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JUNE 2010

    About the JWT AnxietyIndex
    Why anxiety?
    AnxietyIndex Quarterly topline findings


    Launched in February 2003 during the run-
    up to the war in Iraq, the proprietary JWT
    AnxietyIndex tracks the levels and intensity
    of consumer anxiety and, importantly, the
    drivers of it.

    This quantitative tool examines safety and
    security concerns—the threat of terrorism,
    potential and current military hostilities,
    crime, etc.—and economic worries such as
    the cost of health care, the cost of living
    and job security.

    It also unearths discoveries that can help
    inform business and marketing strategies.

    2003 2004                                      2007                          2008                              2009 2010
                                                                                “Understanding the               “The Recession and Its
                                                                                                                   Impact on Youth”                   “AnxietyIndex: Argentina”
    “War/Advertising”      “Health Concerns”     “The Confidence Crisis”           Food Crisis”                                                                 Jan.
     Wave 1 U.S. – Feb.     Wave 7 U.S. – Feb.      Wave 9 U.S. – Aug.          Wave 10 U.S., U.K. – May             Wave 16 U.S., U.K.,
                                                                                                                     CA., AU., BR. – Feb.
                                                                                “Understanding the                                                     “AnxietyIndex: Mexico”
    “War/Advertising”          “Airlines”                                          Fuel Crisis”                  “Cadbury Gum Study”                            Jan.
     Wave 2 U.S. – Mar.     Wave 8 U.S. – Aug.                                  Wave 11 U.S., U.K. – Aug              RU., ES. – March
                                                                                                           “The Recession and Its                     “AnxietyIndex: Columbia”
      “Health Care”                                                            “Weathering the Storm: Impact on the Environment”                                Jan.
     Wave 3 U.S. – April                                                        The Financial Crisis” Wave 17 U.S., U.K., CA., AU., JP. – April
                                                                                  Wave 12 U.S. – Sept.                                        “AnxietyIndex Quarterly:
       “Financial”                                                                                             “Balancing Health, The Recession Handbook: Brand Lessons
     Wave 4 U.S. – May
                                                                            “Pre-Election Client Omnibus Wellness and Budgets”           From the Great Recession of 2009 –
                                                                               (J&J–OTC, TRP, DTC)” Wave 18 U.S., U.K., CA., AU. – April           Winter 2009”
        “Obesity”                                                                 Wave 13 U.S. – Oct.         “AnxietyIndex: India”                  March 2010
     Wave 5 U.S. – Aug.                                                     “Post-Election Client Omnibus           Apr. – May
                                                                           (Royal Caribbean, Macy’s, Feld, “AnxietyIndex: China”
       “Obesity II”                                                             K-C, J&J-Oral Care)”                Apr. – May
     Wave 6 U.S. – Nov.                                                       Wave 14 U.S., U.K., CA. – Nov. “AnxietyIndex Quarterly:
                                                                               “Holiday Season 2008”           The Genericizing of
                                                                              Wave 15 U.S., U.K., CA. – Dec.  Brands – Spring 2009”
                                                                              “T. Rowe Price Financial”          “The Recession and Its
                                                                                       U.S. – Dec.                Impact on Marketing”
                                                                                                           Wave 19 U.S., U.K., CA., AU., RU. – Aug.
                                                                                                           “AnxietyIndex Quarterly:
                                                                                                 What Hope-Fueled Markets can Teach Brands –
                                                                                                                Summer 2009”
                                                                                                         “AnxietyIndex: A Cross-Market Look”
                                                                                                 Wave 20 U.S., U.K.,CA., FR., ES., BR., IN., CN., JP. – Oct.

                                                                                                             “AnxietyIndex: Saudi Arabia”

                                                                                                         “AnxietyIndex: United Arab Emirates”
                                                                                                                         Oct. – Nov.

                                                                                                               “AnxietyIndex Quarterly:
                                                                                                     The Best Brand Responses to the Recession –
                                                                                                                      Fall 2009”

                  In February 2009, JWT launched a
                  qualitative complement to the
                  AnxietyIndex: JWT’s is
                  an interactive site intended to help brands
                  navigate consumer anxiety.

                  With daily content updates, the site is a
                  place to discover and discuss how brands
                  and consumers around the world are
                  responding to and coping with anxiety.

                  Here, people can also download major
                  AnxietyIndex research and recession-
                  related trend reports published by us since
                  Fall 2008.



                       a painful response to feeling
    Anxiety is, quite literally,
    powerless against uncontrollable forces. In response,
    humans seek comfort, consistency and control. The 3Cs apply to work,
    relationships, habits and even spending. Familiar products give some
                                             the brands
    measure of comfort and consistency in an anxious world. And
    that people choose to use, or not use, also provide
    some sense of control during anxious times; sometimes
    consumers look for new choices to assist them in maintaining control, or at
    least fostering an illusion of control.
                                        —JOHN C. NORCROSS, Ph.D., ABPP, clinical psychologist and
                                                   professor of psychology, University of Scranton


     Over the past year, our site has tracked nearly 470 brand
     responses to consumers’ recession-related anxiety in 27 markets. At the same
     time, our seven-year-old proprietary AnxietyIndex has quantitatively
     measured the levels and drivers of consumer anxiety in 16 markets.

     In so doing, we have built a database of knowledge from around the world on
     consumer behavior and brand strategy in the Great Recession. As we begin to
     enter a recovery, we’ve reviewed this database, summarizing what we’ve
     learned and making recommendations for marketers that we believe will
     stand the test of time.

     In our fourth AnxietyIndex Quarterly, we highlighted key brand lessons from
     the Great Recession (accompanied by examples), which we believe will hold
     up in recessions to come.


     Understanding how your brand should speak about price and value is critical.
     Brands that simply tout price sound like everyone else; rather, talk about
     price by exploiting your unique voice.

 Target: Target’s “Brand new day” TV
 commercials, which showed cool-
 looking people actually enjoying
 various recession-era lifestyle
 compromises (e.g., “the new vacation
 glow: self-tanner, $9.39,” “the new
 nightclub: Wii dance game, $69.99”),
 were right in line with the brand’s
 established “cheap chic,” “more-for-
 less” sensibility while touting specific
 prices for the first time.

 Sainsbury: The U.K. supermarket
 chain’s “Try something new today”
 campaign has featured TV chef Jamie
 Oliver encouraging shoppers to
 experiment with ingredients by
 demonstrating simple recipes. In 2008,
 Oliver started showing shoppers how to
 “feed your family for a fiver” in ads
 that reflected the times while
 remaining true to the brand’s core
 value of encouraging experimentation.

     With anxiety levels high and the future uncertain, people are reluctant to
     spend—even if they haven’t been directly impacted by the recession. This is
     especially true of bigger-ticket items or longer-term financial commitments.
     While your product or service may be the same price as it was before the
     recession, you can sell some peace of mind by taking risk out of the equation.

 Hyundai Motor America: The car maker
 originated the movement to provide
 certainty in uncertain times with its
 Assurance Plan, promising buyers “if you
 lose your income in the next year, we’ll let
 you return your car.” Various marketers
 borrowed the concept, from JetBlue
 (“While we can’t predict the future, we
 can take some of the uncertainty out of it
 and give you confidence to book with
 JetBlue”) to Telefonica in Spain (which
 offered to cut phone bills by half for
 people who lost jobs). Chrysler went a step
 further and instituted a 60-day satisfaction
 guarantee program.

An array of programs motivated consumers
to spend by guaranteeing the best deal. In
the online-travel category, Orbitz launched
both a “Price Assurance” program (if another
customer books the same flight/hotel for
less, Orbitz refunds you the difference) and
a Low Price Guarantee (find a lower online
fare for the same booking and Orbitz refunds
the difference and gives you a $50 coupon);
competitor sites followed suit. Gap is testing
a program in which shoppers register for a
Sprize card, which they show whenever they
buy an item; if the price drops within 45
days, the difference is credited to the card.

     While marketers must take care not to fuel consumers’ fears, they can
     acknowledge anxieties and position themselves as part of the solution—
     explaining how the brand is working to either address the relevant issue or
     help consumers cope with it.

     Woolworths: As the downturn took
     hold in Australia, Woolworths Ltd.
     announced that new store openings
     and growth in existing locations would
     create 7,000 jobs. A commercial
     showed a mother going to a job
     interview with her son, with the
     message that “We employ thousands of
     Australians. And we’re always looking
     for more.” Without mentioning the “R”
     word explicitly, the spot sounded just
     the right tone of pragmatic optimism.

     Hyundai: In January 2010, Hyundai
     tackled Americans’ concern that
     unemployment remained high even
     while a recovery was said to be under
     way. A TV commercial told viewers:
     “The dust has started to settle. And
     some indicators are up—especially for
     the big guys. But the real question is,
     how are you doing?” Hyundai then
     announced it was continuing its
     Assurance Plan—“because the economy
     hasn’t really turned around for any of
     us until it turns around for all of us.”

     A timely campaign that taps into the Zeitgeist can go a long way toward
     helping a brand connect with consumers—as long as it is genuinely aligned
     with the brand.

 JetBlue: Not only did JetBlue’s “Bigwigs”
 campaign fit with the airline’s distinctly un-
 stuffy, anti-stodgy brand, it was relevant and
 timely, and undoubtedly struck a chord with
 bailout-weary American taxpayers. JetBlue
 poked fun at C-suite execs just as they were
 getting chastised for their excesses—private
 jets included—amid bailout mania. It subtly
 communicated “more for less” by telling
 “Bigwigs, Muckety-Mucks, Private Jetters and
 Big Cheeses” how “jetting on JetBlue is a lot
 like on your private jet, with a few basic
 differences.” JetBlue’s Web site described
 features such as lots of leg room, free snacks
 and “fares that won’t give the CFO a

 Miller High Life: A brand that has long
 cultivated a blue collar image, Miller High
 Life leveraged the populist zeal stirred up by
 the recession by “giving” its Super Bowl ad
 time to “deserving small businesses from
 around the country.” Four Miller High Life
 spots that ran in regional markets each
 highlighted one business (Loretta’s Authentic
 Pralines in New Orleans, etc.). Echoing
 JetBlue’s “Bigwigs” campaign, a teaser ad
 positioned this Super Bowl advertiser as
 standing apart from “those big muckety-
 muck companies [that] prance out those
 fancy-pants commercials.”

     This is the moment for brands to provide consumers with choices (in how they
     pay, how much they pay, when they pay, etc.), making them feel they have
     some control.

 Casas Bahia: Brazil’s largest retailer and
 advertiser built its empire on a business
 model that provides credit to low-end
 consumers, who have been able to acquire
 fridges, stoves, furniture, etc., through
 monthly installments. Casas Bahia makes
 clear that it is open to negotiating the
 payment plan and doing all it can to ensure
 that installments fit the household budget.
 In one campaign, Casas Bahia actually asked,
 “How much are you willing to pay?” in an
 attempt to provide the comfort that comes
 from being able to choose a payment plan.

 “Pay what you want”: Originally an offbeat
 strategy that Radiohead used to market its
 album In Rainbows, marketers are adopting
 “pay what you want” to attract buzz and
 engender goodwill by making consumers feel
 empowered. For example, Singapore’s new
 Ibis hotel allowed guests to name their price
 for a room during a brief window each day
 via the site And
 Little Bay in London was among a handful of
 restaurants to test the idea, running a
 month-long “pay what you think it’s worth”

     Give consumers tools to help them cope (by saving money, becoming more
     informed, etc.) or achieve goals. This positions the brand as an ally of
     consumers, supportive and dependable.


 BOB: At a time when few Austrians were
 optimistic about the future, the young
 mobile provider BOB launched—
 the name a combo of “optimist” and “bob”—
 where people can share tips on how to enjoy
 life and save money in Vienna. The site is
 both pragmatic (with its cost-cutting ideas)
 and inspirational (reminding consumers of
 the bright side of things).


 American Express: The OPEN small-business
 platform offers the OPEN Forum, an online
 resource and social networking site for small
 businesses that features a virtual Rolodex of
 credentialed businesses, marketing toolkits
 and an idea hub, among other things.

     Rather than reflect the more fearful side of consumers—treating them as
     downtrodden, penny-pinching and anxious—see them as hope-fueled and talk
     to them accordingly. Don’t feed resentment; feed ambition and optimism—
     focus on how these consumers are better off than their predecessors. Be
     more inspirational and aspirational.

 India’s Economic Times: A “Power of Ideas”
 contest sponsored by the leading business
 daily created a platform to encourage
 entrepreneurship, providing both inspiration
 and advice for business development in a
 recession. People could submit ideas, as well
 as receive mentoring and the chance for
 funding. A hope-fueled market where
 entrepreneurship has been riding high, India
 has been determined to turn the recession
 into opportunity. Many headlines reveal this
 sentiment—e.g., from The Economic Times:
 “Just one big idea can lay off the

 Coca-Cola: In an ad celebrating Chinese New
 Year, Coca-Cola smartly leveraged one man’s
 loss of hope to encourage the whole nation. The
 spot featured Chinese track hero Liu Xiang, an
 Olympic champion who had to abruptly
 withdraw from the 2008 Summer Games due to
 an injury. Amid a celebratory Chinese New Year
 setting, we see that Liu hasn’t gotten past the
 bitter memory of the Olympics. His father
 comes into his room and passes him a bottle of
 Coke. “Do you know how many hurdles you have
 leaped over in the past?” he asks. Silence from
 Liu.“100,006 hurdles,” his father continues.
 “This is just another hurdle in your life.” The
 spot ends with a revived Liu knocking at his
 father’s door and handing him a Coke.

     Messages that restore hope could help make brands aspirational again.

 Havaianas: The Brazilian flip-flop maker
 found hope in adversity: A commercial
 showed an earnest woman interrupting a
 “roda de samba” (an informal gathering of
 people playing samba songs). She complains:
 “How can you possibly be laughing and
 having fun while there is a crisis going on in
 the world?” The stunned crowd falls silent
 until someone lets out: “Talk about
 sadness!” Someone else breaks into a
 popular samba song that goes “Sadness,
 please go away!” The crowd follows happily

 Portuguese Red Cross: As consumers
 tightened their wallets in late 2008, the
 Portuguese Red Cross decided to sell hope in
 a literal way. It opened a store in a Lisbon
 mall where cards promoting “hope” were
 clipped onto hangers and stocked on shelves,
 just as normal goods would be; they sold for
 10 euros apiece. “Hope” was positioned as a
 gift alternative for the holidays, and
 shoppers could get the satisfaction that
 comes with both a mall transaction and the
 act of giving. Where its messaging could
 have played on guilt, the Red Cross spoke in
 a voice of optimism.

     By tweaking your sales model, you can make products more accessible to
     consumers hesitant to spend.

 Best Buy: The recession saw many
 consumers postpone big-ticket purchases, a
 challenge that electronics chain Best Buy
 addressed with its novel Pitch In card. Think
 bridal registry meets microfinancing meets
 layaway; Best Buy terms it “easy group
 gifting.” Customers looking for help
 financing a purchase create a Pitch In card
 along with a Best Buy wish list, which they
 share with friends and family. Gift-givers
 then contribute payments ranging from $5 to

 Levi’s: An aspirational brand in India, Levi’s
 aimed to become more accessible and
 broaden its user base without discounting or
 weakening its premium positioning; it also
 wanted to increase frequency and value of
 purchase among existing customers. So Levi’s
 brought in new category thinking, partnering
 with one of India’s major banks (HDFC) to
 offer an EMI (equal monthly installment)
 scheme. The communication championed a
 “Live Now” philosophy.

     Thing big: You can stimulate consumer spending or confidence at the same
     time as helping the environment, for instance, or encouraging
     entrepreneurship, volunteering or family time.


 India’s Economic Times: See No. 7 for
 details. This entrepreneurship contest was a
 way for the newspaper to do something
 meaningful for consumers while burnishing
 its brand.

 Cash for Clunkers: Germany was the first
 with a “Cash for Clunkers” campaign that
 aimed to get citizens to buy domestically
 made cars, help the environment and
 stimulate the economy. The U.S.
 government’s subsequent “Cash for
 Clunkers” program encouraged Americans to
 trade in their gas-guzzling clunkers for
 thousands of dollars off the price of a new,
 better-for-the-environment vehicle. Both
 programs helped boost consumer spending.
 Some retailers copied the idea, offering
 discounts to customers who brought in used
 goods that could be donated to charity.

42                                              Infrogmation/

                                466 Lexington Avenue
                                 New York, NY 10017

For AnxietyIndex inquiries, please contact Ann Mack (, 212-210-7378)
 For press inquiries, please contact Erin Johnson (, 212-210-7243)

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AnxietyIndex: Brand Lessons from the Great Recession

  • 2. WHAT WE’LL COVER About the JWT AnxietyIndex Why anxiety? AnxietyIndex Quarterly topline findings 2 2
  • 4. THE JWT ANXIETYINDEX Launched in February 2003 during the run- up to the war in Iraq, the proprietary JWT AnxietyIndex tracks the levels and intensity of consumer anxiety and, importantly, the drivers of it. This quantitative tool examines safety and security concerns—the threat of terrorism, potential and current military hostilities, crime, etc.—and economic worries such as the cost of health care, the cost of living and job security. It also unearths discoveries that can help inform business and marketing strategies. 4
  • 5. ANXIETYINDEX OVER THE YEARS 2003 2004 2007 2008 2009 2010 “Understanding the “The Recession and Its Impact on Youth” “AnxietyIndex: Argentina” “War/Advertising” “Health Concerns” “The Confidence Crisis” Food Crisis” Jan. Wave 1 U.S. – Feb. Wave 7 U.S. – Feb. Wave 9 U.S. – Aug. Wave 10 U.S., U.K. – May Wave 16 U.S., U.K., CA., AU., BR. – Feb. “Understanding the “AnxietyIndex: Mexico” “War/Advertising” “Airlines” Fuel Crisis” “Cadbury Gum Study” Jan. Wave 2 U.S. – Mar. Wave 8 U.S. – Aug. Wave 11 U.S., U.K. – Aug RU., ES. – March “The Recession and Its “AnxietyIndex: Columbia” “Health Care” “Weathering the Storm: Impact on the Environment” Jan. Wave 3 U.S. – April The Financial Crisis” Wave 17 U.S., U.K., CA., AU., JP. – April Wave 12 U.S. – Sept. “AnxietyIndex Quarterly: “Financial” “Balancing Health, The Recession Handbook: Brand Lessons Wave 4 U.S. – May “Pre-Election Client Omnibus Wellness and Budgets” From the Great Recession of 2009 – (J&J–OTC, TRP, DTC)” Wave 18 U.S., U.K., CA., AU. – April Winter 2009” “Obesity” Wave 13 U.S. – Oct. “AnxietyIndex: India” March 2010 Wave 5 U.S. – Aug. “Post-Election Client Omnibus Apr. – May (Royal Caribbean, Macy’s, Feld, “AnxietyIndex: China” “Obesity II” K-C, J&J-Oral Care)” Apr. – May Wave 6 U.S. – Nov. Wave 14 U.S., U.K., CA. – Nov. “AnxietyIndex Quarterly: “Holiday Season 2008” The Genericizing of Wave 15 U.S., U.K., CA. – Dec. Brands – Spring 2009” May “T. Rowe Price Financial” “The Recession and Its U.S. – Dec. Impact on Marketing” Wave 19 U.S., U.K., CA., AU., RU. – Aug. “AnxietyIndex Quarterly: What Hope-Fueled Markets can Teach Brands – Summer 2009” Aug. “AnxietyIndex: A Cross-Market Look” Wave 20 U.S., U.K.,CA., FR., ES., BR., IN., CN., JP. – Oct. “AnxietyIndex: Saudi Arabia” Oct. “AnxietyIndex: United Arab Emirates” Oct. – Nov. “AnxietyIndex Quarterly: The Best Brand Responses to the Recession – Fall 2009” Nov. 5
  • 6. ANXIETYINDEX.COM: BRAND ANSWERS FOR AN ANXIOUS WORLD In February 2009, JWT launched a qualitative complement to the AnxietyIndex: JWT’s is an interactive site intended to help brands navigate consumer anxiety. With daily content updates, the site is a place to discover and discuss how brands and consumers around the world are responding to and coping with anxiety. Here, people can also download major AnxietyIndex research and recession- related trend reports published by us since Fall 2008. 6
  • 8. WHY ANXIETY? 8
  • 9. WHY ANXIETY? a painful response to feeling Anxiety is, quite literally, powerless against uncontrollable forces. In response, humans seek comfort, consistency and control. The 3Cs apply to work, relationships, habits and even spending. Familiar products give some the brands measure of comfort and consistency in an anxious world. And that people choose to use, or not use, also provide some sense of control during anxious times; sometimes consumers look for new choices to assist them in maintaining control, or at least fostering an illusion of control. —JOHN C. NORCROSS, Ph.D., ABPP, clinical psychologist and professor of psychology, University of Scranton 9
  • 11. THE RECESSION HANDBOOK Over the past year, our site has tracked nearly 470 brand responses to consumers’ recession-related anxiety in 27 markets. At the same time, our seven-year-old proprietary AnxietyIndex has quantitatively measured the levels and drivers of consumer anxiety in 16 markets. In so doing, we have built a database of knowledge from around the world on consumer behavior and brand strategy in the Great Recession. As we begin to enter a recovery, we’ve reviewed this database, summarizing what we’ve learned and making recommendations for marketers that we believe will stand the test of time. In our fourth AnxietyIndex Quarterly, we highlighted key brand lessons from the Great Recession (accompanied by examples), which we believe will hold up in recessions to come. 11
  • 13. 1. FIND YOUR VALUE VOICE Understanding how your brand should speak about price and value is critical. Brands that simply tout price sound like everyone else; rather, talk about price by exploiting your unique voice. 13
  • 14. 1. FIND YOUR VALUE VOICE Target: Target’s “Brand new day” TV commercials, which showed cool- looking people actually enjoying various recession-era lifestyle compromises (e.g., “the new vacation glow: self-tanner, $9.39,” “the new nightclub: Wii dance game, $69.99”), were right in line with the brand’s established “cheap chic,” “more-for- less” sensibility while touting specific prices for the first time. 14
  • 15. 1. FIND YOUR VALUE VOICE Sainsbury: The U.K. supermarket chain’s “Try something new today” campaign has featured TV chef Jamie Oliver encouraging shoppers to experiment with ingredients by demonstrating simple recipes. In 2008, Oliver started showing shoppers how to “feed your family for a fiver” in ads that reflected the times while remaining true to the brand’s core value of encouraging experimentation. 15
  • 16. 2. REMOVE THE RISK FROM PRICE With anxiety levels high and the future uncertain, people are reluctant to spend—even if they haven’t been directly impacted by the recession. This is especially true of bigger-ticket items or longer-term financial commitments. While your product or service may be the same price as it was before the recession, you can sell some peace of mind by taking risk out of the equation. 16
  • 17. 2. REMOVE THE RISK FROM PRICE Hyundai Motor America: The car maker originated the movement to provide certainty in uncertain times with its Assurance Plan, promising buyers “if you lose your income in the next year, we’ll let you return your car.” Various marketers borrowed the concept, from JetBlue (“While we can’t predict the future, we can take some of the uncertainty out of it and give you confidence to book with JetBlue”) to Telefonica in Spain (which offered to cut phone bills by half for people who lost jobs). Chrysler went a step further and instituted a 60-day satisfaction guarantee program. 17
  • 18. 2. REMOVE THE RISK FROM PRICE An array of programs motivated consumers to spend by guaranteeing the best deal. In the online-travel category, Orbitz launched both a “Price Assurance” program (if another customer books the same flight/hotel for less, Orbitz refunds you the difference) and a Low Price Guarantee (find a lower online fare for the same booking and Orbitz refunds the difference and gives you a $50 coupon); competitor sites followed suit. Gap is testing a program in which shoppers register for a Sprize card, which they show whenever they buy an item; if the price drops within 45 days, the difference is credited to the card. 18
  • 19. 3. DON’T SHY AWAY FROM TACKLING ANXIETY HEAD ON While marketers must take care not to fuel consumers’ fears, they can acknowledge anxieties and position themselves as part of the solution— explaining how the brand is working to either address the relevant issue or help consumers cope with it. 19
  • 20. 3. DON’T SHY AWAY FROM TACKLING ANXIETY HEAD ON Woolworths: As the downturn took hold in Australia, Woolworths Ltd. announced that new store openings and growth in existing locations would create 7,000 jobs. A commercial showed a mother going to a job interview with her son, with the message that “We employ thousands of Australians. And we’re always looking for more.” Without mentioning the “R” word explicitly, the spot sounded just the right tone of pragmatic optimism. 20
  • 21. 3. DON’T SHY AWAY FROM TACKLING ANXIETY HEAD ON Hyundai: In January 2010, Hyundai tackled Americans’ concern that unemployment remained high even while a recovery was said to be under way. A TV commercial told viewers: “The dust has started to settle. And some indicators are up—especially for the big guys. But the real question is, how are you doing?” Hyundai then announced it was continuing its Assurance Plan—“because the economy hasn’t really turned around for any of us until it turns around for all of us.” 21
  • 22. 4. LEVERAGE PUBLIC SENTIMENT A timely campaign that taps into the Zeitgeist can go a long way toward helping a brand connect with consumers—as long as it is genuinely aligned with the brand. 22
  • 23. 4. LEVERAGE PUBLIC SENTIMENT JetBlue: Not only did JetBlue’s “Bigwigs” campaign fit with the airline’s distinctly un- stuffy, anti-stodgy brand, it was relevant and timely, and undoubtedly struck a chord with bailout-weary American taxpayers. JetBlue poked fun at C-suite execs just as they were getting chastised for their excesses—private jets included—amid bailout mania. It subtly communicated “more for less” by telling “Bigwigs, Muckety-Mucks, Private Jetters and Big Cheeses” how “jetting on JetBlue is a lot like on your private jet, with a few basic differences.” JetBlue’s Web site described features such as lots of leg room, free snacks and “fares that won’t give the CFO a conniption.” 23
  • 24. 4. LEVERAGE PUBLIC SENTIMENT Miller High Life: A brand that has long cultivated a blue collar image, Miller High Life leveraged the populist zeal stirred up by the recession by “giving” its Super Bowl ad time to “deserving small businesses from around the country.” Four Miller High Life spots that ran in regional markets each highlighted one business (Loretta’s Authentic Pralines in New Orleans, etc.). Echoing JetBlue’s “Bigwigs” campaign, a teaser ad positioned this Super Bowl advertiser as standing apart from “those big muckety- muck companies [that] prance out those fancy-pants commercials.” 24
  • 25. 5. GIVE CONSUMERS MORE CONTROL This is the moment for brands to provide consumers with choices (in how they pay, how much they pay, when they pay, etc.), making them feel they have some control. 25
  • 26. 5. GIVE CONSUMERS MORE CONTROL Casas Bahia: Brazil’s largest retailer and advertiser built its empire on a business model that provides credit to low-end consumers, who have been able to acquire fridges, stoves, furniture, etc., through monthly installments. Casas Bahia makes clear that it is open to negotiating the payment plan and doing all it can to ensure that installments fit the household budget. In one campaign, Casas Bahia actually asked, “How much are you willing to pay?” in an attempt to provide the comfort that comes from being able to choose a payment plan. 26
  • 27. 5. GIVE CONSUMERS MORE CONTROL “Pay what you want”: Originally an offbeat strategy that Radiohead used to market its album In Rainbows, marketers are adopting “pay what you want” to attract buzz and engender goodwill by making consumers feel empowered. For example, Singapore’s new Ibis hotel allowed guests to name their price for a room during a brief window each day via the site And Little Bay in London was among a handful of restaurants to test the idea, running a month-long “pay what you think it’s worth” promotion. 27
  • 28. 6. PROVIDE A REAL SERVICE FOR CONSUMERS Give consumers tools to help them cope (by saving money, becoming more informed, etc.) or achieve goals. This positions the brand as an ally of consumers, supportive and dependable. 28
  • 29. 6. PROVIDE A REAL SERVICE FOR CONSUMERS BOB: At a time when few Austrians were optimistic about the future, the young mobile provider BOB launched— the name a combo of “optimist” and “bob”— where people can share tips on how to enjoy life and save money in Vienna. The site is both pragmatic (with its cost-cutting ideas) and inspirational (reminding consumers of the bright side of things). 29
  • 30. 6. PROVIDE A REAL SERVICE FOR CONSUMERS American Express: The OPEN small-business platform offers the OPEN Forum, an online resource and social networking site for small businesses that features a virtual Rolodex of credentialed businesses, marketing toolkits and an idea hub, among other things. 30
  • 31. 7. INSPIRE RATHER THAN EMPATHIZE WITH CONSUMERS Rather than reflect the more fearful side of consumers—treating them as downtrodden, penny-pinching and anxious—see them as hope-fueled and talk to them accordingly. Don’t feed resentment; feed ambition and optimism— focus on how these consumers are better off than their predecessors. Be more inspirational and aspirational. 31
  • 32. 7. INSPIRE RATHER THAN EMPATHIZE WITH CONSUMERS India’s Economic Times: A “Power of Ideas” contest sponsored by the leading business daily created a platform to encourage entrepreneurship, providing both inspiration and advice for business development in a recession. People could submit ideas, as well as receive mentoring and the chance for funding. A hope-fueled market where entrepreneurship has been riding high, India has been determined to turn the recession into opportunity. Many headlines reveal this sentiment—e.g., from The Economic Times: “Just one big idea can lay off the slowdown.” 32
  • 33. 7. INSPIRE RATHER THAN EMPATHIZE WITH CONSUMERS Coca-Cola: In an ad celebrating Chinese New Year, Coca-Cola smartly leveraged one man’s loss of hope to encourage the whole nation. The spot featured Chinese track hero Liu Xiang, an Olympic champion who had to abruptly withdraw from the 2008 Summer Games due to an injury. Amid a celebratory Chinese New Year setting, we see that Liu hasn’t gotten past the bitter memory of the Olympics. His father comes into his room and passes him a bottle of Coke. “Do you know how many hurdles you have leaped over in the past?” he asks. Silence from Liu.“100,006 hurdles,” his father continues. “This is just another hurdle in your life.” The spot ends with a revived Liu knocking at his father’s door and handing him a Coke. 33
  • 34. 8. RETURN TO THE CORE VALUE OF HOPE Messages that restore hope could help make brands aspirational again. 34
  • 35. 8. RETURN TO THE CORE VALUE OF HOPE Havaianas: The Brazilian flip-flop maker found hope in adversity: A commercial showed an earnest woman interrupting a “roda de samba” (an informal gathering of people playing samba songs). She complains: “How can you possibly be laughing and having fun while there is a crisis going on in the world?” The stunned crowd falls silent until someone lets out: “Talk about sadness!” Someone else breaks into a popular samba song that goes “Sadness, please go away!” The crowd follows happily along. 35
  • 36. 8. RETURN TO THE CORE VALUE OF HOPE Portuguese Red Cross: As consumers tightened their wallets in late 2008, the Portuguese Red Cross decided to sell hope in a literal way. It opened a store in a Lisbon mall where cards promoting “hope” were clipped onto hangers and stocked on shelves, just as normal goods would be; they sold for 10 euros apiece. “Hope” was positioned as a gift alternative for the holidays, and shoppers could get the satisfaction that comes with both a mall transaction and the act of giving. Where its messaging could have played on guilt, the Red Cross spoke in a voice of optimism. 36
  • 37. 9. RE-IMAGINE HOW YOUR PRODUCTS ARE SOLD By tweaking your sales model, you can make products more accessible to consumers hesitant to spend. 37
  • 38. 9. RE-IMAGINE HOW YOUR PRODUCTS ARE SOLD Best Buy: The recession saw many consumers postpone big-ticket purchases, a challenge that electronics chain Best Buy addressed with its novel Pitch In card. Think bridal registry meets microfinancing meets layaway; Best Buy terms it “easy group gifting.” Customers looking for help financing a purchase create a Pitch In card along with a Best Buy wish list, which they share with friends and family. Gift-givers then contribute payments ranging from $5 to $9,999.99. 38
  • 39. 9. RE-IMAGINE HOW YOUR PRODUCTS ARE SOLD Levi’s: An aspirational brand in India, Levi’s aimed to become more accessible and broaden its user base without discounting or weakening its premium positioning; it also wanted to increase frequency and value of purchase among existing customers. So Levi’s brought in new category thinking, partnering with one of India’s major banks (HDFC) to offer an EMI (equal monthly installment) scheme. The communication championed a “Live Now” philosophy. 39
  • 40. 10. USE THE RECESSION TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER GOAL Thing big: You can stimulate consumer spending or confidence at the same time as helping the environment, for instance, or encouraging entrepreneurship, volunteering or family time. 40
  • 41. 10. USE THE RECESSION TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER GOAL India’s Economic Times: See No. 7 for details. This entrepreneurship contest was a way for the newspaper to do something meaningful for consumers while burnishing its brand. 41
  • 42. 10. USE THE RECESSION TO ACHIEVE A HIGHER GOAL Cash for Clunkers: Germany was the first with a “Cash for Clunkers” campaign that aimed to get citizens to buy domestically made cars, help the environment and stimulate the economy. The U.S. government’s subsequent “Cash for Clunkers” program encouraged Americans to trade in their gas-guzzling clunkers for thousands of dollars off the price of a new, better-for-the-environment vehicle. Both programs helped boost consumer spending. Some retailers copied the idea, offering discounts to customers who brought in used goods that could be donated to charity. 42 Infrogmation/
  • 43. THANK YOU 466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 For AnxietyIndex inquiries, please contact Ann Mack (, 212-210-7378) For press inquiries, please contact Erin Johnson (, 212-210-7243)