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Anonymous Whistleblowing Systems and
                       CNIL and European Union Data Protection Measures

                      OVERVIEW                                 credence to the reporting party and the
                                                               potentially     increased     protection   against
As U.S. companies move into international                      retaliation that the option of anonymity provides.
markets, many are confronting foreign                          These distinct U.S./E.U. cultural differences
regulations, which seem to conflict with those                 resonate clearly in their respective employment-
governing operations in the U.S. In the aftermath              related laws and regulations.
of several corporate debacles, the adoption of
the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the U.S. in
2002     presented       new     challenges       to           U.S. Regulations
organizations, particularly those that are publicly
traded. The decline of public trust in the ethics of           Regulated by the Securities and Exchange
corporate America had a resoundingly negative                  Committee (SEC), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
economic impact not just in the U.S., but                      2002, among other provisions, requires publicly
worldwide. Perhaps the most internationally                    traded organizations to establish independent
challenging provision of SOX is the requirement                audit committees to essentially provide company
for organizations listed on U.S. stock exchanges               oversight regarding financial and accounting-
to provide at least one channel of                             related issues. In the pursuit of such
communication by which employees can make                      responsibility, the audit committee must also
anonymous reports. Now that the SOX                            implement a “whistleblower” program to enable
compliance deadline has long since passed,                     employees, vendors, and any other stakeholders
organizations are recognizing the special                      to submit complaints or knowledge of fraudulent
challenges posed by the collision of domestic                  activity in an anonymous and confidential
and foreign regulations, especially regarding                  fashion. Organizations are not only responsible
anonymous reporting by employees.                              for providing a mechanism by which such
                                                               reports can be received, but must also
Historically, the U.S. has provided greater                    document retention and treatment activities of
employer protection in the management of                       submitted complaints. Failure to comply may
employees engaging in misconduct and criminal                  result in SEC-enforced sanctions, civil penalties,
behavior within the organization. Other                        and possible de-listing from the stock
countries, particularly those in the European                  exchange.
Union (E.U.), take a decidedly pro-employee
approach. In addition, cross cultural beliefs                  The intent of anonymous reporting channels is
regarding the utility of anonymity in employee                 to encourage employees to report their
reporting are markedly different. While European               knowledge of financial misconduct who may
sensibility places great value on the rights of the            otherwise    fear  reprisal. In    this way,
accused, the American perspective lends more                   organizations may investigate and identify
                                                               potential problem areas or employees to
 Schreiber, M. E., Held, J. M., Bond, R. T. J., Dana, R.,      efficiently manage and prevent organizational
Runte, C., & Flower, K. (2006). Anonymous Sarbanes-            losses due to employee misconduct.
Oxley hotlines for multi-national companies: Compliance with
E.U. data protection laws. Retrieved June 5, 2006, from
                                                               2       Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Available:
Matters - Ch9.Anonymouns                             
SOX.PracGuideSOX.Vol2.ELEC.pdf                                 banesoxley072302.pdf.
Perhaps the most common mechanism                              mandates imposed by European data protection
organizations have adopted to meet the                         laws.
compliance requirements of SOX is the
confidential fraud hotline. Many third-party                   As E.U. Member States began adopting their
hotline providers also administer an internet-                 own data protection measures, the flow of
based reporting portal in addition to the                      information across the E.U. became increasingly
traditional hotline. Regardless of the method of               restricted due to conflicting mandates. The
report intake, the option of anonymity is often                passage of E.U. Directive 95/46 EC in 1995
advertised and sometimes even encouraged,                      sought to synchronize diverging E.U. legislation
which further assists organizations in their                   and all E.U. Member States are required to
compliance efforts.                                            implement regulations consistent with the
                                                               Directive and establish a supervisory body
SOX compliance, however, is not limited to only                responsible for the enforcement of data
domestic locations. Multinational companies are                protection laws.
required to implement such mechanisms
throughout their organization to include those                 The Directive principally covers the “processing”
employees working in international locations.                  of personal data and defines the circumstances
Therefore,     many       organizations     have               under which processing is lawful and
implemented       “one-size-fits-all”   reporting              warranted. In order to legally process personal
channels across the organization, whether                      data, three conditions must be met:
domestic or international. In addition, many                   transparency,     legitimate    purpose,     and
organizations allow their employees to make                    proportionality.
anonymous complaints about diverse forms of
employee misconduct, not just those that are                   ♦ In      order to meet the condition of
financial or accounting-related. For example,                       transparency, the individual whose data is to
many employee hotlines are set up to receive                        be processed (“data subject”) has the right
reports of sexual harassment, discrimination,                       to be notified of the processing and must be
and unsafe working conditions. Though not                           given access to all personal data to be
mandated by SOX, organizations are quickly                          processed. The Directive further outlines six
recognizing the benefits associated with                            specific situations in which personal data
receiving reports of all forms of employee                          may be processed and the data subject has
misconduct and are opening up their reporting                       the explicit right to modify any inaccuracies
mechanisms to receive such employee                                                              6
                                                                    in the data to be processed.
                                                               ♦ Personal data must be collected only “…for
                                                                    specified, explicit and legitimate purposes…”
European Union Data Protection Laws                                 In addition, the possibility that personal data
                                                                    may be collected through a whistleblowing
European regulations are rooted in distinctly                       system and the purpose for such a system
differing cultural values related to privacy,
particularly in occupational settings. As early as
1978, some European countries adopted data                     4
                                                                European Commission Data Protection . Available:
protection legislation governing the use,            
processing, and dissemination of the “personal                 5
                     3                                           Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the
data” of any citizen. Any information that allows              Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals
for the direct or indirect identification of                   with regard to the processing of personal data and on the
individuals constitutes personal data. Generally,              free movement of such data. Available:
as applied to U.S.-based corporations with           
European operations, the receipt, investigation,               6
                                                                 These circumstances include: (1) When the data subject
treatment, and retention of any reports of                     provided consent for data processing, (2) when the
employee misconduct, financial or otherwise,                   processing is contractually required, (3) when the processing
would be subject to the restrictions and                       is required for legal compliance, (4) when the processing is
                                                               necessary in pursuit of the public interest, (5) when the
                                                               processing is for the protection of the data subject, or (6)
 Act n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data       when processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of
Files and Individual Liberties. Available:                     the data controller, unless superseded by the fundamental         rights and freedoms afforded to the data subject.

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must be clearly communicated to those who                      The French Data Protection Model and
     may be identified through the reporting                        Overarching E.U. Implications
                                                                    Founded under the Act of January 6, 1978, the
♦ The collection of personal data “must be                          Commission nationale de l’informatique et des
     adequate, relevant and not excessive in                        libertés (CNIL) is the administrative body
     relation to the purposes for which they are                    established for the enforcement of E.U. and
     collected or further processed.” That is,                      State data protection laws in France. In 2005,
     organizations must limit the types of                          France enacted legislation making the
     information collected through reporting                        implementation of anonymous incident reporting
     mechanisms to only that information                            systems by any employer in France unlawful in
     necessary to meet the purpose(s) set forth                     the absence of certain precautions. The specific
     by the implementation of the reporting                         provisions and dual compliance options will be
     mechanism       (e.g.   proper     corporate                   discussed in detail below. However, in general,
     governance). The level of information                          administrative and judicial decisions in France
     reported must be in proportion to the                          dictate anonymous whistleblowing systems must
     purpose the collection of such information                     have a specific and narrow scope with regard to
     sets out to achieve.                                           the type of data collected. In addition, such
                                                                    mechanisms must be submitted to the CNIL for
Since the adoption of the E.U. Data Protection                      authorization prior to implementation. Other
Directive in 1995, U.S.-based multinational                         provisions mandate that individuals accused of
organizations face significant challenges across                    misconduct must have access to the data
all E.U. Member States, as all E.U. Member                          retained by the organization and must have the
States have separate data protection laws and                       opportunity to correct any inaccuracies once the
regulatory    enforcement      agencies.   Such                     data has been sufficiently preserved for
circumstances      require   a    comprehensive                     investigative or evidentiary purposes.
evaluation of existing SOX compliance protocols
implemented internationally and the local                           It is important to understand the adoptions of the
governing regulations.                                              CNIL regarding the compliance expectations of
                                                                    U.S.-based multinational companies because
Recent discussions between relevant U.S. and                        many of the existing data protection laws across
E.U. regulatory agencies revealed that, though                      the E.U. resemble those in France and are
U.S. and E.U. legislation appears to conflict on                    rooted in very similar philosophical values.
its face, there are no critical inconsistencies                     Many E.U. countries, including Germany and the
expressly precluding whistleblower compliance                       United     Kingdom,     are    rapidly   adopting
mechanisms from being implemented in E.U.                           approaches comparable to those in France
                                                 1                  regarding the use of anonymous incident
Member States under E.U. data protection law.
Much of the work required for resolution of U.S.                    reporting systems in those Member States.
and E.U. regulations lies in ensuring                               Therefore, such specialized and dual U.S. and
implementation of such systems are tailored to                      E.U. compliance is not likely to remain limited to
meet the applicable legal requirements.                             U.S.-based operations in France.
Consequently,    traditional   “one-size-fits-all”
systems are a solution of the past and may, in
fact, expose organizations to legal liability that                  Striking a Balance
could have been prevented.
                                                                    Recognizing the need to come to some
                                                                    compromise between U.S. and E.U. regulations
                                                                    regarding the use of anonymous whistleblower
                                                                    systems, the CNIL recently published guidelines
                                                                    establishing suggested compliance techniques
  Article 29 Data Protection Working Party. (2006). Opinion         to assist multinational organizations confronting
1/2006 on the application of EU data protection rules to                                         8
                                                                    these apparent conflicts.       In addition, a
internal whistleblowing schemes in the fields of accounting,
internal accounting controls, auditing matters, fight against
bribery, banking and financial crime. Available:                     Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés         (CNIL). (2005). Guideline document. Available:

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Frequently Asked Questions document is now                        - the name, address, and contact details
available to clarify previously confounding                           of    the    person    responsible     for
interpretations of the law. The CNIL has                              compliance in general,
ultimately determined that whistleblowing                         -   the name, address, and contact details
systems, such as those mandated in the U.S.                           of the person responsible for the right to
under SOX, are “neither allowed nor banned                            access personal data,
under the provisions of the French Labor                          -   the name, address, and contact details
Code.” Furthermore, the CNIL does not prohibit                        of the person whom the CNIL can
the use of a third-party service supplier, as long                    contact, and
as the service provider contractually agrees to                   -   a purpose section indicating what
comply with French and European data                                  service provider or software is utilized,
protection laws. However, these decisions were                        how many persons are covered by the
based upon reporting mechanisms collecting                            program, implementation year, and
only certain types of personal data, specifically                     whether data will be transferred outside
“…in the fields of accounting, financial audit,                       of the E.U. (and if so, a list of the
fight against bribery or banking areas…” In                           countries involved must be included).
addition, data of a particularly serious nature,
outside of financially-related incidents, may be              ♦ Standard        Authorization:   Organizations
collected. Seriousness is defined as any facts                    wishing to implement an anonymous
that “affect the vital interests of the company or                incident reporting system to collect data
its employees’ physical or mental integrity.”                     outside the scope of that described above
Some examples of serious issues that would be                     (e.g. financially related concerns) and that
considered acceptable data include threats to                     does not expressly meet the CNIL’s
the safety of employees, moral and sexual                         requirements must submit a complete
harassment, discrimination, threats to public                     application to the CNIL for examination at a
health, and insider trading.                                      plenary session of the CNIL. The CNIL is
                                                                  mandated to review the application within
Regardless, the organization wishing to                           two months of the filing, provided that no
implement SOX-compliant anonymous reporting                       additional information is needed by the CNIL
mechanisms in France is required to have that                     to make a determination.
system authorized by the CNIL. The CNIL has
established two authorization processes,
depending upon the type of facts the                          The Governance of Cross-Border Data
organization is requesting authorization to                   Transfer – Safe Harbor
collect and process.
                                                              In addition to the mandates and regulations
♦ Single/Unique          Authorization:      This             described above, organizations implementing
     authorization procedure was established to               anonymous         incident     reporting   systems
     expedite the process and allow E.U.-                     internationally must be cognizant of restrictions
     compliant organizations to implement SOX-                regarding the cross-border transfer of data
     compliant        anonymous         reporting             originating in the E.U. to countries outside of the
     mechanisms in a timely manner. The CNIL                  E.U. Many organizations may find it necessary
     should receive a filing acknowledgement                  for U.S. management representatives or audit
     within one to two weeks of submission.                   committee members to be made aware of and
                                                              even investigate employee misconduct occurring
     The single authorization process, known as               in the E.U. that is reported through their
     a unilateral commitment to comply, is an                 whistleblower system. However, portions of the
     internet-based process that requires the                 E.U. Directive 95/46 EC discussed above also
     organization to submit the following                     limit the ability to transfer personal data outside
     information:                                             of the E.U. and explicitly prohibit data transfer to
                                                              countries that do not adequately meet E.U.
                                                              privacy protections. After negotiations between
                                                              E.U. and U.S. officials, the Safe Harbor
 Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés       Arrangement was delineated to make data
(CNIL). (2006). Frequently asked questions. Available:

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transfer across the boundaries of the E.U.                     disclosure, alteration, and destruction” of
possible.                                                      personal information retained by the
Safe Harbor went into effect in 2000 and
prevents multinational organizations from                   ♦ Data Integrity: Organizations must take
experiencing business interruptions as a result                reasonable steps to ensure the data
of seemingly conflicting, yet equally applicable,              collected is that which is necessary to meet
cross-border regulations.     Organizations can                the purpose for which it was collected and to
join the Safe Harbor by a self-certification                   ensure that it is accurate and reliable.
process, renewed annually, in which they agree
to comply with the requirements of Safe Harbor              ♦ Enforcement:       Adequate       and    non-
and publicly declare that they do so. In order to              burdensome recourse mechanisms must
join, there are seven Safe Harbor requirements                 exist for the appropriate investigation and
to which organizations must comply:                            resolution of individual complaints and
                                                               damages awarded where applicable under
♦ Notice: Organizations must notify individuals                the relevant law. In addition, there must be
     that they may collect and use personal                    a means for verifying organizational
     information, the purpose for which they                   adherence to the Safe Harbor principles as
     would do so, and any third parties with                   well as accountability for problems resulting
     whom their information may be shared. In                  from a failure to comply. Furthermore,
     addition, individuals must be provided with a             consequences for failure to comply must be
     means by which they can contact the                       “sufficiently  rigorous”     to    encourage
     organization.                                             consistent compliance.

♦ Choice: Individuals must be given the                     Organizations reap many benefits for joining the
     opportunity to authorize the organization to           Safe Harbor and maintaining their compliance.
     disclose personal data to third parties or to          First and foremost, perhaps, is the ability to
     use the information in a manner diverging              ensure seamless and efficient organizational
     from the purposes for which the information            communication internationally. In addition, Safe
     was originally collected.                              Harbor participation satisfies the adequacy
                                                            standard for all 25 E.U. Member States, who all
♦ Onward Transfer: In order to transfer                     have very similar data protection regulations.
     personal information to a third party, the             Also, prior approval for data transfers will be
     organization must first apply the Notice and           automatically approved or waived and, subject
     Choice principles and must further ensure              to limitations, all complaints made by E.U.
     that the third party also subscribes to Safe           citizens against U.S. companies will be heard in
     Harbor principles.       In so doing, the              the U.S.
     organization may obtain written agreement
     from the third party that it provides at least
     the same level of privacy protection as the
     applicable regulations dictate.

♦ Access: With some exceptions, individuals
     must be granted access to the information
     the organization retains about them and
     must have the opportunity to modify, delete,
     or otherwise edit inaccuracies.

♦ Security:        Reasonable      precautionary
     measures must be undertaken to prevent
     “the loss, misuse, and unauthorized access,

  U.S. Department of Commerce. (n.d.) Welcome to Safe
Harbor. Available:

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and how organizations, as well              as   the
     MYSAFEWORKPLACE SUGGESTED                          MySafeWorkplace solution, comply.

With the advent of the recent CNIL regulations          Scope of incidents reported and necessary
regarding whistleblower protocols, much of the          filing procedures
literature has focused on compliance overlap
between SOX and CNIL regulations.                 For   Professional, or external, whistleblower systems
multinational organizations, this may initially         should be authorized by the CNIL prior to
appear as a burdensome task. However, it                implementation. The types of incidents reported
appears the discrepancy lies within company-            upon will direct the authorization process. Your
specific      compliance          strategies      and   organization may choose to adopt only a SOX-
implementation choices versus a direct conflict         type focused code of conduct and whistleblower
of laws. So what should an organization do?             mechanism.        If this is the choice, your
Organizations should ascertain how E.U. data            organization may file with the CNIL through the
protection laws apply to those states in which          online CNIL single authorization process with no
the organization operates.              Organizations   further subsequent CNIL review. This process
should carefully follow any developments in             will require submission of the following
regard to whistleblower statutes in each of those       information: legal nature of organization; name,
E.U. Member States and consider establishing            address, and contact details of the entity
relationships with the appropriate local data           responsible for the implementation; name,
protection         authorities.         Furthermore,    address, and contact details for the person
organizations should consider the following             responsible for compliance in general; name,
convenient      guidelines      to    minimize    the   address, and contact details for the person
possibilities of violating relevant data protection     responsible for the right to access personal data;
laws :                                                  name, address, and contact details for the
                                                        person whom the CNIL can contact. In addition,
♦ Consult with appropriate data protection              the notification must include a section that
    personnel prior to establishing whistleblower       iterates which software is used, how many
    protocols.                                          persons are concerned with the whistleblower
                                                        system, the year of its implementation, and
♦ Ensure employees’ due process rights are              whether data will be transferred to countries
    maintained.                                         outside of the E.U. (Chapter 8). Once the on-line
                                                        application is received, the CNIL will send an
                                                        acknowledgement receipt approximately two
♦ Ensure that the implemented compliance
                                                        weeks from the time of submission. Once
    programs include methods beyond standard
                                                        received, the organization can implement its
    whistleblower practices, to include such
                                                        whistleblower hotline immediately without any
    options as employee training.
                                                        additional review by the CNIL.
♦ Ensure that data alleging wrongdoing is               The other option is for an organization to adopt a
    preserved for only as long as necessary and         more inclusive whistleblower system, which
    that this data is stored separately from the        encompasses broader reporting than that of
    individual’s personnel file, unless the             SOX-related issues.        This will require the
    allegations result in some form of                  organization to undergo the standard CNIL
    disciplinary action.                                review process, which typically consists of a
                                                        case-by-case review by the CNIL regarding the
♦ Ensure that the appropriate steps are taken           legitimacy of the program’s purposes, the
    to guarantee proper transfer of data outside        “proportionality” of the contemplated program as
    of the E.U. (e.g. Safe Harbor certification).       well as its transparency to all parties involved.
                                                        Approval may take months.
These recommendations, based on best
practices, will help organizations be compliant
with applicable state laws and regulations. The
following details more specific CNIL regulations

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inform the reporting party that his/her contact
MSW and Organizational Compliance: It is              information will be kept confidential.          In
ultimately the organization’s decision if they        addition, if reporting via the internet, MSW has
would like to implement a broad or narrow             the technical capabilities to insert a customized
whistleblower system. The MSW system has the          landing page that outlines the necessary
capability to accommodate both. Under the             organizational      information,     to    include
single authorization code for CNIL, titration of      confidentiality     information     and      CNIL
only SOX-related incident reports is the most         regulations, if appropriate.
efficient compliance strategy.        These may
include, but are not limited to, financial,
banking, accounting, anti-bribery, or other vital     Reporting is not mandatory in the E.U.
corporate interests related to such categories.
                                                      The CNIL indicates that a whistleblower system
                                                      should not be “compulsory” for employees.
MSW provides an all-inclusive list of
                                                      Contrary to this tenet, SOX regulations stipulate
approximately 60 incident types to all client         that employees must report violations or risk
organizations, in turn allowing the organization      discipline if they do not report obvious or known
to limit the incidents types.                         infringements. If an organization has locations
                                                      in both the U.S. and the E.U., this discrepancy
                                                      between the two regulations may be a burden in
Anonymity cannot be required or “actively             regard to communication and implementation of
encouraged”                                           the whistleblower services.        One proposed
                                                      compromise is that organizations not “require”
Anonymity is allowed by CNIL as long as it is not     reporting, but instead state that they “expect”
made compulsory and is not actively                   violations to be reported. In E.U. Member
encouraged by the company. Furthermore, the           States, it should be communicated to the
reporting party has a choice regarding his/her        employees that there will be no adverse actions
anonymity.       CNIL requests that, prior to         taken against employees who do not use the
submission of the report, the reporting party be      hotline.
informed that he/she will not suffer or be
retaliated against for the report. Furthermore,       MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW
the reporting party’s identity must be kept           does not have authority to dictate whether
confidential and not disclosed to third parties
                                                      employees “should” or “must” report
such as the incriminated person and the
employee’s line supervisor. The CNIL believes
                                                      organizational violations, as it simply serves as
non-anonymous reports offer the following             a repository for the receipt of reports, allowing
advantages: 1) to avoid or at least limit false       further follow-up by appropriate organizational
and/or intentionally slanderous accusations; 2)       members and the reporting party. Although
to organize the protection of the whistleblower       MSW is able and willing to consult on
against retaliation; 3) to ensure a better handling   implementation and communication strategies, it
of the report, with the option of requesting          is ultimately the responsibility of the
additional details on the alleged facts from the      organization to organize a strategic method for
author of the report.                                 the    implementation     and     communication
                                                      regarding the intended required usage of the
MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW is             system.
unique in that it employs three anonymity
options: do not care about anonymity, remain
completely anonymous, and remain anonymous            Cross-Border data transfer obligations if
toward your organization. MSW accepts a               personal data is transmitted outside of the
neutral stance regarding anonymity and does           E.U. member country to the U.S.
not encourage a reporting party to select a
certain option. Moreover, if reporting via            SOX rules and regulations require the chairman
telephone, MSW has the capability to verbally         of the audit committee to receive, handle, and

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treat reported violations that are financially-        limited exceptions.11 Furthermore, MSW has
related. For U.S.-based organizations, these           the technical capabilities to educate the
individuals are typically located in the U.S. When     professional call center agents handling
non-financially related reports (e.g.        sexual    hotline report intake so they can effectively
harassment) are submitted via the whistleblower
                                                       educate reporting parties on the organizational
system, CNIL regulations deem it appropriate to
not necessitate the review by U.S.-based audit         report recipients. In addition, MSW facilitates
committee members. However, this does not              online      communication       between     the
always preclude them from receipt and review of        organization and the reporting party such that
the report, as even routing employment                 the organization may post information to the
concerns could have a potential impact on              reporting party regarding the recipients of
financial or accounting statements.                    specified reports.

Data transfer outside of the E.U. is acceptable
under E.U. data protection laws if appropriate
                                             9         Prompt notification to the “incriminated”
cross-border data protections are utilized. The
                                                       person required
U.S. entity receiving the information must have
implemented a cross-border transfer solution.
                                                       CNIL purports that the “incriminated” person
Current options include: 1) consent of the
                                                       must be notified by the person in charge as soon
individual affected, which oftentimes is
                                                       as data is collected about him/her. (V-9-16).
unreasonable; 2) data protection agreement;
                                                       Pursuant to Article 39 of the data protection act,
and 3) obtain certification for the U.S. Safe
                                                       information provided to the “incriminated” person
Harbor, which is administered by the U.S.
                                                       cannot contain the confidential information
Department of Commerce and enforced by the
                                                       pertaining to the whistleblower, nor does it need
Federal Trade Commission. Pursuant to the
                                                       to contain the entirety of information initially
CNIL, it is important to notify the reporting party
                                                       provided. There is a delay exception when
if the information is transferred outside of the
                                                       protective measures need to be taken, in the
E.U., and also inform them of the receipts of the
                                                       case of prevention of destruction of evidence.
                                                       This may include, but is not limited to, securing,
                                                       copying, or performing forensic analysis on
MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW                 appropriate computer systems.          This delay
complies with the E.U. data protection law in          exclusion may alleviate concerns regarding the
regard to cross-border transfer of information.        notification to the alleged suspect prior to
MSW was Safe Harbor certified on January 6,            employing proper investigatory techniques.
2005. Safe Harbor certification provides the           Nevertheless, contacting the alleged suspect is
                                                       a basic principle of the data protection laws in all
following benefits: 1) All 25 Member States of
                                                       E.U. countries and will require, at the very least,
the European Union will be bound by the                some disclosure to the incriminated person.
European Commission’s finding of adequacy;
2) Companies participating in Safe Harbor will
                                                       MSW and Organizational Compliance:
be deemed adequate and data flow to those
                                                       Developing and implementing a sound policy for
companies will continue; 3) Member State
                                                       notifying “incriminated” individuals accused of
requirements for prior approval of data
                                                       wrong doing is the obligation of the
transfers either will be waived or approval will
                                                       organization. This policy should outline the
be automatically granted; and 4) Claims
                                                       method of contact and describe what
brought by European citizens against U.S.
                                                       information should typically be shared with the
companies will be heard in the U.S. subject to

                                                         Extracted from
                                              on June 8,

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accused person. Due to the support provided by        Although the CNIL states that its regulations
the investigative professionals of MSW’s parent       only apply to whistleblower mechanisms that are
organization, Business Controls, Inc., MSW has        “automated,” a succinct definition of what
the capability to consult with organizations and      defines “automated” is difficult to find. Some
                                                      documents speculate that exclusion of mail,
provide suggested sample procedures, if deemed
                                                      drop-boxes, or even individual email makes
appropriate. Furthermore, MSW is the central                              9
                                                      appropriate sense. Nevertheless, one cannot
repository for obtaining and retaining all            deny the all-encompassing presence of
information submitted from the initial report (to     electronic means for the receipt, retention,
include name of suspected individuals) and            dissemination, and response of such inquiries,
subsequent updates. The organization may also         regardless of the original submission method. In
utilize MSW’s message board capabilities to           light of the implications found within the CNIL
document and retain communication with the            research and regulations, it is safe to presume
“incriminated” individual.                            that implementation of any whistleblower
                                                      service, regardless of the available report intake
                                                      mechanisms is subject to CNIL regulations.
Accused individuals have the right to
respond, contest, or rectify (change)                 MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW is
information                                           considered an “automated” service and
                                                      therefore the use of such service is governed by
A fundamental right of E.U. data protection laws      CNIL regulations.           MSW encourages
is to allow the suspected person identified in a      organizations to err on the side of caution and
report alleging a violation to access the data,       assume that any implemented whistleblower
request rectification, or potential deletion of the   service will, ultimately, be considered
information.     CNIL posits that such access
                                                      “automated” and, therefore, necessitates
rights do not include access to information about
other individuals, such as the whistleblower’s
                                                      compliance with CNIL regulations and E.U.
name.      Under certain “blatantly abusive”          data protection laws.
conditions, subject access rights can be denied.

MSW and Organizational Compliance:                    Data Retention Regulations
Accused individuals, unless they are Enterprise
                                                      The CNIL regulates the length of time
Portal Users on the MSW Database, do not have         organizations are allowed to retain reports,
access to the secure database in which all            archive reports, and eventually destroy reports.
reports are stored. The organization should,          The regulation states that unsubstantiated
therefore, generate a policy outlining                reports should be deleted “immediately.”
appropriate procedural steps regarding how to         Furthermore, CNIL requires deletion of reports
gather this information from the accused and          within two months of closure, unless there is
how to effectively insert the information into the    ongoing disciplinary or court action. If there is
original report submitted. MSW allows for             no further action on the report, the organization
additions, responses, or requested changes to be      must delete the file or archive the data.
                                                      (Frequently Asked Questions, #17 ). Archiving
submitted via the message boards. Additionally,
                                                      of information is permitted for relevant data
MSW retains all initial information and               unrelated to or beyond the required
additional information in its original form.          whistleblower program, especially if it affects the
                                                      physical safety of others or the vital interests of
                                                      the organization. This data may be retained for
Limiting whistleblowing reporting to mail,            up to 30 years (Frequently Asked Questions,
drop-box, or “non-automated” means                    #17 ).

There appears to be some discrepancy in the
CNIL literature describing what reporting
methods, if any, are excepted from CNIL
regulations regarding whistleblower reporting.

© 2006 Business Controls, Inc.                    9                              COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
All Rights Reserved                                            MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
MSW and Organizational Compliance: Internal
procedural documents should be generated that
outline the organization’s definition of
“unsubstantiated” and all parties responsible
for labeling and responding to reports as such
should be accurately educated on the protocols.9
Furthermore, effective policies regarding
investigative and closure procedures must be
implemented by the organization. MSW is able
to delete reports from the database at the
organization’s request. MSW requests that the
organization designate one (or at the most two)
contact names of individuals who are
responsible for the communication of requests
relating to deletion or archiving of reports.
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the
organization to establish protocols for
monitoring its database, determination of
closure rates, and establishment of appropriate
communication triage to MSW personnel to the
deletion or archival of records.

                 THE FINAL WORD

While E.U. data protection regulations and best
compliance practices are quite perplexing, there
are clearly methods organizations can employ to
ensure their whistleblowing programs are
compliant across all of their locations, domestic
or international. It may be appealing to select a
strategy and apply it universally throughout the
organization.        However,        multinational
organizations do not usually have this option.
Therefore, organizations must assess their
overall needs        and choose responsible
implementation       techniques.     Furthermore,
multinational organizations who are considering
the option of outsourcing their whistleblower
program should be careful to select a vendor
who understands these seemingly conflicting
regulations and can articulate how they can
assist organizations in compliance, both
domestically and abroad.

As new guidelines and best practices continue
to emerge, the organization’s responsibilities are
becoming clearer. However, such guidelines are
continuing to evolve and we have likely not yet
heard the final word regarding E.U. data
protection regulation compliance requirements.

© 2006 Business Controls, Inc.                  10                     COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL
All Rights Reserved                                  MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection

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Anonymous Whistleblowing Systems and European Union Data Protection Measures

  • 1. Anonymous Whistleblowing Systems and CNIL and European Union Data Protection Measures OVERVIEW credence to the reporting party and the potentially increased protection against As U.S. companies move into international retaliation that the option of anonymity provides. markets, many are confronting foreign These distinct U.S./E.U. cultural differences regulations, which seem to conflict with those resonate clearly in their respective employment- governing operations in the U.S. In the aftermath related laws and regulations. of several corporate debacles, the adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the U.S. in 2002 presented new challenges to U.S. Regulations organizations, particularly those that are publicly traded. The decline of public trust in the ethics of Regulated by the Securities and Exchange corporate America had a resoundingly negative Committee (SEC), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of economic impact not just in the U.S., but 2002, among other provisions, requires publicly worldwide. Perhaps the most internationally traded organizations to establish independent challenging provision of SOX is the requirement audit committees to essentially provide company for organizations listed on U.S. stock exchanges oversight regarding financial and accounting- to provide at least one channel of related issues. In the pursuit of such communication by which employees can make responsibility, the audit committee must also anonymous reports. Now that the SOX implement a “whistleblower” program to enable compliance deadline has long since passed, employees, vendors, and any other stakeholders organizations are recognizing the special to submit complaints or knowledge of fraudulent challenges posed by the collision of domestic activity in an anonymous and confidential and foreign regulations, especially regarding fashion. Organizations are not only responsible anonymous reporting by employees. for providing a mechanism by which such reports can be received, but must also Historically, the U.S. has provided greater document retention and treatment activities of employer protection in the management of submitted complaints. Failure to comply may employees engaging in misconduct and criminal result in SEC-enforced sanctions, civil penalties, behavior within the organization. Other and possible de-listing from the stock 2 countries, particularly those in the European exchange. Union (E.U.), take a decidedly pro-employee 1 approach. In addition, cross cultural beliefs The intent of anonymous reporting channels is regarding the utility of anonymity in employee to encourage employees to report their reporting are markedly different. While European knowledge of financial misconduct who may sensibility places great value on the rights of the otherwise fear reprisal. In this way, accused, the American perspective lends more organizations may investigate and identify potential problem areas or employees to 1 Schreiber, M. E., Held, J. M., Bond, R. T. J., Dana, R., efficiently manage and prevent organizational Runte, C., & Flower, K. (2006). Anonymous Sarbanes- losses due to employee misconduct. Oxley hotlines for multi-national companies: Compliance with E.U. data protection laws. Retrieved June 5, 2006, from 2 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Available: Matters - Ch9.Anonymouns SOX.PracGuideSOX.Vol2.ELEC.pdf banesoxley072302.pdf.
  • 2. Perhaps the most common mechanism mandates imposed by European data protection organizations have adopted to meet the laws. compliance requirements of SOX is the confidential fraud hotline. Many third-party As E.U. Member States began adopting their hotline providers also administer an internet- own data protection measures, the flow of based reporting portal in addition to the information across the E.U. became increasingly traditional hotline. Regardless of the method of restricted due to conflicting mandates. The report intake, the option of anonymity is often passage of E.U. Directive 95/46 EC in 1995 advertised and sometimes even encouraged, sought to synchronize diverging E.U. legislation which further assists organizations in their and all E.U. Member States are required to compliance efforts. implement regulations consistent with the Directive and establish a supervisory body SOX compliance, however, is not limited to only responsible for the enforcement of data 4 domestic locations. Multinational companies are protection laws. required to implement such mechanisms throughout their organization to include those The Directive principally covers the “processing” employees working in international locations. of personal data and defines the circumstances Therefore, many organizations have under which processing is lawful and 5 implemented “one-size-fits-all” reporting warranted. In order to legally process personal channels across the organization, whether data, three conditions must be met: domestic or international. In addition, many transparency, legitimate purpose, and organizations allow their employees to make proportionality. anonymous complaints about diverse forms of employee misconduct, not just those that are ♦ In order to meet the condition of financial or accounting-related. For example, transparency, the individual whose data is to many employee hotlines are set up to receive be processed (“data subject”) has the right reports of sexual harassment, discrimination, to be notified of the processing and must be and unsafe working conditions. Though not given access to all personal data to be mandated by SOX, organizations are quickly processed. The Directive further outlines six recognizing the benefits associated with specific situations in which personal data receiving reports of all forms of employee may be processed and the data subject has misconduct and are opening up their reporting the explicit right to modify any inaccuracies mechanisms to receive such employee 6 in the data to be processed. complaints. ♦ Personal data must be collected only “…for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes…” European Union Data Protection Laws In addition, the possibility that personal data may be collected through a whistleblowing European regulations are rooted in distinctly system and the purpose for such a system differing cultural values related to privacy, particularly in occupational settings. As early as 1978, some European countries adopted data 4 European Commission Data Protection . Available: protection legislation governing the use, processing, and dissemination of the “personal 5 3 Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the data” of any citizen. Any information that allows Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals for the direct or indirect identification of with regard to the processing of personal data and on the individuals constitutes personal data. Generally, free movement of such data. Available: as applied to U.S.-based corporations with European operations, the receipt, investigation, 6 These circumstances include: (1) When the data subject treatment, and retention of any reports of provided consent for data processing, (2) when the employee misconduct, financial or otherwise, processing is contractually required, (3) when the processing would be subject to the restrictions and is required for legal compliance, (4) when the processing is necessary in pursuit of the public interest, (5) when the processing is for the protection of the data subject, or (6) 3 Act n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Data Processing, Data when processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of Files and Individual Liberties. Available: the data controller, unless superseded by the fundamental rights and freedoms afforded to the data subject. © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 2 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 3. must be clearly communicated to those who The French Data Protection Model and may be identified through the reporting Overarching E.U. Implications mechanism. Founded under the Act of January 6, 1978, the ♦ The collection of personal data “must be Commission nationale de l’informatique et des adequate, relevant and not excessive in libertés (CNIL) is the administrative body relation to the purposes for which they are established for the enforcement of E.U. and 7 collected or further processed.” That is, State data protection laws in France. In 2005, organizations must limit the types of France enacted legislation making the information collected through reporting implementation of anonymous incident reporting mechanisms to only that information systems by any employer in France unlawful in 1 necessary to meet the purpose(s) set forth the absence of certain precautions. The specific by the implementation of the reporting provisions and dual compliance options will be mechanism (e.g. proper corporate discussed in detail below. However, in general, governance). The level of information administrative and judicial decisions in France reported must be in proportion to the dictate anonymous whistleblowing systems must purpose the collection of such information have a specific and narrow scope with regard to sets out to achieve. the type of data collected. In addition, such mechanisms must be submitted to the CNIL for Since the adoption of the E.U. Data Protection authorization prior to implementation. Other Directive in 1995, U.S.-based multinational provisions mandate that individuals accused of organizations face significant challenges across misconduct must have access to the data all E.U. Member States, as all E.U. Member retained by the organization and must have the States have separate data protection laws and opportunity to correct any inaccuracies once the regulatory enforcement agencies. Such data has been sufficiently preserved for circumstances require a comprehensive investigative or evidentiary purposes. evaluation of existing SOX compliance protocols implemented internationally and the local It is important to understand the adoptions of the governing regulations. CNIL regarding the compliance expectations of U.S.-based multinational companies because Recent discussions between relevant U.S. and many of the existing data protection laws across E.U. regulatory agencies revealed that, though the E.U. resemble those in France and are U.S. and E.U. legislation appears to conflict on rooted in very similar philosophical values. its face, there are no critical inconsistencies Many E.U. countries, including Germany and the expressly precluding whistleblower compliance United Kingdom, are rapidly adopting mechanisms from being implemented in E.U. approaches comparable to those in France 1 regarding the use of anonymous incident Member States under E.U. data protection law. Much of the work required for resolution of U.S. reporting systems in those Member States. and E.U. regulations lies in ensuring Therefore, such specialized and dual U.S. and implementation of such systems are tailored to E.U. compliance is not likely to remain limited to meet the applicable legal requirements. U.S.-based operations in France. Consequently, traditional “one-size-fits-all” systems are a solution of the past and may, in fact, expose organizations to legal liability that Striking a Balance could have been prevented. Recognizing the need to come to some compromise between U.S. and E.U. regulations regarding the use of anonymous whistleblower systems, the CNIL recently published guidelines establishing suggested compliance techniques 7 Article 29 Data Protection Working Party. (2006). Opinion to assist multinational organizations confronting 1/2006 on the application of EU data protection rules to 8 these apparent conflicts. In addition, a internal whistleblowing schemes in the fields of accounting, internal accounting controls, auditing matters, fight against 8 bribery, banking and financial crime. Available: Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL). (2005). Guideline document. Available: 06/wp117_en.pdf © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 3 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 4. Frequently Asked Questions document is now - the name, address, and contact details available to clarify previously confounding of the person responsible for 9 interpretations of the law. The CNIL has compliance in general, ultimately determined that whistleblowing - the name, address, and contact details systems, such as those mandated in the U.S. of the person responsible for the right to under SOX, are “neither allowed nor banned access personal data, under the provisions of the French Labor - the name, address, and contact details 8 Code.” Furthermore, the CNIL does not prohibit of the person whom the CNIL can the use of a third-party service supplier, as long contact, and as the service provider contractually agrees to - a purpose section indicating what comply with French and European data service provider or software is utilized, protection laws. However, these decisions were how many persons are covered by the based upon reporting mechanisms collecting program, implementation year, and only certain types of personal data, specifically whether data will be transferred outside “…in the fields of accounting, financial audit, of the E.U. (and if so, a list of the 9 fight against bribery or banking areas…” In countries involved must be included). addition, data of a particularly serious nature, outside of financially-related incidents, may be ♦ Standard Authorization: Organizations collected. Seriousness is defined as any facts wishing to implement an anonymous that “affect the vital interests of the company or incident reporting system to collect data 9 its employees’ physical or mental integrity.” outside the scope of that described above Some examples of serious issues that would be (e.g. financially related concerns) and that considered acceptable data include threats to does not expressly meet the CNIL’s the safety of employees, moral and sexual requirements must submit a complete harassment, discrimination, threats to public application to the CNIL for examination at a health, and insider trading. plenary session of the CNIL. The CNIL is mandated to review the application within Regardless, the organization wishing to two months of the filing, provided that no implement SOX-compliant anonymous reporting additional information is needed by the CNIL mechanisms in France is required to have that to make a determination. system authorized by the CNIL. The CNIL has established two authorization processes, depending upon the type of facts the The Governance of Cross-Border Data organization is requesting authorization to Transfer – Safe Harbor collect and process. In addition to the mandates and regulations ♦ Single/Unique Authorization: This described above, organizations implementing authorization procedure was established to anonymous incident reporting systems expedite the process and allow E.U.- internationally must be cognizant of restrictions compliant organizations to implement SOX- regarding the cross-border transfer of data compliant anonymous reporting originating in the E.U. to countries outside of the mechanisms in a timely manner. The CNIL E.U. Many organizations may find it necessary should receive a filing acknowledgement for U.S. management representatives or audit 1 within one to two weeks of submission. committee members to be made aware of and even investigate employee misconduct occurring The single authorization process, known as in the E.U. that is reported through their a unilateral commitment to comply, is an whistleblower system. However, portions of the internet-based process that requires the E.U. Directive 95/46 EC discussed above also organization to submit the following limit the ability to transfer personal data outside information: of the E.U. and explicitly prohibit data transfer to countries that do not adequately meet E.U. privacy protections. After negotiations between E.U. and U.S. officials, the Safe Harbor 9 Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés Arrangement was delineated to make data (CNIL). (2006). Frequently asked questions. Available: © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 4 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 5. transfer across the boundaries of the E.U. disclosure, alteration, and destruction” of possible. personal information retained by the 10 organization Safe Harbor went into effect in 2000 and prevents multinational organizations from ♦ Data Integrity: Organizations must take experiencing business interruptions as a result reasonable steps to ensure the data of seemingly conflicting, yet equally applicable, collected is that which is necessary to meet 10 cross-border regulations. Organizations can the purpose for which it was collected and to join the Safe Harbor by a self-certification ensure that it is accurate and reliable. process, renewed annually, in which they agree to comply with the requirements of Safe Harbor ♦ Enforcement: Adequate and non- and publicly declare that they do so. In order to burdensome recourse mechanisms must join, there are seven Safe Harbor requirements exist for the appropriate investigation and to which organizations must comply: resolution of individual complaints and damages awarded where applicable under ♦ Notice: Organizations must notify individuals the relevant law. In addition, there must be that they may collect and use personal a means for verifying organizational information, the purpose for which they adherence to the Safe Harbor principles as would do so, and any third parties with well as accountability for problems resulting whom their information may be shared. In from a failure to comply. Furthermore, addition, individuals must be provided with a consequences for failure to comply must be means by which they can contact the “sufficiently rigorous” to encourage 10 organization. consistent compliance. ♦ Choice: Individuals must be given the Organizations reap many benefits for joining the opportunity to authorize the organization to Safe Harbor and maintaining their compliance. disclose personal data to third parties or to First and foremost, perhaps, is the ability to use the information in a manner diverging ensure seamless and efficient organizational from the purposes for which the information communication internationally. In addition, Safe was originally collected. Harbor participation satisfies the adequacy standard for all 25 E.U. Member States, who all ♦ Onward Transfer: In order to transfer have very similar data protection regulations. personal information to a third party, the Also, prior approval for data transfers will be organization must first apply the Notice and automatically approved or waived and, subject Choice principles and must further ensure to limitations, all complaints made by E.U. that the third party also subscribes to Safe citizens against U.S. companies will be heard in Harbor principles. In so doing, the the U.S. organization may obtain written agreement from the third party that it provides at least the same level of privacy protection as the applicable regulations dictate. ♦ Access: With some exceptions, individuals must be granted access to the information the organization retains about them and must have the opportunity to modify, delete, or otherwise edit inaccuracies. ♦ Security: Reasonable precautionary measures must be undertaken to prevent “the loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, 10 U.S. Department of Commerce. (n.d.) Welcome to Safe Harbor. Available: © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 5 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 6. and how organizations, as well as the ® MYSAFEWORKPLACE SUGGESTED MySafeWorkplace solution, comply. COMPLIANCE TECHNIQUES With the advent of the recent CNIL regulations Scope of incidents reported and necessary regarding whistleblower protocols, much of the filing procedures literature has focused on compliance overlap between SOX and CNIL regulations. For Professional, or external, whistleblower systems multinational organizations, this may initially should be authorized by the CNIL prior to appear as a burdensome task. However, it implementation. The types of incidents reported appears the discrepancy lies within company- upon will direct the authorization process. Your specific compliance strategies and organization may choose to adopt only a SOX- implementation choices versus a direct conflict type focused code of conduct and whistleblower of laws. So what should an organization do? mechanism. If this is the choice, your Organizations should ascertain how E.U. data organization may file with the CNIL through the protection laws apply to those states in which online CNIL single authorization process with no 1 the organization operates. Organizations further subsequent CNIL review. This process should carefully follow any developments in will require submission of the following regard to whistleblower statutes in each of those information: legal nature of organization; name, E.U. Member States and consider establishing address, and contact details of the entity relationships with the appropriate local data responsible for the implementation; name, 1 protection authorities. Furthermore, address, and contact details for the person organizations should consider the following responsible for compliance in general; name, convenient guidelines to minimize the address, and contact details for the person possibilities of violating relevant data protection responsible for the right to access personal data; 1 laws : name, address, and contact details for the person whom the CNIL can contact. In addition, ♦ Consult with appropriate data protection the notification must include a section that personnel prior to establishing whistleblower iterates which software is used, how many protocols. persons are concerned with the whistleblower system, the year of its implementation, and ♦ Ensure employees’ due process rights are whether data will be transferred to countries maintained. outside of the E.U. (Chapter 8). Once the on-line application is received, the CNIL will send an acknowledgement receipt approximately two ♦ Ensure that the implemented compliance weeks from the time of submission. Once programs include methods beyond standard received, the organization can implement its whistleblower practices, to include such whistleblower hotline immediately without any options as employee training. additional review by the CNIL. ♦ Ensure that data alleging wrongdoing is The other option is for an organization to adopt a preserved for only as long as necessary and more inclusive whistleblower system, which that this data is stored separately from the encompasses broader reporting than that of individual’s personnel file, unless the SOX-related issues. This will require the allegations result in some form of organization to undergo the standard CNIL disciplinary action. review process, which typically consists of a case-by-case review by the CNIL regarding the ♦ Ensure that the appropriate steps are taken legitimacy of the program’s purposes, the to guarantee proper transfer of data outside “proportionality” of the contemplated program as 1 of the E.U. (e.g. Safe Harbor certification). well as its transparency to all parties involved. Approval may take months. These recommendations, based on best practices, will help organizations be compliant with applicable state laws and regulations. The following details more specific CNIL regulations © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 6 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 7. inform the reporting party that his/her contact MSW and Organizational Compliance: It is information will be kept confidential. In ultimately the organization’s decision if they addition, if reporting via the internet, MSW has would like to implement a broad or narrow the technical capabilities to insert a customized whistleblower system. The MSW system has the landing page that outlines the necessary capability to accommodate both. Under the organizational information, to include single authorization code for CNIL, titration of confidentiality information and CNIL only SOX-related incident reports is the most regulations, if appropriate. efficient compliance strategy. These may include, but are not limited to, financial, banking, accounting, anti-bribery, or other vital Reporting is not mandatory in the E.U. corporate interests related to such categories. The CNIL indicates that a whistleblower system should not be “compulsory” for employees. MSW provides an all-inclusive list of Contrary to this tenet, SOX regulations stipulate approximately 60 incident types to all client that employees must report violations or risk organizations, in turn allowing the organization discipline if they do not report obvious or known to limit the incidents types. infringements. If an organization has locations in both the U.S. and the E.U., this discrepancy between the two regulations may be a burden in Anonymity cannot be required or “actively regard to communication and implementation of encouraged” the whistleblower services. One proposed compromise is that organizations not “require” Anonymity is allowed by CNIL as long as it is not reporting, but instead state that they “expect” 9 made compulsory and is not actively violations to be reported. In E.U. Member encouraged by the company. Furthermore, the States, it should be communicated to the reporting party has a choice regarding his/her employees that there will be no adverse actions anonymity. CNIL requests that, prior to taken against employees who do not use the submission of the report, the reporting party be hotline. informed that he/she will not suffer or be retaliated against for the report. Furthermore, MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW the reporting party’s identity must be kept does not have authority to dictate whether confidential and not disclosed to third parties employees “should” or “must” report such as the incriminated person and the employee’s line supervisor. The CNIL believes organizational violations, as it simply serves as non-anonymous reports offer the following a repository for the receipt of reports, allowing advantages: 1) to avoid or at least limit false further follow-up by appropriate organizational and/or intentionally slanderous accusations; 2) members and the reporting party. Although to organize the protection of the whistleblower MSW is able and willing to consult on against retaliation; 3) to ensure a better handling implementation and communication strategies, it of the report, with the option of requesting is ultimately the responsibility of the additional details on the alleged facts from the organization to organize a strategic method for 2 author of the report. the implementation and communication regarding the intended required usage of the MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW is system. unique in that it employs three anonymity options: do not care about anonymity, remain completely anonymous, and remain anonymous Cross-Border data transfer obligations if toward your organization. MSW accepts a personal data is transmitted outside of the neutral stance regarding anonymity and does E.U. member country to the U.S. not encourage a reporting party to select a certain option. Moreover, if reporting via SOX rules and regulations require the chairman telephone, MSW has the capability to verbally of the audit committee to receive, handle, and © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 7 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 8. treat reported violations that are financially- limited exceptions.11 Furthermore, MSW has related. For U.S.-based organizations, these the technical capabilities to educate the individuals are typically located in the U.S. When professional call center agents handling non-financially related reports (e.g. sexual hotline report intake so they can effectively harassment) are submitted via the whistleblower educate reporting parties on the organizational system, CNIL regulations deem it appropriate to not necessitate the review by U.S.-based audit report recipients. In addition, MSW facilitates committee members. However, this does not online communication between the always preclude them from receipt and review of organization and the reporting party such that the report, as even routing employment the organization may post information to the concerns could have a potential impact on reporting party regarding the recipients of 9 financial or accounting statements. specified reports. Data transfer outside of the E.U. is acceptable under E.U. data protection laws if appropriate 9 Prompt notification to the “incriminated” cross-border data protections are utilized. The person required U.S. entity receiving the information must have implemented a cross-border transfer solution. CNIL purports that the “incriminated” person Current options include: 1) consent of the must be notified by the person in charge as soon individual affected, which oftentimes is as data is collected about him/her. (V-9-16). unreasonable; 2) data protection agreement; Pursuant to Article 39 of the data protection act, and 3) obtain certification for the U.S. Safe information provided to the “incriminated” person Harbor, which is administered by the U.S. cannot contain the confidential information Department of Commerce and enforced by the pertaining to the whistleblower, nor does it need Federal Trade Commission. Pursuant to the to contain the entirety of information initially CNIL, it is important to notify the reporting party provided. There is a delay exception when if the information is transferred outside of the protective measures need to be taken, in the E.U., and also inform them of the receipts of the case of prevention of destruction of evidence. report. This may include, but is not limited to, securing, copying, or performing forensic analysis on 9 MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW appropriate computer systems. This delay complies with the E.U. data protection law in exclusion may alleviate concerns regarding the regard to cross-border transfer of information. notification to the alleged suspect prior to MSW was Safe Harbor certified on January 6, employing proper investigatory techniques. 2005. Safe Harbor certification provides the Nevertheless, contacting the alleged suspect is a basic principle of the data protection laws in all following benefits: 1) All 25 Member States of E.U. countries and will require, at the very least, the European Union will be bound by the some disclosure to the incriminated person. 9 European Commission’s finding of adequacy; 2) Companies participating in Safe Harbor will MSW and Organizational Compliance: be deemed adequate and data flow to those Developing and implementing a sound policy for companies will continue; 3) Member State notifying “incriminated” individuals accused of requirements for prior approval of data wrong doing is the obligation of the transfers either will be waived or approval will organization. This policy should outline the be automatically granted; and 4) Claims method of contact and describe what brought by European citizens against U.S. information should typically be shared with the companies will be heard in the U.S. subject to 11 Extracted from on June 8, 2006. © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 8 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 9. accused person. Due to the support provided by Although the CNIL states that its regulations the investigative professionals of MSW’s parent only apply to whistleblower mechanisms that are organization, Business Controls, Inc., MSW has “automated,” a succinct definition of what the capability to consult with organizations and defines “automated” is difficult to find. Some documents speculate that exclusion of mail, provide suggested sample procedures, if deemed drop-boxes, or even individual email makes appropriate. Furthermore, MSW is the central 9 appropriate sense. Nevertheless, one cannot repository for obtaining and retaining all deny the all-encompassing presence of information submitted from the initial report (to electronic means for the receipt, retention, include name of suspected individuals) and dissemination, and response of such inquiries, subsequent updates. The organization may also regardless of the original submission method. In utilize MSW’s message board capabilities to light of the implications found within the CNIL document and retain communication with the research and regulations, it is safe to presume “incriminated” individual. that implementation of any whistleblower service, regardless of the available report intake mechanisms is subject to CNIL regulations. Accused individuals have the right to respond, contest, or rectify (change) MSW and Organizational Compliance: MSW is information considered an “automated” service and therefore the use of such service is governed by A fundamental right of E.U. data protection laws CNIL regulations. MSW encourages is to allow the suspected person identified in a organizations to err on the side of caution and report alleging a violation to access the data, assume that any implemented whistleblower request rectification, or potential deletion of the service will, ultimately, be considered 9 information. CNIL posits that such access “automated” and, therefore, necessitates rights do not include access to information about other individuals, such as the whistleblower’s compliance with CNIL regulations and E.U. name. Under certain “blatantly abusive” data protection laws. 9 conditions, subject access rights can be denied. MSW and Organizational Compliance: Data Retention Regulations Accused individuals, unless they are Enterprise The CNIL regulates the length of time Portal Users on the MSW Database, do not have organizations are allowed to retain reports, access to the secure database in which all archive reports, and eventually destroy reports. reports are stored. The organization should, The regulation states that unsubstantiated therefore, generate a policy outlining reports should be deleted “immediately.” appropriate procedural steps regarding how to Furthermore, CNIL requires deletion of reports gather this information from the accused and within two months of closure, unless there is how to effectively insert the information into the ongoing disciplinary or court action. If there is original report submitted. MSW allows for no further action on the report, the organization additions, responses, or requested changes to be must delete the file or archive the data. 9 (Frequently Asked Questions, #17 ). Archiving submitted via the message boards. Additionally, of information is permitted for relevant data MSW retains all initial information and unrelated to or beyond the required additional information in its original form. whistleblower program, especially if it affects the physical safety of others or the vital interests of 9 the organization. This data may be retained for Limiting whistleblowing reporting to mail, up to 30 years (Frequently Asked Questions, 9 drop-box, or “non-automated” means #17 ). There appears to be some discrepancy in the CNIL literature describing what reporting methods, if any, are excepted from CNIL regulations regarding whistleblower reporting. © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 9 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection
  • 10. MSW and Organizational Compliance: Internal procedural documents should be generated that outline the organization’s definition of “unsubstantiated” and all parties responsible for labeling and responding to reports as such should be accurately educated on the protocols.9 Furthermore, effective policies regarding investigative and closure procedures must be implemented by the organization. MSW is able to delete reports from the database at the organization’s request. MSW requests that the organization designate one (or at the most two) contact names of individuals who are responsible for the communication of requests relating to deletion or archiving of reports. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the organization to establish protocols for monitoring its database, determination of closure rates, and establishment of appropriate communication triage to MSW personnel to the deletion or archival of records. THE FINAL WORD While E.U. data protection regulations and best compliance practices are quite perplexing, there are clearly methods organizations can employ to ensure their whistleblowing programs are compliant across all of their locations, domestic or international. It may be appealing to select a strategy and apply it universally throughout the organization. However, multinational organizations do not usually have this option. Therefore, organizations must assess their overall needs and choose responsible implementation techniques. Furthermore, multinational organizations who are considering the option of outsourcing their whistleblower program should be careful to select a vendor who understands these seemingly conflicting regulations and can articulate how they can assist organizations in compliance, both domestically and abroad. As new guidelines and best practices continue to emerge, the organization’s responsibilities are becoming clearer. However, such guidelines are continuing to evolve and we have likely not yet heard the final word regarding E.U. data protection regulation compliance requirements. © 2006 Business Controls, Inc. 10 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL All Rights Reserved MySafeWorkplace® and CNIL/EU Data Protection