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It’s Here - AutoSuccess Best of the Best NADA 2010, page 4
                                                             January 2010
feature solution

                                                                                                                                                     3834 Taylorsville Rd. Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville Kentucky 40220 | 877.818.6620 / 502.588.3170 | / |
                                                                                                Susan Givens, Publisher
January 2010
                           By SusanGivens

                           Engaging More
                           Customers With Video                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Have you ever felt like you were mak-      sound. With years of successful ex-   $1 more on advertising
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ing little mistakes that are costing you   perience, this team is innovative and • Increase your gross profits any-

                                                                                               Thomas Williams, VP & Creative Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               tons of money at your dealership? Do       up-to-date presenting fresh ideas     where from $300 to $800 a vehicle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               you feel like there are hidden profits      to keep up with our ever-changing     • Make an extra $100,000 or more in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in your dealership that are just waiting   business. I would recommend Tew-      your service profits in 90 days or less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to be uncovered? If you are like most      art Enterprises Inc. to anyone who    • Double and even triple your sales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               dealers, the honest answer is, YES,        wants to improve their business.      and service customer retention
                                                         leadership solution                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Absolutely!                                                      – Doug Mathers  • Double your appointments and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Russwood Auto Center, Lincoln, NE    sales conversion from Internet leads,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3834 Taylorsville Rd., Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville, KY 40220.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3834 Taylorsville Rd., Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville, KY 40220; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $69
                                        14   PAY YOURSELF FIRST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It’s a shame for YOU not to make                                                 Web site leads, third party leads
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               more money, when these dealers do          My name is Mark Tewart and I am the    • Increase your F&I Product pen-
  john freund

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               it so easily…                              President of Tewart Enterprises Inc.  etrations by 25% immediately
                                        16   FIT IS ESSENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          For almost two decades I have been    • Discover the one secret that will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our association with Tewart En-           helping dealers find hidden profits and make your dealership an additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               terprises has been nothing short           correcting little                                         million dollars

                                                                                                  Dave Davis, Editor & Creative Strategist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of extraordinary. Our sales volume         mistakes that were                                        or more over the
  pg 6
  pg1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          increased over 30% in the first sixty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               days of implementation. More
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          costing those deal- There are a few things next five years —
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ers hundreds of                                           We have several
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               importantly, our sales gross in-           thousands of dol-        that every dealer                clients who have
                                             sales & training solution                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         creased an average of over 68%             lars. These almost-      should be doing to               already experi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               over the first five months of imple-         magical solutions                                         enced this and it
  bernie mock

                                             THE TOP SIX TECHNIQUES FOR MORE EFFECTIVE
                                        08   USED VEHICLE SOURCING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             mentation. The bottom line result          turn little mis-             make money,                  will make the hair
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               was an increase of over $350,000           takes into instant       especially in this               stand up on your
                                             DOES HOW WE LEARN IMPACT HOW WE BUY?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              net to the Dealership Operation. I         cash machines of                                          neck when you
                                        20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     have used many sales systems over          bottom-line profit.              economy.                  hear this.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the years and none of them have
                                             10 TIPS TO IMPROVE INTERNET
                                        22   RESPONSE TIMES IN 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ever provided the success that we          Because I have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               are experiencing with the Tewart           not met you and do not know anything

                                                                                                 Brian Ankney, Account Manager
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Call 888 2 Tewart (888 283-9278) or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               System.                                    about your dealership, I can’t say how      e-mail to schedule
                                        24   THE FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF A
                                             ‘GREAT SALESPERSON’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Walter Alfaro, GM       much money is being left unrealized at      a private and confidential interview.
  tony clark

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Perry Ford      your dealership. However, I can say
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOR CERTAIN that the number                 ***We will share candid and specific
                                        25   THE MARKETING AND SALES GENIUS OF
                                             HOWARD STERN: BUSINESS LESSONS FROM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Our grosses went up 30% on the            of dollars is substantial and would         information that will prove to you with-
                                             THE SHOCK JOCK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    front end, and we added almost 50%         shock you, if you knew.                     out a doubt what I am saying is true. You
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in the back end. The best part of that                                                 will see real dealer examples that support
  pg 2
  pg3                   TomHopkins
                                        28   WINNING DEMONSTRATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             is that our sales also increased over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               25% and continue to increase.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          There are a few things that every
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          dealer should be doing to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      these results. Because of time constraints,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      there will only be a limited amount of
                                             DON’T FEAR ONLINE NEGOTIATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Gary Minneman Jr, GM       money, especially in this economy.          dealers accepted into this program.
                                                                                               Susie Horne, Account Manager

                        & BernieMock                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sunshine Toyota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Great News is that I have identified     P.S.: To receive the FREE Special
                                                           marketing solution                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Working with Tewart Enterprises is        those little mistakes and have big solu-    Report “New Generation of Selling” e-
                                                                                                         John Warner, Sales-Improvement Strategist

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               different from other consultants and       tions for them. NO BS, just real measur-    mail us at with New
  drake baerresen

                                        10   WHO SINGS YOUR PRAISES?
                                             Creating ‘Evangelical Customers’ Who Spread the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               trainers. We are getting results with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               very satisfied customers. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          able results that start happening immedi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ately and I guarantee those results.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Generation in the subject line
                                             Good Word About You
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Tewart Enterprises Inc is helping us
                                             THREE LEVELS OF A CAR DEALER’S
                                        18   SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to make our entire business more           • Sell more vehicles without spending

                                             WANT SUCCESS IN 2010? STOP PLAYING
                                        26   MIND GAMES

  pg 0              DrakeA.Baerresen
                                        30   AND, FOR OUR NEXT EVENT...
sales&trainingsolution                            DalePollak

                                                  THE TOP SIX TECHNIQUES
                                                  FOR MORE EFFECTIVE
                                                  USED VEHICLE SOURCING
                                                 Last year, dealers           Having expanded the types of vehicles and        to past practices should be considered to
                                                 experienced an               number of auctions, there is still much more     maximize the opportunity that exists.
                          unprecedented phenomenon: difficulty                 that a dealer can do to source vehicles more
                          sourcing used cars. To be clear, there was no       effectively. For example, the dealership’s       Whether or not a dealership adopts any or
                          shortage of used cars, but rather a tightening      appraisal process and win rates (look to         all of these suggestions, it is a certainty that
                          of supply and a wholesale market that rose          book) become critically important. Today,        sourcing vehicles will continue to be of great
                          faster than the corresponding retail market.        the appraisal process takes on the added         importance to used vehicle operations. The
                          The result was that dealers found it very           dimension of importance as a sourcing            amount of time necessary to identify the
                          difficult to buy used cars. It is likely that this   mechanism as well as its traditional role as     hottest vehicles, understand what price to
                          condition will continue, and even worsen,           a deal maker. Dealerships should review          pay, locate their sources of sale, and execute
                          this year.                                          their process of appraising, win rates and       their procurement will be greater than ever.
                                                                              even manager and salesperson incentives for      It is also a certainty that traditional used car
                          There are, however, several strategies              achieving superior performance. Remember         managers have more to do than ever with
                          that dealers can use to ease the problem            that salespeople become sourcing agents for      fewer resources. This is an organizational
                          of sourcing used vehicles. First, dealers           the dealership every time they encounter a       problem that further impairs the dealership’s
                          can and should expand the horizon of                customer with a trade. Properly managing         ability to source vehicles. I therefore
                          vehicles they will consider stocking.               the appraisal process will result in both        recommend that dealerships provide
                          There are always segments of vehicles, in           more sales as well as more trade-ins for         used car managers with the assistance of
                          particular makes and models, which are              reasonable prices.                               stocking analysts. A stocking analyst can do
                          available at more reasonable prices than                                                             much of the computer legwork of identifying
                          others. Often, however, such vehicles are           There is still more. However, to go              vehicles and the locations where they can
                          either not recognized as such, or otherwise         further requires challenging long-standing       be sourced. They can even create appraisals
                          excluded because they are not vehicles              dealership management practices. The first        in order to know how much can be paid for
                          that the dealership has sold in the past or is      such approach is to reduce the amount of         each vehicle. Such an individual doesn’t have
                          consistent with their new car franchise brand.      expected gross profit necessary to justify        to be highly compensated, and may likely
                          By simply expanding the set of acceptable           the acquisition of a vehicle. Most managers      already be on the payroll. They simply need
                          vehicles for consideration, dealers will have       won’t justify the purchase of a vehicle unless   to have strong analytical ability and a general
                          more choices and opportunities. The most            they can foresee at least a $2,000 profit.        sensitivity to the used vehicle marketplace.
                          current technology allows dealers to identify       Often, the wholesale going price of the          Once the work of the stocking analyst has
                          these types of vehicles, as well as where they      vehicle is $500 to $1,000 more than what the     been performed, the traditional used car
                          can be sourced. Remember that when you              buyer thinks it needs to be. If they were to     manager can review and approve the stocking
                          have market knowledge that is not commonly          pull the trigger it would mean that the profit    plan and purchase recommendations prepared
                          shared — and you can act upon it — that             opportunity might only be $1,000 to $1,500.      by the analyst. Such an approach facilitates
                          constitutes a true competitive advantage.           But the choice is not between purchasing for     aggressive sourcing and allows traditional
                                                                              an expected profit of $2,000 versus $1,000        used car managers to focus on all of the other
                          A second strategy that can be employed              but, rather, a choice between $1,000 and         critical tasks for which they are responsible
                          is to expand the sources of acquisition.            nothing. There are simply periods of times in
                          Most dealers use a small number of local            markets that call for temporary adjustments      The bottom line is that the market is creating
                          auctions. While these locations may continue        in expectations and changes to traditional       new challenges. Dealerships must respond
                          to be useful, they do not provide dealers           beliefs and practices.                           with new thinking and solutions. There is no
                          with the maximum number of choices and                                                               doubt that the new challenges in sourcing
                          opportunities. This means that dealers may          Just to turn the temperature up even a bit       can be overcome — there just needs to be a
                          have to undertake the burden of traveling           more, I am going to further suggest that         willingness to do so.
                          regionally or potentially even nationally           dealerships re-think the amount of their
                          to find the vehicles they want at the prices         pack. Packs cause buyers to expect to
                          that are right. The technology of online            purchase vehicles that allow them to make
                          purchasing can ease the burden of using             expected profit plus the pack amount. This        Dale Pollak is an author and the founder
                                                                                                                               of vAuto. He can be contacted at
                          distant auctions. Every dealer should invest        creates an even greater perception that cars     866.867.9620, or by e-mail at
                          the necessary time to properly identify and         can not be purchased for reasonable dollars.
                          learn about the available tools to purchase         Once again, there are moments in markets, and
                          vehicles online.                                    this is likely one of them, where adjustments

marketingsolution                          TimJames

                                           WHO SINGS
                                           YOUR PRAISES?
                                           Creating ‘Evangelical Customers’ Who Spread the Good Word About You
                                             When faced with a        • He genuinely likes you and wants you to           wonderful technology. Take the time
                                             problem that only an       do well.                                          to truly get to know your prospects
                    expert can fix, everyone feels vulnerable if       • He is willing to pay more because you             and communicate with them (utilizing
                    we don’t know an expert who’s responsive,           offer the whole package (decent product,          technology) throughout the buying
                    experienced and reliable, and who we know           fair price, you’re here to stay and that          cycle and beyond, even if they do not
                    will give us a fair price in exchange for           certain “guy”-ness).                              buy from you. Let your CRM do the
                    quality service that they stand behind.           • He wants to help others, and that                 work of the follow up, but know what
                                                                        motivates him to tell others about you            “work” it is doing. Know what each
                    Let’s say your family doctor says you need a        (that also makes him credible).                   e-mail says, and follow up with your own
                    knee replacement. Unless it’s an emergency,       • He is a not just a happy, repeat customer;        personalized e-mails and phone calls. Get
                    it’s not likely that you would drive to the         he is a walking testimonial, working for          out and become a positive part of your
                    local hospital and ask for the next available       you without compensation.                         community.
                    surgeon. You would probably spend a few           • He refers “softened” customers to               • Be Grateful — Stop and appreciate what
                    months getting mentally ready, but unsure           you, meaning they’re already sold on              they’re doing for you and actively thank
                    how to research surgery options, surgeons and       essential intangibles like trust, reputation      them. Write thank-you notes after every
                    facilities. Feel the anxiety? Many people feel      and fairness before they walk into the            referral, whether the deal closes or not.
                    the same way when buying a car.                     showroom.                                         After they’ve sent you a few customers,
                                                                      • He sends you more business than your              send them a small but highly meaningful
                    Now, suppose a colleague had a knee replaced        brother-in-law.                                   gift, like if your customer likes to fly fish,
                    last summer. She can’t stop telling people                                                            send them a dozen hand-tied flies. Show
                    about how wonderful her new knee feels.          Priceless, right? You bet. We should all be so       that they mattered enough for you to
                    She talks about her doctor like he’s a god       lucky — and we can.                                  remember something important to them.
                    (regardless of the actual qualifications of                                                          • Be Humble — Ask them how you can
                    the surgeon). She tells you about how the        How Do You Create                                    improve and listen carefully to their
                    physical therapy facility sent a van, so her     Evangelical Clients?                                 ideas. These people like to feel needed
                    husband didn’t have to take off from work         • Be Trustworthy — If your mentality is             and helpful. They will appreciate the
                    three times a week to drive her. And, when          that every deal is a notch on your quota          opportunity to better the world. Even if
                    you share that you need your knee replaced,         bedpost, customers’ radar will go up,             their suggestion is something you already
                    your colleague earnestly responds, “You need        and they will get a sense that they mean          do, don’t dismiss the idea (instead, look
                    a knee replacement? I’ve got a guy who’ll fix        nothing more to you than cash. The only           at how you can better create consumer
                    you right up! I’m walking three miles a day!”       customers you will attract in that case           awareness around that service since
                                                                        are the ones looking for the best deal; in        your best customers don’t know about
                    I’m sure you know a “guy” in the car                other words, they’ll be using you, too.           it). Appreciate that they took the time to
                    business, too — the industry veteran                Voluntarily ensuring transparent, win-win         think of an idea and be honest with you.
                    who seems to have a lock on your local              transactions will build trust and pay out       • Be Responsive — When an evangelical
                    community. Everybody in town, maybe even            far more in the long run.                         customer calls, answer the phone. It’s
                    your uncle, buys their car from this guy.         • Treat Every Customer Right — Put                  usually important. In fact, it’s usually a
                    Forget “taking ups” or prospecting using the        yourself in their shoes and do whatever           lead or a complaint. In either case, it’s
                    CRM; he has a large book of customers that          you can to meet their needs. Every once           important that you’re on top of it.
                    he sends birthday cards to and always seems         in a while, exceed their expectations, like
                    to have people referring him business.              the van that shuttled your colleague to        Remember, as passionately as the evangelical
                                                                        physical therapy appointments.                 client sings your praises, he can also ruin your
                    Wouldn’t you love to be the “guy” to your         • Care About Your Customers — Keep               name in his circle of influence, and do so with
                    customers? What does he know that you               notes on every one of them, including the      that same passion. Remember, he’s out to
                    don’t?                                              names of their spouse and kids, birthday,      create a better world, and if that means people
                                                                        anniversary, hobbies, etc. Take a photo        should avoid your business, he’ll freely tell
                    What every guy knows how to do is create            of them with their new car and create          them to do so. To him, spreading a cautionary
                    what marketers call an evangelical client,          a scrapbook with their testimonials for        word is just as helpful as a recommendation.
                    a customer who enthusiastically promotes            prospects to flip through on your desk.
                    their “guy’s” business, product or service        • Be Human — Show your personality.              The good news is evangelical customers
                    through word-of-mouth without solicitation.         Create a photo montage screensaver of          are naturally forgiving people. Should
                    Evangelical customers feel great reward             your family. Whatever your hobbies,            something happen that causes them to slip
                    from helping both the person in need and the        put evidence of them on your desk to           out of evangelism or flip alliances, go back
                    business they are promoting. They enjoy that,       help you connect with your customers           and work toward renewing your relationship.
                    because of them, others are having the same         on a personal level. That connection is        They’re worth it. Just ask any “guy.”
                    successful experience they did. They believe        imperative for the evangelical customer.
                    in a better world and this is one way they        • Be Personal — If technology is
                    contribute to it. They feel their community         removing so much communication                 Tim James is director of sales of HomeNet
                    worth is enhanced with every “convert.”             throughout the buying cycle, how can           Automotive, Inc. He can be contacted at
                                                                                                                       866.924.6573, or by e-mail at
                                                                        an auto sales professional become the
   An evangelical client is the ideal customer for                      “guy?” The exact same way the “guy”
1 several key reasons:                                                  became the “guy” before all of this
By SusanGivens
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ’s CarFlix™ Video Package offers CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive videos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        for new vehicles, and CarFlix™ with HumanVoice for pre-owned vehicles. These
Over the past two years, online video has captured    Make a Plan: Set Goals and Measure Success                                                                 customers who may purchase from the dealership.        two products automatically generate compelling videos for new and used vehicles,
the attention of marketers, online retailers and,     It’s obvious that most dealerships can and should benefit from the use of video. But before doing so,       Further, YouTube’s VSEO capabilities can land          and include real human voices. The CarFlix™ Video Package also includes a video
most importantly, consumers. As few as five years      dealerships should first determine the goals of video relative to the overall marketing strategy. Those     YouTube videos atop search rankings, and diminish      gallery for dealers’ inventory, and an online research center designed to keep car
ago, video was an expensive, labor-intensive          who do will have more success than those who merely begin posting videos just because everyone’s           the visibility of your own dealership Web site.        shoppers on your Web site longer. In addition, dealers can quickly and easily post
medium that required serious bandwidth and            telling them to. If you don’t discuss goals, how will you know if the video is successful? In the hype     Would you rather direct shoppers to a third-party      their own videos through’s user-interface, “ControlCenter™.” Further,
professional production. That’s all changed now       and hurry to push video into the marketplace, many well-intentioned dealers skip any video strategy        site where you have no control, or to your own         all video and other tools are part of’s Internet marketing platform, and
with increased broadband penetration, easy-           discussion and move directly to production and placement. Video is a tactic, and like all other            site where you have complete control? Web site         incorporate traditional and VSEO practices, and are accessible from one login.
to-use online video publishing software and           marketing tactics, the value is maximized when it’s a part of an overall strategy.                         providers that combine traditional SEO and newer       Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting also carefully tracks the success of all videos,
tools, and additional technological advances.                                                                                                                    VSEO best practices can achieve the highest video      including views and length of views.
Today, everyone is talking about the marketing        Key Questions to Answer Before Creating and Posting New Videos                                             search rankings, linking directly back to your site
implications of video, stressing the importance        • What are we trying to achieve, and how is it tied to our overall marketing strategy?                    and inventory rather than someone else’s.              1. CarFlix™ HumanVoice
of video and citing consumer viewership of, and        • Who are we trying to reach and what appeals to them?                                                                                                           CarFlix™ HumanVoice is the only solution that automatically creates unique,
preference for, online videos.                         • Based on our goal, what metrics will we use to measure success or failure?                              These are serious considerations that need to be       realistic videos of every vehicle in a dealer’s inventory. CarFlix™ HumanVoice
                                                       • How often will we evaluate metrics to determine which videos meet their objectives?                     discussed before posting on YouTube. Again, your       produces a professional video within minutes, and is able to produce videos for a
When properly executed, video drives more              • Which provider has the best quality video offerings to represent my dealership?                         approach should be strategic, with clear goals         dealer’s entire inventory in less than an hour.
Google search referrals, more time spent on Web                                                                                                                  and objectives in mind. If dealership branding is
sites and more leads. While some vendors try          Getting Started                                                                                            the goal, then YouTube could help. If the goal is      CarFlix™ HumanVoice videos include the
to exploit YouTube loopholes to produce video         Once you have established goals for your dealership videos, it’s important to determine the most           increasing vehicle sales, though, then skip YouTube    following features and benefits:
search engine optimization (VSEO) results, Dealer.    efficient way to create and post them. Start by talking with your Web site provider. They should be         and post vehicle videos on your own dealership           • Real human voices with a variety of engaging, professional male and female
com has built a comprehensive VSEO program            able to assist with creating and posting vehicle and other dealership videos. The best providers will      Web site. After all, there is no evidence to suggest       speakers
designed to drive traffic back to the dealership’s     be able to help you post high-quality vehicle videos of your inventory within a few days, if you’re        that people shop for vehicles on YouTube, and            • SmartScripts based on which features on different vehicles are most important
own site. A recent study of video          just beginning. If you already have vehicle videos on-hand, your vendor should be able to help you         many dealers have been disappointed to find that            to potential buyers
statistics found that form submissions on Web         publish your inventory on your Web site within hours.                                                      YouTube videos did nothing to increase their             • High-quality video with images seamlessly combined to form smooth, high-
sites with video were 130 percent higher than sites                                                                                                              Web site traffic. In fact, some have argued that            resolution videos
without video. Further, consumers spent 20 percent    Set a high standard and aim to create unique videos for every car in your inventory. Extensive             YouTube can decrease your Web site traffic by             • Context sensitive music tracks are automatically assigned based on the most
more time on Web sites that included videos. In       inventory videos increase your Web site’s organic search engine rankings and make the dealership           directing shoppers away from the dealership site           appropriate music for different types of vehicles
addition, Google search referrals increased up to     look professional.                                                                                         when consumers click on YouTube videos in search         • Dealer branding on all videos with a call to action, dealership image and
208 percent on sites with video. While                                                                                                                results. Be mindful that this cannibalization of           contact information
can export inventory videos to YouTube, search        If your video provider isn’t also your Web site provider, they may push you to post videos on third-       the dealership Web site’s SEO efforts can result.        • Built-in lead forms to instantly schedule a test drive or receive a quote
referrals from YouTube have shown a referral          party sites because that is the only way they can claim SEO value. However, using a single platform vehicle videos can be exported to             • Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting in ControlCenter to track viewership and
rate that is marginal, at best, and should not be     for Web site and video increases SEO value for the dealership’s own Web site, in large part by linking     YouTube, as well as AutoTrader and, but           engagement level
considered the cornerstone to any VSEO program.       search results directly to inventory on the dealer’s site. This way, videos can be fully integrated with   again, the decision to export should be based on the
                                                      SEO best practices applied throughout the Web site.                                                        dealer’s goals for individual videos.                  2.’s CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive
Video is proven to generate more leads because                                                                                                                                                                          CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive high-definition videos use professional voiceovers to
it helps attract and engage more automotive                                                                                                                      In Conclusion                                          name and describe individual vehicle’s features, for virtually any vehicle available.
shoppers online. According to additional Dealer.      In Addition to Unique Vehicle Videos, Personalize Your Dealership
                                                      with the Following Videos:                                                                                 Video can be a great way to brand your dealership,     CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive also provides extensive interior and exterior footage
com research, 97 percent of online shoppers who                                                                                                                  make a human connection with shoppers, and sell        that brings the vehicle to life.
view one video are more apt to watch two or three.      • Welcome video from the president, CEO, general manager or other spokesperson
                                                        • Videos of personnel, including key managers, heads of departments and staff members who                more vehicles and services. Research concludes
Additionally, the more time consumers spend on                                                                                                                   that properly executed video can increase search       CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive videos include the
a Web site, the more likely they are to submit a          shoppers will meet in person at the dealership
                                                        • Videos of current specials and promotions                                                              results, length of time spent on site and lead         following features and benefits:
lead. Why? Because video provides an emotional                                                                                                                   generation. Videos should be created and posted          • Virtual Test Drive videos on your inventory pages as well as your showroom
connection for consumers and creates excitement,        • Community involvement videos, such as charitable events, sports teams and civic organizations
                                                        • Existing commercials and other marketing videos                                                        based on measurable goals, and aligned with a            • Professionally written scripts by industry experts
and consumer excitement for a product increases                                                                                                                  dealer’s overall marketing strategy. Further, while      • Real human voices (not computerized) recorded by professional voice talent
the likelihood of lead submission.                      • Videos displaying your showroom and facilities
                                                        • Videos featuring happy customers and other testimonials                                                there can be benefits to posting videos on third-         • Broad coverage of virtually every make, model, body style and trim
In addition, video allows branding and                                                                                                                           party sites like YouTube, videos are most effective      • Comprehensive vehicle review including introduction, exterior and interior
differentiation opportunities while providing a       To YouTube or Not to YouTube?                                                                              when posted on the dealership’s own Web site as a          features, mechanical features and closing
unique and professional 24/7 sales pitch. You         There is healthy debate about the pros and cons of posting videos on YouTube. On one hand, it’s            part of the overall marketing plan.                      • High-resolution digital spins, operational footage and image sequences
can showcase your dealership’s personality            incredibly easy to post videos on YouTube. And with millions of people visiting the site each day,                                                                  • Stylized background music based on type of vehicle presented
while making a human connection with shoppers         YouTube can expand the reach of the dealership’s videos to new audiences. Further, since Google                                                                     • Standard Flash Player eliminates the need for QuickTime/Windows Media
online. Providing links to vehicle videos in          owns YouTube, the VSEO capabilities are strong, and video search results can appear within                                                                            plug-in
outgoing e-mails is a great way to distinguish        seconds of posting.                                                                                                                                                 • Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting in ControlCenter to track viewership and
your dealership to consumers who are shopping                                                                                                                                                                               engagement level
                                                                                                                                                                 For more information about
multiple stores, and also increases the likelihood    On the other hand, today it is just as easy to post videos on your own dealership’s Web site. After all,   contact us at 866.790.1262, or by e-mail at
that customers will visit your Web site.              you may not want to reach millions of people around the world. You might just want to reach local
leadershipsolution                          JohnFreund

                                            PAY YOURSELF FIRST
                                            No matter how hard        invests $5,000 a year for 10 years, putting his   a savings plan is by taking advantage of the
                                            you try to avoid          total investment at $50,000 — exactly twice       convenience of electronic funds transfer
                     it, sometimes it seems like your day-to-         as much as the early investor.                    (EFT). You may be familiar with this type
                     day living expenses eat away your entire                                                           of service if you currently receive or make
                     paycheck. Before you know it, the money          Assuming an eight percent average annual          electronic deposits to your bank account.
                     in your paycheck seems to vanish, and you        rate of return on their investments, if we jump   This service is also available from other
                     don’t even know where it went. And while         ahead now to 20 years from the time our           financial services firms, and paying yourself
                     you’re focused on just making ends meet,         two investors started, the difference in their    first by using an EFT system can help you get
                     putting money away for the future may be the     accounts is substantial. Our early investor       in the habit of saving.
                     last thing on your mind. Even so, you need       would have accumulated a total of roughly
                     to remember that taking care of your longer-     $100,493 in her account by this time. Keep        Direct deposit allows you the opportunity to
                     term financial goals is just as important as      in mind she hasn’t put a penny of her own         deposit all or part of your paycheck to the
                     meeting your current needs.                      money in for the last 15 years. Meanwhile,        account of your choice, so you could choose
                                                                      the late investor’s account has grown to only     to set aside a certain portion to go directly to a
                     Ever since the days of putting pennies in a      $78,227, and he has been contributing each        savings account as opposed to your checking
                     piggybank, you’ve likely received plenty of      year for the past 10 years. That means that       account. Another way to take advantage
                     advice on the value of saving your money.        our early investor only put in half as much       of EFT is to set up an automatic monthly
                     But when mom and dad aren’t taking care of       of her own money, and came out well over          deposit. This is a simple, disciplined way to
                     the necessities any more, and you have your      $20,000 ahead.                                    add to your account, authorizing a specific
                     own bills to pay, it’s easy to lose track and                                                      amount to be transferred from one of your
                     forget to save. As a reminder of just how        Now, this example is only meant to illustrate     accounts to another (i.e. from checking to a
                     important it is to put part of your income       the advantages of saving regularly and            savings or investment account).
                     aside — and to do it sooner, rather than later   starting early. This does not reflect the
                     — take a look at an example of just how the      performance of any specific investment, nor        Regardless of which method you choose — or
                     numbers shake out.                               does it take into account the eventual effects    even if you decide on completely different
                                                                      of taxes. It does, however, make the point        investment strategy — putting aside money
                     For this example we’ll use two investors         very clear — by delaying 10 years in getting      now will help you prepare to reach your
                     — one who starts early and lets her savings      started, the late investor loses out on the       financial goals that lie further down the road.
                     grow, and another who waits until later to       benefits of compounding over a longer period
                     begin. Let’s say the early investor puts away    of time.
                     $5,000 per year for five years, and then allows
                     that investment to grow for 15 years without     Disciplined investment habits aren’t always
                                                                                                                        John Freund is the senior vice president of
                     putting in another penny. The late investor,     easy to come by, but there are several            investments for Moors & Cabot. He can be
                     on the other hand, waits for 10 years before     things you can do to improve your savings         contacted at 866.599.9162, or by e-mail at
                     he even begins his savings plan. He then         routine. One of the easiest ways to establish

leadershipsolution                            JustinDuff

                                              FIT IS ESSENTIAL
                                               We learn at a young         dealership? Choose the products that really         New Products/Services Purchases:
                                               age that everything         “fit.” Selecting an Inventory Management              • Does a vendor we already work with offer
                      requires a “fit.” If you buy new shoes without        System or a new ILM is just like buying a              this product/service?
                      trying them on, chances are you’ll be sorry          car or a new pair of shoes — it’s something          • Can we use this product/service on a trial
                      (and trust me, it’s not easy to find shoes            that has to work for you, your employees and           basis?
                      when you have size 13 feet). The fit theory           your business as a whole; it has to “fit” your        • What is the contract length and
                      continues as we grow up because we learn             business development goal. To make sure                cancellation policy for this product/
                      that, if you’re going to commit, it had better       it fits, go out there and experience all that is        service?
                      be to something you like. I like to think my         available. Right now, we’re in an uncertain          • How is this product going to improve our
                      last vehicle purchase serves as a good example       time, and spending thousands of dollars on a           dealership?
                      of finding the right “fit” in my life. When all        12-month contract before you get a great feel        • Will we need to cut something from our
                      was said and done, I left the showroom with a        for the product might not be a wise decision;          budget to purchase this product/service?
                      vehicle that fit my personality and lifestyle.        instead, drive it before you buy it. In doing so,    • Will this product/service replace
                                                                           your risk goes to zero and you can be confident         something we currently use at our
                      Would I buy a car based on looks alone? Not          with the “fit” you’ve been searching for.               dealership?
                      entirely, and neither should anyone. Yes, a                                                               • What is the training period for this
                      nice looking car is what first attracts me, but       During these tough economic times it’s                 product/service?
                      I need to dig deeper and make sure it has all        important to consolidate your tools if possible.     • What are their customer service hours?
                      the features I want and need. I take a trip to       There are great ways to save money by                • What are the main features of this
                      my local dealer and take a seat inside the car.      bundling services. Take a look at your local           product?
                      I look around, play with the controls, grasp         cable companies. Most offer TV, Internet and         • How will we see a return on investment by
                      the steering wheel in my hands, and try to           phone all for one low rate.                            using this product?
                      visualize myself driving down the road. I                                                                 • How will this product benefit our
                                                                           Try to find a company that offers all of the            customer/future customer relationships?
                      analyze all of the features and amenities to
                                                                           products you need and is willing to combine
                      determine how they will best “fit” my needs.
                                                                           their products and services at a discount that      Upgrading Current Products/
                      If I think I’ve found a solid choice, I have
                                                                           “fits” your budget. You’ll find it trims the fat      Services:
                      to be sure. I need to take this baby for a test
                                                                           from your budget while continuing to offer           • What am I currently paying for this
                      drive to really experience it. Sitting in a car
                                                                           great management tools for your dealership             product/service?
                      on the showroom floor really only gives you
                                                                           and engagement tools for your customers.             • What is the cost of upgrade (if any)?
                      one-tenth of the actual enjoyment you’ll have
                      driving your car.                                    Test-driving isn’t the ONLY way to determine         • Am I completely satisfied with this
                                                                           the “fit” for your dealership. The real key             product/service?
                      Now for the Test Drive: I slowly pull the car        is being as informed as possible, because            • What additional features/benefits do I
                      out of the parking lot and give it some gas.         in situations when you can’t just hop in the           receive with the upgrade?
                      The rush of acceleration is pretty fantastic.        driver’s seat you still need to know what            • Are there statistics to support the positive
                      Check. I turn up the volume on the sound             you’re getting into. To help determine what            effects of an upgrade?
                      system. Potential deafness. Check. My phone          will work for you and your dealership I have         • Does the upgrade require a renewed
                      automatically connects with Bluetooth. Check.        developed a list of questions for you to ask           contract?
                      The seats really support me through the turns.       yourself and your vendors as you consider            • Does the upgrade replace a product or
                      Check. Heated seats warm me up within                new products and services and look to upgrade          service we are currently using?
                      minutes. Check. After taking the car for a nice      your current products. You may never know            • How often do upgrades come out for this
                      30-minute drive I really got a better feel for       the true ins-and-outs of a product until you           product?
                      the car and how it will “fit” me as I continue        purchase it, but these questions will get you        • What, if anything, does the upgrade
                      to drive it. I love it. It was definitely the right   answers you need to make a solid, informed             require on the dealership end?
                      choice, and I’m glad I took it for a spin.           buying decision. After answering these               • How will this upgrade keep our dealership
                                                                           questions, I hope you are able to reach a              up-to-date with technological advances?
                      As you approach marketing and services for           decision about the most suitable product/
                      your dealership, the same principles apply.          service to accommodate your dealership              Justin Duff is the vice president of sales
                      There are more services promising to make            needs. That’s what it comes down to —               for Dealer HD. He can be contacted at
                      your dealership run than you can count, but          choosing the most relevant product/service          866.867.0016, or by e-mail at
                      how do you choose the right ones for your            that is the perfect fit.                   

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AutoSuccess Jan10

  • 1. It’s Here - AutoSuccess Best of the Best NADA 2010, page 4 January 2010
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  • 4. feature solution 3834 Taylorsville Rd. Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville Kentucky 40220 | 877.818.6620 / 502.588.3170 | / | Susan Givens, Publisher January 2010 By SusanGivens Engaging More Customers With Video Have you ever felt like you were mak- sound. With years of successful ex- $1 more on advertising ing little mistakes that are costing you perience, this team is innovative and • Increase your gross profits any- Thomas Williams, VP & Creative Director tons of money at your dealership? Do up-to-date presenting fresh ideas where from $300 to $800 a vehicle you feel like there are hidden profits to keep up with our ever-changing • Make an extra $100,000 or more in in your dealership that are just waiting business. I would recommend Tew- your service profits in 90 days or less to be uncovered? If you are like most art Enterprises Inc. to anyone who • Double and even triple your sales dealers, the honest answer is, YES, wants to improve their business. and service customer retention leadership solution Absolutely! – Doug Mathers • Double your appointments and Ken Russwood Auto Center, Lincoln, NE sales conversion from Internet leads, 877.818.6620. Printed in the USA. Postmaster: Send address changes to AutoSuccess Magazine, 3834 Taylorsville Rd., Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville, KY 40220. whole or part is prohibited without express written consent from AutoSuccess. AutoSuccess may occasionally make readers’ names available to other companies whose products and/or services may be of interest; readers may request that names be removed by calling magazine to which this magazine may be linked from time to time. Always confer with legal counsel before implementing changes in procedures.© All contents copyrighted by AutoSuccess Magazine, a Division of Systems Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in and solutions; views expressed are not necessarily those of AutoSuccess and by no means reflect any guarantees. AutoSuccess accepts no liability in respect of the content of any third party material appearing in this magazine or in respect of the content of any other per year. AutoSuccess welcomes unsolicited editorials and graphics (not responsible for their return). All submitted editorials and graphics are subject to editing for grammar, content and page length. AutoSuccess provides its contributing writers latitude in expressing advice AutoSuccess Magazine is published monthly at 3834 Taylorsville Rd., Building A, Ste. 1B Louisville, KY 40220; 502.588.3155, fax 502.588.3170. Direct all subscription and customer service inquiries to 877.818.6620 or Subscription rate is $69 JohnFreund 14 PAY YOURSELF FIRST It’s a shame for YOU not to make Web site leads, third party leads more money, when these dealers do My name is Mark Tewart and I am the • Increase your F&I Product pen- john freund it so easily… President of Tewart Enterprises Inc. etrations by 25% immediately JustinDuff 16 FIT IS ESSENTIAL For almost two decades I have been • Discover the one secret that will Our association with Tewart En- helping dealers find hidden profits and make your dealership an additional terprises has been nothing short correcting little million dollars Dave Davis, Editor & Creative Strategist of extraordinary. Our sales volume mistakes that were or more over the pg 6 pg1 increased over 30% in the first sixty days of implementation. More costing those deal- There are a few things next five years — ers hundreds of We have several importantly, our sales gross in- thousands of dol- that every dealer clients who have sales & training solution creased an average of over 68% lars. These almost- should be doing to already experi- over the first five months of imple- magical solutions enced this and it bernie mock THE TOP SIX TECHNIQUES FOR MORE EFFECTIVE DalePollak 08 USED VEHICLE SOURCING mentation. The bottom line result turn little mis- make money, will make the hair was an increase of over $350,000 takes into instant especially in this stand up on your DOES HOW WE LEARN IMPACT HOW WE BUY? net to the Dealership Operation. I cash machines of neck when you KirkManzo 20 have used many sales systems over bottom-line profit. economy. hear this. the years and none of them have 10 TIPS TO IMPROVE INTERNET MattWatson 22 RESPONSE TIMES IN 2010 ever provided the success that we Because I have are experiencing with the Tewart not met you and do not know anything Brian Ankney, Account Manager Call 888 2 Tewart (888 283-9278) or System. about your dealership, I can’t say how e-mail to schedule TedRubin 24 THE FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF A ‘GREAT SALESPERSON’ Walter Alfaro, GM much money is being left unrealized at a private and confidential interview. tony clark Perry Ford your dealership. However, I can say FOR CERTAIN that the number ***We will share candid and specific MarkTewart 25 THE MARKETING AND SALES GENIUS OF HOWARD STERN: BUSINESS LESSONS FROM Our grosses went up 30% on the of dollars is substantial and would information that will prove to you with- THE SHOCK JOCK front end, and we added almost 50% shock you, if you knew. out a doubt what I am saying is true. You in the back end. The best part of that will see real dealer examples that support pg 2 pg3 TomHopkins 28 WINNING DEMONSTRATION is that our sales also increased over 25% and continue to increase. There are a few things that every dealer should be doing to make these results. Because of time constraints, there will only be a limited amount of DON’T FEAR ONLINE NEGOTIATION Gary Minneman Jr, GM money, especially in this economy. dealers accepted into this program. TonyClark 32 Susie Horne, Account Manager & BernieMock Sunshine Toyota The Great News is that I have identified P.S.: To receive the FREE Special marketing solution Working with Tewart Enterprises is those little mistakes and have big solu- Report “New Generation of Selling” e- John Warner, Sales-Improvement Strategist different from other consultants and tions for them. NO BS, just real measur- mail us at with New drake baerresen TimJames 10 WHO SINGS YOUR PRAISES? Creating ‘Evangelical Customers’ Who Spread the trainers. We are getting results with very satisfied customers. In addition, able results that start happening immedi- ately and I guarantee those results. Generation in the subject line Good Word About You Tewart Enterprises Inc is helping us THREE LEVELS OF A CAR DEALER’S J.D.Rucker 18 SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY to make our entire business more • Sell more vehicles without spending WANT SUCCESS IN 2010? STOP PLAYING MattBaker 26 MIND GAMES pg3 pg 0 DrakeA.Baerresen 30 AND, FOR OUR NEXT EVENT...
  • 5. sales&trainingsolution DalePollak THE TOP SIX TECHNIQUES FOR MORE EFFECTIVE USED VEHICLE SOURCING Last year, dealers Having expanded the types of vehicles and to past practices should be considered to experienced an number of auctions, there is still much more maximize the opportunity that exists. unprecedented phenomenon: difficulty that a dealer can do to source vehicles more sourcing used cars. To be clear, there was no effectively. For example, the dealership’s Whether or not a dealership adopts any or shortage of used cars, but rather a tightening appraisal process and win rates (look to all of these suggestions, it is a certainty that of supply and a wholesale market that rose book) become critically important. Today, sourcing vehicles will continue to be of great faster than the corresponding retail market. the appraisal process takes on the added importance to used vehicle operations. The The result was that dealers found it very dimension of importance as a sourcing amount of time necessary to identify the difficult to buy used cars. It is likely that this mechanism as well as its traditional role as hottest vehicles, understand what price to condition will continue, and even worsen, a deal maker. Dealerships should review pay, locate their sources of sale, and execute this year. their process of appraising, win rates and their procurement will be greater than ever. even manager and salesperson incentives for It is also a certainty that traditional used car There are, however, several strategies achieving superior performance. Remember managers have more to do than ever with that dealers can use to ease the problem that salespeople become sourcing agents for fewer resources. This is an organizational of sourcing used vehicles. First, dealers the dealership every time they encounter a problem that further impairs the dealership’s can and should expand the horizon of customer with a trade. Properly managing ability to source vehicles. I therefore vehicles they will consider stocking. the appraisal process will result in both recommend that dealerships provide There are always segments of vehicles, in more sales as well as more trade-ins for used car managers with the assistance of particular makes and models, which are reasonable prices. stocking analysts. A stocking analyst can do available at more reasonable prices than much of the computer legwork of identifying others. Often, however, such vehicles are There is still more. However, to go vehicles and the locations where they can either not recognized as such, or otherwise further requires challenging long-standing be sourced. They can even create appraisals excluded because they are not vehicles dealership management practices. The first in order to know how much can be paid for that the dealership has sold in the past or is such approach is to reduce the amount of each vehicle. Such an individual doesn’t have consistent with their new car franchise brand. expected gross profit necessary to justify to be highly compensated, and may likely By simply expanding the set of acceptable the acquisition of a vehicle. Most managers already be on the payroll. They simply need vehicles for consideration, dealers will have won’t justify the purchase of a vehicle unless to have strong analytical ability and a general more choices and opportunities. The most they can foresee at least a $2,000 profit. sensitivity to the used vehicle marketplace. current technology allows dealers to identify Often, the wholesale going price of the Once the work of the stocking analyst has these types of vehicles, as well as where they vehicle is $500 to $1,000 more than what the been performed, the traditional used car can be sourced. Remember that when you buyer thinks it needs to be. If they were to manager can review and approve the stocking have market knowledge that is not commonly pull the trigger it would mean that the profit plan and purchase recommendations prepared shared — and you can act upon it — that opportunity might only be $1,000 to $1,500. by the analyst. Such an approach facilitates constitutes a true competitive advantage. But the choice is not between purchasing for aggressive sourcing and allows traditional an expected profit of $2,000 versus $1,000 used car managers to focus on all of the other A second strategy that can be employed but, rather, a choice between $1,000 and critical tasks for which they are responsible is to expand the sources of acquisition. nothing. There are simply periods of times in Most dealers use a small number of local markets that call for temporary adjustments The bottom line is that the market is creating auctions. While these locations may continue in expectations and changes to traditional new challenges. Dealerships must respond to be useful, they do not provide dealers beliefs and practices. with new thinking and solutions. There is no with the maximum number of choices and doubt that the new challenges in sourcing opportunities. This means that dealers may Just to turn the temperature up even a bit can be overcome — there just needs to be a have to undertake the burden of traveling more, I am going to further suggest that willingness to do so. regionally or potentially even nationally dealerships re-think the amount of their to find the vehicles they want at the prices pack. Packs cause buyers to expect to that are right. The technology of online purchase vehicles that allow them to make purchasing can ease the burden of using expected profit plus the pack amount. This Dale Pollak is an author and the founder of vAuto. He can be contacted at distant auctions. Every dealer should invest creates an even greater perception that cars 866.867.9620, or by e-mail at the necessary time to properly identify and can not be purchased for reasonable dollars. learn about the available tools to purchase Once again, there are moments in markets, and vehicles online. this is likely one of them, where adjustments 0 8
  • 6. marketingsolution TimJames WHO SINGS YOUR PRAISES? Creating ‘Evangelical Customers’ Who Spread the Good Word About You When faced with a • He genuinely likes you and wants you to wonderful technology. Take the time problem that only an do well. to truly get to know your prospects expert can fix, everyone feels vulnerable if • He is willing to pay more because you and communicate with them (utilizing we don’t know an expert who’s responsive, offer the whole package (decent product, technology) throughout the buying experienced and reliable, and who we know fair price, you’re here to stay and that cycle and beyond, even if they do not will give us a fair price in exchange for certain “guy”-ness). buy from you. Let your CRM do the quality service that they stand behind. • He wants to help others, and that work of the follow up, but know what motivates him to tell others about you “work” it is doing. Know what each Let’s say your family doctor says you need a (that also makes him credible). e-mail says, and follow up with your own knee replacement. Unless it’s an emergency, • He is a not just a happy, repeat customer; personalized e-mails and phone calls. Get it’s not likely that you would drive to the he is a walking testimonial, working for out and become a positive part of your local hospital and ask for the next available you without compensation. community. surgeon. You would probably spend a few • He refers “softened” customers to • Be Grateful — Stop and appreciate what months getting mentally ready, but unsure you, meaning they’re already sold on they’re doing for you and actively thank how to research surgery options, surgeons and essential intangibles like trust, reputation them. Write thank-you notes after every facilities. Feel the anxiety? Many people feel and fairness before they walk into the referral, whether the deal closes or not. the same way when buying a car. showroom. After they’ve sent you a few customers, • He sends you more business than your send them a small but highly meaningful Now, suppose a colleague had a knee replaced brother-in-law. gift, like if your customer likes to fly fish, last summer. She can’t stop telling people send them a dozen hand-tied flies. Show about how wonderful her new knee feels. Priceless, right? You bet. We should all be so that they mattered enough for you to She talks about her doctor like he’s a god lucky — and we can. remember something important to them. (regardless of the actual qualifications of • Be Humble — Ask them how you can the surgeon). She tells you about how the How Do You Create improve and listen carefully to their physical therapy facility sent a van, so her Evangelical Clients? ideas. These people like to feel needed husband didn’t have to take off from work • Be Trustworthy — If your mentality is and helpful. They will appreciate the three times a week to drive her. And, when that every deal is a notch on your quota opportunity to better the world. Even if you share that you need your knee replaced, bedpost, customers’ radar will go up, their suggestion is something you already your colleague earnestly responds, “You need and they will get a sense that they mean do, don’t dismiss the idea (instead, look a knee replacement? I’ve got a guy who’ll fix nothing more to you than cash. The only at how you can better create consumer you right up! I’m walking three miles a day!” customers you will attract in that case awareness around that service since are the ones looking for the best deal; in your best customers don’t know about I’m sure you know a “guy” in the car other words, they’ll be using you, too. it). Appreciate that they took the time to business, too — the industry veteran Voluntarily ensuring transparent, win-win think of an idea and be honest with you. who seems to have a lock on your local transactions will build trust and pay out • Be Responsive — When an evangelical community. Everybody in town, maybe even far more in the long run. customer calls, answer the phone. It’s your uncle, buys their car from this guy. • Treat Every Customer Right — Put usually important. In fact, it’s usually a Forget “taking ups” or prospecting using the yourself in their shoes and do whatever lead or a complaint. In either case, it’s CRM; he has a large book of customers that you can to meet their needs. Every once important that you’re on top of it. he sends birthday cards to and always seems in a while, exceed their expectations, like to have people referring him business. the van that shuttled your colleague to Remember, as passionately as the evangelical physical therapy appointments. client sings your praises, he can also ruin your Wouldn’t you love to be the “guy” to your • Care About Your Customers — Keep name in his circle of influence, and do so with customers? What does he know that you notes on every one of them, including the that same passion. Remember, he’s out to don’t? names of their spouse and kids, birthday, create a better world, and if that means people anniversary, hobbies, etc. Take a photo should avoid your business, he’ll freely tell What every guy knows how to do is create of them with their new car and create them to do so. To him, spreading a cautionary what marketers call an evangelical client, a scrapbook with their testimonials for word is just as helpful as a recommendation. a customer who enthusiastically promotes prospects to flip through on your desk. their “guy’s” business, product or service • Be Human — Show your personality. The good news is evangelical customers through word-of-mouth without solicitation. Create a photo montage screensaver of are naturally forgiving people. Should Evangelical customers feel great reward your family. Whatever your hobbies, something happen that causes them to slip from helping both the person in need and the put evidence of them on your desk to out of evangelism or flip alliances, go back business they are promoting. They enjoy that, help you connect with your customers and work toward renewing your relationship. because of them, others are having the same on a personal level. That connection is They’re worth it. Just ask any “guy.” successful experience they did. They believe imperative for the evangelical customer. in a better world and this is one way they • Be Personal — If technology is contribute to it. They feel their community removing so much communication Tim James is director of sales of HomeNet worth is enhanced with every “convert.” throughout the buying cycle, how can Automotive, Inc. He can be contacted at 866.924.6573, or by e-mail at an auto sales professional become the An evangelical client is the ideal customer for “guy?” The exact same way the “guy” 1 several key reasons: became the “guy” before all of this 0
  • 7. By SusanGivens’s CarFlix™ Video Package offers CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive videos for new vehicles, and CarFlix™ with HumanVoice for pre-owned vehicles. These Over the past two years, online video has captured Make a Plan: Set Goals and Measure Success customers who may purchase from the dealership. two products automatically generate compelling videos for new and used vehicles, the attention of marketers, online retailers and, It’s obvious that most dealerships can and should benefit from the use of video. But before doing so, Further, YouTube’s VSEO capabilities can land and include real human voices. The CarFlix™ Video Package also includes a video most importantly, consumers. As few as five years dealerships should first determine the goals of video relative to the overall marketing strategy. Those YouTube videos atop search rankings, and diminish gallery for dealers’ inventory, and an online research center designed to keep car ago, video was an expensive, labor-intensive who do will have more success than those who merely begin posting videos just because everyone’s the visibility of your own dealership Web site. shoppers on your Web site longer. In addition, dealers can quickly and easily post medium that required serious bandwidth and telling them to. If you don’t discuss goals, how will you know if the video is successful? In the hype Would you rather direct shoppers to a third-party their own videos through’s user-interface, “ControlCenter™.” Further, professional production. That’s all changed now and hurry to push video into the marketplace, many well-intentioned dealers skip any video strategy site where you have no control, or to your own all video and other tools are part of’s Internet marketing platform, and with increased broadband penetration, easy- discussion and move directly to production and placement. Video is a tactic, and like all other site where you have complete control? Web site incorporate traditional and VSEO practices, and are accessible from one login. to-use online video publishing software and marketing tactics, the value is maximized when it’s a part of an overall strategy. providers that combine traditional SEO and newer Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting also carefully tracks the success of all videos, tools, and additional technological advances. VSEO best practices can achieve the highest video including views and length of views. Today, everyone is talking about the marketing Key Questions to Answer Before Creating and Posting New Videos search rankings, linking directly back to your site implications of video, stressing the importance • What are we trying to achieve, and how is it tied to our overall marketing strategy? and inventory rather than someone else’s. 1. CarFlix™ HumanVoice of video and citing consumer viewership of, and • Who are we trying to reach and what appeals to them? CarFlix™ HumanVoice is the only solution that automatically creates unique, preference for, online videos. • Based on our goal, what metrics will we use to measure success or failure? These are serious considerations that need to be realistic videos of every vehicle in a dealer’s inventory. CarFlix™ HumanVoice • How often will we evaluate metrics to determine which videos meet their objectives? discussed before posting on YouTube. Again, your produces a professional video within minutes, and is able to produce videos for a When properly executed, video drives more • Which provider has the best quality video offerings to represent my dealership? approach should be strategic, with clear goals dealer’s entire inventory in less than an hour. Google search referrals, more time spent on Web and objectives in mind. If dealership branding is sites and more leads. While some vendors try Getting Started the goal, then YouTube could help. If the goal is CarFlix™ HumanVoice videos include the to exploit YouTube loopholes to produce video Once you have established goals for your dealership videos, it’s important to determine the most increasing vehicle sales, though, then skip YouTube following features and benefits: search engine optimization (VSEO) results, Dealer. efficient way to create and post them. Start by talking with your Web site provider. They should be and post vehicle videos on your own dealership • Real human voices with a variety of engaging, professional male and female com has built a comprehensive VSEO program able to assist with creating and posting vehicle and other dealership videos. The best providers will Web site. After all, there is no evidence to suggest speakers designed to drive traffic back to the dealership’s be able to help you post high-quality vehicle videos of your inventory within a few days, if you’re that people shop for vehicles on YouTube, and • SmartScripts based on which features on different vehicles are most important own site. A recent study of video just beginning. If you already have vehicle videos on-hand, your vendor should be able to help you many dealers have been disappointed to find that to potential buyers statistics found that form submissions on Web publish your inventory on your Web site within hours. YouTube videos did nothing to increase their • High-quality video with images seamlessly combined to form smooth, high- sites with video were 130 percent higher than sites Web site traffic. In fact, some have argued that resolution videos without video. Further, consumers spent 20 percent Set a high standard and aim to create unique videos for every car in your inventory. Extensive YouTube can decrease your Web site traffic by • Context sensitive music tracks are automatically assigned based on the most more time on Web sites that included videos. In inventory videos increase your Web site’s organic search engine rankings and make the dealership directing shoppers away from the dealership site appropriate music for different types of vehicles addition, Google search referrals increased up to look professional. when consumers click on YouTube videos in search • Dealer branding on all videos with a call to action, dealership image and 208 percent on sites with video. While results. Be mindful that this cannibalization of contact information can export inventory videos to YouTube, search If your video provider isn’t also your Web site provider, they may push you to post videos on third- the dealership Web site’s SEO efforts can result. • Built-in lead forms to instantly schedule a test drive or receive a quote referrals from YouTube have shown a referral party sites because that is the only way they can claim SEO value. However, using a single platform vehicle videos can be exported to • Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting in ControlCenter to track viewership and rate that is marginal, at best, and should not be for Web site and video increases SEO value for the dealership’s own Web site, in large part by linking YouTube, as well as AutoTrader and, but engagement level considered the cornerstone to any VSEO program. search results directly to inventory on the dealer’s site. This way, videos can be fully integrated with again, the decision to export should be based on the SEO best practices applied throughout the Web site. dealer’s goals for individual videos. 2.’s CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive Video is proven to generate more leads because CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive high-definition videos use professional voiceovers to it helps attract and engage more automotive In Conclusion name and describe individual vehicle’s features, for virtually any vehicle available. shoppers online. According to additional Dealer. In Addition to Unique Vehicle Videos, Personalize Your Dealership with the Following Videos: Video can be a great way to brand your dealership, CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive also provides extensive interior and exterior footage com research, 97 percent of online shoppers who make a human connection with shoppers, and sell that brings the vehicle to life. view one video are more apt to watch two or three. • Welcome video from the president, CEO, general manager or other spokesperson • Videos of personnel, including key managers, heads of departments and staff members who more vehicles and services. Research concludes Additionally, the more time consumers spend on that properly executed video can increase search CarFlix™ Virtual Test Drive videos include the a Web site, the more likely they are to submit a shoppers will meet in person at the dealership • Videos of current specials and promotions results, length of time spent on site and lead following features and benefits: lead. Why? Because video provides an emotional generation. Videos should be created and posted • Virtual Test Drive videos on your inventory pages as well as your showroom connection for consumers and creates excitement, • Community involvement videos, such as charitable events, sports teams and civic organizations • Existing commercials and other marketing videos based on measurable goals, and aligned with a • Professionally written scripts by industry experts and consumer excitement for a product increases dealer’s overall marketing strategy. Further, while • Real human voices (not computerized) recorded by professional voice talent the likelihood of lead submission. • Videos displaying your showroom and facilities • Videos featuring happy customers and other testimonials there can be benefits to posting videos on third- • Broad coverage of virtually every make, model, body style and trim In addition, video allows branding and party sites like YouTube, videos are most effective • Comprehensive vehicle review including introduction, exterior and interior differentiation opportunities while providing a To YouTube or Not to YouTube? when posted on the dealership’s own Web site as a features, mechanical features and closing unique and professional 24/7 sales pitch. You There is healthy debate about the pros and cons of posting videos on YouTube. On one hand, it’s part of the overall marketing plan. • High-resolution digital spins, operational footage and image sequences can showcase your dealership’s personality incredibly easy to post videos on YouTube. And with millions of people visiting the site each day, • Stylized background music based on type of vehicle presented while making a human connection with shoppers YouTube can expand the reach of the dealership’s videos to new audiences. Further, since Google • Standard Flash Player eliminates the need for QuickTime/Windows Media online. Providing links to vehicle videos in owns YouTube, the VSEO capabilities are strong, and video search results can appear within plug-in outgoing e-mails is a great way to distinguish seconds of posting. • Advanced CarFlix™ Video Reporting in ControlCenter to track viewership and your dealership to consumers who are shopping engagement level For more information about multiple stores, and also increases the likelihood On the other hand, today it is just as easy to post videos on your own dealership’s Web site. After all, contact us at 866.790.1262, or by e-mail at that customers will visit your Web site. you may not want to reach millions of people around the world. You might just want to reach local
  • 8. leadershipsolution JohnFreund PAY YOURSELF FIRST No matter how hard invests $5,000 a year for 10 years, putting his a savings plan is by taking advantage of the you try to avoid total investment at $50,000 — exactly twice convenience of electronic funds transfer it, sometimes it seems like your day-to- as much as the early investor. (EFT). You may be familiar with this type day living expenses eat away your entire of service if you currently receive or make paycheck. Before you know it, the money Assuming an eight percent average annual electronic deposits to your bank account. in your paycheck seems to vanish, and you rate of return on their investments, if we jump This service is also available from other don’t even know where it went. And while ahead now to 20 years from the time our financial services firms, and paying yourself you’re focused on just making ends meet, two investors started, the difference in their first by using an EFT system can help you get putting money away for the future may be the accounts is substantial. Our early investor in the habit of saving. last thing on your mind. Even so, you need would have accumulated a total of roughly to remember that taking care of your longer- $100,493 in her account by this time. Keep Direct deposit allows you the opportunity to term financial goals is just as important as in mind she hasn’t put a penny of her own deposit all or part of your paycheck to the meeting your current needs. money in for the last 15 years. Meanwhile, account of your choice, so you could choose the late investor’s account has grown to only to set aside a certain portion to go directly to a Ever since the days of putting pennies in a $78,227, and he has been contributing each savings account as opposed to your checking piggybank, you’ve likely received plenty of year for the past 10 years. That means that account. Another way to take advantage advice on the value of saving your money. our early investor only put in half as much of EFT is to set up an automatic monthly But when mom and dad aren’t taking care of of her own money, and came out well over deposit. This is a simple, disciplined way to the necessities any more, and you have your $20,000 ahead. add to your account, authorizing a specific own bills to pay, it’s easy to lose track and amount to be transferred from one of your forget to save. As a reminder of just how Now, this example is only meant to illustrate accounts to another (i.e. from checking to a important it is to put part of your income the advantages of saving regularly and savings or investment account). aside — and to do it sooner, rather than later starting early. This does not reflect the — take a look at an example of just how the performance of any specific investment, nor Regardless of which method you choose — or numbers shake out. does it take into account the eventual effects even if you decide on completely different of taxes. It does, however, make the point investment strategy — putting aside money For this example we’ll use two investors very clear — by delaying 10 years in getting now will help you prepare to reach your — one who starts early and lets her savings started, the late investor loses out on the financial goals that lie further down the road. grow, and another who waits until later to benefits of compounding over a longer period begin. Let’s say the early investor puts away of time. $5,000 per year for five years, and then allows that investment to grow for 15 years without Disciplined investment habits aren’t always John Freund is the senior vice president of putting in another penny. The late investor, easy to come by, but there are several investments for Moors & Cabot. He can be on the other hand, waits for 10 years before things you can do to improve your savings contacted at 866.599.9162, or by e-mail at he even begins his savings plan. He then routine. One of the easiest ways to establish 1 4
  • 9. leadershipsolution JustinDuff FIT IS ESSENTIAL We learn at a young dealership? Choose the products that really New Products/Services Purchases: age that everything “fit.” Selecting an Inventory Management • Does a vendor we already work with offer requires a “fit.” If you buy new shoes without System or a new ILM is just like buying a this product/service? trying them on, chances are you’ll be sorry car or a new pair of shoes — it’s something • Can we use this product/service on a trial (and trust me, it’s not easy to find shoes that has to work for you, your employees and basis? when you have size 13 feet). The fit theory your business as a whole; it has to “fit” your • What is the contract length and continues as we grow up because we learn business development goal. To make sure cancellation policy for this product/ that, if you’re going to commit, it had better it fits, go out there and experience all that is service? be to something you like. I like to think my available. Right now, we’re in an uncertain • How is this product going to improve our last vehicle purchase serves as a good example time, and spending thousands of dollars on a dealership? of finding the right “fit” in my life. When all 12-month contract before you get a great feel • Will we need to cut something from our was said and done, I left the showroom with a for the product might not be a wise decision; budget to purchase this product/service? vehicle that fit my personality and lifestyle. instead, drive it before you buy it. In doing so, • Will this product/service replace your risk goes to zero and you can be confident something we currently use at our Would I buy a car based on looks alone? Not with the “fit” you’ve been searching for. dealership? entirely, and neither should anyone. Yes, a • What is the training period for this nice looking car is what first attracts me, but During these tough economic times it’s product/service? I need to dig deeper and make sure it has all important to consolidate your tools if possible. • What are their customer service hours? the features I want and need. I take a trip to There are great ways to save money by • What are the main features of this my local dealer and take a seat inside the car. bundling services. Take a look at your local product? I look around, play with the controls, grasp cable companies. Most offer TV, Internet and • How will we see a return on investment by the steering wheel in my hands, and try to phone all for one low rate. using this product? visualize myself driving down the road. I • How will this product benefit our Try to find a company that offers all of the customer/future customer relationships? analyze all of the features and amenities to products you need and is willing to combine determine how they will best “fit” my needs. their products and services at a discount that Upgrading Current Products/ If I think I’ve found a solid choice, I have “fits” your budget. You’ll find it trims the fat Services: to be sure. I need to take this baby for a test from your budget while continuing to offer • What am I currently paying for this drive to really experience it. Sitting in a car great management tools for your dealership product/service? on the showroom floor really only gives you and engagement tools for your customers. • What is the cost of upgrade (if any)? one-tenth of the actual enjoyment you’ll have driving your car. Test-driving isn’t the ONLY way to determine • Am I completely satisfied with this the “fit” for your dealership. The real key product/service? Now for the Test Drive: I slowly pull the car is being as informed as possible, because • What additional features/benefits do I out of the parking lot and give it some gas. in situations when you can’t just hop in the receive with the upgrade? The rush of acceleration is pretty fantastic. driver’s seat you still need to know what • Are there statistics to support the positive Check. I turn up the volume on the sound you’re getting into. To help determine what effects of an upgrade? system. Potential deafness. Check. My phone will work for you and your dealership I have • Does the upgrade require a renewed automatically connects with Bluetooth. Check. developed a list of questions for you to ask contract? The seats really support me through the turns. yourself and your vendors as you consider • Does the upgrade replace a product or Check. Heated seats warm me up within new products and services and look to upgrade service we are currently using? minutes. Check. After taking the car for a nice your current products. You may never know • How often do upgrades come out for this 30-minute drive I really got a better feel for the true ins-and-outs of a product until you product? the car and how it will “fit” me as I continue purchase it, but these questions will get you • What, if anything, does the upgrade to drive it. I love it. It was definitely the right answers you need to make a solid, informed require on the dealership end? choice, and I’m glad I took it for a spin. buying decision. After answering these • How will this upgrade keep our dealership questions, I hope you are able to reach a up-to-date with technological advances? As you approach marketing and services for decision about the most suitable product/ your dealership, the same principles apply. service to accommodate your dealership Justin Duff is the vice president of sales There are more services promising to make needs. That’s what it comes down to — for Dealer HD. He can be contacted at your dealership run than you can count, but choosing the most relevant product/service 866.867.0016, or by e-mail at how do you choose the right ones for your that is the perfect fit. 1 6