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Summary of act one
Arms and the Man
George Bernard Shaw
“Arms and the Man: A Pleasant Play.”
Made by-Khandoker Mufakkher Hossain
Ex-Student, Jagannath University,Dhaka.
Dept. of English
Summary of act one
Arms and the Man
George Bernard Shaw
The scene is set in Bulgaria in November of
1885, during the Serbo-Bulgarian war. In a
small town near the Dragoman Pass, a
young lady loiters on the balcony off her
bedchamber, looking out at the romantic
night in the Balkan Mountains.
Raina Petkoff is dressed in a nightgown
but covered by a costly fur mantle. Her
mother, Catherine Petkoff, interrupts
her, telling her of the recent nearby
battle at Slivnitza.
The Bulgarians won, and it was
her own fiancÊ, Sergius Saranoff,
who was the hero! They embrace
with delight as Catherine tells
the details.
Raina says that it only proves their ideas
were right. The ideas of heroism and
patriotism that she has doubted really do
exist! She admits that as she buckled on her
hero’s sword she wondered if the ideals were
only in books and poems. Now she knows
that Sergius is as brave as he looks.
Louka, a pretty servant girl, comes in to
announce that the windows must be shut
and fastened; there is fighting in the street.
The Serbs are running away and could be
dangerous. She locks the shutters, and
Catherine goes to see to the house.
Raina begs for the shutters to
stay open, saying that she wishes
her people would not be cruel to
the fugitives. Louka slyly shows
Raina how to open the shutters
again, and then leaves
Raina throws her cloak on the ottoman and
goes to the chest to admire a portrait of
Sergius. As she prepares to get into bed, she
hears a shot. Raina blows out the candles but
sees someone come in through the balcony
A man’s voice warns her to be careful and to
strike a light so he can see her. In the light
she sees a Serbian officer in distress,
spattered with blood and mud.
He takes a threatening tone with
Raina, as she is an enemy, explaining
he does not intend to get killed.
Raina treats him disdainfully, comparing him
to her brave Sergius, who, she believes, is not
afraid to die. The man takes up her cloak so
she will not go out to call someone.
He tells her if they catch him they will
butcher him in front of her in her
room; then he throws his pistol on the
A Bulgarian patrol comes to the door of
the house. Raina and the stranger hear the
commotion as the search begins. The
fugitive suddenly gives in and says it’s all
He gives Raina her cloak and tells her
not to look when they shoot him. Raina
generously says she will save him. She
puts him behind the window curtain.
Louka enters saying that a Serb was
seen climbing up to her balcony. She
exhorts Raina to dress and leave. Then
Louka sees the pistol on the ottoman
and freezes.
Catherine rushes in and asks if Raina
has seen anything. Raina lies and says
no. A Russian officer comes in to the
bedroom to search. Raina says there is
no one there and throws open the
balcony doors.
The officer withdraws, but Louka
takes in the scene, realizing what
Raina is doing, and laughs insolently
at her young mistress, assuming she
wants the fugitive for a lover.
Raina is outraged by his vulgarity, and
haughtily gives him some chocolates
from the dresser when he says he is
She mocks him for acting frightened,
and he reminds her that she would be
frightened too if she had been on the
run with no sleep for three days.
When the man begins to describe the
cavalry charge, Raina is radiant with
expectation, but she is shocked when
he reveals Sergius’s brave act was due
to his horse running away with him.
The only reason the Bulgarians won
was that the Serbians had the wrong
ammunition for their guns. The victory
was a bizarre accident led by a fool.
Raina is insulted and asks him to leave,
but the man is too tired to climb down
from the balcony, and falls asleep in
Raina’s bed as she goes to find her
She has pledged to give asylum to
their enemy, as she once saw
happen in a romantic opera.
Arms and the Man: Act 2
Summary of Act II
It is March 6, 1886 in the garden of the
Petkoff house. On a spring morning the
laundry is spread on the bushes to dry,
and breakfast is served on an outdoor
Louka is defiantly smoking a cigarette
in view of the house, speaking to a
middle-aged servant, Nicola, an
intelligent and calculating man,
deferential to his employers.
Nicola warns the young Louka not to be
rebellious in her ways or she will be
fired. Nicola warns the young Louka
not to be rebellious in her ways or she
will be fired.
Nicola is engaged to Louka but says he
cannot marry her if she disgraces the
house. His dream is to save enough
money to open a shop in Sofia, but in
any case, he is dependent on the good
will of the Petkoff family.
Louka upbraids him for cowardice; she
knows family secrets that the Petkoffs
would not like told. Nicola explains that
they could destroy her reputation so
that no one would believe her stories.
He also knows family secrets, secrets
that would ruin Raina’s engagement.
Louka says she will never have the soul
of a servant as Nicola does.
Just then they hear a knock on the
gate; it is Major Petkoff, Raina’s father,
home from the war. He is a cheerful
man of fifty, and sits down to breakfast
in the garden.
Louka brings him coffee and brandy.
Catherine comes out to greet her
husband; he says the war is over, and
the command to demobilize the army
has come.
They chat about household affairs, and
Catherine announces they now have an
electric bell in the library to call the
servants. Petkoff sees nothing wrong in
shouting for the servants.
Sergius comes in the gate just then and
Petkoff asks his wife to keep Sergius
from bothering him about a promotion.
Catherine says he deserves a
promotion, but Petkoff tells her no one
will promote a foolhardy officer like
Sergius to be a general unless there is a
lasting peace.
Sergius comes into the garden, with the
cynical air of someone who has
become disenchanted with himself and
the world.
Catherine gives him lavish praise for
being the hero of the war, but Sergius is
quite aware that he is being criticized
for winning the battle in the wrong
He says he has resigned. Catherine says
he must withdraw his resignation, and
he says proudly he never withdraws or
backs down on his word.
Raina makes a dramatic entrance,
beautiful and regal. Sergius kisses her
hand. Sergius continues his speech,
objecting to modern warfare as being a
tradesman’s game and no longer
He was advised by a Swiss Raina
makes a dramatic entrance, beautiful
and regal.
He was advised by a Swiss officer to
give up soldiering. Petkoff says that
same Swiss Captain overcharged them
on the horses.
The women, hearing about the Swiss
officer, exchange glances, and ask if
there are many Swiss in the Serbian
Only one, they are told. Sergius says
there is a story going around about
how he escaped with the help of two
Bulgarian women.
He was alone in the bedroom with the
younger woman. Raina scolds him for
telling them a vulgar story. Sergius
apologizes, saying that war has made
him coarse.
Petkoff asks Sergius to come into the
library and help him plan how to
demobilize the regiments.
He has no idea how to get them to
Philippopolis. Catherine says she will
help her husband, to give the young
people a few moments alone. The
young lovers greet one another.
Raina praises him as a hero; he praises
her as his inspiration. Raina says they
have found “the higher love” (p. 31).
Louka comes out to clear the table, and
the lovers decide to go for a walk to be
alone. Raina goes in to get her hat.
Sergius asks Louka if she knows what
“the higher love” is. She says, no. He
comments that it is fatiguing to keep
He explains that you can tell an old
soldier from a young one. The old ones
carry food, the young ones,
ammunition. He needs relief. He begins
flirting with Louka.
He claims that he is half a dozen
Sergiuses, and Sergius the hero has been
replaced by another personality now.
Louka at first resists him, then chides
him for standing in view of the house,
for Raina will be spying on them.
Sergius enjoys Louka’s witty honesty
and tries to kiss her. She evades him,
saying the upper classes are hypocrites;
both he and Raina are cheating behind
the other’s back.
Sergius asks who his rival is, but Louka
says she will lose her place if she tells,
but she knows if the man ever comes
back, Raina will marry him.
Sergius grabs Louka’s arms until he
hurts her and accuses her of the
baseness of being a mere servant.
Louka answers back that he has proved
to her that he is no better than she is.
She accuses Raina of being a liar and
boasts she is worth six of her mistress.
Sergius suddenly apologizes to Louka
for hurting her, but she says she wants
more; she wants her hurt made well.
She offers her bruised arm to be kissed.
He says in his absolute manner, he
never will. Raina returns with her hat,
and Louka leaves.
Raina asks Sergius if he has been
flirting with Louka, and he says no.
Catherine enters and begs Sergius to go
help her husband manage the troops.
Sergius goes to the house. Catherine and
Raina discuss their difficulty about the
Swiss officer they helped. They are
afraid of being discovered for their
treason; Raina’s engagement is also at
Catherine says that her husband keeps
asking for the coat that she loaned to
the Swiss. Raina is furious with the
Swiss for another reason—for telling
other people about the incident.
The story is all over town. Raina, in a
moment of truth, says she wishes her
mother could marry Sergius, for he is a
favorite of her mother’s.
She herself longs to shock Sergius. She
doesn’t care if he finds out about “the
chocolate-cream soldier” (p. 37).
Raina leaves as Louka enters,
announcing a Serbian officer. He has
been asking for the lady of the house.
Catherine looks at his card: “Captain
Bluntschli.” Louka says it is a Swiss
Catherine realizes it is the fugitive who
has come back to return the coat he
She asks that he be brought into the
garden, and that Nicola should bring
his bag with the coat in it right away.
Captain Bluntschli enters the garden
from the house, now looking
presentable in his uniform.
Raina leaves as Louka enters,
announcing a Serbian officer. He has
been asking for the lady of the house.
Catherine looks at his card: “Captain
Bluntschli.” Louka says it is a Swiss
Catherine realizes it is the fugitive who
has come back to return the coat he
borrowed. She asks that he be brought
into the garden, and that Nicola should
bring his bag with the coat in it right
Captain Bluntschli enters the garden
from the house, now looking
presentable in his uniform.
Catherine informs him he must leave
at once before her husband sees him.
He is disappointed but agrees.
He goes towards the house to collect
his bag, but Catherine says his bag will
be sent to him. He must leave by the
As Bluntschli writes his address on his
card, Major Petkoff comes from the
house and greets him warmly.
Sergius follows, and the three have a
happy reunion, while Catherine looks
on nervously.
The men ask Bluntschli to help with
sending the regiments home. Bluntschli
agrees to stay, and the three go arm in
arm to the house.
Raina, coming out, is surprised by
Bluntschli’s appearance and blurts out,
“The chocolate-cream soldier!” (p. 41).
The men ask Bluntschli to help with
sending the regiments home. Bluntschli
agrees to stay, and the three go arm in
arm to the house.
Raina, coming out, is surprised by
Bluntschli’s appearance and blurts out,
“The chocolate-cream soldier!” (p. 41).
Raina tries to cover up for her blunder
by explaining she had made a
chocolate-cream soldier ornament for
the pudding, and Nicola had spoiled it.
Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola,
who used to be efficient. Now, he is
making mistakes, like showing
Bluntschli into the garden instead of
the library.
Catherine scolds Nicola for bringing the
bag out to the garden. Raina tries to
cover up for her blunder by explaining
she had made a chocolate-cream
soldier ornament for the pudding, and
Nicola had spoiled it.
Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola,
who used to be efficient. Now, he is
making mistakes, like showing Bluntschli
into the garden instead of the library.
Catherine scolds Nicola for bringing the
bag out to the garden.
Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola,
who used to be efficient. Now, he is
making mistakes, like showing
Bluntschli into the garden instead of
the library. Catherine scolds Nicola for
bringing the bag out to the garden.
Nicola, confused, takes the insults as
part of his servant’s job of taking the
blame for everything.
Petkoff says he will fire the servants,
who have gotten out of hand while he
was gone. Meanwhile, everyone urges
Bluntschli to stay, including Raina.
Arms and the Man: Act 3
Summary of Act III
The scene opens in the Petkoff library
after lunch. The library only has few
books and is used primarily as a sitting
In the middle is a table, where
Bluntschli works to get the regiments
home in an orderly fashion.
He writes up the orders, and Sergius
signs them, while Major Petkoff reads a
newspaper, Catherine embroiders, and
Raina lies on a divan in a dreamy
Petkoff mentions he wishes he had his
old coat to make him more
comfortable. He hasn’t been able to
find it.
Catherine tells him it is in the blue
closet where it always is. Catherine
rings the bell and summons Nicola to
go to the blue closet and get the coat.
Petkoff bets his wife a new piece of
jewelry that it isn’t there. He tries to
get the others to join in the bet, but
Catherine won’t let them, knowing her
husband will have to pay.
Nicola comes back with the coat and says
it was in the blue closet. The orders are
finished, and Bluntschli tells the Major and
Sergius they should deliver them
personally. Petkoff asks his wife to come
too as the troops will be far more
frightened of her.
Bluntschli and Raina are alone. She
comments that he looks much better
than the last time she saw him.
She asks if his army was angry with him
for running away, and he says no
because they all ran away too.
She then says coyly that it must have
made a great story about how she hid
him in her room.
He says yes, it was a great story, but he
only told it to one friend on whom he
could rely.
Raina explains that his trusted friend
told it to Sergius and her father during
the exchange of prisoners.
Bluntschli is shocked. She insists that if
Sergius finds out the story is about her,
he will challenge Bluntschli to a duel.
Bluntschli has therefore compromised
her and is no gentleman, because her
relationship with Sergius is based on
truth, the one beautiful thing in her
Bluntschli quips that she lied that
morning about the chocolate-cream
soldier! Raina claims it is only the
second time she has told a lie.
The first time was to save his life from
the Bulgarians. Raina gets indignant
and paces the room.
Bluntschli comments that when she
strikes that noble pose, he finds it
impossible to believe anything she
says. Raina instantly gives in and asks,
“How did you find me out?”(p. 51).
Raina is happy that a man has seen
through her acting. She admits she has
been dramatic since childhood, and
that Sergius believes in her pose.
Bluntschli replies that he is her admirer
as much as Sergius is. Raina asks what
he thought about her sending him her
Bluntschli did not see the portrait,
which she put into the pocket of her
father’s coat. They realize the portrait
must still be in the coat.
Louka enters then with the mail and
puts letters on the table. She now
wears a bracelet over the bruise on her
The letters are for Bluntschli and the
messenger waits. Louka enters then
with the mail and puts letters on the
She now wears a bracelet over the
bruise on her arm. The letters are for
Bluntschli and the messenger waits.
Bluntschli reads the letters and
announces that his father is dead. He
will have to leave to take care of his
His father has left him a lot of hotels. He
is now a rich man. He runs out of the
room and Louka accuses him of having
no heart for his father’s death. Raina
follows Bluntschli as Nicola enters.
Nicola has been looking for Louka. He
shows her money that various family
members gave him for covering up for
He offers to give her some to spend on
herself. Louka refuses the money,
contemptuous that he sells his soul in
this manner. She says he will never be
master of her.
Nicola reminds her of all the tips he
has given her on raising herself up to
be more lady-like.
If she plays her cards right with Sergius,
she could turn out to be one of his
aristocratic customers instead of his
He tells her, however, she is too sharp-
tongued. She must act like a lady if she
wants to get Sergius. Louka says she
has to be herself.
Sergius enters, and Nicola implies to
him that he has been scolding Louka
for reading; she is always trying to rise
above her station.
When alone with Louka, Sergius begins
flirting with her, asking how her bruise
is. He refuses to apologize for the
Louka asks if the poor men in the
cavalry charge had to be any less brave
than the officers.
Sergius says no; all the soldiers were
brave and slashed the enemy, but the
poor soldiers are still afraid of their
own officers. Louka says that Sergius
does not know what true courage is.
Louka declares that if she were
Empress of Russia she would marry the
man she loved, which no queen in
Europe has the courage to do.
But he, Sergius, would not have the
courage to marry her if he were in love
with her, for fear of what others
Sergius, challenged, denies he would
not have the courage. He just happens
to be in love with another woman, he
tells her.
Louka says Raina will not marry him
now that the Swiss has come back.
Sergius is thunderstruck to learn his
rival is Bluntschli.
Louka says that Bluntschli is worth ten
of Sergius, and furthermore, Sergius is
not good enough to marry her (Louka).
Sergius is discouraged, but he reminds
Louka before she goes out the door
that she belongs to him because she
loves him, and if he ever touches her
again, he will be touching his future
bride. He stands proudly as if to say he
has given his word and will not relent.
Bluntschli comes into the room, and
Sergius accuses him of being his rival
for Raina’s affections.
He challenges him to a duel. Bluntschli
accepts. Raina enters and asks what
the fight is about.
Bluntschli says he doesn’t know, but
not to worry, he is so good with a
sword that Sergius won’t touch him,
and he won’t hurt him. After the fight,
he’ll leave and they can make up.
Sergius accuses Raina of being in love
with Bluntschli, and Bluntschli replies
that is ridiculous; the young lady
doesn’t even know if he is married or
Raina blames Bluntschli’s friend for
spreading the story about her, and
Sergius says it was not the friend who
told it to him.
She guesses it was Louka and then
accuses him of flirting with her behind
her back. She says that Sergius should
actually fight with his rival, Nicola..
Sergius is consumed with anger and
jealousy to think that Louka is already
engaged. Sergius and Raina argue, but
Bluntschli’s good nature prevails, and
soon all are laughing at the absurdities
Sergius finds Louka listening at the door
and drags her into the room. She admits
her love for Sergius. Major Petkoff
enters and asks what is the matter.
Everyone is quiet.
Nicola enters with Petkoff’s newly
mended coat and Raina rushes to take it
from him, pulling her portrait out of the
pocket and throwing it on the table
while Bluntschli covers it with a piece of
paper, as Sergius watches them,
Their trouble is in vain, for Major
Petkoff has already seen the photo; he
repeats the message that was written
on the back: “Raina, to her Chocolate
Cream Soldier: a Souvenir” (p. 66).
Petkoff tries to solve the mystery,
walking up to Sergius and asking if he is
the chocolate- cream soldier. Sergius
denies it. Bluntschli reveals himself and
says Raina saved his life by giving him
Petkoff gasps at finding his wife and
daughter are the women in the story
who saved the enemy.
Raina remarks that she did not know
Bluntschli was married, and Bluntschli
protests that he is not married.
Petkoff asks Raina in some
exasperation whom she is engaged to,
and she says neither man.
The only engagement is Louka to
Sergius. Petkoff replies in confusion
that Louka is engaged to Nicola. Nicola
denies this.
Bluntschli pronounces Nicola the
ablest man in Bulgaria and vows to
make him manager of one of his hotels.
Louka comes forward to tell Sergius he
owes her an apology.
As he kisses her hand on bended knee,
she reminds him of his vow and claims
they are now officially engaged. He
consents, putting his arm around her.
Catherine enters, shocked at this scene
of Louka in Sergius’s arms. Louka
explains that she knew Raina would not
marry Sergius if the Swiss came back.
This alerts Bluntschli to the surprising
truth that Raina cares for him.
He admits he came back for another
look at her, though he thought her far
above him. When he finds out that
Raina is of age, he asks for her hand in
Petkoff objects, saying they are
aristocrats, and Bluntschli is a nobody.
Bluntschli produces the papers showing
he owns two hundred horses, seventy
carriages, and a whole list of
possessions proving he is quite
After objecting to being given to the
highest bidder, Raina gives in, saying
she gives her hand not to a rich man
but only to her chocolate-cream

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Arms and the man by george bernard shaw summary of act one

  • 1. Summary of act one Arms and the Man BY George Bernard Shaw “Arms and the Man: A Pleasant Play.” Made by-Khandoker Mufakkher Hossain Ex-Student, Jagannath University,Dhaka. Dept. of English
  • 2. Summary of act one Arms and the Man BY George Bernard Shaw
  • 3. The scene is set in Bulgaria in November of 1885, during the Serbo-Bulgarian war. In a small town near the Dragoman Pass, a young lady loiters on the balcony off her bedchamber, looking out at the romantic night in the Balkan Mountains.
  • 4. Raina Petkoff is dressed in a nightgown but covered by a costly fur mantle. Her mother, Catherine Petkoff, interrupts her, telling her of the recent nearby battle at Slivnitza.
  • 5. The Bulgarians won, and it was her own fiancÊ, Sergius Saranoff, who was the hero! They embrace with delight as Catherine tells the details.
  • 6. Raina says that it only proves their ideas were right. The ideas of heroism and patriotism that she has doubted really do exist! She admits that as she buckled on her hero’s sword she wondered if the ideals were only in books and poems. Now she knows that Sergius is as brave as he looks.
  • 7. Louka, a pretty servant girl, comes in to announce that the windows must be shut and fastened; there is fighting in the street. The Serbs are running away and could be dangerous. She locks the shutters, and Catherine goes to see to the house.
  • 8. Raina begs for the shutters to stay open, saying that she wishes her people would not be cruel to the fugitives. Louka slyly shows Raina how to open the shutters again, and then leaves
  • 9. Raina throws her cloak on the ottoman and goes to the chest to admire a portrait of Sergius. As she prepares to get into bed, she hears a shot. Raina blows out the candles but sees someone come in through the balcony shutters.
  • 10. A man’s voice warns her to be careful and to strike a light so he can see her. In the light she sees a Serbian officer in distress, spattered with blood and mud.
  • 11. He takes a threatening tone with Raina, as she is an enemy, explaining he does not intend to get killed.
  • 12. Raina treats him disdainfully, comparing him to her brave Sergius, who, she believes, is not afraid to die. The man takes up her cloak so she will not go out to call someone.
  • 13. He tells her if they catch him they will butcher him in front of her in her room; then he throws his pistol on the ottoman.
  • 14. A Bulgarian patrol comes to the door of the house. Raina and the stranger hear the commotion as the search begins. The fugitive suddenly gives in and says it’s all over.
  • 15. He gives Raina her cloak and tells her not to look when they shoot him. Raina generously says she will save him. She puts him behind the window curtain.
  • 16. Louka enters saying that a Serb was seen climbing up to her balcony. She exhorts Raina to dress and leave. Then Louka sees the pistol on the ottoman and freezes.
  • 17. Catherine rushes in and asks if Raina has seen anything. Raina lies and says no. A Russian officer comes in to the bedroom to search. Raina says there is no one there and throws open the balcony doors.
  • 18. The officer withdraws, but Louka takes in the scene, realizing what Raina is doing, and laughs insolently at her young mistress, assuming she wants the fugitive for a lover.
  • 19. Raina is outraged by his vulgarity, and haughtily gives him some chocolates from the dresser when he says he is hungry.
  • 20. She mocks him for acting frightened, and he reminds her that she would be frightened too if she had been on the run with no sleep for three days.
  • 21. When the man begins to describe the cavalry charge, Raina is radiant with expectation, but she is shocked when he reveals Sergius’s brave act was due to his horse running away with him.
  • 22. The only reason the Bulgarians won was that the Serbians had the wrong ammunition for their guns. The victory was a bizarre accident led by a fool.
  • 23. Raina is insulted and asks him to leave, but the man is too tired to climb down from the balcony, and falls asleep in Raina’s bed as she goes to find her mother.
  • 24. She has pledged to give asylum to their enemy, as she once saw happen in a romantic opera.
  • 25. Arms and the Man: Act 2 Summary of Act II
  • 26. It is March 6, 1886 in the garden of the Petkoff house. On a spring morning the laundry is spread on the bushes to dry, and breakfast is served on an outdoor table.
  • 27. Louka is defiantly smoking a cigarette in view of the house, speaking to a middle-aged servant, Nicola, an intelligent and calculating man, deferential to his employers.
  • 28. Nicola warns the young Louka not to be rebellious in her ways or she will be fired. Nicola warns the young Louka not to be rebellious in her ways or she will be fired.
  • 29. Nicola is engaged to Louka but says he cannot marry her if she disgraces the house. His dream is to save enough money to open a shop in Sofia, but in any case, he is dependent on the good will of the Petkoff family.
  • 30. Louka upbraids him for cowardice; she knows family secrets that the Petkoffs would not like told. Nicola explains that they could destroy her reputation so that no one would believe her stories.
  • 31. He also knows family secrets, secrets that would ruin Raina’s engagement. Louka says she will never have the soul of a servant as Nicola does.
  • 32. Just then they hear a knock on the gate; it is Major Petkoff, Raina’s father, home from the war. He is a cheerful man of fifty, and sits down to breakfast in the garden.
  • 33. Louka brings him coffee and brandy. Catherine comes out to greet her husband; he says the war is over, and the command to demobilize the army has come.
  • 34. They chat about household affairs, and Catherine announces they now have an electric bell in the library to call the servants. Petkoff sees nothing wrong in shouting for the servants.
  • 35. Sergius comes in the gate just then and Petkoff asks his wife to keep Sergius from bothering him about a promotion.
  • 36. Catherine says he deserves a promotion, but Petkoff tells her no one will promote a foolhardy officer like Sergius to be a general unless there is a lasting peace.
  • 37. Sergius comes into the garden, with the cynical air of someone who has become disenchanted with himself and the world.
  • 38. Catherine gives him lavish praise for being the hero of the war, but Sergius is quite aware that he is being criticized for winning the battle in the wrong way.
  • 39. He says he has resigned. Catherine says he must withdraw his resignation, and he says proudly he never withdraws or backs down on his word.
  • 40. Raina makes a dramatic entrance, beautiful and regal. Sergius kisses her hand. Sergius continues his speech, objecting to modern warfare as being a tradesman’s game and no longer chivalrous.
  • 41. He was advised by a Swiss Raina makes a dramatic entrance, beautiful and regal.
  • 42. He was advised by a Swiss officer to give up soldiering. Petkoff says that same Swiss Captain overcharged them on the horses.
  • 43. The women, hearing about the Swiss officer, exchange glances, and ask if there are many Swiss in the Serbian army.
  • 44. Only one, they are told. Sergius says there is a story going around about how he escaped with the help of two Bulgarian women.
  • 45. He was alone in the bedroom with the younger woman. Raina scolds him for telling them a vulgar story. Sergius apologizes, saying that war has made him coarse.
  • 46. Petkoff asks Sergius to come into the library and help him plan how to demobilize the regiments.
  • 47. He has no idea how to get them to Philippopolis. Catherine says she will help her husband, to give the young people a few moments alone. The young lovers greet one another.
  • 48. Raina praises him as a hero; he praises her as his inspiration. Raina says they have found “the higher love” (p. 31). Louka comes out to clear the table, and the lovers decide to go for a walk to be alone. Raina goes in to get her hat.
  • 49. Sergius asks Louka if she knows what “the higher love” is. She says, no. He comments that it is fatiguing to keep up.
  • 50. He explains that you can tell an old soldier from a young one. The old ones carry food, the young ones, ammunition. He needs relief. He begins flirting with Louka.
  • 51. He claims that he is half a dozen Sergiuses, and Sergius the hero has been replaced by another personality now. Louka at first resists him, then chides him for standing in view of the house, for Raina will be spying on them.
  • 52. Sergius enjoys Louka’s witty honesty and tries to kiss her. She evades him, saying the upper classes are hypocrites; both he and Raina are cheating behind the other’s back.
  • 53. Sergius asks who his rival is, but Louka says she will lose her place if she tells, but she knows if the man ever comes back, Raina will marry him.
  • 54. Sergius grabs Louka’s arms until he hurts her and accuses her of the baseness of being a mere servant.
  • 55. Louka answers back that he has proved to her that he is no better than she is. She accuses Raina of being a liar and boasts she is worth six of her mistress.
  • 56. Sergius suddenly apologizes to Louka for hurting her, but she says she wants more; she wants her hurt made well.
  • 57. She offers her bruised arm to be kissed. He says in his absolute manner, he never will. Raina returns with her hat, and Louka leaves.
  • 58. Raina asks Sergius if he has been flirting with Louka, and he says no. Catherine enters and begs Sergius to go help her husband manage the troops.
  • 59. Sergius goes to the house. Catherine and Raina discuss their difficulty about the Swiss officer they helped. They are afraid of being discovered for their treason; Raina’s engagement is also at stake.
  • 60. Catherine says that her husband keeps asking for the coat that she loaned to the Swiss. Raina is furious with the Swiss for another reason—for telling other people about the incident.
  • 61. The story is all over town. Raina, in a moment of truth, says she wishes her mother could marry Sergius, for he is a favorite of her mother’s.
  • 62. She herself longs to shock Sergius. She doesn’t care if he finds out about “the chocolate-cream soldier” (p. 37).
  • 63. Raina leaves as Louka enters, announcing a Serbian officer. He has been asking for the lady of the house. Catherine looks at his card: “Captain Bluntschli.” Louka says it is a Swiss name.
  • 64. Catherine realizes it is the fugitive who has come back to return the coat he borrowed.
  • 65. She asks that he be brought into the garden, and that Nicola should bring his bag with the coat in it right away.
  • 66. Captain Bluntschli enters the garden from the house, now looking presentable in his uniform.
  • 67. Raina leaves as Louka enters, announcing a Serbian officer. He has been asking for the lady of the house.
  • 68. Catherine looks at his card: “Captain Bluntschli.” Louka says it is a Swiss name.
  • 69. Catherine realizes it is the fugitive who has come back to return the coat he borrowed. She asks that he be brought into the garden, and that Nicola should bring his bag with the coat in it right away.
  • 70. Captain Bluntschli enters the garden from the house, now looking presentable in his uniform.
  • 71. Catherine informs him he must leave at once before her husband sees him. He is disappointed but agrees.
  • 72. He goes towards the house to collect his bag, but Catherine says his bag will be sent to him. He must leave by the gate.
  • 73. As Bluntschli writes his address on his card, Major Petkoff comes from the house and greets him warmly.
  • 74. Sergius follows, and the three have a happy reunion, while Catherine looks on nervously.
  • 75. The men ask Bluntschli to help with sending the regiments home. Bluntschli agrees to stay, and the three go arm in arm to the house.
  • 76. Raina, coming out, is surprised by Bluntschli’s appearance and blurts out, “The chocolate-cream soldier!” (p. 41).
  • 77. The men ask Bluntschli to help with sending the regiments home. Bluntschli agrees to stay, and the three go arm in arm to the house.
  • 78. Raina, coming out, is surprised by Bluntschli’s appearance and blurts out, “The chocolate-cream soldier!” (p. 41).
  • 79. Raina tries to cover up for her blunder by explaining she had made a chocolate-cream soldier ornament for the pudding, and Nicola had spoiled it.
  • 80. Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola, who used to be efficient. Now, he is making mistakes, like showing Bluntschli into the garden instead of the library.
  • 81. Catherine scolds Nicola for bringing the bag out to the garden. Raina tries to cover up for her blunder by explaining she had made a chocolate-cream soldier ornament for the pudding, and Nicola had spoiled it.
  • 82. Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola, who used to be efficient. Now, he is making mistakes, like showing Bluntschli into the garden instead of the library. Catherine scolds Nicola for bringing the bag out to the garden.
  • 83. Petkoff begins ranting against Nicola, who used to be efficient. Now, he is making mistakes, like showing Bluntschli into the garden instead of the library. Catherine scolds Nicola for bringing the bag out to the garden.
  • 84. Nicola, confused, takes the insults as part of his servant’s job of taking the blame for everything.
  • 85. Petkoff says he will fire the servants, who have gotten out of hand while he was gone. Meanwhile, everyone urges Bluntschli to stay, including Raina.
  • 86. Arms and the Man: Act 3 Summary of Act III
  • 87. The scene opens in the Petkoff library after lunch. The library only has few books and is used primarily as a sitting room.
  • 88. In the middle is a table, where Bluntschli works to get the regiments home in an orderly fashion.
  • 89. He writes up the orders, and Sergius signs them, while Major Petkoff reads a newspaper, Catherine embroiders, and Raina lies on a divan in a dreamy mood.
  • 90. Petkoff mentions he wishes he had his old coat to make him more comfortable. He hasn’t been able to find it.
  • 91. Catherine tells him it is in the blue closet where it always is. Catherine rings the bell and summons Nicola to go to the blue closet and get the coat.
  • 92. Petkoff bets his wife a new piece of jewelry that it isn’t there. He tries to get the others to join in the bet, but Catherine won’t let them, knowing her husband will have to pay.
  • 93. Nicola comes back with the coat and says it was in the blue closet. The orders are finished, and Bluntschli tells the Major and Sergius they should deliver them personally. Petkoff asks his wife to come too as the troops will be far more frightened of her.
  • 94. Bluntschli and Raina are alone. She comments that he looks much better than the last time she saw him.
  • 95. She asks if his army was angry with him for running away, and he says no because they all ran away too.
  • 96. She then says coyly that it must have made a great story about how she hid him in her room.
  • 97. He says yes, it was a great story, but he only told it to one friend on whom he could rely.
  • 98. Raina explains that his trusted friend told it to Sergius and her father during the exchange of prisoners.
  • 99. Bluntschli is shocked. She insists that if Sergius finds out the story is about her, he will challenge Bluntschli to a duel.
  • 100. Bluntschli has therefore compromised her and is no gentleman, because her relationship with Sergius is based on truth, the one beautiful thing in her life.
  • 101. Bluntschli quips that she lied that morning about the chocolate-cream soldier! Raina claims it is only the second time she has told a lie.
  • 102. The first time was to save his life from the Bulgarians. Raina gets indignant and paces the room.
  • 103. Bluntschli comments that when she strikes that noble pose, he finds it impossible to believe anything she says. Raina instantly gives in and asks, “How did you find me out?”(p. 51).
  • 104. Raina is happy that a man has seen through her acting. She admits she has been dramatic since childhood, and that Sergius believes in her pose.
  • 105. Bluntschli replies that he is her admirer as much as Sergius is. Raina asks what he thought about her sending him her portrait?
  • 106. Bluntschli did not see the portrait, which she put into the pocket of her father’s coat. They realize the portrait must still be in the coat.
  • 107. Louka enters then with the mail and puts letters on the table. She now wears a bracelet over the bruise on her arm.
  • 108. The letters are for Bluntschli and the messenger waits. Louka enters then with the mail and puts letters on the table.
  • 109. She now wears a bracelet over the bruise on her arm. The letters are for Bluntschli and the messenger waits.
  • 110. Bluntschli reads the letters and announces that his father is dead. He will have to leave to take care of his affairs.
  • 111. His father has left him a lot of hotels. He is now a rich man. He runs out of the room and Louka accuses him of having no heart for his father’s death. Raina follows Bluntschli as Nicola enters.
  • 112. Nicola has been looking for Louka. He shows her money that various family members gave him for covering up for them.
  • 113. He offers to give her some to spend on herself. Louka refuses the money, contemptuous that he sells his soul in this manner. She says he will never be master of her.
  • 114. Nicola reminds her of all the tips he has given her on raising herself up to be more lady-like.
  • 115. If she plays her cards right with Sergius, she could turn out to be one of his aristocratic customers instead of his wife.
  • 116. He tells her, however, she is too sharp- tongued. She must act like a lady if she wants to get Sergius. Louka says she has to be herself.
  • 117. Sergius enters, and Nicola implies to him that he has been scolding Louka for reading; she is always trying to rise above her station.
  • 118. When alone with Louka, Sergius begins flirting with her, asking how her bruise is. He refuses to apologize for the bruise.
  • 119. Louka asks if the poor men in the cavalry charge had to be any less brave than the officers.
  • 120. Sergius says no; all the soldiers were brave and slashed the enemy, but the poor soldiers are still afraid of their own officers. Louka says that Sergius does not know what true courage is.
  • 121. Louka declares that if she were Empress of Russia she would marry the man she loved, which no queen in Europe has the courage to do.
  • 122. But he, Sergius, would not have the courage to marry her if he were in love with her, for fear of what others thought.
  • 123. Sergius, challenged, denies he would not have the courage. He just happens to be in love with another woman, he tells her.
  • 124. Louka says Raina will not marry him now that the Swiss has come back. Sergius is thunderstruck to learn his rival is Bluntschli.
  • 125. Louka says that Bluntschli is worth ten of Sergius, and furthermore, Sergius is not good enough to marry her (Louka).
  • 126. Sergius is discouraged, but he reminds Louka before she goes out the door that she belongs to him because she loves him, and if he ever touches her again, he will be touching his future bride. He stands proudly as if to say he has given his word and will not relent.
  • 127. Bluntschli comes into the room, and Sergius accuses him of being his rival for Raina’s affections.
  • 128. He challenges him to a duel. Bluntschli accepts. Raina enters and asks what the fight is about.
  • 129. Bluntschli says he doesn’t know, but not to worry, he is so good with a sword that Sergius won’t touch him, and he won’t hurt him. After the fight, he’ll leave and they can make up.
  • 130. Sergius accuses Raina of being in love with Bluntschli, and Bluntschli replies that is ridiculous; the young lady doesn’t even know if he is married or not.
  • 131. Raina blames Bluntschli’s friend for spreading the story about her, and Sergius says it was not the friend who told it to him.
  • 132. She guesses it was Louka and then accuses him of flirting with her behind her back. She says that Sergius should actually fight with his rival, Nicola..
  • 133. Sergius is consumed with anger and jealousy to think that Louka is already engaged. Sergius and Raina argue, but Bluntschli’s good nature prevails, and soon all are laughing at the absurdities
  • 134. Sergius finds Louka listening at the door and drags her into the room. She admits her love for Sergius. Major Petkoff enters and asks what is the matter. Everyone is quiet.
  • 135. Nicola enters with Petkoff’s newly mended coat and Raina rushes to take it from him, pulling her portrait out of the pocket and throwing it on the table while Bluntschli covers it with a piece of paper, as Sergius watches them, amazed.
  • 136. Their trouble is in vain, for Major Petkoff has already seen the photo; he repeats the message that was written on the back: “Raina, to her Chocolate Cream Soldier: a Souvenir” (p. 66).
  • 137. Petkoff tries to solve the mystery, walking up to Sergius and asking if he is the chocolate- cream soldier. Sergius denies it. Bluntschli reveals himself and says Raina saved his life by giving him chocolate.
  • 138. Petkoff gasps at finding his wife and daughter are the women in the story who saved the enemy.
  • 139. Raina remarks that she did not know Bluntschli was married, and Bluntschli protests that he is not married.
  • 140. Petkoff asks Raina in some exasperation whom she is engaged to, and she says neither man.
  • 141. The only engagement is Louka to Sergius. Petkoff replies in confusion that Louka is engaged to Nicola. Nicola denies this.
  • 142. Bluntschli pronounces Nicola the ablest man in Bulgaria and vows to make him manager of one of his hotels. Louka comes forward to tell Sergius he owes her an apology.
  • 143. As he kisses her hand on bended knee, she reminds him of his vow and claims they are now officially engaged. He consents, putting his arm around her.
  • 144. Catherine enters, shocked at this scene of Louka in Sergius’s arms. Louka explains that she knew Raina would not marry Sergius if the Swiss came back. This alerts Bluntschli to the surprising truth that Raina cares for him.
  • 145. He admits he came back for another look at her, though he thought her far above him. When he finds out that Raina is of age, he asks for her hand in marriage.
  • 146. Petkoff objects, saying they are aristocrats, and Bluntschli is a nobody. Bluntschli produces the papers showing he owns two hundred horses, seventy carriages, and a whole list of possessions proving he is quite wealthy.
  • 147. After objecting to being given to the highest bidder, Raina gives in, saying she gives her hand not to a rich man but only to her chocolate-cream soldier.