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Attica and Hellenistic Greek literature
1.The emergence of drama.
2.Privates of the Greek Theater.
3.Aeschylus is the father of world tragedy.
4.Sophocles and world drama
• 1. what is the meaning of Drama
• 2. who is the author of “Poetics”
• 3. what is the origin of tragedy
• 4. what is the origin of theatre
• 5. Speak about Aeschylus life and literary works
• 6. How many works of Aeschylus have reached us and what
are they?
• 7. What is Aeschylus' trilogy?
• 8. speak about Sophocles life and literary works
• 9. Who is the main protagonist of Sophocles' works?
• 10. How many works of Sophocles have reached us and
what are they?
• The meaning of the word Drama is "action". This phrase literally testifies to the fact that this janming
is composed of action and interpersonal conversations - diologists. The history of the origin of the
drama is connected with the religious rituals of the people of science of ancient times and the people
of modern times.Aristotle also makes firm remarks in the fourth chapter of his" Poetics". Judging by
the explanation of the great philosopher, even the phrase "tragedy" itself is firmly associated with the
figure of Dionis. The term is composed of two words, "trago la oide", meaning "goat song".From the
fact that all types of drama were born from religious rituals, the ancient Greeks looked at all this with
deep faith. Consequently, theatrical performances were considered one of the important political and
educational events and measures in the care of the state. Secondly, due to the fact that the emergence
of the drama was directly related to the rituals of Dionis, these performances were performed three
times a year in honor of this goddess, and during festive times lasting several days. The Greeks looked
at these performances as an important religious holiday, and not just as a pastime, and prepared to
celebrate these holidays as solemnly as possible, almost all of them were delighted to come to
theatrical performances. In the early days, theatrical performances were free< br > Like all games in
ancient Greece, theatrical performances were held on a competitive road. This poet, who wanted to
attend the mušobakas, entrusted the government's discretion with three tragedies and one drama of
satires, which, in content, were associated with each other. Comedians, on the other hand, participated
in only one work at a time. Greek Theater is absolutely unlike modern theater.First of all, its size is
unusually large, performances are shown on a day and outdoors. Since the Athens theater had a
capacity of 17,000 people, later theaters with a capacity of 30,000 to 50,000 people were also
built.The original meaning of" theatre "is" to see"," to observe". In the early days, the place where the
viewer sits was called by this name.
• The role of theater in the history of the spiritual development of the Greek people
is remarkable.The intense ijtimoly and political events that began in the early
years of the 5th century BC - the gradual transformation of Greek el from an old
system to a class state, the strengthening of toboro of the Democratic Movement
in the country-the unprecedented national solidarity of the years of the Iran-
Greek War and the passion for victory over the enemy, The poet is born about
525-524 in Elivsin in a noble aristocratic family. Aeschylus died at Gela in 456.
Aeschylus is imprisoned for the first time in a competition of dramatic poets at
the age of twenty, but winning is destined for him at the age of forty, after which
his works bring the poet a further thirteen victories.Compared to the ancient
scholars of the MA limotes, Aeschylus was an extremely productive writer.
However, of his rich literary heritage of about 90 tragedies, only seven have
survived to us. These are the abyss: the tragedies" Agamemnon"," the
Hoephores", and" the Eumenidae", which fall into the trilogy of" the Ertians","
the seven enemies of Thebes"," the beggars"," the chain Prometheus", and"
Oresteia".Give the severe glsmat of the human child a shouting rebellion against
the oppression and injustice of the face resonates particularly strongly in the
tragedy "chain Prometheus". This work is not only Aeschylus alone, but a great
monument restored to the honor of freedom and humanity of the entire world
literature. The tragedy "the chain Prometheus", along with the tragedies "The
Liberated Prometheus" and "the fiery Prometheus", forms a holistic trilogy, but
the next two parts did not come down to us: Aeschylus is indeed the father of the
tragedy. In his works, he reduced the role of Homs, bringing in a second actor
and increasing the number of diologists. Held in the Shakil of Greek tragedy,
O'mi, with his poetic skills and brilliant modern ideas expressed in his works,
Aeschylus had a strong influence on the literature of the entire ancient world.
• Sophocles creationThe second exponent of Greek tragedy, Sophocles, is born in 496 in a
place called colon, near Athens, where his father was the owner of a hardware Enterprise,
a much more wealthy and boobro man of his time. Sophocles is well educated in his
youth, studying diverse knowledge; his literary career began early and at the age of 28 he
triumphed over the great Aeschylus in a dramatic literary competition. Sofoki would
spend the rest of his life in honor, glory and respect in his home country, dying in 406.
After his death, among the great breeds of Greek Eli, he was considered a hero, a large
monument was erected in memory of him, and every year he was included in the
sacrificial slaughter dish above his grave.According to the testimony of ancient scholars,
Sophocles wrote more than 120 works during his sixty-year literary career, winning 24
contests of dramatic poets; but only seven reached us from these works. Sophocles took
them to even higher heights by transforming tragedy from a form of solemn religious
songs into a genuine drama. As a result of the increased emphasis on the nature and
spiritual experiences of the characters in Sofoki's works, vitality begins to gain in the
content of the work.In the history of world literature, Sophocles mainly includes his works
on the subject of narratives about Oedipus, with the tragedies "Oedipus the King",
"Oedipus Colonda" and "Antigone". The work of one of the playwrights of the ancient
world "Oedipus the king" in World Literature did not leave a deep mark on tragedy.
Sophocles ' work marks the birth of a special literary stream in European literature, the so-
called "education of fate", at the end of the XVIII asming, the beginning of the XIX
asming. Supporters of this current claim that, as if in the footsteps of Sophocles, in his
writings on the subject of fate, the world is unfaithful, human children are benavo -
wretched, involuntarily flowing in the whirlwind of life.In the eyes of the ancient Greek
man and Sophocles personally, the meaning of such concepts as happiness, justice and
necessity is very close to each other
• Sophocles attempts to reconcile some of the religious, moral dishes typical of
ancient tribal times with the new age of law. In this respect, Sophocles ' first
song is very characteristic. In this song, The Great Power of the human mind, the
wonderful intelligence that obeys the phenomena of nature, rises to the Blues,
but, at the same time, the end of the song ends with derogatory words addressed
to those who indulge in worldly interests and forget about divine duties, that is,
no matter how prosperous a human child is, he should not forget the habits left
before him, otherwise In addition to his outstanding images, Sophocles is also
famous in world literature as a skillful artist, whose dramatic events are
intertwined with rare mastery. The great Goethe spoke of the Greek playwright,
saying, " no one like Sophocles the stage and his professiondid not know".In
comparison to his great contemporary Aeschylus, the character description of the
characters, Sofoki used different methods to elevate the art of targetsiya to a
stage of high maturity. Its greatness is that the poet not only describes with rare
mastery that all people will be different, but also the various spiritual changes
that only a single person has struck a javelin in his heart, the rest of the opposite
senses and feelings. In general, all the events of" Oedipus the King " progress in
the process of moving sharply from one state to another: from joy to sorrow,
from hope to despair, from beginning to end.In the work of Sophocles, Greek
tragedy rises to the stage of high maturity and acquires universal significance.
The democratic spirit of the poet's works, the Humane content, the unique
artistic vision - ensure their eternal prosperity.
• Euripides, the third representative of ancient Greek tragedy, according to the narrations of
the Legends, comes into the world in 480 BC in a mediocre family on the island of Salamin
near Athens, just on the day of the Greek victory over Iran, receiving good knowledge. To
the knowledge of his contemporaries, the poet preferred to live a quiet life, calmly engaged
in science, science, art, literature and philosophy. Wins theater competitions three times.
During the Hellenistic period, Euripides became the favorite tragic poet of his people. Even
Aeschylus, Sophocles, is left in the shadow of his Dove. This situation also strongly affects
the fate of the poet's literary heritage, ensuring that 17 tragedies and one satire drama from
his 92 works arrive to us in full. These are: "Alcestida", "Medea", "Heraclides", "Ipollite",
"Gekuba", "Heracles", "beggars", "Trojan women", "Elektra", "Ion", "Iphigenia Taurida",
"Yelena", "Andromaxa", "Phoenician girls", "Orest", "Vakhic girls", "Iphigenia Avlida",
and one satire drama "Cyclops".All of these works were written on the subject of
mythological legends, such as Aeschylus and the tragedies of Sophocles, according to
Greek cuisine.The tragedy "Alcestida", created in the early days of the poet's work, is
considered. We do not see goddesses in the work. Individuals who pass before our eyes are
ordinary, round-minded people who live with the hypocrites of life, who have a selfish
interest, are not devoid of petty passions. People in this environment do not return from
anything in their own interests. In this work, Euripides brings the viewer into the life of the
Earth, a place of universal great matters, fate, everyday life from the sky of the concepts of
maslak, simple livelihood familiar to everyone, human passions. We see that in the work of
Euripides, a completely new genre-drama-is emerging, which does not look like either
tragedy or Comedy. These innovations, applied by the poet, were the most consistent way
in expressing the ordinary Magyars of life and truly human passions. Even more of
Euripides ' innovations in Greek tragedianavism
• Even more complete is the tragedy "Medea", the work of aks ettinivist, which is the
innovation that Euripides introduced into Greek tragedianavism. "Medea" is a tragedy of
humiliated love and jealousy. The poet does not bow in this work, nor in the face of the
goddesses, nor in the face of fate. With rare courage, patience and perseverance, she
creates the image of a woman who fights alone for her human happiness. The opening up
of the truly spiritual world of the human child, describing the so - called tense struggles
of conflicting feelings and sensations, is the first innovation and great discovery
introduced into the art of tragedy by Euripides. The Greek viewer, brought up in the
glorious works of Aeschylus and Sophocles, does not understand well the new life plates
in Euripides ' tragedy, which he coldly confronts. The work "Medea" found attention only
in the eyes of later contemporaries and was recognized as one of the greatest examples of
antique world tragedy. In honor of expanding the circle of innovations created by the
great poet of the ancient world, further increasing the vitality and artistic capabilities of
dramaturgy, only Shakespeare succeeded after Euripides. With this we end our debate
about ancient Greek tragedy. The post-Euripides tragedianavis were unable to innovate as
much as the genre was worth.Ancient Greek tragedy was the first even very large school
in the history of European theater. The great poets of the new time Shakespeare, Cornel,
Racine, Schiller, Goethe and others learned at this school. However, the importance of
ancient Greek tragedy in the worldview is not limited to this. The great tragedianavis
created bemisl works that, despite the passage of two and a half thousand years between
them, until today, without knowing what old age is, live in a whimsical way on the world
stage, still captivate, excite us with their ideological content and artistic sophistication.
With high artistic skill, the ideas of patriotism, human duty, freedom expressed in these
works are in harmony with the wishes and dreams of modern people; the main boon of
the eternal prosperity and unquenchable artistic beauty of ancient world tragedy is in this
truly humanistic content.
• The 5th century BC was a period of Greek society that rose to the stage of high
development in terms of socio-political and cultural aspects. This progress is firmly
connected with the strengthening of the Athenian state after the Iran - Greek War and its
development towards democracy, a great period that is really worth calling the Golden
Age of Greek Eli. Until the 5th century, the most advanced cultural center of Greek soil
was considered the Ionian province of Asia Minor, while after the Greek victory in the
Iran-Greek War, which lasted exactly half a century ( 499-449), the center of science, art
and culture moved to the state of Athens. The position of Athens in the field of literature is
so great that the literature of the 5th-4th centuries is given to the name of the Attica region,
where this muazzam city settled, and is called the Attica period of Greek literature. By the
middle of the 5th century, Athens had become the most energetic, largest of the Greek
states, a zabardast state that stood on top of a large Union of more than 150 individual
states, holding its own judgment on water and land. During this period, the Athenian state
rises to a high level of economic administration, not seen in Greek history, and at the same
time becomes the largest cultural center of the entire Greek world, the space of scientists,
poets, philosophers, sculptors, artists and people of diverse creativity. Athens achieves its
iqrisodic and cultural maturity mainly in the 50-30s of the 5th century, that is, when the
Pericles were standing, and for this reason this drum is often also said to be the "age of the
Pericles". Pericles (500-429 BC) shows considerable military skill at the time of the
Iranian war. Establishes a democracy system in the country and is elected to high office
for fifteen years. Periki was an extremely business statesman of his time, a fiery orator, a
person interested in science, art and literature. It gathers philosophers, scientists, poets and
art people from all over the Greek world to Athens. Among the great ones who stood close
to Pericles and assisted him in his work, we see Anaxagoras, Socrates, Herodotus, the
"father of historical science", Sophocles the great tragicom, Phidias the magnificent
sculptor and some more personalities who elevated the universal culture, similar to this. In
the Times of Pericles, scientific and philosophical influences develop, especially very
widely.Scientists thinkers own
• Scientists believe that thinkers in their works try to unravel natural phenomena,
positive laws, interpret them and, in this way, prove that the existing democratic
system is correct. The gradual weakening of old religious beliefs, the search for
divine forces from the phenomena of the universe (pantheism) to raise a person
from the position of a slave of the goddesses to the level of judgment of the
whole being, to look at his perception and talent with deep hope at the prospect of
tahsin reading-this is the main feature of New concepts first find their expression
in the philosophy of Anaxagoras ( 500-428 BC). This thinker scientist denies old
religious beliefs and understands the entire universe in the sense of Eternity,
composed of innumerable particles. He appreciates human consciousness,
strength and talent. One of the great thinkers of this period is Democritus ( 460-
370 ). In his doctrine, the scientist says: atoms and their action are eternal:
"nothing arises from absence and nothing disappears without a name-sign",
"changes in nature are the consequence of the transition of atoms from one state
to another."In the second Yam of the 5th century, a new scientific and
philosophical current appeared on the entire Ellada soil, aiming at the work of
studying social phenomena. Representatives of this current called themselves
"sophists". The word "sophist", meaning "wise man", "learned", "scientist", was
later used to refer to teachers of philosophy. The sophists spread knowledge with
enthusiasm among the crowd, they were the harbingers of ulmu-science.
Chunonchi is a supporter of this current, saying that Pratagor "the template of
everything is a person" increases human dignity.In 336 BC, Alexander The Great
of Macedon conquered Greek soil and began a war against the countries of the
East with a large army, which he gathered from the people of ellin, and soon
became the sole ruler of the vast Great Land, which stretched to the borders of
• However, the vast state created by Alexander would be overthrown after his death and
split into ylric states, such as Egypt, Syria, Macedonia, Pergamum, after the bloody wars
that broke out between the Viceroy of sargardas. The disputes that began around the
Macedonian throne stretched too far, and the country passed to the seeds of Goh
Alexander, goh to the hands of his generals. Even if the Greeks used internal discord to
lose their old Independence, the Earth had not yet lost its value as a place of culture: the
science, art and literature and language of the people of ellin gradually expanded its scope
to extend to the lands of Egypt, India, and as a result, the only world culture built on the
basis of Greek culture For this reason, the period from the conquest of the Hellenistic
States and Alexander of all the states influenced by Greek culture to the transition of these
countries to Roman rule at the beginning of the new century is called the age of
Hellenism. The social changes that began in the Greek world and the mood of political
localism, recklessness and despair that were born as a result of these are the reasons for
the origin of a somewhat philosophical teaching.The most important of these currents is
the philosophy of the cynics, Stoics and Epicureans. While epicureans have promoted
spiritual tranquility, Stoics promote ideas of compassion, compassion.According to the
philosophy of the cynics, created by Antisphenes, a disciple of Socrates in the 4th century
BC, they promote poverty and godliness. The most important contribution of the
Hellenistic period to world literature is the "new" comedy. The term" new " comedy was
introduced into literary consumption in very old times, with the aim of distinguishing the
new type of comedy that emerged during the Hellenistic period from the "old" comedy of
the attic period as well as the "Middle" comedy of the 4th century. In Greece, the collapse
of the independence of the ellin people after the fall of Macedonian rule, the ever - fading
of the fervent political ideas of the past and the strengthening of personal interests as a
result of these are some of the main factors in the process of the emergence of a "new"
comedy. The" new " comedy also discusses everyday events, mainly found in ordinary
livelihoods, the issue of chunonchi love, family relationships.

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Attica and Hellenistic Greek literature.pptx

  • 1. Attica and Hellenistic Greek literature Plan: 1.The emergence of drama. 2.Privates of the Greek Theater. 3.Aeschylus is the father of world tragedy. 4.Sophocles and world drama
  • 2. Questions: • 1. what is the meaning of Drama • 2. who is the author of “Poetics” • 3. what is the origin of tragedy • 4. what is the origin of theatre • 5. Speak about Aeschylus life and literary works • 6. How many works of Aeschylus have reached us and what are they? • 7. What is Aeschylus' trilogy? • 8. speak about Sophocles life and literary works • 9. Who is the main protagonist of Sophocles' works? • 10. How many works of Sophocles have reached us and what are they?
  • 3. • The meaning of the word Drama is "action". This phrase literally testifies to the fact that this janming is composed of action and interpersonal conversations - diologists. The history of the origin of the drama is connected with the religious rituals of the people of science of ancient times and the people of modern times.Aristotle also makes firm remarks in the fourth chapter of his" Poetics". Judging by the explanation of the great philosopher, even the phrase "tragedy" itself is firmly associated with the figure of Dionis. The term is composed of two words, "trago la oide", meaning "goat song".From the fact that all types of drama were born from religious rituals, the ancient Greeks looked at all this with deep faith. Consequently, theatrical performances were considered one of the important political and educational events and measures in the care of the state. Secondly, due to the fact that the emergence of the drama was directly related to the rituals of Dionis, these performances were performed three times a year in honor of this goddess, and during festive times lasting several days. The Greeks looked at these performances as an important religious holiday, and not just as a pastime, and prepared to celebrate these holidays as solemnly as possible, almost all of them were delighted to come to theatrical performances. In the early days, theatrical performances were free< br > Like all games in ancient Greece, theatrical performances were held on a competitive road. This poet, who wanted to attend the mušobakas, entrusted the government's discretion with three tragedies and one drama of satires, which, in content, were associated with each other. Comedians, on the other hand, participated in only one work at a time. Greek Theater is absolutely unlike modern theater.First of all, its size is unusually large, performances are shown on a day and outdoors. Since the Athens theater had a capacity of 17,000 people, later theaters with a capacity of 30,000 to 50,000 people were also built.The original meaning of" theatre "is" to see"," to observe". In the early days, the place where the viewer sits was called by this name.
  • 4. • The role of theater in the history of the spiritual development of the Greek people is remarkable.The intense ijtimoly and political events that began in the early years of the 5th century BC - the gradual transformation of Greek el from an old system to a class state, the strengthening of toboro of the Democratic Movement in the country-the unprecedented national solidarity of the years of the Iran- Greek War and the passion for victory over the enemy, The poet is born about 525-524 in Elivsin in a noble aristocratic family. Aeschylus died at Gela in 456. Aeschylus is imprisoned for the first time in a competition of dramatic poets at the age of twenty, but winning is destined for him at the age of forty, after which his works bring the poet a further thirteen victories.Compared to the ancient scholars of the MA limotes, Aeschylus was an extremely productive writer. However, of his rich literary heritage of about 90 tragedies, only seven have survived to us. These are the abyss: the tragedies" Agamemnon"," the Hoephores", and" the Eumenidae", which fall into the trilogy of" the Ertians"," the seven enemies of Thebes"," the beggars"," the chain Prometheus", and" Oresteia".Give the severe glsmat of the human child a shouting rebellion against the oppression and injustice of the face resonates particularly strongly in the tragedy "chain Prometheus". This work is not only Aeschylus alone, but a great monument restored to the honor of freedom and humanity of the entire world literature. The tragedy "the chain Prometheus", along with the tragedies "The Liberated Prometheus" and "the fiery Prometheus", forms a holistic trilogy, but the next two parts did not come down to us: Aeschylus is indeed the father of the tragedy. In his works, he reduced the role of Homs, bringing in a second actor and increasing the number of diologists. Held in the Shakil of Greek tragedy, O'mi, with his poetic skills and brilliant modern ideas expressed in his works, Aeschylus had a strong influence on the literature of the entire ancient world.
  • 5. • Sophocles creationThe second exponent of Greek tragedy, Sophocles, is born in 496 in a place called colon, near Athens, where his father was the owner of a hardware Enterprise, a much more wealthy and boobro man of his time. Sophocles is well educated in his youth, studying diverse knowledge; his literary career began early and at the age of 28 he triumphed over the great Aeschylus in a dramatic literary competition. Sofoki would spend the rest of his life in honor, glory and respect in his home country, dying in 406. After his death, among the great breeds of Greek Eli, he was considered a hero, a large monument was erected in memory of him, and every year he was included in the sacrificial slaughter dish above his grave.According to the testimony of ancient scholars, Sophocles wrote more than 120 works during his sixty-year literary career, winning 24 contests of dramatic poets; but only seven reached us from these works. Sophocles took them to even higher heights by transforming tragedy from a form of solemn religious songs into a genuine drama. As a result of the increased emphasis on the nature and spiritual experiences of the characters in Sofoki's works, vitality begins to gain in the content of the work.In the history of world literature, Sophocles mainly includes his works on the subject of narratives about Oedipus, with the tragedies "Oedipus the King", "Oedipus Colonda" and "Antigone". The work of one of the playwrights of the ancient world "Oedipus the king" in World Literature did not leave a deep mark on tragedy. Sophocles ' work marks the birth of a special literary stream in European literature, the so- called "education of fate", at the end of the XVIII asming, the beginning of the XIX asming. Supporters of this current claim that, as if in the footsteps of Sophocles, in his writings on the subject of fate, the world is unfaithful, human children are benavo - wretched, involuntarily flowing in the whirlwind of life.In the eyes of the ancient Greek man and Sophocles personally, the meaning of such concepts as happiness, justice and necessity is very close to each other
  • 6. • Sophocles attempts to reconcile some of the religious, moral dishes typical of ancient tribal times with the new age of law. In this respect, Sophocles ' first song is very characteristic. In this song, The Great Power of the human mind, the wonderful intelligence that obeys the phenomena of nature, rises to the Blues, but, at the same time, the end of the song ends with derogatory words addressed to those who indulge in worldly interests and forget about divine duties, that is, no matter how prosperous a human child is, he should not forget the habits left before him, otherwise In addition to his outstanding images, Sophocles is also famous in world literature as a skillful artist, whose dramatic events are intertwined with rare mastery. The great Goethe spoke of the Greek playwright, saying, " no one like Sophocles the stage and his professiondid not know".In comparison to his great contemporary Aeschylus, the character description of the characters, Sofoki used different methods to elevate the art of targetsiya to a stage of high maturity. Its greatness is that the poet not only describes with rare mastery that all people will be different, but also the various spiritual changes that only a single person has struck a javelin in his heart, the rest of the opposite senses and feelings. In general, all the events of" Oedipus the King " progress in the process of moving sharply from one state to another: from joy to sorrow, from hope to despair, from beginning to end.In the work of Sophocles, Greek tragedy rises to the stage of high maturity and acquires universal significance. The democratic spirit of the poet's works, the Humane content, the unique artistic vision - ensure their eternal prosperity.
  • 7. • Euripides, the third representative of ancient Greek tragedy, according to the narrations of the Legends, comes into the world in 480 BC in a mediocre family on the island of Salamin near Athens, just on the day of the Greek victory over Iran, receiving good knowledge. To the knowledge of his contemporaries, the poet preferred to live a quiet life, calmly engaged in science, science, art, literature and philosophy. Wins theater competitions three times. During the Hellenistic period, Euripides became the favorite tragic poet of his people. Even Aeschylus, Sophocles, is left in the shadow of his Dove. This situation also strongly affects the fate of the poet's literary heritage, ensuring that 17 tragedies and one satire drama from his 92 works arrive to us in full. These are: "Alcestida", "Medea", "Heraclides", "Ipollite", "Gekuba", "Heracles", "beggars", "Trojan women", "Elektra", "Ion", "Iphigenia Taurida", "Yelena", "Andromaxa", "Phoenician girls", "Orest", "Vakhic girls", "Iphigenia Avlida", and one satire drama "Cyclops".All of these works were written on the subject of mythological legends, such as Aeschylus and the tragedies of Sophocles, according to Greek cuisine.The tragedy "Alcestida", created in the early days of the poet's work, is considered. We do not see goddesses in the work. Individuals who pass before our eyes are ordinary, round-minded people who live with the hypocrites of life, who have a selfish interest, are not devoid of petty passions. People in this environment do not return from anything in their own interests. In this work, Euripides brings the viewer into the life of the Earth, a place of universal great matters, fate, everyday life from the sky of the concepts of maslak, simple livelihood familiar to everyone, human passions. We see that in the work of Euripides, a completely new genre-drama-is emerging, which does not look like either tragedy or Comedy. These innovations, applied by the poet, were the most consistent way in expressing the ordinary Magyars of life and truly human passions. Even more of Euripides ' innovations in Greek tragedianavism
  • 8. • Even more complete is the tragedy "Medea", the work of aks ettinivist, which is the innovation that Euripides introduced into Greek tragedianavism. "Medea" is a tragedy of humiliated love and jealousy. The poet does not bow in this work, nor in the face of the goddesses, nor in the face of fate. With rare courage, patience and perseverance, she creates the image of a woman who fights alone for her human happiness. The opening up of the truly spiritual world of the human child, describing the so - called tense struggles of conflicting feelings and sensations, is the first innovation and great discovery introduced into the art of tragedy by Euripides. The Greek viewer, brought up in the glorious works of Aeschylus and Sophocles, does not understand well the new life plates in Euripides ' tragedy, which he coldly confronts. The work "Medea" found attention only in the eyes of later contemporaries and was recognized as one of the greatest examples of antique world tragedy. In honor of expanding the circle of innovations created by the great poet of the ancient world, further increasing the vitality and artistic capabilities of dramaturgy, only Shakespeare succeeded after Euripides. With this we end our debate about ancient Greek tragedy. The post-Euripides tragedianavis were unable to innovate as much as the genre was worth.Ancient Greek tragedy was the first even very large school in the history of European theater. The great poets of the new time Shakespeare, Cornel, Racine, Schiller, Goethe and others learned at this school. However, the importance of ancient Greek tragedy in the worldview is not limited to this. The great tragedianavis created bemisl works that, despite the passage of two and a half thousand years between them, until today, without knowing what old age is, live in a whimsical way on the world stage, still captivate, excite us with their ideological content and artistic sophistication. With high artistic skill, the ideas of patriotism, human duty, freedom expressed in these works are in harmony with the wishes and dreams of modern people; the main boon of the eternal prosperity and unquenchable artistic beauty of ancient world tragedy is in this truly humanistic content.
  • 9. • The 5th century BC was a period of Greek society that rose to the stage of high development in terms of socio-political and cultural aspects. This progress is firmly connected with the strengthening of the Athenian state after the Iran - Greek War and its development towards democracy, a great period that is really worth calling the Golden Age of Greek Eli. Until the 5th century, the most advanced cultural center of Greek soil was considered the Ionian province of Asia Minor, while after the Greek victory in the Iran-Greek War, which lasted exactly half a century ( 499-449), the center of science, art and culture moved to the state of Athens. The position of Athens in the field of literature is so great that the literature of the 5th-4th centuries is given to the name of the Attica region, where this muazzam city settled, and is called the Attica period of Greek literature. By the middle of the 5th century, Athens had become the most energetic, largest of the Greek states, a zabardast state that stood on top of a large Union of more than 150 individual states, holding its own judgment on water and land. During this period, the Athenian state rises to a high level of economic administration, not seen in Greek history, and at the same time becomes the largest cultural center of the entire Greek world, the space of scientists, poets, philosophers, sculptors, artists and people of diverse creativity. Athens achieves its iqrisodic and cultural maturity mainly in the 50-30s of the 5th century, that is, when the Pericles were standing, and for this reason this drum is often also said to be the "age of the Pericles". Pericles (500-429 BC) shows considerable military skill at the time of the Iranian war. Establishes a democracy system in the country and is elected to high office for fifteen years. Periki was an extremely business statesman of his time, a fiery orator, a person interested in science, art and literature. It gathers philosophers, scientists, poets and art people from all over the Greek world to Athens. Among the great ones who stood close to Pericles and assisted him in his work, we see Anaxagoras, Socrates, Herodotus, the "father of historical science", Sophocles the great tragicom, Phidias the magnificent sculptor and some more personalities who elevated the universal culture, similar to this. In the Times of Pericles, scientific and philosophical influences develop, especially very widely.Scientists thinkers own
  • 10. • Scientists believe that thinkers in their works try to unravel natural phenomena, positive laws, interpret them and, in this way, prove that the existing democratic system is correct. The gradual weakening of old religious beliefs, the search for divine forces from the phenomena of the universe (pantheism) to raise a person from the position of a slave of the goddesses to the level of judgment of the whole being, to look at his perception and talent with deep hope at the prospect of tahsin reading-this is the main feature of New concepts first find their expression in the philosophy of Anaxagoras ( 500-428 BC). This thinker scientist denies old religious beliefs and understands the entire universe in the sense of Eternity, composed of innumerable particles. He appreciates human consciousness, strength and talent. One of the great thinkers of this period is Democritus ( 460- 370 ). In his doctrine, the scientist says: atoms and their action are eternal: "nothing arises from absence and nothing disappears without a name-sign", "changes in nature are the consequence of the transition of atoms from one state to another."In the second Yam of the 5th century, a new scientific and philosophical current appeared on the entire Ellada soil, aiming at the work of studying social phenomena. Representatives of this current called themselves "sophists". The word "sophist", meaning "wise man", "learned", "scientist", was later used to refer to teachers of philosophy. The sophists spread knowledge with enthusiasm among the crowd, they were the harbingers of ulmu-science. Chunonchi is a supporter of this current, saying that Pratagor "the template of everything is a person" increases human dignity.In 336 BC, Alexander The Great of Macedon conquered Greek soil and began a war against the countries of the East with a large army, which he gathered from the people of ellin, and soon became the sole ruler of the vast Great Land, which stretched to the borders of India.
  • 11. • However, the vast state created by Alexander would be overthrown after his death and split into ylric states, such as Egypt, Syria, Macedonia, Pergamum, after the bloody wars that broke out between the Viceroy of sargardas. The disputes that began around the Macedonian throne stretched too far, and the country passed to the seeds of Goh Alexander, goh to the hands of his generals. Even if the Greeks used internal discord to lose their old Independence, the Earth had not yet lost its value as a place of culture: the science, art and literature and language of the people of ellin gradually expanded its scope to extend to the lands of Egypt, India, and as a result, the only world culture built on the basis of Greek culture For this reason, the period from the conquest of the Hellenistic States and Alexander of all the states influenced by Greek culture to the transition of these countries to Roman rule at the beginning of the new century is called the age of Hellenism. The social changes that began in the Greek world and the mood of political localism, recklessness and despair that were born as a result of these are the reasons for the origin of a somewhat philosophical teaching.The most important of these currents is the philosophy of the cynics, Stoics and Epicureans. While epicureans have promoted spiritual tranquility, Stoics promote ideas of compassion, compassion.According to the philosophy of the cynics, created by Antisphenes, a disciple of Socrates in the 4th century BC, they promote poverty and godliness. The most important contribution of the Hellenistic period to world literature is the "new" comedy. The term" new " comedy was introduced into literary consumption in very old times, with the aim of distinguishing the new type of comedy that emerged during the Hellenistic period from the "old" comedy of the attic period as well as the "Middle" comedy of the 4th century. In Greece, the collapse of the independence of the ellin people after the fall of Macedonian rule, the ever - fading of the fervent political ideas of the past and the strengthening of personal interests as a result of these are some of the main factors in the process of the emergence of a "new" comedy. The" new " comedy also discusses everyday events, mainly found in ordinary livelihoods, the issue of chunonchi love, family relationships.