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TREEOR Model: An Approach to the Valuation of
Intellectual Capital
María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia
University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain

Abstract: Following the biological behaviour of a tree and its growth system, this paper proposes a
model of valuation of the Intellectual Capital of an organization based on a variation of the classical
Lotka-Volterra equations system. The proposed model explains the growth of an organization as a
consequence of its Intellectual Capital (increment of the surface of the roots), its Knowledge (the
consumption of nutritious) and its Learning (fertility of the floor). And based on the proposed model, an
example with real data is given.

Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, Lotka-Volterra

1. Introduction                                          the type of soil or Learning that it has.
                                                         Finally, we try to value the speed with
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) define an                     which the Knowledge reaches every part
analogy as being halfway between the                     of the Tree-organization.
imagination and logical thought. The
definition of concepts through analogy is                The paper proceeds as follows. In section
one of the fundamental steps in the                      2., we explain the key elements of the tree
construction      of      new     theoretical            analogy with the organization; section 3.,
perspectives (Kaplan, 1964; Tsoukas,                     reflects the contents from the classical
1991; Van de Ven and Poole, 1995). In                    Lotka-Volterra model and straight off, in
this way, we study the analogy that exists               section 4., we explain the proposed model:
between      trees     and     organizations,            starting from a system of differential
explaining similarities and differences                  equations, and using the Runge Kutta
between them and proposing a model for                   method of the Mathematica program, we
the valuation of Intellectual Capital based              try to recognize the organizational
on an analogy already mentioned                          mechanism of growth in analogy with the
previously in the literature: G.E.S.T (1986)             growth of a tree. In section 5., we generate
with their quot;bonsai treequot; about the idea of               the discussion and to finish, in section 6.
technology; Edvinsson (1997), who made                   we study the Bankinter case.
use of the metaphor of a tree to define the
Intellectual Capital concept; Giget (1988)
with their tree of company competitions;
                                                         2. Tree-organization:             Elements
Viedma (2002) which represents the                          of the analogy
OICBS system; or GIDE (2002), which                      The model of Tree-organization or
identifies each managerial quot;occupationquot; as               TREEOR model presents the following
a type of tree.                                          elements:        Intellectual    Capital,
                                                         Organizational Learning and Knowledge.
The proposed model tries to measure the
length of the roots or Intellectual Capital        2.1 Intellectual Capital
(IC) of an organization and incorporates a
bifurcation parameter that values the              The concept of roots or Intellectual Capital
growth according to the capacity that the          follows the proposed definition by
organization has to increase their IC. In          Euroforum (1989), where their key
turn, the roots are responsible of the             elements are: Human Capital, Structural
absorbing     nutrients    or   Knowledge,         Capital and Relationship Capital.
generating two kinds of Knowledge flows:
those with aims of consumption for growth          Human Capital is made up of
(Explicit-conscious) and those whose               competences (knowledge and abilities)
dimension      is     the   regulation    or       and attitudes (such as loyalty, flexibility,
maintenance of the Tree-organization               etc). The essence of this capital survival,
(Implicit-automatic).     The    Knowledge         that is the core competence which
absorption depends, to a great extent, on          provides, goes through the stimulation,
ISSN 1479-4411                                119               ©Academic Conferences Ltd
Reference this paper as:
Sarabia M and Sarabia J (2005) “TREEOR Model: An Approach to the Valuation of
Intellectual Capital” The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2, pp
119-128, available online at
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128)

retention and appropriation of the benefits            Strategy: for elaborating the organizational
which brings the existence of people with              strategy, several factors converge: from
managerial        talent,      technological           the environment, giving rise to a deliberate
knowledge, etc. According to Milgrom and               strategy, that is to say, quot;the circumstances
Roberts (1993), the organization should                of the moment, the events that arise from
centre their attention on reducing the                 the environment, lead to the abandonment
mobility as an incentive to the investment             or revision of strategic elections, although,
in the specific human capital. Although the            firmly wantedquot; (Strategor, 1993); to the
real important thing, is to capture the best           memory on which learning is based, this
of each person so that it doesn't                      is, quot;in the exchange of ideas, knowledge
disappear, and in case of replacement, the             and mental models [...] and it’s based on
cost is low (Kay, 1994).                               the previous experience” (Stata, 1989).
                                                       Senge (1990), maintained that quot;our mental
Structural    Capital   is    divided     in           models not only determine the way of
Organizational Capital (Organizational                 interpreting the world, but also the way of
Routines) and Innovation Capital. Inside               actingquot;, so that, every organizational
the Organizational Capital, the routine                behaviour, as a result of a strategic
concept is framed as a “complex model of               application, goes through a mental models
behaviour, unchained by a number of                    lattice that form distorted perceptions of
former incentive, working automatically                the reality.
and as an unit” (Winter, 1986). These
organizational routines are the previous               Environment: climatology (in terms of
step to the accumulative learning of the               fertility of the soil) where a Tree-
organization, because the repetition of the            organization lives, influences directly in the
these is done with the objective of                    learning behaviour of this one. “An
obtaining success (Gavetti and Levinthal,              organization that learns is an expert
2000). On the other hand, the Innovation               organization in creating, acquiring and
Capital is shaped by the formalized and                transmitting knowledge, and in modifying
protected     (patents)    knowledge     of            its behaviour to adapt itself” (Garvin,
innovation. That knowledge protection                  2003). That necessity of adaptation on
tries to keep them safe from competitors               continual improvement, of survival, is
and this way, provide competitive                      intimately related with the environment
advantages to the organization (Teece,                 where the organization competes. It is
1990).                                                 such, that depending on the stability or
                                                       dynamism of the environment, the learning
Finally, the objective of Relationship                 is modified. A stable environment can
Capital is the creation and maintenance of             restrain    the    development      of     the
the relationships that the organization has            organizational learning (Lant and Mezías,
with its environment. Starting from the                1992; Fiol and Lyles, 1985), while a
affectionate communications between                    dynamic, unstable and highly competitive
company and environment, intangible                    environment, causes organizations more
actives are born outstanding as the                    capable when developing its learning
reputation, or the alliances (essential for            capacities, as well as more active for the
strategy success).                                     acting     of    sustainable     competitive
                                                       advantages that allow its survival.
2.2 Organizational learning
                                                       Culture: it defines how manhood is
The soil fertility is its own capacity to              identified with the organization, and how
supply all and each one of the nutrients               he conceives his system of values and
that the tree needs at that moment,                    relates it with his own (de Val, 1994). It is
quantity and appropriate form. The                     an accumulation of answers that the
following factors influence on the soil                organization has learned in view of raised
fertility: type of crop, climatology, cultural         problems (Schein, 1988). The question
practise and soil texture (quantity of clay).          lies in how the culture is detected and the
If we make an analogy between soil                     consequences that it implies for the
fertility and organizational learning, and             organization development in a unsettled
following Fiol and Lyles (1985), we will find          environment. The organization survival
these similarities: Strategy, Environment,             requires its capacity of adaptation or
Culture and Structure respectively.                    transformation that will depend on the
                                                       organizational learning processes.                                     120                  ©Academic Conferences Ltd
María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia

                                                         great inconvenience is its inefficacy
Structure: According to Strategor (1995),                when processing it by its roots, that is
quot;structure is a group of functions and                   to say, the Intellectual Capital is
relationships that determine the tasks that              unrecognizable,      replaceable    and
each organization unit should complete                   identifiable with difficulty, due to a
formally and the ways of collaborating                   structure that suffocates the intangible
among themquot;. The relationship between                    ones.
strategy and structure, is characterized by           c) Mix: it’s the desired structure for the
the existence of a complex component in                  organization, where the channels
which variables such as the environment                  provide the knowledge flow, the
take part in it, and the capacity of                     permeability provides nutrients for its
transmission in the management activities                survival and the Intellectual Capital
(culture).    The     behaviour     of    the            secures the growth and the flow of the
organization, has a permanent movement                   organizational knowledge increases.
of sorting its structure, that is to say, the
change dynamics causes a continual                    2.3 Knowledge
evolution for the sake of its survival:
quot;foreseen and systematic process which is             Nonaka (1994) clearly summarizes the
carried out to change the culture, systems            actual importance of knowledge: quot;in an
and organizational behaviour, to improve              economy where the only certainty is the
the effectiveness in solving their problems           uncertainty, the best source to obtain
and for the objective attainmentquot; (Lippit,            lasting competitive advantage is the
Langset and Mossop, 1989).                            knowledge.quot; The knowledge is the source
                                                      of life of the Tree-organization, but its
2.2.1 Types of organizational floor                   reception needs of a root lattice
                                                      (Intellectual Capital) depending on certain
Which are the most appropriate soils for              conditions of the soil. The fertility of this
the growth and root fortifying (Intellectual          one will provide a larger bifurcation of the
Capital) of the Tree-organization? There              roots, that in turn will increase the
are three soil classifications to study: (a)          knowledge flow and in consequence, the
Sandy: characterized by its great                     survival and the growth of the organization
permeability. These are soils that, due to            will be larger.
their scarce retention, they present a huge
poverty in nutrients (knowledge); (b)                 Nonaka (1994), offers an idea of company
Clayey: tendency to be flooded and to                 innovating, founded on ideas and ideals,
suffocate the roots (Intellectual Capital).           and whose existence is based on the
Their main characteristic is its wealth in            creation of knowledge: quot;creating new
nutrients (knowledge); (c) Mix: appropriate           knowledge means literally to recreate the
for    most     crops,     susceptible    of          company and each one of the people who
improvement and with intermediate                     work in it by means of an uninterrupted
characteristics between the sandy and the             process of personal and managerial
clayey ones.                                          remodelling”.
Now then, how can we identify each one                Authors such as Huber (1991), Nevis et al.
of these types with the current                       (1995), or Winter (2000) have tried to
organizational structures? Let us analyze             agree on the process of organizational
each one of them:                                     learning, bringing forward key concepts of
a) Sandy: it has a great communication                the essential stages of this. Within the idea
   channel, where the whole knowledge of              of Knowledge Acquisition, two supply
   the      organization      could    flow           channels coexist: internal and external.
   satisfactorily, but it moves in a simple           The internal development of knowledge,
   environment, where the processed                   follows    a     process      of    essential
   information isn’t valued nor understood            competitions, heroines in the cases of
   as a competitive advantage. These are              assumption and assimilation of irreversible
   companies that do not learn and do not             decisions in the past, as well as in the
   negotiate with effectiveness the                   absence of flexibility in the adaptation to
   acquired experience.                               the change (Leonard-Barton, 1992).
b) Clayey: the knowledge of the                       However, while the external acquisition of
   organizational structures that lives on            knowledge, makes use of contractual
   this type of soil is remarkable. The               mechanisms that define the knowledge                                    121                            ISSN 1479-4411
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128)

and     protect   it  from     the     effect                  provide a larger or smaller accessibility to
quot;benchmarkingquot;,        the       knowledge                     the nutrients (knowledge) and in
apprehension from the environment, uses                        consequence, the sustainability to the soil
the relationships between staff, clients and                   of the roots (intellectual capital) will
suppliers.                                                     determine the survival of the tree. As we
                                                               have previously seen, and following
3. A basic              model         of     Lotka-            Moráveck and Fiala (2004) in analogy with
   Volterra                                                    the organization, we present an empiric
                                                               formulation based on a Lotka-Volterra
The Lotka-Volterra Model studies the                           equations system (table 1).
interactions between two species, the                          Table 1: Description of the TREEOR
depredator and the prey and it has the                                     model variables.
following characteristics: a) preys are the
                                                                           Variable      Description
only source of feeding for depredators; b)                     Parameter
it explicitly includes the dependence of the
species of preys of population density; c)                                             Intellectual   Capital
there is no emigration or immigration                                                  (IC)         measured
phenomena.                                                     Λ(t)        Root length
                                                                                       according to the last
                                                                                       bifurcation of the
The model was independently developed                                                  corresponding root.
by Lotka (1925) and by Volterra and it is
developed by the following differential                                                  It values the growth
equations system(1926):                                                                  according to root
                                                                                         branching of the tree-
        •                                                                                organization, so that
       H (t ) = r ⋅ H (t ) − A ⋅ H (t ) ⋅ P (t )                                         the           smaller
       •                                                                   Bifurcation   ramification capacity
       P (t ) = B ⋅ H (t ) ⋅ P (t ) − m ⋅ P (t )                           parameter     (creation of value-
                                                                                         IC),    the   smaller
where                                              and                                   absorption          of
                   H (t ) = dH (t ) dt                                                   nutrients
                                                                                         (knowledge) and in
P (t ) = dP (t ) dt .   The     interpretation      of
                                                                                         consequence,         a
these two equations is explained by the                                                  slower growth.
following parameters: H(t) = density of
prey; r = intrinsic rate of prey population                                              Quantity             of
increase; B= reproduction of predators per                                               knowledge             in
1 prey eaten; P(t) = density of predators; A                                             movement,
= predation rate coefficient; and m =                                                    differentiating
                                                                           Nutrient      between
predator mortality rate.
                                                               Φ(t)        flow:         consumption aim for
                                                                           knowledge     the growth (Explicit-
From Lotka-Volterra classical Model,                                                     conscious)        and
Moráveck and Fiala (2004), an applicable                                                 whose dimension is
version of the biological systems is carried                                             the regulation or
out and they include another equation in                                                 maintenance
the system. This way, the constant                                                       (Implicit-automatic).
parameters of the classical model become
functions of the following type in the                                                   Speed in which the
proposed model that we will explain in the                                               Tree-organization
                                                                           Knowledge     supplies              the
next section:
                                                               ς(t)        supply        knowledge to every
A = A(t ) = b ⋅ α(t)                                                       speed         part of it and it allows
                                                                                         its absorption from
B = B (t ) = b ⋅ [d − φ(t ) ] ⋅ α ( t )                                                  the roots (Intellectual
                                                               a, b, c, d, Dynamical
4. The    proposed                          model:             e, f, g     parameters
   TREEOR                                                      The formulation (1), shows the behaviour
We have formulated a model that supports                       in the root length with regard to the speed
the idea of growth and survival of the                         of nutrients supply. So, we try to study the
Tree-organization according to soil fertility                  growth of the organization according to the
where it’s located (learning), which will                                             122                  ©Academic Conferences Ltd
María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia

grade in knowledge absorption on behalf
of the Intellectual Capital (IC):                                       (3) Φ (t ) = f ⋅ Λ2 (t ) − g ⋅ Λ3 (t )

(1) Λ(t) = a ⋅ Λ(t ) − b ⋅ α(t ) ⋅ ς(t ) ⋅ Λ(t)                         5. Discussion
    ς(t ) = b ⋅ [d − Φ(t )] ⋅ α(t ) ⋅ ς(t ) ⋅ Λ(t ) − c ⋅ ς(t )         The system of equations (1)-(3) has been
                                                                        solved by Runge Kutta’s method of
    •         e                                                         Mathematica program, version For
(2) α(t ) =
            Φ(t )                                                       the resolution and interpretation of this
                                                                        model, we will study a simulation of their
                                                                        dynamical parameters, starting from a non
The equation (2) tries to value which                                   trivial initial solution: a = 1; b = 1; c = 100;
would be the bifurcation parameter of the                               d = 2.5; e = 1; f = 2; g = 0.1.
root balance or Intellectual Capital
because, according to the last of the                                   We start from an initial situation (table 2),
bifurcations, we will measure the length of                             where the root length as well as nutrient
the roots. So we can extract a polarity: (i)                            speed supply, diminish intensely. This is, if
a longer length of the roots or Intellectual                            the capacity of the organization to create
Capital, a larger growth speed of the Tree-                             value or IC decreases, then it will have
organization; (ii) a larger length of the                               fewer tools to absorb the knowledge and
roots (IC), a slower speed of nutrient or                               in consequence their global growth will be
knowledge supply.                                                       slower. Besides, if the speed of knowledge
                                                                        supply diminishes, fewer nutrients enter
Starting from Moráveck and Fiala’s (2004)                               each time, and the IC is held back.
empiric definition about nutrient flow, we
assume that:
Table 2: Graphic behaviour of the variables: Length of roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed
           and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively

How do each of the variables behave                increase its intangible and in this way
before parameter changes? We will begin            absorb the knowledge and give it
carrying out a small variation on the              efficiently to every part of the company.
parameters a and b, responsible for the            What does the quantity of knowledge
variations in the root length or IC and of         depend on what takes over the
the speed supply.                                  organization and allows it to grow? The
                                                   fertility of the soil on which the
The table 3, presents an important                 organization is influences in the quantity of
situation for the Tree-organization: the           nutrients that are absorbed, that is to say,
intellectual capital of the company grows          the organizational learning allows a larger
because it has the necessary capacity to           takeover             of          knowledge.
Table 3: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53 and b = 53

What is learning translated into?: Strategy,                            way in which the four pillars of the learning
Environment, Culture and Structure. This                                combine, gives rise to different soils:
group of elements represents the fertility                              sandy, clayey and mix. In table 3, the
for the organization growth. Now then, the                              organization soil is mix, because it                                                      123                               ISSN 1479-4411
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128)

expedites the knowledge absorption by              experiences      and   more    appropriate
administrating an appropriate intellectual         practices of the other companies
capital.                                           (benchmarking), and in transmitting quick
                                                   and efficiently the knowledge to the whole
According     to    Garvin     (2003),    the      organization. The simulation of table 3
organization that learns is an expert in five      reflects a mixed learning on which a
activities:  systematic      resolution     of     company is settled which knows how to
problems,     experimentation      of   new        negotiate their human, relationship and
focuses, use of their own experience and           structural capital, as well as their
of the past to learn, learn from                   knowledge.
Table 4: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53, b = 53 and e = 3

Let us suppose now that, about the                 The soil is infertile because it is a sandy
simulation of table 3, we carry out a              soil that it does not retain knowledge. We
change in parameter e. This is, we vary            would be faced with a permeable learning;
the length of the roots, the knowledge             the organization possesses IC but the soil
supply speed and the parameter of                  on which it is settled does not favour the
bifurcations. What happens now to the              absorption      of   knowledge     and   in
learning? In table 4, we have the answer:          consequence stops growing.
grow and absorbing knowledge is stopped.
Table 5: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53, b = 53, e = 3 and c = 200

The companies with a sandy learning live             6. Numerical example: Bankinter
a stable environment (Lant and Mezías,                  case
1992; Fiol and Lyles, 1985) that obstructs
the growth of their IC and ignores the               In this section we present a numerical
importance of the intangible such as the             example of the proposed model, using
culture. quot;The ability of learning more               data from Bankinter, a Spanish Industrial
quickly than competence is nowadays the              Bank which was founded in June 1965
only sustainable competitive advantage”              through a joint venture by Banco de
(De Geus, 1988), and it hopelessly goes              Santander and Bank of America. Bankinter
by the organizational pillars that provides          has ranked 107 when it was founded and
the culture. And if we carry out a new               is currently among the top six Spanish
variation on the previous simulation (table          banks.
4)? On this occasion (table 5), we vary
lightly the knowledge supply speed and we            We are interested in the behaviour of
observe an interesting behaviour: in spite           Intellectual Capital variables of Bankinter
of the growth of knowledge speed, the                in two periods of time. The first period is
organization stops growing. This is a case           from 2001 to 2003 and the second one is
of clayey learning because the company               from 2002 to 2004. We have used data
does not negotiate the knowledge. The IC             from Bankinter Annual Report and we
becomes flooded and it cannot grow, it               have identified the variables of our
absorbs knowledge but it does not know               TREEOR model with Bankinter indicators
what to do with it, it does not learn and it         of Intellectual Capital (Table 6).
also oppresses its intellectual capital.                                   124                 ©Academic Conferences Ltd
María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia

Table 6: BANKINTER indicators for the              proposed model, an estimation of the
         numerical example of TREEOR               parameters a, b, c, d, e, f and g have been
         model                                     obtained (table 8).
TREEOR       BANKINTER indicators                  Table 8: Parameters of the TREEOR
variables                                                      model in Bankinter case
Λ(t)         Percentage of solved economic
                                                   Parameters   Period 2001-    Period 2002-
             incidences in 48 hours (%)
                                                                2003            2004
α(t)         Contribution to GDP per
                                                   a            0,0651          0,0633
             employee (in thousands of
                                                   b            0,0000          0,0000
                                                   c            12,1417         -8,1646
Φ(t)         Internal job rotation (%)
                                                   d            505,5661        -246,5072
ς(t)         Percentage of employees who
                                                   e            6441,8010       3654,9810
             meet or exceed their targets
                                                   f            1,0000          1,0000
                                                   g            0,0123          0,01250
Following the same way for resolution the
                                                   In the first period (2001-2003) we can
simulations of TREEOR model, we have
                                                   observe how the Intellectual Capital or
solved the equations system by Runge
                                                   length of the roots grows and the
Kutta’s method of Mathematica program,
                                                   Knowledge supply speed diminishes (table
version But, in this case we will
                                                   9). At the same time, the bifurcation
analyse the model through real data from
                                                   parameter starts to decrease. It means
Bankinter case (table 7).
                                                   that the company has a great Intellectual
Table 7: Real data from Bankinter.                 Capital Structure, which gets knowledge
TREEOR 2004       2003     2002    2001            from the soil or Learning Structure.
Λ(t)      85,26 82,64 78,38 75,00*                 Bankinter is an interesting case of learning
α(t)      134,65 150,90 121,61 106,81              organizations     where     its  bifurcation
Φ(t)      28,80 27,71 17,65 23,61                  parameter diminishes when the Intellectual
                                                   Capital increases. The Bankinter soil is
ς(t)      48,71 83,43 29,31 62,27
                                                   very close to mix learning because the
(* they are not available data of this year,       communication channel of knowledge
so we have approximated it through                 exists and the structure of Intellectual
known data of previous years)                      Capital is developed.
According to the previous values and
solving the equations system of the
Table 9: Graphic behaviour of the variables in the period 2001-2003 (Bankinter): Length of
          Roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively

The bifurcation parameter does not grow           knowledge that is not used in maintenance
as the Intellectual Capital due to Bankinter      actions    (equation   2),    and   every
has not found its equilibrium parameter of        organization must know what is the
“new knowledge” in this period. That is to        quantity of “new knowledge” that it can
say, Φ(t) is the resulting part of the whole      process.
Table 10: Graphic behaviour of the variables in the period 2002-2004 (Bankinter): Length of
           Roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively.                                 125                            ISSN 1479-4411
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128)

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  • 1. TREEOR Model: An Approach to the Valuation of Intellectual Capital María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain Abstract: Following the biological behaviour of a tree and its growth system, this paper proposes a model of valuation of the Intellectual Capital of an organization based on a variation of the classical Lotka-Volterra equations system. The proposed model explains the growth of an organization as a consequence of its Intellectual Capital (increment of the surface of the roots), its Knowledge (the consumption of nutritious) and its Learning (fertility of the floor). And based on the proposed model, an example with real data is given. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Organizational Learning, Knowledge Management, Lotka-Volterra system. 1. Introduction the type of soil or Learning that it has. Finally, we try to value the speed with Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) define an which the Knowledge reaches every part analogy as being halfway between the of the Tree-organization. imagination and logical thought. The definition of concepts through analogy is The paper proceeds as follows. In section one of the fundamental steps in the 2., we explain the key elements of the tree construction of new theoretical analogy with the organization; section 3., perspectives (Kaplan, 1964; Tsoukas, reflects the contents from the classical 1991; Van de Ven and Poole, 1995). In Lotka-Volterra model and straight off, in this way, we study the analogy that exists section 4., we explain the proposed model: between trees and organizations, starting from a system of differential explaining similarities and differences equations, and using the Runge Kutta between them and proposing a model for method of the Mathematica program, we the valuation of Intellectual Capital based try to recognize the organizational on an analogy already mentioned mechanism of growth in analogy with the previously in the literature: G.E.S.T (1986) growth of a tree. In section 5., we generate with their quot;bonsai treequot; about the idea of the discussion and to finish, in section 6. technology; Edvinsson (1997), who made we study the Bankinter case. use of the metaphor of a tree to define the Intellectual Capital concept; Giget (1988) with their tree of company competitions; 2. Tree-organization: Elements Viedma (2002) which represents the of the analogy OICBS system; or GIDE (2002), which The model of Tree-organization or identifies each managerial quot;occupationquot; as TREEOR model presents the following a type of tree. elements: Intellectual Capital, Organizational Learning and Knowledge. The proposed model tries to measure the length of the roots or Intellectual Capital 2.1 Intellectual Capital (IC) of an organization and incorporates a bifurcation parameter that values the The concept of roots or Intellectual Capital growth according to the capacity that the follows the proposed definition by organization has to increase their IC. In Euroforum (1989), where their key turn, the roots are responsible of the elements are: Human Capital, Structural absorbing nutrients or Knowledge, Capital and Relationship Capital. generating two kinds of Knowledge flows: those with aims of consumption for growth Human Capital is made up of (Explicit-conscious) and those whose competences (knowledge and abilities) dimension is the regulation or and attitudes (such as loyalty, flexibility, maintenance of the Tree-organization etc). The essence of this capital survival, (Implicit-automatic). The Knowledge that is the core competence which absorption depends, to a great extent, on provides, goes through the stimulation, ISSN 1479-4411 119 ©Academic Conferences Ltd Reference this paper as: Sarabia M and Sarabia J (2005) “TREEOR Model: An Approach to the Valuation of Intellectual Capital” The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2, pp 119-128, available online at
  • 2. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128) retention and appropriation of the benefits Strategy: for elaborating the organizational which brings the existence of people with strategy, several factors converge: from managerial talent, technological the environment, giving rise to a deliberate knowledge, etc. According to Milgrom and strategy, that is to say, quot;the circumstances Roberts (1993), the organization should of the moment, the events that arise from centre their attention on reducing the the environment, lead to the abandonment mobility as an incentive to the investment or revision of strategic elections, although, in the specific human capital. Although the firmly wantedquot; (Strategor, 1993); to the real important thing, is to capture the best memory on which learning is based, this of each person so that it doesn't is, quot;in the exchange of ideas, knowledge disappear, and in case of replacement, the and mental models [...] and it’s based on cost is low (Kay, 1994). the previous experience” (Stata, 1989). Senge (1990), maintained that quot;our mental Structural Capital is divided in models not only determine the way of Organizational Capital (Organizational interpreting the world, but also the way of Routines) and Innovation Capital. Inside actingquot;, so that, every organizational the Organizational Capital, the routine behaviour, as a result of a strategic concept is framed as a “complex model of application, goes through a mental models behaviour, unchained by a number of lattice that form distorted perceptions of former incentive, working automatically the reality. and as an unit” (Winter, 1986). These organizational routines are the previous Environment: climatology (in terms of step to the accumulative learning of the fertility of the soil) where a Tree- organization, because the repetition of the organization lives, influences directly in the these is done with the objective of learning behaviour of this one. “An obtaining success (Gavetti and Levinthal, organization that learns is an expert 2000). On the other hand, the Innovation organization in creating, acquiring and Capital is shaped by the formalized and transmitting knowledge, and in modifying protected (patents) knowledge of its behaviour to adapt itself” (Garvin, innovation. That knowledge protection 2003). That necessity of adaptation on tries to keep them safe from competitors continual improvement, of survival, is and this way, provide competitive intimately related with the environment advantages to the organization (Teece, where the organization competes. It is 1990). such, that depending on the stability or dynamism of the environment, the learning Finally, the objective of Relationship is modified. A stable environment can Capital is the creation and maintenance of restrain the development of the the relationships that the organization has organizational learning (Lant and Mezías, with its environment. Starting from the 1992; Fiol and Lyles, 1985), while a affectionate communications between dynamic, unstable and highly competitive company and environment, intangible environment, causes organizations more actives are born outstanding as the capable when developing its learning reputation, or the alliances (essential for capacities, as well as more active for the strategy success). acting of sustainable competitive advantages that allow its survival. 2.2 Organizational learning Culture: it defines how manhood is The soil fertility is its own capacity to identified with the organization, and how supply all and each one of the nutrients he conceives his system of values and that the tree needs at that moment, relates it with his own (de Val, 1994). It is quantity and appropriate form. The an accumulation of answers that the following factors influence on the soil organization has learned in view of raised fertility: type of crop, climatology, cultural problems (Schein, 1988). The question practise and soil texture (quantity of clay). lies in how the culture is detected and the If we make an analogy between soil consequences that it implies for the fertility and organizational learning, and organization development in a unsettled following Fiol and Lyles (1985), we will find environment. The organization survival these similarities: Strategy, Environment, requires its capacity of adaptation or Culture and Structure respectively. transformation that will depend on the organizational learning processes. 120 ©Academic Conferences Ltd
  • 3. María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia great inconvenience is its inefficacy Structure: According to Strategor (1995), when processing it by its roots, that is quot;structure is a group of functions and to say, the Intellectual Capital is relationships that determine the tasks that unrecognizable, replaceable and each organization unit should complete identifiable with difficulty, due to a formally and the ways of collaborating structure that suffocates the intangible among themquot;. The relationship between ones. strategy and structure, is characterized by c) Mix: it’s the desired structure for the the existence of a complex component in organization, where the channels which variables such as the environment provide the knowledge flow, the take part in it, and the capacity of permeability provides nutrients for its transmission in the management activities survival and the Intellectual Capital (culture). The behaviour of the secures the growth and the flow of the organization, has a permanent movement organizational knowledge increases. of sorting its structure, that is to say, the change dynamics causes a continual 2.3 Knowledge evolution for the sake of its survival: quot;foreseen and systematic process which is Nonaka (1994) clearly summarizes the carried out to change the culture, systems actual importance of knowledge: quot;in an and organizational behaviour, to improve economy where the only certainty is the the effectiveness in solving their problems uncertainty, the best source to obtain and for the objective attainmentquot; (Lippit, lasting competitive advantage is the Langset and Mossop, 1989). knowledge.quot; The knowledge is the source of life of the Tree-organization, but its 2.2.1 Types of organizational floor reception needs of a root lattice (Intellectual Capital) depending on certain Which are the most appropriate soils for conditions of the soil. The fertility of this the growth and root fortifying (Intellectual one will provide a larger bifurcation of the Capital) of the Tree-organization? There roots, that in turn will increase the are three soil classifications to study: (a) knowledge flow and in consequence, the Sandy: characterized by its great survival and the growth of the organization permeability. These are soils that, due to will be larger. their scarce retention, they present a huge poverty in nutrients (knowledge); (b) Nonaka (1994), offers an idea of company Clayey: tendency to be flooded and to innovating, founded on ideas and ideals, suffocate the roots (Intellectual Capital). and whose existence is based on the Their main characteristic is its wealth in creation of knowledge: quot;creating new nutrients (knowledge); (c) Mix: appropriate knowledge means literally to recreate the for most crops, susceptible of company and each one of the people who improvement and with intermediate work in it by means of an uninterrupted characteristics between the sandy and the process of personal and managerial clayey ones. remodelling”. Now then, how can we identify each one Authors such as Huber (1991), Nevis et al. of these types with the current (1995), or Winter (2000) have tried to organizational structures? Let us analyze agree on the process of organizational each one of them: learning, bringing forward key concepts of a) Sandy: it has a great communication the essential stages of this. Within the idea channel, where the whole knowledge of of Knowledge Acquisition, two supply the organization could flow channels coexist: internal and external. satisfactorily, but it moves in a simple The internal development of knowledge, environment, where the processed follows a process of essential information isn’t valued nor understood competitions, heroines in the cases of as a competitive advantage. These are assumption and assimilation of irreversible companies that do not learn and do not decisions in the past, as well as in the negotiate with effectiveness the absence of flexibility in the adaptation to acquired experience. the change (Leonard-Barton, 1992). b) Clayey: the knowledge of the However, while the external acquisition of organizational structures that lives on knowledge, makes use of contractual this type of soil is remarkable. The mechanisms that define the knowledge 121 ISSN 1479-4411
  • 4. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128) and protect it from the effect provide a larger or smaller accessibility to quot;benchmarkingquot;, the knowledge the nutrients (knowledge) and in apprehension from the environment, uses consequence, the sustainability to the soil the relationships between staff, clients and of the roots (intellectual capital) will suppliers. determine the survival of the tree. As we have previously seen, and following 3. A basic model of Lotka- Moráveck and Fiala (2004) in analogy with Volterra the organization, we present an empiric formulation based on a Lotka-Volterra The Lotka-Volterra Model studies the equations system (table 1). interactions between two species, the Table 1: Description of the TREEOR depredator and the prey and it has the model variables. following characteristics: a) preys are the Variable Description only source of feeding for depredators; b) Parameter name it explicitly includes the dependence of the species of preys of population density; c) Intellectual Capital there is no emigration or immigration (IC) measured phenomena. Λ(t) Root length according to the last bifurcation of the The model was independently developed corresponding root. by Lotka (1925) and by Volterra and it is developed by the following differential It values the growth equations system(1926): according to root branching of the tree- • organization, so that H (t ) = r ⋅ H (t ) − A ⋅ H (t ) ⋅ P (t ) the smaller • Bifurcation ramification capacity α(t) P (t ) = B ⋅ H (t ) ⋅ P (t ) − m ⋅ P (t ) parameter (creation of value- IC), the smaller • where and absorption of H (t ) = dH (t ) dt nutrients • (knowledge) and in P (t ) = dP (t ) dt . The interpretation of consequence, a these two equations is explained by the slower growth. following parameters: H(t) = density of prey; r = intrinsic rate of prey population Quantity of increase; B= reproduction of predators per knowledge in 1 prey eaten; P(t) = density of predators; A movement, = predation rate coefficient; and m = differentiating Nutrient between predator mortality rate. Φ(t) flow: consumption aim for knowledge the growth (Explicit- From Lotka-Volterra classical Model, conscious) and Moráveck and Fiala (2004), an applicable whose dimension is version of the biological systems is carried the regulation or out and they include another equation in maintenance the system. This way, the constant (Implicit-automatic). parameters of the classical model become functions of the following type in the Speed in which the proposed model that we will explain in the Tree-organization Knowledge supplies the next section: ς(t) supply knowledge to every A = A(t ) = b ⋅ α(t) speed part of it and it allows its absorption from B = B (t ) = b ⋅ [d − φ(t ) ] ⋅ α ( t ) the roots (Intellectual Capital). a, b, c, d, Dynamical 4. The proposed model: e, f, g parameters TREEOR The formulation (1), shows the behaviour We have formulated a model that supports in the root length with regard to the speed the idea of growth and survival of the of nutrients supply. So, we try to study the Tree-organization according to soil fertility growth of the organization according to the where it’s located (learning), which will 122 ©Academic Conferences Ltd
  • 5. María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia grade in knowledge absorption on behalf of the Intellectual Capital (IC): (3) Φ (t ) = f ⋅ Λ2 (t ) − g ⋅ Λ3 (t ) • (1) Λ(t) = a ⋅ Λ(t ) − b ⋅ α(t ) ⋅ ς(t ) ⋅ Λ(t) 5. Discussion • ς(t ) = b ⋅ [d − Φ(t )] ⋅ α(t ) ⋅ ς(t ) ⋅ Λ(t ) − c ⋅ ς(t ) The system of equations (1)-(3) has been solved by Runge Kutta’s method of • e Mathematica program, version For (2) α(t ) = Φ(t ) the resolution and interpretation of this model, we will study a simulation of their dynamical parameters, starting from a non The equation (2) tries to value which trivial initial solution: a = 1; b = 1; c = 100; would be the bifurcation parameter of the d = 2.5; e = 1; f = 2; g = 0.1. root balance or Intellectual Capital because, according to the last of the We start from an initial situation (table 2), bifurcations, we will measure the length of where the root length as well as nutrient the roots. So we can extract a polarity: (i) speed supply, diminish intensely. This is, if a longer length of the roots or Intellectual the capacity of the organization to create Capital, a larger growth speed of the Tree- value or IC decreases, then it will have organization; (ii) a larger length of the fewer tools to absorb the knowledge and roots (IC), a slower speed of nutrient or in consequence their global growth will be knowledge supply. slower. Besides, if the speed of knowledge supply diminishes, fewer nutrients enter Starting from Moráveck and Fiala’s (2004) each time, and the IC is held back. empiric definition about nutrient flow, we assume that: Table 2: Graphic behaviour of the variables: Length of roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively How do each of the variables behave increase its intangible and in this way before parameter changes? We will begin absorb the knowledge and give it carrying out a small variation on the efficiently to every part of the company. parameters a and b, responsible for the What does the quantity of knowledge variations in the root length or IC and of depend on what takes over the the speed supply. organization and allows it to grow? The fertility of the soil on which the The table 3, presents an important organization is influences in the quantity of situation for the Tree-organization: the nutrients that are absorbed, that is to say, intellectual capital of the company grows the organizational learning allows a larger because it has the necessary capacity to takeover of knowledge. Table 3: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53 and b = 53 What is learning translated into?: Strategy, way in which the four pillars of the learning Environment, Culture and Structure. This combine, gives rise to different soils: group of elements represents the fertility sandy, clayey and mix. In table 3, the for the organization growth. Now then, the organization soil is mix, because it 123 ISSN 1479-4411
  • 6. Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management Volume 3 Issue 2 2005 (119-128) expedites the knowledge absorption by experiences and more appropriate administrating an appropriate intellectual practices of the other companies capital. (benchmarking), and in transmitting quick and efficiently the knowledge to the whole According to Garvin (2003), the organization. The simulation of table 3 organization that learns is an expert in five reflects a mixed learning on which a activities: systematic resolution of company is settled which knows how to problems, experimentation of new negotiate their human, relationship and focuses, use of their own experience and structural capital, as well as their of the past to learn, learn from knowledge. Table 4: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53, b = 53 and e = 3 Let us suppose now that, about the The soil is infertile because it is a sandy simulation of table 3, we carry out a soil that it does not retain knowledge. We change in parameter e. This is, we vary would be faced with a permeable learning; the length of the roots, the knowledge the organization possesses IC but the soil supply speed and the parameter of on which it is settled does not favour the bifurcations. What happens now to the absorption of knowledge and in learning? In table 4, we have the answer: consequence stops growing. grow and absorbing knowledge is stopped. Table 5: Graphic behaviour of the variables: a = 53, b = 53, e = 3 and c = 200 The companies with a sandy learning live 6. Numerical example: Bankinter a stable environment (Lant and Mezías, case 1992; Fiol and Lyles, 1985) that obstructs the growth of their IC and ignores the In this section we present a numerical importance of the intangible such as the example of the proposed model, using culture. quot;The ability of learning more data from Bankinter, a Spanish Industrial quickly than competence is nowadays the Bank which was founded in June 1965 only sustainable competitive advantage” through a joint venture by Banco de (De Geus, 1988), and it hopelessly goes Santander and Bank of America. Bankinter by the organizational pillars that provides has ranked 107 when it was founded and the culture. And if we carry out a new is currently among the top six Spanish variation on the previous simulation (table banks. 4)? On this occasion (table 5), we vary lightly the knowledge supply speed and we We are interested in the behaviour of observe an interesting behaviour: in spite Intellectual Capital variables of Bankinter of the growth of knowledge speed, the in two periods of time. The first period is organization stops growing. This is a case from 2001 to 2003 and the second one is of clayey learning because the company from 2002 to 2004. We have used data does not negotiate the knowledge. The IC from Bankinter Annual Report and we becomes flooded and it cannot grow, it have identified the variables of our absorbs knowledge but it does not know TREEOR model with Bankinter indicators what to do with it, it does not learn and it of Intellectual Capital (Table 6). also oppresses its intellectual capital. 124 ©Academic Conferences Ltd
  • 7. María Sarabia and José M. Sarabia Table 6: BANKINTER indicators for the proposed model, an estimation of the numerical example of TREEOR parameters a, b, c, d, e, f and g have been model obtained (table 8). TREEOR BANKINTER indicators Table 8: Parameters of the TREEOR variables model in Bankinter case Λ(t) Percentage of solved economic Parameters Period 2001- Period 2002- incidences in 48 hours (%) 2003 2004 α(t) Contribution to GDP per a 0,0651 0,0633 employee (in thousands of b 0,0000 0,0000 euros) c 12,1417 -8,1646 Φ(t) Internal job rotation (%) d 505,5661 -246,5072 ς(t) Percentage of employees who e 6441,8010 3654,9810 meet or exceed their targets f 1,0000 1,0000 (%) g 0,0123 0,01250 Following the same way for resolution the In the first period (2001-2003) we can simulations of TREEOR model, we have observe how the Intellectual Capital or solved the equations system by Runge length of the roots grows and the Kutta’s method of Mathematica program, Knowledge supply speed diminishes (table version But, in this case we will 9). At the same time, the bifurcation analyse the model through real data from parameter starts to decrease. It means Bankinter case (table 7). that the company has a great Intellectual Table 7: Real data from Bankinter. Capital Structure, which gets knowledge TREEOR 2004 2003 2002 2001 from the soil or Learning Structure. Λ(t) 85,26 82,64 78,38 75,00* Bankinter is an interesting case of learning α(t) 134,65 150,90 121,61 106,81 organizations where its bifurcation Φ(t) 28,80 27,71 17,65 23,61 parameter diminishes when the Intellectual Capital increases. The Bankinter soil is ς(t) 48,71 83,43 29,31 62,27 very close to mix learning because the (* they are not available data of this year, communication channel of knowledge so we have approximated it through exists and the structure of Intellectual known data of previous years) Capital is developed. According to the previous values and solving the equations system of the Table 9: Graphic behaviour of the variables in the period 2001-2003 (Bankinter): Length of Roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively The bifurcation parameter does not grow knowledge that is not used in maintenance as the Intellectual Capital due to Bankinter actions (equation 2), and every has not found its equilibrium parameter of organization must know what is the “new knowledge” in this period. That is to quantity of “new knowledge” that it can say, Φ(t) is the resulting part of the whole process. Table 10: Graphic behaviour of the variables in the period 2002-2004 (Bankinter): Length of Roots or IC, Knowledge Supply Speed and Bifurcations Parameter, respectively. 125 ISSN 1479-4411
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