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A Grant Thornton white paper

Anti-corruption legislation casts a
global net: Don’t get caught because
you don’t know the rules

Audit • Tax • Advisory

Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd
Do you operate in markets or industries
with a high risk of corruption and/or bribery?

Do you know if your internal anti-corruption
policies are sufficient to defend your company
and its senior management from prosecution
under current anti-corruption legislation?

Do you have operations located in the
United States or United Kingdom?


                                3	 The new global landscape

                                4	 The major players – taking it to the world

                                6	 An anti-corruption program is a global imperative

                                7	 Culture change must accompany policy change

                                7	 Slow response could have rapid repercussions
The new global landscape—
it’s critical to know the terrain

                                The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act              Prior to the UK Bribery Act, the
 These are some of the          (FCPA) and new UK Bribery Act are             FCPA was the global gold standard for
 critical questions that        both designed to directly and significantly   anti-corruption legislation. Aggressive
                                address bribery and corruption, but           investigation and prosecutions have
 should be front-of-mind
                                they are not aimed exclusively at domestic    steadily risen, including many non-US
 for globally active Canadian   companies, making it clear that the fight     organizations, their authorized agents and
 companies, as countries        against corruption transcends national        other indirectly culpable entities. The UK
 around the world—including     borders and has become a global               Bribery Act, however, goes even further.
 Canada—enact and enforce       imperative. Canadian companies are            Companies may be at risk simply by not
 complex regulations around     further challenged by heightened              having a corporate anti-corruption
 corruption and bribery.        enforcement of the Corruption of Foreign      program in place.
                                Public Officials Act (CFPOA). Both                The regulators mean business.
 From fines and reputational
                                private and public companies have been—       Canadian companies operating in global
 damage to jail time for        and will continue to be—aggressively          markets have been subject to multiple
 convicted individuals and      targeted by these laws, particularly those    foreign laws and are at risk on a number
 companies, the consequences    doing business in foreign markets where       of fronts, which now includes bribery and
 of non-compliance are          the risk of corruption is high. Sanctions     corruption. As this risk landscape
 substantial. As a result,      for failing to comply with these laws are     expands, you need to understand the local
                                potentially severe, with fines, penalties     and international laws relevant to your
 Canadian companies must
                                and jail time all on the table.               activities and take steps to identify, avoid
 now work to understand the
                                                                              and respond to unintended complicity.
 substance and reach of US
 and UK laws as well as our
 own legal environment.

The major players –
taking it to the world

                                                           court. This has had the expected
                                                                                                                     Prosecutions of companies and individuals
                                                           impact on US companies, but a more
                                                                                                                     occur daily and the numbers are increasing.
                                                           worrisome trend for the rest of the
                                                           world is the consistent targeting and                     In 2010, the US SEC and the DOJ
                                                           pursuit of non-US-based entities.                         investigated dozens of cases of suspected
                                                           Although the international holdings                       corruption, and prosecutions or settlement
United States                                              and complex structures of multinationals                  fines totalled US$1.8 billion.
After terrorism, fighting foreign                          often discourage scrutiny, the United                      
corruption is the US government’s biggest                  States is no longer holding back, and                     Eight of the top 10 largest FCPA corporate
focus. In 2008, Siemens AG plead guilty                    their approach is successfully breaking                   defendants of all time involve foreign rather
                                                                                                                     than US companies.
to violating the FCPA, agreeing to pay                     down traditional barriers to cross-
a US$450 million penalty and disgorge                      border prosecutions.5
$350 million in wrongful profits.1 In 2010,                                                                          guidance document published by the
French-based Alcatel-Lucent2 joined                                                                                  Ministry of Justice6 clearly states that they
the growing number of successfully                                                                                   will also have jurisdiction over offences
prosecuted foreign multinationals, paying                                                                            committed outside the United Kingdom
US$137 million in fines. A trend is clearly                                                                          where the person committing these
emerging—enforcement and prosecution                                                                                 offences has a close connection with the
in bribery and corruption cases almost                                                                               United Kingdom.
doubled from 2009 to 2010,3 and the                        United Kingdom                                                While the courts will decide how
size of fines increased as well. Of the                    The Bribery Act, which came into effect                   the Act applies to non-UK companies,
top 10 penalties incurred since the                        July 1, 2011, may apply to a Canadian                     the Serious Fraud Office—the police
FCPA’s inception, eight occurred in the                    company if it “carries on a business or                   department responsible for handling
past 24 months, including UK defence                       part of a business” in the United                         investigations of this nature—appears
contractor BAE’s settlements of almost                     Kingdom. The British authorities have                     to be taking the view that virtually any
US$500 million.4                                           made it clear that they will vigorously                   company conducting business in the
    The Department of Justice (DOJ), the                   pursue cases where a UK-based company                     United Kingdom must be in compliance.
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC)                       is impacted by bribery, irrespective of                       The scope of this law actually exceeds
and other authorities are highly focused                   where in the world the acts or omissions                  the FCPA in several significant areas.
on developing sophisticated techniques                     may have been committed. In other                         First, the UK Bribery Act applies to
and procedures for taking offenders to                     words, the bribery activity can take place                commercial bribery as well as bribery
                                                           anywhere in the world and it would                        of government officials. This means that
1         appear that the UK authorities—like their                 unlike the FCPA or CFPOA—whose
2        US counterparts—intend to take an                         scopes are applicable only to the latter—
                                                           aggressive stance on jurisdiction. The                    prosecution of business-to-business
4   5   6
   pay-the-fcpa-piper/                                        foreign-corrupt-practices-act.html                       act-2010-guidance.pdf

The UK Bribery Act, which came into effect in 2011, is a significant redraft and upgrade of earlier legislation that had been roundly criticized
by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD stated in an October 2008 report that “the continued
failure of the UK to address deficiencies in its laws on bribery of foreign public officials and on corporate liability for foreign bribery has
hindered investigations.”

bribery is fair game. Second, the Act             Progress Report 2011: Enforcement of the                           More recent developments show that
considers “failure to prevent bribery”            OECD Anti-Bribery Convention7 reports                         the enforcement picture is changing in
an offence. This may be its most                  on this lack of progress in enforcing                         Canada, and the conviction of Niko
ambitious and far-reaching provision, and         the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention                              Resources Ltd. in June 2011 indicates just
the most controversial, as it suggests that       in Canada. Among other criticisms,                            how much. The company was fined a
if a company with no anti-corruption              Canada was chastised for again being                          total of C$9.5 million and was placed on
measures in place becomes implicated in           “the only G7 country in the ‘little to no                     probation for three years. The Canadian
bribery, the lack of a program may itself         enforcement category’” and “the only                          probation order, however, was based
be a crime. Third, facilitation payments,         OECD member that does not provide                             on a US Department of Justice (DOJ)
which are allowed under the FCPA and              nationality jurisdiction, which presents                      document called a “deferred prosecution
CFPOA, are specifically disallowed under          a serious obstacle to enforcement.” On                        agreement” used in FCPA cases. This
the UK Bribery Act.                               the positive side, the report found it                        type of document is an agreement in
     Further clarification on how and to          “promising that 23 foreign bribery                            which companies under FCPA scrutiny
whom the Act will be applied comes from           investigations are under way” and                             are granted amnesty in exchange for
•	 the government’s official guidance             suggested that if prosecutions resulted,                      fulfilling certain corruption compliance
    (referenced above),                           Canada’s international status should rise.8                   requirements—also known as a
•	 the joint prosecution guidance of the               Given the United Kingdom’s response                      “Schedule C.”
    director of the Serious Fraud Office          to similar criticism, it seems likely that                         The fact that a Canadian probation
    and the director of public prosecutions       Canada could react similarly. In fact, the                    order was based on a set of requirements
    who are charged with enforcing the            government introduced Bill C-31 in 2009,                      listed in a US DOJ agreement was a
    Act, and                                      which “proposed to amend the CFPOA                            clear example of the rapidly growing
•	 the Act’s ongoing application and              by clarifying that it applies to Canadian                     cooperation between governments to
    resulting precedents.                         individuals acting outside of Canada.”                        prosecute corruption. The terms of the
                                                  It also included provisions to apply                          order may potentially show how the laws
The Act focuses on companies registered           the CFPOA based on the nationality                            of different countries are leading to more
in or with offices in the United Kingdom          principle, which would allow certain                          harmonization of global standards for
or that employ UK citizens, but even              offences committed outside Canada to                          compliance in this area. Since the Niko
without direct ties to the United                 be prosecuted as if they had occurred in                      conviction, several other enforcement
Kingdom, Canadian businesses with                 Canada.9 While this Bill died on the order                    incidents have emerged, including a raid
global presence or aspirations need to            paper, growing international pressure                         on junior mining company Blackfire
understand UK, US and other global                makes it likely that these or similar                         Exploration in Calgary10 and a probe into
anti-corruption legislation and be aware          measures will be the next likely legislative                  the overseas operations of SNC-Lavalin.11
of related emerging issues.                       step. In the meantime, we are seeing                          There are, in fact, dozens of known cases
                                                  increasing enforcement of the CFPOA’s                         currently under review by the RCMP,
                                                  existing measures.                                            and at least one further prosecution—
                                                                                                                Nazir Karigar, who has been charged
                                                                                                                with one count of corruption.

Canada                                            7	 Transparency International, Progress Report
Just as the OECD targeted the United                 2011: Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery
Kingdom’s lax response to foreign                    download/61106/978536,
                                                  8	 Ibid., 6.
corruption, Canada has now been singled                                                                         10
                                                  9	 TI-Canada’s Anti-Corruption Developments Review, http://
out as the worst offender amongst G7                  calgary-miner-over-bribery-allegations/article2145226/
                                                     Corruption_Developments_Review_01-01_2001-Winter.pdf,      11
nations. Transparency International’s                p. 6-7.                                                       co-operating-with-rcmp-investigation/article2155640/

An anti-corruption
program is a global imperative

Clearly, the rules have changed in Canada and           3.	 Develop an effective anti-corruption policy
around the world. Domestic enforcement is on the              that considers the prevention, detection
rise and simply doing business, including raising             and ramifications of foreign corruption and
capital or debt, in the United States or the United           bribery. It must be reflected in all aspects of
Kingdom may subject you to the provisions in their            your operations, with controls focused on
respective corruption acts. International enforcement         high-risk areas. This is a crucial measure.
legislation is broad, diverse and has teeth, which            Remember, having adequate procedures in
means that Canadian companies need to take                    place to prevent bribery could be used as a
corrective action.                                            legal defence should anyone associated with
    There are six steps you can take to help address          the company be accused.12
known risks and prepare for even more broad future
global legislation:                                     4.	 Ensure that all individuals and entities acting
                                                              on your behalf overseas are properly trained in
1.	 Understand the specific risks facing your                 your anti-corruption policies and procedures.
                                                              Also conduct comprehensive background
    organization by undertaking a detailed risk
                                                              due diligence, not only on individuals, but on
    analysis. Identify high- and low-risk areas
                                                              overseas acquisitions, joint venture partners and
    within the company, pinpoint their locations,
                                                              any other entities to ensure they do not pose a
    define their activities and review existing anti-
                                                              corruption risk.
    corruption and related procedures.

2.	 Be sure you understand the laws to which            5.	 Design and implement a specific plan to meet
                                                              the above challenges and requirements for your
    your international operations are subject, as
                                                              company’s particular situation.
    well as which countries are keen to act on
    them. If you operate in countries where the
    risk of bribery and corruption is high, or          6.	 Understand that failing to take action on these
    where the legal framework and environment                 issues results in severe risks for companies and
    encourage prosecution, you could be a target              their officers/directors.
    for investigation.


Culture change                                     Slow response
must accompany                                     could have rapid
policy change                                      repercussions
Companies can actively combat corruption           Initial corporate reaction to this new wave of global
                                                   anti-corruption legislation has been mixed. Of course,
through controls and policies, internal            no company supports, encourages or countenances
                                                   any kind of criminal behaviour, but “corruption”
investigations and appropriate penalties,          often occupies a middle ground. Many behaviours
but enforcing an organization-wide                 that have long been accepted—client entertainment
                                                   and gifting, for example—are now under scrutiny.
culture change is equally critical. You            Certainly in the United Kingdom, some worry that
must implement a zero-tolerance anti-              new, more restrictive legislation on what is and is not
                                                   acceptable might disadvantage them in relation to
corruption policy while consistently               companies operating in largely unregulated regions.
                                                       Change is here, however, and it’s in your best
encouraging positive behaviours,                   interests to see that your organization understands
particularly during difficult economic             the landscape. The new legislation is complex,
                                                   and understanding the big picture will be
times when corruption often increases.             particularly difficult for companies operating in
                                                   multiple jurisdictions. For many, an adviser who can
                                                   provide an organization-wide program of education,
                                                   prevention, detection and investigation will be critical
                                                   to their anti-corruption response.
                                                       Take charge, before the regulators take action.
An anti-corruption corporate culture requires:

  •	 Top-level commitment, in the form of
       –	 senior management involvement
       –	 a zero-tolerance atmosphere
  •	 Policies and procedures that
       –	 are clear, practicable and fair
       –	 cover gifts, hospitality, expenses and
            facilitation payments
  •	 Procedures applied consistently, internally
     and externally

About us

Grant Thornton is one of the world’s leading                                  Contributors
organizations of independent assurance, tax
                                                                              Sandy Boucher
and advisory firms. These firms help dynamic                                  T +1 416 369 7027
organizations unlock their potential for growth by                            E
providing meaningful, actionable advice through a
                                                                              David Elzinga
broad range of services. Proactive teams, led by                              T +1 403 508 1371
approachable partners in these firms, use insights,                           E
experience and instinct to solve complex issues for
                                                                              Derek Malcolm
privately owned, publicly listed and public sector                            T +1 403 508 1374
clients. Over 31,000 Grant Thornton people, across                            E
100 countries, are focused on making a difference to
clients, colleagues and the communities in which we
live and work.

About Grant Thornton in Canada
Grant Thornton LLP is a leading Canadian accounting
and advisory firm providing audit, tax and advisory
services to private and public organizations.
Together with the Quebec firm Raymond Chabot
Grant Thornton LLP, Grant Thornton in Canada
has approximately 4,000 people in offices across
Canada. Grant Thornton LLP is a Canadian member
of Grant Thornton International Ltd, whose member
firms operate in close to 100 countries worldwide.

Audit • Tax • Advisory

© Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd                               TL-FAIS-05-11-2012

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GT Anti-corruption legislation around the world Canada, UK, US

  • 1. A Grant Thornton white paper Anti-corruption legislation casts a global net: Don’t get caught because you don’t know the rules Audit • Tax • Advisory Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd
  • 2. Do you operate in markets or industries with a high risk of corruption and/or bribery? Do you know if your internal anti-corruption policies are sufficient to defend your company and its senior management from prosecution under current anti-corruption legislation? Do you have operations located in the United States or United Kingdom? Contents 3 The new global landscape 4 The major players – taking it to the world 6 An anti-corruption program is a global imperative 7 Culture change must accompany policy change 7 Slow response could have rapid repercussions
  • 3. The new global landscape— it’s critical to know the terrain The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Prior to the UK Bribery Act, the These are some of the (FCPA) and new UK Bribery Act are FCPA was the global gold standard for critical questions that both designed to directly and significantly anti-corruption legislation. Aggressive address bribery and corruption, but investigation and prosecutions have should be front-of-mind they are not aimed exclusively at domestic steadily risen, including many non-US for globally active Canadian companies, making it clear that the fight organizations, their authorized agents and companies, as countries against corruption transcends national other indirectly culpable entities. The UK around the world—including borders and has become a global Bribery Act, however, goes even further. Canada—enact and enforce imperative. Canadian companies are Companies may be at risk simply by not complex regulations around further challenged by heightened having a corporate anti-corruption corruption and bribery. enforcement of the Corruption of Foreign program in place. Public Officials Act (CFPOA). Both The regulators mean business. From fines and reputational private and public companies have been— Canadian companies operating in global damage to jail time for and will continue to be—aggressively markets have been subject to multiple convicted individuals and targeted by these laws, particularly those foreign laws and are at risk on a number companies, the consequences doing business in foreign markets where of fronts, which now includes bribery and of non-compliance are the risk of corruption is high. Sanctions corruption. As this risk landscape substantial. As a result, for failing to comply with these laws are expands, you need to understand the local potentially severe, with fines, penalties and international laws relevant to your Canadian companies must and jail time all on the table. activities and take steps to identify, avoid now work to understand the and respond to unintended complicity. substance and reach of US and UK laws as well as our own legal environment. 3
  • 4. The major players – taking it to the world court. This has had the expected Prosecutions of companies and individuals impact on US companies, but a more occur daily and the numbers are increasing. worrisome trend for the rest of the world is the consistent targeting and In 2010, the US SEC and the DOJ pursuit of non-US-based entities. investigated dozens of cases of suspected Although the international holdings corruption, and prosecutions or settlement United States and complex structures of multinationals fines totalled US$1.8 billion. After terrorism, fighting foreign often discourage scrutiny, the United   corruption is the US government’s biggest States is no longer holding back, and Eight of the top 10 largest FCPA corporate focus. In 2008, Siemens AG plead guilty their approach is successfully breaking defendants of all time involve foreign rather than US companies. to violating the FCPA, agreeing to pay down traditional barriers to cross- a US$450 million penalty and disgorge border prosecutions.5 $350 million in wrongful profits.1 In 2010, guidance document published by the French-based Alcatel-Lucent2 joined Ministry of Justice6 clearly states that they the growing number of successfully will also have jurisdiction over offences prosecuted foreign multinationals, paying committed outside the United Kingdom US$137 million in fines. A trend is clearly where the person committing these emerging—enforcement and prosecution offences has a close connection with the in bribery and corruption cases almost United Kingdom. doubled from 2009 to 2010,3 and the United Kingdom While the courts will decide how size of fines increased as well. Of the The Bribery Act, which came into effect the Act applies to non-UK companies, top 10 penalties incurred since the July 1, 2011, may apply to a Canadian the Serious Fraud Office—the police FCPA’s inception, eight occurred in the company if it “carries on a business or department responsible for handling past 24 months, including UK defence part of a business” in the United investigations of this nature—appears contractor BAE’s settlements of almost Kingdom. The British authorities have to be taking the view that virtually any US$500 million.4 made it clear that they will vigorously company conducting business in the The Department of Justice (DOJ), the pursue cases where a UK-based company United Kingdom must be in compliance. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) is impacted by bribery, irrespective of The scope of this law actually exceeds and other authorities are highly focused where in the world the acts or omissions the FCPA in several significant areas. on developing sophisticated techniques may have been committed. In other First, the UK Bribery Act applies to and procedures for taking offenders to words, the bribery activity can take place commercial bribery as well as bribery anywhere in the world and it would of government officials. This means that 1 appear that the UK authorities—like their unlike the FCPA or CFPOA—whose crm-1105.html 2 US counterparts—intend to take an scopes are applicable only to the latter— lucent-settles-bribery-case.html aggressive stance on jurisdiction. The prosecution of business-to-business 3 fcpa-enforcement-a-dojsec-priority-127995108.html 4 5 6 pay-the-fcpa-piper/ foreign-corrupt-practices-act.html act-2010-guidance.pdf 4
  • 5. The UK Bribery Act, which came into effect in 2011, is a significant redraft and upgrade of earlier legislation that had been roundly criticized by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD stated in an October 2008 report that “the continued failure of the UK to address deficiencies in its laws on bribery of foreign public officials and on corporate liability for foreign bribery has hindered investigations.” bribery is fair game. Second, the Act Progress Report 2011: Enforcement of the More recent developments show that considers “failure to prevent bribery” OECD Anti-Bribery Convention7 reports the enforcement picture is changing in an offence. This may be its most on this lack of progress in enforcing Canada, and the conviction of Niko ambitious and far-reaching provision, and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention Resources Ltd. in June 2011 indicates just the most controversial, as it suggests that in Canada. Among other criticisms, how much. The company was fined a if a company with no anti-corruption Canada was chastised for again being total of C$9.5 million and was placed on measures in place becomes implicated in “the only G7 country in the ‘little to no probation for three years. The Canadian bribery, the lack of a program may itself enforcement category’” and “the only probation order, however, was based be a crime. Third, facilitation payments, OECD member that does not provide on a US Department of Justice (DOJ) which are allowed under the FCPA and nationality jurisdiction, which presents document called a “deferred prosecution CFPOA, are specifically disallowed under a serious obstacle to enforcement.” On agreement” used in FCPA cases. This the UK Bribery Act. the positive side, the report found it type of document is an agreement in Further clarification on how and to “promising that 23 foreign bribery which companies under FCPA scrutiny whom the Act will be applied comes from investigations are under way” and are granted amnesty in exchange for • the government’s official guidance suggested that if prosecutions resulted, fulfilling certain corruption compliance (referenced above), Canada’s international status should rise.8 requirements—also known as a • the joint prosecution guidance of the Given the United Kingdom’s response “Schedule C.” director of the Serious Fraud Office to similar criticism, it seems likely that The fact that a Canadian probation and the director of public prosecutions Canada could react similarly. In fact, the order was based on a set of requirements who are charged with enforcing the government introduced Bill C-31 in 2009, listed in a US DOJ agreement was a Act, and which “proposed to amend the CFPOA clear example of the rapidly growing • the Act’s ongoing application and by clarifying that it applies to Canadian cooperation between governments to resulting precedents. individuals acting outside of Canada.” prosecute corruption. The terms of the It also included provisions to apply order may potentially show how the laws The Act focuses on companies registered the CFPOA based on the nationality of different countries are leading to more in or with offices in the United Kingdom principle, which would allow certain harmonization of global standards for or that employ UK citizens, but even offences committed outside Canada to compliance in this area. Since the Niko without direct ties to the United be prosecuted as if they had occurred in conviction, several other enforcement Kingdom, Canadian businesses with Canada.9 While this Bill died on the order incidents have emerged, including a raid global presence or aspirations need to paper, growing international pressure on junior mining company Blackfire understand UK, US and other global makes it likely that these or similar Exploration in Calgary10 and a probe into anti-corruption legislation and be aware measures will be the next likely legislative the overseas operations of SNC-Lavalin.11 of related emerging issues. step. In the meantime, we are seeing There are, in fact, dozens of known cases increasing enforcement of the CFPOA’s currently under review by the RCMP, existing measures. and at least one further prosecution— Nazir Karigar, who has been charged with one count of corruption. Canada 7 Transparency International, Progress Report Just as the OECD targeted the United 2011: Enforcement of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, Kingdom’s lax response to foreign download/61106/978536, 8 Ibid., 6. corruption, Canada has now been singled 10 9 TI-Canada’s Anti-Corruption Developments Review, http:// out as the worst offender amongst G7 calgary-miner-over-bribery-allegations/article2145226/ Corruption_Developments_Review_01-01_2001-Winter.pdf, 11 nations. Transparency International’s p. 6-7. co-operating-with-rcmp-investigation/article2155640/ 5
  • 6. An anti-corruption program is a global imperative Clearly, the rules have changed in Canada and 3. Develop an effective anti-corruption policy around the world. Domestic enforcement is on the that considers the prevention, detection rise and simply doing business, including raising and ramifications of foreign corruption and capital or debt, in the United States or the United bribery. It must be reflected in all aspects of Kingdom may subject you to the provisions in their your operations, with controls focused on respective corruption acts. International enforcement high-risk areas. This is a crucial measure. legislation is broad, diverse and has teeth, which Remember, having adequate procedures in means that Canadian companies need to take place to prevent bribery could be used as a corrective action. legal defence should anyone associated with There are six steps you can take to help address the company be accused.12 known risks and prepare for even more broad future global legislation: 4. Ensure that all individuals and entities acting on your behalf overseas are properly trained in 1. Understand the specific risks facing your your anti-corruption policies and procedures. Also conduct comprehensive background organization by undertaking a detailed risk due diligence, not only on individuals, but on analysis. Identify high- and low-risk areas overseas acquisitions, joint venture partners and within the company, pinpoint their locations, any other entities to ensure they do not pose a define their activities and review existing anti- corruption risk. corruption and related procedures. 2. Be sure you understand the laws to which 5. Design and implement a specific plan to meet the above challenges and requirements for your your international operations are subject, as company’s particular situation. well as which countries are keen to act on them. If you operate in countries where the risk of bribery and corruption is high, or 6. Understand that failing to take action on these where the legal framework and environment issues results in severe risks for companies and encourage prosecution, you could be a target their officers/directors. for investigation. 12 6
  • 7. Culture change Slow response must accompany could have rapid policy change repercussions Companies can actively combat corruption Initial corporate reaction to this new wave of global anti-corruption legislation has been mixed. Of course, through controls and policies, internal no company supports, encourages or countenances any kind of criminal behaviour, but “corruption” investigations and appropriate penalties, often occupies a middle ground. Many behaviours but enforcing an organization-wide that have long been accepted—client entertainment and gifting, for example—are now under scrutiny. culture change is equally critical. You Certainly in the United Kingdom, some worry that must implement a zero-tolerance anti- new, more restrictive legislation on what is and is not acceptable might disadvantage them in relation to corruption policy while consistently companies operating in largely unregulated regions. Change is here, however, and it’s in your best encouraging positive behaviours, interests to see that your organization understands particularly during difficult economic the landscape. The new legislation is complex, and understanding the big picture will be times when corruption often increases. particularly difficult for companies operating in multiple jurisdictions. For many, an adviser who can provide an organization-wide program of education, prevention, detection and investigation will be critical to their anti-corruption response. Take charge, before the regulators take action. An anti-corruption corporate culture requires: • Top-level commitment, in the form of – senior management involvement – a zero-tolerance atmosphere • Policies and procedures that – are clear, practicable and fair – cover gifts, hospitality, expenses and facilitation payments • Procedures applied consistently, internally and externally 7
  • 8. About us Grant Thornton is one of the world’s leading Contributors organizations of independent assurance, tax Sandy Boucher and advisory firms. These firms help dynamic T +1 416 369 7027 organizations unlock their potential for growth by E providing meaningful, actionable advice through a David Elzinga broad range of services. Proactive teams, led by T +1 403 508 1371 approachable partners in these firms, use insights, E experience and instinct to solve complex issues for Derek Malcolm privately owned, publicly listed and public sector T +1 403 508 1374 clients. Over 31,000 Grant Thornton people, across E 100 countries, are focused on making a difference to clients, colleagues and the communities in which we live and work. About Grant Thornton in Canada Grant Thornton LLP is a leading Canadian accounting and advisory firm providing audit, tax and advisory services to private and public organizations. Together with the Quebec firm Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton LLP, Grant Thornton in Canada has approximately 4,000 people in offices across Canada. Grant Thornton LLP is a Canadian member of Grant Thornton International Ltd, whose member firms operate in close to 100 countries worldwide. Audit • Tax • Advisory © Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd TL-FAIS-05-11-2012