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Amazon Web Services and Serverless Apps
Roberto Casadei
Concurrent and Distributed Programming course
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI)
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università of Bologna
June 4, 2019
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1 Amazon Web Services (AWS): Overview
2 Serverless Apps on AWS
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform, i.e., a platform of
web services offering solutions for computing, storing, and networking, at
different layers of abstraction
Services are charged for on a pay-per-use pricing model
As an AWS customer, you can choose among different data centers (regions)
As of 2019/05, AWS spans 66 Availability Zones within 21 geographic Regions around the world
Services are exposed through APIs: (1) HTTP, (2) web-based, (3) CLI, (4) SDK client
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AWS Services (1/4)—More than 90 services, e.g.:
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): provides VMs
AWS Lambda: for serverless apps
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): object storage
AWS Backup: to automate backup tasks across AWS services and on-premises
Amazon DynamoDB: K/V, document store
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): managed RDBMS
Security, Identity, & Compliance
AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management)
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AWS Services (2/4)
Machine Learning
Amazon Comprehend: uses NLP to extract insights from text
Amazon ML: provides GUI tools/wizards to ease creation of ML models
Amazon Translate
Management & Governance
AWS CloudFormation: helps create/provision of AWS infrastructure
AWS Health: provides ongoing visibility of your AWS resources, services, and accounts
Networking & Content Delivery
Amazon API Gateway: for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing
REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale
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AWS Services (3/4)
Amazon Kinesis: to collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time
Amazon CloudSearch: for setting up search solutions for your website/app
AWS Glue: fully-managed ETL service
Amazon Redshift: data warehouse service
Application Integration
Amazon MQ: a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ
Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service): cloud-mediated notification service
Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): fully managed message queuing service
Internet of Things
AWS IoT Core: enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected
things and the AWS Cloud over MQTT and HTTP
AWS IoT Device Management: supports e.g. onboarding config, monitoring devices,
remote management etc.
AWS IoT Events: enables monitoring and triggers upon events
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AWS Services (4/4)
AR & VR: Amazon Sumerian (for 3D scenes on the web), ...
Blockchain: Amazon Managed Blockchain
Business apps: Amazon Chime (for online meetings), ...
Customer Engagement: Amazon Connect (Contact-Center-as-a-Service)
Cryptography & PKI: AWS KMS (Key Management Service) (encryption keys), ...
Developer tools: AWS Cloud9 (cloud-based IDE), AWS CodeDeploy (deployment of
apps), ...
End User Computing: Amazon WorkSpaces (virtual desktops), ...
Game development: Amazon GameLift, Amazon Lumberyard
Media services: Amazon Elastic Transcoder (convert media files in S3 into formats
required by playback devices), ...
Migration & Transfer: services e.g. to migrate DB data from/to cloud
Mobile: AWS Device Farm (app testing service), ...
Robotics: AWS RoboMaker
Satellite: AWS Ground Station
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How much does it cost?
Services are billed based on usage (invoiced on a monthly basis). For example:
Based on hours of usage – if you use a server for 61mins, usually it’s counted as 2hs.
Based on traffic – Measure in GBs or num of requests.
Based on storage usage – Provisioned capacity or real usage.
AWS Simple Monthly Calculator:
AWS Budgets: you can create custom cost/usage budget alerts
Billing console:
Billing example (x5 requests)
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Free tier (as of May 2019)
Always free
AWS Lambda: 106
Amazon DynamoDB: 25 GB storage
Amazon Glacier: 10 GB of long-term storage
12-month free (since subscription to AWS)
Amazon EC2: 750 hours/month
Amazon API Gateway: 106
ingress requests/month
Amazon RDS: 750 hours/month
AWS IoT: 250k messages/month
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AWS Educate
Free credits (annually renewable) for students and educators
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Interacting with AWS
Web-based Management Console:
Example: EC2 Query API
Command-line interface (CLI): aws ec2 run-instances ...
SDKs for multiple languages: Android, JS, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, Go.
$ npm install -D aws-sdk
AWS SDK for Node
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ec2 = new AWS.EC2({region: 'us-east-1'});
Higher-level tools/services: e.g., AWS CloudFormation is an Infrastructure-as-Code
tool converts JSON/YAML blueprints (templates) into running infrastructure
{ infrastructure: { loadbalancer: {...}, cdn: {...}, database: {...}, dns : {...} }
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Create an AWS Account and user
Create an AWS account:
Go to the AWS Management Console:
Enable billing alarms from Billing Dashboard and then create a billing alarm
Do NOT use the AWS root account: go to Services → IAM → Users → Add user and
create a user with “Programmatic access”, with AdministratorAccess policy.
Then, to make API calls (or use CLI) you need your user’s access keys.
CLI installation and initial setup
$ sudo pip install awscli
$ aws configure # configure credentials
# Default region name [None]: eu-central-1 (Alternatives: us-east-1..)
# Default output format [None]: json
$ aws help # Get available services
$ aws ec2 help # Get help for specific service
$ aws ec2 describe-regions help # Get help for specific action
When you aws configure, a file ~/.aws/credentials is created; then, when you run
a cmd, you may omit --profile and use the settings stored in the default profile.
Command Format: aws <service> <action> [opts]
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1 Amazon Web Services (AWS): Overview
2 Serverless Apps on AWS
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Serverless » What
Serverless: a method of deploying and running apps on cloud infrastructure
Cloud execution model where pay-per-use + servers abstracted away
Serverless apps are event-driven, distributed, autoscalable
Providers: AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions
Provider responsibilities: capacity planning, scaling, balancing, monitoring
Shouldn’t use when: always-up, websocket apps; latency is critical; ..
AWS Lambda
It runs code in response to events and automatically manages compute resources
Allows you to run functions written in Node.js, Python, C#, and JVM languages
Limits: 15 minutes max exec time (default 3secs); max 3GB memory (default 128MB)
Pricing: 0.2$ per million function execs + $0.000016 per GB of memory/month (for
storage of functions); see also free tier ○
AWS Lambda application development
Difficult parts: deployment and function configuration
Claudia is a Node.js library for deployment to AWS Lambda and API Gateway
Serverless Application Model (SAM), tool by AWS which uses AWS CloudFormation
Serverless Framework: similar to SAM, but supports other platforms (e.g., Azure)
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Serverless » How it works
A serverless function runs only when triggered by an event
You pay only for its execution time; after exec, the function shuts down, while keeping its
trigger active.
Serverless app design: instead of having a server with API endpoints and business
logic, each part of your app is isolated to independent and autoscalable containers.
AWS services for serverless apps:
Lambda: compute service
API Gateway: accepts HTTP requests and routes them to other services
DynamoDB: autoscalable NoSQL DB
Example function
function lambdaFunction(event, context, callback) {
callback(null, 'Hello from AWS Lambda')
exports.handler = lambdaFunction;
AWS Lambda requires the module export to be an object of name handler
event keeps data passed by the service who triggered the function
Triggers examples: HTTP requests via API Gateway; changes in DynamoDB stores..
context contains data about your Lambda function: exec time, its trigger, etc.
callback is a way to reply (or error) to the trigger with arguments
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What should I do, manually?
1) Control access to an API with IAM permissions:
2) Create a REST API with Lambda Integrations in Amazon API Gateway
Lambda proxy integration (recommended): the entire client request is sent to the backend
Lambda function as is, mapped to the input event parameter of the function; the Lambda
function’s output is returned to the client as is.
Lambda non-proxy integration (custom): you configure the way parameters, headers, and
body of the client requests and responses are translated to/from Lambda functions
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Amazon API Gateway
Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining,
monitoring, and securing REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale
API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to millions of
concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authZ and access control, monitoring,
API version management, and routing to backend services (e.g., EC2, Lambda, ..)
Pricing (as of June 2019)
Free tier (first 12-month)—per month: 1M REST API calls; 1M msgs & 750k connection
mins for Websocket APIs
REST APIs (US east): 3.5–1.5$ per million calls; 0.0020$/hour per 0.5GB cache
Data transfer (US-east Ohio): you’ll be charged at the EC2 data transfer rate
Data transfer IN to EC2 from Internet: 0$
Data transfer OUT from EC2 to Internet: 0$/GB up to 1GB/month; 0.09$/GB for next
999GB/month; ...
Data transfer OUT from EC2 to AWS: 0.01$/GB to US east Virginia; 0.02$/GB to EU (Frankfurt);
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Claudia is a Node.js library, built on top of AWS SDK, that eases the deployment of
Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Components:
1) Claudia (Cmd-line tool): allowing creation and update of functions from terminal
2) Claudia API Builder: for creation of APIs for API Gateway
It automates all the error-prone deployment and configuration tasks.
Creating and updating the function with a single command
Reducing boilerplate, allowing you to focus on your work
Managing multiple versions easily
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Installing Claudia
$ npm install [--save-dev|-g] claudia claudia-api-builder
# If installed locally, run claudia via: node_modules/.bin/claudia
Claudia uses the AWS SDK for Node.js to function, and so requires AWS profile keys
Create a new AWS profile
Create a profile: AWS Console => Users tab => IAM section => Add user
− Attach existing policies: IAMFullAccess (to enable Claudia to create execution roles for
your lambdas; otherwise you need to use --role with claudia create);
AWSLambdaFullAccess (for Claudia deployments); AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator (for
Claudia API); AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess; AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs
AWS roles/policies are important for production
− Once you confirm, you get an access key ID and a secret access key for your new user.
Finally, configure your profile with the AWS CLI
$ aws configure
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Hello World Claudia1
$ npm install -g claudia
$ mkdir hello-world && cd hello-world
$ npm init
exports.handler = function (event, ctx, callback) {
console.log("Function: ", ctx.functionName, ctx.functionVersion);
console.log("Event data: ", JSON.stringify(event));
console.log("Request: ", ctx.awsRequestId);
console.log("Remaining time: ", ctx.getRemainingTimeInMillis());
callback(null, 'hello world');
$ claudia create --region us-east-1 --handler lambda.handler
$ claudia test-lambda
# change lambda code
$ claudia update
If name in package.json is XXX, Claudia creates an AWS role XXX-executor (with a
policy log-writer) and a function with name XXX
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Building APIs with Claudia
Claudia API Builder uses API Gateway proxy pass-through to capture all the HTTP
request details and structure them in a JS developer-friendly way.
$ npm install --save claudia-api-builder
const Api = require('claudia-api-builder');
const api = new Api();
api.get('/', () => 'Welcome to my API');
api.get('/hello/{x}', (req) => { return "hello " + req.pathParams.x; });'/act', (req) => { createSomething(req.body); }, {
success: 201, // "201 Created" status code on success
error: 400 // "400 Bad request" status code on error
module.exports = api; // export your Claudia API Builder instance
$ claudia create  # Create a new lambda function
--region eu-central-1  # AWS region for deployment
--api-module api # api.js is the API entry point
# { "lambda": { ... }, // Lambda function info
# "api": { ..., "url": "<API-BASE-URL>" } }
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How Claudia deploys your API (on claudia create)
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DynamoDB is a fully managed, autoscaled, propetary NoSQL DB provided by AWS
Data model: data tables (schemaless); attributes (one is primary key); items
Creating tables: you need to define the region for your table and the provisioned
throughput (i.e., the RD and WR capacity that should be reserved for you app)
For autoscaling, you need to define min and max capacity
aws dynamodb create-table 
--table-name orders 
--attribute-definitions AttributeName=orderId,AttributeType=S 
--key-schema AttributeName=orderId,KeyType=HASH 
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 
--region eu-central-1 
--query TableDescription.TableArn 
--output text
Output is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created table.
SDK API: in Node AWS SDK, use AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient to work asyncly
with DynamoDB
$ npm install --save aws-sdk
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Working with DynamoDB (1/3)
Add IAM policy to allow Lambdas to communicate with DynamoDB
aws iam put-role-policy --policy-document file://./dynamodb.json 
--role-name <lambda-executor> --policy-name OrdersApiDynamoDB
You can find the value for -role-name in claudia.json
dynamodb.json: a JSON file that describes policies
{ "Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [{
"Action": ["dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:DeleteItem",
"dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem"
"dynamodb:GetRecords", "dynamodb:GetShardIterator",
"dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:ListStreams"],
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
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Working with DynamoDB (2/3)
Programmatically add items
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const uuid = require('uuid');
function createOrder(req) {
if (!req || !req.product) throw new Error('...');
return docClient.put({ TableName: 'orders',
Item: { orderId: uuid(), product: req.product, orderStatus: 'pending' }
.then((res) => { console.log('Order saved:',res); return res; })
.catch((err) => { console.log('Err:',err); throw err; } );
module.exports = createOrder;
All AWS SDK classes have a promise() method that can, instead of default
callback behavior, return a promise.
Claudia API Builder expects a Promise for async operations
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Working with DynamoDB (3/1)
List all items from CLI
$ aws dynamodb scan --table-name orders 
--region eu-central-1 --output json
function getOrders(orderId) {
if (typeof orderId === 'undefined')
return docClient.scan({TableName: 'pizza-orders'})
.promise().then(r => r.Items);
return docClient.get({TableName: 'pizza-orders', Key: {orderId: orderId}})
.promise().then(res => res.Item);
function updateOrder(orderId, opts) {
// ...
return docClient.update({TableName:'pizza-orders', Key:{orderId:orderId},
UpdateExpression: 'set pizza = :p, address=:a',
ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':p':, ':a': opts.address },
ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW'
}).promise().then((res) => return res.Attributes);
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Key points
Cloud apps leverage services on the “cloud” through APIs
Understand the layers of abstractions (I/P/S-aaS)
When using a service, understand what is provided
Understand the pricing
1. Take a look at the examples in the following repository:
2. Read the docs to understand the pricing for DynamoDB:","lambda:
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References (1/1)
[1] AWS Documentation. [Online; accessed 2019-06].
[2] S. Stojanovic and A. Simovic. Serverless Applications with Node.Js: Using AWS Lambda and
Claudia.Js. Manning Publications Company, 2019. ISBN: 9781617294723. URL:
[3] M. Wittig, A. Wittig, and B. Whaley. Amazon Web Services in Action. Manning, 2018. ISBN:
9781617295119. URL:
R. Casadei Appendix References 28/27

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AWS and Serverless Computing

  • 1. Amazon Web Services and Serverless Apps Roberto Casadei Concurrent and Distributed Programming course Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) Alma Mater Studiorum – Università of Bologna June 4, 2019 R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 1/27
  • 2. Outline 1 Amazon Web Services (AWS): Overview 2 Serverless Apps on AWS R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 2/27
  • 3. Intro Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform, i.e., a platform of web services offering solutions for computing, storing, and networking, at different layers of abstraction Services are charged for on a pay-per-use pricing model As an AWS customer, you can choose among different data centers (regions) As of 2019/05, AWS spans 66 Availability Zones within 21 geographic Regions around the world Services are exposed through APIs: (1) HTTP, (2) web-based, (3) CLI, (4) SDK client R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 3/27
  • 4. AWS Services (1/4)—More than 90 services, e.g.: Compute Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): provides VMs AWS Lambda: for serverless apps Storage Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): object storage AWS Backup: to automate backup tasks across AWS services and on-premises Database Amazon DynamoDB: K/V, document store Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): managed RDBMS Security, Identity, & Compliance AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management) R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 4/27
  • 5. AWS Services (2/4) Machine Learning Amazon Comprehend: uses NLP to extract insights from text Amazon ML: provides GUI tools/wizards to ease creation of ML models Amazon Translate Management & Governance AWS CloudFormation: helps create/provision of AWS infrastructure declaratively/predictably/repeatedly AWS Health: provides ongoing visibility of your AWS resources, services, and accounts Networking & Content Delivery Amazon API Gateway: for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 5/27
  • 6. AWS Services (3/4) Analytics Amazon Kinesis: to collect, process, and analyze video and data streams in real time Amazon CloudSearch: for setting up search solutions for your website/app AWS Glue: fully-managed ETL service Amazon Redshift: data warehouse service Application Integration Amazon MQ: a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service): cloud-mediated notification service Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service): fully managed message queuing service Internet of Things AWS IoT Core: enables secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected things and the AWS Cloud over MQTT and HTTP AWS IoT Device Management: supports e.g. onboarding config, monitoring devices, remote management etc. AWS IoT Events: enables monitoring and triggers upon events R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 6/27
  • 7. AWS Services (4/4) Additionally: AR & VR: Amazon Sumerian (for 3D scenes on the web), ... Blockchain: Amazon Managed Blockchain Business apps: Amazon Chime (for online meetings), ... Customer Engagement: Amazon Connect (Contact-Center-as-a-Service) Cryptography & PKI: AWS KMS (Key Management Service) (encryption keys), ... Developer tools: AWS Cloud9 (cloud-based IDE), AWS CodeDeploy (deployment of apps), ... End User Computing: Amazon WorkSpaces (virtual desktops), ... Game development: Amazon GameLift, Amazon Lumberyard Media services: Amazon Elastic Transcoder (convert media files in S3 into formats required by playback devices), ... Migration & Transfer: services e.g. to migrate DB data from/to cloud Mobile: AWS Device Farm (app testing service), ... Robotics: AWS RoboMaker Satellite: AWS Ground Station R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 7/27
  • 8. How much does it cost? Services are billed based on usage (invoiced on a monthly basis). For example: Based on hours of usage – if you use a server for 61mins, usually it’s counted as 2hs. Based on traffic – Measure in GBs or num of requests. Based on storage usage – Provisioned capacity or real usage. AWS Simple Monthly Calculator: AWS Budgets: you can create custom cost/usage budget alerts Billing console: Billing example (x5 requests) R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 8/27
  • 9. Free tier (as of May 2019) Always free AWS Lambda: 106 requests/month Amazon DynamoDB: 25 GB storage Amazon Glacier: 10 GB of long-term storage … 12-month free (since subscription to AWS) Amazon EC2: 750 hours/month Amazon API Gateway: 106 ingress requests/month Amazon RDS: 750 hours/month AWS IoT: 250k messages/month … R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 9/27
  • 10. AWS Educate Free credits (annually renewable) for students and educators R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 10/27
  • 11. Interacting with AWS Web-based Management Console: HTTP API Example: EC2 Query API &ImageId=ami-2bb65342 &MaxCount=3&MinCount=1 &Placement.AvailabilityZone=us-east-1a &Monitoring.Enabled=true &AUTHPARAMS Command-line interface (CLI): aws ec2 run-instances ... SDKs for multiple languages: Android, JS, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, Go. $ npm install -D aws-sdk AWS SDK for Node const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const ec2 = new AWS.EC2({region: 'us-east-1'}); Higher-level tools/services: e.g., AWS CloudFormation is an Infrastructure-as-Code tool converts JSON/YAML blueprints (templates) into running infrastructure { infrastructure: { loadbalancer: {...}, cdn: {...}, database: {...}, dns : {...} } R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 11/27
  • 12. Use AWS Create an AWS Account and user Create an AWS account: Go to the AWS Management Console: Enable billing alarms from Billing Dashboard and then create a billing alarm Do NOT use the AWS root account: go to Services → IAM → Users → Add user and create a user with “Programmatic access”, with AdministratorAccess policy. Then, to make API calls (or use CLI) you need your user’s access keys. CLI installation and initial setup $ sudo pip install awscli $ aws configure # configure credentials # AWS Access Key ID [None]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # AWS Secret Access Key [None]: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # Default region name [None]: eu-central-1 (Alternatives: us-east-1..) # Default output format [None]: json $ aws help # Get available services $ aws ec2 help # Get help for specific service $ aws ec2 describe-regions help # Get help for specific action When you aws configure, a file ~/.aws/credentials is created; then, when you run a cmd, you may omit --profile and use the settings stored in the default profile. Command Format: aws <service> <action> [opts] R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 12/27
  • 13. Outline 1 Amazon Web Services (AWS): Overview 2 Serverless Apps on AWS R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 13/27
  • 14. Serverless » What Serverless: a method of deploying and running apps on cloud infrastructure Cloud execution model where pay-per-use + servers abstracted away Serverless apps are event-driven, distributed, autoscalable Providers: AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions Provider responsibilities: capacity planning, scaling, balancing, monitoring Shouldn’t use when: always-up, websocket apps; latency is critical; .. AWS Lambda It runs code in response to events and automatically manages compute resources Allows you to run functions written in Node.js, Python, C#, and JVM languages Limits: 15 minutes max exec time (default 3secs); max 3GB memory (default 128MB) Pricing: 0.2$ per million function execs + $0.000016 per GB of memory/month (for storage of functions); see also free tier ○ AWS Lambda application development Difficult parts: deployment and function configuration Claudia is a Node.js library for deployment to AWS Lambda and API Gateway Serverless Application Model (SAM), tool by AWS which uses AWS CloudFormation Serverless Framework: similar to SAM, but supports other platforms (e.g., Azure) R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 14/27
  • 15. Serverless » How it works A serverless function runs only when triggered by an event You pay only for its execution time; after exec, the function shuts down, while keeping its trigger active. Serverless app design: instead of having a server with API endpoints and business logic, each part of your app is isolated to independent and autoscalable containers. AWS services for serverless apps: Lambda: compute service API Gateway: accepts HTTP requests and routes them to other services DynamoDB: autoscalable NoSQL DB Example function function lambdaFunction(event, context, callback) { callback(null, 'Hello from AWS Lambda') } exports.handler = lambdaFunction; AWS Lambda requires the module export to be an object of name handler event keeps data passed by the service who triggered the function Triggers examples: HTTP requests via API Gateway; changes in DynamoDB stores.. context contains data about your Lambda function: exec time, its trigger, etc. callback is a way to reply (or error) to the trigger with arguments R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 15/27
  • 16. What should I do, manually? 1) Control access to an API with IAM permissions: setting-up.html permissions.html 2) Create a REST API with Lambda Integrations in Amazon API Gateway apigateway-getting-started-with-rest-apis.html Lambda proxy integration (recommended): the entire client request is sent to the backend Lambda function as is, mapped to the input event parameter of the function; the Lambda function’s output is returned to the client as is. Lambda non-proxy integration (custom): you configure the way parameters, headers, and body of the client requests and responses are translated to/from Lambda functions R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 16/27
  • 17. Amazon API Gateway Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST and WebSocket APIs at any scale API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to millions of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authZ and access control, monitoring, API version management, and routing to backend services (e.g., EC2, Lambda, ..) Pricing (as of June 2019) Free tier (first 12-month)—per month: 1M REST API calls; 1M msgs & 750k connection mins for Websocket APIs REST APIs (US east): 3.5–1.5$ per million calls; 0.0020$/hour per 0.5GB cache Data transfer (US-east Ohio): you’ll be charged at the EC2 data transfer rate Data transfer IN to EC2 from Internet: 0$ Data transfer OUT from EC2 to Internet: 0$/GB up to 1GB/month; 0.09$/GB for next 999GB/month; ... Data transfer OUT from EC2 to AWS: 0.01$/GB to US east Virginia; 0.02$/GB to EU (Frankfurt); ... R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 17/27
  • 18. Claudia Claudia is a Node.js library, built on top of AWS SDK, that eases the deployment of Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Components: 1) Claudia (Cmd-line tool): allowing creation and update of functions from terminal 2) Claudia API Builder: for creation of APIs for API Gateway It automates all the error-prone deployment and configuration tasks. Creating and updating the function with a single command Reducing boilerplate, allowing you to focus on your work Managing multiple versions easily R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 18/27
  • 19. Installing Claudia $ npm install [--save-dev|-g] claudia claudia-api-builder # If installed locally, run claudia via: node_modules/.bin/claudia Claudia uses the AWS SDK for Node.js to function, and so requires AWS profile keys Create a new AWS profile Create a profile: AWS Console => Users tab => IAM section => Add user − Attach existing policies: IAMFullAccess (to enable Claudia to create execution roles for your lambdas; otherwise you need to use --role with claudia create); AWSLambdaFullAccess (for Claudia deployments); AmazonAPIGatewayAdministrator (for Claudia API); AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess; AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs AWS roles/policies are important for production − Once you confirm, you get an access key ID and a secret access key for your new user. Finally, configure your profile with the AWS CLI $ aws configure R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 19/27
  • 20. Hello World Claudia1 $ npm install -g claudia $ mkdir hello-world && cd hello-world $ npm init exports.handler = function (event, ctx, callback) { console.log("Function: ", ctx.functionName, ctx.functionVersion); console.log("Event data: ", JSON.stringify(event)); console.log("Request: ", ctx.awsRequestId); console.log("Remaining time: ", ctx.getRemainingTimeInMillis()); callback(null, 'hello world'); }; $ claudia create --region us-east-1 --handler lambda.handler $ claudia test-lambda # change lambda code $ claudia update If name in package.json is XXX, Claudia creates an AWS role XXX-executor (with a policy log-writer) and a function with name XXX 1 R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 20/27
  • 21. Building APIs with Claudia Claudia API Builder uses API Gateway proxy pass-through to capture all the HTTP request details and structure them in a JS developer-friendly way. $ npm install --save claudia-api-builder api.js const Api = require('claudia-api-builder'); const api = new Api(); api.get('/', () => 'Welcome to my API'); api.get('/hello/{x}', (req) => { return "hello " + req.pathParams.x; });'/act', (req) => { createSomething(req.body); }, { success: 201, // "201 Created" status code on success error: 400 // "400 Bad request" status code on error }); module.exports = api; // export your Claudia API Builder instance $ claudia create # Create a new lambda function --region eu-central-1 # AWS region for deployment --api-module api # api.js is the API entry point # { "lambda": { ... }, // Lambda function info # "api": { ..., "url": "<API-BASE-URL>" } } R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 21/27
  • 22. How Claudia deploys your API (on claudia create) R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 22/27
  • 23. DynamoDB DynamoDB is a fully managed, autoscaled, propetary NoSQL DB provided by AWS Data model: data tables (schemaless); attributes (one is primary key); items Creating tables: you need to define the region for your table and the provisioned throughput (i.e., the RD and WR capacity that should be reserved for you app) For autoscaling, you need to define min and max capacity aws dynamodb create-table --table-name orders --attribute-definitions AttributeName=orderId,AttributeType=S --key-schema AttributeName=orderId,KeyType=HASH --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 --region eu-central-1 --query TableDescription.TableArn --output text Output is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the newly created table. SDK API: in Node AWS SDK, use AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient to work asyncly with DynamoDB $ npm install --save aws-sdk R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 23/27
  • 24. Working with DynamoDB (1/3) Add IAM policy to allow Lambdas to communicate with DynamoDB aws iam put-role-policy --policy-document file://./dynamodb.json --role-name <lambda-executor> --policy-name OrdersApiDynamoDB You can find the value for -role-name in claudia.json dynamodb.json: a JSON file that describes policies { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{ "Action": ["dynamodb:Scan", "dynamodb:DeleteItem", "dynamodb:GetItem", "dynamodb:PutItem", "dynamodb:UpdateItem" , "dynamodb:GetRecords", "dynamodb:GetShardIterator", "dynamodb:DescribeStream", "dynamodb:ListStreams"], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" }] } R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 24/27
  • 25. Working with DynamoDB (2/3) Programmatically add items const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const uuid = require('uuid'); function createOrder(req) { if (!req || !req.product) throw new Error('...'); return docClient.put({ TableName: 'orders', Item: { orderId: uuid(), product: req.product, orderStatus: 'pending' } }) .promise() .then((res) => { console.log('Order saved:',res); return res; }) .catch((err) => { console.log('Err:',err); throw err; } ); }; module.exports = createOrder; All AWS SDK classes have a promise() method that can, instead of default callback behavior, return a promise. Claudia API Builder expects a Promise for async operations R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 25/27
  • 26. Working with DynamoDB (3/1) List all items from CLI $ aws dynamodb scan --table-name orders --region eu-central-1 --output json CRUDs function getOrders(orderId) { if (typeof orderId === 'undefined') return docClient.scan({TableName: 'pizza-orders'}) .promise().then(r => r.Items); return docClient.get({TableName: 'pizza-orders', Key: {orderId: orderId}}) .promise().then(res => res.Item); } function updateOrder(orderId, opts) { // ... return docClient.update({TableName:'pizza-orders', Key:{orderId:orderId}, UpdateExpression: 'set pizza = :p, address=:a', ExpressionAttributeValues: { ':p':, ':a': opts.address }, ReturnValues: 'ALL_NEW' }).promise().then((res) => return res.Attributes); R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 26/27
  • 27. Wrap-up Key points Cloud apps leverage services on the “cloud” through APIs Understand the layers of abstractions (I/P/S-aaS) When using a service, understand what is provided Understand the pricing Exercises 1. Take a look at the examples in the following repository: 2. Read the docs to understand the pricing for DynamoDB:","lambda: GetAccountSettings"com/dynamodb/pricing/on-demand/ R. Casadei AWS Serverless Apps on AWS 27/27
  • 28. References (1/1) [1] AWS Documentation. [Online; accessed 2019-06]. [2] S. Stojanovic and A. Simovic. Serverless Applications with Node.Js: Using AWS Lambda and Claudia.Js. Manning Publications Company, 2019. ISBN: 9781617294723. URL: [3] M. Wittig, A. Wittig, and B. Whaley. Amazon Web Services in Action. Manning, 2018. ISBN: 9781617295119. URL: R. Casadei Appendix References 28/27