. 
• Adaptive (acquired) immunity: 
The body can develop a specific immunity Humoral or 
cellular to target particular pathogens. 
This response takes days to develop, and so is not 
effective at preventing an initial invasion, but it will 
normally prevent any subsequent infection, and also aids 
in clearing up longer-lasting infections.
Innate immunity 
• This is the immunity one is born with. 
• It is the only form of immunity in 
primitive organisms.
Innate immunity 
• The first line of defense 
- It discriminates between self and non-self 
- Distinguish between pathogenic and 
non-pathogenic microbes. 
- It plays an important role in triggering the 
adaptive immune response.
The major functions of innate 
immune system include: 
• The identification and removal of foreign 
substances present in organs, tissues, the 
blood and lymph, by specialized cells. 
• Recruiting immune cells to sites of 
infection, through the production of 
chemical factors, including cytokines. 
• Activation of the complement cascade 
• Activation of the adaptive immune system 
through antigen presentation.
Mediated through 
I. Cells of the innate immune system 
- Phagocytic cells (neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. 
-- Cells that release inflammatory .mediators 
(basophils, mast cells, and eosinophils)..Inflammation 
-Dendritic cells. 
- Natural killer cells (NK cells) and the gamma 
delta Tcells 
II. Cytokines, chemokines and 
polyreactive antibodies. 
III. Anti microbial peptides. 
IV. Complement activation.
Trigger PAMP Specific antigens 
Action Min-hours Days to weeks 
Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR 
Memory No Yes 
Communications Cytokines and chemokines 
Effectors Complement 
Antigen presentation 
Antigen presentation 
Components of innate immunity include: 
-Anatomical and mechanical barriers. 
-Pattern recognition receptorsPRR 
that recognize PAMP. 
-Antigen-nonspecific defense chemicals. 
-The alternative complement pathways. 
- Phagocytosis. 
- Inflammation. 
- fever. 
The skin and epithelial linings prevent most pathogen sand environmental 
toxins from harming the host. 
Epidermis impedes microbial organisms, irritants, toxins, 
Absorbs and blocks solar and ionizing radiation 
inhibits water loss 
St corneum FFA prevent colonization by bacteria as S aureus. 
Antimicrobial peptides: defensin HBD-1,2&3 
Activated by microbial surface without antibody formation 
Keratinocyte cytokines: IL-1,6,8,10&TNFalpha
Anti microbial peptides 
• Secreted by the human epithelia including 
the epidermis (Keratinocytes) to exhibit 
the capacity of an innate chemical 
• Antiliukoproteases. 
• Dramcidin (SWEAT GLANDS) 
• Human B defensin 1-4. 
• Lysosyme, Psoriasin (Sebocytes), 
RNase7,LL-37/hCAP18 (urogenital tract).
Selectivity of antimicrobial 
• antimicrobial peptides preferentially 
interact with the bacterial cell to the 
mammalian cells ie Selective 
• the cationic property: bacterial 
membranes is more negatively charged 
than mammalian cells. 
• The cholesterol in mammalian cells 
protect them from attack by the 
antimicrobial peptides.
Induction and Actions 
• Induced by bacterial and proinflammatory 
products or cytokines as well as toll like 
receptor stimulation. 
• Broad spectrum anti bacterial and variable anti 
fungal and antivrial activities. 
• Disrupting membranes, interfering with 
metabolism, and targeting cytoplasmic 
• Attract immature dendritic cells and memory T 
cells via role in adaptive immunity
• On the organism: 
Pathogen associated molecular patterns 
• On the effector cells: 
Pattern recognition receptors 
• Innate immunity does not recognize 
every possible antigen. 
• It is designed to recognize a few highly 
conserved structures present in many 
different microorganisms. 
1. Must be shared by large groups of pathogens and 
thus must represent general patterns rather then 
specific structures. 
2. Must be conserved products of microbial 
metabolism which are not subject to antigenic 
3. pathogens cannot "change" them because they are 
essential for the survival or pathogenicity of the 
microorganisms. Any attempts to change them 
could be lethal to the microbe or render it 
4. The recognized structures must be absolutely 
distinct from self-antigens. The major consequence 
of this requirement is the ability of the innate 
immune system to discriminate between self and 
In all, the innate immune system is thought to recognize 
approximately 103 molecular patterns.These include: 
Cell wall constituents or nucleic acids 
a. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the gram-negative cell 
b. Peptidoglycan found abundantly in the gram-positive cell 
wall and to a lesser degree in the gram-negative cell wall . 
c. Lipoteichoic acids found in the gram-positive cell wall. 
d.Lipoarabinomannum (LAM) in mycobacterial wall 
e. Mannose-rich glycans (common in microbial 
glycoproteins and glycolipids but rare in those of 
f. Flagellin found in bacterial flagella. 
g. Pilin from bacterial pili.
g. Bacterial and viral nucleic acid. Bacterial and viral 
genomes contain a high frequency of unmethylated 
cytosine-guanine dinucleotide sequences (a cytosine 
lacking a methyl or CH3 group and located adjacent to a 
guanine). Mammalian DNA has a low frequency of 
cytosine-guanine dinucleotides and most are methylated. 
h. N-formylmethionine, an amino acid common to 
bacterial proteins. 
i. Double-stranded RNA unique to most viruses. 
j. Lipoteichoic acids, glycolipids, and zymosan from 
yeast cell walls. 
k. phosphorylcholine and other lipids common to 
microbial membranes.
Pattern-recognition Receptors 
To recognize these microbial 
molecules, various body defense cells 
have on their surface a variety of 
receptors called 
Pattern-recognition Receptors 
capable of binding specifically to 
Pattern Recognition Receptors 
• The cornerstone of the innate immune 
• These PRRs are activated upon 
recognition of “Pathogen-Associated 
Molecular Patterns” or PAMPs.
I. Cell surface PRR two functionally different 
classes : 
• 1. Endocytic pattern-recognition 
• 2. Signaling pattern-recognition 
II. Secreted PRR
Found on the surface of 
phagocytes and promote the 
attachment of microorganisms to 
phagocytes and their subsequent 
engulfment and destruction.
Signaling pattern-recognition 
• Binding of microbial molecules to the 
receptor promotes the synthesis and 
secretion of intracellular regulatory 
molecules such as cytokines that is crucial 
to initiating innate immunity and adaptive 
• Toll-like receptors and 
• CD14. 
• NOD (nucleotide-binding oligomerization 
domain proteins)
Toll-like receptors 
• A series of Signaling pattern-recognition 
receptors known as 
toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a 
major role in innate immunity and 
the induction of adaptive immunity.
• Mamalian TLRs owe their name to a 
closely related receptor called Toll, first 
identified in Drosophila in 1988. 
• TOLL: german word of fantastical or 
• They recognize and bind to PAMPS 
(conserved molecular components 
associated with microorganisms)
Toll like receptors 
Upon binding of the extracellular ligand 
recognition domain to specific PAMPs, 
changes in the intracellular domain result 
in initiation of signaling events leading to 
• Inflammatory responses and/or 
• Release of antimicrobial agents.
Toll-Like Receptors Responding to Lipopolysaccharide 
from the Gram-Negative Cell Wall
Secreted pattern recognition 
• Secreted pattern-recognition receptors. 
These bind to microbial cell walls and enable 
them to be recognized by the complement 
pathways and phagocytes. 
• Eg mannan-binding lectin is synthesized by the 
liver and released into the bloodstream. MBL 
recognizes carbohydrate patterns, found on the 
surface of a large number of pathogenic micro-organisms, 
including bacteria, viruses, protozoa 
and fungi.
Trigger PAMP Specific antigens 
Action Min-hours Days to weeks 
Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR 
Memory No Yes 
Communications Cytokines and chemokines 
Effectors Complement 
Antigen presentation 
Antigen presentation 
• These TLRs differ from each other 
in ligand specificities, expression 
patterns, and target genes they 
• Different combinations of TLRs 
appear in different cell types. 
• Seem to appear in pairs.
Different TLRs 
• 1. TLRs found on cell surfaces: MAINLY 
bacteria and fungi 
a. TLR-1/TLR-2 
b. TLR-2/TLR-6; 
c. TLR-2 plays a role in binding peptidoglycan fragments 
d. TLR-4/TLR-4 pairs bind lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative 
cell walls; 
e. TLR-5 
• 2. TLRs found in the membranes of the 
endosomes used to degrade pathogens 
• a. TLR-3; 
b. TLR-7c. TLR-8* 
d. TLR-9* 
• Attack different types of DNA or RNA
TLRs are found both on the surface and 
within the phagolysosomes of phagocytes.
PAMPs Binding to TLRs on Macrophage
The TLRs found in the membranes of the phagosomes 
Recognizing Viral Double-Stranded RNA after phagocytosis
• The binding of a microbial molecule to its TLR transmits 
a signal to the cell's nucleus inducing the expression of 
genes coding for the synthesis of cytokines that 
determines the suitable immune system behaviour. 
• bacterial and fungi cell wall components stimulate 
IL -1, TNF-alpha, and IL-8. trigerring innate immune 
defenses such as inflammation, fever, and phagocytosis 
in order to provide an immediate response against the 
invading microorganism. 
• viral components trigger the synthesis of interferons that 
block viral replication within infected host cells.
Role in adaptive immunity 
• TLRs trigger various secondary signals needed 
- humoral immunity (the production of antibodies). 
-cell-mediated immunity (the production of 
cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and additional cytokines). 
• Without innate immune responses there could be 
no adaptive immunity.
Imiquimod Activates I 
Toll-Like Receptor 7 
cell lysis & release 
of bioactive IL1-a 
cytokines (IL1, TNF-a) 
IL-12, IFN-g, chemokines, 
& ‘danger’ signals
The Complement system 
• a biochamical cascade of the immune 
system that helps, or “complements”, the 
ability of antibodies to clear pathogens or 
mark them for destruction by other cells. 
• The cascade is composed of many plasma 
proteins, synthesized in the liver.
The Complement system 
• Activated by three pathways: 
1) Classical: antigen antibody complex. 
2) Alternative pathway: polysaccharides of 
microbial cell walls. 
3) Lectin pathway: by the binding of the 
microbial carbohydrates with mannose 
binding lectin. 
• Innate immune response uses 2 and 3 
• Activation of C3 and starts the cascade.
The Complement system 
• The proteins work together to: 
-trigger the recruitment of inflammatory cells, 
-"tag" pathogens for destruction by other cells, 
and enhances phagocytosis. 
- Disrupt the plasma membrane of an infected 
• Rid the body of neutralized antigen-antibody 
• Normal cells are less sussceptible to 
desruction by complement .
• Substances secreted by various cell types to 
interact with other cells to produce ceratain 
• Interlukins (interaction between WBCs), 
interferons (antiviral activities) 
• colony stimulating factors induce 
differentiation and proliferation of 
hematopoeitic progenitor cells. 
• Chemokines,(Inflammatory and lymphoid) 
chemoattraction ability.
Cytokines of the innate immune 
• Mainly cytokines within inflammatory and 
antivral capacities. 
- IL-6,IL-1and TNF alpha and inflammatory 
- IFN alpha and IFN beta.
1. Macrophages 
• Expresses PRR to identify organisms. 
• Receptors for antibodies and complement that 
enhances phagocytosis. 
• Destroy the organisms by toxic intracellular molecules 
as:superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals,nitrous oxide, 
• Antigen presenting capacity (much less than 
Langerhan’s cells) 
• Releases G-CSF, AND GM CSF that stimulate the 
devision and release of neutrophils from the bone 
2. Neutrophils 
• The enter the blood stream to enter the site 
of infection through the complex effect of 
proinflammatory mediators,adhesion 
molecules chemoattractants and 
• Phagocytosis is enhanced by coating the 
organism by antibodies and complement that 
bind to their receptors on the neutrophils 
• Phagocytose and kills the organisms by 
oxygen (H peroxide and hydroxyl radicals) 
dependant or independent mechanisms 
(myeloperoxidase or lysosyme).
• Protective agains parasites. 
• Antibodies bind the parasite and then the 
• Weak phagocytic activity. 
• Release toxic substances to the parasite 
as major basic ptn, Eosinophil cataionic 
protein, E peroxidase Eneurotoxin, 
• Prostaglandins leukotrienes and 
• Important in allergic reactions.
4.Basophil and mast cells 
• Basophil in the blood and mast cell in the 
• Palys an important role in immediate allergic 
reaction, urticaria and angioedema. 
• Mast cells are involved in TLR-mediated 
responses against Gram-negative bacteria.
Natural killer cells 
• Pattern recognition receptors (TLR 3,9) it can 
identify and eliminate infected or malignant cells. 
• Activation of killer activating receptors that 
recognize the abnormal cells and kills them by 
secreting perforin and injecting granzyme that 
kills the cells by inducing apoptosis. 
• Adhere and kill targets coated with IgG as they 
carry receptors for it (antibody dependant 
cellular cytotoxicity ADCC).
Natural killer cells 
• MHC shuts off the killer signals. 
• Tumour cells and viral infected cells are 
vulnerable as they sometimes mask MHC 
to escape cytotoxic T cells
• One of the first responses of the immune 
system to infection or irritation. 
• Inflammation is stimulated by chemical 
factors released by injured cells and cells 
of the innate immune syste and serves to 
establish a physical barrier against the 
spread of infection, and to promote 
healing of any damaged tissue following 
the clearance of pathogens.[3]
• Chemical factors produced during 
inflammation (histamine, bradykinin, 
leukotrienes, serotonin and prostaglandin, 
sensitize pain receptors, cause 
vasodilatation at the scene, and attract 
phagocytes, especially neutrophils.[
Trigger PAMP Specific antigens 
Action Min-hours Days to weeks 
Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR 
Memory No Yes 
Communications Cytokines and chemokines 
Effectors Complement 
Antigen presentation 
Antigen presentation 
interactions between the innate and 
adaptive immune 
• The interactions between the innate and 
adaptive immune systems are crucial to 
promote proinflammatory reactions against 
pathogens and to ensure maintenance of 
vital self-tolerance. 
• TLRs are expressed on both innate and 
adaptive immune cells and are critically 
involved in this interplay. 
• TLR-stimulated dendritic cells induce 
specific T cells to differentiate into TH-1, TH- 
2 or T-reg
Adaptive immunity 
• Cells of the innate immune system 
effectively prevent free growth of bacteria 
within the body. 
• however, many pathogens have evolved 
mechanisms allowing them to evade the 
innate immune system and generates a 
threshold level of antigen which triggers . 
the adaptive immune system include:
Functions of the adaptive 
immune system 
• the recognition of specific “non-self” antigens in the 
presence of “self”, during the process of antigen 
• the generation of tailored responses to eliminate 
specific pathogens. 
• the development of immunologic memory in which 
each pathogen is “remembered” by a signature 
antibody. These memory cells can be called upon 
to quickly eliminate a pathogen on subsequent 
infections .
Adaptive immune system 
• The cells of the adaptive immune system 
• B cells and T cells are the major types of 
• The process starts by antigen 
• Adaptive immunity relies on the capacity 
of immune cells to distinguish between the 
body's own cells and unwanted invaders
Two limbs of adaptive immunity 
• Cell mediated immunity: APC and T cells. 
• Humoral immunity: B cells and antibodies
Antigen presenting cells ( APC) 
With the exception of non-nucleated cells all cells 
are capable of presenting antigen and of 
activating the adaptive response. 
- Some cells are specially equipped to present 
antigen, and to prime naive T cells and are 
termed professional (APC). 
- Dendritic cells (and to a lesser extent 
macrophages. are equipped with special 
receptors that allow for enhanced activation of T 
• Dentritic Cells of the epidermis. 
• Expresses CD1, S100 ptn, Vimentin, Birbeck 
granules associated molecule (langerin) and 
• Derived from the bone marrow from CD34 
precursor cell .
Antigen presentation 
• Langerhan’s cell engulf’s the antigen 
and processes it. 
• Starts emigration to the lymph nodes to 
meet the T cells . 
• During this trip it develops some changes 
to become similar to mature Dendritic cell.
Antigen presentation 
• APC to B cells and T cells is not the same. 
• B cells can identify the whole antigen by 
antibodies on thier surface 
• T cells only identify the antigen when 
processed into peptides bound to specific 
surface molecules on APC.
• Tcells identify the processed antigen 
bound to MHC on the surface of Dendritic 
• CD4 T cells identify antigens bound to 
MHC II while Cytotoxic CD8 T cells 
identify antigen T cells bound to MHC I 
• Exogenous and endogenous antigen 
TYPES OF AP to T cells 
• Exogenous antigens are engulfed by the 
APC, processed and presented in 
association with MHC II. 
• Endogenous antigens (VIRUS AND 
TUMOURS) are processed and presented 
in association with MHC I
T cells 
• T cells develop and mature in the thymus 
after migration of the stem cells from the 
bone marrow. 
• At the thymus only T cells that can 
recognize foreign and not self antigen in 
the MHC peptide complex get a survival 
signal (positive selection) and pass to the 
circulation and lymphnodes.. 
• Those who fail have affinity to self 
antigens receive signals for apoptosis 
(negative selection) thus no auto attack. 
Types of T cells 
• Immature T cells Express both CD4 and 
CD8 molecules. 
• Later with the development of the Tcell 
receptor, they either express CD4 and 
become T helper cell that binds antigens 
in MHCII or express CD8 molecule and 
becomes T cytotoxic cell that binds 
antigens on MHCI.
• It is the part responsible for recognition 
of the specific antigen and the further T 
cell response. 
• TCR are transmembrane molecules that 
are mainly of the α/β type while only 10% 
are of the γ/δ type in body and skin.
γ/δT cells 
• Do not follow the classic way of 
antigen recognition may be able of 
direct antigen recognition. 
• May play a role in innate immunity. 
• Increase in the skin in leprosy and 
• Can recognize a huge number of antigens 
encoded by more than 400 genes thet are 
modified and rearranged to cover an 
endless number of antigens by 
recombination activation genes 
• Rag-1 Rag-2 . 
• when deffective ----combined immune 
• CD3 is an important part of TCR 
responsible for transmission of the signal 
to the cell that encodes for the cytokine 
needed to stimulate the required response 
for that particular antigen.
Costimulatory molecules 
• After proper antigen 
presentation and costimulation 
T cell becomes activated . 
• Memory T cells develop
Memory T cells 
- Central memory T cells: at the lymphnode, 
CD45RO+CD45RA- CCR7+ Have no 
effector function. They stimulate dendritic 
cells to produce IL-12 upon secondary 
stimulation and differentiate into ccr7- cells. 
- Effector memory Tcells (TEM): 
CD45RO+CD45RA- CCR7- develop 
receptors to migrate to the inflamed tissues 
(e.g CLA in the skin). Have an effector 
Skin T cells 
• Majority is : 
• In the dermis. 
• CD4 OR CD8. 
• α/β TCR. 
• memory phenotype CD45RO+CD45RA- 
• Skin homing receptor CLA(cutaneous 
lymphocyte associated antigen).
Effector T cell function 
• After recognition of the antigen 
• CD4: T helper cells(Th): 
-activate the immune system to combat the 
antigen including both T and B cells. 
CD8 T cytotoxic cells(Tc): 
Antiviral and anti tumour responses
T helper response 
• According to the type of antigen 
recognized by the Th cells they secrete 
different cytokine patterns that will further 
stimulate different parts of the immune 
• T0 secretes a wide variety if cytokines 
which then develops into Th1 or Th2 with 
more restricted type of cytokine secretion.
Th 1 cells 
• IL-12 stimulates differnetiation of Th0 into 
Th1 which secretes: 
• IL-2: stimulates both Th and Tc proliferation. 
• IFN GAMMA: activates macrophages and 
NK cells and IL-12. 
i.e a cell mediated inflammatory response 
As in granuloma and autoimmunity.
Th2 cells 
• IL-4: Stimulates B cells to produce IgE and 
stimulates further Th 2 response and 
inhibits TH1 response. 
• IL-5: promotes eosinophil growth. 
• IL-10: inhibits TH1 response. 
Mediates humoral immunity.
Th1/Th2 decision 
• Very important to achieve the required 
state if immunity . 
• Depends upon the type of antigen 
presented and the cytokines it stimulates. 
• The Dendritic cells, the toll like receptor, 
Dose of antigen,Genetic background of 
the host, The APC and its cytokines,The 
costimulatory molecules.
Th3 cells 
• Transforming growth factor B . 
• Helps IgA production. 
• Supresses both Th1 and Th2 responses.
Tcytotoxic cells CD8 
• Direct killing of the organism or the 
abnormal or infected cells. 
• TC1 and TC2 in cytokine pattenrs. 
• Viral and antitumour activities.
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) 
• CD4 + T cells. 
• Secretes large amounts of IL-10. 
• Suppressor effect on both immune 
• Produced by immature inactive dendritic 
• Important for tolerance towards self 
antigens and regulating inflammation.
The humoral immunity
The B lymphocyte 
• B cells function to protect the host by 
producing antibodies that identify and 
neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and 
• B Cells are the major cells involved in the 
creation of humoral immunity.
• Antibodies (or immunoglobulin, Ig), are 
large Y-shaped proteins used by the 
immune system to identify and neutralize 
foreign objects. 
• In mammals there are five types of 
antibody: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM, 
differing in biological properties, each has 
evolved to handle different kinds of 
B cells 
• Upon activation, B cells produce 
antibodies, each of which recognizes a 
unique antigen, and neutralize specific 
• Like the T cell receptor, B cells express a 
unique B cell receptor (BCR), in this case, 
an immobilized antibody molecule. The 
BCR recognizes and binds to only one 
particular antigen.
Bcell Vs T cell ACTIVATION 
• T cells recognize their cognate antigen in 
a processed form - as a peptide in the 
context of an MHC molecule, 
• while B cells recognize antigens in their 
native form.[ 
• B- cells receives additional signals from a 
helper T cell (predominately Th2 type)), to 
further differentiates into an effector cell, 
known as a plasma cell]
Plasma cells 
• Short lived cells (2-3 days) which secrete 
antibodies that bind to antigens, making 
them easier targets for phagocytes, and 
trigger the complement cascade.[ 
• About 10% of plasma cells will survive to 
become long-lived antigen specific 
memory B cells primed to produce specific 
antibodies and respond quickly if the 
same pathogen re-infects the host; while 
the host experiences few, if any, 

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Basic immunology from the dermatologic point of view (2)

  • 1.
  • 2. Basic Immunology from the Dermatologic point of view DDrr SSaammiiaa EEssmmaatt PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff DDeerrmmaattoollooggyy CCaaiirroo UUnniivveerrssiittyy
  • 3. The Immune System • Protection from foreign macromolecules or invading organisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoa or even larger parasites). • Autoimmunity immune responses against our own proteins. • Tumor immunity. Against our own aberrant cells.
  • 4. SKIN AS AN ORGAN OF PROTECTION • Our first line of defense against foreign organisms are barrier tissues (skin and mucous membranes). • The skin represents a major barrier against the outside environment, being constantly exposed to microbial mechanical and physical insults. • The skin protection is not only mechanical.
  • 5. SKIN AS A PART OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM • It uses the immune system for protection. • Has the capacity to generate an immune response through the SALT (skin associated lymphoid tissues).
  • 6. TYPES OF THE IMMUNE REACTION • There are two types of immune reaction to invadors. • A rapid more primitive reaction called the innate immunity. • A later highly specific more developed adaptive immune system. • Both types of the immune response can be generated in the skin
  • 8. Immune system • Innate immunity: Composed of heriditary components that provide an immediate "first-line" of defense to continuously protect against pathogens. • Adaptive (acquired) immunity: DEFENCE MECHANISMS USED BY THE HOST IMMEDIATELY AFTER ENCOUNTERING A FOREIGN LIGAND The body can develop a specific immunity Humoral or cellular to target particular pathogens. This response takes days to develop, and so is not effective at preventing an initial invasion, but it will normally prevent any subsequent infection, and also aids in clearing up longer-lasting infections.
  • 9. Innate immunity • This is the immunity one is born with. • It is the only form of immunity in primitive organisms.
  • 10. Innate immunity • The first line of defense - It discriminates between self and non-self . - Distinguish between pathogenic and non-pathogenic microbes. - It plays an important role in triggering the adaptive immune response.
  • 11. The major functions of innate immune system include: • The identification and removal of foreign substances present in organs, tissues, the blood and lymph, by specialized cells. • Recruiting immune cells to sites of infection, through the production of chemical factors, including cytokines. • Activation of the complement cascade • Activation of the adaptive immune system through antigen presentation.
  • 12. Mediated through I. Cells of the innate immune system - Phagocytic cells (neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages. -- Cells that release inflammatory .mediators (basophils, mast cells, and eosinophils)..Inflammation -Dendritic cells. - Natural killer cells (NK cells) and the gamma delta Tcells II. Cytokines, chemokines and polyreactive antibodies. III. Anti microbial peptides. IV. Complement activation.
  • 13. INNATE IMMUNITY ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY Trigger PAMP Specific antigens Action Min-hours Days to weeks Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR Memory No Yes Communications Cytokines and chemokines Effectors Complement Antigen presentation Phagocytosis Complement Antigen presentation Antibodies Cytotoxicity
  • 14. Components of innate immunity include: -Anatomical and mechanical barriers. -Pattern recognition receptorsPRR that recognize PAMP. -Antigen-nonspecific defense chemicals. -The alternative complement pathways. - Phagocytosis. - Inflammation. - fever. The skin and epithelial linings prevent most pathogen sand environmental toxins from harming the host. Epidermis impedes microbial organisms, irritants, toxins, Absorbs and blocks solar and ionizing radiation inhibits water loss St corneum FFA prevent colonization by bacteria as S aureus. Antimicrobial peptides: defensin HBD-1,2&3 cathelicidins Activated by microbial surface without antibody formation Keratinocyte cytokines: IL-1,6,8,10&TNFalpha
  • 15. Anti microbial peptides • Secreted by the human epithelia including the epidermis (Keratinocytes) to exhibit the capacity of an innate chemical defense. • Antiliukoproteases. • Dramcidin (SWEAT GLANDS) • Human B defensin 1-4. • Lysosyme, Psoriasin (Sebocytes), RNase7,LL-37/hCAP18 (urogenital tract).
  • 16. Selectivity of antimicrobial peptides • antimicrobial peptides preferentially interact with the bacterial cell to the mammalian cells ie Selective • the cationic property: bacterial membranes is more negatively charged than mammalian cells. • The cholesterol in mammalian cells protect them from attack by the antimicrobial peptides.
  • 17.
  • 18. Induction and Actions • Induced by bacterial and proinflammatory products or cytokines as well as toll like receptor stimulation. • Broad spectrum anti bacterial and variable anti fungal and antivrial activities. • Disrupting membranes, interfering with metabolism, and targeting cytoplasmic components • Attract immature dendritic cells and memory T cells via role in adaptive immunity
  • 19. IDENTIFICATION OF THE INVADOR • On the organism: Pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPS), • On the effector cells: Pattern recognition receptors (PRP).
  • 20. PATHOGEN-ASSOCIATED MOLECULAR PATTERNS PAMPS • Innate immunity does not recognize every possible antigen. • It is designed to recognize a few highly conserved structures present in many different microorganisms. PATHOGEN-ASSOCIATED MOLECULAR PATTERNS ( PAMPS)
  • 21. PATHOGEN-ASSOCIATED MOLECULAR PATTERNS PAMPS (CONT) 1. Must be shared by large groups of pathogens and thus must represent general patterns rather then specific structures. 2. Must be conserved products of microbial metabolism which are not subject to antigenic variability. 3. pathogens cannot "change" them because they are essential for the survival or pathogenicity of the microorganisms. Any attempts to change them could be lethal to the microbe or render it nonpathogenic. 4. The recognized structures must be absolutely distinct from self-antigens. The major consequence of this requirement is the ability of the innate immune system to discriminate between self and non-self.
  • 22. PAMPS In all, the innate immune system is thought to recognize approximately 103 molecular patterns.These include: Cell wall constituents or nucleic acids a. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the gram-negative cell wall. b. Peptidoglycan found abundantly in the gram-positive cell wall and to a lesser degree in the gram-negative cell wall . c. Lipoteichoic acids found in the gram-positive cell wall. d.Lipoarabinomannum (LAM) in mycobacterial wall e. Mannose-rich glycans (common in microbial glycoproteins and glycolipids but rare in those of humans). f. Flagellin found in bacterial flagella. g. Pilin from bacterial pili.
  • 23. PAMPS (CONT) g. Bacterial and viral nucleic acid. Bacterial and viral genomes contain a high frequency of unmethylated cytosine-guanine dinucleotide sequences (a cytosine lacking a methyl or CH3 group and located adjacent to a guanine). Mammalian DNA has a low frequency of cytosine-guanine dinucleotides and most are methylated. h. N-formylmethionine, an amino acid common to bacterial proteins. i. Double-stranded RNA unique to most viruses. j. Lipoteichoic acids, glycolipids, and zymosan from yeast cell walls. k. phosphorylcholine and other lipids common to microbial membranes.
  • 25. Pattern-recognition Receptors (PRR) To recognize these microbial molecules, various body defense cells have on their surface a variety of receptors called Pattern-recognition Receptors capable of binding specifically to PAMPS
  • 26. Pattern Recognition Receptors • The cornerstone of the innate immune system. • These PRRs are activated upon recognition of “Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns” or PAMPs.
  • 27.
  • 28. CLASSIFICATION I. Cell surface PRR two functionally different classes : • 1. Endocytic pattern-recognition receptors. • 2. Signaling pattern-recognition receptors II. Secreted PRR
  • 29. ENDOCYTIC PATTERN-RECOGNITION RECEPTORS Found on the surface of phagocytes and promote the attachment of microorganisms to phagocytes and their subsequent engulfment and destruction.
  • 30.
  • 31. Signaling pattern-recognition receptors • Binding of microbial molecules to the receptor promotes the synthesis and secretion of intracellular regulatory molecules such as cytokines that is crucial to initiating innate immunity and adaptive immunity. • Toll-like receptors and • CD14. • NOD (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain proteins)
  • 32. Toll-like receptors • A series of Signaling pattern-recognition receptors known as toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a major role in innate immunity and the induction of adaptive immunity.
  • 33. THE TOLL • Mamalian TLRs owe their name to a closely related receptor called Toll, first identified in Drosophila in 1988. • TOLL: german word of fantastical or strange. • They recognize and bind to PAMPS (conserved molecular components associated with microorganisms)
  • 34. Toll like receptors Upon binding of the extracellular ligand recognition domain to specific PAMPs, changes in the intracellular domain result in initiation of signaling events leading to • Inflammatory responses and/or • Release of antimicrobial agents.
  • 35.
  • 36. Toll-Like Receptors Responding to Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the Gram-Negative Cell Wall
  • 37. Secreted pattern recognition receptors • Secreted pattern-recognition receptors. These bind to microbial cell walls and enable them to be recognized by the complement pathways and phagocytes. • Eg mannan-binding lectin is synthesized by the liver and released into the bloodstream. MBL recognizes carbohydrate patterns, found on the surface of a large number of pathogenic micro-organisms, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi.
  • 38. INNATE IMMUNITY ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY Trigger PAMP Specific antigens Action Min-hours Days to weeks Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR Memory No Yes Communications Cytokines and chemokines Effectors Complement Antigen presentation Phagocytosis Complement Antigen presentation Antibodies Cytotoxicity
  • 39.
  • 40. MEMBERS OF THE TRLs FAMILY • These TLRs differ from each other in ligand specificities, expression patterns, and target genes they induce. • Different combinations of TLRs appear in different cell types. • Seem to appear in pairs.
  • 41. Different TLRs • 1. TLRs found on cell surfaces: MAINLY bacteria and fungi a. TLR-1/TLR-2 b. TLR-2/TLR-6; c. TLR-2 plays a role in binding peptidoglycan fragments (glycopeptides); d. TLR-4/TLR-4 pairs bind lipopolysaccharide from gram-negative cell walls; e. TLR-5 • 2. TLRs found in the membranes of the endosomes used to degrade pathogens MAINLY VIRUSES • a. TLR-3; b. TLR-7c. TLR-8* d. TLR-9* • Attack different types of DNA or RNA
  • 42. TLRs are found both on the surface and within the phagolysosomes of phagocytes.
  • 43. PAMPs Binding to TLRs on Macrophage
  • 44. The TLRs found in the membranes of the phagosomes Recognizing Viral Double-Stranded RNA after phagocytosis
  • 45.
  • 46. ROLE IN INNATE IMMUNITY • The binding of a microbial molecule to its TLR transmits a signal to the cell's nucleus inducing the expression of genes coding for the synthesis of cytokines that determines the suitable immune system behaviour. • bacterial and fungi cell wall components stimulate IL -1, TNF-alpha, and IL-8. trigerring innate immune defenses such as inflammation, fever, and phagocytosis in order to provide an immediate response against the invading microorganism. • viral components trigger the synthesis of interferons that block viral replication within infected host cells.
  • 47. Role in adaptive immunity • TLRs trigger various secondary signals needed for - humoral immunity (the production of antibodies). -cell-mediated immunity (the production of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and additional cytokines). • Without innate immune responses there could be no adaptive immunity.
  • 48. Imiquimod Activates I the Toll-Like Receptor 7 cell lysis & release of bioactive IL1-a IL1 IL18 TLRs TNF NF-kB cytokines (IL1, TNF-a) IL-12, IFN-g, chemokines, & ‘danger’ signals
  • 49. The Complement system • a biochamical cascade of the immune system that helps, or “complements”, the ability of antibodies to clear pathogens or mark them for destruction by other cells. • The cascade is composed of many plasma proteins, synthesized in the liver.
  • 50. The Complement system • Activated by three pathways: 1) Classical: antigen antibody complex. 2) Alternative pathway: polysaccharides of microbial cell walls. 3) Lectin pathway: by the binding of the microbial carbohydrates with mannose binding lectin. • Innate immune response uses 2 and 3 • Activation of C3 and starts the cascade.
  • 51. The Complement system • The proteins work together to: -trigger the recruitment of inflammatory cells, -"tag" pathogens for destruction by other cells, and enhances phagocytosis. - Disrupt the plasma membrane of an infected cell. • Rid the body of neutralized antigen-antibody complexes. • Normal cells are less sussceptible to desruction by complement .
  • 52. Cytokines • Substances secreted by various cell types to interact with other cells to produce ceratain actions. • Interlukins (interaction between WBCs), interferons (antiviral activities) • colony stimulating factors induce differentiation and proliferation of hematopoeitic progenitor cells. • Chemokines,(Inflammatory and lymphoid) chemoattraction ability.
  • 53. Cytokines of the innate immune system • Mainly cytokines within inflammatory and antivral capacities. - IL-6,IL-1and TNF alpha and inflammatory chemokines. - IFN alpha and IFN beta.
  • 54. CELLS OF THE INNATE IMUNE SYSTEM 1. Macrophages • Expresses PRR to identify organisms. • Receptors for antibodies and complement that enhances phagocytosis. • Destroy the organisms by toxic intracellular molecules as:superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals,nitrous oxide, etc. • Antigen presenting capacity (much less than Langerhan’s cells) • Releases G-CSF, AND GM CSF that stimulate the devision and release of neutrophils from the bone marrow.
  • 55. 2. Neutrophils • The enter the blood stream to enter the site of infection through the complex effect of proinflammatory mediators,adhesion molecules chemoattractants and chemokines. • Phagocytosis is enhanced by coating the organism by antibodies and complement that bind to their receptors on the neutrophils • Phagocytose and kills the organisms by oxygen (H peroxide and hydroxyl radicals) dependant or independent mechanisms (myeloperoxidase or lysosyme).
  • 56. 3.Eosinophils • Protective agains parasites. • Antibodies bind the parasite and then the eosinophils • Weak phagocytic activity. • Release toxic substances to the parasite as major basic ptn, Eosinophil cataionic protein, E peroxidase Eneurotoxin, • Prostaglandins leukotrienes and cytokines. • Important in allergic reactions.
  • 57. 4.Basophil and mast cells • Basophil in the blood and mast cell in the tissues. • Palys an important role in immediate allergic reaction, urticaria and angioedema. • Mast cells are involved in TLR-mediated responses against Gram-negative bacteria.
  • 58. Natural killer cells • Pattern recognition receptors (TLR 3,9) it can identify and eliminate infected or malignant cells. • Activation of killer activating receptors that recognize the abnormal cells and kills them by secreting perforin and injecting granzyme that kills the cells by inducing apoptosis. • Adhere and kill targets coated with IgG as they carry receptors for it (antibody dependant cellular cytotoxicity ADCC).
  • 59. Natural killer cells • MHC shuts off the killer signals. • Tumour cells and viral infected cells are vulnerable as they sometimes mask MHC to escape cytotoxic T cells
  • 60. inflammation • One of the first responses of the immune system to infection or irritation. • Inflammation is stimulated by chemical factors released by injured cells and cells of the innate immune syste and serves to establish a physical barrier against the spread of infection, and to promote healing of any damaged tissue following the clearance of pathogens.[3]
  • 61. Inflammation • Chemical factors produced during inflammation (histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, serotonin and prostaglandin, sensitize pain receptors, cause vasodilatation at the scene, and attract phagocytes, especially neutrophils.[
  • 62. INNATE IMMUNITY ADAPTIVE IMMUNITY Trigger PAMP Specific antigens Action Min-hours Days to weeks Receptors PRR as TLR TCR,BCR Memory No Yes Communications Cytokines and chemokines Effectors Complement Antigen presentation Phagocytosis Complement Antigen presentation Antibodies Cytotoxicity
  • 63. interactions between the innate and adaptive immune • The interactions between the innate and adaptive immune systems are crucial to promote proinflammatory reactions against pathogens and to ensure maintenance of vital self-tolerance. • TLRs are expressed on both innate and adaptive immune cells and are critically involved in this interplay. • TLR-stimulated dendritic cells induce specific T cells to differentiate into TH-1, TH- 2 or T-reg
  • 64.
  • 65. Adaptive immunity • Cells of the innate immune system effectively prevent free growth of bacteria within the body. • however, many pathogens have evolved mechanisms allowing them to evade the innate immune system and generates a threshold level of antigen which triggers . the adaptive immune system include:
  • 66. Functions of the adaptive immune system • the recognition of specific “non-self” antigens in the presence of “self”, during the process of antigen presentation. • the generation of tailored responses to eliminate specific pathogens. • the development of immunologic memory in which each pathogen is “remembered” by a signature antibody. These memory cells can be called upon to quickly eliminate a pathogen on subsequent infections .
  • 67. Adaptive immune system • The cells of the adaptive immune system are • B cells and T cells are the major types of lymphocytes. • The process starts by antigen presentation. • Adaptive immunity relies on the capacity of immune cells to distinguish between the body's own cells and unwanted invaders
  • 68. Two limbs of adaptive immunity • Cell mediated immunity: APC and T cells. • Humoral immunity: B cells and antibodies
  • 69. Antigen presenting cells ( APC) With the exception of non-nucleated cells all cells are capable of presenting antigen and of activating the adaptive response. - Some cells are specially equipped to present antigen, and to prime naive T cells and are termed professional (APC). - Dendritic cells (and to a lesser extent macrophages. are equipped with special receptors that allow for enhanced activation of T cells.
  • 70. LNGERHAN’ S CELLS • Dentritic Cells of the epidermis. • Expresses CD1, S100 ptn, Vimentin, Birbeck granules associated molecule (langerin) and MHC II. • Derived from the bone marrow from CD34 precursor cell .
  • 71.
  • 72.
  • 73. Antigen presentation • Langerhan’s cell engulf’s the antigen and processes it. • Starts emigration to the lymph nodes to meet the T cells . • During this trip it develops some changes to become similar to mature Dendritic cell.
  • 74. Antigen presentation • APC to B cells and T cells is not the same. • B cells can identify the whole antigen by antibodies on thier surface • T cells only identify the antigen when processed into peptides bound to specific surface molecules on APC.
  • 75. AP TO T CELLS • Tcells identify the processed antigen bound to MHC on the surface of Dendritic cells. • CD4 T cells identify antigens bound to MHC II while Cytotoxic CD8 T cells identify antigen T cells bound to MHC I • Exogenous and endogenous antigen presentation.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 78. TYPES OF AP to T cells • Exogenous antigens are engulfed by the APC, processed and presented in association with MHC II. • Endogenous antigens (VIRUS AND TUMOURS) are processed and presented in association with MHC I
  • 79.
  • 80. T cells • T cells develop and mature in the thymus after migration of the stem cells from the bone marrow. • At the thymus only T cells that can recognize foreign and not self antigen in the MHC peptide complex get a survival signal (positive selection) and pass to the circulation and lymphnodes.. • Those who fail have affinity to self antigens receive signals for apoptosis (negative selection) thus no auto attack. •
  • 81. Types of T cells • Immature T cells Express both CD4 and CD8 molecules. • Later with the development of the Tcell receptor, they either express CD4 and become T helper cell that binds antigens in MHCII or express CD8 molecule and becomes T cytotoxic cell that binds antigens on MHCI.
  • 82. The T CELL RECEPTOR (TCR) • It is the part responsible for recognition of the specific antigen and the further T cell response. • TCR are transmembrane molecules that are mainly of the α/β type while only 10% are of the γ/δ type in body and skin.
  • 83. γ/δT cells • Do not follow the classic way of antigen recognition may be able of direct antigen recognition. • May play a role in innate immunity. • Increase in the skin in leprosy and lieshmaniasis.
  • 84. TCR • Can recognize a huge number of antigens encoded by more than 400 genes thet are modified and rearranged to cover an endless number of antigens by recombination activation genes • Rag-1 Rag-2 . • when deffective ----combined immune defficiency.
  • 85. TCR SIGNALLING • CD3 is an important part of TCR responsible for transmission of the signal to the cell that encodes for the cytokine needed to stimulate the required response for that particular antigen.
  • 86.
  • 88.
  • 89. CLONAL EPANSION • After proper antigen presentation and costimulation T cell becomes activated . • Memory T cells develop
  • 90. Memory T cells - Central memory T cells: at the lymphnode, CD45RO+CD45RA- CCR7+ Have no effector function. They stimulate dendritic cells to produce IL-12 upon secondary stimulation and differentiate into ccr7- cells. - Effector memory Tcells (TEM): CD45RO+CD45RA- CCR7- develop receptors to migrate to the inflamed tissues (e.g CLA in the skin). Have an effector function.
  • 91. Skin T cells • Majority is : • In the dermis. • CD4 OR CD8. • α/β TCR. • memory phenotype CD45RO+CD45RA- • Skin homing receptor CLA(cutaneous lymphocyte associated antigen).
  • 92. Effector T cell function • After recognition of the antigen • CD4: T helper cells(Th): -activate the immune system to combat the antigen including both T and B cells. CD8 T cytotoxic cells(Tc): Antiviral and anti tumour responses
  • 93. T helper response • According to the type of antigen recognized by the Th cells they secrete different cytokine patterns that will further stimulate different parts of the immune system. • T0 secretes a wide variety if cytokines which then develops into Th1 or Th2 with more restricted type of cytokine secretion.
  • 94. Th 1 cells • IL-12 stimulates differnetiation of Th0 into Th1 which secretes: • IL-2: stimulates both Th and Tc proliferation. • IFN GAMMA: activates macrophages and NK cells and IL-12. i.e a cell mediated inflammatory response As in granuloma and autoimmunity.
  • 95. Th2 cells • IL-4: Stimulates B cells to produce IgE and stimulates further Th 2 response and inhibits TH1 response. • IL-5: promotes eosinophil growth. • IL-10: inhibits TH1 response. Mediates humoral immunity.
  • 96. Th1/Th2 decision • Very important to achieve the required state if immunity . • Depends upon the type of antigen presented and the cytokines it stimulates. • The Dendritic cells, the toll like receptor, Dose of antigen,Genetic background of the host, The APC and its cytokines,The costimulatory molecules.
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  • 98. Th3 cells • Transforming growth factor B . • Helps IgA production. • Supresses both Th1 and Th2 responses.
  • 99. Tcytotoxic cells CD8 • Direct killing of the organism or the abnormal or infected cells. • TC1 and TC2 in cytokine pattenrs. • Viral and antitumour activities.
  • 100. Regulatory T cells (Tregs) • CD4 + T cells. • Secretes large amounts of IL-10. • Suppressor effect on both immune responses. • Produced by immature inactive dendritic cells. • Important for tolerance towards self antigens and regulating inflammation.
  • 102. The B lymphocyte • B cells function to protect the host by producing antibodies that identify and neutralize foreign objects like bacteria and viruses. • B Cells are the major cells involved in the creation of humoral immunity.
  • 103. Antibodies • Antibodies (or immunoglobulin, Ig), are large Y-shaped proteins used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects. • In mammals there are five types of antibody: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM, differing in biological properties, each has evolved to handle different kinds of antigens.
  • 104. B cells • Upon activation, B cells produce antibodies, each of which recognizes a unique antigen, and neutralize specific pathogens.[1] • Like the T cell receptor, B cells express a unique B cell receptor (BCR), in this case, an immobilized antibody molecule. The BCR recognizes and binds to only one particular antigen.
  • 105. Bcell Vs T cell ACTIVATION • T cells recognize their cognate antigen in a processed form - as a peptide in the context of an MHC molecule, • while B cells recognize antigens in their native form.[ • B- cells receives additional signals from a helper T cell (predominately Th2 type)), to further differentiates into an effector cell, known as a plasma cell]
  • 106. Plasma cells • Short lived cells (2-3 days) which secrete antibodies that bind to antigens, making them easier targets for phagocytes, and trigger the complement cascade.[ • About 10% of plasma cells will survive to become long-lived antigen specific memory B cells primed to produce specific antibodies and respond quickly if the same pathogen re-infects the host; while the host experiences few, if any, symptoms.
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