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nce upon a time, there was a little boy called Rumplestiltskin. He had no mother, and his father was a drunk and a card
player who had left him, as a child, with a group of old wool spinsters in their care. As time went by, he learnt how to spin the wheel, earning
compliments for his work.
When he grew up, Rumplestiltskin married a woman named Milah, with whom he worked on the wool business. But one day, he was asked to
serve in the Ogre Wars, and he felt it was his opportunity to step aside from his father’s shadow. In the camp, he was tasked with taking care
of a young girl, a Seer. This girl could see the future, and she asked him for some water, in exchange for some information about what was going
to happen to him.
She revealed that his wife had had a child of his during his absence, and that his actions in the battlefield would leave his son to grow up without a
father. Terrified of the possibility that his son would have a fatherless childhood like him, he injured himself in the foot, so he would be deemed unfit
for battle, and be sent home. When he arrived to his cottage, his wife had a baby in her arms.
Unfortunately, the rumours of his actions in the battlefield had spreaded, and his wife was unhappy, calling him a coward. The relationship started
deteriorating increasingly, until in the end, she abandoned him and their son Baelfire for a handsome pirate. Rumplestiltskin told his son that his
mother had died, for the truth that he had been a coward to fight for his wife with the pirate was too shameful for him.
Years passed, and Rumplestiltskin lived with his child, his most precious possession, as regular peasants, until the kingdom needed more soldiers to
serve on the Ogre Wars. Afraid of losing his child, they decided to run away to the woods, but they were found by royal guards, who humiliated
him and told his son he was known for his cowardice. They would return for Baelfire at dawn.
After this situation, they returned to their cottage, where an old man asked them for food and shelter. When he heard about their situation, the old
man told them about a magical creature, called The Dark One, who was controlled by a dagger that was in the duke’s mansion, and therefore, if
Rumplestiltskin could steal the dagger, he could protect Baelfire.
Convinced that he had no other choice, Rumplestiltskin broke into the duke’s castle and stole the dagger, but on his way back home before dawn,
The Dark One appeared before him, who confronted him. Afraid of him, he started to try and act brave, but it was not until the creature implied
that with such a coward husband, it was possible that his wife had had Baelfire with another man, that Rumplestiltskin ran towards The Dark
One, blinded by rage, and stabbed him in his heart with the dagger. Wounded, the creature fell to the ground, and his features started to change,
from golden rough skin, to the face of the old man who had given him the information earlier that night.
Before dying, the old man thanked Rumplestiltskin for freeing him from his curse, and told him that magic always came with a price, as the
peasant’s skin started to change into a golden colour and a rough texture, while Baelfire watched in horror. With his newfound power,
Rumplestiltskin was able to protect his son from the royal guards, who were not able to take Baelfire, and humiliated them in return for what they
had done, in from of the rest of villagers, terrified of Rumplestiltskin new appearance and power.
Rumplestiltskin’s power kept growing, as well as his need or addiction for it. He put an end to the Ogre War once and for all, provoking a truce
between both sides; but using his magic had corrupted him, and caused harm to others. Worried for him, Baelfire wished upon Reul Ghorm, the
brightest star on the sky, help for his father. The Blue fairy listened to his wish, and told him of a land without magic, and she gave him a magic
bean that would take both of them there.
When Baelfire returned home with the bean, the sorcerer accepted to go with him to make his son happy, partially concerned about his changes too.
They triggered the portal, but at the last minute, Rumplestiltskin refused to leave his powers behind, and let his son’s hand go, instead of going
with him.
As soon as the portal closes, he regretted his actions, but the Blue Fairy told him that there was nothing he could do to follow him, for that was the
last magic bean on that realm. The only other way to get there was a Dark Curse, but there was a price to pay to cast it, and he would not be able
to pay it, because he didn’t have the thing he loved most with him anymore.
* * *
Centuries went by, and The Dark One numbed his loneliness by using his magic to strike deals with people in exchange for his magical services.
He had learnt after all that all magic came with a price. All hope of recovering his son was more than lost then.
* * *
In another kingdom, there was a young princess named Belle, who was very loving and kind, yet stubborn and independent. She was also very
intelligent, as she loved reading books, because her mother used to read her stories when she was a child, and after her death in the hand of some
ogres during the Ogre War, it was her way of remembering her. She had sacrificed her life to save her daughter from these creatures, and she
would never forget her mother’s bravery.
Seeing the ogres reaching the outside road of her father’s kingdom, Belle suggested seeking help from a sorcerer she had read about on her books,
Rumplestiltskin. Despite that there would be a price for his magic; she wanted to be as brave as her mother was, and not to be considered only
beautiful, as her named said.
When Sir Maurice, her father, finally requested the assistance of the Dark One in the war he was losing against the ogres in his town,
Rumplestiltskin offered protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. Defying her father and fiance, she agreed to the terms of the deal.
* * *
Once at his castle, he showed Belle to her "room", which was essentially a dungeon cell. Later, she tried to make him tea, but when startled,
she dropped a cup and accidentally chipped it. She was quite worried, but the sorcerer told her it was only a cup. Longing for her family, Belle
spent the night crying. When Rumplestiltskin bursted in to shut her up, they heard a thud from the main room.
There, a hooded thief was stealing a magic wand. The thief shot at Rumplestiltskin, who was hit by the shaft, but, since Rumplestiltskin was
immortal, the arrow had no effect, and he imprisoned the thief; subjecting him to physical torture. As the Dark One's servant, Belle was forced
to wash Rumplestiltskin’s bloody aprons after the torture sessions.
Pitying the man, she freed him, but didn't realize he had stolen the wand during his escape. Once Rumplestiltskin discovered this, he made Belle
to accompany him as he tracked down the thief to murder him. During their carriage ride, she reasoned that, if he let the thief go unharmed, people
would stop seeing him as a beast. Believing there was good in his heart, Belle claimed he loved something more than power.
In the woods, a sheriff stopped them for trespassing on his land, though he recognizes the thief Rumplestiltskin described. Bargaining for
information, the sheriff asked to spend a night with Belle, but an impatient Rumplestiltskin ripped out the man's tongue. After returning it, the
sheriff revealed the thief's name was Robin Hood, the famous thief who stole from the rich to give to the poor, and told them where to find him.
On foot, Belle and Rumplestiltskin spotted Robin Hood using the wand on a sickly woman. Despite the fact that Robin Hood had stolen the
wand for good intentions, Rumplestiltskin entrapped Belle in the ground as he readied his arrow to shoot the thief. When the healed woman stood
up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implored Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. Unaware of the sorcerer’s
past, her words got through to him, and he purposely allowed the arrow to miss his target.
Heading back to the castle, Rumplestiltskin showed Belle an extensive library, pretending he did it so she could clean it. Despite Rumplestiltskin's
reluctance to admit his kind deed, she happily attested that he did have good in him, which caught him off guard.
While Rumplestiltskin was away, Belle examined a sword in the castle cabinet. Catching her off guard, Rumplestiltskin reprimanded her for
snooping, and although he did say that she could do it, this was to test how she would react. Engrossed in his castle collections, Belle reasoned she
was curious since he never talked about where the items had come from. Furthermore, she told him it was her dream to see the world, which was
what he got to do. When she inquired about his journeys, he said he liked to bring souvenirs from his trips. After serving him tea, Belle theorized
he collected things to fill a hole in his heart. Instead, Rumplestiltskin sent her off to laundry duty.
Surprised at his concern, she wondered why he cared about her, but she thought it was a matter of territory, and him wanting to be the only one to
control her, or to end her life by crushing her heart. While Rumplestiltskin wan a mournful mood, Belle accidentally walked in on him lighting a
candle. Despite that he told her to go away, she approached to set down a basket of flowers on the table. When he warned her a second time, Belle
noted a shawl nearby. Immediately, she realized the candle was in remembrance of someone and gave him her condolences. Rumplestiltskin
remarked that this person was not dead, though, but simply lost.
He sadly admitted it was that person's birthday, and that he regretted his past actions had torn away their chance to be happy together. Belle
argued that it was not too late. Though Rumplestiltskin hoped for the same, he thought his own ending wouldn't be a happy one. Over the course of
a couple of months, Belle slowly got to know Rumplestiltskin and they developed a friendship.
On cleaning duty, Belle inquired him about his spinning, which Rumplestiltskin stated helps him forget the things he lost. While altering the
castle's decor, and trying to make the place less gloomy and more lively, she pulled the curtains too hard and fell from the ladder, though
umplestiltkin caught her in time. Surprised, Belle thanked him, and he awkwardly put her down. Later, in conversation, she learned the small
shawl in one of the rooms belonged to Rumplestiltskin's son.
On the topic of why she had accepted his deal, Belle explained that it had been an opportunity for her to be brave. As for her left-behind fiance,
she claimed that her idea of love would not fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. When she further questioned the Dark One about his past,
Rumplestiltskin responded by sending her to fetch more straw, and that he would tell her his tale when she returned. Belle questioned if he trusted
her enough to expect her return, but Rumplestiltskin admitted he assumed she would run away. Being offered a choice to return home or stay as his
servant, Belle contemplated this as she walked to town.
On her way to the village, she met the Queen, who told her about True Love's Kiss, which could break any curse; namely Rumplestiltskin's.
She returned to the castle with a basket full of straw and asked Rumplestiltskin to tell her about how he had lost his son. He explained it in a short
and vague narration. She leaned in to kiss him, intending to break his curse, but he managed to pull away as the darkness was being lifted from
him. Before the curse was completely gone, Belle mentioned True Love's Kiss, causing him to accuse her of conspiring with the Queen to strip
him of his powers. Desperately, Belle reassured him that her love for him was true, but he refused to listen, throwing her in the dungeon.
Later, Rumplestiltskin kicked her out of his castle for good, claiming his power was more valuable to him than her, while Belle branded him as a
coward for not believing she truly loved him. Before leaving, she swore he would regret his decision, as there would be nothing left for him except an
empty heart and a chipped cup.
* * *
Belle spent some time at a local tavern, trying to figure out what to do or where to go next, when she overheard a dwarf, Dreamy, telling his
fellow brothers about how strange he was feeling. Belle recognized the symptoms as being lovesick, to which Dreamy began talking to her about a
fairy named Nova who had told him about going to Firefly Hill. Amused, Belle bluntly tells him that the fairy was obviously inviting him to meet
her there. When Dreamy asked her about what love was like, she replied that love was the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world, but it
did not always last forever.
She had already had her heart broken enough to know when someone was reaching out, referring to Nova's invitation to Dreamy. Belle pressed
him to seize the opportunity and be with the fairy while he still had a chance. The next day, she returned to the tavern and was greeted by
Dreamy, who thanked her for the previous advice as he and Nova would soon be leaving together. Belle was very happy for the dwarf when she
heard the news.
Suddenly, a group of men bursted into the tavern to announce that they would be heading to a far off land in search of a beast called the Yaoguai.
Dreamy thought it was the perfect opportunity for Belle to have a real adventure too. Belle was quite unsure, since the only adventures she had
experienced were the ones in books, which all had happy endings. At Dreamy's urging, she eventually gave in and she decided to go look for the
creature, the dwarf gave her a pouch of fairy dust, so she could protect herself.
During the journey, she read a book detailing the Yaoguai's whereabouts; a creature who was terrifying the village nearby, as she had to bear the
other men mocking her attempt of being brave and trying to fight such a ferocious beast, because she was only a girl. When she claimed that
knowledge was a very strong weapon too, they kicked her out of their transport.
Walking on her own, she ran into the beast inside a cave, precisely where the books she had read said it would be. When she entered the cave, the
beast appeared, and tried to attack her, but she threw it a handful of fairy dust, and the beast transformed into a man, who had been cursed by a
sorcerer named Maleficent. Very happy for saving someone and helping others, she left him and began making her way back to Rumplestiltskin,
because she understood she was ready to face him, until he admitted the truth.
Instead of arriving to the castle, the Evil Queen captured Belle on the way, and imprisoned her. Kept as the Evil Queen's prisoner in a palace,
Belle was shackled to a bed post and kept alive for an unknown period of time.
* * *
The Evil Queen went to Rumplestiltskin’s castle, under the pretence that she needed to make a deal, and brought the dusty tables to his attention,
mentioning he would soon need a new maid, and claiming that Belle returned to her father’s castle, but he had locked her inside a tower because of
her association with The Dark One. After weeks trapped, she got desperate, and threw herself from the tower’s window, to her death.
Rumplestiltskin, unaware of the fact that she had Belle imprisoned in her tower, pretended the news hadn’t affected him.
* * *
Years after, Rumplestiltskin ended up trapped in a cell under a castle. A guard approached him, followed by a couple hiding their identity in their
robes. He said he needed to speak with him.
‘No, you don’t. They do…Snow White and Prince Charming. You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes. Ah,
that’s much better. Yes, yes! I know why you’re here. You want to know about the queen’s threat. Tense, aren’t we? Fear not, for I can ease
your mind, but it’s going to cost you something in return. Oh... The name of your unborn child, maybe?...
The queen has created a powerful curse, and it’s coming. Soon you’ll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse, for your prison, all of our prisons
will be Time, for time will stop, and we will be trapped someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us,
while we suffer for all eternity, while the queen celebrates, victorious at last! No more happy endings. We can’t do anything. That little thing
growing inside your belly. The infant is our only hope. Get the child to safety. Get the child to safety, and on its 28th birthday, the child will
return. The child will find you, and the final battle will begin’.
And he began laughing loudly, the sound creeping through the entire kingdom, until the black smoke that would take him back to his son started
covering everything corner of the realm.
- The End -
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Fed by curiosity and beauty - Remembering Myrsine Zorba
Fed by curiosity and beauty - Remembering Myrsine ZorbaFed by curiosity and beauty - Remembering Myrsine Zorba
Fed by curiosity and beauty - Remembering Myrsine Zorba

Beauty and the Beast

  • 1.
  • 2. nce upon a time, there was a little boy called Rumplestiltskin. He had no mother, and his father was a drunk and a card player who had left him, as a child, with a group of old wool spinsters in their care. As time went by, he learnt how to spin the wheel, earning compliments for his work. When he grew up, Rumplestiltskin married a woman named Milah, with whom he worked on the wool business. But one day, he was asked to serve in the Ogre Wars, and he felt it was his opportunity to step aside from his father’s shadow. In the camp, he was tasked with taking care of a young girl, a Seer. This girl could see the future, and she asked him for some water, in exchange for some information about what was going to happen to him. She revealed that his wife had had a child of his during his absence, and that his actions in the battlefield would leave his son to grow up without a father. Terrified of the possibility that his son would have a fatherless childhood like him, he injured himself in the foot, so he would be deemed unfit for battle, and be sent home. When he arrived to his cottage, his wife had a baby in her arms. Unfortunately, the rumours of his actions in the battlefield had spreaded, and his wife was unhappy, calling him a coward. The relationship started deteriorating increasingly, until in the end, she abandoned him and their son Baelfire for a handsome pirate. Rumplestiltskin told his son that his mother had died, for the truth that he had been a coward to fight for his wife with the pirate was too shameful for him.
  • 3. Years passed, and Rumplestiltskin lived with his child, his most precious possession, as regular peasants, until the kingdom needed more soldiers to serve on the Ogre Wars. Afraid of losing his child, they decided to run away to the woods, but they were found by royal guards, who humiliated him and told his son he was known for his cowardice. They would return for Baelfire at dawn. After this situation, they returned to their cottage, where an old man asked them for food and shelter. When he heard about their situation, the old man told them about a magical creature, called The Dark One, who was controlled by a dagger that was in the duke’s mansion, and therefore, if Rumplestiltskin could steal the dagger, he could protect Baelfire. Convinced that he had no other choice, Rumplestiltskin broke into the duke’s castle and stole the dagger, but on his way back home before dawn, The Dark One appeared before him, who confronted him. Afraid of him, he started to try and act brave, but it was not until the creature implied that with such a coward husband, it was possible that his wife had had Baelfire with another man, that Rumplestiltskin ran towards The Dark One, blinded by rage, and stabbed him in his heart with the dagger. Wounded, the creature fell to the ground, and his features started to change, from golden rough skin, to the face of the old man who had given him the information earlier that night. Before dying, the old man thanked Rumplestiltskin for freeing him from his curse, and told him that magic always came with a price, as the peasant’s skin started to change into a golden colour and a rough texture, while Baelfire watched in horror. With his newfound power, Rumplestiltskin was able to protect his son from the royal guards, who were not able to take Baelfire, and humiliated them in return for what they had done, in from of the rest of villagers, terrified of Rumplestiltskin new appearance and power.
  • 4. Rumplestiltskin’s power kept growing, as well as his need or addiction for it. He put an end to the Ogre War once and for all, provoking a truce between both sides; but using his magic had corrupted him, and caused harm to others. Worried for him, Baelfire wished upon Reul Ghorm, the brightest star on the sky, help for his father. The Blue fairy listened to his wish, and told him of a land without magic, and she gave him a magic bean that would take both of them there. When Baelfire returned home with the bean, the sorcerer accepted to go with him to make his son happy, partially concerned about his changes too. They triggered the portal, but at the last minute, Rumplestiltskin refused to leave his powers behind, and let his son’s hand go, instead of going with him. As soon as the portal closes, he regretted his actions, but the Blue Fairy told him that there was nothing he could do to follow him, for that was the last magic bean on that realm. The only other way to get there was a Dark Curse, but there was a price to pay to cast it, and he would not be able to pay it, because he didn’t have the thing he loved most with him anymore. * * * Centuries went by, and The Dark One numbed his loneliness by using his magic to strike deals with people in exchange for his magical services. He had learnt after all that all magic came with a price. All hope of recovering his son was more than lost then. * * *
  • 5. In another kingdom, there was a young princess named Belle, who was very loving and kind, yet stubborn and independent. She was also very intelligent, as she loved reading books, because her mother used to read her stories when she was a child, and after her death in the hand of some ogres during the Ogre War, it was her way of remembering her. She had sacrificed her life to save her daughter from these creatures, and she would never forget her mother’s bravery. Seeing the ogres reaching the outside road of her father’s kingdom, Belle suggested seeking help from a sorcerer she had read about on her books, Rumplestiltskin. Despite that there would be a price for his magic; she wanted to be as brave as her mother was, and not to be considered only beautiful, as her named said. When Sir Maurice, her father, finally requested the assistance of the Dark One in the war he was losing against the ogres in his town, Rumplestiltskin offered protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. Defying her father and fiance, she agreed to the terms of the deal. * * * Once at his castle, he showed Belle to her "room", which was essentially a dungeon cell. Later, she tried to make him tea, but when startled, she dropped a cup and accidentally chipped it. She was quite worried, but the sorcerer told her it was only a cup. Longing for her family, Belle spent the night crying. When Rumplestiltskin bursted in to shut her up, they heard a thud from the main room.
  • 6. There, a hooded thief was stealing a magic wand. The thief shot at Rumplestiltskin, who was hit by the shaft, but, since Rumplestiltskin was immortal, the arrow had no effect, and he imprisoned the thief; subjecting him to physical torture. As the Dark One's servant, Belle was forced to wash Rumplestiltskin’s bloody aprons after the torture sessions. Pitying the man, she freed him, but didn't realize he had stolen the wand during his escape. Once Rumplestiltskin discovered this, he made Belle to accompany him as he tracked down the thief to murder him. During their carriage ride, she reasoned that, if he let the thief go unharmed, people would stop seeing him as a beast. Believing there was good in his heart, Belle claimed he loved something more than power. In the woods, a sheriff stopped them for trespassing on his land, though he recognizes the thief Rumplestiltskin described. Bargaining for information, the sheriff asked to spend a night with Belle, but an impatient Rumplestiltskin ripped out the man's tongue. After returning it, the sheriff revealed the thief's name was Robin Hood, the famous thief who stole from the rich to give to the poor, and told them where to find him. On foot, Belle and Rumplestiltskin spotted Robin Hood using the wand on a sickly woman. Despite the fact that Robin Hood had stolen the wand for good intentions, Rumplestiltskin entrapped Belle in the ground as he readied his arrow to shoot the thief. When the healed woman stood up, uncovering a pregnant belly, Belle implored Rumplestiltskin not to make the child fatherless by killing Robin Hood. Unaware of the sorcerer’s past, her words got through to him, and he purposely allowed the arrow to miss his target. Heading back to the castle, Rumplestiltskin showed Belle an extensive library, pretending he did it so she could clean it. Despite Rumplestiltskin's reluctance to admit his kind deed, she happily attested that he did have good in him, which caught him off guard.
  • 7. While Rumplestiltskin was away, Belle examined a sword in the castle cabinet. Catching her off guard, Rumplestiltskin reprimanded her for snooping, and although he did say that she could do it, this was to test how she would react. Engrossed in his castle collections, Belle reasoned she was curious since he never talked about where the items had come from. Furthermore, she told him it was her dream to see the world, which was what he got to do. When she inquired about his journeys, he said he liked to bring souvenirs from his trips. After serving him tea, Belle theorized he collected things to fill a hole in his heart. Instead, Rumplestiltskin sent her off to laundry duty. Surprised at his concern, she wondered why he cared about her, but she thought it was a matter of territory, and him wanting to be the only one to control her, or to end her life by crushing her heart. While Rumplestiltskin wan a mournful mood, Belle accidentally walked in on him lighting a candle. Despite that he told her to go away, she approached to set down a basket of flowers on the table. When he warned her a second time, Belle noted a shawl nearby. Immediately, she realized the candle was in remembrance of someone and gave him her condolences. Rumplestiltskin remarked that this person was not dead, though, but simply lost. He sadly admitted it was that person's birthday, and that he regretted his past actions had torn away their chance to be happy together. Belle argued that it was not too late. Though Rumplestiltskin hoped for the same, he thought his own ending wouldn't be a happy one. Over the course of a couple of months, Belle slowly got to know Rumplestiltskin and they developed a friendship. On cleaning duty, Belle inquired him about his spinning, which Rumplestiltskin stated helps him forget the things he lost. While altering the castle's decor, and trying to make the place less gloomy and more lively, she pulled the curtains too hard and fell from the ladder, though
  • 8. R umplestiltkin caught her in time. Surprised, Belle thanked him, and he awkwardly put her down. Later, in conversation, she learned the small shawl in one of the rooms belonged to Rumplestiltskin's son. On the topic of why she had accepted his deal, Belle explained that it had been an opportunity for her to be brave. As for her left-behind fiance, she claimed that her idea of love would not fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. When she further questioned the Dark One about his past, Rumplestiltskin responded by sending her to fetch more straw, and that he would tell her his tale when she returned. Belle questioned if he trusted her enough to expect her return, but Rumplestiltskin admitted he assumed she would run away. Being offered a choice to return home or stay as his servant, Belle contemplated this as she walked to town. On her way to the village, she met the Queen, who told her about True Love's Kiss, which could break any curse; namely Rumplestiltskin's. She returned to the castle with a basket full of straw and asked Rumplestiltskin to tell her about how he had lost his son. He explained it in a short and vague narration. She leaned in to kiss him, intending to break his curse, but he managed to pull away as the darkness was being lifted from him. Before the curse was completely gone, Belle mentioned True Love's Kiss, causing him to accuse her of conspiring with the Queen to strip him of his powers. Desperately, Belle reassured him that her love for him was true, but he refused to listen, throwing her in the dungeon. Later, Rumplestiltskin kicked her out of his castle for good, claiming his power was more valuable to him than her, while Belle branded him as a coward for not believing she truly loved him. Before leaving, she swore he would regret his decision, as there would be nothing left for him except an empty heart and a chipped cup.
  • 9. * * * Belle spent some time at a local tavern, trying to figure out what to do or where to go next, when she overheard a dwarf, Dreamy, telling his fellow brothers about how strange he was feeling. Belle recognized the symptoms as being lovesick, to which Dreamy began talking to her about a fairy named Nova who had told him about going to Firefly Hill. Amused, Belle bluntly tells him that the fairy was obviously inviting him to meet her there. When Dreamy asked her about what love was like, she replied that love was the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world, but it did not always last forever. She had already had her heart broken enough to know when someone was reaching out, referring to Nova's invitation to Dreamy. Belle pressed him to seize the opportunity and be with the fairy while he still had a chance. The next day, she returned to the tavern and was greeted by Dreamy, who thanked her for the previous advice as he and Nova would soon be leaving together. Belle was very happy for the dwarf when she heard the news. Suddenly, a group of men bursted into the tavern to announce that they would be heading to a far off land in search of a beast called the Yaoguai. Dreamy thought it was the perfect opportunity for Belle to have a real adventure too. Belle was quite unsure, since the only adventures she had experienced were the ones in books, which all had happy endings. At Dreamy's urging, she eventually gave in and she decided to go look for the creature, the dwarf gave her a pouch of fairy dust, so she could protect herself. During the journey, she read a book detailing the Yaoguai's whereabouts; a creature who was terrifying the village nearby, as she had to bear the other men mocking her attempt of being brave and trying to fight such a ferocious beast, because she was only a girl. When she claimed that knowledge was a very strong weapon too, they kicked her out of their transport.
  • 10. Walking on her own, she ran into the beast inside a cave, precisely where the books she had read said it would be. When she entered the cave, the beast appeared, and tried to attack her, but she threw it a handful of fairy dust, and the beast transformed into a man, who had been cursed by a sorcerer named Maleficent. Very happy for saving someone and helping others, she left him and began making her way back to Rumplestiltskin, because she understood she was ready to face him, until he admitted the truth. Instead of arriving to the castle, the Evil Queen captured Belle on the way, and imprisoned her. Kept as the Evil Queen's prisoner in a palace, Belle was shackled to a bed post and kept alive for an unknown period of time. * * * The Evil Queen went to Rumplestiltskin’s castle, under the pretence that she needed to make a deal, and brought the dusty tables to his attention, mentioning he would soon need a new maid, and claiming that Belle returned to her father’s castle, but he had locked her inside a tower because of her association with The Dark One. After weeks trapped, she got desperate, and threw herself from the tower’s window, to her death. Rumplestiltskin, unaware of the fact that she had Belle imprisoned in her tower, pretended the news hadn’t affected him. * * *
  • 11. Years after, Rumplestiltskin ended up trapped in a cell under a castle. A guard approached him, followed by a couple hiding their identity in their robes. He said he needed to speak with him. ‘No, you don’t. They do…Snow White and Prince Charming. You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes. Ah, that’s much better. Yes, yes! I know why you’re here. You want to know about the queen’s threat. Tense, aren’t we? Fear not, for I can ease your mind, but it’s going to cost you something in return. Oh... The name of your unborn child, maybe?... The queen has created a powerful curse, and it’s coming. Soon you’ll all be in a prison, just like me, only worse, for your prison, all of our prisons will be Time, for time will stop, and we will be trapped someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us, while we suffer for all eternity, while the queen celebrates, victorious at last! No more happy endings. We can’t do anything. That little thing growing inside your belly. The infant is our only hope. Get the child to safety. Get the child to safety, and on its 28th birthday, the child will return. The child will find you, and the final battle will begin’. And he began laughing loudly, the sound creeping through the entire kingdom, until the black smoke that would take him back to his son started covering everything corner of the realm. - The End -