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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin
20 April 2012- Issue 112

London Regional WorldSkills Champions meeting on 16 April
With memories of the amazing WorldSkills London 2011 event fading into the distance, the
main topic of discussion at the recent London WorldSkills Champions meeting, chaired by Sue
Rimmer of South Thames College, was the need to refocus the work of the group to build on
the legacy of a successful event and generate increased participation by London competitors in
skills competitions, including future WorldSkills events. This also led to a review of the
group’s membership. Further information about the revised purpose and membership of the
group will be circulated shortly to all Principals, Vice Principals (Curriculum & Quality) and
Marketing Managers and a brief update included in the next Bulletin.

WorldSkills update – WorldSkills UK Competitions
WorldSkills Leipzig 2013

NAS is looking internationally to the road to WorldSkills Leipzig 2013. To create a great
Team UK requires great training and NAS are looking for Training Managers. If you think your
College might be able to help either with the immediate or the ongoing request, please get in
touch with Patrick Gormley, Apprenticeships/Skills Competition Development Manager:

The Skills Show – deadline for applications: Have a Go/Showcasing

Some of you may have missed the information sent out previously by NAS about registering
for the Have a Go and Showcase elements of The Skills Show taking place in November in
Birmingham. In recognition of this, the deadline for registration has been extended to 27 April
2012. If you would like to find out more about The Skills Show, please email

Information Seminars final reminder!

The Awards information seminars are a golden opportunity to find out how to put together a
winning entry, meet a past winner, hear hints and tips from the Judges and network with like-
minded people.

If you have not yet booked a place, there is still availability on some of the seminars. You can
see the remaining dates and make a booking here. Deadline for entry is 5pm, 25 May 2012.

If you would like to get more information about the seminar, please email
AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
Olympic and Paralympic games update
HCC student Alpha to carry the Olympic Torch for Hackney!

On 21 July 2012, the Olympic Torch relay will be carried through
Hackney, on the 64th day of its historic journey. The route even
takes it past Hackney Community College’s main campus as it
travels up the A10 (Kingsland Road).

One of the torch bearers, 18 year-old student Alpha Kamara will be
proudly representing his borough and his college. Inspirational
student Alpha, was nominated by his tutor and many other staff
across Hackney Community College.

                                                                     Photo: Hackney Community College
Due to a childhood illness, Alpha developed difficulties that have prohibited him from doing
things that are generally taken for granted. Since joining Hackney Community College, he has
shown extraordinary determination and perseverance in developing his skills.

Despite his difficulties, he has strived to show that they do not hold him back. He endeavours
to carry out all tasks unsupported and has the intuition to request support when necessary.

Alpha is over the moon: “I am very excited about carrying the Olympic torch around Hackney.
I am very excited and happy and can’t stop smiling. It will be great fun. I am also looking
forward to watching the Olympics, especially the athletics.”

Read more about Alpha’s story.


14-19 Spring Update from London Councils
The update provides you with information relevant to your area of work brings you news of
up-coming events and reminds you about any activities that are imminent. For more
information please visit London Councils website.

Calls for proposals – European Integration Fund
UKBA calls for proposals for the European Integration Fund 2011/2012 are now open. The
closing date for completed applications is 4.00pm on Wednesday 16 May 2012. For more
information please visit UKBA website.

Access to HE Diploma Review
You are invited to attend one from a series of half-day consultation events as part of a project
reviewing the Access to HE Diploma.

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
Please contact Ann-Marie Karadia for more information: Tel: 01452 557118, email:

The National Careers Service
The National Careers Service was being launched on 5 April. The new service will transform
careers advice in England by making accurate information about learning and work, and
professional advice, available to everyone. The Service will provide adults and young people
with a suite of online services and tools to help them to identify job opportunities, assess their
own skills, determine learning goals and select the training provider that best meets their
needs. They will also be able to access professional careers advice by web-chat or over the
telephone, to help them make the right choices and acquire the skills they need to flourish in
life and work. Adults over 19 will have access to face-to-face careers advice at a wide range of
locations in the community.

Future versions of the Toolkit will be made available here on the Skills Funding Agency

The     National     Careers      Service    can      be    accessed    via     the    website or by calling 0800 100 900. For more information, you can
contact the National Careers Service marketing and communications team at:

AoC's No Free Lunch campaign

No Free Lunch? is AoC’s campaign calling for the Government to extend the provision of free
lunches to disadvantaged 16-18 year olds who study at College.

You can pledge your support for this campaign by signing the petition at and by following @AoC_Campaigns using the
hashtag #nofreelunch when you tweet about this issue.

Investors in Diversity
Investors in Diversity are an all-encompassing approach to the effective management of
equality, diversity and inclusion. It enables organisations to take a structured and planned
approach to embedding equality and diversity at the heart of what they do and provides a
simple framework in which to do so. Please contact Caroline Tyler, if
this service may be of interest to you.

Disability Support in Further Education
Over the last 10 years Randstad Student Support has worked with Higher Education Institutes
to support their disabled learners. Utilising existing experience of disability support in
education, they have been developing a new service over the last 2 years in order to further
enhance the student experience by supporting learners in Further Education institutes.

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
 They offer solutions for finding ways for colleges to reduce the amount they spend on agency
 usage and free more time to spend on core activities and developing their service.

 If you want to get more information – please contact Jonathan Griffiths, Disability Development
 Manager at Randstad Student Support office by phone 0845 130 4655 or email

 PYL weekly update
 Partnership for Young London (PYL) aims to promote and improve youth work and services
 for young people in London through working in partnership with central and regional
 government, local authorities, youth organisations in the voluntary and private sectors and
 young people in the capital.

 If you would like to sign up for weekly PYL updates please contact Lucy Sandford,
 Development Manager at PYL by phone 020 7332 3599 or emails

College News Story of the Fortnight


 “Ken Livingstone will cut fares by October
 or he will resign”, Eddie Izzard tells a
 packed room of students at Waltham Forest
 College. “Boris Johnson will always put
 himself first, whereas a vote for Ken is a
 vote for London.”

 The actor and comedian, usually known for
 his flamboyant stage presence, met
 Catering, Engineering and Travel and
 Tourism students at Waltham Forest
 College in a different capacity today. He is
 on the campaign trail for London Mayoral
 candidate Ken Livingstone and will spend
 the next few months speaking to Londoners Photo: Waltham Forest College
 from all ages, encouraging them to vote for Ken Livingstone in the Mayoral elections in May.

 “Young people are so far removed from politics, and for them Westminster and politics seems
 like miles away,” he said.

 “The only way to get them involved is by exciting them with a vision, and I feel Ken does this

 The Treasure Island star went on to answer questions on the EMA, which struck a strong chord
 with students, as over 800 learners at the College were entitled to this benefit in the last

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
 academic year. He said Ken Livingstone will bring back the EMA, whereas under Boris Johnson
 the scheme was scrapped.

 Another hot topic concerned the London riots and crime and disorder. Engineering student,
 Mustafa Kurt from Walthamstow said: “As a young person in London, I am worried about
 crime and disorder, especially after the London riots when everything was just chaos. Eddie
 says Ken will bring back the police who were struck of by Boris. If he does this, then great, but
 we will have to wait and see.”

 Cheaper rail and bus travel was another strong talking point. Eddie Izzard told students the
 Labour candidate will cut travel expenditure by 5%.

 Eddie Izzard intends to run for the Mayoral elections himself in eight years’ time.

Recent meetings

 Date          Event/meeting            Attendees Feedback
 2 April       Meeting with Mark        KA        Regular catch up meeting
               Hilton, London First

 3 April       Meeting with Mary        KA           Regular catch up meeting
               London Councils
 13 April      Directors’ Strategy      KA           Regular monthly meeting
 16 April      London Regional          KA           See headlines
               Champions Meeting
 17 April      Principals' Policy       KA           The agenda included:
               Forum                                    • AoC funding update
                                                        • Ofsted update
                                                        • Q&A
 20 April      Operational Sub-         JS           Regular meeting
               group meeting

Future meetings

 Date         Event/meeting           Attendees     Agenda
 24 April     Meeting with            KA            Regular catch up meetings
              Alexandra Worden,
 24 April     Meeting with Jill       KA            Regular catch up meeting
              Lowery, Skills
              Funding Agency
              and Mike Pettifer,
              YPLA (provisional

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
25 April    Meeting with           KA          Regular catch up meeting
            Joanna Gaukroger,

26 April    AoCLR Regional         AoCLR       The agenda includes:
            Committee meeting                     • Funding Agency updates
                                                  • LSEO proposal
                                                  • Governors’ Engagement
                                                  • Other AoC updates
26 April    City and Islington     JS          Awards ceremony
            College Award
30 April    Safer Learners -       JS          Agenda to be confirmed
            Working Group
30 April    AoCLR VP C&Q           AoCLR       The agenda includes:
            network meeting                       • AoC Policy update and funding
                                                      positions for the next year
                                                  • Worldskills UK – David Smith,
                                                      Director of WorldSkills Engagement,
1 May       Strategic Group for    KA          Agenda to be confirmed
1 May       London Higher          KA          Agenda to be confirmed
3 May       Meeting with Cathy     KA          Regular catch up meeting
3 May       Meeting with Rod       KA          Regular catch up meeting
            Baker, Barclays

Events and Dates for the Diary

     Skills Provision for unemployed adults: future developments and introduction of
      Universal Credit, Wednesday 2 May, 10.30am-2.45pm at NIACE Renaissance House,
      Leicester. For more information please email NIACE Events Team

     AoC London Principals’ Forum, Tuesday 8 May, 3.00pm-5.00pm at Hackney Community
      College. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.

     Alcohol Awareness workshops, Wednesday 9 May, Westminster Kingsway College. For
      more information please visit AoC Create Events website.

     AoC London Marketing Managers’ network meeting, Thursday 10 May, 9.30am-2.00pm
      at Working Men’s College. Please email Judith Smyth for more information.

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012
   AoC London Heads of Sport Network meeting, Monday 14 May, 12pm-5pm, Hackney
    Community College. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.

   How to be successful in the HE market Conference, Tuesday 15 May, 9.30am-4.20pm,
    Maple House, Birmingham. For more information please visit AoC Create Events website.

   2012 AoC International Conference, Tuesday 15 May, 9.00am-4.30pm at Prospero House,
    London. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.

   AoC London Business Development Managers’ Network meeting, Wednesday 16 May,
    1.30pm-4pm, Venue (tbc). Please email Judith Smyth for more information.

   Linking London Event: Producing Access Agreements for 2013-14, Wednesday 16 May,
    2.00pm-5.00pm, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck, University of London. For more
    information please visit the Linking London website.

   AoC London Clerks’ Network meeting, Friday 18 May, 2.00pm-5.00pm at Westminster
    Kingsway College, Victoria Centre. Please email Judith Smyth for more information.

   AoC Equality and Diversity Conference, Wednesday 23 May 2012, Holiday Inn
    Bloomsbury, London. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.

   AoC London Heads of Student Services Network meeting, Tuesday 29 May, 10.00am-
    1.00pm at AoC Offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more

   AoC Purchasing Conference and Exhibition, Tuesday 29 - Wednesday 30 May 2012, ICC,
    Birmingham. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.

   AoC London Finance Directors’ Network meeting, Wednesday 13 June, 9.00am-1.00pm
    at AoC offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.

   AoC London HE Coordinators meeting, Wednesday 20 June, 3.00pm-5.00pm at AoC
    Offices, London. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.

   BCS/AoC National Sports Conference 2012, Thursday 21 & Friday 22 June at Aston
    Business School Conference Centre, Birmingham. For more information please visit the
    AoC Create Events website.

   AoC London AGM, Regional Forum and Summer Party, Thursday 28 June, PM, Venue
    Working Men’s College (tbc). Please email Judith Smyth for more information.

   AoC CIS/MIS Managers’ Network meeting, Friday 29 June, 10.00am-1.00pm at AoC
    offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.

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AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012

Policy and other documents

 GLA news
 Statement from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime
 Mayor secures more than £100 million to boost house building, jobs and construction across
 London 2012 confirms Torchbearers and the street route for London for the Olympic Flame
 Chelsfield 'pavilion' plans win race to transform Royal Docks and create over 9,000 new jobs

 If you wish to contact the AoC London office to give feedback on this bulletin, to request
 additional information where we have offered it, or to provide suggested content for future
 issues, please email Evelina Bagusyte.

 Kate Anderson                       Judith Smyth
 Regional Director                   Executive Manager   

 Evelina Bagusyte                    Cyheme Bilouta
 Regional Coordinator                Team Administrator (part-time)

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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 prospectus - JLT Employee Benefits Award for Health...Association of Colleges
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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - How to PpplyAssociation of Colleges
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Jisc Award for the Effective Use of Technology in FE
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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Jisc Award for the Effective Use of Technology in FEAssociation of Colleges
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Guidance on How to Apply
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Guidance on How to ApplyAoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Guidance on How to Apply
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Guidance on How to ApplyAssociation of Colleges
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Education and Training Foundation Award for Trans...
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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Education and Training Foundation Award for Trans...Association of Colleges
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - edge award for practical teaching and practical l...
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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - edge award for practical teaching and practical l...Association of Colleges
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AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - AQA Award for Continued Engagement in Education a...Association of Colleges
AoC Beacon Awards 2014-15 - Application Form
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AoC London Members' Bulletin - Issue 112

  • 1. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin 20 April 2012- Issue 112 London Regional WorldSkills Champions meeting on 16 April With memories of the amazing WorldSkills London 2011 event fading into the distance, the main topic of discussion at the recent London WorldSkills Champions meeting, chaired by Sue Rimmer of South Thames College, was the need to refocus the work of the group to build on the legacy of a successful event and generate increased participation by London competitors in skills competitions, including future WorldSkills events. This also led to a review of the group’s membership. Further information about the revised purpose and membership of the group will be circulated shortly to all Principals, Vice Principals (Curriculum & Quality) and Marketing Managers and a brief update included in the next Bulletin. WorldSkills update – WorldSkills UK Competitions WorldSkills Leipzig 2013 NAS is looking internationally to the road to WorldSkills Leipzig 2013. To create a great Team UK requires great training and NAS are looking for Training Managers. If you think your College might be able to help either with the immediate or the ongoing request, please get in touch with Patrick Gormley, Apprenticeships/Skills Competition Development Manager: The Skills Show – deadline for applications: Have a Go/Showcasing Some of you may have missed the information sent out previously by NAS about registering for the Have a Go and Showcase elements of The Skills Show taking place in November in Birmingham. In recognition of this, the deadline for registration has been extended to 27 April 2012. If you would like to find out more about The Skills Show, please email Information Seminars final reminder! The Awards information seminars are a golden opportunity to find out how to put together a winning entry, meet a past winner, hear hints and tips from the Judges and network with like- minded people. If you have not yet booked a place, there is still availability on some of the seminars. You can see the remaining dates and make a booking here. Deadline for entry is 5pm, 25 May 2012. If you would like to get more information about the seminar, please email
  • 2. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games update HCC student Alpha to carry the Olympic Torch for Hackney! On 21 July 2012, the Olympic Torch relay will be carried through Hackney, on the 64th day of its historic journey. The route even takes it past Hackney Community College’s main campus as it travels up the A10 (Kingsland Road). One of the torch bearers, 18 year-old student Alpha Kamara will be proudly representing his borough and his college. Inspirational student Alpha, was nominated by his tutor and many other staff across Hackney Community College. Photo: Hackney Community College Due to a childhood illness, Alpha developed difficulties that have prohibited him from doing things that are generally taken for granted. Since joining Hackney Community College, he has shown extraordinary determination and perseverance in developing his skills. Despite his difficulties, he has strived to show that they do not hold him back. He endeavours to carry out all tasks unsupported and has the intuition to request support when necessary. Alpha is over the moon: “I am very excited about carrying the Olympic torch around Hackney. I am very excited and happy and can’t stop smiling. It will be great fun. I am also looking forward to watching the Olympics, especially the athletics.” Read more about Alpha’s story. OTHER NEWS AND UPDATES 14-19 Spring Update from London Councils The update provides you with information relevant to your area of work brings you news of up-coming events and reminds you about any activities that are imminent. For more information please visit London Councils website. Calls for proposals – European Integration Fund UKBA calls for proposals for the European Integration Fund 2011/2012 are now open. The closing date for completed applications is 4.00pm on Wednesday 16 May 2012. For more information please visit UKBA website. Access to HE Diploma Review You are invited to attend one from a series of half-day consultation events as part of a project reviewing the Access to HE Diploma. Page 2 of 8
  • 3. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 Please contact Ann-Marie Karadia for more information: Tel: 01452 557118, email: The National Careers Service The National Careers Service was being launched on 5 April. The new service will transform careers advice in England by making accurate information about learning and work, and professional advice, available to everyone. The Service will provide adults and young people with a suite of online services and tools to help them to identify job opportunities, assess their own skills, determine learning goals and select the training provider that best meets their needs. They will also be able to access professional careers advice by web-chat or over the telephone, to help them make the right choices and acquire the skills they need to flourish in life and work. Adults over 19 will have access to face-to-face careers advice at a wide range of locations in the community. Future versions of the Toolkit will be made available here on the Skills Funding Agency Website. The National Careers Service can be accessed via the website or by calling 0800 100 900. For more information, you can contact the National Careers Service marketing and communications team at: AoC's No Free Lunch campaign No Free Lunch? is AoC’s campaign calling for the Government to extend the provision of free lunches to disadvantaged 16-18 year olds who study at College. You can pledge your support for this campaign by signing the petition at and by following @AoC_Campaigns using the hashtag #nofreelunch when you tweet about this issue. Investors in Diversity Investors in Diversity are an all-encompassing approach to the effective management of equality, diversity and inclusion. It enables organisations to take a structured and planned approach to embedding equality and diversity at the heart of what they do and provides a simple framework in which to do so. Please contact Caroline Tyler, if this service may be of interest to you. Disability Support in Further Education Over the last 10 years Randstad Student Support has worked with Higher Education Institutes to support their disabled learners. Utilising existing experience of disability support in education, they have been developing a new service over the last 2 years in order to further enhance the student experience by supporting learners in Further Education institutes. Page 3 of 8
  • 4. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 They offer solutions for finding ways for colleges to reduce the amount they spend on agency usage and free more time to spend on core activities and developing their service. If you want to get more information – please contact Jonathan Griffiths, Disability Development Manager at Randstad Student Support office by phone 0845 130 4655 or email PYL weekly update Partnership for Young London (PYL) aims to promote and improve youth work and services for young people in London through working in partnership with central and regional government, local authorities, youth organisations in the voluntary and private sectors and young people in the capital. If you would like to sign up for weekly PYL updates please contact Lucy Sandford, Development Manager at PYL by phone 020 7332 3599 or emails College News Story of the Fortnight EDDIE IZZARD TALKS POLITICS WITH STUDENTS AT WALTHAM FOREST COLLEGE “Ken Livingstone will cut fares by October or he will resign”, Eddie Izzard tells a packed room of students at Waltham Forest College. “Boris Johnson will always put himself first, whereas a vote for Ken is a vote for London.” The actor and comedian, usually known for his flamboyant stage presence, met Catering, Engineering and Travel and Tourism students at Waltham Forest College in a different capacity today. He is on the campaign trail for London Mayoral candidate Ken Livingstone and will spend the next few months speaking to Londoners Photo: Waltham Forest College from all ages, encouraging them to vote for Ken Livingstone in the Mayoral elections in May. “Young people are so far removed from politics, and for them Westminster and politics seems like miles away,” he said. “The only way to get them involved is by exciting them with a vision, and I feel Ken does this well.” The Treasure Island star went on to answer questions on the EMA, which struck a strong chord with students, as over 800 learners at the College were entitled to this benefit in the last Page 4 of 8
  • 5. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 academic year. He said Ken Livingstone will bring back the EMA, whereas under Boris Johnson the scheme was scrapped. Another hot topic concerned the London riots and crime and disorder. Engineering student, Mustafa Kurt from Walthamstow said: “As a young person in London, I am worried about crime and disorder, especially after the London riots when everything was just chaos. Eddie says Ken will bring back the police who were struck of by Boris. If he does this, then great, but we will have to wait and see.” Cheaper rail and bus travel was another strong talking point. Eddie Izzard told students the Labour candidate will cut travel expenditure by 5%. Eddie Izzard intends to run for the Mayoral elections himself in eight years’ time. Recent meetings Date Event/meeting Attendees Feedback 2 April Meeting with Mark KA Regular catch up meeting Hilton, London First 3 April Meeting with Mary KA Regular catch up meeting Vine-Morris, London Councils 13 April Directors’ Strategy KA Regular monthly meeting Meeting 16 April London Regional KA See headlines Champions Meeting 17 April Principals' Policy KA The agenda included: Forum • AoC funding update • Ofsted update • Q&A 20 April Operational Sub- JS Regular meeting group meeting Future meetings Date Event/meeting Attendees Agenda 24 April Meeting with KA Regular catch up meetings Alexandra Worden, Eversheds 24 April Meeting with Jill KA Regular catch up meeting Lowery, Skills Funding Agency and Mike Pettifer, YPLA (provisional date) Page 5 of 8
  • 6. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 25 April Meeting with KA Regular catch up meeting Joanna Gaukroger, LCC 26 April AoCLR Regional AoCLR The agenda includes: Committee meeting • Funding Agency updates • LSEO proposal • Governors’ Engagement • Other AoC updates 26 April City and Islington JS Awards ceremony College Award Ceremony 30 April Safer Learners - JS Agenda to be confirmed Working Group Meeting 30 April AoCLR VP C&Q AoCLR The agenda includes: network meeting • AoC Policy update and funding positions for the next year • Worldskills UK – David Smith, Director of WorldSkills Engagement, AOC 1 May Strategic Group for KA Agenda to be confirmed Sport Teleconference 1 May London Higher KA Agenda to be confirmed meeting 3 May Meeting with Cathy KA Regular catch up meeting Walsh 3 May Meeting with Rod KA Regular catch up meeting Baker, Barclays Events and Dates for the Diary  Skills Provision for unemployed adults: future developments and introduction of Universal Credit, Wednesday 2 May, 10.30am-2.45pm at NIACE Renaissance House, Leicester. For more information please email NIACE Events Team  AoC London Principals’ Forum, Tuesday 8 May, 3.00pm-5.00pm at Hackney Community College. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.  Alcohol Awareness workshops, Wednesday 9 May, Westminster Kingsway College. For more information please visit AoC Create Events website.  AoC London Marketing Managers’ network meeting, Thursday 10 May, 9.30am-2.00pm at Working Men’s College. Please email Judith Smyth for more information. Page 6 of 8
  • 7. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012  AoC London Heads of Sport Network meeting, Monday 14 May, 12pm-5pm, Hackney Community College. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.  How to be successful in the HE market Conference, Tuesday 15 May, 9.30am-4.20pm, Maple House, Birmingham. For more information please visit AoC Create Events website.  2012 AoC International Conference, Tuesday 15 May, 9.00am-4.30pm at Prospero House, London. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.  AoC London Business Development Managers’ Network meeting, Wednesday 16 May, 1.30pm-4pm, Venue (tbc). Please email Judith Smyth for more information.  Linking London Event: Producing Access Agreements for 2013-14, Wednesday 16 May, 2.00pm-5.00pm, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck, University of London. For more information please visit the Linking London website.  AoC London Clerks’ Network meeting, Friday 18 May, 2.00pm-5.00pm at Westminster Kingsway College, Victoria Centre. Please email Judith Smyth for more information.  AoC Equality and Diversity Conference, Wednesday 23 May 2012, Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, London. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.  AoC London Heads of Student Services Network meeting, Tuesday 29 May, 10.00am- 1.00pm at AoC Offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.  AoC Purchasing Conference and Exhibition, Tuesday 29 - Wednesday 30 May 2012, ICC, Birmingham. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.  AoC London Finance Directors’ Network meeting, Wednesday 13 June, 9.00am-1.00pm at AoC offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.  AoC London HE Coordinators meeting, Wednesday 20 June, 3.00pm-5.00pm at AoC Offices, London. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information.  BCS/AoC National Sports Conference 2012, Thursday 21 & Friday 22 June at Aston Business School Conference Centre, Birmingham. For more information please visit the AoC Create Events website.  AoC London AGM, Regional Forum and Summer Party, Thursday 28 June, PM, Venue Working Men’s College (tbc). Please email Judith Smyth for more information.  AoC CIS/MIS Managers’ Network meeting, Friday 29 June, 10.00am-1.00pm at AoC offices, Stedham Place. Please email Evelina Bagusyte for more information. Page 7 of 8
  • 8. AoC London Region Members’ Bulletin, 20 April 2012 Policy and other documents GLA news Statement from the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime Mayor secures more than £100 million to boost house building, jobs and construction across London London 2012 confirms Torchbearers and the street route for London for the Olympic Flame Chelsfield 'pavilion' plans win race to transform Royal Docks and create over 9,000 new jobs If you wish to contact the AoC London office to give feedback on this bulletin, to request additional information where we have offered it, or to provide suggested content for future issues, please email Evelina Bagusyte. Kate Anderson Judith Smyth Regional Director Executive Manager Evelina Bagusyte Cyheme Bilouta Regional Coordinator Team Administrator (part-time) Page 8 of 8