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Automate Yo' Self!
OpenWest 2016
Sandy UT
John SJ Anderson
if anybody has any questions or i'm going too fast, please throw up a hand and ask -- or i'm here all week, grab me
on the hallway track
Hi, I'm John.
hi, i'm john
i go by genehack most places on line.
today i'm going to talk to you today about some tools and tricks i have for being productive while developing. but
before i do that, i need to explain a bit about why i needed it. my life is busy.
i've got a dog.
dog's got a twitter account.
Two kids
two daughters
A Wife
and a wife that i like to hang out with
long-suffering conference widow
A Wife
photobomber is
not impressed.
A Wife
long-suffering conference widow
I've also got a job
and i have a few hobbies -- maintain some Perl modules,
Trying to learn Swift, check out Angular 2,
reading, hiking, cooking,
I've got a lot of balls in the air
don't have time for trivial nonsense, so i use a lot of automation and other "lifehacks"
occasionally, you just have to automate yo' self!
Basic Principles
whenever i'm trying to do this, there are some basic principles that i try to keep in mind
none of this automation stuff should require me to think -- if i have to think about it, it's not really saving me any time
This is my "you made me think" face.
the whole point is not having to think.
Consistency is Good.
so, in those terms, one thing that's essential: make everything the same. have a standard directory layout under $HOME. you shouldn't have to think about
what system you're on, what shell, what project. things should just be the same -- or at least *correct* -- all the time
Idempotence is better!
Idempotence: the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result
beyond the initial application
so, here's an example of idempotence, a utility i wrote to manage symlinks and directories in my home directory
"everything in its place"
"mise en place" is a French phrase meaning "everythng in its place" -- it comes from cooking, and the principle that you should have all your ingredients
prepped and ready to go before you start cooking. i wanted something to make sure i always had my standard directory layout under $HOME as well as
setting up various symlinks
% cat ~/.mise
- doc
- etc
- private
- proj/*
- src/*
- bin
- proj
- proj/go/src/
- src
- var
- Desktop: var/tmp
- Desktop: tmp
here's what the top level config for mise looks like -- it goes in .mise in your home directory. we have a list of
directories we want to manage (more on that in a minute) and a set of directories and symlinks to create. links are
% cat proj/emacs/.mise
- DIR: ~/.emacs.d
- bin/build-most-recent-emacs: BIN
- bin/e: BIN
- bin/ec: BIN
- bin/git-blame-from-line-num: BIN
- bin/map-test-lib: BIN
this is a per-project config file. mise has a couple special keywords DIR and BIN, that refer to the directory
containing the .mise file and ~/bin, respectively
the advantage of this is you don't need to have a huge gnarly $PATH with a bunch of project directories in it,
everything is just symlinked into ~/bin
% mise
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs -> ~/.emacs.d
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/build-most-recent-emacs -> ~/bin/build-most-recent-emacs
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/e -> ~/bin/e
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/ec -> ~/bin/ec
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/git-blame-from-line-num -> ~/bin/git-blame-from-line-num
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/map-test-lib -> ~/bin/map-test-lib
% mise
% rm ~/bin/e
% mise
[LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/e -> ~/bin/e
when we run mise for the first time, you can see it creates all those links. if we run it again, it does NOTHING.
Idempotency for the win! If you remove a link and run it again, it creates _just_ that link
get it from your favorite CPAN mirror
available on CPAN, minimal dependencies, works on any perl from this decade.
ok, so that handles getting a consistent directory structure, and linking project binaries. what if you have other per-project stuff that you want to set up?
environment variables or other stuff?
Automatically run code when entering or
leaving directories or sub-directories
enter smartcd, which hooks the 'cd' command and then runs scripts when you enter or leave a directory (or even a subdirectory)
% smartcd show enter
/Users/genehack/.smartcd/scripts/Users/genehack/fake-node-proj/bash_enter exists
# smartcd enter - /Users/genehack/fake-node-proj
# This is a smartcd script. Commands you type will be run when you
# enter this directory. The string __PATH__ will be replaced with
# the current path. Some examples are editing your $PATH or creating
# a temporary alias:
# autostash PATH=__PATH__/bin:$PATH
# autostash alias restart="service stop; sleep 1; service start"
# See for more ideas about what can be put here
autostash NODE=4.2.3
autostash PATH=$PATH:__PATH__/node_modules/.bin/
nvm use $NODE
smartcd has 'edit' and 'show' subcmds (and a bunch of others), and 'leave' and 'enter' scripts. here's an enter script
for an arbitrary node project. the autostash keyword sets up an environment variable that will be *unset* when you
leave this directory. you can also run arbitrary commands; the 'nvm' command here selects a version of node to use
% cd ~/fake-node-proc
Now using node v4.2.3 (npm v2.14.7)
% echo xx$NODE
% cd ..
% echo xx$NODE
here's what it looks like when you cd into that directory. and you can see the env var is set. if we change back out of
the directory, the environment variable is unset.
pretty cool, available on github. works with bash and zsh. really easy to install.
i can pay this the highest possible compliment: i haven't forked it or needed to patch it in any way, i just use a checkout from the upstream repo
speaking of per-project settings, let's talk for a minute about application builders.
here are some of the ones i've used or use now. perlbrew and plenv let you have multiple perls. nvm does the same thing for node. similar tools exist for
python, ruby, etc.
then there's GitGitr, which I wrote while maintaining Git wrapper library. I needed to be able to quickly install arbitrary Git versions while responding to bug
reports -- so I wrote a little tool that does that.
Similarly, I'm an Emacs user. If a new version is released, I want to upgrade, across all my systems - so I scripted that.
Consistency Corollary:
Don't trust system binaries
Back at the beginning, I said "consistency is good". Now, if you're developing on MacOS and deploying to Linux (or dev-ing on Ubuntu and deploying to
Debian), you're probably not going to have the same version of tool from the OS (and if you do now, it's not going to last). Even if the versions are the
same, there may have been vendor patches applied.
Automate building your
critical tools.
No, if you really want to be consistent, the best approach is to build the tools that are most critical for your project. ("Build" in this case may just mean
automating the install; it doesn't have to mean "build from source".) Note: only do this for the *important* stuff. (include examples)
The Silver Searcher
Speaking of tools, here's a tool that has literally improved my entire development life -- the silver searcher. Anybody
here using this?

ok, so, grep -- everybody knows grep, right? let's you search for text inside files, which is something you do a lot
while developing code.

powerful, speedy, indiscriminate
so, grep is super powerful in terms of what you can search for, and it's pretty quick, but it's not very selective. you
can list all the files you want to search, or search whole dir trees, but you quickly realize this sucks, because of things
like .git directories. anybody ever do a recursive grep on a big git checkout? yeah.

anybody here use ack? ack is a grep-like tool written in perl.

powerful, selective, slow
it's just as powerful as grep in terms of what you can search for, but it's recursive by default (which is what you want)
and it's smart about ignoring .git and SVN stuff. the problem is, it's pretty slow, particularly to start up (because

enter ag (which is what the binary for the silver searcher is called.

powerful, selective, FAST
ag works much like ack (not _exactly_, but close enough), but it's written in C and it's oh so fast.
The Silver Searcher
available on Github, also packaged in several Linux distros. again, no higher compliment than to say I just build
from a checkout of the upstream. have never needed to fork or patch
My biggest productivity/automation tip
so, here's my single biggest tip in this whole talk. are you ready? brace yourselves.
Revision control
this is it. anybody know what this is?
this is your home directory under revision control
Why bother?
no, but seriously. it's a little bit of a pain to develop the discipline but once you get used to having _everything_
under revision control, it's nice. you don't have to worry about experimenting with anything, backing stuff up, or
dealing with cross-machine variation in your environments
originally i had series of kludgy shell scripts to manage repo updates and checkouts
super ugly and not worth sharing
and then, inspiration: Ingy döt Net talking about App::AYCABTU @ PPW2010
Ingy döt Net
this is ingy - he's a crazy awesome open source hacker guy who has done a whole bunch of stuff. probably best
known for being one of the inventors of YAML
Things I wanted to steal
the thing ingy had developed had a bunch of stuff i wanted to steal:
The basic idea
The interface
Info about repositories in config file
Flexible ways of selecting repos for operations – by #, by name, by tag
Things I wanted to add	
Support for more than just Git
Locate repositories in arbitrary locations
Easily add and remove repositories
Ability to easily extend with more subcommands
Most importantly: better name!
and finally, the name. what even is this.
Thus was born GitGot
Installs a ‘got’ command
Uses Moo and App::Cmd under the covers
Add new subcommands by writing a single class!
Whirlwind Tour
Let's take a whirlwind tour of how got works
got add
you tell got about repos using the 'add' command, from inside the git repo
% got add
Name: foo
Path: /Users/genehack/foo
Tags: bar
it'll prompt you for required info, and supply sensible defaults. note that you can also apply tags (space-delimited)
got add -D
or you can just add the '-D' switch and it'll automatically use the defaults
got clone <REPO URL>
you can also clone a remote repo, which will check it out into the working directory and add it to got, prompting
you for details
% got clone
Name: [app-gitgot]:
Path: [/Users/genehack/app-gitgot]:
Tags: :
Cloning into '/Users/genehack/app-gitgot'...
it'll prompt you for required info, and supply sensible defaults. note that you can also apply tags (space-delimited)
got clone -D <REPO URL>
got clone also respects the '-D' switch
got fork <GITHUB URL>
finally, you can give got a github url, and it will fork that project under your github id, then check it out into the
current directory and add it to got
all the info about the repos managed by got lives in this .gitgot file in your home directory
- name: App-Amylase
path: /Users/genehack/proj/App-Amylase
type: git
- name: Git-Wrapper
path: /Users/genehack/proj/Git-Wrapper
tags: git
type: git
- name: HiD
path: /Users/genehack/proj/HiD
type: git
- name: Perl-Build
path: /opt/plenv/plugins/perl-build
repo: git://
type: git
it's just a simple YAML formatted line, totally hand-editable (although you shouldn't _need_ to do that, you can)
note that repos can be located anywhere on the disk, don't have to under a common dir or in your home or
whatever. anywhere you can write to is fair game
But now what?
ok, so you've added all your git repositories to got. what now?
got list
well, you can get a list of them
got ls
which you can shorten to this
1) App-Amylase git
2) Git-Wrapper git
3) HiD git
4) Perl-Build git git://
5) Perl-Critic git
6) STAMPS git
7) advanced-moose-class git ssh://
8) app-gitgitr git
9) app-gitgot git
that'll get you this sort of listing.
got ls -q
if you don't want to see the upstream repo info, you can use the '-q' or '--quiet' switch
1) App-Amylase
2) Git-Wrapper
3) HiD
4) Perl-Build
5) Perl-Critic
7) advanced-moose-class
8) app-gitgitr
9) app-gitgot
and that'll get you this output.
note the numbers - those will give you a way to select repos for other commands
got ls [repos]
easiest way to demo that is with an example. you can restrict the listing
got ls 5
this will just list repo #5 for example
5) Perl-Critic
also, note that the list is always sorted the same way, so the numbers will be stable (unless you add new repos)
got ls 5-8
you can also give a range of repos
5) Perl-Critic
7) advanced-moose-class
8) app-gitgitr
and that'll give you that range, like you would expect
got ls HiD
you can also specify repos by name
3) HiD
got ls -t git
or by using tags. can specify multiple tags with multiple '-t' switches. they combine with 'or' semantics.
2) Git-Wrapper
8) app-gitgitr
9) app-gitgot
here are all the repos tagged with 'git' (at least in our example)
got ls 5-8 HiD 21 -t git
finally, you can combine all of these selection methods together. here we're asking for repos 5 thru 8, the repo
named HiD, repo 21, and all repos tagged with git
2) Git-Wrapper
3) HiD
5) Perl-Critic
7) advanced-moose-class
8) app-gitgitr
9) app-gitgot
21) etc
and this is what we get
note that most commands operate on all repos, and any that do, you can use these techniques to restrict the
command to a subset.
What else you got?
That's cool.
(no pun intended.)
got status
you can check the status of your repos.
*all* your repos
got st
or if you're into the whole brevity thing...
1) App-Amylase : OK
2) Git-Wrapper : OK
3) HiD : OK
4) Perl-Build : OK
5) Perl-Critic : OK
7) advanced-moose-class : OK
8) app-gitgitr : OK
9) app-gitgot : OK
that'll get you output like this.
again, note the use of color to give quick visual cues
1) App-Amylase : OK
2) Git-Wrapper : OK
3) HiD : Dirty
4) Perl-Build : OK
5) Perl-Critic : OK
7) advanced-moose-class : OK
8) app-gitgitr : OK
9) app-gitgot : OK
got status will let you know if a repo has uncommitted changes.
super handy if, for example, working on one machine and are going to move to another one and want to see what
hasn't been committed.
1) App-Amylase : OK
2) Git-Wrapper : OK
3) HiD : OK
4) Perl-Build : OK
5) Perl-Critic : OK
6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1
7) advanced-moose-class : OK
8) app-gitgitr : OK
9) app-gitgot : OK
1) App-Amylase : OK
2) Git-Wrapper : OK
3) HiD : OK
4) Perl-Build : Dirty
5) Perl-Critic : OK
7) advanced-moose-class : OK
8) app-gitgitr : OK
9) app-gitgot : OK
1) App-Amylase : OK
2) Git-Wrapper : OK
3) HiD : OK
4) Perl-Build : OK
5) Perl-Critic : OK
6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1
7) advanced-moose-class : OK
8) app-gitgitr : OK
9) app-gitgot : OK
Ahead by 1
it'll also tell you if you have local commits that haven't been pushed to the remote yet
got st -q
finally, you can use the '-q' switch to hide the "uninteresting" stuff
got st -q
3) HiD : Dirty
6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1
Ahead by 1
which in this case is all the repos that don't have changes and are up to date
got update
you can also run 'git pull' across all your repos
got up
which abbreviates to 'up'
and yeah, i should have called it pull but i'm a dummy and we're stuck with it now.
1) App-Amylase : Up to date
2) Git-Wrapper : Up to date
3) HiD : Up to date
4) Perl-Build : Updated
Updating 7f25f89..72587c8
lib/Perl/ | 14 +++++++++++++-
script/perl-build | 14 +++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
5) Perl-Critic : Up to date
it'll do pretty much what you expect (and it supports '-q' too)
got update_status
finally, there's a command that combines both those, because it's something i do pretty frequent -- update
everything, then look at the status of everything
got upst
surprise - you can abbreviate that one too
got upst -q
and it also supports the '--quiet' option to only show you the interesting stuff
How much would you pay?
so, how much would you pay?
Wait, don't answer yet
got fetch
if you're not a fan of the way 'git pull' works you can also run 'git fetch' via got.
got push
you can even do a push across all your repos at once. (personally, this strikes me as insane but somebody sent in a
patch, so...)
got gc
you can garbage collect all your repos
got this
at some point, somebody sent in a patch to add 'got this' -- which tells you if the current directory is under got
got that <DIRECTORY>
this provoked somebody else to send in a 'got that' command, which does the same thing, but takes a path to
got chdir
finally, there are a number of commands that help you jump to the directory of a project. got chdir
got cd
also spelled 'got cd', will change your current working directory to the given repo (note that this is one of the few
got commands that requires a single repo)
got tmux
we also have tmux integration -- 'got tmux' will open a new tmux window with the working directory in your repo.
this _can_ be done with multiple repos. better, the tux window is persistent; as long as it's open 'got tmux' will just
select the already open window, not open a new one
got tmux -s
you can also spawn whole new tmux sessions if you prefer those to windows -- and again, those will be re-used as
long as they're around
How much

you pay

Good news!
It's free!
Works on any perl 

from the last 5 years
cpan App::GitGot
installation is simple
cpanm App::GitGot
can be even simpler
If you're not sure
what 'cpanm' is,
come to my
Paleolithic Perl
Programmer talk
tomorrow at 4pm!
blatant plug
Find me at OpenWest
and I'll help you install!
or you can find me on the hallway track and i'll help you get it installed on your machine
Easy to extend
package App::GitGot::Command::chdir;
# ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project
use 5.014;
use App::GitGot -command;
use Moo;
extends 'App::GitGot::Command';
use namespace::autoclean;
sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / }
sub _execute {
my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;
unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) {
say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo';
my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos;
chdir $repo->path
or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)" and exit(1);
exec $ENV{SHELL};
package App::GitGot::Command::chdir;
# ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project
use Moo;
extends 'App::GitGot::Command';
sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / }
sub _execute {
my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;
unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) {
say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo';
my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos;
chdir $repo->path
or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)"
and exit(1);
exec $ENV{SHELL};
package App::GitGot::Command::chdir;
# ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project
use 5.014;
use App::GitGot -command;
use Moo;
extends 'App::GitGot::Command';
use namespace::autoclean;
sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / }
sub _execute {
my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_;
unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) {
say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo';
my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos;
chdir $repo->path
or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)" and exit(1);
exec $ENV{SHELL};
Suggestions welcome!
areas for improvement:
support for other VCSen
better config management tools
any other crazy workflow improvement you can think of!
OpenWest organizers

Ingy döt Net

Yanick Champoux 

Michael Greb

Rolando Pereira

Chris Prather
photo credits:
all photos by speaker except
Ingy döt Net photo -
and pug -
and automate yo'self - somewhere on the net
as i said, i'm here all week and i *love* to talk to people about this productivity type stuff, so grab me on the
hallway track. i'm friendly.

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Automate Yo' Self

  • 1. Automate Yo' Self! OpenWest 2016 Sandy UT John SJ Anderson @genehack if anybody has any questions or i'm going too fast, please throw up a hand and ask -- or i'm here all week, grab me on the hallway track
  • 2. Hi, I'm John. hi, i'm john
  • 3. @genehack i go by genehack most places on line. today i'm going to talk to you today about some tools and tricks i have for being productive while developing. but before i do that, i need to explain a bit about why i needed it. my life is busy.
  • 5. @sammygenehack dog's got a twitter account.
  • 7. A Wife and a wife that i like to hang out with
  • 9. photobomber is not impressed. A Wife long-suffering conference widow
  • 11. Hobbies and i have a few hobbies -- maintain some Perl modules,
  • 12. Hobbies Trying to learn Swift, check out Angular 2,
  • 14. I've got a lot of balls in the air don't have time for trivial nonsense, so i use a lot of automation and other "lifehacks"
  • 15. AUTOMATE YO' SELF occasionally, you just have to automate yo' self!
  • 16. Basic Principles whenever i'm trying to do this, there are some basic principles that i try to keep in mind
  • 17. Don't Make Me Think none of this automation stuff should require me to think -- if i have to think about it, it's not really saving me any time
  • 18. This is my "you made me think" face. the whole point is not having to think.
  • 19. Consistency is Good. so, in those terms, one thing that's essential: make everything the same. have a standard directory layout under $HOME. you shouldn't have to think about what system you're on, what shell, what project. things should just be the same -- or at least *correct* -- all the time
  • 20. Idempotence is better! Idempotence: the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science, that can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application
  • 21. App::MiseEnPlace so, here's an example of idempotence, a utility i wrote to manage symlinks and directories in my home directory
  • 22. App::MiseEnPlace "everything in its place" "mise en place" is a French phrase meaning "everythng in its place" -- it comes from cooking, and the principle that you should have all your ingredients prepped and ready to go before you start cooking. i wanted something to make sure i always had my standard directory layout under $HOME as well as setting up various symlinks
  • 23. % cat ~/.mise --- manage: - doc - etc - private - proj/* - src/* create: directories: - bin - proj - proj/go/src/ - src - var links: - Desktop: var/tmp - Desktop: tmp here's what the top level config for mise looks like -- it goes in .mise in your home directory. we have a list of directories we want to manage (more on that in a minute) and a set of directories and symlinks to create. links are source:target
  • 24. % cat proj/emacs/.mise --- create: links: - DIR: ~/.emacs.d - bin/build-most-recent-emacs: BIN - bin/e: BIN - bin/ec: BIN - bin/git-blame-from-line-num: BIN - bin/map-test-lib: BIN this is a per-project config file. mise has a couple special keywords DIR and BIN, that refer to the directory containing the .mise file and ~/bin, respectively the advantage of this is you don't need to have a huge gnarly $PATH with a bunch of project directories in it, everything is just symlinked into ~/bin
  • 25. % mise [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs -> ~/.emacs.d [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/build-most-recent-emacs -> ~/bin/build-most-recent-emacs [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/e -> ~/bin/e [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/ec -> ~/bin/ec [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/git-blame-from-line-num -> ~/bin/git-blame-from-line-num [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/map-test-lib -> ~/bin/map-test-lib % mise % rm ~/bin/e % mise [LINK] created ~/proj/emacs/bin/e -> ~/bin/e when we run mise for the first time, you can see it creates all those links. if we run it again, it does NOTHING. Idempotency for the win! If you remove a link and run it again, it creates _just_ that link
  • 26. App::MiseEnPlace get it from your favorite CPAN mirror available on CPAN, minimal dependencies, works on any perl from this decade.
  • 27. smartcd ok, so that handles getting a consistent directory structure, and linking project binaries. what if you have other per-project stuff that you want to set up? environment variables or other stuff?
  • 28. smartcd Automatically run code when entering or leaving directories or sub-directories enter smartcd, which hooks the 'cd' command and then runs scripts when you enter or leave a directory (or even a subdirectory)
  • 29. % smartcd show enter /Users/genehack/.smartcd/scripts/Users/genehack/fake-node-proj/bash_enter exists ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ######################################################################## # smartcd enter - /Users/genehack/fake-node-proj # # This is a smartcd script. Commands you type will be run when you # enter this directory. The string __PATH__ will be replaced with # the current path. Some examples are editing your $PATH or creating # a temporary alias: # # autostash PATH=__PATH__/bin:$PATH # autostash alias restart="service stop; sleep 1; service start" # # See for more ideas about what can be put here ######################################################################## autostash NODE=4.2.3 autostash PATH=$PATH:__PATH__/node_modules/.bin/ nvm use $NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- smartcd has 'edit' and 'show' subcmds (and a bunch of others), and 'leave' and 'enter' scripts. here's an enter script for an arbitrary node project. the autostash keyword sets up an environment variable that will be *unset* when you leave this directory. you can also run arbitrary commands; the 'nvm' command here selects a version of node to use
  • 30. % cd ~/fake-node-proc Now using node v4.2.3 (npm v2.14.7) % echo xx$NODE xx4.2.3 % cd .. % echo xx$NODE xx here's what it looks like when you cd into that directory. and you can see the env var is set. if we change back out of the directory, the environment variable is unset.
  • 31. smartcd pretty cool, available on github. works with bash and zsh. really easy to install. i can pay this the highest possible compliment: i haven't forked it or needed to patch it in any way, i just use a checkout from the upstream repo
  • 32. App/Env Builders are your friends speaking of per-project settings, let's talk for a minute about application builders.
  • 33. perlbrew plenv nvm App::GitGitr build-most- recent-emacs here are some of the ones i've used or use now. perlbrew and plenv let you have multiple perls. nvm does the same thing for node. similar tools exist for python, ruby, etc. then there's GitGitr, which I wrote while maintaining Git wrapper library. I needed to be able to quickly install arbitrary Git versions while responding to bug reports -- so I wrote a little tool that does that. Similarly, I'm an Emacs user. If a new version is released, I want to upgrade, across all my systems - so I scripted that.
  • 34. Consistency Corollary: Don't trust system binaries Back at the beginning, I said "consistency is good". Now, if you're developing on MacOS and deploying to Linux (or dev-ing on Ubuntu and deploying to Debian), you're probably not going to have the same version of tool from the OS (and if you do now, it's not going to last). Even if the versions are the same, there may have been vendor patches applied.
  • 35. Automate building your critical tools. No, if you really want to be consistent, the best approach is to build the tools that are most critical for your project. ("Build" in this case may just mean automating the install; it doesn't have to mean "build from source".) Note: only do this for the *important* stuff. (include examples)
  • 36. The Silver Searcher Speaking of tools, here's a tool that has literally improved my entire development life -- the silver searcher. Anybody here using this?
  • 37. grep? ok, so, grep -- everybody knows grep, right? let's you search for text inside files, which is something you do a lot while developing code.
  • 38. grep? powerful, speedy, indiscriminate so, grep is super powerful in terms of what you can search for, and it's pretty quick, but it's not very selective. you can list all the files you want to search, or search whole dir trees, but you quickly realize this sucks, because of things like .git directories. anybody ever do a recursive grep on a big git checkout? yeah.
  • 39. ack? anybody here use ack? ack is a grep-like tool written in perl.
  • 40. ack? powerful, selective, slow it's just as powerful as grep in terms of what you can search for, but it's recursive by default (which is what you want) and it's smart about ignoring .git and SVN stuff. the problem is, it's pretty slow, particularly to start up (because Perl)
  • 41. ag! enter ag (which is what the binary for the silver searcher is called.
  • 42. ag! powerful, selective, FAST ag works much like ack (not _exactly_, but close enough), but it's written in C and it's oh so fast.
  • 43. The Silver Searcher available on Github, also packaged in several Linux distros. again, no higher compliment than to say I just build from a checkout of the upstream. have never needed to fork or patch
  • 44. My biggest productivity/automation tip so, here's my single biggest tip in this whole talk. are you ready? brace yourselves.
  • 45. Revision control $HOME this is it. anybody know what this is? this is your home directory under revision control
  • 46. Why bother? no, but seriously. it's a little bit of a pain to develop the discipline but once you get used to having _everything_ under revision control, it's nice. you don't have to worry about experimenting with anything, backing stuff up, or dealing with cross-machine variation in your environments
  • 47. say automation again originally i had series of kludgy shell scripts to manage repo updates and checkouts super ugly and not worth sharing and then, inspiration: Ingy döt Net talking about App::AYCABTU @ PPW2010
  • 48. Ingy döt Net this is ingy - he's a crazy awesome open source hacker guy who has done a whole bunch of stuff. probably best known for being one of the inventors of YAML
  • 49. Things I wanted to steal the thing ingy had developed had a bunch of stuff i wanted to steal: The basic idea The interface Info about repositories in config file Flexible ways of selecting repos for operations – by #, by name, by tag
  • 50. Things I wanted to add Support for more than just Git Locate repositories in arbitrary locations Easily add and remove repositories Ability to easily extend with more subcommands Most importantly: better name!
  • 51. App::AYCABTU?!?!‽ and finally, the name. what even is this.
  • 52. GitGot Thus was born GitGot Installs a ‘got’ command Uses Moo and App::Cmd under the covers Add new subcommands by writing a single class!
  • 53. Whirlwind Tour Let's take a whirlwind tour of how got works
  • 54. got add you tell got about repos using the 'add' command, from inside the git repo
  • 55. % got add Name: foo URL: Path: /Users/genehack/foo Tags: bar it'll prompt you for required info, and supply sensible defaults. note that you can also apply tags (space-delimited)
  • 56. got add -D or you can just add the '-D' switch and it'll automatically use the defaults
  • 57. got clone <REPO URL> you can also clone a remote repo, which will check it out into the working directory and add it to got, prompting you for details
  • 58. % got clone Name: [app-gitgot]: Path: [/Users/genehack/app-gitgot]: Tags: : Cloning into '/Users/genehack/app-gitgot'... it'll prompt you for required info, and supply sensible defaults. note that you can also apply tags (space-delimited)
  • 59. got clone -D <REPO URL> got clone also respects the '-D' switch
  • 60. got fork <GITHUB URL> finally, you can give got a github url, and it will fork that project under your github id, then check it out into the current directory and add it to got
  • 61. ~/.gitgot all the info about the repos managed by got lives in this .gitgot file in your home directory
  • 62. - name: App-Amylase path: /Users/genehack/proj/App-Amylase repo: type: git - name: Git-Wrapper path: /Users/genehack/proj/Git-Wrapper repo: tags: git type: git - name: HiD path: /Users/genehack/proj/HiD repo: type: git - name: Perl-Build path: /opt/plenv/plugins/perl-build repo: git:// type: git it's just a simple YAML formatted line, totally hand-editable (although you shouldn't _need_ to do that, you can) note that repos can be located anywhere on the disk, don't have to under a common dir or in your home or whatever. anywhere you can write to is fair game
  • 63. But now what? ok, so you've added all your git repositories to got. what now?
  • 64. got list well, you can get a list of them
  • 65. got ls which you can shorten to this
  • 66. 1) App-Amylase git 2) Git-Wrapper git 3) HiD git 4) Perl-Build git git:// 5) Perl-Critic git 6) STAMPS git 7) advanced-moose-class git ssh:// 8) app-gitgitr git 9) app-gitgot git that'll get you this sort of listing.
  • 67. got ls -q if you don't want to see the upstream repo info, you can use the '-q' or '--quiet' switch
  • 68. 1) App-Amylase 2) Git-Wrapper 3) HiD 4) Perl-Build 5) Perl-Critic 6) STAMPS 7) advanced-moose-class 8) app-gitgitr 9) app-gitgot and that'll get you this output. note the numbers - those will give you a way to select repos for other commands
  • 69. got ls [repos] easiest way to demo that is with an example. you can restrict the listing
  • 70. got ls 5 this will just list repo #5 for example
  • 71. 5) Perl-Critic also, note that the list is always sorted the same way, so the numbers will be stable (unless you add new repos)
  • 72. got ls 5-8 you can also give a range of repos
  • 73. 5) Perl-Critic 6) STAMPS 7) advanced-moose-class 8) app-gitgitr and that'll give you that range, like you would expect
  • 74. got ls HiD you can also specify repos by name
  • 76. got ls -t git or by using tags. can specify multiple tags with multiple '-t' switches. they combine with 'or' semantics.
  • 77. 2) Git-Wrapper 8) app-gitgitr 9) app-gitgot here are all the repos tagged with 'git' (at least in our example)
  • 78. got ls 5-8 HiD 21 -t git finally, you can combine all of these selection methods together. here we're asking for repos 5 thru 8, the repo named HiD, repo 21, and all repos tagged with git
  • 79. 2) Git-Wrapper 3) HiD 5) Perl-Critic 6) STAMPS 7) advanced-moose-class 8) app-gitgitr 9) app-gitgot 21) etc and this is what we get note that most commands operate on all repos, and any that do, you can use these techniques to restrict the command to a subset.
  • 80. What else you got? That's cool.
  • 82. got status you can check the status of your repos. *all* your repos
  • 83. got st or if you're into the whole brevity thing...
  • 84. 1) App-Amylase : OK 2) Git-Wrapper : OK 3) HiD : OK 4) Perl-Build : OK 5) Perl-Critic : OK 6) STAMPS : OK 7) advanced-moose-class : OK 8) app-gitgitr : OK 9) app-gitgot : OK that'll get you output like this. again, note the use of color to give quick visual cues
  • 85. 1) App-Amylase : OK 2) Git-Wrapper : OK 3) HiD : Dirty 4) Perl-Build : OK 5) Perl-Critic : OK 6) STAMPS : OK 7) advanced-moose-class : OK 8) app-gitgitr : OK 9) app-gitgot : OK Dirty got status will let you know if a repo has uncommitted changes. super handy if, for example, working on one machine and are going to move to another one and want to see what hasn't been committed.
  • 86. 1) App-Amylase : OK 2) Git-Wrapper : OK 3) HiD : OK 4) Perl-Build : OK 5) Perl-Critic : OK 6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1 7) advanced-moose-class : OK 8) app-gitgitr : OK 9) app-gitgot : OK 1) App-Amylase : OK 2) Git-Wrapper : OK 3) HiD : OK 4) Perl-Build : Dirty 5) Perl-Critic : OK 6) STAMPS : OK 7) advanced-moose-class : OK 8) app-gitgitr : OK 9) app-gitgot : OK Dirty 1) App-Amylase : OK 2) Git-Wrapper : OK 3) HiD : OK 4) Perl-Build : OK 5) Perl-Critic : OK 6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1 7) advanced-moose-class : OK 8) app-gitgitr : OK 9) app-gitgot : OK Ahead by 1 it'll also tell you if you have local commits that haven't been pushed to the remote yet
  • 87. got st -q finally, you can use the '-q' switch to hide the "uninteresting" stuff
  • 88. got st -q 3) HiD : Dirty 6) STAMPS : OK Ahead by 1 Dirty Ahead by 1 which in this case is all the repos that don't have changes and are up to date
  • 89. got update you can also run 'git pull' across all your repos
  • 90. got up which abbreviates to 'up' and yeah, i should have called it pull but i'm a dummy and we're stuck with it now.
  • 91. 1) App-Amylase : Up to date 2) Git-Wrapper : Up to date 3) HiD : Up to date 4) Perl-Build : Updated Updating 7f25f89..72587c8 Fast-forward lib/Perl/ | 14 +++++++++++++- script/perl-build | 14 +++++++++++++- 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) 5) Perl-Critic : Up to date Updated it'll do pretty much what you expect (and it supports '-q' too)
  • 92. got update_status finally, there's a command that combines both those, because it's something i do pretty frequent -- update everything, then look at the status of everything
  • 93. got upst surprise - you can abbreviate that one too
  • 94. got upst -q and it also supports the '--quiet' option to only show you the interesting stuff
  • 95. How much would you pay? so, how much would you pay?
  • 97. got fetch if you're not a fan of the way 'git pull' works you can also run 'git fetch' via got.
  • 98. got push you can even do a push across all your repos at once. (personally, this strikes me as insane but somebody sent in a patch, so...)
  • 99. got gc you can garbage collect all your repos
  • 100. got this at some point, somebody sent in a patch to add 'got this' -- which tells you if the current directory is under got control
  • 101. got that <DIRECTORY> this provoked somebody else to send in a 'got that' command, which does the same thing, but takes a path to check
  • 102. got chdir finally, there are a number of commands that help you jump to the directory of a project. got chdir
  • 103. got cd also spelled 'got cd', will change your current working directory to the given repo (note that this is one of the few got commands that requires a single repo)
  • 104. got tmux we also have tmux integration -- 'got tmux' will open a new tmux window with the working directory in your repo. this _can_ be done with multiple repos. better, the tux window is persistent; as long as it's open 'got tmux' will just select the already open window, not open a new one
  • 105. got tmux -s you can also spawn whole new tmux sessions if you prefer those to windows -- and again, those will be re-used as long as they're around
  • 106. How much would you pay now ?
  • 108. Works on any perl from the last 5 years
  • 110. cpanm App::GitGot can be even simpler
  • 111. BLATANT PUG If you're not sure what 'cpanm' is, come to my Unfrozen Paleolithic Perl Programmer talk tomorrow at 4pm! blatant plug
  • 112. Find me at OpenWest and I'll help you install! or you can find me on the hallway track and i'll help you get it installed on your machine
  • 114. package App::GitGot::Command::chdir; # ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project use 5.014; use App::GitGot -command; use Moo; extends 'App::GitGot::Command'; use namespace::autoclean; sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / } sub _execute { my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_; unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) { say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo'; exit(1); } my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos; chdir $repo->path or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)" and exit(1); exec $ENV{SHELL}; } 1;
  • 115. package App::GitGot::Command::chdir; # ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project use Moo; extends 'App::GitGot::Command';
  • 116. sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / }
  • 117. sub _execute { my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_; unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) { say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo'; exit(1); } my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos; chdir $repo->path or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)" and exit(1); exec $ENV{SHELL}; }
  • 118. package App::GitGot::Command::chdir; # ABSTRACT: open a subshell in a selected project use 5.014; use App::GitGot -command; use Moo; extends 'App::GitGot::Command'; use namespace::autoclean; sub command_names { qw/ chdir cd / } sub _execute { my( $self, $opt, $args ) = @_; unless ( $self->active_repos and $self->active_repos == 1 ) { say STDERR 'ERROR: You need to select a single repo'; exit(1); } my( $repo ) = $self->active_repos; chdir $repo->path or say STDERR "ERROR: Failed to chdir to repo ($!)" and exit(1); exec $ENV{SHELL}; } 1;
  • 119. Suggestions welcome! areas for improvement: support for other VCSen better config management tools any other crazy workflow improvement you can think of!
  • 120. Thanks OpenWest organizers Ingy döt Net Yanick Champoux Michael Greb Rolando Pereira Chris Prather photo credits: all photos by speaker except Ingy döt Net photo - and pug - and automate yo'self - somewhere on the net
  • 121.
  • 122. Questions? as i said, i'm here all week and i *love* to talk to people about this productivity type stuff, so grab me on the hallway track. i'm friendly.