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to Run and Build Your

Inside Sales Team
      Ken Krogue
      President & Co-founder

      Trish Bertuzzi
      President & Chief Strategist
      The Bridge Group, Inc

                                                                                                                                  Page 2

                          From Ken Krogue

Trish Bertuzzi is one of my favorite people.   sitting in the audience taking notes when    counsel, motivate or replace salespeople
She is one of the reigning thought leaders     she is on stage.                             to build the best team possible.
and most respected people in the industry.
She is a lot of fun and a wonderful person.    One of her specialties is hiring and on-     Also available in this eBook are tips from
                                               boarding. Her annual research study on       Ken Krogue on how to create the ultimate
And she is incredible at what she does.        compensation in the inside sales and lead    inside sales department once your execu-
                                               generation space is one of the bibles of     tive has been hired. From where to gather
She teaches executives and managers how        the industry. So a few months ago we were    lists and leads to how to create an efficient
to build incredible inside sales teams that    chatting and had this crazy idea to col-     sales culture, all executives and inside
get results. She is one of the best in         laborate on an eBook together on the very    sales professionals will learn the best prac-
the world.                                     topics that could help the industry con-     tices of inside sales essentials.
                                               tinue to grow.
I stalked her for months on LinkedIn and                                                    This eBook is based on content originally
followed her amazing LinkedIn Group            I like to partner with the best...           found in a joint webinar with Trish and Ken.
called Inside Sales Experts, the largest       Thanks Trish.
online inside sales group in the world. I                                                   Access the webinar,
was really careful not to step outside of                                         
her group rules because she is a stickler
                                               In this eBook
for participating the right way. That is why   Trish Bertuzzi will share what a great
her group is the best there is.                Executive hiring process should look like.
                                               Great managers know how to recruit top
She and I speak at the same events a           performers, lead a multi-generational
couple of times a year, and I never miss       workforce, encourage reps to grow, and | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                       Share this eBook:
Table of Contents
                                                                                                                                                            Page 3

Introduction From Ken Krogue����������������������������������������������������������������2                         Published by
About the Authors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4              34 East 1700 South
                                                                                                                       Provo, Utah 84606
Step 1: Scoping�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5         887-798-9633
Step 2: Recruiting����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Step 3: Evaluating��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9           Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

Step 4: Onboarding����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
How to Create the Ultimate Inside Sales Department���������������������� 12
Where to Get Leads���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Defining Your Selling Model������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Compensation Strategies������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16
Quality, Speed, Price�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Culture��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18
BANT vs. ANUM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
7 Rules to Increase Contact Ratios������������������������������������������������������ 20
Top Sales Manager Obstacles���������������������������������������������������������������� 21
Summary  Credits��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                                                  Share this eBook:
About the Authors
                                                                                                           Page 4

                          Ken Krogue                                          Trish Bertuzzi
                          President and Co-Founder                            President and Chief Strat-
                                                                              egist of the Bridge Group,

Ken is a results driven sales leader and             Author Jonathan Franzen said “one-half of a
visionary for the inside sales industry. The         passion is obsession, the other half is love.”
research and data driven approach he uses            With that in mind, ask anyone who’s met Trish
has led to best practices of contacting and          and they’ll tell you - she is passionate about
closing leads. He pioneered the powerful             inside sales. Over the last two decades, Trish
sales automation PowerDialer which greatly           has promoted inside sales as a community,
increases the effectiveness and efficiency of        profession and engine for revenue growth. In
inside sales professionals. Ken is also a regu-      the process, The Bridge Group has worked
lar contributor to                       with 200+ B2B clients to build, expand and
                                                     optimize their inside sales efforts. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                          Share this eBook:
Page 5

                       Step 1: Scoping

                                           When you go to hire the ultimate sales          your market, who you sell to, your brand-
                                           executive, it’s important to objectively        ing and name recognition, etc..

“Managers                                  scope out the job. I have this conversation
                                           all the time when talking about hiring pro-
                                           files. The first thing you need to know is
                                                                                           Clear role definition, up front, combats
                                                                                           ‘role pollution’ down the line. Sales Lead-
                                           that managers manage and                         ers, almost by definition, are going to be

 Manage                                   directors direct.

                                           Managers manage existing process. They
                                                                                            pulled at from all sides. If you haven’t done
                                                                                           the early work on scoping the role, the
                                                                                           situation will be only exacerbated.
                                           typically don’t create it. If you’re a start-

  Directors                                up or a brand new organization and you
                                           haven’t yet defined what repeatable, scal-
                                           able success looks like you don’t need a
                                                                                           You can take a chance on a sales rep. You
                                                                                           can never take a chance on an executive.
                                           manager. You need a director. You need

     Direct”                               someone who has created process from
                                           scratch and knows when things are going
                                           awry and knows how to fix it.

                                           When looking for an executive, you need
                                           someone that is as closely aligned to per-
                                           fect as possible based on where you are in | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                      Share this eBook:
Page 6

                             Step 1: Scoping

What it Means to Manage                             Remember
                                                    Being a great sales leader is not intuitive.
In the book “Challenger Sale” the authors           Having had a great Sales Manager is very
talk about management fundamentals.                 different from knowing why a Sales Man-
When looking for someone to lead your               ager was great. It is much easier to teach
sales team, you’re looking for someone              someone your product and your market
with integrity, reliability and listening skills.   than it is to teach them great
If they have those three traits they aren’t         leadership skills.
going to be a great manger, let alone the
ultimate sales manager.                             Alternatively, if you do have a great inter-
                                                    nal candidate and you have the bandwidth
While it’s an excellent thing to provide            available to work with them and be their
internal candidates with promotion, it’s            mentor, go for it! The worst thing you can
important to remember that great sales              do is promote someone and leave them
reps don’t necessarily make great manag-            to figure it out on their own. You’re set-
ers. They may excel at selling skills, but if       ting everyone, the group, the manager and
they don’t have those fundamentals you’re           yourself, up for failure.
going to be at risk. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                           Share this eBook:
Page 7

                       Step 2: Recruiting

                                           Now that you’ve locked down scope, how         •	 Create something visual and easy to
                                           do you attract the ideal candidate? More          share with SlideShare. Showcase
                                           of the typical job description is not going       your big name clients or your high
                                           to cut through the noise.                         profile investors.

                                           Remember, this isn’t going to be an easy       •	 Package all this up into a ‘Position Kit’.
                                           hire. Everyone is competing for the ulti-         This is brief that says exactly what you
                                           mate sales executive and there aren’t             are looking for and what they will gain
                                           enough to go around. It’s important that          by taking this position.
                                           your company, the position, and you per-
                                           sonally stand out from the crowd.             After you’ve created all these resources,
                                                                                         share them with your recruiters, social net-
                                           How to Stand Out:                             work contacts, and LinkedIn groups. See
                                            •	 Use “them” centric messaging not “us”     if your contacts know of anyone who may
                                               centric. How will they learn and grow     be a good fit and then share the Position
                                               in the position?                          Kit with them. This is much more engaging
                                                                                         and effective than just a text-based
                                            •	 Incorporate video into your job           job description.
                                               description. Show the people, both
                                               reps and senior leadership, behind
                                               the job description. Have them answer
                                               “Why is the position critical/exciting/
                                               amazing?” | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                    Share this eBook:
Page 8

                          Step 2: Recruiting
                                               How are you marketing positions?
Passing the ‘Sniff Test’
Once the candidates start coming in, it’s
 important that you are ready to pass their
“sniff test”. Great managers and great                 Leveraging
 executives are going to be trying to figure           Networks                             LinkedIn Jobs
 out a few things up front including:

 •	 Is the role is focused or am I expected
    to wear several different hats?
 •	 Does this company know their target
    market or am I going to have to figure
    all this out?
 •	 Is there support for this group? Or am                     20%
    I inheriting the red-headed stepchild?
 •	 Does the infrastructure exist? What
    CRM, marketing automation, produc-
    tivity tools are available?                                           20%
                                                                                   Other | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                    Share this eBook:
Page 9

                          Step 3: Evaluating

The best method for evaluating candidates      Tip                                             Highlights to Incorporate into your Inter-
is by creating a scorecard. This allows all    It’s important that everyone on the inter-      view Process
the people involved in the hiring process to   view team be asking about the same
be aligned in their evaluations and for you    competencies, but not the same questions.        •	 Who developed the sales process for
to be able to objectively evaluate             You want to take the time to investigate            you team?
their feedback.                                specific areas and skills. There are multiple
                                               questioning techniques that will allow you       •	 Who overviewed the adoption of
When in the interview process, it’s            to accomplish this. No need to be repeti-           that process?
important to look for someone whose            tive and ask the standard “Where do you
experience most closely aligns to your         see yourself in 5 years?” type questions.        •	 What does your onboarding process
company’s. For example, if they are famil-     This is an opportunity to learn about the           look like and what’s your role in
iar with selling into the B2B space but you    candidate. Don’t blow it.                           that process?
sell into higher education, their skills may
not translate. While this doesn’t necessar-    The Interview                                    •	 What are you getting from marketing
ily disqualify somebody from being your        So much of the focus on hiring an execu-            in terms of leads and support?
ultimate executive, it’s important to think    tive is around what questions to ask. That
about how their previous experience aligns     could be a whole eBook on itself. For some      The ability to answer the questions above
with your company. You’ll also want to hear    ideas of what to ask your prospect during       is going to further differentiate if they are
their views on how they handle                 the interview, we put together this article.    a manager or a director. Additionally, the
the transition.                                                                                interviewer will be able to figure out the
                                                                                               candidate’s level of experience. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                          Share this eBook:
Page 10

                           Step 4: Onboarding

               A best practice        their priorities. Don’t turn them
               after hiring your      into paper pushers or spread-
               executive is to        sheet jockeys. Let them be a
               put them through       strategic thinking executive and
               the exact same         create an effective inside sales
onboarding as the sales reps          department.
they will be working with. This
will allow them to quickly identify   Don’t forget ongoing support. I
what works in the process and          often advise Sales Managers,
what doesn’t while simultane-         “Remember, be a coach not a
ously coming up to speed.              ghost.” The advice holds true for
                                      Senior Leadership as well. Don’t
This is a win/win. They get to        bring this executive onboard,
experience and fix your onboard-       give them a big slap on back,
ing process all at the same time.     and then disappear until the
                                      first forecast review. That would
Tip                                   be doing them and their team a
                                                                           Free eBook on Onboarding Sales Reps
Once you hire an inside sales          grave disservice.
executive, it’s important that you
let them do what you hired them
                                                                                     Download Now
to do. Don’t hire them against
one set of goals and then invert | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                              Share this eBook:
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How to Create the Ultimate
                                                                                                                                 Page 12

                            Inside Sales Department

What Do You Sell?                            Who Do You Sell To?                            Tip
                                                                                            Do a ‘deep dive’ of your current customer
When first starting a new position as an     Figuring out your target market is critical.   pool and run a summary of which indus-
executive at a new company, it’s important   There are several questions you should be      tries, company sizes, and titles currently in
to start thinking big picture.               able to answer such as:                        your customer database. This will give you
                                                                                            a good indication of where to focus your
What is it that you sell?                    •	 Do you sell into the B2B space or are       efforts. Focus on the ones that are your
                                                you more B2C?                               best customers.
When Masahiko Goto from Makita asked
his employees, “What is it that we sell?”    •	 What size of company do you target?
they responded, “Power Tools and Drills.”
Interestingly enough, they were wrong.       •	 What is the title, title level and title
Goto responded, “We sell a hole in the          function of the decision maker
wall.”                                          you’re targeting?
To figure out what need you fulfill, look    It’s important that you are able to answer
at the end result of what you sell so you    these questions in order to effectively
know what you’re doing to add value to       strategize and target your sales and mar-
the world.                                   keting efforts. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                      Share this eBook:
How to Create the Ultimate
                                                                                                                  Page 13

                          Inside Sales Department

Find the Need                                        EXISTING CREATE
                                                         EXISTING CREATE
As an executive, when starting to build                  Redirect aRedirect a river
                                                                    river                 Dig a well Dig a well
your inside sales department, there are
two paradigms to consider when finding

 •	 A river of existing need that is
    already flowing

 •	 Digging a well to try to create need.
From experience, it’s much easier to tap
into an existing need, if possible.

To find a need, go out to Google Keyword
Tool and type in the words that would lead
people to your company. This shows if         If you do have to create need, your model
your product/service is an existing need by   will be heavily focused on educating
if people are already searching on those      prospects.
terms searching for solutions. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                   Share this eBook:
Page 14

                       Where to Get Leads

     To Find                               Think about your existing assets when
                                           thinking of where to get leads. Existing
                                           lead generation assets include:
                                                                                          List / Leads
                                                                                          One of the first things every sales execu-
                                                                                          tive should do when starting a new
                                                                                          position is test the list and lead sources

   the Best                                 •	
                                                 Web Leads
                                                 Email Database
                                                 Tradeshow Lists
                                                                                          currently being used by their new

                                            •	   List Vendors                             Randomly pick 300 leads from each list

  Source for                               	
                                                 Lead Vendors	
                                                                                          and see which lists result in the highest
                                                                                          contact ratios. This is absolutely critical to
                                                                                          the success of a sales department.
                                           It’s also important to consider the size of

   Leads it’s                              leads that are bringing in the type of deals
                                           that keep sales afloat. However, the most
                                           important thing to consider is what lead
                                                                                          Whether you’re the new executive of a
                                                                                          startup that is building everything from
                                                                                          scratch, a turn-around company that
                                           sources produce the best leads. To deter-      you’re hoping to get out of stagnant

  Important                                mine this, it’s important that you test.

                                                                                          growth, or a company that’s already doing
                                                                                          well but wants to do better the process is
                                                                                          always the same.
                                           While testing is typically a marketing

      to Test                              strategy, it’s very important that sales
                                           executives learn this.
                                                                                          Test your lists and leads to see which ones
                                                                                          are working and which are not. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                     Share this eBook:
Page 15

                          Defining Your Selling Model

Defining your selling method poses some             Selling Methods
really big questions. Is your selling method
a specialist or general model?

In a research study con-
ducted with Dr. James Oldroyd, it was
discovered there was a seven point differ-
ence between the close ratios between the
specialist model vs. a generalist model.            Generalist Model                           Specialist Model
                                                    The sales rep is someone who finds         This model has a specialized rep han-
That means if the average generalist is             and qualifies the lead, closes the deal,   dling each step: finding and qualifying,
getting a twelve percent close ratio, a spe-        and delivers the customer to support.      closing the deal, and delivering to cus-
cialist model in the same space is getting a                                                   tomer support.
nineteen percent close ratio. So that’s not
seven percent, that’s seven points.

When designing your inside sales depart-
ment, you may decide that a hybrid model       up and coming account executive (both
is best. These decisions need to be made       of these are closers), and two or three
early on.                                      business development reps. These sales
                                               professionals are supported by engineers,
At, we have teams with         developers, and implementation managers
a veteran regional sales manager, an           and specialists to assist them. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                         Share this eBook:
Page 16

                           Compensation Strategies

Depending on the type of sales reps           The Harvard Business Review did a study
you will be hiring, there are a few differ-   a few years back that discovered that
ent models to follow when determining         pay itself was not the key motivator for
compensation.                                 employees. However, lack of enough pay
                                              or lack of pay that’s aligned was a big
Lead Generation Reps                          de-motivator. The areas of personal rec-
  1.	 Base Salary	                            ognition, achievement, personal growth
  2.	 Effort Bonus (20% of base salary)	      and learning (mentioned previously) were
  3.	 Lead Bonus                              much stronger overall motivators.
  4.	 Revenue Share
	                                                                                          Motivate Your Reps
  1.	 Base Salary
  2.	 Base Commission                                                                     Bring gamification to your team.
  3.	 Accelerator (depending on level
                                                                                           •	 Capture reps competitive energy
      above quota)
	                                                                                          •	 Real time performance ranking
                                                                                           •	 Results oriented environment

                                                                                                Click for Details | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                 Share this eBook:
Page 17

                           Quality, Speed, Price

As an executive, it’s important to define
who you are as a company, or as a division
of that company.

Years ago, the comedian Red Skelton from
NBC said, “Quality, Speed or Price. Pick
any two.” What this means is if you’re a
price and speed based company then qual-
ity may suffer. Alternatively, if you’re a
quality centered organization with a low
price, you aren’t as worried about speed.

It can be very difficult to do all three. Few
companies have accomplished it. Decide
now what areas you are going to focus on
and stick to your decision.
                                                Price                          Speed | The Bridge Group, Inc.                   Share this eBook:
Page 18

Once a high-end, ultimate sales executive      Tip                                             As a sales manager, ask yourself, “Where
comes on board, the first thing they have      The culture of your department directly         is my culture? Which area motivates my
to deal with is culture. There are two kinds   impacts your customers. Always perform          employees to want to come to work and to
of culture: the culture of the company and     a net promoter score test to see how            excel to get the job done?”
the culture within the sales organization.     your culture is impacting your customer’s
                                               experience.                                     The best mix of motivators is love and duty.
The culture found within the sales orga-                                                       When fear and hate start entering into a
nization can either be a huge asset or a                                                       company’s culture it can create a
huge liability to an executive depending on
                                               4 Levels of Motivation                          toxic environment.
how it’s shaped.                               When determining how to motivate your
                                               employees to increase efficiency and
The good news? The sales executive is the      productivity, it’s important that sales exec-
one who shapes the culture more than           utives understand the different levels of
anybody else.                                  motivation. While they all get results, they
                                               create very different feelings of the culture
At, we have built our own      of your organization.
culture – we call it “scrappy.” We work
extremely hard, invest in technology, and
                                               4 Levels of Motivation:
perform community service. All of these
                                                •	 Love	    •	 Duty
activities contribute to our culture and
                                                •	 Fear	    •	 Hate
shape what it is. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                          Share this eBook:
Page 19

                          BANT vs. ANUM
BANT                                          ANUM                                         RANDUM
B	 =	 Budget                                   A	 =	 Authority                               R	 =	 Rarely
A	 =	 Authority                                N	 =	 Need                                    A	 =	 Any
N	 =	 Need                                     U	 =	 Urgency                                 N	 =	 Need
T	 =	 Timing                                   M	=	 Money                                    D	 =	 Decision Maker
                                                                                             U	 =	 Urgency
                                                                                             M	=	 Money
How do you qualify your leads and how          The BANT model was reexamined and it          From many years of experience in inside
do you forecast? A model that has been         was found that only 25% of companies          sales, we’ve found if you find the right
around for over 25 years is BANT               make purchase decisions based on their        decision maker and build the need, the
                                               annual budget. Therefore, a new model         urgency and money tend to appear. Addi-
                                               needed to be created to reflect these         tionally, there is a third model that some
                                               findings called ANUM                          companies base their business on
                                                                                             called RANDUM

If you’re randomly qualifying your leads then your forecast capabilities are almost 50/50.
You could practically flip a coin and predict the outcome. It’s important that you define
your qualification model so that you can accurately forecast. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                        Share this eBook:
7 Rules to Increase
                                                                                                                                     Page 20

                         Contact Ratios

From industry research, conducted by the      1.	 Immediacy – Respond to leads within 5 minutes. The odds of contacting a lead within research division, called a       the first 5 minutes versus waiting 30 minutes drops 100 times.
ResponseAudit, we’ve found the average        	
company takes 48 hours and 44 minutes         2.	 Persistency – A best practice is to make six calls on all outbound leads and nine calls on
to respond to their web-generated leads.          inbound leads. Always leave three voicemails and emails. Any more than that and you
Additionally, only 27 percent of web-gener-       become a pest.
ated leads are ever contacted.
                                              3.	 Optimal – Include a field on web forms asking your prospect when the best time to reach
                                                  them is. If they want to be contacted, they will tell you when to call.
These rules will dramatically increase the
number of leads you are able to contact       4.	 Time of Day – From internal research, has determined the beginning
and create a better contact ratio than the        and the end of the work day are the best time to make contact.
industry average.                             	
	                                             5.	 Day of Week – From the same internal research, has determined that
Tip                                               Tuesday is the worst day of the week. Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays are the best.
Check out’s LocalPres-        	
ence product which allows sales reps to       6.	 Direct Dial – As a best practice, have your reps ask for direct telephone numbers to
display a local number when calling into a        decision makers. This will increase contact ratios and help avoid gatekeepers.
long distance area code.                      	
                                              7.	 Caller ID – Research has shown that by displaying a local number of the Caller ID of the
For a more in-depth discussion on increas-        person you’re trying to reach, the chances of them answering improve 57.8 percent.
ing contact ratios, download our cold
calling and contact ratio eBook. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                          Share this eBook:
Page 21

                                   Top Sales Manager Obstacles
       Top Problems of the Inside Sales Industry
100%                                                                                                              ’s research study, “The
                                                                                                                            Top Problems of the Inside Sales Industry,”
                                                                                                                            surveyed sales reps and managers across
 75%                                                                                                                        the United States to determine what obsta-
                                                                                                                            cles are most common in the industry.
                    48.3%                                                                                                   Specifically, the top three problems sales
                                      41.1%                                                                                 managers are having in the industry are:
                                                                                                                   23.4%     1.	 Finding good leads	
 25%                                                                   20.9%                                                 2.	 Hiring the Right People	
                                                                                                   9.4%                      3.	 Accurately Reporting Information
  0%                                                                                                                        Download the executive summary of the
         Finding     Hiring the       Making Sure       Properly      Compensating    Employee   Using the Right    Other   research report to view a complete over-
       Good Leads   Right People     Information is   Training Reps    Sales Agents   Turnover     Equipment
                                   Reported Correctly                                                                       view of the research. | The Bridge Group, Inc.                                                                                       Share this eBook:
Summary  Credits
                                                                                             Page 22

From this eBook, you now understand the best practices in hiring    CO NTENT
the ultimate executive and creating an effective inside sales       Ken Krogue |

                                                                    Trish Bertuzzi |
What now?                                                 
From implementing these best practices, you can now confidently
hire, onboard, and set your newly hired executive loose to be the
strategic thinker you hired them to be.                             WRITERS
                                                                    Alex Orton |
This eBook was based on a webinar originally presented by Trish     Jessica Winn |
Bertuzzi and Ken Krogue. View the webinar at www.insidesales.
com/webinar.                                                        CO PY EDITO R
                                                                    Jessica Dyer |

                                                                    Scott Humphries | | The Bridge Group, Inc.                               Share this eBook:
Inside Sales Metrics                 Boost Contact Rates
for SaaS Companies
Focusing on Inside Sales in SaaS       Download Free eBook
companies, this report is based on
research of 197 B2B companies.

          Get Your Copy

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Attract The Ultimate Executive to Run & Build Your Inside Sales Team

  • 1. ATTRACT THE ULTIMATE EXECUTIVE to Run and Build Your Inside Sales Team Ken Krogue President & Co-founder Trish Bertuzzi President & Chief Strategist The Bridge Group, Inc
  • 2. Introduction Page 2 From Ken Krogue Trish Bertuzzi is one of my favorite people. sitting in the audience taking notes when counsel, motivate or replace salespeople She is one of the reigning thought leaders she is on stage. to build the best team possible. and most respected people in the industry. She is a lot of fun and a wonderful person. One of her specialties is hiring and on- Also available in this eBook are tips from boarding. Her annual research study on Ken Krogue on how to create the ultimate And she is incredible at what she does. compensation in the inside sales and lead inside sales department once your execu- generation space is one of the bibles of tive has been hired. From where to gather She teaches executives and managers how the industry. So a few months ago we were lists and leads to how to create an efficient to build incredible inside sales teams that chatting and had this crazy idea to col- sales culture, all executives and inside get results. She is one of the best in laborate on an eBook together on the very sales professionals will learn the best prac- the world. topics that could help the industry con- tices of inside sales essentials. tinue to grow. I stalked her for months on LinkedIn and This eBook is based on content originally followed her amazing LinkedIn Group I like to partner with the best... found in a joint webinar with Trish and Ken. called Inside Sales Experts, the largest Thanks Trish. online inside sales group in the world. I Access the webinar, was really careful not to step outside of her group rules because she is a stickler In this eBook for participating the right way. That is why Trish Bertuzzi will share what a great her group is the best there is. Executive hiring process should look like. Great managers know how to recruit top She and I speak at the same events a performers, lead a multi-generational couple of times a year, and I never miss workforce, encourage reps to grow, and | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 3. Table of Contents Page 3 Introduction From Ken Krogue����������������������������������������������������������������2 Published by About the Authors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 34 East 1700 South Provo, Utah 84606 Step 1: Scoping�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 887-798-9633 Step 2: Recruiting����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 Step 3: Evaluating��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved Step 4: Onboarding����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 How to Create the Ultimate Inside Sales Department���������������������� 12 Where to Get Leads���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Defining Your Selling Model������������������������������������������������������������������� 15 Compensation Strategies������������������������������������������������������������������������ 16 Quality, Speed, Price�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Culture��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 BANT vs. ANUM����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 7 Rules to Increase Contact Ratios������������������������������������������������������ 20 Top Sales Manager Obstacles���������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Summary Credits��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22 | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 4. About the Authors Page 4 Ken Krogue Trish Bertuzzi President and Co-Founder President and Chief Strat- of egist of the Bridge Group, — Inc. — Ken is a results driven sales leader and Author Jonathan Franzen said “one-half of a visionary for the inside sales industry. The passion is obsession, the other half is love.” research and data driven approach he uses With that in mind, ask anyone who’s met Trish has led to best practices of contacting and and they’ll tell you - she is passionate about closing leads. He pioneered the powerful inside sales. Over the last two decades, Trish sales automation PowerDialer which greatly has promoted inside sales as a community, increases the effectiveness and efficiency of profession and engine for revenue growth. In inside sales professionals. Ken is also a regu- the process, The Bridge Group has worked lar contributor to with 200+ B2B clients to build, expand and optimize their inside sales efforts. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 5. Page 5 Step 1: Scoping When you go to hire the ultimate sales your market, who you sell to, your brand- executive, it’s important to objectively ing and name recognition, etc.. “Managers scope out the job. I have this conversation all the time when talking about hiring pro- files. The first thing you need to know is Clear role definition, up front, combats ‘role pollution’ down the line. Sales Lead- that managers manage and ers, almost by definition, are going to be Manage directors direct. Managers manage existing process. They pulled at from all sides. If you haven’t done the early work on scoping the role, the situation will be only exacerbated. typically don’t create it. If you’re a start- Directors up or a brand new organization and you haven’t yet defined what repeatable, scal- able success looks like you don’t need a TIP You can take a chance on a sales rep. You can never take a chance on an executive. manager. You need a director. You need Direct” someone who has created process from scratch and knows when things are going awry and knows how to fix it. When looking for an executive, you need someone that is as closely aligned to per- fect as possible based on where you are in | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 6. Page 6 Step 1: Scoping What it Means to Manage Remember Being a great sales leader is not intuitive. In the book “Challenger Sale” the authors Having had a great Sales Manager is very talk about management fundamentals. different from knowing why a Sales Man- When looking for someone to lead your ager was great. It is much easier to teach sales team, you’re looking for someone someone your product and your market with integrity, reliability and listening skills. than it is to teach them great If they have those three traits they aren’t leadership skills. going to be a great manger, let alone the ultimate sales manager. Alternatively, if you do have a great inter- nal candidate and you have the bandwidth While it’s an excellent thing to provide available to work with them and be their internal candidates with promotion, it’s mentor, go for it! The worst thing you can important to remember that great sales do is promote someone and leave them reps don’t necessarily make great manag- to figure it out on their own. You’re set- ers. They may excel at selling skills, but if ting everyone, the group, the manager and they don’t have those fundamentals you’re yourself, up for failure. going to be at risk. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 7. Page 7 Step 2: Recruiting Now that you’ve locked down scope, how • Create something visual and easy to do you attract the ideal candidate? More share with SlideShare. Showcase of the typical job description is not going your big name clients or your high to cut through the noise. profile investors. Remember, this isn’t going to be an easy • Package all this up into a ‘Position Kit’. hire. Everyone is competing for the ulti- This is brief that says exactly what you mate sales executive and there aren’t are looking for and what they will gain enough to go around. It’s important that by taking this position. your company, the position, and you per- sonally stand out from the crowd. After you’ve created all these resources, share them with your recruiters, social net- How to Stand Out: work contacts, and LinkedIn groups. See • Use “them” centric messaging not “us” if your contacts know of anyone who may centric. How will they learn and grow be a good fit and then share the Position in the position? Kit with them. This is much more engaging and effective than just a text-based • Incorporate video into your job job description. description. Show the people, both reps and senior leadership, behind the job description. Have them answer “Why is the position critical/exciting/ amazing?” | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 8. Page 8 Step 2: Recruiting How are you marketing positions? Passing the ‘Sniff Test’ Once the candidates start coming in, it’s important that you are ready to pass their “sniff test”. Great managers and great Leveraging executives are going to be trying to figure Networks LinkedIn Jobs out a few things up front including: • Is the role is focused or am I expected 20% 40% to wear several different hats? • Does this company know their target market or am I going to have to figure all this out? • Is there support for this group? Or am 20% I inheriting the red-headed stepchild? Recruiters • Does the infrastructure exist? What CRM, marketing automation, produc- tivity tools are available? 20% Other | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 9. Page 9 Step 3: Evaluating The best method for evaluating candidates Tip Highlights to Incorporate into your Inter- is by creating a scorecard. This allows all It’s important that everyone on the inter- view Process the people involved in the hiring process to view team be asking about the same be aligned in their evaluations and for you competencies, but not the same questions. • Who developed the sales process for to be able to objectively evaluate You want to take the time to investigate you team? their feedback. specific areas and skills. There are multiple questioning techniques that will allow you • Who overviewed the adoption of When in the interview process, it’s to accomplish this. No need to be repeti- that process? important to look for someone whose tive and ask the standard “Where do you experience most closely aligns to your see yourself in 5 years?” type questions. • What does your onboarding process company’s. For example, if they are famil- This is an opportunity to learn about the look like and what’s your role in iar with selling into the B2B space but you candidate. Don’t blow it. that process? sell into higher education, their skills may not translate. While this doesn’t necessar- The Interview • What are you getting from marketing ily disqualify somebody from being your So much of the focus on hiring an execu- in terms of leads and support? ultimate executive, it’s important to think tive is around what questions to ask. That about how their previous experience aligns could be a whole eBook on itself. For some The ability to answer the questions above with your company. You’ll also want to hear ideas of what to ask your prospect during is going to further differentiate if they are their views on how they handle the interview, we put together this article. a manager or a director. Additionally, the the transition. interviewer will be able to figure out the candidate’s level of experience. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 10. Page 10 Step 4: Onboarding A best practice their priorities. Don’t turn them after hiring your into paper pushers or spread- executive is to sheet jockeys. Let them be a put them through strategic thinking executive and the exact same create an effective inside sales onboarding as the sales reps department. they will be working with. This will allow them to quickly identify Don’t forget ongoing support. I what works in the process and often advise Sales Managers, what doesn’t while simultane- “Remember, be a coach not a ously coming up to speed. ghost.” The advice holds true for Senior Leadership as well. Don’t This is a win/win. They get to bring this executive onboard, experience and fix your onboard- give them a big slap on back, ing process all at the same time. and then disappear until the first forecast review. That would Tip be doing them and their team a Free eBook on Onboarding Sales Reps Once you hire an inside sales grave disservice. executive, it’s important that you let them do what you hired them Download Now to do. Don’t hire them against one set of goals and then invert | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 11. PowerSuite Ultimate sales automation platform PowerDialer™ PowerInbound™ LocalPresence™ Click-to-Call™ Recording Monitoring™ The PowerSuite™ by provides reps with everything they need to put their sales into overdrive. Benefits: • Increased response contact rates • Automatic call distribution • Optimized sales workflow • Call recording for quality assurance • Monitor sales rep activity • Happy sales reps Demo Now
  • 12. How to Create the Ultimate Page 12 Inside Sales Department What Do You Sell? Who Do You Sell To? Tip Do a ‘deep dive’ of your current customer When first starting a new position as an Figuring out your target market is critical. pool and run a summary of which indus- executive at a new company, it’s important There are several questions you should be tries, company sizes, and titles currently in to start thinking big picture. able to answer such as: your customer database. This will give you a good indication of where to focus your What is it that you sell? • Do you sell into the B2B space or are efforts. Focus on the ones that are your you more B2C? best customers. When Masahiko Goto from Makita asked his employees, “What is it that we sell?” • What size of company do you target? they responded, “Power Tools and Drills.” Interestingly enough, they were wrong. • What is the title, title level and title Goto responded, “We sell a hole in the function of the decision maker wall.” you’re targeting? To figure out what need you fulfill, look It’s important that you are able to answer at the end result of what you sell so you these questions in order to effectively know what you’re doing to add value to strategize and target your sales and mar- the world. keting efforts. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 13. How to Create the Ultimate Page 13 Inside Sales Department Find the Need EXISTING CREATE EXISTING CREATE As an executive, when starting to build Redirect aRedirect a river river Dig a well Dig a well your inside sales department, there are two paradigms to consider when finding needs: • A river of existing need that is already flowing • Digging a well to try to create need. From experience, it’s much easier to tap into an existing need, if possible. Tip To find a need, go out to Google Keyword Tool and type in the words that would lead people to your company. This shows if If you do have to create need, your model your product/service is an existing need by will be heavily focused on educating if people are already searching on those prospects. terms searching for solutions. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 14. Page 14 Where to Get Leads To Find Think about your existing assets when thinking of where to get leads. Existing lead generation assets include: List / Leads One of the first things every sales execu- tive should do when starting a new position is test the list and lead sources the Best • • • Web Leads Email Database Tradeshow Lists currently being used by their new company. • List Vendors Randomly pick 300 leads from each list Source for • • Lead Vendors Social and see which lists result in the highest contact ratios. This is absolutely critical to the success of a sales department. It’s also important to consider the size of Leads it’s leads that are bringing in the type of deals that keep sales afloat. However, the most important thing to consider is what lead Whether you’re the new executive of a startup that is building everything from scratch, a turn-around company that sources produce the best leads. To deter- you’re hoping to get out of stagnant Important mine this, it’s important that you test. Remember growth, or a company that’s already doing well but wants to do better the process is always the same. While testing is typically a marketing to Test strategy, it’s very important that sales executives learn this. Tip Test your lists and leads to see which ones are working and which are not. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 15. Page 15 Defining Your Selling Model Defining your selling method poses some Selling Methods really big questions. Is your selling method a specialist or general model? In a research study con- ducted with Dr. James Oldroyd, it was discovered there was a seven point differ- ence between the close ratios between the specialist model vs. a generalist model. Generalist Model Specialist Model The sales rep is someone who finds This model has a specialized rep han- That means if the average generalist is and qualifies the lead, closes the deal, dling each step: finding and qualifying, getting a twelve percent close ratio, a spe- and delivers the customer to support. closing the deal, and delivering to cus- cialist model in the same space is getting a tomer support. nineteen percent close ratio. So that’s not seven percent, that’s seven points. When designing your inside sales depart- ment, you may decide that a hybrid model up and coming account executive (both is best. These decisions need to be made of these are closers), and two or three early on. business development reps. These sales professionals are supported by engineers, At, we have teams with developers, and implementation managers a veteran regional sales manager, an and specialists to assist them. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 16. Page 16 Compensation Strategies Depending on the type of sales reps The Harvard Business Review did a study you will be hiring, there are a few differ- a few years back that discovered that ent models to follow when determining pay itself was not the key motivator for compensation. employees. However, lack of enough pay or lack of pay that’s aligned was a big Lead Generation Reps de-motivator. The areas of personal rec- 1. Base Salary ognition, achievement, personal growth 2. Effort Bonus (20% of base salary) and learning (mentioned previously) were 3. Lead Bonus much stronger overall motivators. 4. Revenue Share Motivate Your Reps Closer 1. Base Salary PowerStandings 2. Base Commission Bring gamification to your team. 3. Accelerator (depending on level • Capture reps competitive energy above quota) • Real time performance ranking • Results oriented environment Click for Details | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 17. Page 17 Quality, Speed, Price As an executive, it’s important to define Quality who you are as a company, or as a division of that company. Years ago, the comedian Red Skelton from NBC said, “Quality, Speed or Price. Pick any two.” What this means is if you’re a price and speed based company then qual- ity may suffer. Alternatively, if you’re a quality centered organization with a low price, you aren’t as worried about speed. Tip It can be very difficult to do all three. Few companies have accomplished it. Decide now what areas you are going to focus on and stick to your decision. Price Speed | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 18. Page 18 Culture Once a high-end, ultimate sales executive Tip As a sales manager, ask yourself, “Where comes on board, the first thing they have The culture of your department directly is my culture? Which area motivates my to deal with is culture. There are two kinds impacts your customers. Always perform employees to want to come to work and to of culture: the culture of the company and a net promoter score test to see how excel to get the job done?” the culture within the sales organization. your culture is impacting your customer’s experience. The best mix of motivators is love and duty. The culture found within the sales orga- When fear and hate start entering into a nization can either be a huge asset or a company’s culture it can create a huge liability to an executive depending on 4 Levels of Motivation toxic environment. how it’s shaped. When determining how to motivate your employees to increase efficiency and The good news? The sales executive is the productivity, it’s important that sales exec- one who shapes the culture more than utives understand the different levels of anybody else. motivation. While they all get results, they create very different feelings of the culture At, we have built our own of your organization. culture – we call it “scrappy.” We work extremely hard, invest in technology, and 4 Levels of Motivation: perform community service. All of these • Love • Duty activities contribute to our culture and • Fear • Hate shape what it is. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 19. Page 19 BANT vs. ANUM BANT ANUM RANDUM B = Budget A = Authority R = Rarely A = Authority N = Need A = Any N = Need U = Urgency N = Need T = Timing M = Money D = Decision Maker U = Urgency M = Money How do you qualify your leads and how The BANT model was reexamined and it From many years of experience in inside do you forecast? A model that has been was found that only 25% of companies sales, we’ve found if you find the right around for over 25 years is BANT make purchase decisions based on their decision maker and build the need, the annual budget. Therefore, a new model urgency and money tend to appear. Addi- needed to be created to reflect these tionally, there is a third model that some findings called ANUM companies base their business on called RANDUM If you’re randomly qualifying your leads then your forecast capabilities are almost 50/50. You could practically flip a coin and predict the outcome. It’s important that you define your qualification model so that you can accurately forecast. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 20. 7 Rules to Increase Page 20 Contact Ratios From industry research, conducted by the 1. Immediacy – Respond to leads within 5 minutes. The odds of contacting a lead within research division, called a the first 5 minutes versus waiting 30 minutes drops 100 times. ResponseAudit, we’ve found the average company takes 48 hours and 44 minutes 2. Persistency – A best practice is to make six calls on all outbound leads and nine calls on to respond to their web-generated leads. inbound leads. Always leave three voicemails and emails. Any more than that and you Additionally, only 27 percent of web-gener- become a pest. ated leads are ever contacted. 3. Optimal – Include a field on web forms asking your prospect when the best time to reach them is. If they want to be contacted, they will tell you when to call. These rules will dramatically increase the number of leads you are able to contact 4. Time of Day – From internal research, has determined the beginning and create a better contact ratio than the and the end of the work day are the best time to make contact. industry average. 5. Day of Week – From the same internal research, has determined that Tip Tuesday is the worst day of the week. Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays are the best. Check out’s LocalPres- ence product which allows sales reps to 6. Direct Dial – As a best practice, have your reps ask for direct telephone numbers to display a local number when calling into a decision makers. This will increase contact ratios and help avoid gatekeepers. long distance area code. 7. Caller ID – Research has shown that by displaying a local number of the Caller ID of the For a more in-depth discussion on increas- person you’re trying to reach, the chances of them answering improve 57.8 percent. ing contact ratios, download our cold calling and contact ratio eBook. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 21. Page 21 Top Sales Manager Obstacles Top Problems of the Inside Sales Industry 100%’s research study, “The Top Problems of the Inside Sales Industry,” surveyed sales reps and managers across 75% the United States to determine what obsta- cles are most common in the industry. 56.9% 50% 48.3% Specifically, the top three problems sales 41.1% managers are having in the industry are: 36.0% 23.4% 1. Finding good leads 25% 20.9% 2. Hiring the Right People 14.0% 9.4% 3. Accurately Reporting Information 0% Download the executive summary of the Finding Hiring the Making Sure Properly Compensating Employee Using the Right Other research report to view a complete over- Good Leads Right People Information is Training Reps Sales Agents Turnover Equipment Reported Correctly view of the research. | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 22. Summary Credits Page 22 From this eBook, you now understand the best practices in hiring CO NTENT the ultimate executive and creating an effective inside sales Ken Krogue | department. Trish Bertuzzi | What now? From implementing these best practices, you can now confidently hire, onboard, and set your newly hired executive loose to be the strategic thinker you hired them to be. WRITERS Alex Orton | This eBook was based on a webinar originally presented by Trish Jessica Winn | Bertuzzi and Ken Krogue. View the webinar at www.insidesales. com/webinar. CO PY EDITO R Jessica Dyer | Designer Scott Humphries | | The Bridge Group, Inc. Share this eBook:
  • 23. Inside Sales Metrics Boost Contact Rates for SaaS Companies Focusing on Inside Sales in SaaS Download Free eBook companies, this report is based on research of 197 B2B companies. Get Your Copy