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Ancient Mesopotamia Essay
It is undeniable that the natural environment of ancient Mesopotamia had a profound effect on the earliest civilizations known to the world.
Humankind's ability to control irrigation waters directly correlates with the rise of mass agriculture. With this mastery of their river environment, early
farmers were capable of supporting large urban populations. However, in Mesopotamia the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were both a source of life as
well as destruction for early societies. In many ways, the geography of ancient Mesopotamia fostered a sense of catastrophic determinism within the
Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians. The scarcity of resources as well as the untamable nature of their deluge environment led these early people to more content...
The impermanence of these structures furthered their deterministic world view by instilling with this ancient society a strong sense of fatalism.
Everything they built was bound to be destroyed by their geographic environment. All of their hard work could be taken away in the instance of a
flash flood or doomed by harsh desert corrosion. Only a hero king who is "two–thirds god" could bring precious wood into the river valley. 2 In this
light, Gilgamesh's quest for wood offers a small window into the effects of geographic constraints within Mesopotamian society. Similar to the Epic
of Gilgamesh, the Law Codes of Hammurabi unveil a society in which a harsh environment led to a set world view. In an age where it was
commonly believed Mesopotamian gods had already preordained the future, Hammurabi's code came to be viewed as the embodiment of these gods'
will. The prologue of Hammurabi's Code proclaims that Enil (the storm god) is the "determiner of destinies of the land" and "functions over all
mankind."3 This opening verse of Hammurabi's Code demonstrates the people of Babylon firmly believed their fate was set in stone by the gods.
However, later and more pragmatic sections of the Law Code offer firm evidence that diluvian geography, not divine intervention, was the underlying
reason for Mesopotamian determinism. In other words, it was the environment which led
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Mesopotamia Essay
Key Geographical Features Religious Beliefs Political Structures Social and/or Cultural Characteristics Mesopotamia–situated between the Tigris &
Euphrates rivers –overflow from rivers left silt behind, creating a fertile area for agricultural boom –rivers made import/export trading
easier–polytheistic, believing in more than one god –believed the gods preplanned everything –built temples to honor gods –built ziggurats to be closer
to gods –main priority was pleasing gods–kings/rulers, also known as nobles were over entire areas of people and lived in large palaces with their
family –priests held above average power because they were viewed as having access to the gods –majorly patriarchal laws that favored the upper class
& men by more content...
–inventions/contributions to modern day include: the wheel, bronze, sexagesimal number system, solar calendar, chariots, cuneiform writing, and
numerous agricultural & weaponry advances Egypt–Nile river provided irrigation for surrounding land/valleys –climate provided reliable weather
changes that ensured agricultural success –unlivable deserts on either side ensured security –Mediterranean Sea to the north–polytheistic, believing in
more than one god –promotion of local gods within communities –Ma'at was maintained by gods & kings to keep chaos at bay –concepts of "ka" &
"ba" refer to the soul & afterlife of a person–kings ruled with a central bureaucracy supported by religion –structure included a king, his vizier for daily
operations, & a high priest –politics were intertwined with religion –king owned everything & commandeered "taxes" to pay for public works –rule
was passed thru lineage–skilled engineers produced pyramids, canals, & irrigation systems –inventions/contributions include: geometry, medicine,
antiquities, hieroglyphics, stylus writing tool, papyrus, and many religious and scientific texts India–Indus river ran thru India & irrigated crops
–flooding from monsoons left soil fertile from sediment –proximity of Arabian Sea & Persian Gulf made trade easy–polytheistic, believing in more
than one
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Egypt and Mesopotamia Essay
Kate Ward Per. 3 9/11/13 River Valley civilizations were the first to occur throughout time. Two of the most advanced were Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Although both had a male dominant government that was supported by a patriarchal king or leader, Egypt had a strong, centralized government
whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized and was based upon small city–states operating independently. To add, Egypt was also classified as self
sufficient rather than Mesopotamia who relied on trade because of unstable agriculture. Due to Egypt surpassing Mesopotamia in areas such as
governmental structure, self sufficiency, and cultural traditions, Egypt proves to be the more advanced society. Environmental and geographical
factors highly more content...
With all these surrounding them, invasion wasn't such a prime concern, so they evolved a complex and hearty view towards the afterlife. Religion was
then tied into government, making it all the more significant because pharaohs were viewed as god–like and were considered to be ultimate rulers.
Citizens then realized that much more is at stake for an act of wrongdoing. However, in Mesopotamian culture, death was simply foreseen as an eternal
sleep and was the given the name "Land of No Return" that held no importance and did not have any affect when involved with government. All in all,
geography affected the natural occurrences to the civilizations as well as the frequency of invasion, the evolvement of strong cultural beliefs, and
self–sufficiency. The culture in both Mesopotamia and Egypt influenced both civilizations. However, Egypt's culture had a significant and drastic
impact on the governmental structure. Egypt was claimed to be a theocracy, so the behavior of residents was caused by the pharaoh who was the
source of all law throughout the region and was classified to be a god. This idea ties in adequately with the idea of Egypt being a centralized type of
government. Their leaders were worshipped and praised respectfully so whatever the pharaoh decided was seen to be morally correct or important and
was to be followed by society. On the other hand, Mesopotamia had a decentralized government that had little to no relationship with
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Mesopotamian Life Research Paper
Parts 1–38 mirror a lot of what we know from different sources about old Mesopotamian life. Creation, lineages, damaging surges, development
strategies, relocations of people's, deal and buy of land, lawful traditions and methods, sheepherding and cows raising–these were subjects and
numerous others were likewise important to the people, families, and clans of whom we read in the initial 38 parts of Beginning. The creators seem to
find Eden, mankind's first home, in or close Mesopotamia; the Pinnacle of Babel was worked there; Abram was conceived there; Isaac took a spouse
from that point; and Jacob lived there for a long time. Despite the fact that these patriarchs settled in Canaan, their unique country was Mesopotamia.
It is remarkably
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Mesopotamia Research Paper
Mesopotamia was a civilization that started approximately 3200 b.c. and ended around 539 b.c. The reason why they called the civilization
"Mesopotamia", was because Mesopotamia means "the land between the rivers". The world's first civilization developed in southeastern
Mesopotamia,in a region called Sumer. Mesopotamia is located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This area was part of the Fertile Crescent,
which stretches from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea to the Persian Gulf.
The economic set–up of Mesopotamia centered primarily around trading and farming. Being between the Tigris and Euphrates river really helped with
the farming side. The people of Mesopotamia made a very organized irrigation system from the two more content...
Mesopotamians were polytheistic, worshiping in many gods. These gods were thought to control every aspect of life, especially the forces of nature.
They built these things called ziggurats. A ziggurat was a large stepped temple. They thought that the ziggurats were dedicated to each god or
goddess. The people of Mesopotamia alse believed in the afterlife. In their belief, all people lived after death in a grim underworld from which there
was no release.
Mesopotamia government was set–up as a hereditary rule and theocracy . Theocracy means the government is led around their religion and beliefs.
The hereditary rule means that the power passes from father to son(with one family.) The king or ruler was responsible for maintaining city walls
and irrigation systems. The ruler also collected taxes, enforced laws, and led armies into war. The king was also seen as like a priest. He was like a
chief servant of the gods and led ceremonies meant to please the gods.
Mesopotamia had a lot of achievements. There most famous achievements are cuneiform, system of pictograms, mathematics, astronomy, and Epic of
Gilgamesh. Cuneiform is one of their greatest achievements. Cuneiform is a system of writing that used wedged–shaped marks. Another big
achievement is the system of pictograms. Pictograms is a pictorial symbol for word or phrase. Those two achievements were mainly the most important
because that's how they
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Egypt developed around the Nile River, while Mesopotamia developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Egypt and Mesopotamia grew into
complex civilizations. Politically, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had a government with one main ruler, but Egypt had a centralized government with a
pharaoh, while Mesopotamia had a decentralized government with a king. Socially, both civilizations were patriarchal, but Egypt was more lenient
towards women while Mesopotamia was stricter. The political and social structures of Egypt and Mesopotamia both similarities and differences.
Politically, although both Egypt and Mesopotamia had one main ruler, Egypt was centralized and whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized. Egypt
centralized government more content...
However, in Mesopotamia, the males subjugated the women. To stop married women from tempting other men, they were forced to cover their
bodies, except for their faces, with veils. Women in Mesopotamia were often arranged into marriages, without a say on the subject. The
Mesopotamian women had little impact on their society, while certain Egyptian women were able to gain highly influential positions in their society.
One Egyptian woman even became the Queen of Egypt, alongside her son. Due to Egypt being less strict towards the women, Egyptian women were
able to have a greater influence on their society. Although both civilizations were patriarchal, they varied on how strict they were towards women.
Ancient civilizations surrounding Egypt and Mesopotamia during this time period had similar political and social structures to either of the
civilizations. Most societies with a centralized government did not see their rulers as divine as pharaohs. Some civilizations, like the Chinese rulers
and their Mandate of Heaven, ruled with a power similar to the Egyptian pharaohs. However, the Chinese empire could also be overthrown if they
were a bad ruler. The Greek city–states also constantly fought each to gain power over all of Greece. Socially, ancient civilizations were not as lenient
towards their women. Since social inequalities developed starting around the development of agriculture, women of ancient times were
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Mesopotamian Civilization Paragraph
Paragraph 1– Intro/Thesis :
We all wonder at least once in our life where certain thing or ideas come from like who had the idea for farming, government, and other things. Well
if you really wanna know then you'll have to go way back in time to when some of the first civilizations were formed. Some of the once particular that
will be featured in this essay will be the Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus River Valley civilizations. These civilizations did so much that has helped
influence civilization, society, and the world to develop, evolve, and progress overtime. Although these civilizations were formed approximately 5000
years ago they provided us with some of the most innovative creations of all time such as architecture, irrigation, agriculture, government, laws,
religion, vehicles, and blacksmithing ( Doc 12 ). And if you think that's something then your mind is will be blown at the end of this.
Paragraph 2– Mesopotamia :
The first civilization that will highlighted is the Mesopotamian civilization. This civilization Was actually one of the very first major civilizations to
thrive and succeed during its time. Not only was this group of people considered a powerhouse empire but it is actually responsible for some of the
most important things we used today. Over 5000 years ago they came up with the world's first written language called cuneiform in order for doing
different tasks such as record keeping,
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Ancient Mesopotamia Research Paper
The civilization of ancient Mesopotamia rose in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The rivers were good for fishing and a good
source of water. Some say that this fertile crescent was the real garden of Eden. The natural barriers it had was the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. King
Nebuchadazzar was the one who developed the civilization. Herodotus was quoted as saying the following: " in addition to its size baby ion surpasses
in splendor any city in the known world. The walls they made was fifty six miles in length eighty feet thick and three hundred twenty feet high. The
doors were able to let four house carriages to turn though at the same time. The Sumerians invented a number system from one to sixty and writing
called Cuneiform. Even though their writing was hard to more content...
since the soil was fertile they grew crops for a big source of food. For Mesopotamia social classes was from the most in power to the least. It starts on
with the king, priest, and the government officials. The king would always go the priest to see what he should do if something goes wrong. If the
king doesn't like the result they would take into their own hands. The middle class of Mesopotamia consists of Artisans, Merchants, farmers and
fishers. The middle class had a big role in Mesopotamia because they had to provide for almost everyone. The fishers were a big part because they
lived next to two rivers so the fishers would catch the fish for food. If the middle class goes down them the whole kingdom would too. For the last
class is the enslaved people they would work for the middle class people. The enslaved people would mostly work for food or shelter. Ancient
Mesopotamia has a traditional economy was mainly trading and farming. The Sumerians were known to trade with the Indus valley and the Egyptians
civilization. The trade route they used would become the most famous trade route and will soon get the name Silk
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Mesopotamia Essay
Looking at what the Mesopotamians left behind, we see that their lives were filled with vast economic, social and political changes. The sources of
amalgamation and centralization in Mesopotamia were primarily found in the temple and state sectors. The roles that these centralized institutions
played mainly centered around the economy, politics and administration over villages in the surrounding city–states. The power that these institutions
exercised was advantageous because it gave them access and control over the surplus labor, agricultural produce, and pastoral products. This access
was crucial because it was the basis for the survival and social reproduction of Mesopotamian elites.
These Southern Mesopotamian strategies of more content...
Evidence suggests that Mesopotamian elites and centralized institutions went to great lengths to manage those who were specialized in the production
of high statues or high value commodities such as textiles, semi–precious stones and metals. During the later part of the Early Dynastic period, the
inhabitants of Ur devoted much effort in constructing tombs for their deceased elites. Excavated in the Royal Cemetery at Ur were vessels, seals and
jewels of gold, carnelian, copper, and lapis lazuli. One artifact excavated at the Royal Cemetery at Ur was a headdress with leaf–shaped ornaments.
This intricate headdress was made of gold leaves, lapis lazuli and carnelian beads and would have been worn by a female attendant in the King's
grave. Because gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and carnelian were not found in Mesopotamia, the existence of these rich luxuries in the royal tomb can speak
for the wealth of the Early Dynastic kings as well as to the thriving, complex system of trade that reached far past the Mesopotamian plain. The wealth
in the tombs also spoke for the power and ability of the
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Mesopotamia Dbq Essay
Mesopotamia and Egypt
I think that without the past there is no future. The future is very important and in this essay I will explain the Egyptian civilization in mesopotamia
and information about their beliefs, way of life and leadership. I will also include the role of pharaoh and priests of Mesopotamia.
The ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations by having floods from the nile river that provided water, food and
fertile area in the middle of the desert as document 1 states. In document 2 it says that they also had rivers that provided many resources such as
transportation, trade as well as plants, the rivers were surrounded by deserts.
Ancient Egyptians referred to their king as pharaoh. Document 3 explains that they believed that pharaoh is a god that controls everything and has an
absolute power that nobody can came close to. According to document 6 the Sumerians and Akkadians practice polytheism, the worship of many gods.
They believed that keeping the gods happy will be the key of their own happiness and prosperity but, if the gods were angry, they might bring suffering
and disaster.the sumerians built temples that called ziggurats, they believed that the temples linked earth with the heavens and linked people with gods.
According to document 4 "In the code of Hammurabi, more content...
In conclusion there is many reasons why Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into a successful civilization some of them are the nile river floods that
people depended on for food and water and the rivers that provided resources such as transportation, trade and plants or pharaoh that the Egyptians
believed in and thought he had absolute power or the sumerians and akkadians that were polytheistic and believed in many gods and keeping the
gods happy for their own happiness, also Hammurabi code that concerned to a daily life laws like making justice or destroying evil and wicked all of
these reasons made Mesopotamia and egypt successful
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Mesopotamia Research Paper
Mesopotamia which means "between the rivers" is apart of a larger region called "the Fertile Crescent" an area that extends from Mesopotamia to the
mediterranean. One of first major Mesopotamian civilization were the Sumerian, they were the first to establish an organized culture. Like many of the
early civilizations the Sumerians were polytheistic. Internal pressure such as the agricultural productivity of the Sumerians resulted in their decline.
The external pressure of suturing peoples led to their complete overthrow by 1700 B.C. However its conquers adapted many Sumerian traditions and
technology. By 1400 B.C the New Ancient Egyptian civilization its new heights when it stretched from the upper Nile River Valley through the eastern
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Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities
Mesopotamia and Egypt. Great rivers play a very crucial role in the development of these civilizations. Egypt was developed in the long narrow
strip of river of Nile. These rivers provide two advantages to an emerging civilization. First, they are the source and the main provider of water for
field irrigation, and second, the river is the easiest transportation method with the absence of paved road. The greatest contribution of the Mesopotamia
civilization is that people discovered the ways of agriculture. They also started domesticate animals to both provide their needs for food and to help in
agriculture. The ancient Egypt, on the other hand, built the pyramids that are culturally significant in the modern day Egypt. During this period the
practice of mummifying was discovered which preserves the ancient Pharaohs to this day, and also the solar calendars and Hieroglyphics. Indus. The
Indus civilization, which is the first civilization of India, has two large cities of Harappa and Mohenjo–daro. It expands over a larger region compared
to Mesopotamia and Egypt. It is quite evident that the Indus civilization is rich in technological advancement which made them the very first urban
center in the region. The people in this civilization have successfully more content...
The Mayan civilization became popular in the present because of their infamous Mayan Calendar. The Mayan civilization flourished on about 2600
BC and it prospered reaching the booming population of about 19 million. By 700 BC, they had already made writing of their own which they used
to on creating their solar calendars which were carved using stones. According to the early Mayans, the creation of the world is dated on August 11,
3114 BC, which is where they count their calendar from, and the end of the world is on December 21, 2012. The early Mayans were said to be richer
than other civilizations in terms of culture. Along with the Aztecs, they built pyramids which are larger than those in
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Mesopotamia And Its Impact On Mesopotamia Essay
Mesopotamia was the highlight of all regions. The location falls right in between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where modern day Iraq is today. It
was located right along "the fertile crescent". Because of this the soil was very rich which caused great agriculture. It was one of the first civilizations
to roam the earth. During 4300 BCE, the late Ubaid period in Mesopotamia began. Many events and actions took place during this time. Mesopotamia
was an outstanding region and contained many treasures including pottery, inventions, architecture, and Ziggurats.
Pottery had a major impact on Mesopotamia. During the Ubaid period, objects were created and made of dark clay. Because of this, they often
have a brown or green tint. These objects consisted of drinking cups, storage jars, bowls, and plates. The normal households pots were not as
extravagant. They were roughly shaped and plain. Some jars had knobs on the side so they can be easily carried, but others had a rim that lengthened
all the way around. This was the most common feature of higher quality pieces. Some of these projects were the first to be created on potter's wheels.
The potter's wheel gave the advantage of making larger and more symmetrical forms at a much faster pace. "Ubaid–culture potters were the first to turn
out their products en masse. The technical perfection of Ubaid culture potters enabled them to supply some clay products, which could replace those
parts of the contemporary tool kit. Not only does
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Early civilizations from Mesopotamia to Egypt were established primarily because of the shift from hunting and gathering to agricultural means of
acquiring food. This change meant that not everyone in a population was necessary for the group's survival and therefore, some members had "free
time". This extra time allowed for advances in religion, writing, and politics, three key features of civilization. By studying these advances, we can
better learn how civilization originally looked and we can examine the effects of their advances in today's society. With this new spare time usually
allocated for hunting and gathering, early people logically looked for reasons to explain the nature of things. These explanations initiated the earliest
forms of religion–a prominent feature in the basis of both Mesopotamian and Egyptian life.1 Mesopotamians created and actively worshiped hundreds
of gods, many of which explained different phenomena and could control how the forces of nature affected people. The Mesopotamians, therefore,
found their purpose in serving the will of the gods.2 Egyptians believed their gods more content...
The answer–through the invention of writing. Sumerians created cuneiform writing while Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on the inside of pyramid
walls.4 These two writing styles both proved very important to early human civilization, if not for their own reasons. Mesopotamians used their writing
knowledge "as archivists, secretaries, or accountants."5 The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians "contained fragments from myths, historical annals, and
magical lore and provided spells to assist the king in ascending to heaven."6 Even with the differing uses, the practical applications of the
Mesopotamians compared to the more spiritual applications of the Egyptians, writing still is a common
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Mesopotamia Reflection
It was a foggy morning in the classroom of Bloom Elementary. There a history class that was learning a topic that bored all the students,
Mesopotamia. Ms.Wallerson, the teacher for this class was not excited for teaching this lesson either, let alone this class. She was overall a very mean
teacher and disliked the students and her job as a whole. As she taught the lesson about one of the earliest known civilization Mesopotamia, she herself
didn't even know that well, Ali and Tota started to learn from textbooks by themselves. Compared to other students, they were actually very
interested in this subject, as history is a strong favorite of theirs. "Wow Ali, some of this stuff is so cool and interesting!" Said Tota in a whisper.
"Shhh! Quiet down Tota, or else Ms.Wallerson will hear you!" Said Ali in a harsh whispering tone. "You know I can hear you, stay with the class."
said Ms.Wallerson. Ali and Tota didn't like the teacher anyway so they continued to learn more about Mesopotamia. "Look here Ali." said Tota,
"Apparently there were two types of people living in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians the Akkadians and Babylonians, they didn't like each other that
much though." said Tota in an interested tone. "That's it." said Ms.Wallerson in an angry manner, "get out of my classroom, I will talk to you two in a
moment." Ali and Tota then got up to leave the classroom, their classmates mouthing "ooooooo you're in trouble." as they walked to the door. As they
sat outside waiting for
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Trade In Mesopotamia
Trade is more important than conquest because when an area is thriving in trade people will want to control that land and try to conquer it.
Mesopotamia is successful in trade because of the location. The land is fertile and flat. This means the land is easy to access, which is great for
trading. The Sumerians traveled and traded bringing new ideas back and improving on older ideas. They also learned from experience. The land was
prone to unpredictable flooding and they adapted and made irrigation and drainage systems. People who want power want the best location they can get
with the most potential for trading. In Mesopotamia, Sargon ruled for a while and then the Hittites, the Assyrians, and eventually the Persians ruled the
Mesopotamia area.
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Mesopotamia Essay
Thousands of years ago human kind made a decision that has since shaped the way we live. Although, why would human kind make this decision, their
prior hunting–gathering way of life was maintainable. So, to determine this, there will be three main factors that would lead them to make this
decision: first, due to the geographical locations of the rivers; second, following the herds of animals led them to these geographical locations; third,
better food support for the tribes that would become civilizations, and fourth, the possibility of agriculture.
So where is Mesopotamia? "It is located in the part of the world that is now referred to as the Middle East; it is a geographical area that includes the
lands of Egypt, located in northeastern Africa, extending north through modern–day Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the southeastern
portion of Turkey. (Chadwick)" This area includes three major rivers: the Nile, located within geographical area that is Egypt; as well as, theTigris and
Euphrates, which are located within what is modern day Iran, more content...
Animal herds will graze the land and stay in one area until it is no longer able to sustain the herd; therefore, they will migrate from area to area to
maintain the herd. Generally, the herd will stay in a spot that is fertile. The Nile, Euphrates, and Tigris rivers would all have yearly flooding's
allowing the land to stay fertile. Considering that the river valleys were rainless (Renfew), these flooding's were rather important for not only the herd,
but also the fertility of the region. At this time, humans did not know how to domesticate animals, nor did they have the proper living arrangements to
necessitate this style of food supply. Naturally, human kind would follow the herd, due to the fact that it was still one of their sources of food
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Essay On Ancient Mesopotamian Religion
What similarities can you find between the religions of Ancient Mesopotamian today?
Much like tens of thousands of years ago, religion is still a central component of our lives today. Some of the most popular religions today are
Christianity and Judaism, both based on the Old Testament/HebrewBible and both based in the Near East. Because of cultural assimilation within the
region, it would only be logical for the religions of today to share some similarities of those established in Ancient Mesopotamia.
One of the most famous lines of the Bible takes place in Genesis 1:1, which states "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." This line is
much like a similar creation myth from the Sumerians where Marduk creates the heavens and earth by using the body of the slain goddess Tiamut who
personified watery chaos, "proceeded to create the universe by dividing Tiamat in two, one part becoming the heavens and the other the earth with her
breasts as mountains. From her eyes came the Tigris more content...
"In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull...." In the Old Testament, humanity has also grown,
thus the beginning of the flood myth. Similarly, in both myths a wise man is told of a catastrophic flood that is to take place by the hand of the
gods (or God) and he must quickly prepare. "[B]ecause of his oath warned me in a dream ... 'tear down your house and build a boat, abandon
possessions [sic] and look for life, despise worldly goods and save your soul alive. Tear down your house, I say, and build a boat.... Then take up
into the boat the seed of all living creatures....'" The purpose of the floods is to destroy humanity. In the case of the Epic of Gilgamesh, it is to deal
with rowdy humans. In the case of the Old Testament, it is to destroy the humans who have grown wicked and turned their backs to God and return the
earth to its beginning as a watery
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Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay
1)I have chosen to discuss the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Both have many significant similarities and differences. I would like to
compare some important points in four common categories. I will compare and contrast the geography and its impact, the political structure of each
society, the importance of their existing class structures and finally the role of women in these dynamic civilizations. Mesopotamia and Egypt were
both in flood basins of major rivers. Mesopotamia was characterized by turmoil and tension and in contrast Egypt was characterized by stability and
serenity. The Mesopotamian climate was harsh and since the Tigris and the Euphrates flooded irregularly, more content...
In the beginning Egypt was divided into two parts governed by different rulers. The Unification of the lower and upper kingdoms of Egypt marked
the beginning of the Archaic period. The unification of Egypt was significant in the longevity of this civilization to ensure the free flow of traffic
on the Nile. The Kingdom of Egypt was ruled by one ruler called the Pharaoh that ruled the land as the chief priest. In this civilization there was no
separation of religion and politics in their lives. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were at one time ruled by kings that derived their power from the
gods and were viewed as divine. The Class structure in Mesopotamia had three major social groups. They were known as the nobles, commoners, and
slaves. Commoners that included farmers, merchants, fishermen, scribes, and craftspeople made up ninety percent of the Sumerian population. In
Egypt the class structure was similar in that there were three major class groups called nobles or upper class, middle class, and lower class. The
enormous difference between the classes is best shown in the lower classes. The Mesopotamian lower classes were slaves commanded by their
owners. In Egypt the lower class citizens lived freely but with certain requirements to their country. They were to pay taxes on their crops and dedicated
much time towards the countries building projects. They also
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Ancient Mesopotamia Essay

  • 1. Ancient Mesopotamia Essay It is undeniable that the natural environment of ancient Mesopotamia had a profound effect on the earliest civilizations known to the world. Humankind's ability to control irrigation waters directly correlates with the rise of mass agriculture. With this mastery of their river environment, early farmers were capable of supporting large urban populations. However, in Mesopotamia the Tigris and Euphrates rivers were both a source of life as well as destruction for early societies. In many ways, the geography of ancient Mesopotamia fostered a sense of catastrophic determinism within the Sumerians, Akkadians, and Babylonians. The scarcity of resources as well as the untamable nature of their deluge environment led these early people to more content... The impermanence of these structures furthered their deterministic world view by instilling with this ancient society a strong sense of fatalism. Everything they built was bound to be destroyed by their geographic environment. All of their hard work could be taken away in the instance of a flash flood or doomed by harsh desert corrosion. Only a hero king who is "two–thirds god" could bring precious wood into the river valley. 2 In this light, Gilgamesh's quest for wood offers a small window into the effects of geographic constraints within Mesopotamian society. Similar to the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Law Codes of Hammurabi unveil a society in which a harsh environment led to a set world view. In an age where it was commonly believed Mesopotamian gods had already preordained the future, Hammurabi's code came to be viewed as the embodiment of these gods' will. The prologue of Hammurabi's Code proclaims that Enil (the storm god) is the "determiner of destinies of the land" and "functions over all mankind."3 This opening verse of Hammurabi's Code demonstrates the people of Babylon firmly believed their fate was set in stone by the gods. However, later and more pragmatic sections of the Law Code offer firm evidence that diluvian geography, not divine intervention, was the underlying reason for Mesopotamian determinism. In other words, it was the environment which led Get more content on
  • 2. Mesopotamia Essay Key Geographical Features Religious Beliefs Political Structures Social and/or Cultural Characteristics Mesopotamia–situated between the Tigris & Euphrates rivers –overflow from rivers left silt behind, creating a fertile area for agricultural boom –rivers made import/export trading easier–polytheistic, believing in more than one god –believed the gods preplanned everything –built temples to honor gods –built ziggurats to be closer to gods –main priority was pleasing gods–kings/rulers, also known as nobles were over entire areas of people and lived in large palaces with their family –priests held above average power because they were viewed as having access to the gods –majorly patriarchal laws that favored the upper class & men by more content... –inventions/contributions to modern day include: the wheel, bronze, sexagesimal number system, solar calendar, chariots, cuneiform writing, and numerous agricultural & weaponry advances Egypt–Nile river provided irrigation for surrounding land/valleys –climate provided reliable weather changes that ensured agricultural success –unlivable deserts on either side ensured security –Mediterranean Sea to the north–polytheistic, believing in more than one god –promotion of local gods within communities –Ma'at was maintained by gods & kings to keep chaos at bay –concepts of "ka" & "ba" refer to the soul & afterlife of a person–kings ruled with a central bureaucracy supported by religion –structure included a king, his vizier for daily operations, & a high priest –politics were intertwined with religion –king owned everything & commandeered "taxes" to pay for public works –rule was passed thru lineage–skilled engineers produced pyramids, canals, & irrigation systems –inventions/contributions include: geometry, medicine, antiquities, hieroglyphics, stylus writing tool, papyrus, and many religious and scientific texts India–Indus river ran thru India & irrigated crops –flooding from monsoons left soil fertile from sediment –proximity of Arabian Sea & Persian Gulf made trade easy–polytheistic, believing in more than one Get more content on
  • 3. Egypt and Mesopotamia Essay Kate Ward Per. 3 9/11/13 River Valley civilizations were the first to occur throughout time. Two of the most advanced were Egypt and Mesopotamia. Although both had a male dominant government that was supported by a patriarchal king or leader, Egypt had a strong, centralized government whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized and was based upon small city–states operating independently. To add, Egypt was also classified as self sufficient rather than Mesopotamia who relied on trade because of unstable agriculture. Due to Egypt surpassing Mesopotamia in areas such as governmental structure, self sufficiency, and cultural traditions, Egypt proves to be the more advanced society. Environmental and geographical factors highly more content... With all these surrounding them, invasion wasn't such a prime concern, so they evolved a complex and hearty view towards the afterlife. Religion was then tied into government, making it all the more significant because pharaohs were viewed as god–like and were considered to be ultimate rulers. Citizens then realized that much more is at stake for an act of wrongdoing. However, in Mesopotamian culture, death was simply foreseen as an eternal sleep and was the given the name "Land of No Return" that held no importance and did not have any affect when involved with government. All in all, geography affected the natural occurrences to the civilizations as well as the frequency of invasion, the evolvement of strong cultural beliefs, and self–sufficiency. The culture in both Mesopotamia and Egypt influenced both civilizations. However, Egypt's culture had a significant and drastic impact on the governmental structure. Egypt was claimed to be a theocracy, so the behavior of residents was caused by the pharaoh who was the source of all law throughout the region and was classified to be a god. This idea ties in adequately with the idea of Egypt being a centralized type of government. Their leaders were worshipped and praised respectfully so whatever the pharaoh decided was seen to be morally correct or important and was to be followed by society. On the other hand, Mesopotamia had a decentralized government that had little to no relationship with Get more content on
  • 4. Mesopotamian Life Research Paper Parts 1–38 mirror a lot of what we know from different sources about old Mesopotamian life. Creation, lineages, damaging surges, development strategies, relocations of people's, deal and buy of land, lawful traditions and methods, sheepherding and cows raising–these were subjects and numerous others were likewise important to the people, families, and clans of whom we read in the initial 38 parts of Beginning. The creators seem to find Eden, mankind's first home, in or close Mesopotamia; the Pinnacle of Babel was worked there; Abram was conceived there; Isaac took a spouse from that point; and Jacob lived there for a long time. Despite the fact that these patriarchs settled in Canaan, their unique country was Mesopotamia. It is remarkably Get more content on
  • 5. Mesopotamia Research Paper Mesopotamia was a civilization that started approximately 3200 b.c. and ended around 539 b.c. The reason why they called the civilization "Mesopotamia", was because Mesopotamia means "the land between the rivers". The world's first civilization developed in southeastern Mesopotamia,in a region called Sumer. Mesopotamia is located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. This area was part of the Fertile Crescent, which stretches from the eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea to the Persian Gulf. The economic set–up of Mesopotamia centered primarily around trading and farming. Being between the Tigris and Euphrates river really helped with the farming side. The people of Mesopotamia made a very organized irrigation system from the two more content... Mesopotamians were polytheistic, worshiping in many gods. These gods were thought to control every aspect of life, especially the forces of nature. They built these things called ziggurats. A ziggurat was a large stepped temple. They thought that the ziggurats were dedicated to each god or goddess. The people of Mesopotamia alse believed in the afterlife. In their belief, all people lived after death in a grim underworld from which there was no release. Mesopotamia government was set–up as a hereditary rule and theocracy . Theocracy means the government is led around their religion and beliefs. The hereditary rule means that the power passes from father to son(with one family.) The king or ruler was responsible for maintaining city walls and irrigation systems. The ruler also collected taxes, enforced laws, and led armies into war. The king was also seen as like a priest. He was like a chief servant of the gods and led ceremonies meant to please the gods. Mesopotamia had a lot of achievements. There most famous achievements are cuneiform, system of pictograms, mathematics, astronomy, and Epic of Gilgamesh. Cuneiform is one of their greatest achievements. Cuneiform is a system of writing that used wedged–shaped marks. Another big achievement is the system of pictograms. Pictograms is a pictorial symbol for word or phrase. Those two achievements were mainly the most important because that's how they Get more content on
  • 6. Egypt developed around the Nile River, while Mesopotamia developed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Egypt and Mesopotamia grew into complex civilizations. Politically, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had a government with one main ruler, but Egypt had a centralized government with a pharaoh, while Mesopotamia had a decentralized government with a king. Socially, both civilizations were patriarchal, but Egypt was more lenient towards women while Mesopotamia was stricter. The political and social structures of Egypt and Mesopotamia both similarities and differences. Politically, although both Egypt and Mesopotamia had one main ruler, Egypt was centralized and whereas Mesopotamia was decentralized. Egypt centralized government more content... However, in Mesopotamia, the males subjugated the women. To stop married women from tempting other men, they were forced to cover their bodies, except for their faces, with veils. Women in Mesopotamia were often arranged into marriages, without a say on the subject. The Mesopotamian women had little impact on their society, while certain Egyptian women were able to gain highly influential positions in their society. One Egyptian woman even became the Queen of Egypt, alongside her son. Due to Egypt being less strict towards the women, Egyptian women were able to have a greater influence on their society. Although both civilizations were patriarchal, they varied on how strict they were towards women. Ancient civilizations surrounding Egypt and Mesopotamia during this time period had similar political and social structures to either of the civilizations. Most societies with a centralized government did not see their rulers as divine as pharaohs. Some civilizations, like the Chinese rulers and their Mandate of Heaven, ruled with a power similar to the Egyptian pharaohs. However, the Chinese empire could also be overthrown if they were a bad ruler. The Greek city–states also constantly fought each to gain power over all of Greece. Socially, ancient civilizations were not as lenient towards their women. Since social inequalities developed starting around the development of agriculture, women of ancient times were Get more content on
  • 7. Mesopotamian Civilization Paragraph Paragraph 1– Intro/Thesis : We all wonder at least once in our life where certain thing or ideas come from like who had the idea for farming, government, and other things. Well if you really wanna know then you'll have to go way back in time to when some of the first civilizations were formed. Some of the once particular that will be featured in this essay will be the Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Indus River Valley civilizations. These civilizations did so much that has helped influence civilization, society, and the world to develop, evolve, and progress overtime. Although these civilizations were formed approximately 5000 years ago they provided us with some of the most innovative creations of all time such as architecture, irrigation, agriculture, government, laws, religion, vehicles, and blacksmithing ( Doc 12 ). And if you think that's something then your mind is will be blown at the end of this. Paragraph 2– Mesopotamia : The first civilization that will highlighted is the Mesopotamian civilization. This civilization Was actually one of the very first major civilizations to thrive and succeed during its time. Not only was this group of people considered a powerhouse empire but it is actually responsible for some of the most important things we used today. Over 5000 years ago they came up with the world's first written language called cuneiform in order for doing different tasks such as record keeping, Get more content on
  • 8. Ancient Mesopotamia Research Paper The civilization of ancient Mesopotamia rose in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The rivers were good for fishing and a good source of water. Some say that this fertile crescent was the real garden of Eden. The natural barriers it had was the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. King Nebuchadazzar was the one who developed the civilization. Herodotus was quoted as saying the following: " in addition to its size baby ion surpasses in splendor any city in the known world. The walls they made was fifty six miles in length eighty feet thick and three hundred twenty feet high. The doors were able to let four house carriages to turn though at the same time. The Sumerians invented a number system from one to sixty and writing called Cuneiform. Even though their writing was hard to more content... since the soil was fertile they grew crops for a big source of food. For Mesopotamia social classes was from the most in power to the least. It starts on with the king, priest, and the government officials. The king would always go the priest to see what he should do if something goes wrong. If the king doesn't like the result they would take into their own hands. The middle class of Mesopotamia consists of Artisans, Merchants, farmers and fishers. The middle class had a big role in Mesopotamia because they had to provide for almost everyone. The fishers were a big part because they lived next to two rivers so the fishers would catch the fish for food. If the middle class goes down them the whole kingdom would too. For the last class is the enslaved people they would work for the middle class people. The enslaved people would mostly work for food or shelter. Ancient Mesopotamia has a traditional economy was mainly trading and farming. The Sumerians were known to trade with the Indus valley and the Egyptians civilization. The trade route they used would become the most famous trade route and will soon get the name Silk Get more content on
  • 9. Mesopotamia Essay Looking at what the Mesopotamians left behind, we see that their lives were filled with vast economic, social and political changes. The sources of amalgamation and centralization in Mesopotamia were primarily found in the temple and state sectors. The roles that these centralized institutions played mainly centered around the economy, politics and administration over villages in the surrounding city–states. The power that these institutions exercised was advantageous because it gave them access and control over the surplus labor, agricultural produce, and pastoral products. This access was crucial because it was the basis for the survival and social reproduction of Mesopotamian elites. These Southern Mesopotamian strategies of more content... Evidence suggests that Mesopotamian elites and centralized institutions went to great lengths to manage those who were specialized in the production of high statues or high value commodities such as textiles, semi–precious stones and metals. During the later part of the Early Dynastic period, the inhabitants of Ur devoted much effort in constructing tombs for their deceased elites. Excavated in the Royal Cemetery at Ur were vessels, seals and jewels of gold, carnelian, copper, and lapis lazuli. One artifact excavated at the Royal Cemetery at Ur was a headdress with leaf–shaped ornaments. This intricate headdress was made of gold leaves, lapis lazuli and carnelian beads and would have been worn by a female attendant in the King's grave. Because gold, silver, lapis lazuli, and carnelian were not found in Mesopotamia, the existence of these rich luxuries in the royal tomb can speak for the wealth of the Early Dynastic kings as well as to the thriving, complex system of trade that reached far past the Mesopotamian plain. The wealth in the tombs also spoke for the power and ability of the Get more content on
  • 10. Mesopotamia Dbq Essay Mesopotamia and Egypt I think that without the past there is no future. The future is very important and in this essay I will explain the Egyptian civilization in mesopotamia and information about their beliefs, way of life and leadership. I will also include the role of pharaoh and priests of Mesopotamia. The ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into successful civilizations by having floods from the nile river that provided water, food and fertile area in the middle of the desert as document 1 states. In document 2 it says that they also had rivers that provided many resources such as transportation, trade as well as plants, the rivers were surrounded by deserts. Ancient Egyptians referred to their king as pharaoh. Document 3 explains that they believed that pharaoh is a god that controls everything and has an absolute power that nobody can came close to. According to document 6 the Sumerians and Akkadians practice polytheism, the worship of many gods. They believed that keeping the gods happy will be the key of their own happiness and prosperity but, if the gods were angry, they might bring suffering and disaster.the sumerians built temples that called ziggurats, they believed that the temples linked earth with the heavens and linked people with gods. According to document 4 "In the code of Hammurabi, more content... In conclusion there is many reasons why Mesopotamia and Egypt develop into a successful civilization some of them are the nile river floods that people depended on for food and water and the rivers that provided resources such as transportation, trade and plants or pharaoh that the Egyptians believed in and thought he had absolute power or the sumerians and akkadians that were polytheistic and believed in many gods and keeping the gods happy for their own happiness, also Hammurabi code that concerned to a daily life laws like making justice or destroying evil and wicked all of these reasons made Mesopotamia and egypt successful Get more content on
  • 11. Mesopotamia Research Paper Mesopotamia which means "between the rivers" is apart of a larger region called "the Fertile Crescent" an area that extends from Mesopotamia to the mediterranean. One of first major Mesopotamian civilization were the Sumerian, they were the first to establish an organized culture. Like many of the early civilizations the Sumerians were polytheistic. Internal pressure such as the agricultural productivity of the Sumerians resulted in their decline. The external pressure of suturing peoples led to their complete overthrow by 1700 B.C. However its conquers adapted many Sumerian traditions and technology. By 1400 B.C the New Ancient Egyptian civilization its new heights when it stretched from the upper Nile River Valley through the eastern Mediterranean Get more content on
  • 12. Egypt And Mesopotamia Similarities Mesopotamia and Egypt. Great rivers play a very crucial role in the development of these civilizations. Egypt was developed in the long narrow strip of river of Nile. These rivers provide two advantages to an emerging civilization. First, they are the source and the main provider of water for field irrigation, and second, the river is the easiest transportation method with the absence of paved road. The greatest contribution of the Mesopotamia civilization is that people discovered the ways of agriculture. They also started domesticate animals to both provide their needs for food and to help in agriculture. The ancient Egypt, on the other hand, built the pyramids that are culturally significant in the modern day Egypt. During this period the practice of mummifying was discovered which preserves the ancient Pharaohs to this day, and also the solar calendars and Hieroglyphics. Indus. The Indus civilization, which is the first civilization of India, has two large cities of Harappa and Mohenjo–daro. It expands over a larger region compared to Mesopotamia and Egypt. It is quite evident that the Indus civilization is rich in technological advancement which made them the very first urban center in the region. The people in this civilization have successfully more content... The Mayan civilization became popular in the present because of their infamous Mayan Calendar. The Mayan civilization flourished on about 2600 BC and it prospered reaching the booming population of about 19 million. By 700 BC, they had already made writing of their own which they used to on creating their solar calendars which were carved using stones. According to the early Mayans, the creation of the world is dated on August 11, 3114 BC, which is where they count their calendar from, and the end of the world is on December 21, 2012. The early Mayans were said to be richer than other civilizations in terms of culture. Along with the Aztecs, they built pyramids which are larger than those in Get more content on
  • 13. Mesopotamia And Its Impact On Mesopotamia Essay Mesopotamia was the highlight of all regions. The location falls right in between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where modern day Iraq is today. It was located right along "the fertile crescent". Because of this the soil was very rich which caused great agriculture. It was one of the first civilizations to roam the earth. During 4300 BCE, the late Ubaid period in Mesopotamia began. Many events and actions took place during this time. Mesopotamia was an outstanding region and contained many treasures including pottery, inventions, architecture, and Ziggurats. Pottery had a major impact on Mesopotamia. During the Ubaid period, objects were created and made of dark clay. Because of this, they often have a brown or green tint. These objects consisted of drinking cups, storage jars, bowls, and plates. The normal households pots were not as extravagant. They were roughly shaped and plain. Some jars had knobs on the side so they can be easily carried, but others had a rim that lengthened all the way around. This was the most common feature of higher quality pieces. Some of these projects were the first to be created on potter's wheels. The potter's wheel gave the advantage of making larger and more symmetrical forms at a much faster pace. "Ubaid–culture potters were the first to turn out their products en masse. The technical perfection of Ubaid culture potters enabled them to supply some clay products, which could replace those parts of the contemporary tool kit. Not only does Get more content on
  • 14. Mesopotamia Early civilizations from Mesopotamia to Egypt were established primarily because of the shift from hunting and gathering to agricultural means of acquiring food. This change meant that not everyone in a population was necessary for the group's survival and therefore, some members had "free time". This extra time allowed for advances in religion, writing, and politics, three key features of civilization. By studying these advances, we can better learn how civilization originally looked and we can examine the effects of their advances in today's society. With this new spare time usually allocated for hunting and gathering, early people logically looked for reasons to explain the nature of things. These explanations initiated the earliest forms of religion–a prominent feature in the basis of both Mesopotamian and Egyptian life.1 Mesopotamians created and actively worshiped hundreds of gods, many of which explained different phenomena and could control how the forces of nature affected people. The Mesopotamians, therefore, found their purpose in serving the will of the gods.2 Egyptians believed their gods more content... The answer–through the invention of writing. Sumerians created cuneiform writing while Egyptians wrote hieroglyphics on the inside of pyramid walls.4 These two writing styles both proved very important to early human civilization, if not for their own reasons. Mesopotamians used their writing knowledge "as archivists, secretaries, or accountants."5 The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians "contained fragments from myths, historical annals, and magical lore and provided spells to assist the king in ascending to heaven."6 Even with the differing uses, the practical applications of the Mesopotamians compared to the more spiritual applications of the Egyptians, writing still is a common Get more content on
  • 15. Mesopotamia Reflection It was a foggy morning in the classroom of Bloom Elementary. There a history class that was learning a topic that bored all the students, Mesopotamia. Ms.Wallerson, the teacher for this class was not excited for teaching this lesson either, let alone this class. She was overall a very mean teacher and disliked the students and her job as a whole. As she taught the lesson about one of the earliest known civilization Mesopotamia, she herself didn't even know that well, Ali and Tota started to learn from textbooks by themselves. Compared to other students, they were actually very interested in this subject, as history is a strong favorite of theirs. "Wow Ali, some of this stuff is so cool and interesting!" Said Tota in a whisper. "Shhh! Quiet down Tota, or else Ms.Wallerson will hear you!" Said Ali in a harsh whispering tone. "You know I can hear you, stay with the class." said Ms.Wallerson. Ali and Tota didn't like the teacher anyway so they continued to learn more about Mesopotamia. "Look here Ali." said Tota, "Apparently there were two types of people living in Mesopotamia, the Sumerians the Akkadians and Babylonians, they didn't like each other that much though." said Tota in an interested tone. "That's it." said Ms.Wallerson in an angry manner, "get out of my classroom, I will talk to you two in a moment." Ali and Tota then got up to leave the classroom, their classmates mouthing "ooooooo you're in trouble." as they walked to the door. As they sat outside waiting for Get more content on
  • 16. Trade In Mesopotamia Trade is more important than conquest because when an area is thriving in trade people will want to control that land and try to conquer it. Mesopotamia is successful in trade because of the location. The land is fertile and flat. This means the land is easy to access, which is great for trading. The Sumerians traveled and traded bringing new ideas back and improving on older ideas. They also learned from experience. The land was prone to unpredictable flooding and they adapted and made irrigation and drainage systems. People who want power want the best location they can get with the most potential for trading. In Mesopotamia, Sargon ruled for a while and then the Hittites, the Assyrians, and eventually the Persians ruled the Mesopotamia area. Get more content on
  • 17. Mesopotamia Essay Thousands of years ago human kind made a decision that has since shaped the way we live. Although, why would human kind make this decision, their prior hunting–gathering way of life was maintainable. So, to determine this, there will be three main factors that would lead them to make this decision: first, due to the geographical locations of the rivers; second, following the herds of animals led them to these geographical locations; third, better food support for the tribes that would become civilizations, and fourth, the possibility of agriculture. So where is Mesopotamia? "It is located in the part of the world that is now referred to as the Middle East; it is a geographical area that includes the lands of Egypt, located in northeastern Africa, extending north through modern–day Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the southeastern portion of Turkey. (Chadwick)" This area includes three major rivers: the Nile, located within geographical area that is Egypt; as well as, theTigris and Euphrates, which are located within what is modern day Iran, more content... Animal herds will graze the land and stay in one area until it is no longer able to sustain the herd; therefore, they will migrate from area to area to maintain the herd. Generally, the herd will stay in a spot that is fertile. The Nile, Euphrates, and Tigris rivers would all have yearly flooding's allowing the land to stay fertile. Considering that the river valleys were rainless (Renfew), these flooding's were rather important for not only the herd, but also the fertility of the region. At this time, humans did not know how to domesticate animals, nor did they have the proper living arrangements to necessitate this style of food supply. Naturally, human kind would follow the herd, due to the fact that it was still one of their sources of food Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Ancient Mesopotamian Religion What similarities can you find between the religions of Ancient Mesopotamian today? Much like tens of thousands of years ago, religion is still a central component of our lives today. Some of the most popular religions today are Christianity and Judaism, both based on the Old Testament/HebrewBible and both based in the Near East. Because of cultural assimilation within the region, it would only be logical for the religions of today to share some similarities of those established in Ancient Mesopotamia. One of the most famous lines of the Bible takes place in Genesis 1:1, which states "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." This line is much like a similar creation myth from the Sumerians where Marduk creates the heavens and earth by using the body of the slain goddess Tiamut who personified watery chaos, "proceeded to create the universe by dividing Tiamat in two, one part becoming the heavens and the other the earth with her breasts as mountains. From her eyes came the Tigris more content... "In those days the world teemed, the people multiplied, the world bellowed like a wild bull...." In the Old Testament, humanity has also grown, thus the beginning of the flood myth. Similarly, in both myths a wise man is told of a catastrophic flood that is to take place by the hand of the gods (or God) and he must quickly prepare. "[B]ecause of his oath warned me in a dream ... 'tear down your house and build a boat, abandon possessions [sic] and look for life, despise worldly goods and save your soul alive. Tear down your house, I say, and build a boat.... Then take up into the boat the seed of all living creatures....'" The purpose of the floods is to destroy humanity. In the case of the Epic of Gilgamesh, it is to deal with rowdy humans. In the case of the Old Testament, it is to destroy the humans who have grown wicked and turned their backs to God and return the earth to its beginning as a watery Get more content on
  • 19. Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay 1)I have chosen to discuss the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Both have many significant similarities and differences. I would like to compare some important points in four common categories. I will compare and contrast the geography and its impact, the political structure of each society, the importance of their existing class structures and finally the role of women in these dynamic civilizations. Mesopotamia and Egypt were both in flood basins of major rivers. Mesopotamia was characterized by turmoil and tension and in contrast Egypt was characterized by stability and serenity. The Mesopotamian climate was harsh and since the Tigris and the Euphrates flooded irregularly, more content... In the beginning Egypt was divided into two parts governed by different rulers. The Unification of the lower and upper kingdoms of Egypt marked the beginning of the Archaic period. The unification of Egypt was significant in the longevity of this civilization to ensure the free flow of traffic on the Nile. The Kingdom of Egypt was ruled by one ruler called the Pharaoh that ruled the land as the chief priest. In this civilization there was no separation of religion and politics in their lives. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt were at one time ruled by kings that derived their power from the gods and were viewed as divine. The Class structure in Mesopotamia had three major social groups. They were known as the nobles, commoners, and slaves. Commoners that included farmers, merchants, fishermen, scribes, and craftspeople made up ninety percent of the Sumerian population. In Egypt the class structure was similar in that there were three major class groups called nobles or upper class, middle class, and lower class. The enormous difference between the classes is best shown in the lower classes. The Mesopotamian lower classes were slaves commanded by their owners. In Egypt the lower class citizens lived freely but with certain requirements to their country. They were to pay taxes on their crops and dedicated much time towards the countries building projects. They also Get more content on