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Cynthia Lewis
ANTH 410
15 Feb 2013
                                   Annotated Bibliography

          Every small child has big dreams. Mine were bigger than most--they were global. I would

often stop by the local library and pick up National Geographic magazines for a dime and my

treasures would fall open to expose their lovely crisp pages, with the glossy pictures of worldly

places and articles on exotic people, whose lives seemed so greatly different form my own. I tore

out the fold-up maps and taped them onto my bedroom walls until my room became a world of

its own. These images were the last things I saw before I fell asleep and my first waking memory

in the morning. I decided at a young age that my goal in life would be to learn everything I could

about the other cultures with whom I shared my spot in the universe.

          As I advanced through higher education, my interests narrowed into more specific

realms; instead of everything, I began to focus on the evidence of consumption and consumerism

that permeated every part of my day. When I started to pay my own bills and manage a bank

account I grew more and more invested in finance, the transaction of money and goods, and

international trade, which quickly led me to the global economy and eventually to world

development theory. Being an educated female, I was fascinated with gender differences,

especially when it came to the regulations of business and finance between men and women in

many of the world’s cultures. These traditional roles and limitations were more noticeable in

partially-developed and developing countries, like those in Africa, the Middle East, and Southern

Asia. While my major throughout college has been anthropology with a focus in cultural

backgrounds, I managed to take classes on development theory, economics and trade systems,

and business law. Meshing these various interests together has created quite an interesting


        University experiences have also exposed me to a broader spectrum of cultures. The

summer of 2012 was spent in the Belizean jungle as I worked on an archaeological project,

uncovering ancient Mayan ruins. A class on women’s microcredit loans in Bangladesh

introduced me to non-governmental organizations like the Grameen Bank and the roles that

foreign aid plays in altering the economies of developing nations. I was also recently introduced

to the very sad reality of child mortality that plagues much of Africa, and my most

comprehensive paper to date is on the solutions that communities, businesses, and the national

government can employ to decrease the rising rate of mortality in Uganda. While this is a

specific region, the business methods that I researched have proven to be successful all

throughout the developing world.

        With knowledge in these disparate focuses, my higher education goals have morphed to

include the possibility of pursuing an accelerated Masters of Business Administration program

followed by law school. This summer will be spent obtaining a legal secretary certification and I

hope to enter an internship in a local law office in the fall. Anthropology has helped me to

understand the driving principles behind international business practices and has given me a

greater appreciation for the varying values, beliefs, traditions, etc. that affect the ways in which

people conduct transactions. This has become a crucial focal point in the globalized era, and my

education will serve to provide me with a position in which I can affect some measure of change

on international policy and regulation.

Development Theory and World Economy

Bordo, Michael, and Barry Eichengreen. A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons
for International Monetary Reform. London: The University of Chicago Press, 1993. Web.
This book covers the political origins of the Bretton Woods Conference, the different monetary
regimes involved, and the legacy that still affects the global economy today. The information was
extremely helpful in understanding the foundations of adjustments, inflation, exchange rates, and
interest differentials, and their potential for influencing financial fluctuation.

Buckley, Peter, and Niron Hashai. "Formalizing Internationalization in the Eclectic Paradigm."
Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan 2009): pp 58-70.
The authors provide a model for global equilibrium developed from classic economic literature,
which aims to counter the "eclectic paradigm" of competetive advantages: location, ownership,
and internalization. The study examines the factors required in international licensing, the
domestic production of exports, and the intake of foreign imports, covering much of the practices
involved in global business.

Gimenez, Martha E. “Connecting Marx and Feminism in the Era of Globalization: A Preliminary
Investigation.” Socialism and Democracy. Vol. 18, No. 1 (June 2004): p 85.
Gimenez challenges the largely-accepted assumption that the success of the advanced capitalist
economies can be replicated through modernization theory, claiming that every country follows a
different path to economic development. She traces the correlation between the advancement of
women’s political statuses and the evolution of the management of resources in nations, drawing
upon Marxist theories of economic classes and labor division. This paper was a boon as it forced
me to rethink the popular blueprints of economic progress.

Hartungi, Rusdy. “Could Developing Countries take the Benefit of Globalization?” International
Journal of Social Economics. Vol. 33, No. 11 (2006): pp 728-743.
This paper is a philosophical approach to the problem of whether or not many developing
countries actually benefit from the rise in the global exchange of views, information, products,
ideas, etc. It is a great thinking point for me as I examine the actual impact of global flows on
other cultures, and it addresses the fact of integration from an international finance point of view.

Kim, Pan Suk. “Building Trust by Improving Governance: Searching for a Feasible Way for
Developing Countries.” Public Administration Quaterly. Vol. 34, No. 3 (Fall 2010): pp 271-299.
Kim argues that each so-called “developing” country should have ownership of its identity while
accepting aid from donors to assist in physical development such as infrastructure. Many
anthropologists need to understand the main point of this paper: that governance should come
from within a country and should be built up autonomously without the overwhelming influence
of developed nations. Kim cautions that developing governments should work hardest to earn the
trust of their people instead of wasting resources in pursuit of the most idealistic solutions, which
are not always feasible.

Moyo, Dambisa. Dead Aid. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2009. Print.
Moyo uses quantitative evidence from African countries to show that aid is not only
unbeneficial, it is downright malignant to the continent’s developing economies. Billions of
dollars in aid relief is poured into these countries every year, and she clearly connects this influx
of money to the spread of corrupt government, the hindering of growth in domestic markets, and
the cessation of government liability both to repay mounting loans and to the people as it is no
longer held accountable to protect civilian needs (since the money funding these governments is
coming duty-free from other countries instead of through taxation). This book forces both myself
and the philanthropic majority to rethink the financial burden of international aid as it proves to
be more trouble than it’s worth.

Rapley, John. Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World. London:
Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc, 2007. Print.
As a political economist, Rapley focuses on the role of the state in an economy and development
practices such as neoliberalization, modernization, statism, post-development, structural
adjustments, trade liberalization, privatization, fiscaul austerity, currency devaluation, infant-
industry models, etc, that are aimed at constructing developing economies. He presents several
examples of the successes and failures of each practice, laying out the foundations for
anthropologists and scholars to understand the methods of economic growth used by
governments and domestic/international markets.

Ricardo, David. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: Chapter VII, On Foreign
Trade. 3rd ed. John Murray, London. 1817. Web.
Ricardo’s work details the importance of comparative advantage and the mutual benefits
received from international trade, as well as the labor theory of value and views on wages and
profit margins. As an advocate for protectionism of national economies, Ricardo calls for tariffs,
quotas, and government regulations to encourage fair competition between imports and domestic
goods. His writing was beneficial when analyzing the subsequent costs of production in all
sectors, both apparent and implied, and for understanding the foundational turning points of the
cycle of global economy.

Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan
and Cadell, 1776. Web.
Smith’s work has been a jewel for economy theorists since the birth of this country, and contains
knowledge that is still very applicable in today’s global economy. The segments of his work are
most helpful for a finance-based anthropologist as they detail division of labor, commodities,
free markets, the rise of trade centers, the influence of colonialism, commercial systems and
importation, and the revenue of the commonwealth. His writings have been monumentally
influential in the evolution of political economy discourse, and so I use the theories he developed
as a starting ground for my research.

Consumerism and Trade

Douglas, Mary, and Baron Isherwood. The World of Goods: Towards an Anthropology of
Consumption. New York: Routledge, 1996. Web.
This book is an overview of the use of goods as an information system, the implications of
consumerism on social policy, and the circulation of the world economy. The theories in this
book are largely influenced by the well-known economists Keynes, Weber, and Friedman, and
help to put their writings into perspective; this clarification of consumerism theory is
advantageous to me as a bourgeoning anthropological scholar in this ever-increasingly
consumer-driven nation.

Gledhill, John. “Resisting the Global Slum: Politics, Religion, and Consumption in the
Remaking of Life Worlds in the Twenty-First Century.” Bulletin of Latin American Research,
Vol. 25, No. 3 (2006): pp 322-339.
This paper analyzes the perceived “neoliberalization” of everyday life in Latin America and the
de-politicalization of the Chilean public. Gledhill argues that the Chilean military has encouraged
the people to be consumers rather than citizens in an attempt to “mediatize” political elections.
Collective values that would benefit the whole are quickly being replaced by consumerist trends
in a growing public indifference to political regimes; this paper eerily echoes the trends of many
Western societies and can be used anthropologically as a basis to understanding this common

Jayashankar, Priyanka, and Goedegebuure, Robert V. “Marketing Strategies in the Microfinance
Sector: A Case Study on Hand in Hand Microfinance.” IUP Journal of Marketing Management.
Vol 11, No. 3, Aug 2012: pp 64-78.
This qualitative study appraises the success of the marketing techniques used by NGOs and
microfinance institutions in India in the face of the recent microfinance crisis in Pradesh. Instead
of replicating the Bangladeshi Grameen Bank, Hand in Hand NGOs have devised ways to
disburse loans at lower interest rates with lengthier repaying periods and state government
support. As a finance anthropologist, this study was helpful in analyzing the various tactics of
lending institutions and the ways in which the public can benefit from non-governmental
organizations during times of financial trouble.

*Mullins, Paul R. “The Archaeology of Consumption.” Annual Review of Anthropology. Oct
2011, Vol 40, p133-144.
This article examines the ways in which archaeology can be used to provide evidence of
everyday material use in societies, helping anthropologists to reflect on the ways that consumers
use goods to define themselves, and also how people negotiate or resist the demands of material
meanings. Mullins uses the material evidence uncovered through archaeological practices to
trace consumption patterns throughout the evolution of cultures. The paper argues for
anthropologists such as myselft to adopt consumption as an applied conceptual framework when
engaged in academic archaeology.

Scott, James. “Developing Countries in the ITO and GATT Negotiations.” Journal of
International Trade Law and Policy. Vol. 9, No. 1 (2010): pp 5-24.
Scott’s paper is geared towards clarifying the motives of underdeveloped countries in their
negative attitudes to post-WWII trade discussions. The paper examines the historical accounts of
the negotiations, drawing from GATT documents and the legacy of colonialism. These findings
are important to me as an anthropologist if I intend to study international trade agreements at any
period in the last seventy years.

Swagler, Roger. “Evolution and Applications of the Term Consumerism: Theme and Variations.”
The Journal of Consumer Affairs. Vol. 28, No. 2 (Winter 1994): pp 347.
This paper documents the history of the term “consumerism” through its various meanings over
the last few decades, and the negative connotations it has recently gained. Swagler attempts to
make concise the evolution of the broad opinion of the consumer from the producer’s view in the
business world to the general public’s media-saturated understanding. The doctrine of
consumerism (going by Swagler’s semantics) is one of the most guiding principles in modern
business today, and as a business-minded anthropologist I am reminded that I cannot discredit
the term and all it represents to various people.
Trentmann, Frank. “Beyond Consumerism: New Historical Perspectives on Consumption.”
Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 39, No. 3 (July 2004): pp 373-401.
This article views consumption as the driving force behind modern capitalism and social
structure, using the constructs of consumerism as the unit of enquiry for historical research.
Trentmann traces the birth of the modern-day consumer society to discover how developed
economies have entered into the ever-expanding system of goods, needs, and desires. This work
helped me to understand the acquired demand for commodities and novelties within the
evolution of cultural civilization.

Whitman, James Q. “Consumerism Versus Producerism: A Study in Comparative Law.” The Yale
Law Journal. Vol. 117, No. 3 (Dec 2007): pp 340-406.
This paper contrives to revive the once-common distinction between consumerism and
producerism in order to understand the persistent differences between American consumption
and that of most continental European countries with which we have commerce. Whitman
describes the increase in “consumer welfare law” and its political implications. This is a critical
component of our economy and I find that understanding the power play between producers and
consumers is of crucial importance.

Finance and Non-Governmental Organizations

Bennett, Lynn, and Carlos Cuevas. "Sustainable Banking with the Poor." Journal of
International Development. Vol. 8, No. 2 (1996): pp 145-152.
This paper is part of a collection from the Conference on Finance against Poverty held in 1996,
stressing ways to build sustainable financial systems for poor classes, recognizing the limitations
placed on developing countries by foreign policy and regulation. Importance is placed on
building up efficient financial institutions that lend to low-income families. This is a lesson that I
take to heart and believe should be applied to all policy making since those in poverty often get
disregarded in monetary matters, and yet make up a majority of the world's population.

Cali, B. Human Rights Discourse and Domestic Rights NGOs. Uuniversity College London
Eprints, 2007. Web.
Cali portrays the highly politicized history of the committment that the Republic of Turkey has
made to human rights since the 1920s, driven by the European Convention on Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms. The book recounts the many struggles that NGOs have encountered on
the road to establishing equality--such as military regime, authoritarian governments, economic
crises, and the merging of international politics with globalization. This recounting may serve as
a guide for the policies of other developing countries facing similar struggles in the global push
for human equality.

Handy, Femida, et al. "To Profit or Not to Profit: Women Entrepreneurs in India." Nonprofit
Management and Leadership. Vol. 17, No. 4 (2007): pp 383-401.
The authors analyze the recent challenge in traditional gender roles by women in India as more
females enter into the small business sector. This study looks at the motivating factors of profit
and non-profit organizations in community work, and the public's views on the increasing
activity of women in these areas. The results of the study show that family background and
support play a large role in the success of women entrepreneurs, which can contribute greatly to
an anthropological perspective of modern Indian business practices.

Islam, Naznin, and Nahid Sultana. "NGOs in Bangladesh: Are They Successful in Increasing
Awareness Among Vulnerable Women?" Indian Journal of Gender Studies. Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan
2009): pp 77-98.
As microcredit loans have become mores accessible to women in Bangladesh with the turn of the
twenty-first century, more women are falling into serious debt and financial traps. Centuries of
gender-based oppression in monetary matters have left the majority of women largely
unprepared for autonomous financial responsibilities, and some banks and NGOs have taken
advantage of this while others strive to educate rural women as they extend loans. As a
financially-independent woman, this article raises concerns for me to critically analyze the
influence of NGOs as I empathized with the women of Bangladesh in their bid for financial

Karim, Lamia. Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh. Minneapolis:
University of Minneapolis Press, 2011. Print.
This ethnography of women in Bangladesh is comprehensive, showing all sides of the battle
surrounding gender and microfinance in this region of the world. The author thoroughly
examines the roles of NGOs such as the Grameen Bank in the lives of the villages and the culture
of shame that permeates the process of loan extension to females. This book presents a very in-
depth picture of the reality of microfinance and gender differences in traditional societies, using
several testimonies and personal interviews as evidence for her thesis that the people should take
control over their financial future instead of living under the weighty influence of oppressive
NGO strictures.

Morais, Neavis, and Makbul Ahmad. "NGO-led Microfinance: Potentials and Challenges in
Conflict Areas." Journal of International Development. Vol. 23, No. 5 (July 2011): pp 629-640.
The authors explore how microfinance institutions led by NGOs affect community management
strategies, looking at hierarchical power structures in Sri Lanka. The paper argues for more
emphasis to be placed on factors of government and community organization levels that
negatively affect finance initiatives in the less stable conflict-prone areas. This argument brings
to focus the fact that finance is easily impacted by external variants such as political unrest.

Sarkar, Debnarayan. "Indian Microfinance: Lessons from Bangladesh." Economic and Political
Weekly. Vol. 43, No. 1 (Jan 2008): pp 18-20.
The article documents the trends of microcredit loans since 2004, tracing the differences between
traditional Indian microfinance institutions and vast growth of the Grameen Bank, and its
widening (and not always beneficial) influence. The author describes how self-help group banks
are being shut off from additional funding each year and the pressure on individuals to repay
installments has sky-rocketed, providing further insight for me by contradicting the public media
image of the Grameen Bank outreach.

Child Health in Rural Africa

Bbaale, Edward, and Faisal Buyinza. "Micro-analysis of Mother's Education and Child
Evidence from Uganda." Journal of International Development, Vol. 24 (Jan 2011): pp.138-158.
Mothers who are well-educated are more apt to know and appreciate the importance of healthy
practices in child-rearing. The authors use a persuasive argument to convince legislators to
strengthen the floundering government program in Uganda that provides free secondary
education. The paper also touches on the institutional and economic reforms that have occurred
over the past twenty years, aided by ongoing Uganda Demographic and Health Survey Reports.

"Community-based Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition." World Health Organization,
United Nations Committee on Nutrition, United Nations Children's Fund, World Food
Programme. May 2007.
This is a collaborative effort from the four organizations, presenting a model for relieving the
problems of malnutrition in children. The organizations provide detailed steps of targeting and
treating life-threatening signs of malnutrition, including national policies that may be
implemented to enhance community management of child mortality. These policies can be useful
guidelines for management of malnutrition are very broad in scope and can be applied in any
country suffering from high child mortality rates.

Hosseinpoor, Ahmad, et. al. "Towards Universal Health Coverage: The Role of Within-Country
Wealth-Related Inequality in Twenty-Eight Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa." Bulletin of the
World Health Organization. Vol. 89, No. 2 (Dec 2011): pp 881-890.
This quantitative study measures the difference by country of wealth-related factors that
contribute the quality of health care in rural areas. It provides factual statistics and evidence of
the coverage gap between the governments' regulatory policies, and shows that inequality in the
types of medical care received by different socioeconomic classes is most apparent in antenatal
care and skilled midwife assistance. This provides a focal point for research regarding the role of
wealth in obtaining necessary medical services.

Katende, Charles. "The Impact of Access to Health Services on Infant and Child Mortality in
Rural Uganda." African Population Studies. Bioline International. Vol. 9 (April 1994).
Katende's research focuses on rural access to health facilities and how this, combined with an
alarming lack of socioeconomic and biotechnological privileges, has aided alarmingly to the
increase of infant death rates. The study also identifies maternal risk factors (age, education,
location), environmental contamination, nutritional status, injury, and personal illness control.

"Successful Leadership: Country Actions for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health." World
Health Organization. The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health. 2008.
This document details the successful health policies that third-world countries have utilized and
the positive results that have been an outcome. All of the projected programs are designed to
fulfill the Millennium Goals 4 and 5: to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and children under
five, and to achieve universal access to reproductive health care. Many anthropologists such as
myself feel a responsibility to help reduce the ever-increasing crisis of child mortality, and the
PMNCH organization provides evidence of effective alternative political methods.

Vella, V, et. al. "Determinants of Child Nutrition and Mortality in North-West Uganda." World
Health Organization, Vol. 70 No. 5 (1992): pp. 637-643.
This article examines the well-known determinants of high child mortality rates and goes into
detail on the impacts of the internal and external factors of a childhood in rural, poverty-stricken
areas. The authors reflect on the ways in which the determinants such as child-rearing practices
and illness prevention could be shaped to become a positive factor in these childrens' early lives.

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Anth 410 annotated biblio cjl77

  • 1. Cynthia Lewis ANTH 410 15 Feb 2013 Annotated Bibliography Every small child has big dreams. Mine were bigger than most--they were global. I would often stop by the local library and pick up National Geographic magazines for a dime and my treasures would fall open to expose their lovely crisp pages, with the glossy pictures of worldly places and articles on exotic people, whose lives seemed so greatly different form my own. I tore out the fold-up maps and taped them onto my bedroom walls until my room became a world of its own. These images were the last things I saw before I fell asleep and my first waking memory in the morning. I decided at a young age that my goal in life would be to learn everything I could about the other cultures with whom I shared my spot in the universe. As I advanced through higher education, my interests narrowed into more specific realms; instead of everything, I began to focus on the evidence of consumption and consumerism that permeated every part of my day. When I started to pay my own bills and manage a bank account I grew more and more invested in finance, the transaction of money and goods, and international trade, which quickly led me to the global economy and eventually to world development theory. Being an educated female, I was fascinated with gender differences, especially when it came to the regulations of business and finance between men and women in many of the world’s cultures. These traditional roles and limitations were more noticeable in partially-developed and developing countries, like those in Africa, the Middle East, and Southern Asia. While my major throughout college has been anthropology with a focus in cultural backgrounds, I managed to take classes on development theory, economics and trade systems, and business law. Meshing these various interests together has created quite an interesting reading
  • 2. list. University experiences have also exposed me to a broader spectrum of cultures. The summer of 2012 was spent in the Belizean jungle as I worked on an archaeological project, uncovering ancient Mayan ruins. A class on women’s microcredit loans in Bangladesh introduced me to non-governmental organizations like the Grameen Bank and the roles that foreign aid plays in altering the economies of developing nations. I was also recently introduced to the very sad reality of child mortality that plagues much of Africa, and my most comprehensive paper to date is on the solutions that communities, businesses, and the national government can employ to decrease the rising rate of mortality in Uganda. While this is a specific region, the business methods that I researched have proven to be successful all throughout the developing world. With knowledge in these disparate focuses, my higher education goals have morphed to include the possibility of pursuing an accelerated Masters of Business Administration program followed by law school. This summer will be spent obtaining a legal secretary certification and I hope to enter an internship in a local law office in the fall. Anthropology has helped me to understand the driving principles behind international business practices and has given me a greater appreciation for the varying values, beliefs, traditions, etc. that affect the ways in which people conduct transactions. This has become a crucial focal point in the globalized era, and my education will serve to provide me with a position in which I can affect some measure of change on international policy and regulation. Development Theory and World Economy Bordo, Michael, and Barry Eichengreen. A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System: Lessons for International Monetary Reform. London: The University of Chicago Press, 1993. Web. This book covers the political origins of the Bretton Woods Conference, the different monetary regimes involved, and the legacy that still affects the global economy today. The information was
  • 3. extremely helpful in understanding the foundations of adjustments, inflation, exchange rates, and interest differentials, and their potential for influencing financial fluctuation. Buckley, Peter, and Niron Hashai. "Formalizing Internationalization in the Eclectic Paradigm." Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan 2009): pp 58-70. The authors provide a model for global equilibrium developed from classic economic literature, which aims to counter the "eclectic paradigm" of competetive advantages: location, ownership, and internalization. The study examines the factors required in international licensing, the domestic production of exports, and the intake of foreign imports, covering much of the practices involved in global business. Gimenez, Martha E. “Connecting Marx and Feminism in the Era of Globalization: A Preliminary Investigation.” Socialism and Democracy. Vol. 18, No. 1 (June 2004): p 85. Gimenez challenges the largely-accepted assumption that the success of the advanced capitalist economies can be replicated through modernization theory, claiming that every country follows a different path to economic development. She traces the correlation between the advancement of women’s political statuses and the evolution of the management of resources in nations, drawing upon Marxist theories of economic classes and labor division. This paper was a boon as it forced me to rethink the popular blueprints of economic progress. Hartungi, Rusdy. “Could Developing Countries take the Benefit of Globalization?” International Journal of Social Economics. Vol. 33, No. 11 (2006): pp 728-743. This paper is a philosophical approach to the problem of whether or not many developing countries actually benefit from the rise in the global exchange of views, information, products, ideas, etc. It is a great thinking point for me as I examine the actual impact of global flows on other cultures, and it addresses the fact of integration from an international finance point of view. Kim, Pan Suk. “Building Trust by Improving Governance: Searching for a Feasible Way for Developing Countries.” Public Administration Quaterly. Vol. 34, No. 3 (Fall 2010): pp 271-299. Kim argues that each so-called “developing” country should have ownership of its identity while accepting aid from donors to assist in physical development such as infrastructure. Many anthropologists need to understand the main point of this paper: that governance should come from within a country and should be built up autonomously without the overwhelming influence of developed nations. Kim cautions that developing governments should work hardest to earn the trust of their people instead of wasting resources in pursuit of the most idealistic solutions, which are not always feasible. Moyo, Dambisa. Dead Aid. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2009. Print. Moyo uses quantitative evidence from African countries to show that aid is not only unbeneficial, it is downright malignant to the continent’s developing economies. Billions of dollars in aid relief is poured into these countries every year, and she clearly connects this influx of money to the spread of corrupt government, the hindering of growth in domestic markets, and the cessation of government liability both to repay mounting loans and to the people as it is no longer held accountable to protect civilian needs (since the money funding these governments is coming duty-free from other countries instead of through taxation). This book forces both myself and the philanthropic majority to rethink the financial burden of international aid as it proves to
  • 4. be more trouble than it’s worth. Rapley, John. Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc, 2007. Print. As a political economist, Rapley focuses on the role of the state in an economy and development practices such as neoliberalization, modernization, statism, post-development, structural adjustments, trade liberalization, privatization, fiscaul austerity, currency devaluation, infant- industry models, etc, that are aimed at constructing developing economies. He presents several examples of the successes and failures of each practice, laying out the foundations for anthropologists and scholars to understand the methods of economic growth used by governments and domestic/international markets. Ricardo, David. On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation: Chapter VII, On Foreign Trade. 3rd ed. John Murray, London. 1817. Web. Ricardo’s work details the importance of comparative advantage and the mutual benefits received from international trade, as well as the labor theory of value and views on wages and profit margins. As an advocate for protectionism of national economies, Ricardo calls for tariffs, quotas, and government regulations to encourage fair competition between imports and domestic goods. His writing was beneficial when analyzing the subsequent costs of production in all sectors, both apparent and implied, and for understanding the foundational turning points of the cycle of global economy. Smith, Adam. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan and Cadell, 1776. Web. Smith’s work has been a jewel for economy theorists since the birth of this country, and contains knowledge that is still very applicable in today’s global economy. The segments of his work are most helpful for a finance-based anthropologist as they detail division of labor, commodities, free markets, the rise of trade centers, the influence of colonialism, commercial systems and importation, and the revenue of the commonwealth. His writings have been monumentally influential in the evolution of political economy discourse, and so I use the theories he developed as a starting ground for my research. Consumerism and Trade Douglas, Mary, and Baron Isherwood. The World of Goods: Towards an Anthropology of Consumption. New York: Routledge, 1996. Web. This book is an overview of the use of goods as an information system, the implications of consumerism on social policy, and the circulation of the world economy. The theories in this book are largely influenced by the well-known economists Keynes, Weber, and Friedman, and help to put their writings into perspective; this clarification of consumerism theory is advantageous to me as a bourgeoning anthropological scholar in this ever-increasingly consumer-driven nation. Gledhill, John. “Resisting the Global Slum: Politics, Religion, and Consumption in the Remaking of Life Worlds in the Twenty-First Century.” Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol. 25, No. 3 (2006): pp 322-339.
  • 5. This paper analyzes the perceived “neoliberalization” of everyday life in Latin America and the de-politicalization of the Chilean public. Gledhill argues that the Chilean military has encouraged the people to be consumers rather than citizens in an attempt to “mediatize” political elections. Collective values that would benefit the whole are quickly being replaced by consumerist trends in a growing public indifference to political regimes; this paper eerily echoes the trends of many Western societies and can be used anthropologically as a basis to understanding this common scenario. Jayashankar, Priyanka, and Goedegebuure, Robert V. “Marketing Strategies in the Microfinance Sector: A Case Study on Hand in Hand Microfinance.” IUP Journal of Marketing Management. Vol 11, No. 3, Aug 2012: pp 64-78. This qualitative study appraises the success of the marketing techniques used by NGOs and microfinance institutions in India in the face of the recent microfinance crisis in Pradesh. Instead of replicating the Bangladeshi Grameen Bank, Hand in Hand NGOs have devised ways to disburse loans at lower interest rates with lengthier repaying periods and state government support. As a finance anthropologist, this study was helpful in analyzing the various tactics of lending institutions and the ways in which the public can benefit from non-governmental organizations during times of financial trouble. *Mullins, Paul R. “The Archaeology of Consumption.” Annual Review of Anthropology. Oct 2011, Vol 40, p133-144. This article examines the ways in which archaeology can be used to provide evidence of everyday material use in societies, helping anthropologists to reflect on the ways that consumers use goods to define themselves, and also how people negotiate or resist the demands of material meanings. Mullins uses the material evidence uncovered through archaeological practices to trace consumption patterns throughout the evolution of cultures. The paper argues for anthropologists such as myselft to adopt consumption as an applied conceptual framework when engaged in academic archaeology. Scott, James. “Developing Countries in the ITO and GATT Negotiations.” Journal of International Trade Law and Policy. Vol. 9, No. 1 (2010): pp 5-24. Scott’s paper is geared towards clarifying the motives of underdeveloped countries in their negative attitudes to post-WWII trade discussions. The paper examines the historical accounts of the negotiations, drawing from GATT documents and the legacy of colonialism. These findings are important to me as an anthropologist if I intend to study international trade agreements at any period in the last seventy years. Swagler, Roger. “Evolution and Applications of the Term Consumerism: Theme and Variations.” The Journal of Consumer Affairs. Vol. 28, No. 2 (Winter 1994): pp 347. This paper documents the history of the term “consumerism” through its various meanings over the last few decades, and the negative connotations it has recently gained. Swagler attempts to make concise the evolution of the broad opinion of the consumer from the producer’s view in the business world to the general public’s media-saturated understanding. The doctrine of consumerism (going by Swagler’s semantics) is one of the most guiding principles in modern business today, and as a business-minded anthropologist I am reminded that I cannot discredit the term and all it represents to various people.
  • 6. Trentmann, Frank. “Beyond Consumerism: New Historical Perspectives on Consumption.” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 39, No. 3 (July 2004): pp 373-401. This article views consumption as the driving force behind modern capitalism and social structure, using the constructs of consumerism as the unit of enquiry for historical research. Trentmann traces the birth of the modern-day consumer society to discover how developed economies have entered into the ever-expanding system of goods, needs, and desires. This work helped me to understand the acquired demand for commodities and novelties within the evolution of cultural civilization. Whitman, James Q. “Consumerism Versus Producerism: A Study in Comparative Law.” The Yale Law Journal. Vol. 117, No. 3 (Dec 2007): pp 340-406. This paper contrives to revive the once-common distinction between consumerism and producerism in order to understand the persistent differences between American consumption and that of most continental European countries with which we have commerce. Whitman describes the increase in “consumer welfare law” and its political implications. This is a critical component of our economy and I find that understanding the power play between producers and consumers is of crucial importance. Finance and Non-Governmental Organizations Bennett, Lynn, and Carlos Cuevas. "Sustainable Banking with the Poor." Journal of International Development. Vol. 8, No. 2 (1996): pp 145-152. This paper is part of a collection from the Conference on Finance against Poverty held in 1996, stressing ways to build sustainable financial systems for poor classes, recognizing the limitations placed on developing countries by foreign policy and regulation. Importance is placed on building up efficient financial institutions that lend to low-income families. This is a lesson that I take to heart and believe should be applied to all policy making since those in poverty often get disregarded in monetary matters, and yet make up a majority of the world's population. Cali, B. Human Rights Discourse and Domestic Rights NGOs. Uuniversity College London Eprints, 2007. Web. Cali portrays the highly politicized history of the committment that the Republic of Turkey has made to human rights since the 1920s, driven by the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The book recounts the many struggles that NGOs have encountered on the road to establishing equality--such as military regime, authoritarian governments, economic crises, and the merging of international politics with globalization. This recounting may serve as a guide for the policies of other developing countries facing similar struggles in the global push for human equality. Handy, Femida, et al. "To Profit or Not to Profit: Women Entrepreneurs in India." Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Vol. 17, No. 4 (2007): pp 383-401. The authors analyze the recent challenge in traditional gender roles by women in India as more females enter into the small business sector. This study looks at the motivating factors of profit and non-profit organizations in community work, and the public's views on the increasing activity of women in these areas. The results of the study show that family background and
  • 7. support play a large role in the success of women entrepreneurs, which can contribute greatly to an anthropological perspective of modern Indian business practices. Islam, Naznin, and Nahid Sultana. "NGOs in Bangladesh: Are They Successful in Increasing Awareness Among Vulnerable Women?" Indian Journal of Gender Studies. Vol. 16, No. 1 (Jan 2009): pp 77-98. As microcredit loans have become mores accessible to women in Bangladesh with the turn of the twenty-first century, more women are falling into serious debt and financial traps. Centuries of gender-based oppression in monetary matters have left the majority of women largely unprepared for autonomous financial responsibilities, and some banks and NGOs have taken advantage of this while others strive to educate rural women as they extend loans. As a financially-independent woman, this article raises concerns for me to critically analyze the influence of NGOs as I empathized with the women of Bangladesh in their bid for financial freedom. Karim, Lamia. Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh. Minneapolis: University of Minneapolis Press, 2011. Print. This ethnography of women in Bangladesh is comprehensive, showing all sides of the battle surrounding gender and microfinance in this region of the world. The author thoroughly examines the roles of NGOs such as the Grameen Bank in the lives of the villages and the culture of shame that permeates the process of loan extension to females. This book presents a very in- depth picture of the reality of microfinance and gender differences in traditional societies, using several testimonies and personal interviews as evidence for her thesis that the people should take control over their financial future instead of living under the weighty influence of oppressive NGO strictures. Morais, Neavis, and Makbul Ahmad. "NGO-led Microfinance: Potentials and Challenges in Conflict Areas." Journal of International Development. Vol. 23, No. 5 (July 2011): pp 629-640. The authors explore how microfinance institutions led by NGOs affect community management strategies, looking at hierarchical power structures in Sri Lanka. The paper argues for more emphasis to be placed on factors of government and community organization levels that negatively affect finance initiatives in the less stable conflict-prone areas. This argument brings to focus the fact that finance is easily impacted by external variants such as political unrest. Sarkar, Debnarayan. "Indian Microfinance: Lessons from Bangladesh." Economic and Political Weekly. Vol. 43, No. 1 (Jan 2008): pp 18-20. The article documents the trends of microcredit loans since 2004, tracing the differences between traditional Indian microfinance institutions and vast growth of the Grameen Bank, and its widening (and not always beneficial) influence. The author describes how self-help group banks are being shut off from additional funding each year and the pressure on individuals to repay installments has sky-rocketed, providing further insight for me by contradicting the public media image of the Grameen Bank outreach. Child Health in Rural Africa Bbaale, Edward, and Faisal Buyinza. "Micro-analysis of Mother's Education and Child
  • 8. Mortality: Evidence from Uganda." Journal of International Development, Vol. 24 (Jan 2011): pp.138-158. Mothers who are well-educated are more apt to know and appreciate the importance of healthy practices in child-rearing. The authors use a persuasive argument to convince legislators to strengthen the floundering government program in Uganda that provides free secondary education. The paper also touches on the institutional and economic reforms that have occurred over the past twenty years, aided by ongoing Uganda Demographic and Health Survey Reports. "Community-based Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition." World Health Organization, United Nations Committee on Nutrition, United Nations Children's Fund, World Food Programme. May 2007. This is a collaborative effort from the four organizations, presenting a model for relieving the problems of malnutrition in children. The organizations provide detailed steps of targeting and treating life-threatening signs of malnutrition, including national policies that may be implemented to enhance community management of child mortality. These policies can be useful guidelines for management of malnutrition are very broad in scope and can be applied in any country suffering from high child mortality rates. Hosseinpoor, Ahmad, et. al. "Towards Universal Health Coverage: The Role of Within-Country Wealth-Related Inequality in Twenty-Eight Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa." Bulletin of the World Health Organization. Vol. 89, No. 2 (Dec 2011): pp 881-890. This quantitative study measures the difference by country of wealth-related factors that contribute the quality of health care in rural areas. It provides factual statistics and evidence of the coverage gap between the governments' regulatory policies, and shows that inequality in the types of medical care received by different socioeconomic classes is most apparent in antenatal care and skilled midwife assistance. This provides a focal point for research regarding the role of wealth in obtaining necessary medical services. Katende, Charles. "The Impact of Access to Health Services on Infant and Child Mortality in Rural Uganda." African Population Studies. Bioline International. Vol. 9 (April 1994). Katende's research focuses on rural access to health facilities and how this, combined with an alarming lack of socioeconomic and biotechnological privileges, has aided alarmingly to the increase of infant death rates. The study also identifies maternal risk factors (age, education, location), environmental contamination, nutritional status, injury, and personal illness control. "Successful Leadership: Country Actions for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health." World Health Organization. The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health. 2008. This document details the successful health policies that third-world countries have utilized and the positive results that have been an outcome. All of the projected programs are designed to fulfill the Millennium Goals 4 and 5: to reduce the mortality rate of mothers and children under five, and to achieve universal access to reproductive health care. Many anthropologists such as myself feel a responsibility to help reduce the ever-increasing crisis of child mortality, and the PMNCH organization provides evidence of effective alternative political methods. Vella, V, et. al. "Determinants of Child Nutrition and Mortality in North-West Uganda." World Health Organization, Vol. 70 No. 5 (1992): pp. 637-643.
  • 9. This article examines the well-known determinants of high child mortality rates and goes into detail on the impacts of the internal and external factors of a childhood in rural, poverty-stricken areas. The authors reflect on the ways in which the determinants such as child-rearing practices and illness prevention could be shaped to become a positive factor in these childrens' early lives.