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Military Customs and Courtesy Essay
Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has
about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but
possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and
still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form
of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to
explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among
the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers
are expected to live and rely upon both on and off more content...
A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit
members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals
often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the
institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and
courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort,
sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his
Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being
extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an
unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to
appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your
subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's
society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our
nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our mission often involves
the risk of human life and sometimes national survival
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Army Recruitment Essay
Army Recruitment Table of Contents
1. Introduction 3
2. Problem Statement3
3. Review of Current Practices3
4. Strategic Plan for Change6
5. Strategic Approach for Implementation of Changes8
6. Final Recommendations10
7. Summary/Conclusions11
Recruitment of the United States military is a vital part of maintaining an all volunteer military
force. Because of recent world events and the high operations tempo of the military, Army has had
some problems with its recruitment. Convincing civilians to sign up to be a solider can be a tough
job when it requires being sent 7,000 miles from home to go fight in a war zone. What can
recruiters do to more content...
When people have other options some of them will inevitably take them. This causes a direct
correlation between military recruitment and the national unemployment rate. When young healthy
people that would be eligible to join the military can't find a civilian job, the military becomes much
more appealing. Having a good awareness of the national unemployment rate is critical for military
recruitment. During times of low national unemployment, the military may have to consider offering
adding incentives and bonuses to attract quality personnel.
Other problems that recruiter's face, when trying to attract military personnel, is advanced education,
youth trends of popularity and society views. The principal activities that "compete" with military
service for recent high school graduates are further schooling and civilian employment. The
trade–offs among these alternatives shift substantially over time because of both fluctuations in the
civilian economy and secular trends in the aspirations of youth (Sackett, 2003, p.43). With the
current events in the world today and in the United States the trade–offs of not joining the military
seem to have the edge causing recruiters to work harder and the government to spend more money
on meeting their goals. Due to recent problems with recruitment, the Army has increased the
maximum age of recruits from 34 to 39. This five year increase shows that the Army is becoming
desperate to
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Why Accountability Is Important In The Military
Accountability is defined as, "Obligation of an individual, firm, or institution to account for its
activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner." The
importance of accountability, are being on time and in the right uniform. The main reason we
have formations and that we are trying to keep account of personnel to know where everybody is
at, at all times. You need to know where your soldiers are at all times night and day because in the
military things can happen at any time and if you didn't know where they was you wouldn't know
of their wellbeing or even how to find out if they was alive or dead .The sad thing is people
commit suicide all the time and if that happened to one of more content...
There are many reasons why accountability is important not only in the military but as a civilian
too, for instance in the coal mines everyone has two tags with a number on it and before you go
into the mine you hang one of the tags on a bored and keep one with you and when you come out
you pick your tag up, they do this so if something would happen such as the mine would collapse
they would know how many people are down there and who they are so they can conduct a
search and rescue and notify the families of those workers. Not only the coal mines use
accountability, every job uses it in one way or another like when you punch in on your time card,
most people think this is just to accurately record the time you are working but if you think about
it this is a form of accountability, being on time is a very important part of accountability because
if you're not on time you can be considered AWOL or your supervisor could think something bad
has happened such as death or you suffered a serious injury. So
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Army Sustainment Essay
Army sustainment is based on an integrated process (people, systems, materiel, health services, and
other support) indivisibly linking sustainment to operations. The concept focuses on building a
combat ready Army, delivering it to the combatant commander (CCDR) as part of the joint force, and
sustaining its combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance
(ADRP 4–0, Chap. 1, Intro.) Sustainment maintenance is off–system component repair and/or end
item repair and return to the supply system or by exception to the owning unit, performed by
national level maintenance providers. National level maintenance providers include the Army
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The Army Essay
There are many job oppurtunitiesin the army. Anyone one can join and be anything he wants. In the
army everyone has the chance to travel the world. The army has certain benefits and requirements.
All of them will be explained. The army is the oldest of the armed services and is responsible for
land operations. The army has to be prepared to use any action to overcome any enemy that threatens
the U.S. and the nation's intrest. The army helps train the military forces of some friendly nations
and supplies them with the equipment their nation needs. (Army) "While aspiring to be the
most esteemed institution in the nation, we will remain the most respectedarmy in the world and
most feared ground force to those who would threaten more content...
citizen and a college graduatewith a four year degree.(3 paths) Taking the ASVAB will help to find
out which jobs are the best suited to the individual taking the test. Anyone can get a workbook to
study for the test from a local recruiter. If someone is thinking of joining, they should talk to their
local recruiter. They are ready to answer any questions someone might have. Basic traning. A
person's inner strength and valuable skills will help him succed.(getting in step) The army has many
benefitsthat anyone can use. A person can attend college and still be in the army or on active or
reserve duty. The recreational facilities offer everyone something to do. They have clubs, an
eighteen hole golf course, univeristy level libraries, and world class gyms. The vacation time that
everyone gets starts at thirty days. Chooseto use the time it is needed. The army has free travel
services and world calss resorts.(Benefits) As the army has been defined, the requirements to join and
benefits given we can see it is a great path to follow. All career options are availablein the army.
Works Cited Army, United States, World Book. Version American. <http:/
/> Benefits. U.S. <http:/
/> Getting in step. U.S. Army. <http:/
/www,> The United States Army. U.S. Army. <http:/
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In the United States Army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken
down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP' which is short for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service,
Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. We are all taught these 7 Army values repeatedly from
day one in the United States Army. First we memorize these values. Then we are trained to live
by them. All of these 7 values coincide with each other, and play an important roll in our Army
lives. These 7 Army Values also play well into life outside the Army in our personal life. People
sometimes do not realize the importance these values have on the way we are viewed by the people
who look up to the men and woman who are privileged enough to represent more content...
Also improving their performance is a necessity to make a more stable unit. Respect is to "Treat
people as they should be treated." Every soldier is responsible for treating other people with
dignity and respect. As Soldiers we pledge to treat others with respect and dignity while not
expecting anything in return. Respect allows us to appreciate what our Army leaders and Friends
do for us. Respect is to have trust that people will fulfill their duties and accomplish what is
expected of them. Respecting ones self is an important factor of the Army value of respect. We, the
United States Army are one team and we each have something to contribute. What is respect?
Respect has numerous forms. It can be self–awareness, character, understanding, trust, honesty, and a
positive attitude. Respect must be earned. If someone does not respect himself or herself then
they are not able to respect others. To gain respect you must treat others the way you would want
to be treated, as you have heard many times before. If a unit lacks respect it cannot have
teamwork and sympathy for the well being of others. It creates devotion to the success of the
team. Respect goes both ways up and down the chain of command. A leader must respect his or her
soldiers as their soldiers must appreciate the sacrifices and skills their superiors and vice versa. by
respecting the people around you with effort, and in time soldiers come to respect each other.
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Duty: One Of The Army Values
Duty is one of the values outlined the Army values. In my opinion it is one of the most important
of all of them. It is very important but without the other values, Duty by itself cannot assist in
accomplishing the mission. We still have the other values like leadership, respect, selfless service,
honesty, integrity, and personal courage. These all set up the framework for us to be able to
accomplish or duty as soldiers. All of them work hand in hand with each other. Duty is defined in
Webster's dictionary as, "obligatory tasks, conduct, service or functions that arise from ones
position." It is one of the primary values in the Army today. Duty is the reason while we get up
every day and prepare to and defend the United States of America more content...
As an individual in the Army you have the duty of being a soldier but as a leader you have to be a
soldier and a leader. Without being a soldier you cannot accomplish your duty as a leader. Being a
leader in the Army is a duty in itself. You could say that you have 2 duties. That is why these two
are closely related to each other. Another Army value that would go together with duty would be
selfless service. Selfless service is the act of putting once self before a particular group. The group
that we as soldiers put ourselves before is the citizens of our country and other counties that need
our assistance such as Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the value that would instill duty in us as a soldier.
Without selfless service, we would not be in the Army performing our duties today. I don't think I
need to state and example because is already something we doing by being in the military. The last
Army value that would relate to duty would be personal courage. Personal courage is the act of
actually having the strength, physically and mentally, to perform your duties as a soldier. I think it
is the most important value next to duty. Without personal courage you would not be able to pick
up a weapon to defend this country which is our primary as soldiers. It facilitates our
responsibilities as soldiers. Without it we would not have the courage to be at our appointed place
of duty. Duty is not just related to our Army values. It is also defined the Soldier's
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Army Profession Essay
Since the beginning of the Army in 1775 till now, there have been many changes. We have gone
from an all conscription Army to a completely volunteer force. We have gone through wars and
times of peace. Gone from being praised, to being spit on, and back again. Through all the
changes there has been one constant and that is the pride taken by all Soldiers in being called a
Quiet Professional. It does not matter if the Soldier is at their home station or on the front lines, we
all want to do our job, or profession, as professional as possible. According to Merriam–Webster a
profession is "a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill; people who work in a
particular profession" (Merriam–, 2015). To me this means that a profession is not just
an everyday job but a specialized calling. Every Soldier strives to become the expert at their craft,
or MOS, by doing so they earn the trust of the people they work with and for. Since Human
Resources requires special training and skills, the Human Resource (HR) NCO are certified
experts in our profession. As HR NCO's our expertise has a wide range from simple data input, pay,
mail, and beyond. While HR NCO's are not the ones that get all the press or glory, the HR NCO
continues to work making sure our jobs are more content...
This is our job as NCO's to keep the culture and climate of our profession at its peak. We cannot be
the ones that "talk the talk" but not "walk the walk" bring that culture down. It is one of our areas
of expertise to take care and nurture young soldiers. They are the future of the profession, the
future experts that will keep the profession strong and thriving. We as NCO's must do our best to
shield our young soldiers from "toxic" leadership, to show what good leadership is, and mold young
soldiers into the professionals of
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US Military Essay
Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining
it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military
is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In
order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the
risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience. 1. Risks of
Joining the Military: Mental Illnesses Suffering from a mental illness is a common effect of joining
the military that many people aren't fully aware of. Specific mental illnesses one can suffer from are
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more content...
PTSD, depression, and the lack of treatment should all be taken into consideration when thinking
about the military. Depression in soldiers can be caused by the length of deployment because they
don't see their families or friends for months. Commitment Being in the military takes dedication
as well as devotion because it is a big commitment that one must follow through with. Rod Powers,
a writer, states, "Before you join, recognize the fact that a stint in the military is not civilian
employment. It's not just like having a regular job. You can't just get up and quit anytime you want
to" (Powers). One must be patient because this is a responsibility Powers also states, "Along with
not being able to quit, there is also the factor of being deployed for months. Soldiers may find
themselves spending up to seven months out of every year deployed" (Powers). A soldier must be
able to handle being separated from family and friends for a good amount of time. This separation
can cause stress and anxiety between soldiers and their families. Bruce Bell, a psychiatrist, and
Walter Schumm, an author, clarify that, "Returning from deployment can sometimes be stressful and
disappointing" (Bell and Schumm). Soldiers can return home to problems concerning money,
children, spouses, or other relatives. In addition to stress, soldiers and families also get anxious. Bell
and Schumm also mention that, "Unpredictable timing can
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Responsibility in the Army
Responsibility is one of the most important things in the Army. Accountability is also a very
important part of being in the army and it goes hand in hand with responsibility. I failed to
maintain accountability of my weapon while at Yakima Training Center. This was not an
example of being a responsible soldier. This essay will explain what happened and why I think
responsibilty is so important in the US Army. I had set my weapon down in the tool room so that
I can go grab a couple of things from one of the tricons. When I did this, I had lost visual contact
of my weapon while it was unsecure. Because my weapon was unsecure, someone walking by saw
it and had grabbed it. When I got back from the tricons, I had noticed that my weapon
more content...
I had lost accountability of my weapon and therefor failed the mission. I am disciplined,
physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills; This was
not me being disciplined or mentally tough at all. I failed to be proficient in my tasks and drills
by losing my weapon. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself; Maintaining my
arms doesn 't just mean that I keep them in good working condition, it also means that I 'll
maintain accountbility of them. By losing accountability of my weapon I was not maintaining
my arms. I am an expert and I am a professional; As an expert and a professional, I am expected to
have a certain degree of responsibility and accountability of myself, my actions, my equipment,
and other soldiers. When you lose accountability of something, in this case my weapon, it is hard
for others to see you as being a responsible soldier. If others dont see you as someone who can be
responsible or accountable, it 's hard to be considered a professional by your fellow soldiers. I am
an American Soldier; Being an American Soldier means living the Soldiers Creed. When you fail
to live any part of the Soldiers Creed, you fail to maintain the image of an American Soldier. This
can have a negative effect on the soldiers around you if they feel that you are creating a bad image
for the rest of them. Duty; Doing
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Equal Opportunity in the Army
Tech CommunicationRobert Snyder
Research Paper
Equal Opportunity in the Army
Propelled by the civil rights movement of the 1960s and to counteract a national policy of
segregation and inequality, the Department of Defense (DoD) mandated race relations training in
1971. The violent and nonviolent disorders of the late 1960s were the catalyst that convinced military
leaders that race relations education must be provided to every member of the Armed Forces. An
inter–service task force examined the causes and possible cures of these racial disorders within the
military. The task force, chaired by Air Force Major General Lucius Theus, resulted in Department of
Defense Directive 1322.11. This directive established more content...
The situation in today 's Army is clearly much different from what existed years ago. Many
changes have occurred, moving the Army 's EO program from a strictly educational and training
initiative to a multifaceted management program with clear goals and objectives. These goals and
objectives are also an integral part of human relations and are nurtured and developed through a
professional military education system. The concept of the EO program is to formulate, direct, and
sustain a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential. It strives to ensure fair treatment of all
soldiers is based solely on merit, fitness, capability, and potential in support of readiness. EO
philosophy is based on fairness, justice, and equity. It places the responsibility for sustaining a
positive EO climate within a unit on its commander. The U.S. Army will provide EO and fair
treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, religion, gender,
or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive
behavior. The assignment and utilization of female soldiers are the only exceptions to our
non–biased personnel management process. AR 600–13, Army Policy for the Assignment of Female
Soldiers, prescribes policies, procedures, responsibilities, and the position coding
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Essay On Army Values
Being a professional soldier goes a long way. It means a person take pride in everything they do
throughout life. It takes a lot of energy and time to earn this title so upholding its standard is a
must. A soldier abides by all his and her codes and creeds. Also, the soldier must follow the army
set values. There are seven values and all have a significant importance to our nation; loyalty, duty,
respect, selfless–service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. These seven values are all a
soldier needs to be professional in the army. Following each of them and executing them will
build your character and define you as a soldier and a person. Army values are like everyday
values too, but in the army and being held at such a higher value they have to withhold them more
then other people may have too. This means a soldier must have a strong loyalty to our country.
They also have one of America's largest duty upon them to make our nation to make it feel and be
whole, if a soldier does not succeed with this duty stored upon him or her then they are not doing
the job assigned to him or her. Selfless services and personal courage are two very similar things
that many people do not have or think about. Soldiers have to have the courage to go out on the
battlefield and deploy and fight and complete a duty they are given, more content...
Some people may have a few of the seven army values, but no one has all seven like an army
soldier, we have a professional job that not many people think about, they think it's just about
saving American. Soldiers have to be in top shape, in health and professionalism, soldiers has a
whole have to be more professional than some business men and that's just because not a few people
are looking over us, over billions of Americans are looking up at soldiers and are deciding if they
want to join us and be as professional as us or just
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Army Profession Essay
What is a profession? First and foremost let's look at how we can define a profession from a
general point. A profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and
intensive academic preparation. Profession doesn't mean only to be perfectly prepared on the
basis of theoretical aspects, but to meet the strict criteria as well. A good professional should be a
leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be assessed according to the amount of
resolved problems. Everybody has a tendency to be successful, in trying this; a successful leader has
to be confident in his decisions. It follows from that, that generally we can consider the leader as an
expert, a matured personality, somebody who meets the more content...
He is ready to sacrifice his own life. Professional soldiers differ from the ordinary citizen
particularly in psychological and personal characteristics and qualities. A soldier professional does
not want a war, but he wants to be prepared for the worst possible variant of development. We can
say that working in the armed forces is characterized by several attributes. I think the expert work,
self–improvement, ethics, fulltime commitment and discipline are the most important ones. The
expert work comes out from the requirements for controlling highly specialized equipment and
procedures that occur only under the conditions of the armed forces. For example, an engineer
knows the procedures for mine–clearing, building floating bridges, command and controlling
submarines, fire control of air defense systems, logistic equipment transfers and many others. All
of these activities call for a maximal professional approach and adherence to precisely specified
procedures, which can be achieved only by professionals with many years of experience. So, to
move forward and improve our professionalism it is very important to consider self–improvement.
In my opinion, learning from experienced master soldiers, be active in self learning and have
good motivation are the right ways to succeed. A profession of arms can be, and it certainly is, a
dangerous way to meet our life necessities. It would be quite ridiculous if somebody stated he
worked for armed forces only for loyalty to the
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Army Essay

  • 1. Military Customs and Courtesy Essay Today's Army in an extremely nostalgic organization with a copious amount traditions and has about a million different methods of conducting its business. Some are old and some are new, but possibly the oldest one that has been around since before the Army was officially established and still lives today is the Army's rules, regulations and policies on customs and courtesies. In this form of a remedial block of instruction given to me, due to what I believe to be false targeting, I am to explain the Army's customs and courtesies and their importance. Customs and Courtesies are among the main fundamentals of military life, the other being the Seven Army Values, upon which Soldiers are expected to live and rely upon both on and off more content... A leader unwilling to sacrifice individual goals for the good of the unit cannot convince other unit members to do so. The mission suffers with potentially devastating effects. While personal goals often coincide with Army goals, there is no room for personal agendas at the expense of the institution or the American people. It is a standard in the hierarchy of military customs and courtesies that the leader must display to his subordinates that he is willing to put in extra effort, sacrifice personal time, and show initiative and motivation in order to achieve the same from his Soldiers. Tardiness is not tolerated in the military. It reflects inattention to duty. In addition to being extremely impolite, on active duty, it is punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Never keep a senior officer waiting because of your forgetfulness or lack of planning. If an unexpected event delays you, call ahead and give an explanation. The same rule applies to appointments and meetings you have arranged with subordinates. Don't keep them waiting. If your subordinates think of you as a "latecomer," you have not set a good example for them. In today's society, some people resign themselves to just getting by. Because we've been entrusted with our nation's security and a good portion of the national treasury –– because our mission often involves the risk of human life and sometimes national survival Get more content on
  • 2. Army Recruitment Essay Army Recruitment Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Problem Statement3 3. Review of Current Practices3 4. Strategic Plan for Change6 5. Strategic Approach for Implementation of Changes8 6. Final Recommendations10 7. Summary/Conclusions11 Introduction Recruitment of the United States military is a vital part of maintaining an all volunteer military force. Because of recent world events and the high operations tempo of the military, Army has had some problems with its recruitment. Convincing civilians to sign up to be a solider can be a tough job when it requires being sent 7,000 miles from home to go fight in a war zone. What can recruiters do to more content... When people have other options some of them will inevitably take them. This causes a direct correlation between military recruitment and the national unemployment rate. When young healthy people that would be eligible to join the military can't find a civilian job, the military becomes much more appealing. Having a good awareness of the national unemployment rate is critical for military recruitment. During times of low national unemployment, the military may have to consider offering adding incentives and bonuses to attract quality personnel. Other problems that recruiter's face, when trying to attract military personnel, is advanced education, youth trends of popularity and society views. The principal activities that "compete" with military service for recent high school graduates are further schooling and civilian employment. The trade–offs among these alternatives shift substantially over time because of both fluctuations in the civilian economy and secular trends in the aspirations of youth (Sackett, 2003, p.43). With the current events in the world today and in the United States the trade–offs of not joining the military seem to have the edge causing recruiters to work harder and the government to spend more money on meeting their goals. Due to recent problems with recruitment, the Army has increased the maximum age of recruits from 34 to 39. This five year increase shows that the Army is becoming desperate to
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  • 4. Why Accountability Is Important In The Military Accountability is defined as, "Obligation of an individual, firm, or institution to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner." The importance of accountability, are being on time and in the right uniform. The main reason we have formations and that we are trying to keep account of personnel to know where everybody is at, at all times. You need to know where your soldiers are at all times night and day because in the military things can happen at any time and if you didn't know where they was you wouldn't know of their wellbeing or even how to find out if they was alive or dead .The sad thing is people commit suicide all the time and if that happened to one of more content... There are many reasons why accountability is important not only in the military but as a civilian too, for instance in the coal mines everyone has two tags with a number on it and before you go into the mine you hang one of the tags on a bored and keep one with you and when you come out you pick your tag up, they do this so if something would happen such as the mine would collapse they would know how many people are down there and who they are so they can conduct a search and rescue and notify the families of those workers. Not only the coal mines use accountability, every job uses it in one way or another like when you punch in on your time card, most people think this is just to accurately record the time you are working but if you think about it this is a form of accountability, being on time is a very important part of accountability because if you're not on time you can be considered AWOL or your supervisor could think something bad has happened such as death or you suffered a serious injury. So Get more content on
  • 5. Army Sustainment Essay Army sustainment is based on an integrated process (people, systems, materiel, health services, and other support) indivisibly linking sustainment to operations. The concept focuses on building a combat ready Army, delivering it to the combatant commander (CCDR) as part of the joint force, and sustaining its combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance (ADRP 4–0, Chap. 1, Intro.) Sustainment maintenance is off–system component repair and/or end item repair and return to the supply system or by exception to the owning unit, performed by national level maintenance providers. National level maintenance providers include the Army Get more content on
  • 6. The Army Essay There are many job oppurtunitiesin the army. Anyone one can join and be anything he wants. In the army everyone has the chance to travel the world. The army has certain benefits and requirements. All of them will be explained. The army is the oldest of the armed services and is responsible for land operations. The army has to be prepared to use any action to overcome any enemy that threatens the U.S. and the nation's intrest. The army helps train the military forces of some friendly nations and supplies them with the equipment their nation needs. (Army) "While aspiring to be the most esteemed institution in the nation, we will remain the most respectedarmy in the world and most feared ground force to those who would threaten more content... citizen and a college graduatewith a four year degree.(3 paths) Taking the ASVAB will help to find out which jobs are the best suited to the individual taking the test. Anyone can get a workbook to study for the test from a local recruiter. If someone is thinking of joining, they should talk to their local recruiter. They are ready to answer any questions someone might have. Basic traning. A person's inner strength and valuable skills will help him succed.(getting in step) The army has many benefitsthat anyone can use. A person can attend college and still be in the army or on active or reserve duty. The recreational facilities offer everyone something to do. They have clubs, an eighteen hole golf course, univeristy level libraries, and world class gyms. The vacation time that everyone gets starts at thirty days. Chooseto use the time it is needed. The army has free travel services and world calss resorts.(Benefits) As the army has been defined, the requirements to join and benefits given we can see it is a great path to follow. All career options are availablein the army. Works Cited Army, United States, World Book. Version American. <http:/ /> Benefits. U.S. <http:/ /> Getting in step. U.S. Army. <http:/ /www,> The United States Army. U.S. Army. <http:/ /> Get more content on
  • 7. THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES Essay In the United States Army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken down to us in the acronym 'LDRSHIP' which is short for Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage. We are all taught these 7 Army values repeatedly from day one in the United States Army. First we memorize these values. Then we are trained to live by them. All of these 7 values coincide with each other, and play an important roll in our Army lives. These 7 Army Values also play well into life outside the Army in our personal life. People sometimes do not realize the importance these values have on the way we are viewed by the people who look up to the men and woman who are privileged enough to represent more content... Also improving their performance is a necessity to make a more stable unit. Respect is to "Treat people as they should be treated." Every soldier is responsible for treating other people with dignity and respect. As Soldiers we pledge to treat others with respect and dignity while not expecting anything in return. Respect allows us to appreciate what our Army leaders and Friends do for us. Respect is to have trust that people will fulfill their duties and accomplish what is expected of them. Respecting ones self is an important factor of the Army value of respect. We, the United States Army are one team and we each have something to contribute. What is respect? Respect has numerous forms. It can be self–awareness, character, understanding, trust, honesty, and a positive attitude. Respect must be earned. If someone does not respect himself or herself then they are not able to respect others. To gain respect you must treat others the way you would want to be treated, as you have heard many times before. If a unit lacks respect it cannot have teamwork and sympathy for the well being of others. It creates devotion to the success of the team. Respect goes both ways up and down the chain of command. A leader must respect his or her soldiers as their soldiers must appreciate the sacrifices and skills their superiors and vice versa. by respecting the people around you with effort, and in time soldiers come to respect each other. Get more content on
  • 8. Duty: One Of The Army Values Duty is one of the values outlined the Army values. In my opinion it is one of the most important of all of them. It is very important but without the other values, Duty by itself cannot assist in accomplishing the mission. We still have the other values like leadership, respect, selfless service, honesty, integrity, and personal courage. These all set up the framework for us to be able to accomplish or duty as soldiers. All of them work hand in hand with each other. Duty is defined in Webster's dictionary as, "obligatory tasks, conduct, service or functions that arise from ones position." It is one of the primary values in the Army today. Duty is the reason while we get up every day and prepare to and defend the United States of America more content... As an individual in the Army you have the duty of being a soldier but as a leader you have to be a soldier and a leader. Without being a soldier you cannot accomplish your duty as a leader. Being a leader in the Army is a duty in itself. You could say that you have 2 duties. That is why these two are closely related to each other. Another Army value that would go together with duty would be selfless service. Selfless service is the act of putting once self before a particular group. The group that we as soldiers put ourselves before is the citizens of our country and other counties that need our assistance such as Iraq and Afghanistan. It is the value that would instill duty in us as a soldier. Without selfless service, we would not be in the Army performing our duties today. I don't think I need to state and example because is already something we doing by being in the military. The last Army value that would relate to duty would be personal courage. Personal courage is the act of actually having the strength, physically and mentally, to perform your duties as a soldier. I think it is the most important value next to duty. Without personal courage you would not be able to pick up a weapon to defend this country which is our primary as soldiers. It facilitates our responsibilities as soldiers. Without it we would not have the courage to be at our appointed place of duty. Duty is not just related to our Army values. It is also defined the Soldier's Get more content on
  • 9. Army Profession Essay Since the beginning of the Army in 1775 till now, there have been many changes. We have gone from an all conscription Army to a completely volunteer force. We have gone through wars and times of peace. Gone from being praised, to being spit on, and back again. Through all the changes there has been one constant and that is the pride taken by all Soldiers in being called a Quiet Professional. It does not matter if the Soldier is at their home station or on the front lines, we all want to do our job, or profession, as professional as possible. According to Merriam–Webster a profession is "a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill; people who work in a particular profession" (Merriam–, 2015). To me this means that a profession is not just an everyday job but a specialized calling. Every Soldier strives to become the expert at their craft, or MOS, by doing so they earn the trust of the people they work with and for. Since Human Resources requires special training and skills, the Human Resource (HR) NCO are certified experts in our profession. As HR NCO's our expertise has a wide range from simple data input, pay, mail, and beyond. While HR NCO's are not the ones that get all the press or glory, the HR NCO continues to work making sure our jobs are more content... This is our job as NCO's to keep the culture and climate of our profession at its peak. We cannot be the ones that "talk the talk" but not "walk the walk" bring that culture down. It is one of our areas of expertise to take care and nurture young soldiers. They are the future of the profession, the future experts that will keep the profession strong and thriving. We as NCO's must do our best to shield our young soldiers from "toxic" leadership, to show what good leadership is, and mold young soldiers into the professionals of Get more content on
  • 10. US Military Essay Many people are concerned about the U.S. military because of how many risks come with joining it. However, the U.S. military also explains the benefits that one could receive. Joining the military is a decision that should not be taken lightly. One must understand all aspects of the military. In order for a voter to be fully informed about joining the US military, one must consider both the risks, like mental illnesses and commitment and benefits, like education, and experience. 1. Risks of Joining the Military: Mental Illnesses Suffering from a mental illness is a common effect of joining the military that many people aren't fully aware of. Specific mental illnesses one can suffer from are Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) more content... PTSD, depression, and the lack of treatment should all be taken into consideration when thinking about the military. Depression in soldiers can be caused by the length of deployment because they don't see their families or friends for months. Commitment Being in the military takes dedication as well as devotion because it is a big commitment that one must follow through with. Rod Powers, a writer, states, "Before you join, recognize the fact that a stint in the military is not civilian employment. It's not just like having a regular job. You can't just get up and quit anytime you want to" (Powers). One must be patient because this is a responsibility Powers also states, "Along with not being able to quit, there is also the factor of being deployed for months. Soldiers may find themselves spending up to seven months out of every year deployed" (Powers). A soldier must be able to handle being separated from family and friends for a good amount of time. This separation can cause stress and anxiety between soldiers and their families. Bruce Bell, a psychiatrist, and Walter Schumm, an author, clarify that, "Returning from deployment can sometimes be stressful and disappointing" (Bell and Schumm). Soldiers can return home to problems concerning money, children, spouses, or other relatives. In addition to stress, soldiers and families also get anxious. Bell and Schumm also mention that, "Unpredictable timing can Get more content on
  • 11. Responsibility in the Army Responsibility is one of the most important things in the Army. Accountability is also a very important part of being in the army and it goes hand in hand with responsibility. I failed to maintain accountability of my weapon while at Yakima Training Center. This was not an example of being a responsible soldier. This essay will explain what happened and why I think responsibilty is so important in the US Army. I had set my weapon down in the tool room so that I can go grab a couple of things from one of the tricons. When I did this, I had lost visual contact of my weapon while it was unsecure. Because my weapon was unsecure, someone walking by saw it and had grabbed it. When I got back from the tricons, I had noticed that my weapon more content... I had lost accountability of my weapon and therefor failed the mission. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills; This was not me being disciplined or mentally tough at all. I failed to be proficient in my tasks and drills by losing my weapon. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself; Maintaining my arms doesn 't just mean that I keep them in good working condition, it also means that I 'll maintain accountbility of them. By losing accountability of my weapon I was not maintaining my arms. I am an expert and I am a professional; As an expert and a professional, I am expected to have a certain degree of responsibility and accountability of myself, my actions, my equipment, and other soldiers. When you lose accountability of something, in this case my weapon, it is hard for others to see you as being a responsible soldier. If others dont see you as someone who can be responsible or accountable, it 's hard to be considered a professional by your fellow soldiers. I am an American Soldier; Being an American Soldier means living the Soldiers Creed. When you fail to live any part of the Soldiers Creed, you fail to maintain the image of an American Soldier. This can have a negative effect on the soldiers around you if they feel that you are creating a bad image for the rest of them. Duty; Doing Get more content on
  • 12. Equal Opportunity in the Army Tech CommunicationRobert Snyder Research Paper Equal Opportunity in the Army Propelled by the civil rights movement of the 1960s and to counteract a national policy of segregation and inequality, the Department of Defense (DoD) mandated race relations training in 1971. The violent and nonviolent disorders of the late 1960s were the catalyst that convinced military leaders that race relations education must be provided to every member of the Armed Forces. An inter–service task force examined the causes and possible cures of these racial disorders within the military. The task force, chaired by Air Force Major General Lucius Theus, resulted in Department of Defense Directive 1322.11. This directive established more content... The situation in today 's Army is clearly much different from what existed years ago. Many changes have occurred, moving the Army 's EO program from a strictly educational and training initiative to a multifaceted management program with clear goals and objectives. These goals and objectives are also an integral part of human relations and are nurtured and developed through a professional military education system. The concept of the EO program is to formulate, direct, and sustain a comprehensive effort to maximize human potential. It strives to ensure fair treatment of all soldiers is based solely on merit, fitness, capability, and potential in support of readiness. EO philosophy is based on fairness, justice, and equity. It places the responsibility for sustaining a positive EO climate within a unit on its commander. The U.S. Army will provide EO and fair treatment for military personnel and family members without regard to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin, and provide an environment free of unlawful discrimination and offensive behavior. The assignment and utilization of female soldiers are the only exceptions to our non–biased personnel management process. AR 600–13, Army Policy for the Assignment of Female Soldiers, prescribes policies, procedures, responsibilities, and the position coding Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Army Values Being a professional soldier goes a long way. It means a person take pride in everything they do throughout life. It takes a lot of energy and time to earn this title so upholding its standard is a must. A soldier abides by all his and her codes and creeds. Also, the soldier must follow the army set values. There are seven values and all have a significant importance to our nation; loyalty, duty, respect, selfless–service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. These seven values are all a soldier needs to be professional in the army. Following each of them and executing them will build your character and define you as a soldier and a person. Army values are like everyday values too, but in the army and being held at such a higher value they have to withhold them more then other people may have too. This means a soldier must have a strong loyalty to our country. They also have one of America's largest duty upon them to make our nation to make it feel and be whole, if a soldier does not succeed with this duty stored upon him or her then they are not doing the job assigned to him or her. Selfless services and personal courage are two very similar things that many people do not have or think about. Soldiers have to have the courage to go out on the battlefield and deploy and fight and complete a duty they are given, more content... Some people may have a few of the seven army values, but no one has all seven like an army soldier, we have a professional job that not many people think about, they think it's just about saving American. Soldiers have to be in top shape, in health and professionalism, soldiers has a whole have to be more professional than some business men and that's just because not a few people are looking over us, over billions of Americans are looking up at soldiers and are deciding if they want to join us and be as professional as us or just Get more content on
  • 14. Army Profession Essay What is a profession? First and foremost let's look at how we can define a profession from a general point. A profession is an occupation requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive academic preparation. Profession doesn't mean only to be perfectly prepared on the basis of theoretical aspects, but to meet the strict criteria as well. A good professional should be a leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be assessed according to the amount of resolved problems. Everybody has a tendency to be successful, in trying this; a successful leader has to be confident in his decisions. It follows from that, that generally we can consider the leader as an expert, a matured personality, somebody who meets the more content... He is ready to sacrifice his own life. Professional soldiers differ from the ordinary citizen particularly in psychological and personal characteristics and qualities. A soldier professional does not want a war, but he wants to be prepared for the worst possible variant of development. We can say that working in the armed forces is characterized by several attributes. I think the expert work, self–improvement, ethics, fulltime commitment and discipline are the most important ones. The expert work comes out from the requirements for controlling highly specialized equipment and procedures that occur only under the conditions of the armed forces. For example, an engineer knows the procedures for mine–clearing, building floating bridges, command and controlling submarines, fire control of air defense systems, logistic equipment transfers and many others. All of these activities call for a maximal professional approach and adherence to precisely specified procedures, which can be achieved only by professionals with many years of experience. So, to move forward and improve our professionalism it is very important to consider self–improvement. In my opinion, learning from experienced master soldiers, be active in self learning and have good motivation are the right ways to succeed. A profession of arms can be, and it certainly is, a dangerous way to meet our life necessities. It would be quite ridiculous if somebody stated he worked for armed forces only for loyalty to the Get more content on