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Adam Larter
Principal Solutions Architect, Developer Specialist, AWS AU/NZ
Applying the 12-Factor Application Manifesto
to Developing Serverless Applications
2018 |
Serverless is a mindset change toward
automation, agility, and innovation
The “12 Factor” manifesto & serverless applications
• 12 Factor applications were popularized by developers building
large scale applications on platforms such as Heroku
• In recent years the 12 Factor guidelines have been considered best
practices for both developers and operations engineers regardless
of the application’s use-case and at nearly any scale
• Many of the 12 Factor guidelines align directly with best practices
for serverless applications and are improved upon given the
nature of AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and other AWS
• However, some of the 12 Factor guidelines don’t directly align
with serverless applications or are interpreted differently
The “12 Factor” App - Goals
• Minimise the effort of getting a new developer set up
• Minimise dependencies on the underlying platform
running the application
• Maximise the portability of the application between
different runtime environments
• Make deploying your application to modern cloud
platforms easy
• Focuses on environment parity between dev/prod
• Allows applications to embrace horizontal scaling
No servers to provision
or manage
Scales with usage
Never pay for idle Availability and fault
tolerance built in
Serverless means…
Serverless application
Changes in
data state
Requests to
Changes in
resource state
C# (.Net Core)
Common Lambda use cases
• Static
• Complex web
• Packages for
Flask and
• Real time
• MapReduce
• Batch
• Powering
chatbot logic
• Apps &
• Mobile
• IoT
• Powering
• Alexa Skills
• Policy engines
• Extending
AWS services
• Infrastructure
The 12 Factors
Let’s explore how the 12 Factors
apply to a serverless application:
1. Codebase
2. Dependencies
3. Config
4. Backing services
9. Disposability
10. Dev/prod parity
11. Logs
12. Admin processes
5. Build, release, run
6. Process
7. Port Binding
8. Concurrency
We want to extract vehicle number
plates from images of cars passing
through a toll gantry. The system should
charge drivers in real-time. If the driver
has insufficient funds or there is a
problem reading the number plate, the
system should cater for manual tasks
Toll Road Gantry – Problem Statement
Toll Road Gantry - Overview
• Images captured at gantry using motion-detection camera
• Captured images uploaded to S3
• S3 trigger calls Lambda function to pass image to
Amazon Rekogniton to extract text from the image
• If the text ‘looks like’ a number plate,
we look-up the plate in our database and charge the driver
• If the driver has insufficient funds, we prompt for an account top-up
• If the number plate is not registered, we
request manual intervention from an administrator
• If we are not confident that we can ‘see’ a number plate, we request
manual intervention from an administrator
Trigger on
Toll Road Gantry - Architecture
Trigger on
Toll Road Gantry - Architecture
Am azon
CloudW atch
Lam bda
AW S Step
Am azon
SES Am azon API
Gatew ay
M anual Inspection via Em ail Notification
event getActivityTask()
Num ber Plate
numberPlate: "SOB640"
Lam bda
Toll Road Gantry - Architecture
1. Codebase
• A twelve-factor app is always tracked in a
version control system – in a repo
• A codebase is any single repo
• There is always a one-to-one correlation between the codebase
and the app:
• If there are multiple codebases, it’s not an app –
it’s a distributed system.
• Multiple apps sharing the same code is a
violation of 12-factor – factor the code into a library
• There is only one codebase per app, but there will be
many deploys of the app
One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
1. Codebase
All code should be stored in revision control (a development best
practice). The same repository should be used for all environments
deployed to.
The bounds of an “application” differ in serverless terms:
• If events are shared (eg: a common Amazon API Gateway) then
Lambda function code for those events should be put
in the same repository
• Otherwise break “services” along event source
into their own repositories
One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
2. Dependencies
• A 12-Factor app never relies on implicit existence of
system-wide packages. It declares all dependencies,
completely and exactly, via a dependency declaration manifest
• It uses a dependency isolation tool to prevent dependency leak from
other and does not depend on the existence of system tools
• Simplifies getting a new developer up and running (all dependencies
are in the source control system – or referenced using dependency
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
2. Dependencies
Code that needs to be used by multiple functions should be packaged
into its own library. Include those packages inside of your deployment
package. Every language Lambda supports has a model for this:
Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
Node.js & Python
• .zip file consisting of
your code and any
• Can use npm/pip
• All dependencies must
be at root level
• Either .zip file with all
code/dependencies, or
standalone .jar with
compiled class &
resource files at root
level, required jars in
/lib directory
• Maven / Gradle for
C# (.NET Core)
• Either .zip file with all
code/dependencies, or a
standalone .dll
• Can use Nuget
• All assemblies (.dll) at
root level
3. Config
Store config in the environment
A 12-Factor App has strict separation of config from code, including:
• Resource handles to database, cache and other backing services
• Credentials
• Per-deploy values
• An app's config is everything that is likely to vary between deploys
(staging, production, developer environments, etc)
• Does not include ‘internal’ configs such as
routes or framework settings
• Store configuration in environment variables
and not in source control
3. Config
Lambda Environment Variables
• Key-value pairs available via standard environment variable APIs
such as process.env for Node.js or os.environ for Python
• Support KMS encryption
Store config in the environment
API Gateway Stages
• Key-value pairs available for configuring API Gateway functionality or
to pass on to HTTP endpoints as URI parameters or configuration
parameters to a Lambda invocation
AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and AWS Secrets Manager
Many ways to do this in serverless applications
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import boto3
ssm = boto3.client('ssm', 'us-east-1')
def get_parameters():
response = ssm.get_parameters(
for parameter in response['Parameters']:
return parameter['Value']
def lambda_handler(event, context):
value = get_parameters()
print("value1 = " + value)
return value # Echo back first key/val
Centralized store to manage your
configuration data
• supports hierarchies
• plain-text or encrypted with KMS
• Can send notifications of changes
to Amazon SNS/ AWS Lambda
• Can be secured with IAM
• Calls recorded in CloudTrail
• Can be tagged
• Available via API/SDK
Useful for centralized environment
variables, secrets control, feature flags
AWS Systems Manager – Parameter Store
Access secrets in the Parameter Store
from CloudFormation
• Create Parameters in your
CFN/SAM template
• Set the Type to
• Use the Default property to
define the path in Parameter Store
• Use references ( Ref: ) in your
template to make use of the values
AWS Systems Manager – Parameter Store
Service features:
• Securely encrypt, store, and
retrieve credentials for your
databases and other services
• Scheduled rotation with control
over rotation logic via Lambda
• Connection strings, key/value
pairs, JSON blobs… anything!
AWS Secrets Manager
4. Backing services
Treat backing services as attached resources
The code for a 12-Factor app makes no distinction between
local and third party services.
• A backing service is any service the app consumes
over the network as part of its normal operation
• Databases, cache, etc
• API-accessible services
• Mail
• 12-Factor treats backing services as attached resources
• Backing services should be able to be switched out –
attached/detached at will
4. Backing services
No differences for serverless applications
Resources that Lambda functions connect to, such as databases,
should have their endpoints and access credentials made available
via config resources and IAM policies
Treat backing services as attached resources
5. Build, release, run
Strictly separate build and run stages
A 12-Factor App codebase is transformed into a deploy through:
• Build stage – takes the source from the repo and builds an
immutable deployment artefact bundle
• Release stage – takes the deployment artefact and combines it
with the environment’s configuration
• Run stage – runs the app in the target environment, executing
processes against the selected release
Code becomes a build, which is combined with the target
environment’s configuration to create a release then executed in
the run space - each stage is strictly separated
5. Build, release, run
Strictly separate build and run stages
No differences for serverless applications
Development best practices such as Continuous Integration and
Continuous Delivery should be followed.
Use AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to support this
version: 0.1
"INPUT_FILE": "saml.yaml”
"S3_BUCKET": ""
- npm install
- eslint *.js
- npm test
- aws cloudformation package --template $INPUT_FILE --s3-
bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template post-saml.yaml
type: zip
- post-saml.yaml
- beta.json
• Variables to be used by phases of
• Examples for what you can do in
the phases of a build:
• You can install packages or run
commands to prepare your
environment in ”install”.
• Run syntax checking, commands
in “pre_build”.
• Execute your build/test tools or
commands in “build”
• Execute the CloudFormation
“package” command to package
your serverless application with
SAM in “post_build”
• Create and store an artifact in S3
Serverless App buildspec.yml Example
Delivery via CodePipeline
Pipeline flow:
1. Commit your code to a source code repository
2. Package/Test in AWS CodeBuild
3. Use CloudFormation actions in CodePipeline to
create or update stacks via SAM templates
• Make use of ChangeSets
• Make use of Safe Lambda Deployment
4. Make use of specific stage/environment parameter
files to pass in Lambda variables
5. Test our application between stages/environments
Optional: Make use of Manual Approvals
AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
CloudFormation extension optimized for
New serverless resource types:
functions, APIs, and tables
Supports anything CloudFormation supports
Open specification (Apache 2.0)
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09’
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: s3://sam-demo-bucket/
Handler: index.gethtml
Runtime: nodejs4.3
Policies: AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess
Type: Api
Path: /{proxy+}
Method: ANY
Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable
SAM template
Tells CloudFormation this is a SAM
template it needs to “transform”
Creates a Lambda function with the
referenced managed IAM policy,
runtime, code at the referenced zip
location, and handler as defined.
Also creates an API Gateway and
takes care of all
mapping/permissions necessary
Creates a
DynamoDB table
Gradual Code Deployment – Canaries
SAM usually uses CloudFormation to
deploy new/updates to Lambda functions
If you enable Safe Lambda Deployments,
SAM will instead use AWS CodeDeploy for
automated gradual deployment
Automatically & gradually shift traffic
to the new version and roll back if a problem
is encountered (based on canaries/alarms)
Serverless has new ways to do familiar things
An example minimal Developer’s pipeline:
AWS CodeCommit
AWS CodeBuild
AWS CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation
AWS Lambda
This pipeline:
• Three Stages
• Builds code artifact
• One Development environment
• Uses SAM/CloudFormation to deploy
artifact and other AWS resources
• Has Lambda custom actions for running
my own testing functions
An example minimal production pipeline:
Deploy Testing
Deploy Staging
Manual Approval
Deploy Prod
This pipeline:
• Five Stages
• Builds code artifact
• Three deployed to “Environments”
• Uses SAM/CloudFormation to deploy
artifact and other AWS resources
• Has Lambda custom actions for running
my own testing functions
• Integrates with a 3rd party tool/service
• Has a manual approval before deploying
to production
6. Process
A 12-Factor App has processes that are stateless and share nothing
• Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a
stateful backing service, typically a database
• Never assume any data from a previous transaction
will be cached in memory or on local storage
• “Sticky sessions” are a violation of 12-factor
• Session state should be persisted to Memcached or database
Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
6. Process
This is inherent in how Lambda is designed already
• Lambda Functions should be treated as stateless despite the
potential to store some state in-between container re-use
• There is no promise of container re-use
between function invocations
• Data that needs to be kept should be stored off Lambda in a
stateful service such as DynamoDB or ElastiCache
Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
7. Port Binding
A 12-Factor App is completely self-contained and exposes
Protocol-as-a-Service by binding to a network port
• For example – web application binding an HTTP listener
to port 80/443
• The app itself should be able to run/host the HTTP endpoint
(Go, Python, DotNet, Java support this)
• Languages like PHP break this guideline because
they need a web server to host the process
• Allows the app to become a backing service for other apps
• Provides a common interface to all your apps
Export services via port binding
7. Port Binding
In Lambda/serverless applications this factor doesn’t apply in the
same way due to a difference in how Lambda Functions are accessed:
• Instead of a “port” Lambda functions are invoked via one or more
triggering services or AWS’s APIs for Lambda
• When it comes to Lambda functions there are 3 models for how they can
be invoked; synchronously, asynchronously, and via stream
• Instead of having one function support multiple invocation sources,
create independent functions and make use of shared code via
dependencies (shared packages) to support shared capabilities
Export services via port binding
Lambda execution model
Synchronous Stream-based
API Gateway
AmazonS3 Amazon
Event sources that trigger AWS Lambda
and more!
API Gateway
8. Concurrency
Scale out via the process model
In a 12-Factor App, processes are a first-class citizen
• Processes & threads – taking inspiration from Unix process model
for daemons
• Keep individual tasks bound to individual processes
• Web requests handled by dedicated processes
• Worker processes for long-running background tasks
• Small independent processes for specific tasks in a distributed workload
• Very important for scaling your application out horizontally
8. Concurrency
Doesn’t apply to Serverless
Lambda functions will scale automatically based on load.
You can fork threads inside of your function execution but there are
practical limits due to the memory and CPU/network constraints of
your functions based on how you configure them.
Scale out via the process model
• <1.8GB is still single core
• CPU bound workloads won’t see gains –
processes share same resources
• >1.8GB is multi-core
• CPU bound workloads will gains,
but need to multi-thread
• I/O bound workloads WILL likely see gains
• e.g. parallel calculations to return
Scaling out a workflow with Step Functions
Scale out via the process model
Trigger on
8. Concurrency
9. Disposability
Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
A 12-Factor App’s resources are disposable, meaning they can be
started and stopped at a moment’s notice
• Facilitates fast, elastic scaling, rapid deployment of code or config
changes and robust deployment
• Processes should minimise startup time
• Processes should terminate gracefully
• Processes should be robust against sudden death and be designed
to handle unexpected termination
9. Disposability
Some application to Serverless
Shutdown doesn’t apply as Lambda functions and their invocation
are tied directly to incoming events.
Speed at startup does matter though and is a factor of deployment
package size + language used + VPC (or not) + pre-handler code calls.
Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
Anatomy of a Lambda function
Lambda request lifecycle
the runtime
Start your
Cold start Warm
your code
Start new
Lambda request lifecycle – AWS X-ray
Lambda request lifecycle – AWS X-ray
Amazon S3 Trigger
AWS Lambda Service
Your function code
Lambda request lifecycle – AWS X-ray
10. Dev/prod parity
Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
A 12-Factor App is designed for continuous deployment by keeping
the gap between development and production small
Environments get out of sync due to:
• Time gap – move code between dev and staging as soon as possible
• Personnel gap – no handover of code (DevOps)
• Tools gap – don’t allow the environment tools and services to differ
10. Dev/prod parity
This can be made incredibly easy with serverless applications by:
• Making use of environment/stage variables, Parameter Store or
Secrets Manager for configuration information, backend resources etc
• Using Serverless Application Models (SAM) to deploy your application
• Can pass environment/stage variables via Parameters, Mappings, Imports
• Having a CI/CD process and tooling that supports multiple
environments or accounts
• Using SAM CLI for testing Lambda functions and API Gateway
Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
CLI tool for local testing of serverless apps
Works with Lambda functions and
“proxy-style” APIs
Response object and function logs available
on your local machine
Uses open source docker-lambda images to
mimic Lambda’s execution environment
Emulates timeout, memory limits, runtimes
11. Logs
A 12-Factor App never concerns itself with routing
or storage of its output stream
Treat logs as event streams
• Logs provide visibility into the behavior of a running app
• Logs are the stream of aggregated, time-ordered events collected
from all running processes
• Logs should be captured by the runtime environment and routed to
an appropriate destination for viewing or long-term archival
• Apps themselves should not attempt to write to or manage logfiles
(use a log router eg Fluent)
11. Logs
Logging (as well as Metric collection) are considered
a “universal right” in AWS Lambda:
• ‘Console’ output automatically collected and sent to
Amazon CloudWatch Logs
• Logs can be turned into Metrics – Active Alerting
• Logs can be sent to Amazon S3 or Amazon ElasticSearch
Service easily for further inspection and trending
• Metrics for Lambda and API Gateway for several key stats
are automatically collected and sent to CloudWatch
• You can easily send more using the CloudWatch SDK
Treat logs as event streams
12. Admin processes
Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
A 12-Factor App has one-off tasks for admin/management
• Tasks should operate in the same environment as the target
environment (so not from the administrator’s laptop)
• Admin code must be part of the release, not managed
separately as an external script
• Follows the dependency guidelines as the rest of the app
• Administrators must be able to remote into the
running environment
12. Admin processes
Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes
Doesn’t apply to Serverless
You already limit your functions based on use case.
True administrative tasks would occur via their own Lambda Functions
or via tools such as Amazon EC2 Run Command.
1. Codebase
2. Dependencies
3. Config
4. Backing services
9. Disposability
10. Dev/prod parity
11. Logs
12. Admin processes
As we’ve seen, 12 Factor application design can still be applied to
serverless applications taking into account some small differences!
= Works similarly = Not relevant to serverless
The 12 Factors & Serverless Applications
5. Build, release, run
6. Process
7. Port Binding
8. Concurrency
= Some relevance
Possible new factors for
Serverless 12-Factor Apps
• Use the right amount of compute for your
workload, and test your assumptions
• Review Lambda function resource usage in
CloudWatch Logs after execution
• Consider startup-latency and execution time as
well as RAM usage
• Match resource allocation (up to 3 GB) to logic
A. Right-size your serverless compute
Choose the right compute for the task
Example: Stats for a Lambda function that calculates
1,000 times all prime numbers <= 1,000,000
128 MB 11.722965sec $0.024628
256 MB 6.678945sec $0.028035
512 MB 3.194954sec $0.026830
1024 MB 1.465984sec $0.024638
A. Right-size your serverless compute
Impact of memory allocation on execution duration
50% increase
in memory
changes from
3s to 2.1s
A. Right-size your serverless compute
Impact of memory allocation on startup latency
B. Avoid fat / monolithic functions
• Implement concise function logic
• Don’t move from monoliths to miniliths!
• Decouple your applications using messaging services
such as SNS/SQS/Kinesis/AmazonMQ
• Embrace asynchronous calls and eventual consistency
Functions should do one thing and do it well
C. Use functions to transform not transport
Read only the data you need
200 seconds and 11.2 cents
for key in src_keys:
response =
contents = response['Body'].read()
for line in contents.split('n')[:-1]:
data = line.split(',’)
srcIp = data[0][:8]
95 seconds and costs 2.8 cents
for key in src_keys:
response =
(Bucket=src_bucket, Key=key,
expression =
SELECT SUBSTR(obj._1, 1, 8), obj._2
FROM s3object as obj)
contents = response['Body'].read()
for line in contents:
Using S3Select:Retrieving entire object:
D. Do not orchestrate in code
• Orchestrating workflow logic in code makes it more difficult to
modify, maintain and debug distributed complexity
• Tasks may be long-running
• Tasks may need manual intervention
• Tasks may need to be retried
• Use AWS Step Functions to handle orchestration externally
Orchestrate distributed complexity in the environment
D. Do not orchestrate in code
Orchestrate distributed complexity in the environment
Orchestrate distributed complexity in the environment
D. Do not orchestrate in code
Trigger on
1. Codebase
2. Dependencies
3. Config
4. Backing services
9. Disposability
10. Dev/prod parity
11. Logs
12. No orchestration
in code
As we’ve seen, 12 Factor application design can still be applied to
serverless applications taking into account some small differences!
The 12 Factors & Serverless Applications
5. Build, release, run
6. Right-sizing
7. Avoid miniliths
8. Transform not
In closing
The 12-Factor methodology has factors that
do and do not apply the same for serverless applications:
• Thinking about code reusability and how to scope your functions
to the smallest size necessary provides many benefits
• Factors related to underlying process management, network ports,
concurrency, and admin processes are largely not an issue in
serverless applications due to AWS Lambda’s design and features
• Best practices for serverless align pretty closely with 12-Factor
guidance already, so you might be really close to meeting the
“12 Factor bar” already!
Adam Larter
Principal Solutions Architect, Developer Specialist, AWS AU/NZ
Thank you!
2018 |

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AWS Fargate와 Amazon ECS를 사용한 CI/CD 베스트 프랙티스 - 유재석, AWS 솔루션즈 아키텍트 :: AWS Build...
Amazon Web Services Korea
CJ프레시웨이 All-in 클라우드 전환 사례를 통해서 알아보는 Modernization성공 사례-오동규, 메가존 인프라 모더나이제이션 그...
CJ프레시웨이 All-in 클라우드 전환 사례를 통해서 알아보는 Modernization성공 사례-오동규, 메가존 인프라 모더나이제이션 그...CJ프레시웨이 All-in 클라우드 전환 사례를 통해서 알아보는 Modernization성공 사례-오동규, 메가존 인프라 모더나이제이션 그...
CJ프레시웨이 All-in 클라우드 전환 사례를 통해서 알아보는 Modernization성공 사례-오동규, 메가존 인프라 모더나이제이션 그...
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AWS Dev Lounge: Applying the Twelve-Factor Application Manifesto to Developing Serverless Applications

  • 1. Adam Larter Principal Solutions Architect, Developer Specialist, AWS AU/NZ 2018 D LOUNGE EV Applying the 12-Factor Application Manifesto to Developing Serverless Applications 2018 |
  • 2. D LOUNGE EV Serverless is a mindset change toward automation, agility, and innovation
  • 3. D LOUNGE EV The “12 Factor” manifesto & serverless applications • 12 Factor applications were popularized by developers building large scale applications on platforms such as Heroku • In recent years the 12 Factor guidelines have been considered best practices for both developers and operations engineers regardless of the application’s use-case and at nearly any scale • Many of the 12 Factor guidelines align directly with best practices for serverless applications and are improved upon given the nature of AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and other AWS services • However, some of the 12 Factor guidelines don’t directly align with serverless applications or are interpreted differently
  • 5. D LOUNGE EV The “12 Factor” App - Goals • Minimise the effort of getting a new developer set up • Minimise dependencies on the underlying platform running the application • Maximise the portability of the application between different runtime environments • Make deploying your application to modern cloud platforms easy • Focuses on environment parity between dev/prod • Allows applications to embrace horizontal scaling
  • 6. D LOUNGE EV No servers to provision or manage Scales with usage Never pay for idle Availability and fault tolerance built in Serverless means…
  • 7. D LOUNGE EV Serverless application SERVICES (ANYTHING) Changes in data state Requests to endpoints Changes in resource state EVENT SOURCE FUNCTION Node.js Python Java C# (.Net Core) Go
  • 8. D LOUNGE EV Common Lambda use cases Web Applications • Static websites • Complex web apps • Packages for Flask and Express Data Processing • Real time • MapReduce • Batch Chatbots • Powering chatbot logic Backends • Apps & services • Mobile • IoT </></> Amazon Alexa • Powering voice-enabled apps • Alexa Skills Kit IT Automation • Policy engines • Extending AWS services • Infrastructure management </></>
  • 9. D LOUNGE EV The 12 Factors Let’s explore how the 12 Factors apply to a serverless application: 1. Codebase 2. Dependencies 3. Config 4. Backing services 9. Disposability 10. Dev/prod parity 11. Logs 12. Admin processes 5. Build, release, run 6. Process 7. Port Binding 8. Concurrency
  • 10. D LOUNGE EV We want to extract vehicle number plates from images of cars passing through a toll gantry. The system should charge drivers in real-time. If the driver has insufficient funds or there is a problem reading the number plate, the system should cater for manual tasks ‘ Toll Road Gantry – Problem Statement
  • 11. D LOUNGE EV Toll Road Gantry - Overview • Images captured at gantry using motion-detection camera • Captured images uploaded to S3 • S3 trigger calls Lambda function to pass image to Amazon Rekogniton to extract text from the image • If the text ‘looks like’ a number plate, we look-up the plate in our database and charge the driver • If the driver has insufficient funds, we prompt for an account top-up • If the number plate is not registered, we request manual intervention from an administrator • If we are not confident that we can ‘see’ a number plate, we request manual intervention from an administrator
  • 14. D LOUNGE EV Am azon CloudW atch AW S Lam bda AW S Step Functions Am azon SES Am azon API Gatew ay M anual Inspection via Em ail Notification Scheduled event getActivityTask() sendTaskSuccess() Num ber Plate { ... numberPlate: "SOB640" ... } AW S Lam bda Toll Road Gantry - Architecture AGENT
  • 16. D LOUNGE EV 1. Codebase • A twelve-factor app is always tracked in a version control system – in a repo • A codebase is any single repo • There is always a one-to-one correlation between the codebase and the app: • If there are multiple codebases, it’s not an app – it’s a distributed system. • Multiple apps sharing the same code is a violation of 12-factor – factor the code into a library • There is only one codebase per app, but there will be many deploys of the app One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
  • 17. D LOUNGE EV 1. Codebase All code should be stored in revision control (a development best practice). The same repository should be used for all environments deployed to. The bounds of an “application” differ in serverless terms: • If events are shared (eg: a common Amazon API Gateway) then Lambda function code for those events should be put in the same repository • Otherwise break “services” along event source into their own repositories One codebase tracked in revision control, many deploys
  • 18. D LOUNGE EV 2. Dependencies • A 12-Factor app never relies on implicit existence of system-wide packages. It declares all dependencies, completely and exactly, via a dependency declaration manifest • It uses a dependency isolation tool to prevent dependency leak from other and does not depend on the existence of system tools • Simplifies getting a new developer up and running (all dependencies are in the source control system – or referenced using dependency management) Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies
  • 19. D LOUNGE EV 2. Dependencies Code that needs to be used by multiple functions should be packaged into its own library. Include those packages inside of your deployment package. Every language Lambda supports has a model for this: Explicitly declare and isolate dependencies Node.js & Python • .zip file consisting of your code and any dependencies • Can use npm/pip • All dependencies must be at root level Java • Either .zip file with all code/dependencies, or standalone .jar with compiled class & resource files at root level, required jars in /lib directory • Maven / Gradle for dependency management C# (.NET Core) • Either .zip file with all code/dependencies, or a standalone .dll • Can use Nuget • All assemblies (.dll) at root level
  • 20. D LOUNGE EV 3. Config Store config in the environment A 12-Factor App has strict separation of config from code, including: • Resource handles to database, cache and other backing services • Credentials • Per-deploy values • An app's config is everything that is likely to vary between deploys (staging, production, developer environments, etc) • Does not include ‘internal’ configs such as routes or framework settings • Store configuration in environment variables and not in source control
  • 21. D LOUNGE EV 3. Config Lambda Environment Variables • Key-value pairs available via standard environment variable APIs such as process.env for Node.js or os.environ for Python • Support KMS encryption Store config in the environment API Gateway Stages • Key-value pairs available for configuring API Gateway functionality or to pass on to HTTP endpoints as URI parameters or configuration parameters to a Lambda invocation AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store and AWS Secrets Manager Many ways to do this in serverless applications
  • 22. from __future__ import print_function import json import boto3 ssm = boto3.client('ssm', 'us-east-1') def get_parameters(): response = ssm.get_parameters( Names=['LambdaSecureString’], WithDecryption=True ) for parameter in response['Parameters']: return parameter['Value'] def lambda_handler(event, context): value = get_parameters() print("value1 = " + value) return value # Echo back first key/val Centralized store to manage your configuration data • supports hierarchies • plain-text or encrypted with KMS • Can send notifications of changes to Amazon SNS/ AWS Lambda • Can be secured with IAM • Calls recorded in CloudTrail • Can be tagged • Available via API/SDK Useful for centralized environment variables, secrets control, feature flags AWS Systems Manager – Parameter Store
  • 23. D LOUNGE EV Access secrets in the Parameter Store from CloudFormation • Create Parameters in your CFN/SAM template • Set the Type to AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String> • Use the Default property to define the path in Parameter Store • Use references ( Ref: ) in your template to make use of the values AWS Systems Manager – Parameter Store
  • 24. D LOUNGE EV Service features: • Securely encrypt, store, and retrieve credentials for your databases and other services • Scheduled rotation with control over rotation logic via Lambda function • Connection strings, key/value pairs, JSON blobs… anything! AWS Secrets Manager
  • 25. D LOUNGE EV 4. Backing services Treat backing services as attached resources The code for a 12-Factor app makes no distinction between local and third party services. • A backing service is any service the app consumes over the network as part of its normal operation • Databases, cache, etc • API-accessible services • Mail • 12-Factor treats backing services as attached resources • Backing services should be able to be switched out – attached/detached at will
  • 26. D LOUNGE EV 4. Backing services No differences for serverless applications Resources that Lambda functions connect to, such as databases, should have their endpoints and access credentials made available via config resources and IAM policies ! Treat backing services as attached resources
  • 27. D LOUNGE EV 5. Build, release, run Strictly separate build and run stages A 12-Factor App codebase is transformed into a deploy through: • Build stage – takes the source from the repo and builds an immutable deployment artefact bundle • Release stage – takes the deployment artefact and combines it with the environment’s configuration • Run stage – runs the app in the target environment, executing processes against the selected release Code becomes a build, which is combined with the target environment’s configuration to create a release then executed in the run space - each stage is strictly separated
  • 28. D LOUNGE EV 5. Build, release, run AWS CodeBuild AWS CodePipeline Strictly separate build and run stages No differences for serverless applications Development best practices such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery should be followed. Use AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline to support this
  • 29. version: 0.1 environment_variables: plaintext: "INPUT_FILE": "saml.yaml” "S3_BUCKET": "" phases: install: commands: - npm install pre_build: commands: - eslint *.js build: commands: - npm test post_build: commands: - aws cloudformation package --template $INPUT_FILE --s3- bucket $S3_BUCKET --output-template post-saml.yaml artifacts: type: zip files: - post-saml.yaml - beta.json • Variables to be used by phases of build • Examples for what you can do in the phases of a build: • You can install packages or run commands to prepare your environment in ”install”. • Run syntax checking, commands in “pre_build”. • Execute your build/test tools or commands in “build” • Execute the CloudFormation “package” command to package your serverless application with SAM in “post_build” • Create and store an artifact in S3 Serverless App buildspec.yml Example
  • 30. D LOUNGE EV Delivery via CodePipeline Pipeline flow: 1. Commit your code to a source code repository 2. Package/Test in AWS CodeBuild 3. Use CloudFormation actions in CodePipeline to create or update stacks via SAM templates Optional: • Make use of ChangeSets • Make use of Safe Lambda Deployment 4. Make use of specific stage/environment parameter files to pass in Lambda variables 5. Test our application between stages/environments Optional: Make use of Manual Approvals
  • 32. D LOUNGE EV AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CloudFormation extension optimized for serverless New serverless resource types: functions, APIs, and tables Supports anything CloudFormation supports Open specification (Apache 2.0)
  • 33. D LOUNGE EV AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09’ Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Resources: GetHtmlFunction: Type: AWS::Serverless::Function Properties: CodeUri: s3://sam-demo-bucket/ Handler: index.gethtml Runtime: nodejs4.3 Policies: AmazonDynamoDBReadOnlyAccess Events: GetHtml: Type: Api Properties: Path: /{proxy+} Method: ANY ListTable: Type: AWS::Serverless::SimpleTable SAM template Tells CloudFormation this is a SAM template it needs to “transform” Creates a Lambda function with the referenced managed IAM policy, runtime, code at the referenced zip location, and handler as defined. Also creates an API Gateway and takes care of all mapping/permissions necessary Creates a DynamoDB table
  • 34. Gradual Code Deployment – Canaries SAM usually uses CloudFormation to deploy new/updates to Lambda functions If you enable Safe Lambda Deployments, SAM will instead use AWS CodeDeploy for automated gradual deployment Automatically & gradually shift traffic to the new version and roll back if a problem is encountered (based on canaries/alarms) Serverless has new ways to do familiar things
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  • 38. D LOUNGE EV An example minimal Developer’s pipeline: MyBranch-Source Source AWS CodeCommit MyApplication Build test-build-source AWS CodeBuild MyDev-Deploy create-changeset AWS CloudFormation execute-changeset AWS CloudFormation Run-stubs AWS Lambda This pipeline: • Three Stages • Builds code artifact • One Development environment • Uses SAM/CloudFormation to deploy artifact and other AWS resources • Has Lambda custom actions for running my own testing functions
  • 39. D LOUNGE EV Source Source AWSCodeCommit MyApplication An example minimal production pipeline: Build test-build-source AWSCodeBuild Deploy Testing create-changeset AWS CloudFormation execute-changeset AWS CloudFormation Run-stubs AWSLambda Deploy Staging create-changeset AWS CloudFormation execute-changeset AWS CloudFormation Run-API-test Runscope QA-Sign-off Manual Approval Review Deploy Prod create-changeset AWS CloudFormation execute-changeset AWS CloudFormation Post-Deploy-Slack AWSLambda This pipeline: • Five Stages • Builds code artifact • Three deployed to “Environments” • Uses SAM/CloudFormation to deploy artifact and other AWS resources • Has Lambda custom actions for running my own testing functions • Integrates with a 3rd party tool/service • Has a manual approval before deploying to production
  • 40. D LOUNGE EV 6. Process A 12-Factor App has processes that are stateless and share nothing • Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database • Never assume any data from a previous transaction will be cached in memory or on local storage • “Sticky sessions” are a violation of 12-factor • Session state should be persisted to Memcached or database Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
  • 41. D LOUNGE EV 6. Process This is inherent in how Lambda is designed already • Lambda Functions should be treated as stateless despite the potential to store some state in-between container re-use • There is no promise of container re-use between function invocations • Data that needs to be kept should be stored off Lambda in a stateful service such as DynamoDB or ElastiCache Execute the app as one or more stateless processes
  • 42. D LOUNGE EV 7. Port Binding A 12-Factor App is completely self-contained and exposes Protocol-as-a-Service by binding to a network port • For example – web application binding an HTTP listener to port 80/443 • The app itself should be able to run/host the HTTP endpoint (Go, Python, DotNet, Java support this) • Languages like PHP break this guideline because they need a web server to host the process • Allows the app to become a backing service for other apps • Provides a common interface to all your apps Export services via port binding
  • 43. D LOUNGE EV 7. Port Binding In Lambda/serverless applications this factor doesn’t apply in the same way due to a difference in how Lambda Functions are accessed: • Instead of a “port” Lambda functions are invoked via one or more triggering services or AWS’s APIs for Lambda • When it comes to Lambda functions there are 3 models for how they can be invoked; synchronously, asynchronously, and via stream • Instead of having one function support multiple invocation sources, create independent functions and make use of shared code via dependencies (shared packages) to support shared capabilities Export services via port binding
  • 44. Lambda execution model Synchronous Stream-based Amazon API Gateway AWSLambda function Amazon DynamoDBAmazon SNS /order AWSLambda function Amazon S3 reqs Amazon Kinesis changes AWSLambda service AWSLambda function Asynchronous
  • 45. D LOUNGE EV AmazonS3 Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Kinesis AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudTrail Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Cognito AmazonSNSAmazon SES Cronevents DATA STORES ENDPOINTS DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS EVENT/MESSAGE SERVICES Event sources that trigger AWS Lambda and more! AWS CodeCommit Amazon API Gateway Amazon Alexa AWSIoT AWSStep Functions
  • 46. D LOUNGE EV 8. Concurrency Scale out via the process model In a 12-Factor App, processes are a first-class citizen • Processes & threads – taking inspiration from Unix process model for daemons • Keep individual tasks bound to individual processes • Web requests handled by dedicated processes • Worker processes for long-running background tasks • Small independent processes for specific tasks in a distributed workload • Very important for scaling your application out horizontally
  • 47. D LOUNGE EV 8. Concurrency ! Doesn’t apply to Serverless Lambda functions will scale automatically based on load. You can fork threads inside of your function execution but there are practical limits due to the memory and CPU/network constraints of your functions based on how you configure them. Scale out via the process model
  • 48. D LOUNGE EV • <1.8GB is still single core • CPU bound workloads won’t see gains – processes share same resources • >1.8GB is multi-core • CPU bound workloads will gains, but need to multi-thread • I/O bound workloads WILL likely see gains • e.g. parallel calculations to return Multi-threading?
  • 49. Scaling out a workflow with Step Functions Scale out via the process model Amazon S3 AWS Lambda Trigger on upload Amazon Rekognition Start End 8. Concurrency
  • 50. D LOUNGE EV 9. Disposability Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown A 12-Factor App’s resources are disposable, meaning they can be started and stopped at a moment’s notice • Facilitates fast, elastic scaling, rapid deployment of code or config changes and robust deployment • Processes should minimise startup time • Processes should terminate gracefully • Processes should be robust against sudden death and be designed to handle unexpected termination
  • 51. D LOUNGE EV 9. Disposability ! Some application to Serverless Shutdown doesn’t apply as Lambda functions and their invocation are tied directly to incoming events. Speed at startup does matter though and is a factor of deployment package size + language used + VPC (or not) + pre-handler code calls. Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
  • 52. D LOUNGE EV Anatomy of a Lambda function Your function Language runtime Function container Compute substrate
  • 53. D LOUNGE EV Lambda request lifecycle Bootstrap the runtime Start your code Cold start Warm start Download your code Start new container AWS optimisation Your optimisation
  • 55. D LOUNGE EV Lambda request lifecycle – AWS X-ray Amazon S3 Trigger AWS Lambda Service Your function code
  • 56. D LOUNGE EV Lambda request lifecycle – AWS X-ray COLD START TIME
  • 57. D LOUNGE EV 10. Dev/prod parity Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible A 12-Factor App is designed for continuous deployment by keeping the gap between development and production small Environments get out of sync due to: • Time gap – move code between dev and staging as soon as possible • Personnel gap – no handover of code (DevOps) • Tools gap – don’t allow the environment tools and services to differ
  • 58. D LOUNGE EV 10. Dev/prod parity This can be made incredibly easy with serverless applications by: • Making use of environment/stage variables, Parameter Store or Secrets Manager for configuration information, backend resources etc • Using Serverless Application Models (SAM) to deploy your application • Can pass environment/stage variables via Parameters, Mappings, Imports • Having a CI/CD process and tooling that supports multiple environments or accounts • Using SAM CLI for testing Lambda functions and API Gateway Keep development, staging, and production as similar as possible
  • 59. D LOUNGE EV SAM CLI CLI tool for local testing of serverless apps Works with Lambda functions and “proxy-style” APIs Response object and function logs available on your local machine Uses open source docker-lambda images to mimic Lambda’s execution environment Emulates timeout, memory limits, runtimes
  • 60. D LOUNGE EV 11. Logs A 12-Factor App never concerns itself with routing or storage of its output stream Treat logs as event streams • Logs provide visibility into the behavior of a running app • Logs are the stream of aggregated, time-ordered events collected from all running processes • Logs should be captured by the runtime environment and routed to an appropriate destination for viewing or long-term archival • Apps themselves should not attempt to write to or manage logfiles (use a log router eg Fluent)
  • 61. D LOUNGE EV 11. Logs Logging (as well as Metric collection) are considered a “universal right” in AWS Lambda: • ‘Console’ output automatically collected and sent to Amazon CloudWatch Logs • Logs can be turned into Metrics – Active Alerting • Logs can be sent to Amazon S3 or Amazon ElasticSearch Service easily for further inspection and trending • Metrics for Lambda and API Gateway for several key stats are automatically collected and sent to CloudWatch • You can easily send more using the CloudWatch SDK Treat logs as event streams
  • 62. D LOUNGE EV 12. Admin processes Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes A 12-Factor App has one-off tasks for admin/management • Tasks should operate in the same environment as the target environment (so not from the administrator’s laptop) • Admin code must be part of the release, not managed separately as an external script • Follows the dependency guidelines as the rest of the app • Administrators must be able to remote into the running environment
  • 63. D LOUNGE EV 12. Admin processes ! Run admin/management tasks as one-off processes Doesn’t apply to Serverless You already limit your functions based on use case. True administrative tasks would occur via their own Lambda Functions or via tools such as Amazon EC2 Run Command.
  • 64. D LOUNGE EV 1. Codebase 2. Dependencies 3. Config 4. Backing services 9. Disposability 10. Dev/prod parity 11. Logs 12. Admin processes As we’ve seen, 12 Factor application design can still be applied to serverless applications taking into account some small differences! = Works similarly = Not relevant to serverless The 12 Factors & Serverless Applications 5. Build, release, run 6. Process 7. Port Binding 8. Concurrency = Some relevance
  • 65. D LOUNGE EV Possible new factors for Serverless 12-Factor Apps
  • 66. D LOUNGE EV • Use the right amount of compute for your workload, and test your assumptions • Review Lambda function resource usage in CloudWatch Logs after execution • Consider startup-latency and execution time as well as RAM usage • Match resource allocation (up to 3 GB) to logic A. Right-size your serverless compute Choose the right compute for the task
  • 67. D LOUNGE EV Example: Stats for a Lambda function that calculates 1,000 times all prime numbers <= 1,000,000 128 MB 11.722965sec $0.024628 256 MB 6.678945sec $0.028035 512 MB 3.194954sec $0.026830 1024 MB 1.465984sec $0.024638 A. Right-size your serverless compute Impact of memory allocation on execution duration
  • 68. D LOUNGE EV 50% increase in memory 95th percentile changes from 3s to 2.1s A. Right-size your serverless compute Impact of memory allocation on startup latency
  • 69. D LOUNGE EV B. Avoid fat / monolithic functions • Implement concise function logic • Don’t move from monoliths to miniliths! • Decouple your applications using messaging services such as SNS/SQS/Kinesis/AmazonMQ • Embrace asynchronous calls and eventual consistency Functions should do one thing and do it well
  • 70. D LOUNGE EV C. Use functions to transform not transport Read only the data you need 200 seconds and 11.2 cents for key in src_keys: response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=src_bucket, Key=key) contents = response['Body'].read() for line in contents.split('n')[:-1]: data = line.split(',’) srcIp = data[0][:8] …. 95 seconds and costs 2.8 cents for key in src_keys: response = s3_client.select_object_content (Bucket=src_bucket, Key=key, expression = SELECT SUBSTR(obj._1, 1, 8), obj._2 FROM s3object as obj) contents = response['Body'].read() for line in contents: …. Using S3Select:Retrieving entire object:
  • 71. D LOUNGE EV D. Do not orchestrate in code • Orchestrating workflow logic in code makes it more difficult to modify, maintain and debug distributed complexity • Tasks may be long-running • Tasks may need manual intervention • Tasks may need to be retried • Use AWS Step Functions to handle orchestration externally Orchestrate distributed complexity in the environment
  • 73. D LOUNGE EV Orchestrate distributed complexity in the environment D. Do not orchestrate in code Amazon S3 AWS Lambda Trigger on upload Amazon Rekognition Start End
  • 74. D LOUNGE EV 1. Codebase 2. Dependencies 3. Config 4. Backing services 9. Disposability 10. Dev/prod parity 11. Logs 12. No orchestration in code As we’ve seen, 12 Factor application design can still be applied to serverless applications taking into account some small differences! The 12 Factors & Serverless Applications 5. Build, release, run 6. Right-sizing 7. Avoid miniliths 8. Transform not transport
  • 75. D LOUNGE EV In closing The 12-Factor methodology has factors that do and do not apply the same for serverless applications: • Thinking about code reusability and how to scope your functions to the smallest size necessary provides many benefits • Factors related to underlying process management, network ports, concurrency, and admin processes are largely not an issue in serverless applications due to AWS Lambda’s design and features • Best practices for serverless align pretty closely with 12-Factor guidance already, so you might be really close to meeting the “12 Factor bar” already!
  • 78. Adam Larter Principal Solutions Architect, Developer Specialist, AWS AU/NZ 2018 D LOUNGE EV Thank you! 2018 |