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Dr. Made Pramono, S.S., M.Hum.
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Teddy Indra Prasetya 23060484172 2023 I
Olahraga merupakan fenomena sosial yang sangat kompleks dan menarik untuk diteliti. Dalam era
globalisasi seperti saat ini, olahraga tidak hanya menjadi aktivitas fisik semata, tetapi juga
memiliki dimensi sosial dan ekonomi yang sangat penting. Makalah review ini akan membahas
artikel berjudul "Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Culture and Political Economy" yang
membahas tentang hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik. Artikel ini ditulis oleh
para ahli di bidang sosiologi olahraga. sebagai salah satu dosen pembimbing akademik.
Dalam artikel ini, para penulis membahas tentang pentingnya memahami hubungan antara
olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik. Mereka menekankan bahwa olahraga tidak dapat
dipisahkan dari konteks sosial dan ekonomi di mana olahraga tersebut dilakukan. Dalam artikel
ini, para penulis juga membahas tentang peran olahraga dalam memperkuat identitas nasional dan
bagaimana olahraga dapat digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu.
Makalah review ini akan mengevaluasi artikel tersebut dan mengevaluasi kontribusinya terhadap
pemahaman kita tentang sosiologi olahraga. Kami akan membahas berbagai aspek yang dibahas
dalam artikel tersebut, termasuk hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik, peran
olahraga dalam memperkuat identitas nasional, peran media dalam membentuk persepsi
masyarakat terhadap olahraga, dan masih banyak lagi.
Kami berharap makalah review ini dapat memberikan kontribusi yang bermanfaat bagi
pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang sosiologi olahraga. Kami juga berharap makalah ini
dapat menjadi referensi yang berguna bagi para peneliti dan mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam bidang
sosiologi olahraga. Terakhir, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dr. Made Pramono,
S.S., M.Hum. sebagai dosen pembimbing akademik kami yang telah memberikan banyak
dukungan dan bimbingan dalam penulisan makalah ini.
Surabaya, 11 November 2023
ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................I
BAB I ARTICLE........................................................................................................................... 4
Wolfram Manzenreiter ................................................................................................................ 5
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Reflections on the trajectory of the sociology of sport ............................................................... 5
Assessing the challenges of the sociology of sport..................................................................... 7
Future directions for the sociology of sport ................................................................................ 8
Funding........................................................................................................................................ 9
References ................................................................................................................................... 9
BAB II HASIL REVIEW........................................................................................................... 11
2.1. Identitas Artikel.................................................................................................................. 11
2.2. Metode Penelitian............................................................................................................... 11
2.3. Isu Yang Dijelaskan Pada Artikel ini................................................................................. 11
2.4. Topik Utama Pada Artikle.................................................................................................. 11
2.5. Bagaimana Manzenreiter berargumen tentang kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-
sosiologis untuk mempelajari olahraga? ................................................................................... 12
2.6. Apa dampak teori globalisasi terhadap pemahaman kita tentang ekonomi budaya dan
politik olahraga?........................................................................................................................ 12
2.7. Bagaimana kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat membentuk pembingkaian dan nilai olahraga
dalam skala global?................................................................................................................... 12
BAB III PENUTUP..................................................................................................................... 13
3.1. Kesimpulan......................................................................................................................... 13
3.2. Saran................................................................................................................................... 13
DAFTAR PUSTAKA.................................................................................................................. 14
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:
Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy
Article in International Review for the Sociology of Sport · June 2015
DOI: 10.1177/1012690214551184
research-article5511842014IRS0010.1177/1012690214551184International Review for the Sociology of S portManzenreiter
International Review for the
Assessing the sociology 2015, Vol. 50(4-5) 524 –529 Sociology of Sport
© The Author(s) 2014 of sport: On culture and Reprints and permissions: political economy DOI: 10.1177/1012690214551184
Wolfram Manzenreiter
University of Vienna, Austria
On the 50th anniversary of the ISSA and IRSS, an influential scholar in the study of sport and nation,
Wolfram Manzenreiter, argues in favor of a combination of micro- and macro-sociological approaches to
further our understanding of sport as a universal – or anthropogenic – expression and global institution. In
his assessment, the hegemonic power of the Western bloc is noted whereby Western cultural sensibilities
have been transformed into universal principles about the value and framing of sport. While the emergence
of globalization theory has significantly altered the formerly biased view on the spread of sport as a
manifestation of societal development, a key challenge to any sociological rendering of sport remains
seated in ongoing tendencies to embrace methodological nationalism and a constructionist view on
mankind and culture. In considering the future, Manzenreiter notes that any attempt to de-center the study
of sport faces untangling the tensions between nationalism and globalization while at the same time
coming to grips with universal understandings in the face of particularized historical and cultural
culture, globalization, micro/macrosociological, political economy, transnationalism
Reflections on the trajectory of the sociology of sport
Sport can be viewed as one of the most successful export products of the Old World. Over the past
centuries, Western civilization has exported numerous social, cultural, political, and economic
institutions to the rest of the world, often assisted by military force or enforced by economic
supremacy. The hegemonic power of the Western bloc framed the processes by which its own cultural
ISSA and
IRSS50th Anniversary Article
institutions turned into apparently universal principles. Worldwide, states, nations, and people have
largely consented to the regulatory framework of the nation state and its associated principles of
Corresponding author:
Wolfram Manzenreiter, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, University Campus 2.4,
Vienna, 1090, Austria.
democracy, egalitarianism, market capitalism, and the like. Yet, in terms of spread, compliance, and
acceptance, hardly any institution has proved to be more successful, pervasive, and persistent than
sport. While representative political participation, free entrepreneurship, equal employment
opportunities, and even basic human rights are often highly contested and the subject of severe
dispute, almost unanimous consent is granted to the veneration of physical prowess on the playing
fields and the excitement generated by sportive games and contests. No matter what cultural belief and
value systems give order and meaning to a particular society, people everywhere are highly likely to
approve of the aesthetics of the sporting body, the narratives of symbolic competition, the moral
economy of fair play, and the symbolic and often also material value of victory and sporting records.
Explanations of this phenomenon are usually either rooted in political economy or in cultural analysis.
The macro-sociological analysis of the political economy of sport is loosely based on the assumption
that society is segmented according to relations of ownership (Marx, 2003 [1872]), social facts
(Durkheim, 1971 [1915]), or the interplay of wealth, prestige, and power (Weber, 2010 [1921/1922]),
separating the various groups of society from each other and integrating them at a more distant level of
aggregation, such as class, the local community, or national society. Following the tradition of these
giants of sociological theorizing, researchers have argued that sport is functionally equivalent to
religious belief and ceremonies in producing organic solidarity across group boundaries in
posttraditional society (Bromberger, 1995), or that sport contributes to the alienation of the working
class (Vinnai, 1972) and the disguise of the oppressive forces of class relations in capitalism (Brohm,
1978), or that sport is nothing but a microcosm of society, shaped and characterized by the same
premises (Guttmann, 1978).
Quite a different strand of sport studies, usually based on micro-sociological research and more
prominent in recent years, renders sport as cultural practice or performance. Such an approach requires
understanding the fundamental relationship between subjective acting and objective conditions and the
impact of the individual’s action on the construction of these conditions. As Susan Brownell (1995: 11–
13) argued in her ethnographically and historically grounded exploration of modern Chinese body
culture, the structured body movements of sport generate a moral orientation toward the world once
they are repeated frequently enough and assigned symbolic and moral significance.
Constructionist views on the human being, as a totality in which the tangible aspects of human life are
related with the body and its material experience, the techniques of work, control of emotion, and the
enactment of ritual and ceremonial performances, have shaped the thinking of intellectuals as different
as Hegel, Weber, Durkheim, Polyani, Elias, and Levi-Strauss. It was Marcel Mauss (1989 [1934]),
however, who first outlined a coherent model of the “techniques of the body” resulting from
“education” and “contact” (with the social environment). Later, Pierre Bourdieu (1984) sharpened the
concept of habitus as an explanatory concept and analytical tool, referring to a complex set of
dispositions, a habitual way of being that rests upon the objective conditions everyday life is subjugated
to, such as race, class, or wealth, as well as the cultural expressions, media, rituals, and games that
underpin social stratification. Within sport studies, the constructionist notion has been most
prominently applied by anthropologists looking at 526 International Review for the Sociology of
Sport 50(4-5)
sport in non-Western settings (e.g. Dyck, 2000) or by fan community ethnographies (e.g.
Armstrong, 1999).
However, even though sport has become seen as a prime indicator of cultural globalization, the
trajectory of much extant sociological research on sport in Western, as in non-Western, countries is,
similar to social theory in general, blindfolded by what has been criticized as methodological
nationalism. Wimmer and Glick Schiller (2002) identified the widespread ignorance of the national as
integral factor of social theory as one out of three variants characterizing methodological nationalism
across disciplines and times. More relevant in technical terms are the limitations in access to data or
systemic information procured by national entities, and the naturalization of the national container
society, encompassing a people, a state, a market, and a culture, as a taken-for-granted unit of analysis.
Almost all historical and sociological accounts of sport – whether on single countries, border-crossing
regions, or on a global scale – have been taking the national state as a basic unit of analysis and point of
reference for theorizing. While the link is more explicit in the former case that relates the
institutionalization and differentiation of sport to another core project of modernization, the
establishment of the nation-state proper, it also informed the way social sciences have been looking at
Social scientists’ partial blindfoldedness of cultural variability within and across national borders has
been prompted by the academic division of labor that compartmentalized the social sciences into
different academic fields based on their specialized approach to structures and processes within nation-
state boundaries. Another factor contributing to the naturalization of the nation-state was the social
scientists’ reliance on systematic information and data procured by state governments taking the
national population, economy, and polity as a basic unit. I would argue that this holds true even for
accounts that purportedly deal with sport on a global scale but rather contrast national trajectories with
each other.
Assessing the challenges of the sociology of sport
Any attempt of de-centering the study of sport faces two basic and apparently contradictory challenges
relating to the interplay of culture and political economy. First, how can a sociological theory of sport
come to terms with an intrinsically fuzzy field that is loosely demarcated by the label of a particular
national culture, while dealing with a phenomenon that is arguably the prime example of globalization?
Speaking of sport in Japan, for example, the geographic and cultural allocation of “Japan” is far from
being unproblematic. “Japan” may refer to the state as the institution which claims to monopolize the
legitimate use of power within a given territory, a claim which is often changing and disputed. Or the
attribute may refer to the nation, as a populace held together by a particular kind of lasting identity that
encompasses common myths of origin, historical memories, a common culture, conceptions of common
rights, duties, and economic opportunities, and, above all, attachment to a given territory (Hargreaves,
2000). These notions are neither stable nor distinct, as the changing geography of political powers in the
region demonstrates. Furthermore, nationality remains contested territory in any multi-ethnic society
commanding over a hegemonic national identity that is not fully inclusive. The concept of nation may be
of global applicability, but, because of the vast cultural variability in the construction of nations,
nationality, and nationalism, a full account of the peculiarities of the situation in which specific
nationalities are operating is demanded (Bairner, 2001).
Second, how can a sociology of sport get hold of a phenomenon that pretends to be universal but is
actually highly specific in origin and in the way it is practiced and understood at a given time and place?
The history of and present-day sport in the peripheries of the world cannot be grasped adequately
without considering the manifold relations between centers and peripheries beyond the world of sport.
Colonial empires, missionary regimes, and international trade provided the premises for the early stage
of the global spread of sport. Modern sport thus entered the non-Western world as a disciplinary
regime, colonizing mind and bodies, consciously as well as subconsciously (Bale and Cronin, 2003). In
postcolonial times, the “global media sport complex” (Maguire, 1999) succeeded the early prompters as
a powerful alliance of principal agents seeking to spread sport all over the world. Pursuing their own
interests, these institutional actors accomplished the task of globalizing sport, thereby constructing the
sanitized cosmopolitan air of universal sport and disguising its vernacular roots and local shoots. Yet, if
sport in its most general and open meaning can be dismantled as a system consisting of particular forms
of body practices, body control, training routines, rules of game and conduct, and the ritualized
handling of equipment and facilities, then the great variety of physical games and sport practices – as
well as the huge diversity of ways of performing according to situational definitions like the level of the
game, the formality of its rules, and the purpose of its participants – defies a hasty and reductionist
understanding of sport in an Olympicist or “FOX Sports” fashion.
Future directions for the sociology of sport
Yesterday’s as well as today’s manifestations of sport are inseparably linked to the global political
economy of modernity, which must equally be taken into account when studying the body culture of
sport in any particular place. Within a transnational perspective, the traditional holism of culture is
increasingly inappropriate for the production of taxonomic difference. Rather, the meaning of culture
now acquires interactive and refractive characteristics. Transnationalism in sport has led to the
penetration of the double helix of culture and “race” with the consequence that the notion of culture
nowadays implies difference as well as emphasizing sameness. Not long ago Houlihan (1994: 358) noted
that sport had become a “vehicle for the demonstration of differences” in a globalizing world. But when
difference is no longer geographically represented, arguably the “other” is interwoven with the “us”
(Lithman, 2004: 46). In this regard, the “culture” of sport in a given locality does not so much only have
indexing, but also relating qualities, facilitating the hierarchical ordering of the world around us.
As the appearances and meanings of sport are under constant transformation, and because the
meaning of “national” in this context itself has become blurred, the future sociology of sport should
assess its research object as a motor and a metric of transnational change. One promising way of
theorizing sport and body culture would begin with questioning how consciously and routinely
performed practices of the body are legitimized by meanings within a certain field, and how these
“normalized” practices are 528 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 50(4-5)
giving shape to those structures and institutions in which they are taking place. Equally, it would be
necessary to analyze how practices present and re-present meanings that are embodied in structures
that, in the first place, have a major effect on the way in which practices can occur.
On a micro level, such a social scientific study of sport would locate the inquiry in particular times and
places to find out the commonalities of body practices, games, and contests that a society subsumes
under the notion of sport and/or alternative concepts – and by the same token, identify the categorical
differences and boundaries that are giving shape to a field of common interest. On a macro level, such a
study would have to demonstrate how the production and consumption of sport reflects the social
structure of society in time and in transition. Translating the historical timeline of sport development
into a matrix that relates a nation’s or culture’s positioning in the world to global hegemony evokes
debates both on continuity and discontinuity and on connectivity and disconnectivity at the same time.
Freed from the containment by nation-states and national cultures, such a study of sport in the light of
globalization is able to analyze social, economic, and cultural relations in sport on a transnational level.
In such a configuration, social rather than geographical hierarchies (as in traditional developmental
trajectories of West vs East) structure the universal in and of sport, its consumption as well as its
production. Laudable examples for such an approach have been provided by William Kelly or Alan Klein
on the global sport of baseball in localities such as Japan or the Latin American regions(Coakley, 2015).
A transnational investigation into sport can, and in my eyes should, attempt to bridge the gap between
local memories, archives, and national knowledge systems on the one hand, and transnational
discourses and universal theories that consciously transcend the particularistic boundaries of Western
epistemology on the other. Rather than strictly separating the structural from the actors-based
approach, as well as the symbolic from the material analysis, I advocate an integrated research program
that combines questions and insights of both fields of inquiry and theoretical claims (Manzenreiter,
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Armstrong G (ed.) (1999) Football Cultures and Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bairner A (2001) Sport, Nationalism and Globalisation: European and North American Perspectives. Albany, NY: State University
of New York Press.
Bale J and Cronin M (eds) (2003) Sport and Postcolonialism. Oxford: Berg.
Bourdieu P (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brohm JM (1978) Sport: A Prison of Measured Time. London: Ink Links.
Bromberger C (1995) Football as world-view and as ritual. French Cultural Studies 6: 293–311.
Brownell S (1995) Training the Body for China: Sports in the Moral Order of the People’s Republic. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press.
Durkheim E (1971 [1915]) The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Dyck N (ed.) (2000) Games, Sports and Cultures. Oxford: Berg.
Guttmann A (1978) From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports. New York: Columbia University Press.
Hargreaves J (2000) Freedom for Catalonia: Catalan Nationalism, Spanish Identity and the Barcelona Olympic Games.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Houlihan B (1994) Homogenisation, americanisation and creolisation of sports: Varieties of globalisation. Sociology of Sports
Journal 11(4): 356–375.
Lithman Y (2004) Anthropologists on home turf: How green is the grass? Anthropologica 46: 17–27.
Maguire J (1999) Global Sport: Identities, Societies, Civilisations. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Manzenreiter W (2014) Sport and Body Politics in Japan. New York: Routledge.
Marx K (2003 [1872]) Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie [Capital. A Critique of Political Economy]. Köln: Parkland.
Mauss M (1989 [1934]) Die Techniken des Körpers [Body techniques]. In: Mauss M (ed.) Soziologie und Anthropologie 2.
Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, pp. 197–220.
Vinnai G (ed.) (1972) Sport in der Klassengesellschaft [Sport in Class Society]. Frankfurt: Fischer TB.
Weber M (2010 [1921/1922]) Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Grundriß der verstehenden Soziologie [Economy and Society].
Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins.
Wimmer A and Glick Schiller N (2002) Methodological nationalism and beyond: Nation-state building, migration and the social
sciences. Global Networks 2(4): 301
2.1. Identitas Artikel
Judul : Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy
Penulis : Wolfram Manzenreiter
Tahun Terbit : 2015
Penerbit : International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Volume : 50(4-5)
Halaman : 524–529
DOI : 10.1177/1012690214551184
2.2. Metode Penelitian
Artikel "Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy" oleh Wolfram
Manzenreiter tidak secara eksplisit menyebutkan metode penelitian yang digunakan. Artikel ini
lebih merupakan sebuah esai atau tinjauan literatur yang membahas topik sosiologi olahraga,
khususnya mengenai aspek budaya dan ekonomi politik dalam olahraga. Oleh karena itu, artikel
ini tidak menggunakan metode penelitian tertentu seperti survei, wawancara, atau observasi.
Sebaliknya, artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan teoritis dan analitis untuk membahas topik yang
diangkat. Wolfram Manzenreiter menggunakan referensi dari berbagai sumber untuk mendukung
argumennya dan memberikan analisis yang komprehensif tentang topik yang dibahas.
2.3. Isu Yang Dijelaskan Pada Artikel ini
Manzenreiter mendukung kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-sosiologis untuk memajukan
pemahaman kita tentang olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Dia mencatat
tantangan dalam menavigasi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi sementara pada saat
yang sama memahami pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan historis dan budaya
tertentu. Secara keseluruhan, artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada diskusi dan
pengembangan sosiologi olahraga yang sedang berlangsung.
2.4. Topik Utama Pada Artikle
Topik utama dari artikel "Menilai sosiologi olahraga: Tentang budaya dan ekonomi politik" oleh
Wolfram Manzenreiter adalah budaya dan ekonomi politik olahraga. Artikel ini membahas
pengaruh norma-norma budaya Barat terhadap institusi global olahraga dan menyoroti perlunya
kombinasi pendekatan sosiologi mikro dan makro untuk memajukan pemahaman kita tentang
olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Artikel ini juga mencatat tantangan dalam
menavigasi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi sembari mempertimbangkan
pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan historis dan budaya yang partikular. Secara
keseluruhan, artikel ini berusaha untuk memberikan analisis yang komprehensif mengenai
sosiologi olahraga dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam mempelajari topik ini.
2.5. Bagaimana Manzenreiter berargumen tentang kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan
makro-sosiologis untuk mempelajari olahraga?
Manzenreiter berpendapat bahwa kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-sosiologis diperlukan
untuk memahami olahraga secara penuh sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Pada
tingkat mikro, studi ilmiah sosial tentang olahraga akan menempatkan penyelidikan pada waktu
dan tempat tertentu untuk mengetahui kesamaan praktik tubuh, permainan, dan kontes yang
dimasukkan ke dalam gagasan olahraga dan/atau konsep alternatif. Pada tingkat makro, penelitian
semacam itu harus menunjukkan bagaimana produksi dan konsumsi olahraga mencerminkan
struktur sosial masyarakat pada suatu waktu dan dalam masa transisi. Manzenreiter menganjurkan
program penelitian terpadu yang menggabungkan pertanyaan dan wawasan dari kedua bidang
penyelidikan dan klaim teoretis.
2.6. Apa dampak teori globalisasi terhadap pemahaman kita tentang ekonomi budaya dan
politik olahraga?
Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa kemunculan teori globalisasi telah secara signifikan mengubah
pandangan yang sebelumnya bias terhadap penyebaran olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari
perkembangan masyarakat. Terbebas dari kungkungan negara-bangsa dan budaya nasional,
sebuah studi tentang olahraga dalam terang globalisasi mampu menganalisis hubungan sosial,
ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga pada tingkat transnasional. Dalam konfigurasi seperti itu,
hirarki sosial dan bukan geografis membentuk struktur universal dalam dan dari olahraga,
konsumsi serta produksinya. Investigasi transnasional terhadap olahraga dapat mencoba
menjembatani kesenjangan antara ingatan lokal, arsip, dan sistem pengetahuan nasional di satu
sisi, dan wacana transnasional serta teori-teori universal yang secara sadar melampaui batas-batas
partikularistik epistemologi Barat di sisi lain.
2.7. Bagaimana kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat membentuk pembingkaian dan nilai
olahraga dalam skala global?
Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat telah mengubah kepekaan budaya
Barat menjadi prinsip-prinsip universal tentang nilai dan pembingkaian olahraga. Hal ini telah
menghasilkan pandangan yang bias tentang penyebaran olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari
perkembangan masyarakat. Meskipun kemunculan teori globalisasi telah mengubah pandangan ini
secara signifikan, tantangan utama bagi setiap penafsiran sosiologis olahraga tetap terletak pada
kecenderungan yang sedang berlangsung untuk merangkul nasionalisme metodologis dan
pandangan konstruksionis tentang manusia dan budaya. Dalam mempertimbangkan masa depan,
Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa setiap upaya untuk menghilangkan pusat studi olahraga akan
menghadapi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi, sementara pada saat yang sama harus
berhadapan dengan pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan sejarah dan budaya
3.1. Kesimpulan
Manzenreiter berpendapat bahwa studi tentang olahraga harus bergerak melampaui nasionalisme
metodologis dan merangkul perspektif transnasional yang mempertimbangkan hubungan sosial,
ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga di tingkat global. Dia mencatat bahwa kemunculan teori
globalisasi telah secara signifikan mengubah pandangan yang sebelumnya bias tentang penyebaran
olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari perkembangan masyarakat. Namun, tantangan utama bagi setiap
penafsiran sosiologis olahraga tetap terletak pada kecenderungan yang sedang berlangsung untuk
merangkul nasionalisme metodologis dan pandangan konstruksionis tentang manusia dan budaya.
Manzenreiter menyarankan bahwa kombinasi pendekatan sosiologis mikro dan makro diperlukan
untuk sepenuhnya memahami olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Pada tingkat
mikro, studi ilmiah sosial tentang olahraga akan menempatkan penyelidikan pada waktu dan
tempat tertentu untuk mengetahui kesamaan praktik tubuh, permainan, dan kontes yang
dimasukkan ke dalam gagasan olahraga dan/atau konsep alternatif. Pada tingkat makro, penelitian
semacam itu harus menunjukkan bagaimana produksi dan konsumsi olahraga mencerminkan
struktur sosial masyarakat pada suatu waktu dan dalam masa transisi.
Sebagai kesimpulan, artikel Manzenreiter memberikan analisis yang menggugah pemikiran
tentang ekonomi budaya dan politik olahraga, menyoroti perlunya perspektif transnasional yang
mempertimbangkan hubungan sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga di tingkat global. Dia
menyarankan bahwa kombinasi antara mikro dan Pendekatan makro-sosiologis diperlukan untuk
memahami olahraga secara utuh sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global.
3.2. Saran
Dalam makalah review yang berjudul "Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political
economy", saran yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan pemahaman
artikel tersebut meliputi:
Mengkaji hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik dengan menganalisis bagaimana
olahraga dapat membantu menggali sosial dan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan yang dihadapi
oleh masyarakat
Melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara
olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik mempengaruhi peran olahraga dalam masyarakat dan
bagaimana olahraga dapat digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mencapai tujuan tertent
Dengan menerapkan saran-saran ini, artikel ini dapat menjadi referensi yang berguna bagi para
peneliti dan mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam bidang sosiologi olahraga, serta bagi pengembangan
ilmu pengetahuan di bidang ini.
Coakley, J. (2015). Assessing the sociology of sport: On cultural sensibilities and the great sport
myth. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(4–5), 402–406.

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  • 2. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY II Olahraga merupakan fenomena sosial yang sangat kompleks dan menarik untuk diteliti. Dalam era globalisasi seperti saat ini, olahraga tidak hanya menjadi aktivitas fisik semata, tetapi juga memiliki dimensi sosial dan ekonomi yang sangat penting. Makalah review ini akan membahas artikel berjudul "Assessing the Sociology of Sport: On Culture and Political Economy" yang membahas tentang hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik. Artikel ini ditulis oleh para ahli di bidang sosiologi olahraga. sebagai salah satu dosen pembimbing akademik. Dalam artikel ini, para penulis membahas tentang pentingnya memahami hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik. Mereka menekankan bahwa olahraga tidak dapat dipisahkan dari konteks sosial dan ekonomi di mana olahraga tersebut dilakukan. Dalam artikel ini, para penulis juga membahas tentang peran olahraga dalam memperkuat identitas nasional dan bagaimana olahraga dapat digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Makalah review ini akan mengevaluasi artikel tersebut dan mengevaluasi kontribusinya terhadap pemahaman kita tentang sosiologi olahraga. Kami akan membahas berbagai aspek yang dibahas dalam artikel tersebut, termasuk hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik, peran olahraga dalam memperkuat identitas nasional, peran media dalam membentuk persepsi masyarakat terhadap olahraga, dan masih banyak lagi. Kami berharap makalah review ini dapat memberikan kontribusi yang bermanfaat bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang sosiologi olahraga. Kami juga berharap makalah ini dapat menjadi referensi yang berguna bagi para peneliti dan mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam bidang sosiologi olahraga. Terakhir, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Dr. Made Pramono, S.S., M.Hum. sebagai dosen pembimbing akademik kami yang telah memberikan banyak dukungan dan bimbingan dalam penulisan makalah ini. Surabaya, 11 November 2023 Penulis
  • 3. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY III DAFTAR ISI ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................................I BAB I ARTICLE........................................................................................................................... 4 Wolfram Manzenreiter ................................................................................................................ 5 Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Reflections on the trajectory of the sociology of sport ............................................................... 5 Assessing the challenges of the sociology of sport..................................................................... 7 Future directions for the sociology of sport ................................................................................ 8 Funding........................................................................................................................................ 9 References ................................................................................................................................... 9 BAB II HASIL REVIEW........................................................................................................... 11 2.1. Identitas Artikel.................................................................................................................. 11 2.2. Metode Penelitian............................................................................................................... 11 2.3. Isu Yang Dijelaskan Pada Artikel ini................................................................................. 11 2.4. Topik Utama Pada Artikle.................................................................................................. 11 2.5. Bagaimana Manzenreiter berargumen tentang kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro- sosiologis untuk mempelajari olahraga? ................................................................................... 12 2.6. Apa dampak teori globalisasi terhadap pemahaman kita tentang ekonomi budaya dan politik olahraga?........................................................................................................................ 12 2.7. Bagaimana kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat membentuk pembingkaian dan nilai olahraga dalam skala global?................................................................................................................... 12 BAB III PENUTUP..................................................................................................................... 13 3.1. Kesimpulan......................................................................................................................... 13 3.2. Saran................................................................................................................................... 13 DAFTAR PUSTAKA.................................................................................................................. 14
  • 4. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 BAB I ARTICLE See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy Article in International Review for the Sociology of Sport · June 2015 DOI: 10.1177/1012690214551184 CIT
  • 5. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 5 research-article5511842014IRS0010.1177/1012690214551184International Review for the Sociology of S portManzenreiter International Review for the Assessing the sociology 2015, Vol. 50(4-5) 524 –529 Sociology of Sport © The Author(s) 2014 of sport: On culture and Reprints and permissions: political economy DOI: 10.1177/1012690214551184 Wolfram Manzenreiter University of Vienna, Austria Abstract On the 50th anniversary of the ISSA and IRSS, an influential scholar in the study of sport and nation, Wolfram Manzenreiter, argues in favor of a combination of micro- and macro-sociological approaches to further our understanding of sport as a universal – or anthropogenic – expression and global institution. In his assessment, the hegemonic power of the Western bloc is noted whereby Western cultural sensibilities have been transformed into universal principles about the value and framing of sport. While the emergence of globalization theory has significantly altered the formerly biased view on the spread of sport as a manifestation of societal development, a key challenge to any sociological rendering of sport remains seated in ongoing tendencies to embrace methodological nationalism and a constructionist view on mankind and culture. In considering the future, Manzenreiter notes that any attempt to de-center the study of sport faces untangling the tensions between nationalism and globalization while at the same time coming to grips with universal understandings in the face of particularized historical and cultural sensibilities. Keywords culture, globalization, micro/macrosociological, political economy, transnationalism Reflections on the trajectory of the sociology of sport Sport can be viewed as one of the most successful export products of the Old World. Over the past centuries, Western civilization has exported numerous social, cultural, political, and economic institutions to the rest of the world, often assisted by military force or enforced by economic supremacy. The hegemonic power of the Western bloc framed the processes by which its own cultural ISSA and IRSS50th Anniversary Article
  • 6. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 institutions turned into apparently universal principles. Worldwide, states, nations, and people have largely consented to the regulatory framework of the nation state and its associated principles of parliamentarianism, Corresponding author: Wolfram Manzenreiter, Department of East Asian Studies, University of Vienna, Spitalgasse 2, University Campus 2.4, Vienna, 1090, Austria. Email: democracy, egalitarianism, market capitalism, and the like. Yet, in terms of spread, compliance, and acceptance, hardly any institution has proved to be more successful, pervasive, and persistent than sport. While representative political participation, free entrepreneurship, equal employment opportunities, and even basic human rights are often highly contested and the subject of severe dispute, almost unanimous consent is granted to the veneration of physical prowess on the playing fields and the excitement generated by sportive games and contests. No matter what cultural belief and value systems give order and meaning to a particular society, people everywhere are highly likely to approve of the aesthetics of the sporting body, the narratives of symbolic competition, the moral economy of fair play, and the symbolic and often also material value of victory and sporting records. Explanations of this phenomenon are usually either rooted in political economy or in cultural analysis. The macro-sociological analysis of the political economy of sport is loosely based on the assumption that society is segmented according to relations of ownership (Marx, 2003 [1872]), social facts (Durkheim, 1971 [1915]), or the interplay of wealth, prestige, and power (Weber, 2010 [1921/1922]), separating the various groups of society from each other and integrating them at a more distant level of aggregation, such as class, the local community, or national society. Following the tradition of these giants of sociological theorizing, researchers have argued that sport is functionally equivalent to religious belief and ceremonies in producing organic solidarity across group boundaries in posttraditional society (Bromberger, 1995), or that sport contributes to the alienation of the working class (Vinnai, 1972) and the disguise of the oppressive forces of class relations in capitalism (Brohm, 1978), or that sport is nothing but a microcosm of society, shaped and characterized by the same premises (Guttmann, 1978). Quite a different strand of sport studies, usually based on micro-sociological research and more prominent in recent years, renders sport as cultural practice or performance. Such an approach requires understanding the fundamental relationship between subjective acting and objective conditions and the impact of the individual’s action on the construction of these conditions. As Susan Brownell (1995: 11– 13) argued in her ethnographically and historically grounded exploration of modern Chinese body culture, the structured body movements of sport generate a moral orientation toward the world once they are repeated frequently enough and assigned symbolic and moral significance. Constructionist views on the human being, as a totality in which the tangible aspects of human life are related with the body and its material experience, the techniques of work, control of emotion, and the enactment of ritual and ceremonial performances, have shaped the thinking of intellectuals as different as Hegel, Weber, Durkheim, Polyani, Elias, and Levi-Strauss. It was Marcel Mauss (1989 [1934]), however, who first outlined a coherent model of the “techniques of the body” resulting from “education” and “contact” (with the social environment). Later, Pierre Bourdieu (1984) sharpened the concept of habitus as an explanatory concept and analytical tool, referring to a complex set of
  • 7. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 dispositions, a habitual way of being that rests upon the objective conditions everyday life is subjugated to, such as race, class, or wealth, as well as the cultural expressions, media, rituals, and games that underpin social stratification. Within sport studies, the constructionist notion has been most prominently applied by anthropologists looking at 526 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 50(4-5) sport in non-Western settings (e.g. Dyck, 2000) or by fan community ethnographies (e.g. Armstrong, 1999). However, even though sport has become seen as a prime indicator of cultural globalization, the trajectory of much extant sociological research on sport in Western, as in non-Western, countries is, similar to social theory in general, blindfolded by what has been criticized as methodological nationalism. Wimmer and Glick Schiller (2002) identified the widespread ignorance of the national as integral factor of social theory as one out of three variants characterizing methodological nationalism across disciplines and times. More relevant in technical terms are the limitations in access to data or systemic information procured by national entities, and the naturalization of the national container society, encompassing a people, a state, a market, and a culture, as a taken-for-granted unit of analysis. Almost all historical and sociological accounts of sport – whether on single countries, border-crossing regions, or on a global scale – have been taking the national state as a basic unit of analysis and point of reference for theorizing. While the link is more explicit in the former case that relates the institutionalization and differentiation of sport to another core project of modernization, the establishment of the nation-state proper, it also informed the way social sciences have been looking at sport. Social scientists’ partial blindfoldedness of cultural variability within and across national borders has been prompted by the academic division of labor that compartmentalized the social sciences into different academic fields based on their specialized approach to structures and processes within nation- state boundaries. Another factor contributing to the naturalization of the nation-state was the social scientists’ reliance on systematic information and data procured by state governments taking the national population, economy, and polity as a basic unit. I would argue that this holds true even for accounts that purportedly deal with sport on a global scale but rather contrast national trajectories with each other. Assessing the challenges of the sociology of sport Any attempt of de-centering the study of sport faces two basic and apparently contradictory challenges relating to the interplay of culture and political economy. First, how can a sociological theory of sport come to terms with an intrinsically fuzzy field that is loosely demarcated by the label of a particular national culture, while dealing with a phenomenon that is arguably the prime example of globalization? Speaking of sport in Japan, for example, the geographic and cultural allocation of “Japan” is far from being unproblematic. “Japan” may refer to the state as the institution which claims to monopolize the legitimate use of power within a given territory, a claim which is often changing and disputed. Or the attribute may refer to the nation, as a populace held together by a particular kind of lasting identity that
  • 8. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 8 encompasses common myths of origin, historical memories, a common culture, conceptions of common rights, duties, and economic opportunities, and, above all, attachment to a given territory (Hargreaves, 2000). These notions are neither stable nor distinct, as the changing geography of political powers in the region demonstrates. Furthermore, nationality remains contested territory in any multi-ethnic society commanding over a hegemonic national identity that is not fully inclusive. The concept of nation may be of global applicability, but, because of the vast cultural variability in the construction of nations, nationality, and nationalism, a full account of the peculiarities of the situation in which specific nationalities are operating is demanded (Bairner, 2001). Second, how can a sociology of sport get hold of a phenomenon that pretends to be universal but is actually highly specific in origin and in the way it is practiced and understood at a given time and place? The history of and present-day sport in the peripheries of the world cannot be grasped adequately without considering the manifold relations between centers and peripheries beyond the world of sport. Colonial empires, missionary regimes, and international trade provided the premises for the early stage of the global spread of sport. Modern sport thus entered the non-Western world as a disciplinary regime, colonizing mind and bodies, consciously as well as subconsciously (Bale and Cronin, 2003). In postcolonial times, the “global media sport complex” (Maguire, 1999) succeeded the early prompters as a powerful alliance of principal agents seeking to spread sport all over the world. Pursuing their own interests, these institutional actors accomplished the task of globalizing sport, thereby constructing the sanitized cosmopolitan air of universal sport and disguising its vernacular roots and local shoots. Yet, if sport in its most general and open meaning can be dismantled as a system consisting of particular forms of body practices, body control, training routines, rules of game and conduct, and the ritualized handling of equipment and facilities, then the great variety of physical games and sport practices – as well as the huge diversity of ways of performing according to situational definitions like the level of the game, the formality of its rules, and the purpose of its participants – defies a hasty and reductionist understanding of sport in an Olympicist or “FOX Sports” fashion. Future directions for the sociology of sport Yesterday’s as well as today’s manifestations of sport are inseparably linked to the global political economy of modernity, which must equally be taken into account when studying the body culture of sport in any particular place. Within a transnational perspective, the traditional holism of culture is increasingly inappropriate for the production of taxonomic difference. Rather, the meaning of culture now acquires interactive and refractive characteristics. Transnationalism in sport has led to the penetration of the double helix of culture and “race” with the consequence that the notion of culture nowadays implies difference as well as emphasizing sameness. Not long ago Houlihan (1994: 358) noted that sport had become a “vehicle for the demonstration of differences” in a globalizing world. But when difference is no longer geographically represented, arguably the “other” is interwoven with the “us” (Lithman, 2004: 46). In this regard, the “culture” of sport in a given locality does not so much only have indexing, but also relating qualities, facilitating the hierarchical ordering of the world around us. As the appearances and meanings of sport are under constant transformation, and because the meaning of “national” in this context itself has become blurred, the future sociology of sport should assess its research object as a motor and a metric of transnational change. One promising way of theorizing sport and body culture would begin with questioning how consciously and routinely
  • 9. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 performed practices of the body are legitimized by meanings within a certain field, and how these “normalized” practices are 528 International Review for the Sociology of Sport 50(4-5) giving shape to those structures and institutions in which they are taking place. Equally, it would be necessary to analyze how practices present and re-present meanings that are embodied in structures that, in the first place, have a major effect on the way in which practices can occur. On a micro level, such a social scientific study of sport would locate the inquiry in particular times and places to find out the commonalities of body practices, games, and contests that a society subsumes under the notion of sport and/or alternative concepts – and by the same token, identify the categorical differences and boundaries that are giving shape to a field of common interest. On a macro level, such a study would have to demonstrate how the production and consumption of sport reflects the social structure of society in time and in transition. Translating the historical timeline of sport development into a matrix that relates a nation’s or culture’s positioning in the world to global hegemony evokes debates both on continuity and discontinuity and on connectivity and disconnectivity at the same time. Freed from the containment by nation-states and national cultures, such a study of sport in the light of globalization is able to analyze social, economic, and cultural relations in sport on a transnational level. In such a configuration, social rather than geographical hierarchies (as in traditional developmental trajectories of West vs East) structure the universal in and of sport, its consumption as well as its production. Laudable examples for such an approach have been provided by William Kelly or Alan Klein on the global sport of baseball in localities such as Japan or the Latin American regions(Coakley, 2015). A transnational investigation into sport can, and in my eyes should, attempt to bridge the gap between local memories, archives, and national knowledge systems on the one hand, and transnational discourses and universal theories that consciously transcend the particularistic boundaries of Western epistemology on the other. Rather than strictly separating the structural from the actors-based approach, as well as the symbolic from the material analysis, I advocate an integrated research program that combines questions and insights of both fields of inquiry and theoretical claims (Manzenreiter, 2014). Funding This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. References Armstrong G (ed.) (1999) Football Cultures and Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Bairner A (2001) Sport, Nationalism and Globalisation: European and North American Perspectives. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Bale J and Cronin M (eds) (2003) Sport and Postcolonialism. Oxford: Berg. Bourdieu P (1984) Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Brohm JM (1978) Sport: A Prison of Measured Time. London: Ink Links. Bromberger C (1995) Football as world-view and as ritual. French Cultural Studies 6: 293–311. Brownell S (1995) Training the Body for China: Sports in the Moral Order of the People’s Republic. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Durkheim E (1971 [1915]) The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. London: George Allen & Unwin. Dyck N (ed.) (2000) Games, Sports and Cultures. Oxford: Berg. Guttmann A (1978) From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modern Sports. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • 10. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 10 Hargreaves J (2000) Freedom for Catalonia: Catalan Nationalism, Spanish Identity and the Barcelona Olympic Games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Houlihan B (1994) Homogenisation, americanisation and creolisation of sports: Varieties of globalisation. Sociology of Sports Journal 11(4): 356–375. Lithman Y (2004) Anthropologists on home turf: How green is the grass? Anthropologica 46: 17–27. Maguire J (1999) Global Sport: Identities, Societies, Civilisations. Cambridge: Polity Press. Manzenreiter W (2014) Sport and Body Politics in Japan. New York: Routledge. Marx K (2003 [1872]) Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie [Capital. A Critique of Political Economy]. Köln: Parkland. Mauss M (1989 [1934]) Die Techniken des Körpers [Body techniques]. In: Mauss M (ed.) Soziologie und Anthropologie 2. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer, pp. 197–220. Vinnai G (ed.) (1972) Sport in der Klassengesellschaft [Sport in Class Society]. Frankfurt: Fischer TB. Weber M (2010 [1921/1922]) Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Grundriß der verstehenden Soziologie [Economy and Society]. Frankfurt: Zweitausendeins. Wimmer A and Glick Schiller N (2002) Methodological nationalism and beyond: Nation-state building, migration and the social sciences. Global Networks 2(4): 301
  • 11. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 BAB II HASIL REVIEW 2.1. Identitas Artikel Judul : Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy Penulis : Wolfram Manzenreiter Tahun Terbit : 2015 Penerbit : International Review for the Sociology of Sport Volume : 50(4-5) Halaman : 524–529 DOI : 10.1177/1012690214551184 2.2. Metode Penelitian Artikel "Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy" oleh Wolfram Manzenreiter tidak secara eksplisit menyebutkan metode penelitian yang digunakan. Artikel ini lebih merupakan sebuah esai atau tinjauan literatur yang membahas topik sosiologi olahraga, khususnya mengenai aspek budaya dan ekonomi politik dalam olahraga. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini tidak menggunakan metode penelitian tertentu seperti survei, wawancara, atau observasi. Sebaliknya, artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan teoritis dan analitis untuk membahas topik yang diangkat. Wolfram Manzenreiter menggunakan referensi dari berbagai sumber untuk mendukung argumennya dan memberikan analisis yang komprehensif tentang topik yang dibahas. 2.3. Isu Yang Dijelaskan Pada Artikel ini Manzenreiter mendukung kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-sosiologis untuk memajukan pemahaman kita tentang olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Dia mencatat tantangan dalam menavigasi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi sementara pada saat yang sama memahami pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan historis dan budaya tertentu. Secara keseluruhan, artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada diskusi dan pengembangan sosiologi olahraga yang sedang berlangsung. 2.4. Topik Utama Pada Artikle Topik utama dari artikel "Menilai sosiologi olahraga: Tentang budaya dan ekonomi politik" oleh Wolfram Manzenreiter adalah budaya dan ekonomi politik olahraga. Artikel ini membahas pengaruh norma-norma budaya Barat terhadap institusi global olahraga dan menyoroti perlunya kombinasi pendekatan sosiologi mikro dan makro untuk memajukan pemahaman kita tentang olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Artikel ini juga mencatat tantangan dalam menavigasi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi sembari mempertimbangkan pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan historis dan budaya yang partikular. Secara keseluruhan, artikel ini berusaha untuk memberikan analisis yang komprehensif mengenai sosiologi olahraga dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam mempelajari topik ini.
  • 12. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 12 2.5. Bagaimana Manzenreiter berargumen tentang kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-sosiologis untuk mempelajari olahraga? Manzenreiter berpendapat bahwa kombinasi pendekatan mikro dan makro-sosiologis diperlukan untuk memahami olahraga secara penuh sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Pada tingkat mikro, studi ilmiah sosial tentang olahraga akan menempatkan penyelidikan pada waktu dan tempat tertentu untuk mengetahui kesamaan praktik tubuh, permainan, dan kontes yang dimasukkan ke dalam gagasan olahraga dan/atau konsep alternatif. Pada tingkat makro, penelitian semacam itu harus menunjukkan bagaimana produksi dan konsumsi olahraga mencerminkan struktur sosial masyarakat pada suatu waktu dan dalam masa transisi. Manzenreiter menganjurkan program penelitian terpadu yang menggabungkan pertanyaan dan wawasan dari kedua bidang penyelidikan dan klaim teoretis. 2.6. Apa dampak teori globalisasi terhadap pemahaman kita tentang ekonomi budaya dan politik olahraga? Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa kemunculan teori globalisasi telah secara signifikan mengubah pandangan yang sebelumnya bias terhadap penyebaran olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari perkembangan masyarakat. Terbebas dari kungkungan negara-bangsa dan budaya nasional, sebuah studi tentang olahraga dalam terang globalisasi mampu menganalisis hubungan sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga pada tingkat transnasional. Dalam konfigurasi seperti itu, hirarki sosial dan bukan geografis membentuk struktur universal dalam dan dari olahraga, konsumsi serta produksinya. Investigasi transnasional terhadap olahraga dapat mencoba menjembatani kesenjangan antara ingatan lokal, arsip, dan sistem pengetahuan nasional di satu sisi, dan wacana transnasional serta teori-teori universal yang secara sadar melampaui batas-batas partikularistik epistemologi Barat di sisi lain. 2.7. Bagaimana kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat membentuk pembingkaian dan nilai olahraga dalam skala global? Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa kekuatan hegemonik blok Barat telah mengubah kepekaan budaya Barat menjadi prinsip-prinsip universal tentang nilai dan pembingkaian olahraga. Hal ini telah menghasilkan pandangan yang bias tentang penyebaran olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari perkembangan masyarakat. Meskipun kemunculan teori globalisasi telah mengubah pandangan ini secara signifikan, tantangan utama bagi setiap penafsiran sosiologis olahraga tetap terletak pada kecenderungan yang sedang berlangsung untuk merangkul nasionalisme metodologis dan pandangan konstruksionis tentang manusia dan budaya. Dalam mempertimbangkan masa depan, Manzenreiter mencatat bahwa setiap upaya untuk menghilangkan pusat studi olahraga akan menghadapi ketegangan antara nasionalisme dan globalisasi, sementara pada saat yang sama harus berhadapan dengan pemahaman universal dalam menghadapi kepekaan sejarah dan budaya tertentu.
  • 13. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 BAB III PENUTUP 3.1. Kesimpulan Manzenreiter berpendapat bahwa studi tentang olahraga harus bergerak melampaui nasionalisme metodologis dan merangkul perspektif transnasional yang mempertimbangkan hubungan sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga di tingkat global. Dia mencatat bahwa kemunculan teori globalisasi telah secara signifikan mengubah pandangan yang sebelumnya bias tentang penyebaran olahraga sebagai manifestasi dari perkembangan masyarakat. Namun, tantangan utama bagi setiap penafsiran sosiologis olahraga tetap terletak pada kecenderungan yang sedang berlangsung untuk merangkul nasionalisme metodologis dan pandangan konstruksionis tentang manusia dan budaya. Manzenreiter menyarankan bahwa kombinasi pendekatan sosiologis mikro dan makro diperlukan untuk sepenuhnya memahami olahraga sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. Pada tingkat mikro, studi ilmiah sosial tentang olahraga akan menempatkan penyelidikan pada waktu dan tempat tertentu untuk mengetahui kesamaan praktik tubuh, permainan, dan kontes yang dimasukkan ke dalam gagasan olahraga dan/atau konsep alternatif. Pada tingkat makro, penelitian semacam itu harus menunjukkan bagaimana produksi dan konsumsi olahraga mencerminkan struktur sosial masyarakat pada suatu waktu dan dalam masa transisi. Sebagai kesimpulan, artikel Manzenreiter memberikan analisis yang menggugah pemikiran tentang ekonomi budaya dan politik olahraga, menyoroti perlunya perspektif transnasional yang mempertimbangkan hubungan sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya dalam olahraga di tingkat global. Dia menyarankan bahwa kombinasi antara mikro dan Pendekatan makro-sosiologis diperlukan untuk memahami olahraga secara utuh sebagai ekspresi universal dan institusi global. 3.2. Saran Dalam makalah review yang berjudul "Assessing the sociology of sport: On culture and political economy", saran yang dapat dipertimbangkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan pemahaman artikel tersebut meliputi: Mengkaji hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik dengan menganalisis bagaimana olahraga dapat membantu menggali sosial dan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Melakukan penelitian yang lebih mendalam untuk menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara olahraga, budaya, dan ekonomi politik mempengaruhi peran olahraga dalam masyarakat dan bagaimana olahraga dapat digunakan sebagai alat politik untuk mencapai tujuan tertent Dengan menerapkan saran-saran ini, artikel ini dapat menjadi referensi yang berguna bagi para peneliti dan mahasiswa yang tertarik dalam bidang sosiologi olahraga, serta bagi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang ini.
  • 14. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 14 DAFTAR PUSTAKA Coakley, J. (2015). Assessing the sociology of sport: On cultural sensibilities and the great sport myth. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(4–5), 402–406.