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An Interns Guide:
To Social Media and Digital Marketing
at Thriving with Stress
By: Francis Chase Glaser
Preliminary Information
Every minute there are 277,000 Facebook updates, 100,000 Tweets, and 1.3
million YouTube videos watched (The Space, 2). Social media content is increasing
and changing very rapidly, it is and will continue to be a necessary tool for every
business. There are many uses for social media and many different platforms,
furthermore, one platforms can be more effective than another depending on the
task. Some things to consider before deciding where to focus resources; design
content specific to the platform, understand the scale, audience and limits of each
network when setting goals (expect to have different types and levels of interactions
with each platform), and have fun with it (The Space, 5). Social media has grown so
fast and has become an immense asset to companies because people enjoy it! So
make sure that you and your audiences enjoy these interactions.
Now lets get into some general information, specific to each platform.
Facebook has the broadest audience from ages and gender, and there are great
targeting options with their in-platform tools, boosting and ads. The main focus of
Facebook is to make connections and build relationships, with individuals and
businesses. However it can be beneficial for brands as well, you can make individual
pages for products and services. These brand pages should be used as an extention
of the web-site and should have content that gives the audience a reason to be
Twitter is currently considered the fastest and most cost effective way to
raise awareness of a small business or company, its services and its products.
Twitter users interact with the platform differently, specific for their need. These
needs can be broken into two large groups, personal sharing and professional
sharing. Twitter provides the most ways of finding, being found, and interacting
with other brands and users, such as; retweets and hashtags, along with community
interactions through follow-backs and contests. Brands can utilize these through
relevant and entertaining content, while promoting and advertising their brand or
products and services.
Instagram is considered a more casual platform for connection, and is far
more popular in the younger crowd. It is a photo and video dominant platform, so
visuals are key in attracting and retaining followers. Brands of all sizes use
Instagram to reveal new products, participate in a community, interact with
consumers and share the companies personality. Some smaller companies even use
it to promote and sell products directly through the platform. Instagram allows you
to find and interact with these consumers through contests, Instagram Ads, hashtags
and more personal experience sharing.
Now that we have some introduction information and have a better
understanding of the relevance and importance of utilizing social media within an
organization, we now turn our focus to creating and effectively setting up the social
media accounts. These steps to creating and setting up the individual platform’s
accounts, will be used as a model for future services released, products released,
and company promotion.
Structuring and Setting Up Social Media
Accounts: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
Step 1.) Creating and structuring
This step describes how to most effectively structure a Facebook account to raise
awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures
influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information.
Facebook is the most valuable social media platform in the business and advertising
world. It has an internal advertising system, is in more countries and has more
members than any other social media cite. This is also the most complicated of the
three platforms we are starting up. We start with a personal account, Facebook does
not allow you to create a business page without a personal page. In our situation,
this personal account will be “Thriving with Stress Admin.” This administrator page
will not be seen by any users interacting with the business or product pages, it
simply is where you login and manage the business and product pages from. Once
the Admin account is created, we created the Thriving with Stress Business Page.
The business page is the main focus and it represents the company as a whole, this
will be the main page for promoting the company, products and services, and
interacting with other users and businesses. After the administrator account is set
up, we create two product pages. One page for the Thriving with Stress book and the
other for the Digital Divorce Program, these pages will serve as the models for
future service and product releases. This creation of specific pages allows each page
to locate and target its specific audience and allows you to cross advertise news,
products and services between pages.
Step 2.) Information Input
This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively
represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the
information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information
right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit
your page information at any time.
Facebook provides the most space and options of information to input. Which leads
to the potential for unnecessary information. They have space for a lot of different
information, and not all of it is relevant. Information categories such as favorite
movies, favorite music, and political views are normally unnecessary. These being
business pages, it is important to not include fluff. Stick to the relevant information
such as page descriptions, location, links, pictures and videos. Facebook is the only
one of the three platforms that allows you to upload photos and videos without
posting them, this becomes part of info inputting section because it is helpful and
attractive to load any relevant pictures or videos that the company has, as a way of
building content that your feed provides. Inputting the location of the company
allows for location services that can be used to interact with the local community.
Step 3.) Building Content
Once the individual platforms are structured and contain all relevant information, it
is time to start building content! When starting to develop content, it is important to
implement a content calendar (Figure 1). The reason for this content calendar is to
easily organize what you are providing to your audience. It is important to vary the
posting content, because while you want to promote and market the company, you
also have to provide viewers with a benefit from following. Building content consists
of posting regularly about relevant or entertaining information that will be desirable
and attractive to the social media users you are targeting! This content gives other
users a reason to view, like, and follow, while building credibility and promoting
everything the company has to offer (Bolsinger). It is recommended to post a
minimum of 2 or 3 times for the first two weeks to really build that content (Stone).
However, you do not want to post more than 3 or 4 times a day because you do not
want to clog up your followers feeds. After those first couple weeks you can phase it
back to 1 or 2 times a day.
Figure 1. Optimal content calendar for the first 2 weeks of postings
Monday Community Industry
Tuesday Promotion Motivation
Wednesday Humor Industry
Thrusday Community Promotional
Friday Promotional Motivational
Weekend Choice Choice
Examples of content subjects
Community Any news, events, or community awareness of Cincinnati
Industry Field related current events: articles, videos, achievements,
Promotion Advertise company, services, and products
Motivation Inspire and support viewers
Humor Comedic relief for viewers
1.) Creating and Structuring
This step describes how to most effectively structure a Twitter account to raise
awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures
influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information.
The structuring of the Twitter accounts varies rather dramatically from that of
Facebook, it relies dominantly on posts to give information and share company
personality. For Thriving with Stress we decided to create three separate feeds
(accounts). The first being the main Thriving with Stress Company feed,
accompanied by individual feeds for Thriving with Stress the book and the Digital
Divorce Program. Two reasons for a different structuring of accounts, first Twitter
does not allow a main feed to have brand or product pages, like Facebook does.
Secondly, this separation of feeds allows us to cross advertise our business news,
services, and products across all feeds, reaching all the followers and audiences of
each different feed.
Step 2.) Information Input
This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively
represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the
information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information
right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit
your page information at any time.
Twitter varies from Facebook in the amount of information space given within the
feed. this puts more importance on post content. Twitter lets you choose your
username, profile picture, 150 character description space and a link (URL).
However, they also give you space to put a location and a cover photo (heading
picture at top of feed). This info space is given for all three Twitter accounts, so the
description will be specific for the business page and each product pages. Another
thing that will be specific to each page will be the link. For Thriving with Stress
(@thrivewithstres), it will be the link to the website. However, both Digital Divorce
(@Digital_Divorce) and Thriving with Stress the Book (@stresstoast), will have
specific links to where users can purchase services or products. Thriving with Stress
the book will have a direct link to purchase the book on Amazon, and Digital Divorce
will have a direct link to the Digital Divorce page of the Thriving with Stress website.
Step 3.) Building Content (See Facebook)
1.) Creating and structuring
This step describes how to most effectively structure an Instagram account to raise
awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures
influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information.
Our approach to Instagram is straight-forward and consists of only one account,
@thrivingwithstress. We decided to only use one account here, because Instagram is
not quite as business oriented as Twitter and Facebook. Where Instagram can and
will be used to promote our business, products and services, through posting and
direct messaging. Instagram serves foremost as a place where you attract likes and
followers through relevant, interesting, and entertaining posts, to raise awareness of
and an audience for Thriving with Stress.
Step 2.) Information Input
This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively
represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the
information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information
right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit
your page information at any time.
Instagram is similar to Twitter in the amount of information space provided on a
profile page. The first thing to do is create an appropriate username and choose a
profile picture. Instagram also allows a 150 character description and link (URL).
Due to this being our only page for Thriving with Stress on Instagram, this link will
change from time to time, depending on what is currently being promoted.
Step 3.) Building Content (See Facebook)
Now that we have gone through the process of setting our social media platforms
up for success, we can begin to focus on how to most effectively utilize them to
provide the most benefit for the company. More specifically, focusing on the best
practices involved in using social media, some universal and some specific to the
platform. Additionally, we will be explaining how to utilize Facebook’s internal
advertising system, and give other potential opportunities for future non-social
media digital marketing options.
Best Practices: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
The following best practices to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a
combination of research, and knowledge gained through my time representing
Thriving with Stress on social media. It starts with practices that apply universally
to all platforms, and then by each individual platform. Each numbered practice will
be paired with a video or web link, aimed at giving visual representation and
additional information. I chose to link videos to each numbered practice, because I
found that when you are being told what to do and shown how to do it, it is more
easily comprehended and transferred.
1.) Take advantage of a socialmedia management program
Thriving with Stress currently uses a management program called Hootsuite.
Hootsuite is a program that allows you to manage all of your social media platforms
from one place, and we currently have our company pages from Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram. This means that you do not need to go to each individual platform to
read feeds, get notifications, or make posts. Being able to manage all of your
accounts from one place saves a lot of time and keeps content more organized.
There are two other very attractive tools of Hootsuite. First, Hootsuite allows
you to create and preload posts that can be scheduled to up to six months in the
future. This means that you can choose what day and time you would like Hootsuite
to disperse the post you created. This provides you with the power to preload many
posts, so that all the accounts are still posting when you can not be actively tending
to them. Secondly, Hootsuite provides you with analytics for each of the pages, it
shows you trends of activity for likes, unlikes, follows, unfollows and page/post
engagement. All of this information lets you understand which kind of posts are
more successful than others and growth rates of the page corresponding to the
preceding activities. For instance, when paying to boost a post on Facebook the post
reaches many more people and gets more engagement. Hootsuite then organizes
and graphs this increased engagement and gives you an understanding of activity
level increase.
The following YouTube video is a visual representation of how to utilize Hootsuite-
2.) Cultivate page culture
Everything we do on our social media pages in some way shows who we are
and how we are perceived. In developing a page’s culture you want to think about
the pages purpose and desired audience. How the page is perceived, how people
interact with your page, and how you interact with others are all determinants in a
page’s culture.
 Develop a personality, your follows are following you because there is
something about your feed that they like. Is our profile targeting a more
corporate or casual type of audience, do you share a lot of pictures and
videos, do you use inspirational quotes or keep up with community events?
The idea is to keep it someone consistent with your page’s personally to keep
current follows and attract the desired audience. Currently I believe our
business pages are more casual, with a good balance between information
and entertainment.
 Be active, all social media platforms provide users with tons of ways to
interact and get connected. Take advantage of liking posts, following other
users, sharing others posts, follow-back if someone follows you and respond
to any messages for the page. The more you interact with your audience and
other users, the more attention your pages will get.
 Be social, this is not the same as being active. One can be active in
accomplishing objectives for their page, such as following, liking and posting,
in order to get more followers and overall attention. However it is important
to be human, by socializing with the audience, you can get a better
understanding of who they are, and vice versa. Share personal information
and interact with users by their first name. This provides a more genuine
experience with the page, translating in higher commitment.
 Lastly, have fun with it! Social media has gotten so popular, so quickly,
because people enjoy it. Social media provides many benefits for a business,
however it can be a lot of work. If you have fun with your social media
accounts, your experience will be much more enjoyable. Additionally, more
often then not, if you enjoy what your doing, you will be more successful.
The following links served as resources for this section and additional information
of best practices for cultivating a companies culture.
3.) Optimizing post engagement
We have already talked a little about some guidelines of building content and
how to effectively start doing so. However, there are many more ways to make sure
that your posts are getting as much attention as they can. The aim is to implement
these best practices of posting to make posts more attractive and provide more
 Use pictures and videos, there are 4 billion YouTube videos watched ever day
and countless pictures seen. Posts containing pictures are much more
attractive and get much more attention than posts without. However, videos
a quickly becoming the most interacted with posts, on social media. Videos
require less user effort to gain information and are more entertaining than
other posts. Plus, if the videos are of Thriving with Stress employees, they
can play a major role in making social media connections more personal.
 Keep it short, posts containing under 100 characters receive 17% high
engagement, than posts with more (Forant). Social media users are viewing
so much material very quickly, the longer the message, the more time the
user has to commit to the post. People are more likely to interact if the
perceived time commitment is short.
 Run Contests, everyone likes competing and winning something! Contests
are effective way to get your audience interacting with your posts and page.
Simply create a “call to action,” what you want the person to do, such as like
this post, like our page, share this post, or tag us. The contest provides
incentive for participation and yields results.
 Tips and Tricks, any post that is perceived to give the user valuable
information is immediately more attractive. Giving advice in the form of tips
and tricks does not only give user benefit through interacting with the post
and driving traffic to the page, it is also a consistently trending post, which
gives the post a greater chance of being shared.
 Using posts to answer questions is another way to provide benefit to
followers and users through posting. Whether someone asks a question or
you pose the question yourself, anyone seeking the answer will be interested.
This is not only informative and entertaining, it also helps build page
credibility through portraying knowledge in relevant fields.
 Figure out when the best time to post is to obtain the most attention.
Facebook makes this easy with their analytics dashboard, this feature graphs
out what time of day your followers are most active. This makes your posts
much more likely to be seen. Twitter and Instagram are a bit different, with
these two, you utilize Hootsuite’s analytic system. Though it doesn’t graph or
tell you what time of day your followers are active, you can look at trends of
what time posts are receiving the most attention.
The following links serve as resources and additional information on best practices
of optimizing post engagement.
4.) YouTube
After touching on the importance of utilizing videos and their continually
increasing popularity, I explain how you can use YouTube to benefit social media
efforts and the company. Thriving with Stress currently utilizes Dr. Frank’s YouTube
channel to provide the videos used on social media outlets. On Facebook and
Twitter you are able to post any length video on your page, where Instagram limits
the length of the video you are able to post. Posting videos is not only an extremely
attractive and effective way to increase post attractiveness and interaction, but it is
also a quick, effective, and more personal form of delivering content and interacting
with users. Although, Instagram limits the length of the videos, you can always
utilize sections of videos or make multiple posts. This posting of videos also drives
traffic to the Thriving with Stress YouTube (Dr. Franks channel), where they can
find, watch and review all the videos that they otherwise would not have found. You
can also promote the YouTube channel by posting the link.
YouTube provides another level of benefits to social media, through their
analytics system. YouTube has amazing analytics on every video, since the creation
of the channel. They provide statistics and graphs providing number of views and
when these views occurred. This allows you to coordinate what YouTube related
social media efforts are providing the most traffic to the channel and views of
The following link and video provide (1) a resource and additional info of best
practices of YouTube and (2) additional information on how to promote your
YouTube channel with social media.
5.) Automated responses
Although auto-response is available on all platforms, it should generally be
avoided. It is currently unnecessary or even harmful for Facebook, Twitter and
Instagram. You only want to utilize automatic replies, to followers, messages, shares
and likes, when the volume absolutely exceeds the level of being able to do it
yourself. Doing it yourself creates a more personalized response and real
connection. This automated system allows you to make sure we are able to respond
to and interact with everyone’s interactions. However, it would be ideal to not use it,
because it not only comes off as impersonal. It often can look like spam, this is
negative because spam is widely despised and social media platforms have policies
against it.
The following video does a great job of articulating why to avoid auto-responses.
6.) Link accounts to website, and vice versa
Every social media platform provides space for a link (URL), and we have
already mentioned that when setting up the accounts, it is important to provide
your website link. However, it is also important to provide links to your social media
accounts on your website, this allows anyone that visits the website to have direct
links to all your social media accounts. Furthermore, it can also be beneficial to
insert a live feed on your website of one of your accounts, preferably the most
popular one. The object is to link all digital representation of the company together,
so that people know all the ways they interact with us.
The following link serves as a resource for this practice and provides additional best
7.) Ask for feedback
Social media is all about interacting and making connections with others, so
naturally people use social media to do just that. One way to get people to interact
with you and your page is to ask for feedback, in the form of a post. This can be
responded to in the form of a comment, direct message, a @mention post, book
reviews on amazon, and videos/channel reviews on YouTube. By asking for this
feedback, you not only benefit from any feedback that is given, but you also let the
user feel involved. This involvement makes the user feel important and creates
commitment to your page. This two way communication optimally contains
@mentions and #hashtags, this links both user’s pages to the conversation and
allows others interested in the same topic to find them.
1.) Boosting posts on Facebook.
Boosting a post on Facebook is the most inexpensive form of digital
marketing available to small businesses and Facebook users. Although this
marketing tactic only reaches Facebook users, there are 1.04 billion people active on
Facebook daily. Boosting a post allows you to target an audience by age, language,
gender, location and key terms, such as “stress-management” or “milennials.” These
targeting tools, plus a given budget, determine how many Facebook users your post
reaches. A more narrow and specific target audience of the post provides a lower
number of users reached, but also provides allows the post to reach a more specific
audience. Where if the location, age and key terms are very general, it will reach a
larger number of people in a broader audience. Once the audience is set, the budget
then determines the amount of people that actually see your post. Where the more
you pay, the more people that see your post on their feed. This allows us to market
the company, products and services to people that do not follow Thriving with
Stress, or have never heard of us, to see and interact with our posts.
The following YouTube videos are (1) a visual representation of how to Boost a post
and (2) a deeper look at why boosting became so important.
2.) Using FacebookAds
Thriving with Stress is not currently utilizing Facebook Ads, this is because it
requires a much larger budget than we have access to, right now. However, I will
still provide a basic understanding of and introduction to Facebook Ads, in
preparation of a larger budget in the future. I will also list the top three best
practices of Facebook Ads, as provided to me by a fellow University of Cincinnati
student, Noah Stone. Noah is an Entrepreneur and Marketing double major and
works for Monster Social Media.
Facebook Ads are the next step in Facebook’s internal marketing system,
boosting on steroids. It is relatively easy to use and can provide a very large increase
in page activity. The first thing you do is choose a campaign, this means you decide
what you want your ad to do, such as “Like our Page,” or “Click to go to our website.”
Then just create what you want to advertise, choose your audience and set a budget,
similarly to boosting. However, the difference is that you can be more specific in
targeting your audience, have more content options, invest a larger budget, and
receive greater results. When creating a Facebook ad you still target your audience
by location, age, gender, language, and key terms. However, key terms gets a little
more specific and asks for 4-10 demographics, interests and behaviors, allowing you
to more accurately target the intended audience. Budgeting is also fairly different,
although you can choose to invest as little as $5 dollars for one day, Facebook
suggests starting with $20 daily for a week. Where this is just a suggestion, they
have definitely designed the system to discourage low spending, where ad
interactions go up exponentially with increase in budget.
After targeting your audience and setting your budget, it is time to create
your ad. The ad gives you a text/description space (150 characters), and allows you
to upload a picture, video, or up to 6 interchanging pictures. If you provide multiple
pictures, Facebook ads will keep track of which pictures are attracting the most
interactions and prompts you to eliminate the less successful. Lastly, they give you
the option of deciding which ad preview style your audience receives. There are
three styles, ads formatted for desktop preview, mobile preview, and side column
preview. Simply decide if you want to utilize one, two or all of them. Once again, the
results are dependent on all the criteria set.
The following gives visual representation on how to (1) make and structure a
Facebook ad and (2) effective target the intended audience.
Three Best Practices (Stone)
1.) Make sure your targeting isn't to broad but isn't to specific, you want a happy
medium to utilize your budget to its full potential. Being too specific doesn’t allow you
to attract new users outside your current audience or field.
2.) Manage and minimize your cost per conversion/website click. The cost per click of
your ad goes down with increased performance of your ads, thus you should further
promote successful ads and eliminate unsuccessful one. If you spend a $100 on an add
at $1/click, you get 100 clicks, but if you manage well you could move to $.50/click
giving you 200 clicks for the same budget.
3.) Maximize your "relevancy score" which will only be calculated once your ad has hit
500 or more impressions. Relevancy score is a number 1-10 and indicates how likely
people are to respond positively or negatively to your ad. A higher score indicated a
higher likely hood that your audience is going to respond positively to your ad.
The following link provides more information and best practices on Facebook Ads.
1.) Finding and following
The whole point of social media is to interact with other users and
businesses, it gives users the opportunity to connect with people in a new way, at
anytime and anywhere. It is primarily is based on the idea of sharing content and
making connections with others to provide information and entertainment. The
process of this sharing content and developing an audience starts with finding and
following people in your desired audience and subject/ field your trying to engage.
There are a few finding and following strategies you can implement to find your
target audience and acquire followers.
 Follow everyone that follows you, with the exception of spam accounts, you
want to follow back any real user. This is at least necessary in the beginning,
to build credibility to future followers.
 Search key terms of your field/ target audience. This will allow you to find
and follow relevant and popular pages. Following these pages can give you of
successful content and many more users connected to the page.
 Once you find relevant and popular pages in the desired field/ audience, you
can go to their following and followers lists. The following list allows you to
find more popular pages to connect with and use as an example, while the
followers list gives you access to people that would also benefit from or be
interested in your similar, relevant page.
 Utilize the suggested pages after following a page, Twitter recommends
closely related pages to follow. This allow you to much more quickly find
people your interested in and gain followers. If they turn out to not be what
you were looking for, you can unfollow at any time.
2.) Hashtags
A hashtag is any word or phrase following the # symbol. Hashtags were
organically made by users in attempt to organize conversations, make it easier to find
content, and have your content found related to a topic or field. Clicking directly on the
hashtag brings you to a pooling of all posts using that word or phrase. Hashtags can be
used for brand recognition, and popular hashtags are often trending topics. For Twitter,
it is suggested to use between 1-3 per post. We have decided to make
#thrivingwithstress our brand recognition hashtag, and normally add another 1-2 that
relate to the posted content.
The following (1) link serves as my resource for hashtags and (2) video contains hashtags
in a list of engagement practices.
3.) Mentions
Mentions are the main form of connecting another user directly to a post, this
can be in a post you create or in the comments of a different post, that you would
like the mentioned user to see. A mention is a @ followed by a username,
@thrivewithstres (main), @digital_divorce (service), and @stresstoast
(book/product page). Mentions are great for showing what current Twitter users
were involved in an activity or event, asking questions or just bringing content to
someone’s attention. Mentioning people can make their page seen by all your
followers and give them attention, it is good to mention people habitually in hopes
to also be mentioned. When mentioned, users simply click the @mention and get
sent straight to the mentioned.
For the video containing mentions, see resource (2) in “Hashtags.”
4.) Retweets
Retweeting is Twitter’s form of sharing other user’s posts with your
followers. You can retweet any post, from any other user directly to your feed and
can even add a personal comment on the post. Retweeting is a must have habit of
being successful on Twitter and has two main purposes. It provides your page with
content that is relevant or interesting that you can share with your followers, this
allows the retweeted page to be seen and interacted with by all of your followers. It
also allows other users to share your posts with there followers, providing the same
kind of attention and driving traffic to your site. When retweeting is used habitually,
it provides valuable content for the page, support to other users, and connections.
The following link is a resource for and additional information on retweets,
1.) Finding and following
The finding and following strategies for Instagram are pretty much exactly
the same as Twitter (See Twitter: Finding and Following). However, there is one
additional way to find and follow people on Instagram.
 Instagram provides an “Explore Feed,” this is a feed on pictures and videos
that you might be interested in. It is based off of what pages you follow and
posts you like. Thus, like minded people and field/audience relevant pages
can be found in this feed. Simply explore, enjoy and follow
2.) Hashtags
We have already talked a little about hashtags, how, where, and why they
were created. Hashtags on Instagram are very similar to that of Twitter, they still
create on stream of all posts using a key word or phrase and allow users to connect
with a specific hashtag. The only differences are that Instagram allows up to 30
hashtags, not that you should EVER use that many. They also tend to be more
creative than Twitter hashtags, most likely due to the amount of freedom and extra
characters. I tend to use between 3-6 hashtags per post, and our branding hashtag is
once again #thrivingwithstress.
The following link serves (1) as my resource for and further elaboration on hashtags
and (2) a video that contains hashtags as a means of engagement.
3.) Mentions
Mentions on Instagram once again work very similarly to Twitter. They do
the exact same thing, for the same purpose. However, Instagram has another
element added to it. It is a new feature called “Photos of You,” this is a pooling of all
the pictures anyone @mentions you in. Users that visit your page can go to the
“Photos of You” section and see all the users you are already connection with.
For the video containing mentions, see resource (2) in “Hashtags.”
4.) Mobile sharing to other platforms
Instagram has an amazing feature that allows you to create an Instagram
post that you can then send to all your social media platforms. This is amazingly
useful for a couple reasons. First, all Instagram posting is done mobile, so you can
make these posts with a smartphone from wherever you are. Now, I know what
your thinking, all of the platforms have mobile apps that you can post from. True,
but no other individual platform allows you to make one post to send to all
platforms. So, then you say, isn’t there a Hootsuite app that I can post to all at once
from? Yes, however Hootsuite’s mobile posting is currently very unreliable, not to
mention much more complicated. Instagram has perfected mobile posting, they
were the first social media platform to only be mobile, until they made a viewing
only website option. This mobile posting allows you to easily be actively posting on
top of any preloaded posts.
The process is simple, create your Instagram post, and then type in user
name and password of Facebook and Twitter. The post will immediately be sent to
these two accounts as well, and for Twitter your done. However, since Facebook
makes you have a personal account as an Admin for your business page, you must
specify that you want the post to go to the feed of the business page. Simply go to
setting, links to other social media, Facebook, and select feed. The following video
(1) will show you step by step how to do this.
Non-Social Media Digital Marketing Opportunities
Thriving with Stress is not currently utilizing any non-social media digital
marketing outlets. We have already established our next potential step in digital
marketing if provided with a larger budget, however it never hurts to be prepared. In
the event that increased resources are provided for digital marketing efforts, I provide a
potential option of non-social media digital marketing.
1.) Outbrain Advertising
Outbrain is a digital advertising platform that allows you to advertise company
content on non-social media websites, such as CNN, Mashable, Time, People and
VentureBeat. However, it restricts you in what you are and aren’t allowed to post. They
encourage you to advertise recent blog posts, articles, news, videos, infographics, and
third-party reviews of the company. However, they do not accept home pages, direct
sales pages or self promotional content. Once you have set your content, it is time to set
your budget. Outbrain is a pay-per-click advertising platform, so you only pay for
interactions that you get. However, the downside is that they have a minimum of $10
per day, which we cannot afford. There is also a difference in the audience your ad
reaches, basically Outbrain has a bank of websites that they pay, to be able to advertise
on, such as the websites provided above. You choose a geographic location to advertise
to, and then they review your content and recommend your ad to which ever website in
their bank is most relevant. For example, if we wanted to advertise a local sporting
event, they would recommend the ad to people in Cincinnati on
Outbrain has the ability to engage traffic to articles, videos or noted successes of
the company. They can raise awareness and provide business opportunity to benefit the
company through there large and credible bank of website publishers. However, due to
how expensive it is and low level of personal control over content and audience, it
doesn’t seem like a great option for our small business. I also do not believe that we
currently have enough non-self promoted material available, to create an ad on
Outbrain. Plus, it is currently dropping in relevance due to Facebook’s domination of
digital advertising (Winter). However, if we did want to venture into the non-social
media digital marketing world, Outbrain is the most logical step. When compared to
other competing platforms in this field of digital marketing, Outbrain out ranks Taboola,
Disqus and Gravity in users and website publishers (Winter).
The following links provide (1) a more in-depth explanation of what Outbrain can do and
how to do it, and (2) the Pros and Cons of Outbrain, as they compare to Facebook Ads.
Works Cited
“Advertising Best Practices.” Facebook for Business. Facebook, n.d. Web. 21 Apr.
Ayres, Scott. “How Facebook Pages Succeed Using 13 Simple Best Practices.” Post
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Bolsinger, K. (n.d.). Chapter 3: Social Media Best Practices. Retrieved April 18,
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Fita, Maciej. “Facebook Post: 7 Tactics Which Make It More Attractive.” Brandignity.
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Forant, Trish. “10 Social Media Best Practices for Brand Engagement – Salesforce
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Web. 20 Apr. 2016.
GaryVaynerchuk. “Thoughts on Auto Reply DM Services on Twitter.” YouTube.
YouTube, 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
Johnny. “The Beginner’s Guide to Using YouTube in Social Marketing.” Mass Planner.
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Kolowich, Lindsay. “How to Use Hashtags on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.”
Hubspot. Hubspot, 8 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
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Virgillito, Dan. “5 Ways To Get Your Posts More Attention In The News Feed.”
AdEspresso. N.p., 27 Mar. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
Winter, Justin. “Facebook New Content Ads: RIP Outbrain, Taboola, Gravity, Disqus.”
Justin Winter. N.p., 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2016
YouTube Videos
DigitalMktr. “How To Use Boost Post For Your Fan Page Posts.” YouTube. YouTube,
13 Feb. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
FacebookForBusiness. “Ad Campaign Structure: A Facebook Ads Overview.”
YouTube. YouTube, 08 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
FacebookForBusiness. “Ad Targeting: A Facebook Ads Tutorial.” YouTube. YouTube,
31 July 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
FacebookForBusiness. “Boosting a Post: A Facebook Ads Tutorial.” YouTube.
YouTube, 18 Aug. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
Happymarketingclub. “Top 8 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram.” YouTube.
YouTube, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.
Lawton Digital Marketing. “How Outbrain Works, and How To Use.” YouTube.
YouTube, 20 Oct. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
Paperstreet. “How To Use Hootsuite: A Basic Tutorial.” YouTube. YouTube, 16 Dec.
2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
Rockinrealtyguy. “How to Connect Instagram to Facebook Page/Link My Instagram
and Facebook Together.” YouTube. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Apr.
Videoinfluencers. “How to Promote Your YouTube Channel with Social Media.”
YouTube. YouTube, 08 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.

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An Interns Guide Final2

  • 1. Running head: AN INTERN”S GUIDE An Interns Guide: To Social Media and Digital Marketing at Thriving with Stress By: Francis Chase Glaser
  • 2. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 2 Preliminary Information Every minute there are 277,000 Facebook updates, 100,000 Tweets, and 1.3 million YouTube videos watched (The Space, 2). Social media content is increasing and changing very rapidly, it is and will continue to be a necessary tool for every business. There are many uses for social media and many different platforms, furthermore, one platforms can be more effective than another depending on the task. Some things to consider before deciding where to focus resources; design content specific to the platform, understand the scale, audience and limits of each network when setting goals (expect to have different types and levels of interactions with each platform), and have fun with it (The Space, 5). Social media has grown so fast and has become an immense asset to companies because people enjoy it! So make sure that you and your audiences enjoy these interactions. Now lets get into some general information, specific to each platform. Facebook has the broadest audience from ages and gender, and there are great targeting options with their in-platform tools, boosting and ads. The main focus of Facebook is to make connections and build relationships, with individuals and businesses. However it can be beneficial for brands as well, you can make individual pages for products and services. These brand pages should be used as an extention of the web-site and should have content that gives the audience a reason to be interested. Twitter is currently considered the fastest and most cost effective way to raise awareness of a small business or company, its services and its products. Twitter users interact with the platform differently, specific for their need. These needs can be broken into two large groups, personal sharing and professional sharing. Twitter provides the most ways of finding, being found, and interacting with other brands and users, such as; retweets and hashtags, along with community interactions through follow-backs and contests. Brands can utilize these through relevant and entertaining content, while promoting and advertising their brand or products and services. Instagram is considered a more casual platform for connection, and is far more popular in the younger crowd. It is a photo and video dominant platform, so visuals are key in attracting and retaining followers. Brands of all sizes use Instagram to reveal new products, participate in a community, interact with consumers and share the companies personality. Some smaller companies even use it to promote and sell products directly through the platform. Instagram allows you to find and interact with these consumers through contests, Instagram Ads, hashtags and more personal experience sharing. Now that we have some introduction information and have a better understanding of the relevance and importance of utilizing social media within an organization, we now turn our focus to creating and effectively setting up the social media accounts. These steps to creating and setting up the individual platform’s accounts, will be used as a model for future services released, products released, and company promotion.
  • 3. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 3 Structuring and Setting Up Social Media Accounts: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram Facebook Step 1.) Creating and structuring This step describes how to most effectively structure a Facebook account to raise awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information. Facebook is the most valuable social media platform in the business and advertising world. It has an internal advertising system, is in more countries and has more members than any other social media cite. This is also the most complicated of the three platforms we are starting up. We start with a personal account, Facebook does not allow you to create a business page without a personal page. In our situation, this personal account will be “Thriving with Stress Admin.” This administrator page will not be seen by any users interacting with the business or product pages, it simply is where you login and manage the business and product pages from. Once the Admin account is created, we created the Thriving with Stress Business Page. The business page is the main focus and it represents the company as a whole, this will be the main page for promoting the company, products and services, and interacting with other users and businesses. After the administrator account is set up, we create two product pages. One page for the Thriving with Stress book and the other for the Digital Divorce Program, these pages will serve as the models for future service and product releases. This creation of specific pages allows each page to locate and target its specific audience and allows you to cross advertise news, products and services between pages. Step 2.) Information Input This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit your page information at any time. Facebook provides the most space and options of information to input. Which leads to the potential for unnecessary information. They have space for a lot of different information, and not all of it is relevant. Information categories such as favorite movies, favorite music, and political views are normally unnecessary. These being business pages, it is important to not include fluff. Stick to the relevant information
  • 4. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 4 such as page descriptions, location, links, pictures and videos. Facebook is the only one of the three platforms that allows you to upload photos and videos without posting them, this becomes part of info inputting section because it is helpful and attractive to load any relevant pictures or videos that the company has, as a way of building content that your feed provides. Inputting the location of the company allows for location services that can be used to interact with the local community. Step 3.) Building Content Once the individual platforms are structured and contain all relevant information, it is time to start building content! When starting to develop content, it is important to implement a content calendar (Figure 1). The reason for this content calendar is to easily organize what you are providing to your audience. It is important to vary the posting content, because while you want to promote and market the company, you also have to provide viewers with a benefit from following. Building content consists of posting regularly about relevant or entertaining information that will be desirable and attractive to the social media users you are targeting! This content gives other users a reason to view, like, and follow, while building credibility and promoting everything the company has to offer (Bolsinger). It is recommended to post a minimum of 2 or 3 times for the first two weeks to really build that content (Stone). However, you do not want to post more than 3 or 4 times a day because you do not want to clog up your followers feeds. After those first couple weeks you can phase it back to 1 or 2 times a day. Figure 1. Optimal content calendar for the first 2 weeks of postings Monday Community Industry Tuesday Promotion Motivation Wednesday Humor Industry Thrusday Community Promotional Friday Promotional Motivational Weekend Choice Choice Examples of content subjects Community Any news, events, or community awareness of Cincinnati Industry Field related current events: articles, videos, achievements, tips Promotion Advertise company, services, and products Motivation Inspire and support viewers Humor Comedic relief for viewers
  • 5. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 5 Twitter 1.) Creating and Structuring This step describes how to most effectively structure a Twitter account to raise awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information. The structuring of the Twitter accounts varies rather dramatically from that of Facebook, it relies dominantly on posts to give information and share company personality. For Thriving with Stress we decided to create three separate feeds (accounts). The first being the main Thriving with Stress Company feed, accompanied by individual feeds for Thriving with Stress the book and the Digital Divorce Program. Two reasons for a different structuring of accounts, first Twitter does not allow a main feed to have brand or product pages, like Facebook does. Secondly, this separation of feeds allows us to cross advertise our business news, services, and products across all feeds, reaching all the followers and audiences of each different feed. Step 2.) Information Input This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit your page information at any time. Twitter varies from Facebook in the amount of information space given within the feed. this puts more importance on post content. Twitter lets you choose your username, profile picture, 150 character description space and a link (URL). However, they also give you space to put a location and a cover photo (heading picture at top of feed). This info space is given for all three Twitter accounts, so the description will be specific for the business page and each product pages. Another thing that will be specific to each page will be the link. For Thriving with Stress (@thrivewithstres), it will be the link to the website. However, both Digital Divorce (@Digital_Divorce) and Thriving with Stress the Book (@stresstoast), will have specific links to where users can purchase services or products. Thriving with Stress the book will have a direct link to purchase the book on Amazon, and Digital Divorce will have a direct link to the Digital Divorce page of the Thriving with Stress website. Step 3.) Building Content (See Facebook)
  • 6. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 6 Instagram 1.) Creating and structuring This step describes how to most effectively structure an Instagram account to raise awareness of and opportunity for the company. The way the account is structures influences page attractiveness, ease of use and impact of information. Our approach to Instagram is straight-forward and consists of only one account, @thrivingwithstress. We decided to only use one account here, because Instagram is not quite as business oriented as Twitter and Facebook. Where Instagram can and will be used to promote our business, products and services, through posting and direct messaging. Instagram serves foremost as a place where you attract likes and followers through relevant, interesting, and entertaining posts, to raise awareness of and an audience for Thriving with Stress. Step 2.) Information Input This step involves inputting all relevant information that is necessary to effectively represent the company. The platforms are designed to prompt you to fill out all the information sections simply enough. However, if you do not have all the information right away or do not know what to put for the company, do not worry, you can edit your page information at any time. Instagram is similar to Twitter in the amount of information space provided on a profile page. The first thing to do is create an appropriate username and choose a profile picture. Instagram also allows a 150 character description and link (URL). Due to this being our only page for Thriving with Stress on Instagram, this link will change from time to time, depending on what is currently being promoted. Step 3.) Building Content (See Facebook) Now that we have gone through the process of setting our social media platforms up for success, we can begin to focus on how to most effectively utilize them to provide the most benefit for the company. More specifically, focusing on the best practices involved in using social media, some universal and some specific to the platform. Additionally, we will be explaining how to utilize Facebook’s internal advertising system, and give other potential opportunities for future non-social media digital marketing options.
  • 7. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 7 Best Practices: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram The following best practices to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are a combination of research, and knowledge gained through my time representing Thriving with Stress on social media. It starts with practices that apply universally to all platforms, and then by each individual platform. Each numbered practice will be paired with a video or web link, aimed at giving visual representation and additional information. I chose to link videos to each numbered practice, because I found that when you are being told what to do and shown how to do it, it is more easily comprehended and transferred. Universal 1.) Take advantage of a socialmedia management program Thriving with Stress currently uses a management program called Hootsuite. Hootsuite is a program that allows you to manage all of your social media platforms from one place, and we currently have our company pages from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This means that you do not need to go to each individual platform to read feeds, get notifications, or make posts. Being able to manage all of your accounts from one place saves a lot of time and keeps content more organized. There are two other very attractive tools of Hootsuite. First, Hootsuite allows you to create and preload posts that can be scheduled to up to six months in the future. This means that you can choose what day and time you would like Hootsuite to disperse the post you created. This provides you with the power to preload many posts, so that all the accounts are still posting when you can not be actively tending to them. Secondly, Hootsuite provides you with analytics for each of the pages, it shows you trends of activity for likes, unlikes, follows, unfollows and page/post engagement. All of this information lets you understand which kind of posts are more successful than others and growth rates of the page corresponding to the preceding activities. For instance, when paying to boost a post on Facebook the post reaches many more people and gets more engagement. Hootsuite then organizes and graphs this increased engagement and gives you an understanding of activity level increase. The following YouTube video is a visual representation of how to utilize Hootsuite- 1.) 2.) Cultivate page culture
  • 8. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 8 Everything we do on our social media pages in some way shows who we are and how we are perceived. In developing a page’s culture you want to think about the pages purpose and desired audience. How the page is perceived, how people interact with your page, and how you interact with others are all determinants in a page’s culture.  Develop a personality, your follows are following you because there is something about your feed that they like. Is our profile targeting a more corporate or casual type of audience, do you share a lot of pictures and videos, do you use inspirational quotes or keep up with community events? The idea is to keep it someone consistent with your page’s personally to keep current follows and attract the desired audience. Currently I believe our business pages are more casual, with a good balance between information and entertainment.  Be active, all social media platforms provide users with tons of ways to interact and get connected. Take advantage of liking posts, following other users, sharing others posts, follow-back if someone follows you and respond to any messages for the page. The more you interact with your audience and other users, the more attention your pages will get.  Be social, this is not the same as being active. One can be active in accomplishing objectives for their page, such as following, liking and posting, in order to get more followers and overall attention. However it is important to be human, by socializing with the audience, you can get a better understanding of who they are, and vice versa. Share personal information and interact with users by their first name. This provides a more genuine experience with the page, translating in higher commitment.  Lastly, have fun with it! Social media has gotten so popular, so quickly, because people enjoy it. Social media provides many benefits for a business, however it can be a lot of work. If you have fun with your social media accounts, your experience will be much more enjoyable. Additionally, more often then not, if you enjoy what your doing, you will be more successful. The following links served as resources for this section and additional information of best practices for cultivating a companies culture. 1.) engagement.html 2.) simple-best-practices/ 3.) Optimizing post engagement We have already talked a little about some guidelines of building content and how to effectively start doing so. However, there are many more ways to make sure that your posts are getting as much attention as they can. The aim is to implement
  • 9. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 9 these best practices of posting to make posts more attractive and provide more interactions.  Use pictures and videos, there are 4 billion YouTube videos watched ever day and countless pictures seen. Posts containing pictures are much more attractive and get much more attention than posts without. However, videos a quickly becoming the most interacted with posts, on social media. Videos require less user effort to gain information and are more entertaining than other posts. Plus, if the videos are of Thriving with Stress employees, they can play a major role in making social media connections more personal.  Keep it short, posts containing under 100 characters receive 17% high engagement, than posts with more (Forant). Social media users are viewing so much material very quickly, the longer the message, the more time the user has to commit to the post. People are more likely to interact if the perceived time commitment is short.  Run Contests, everyone likes competing and winning something! Contests are effective way to get your audience interacting with your posts and page. Simply create a “call to action,” what you want the person to do, such as like this post, like our page, share this post, or tag us. The contest provides incentive for participation and yields results.  Tips and Tricks, any post that is perceived to give the user valuable information is immediately more attractive. Giving advice in the form of tips and tricks does not only give user benefit through interacting with the post and driving traffic to the page, it is also a consistently trending post, which gives the post a greater chance of being shared.  Using posts to answer questions is another way to provide benefit to followers and users through posting. Whether someone asks a question or you pose the question yourself, anyone seeking the answer will be interested. This is not only informative and entertaining, it also helps build page credibility through portraying knowledge in relevant fields.  Figure out when the best time to post is to obtain the most attention. Facebook makes this easy with their analytics dashboard, this feature graphs out what time of day your followers are most active. This makes your posts much more likely to be seen. Twitter and Instagram are a bit different, with these two, you utilize Hootsuite’s analytic system. Though it doesn’t graph or tell you what time of day your followers are active, you can look at trends of what time posts are receiving the most attention. The following links serve as resources and additional information on best practices of optimizing post engagement. 1.) feed/ 2.) makes-it-more-attractive/
  • 10. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 10 4.) YouTube After touching on the importance of utilizing videos and their continually increasing popularity, I explain how you can use YouTube to benefit social media efforts and the company. Thriving with Stress currently utilizes Dr. Frank’s YouTube channel to provide the videos used on social media outlets. On Facebook and Twitter you are able to post any length video on your page, where Instagram limits the length of the video you are able to post. Posting videos is not only an extremely attractive and effective way to increase post attractiveness and interaction, but it is also a quick, effective, and more personal form of delivering content and interacting with users. Although, Instagram limits the length of the videos, you can always utilize sections of videos or make multiple posts. This posting of videos also drives traffic to the Thriving with Stress YouTube (Dr. Franks channel), where they can find, watch and review all the videos that they otherwise would not have found. You can also promote the YouTube channel by posting the link. YouTube provides another level of benefits to social media, through their analytics system. YouTube has amazing analytics on every video, since the creation of the channel. They provide statistics and graphs providing number of views and when these views occurred. This allows you to coordinate what YouTube related social media efforts are providing the most traffic to the channel and views of videos. The following link and video provide (1) a resource and additional info of best practices of YouTube and (2) additional information on how to promote your YouTube channel with social media. 1. your-social-media-marketing/ 2. 5.) Automated responses Although auto-response is available on all platforms, it should generally be avoided. It is currently unnecessary or even harmful for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You only want to utilize automatic replies, to followers, messages, shares and likes, when the volume absolutely exceeds the level of being able to do it yourself. Doing it yourself creates a more personalized response and real connection. This automated system allows you to make sure we are able to respond to and interact with everyone’s interactions. However, it would be ideal to not use it, because it not only comes off as impersonal. It often can look like spam, this is negative because spam is widely despised and social media platforms have policies against it. The following video does a great job of articulating why to avoid auto-responses.
  • 11. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 11 1.) 6.) Link accounts to website, and vice versa Every social media platform provides space for a link (URL), and we have already mentioned that when setting up the accounts, it is important to provide your website link. However, it is also important to provide links to your social media accounts on your website, this allows anyone that visits the website to have direct links to all your social media accounts. Furthermore, it can also be beneficial to insert a live feed on your website of one of your accounts, preferably the most popular one. The object is to link all digital representation of the company together, so that people know all the ways they interact with us. The following link serves as a resource for this practice and provides additional best practices. 1.) 7.) Ask for feedback Social media is all about interacting and making connections with others, so naturally people use social media to do just that. One way to get people to interact with you and your page is to ask for feedback, in the form of a post. This can be responded to in the form of a comment, direct message, a @mention post, book reviews on amazon, and videos/channel reviews on YouTube. By asking for this feedback, you not only benefit from any feedback that is given, but you also let the user feel involved. This involvement makes the user feel important and creates commitment to your page. This two way communication optimally contains @mentions and #hashtags, this links both user’s pages to the conversation and allows others interested in the same topic to find them. Facebook 1.) Boosting posts on Facebook. Boosting a post on Facebook is the most inexpensive form of digital marketing available to small businesses and Facebook users. Although this marketing tactic only reaches Facebook users, there are 1.04 billion people active on Facebook daily. Boosting a post allows you to target an audience by age, language, gender, location and key terms, such as “stress-management” or “milennials.” These targeting tools, plus a given budget, determine how many Facebook users your post reaches. A more narrow and specific target audience of the post provides a lower number of users reached, but also provides allows the post to reach a more specific audience. Where if the location, age and key terms are very general, it will reach a larger number of people in a broader audience. Once the audience is set, the budget
  • 12. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 12 then determines the amount of people that actually see your post. Where the more you pay, the more people that see your post on their feed. This allows us to market the company, products and services to people that do not follow Thriving with Stress, or have never heard of us, to see and interact with our posts. The following YouTube videos are (1) a visual representation of how to Boost a post and (2) a deeper look at why boosting became so important. 1.) 2.) 2.) Using FacebookAds Thriving with Stress is not currently utilizing Facebook Ads, this is because it requires a much larger budget than we have access to, right now. However, I will still provide a basic understanding of and introduction to Facebook Ads, in preparation of a larger budget in the future. I will also list the top three best practices of Facebook Ads, as provided to me by a fellow University of Cincinnati student, Noah Stone. Noah is an Entrepreneur and Marketing double major and works for Monster Social Media. Facebook Ads are the next step in Facebook’s internal marketing system, boosting on steroids. It is relatively easy to use and can provide a very large increase in page activity. The first thing you do is choose a campaign, this means you decide what you want your ad to do, such as “Like our Page,” or “Click to go to our website.” Then just create what you want to advertise, choose your audience and set a budget, similarly to boosting. However, the difference is that you can be more specific in targeting your audience, have more content options, invest a larger budget, and receive greater results. When creating a Facebook ad you still target your audience by location, age, gender, language, and key terms. However, key terms gets a little more specific and asks for 4-10 demographics, interests and behaviors, allowing you to more accurately target the intended audience. Budgeting is also fairly different, although you can choose to invest as little as $5 dollars for one day, Facebook suggests starting with $20 daily for a week. Where this is just a suggestion, they have definitely designed the system to discourage low spending, where ad interactions go up exponentially with increase in budget. After targeting your audience and setting your budget, it is time to create your ad. The ad gives you a text/description space (150 characters), and allows you to upload a picture, video, or up to 6 interchanging pictures. If you provide multiple pictures, Facebook ads will keep track of which pictures are attracting the most interactions and prompts you to eliminate the less successful. Lastly, they give you the option of deciding which ad preview style your audience receives. There are three styles, ads formatted for desktop preview, mobile preview, and side column
  • 13. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 13 preview. Simply decide if you want to utilize one, two or all of them. Once again, the results are dependent on all the criteria set. The following gives visual representation on how to (1) make and structure a Facebook ad and (2) effective target the intended audience. 1.) 9619&index=3 2.) 9619&index=15 Three Best Practices (Stone) 1.) Make sure your targeting isn't to broad but isn't to specific, you want a happy medium to utilize your budget to its full potential. Being too specific doesn’t allow you to attract new users outside your current audience or field. 2.) Manage and minimize your cost per conversion/website click. The cost per click of your ad goes down with increased performance of your ads, thus you should further promote successful ads and eliminate unsuccessful one. If you spend a $100 on an add at $1/click, you get 100 clicks, but if you manage well you could move to $.50/click giving you 200 clicks for the same budget. 3.) Maximize your "relevancy score" which will only be calculated once your ad has hit 500 or more impressions. Relevancy score is a number 1-10 and indicates how likely people are to respond positively or negatively to your ad. A higher score indicated a higher likely hood that your audience is going to respond positively to your ad. The following link provides more information and best practices on Facebook Ads. 1.) Twitter 1.) Finding and following The whole point of social media is to interact with other users and businesses, it gives users the opportunity to connect with people in a new way, at anytime and anywhere. It is primarily is based on the idea of sharing content and making connections with others to provide information and entertainment. The process of this sharing content and developing an audience starts with finding and following people in your desired audience and subject/ field your trying to engage.
  • 14. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 14 There are a few finding and following strategies you can implement to find your target audience and acquire followers.  Follow everyone that follows you, with the exception of spam accounts, you want to follow back any real user. This is at least necessary in the beginning, to build credibility to future followers.  Search key terms of your field/ target audience. This will allow you to find and follow relevant and popular pages. Following these pages can give you of successful content and many more users connected to the page.  Once you find relevant and popular pages in the desired field/ audience, you can go to their following and followers lists. The following list allows you to find more popular pages to connect with and use as an example, while the followers list gives you access to people that would also benefit from or be interested in your similar, relevant page.  Utilize the suggested pages after following a page, Twitter recommends closely related pages to follow. This allow you to much more quickly find people your interested in and gain followers. If they turn out to not be what you were looking for, you can unfollow at any time. 2.) Hashtags A hashtag is any word or phrase following the # symbol. Hashtags were organically made by users in attempt to organize conversations, make it easier to find content, and have your content found related to a topic or field. Clicking directly on the hashtag brings you to a pooling of all posts using that word or phrase. Hashtags can be used for brand recognition, and popular hashtags are often trending topics. For Twitter, it is suggested to use between 1-3 per post. We have decided to make #thrivingwithstress our brand recognition hashtag, and normally add another 1-2 that relate to the posted content. The following (1) link serves as my resource for hashtags and (2) video contains hashtags in a list of engagement practices. 1.) 2.) 3.) Mentions Mentions are the main form of connecting another user directly to a post, this can be in a post you create or in the comments of a different post, that you would like the mentioned user to see. A mention is a @ followed by a username, @thrivewithstres (main), @digital_divorce (service), and @stresstoast (book/product page). Mentions are great for showing what current Twitter users were involved in an activity or event, asking questions or just bringing content to
  • 15. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 15 someone’s attention. Mentioning people can make their page seen by all your followers and give them attention, it is good to mention people habitually in hopes to also be mentioned. When mentioned, users simply click the @mention and get sent straight to the mentioned. For the video containing mentions, see resource (2) in “Hashtags.” 4.) Retweets Retweeting is Twitter’s form of sharing other user’s posts with your followers. You can retweet any post, from any other user directly to your feed and can even add a personal comment on the post. Retweeting is a must have habit of being successful on Twitter and has two main purposes. It provides your page with content that is relevant or interesting that you can share with your followers, this allows the retweeted page to be seen and interacted with by all of your followers. It also allows other users to share your posts with there followers, providing the same kind of attention and driving traffic to your site. When retweeting is used habitually, it provides valuable content for the page, support to other users, and connections. The following link is a resource for and additional information on retweets, 1.) Instagram 1.) Finding and following The finding and following strategies for Instagram are pretty much exactly the same as Twitter (See Twitter: Finding and Following). However, there is one additional way to find and follow people on Instagram.  Instagram provides an “Explore Feed,” this is a feed on pictures and videos that you might be interested in. It is based off of what pages you follow and posts you like. Thus, like minded people and field/audience relevant pages can be found in this feed. Simply explore, enjoy and follow 2.) Hashtags We have already talked a little about hashtags, how, where, and why they were created. Hashtags on Instagram are very similar to that of Twitter, they still create on stream of all posts using a key word or phrase and allow users to connect with a specific hashtag. The only differences are that Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags, not that you should EVER use that many. They also tend to be more creative than Twitter hashtags, most likely due to the amount of freedom and extra characters. I tend to use between 3-6 hashtags per post, and our branding hashtag is once again #thrivingwithstress.
  • 16. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 16 The following link serves (1) as my resource for and further elaboration on hashtags and (2) a video that contains hashtags as a means of engagement. 1.) 2.) 3.) Mentions Mentions on Instagram once again work very similarly to Twitter. They do the exact same thing, for the same purpose. However, Instagram has another element added to it. It is a new feature called “Photos of You,” this is a pooling of all the pictures anyone @mentions you in. Users that visit your page can go to the “Photos of You” section and see all the users you are already connection with. For the video containing mentions, see resource (2) in “Hashtags.” 4.) Mobile sharing to other platforms Instagram has an amazing feature that allows you to create an Instagram post that you can then send to all your social media platforms. This is amazingly useful for a couple reasons. First, all Instagram posting is done mobile, so you can make these posts with a smartphone from wherever you are. Now, I know what your thinking, all of the platforms have mobile apps that you can post from. True, but no other individual platform allows you to make one post to send to all platforms. So, then you say, isn’t there a Hootsuite app that I can post to all at once from? Yes, however Hootsuite’s mobile posting is currently very unreliable, not to mention much more complicated. Instagram has perfected mobile posting, they were the first social media platform to only be mobile, until they made a viewing only website option. This mobile posting allows you to easily be actively posting on top of any preloaded posts. The process is simple, create your Instagram post, and then type in user name and password of Facebook and Twitter. The post will immediately be sent to these two accounts as well, and for Twitter your done. However, since Facebook makes you have a personal account as an Admin for your business page, you must specify that you want the post to go to the feed of the business page. Simply go to setting, links to other social media, Facebook, and select feed. The following video (1) will show you step by step how to do this. 1.)
  • 17. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 17 Non-Social Media Digital Marketing Opportunities Thriving with Stress is not currently utilizing any non-social media digital marketing outlets. We have already established our next potential step in digital marketing if provided with a larger budget, however it never hurts to be prepared. In the event that increased resources are provided for digital marketing efforts, I provide a potential option of non-social media digital marketing. 1.) Outbrain Advertising Outbrain is a digital advertising platform that allows you to advertise company content on non-social media websites, such as CNN, Mashable, Time, People and VentureBeat. However, it restricts you in what you are and aren’t allowed to post. They encourage you to advertise recent blog posts, articles, news, videos, infographics, and third-party reviews of the company. However, they do not accept home pages, direct sales pages or self promotional content. Once you have set your content, it is time to set your budget. Outbrain is a pay-per-click advertising platform, so you only pay for interactions that you get. However, the downside is that they have a minimum of $10 per day, which we cannot afford. There is also a difference in the audience your ad reaches, basically Outbrain has a bank of websites that they pay, to be able to advertise on, such as the websites provided above. You choose a geographic location to advertise to, and then they review your content and recommend your ad to which ever website in their bank is most relevant. For example, if we wanted to advertise a local sporting event, they would recommend the ad to people in Cincinnati on Outbrain has the ability to engage traffic to articles, videos or noted successes of the company. They can raise awareness and provide business opportunity to benefit the company through there large and credible bank of website publishers. However, due to how expensive it is and low level of personal control over content and audience, it doesn’t seem like a great option for our small business. I also do not believe that we currently have enough non-self promoted material available, to create an ad on Outbrain. Plus, it is currently dropping in relevance due to Facebook’s domination of digital advertising (Winter). However, if we did want to venture into the non-social media digital marketing world, Outbrain is the most logical step. When compared to other competing platforms in this field of digital marketing, Outbrain out ranks Taboola, Disqus and Gravity in users and website publishers (Winter). The following links provide (1) a more in-depth explanation of what Outbrain can do and how to do it, and (2) the Pros and Cons of Outbrain, as they compare to Facebook Ads. 1.) 2.) outbrain-taboola-gravity/
  • 18. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 18 Works Cited “Advertising Best Practices.” Facebook for Business. Facebook, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016 Ayres, Scott. “How Facebook Pages Succeed Using 13 Simple Best Practices.” Post Planner. Post Planner, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Bolsinger, K. (n.d.). Chapter 3: Social Media Best Practices. Retrieved April 18, 2016, from practices Fita, Maciej. “Facebook Post: 7 Tactics Which Make It More Attractive.” Brandignity. N.p., 11 Dec. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Forant, Trish. “10 Social Media Best Practices for Brand Engagement – Salesforce Marketing Cloud Blog.” Salesforce Marketing Cloud Blog. N.p., 10 Dec. 2013. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. GaryVaynerchuk. “Thoughts on Auto Reply DM Services on Twitter.” YouTube. YouTube, 02 Apr. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Johnny. “The Beginner’s Guide to Using YouTube in Social Marketing.” Mass Planner. Mass Planner, 05 Dec. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. Kolowich, Lindsay. “How to Use Hashtags on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.” Hubspot. Hubspot, 8 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. The Space Beyond Facebook [PDF]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 12, 2016, from beyond-facebook Virgillito, Dan. “5 Ways To Get Your Posts More Attention In The News Feed.” AdEspresso. N.p., 27 Mar. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Winter, Justin. “Facebook New Content Ads: RIP Outbrain, Taboola, Gravity, Disqus.” Justin Winter. N.p., 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 20 Apr. 2016 YouTube Videos DigitalMktr. “How To Use Boost Post For Your Fan Page Posts.” YouTube. YouTube, 13 Feb. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. FacebookForBusiness. “Ad Campaign Structure: A Facebook Ads Overview.” YouTube. YouTube, 08 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016.
  • 19. AN INTERN’S GUIDE 19 FacebookForBusiness. “Ad Targeting: A Facebook Ads Tutorial.” YouTube. YouTube, 31 July 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. FacebookForBusiness. “Boosting a Post: A Facebook Ads Tutorial.” YouTube. YouTube, 18 Aug. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Happymarketingclub. “Top 8 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram.” YouTube. YouTube, 12 Feb. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. Lawton Digital Marketing. “How Outbrain Works, and How To Use.” YouTube. YouTube, 20 Oct. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Paperstreet. “How To Use Hootsuite: A Basic Tutorial.” YouTube. YouTube, 16 Dec. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. Rockinrealtyguy. “How to Connect Instagram to Facebook Page/Link My Instagram and Facebook Together.” YouTube. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 22 Apr. 2016. Videoinfluencers. “How to Promote Your YouTube Channel with Social Media.” YouTube. YouTube, 08 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Apr. 2016.