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Nature is not made by divinity; it is a part of divinity – Swami Satyananda
Scientific Name: Emblica Myrobalan
Other names: Amalaki, Amalaki, Amali, Amalakamu, Ambika, Anola, Adipala,
Bhumi amla, Bhumyamalki, Dhatri, Indian gooseberry, Usirikaya, Nellikai,
Nillika, Nellikya, Malacca tree, etc…
“The intelligence of the Universe expresses through sacred and medicinal
plants”. After Tulsi, the Amla tree has been regarded as the sacred tree that
people worship in India.
What are the Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry / Amalaki)?
Immunity strengthening may help in avoiding or fighting the seasonal change
diseases. Proper hydration and consumption of vitamin C-rich fruits and
vegetables are the two most common ways to boost the immune system.”
● Amla a natural enhancer of immunity and capable of improving the overall
health of the individual.
● Amla has always been popular as a powerful home remedy for treating cold
and flu.
● It is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the production of white blood cells
(WBC) in the body that helps in fighting several infections and diseases.
● Alongside, amalaki fruit is also rich in iron, calcium, and several other
minerals, which make it a complete nutritional fruit.
● Amalaki tree is a medium-sized deciduous plant. It grows to a height of 8-18
● It has a crooked trunk and spreading branches. Its flower is yellow-greenish
in color. The fruit is spherical, light greenish-yellow, quite smooth, and hard
on appearance with 6 vertical stripes or furrows.
● The average weight of the fruit is 60-70 gms.
Yes, Amla is a natural energizer that enhances energy and stamina by relieving
fatigue, stress, eliminating toxins from the body. It can be consumed as whole
amalaki fruit juice, or amla powder can be mixed with water, smoothies, tea, or
● Post recovery from coronavirus, some people may show symptoms like
fatigue, headache, sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, the dropping of
oxygen levels, new onset of anxiety, depression, weakness, sleeplessness, etc.
● Siddha medicine recommends Nellikai legiyam (made of Amla),
chyawanprash, and Amukkura choornam to overcome post-recovery
complications and strengthen the body and maintain good health, “Amla,
the Indian gooseberry, is a major component of the age-old immunity
booster, chyawanprash. Hence, here we bring you a very quick and easy juice
recipe, which can be made with only three ingredients that contain
immunity-boosting properties.
We used amla (gooseberry), ginger, and coriander (dhania) leaves or mint
(pudina) leaves as per choice to make this easy immunity-boosting juice. Both
dhania leaves and pudina leaves are rich in vitamin C. Hence, you can use any of
the leaves for the juice. Eat amla as Chyawanprash, chutney, murabba, or drink it
as a juice (one teaspoon in a glass of water).
● Choosing the Amla preparation will depend on the needs of each one, it is
available at concentrated juices, powders, capsules, oil, shampoo, facial and
body creams, intensive hair treatments, fruits.
● One of the most used presentations is the Amla capsules to avoid the classic
bitter taste of Amla; however, there are powdered presentations mixed with
other plants that help improve the flavor.
● When purchasing an Amla-based product, you must verify that the
proportion of the plant is the predominant one, so you will consume the
adequate amount to appreciate all its benefits.
Yes! Amla based products come in two forms orally consumable or for external
use and both of these are generally considered safe in children. However, it
should not be consumed or applied in excess to avoid discomfort.
● Amla has been used for thousands of years for its nourishing, nutrient
● Amla is rich in vitamin C containing about 720 to 921 mg of Vitamin C for
every hundred grams of edible material.
● It is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C found in the plant kingdom,
(i.e) twenty times that of an orange.
● More importantly, vitamin C naturally found within the amla fruit is
stabilized by the presence of tannins, which help amla to maintain its
vitamin content even through processing.
It also contains other nutrients such as,
● Polyphenols,
● Vitamin C & A,
● Minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and
vitamin B complex.
Amla is the powerhouse of antioxidants say 2 times that of turmeric, more than
10 times of blue and raspberries and more than 60 times the power of the
● Amla is an ingredient of many ayurvedic medicines and tonics, as it removes
excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, spermatorrhoea, internal
body heat and menstrual disorders.
● Amla is also cooling, it increases sattwa, and is an excellent liver tonic. The
fresh fruit is a diuretic and laxative. Ayurveda recommends drinking the
juice during the summer months when the body’s functions become sluggish
due to the heat and throughout the winter months to give you immunity.
● Chyawanprash is made with a base of fresh amla berries and also includes a
number of other herbs. It practically supportive of the respiratory tract as it
nourishes the mucous membranes and helps to keep the respiratory
passages clean and clear nourishes the reproductive tissues and aids in the
elimination of toxins.
● In Triphala, Amla is one of the 3 main constituents, which is primarily used
to maintain a healthy digestive tract. And a very effective detoxifier.
Amla berry fights against many diseases. Amla berry is used either alone or in
combination with other plants to treat many ailments. It is used for such as
Common cold and fever As a diuretic
● Laxative,
● Liver tonic,
● Refrigerant &
● Hair tonic
The other therapeutic properties include
● stomachic, digestive, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective
restorative, alterative, antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive, antiatherogenic,
antidiarrheal, antiatherosclerotic, anti-hypercholesterolemia, antianemia,
anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and wound healing properties.
● Amla berry does possess cardioprotective and anticoagulant effects.
● Amla berry supports the healthy function of the heart and circulatory system
and healthy cholesterol.
● As a cardiac tonic, it nourishes and strengthens the heart muscle, thereby
supporting blood circulation and a healthy supply of oxygen to the system.
● Amla is a wonderful tonic for strengthening and nourishing the lungs (which
are the major seat of Kapha in the body), and the entire respiratory tract and
governs moisture balance in the lungs.
● Amla Berry supports the reproductive systems of both men and women and
can help overcome the difficulty in conceiving.
● This herb nurtures the ovaries and sperm.
● It is especially nurturing for women, strengthening the uterus and
supporting reproductive health.
● Amla strengthens kidneys and adrenals.
● Amla supports healthy urinary composition assisting in the natural
cleansing of the blood. It a very useful antioxidant for the prevention of
age-related renal disease.
● As a detoxifier – Amla keeps the body as clear as a mirror.
● It strengthens and rejuvenates the liver and gallbladder and helps in the
production of bile.
● Amla helps in the healthy elimination of natural toxins and promotes
healthy digestion and assimilation of fat and a healthy metabolism.
● Scientific studies have shown amla to be effective in preventing or
ameliorating the toxic effects of hepatotoxic agents like ethanol,
paracetamol, carbon tetrachloride, heavy metals, ochratoxins,
hexachlorocyclohexane, antitubercular drugs and hepatotoxicity resulting
from iron overload.
● Amla is also reported to impart beneficial effects on liver function and to
mitigate hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome.
● Amla possesses protective effects against chemical-induced
hepatocarcinogenesis in animal models of study.
● Improves appetite and helps in healthy digestion.
● Amla cleanses and protects the liver, which plays a critical role in
transforming food into physiologically useful nourishment.
● Amla can be especially supportive of digestion during the summer months
when heat tends to accumulate in the body.
● Amla helps in treating gastritis and heartburns to prevent peptic ulcers and
dyspepsia, and as a digestive.
● Amla possesses anti-diabetic effects through its antioxidant and free radical
scavenging properties. It has the ability to stimulate microcirculation and
promote healthy blood sugar levels.
● Amla also has an affinity for the urinary tract and balance excretion urine
and balanced blood sugar levels go hand in hand. On a large scale, it’s the
support of the entire digestive process supports the body’s ability to process
food in a wholesome and efficient manner.
● Amla has also been reported to prevent/reduce hyperglycemia, cardiac
complications, diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, cataractogenesis, and
protein wasting.
The present data suggest that fruit juice may be beneficial for the treatment of
myocardial damage associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The activity of E
Officinalis fruit juice can be attributed to the concentration of polyphenol
● Ayurvedic Amalaki Rasayana promotes improved stress tolerance and thus
has anti-aging effects. It rejuvenating the entire system. Specifically, it
promotes youthfulness, bolsters immunity, nourishes, and tonifies all the
body’s tissues and promotes overall health and well-being. Amla Assists in
natural internal cleansing and it is a natural antioxidant. Amla is a brain
tonic, it promotes memory.
● Amla supports the body’s natural ability to cleanse and remove toxins and by
improving moisture retention and reducing the occurrence of itching and
dry skin.
● Amla combats aging which in turn helps to keep your skin smooth and
young restore skin to its normal coloration.
● Applying amla powder helps to reduce wrinkles, dark spots on the skin,
pigmentation and other signs of premature aging, by its antioxidants and
also boost the production of collagen.
● Amla being a natural blood purifier, fights the microorganisms present in
the skin.
● Amla fights acne and pimples and brightens the complexion.
● The antioxidants and vitamin C in Amla, help to brighten your skin.
● This fruit also helps to tone and tighten the skin and makes it firm and soft.
● Amla juice exfoliates and cleanses your skin, by removing the dead cells.
● You can add Amla juice to your daily diet, to keep your skin clean from
● Hair problems like the split end, hair loss, and hair odor are also treatable
with amla.
● Its juice or amla powder mixed with henna is a very good conditioner for
hair, which helps to treat dry and rough hair.
● Being a rich source of essential fatty acids Amla strengthens the hair and
helps to nourish your hair from its roots.
● Amla’s anti-aging benefits are not just for the skin, but for the hair too.
● The amazing antioxidants in the fruit can save your hair from premature
● Amla helps strengthen hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the
scalp, thus stimulating hair growth.
● Amla juice or powder is also one of the main ingredients in hair dyes, and it
makes hair shinier and thicker.
● Amla prevents dandruff by improving the scalp’s health.
● Superoxide dismutase (SOD) present in, teamed up with the antioxidants
helps prevent the formation of free radicals, which are the root underlying
cause of cancer.
● Amla is also reported to possess neuromodulatory chemo modulatory,
chemopreventive effects, free radical scavenging, antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory activities,
properties that are efficacious in the treatment and prevention of cancer.
It is suggested that amla produced a significant hypolipidemic effect along with a
reduction in blood pressure. The addition of amla to the currently available
hypolipidemic therapy would offer significant protection against atherosclerosis
and coronary artery disease.
● Due to the antimicrobial and anti-ulcerative properties of amla, it is used in
dentistry for the treatment of periodontal diseases.
● Gargling with amla juice, fresh or mixing Amla powder in water regularly,
offer some respite from nasty mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, yellowish teeth,
and foul breath.
● Recent studies show that the antiplaque and antigingivitis activity of triphala
closely parallels that of chlorhexidine.
● As a good detox amla helps for comfortable movement of joints and muscles,
amla rejuvenates and strengthens the skeletal and neuromuscular system,
cleanses natural toxins and lubricates and soothes the joint tissue.
● Amla helps in reducing arthritis-related pain.
● Amla supports proper metabolism and helps in weight management. It
accelerates the body’s metabolism by burning more calories. In this way, it
helps in weight management.
● Amla increases the protein levels in the body, as a result of which the body
burns fat faster and accelerates the process of losing excess weight. So if you
are keen on getting back to shape, add it to your diet.
● There is a good amount of vitamin C in amla which increases the immunity
power in the body. You cannot become ill if you eat it.
● Amla promotes the elimination of natural toxins and maintains healthy
digestion and absorption and nourishes and strengthens the body’s
immunity and protects it against seasonal cough, cold and flu.
● It helps the body and mind adapt to the stress of modern life and promotes
increased energy levels.
● Amla Berry is called Chakshushya, which means “strengthening the eyes”
(Chakshu means “eye” and ayushya means Rasayana, so it is literally a
“Rasayana for the eyes”). It supports the health of the eyes.
● Regular consumption of Amla juice helps to fight eye problems like
short-sightedness, watering of eyes, eye infection and early onset of cataract.
● Power in the eyes also gets better with the regular consumption of Amla.
● Nourishes the brain and mental functioning.
● Amla is good for the brain.
● It sharpens the intellect and mental functioning.
● It supports the nervous system and strengthens the senses.
So adding this ‘HUMBLE BERRY’ with all these superpowers to your food in any
form- candy, pickles, juice, murabba, in curries and dals, tea, soup, chutney will
definitely take care of your daily health woes.
Some Useful Tips:
● Take Triphala or amla marmalade before bedtime for constipation.
● Using Amla Rasayana also helpful for indigestion and to improve appetite.
● Boil amla powder and jaggery and drinking it, will help to relieve
rheumatism pain.
● Drinking fresh amla juice is nutritious for children and it also helps in curing
gum problems, bleeding gums and bleeding nose.
● Applying Amla paste to the scalp and applying amla oil will make your hair
● Mix Amla powder with lemon juice and apply it to hair will make it shiny.
● Drinking Amla juice with turmeric and honey helps to cure urinary tract
● Take fresh amla juice and mix it with turnip juice, apply it on the head for
treating baldness without any side effects.
● Taking Marmalade of amla with honey will increase hemoglobin and cure for
The easiest way to have amla is either raw or if you have a taste for it, you could
even keep some dried amla candy with you to munch on whenever hungry. This
will tackle the junk factor in your life without compromising on taste!
Amla powder offers a full experience of tasting the herb and also provides the
most economical option for purchasing Amla. Like Triphala, Amla powder can be
taken as a hot or cold infusion in water, at night or upon rising. It can be taken
with milk or ghee or another carrier like honey.
Amla for instance is a superfood or Indian gooseberry that you can add to your
daily diet to fight health risks.
Want To Be Nurtured Like Mother Earth? Go For Amla!
Blog Disclaimer: This disclaimer informs readers that the views, thoughts, and
opinions expressed in the Blog section belong solely to the author who are
independent writers and not necessarily to Harmony Nutraceuticals or Harmony
Veda. Our writers are not employed or related to us in any way. The Blog
provides an opportunity for authors to express their own views and opinions on
Ayurveda, various health topics and supplements.

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  • 3. AMALAKI TREE (INDIAN GOOSEBERRY): HEALTH BENEFITS, FACTS, SIDE EFFECTS, MEDICINAL PROPERTIES & USES Nature is not made by divinity; it is a part of divinity – Swami Satyananda Saraswati Scientific Name: Emblica Myrobalan Other names: Amalaki, Amalaki, Amali, Amalakamu, Ambika, Anola, Adipala, Bhumi amla, Bhumyamalki, Dhatri, Indian gooseberry, Usirikaya, Nellikai, Nillika, Nellikya, Malacca tree, etc… “The intelligence of the Universe expresses through sacred and medicinal plants”. After Tulsi, the Amla tree has been regarded as the sacred tree that people worship in India.
  • 4. What are the Health Benefits of Amla (Indian Gooseberry / Amalaki)? Immunity strengthening may help in avoiding or fighting the seasonal change diseases. Proper hydration and consumption of vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables are the two most common ways to boost the immune system.” BOOST IT: ● Amla a natural enhancer of immunity and capable of improving the overall health of the individual. ● Amla has always been popular as a powerful home remedy for treating cold and flu.
  • 5. ● It is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the production of white blood cells (WBC) in the body that helps in fighting several infections and diseases. ● Alongside, amalaki fruit is also rich in iron, calcium, and several other minerals, which make it a complete nutritional fruit. WHAT IS AMLA? – THINGS YOU SHOULD NEVER MISS ABOUT AMLA – THE DIVINE ELIXIR: ● Amalaki tree is a medium-sized deciduous plant. It grows to a height of 8-18 meters. ● It has a crooked trunk and spreading branches. Its flower is yellow-greenish in color. The fruit is spherical, light greenish-yellow, quite smooth, and hard on appearance with 6 vertical stripes or furrows.
  • 6. ● The average weight of the fruit is 60-70 gms. CAN IT BE USED AS AN ENERGIZER? Yes, Amla is a natural energizer that enhances energy and stamina by relieving fatigue, stress, eliminating toxins from the body. It can be consumed as whole amalaki fruit juice, or amla powder can be mixed with water, smoothies, tea, or soups. IS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM STRONG ENOUGH TO FIGHT AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUSES? DO YOU KNOW WHY SIDDHA MEDICINE RECOMMENDS AMLA FOR THOSE WHO HAVE RECOVERED FROM COVID-19 AND LACK IMMUNITY?
  • 7. ● Post recovery from coronavirus, some people may show symptoms like fatigue, headache, sore throat, cough, difficulty in breathing, the dropping of oxygen levels, new onset of anxiety, depression, weakness, sleeplessness, etc. ● Siddha medicine recommends Nellikai legiyam (made of Amla), chyawanprash, and Amukkura choornam to overcome post-recovery complications and strengthen the body and maintain good health, “Amla, the Indian gooseberry, is a major component of the age-old immunity booster, chyawanprash. Hence, here we bring you a very quick and easy juice recipe, which can be made with only three ingredients that contain immunity-boosting properties.
  • 8. AMLA JUICE BENEFITS: We used amla (gooseberry), ginger, and coriander (dhania) leaves or mint (pudina) leaves as per choice to make this easy immunity-boosting juice. Both dhania leaves and pudina leaves are rich in vitamin C. Hence, you can use any of the leaves for the juice. Eat amla as Chyawanprash, chutney, murabba, or drink it as a juice (one teaspoon in a glass of water). WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF AMLA PREPARATIONS? ● Choosing the Amla preparation will depend on the needs of each one, it is available at concentrated juices, powders, capsules, oil, shampoo, facial and body creams, intensive hair treatments, fruits.
  • 9. ● One of the most used presentations is the Amla capsules to avoid the classic bitter taste of Amla; however, there are powdered presentations mixed with other plants that help improve the flavor. ● When purchasing an Amla-based product, you must verify that the proportion of the plant is the predominant one, so you will consume the adequate amount to appreciate all its benefits. IS IT SAFE FOR CHILDREN? Yes! Amla based products come in two forms orally consumable or for external use and both of these are generally considered safe in children. However, it should not be consumed or applied in excess to avoid discomfort.
  • 10. WHAT AMLA CONTAINS? ● Amla has been used for thousands of years for its nourishing, nutrient properties. ● Amla is rich in vitamin C containing about 720 to 921 mg of Vitamin C for every hundred grams of edible material. ● It is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C found in the plant kingdom, (i.e) twenty times that of an orange. ● More importantly, vitamin C naturally found within the amla fruit is stabilized by the presence of tannins, which help amla to maintain its vitamin content even through processing.
  • 11. It also contains other nutrients such as, ● Polyphenols, ● Vitamin C & A, ● Minerals including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and vitamin B complex. ANTIOXIDANTS: Amla is the powerhouse of antioxidants say 2 times that of turmeric, more than 10 times of blue and raspberries and more than 60 times the power of the pomegranate. DON’T MISS SOME THESE TRADITIONAL ASPECTS OF AMLA:
  • 12. ● Amla is an ingredient of many ayurvedic medicines and tonics, as it removes excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, spermatorrhoea, internal body heat and menstrual disorders. ● Amla is also cooling, it increases sattwa, and is an excellent liver tonic. The fresh fruit is a diuretic and laxative. Ayurveda recommends drinking the juice during the summer months when the body’s functions become sluggish due to the heat and throughout the winter months to give you immunity. ● Chyawanprash is made with a base of fresh amla berries and also includes a number of other herbs. It practically supportive of the respiratory tract as it nourishes the mucous membranes and helps to keep the respiratory passages clean and clear nourishes the reproductive tissues and aids in the elimination of toxins.
  • 13. ● In Triphala, Amla is one of the 3 main constituents, which is primarily used to maintain a healthy digestive tract. And a very effective detoxifier. 1. THE FIGHTER: Amla berry fights against many diseases. Amla berry is used either alone or in combination with other plants to treat many ailments. It is used for such as Common cold and fever As a diuretic ● Laxative, ● Liver tonic, ● Refrigerant & ● Hair tonic
  • 14. The other therapeutic properties include ● stomachic, digestive, gastroprotective, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective restorative, alterative, antipyretic, analgesic, antitussive, antiatherogenic, antidiarrheal, antiatherosclerotic, anti-hypercholesterolemia, antianemia, anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic and wound healing properties. 2. THE CARDIOPROTECTOR ● Amla berry does possess cardioprotective and anticoagulant effects. ● Amla berry supports the healthy function of the heart and circulatory system and healthy cholesterol. ● As a cardiac tonic, it nourishes and strengthens the heart muscle, thereby supporting blood circulation and a healthy supply of oxygen to the system.
  • 15. 3. THE LUNGS STRENGTHENER: ● Amla is a wonderful tonic for strengthening and nourishing the lungs (which are the major seat of Kapha in the body), and the entire respiratory tract and governs moisture balance in the lungs. 4. THE FERTILITY ENHANCER: ● Amla Berry supports the reproductive systems of both men and women and can help overcome the difficulty in conceiving. ● This herb nurtures the ovaries and sperm. ● It is especially nurturing for women, strengthening the uterus and supporting reproductive health.
  • 16. 5. THE CLEANSER AND DETOXIFIER: ● Amla strengthens kidneys and adrenals. ● Amla supports healthy urinary composition assisting in the natural cleansing of the blood. It a very useful antioxidant for the prevention of age-related renal disease. ● As a detoxifier – Amla keeps the body as clear as a mirror. ● It strengthens and rejuvenates the liver and gallbladder and helps in the production of bile. ● Amla helps in the healthy elimination of natural toxins and promotes healthy digestion and assimilation of fat and a healthy metabolism.
  • 17. ● Scientific studies have shown amla to be effective in preventing or ameliorating the toxic effects of hepatotoxic agents like ethanol, paracetamol, carbon tetrachloride, heavy metals, ochratoxins, hexachlorocyclohexane, antitubercular drugs and hepatotoxicity resulting from iron overload. ● Amla is also reported to impart beneficial effects on liver function and to mitigate hyperlipidemia and metabolic syndrome. ● Amla possesses protective effects against chemical-induced hepatocarcinogenesis in animal models of study.
  • 18. 6. THE DIGESTOR: ● Improves appetite and helps in healthy digestion. ● Amla cleanses and protects the liver, which plays a critical role in transforming food into physiologically useful nourishment. ● Amla can be especially supportive of digestion during the summer months when heat tends to accumulate in the body. ● Amla helps in treating gastritis and heartburns to prevent peptic ulcers and dyspepsia, and as a digestive.
  • 19. 7. THE ANTIDIABETIC: ● Amla possesses anti-diabetic effects through its antioxidant and free radical scavenging properties. It has the ability to stimulate microcirculation and promote healthy blood sugar levels. ● Amla also has an affinity for the urinary tract and balance excretion urine and balanced blood sugar levels go hand in hand. On a large scale, it’s the support of the entire digestive process supports the body’s ability to process food in a wholesome and efficient manner. ● Amla has also been reported to prevent/reduce hyperglycemia, cardiac complications, diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, cataractogenesis, and protein wasting.
  • 20. The present data suggest that fruit juice may be beneficial for the treatment of myocardial damage associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The activity of E Officinalis fruit juice can be attributed to the concentration of polyphenol present. 8. THE REJUVENATOR: ● Ayurvedic Amalaki Rasayana promotes improved stress tolerance and thus has anti-aging effects. It rejuvenating the entire system. Specifically, it promotes youthfulness, bolsters immunity, nourishes, and tonifies all the body’s tissues and promotes overall health and well-being. Amla Assists in natural internal cleansing and it is a natural antioxidant. Amla is a brain tonic, it promotes memory.
  • 21. ● Amla supports the body’s natural ability to cleanse and remove toxins and by improving moisture retention and reducing the occurrence of itching and dry skin. 9. THE SKIN TONER: ● Amla combats aging which in turn helps to keep your skin smooth and young restore skin to its normal coloration. ● Applying amla powder helps to reduce wrinkles, dark spots on the skin, pigmentation and other signs of premature aging, by its antioxidants and also boost the production of collagen. ● Amla being a natural blood purifier, fights the microorganisms present in the skin.
  • 22. ● Amla fights acne and pimples and brightens the complexion. ● The antioxidants and vitamin C in Amla, help to brighten your skin. ● This fruit also helps to tone and tighten the skin and makes it firm and soft. ● Amla juice exfoliates and cleanses your skin, by removing the dead cells. ● You can add Amla juice to your daily diet, to keep your skin clean from within. 10. THE HAIR NOURISHER: ● Hair problems like the split end, hair loss, and hair odor are also treatable with amla. ● Its juice or amla powder mixed with henna is a very good conditioner for hair, which helps to treat dry and rough hair.
  • 23. ● Being a rich source of essential fatty acids Amla strengthens the hair and helps to nourish your hair from its roots. ● Amla’s anti-aging benefits are not just for the skin, but for the hair too. ● The amazing antioxidants in the fruit can save your hair from premature greying. ● Amla helps strengthen hair follicles and increases blood circulation in the scalp, thus stimulating hair growth. ● Amla juice or powder is also one of the main ingredients in hair dyes, and it makes hair shinier and thicker. ● Amla prevents dandruff by improving the scalp’s health.
  • 24. 11. THE CHEMO PROTECTOR: ● Superoxide dismutase (SOD) present in, teamed up with the antioxidants helps prevent the formation of free radicals, which are the root underlying cause of cancer. ● Amla is also reported to possess neuromodulatory chemo modulatory, chemopreventive effects, free radical scavenging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory activities, properties that are efficacious in the treatment and prevention of cancer.
  • 25. 12. THE CHOLESTEROL SHREDDER: It is suggested that amla produced a significant hypolipidemic effect along with a reduction in blood pressure. The addition of amla to the currently available hypolipidemic therapy would offer significant protection against atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. 13. THE GUM PROTECTOR: ● Due to the antimicrobial and anti-ulcerative properties of amla, it is used in dentistry for the treatment of periodontal diseases. ● Gargling with amla juice, fresh or mixing Amla powder in water regularly, offer some respite from nasty mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, yellowish teeth, and foul breath.
  • 26. ● Recent studies show that the antiplaque and antigingivitis activity of triphala closely parallels that of chlorhexidine. 14. THE LUBRICATOR: ● As a good detox amla helps for comfortable movement of joints and muscles, amla rejuvenates and strengthens the skeletal and neuromuscular system, cleanses natural toxins and lubricates and soothes the joint tissue. ● Amla helps in reducing arthritis-related pain. 15. THE HEALTHY WEIGHT MANAGER: ● Amla supports proper metabolism and helps in weight management. It accelerates the body’s metabolism by burning more calories. In this way, it helps in weight management.
  • 27. ● Amla increases the protein levels in the body, as a result of which the body burns fat faster and accelerates the process of losing excess weight. So if you are keen on getting back to shape, add it to your diet. 16. THE IMMUNITY BOOSTER: ● There is a good amount of vitamin C in amla which increases the immunity power in the body. You cannot become ill if you eat it. ● Amla promotes the elimination of natural toxins and maintains healthy digestion and absorption and nourishes and strengthens the body’s immunity and protects it against seasonal cough, cold and flu. ● It helps the body and mind adapt to the stress of modern life and promotes increased energy levels.
  • 28. 17. THE EYE SHARPENER: ● Amla Berry is called Chakshushya, which means “strengthening the eyes” (Chakshu means “eye” and ayushya means Rasayana, so it is literally a “Rasayana for the eyes”). It supports the health of the eyes. ● Regular consumption of Amla juice helps to fight eye problems like short-sightedness, watering of eyes, eye infection and early onset of cataract. ● Power in the eyes also gets better with the regular consumption of Amla.
  • 29. 18. THE BRAIN CHARGER: ● Nourishes the brain and mental functioning. ● Amla is good for the brain. ● It sharpens the intellect and mental functioning. ● It supports the nervous system and strengthens the senses. So adding this ‘HUMBLE BERRY’ with all these superpowers to your food in any form- candy, pickles, juice, murabba, in curries and dals, tea, soup, chutney will definitely take care of your daily health woes.
  • 30. IN SHORT, AMLA SAYS: I AM DIVINE BUT HUMBLE, I AM SMALL BUT WILL MAKE YOU STRONG. I AM WEALTHY WITH STOREHOUSE OF GOOD HEALTH. I AM AN INEXPENSIVE WONDER FRUIT. BELIEVE IN ME AND I CAN NURTURE YOU LIKE MOTHER EARTH. Some Useful Tips: ● Take Triphala or amla marmalade before bedtime for constipation. ● Using Amla Rasayana also helpful for indigestion and to improve appetite.
  • 31. ● Boil amla powder and jaggery and drinking it, will help to relieve rheumatism pain. ● Drinking fresh amla juice is nutritious for children and it also helps in curing gum problems, bleeding gums and bleeding nose. ● Applying Amla paste to the scalp and applying amla oil will make your hair healthy. ● Mix Amla powder with lemon juice and apply it to hair will make it shiny. ● Drinking Amla juice with turmeric and honey helps to cure urinary tract infections. ● Take fresh amla juice and mix it with turnip juice, apply it on the head for treating baldness without any side effects.
  • 32. ● Taking Marmalade of amla with honey will increase hemoglobin and cure for anemia. HOW TO GET AMLA: The easiest way to have amla is either raw or if you have a taste for it, you could even keep some dried amla candy with you to munch on whenever hungry. This will tackle the junk factor in your life without compromising on taste! Amla powder offers a full experience of tasting the herb and also provides the most economical option for purchasing Amla. Like Triphala, Amla powder can be taken as a hot or cold infusion in water, at night or upon rising. It can be taken with milk or ghee or another carrier like honey.
  • 33. Amla for instance is a superfood or Indian gooseberry that you can add to your daily diet to fight health risks. Want To Be Nurtured Like Mother Earth? Go For Amla! Blog Disclaimer: This disclaimer informs readers that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the Blog section belong solely to the author who are independent writers and not necessarily to Harmony Nutraceuticals or Harmony Veda. Our writers are not employed or related to us in any way. The Blog provides an opportunity for authors to express their own views and opinions on Ayurveda, various health topics and supplements.