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Automated Out-of-Band Management
with Ansible and Redfish
Jose Delarosa, Dell EMC
October 23, 2017
Before we start
• Thank you for coming
• Please ask questions: It’s OK to interrupt
• If time runs out, happy to talk to you afterwards
Who am I
• Jose Delarosa (@jdelaros1)
– Linux Engineer at Dell EMC (13 years)
– Part-time technology evangelist
– Part-time developer
– Part-time systems engineer
– Full-time problem solver
1. iDRAC: provides out-of-band management
2. Redfish: provides scalability
3. Ansible: provides automation
4. Putting it all together:
iDRAC Overview
Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC)
• Embedded chip on a PowerEdge server, independent of the server’s
operating system and main power:
– Provides device inventory
– Detects hardware failure
– Manage power: turn off, on, hard reset
• Has its own Ethernet port, usually connected to separate
management network
• Referred to as “out-of-band” (OOB) management, as opposed to “in-
band” management provided by the operating system.
Storage Controller
Hard Drives
System Event Logs
Simple Out-of-Band Management
Redfish Overview
What is Redfish?
• Open source, open industry standard specification published by
the DMTF for hardware management.
• A RESTful API used to obtain information and exert control over
servers via an OOB controller.
• Built on a modern tool-chain, which includes HTTPS, JSON and
the OData standard.
• A redfish “command” is sent as a URI request, so a client can be
any application on a server, workstation or mobile device.
Scalable Out-of-Band Management
Health OK
HealthRollup OK
State Enabled
What can we do with Redfish?
• Get server health status
• Alert on server health status changes
• Retrieve hardware and firmware inventory
• Reset, reboot, and power control servers
• Access system logs
• Configure OOB controller
• Much more!
Redfish API tree structure
iDRAC operation APIs
Dell Redfish API URLs Comments
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Actions/Manager.Reset Used to perform iDRAC reset
Reports information about iDRAC's network services. Includes Web server,
SNMP, vMedia, Telnet, SSH, IPMI & KVM.
/redfish/v1/ Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/SerialInterfaces iDRAC BMC serial interface
/redfish/v1/ Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/SerialInterfaces/<Serial-key>
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Sel Access to server System Event Log
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Lclog Access to Lifecycle Controller Log
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Sel/Actions/LogService.ClearLog Used to clear LC Log
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia Status of iDRAC virtual media
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces iDRAC network interface
/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Accounts iDRAC user accounts
Chassis Inventory APIs
Dell Redfish API URLs Comments
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1 Top-level URI for server chassis
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Thermal System temperatures
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Fans Reports fan status for server and FX2 chassis
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Temperatures Reports thermal data for server and FX2 chassis
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Temperatures/<Sensor-FQDD> <Sensor-FQDD> addresses each temperature probe
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power Power consumption and supply status
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Voltages/<Voltage-FQDD> <Voltage-FQDD> addresses each voltage output
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/PowerSupplies/<PSU-FQDD> <PSU-FQDD> addresses each power supply
/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/Redundancy/<PSRedundancy-FQDD> <PSRedundancy-FQDD> addresses power supply redundancy
System status APIs
Dell Redfish API URLs Comments
/redfish/v1 Top-level API access
/redfish/v1/Systems Server inventory and status information access
/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset Server reset operation
/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Processors Details on CPUs
/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces Reports NIC IP address, DHCP and DNS information.
/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces/<EthernetInterface-FQDD> Example <EthernetInterface-FQDD> = NIC.Embedded.1-1-1
/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers Manages storage controllers (i.e. PERC).
Typical <Controller-FQDD>=RAID.Slot.N-1; describes details
of controller, backplane, enclosure, attached drives
Registries, Sessions, Tasks and Event APIs
Dell Redfish API URLs Comments
/redfish/v1/Registries/Messages/En PowerEdge message registry
/redfish/v1/odata Enables OData clients to navigate iDRAC Redfish resources
Provides a metadata document describing the resources and collections that are
available at the iDRAC Redfish service root URI
/redfish/v1/$metadata#<Collection or a single resource>
/redfish/v1/JSONSchemas Schema descriptions for all supplied data
/redfish/v1/SessionService Redfish session management
/redfish/v1/TaskService Redfish internal task management
/redfish/v1/EventService Redfish event management
/redfish/v1/EventSubscriptions/<Subscription ID>
Example: Get system health
$ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1 -k -u root:calvin | jq .Status
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollUp": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
Example: Get storage controller information
$ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers/RAID.Slot.4-1 -k -u root:calvin |
jq '{name: .Name, status: .Status.Health}’
"name": "PERC H740P Adapter ",
"status": "OK"
Example: Get HDD information
$ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers/RAID.Slot.4-1 -k -u root:calvin |
jq .Devices
"CapacityBytes": 599550590976,
"Manufacturer": "SEAGATE",
"Model": "ST600MM0238",
"Name": "Physical Disk 0:1:0",
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
"CapacityBytes": 599550590976,
"Manufacturer": "SEAGATE",
"Model": "ST600MM0238",
"Name": "Physical Disk 0:1:1",
"Status": {
"Health": "OK",
"HealthRollup": "OK",
"State": "Enabled"
Example: Get fan information
$ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Thermal -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Fans[] | {name:.Name,
reading: .Reading, health: .Status.Health}'
"name": "System Board Fan1",
"reading": 5640,
"health": "OK"
"name": "System Board Fan2",
"reading": 5640,
"health": "OK"
"name": "System Board Fan3",
"reading": 5640,
"health": "OK"
Example: Get thermal information
$ curl -s -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Temperatures[] |
{name:.Name, readingCelsius: .ReadingCelsius, health: .Status.Health}'
"name": "CPU1 Temp",
“readingCelsius": 29,
"health": "OK"
"name": "CPU2 Temp",
“readingCelsius": 28,
"health": "OK"
"name": "System Board Exhaust Temp",
“readingCelsius": 29,
"health": "OK"
Example: Get system event logs
$ curl -s https://<idrac-ip>/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Logs/Sel -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Members[] |
{date: .Created, message: .Message, severity: .Severity}'
"date": "2017-09-26T13:33:00-05:00",
"message": "Power supply redundancy is lost.",
"severity": "Critical"
"date": "2017-09-26T13:32:53-05:00",
"message": "The power input for power supply 2 is lost.",
"severity": "Critical"
"date": "2017-09-16T10:37:59-05:00",
"message": "Log cleared.",
"severity": "Ok"
Redfish Roadmap
• Version 1.x focused on servers. Will expand over time to cover
storage and network infrastructure.
• Will add devices over time to cover new technologies (i.e.
NVDIMMs, Multifunction Network Adapters)
• SNIA is developing Swordfish, which builds upon Redfish’s local
storage management to address advanced storage devices.
• Open source efforts (
– Client libraries (Python, Java, PowerShell)
– Redfish Mockup Creator / Server
– Redfishtool (CLI utility similar to ipmitool)
Ansible Overview
What is Ansible
• Automation software  makes repetitive tasks easy
• Agentless  minimum footprint
• No database back end  easy to install and use
• Defines desired state  OK to run task more than once
• Remote tasks are run in parallel  Efficient
• Easier to learn and use than shell scripts
Ansible use cases
• Compute nodes
• Storage nodes
• Controller nodes
IT Security Hardening
• Firewall rules
• Remove invalid users
• Install latest updates
Container Management
• Stop/remove containers
• Refresh container images
• Deploy with new images
 1-to-n management
 Executes tasks in parallel
Popular Ansible use cases
• Cloud infrastructure deployments
• Application installation & configuration
• Container management
• Security compliance
• IT audits
• OOB systems management
Ansible definitions
• Task: A task is the smallest unit of work. It can be an action like “Install a package”, “Remove a user”,
“Create a firewall rule” or “Copy this file to this location”.
• Play: A play is made up of tasks. For example, the Play “Prepare a database” is made up of tasks:
– Task: “Install the database package”
– Task: “Set password”
– Task: “Create database”
– Task: “Set database access”.
• Playbook: A playbook is made up of Plays. For example the playbook “Prepare a web site with a
database” is made of up Plays: 1) “Set up the database server” and 2) “Set up the web server”.
Playbook: Setup my web application
Play 1: Setup database
Task 1:
Install mysql
Task 2:
Create database
Play 2: Setup web server
Task 1:
Install httpd
Task 2:
site for TLS
Example: Automating routine tasks
$ groupadd admin
$ useradd -c Sys Admin -g admin -m sysman
$ mkdir /opt/tools
$ chmod 755 /opt/tools
$ chown sysman /opt/tools
$ yum -y install httpd
$ yum -y update
$ systemctl enable httpd
$ systemctl start httpd
$ rm /etc/motd
- name: daily tasks
hosts: my_100_daily_servers
- group: name=admin state=present
- user: name=sysman comment="Sys Admin" group=admin
- file: path=/opt/tools state=directory owner=sysman
- yum: name=httpd state=latest
- yum: name=* state=latest
- service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes
- file: path=/etc/motd state=absent
Say you provision 100 servers every
day and you run these commands
in each server:
The same commands can be placed in an Ansible
playbook and executed in 100 servers:
yaml format = easy to learn! yaml format = easy to organize!
One more Ansible definition
• Module
– An Ansible module is a program where a task is implemented.
– A playbook is where you specify the instructions (tasks) you want to run; a module
is the code to implement those instructions.
– Modules can be written in any language but most
popular is Python.
– If you are an operator, you will work mostly with
– If you are a developer, you will work mostly with
Scalable & Automated Out-of-Band Management
Health OK
HealthRollup OK
State Enabled
Putting it all together:
iDRAC + Redfish + Ansible
Ansible module and playbooks for iDRAC
• Manage your entire Dell EMC IT infrastructure (servers,
routers, switches, storage) from an Ansible controller.
• Automated monitoring, provisioning, firmware updates at
• Open source, so you can write your own extensions as
needed and contribute back to the community.
• To be included as an Ansible community module.
• Server Power On/Off; Reboot; Hard Reset
• Install BIOS, Configure BIOS, Reset to Default
• Configure iDRAC (CRUD operations):
– User & Password Management
– NTP and Time Zone settings
– Storage (RAID, Physical Disks, Virtual Disks)
• System Inventory – H/W, Firmware, Sensor
• OS Deployment – remote file share, vMedia
• Import / Export SCP – remote file share, vMedia
• Backup and Restore
– Server Profiles
Key lifecycle management tasks
• Upgrade using DSU (Dell Server Update) or
DUEC (Dell Update Engine for Consoles)
– Get list of available and applicable
– Firmware Upgrade
– BIOS Upgrade
– OS Drivers Upgrade
• Job Management
– Check JOB status
– Create JOB
– Delete JOB
– Create JOB Queue
– Delete JOB Queue
• Get Logs
– Export LC logs
– Export System Event Logs
Implementation example: get system inventory
Playbook: Execute: Output:
Inventory spreadsheet
• Collect inventory data, maintain in spreadsheet or database
Server iDRAC IP Model IP address BIOS CPU Type RAM Service Tag Status
webserver-1 PowerEdge R630 2.3.4 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
128 5W14Q47 OK
webserver-2 PowerEdge R630 2.3.4 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
128 5XR7Q32 OK
webserver-3 PowerEdge R630 2.3.2 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
128 5XT3QYY OK
appserver-1 PowerEdge R830 2.3.2 4
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
512 5XR7QXY OK
dbserver-1 PowerEdge R730 2.1.2 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
256 5XR7Q67 OK
dbserver-2 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
256 5WT4Q37 OK
dbserver-3 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
256 5WR4Q12 OK
dbserver-4 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @
256 5TT1Q21 OK
Implementation example: get HDD info and health
Playbook: Output:
Implementation example: get BIOS boot order
Execute: Output:
Development is ongoing. Contributions are welcome!
• iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller:
• Redfish API specification:
• Dell EMC PowerEdge Redfish API Overview:
• iDRAC Redfish API Reference Guide:
• Getting started with Ansible:
• jq JSON parser:
Thank you
Q & A
Automated out-of-band management with Ansible and Redfish

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Automated out-of-band management with Ansible and Redfish

  • 1. Talk Title Here Author Name, Company Automated Out-of-Band Management with Ansible and Redfish Jose Delarosa, Dell EMC October 23, 2017
  • 2. Before we start • Thank you for coming • Please ask questions: It’s OK to interrupt • If time runs out, happy to talk to you afterwards
  • 3. Who am I • Jose Delarosa (@jdelaros1) – Linux Engineer at Dell EMC (13 years) – Part-time technology evangelist – Part-time developer – Part-time systems engineer – Full-time problem solver
  • 4. Agenda 1. iDRAC: provides out-of-band management 2. Redfish: provides scalability 3. Ansible: provides automation 4. Putting it all together:
  • 6. Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) • Embedded chip on a PowerEdge server, independent of the server’s operating system and main power: – Provides device inventory – Detects hardware failure – Manage power: turn off, on, hard reset • Has its own Ethernet port, usually connected to separate management network • Referred to as “out-of-band” (OOB) management, as opposed to “in- band” management provided by the operating system.
  • 11. Fans
  • 16. What is Redfish? • Open source, open industry standard specification published by the DMTF for hardware management. • A RESTful API used to obtain information and exert control over servers via an OOB controller. • Built on a modern tool-chain, which includes HTTPS, JSON and the OData standard. • A redfish “command” is sent as a URI request, so a client can be any application on a server, workstation or mobile device.
  • 18. What can we do with Redfish? • Get server health status • Alert on server health status changes • Retrieve hardware and firmware inventory • Reset, reboot, and power control servers • Access system logs • Configure OOB controller • Much more!
  • 19. Redfish API tree structure
  • 20. iDRAC operation APIs Dell Redfish API URLs Comments /redfish/v1/Managers /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1 /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Actions/Manager.Reset Used to perform iDRAC reset /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/NetworkProtocol Reports information about iDRAC's network services. Includes Web server, SNMP, vMedia, Telnet, SSH, IPMI & KVM. /redfish/v1/ Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/SerialInterfaces iDRAC BMC serial interface /redfish/v1/ Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/SerialInterfaces/<Serial-key> /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Sel Access to server System Event Log /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Lclog Access to Lifecycle Controller Log /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/LogServices/Sel/Actions/LogService.ClearLog Used to clear LC Log /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia Status of iDRAC virtual media /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/VirtualMedia/<media-type> /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces iDRAC network interface /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces/<FQDD> /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/AccountService /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Accounts iDRAC user accounts /redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Accounts/<Account-Id>
  • 21. Chassis Inventory APIs Dell Redfish API URLs Comments /redfish/v1/Chassis /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1 Top-level URI for server chassis /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Thermal System temperatures /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Fans Reports fan status for server and FX2 chassis /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Fans/<Fan-FQDD> /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Temperatures Reports thermal data for server and FX2 chassis /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Temperatures/<Sensor-FQDD> <Sensor-FQDD> addresses each temperature probe /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power Power consumption and supply status /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/PowerControl /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Voltages /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Sensors/Voltages/<Voltage-FQDD> <Voltage-FQDD> addresses each voltage output /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/PowerSupplies /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/PowerSupplies/<PSU-FQDD> <PSU-FQDD> addresses each power supply /redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Power/Redundancy/<PSRedundancy-FQDD> <PSRedundancy-FQDD> addresses power supply redundancy
  • 22. System status APIs Dell Redfish API URLs Comments /redfish/v1 Top-level API access /redfish/v1/Systems Server inventory and status information access /redfish/v1/Systems/<ServiceTag+nodeid> /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset Server reset operation /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Processors Details on CPUs /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Processors/<Processor-FQDD> /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces Reports NIC IP address, DHCP and DNS information. /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces/<EthernetInterface-FQDD> Example <EthernetInterface-FQDD> = NIC.Embedded.1-1-1 /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces/<EthernetInterface-FQDD>/Vlans /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/EthernetInterfaces/<EthernetInterface-FQDD>/Vlans/<Vlan- FQDD> /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers Manages storage controllers (i.e. PERC). /redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers/<Controller-FQDD> Typical <Controller-FQDD>=RAID.Slot.N-1; describes details of controller, backplane, enclosure, attached drives
  • 23. Registries, Sessions, Tasks and Event APIs Dell Redfish API URLs Comments /redfish/v1/Registries/Messages/En PowerEdge message registry /redfish/v1/odata Enables OData clients to navigate iDRAC Redfish resources /redfish/v1/$metadata Provides a metadata document describing the resources and collections that are available at the iDRAC Redfish service root URI /redfish/v1/$metadata#<Collection or a single resource> /redfish/v1/JSONSchemas Schema descriptions for all supplied data /redfish/v1/JSONSchemas/<file> /redfish/v1/SessionService Redfish session management /redfish/v1/Sessions /redfish/v1/Sessions/<SessionId> /redfish/v1/TaskService Redfish internal task management /redfish/v1/EventService Redfish event management /redfish/v1/EventService/Actions/EventService.SubmitTestEvent /redfish/v1/EventSubscriptions /redfish/v1/EventSubscriptions/<Subscription ID>
  • 24. Example: Get system health $ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1 -k -u root:calvin | jq .Status { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollUp": "OK", "State": "Enabled" }
  • 25. Example: Get storage controller information $ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers/RAID.Slot.4-1 -k -u root:calvin | jq '{name: .Name, status: .Status.Health}’ { "name": "PERC H740P Adapter ", "status": "OK" }
  • 26. Example: Get HDD information $ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/System.Embedded.1/Storage/Controllers/RAID.Slot.4-1 -k -u root:calvin | jq .Devices [ { "CapacityBytes": 599550590976, "Manufacturer": "SEAGATE", "Model": "ST600MM0238", "Name": "Physical Disk 0:1:0", "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" } }, { "CapacityBytes": 599550590976, "Manufacturer": "SEAGATE", "Model": "ST600MM0238", "Name": "Physical Disk 0:1:1", "Status": { "Health": "OK", "HealthRollup": "OK", "State": "Enabled" } },
  • 27. Example: Get fan information $ curl -s https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Chassis/System.Embedded.1/Thermal -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Fans[] | {name:.Name, reading: .Reading, health: .Status.Health}' { "name": "System Board Fan1", "reading": 5640, "health": "OK" } { "name": "System Board Fan2", "reading": 5640, "health": "OK" } { "name": "System Board Fan3", "reading": 5640, "health": "OK" } ..
  • 28. Example: Get thermal information $ curl -s -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Temperatures[] | {name:.Name, readingCelsius: .ReadingCelsius, health: .Status.Health}' { "name": "CPU1 Temp", “readingCelsius": 29, "health": "OK" } { "name": "CPU2 Temp", “readingCelsius": 28, "health": "OK" } { "name": "System Board Exhaust Temp", “readingCelsius": 29, "health": "OK" } ..
  • 29. Example: Get system event logs $ curl -s https://<idrac-ip>/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Logs/Sel -k -u root:calvin | jq '.Members[] | {date: .Created, message: .Message, severity: .Severity}' .. { "date": "2017-09-26T13:33:00-05:00", "message": "Power supply redundancy is lost.", "severity": "Critical" } { "date": "2017-09-26T13:32:53-05:00", "message": "The power input for power supply 2 is lost.", "severity": "Critical" } { "date": "2017-09-16T10:37:59-05:00", "message": "Log cleared.", "severity": "Ok" }
  • 30. Redfish Roadmap • Version 1.x focused on servers. Will expand over time to cover storage and network infrastructure. • Will add devices over time to cover new technologies (i.e. NVDIMMs, Multifunction Network Adapters) • SNIA is developing Swordfish, which builds upon Redfish’s local storage management to address advanced storage devices. • Open source efforts ( – Client libraries (Python, Java, PowerShell) – Redfish Mockup Creator / Server – Redfishtool (CLI utility similar to ipmitool)
  • 32. What is Ansible • Automation software  makes repetitive tasks easy • Agentless  minimum footprint • No database back end  easy to install and use • Defines desired state  OK to run task more than once • Remote tasks are run in parallel  Efficient • Easier to learn and use than shell scripts
  • 33. Ansible use cases OpenStack • Compute nodes • Storage nodes • Controller nodes IT Security Hardening • Firewall rules • Remove invalid users • Install latest updates Container Management • Stop/remove containers • Refresh container images • Deploy with new images  1-to-n management  Executes tasks in parallel
  • 34. Popular Ansible use cases • Cloud infrastructure deployments • Application installation & configuration • Container management • Security compliance • IT audits • OOB systems management
  • 35. Ansible definitions • Task: A task is the smallest unit of work. It can be an action like “Install a package”, “Remove a user”, “Create a firewall rule” or “Copy this file to this location”. • Play: A play is made up of tasks. For example, the Play “Prepare a database” is made up of tasks: – Task: “Install the database package” – Task: “Set password” – Task: “Create database” – Task: “Set database access”. • Playbook: A playbook is made up of Plays. For example the playbook “Prepare a web site with a database” is made of up Plays: 1) “Set up the database server” and 2) “Set up the web server”. Playbook: Setup my web application Play 1: Setup database Task 1: Install mysql package Task 2: Create database customer_db Play 2: Setup web server Task 1: Install httpd package Task 2: Configure site for TLS
  • 36. Example: Automating routine tasks $ groupadd admin $ useradd -c Sys Admin -g admin -m sysman $ mkdir /opt/tools $ chmod 755 /opt/tools $ chown sysman /opt/tools $ yum -y install httpd $ yum -y update $ systemctl enable httpd $ systemctl start httpd $ rm /etc/motd - name: daily tasks hosts: my_100_daily_servers tasks: - group: name=admin state=present - user: name=sysman comment="Sys Admin" group=admin - file: path=/opt/tools state=directory owner=sysman mode=0755 - yum: name=httpd state=latest - yum: name=* state=latest - service: name=httpd state=started enabled=yes - file: path=/etc/motd state=absent Say you provision 100 servers every day and you run these commands in each server: The same commands can be placed in an Ansible playbook and executed in 100 servers: yaml format = easy to learn! yaml format = easy to organize!
  • 37. One more Ansible definition • Module – An Ansible module is a program where a task is implemented. – A playbook is where you specify the instructions (tasks) you want to run; a module is the code to implement those instructions. – Modules can be written in any language but most popular is Python. – If you are an operator, you will work mostly with playbooks. – If you are a developer, you will work mostly with modules.
  • 38. Scalable & Automated Out-of-Band Management Management Network { Health OK HealthRollup OK State Enabled } https://<idrac>/redfish/v1/Systems/Systems.Embedded.1
  • 39. Putting it all together: iDRAC + Redfish + Ansible
  • 40. Ansible module and playbooks for iDRAC • Manage your entire Dell EMC IT infrastructure (servers, routers, switches, storage) from an Ansible controller. • Automated monitoring, provisioning, firmware updates at scale. • Open source, so you can write your own extensions as needed and contribute back to the community. • To be included as an Ansible community module.
  • 41. • Server Power On/Off; Reboot; Hard Reset • Install BIOS, Configure BIOS, Reset to Default • Configure iDRAC (CRUD operations): – User & Password Management – NTP and Time Zone settings – Storage (RAID, Physical Disks, Virtual Disks) • System Inventory – H/W, Firmware, Sensor • OS Deployment – remote file share, vMedia • Import / Export SCP – remote file share, vMedia • Backup and Restore – Server Profiles Key lifecycle management tasks • Upgrade using DSU (Dell Server Update) or DUEC (Dell Update Engine for Consoles) – Get list of available and applicable updates – Firmware Upgrade – BIOS Upgrade – OS Drivers Upgrade • Job Management – Check JOB status – Create JOB – Delete JOB – Create JOB Queue – Delete JOB Queue • Get Logs – Export LC logs – Export System Event Logs
  • 42. Implementation example: get system inventory Playbook: Execute: Output:
  • 43. Inventory spreadsheet • Collect inventory data, maintain in spreadsheet or database Server iDRAC IP Model IP address BIOS CPU Type RAM Service Tag Status webserver-1 PowerEdge R630 2.3.4 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz 128 5W14Q47 OK webserver-2 PowerEdge R630 2.3.4 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz 128 5XR7Q32 OK webserver-3 PowerEdge R630 2.3.2 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.40GHz 128 5XT3QYY OK appserver-1 PowerEdge R830 2.3.2 4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.60GHz 512 5XR7QXY OK dbserver-1 PowerEdge R730 2.1.2 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.33GHz 256 5XR7Q67 OK dbserver-2 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.33GHz 256 5WT4Q37 OK dbserver-3 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.33GHz 256 5WR4Q12 OK dbserver-4 PowerEdge R730 2.3.4 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v3 @ 2.33GHz 256 5TT1Q21 OK
  • 44. Implementation example: get HDD info and health Playbook: Output:
  • 45. Implementation example: get BIOS boot order Playbook: Execute: Output:
  • 47. Resources • iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller: • Redfish API specification: • Dell EMC PowerEdge Redfish API Overview: • iDRAC Redfish API Reference Guide: • Getting started with Ansible: • jq JSON parser:

Editor's Notes

  1. DMTF = Distributed Management Task Force, consortium of 65 tech companies OData (Open Data Protocol) is an OASIS standard for transferring data. A RESTful API -- also referred to as a RESTful web service -- is based on representational state transfer (REST) technology, an architectural style and approach to communications often used in web services development. URI = Uniform Resource Identifier IPMI = Intelligent Platform Management
  2. DMTF = Distributed Management Task Force, consortium of tech companies The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is developing Swordfish, which builds upon Redfish’s local storage management capabilities to address enterprise storage services.