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The Short Report
Dear all Australian YCS members and supporters,
Last year in January, I made a goal for myself to achieve by the end of 2016. This goal was to save
enough money to comfortably move out of Townsville, and also to figure out what I want to study
when I go back to university in 2017. At the end of 2015, I wasn't convinced that what I was studying,
business/marketing at James Cook University, was going to provide me with a job that would fulfil me
in the long run. Realising this, I put a pause on my studies for the first time in 14 years and began my
belated gap year.
I am proud to say that my goal for last year was successful and nearly three months ago I flew off to
the opposite side of the country, Perth, to study Political Science and International Relations at the
University of Western Australia. So far so good, I am fast-paced learning about real adult life and for
my units at university, about gender in Australia, politics in the UK, USA and here at home and
Indigenous studies and their relationship with the land and family.
The past few months have rekindled my love of learning, and this balancing act of work, studies and
social life has reminded me of YCS days in high school. It has given perspective that I had forgotten
and empathy for the students who volunteer their time to commit to projects and reviews on the
National Executive Team and also as diocesan leaders. As a paid worker, there is a quota of hours of
work in a week that I need to complete and it is a priority in my calendar that I just need to figure out
how to balance with my university timetable. This is opposed to students who would prioritise studies
in some cases, which I emphasise to them is sensible and makes a lot of sense, particularly in their
senior high school years. And now, being back at university, I can relate to the ongoing inner conflict
of whether to make time for study or to work on projects and tasks for a movement that I am so
passionate about! I will rarely say this to the students I work with, but you are so intelligent and will
make it to university no matter what, but you will only once have the opportunity to lead an action
based student run social justice organisation as a high school student. Take on these exciting
opportunities, you learn in all of your adventures.
Speaking of adventures, I headed home to Townsville over Easter for the first time since I moved. I
had this whole new appreciation for home during this short visit. Daily I would head down to the
beach and immerse myself in the ocean waves, it was the perfect place to reflect on how much
progress I had made so far. I also took advantage of being home to meet with Maigan, the Townsville
Coordinator, to review how her work is going and where the priorities lie in allocating hours. From
tropical Townsville to freezing Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I attended the Parramatta Campaign
Review Camp. It was the first Parramatta diocesan camp I had attended, I was blown away and
constantly excited by their passion for climate justice and touched by their experiences as a result to
the change in their environment. Parramatta is strong and it was a pleasure to be a part of this.
In the Spirit of Cardijn,
Zara Cavalot.
Australian YCS National Coordinator.
Meet the National Executive
Hey, my name is Sisilina and I am currently a Year 11
student at Cardijn College in which I am heavily involved
in the Music Department. My involvement within various
College Ensembles require my attendance before and
after school hours, four times a week. When I’m not at
school, I spend most of my time leading the Music
Ministry at our Local parish and attending Youth for
Christ (YFC). My first YCS camp was the JUDGE Camp
last October and my most recent camp was the ACT
Camp, held a few weeks ago! My experiences for both
camps were both amazing. Recently I have taken on
more leadership roles so last camp was my first time
running sessions, which I truly enjoyed. The camp was
a great experience, enabling me to broaden my
understanding of Climate Justice, as well as being
surrounded by like-minded students who aspire to
create a better and just world. YCS has provided many
opportunities that have changed my perspective and
understanding, as well as the many skills that are
gained. I look forward to future progress to achieving
our aims.
From supervising adults and creating resources to attending national
events and chairing meetings, get an insight on the high school
students who coordinate this national movement!
Sisilina Saukuru
Adelaide Executive Campaign
I joined the YCS community in 2007, as a year 8 student in Perth. I went on to represent Perth as
the National Executive Representative, and to help rebuild the Perth YCS Diocesan
Coordination/Review Team, serving as Perth Chairperson. As a student I started a group at my
school, Ursula Frayne when I was in Year 11, and am proud to say this group is still running
strong today. I helped lead the 100% Respect: Fair Trade campaign on the National Executive
Team, and helped lead two National Conferences as a student. In 2011, I was selected to
represent Australia at the International YCS World Council in India, I travelled for two weeks in
New Delhi, to discuss issues facing the lives of young people across the world, debate global
problems, and develop an international campaign. Later, I worked as the Perth YCS worker for
two years, I enjoyed encouraging students to deepen a sense of mission and faith in action in
local groups and on camps, before going on to work as National Campaign Coordinator for
another two years. Helping the students run the Break Free campaign, write resources, and
organise the Free the Children national actions, and Canberra Free the Children Summit in 2015.
In 2017, I am an Honours graduate of Political Science and International Relations from the
University of Western Australia. I work for Social Reinvestment WA, coordinating a campaign for
a Coalition of 20 NGOs to end the disproportionate incarceration of Aboriginal people in the WA
justice system, by advocating to the community and government to focus on Healthy Families,
Smart Justice, and Safer communities. I also write policies and do research for the Aboriginal
Alcohol and Drug Service. I founded and direct the Swim for Refugees Program, which is a
volunteer program teaching refugees and asylum seekers to swim. This year we have almost 50
participants learning to swim.
Reflecting on YCS, I’m most proud of two actions I took with my local group at Ursula Frayne.
The first was our very first action as a group, where we hosted a Fair Trade bake sale, giving out
information on Fair Trade products to every customer, and raising over $1000 for Project
Compassion. I remember teachers coming up and congratulating our Adult Assistant- when she
told them she had done none of the organising, they were flabbergasted that students could
possibly do something like this on our own. It was a real case of underestimating the students.
Another action I’m really proud of is the action we ran in year 12 after a review of life on refugees.
We made hundreds of paper boats, and at our school fete day had them signed by students and
teachers along with a petition, calling on our local MP to end indefinite detention of refugees, and
to close Manus and Nauru. We collected over 400 signed paper boats to take to our member of
parliament along with a petition.
Where Are They Now?
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Sophie Stewart, past YCS student and Perth and National
Campaign Coordinator, reflects on her involvement in YCS and
gives an insight on where she is now.
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I’m also really proud of the work we did together as National Executive to run two National
Conferences in 2010, and 2012. Creating a national campaign together from scratch was an
amazing feeling, and helping develop the vision of our movement as students, for students, was
an experience like no other. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork was something special- I
remember getting glandular fever in 2010 and the rest of the National Executive Team stepping
up to organise me getting emergency medical care, visiting me several times a day in sick bay,
as well as stepping up to cover half my sessions.
I especially treasure the many friendships I made at National Conferences and on the National
Executive. Time spent at many different conference or meeting locations feeding goats (Casa
Palotti anyone?), debating heatedly about social justice issues and the most important way to
run a diocese, and supporting others and reflecting during personal reviews of life- that led to
deep transformations of people’s lives.
What I learned and experienced in YCS has been invaluable to the rest of my life.
The experiences I had of shaping the world for the better, and reflecting upon the call to action
inherent in the Gospel, helped me develop a sense of mission to transform the world around me
in light of my beliefs, and the toolkit to always be able to do this. Inherently, I feel passionately
called to a life of building peace, speaking out for equality, acting for justice, and loving others to
the best of my ability. This was why I chose to study Political Science and International
Relations, I wanted to gain further knowledge in a field that could help me to understand the
systems that control the way we live and interact and use this knowledge to influence people’s
lives for the better. My Honours thesis explored propaganda and representations in the
Australian media, and by the federal government of asylum seekers.
The trust and responsibility given to me as such a young person to lead a group, and later a
movement, gave me the courage to believe I could change the world for the better, and to never
underestimate my own capacity. And this wasn’t some far off crazy future. It could start now.
This lent me the courage to co-found Students for Refugees in my third year at uni, and watch it
grow into a thriving movement of young people passionate about advocating for refugees and
asylum seekers, educating others, and serving the community. This led to the founding last year
of the Swim for Refugees Program. This project stemmed from conversations with people in WA
with experiences as a refugee or asylum seeker, and after a successful pilot run, this year the
second run of the program has seen us recruit over 30 volunteers, and almost 50 swimmers.
Today in my work campaigning at Social Reinvestment WA, I use the See, Judge, Act in much
of my day to day work, particularly when it comes to reflecting on my work and strategic
campaign planning. I use the See, Judge, Act, as a formula today for developing effective
actions even when lobbying to the government or working with Aboriginal communities, and a 20
year vision for this organisation.
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The review of life is still a big part of my personal life today. I am part of a Review of Life group,
which has helped me through some personally traumatic experiences in the last year. A review
of life at the start of 2016 also led to the decision to become a vegetarian for sustainability
purposes. This year that same review and action led me to wear only 6 items of clothing for 6
weeks, to begin combating my consumption of fast fashion, which exploits labourers across
the world and degrades and pollutes the environment enormously.
YCS gave me memories and friendships I will never forget; taught me organisational and
leadership skills that have been exceedingly valuable in my future work; Granted me
experiences and opportunities that encouraged an unwavering belief in myself and young
people; Empowered me to continue taking action to change the world; And passed on to me a
life method of reflecting and acting that will forever shape my mission in this world, and support
me to overcome the adversity life throws at us.
Keep seeing, judging, and acting. Keep seeking and reflecting on your call to action. Keep
changing the world around you for good. Keep transforming your own life and future.
You can get in contact with Sophie at
Or check out what she’s up to currently here:
At Loyola, a local school group in Parramatta, the students completed their
first of three actions on human trafficking - a sweatshop simulator. Students
from across the school were lured into dark, freezing cold classrooms with
the promise of a reward. But first they had to separate brown rice from white
rice while YCS student leaders made it hard for them to complete the task. A
very interesting, interactive and educational action!
The YCS diocese of Parramatta held their April
Review Camp in Katoomba from the 19th-21st
of April. The students learned about the YCS
movement and review climate justice to develop
a diocese action to advocate for the issue.
The Paramatta YCS workers, Sarah and Alyson, were
privileged enough to be invited by the Pacific Calling Partnership to have a
meeting with two young people from Kiribati. They got to ask two very
inspirational people about their realities and their passion from climate
justice based on what's happening in their country being caused by other
peoples' actions.
Diocesan Actions and News
In the holidays, Adelaide YCS held their first
camp for the year. The Diocesan Campaign
Review Camp was held over 3 days in Port Elliot,
at the Marist Brothers House. It was an amazing
time of self reflection, personal development,
group discussion and fun! The focus of day 3 was
to create an advocacy action. They were also
joined by Peter Bierer, the Coordinator of the
Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults
The past two months have been very busy for
Melbourne YCS! The term one holidays saw MYCS
run its first Diocesan camp of 2017, reviewing the
national campaign. Fifteen awesome and
committed students attended from the groups in
Rosanna and Essendon as well as some keen and
curious students from Box Hill, and over the course
of a weekend, the students explored the reality of
the issue and planned a fantastic action to raise awareness in their parish
communities about climate justice (but we’ve dimmed the lights on sharing
the action for now, so stay tuned for the reveal coming soon).
Melbourne's two current local groups have been regularly meeting – the St
Martins (Rosanna) group reviewed Paying it Forward and are in the stages of
planning their action, as well as planning a ‘class of 2016 reunion’ for
students from the attached primary school. Meanwhile, the St Therese’s
(Essendon) group have been busy planning their year, specifically for
recruitment, and have been using their representation and promotion skills to
plan upcoming activities.
YCS in Melbourne is also expanding! With two
new schools registered to have YCS in their
communities and a number of upcoming
networking days, we look forward to seeing
the movement grow down ‘south of the
Diocesan Actions and News
National Actions and News
The March monthly executive meeting was held on the 24th, chaired by Perth
Executive Representative, Issy. The team reviewed the planning of the
diocesan review camps to ensure they are student run and organised for their
ACT Campaign Review Camps and in the future.
The April meeting, chaired by Melbourne Campaign Communicator, Cait,
reviewed the progress of projects implemented in January, how we can
further these as well as approving employment decisions, discussing the July
executive meeting and reporting on progress on National Conference
The employment team have been hard at work interviewing and reviewing
applicants for the Kiribati Immersion Worker. It has been a long process and
we hope to see someone hired in the next week!
Social Media Coordinator, Isaac, has been doing a great job at following up is
fellow students to keep an active presence on Facebook on our AYCS page.
The Social Media Strategy was reviewed and updated in January so it is
fantastic to see it effective and student run.
The National Campaign team - a sub group of the National Executive Team -
have been creating sessions as part of a national resource for all YCS
diocese to utilise. This resource touches on where our National Campaign
came from, what actions have been done so far and how to review it on a
diocesan level and take collective advocacy action.
The Coordination Team - the other sub group of the National Executive Team
- have been working on permission forms and the logistics for the in person
National Executive Meeting in July in Melbourne. This project is being
supported by the National Coordinator and by Jess, the Melbourne Diocesan
YCS Coordinator. A national review and analysis will take place soon to give
direction for focus areas of this 6 monthly meeting.
National Coordinator, Zara, has been working with AYCW and their National
President, Elizabeth McFarlane, on how there can be joint projects to support
the diocese where both organisations are present.

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AYCS National Newsletter - March - April 2017

  • 2. The Short Report Dear all Australian YCS members and supporters, Last year in January, I made a goal for myself to achieve by the end of 2016. This goal was to save enough money to comfortably move out of Townsville, and also to figure out what I want to study when I go back to university in 2017. At the end of 2015, I wasn't convinced that what I was studying, business/marketing at James Cook University, was going to provide me with a job that would fulfil me in the long run. Realising this, I put a pause on my studies for the first time in 14 years and began my belated gap year. I am proud to say that my goal for last year was successful and nearly three months ago I flew off to the opposite side of the country, Perth, to study Political Science and International Relations at the University of Western Australia. So far so good, I am fast-paced learning about real adult life and for my units at university, about gender in Australia, politics in the UK, USA and here at home and Indigenous studies and their relationship with the land and family. The past few months have rekindled my love of learning, and this balancing act of work, studies and social life has reminded me of YCS days in high school. It has given perspective that I had forgotten and empathy for the students who volunteer their time to commit to projects and reviews on the National Executive Team and also as diocesan leaders. As a paid worker, there is a quota of hours of work in a week that I need to complete and it is a priority in my calendar that I just need to figure out how to balance with my university timetable. This is opposed to students who would prioritise studies in some cases, which I emphasise to them is sensible and makes a lot of sense, particularly in their senior high school years. And now, being back at university, I can relate to the ongoing inner conflict of whether to make time for study or to work on projects and tasks for a movement that I am so passionate about! I will rarely say this to the students I work with, but you are so intelligent and will make it to university no matter what, but you will only once have the opportunity to lead an action based student run social justice organisation as a high school student. Take on these exciting opportunities, you learn in all of your adventures. Speaking of adventures, I headed home to Townsville over Easter for the first time since I moved. I had this whole new appreciation for home during this short visit. Daily I would head down to the beach and immerse myself in the ocean waves, it was the perfect place to reflect on how much progress I had made so far. I also took advantage of being home to meet with Maigan, the Townsville Coordinator, to review how her work is going and where the priorities lie in allocating hours. From tropical Townsville to freezing Katoomba in the Blue Mountains, I attended the Parramatta Campaign Review Camp. It was the first Parramatta diocesan camp I had attended, I was blown away and constantly excited by their passion for climate justice and touched by their experiences as a result to the change in their environment. Parramatta is strong and it was a pleasure to be a part of this. In the Spirit of Cardijn, Zara Cavalot. Australian YCS National Coordinator.
  • 3. Meet the National Executive Team Hey, my name is Sisilina and I am currently a Year 11 student at Cardijn College in which I am heavily involved in the Music Department. My involvement within various College Ensembles require my attendance before and after school hours, four times a week. When I’m not at school, I spend most of my time leading the Music Ministry at our Local parish and attending Youth for Christ (YFC). My first YCS camp was the JUDGE Camp last October and my most recent camp was the ACT Camp, held a few weeks ago! My experiences for both camps were both amazing. Recently I have taken on more leadership roles so last camp was my first time running sessions, which I truly enjoyed. The camp was a great experience, enabling me to broaden my understanding of Climate Justice, as well as being surrounded by like-minded students who aspire to create a better and just world. YCS has provided many opportunities that have changed my perspective and understanding, as well as the many skills that are gained. I look forward to future progress to achieving our aims. From supervising adults and creating resources to attending national events and chairing meetings, get an insight on the high school students who coordinate this national movement! Sisilina Saukuru Adelaide Executive Campaign Communicator
  • 4. I joined the YCS community in 2007, as a year 8 student in Perth. I went on to represent Perth as the National Executive Representative, and to help rebuild the Perth YCS Diocesan Coordination/Review Team, serving as Perth Chairperson. As a student I started a group at my school, Ursula Frayne when I was in Year 11, and am proud to say this group is still running strong today. I helped lead the 100% Respect: Fair Trade campaign on the National Executive Team, and helped lead two National Conferences as a student. In 2011, I was selected to represent Australia at the International YCS World Council in India, I travelled for two weeks in New Delhi, to discuss issues facing the lives of young people across the world, debate global problems, and develop an international campaign. Later, I worked as the Perth YCS worker for two years, I enjoyed encouraging students to deepen a sense of mission and faith in action in local groups and on camps, before going on to work as National Campaign Coordinator for another two years. Helping the students run the Break Free campaign, write resources, and organise the Free the Children national actions, and Canberra Free the Children Summit in 2015. In 2017, I am an Honours graduate of Political Science and International Relations from the University of Western Australia. I work for Social Reinvestment WA, coordinating a campaign for a Coalition of 20 NGOs to end the disproportionate incarceration of Aboriginal people in the WA justice system, by advocating to the community and government to focus on Healthy Families, Smart Justice, and Safer communities. I also write policies and do research for the Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Service. I founded and direct the Swim for Refugees Program, which is a volunteer program teaching refugees and asylum seekers to swim. This year we have almost 50 participants learning to swim. Reflecting on YCS, I’m most proud of two actions I took with my local group at Ursula Frayne. The first was our very first action as a group, where we hosted a Fair Trade bake sale, giving out information on Fair Trade products to every customer, and raising over $1000 for Project Compassion. I remember teachers coming up and congratulating our Adult Assistant- when she told them she had done none of the organising, they were flabbergasted that students could possibly do something like this on our own. It was a real case of underestimating the students. Another action I’m really proud of is the action we ran in year 12 after a review of life on refugees. We made hundreds of paper boats, and at our school fete day had them signed by students and teachers along with a petition, calling on our local MP to end indefinite detention of refugees, and to close Manus and Nauru. We collected over 400 signed paper boats to take to our member of parliament along with a petition. Where Are They Now? continue on next page --> Sophie Stewart, past YCS student and Perth and National Campaign Coordinator, reflects on her involvement in YCS and gives an insight on where she is now.
  • 5. continue on next page --> I’m also really proud of the work we did together as National Executive to run two National Conferences in 2010, and 2012. Creating a national campaign together from scratch was an amazing feeling, and helping develop the vision of our movement as students, for students, was an experience like no other. The sense of camaraderie and teamwork was something special- I remember getting glandular fever in 2010 and the rest of the National Executive Team stepping up to organise me getting emergency medical care, visiting me several times a day in sick bay, as well as stepping up to cover half my sessions. I especially treasure the many friendships I made at National Conferences and on the National Executive. Time spent at many different conference or meeting locations feeding goats (Casa Palotti anyone?), debating heatedly about social justice issues and the most important way to run a diocese, and supporting others and reflecting during personal reviews of life- that led to deep transformations of people’s lives. What I learned and experienced in YCS has been invaluable to the rest of my life. The experiences I had of shaping the world for the better, and reflecting upon the call to action inherent in the Gospel, helped me develop a sense of mission to transform the world around me in light of my beliefs, and the toolkit to always be able to do this. Inherently, I feel passionately called to a life of building peace, speaking out for equality, acting for justice, and loving others to the best of my ability. This was why I chose to study Political Science and International Relations, I wanted to gain further knowledge in a field that could help me to understand the systems that control the way we live and interact and use this knowledge to influence people’s lives for the better. My Honours thesis explored propaganda and representations in the Australian media, and by the federal government of asylum seekers. The trust and responsibility given to me as such a young person to lead a group, and later a movement, gave me the courage to believe I could change the world for the better, and to never underestimate my own capacity. And this wasn’t some far off crazy future. It could start now. This lent me the courage to co-found Students for Refugees in my third year at uni, and watch it grow into a thriving movement of young people passionate about advocating for refugees and asylum seekers, educating others, and serving the community. This led to the founding last year of the Swim for Refugees Program. This project stemmed from conversations with people in WA with experiences as a refugee or asylum seeker, and after a successful pilot run, this year the second run of the program has seen us recruit over 30 volunteers, and almost 50 swimmers. Today in my work campaigning at Social Reinvestment WA, I use the See, Judge, Act in much of my day to day work, particularly when it comes to reflecting on my work and strategic campaign planning. I use the See, Judge, Act, as a formula today for developing effective actions even when lobbying to the government or working with Aboriginal communities, and a 20 year vision for this organisation.
  • 6. continue on next page --> The review of life is still a big part of my personal life today. I am part of a Review of Life group, which has helped me through some personally traumatic experiences in the last year. A review of life at the start of 2016 also led to the decision to become a vegetarian for sustainability purposes. This year that same review and action led me to wear only 6 items of clothing for 6 weeks, to begin combating my consumption of fast fashion, which exploits labourers across the world and degrades and pollutes the environment enormously. YCS gave me memories and friendships I will never forget; taught me organisational and leadership skills that have been exceedingly valuable in my future work; Granted me experiences and opportunities that encouraged an unwavering belief in myself and young people; Empowered me to continue taking action to change the world; And passed on to me a life method of reflecting and acting that will forever shape my mission in this world, and support me to overcome the adversity life throws at us. Keep seeing, judging, and acting. Keep seeking and reflecting on your call to action. Keep changing the world around you for good. Keep transforming your own life and future. You can get in contact with Sophie at Or check out what she’s up to currently here:
  • 7. At Loyola, a local school group in Parramatta, the students completed their first of three actions on human trafficking - a sweatshop simulator. Students from across the school were lured into dark, freezing cold classrooms with the promise of a reward. But first they had to separate brown rice from white rice while YCS student leaders made it hard for them to complete the task. A very interesting, interactive and educational action! The YCS diocese of Parramatta held their April Review Camp in Katoomba from the 19th-21st of April. The students learned about the YCS movement and review climate justice to develop a diocese action to advocate for the issue. The Paramatta YCS workers, Sarah and Alyson, were privileged enough to be invited by the Pacific Calling Partnership to have a meeting with two young people from Kiribati. They got to ask two very inspirational people about their realities and their passion from climate justice based on what's happening in their country being caused by other peoples' actions. Diocesan Actions and News In the holidays, Adelaide YCS held their first camp for the year. The Diocesan Campaign Review Camp was held over 3 days in Port Elliot, at the Marist Brothers House. It was an amazing time of self reflection, personal development, group discussion and fun! The focus of day 3 was to create an advocacy action. They were also joined by Peter Bierer, the Coordinator of the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA).
  • 8. The past two months have been very busy for Melbourne YCS! The term one holidays saw MYCS run its first Diocesan camp of 2017, reviewing the national campaign. Fifteen awesome and committed students attended from the groups in Rosanna and Essendon as well as some keen and curious students from Box Hill, and over the course of a weekend, the students explored the reality of the issue and planned a fantastic action to raise awareness in their parish communities about climate justice (but we’ve dimmed the lights on sharing the action for now, so stay tuned for the reveal coming soon). Melbourne's two current local groups have been regularly meeting – the St Martins (Rosanna) group reviewed Paying it Forward and are in the stages of planning their action, as well as planning a ‘class of 2016 reunion’ for students from the attached primary school. Meanwhile, the St Therese’s (Essendon) group have been busy planning their year, specifically for recruitment, and have been using their representation and promotion skills to plan upcoming activities. YCS in Melbourne is also expanding! With two new schools registered to have YCS in their communities and a number of upcoming networking days, we look forward to seeing the movement grow down ‘south of the border’! Diocesan Actions and News contd.
  • 9. National Actions and News The March monthly executive meeting was held on the 24th, chaired by Perth Executive Representative, Issy. The team reviewed the planning of the diocesan review camps to ensure they are student run and organised for their ACT Campaign Review Camps and in the future. The April meeting, chaired by Melbourne Campaign Communicator, Cait, reviewed the progress of projects implemented in January, how we can further these as well as approving employment decisions, discussing the July executive meeting and reporting on progress on National Conference promotion. The employment team have been hard at work interviewing and reviewing applicants for the Kiribati Immersion Worker. It has been a long process and we hope to see someone hired in the next week! Social Media Coordinator, Isaac, has been doing a great job at following up is fellow students to keep an active presence on Facebook on our AYCS page. The Social Media Strategy was reviewed and updated in January so it is fantastic to see it effective and student run. The National Campaign team - a sub group of the National Executive Team - have been creating sessions as part of a national resource for all YCS diocese to utilise. This resource touches on where our National Campaign came from, what actions have been done so far and how to review it on a diocesan level and take collective advocacy action. The Coordination Team - the other sub group of the National Executive Team - have been working on permission forms and the logistics for the in person National Executive Meeting in July in Melbourne. This project is being supported by the National Coordinator and by Jess, the Melbourne Diocesan YCS Coordinator. A national review and analysis will take place soon to give direction for focus areas of this 6 monthly meeting. National Coordinator, Zara, has been working with AYCW and their National President, Elizabeth McFarlane, on how there can be joint projects to support the diocese where both organisations are present.