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Launching the M-Pin Core
Service with Amazon EC2
1 | P a g e
Launching the M-Pin Core Service with Amazon EC2
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 2
Amazon EC2 .................................................................................................................................... 2
Amazon EC2 Features ..................................................................................................................... 2
Creating An Instance of AWS ............................................................................................................... 3
Step 1. Choose An AMI.................................................................................................................... 3
Step 2. Choose An Instance..........................................................................................................4-8
Step 3. Configure Instance Details .................................................................................................. 9
Step 4. Add Storage.......................................................................................................................10
Step 5. Tag Spot request ...............................................................................................................11
Step 6. Configure Security Group..................................................................................................12
Step 7. Review and Launch Instance........................................................................................13-15
Launching the M-Pin Core instance........................................................................................................17
Accessing your 30-day Free Trial Link ...........................................................................................18
Configuring your M-Pin Core Instance.....................................................................................18-19
Configuring the Host and Port ......................................................................................................19
Viewing your M-Pin Core Service in your Browser........................................................................20
Creating an Identity and a Pin, with your M-Pin Core Demo..........................................................20
Login in to Your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication.....................................................20-23
Appendix .........................................................................................................................................24-25
Useful Website Links...........................................................................................................................26
2 | P a g e
Launching the M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication with Amazon
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
This guide is to setup, demonstrate and view your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication with Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2).
It is design for setting up and launching, the M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication Instance with the use of
Amazon EC2. Once you have launch the M-Pin Core Service Instance you will be able to run the M-Pin Core
Service trial Demo from your email link.
The guide is intended as an instruction process for launching the M-Pin Core Service Instance with flexibility to
your requirements’ needs.
You will have to firstly launch the M-Pin Core Service Instance with Amazon EC2, then the guide will lead you
unto setting up your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication.
Amazon EC2
This user guide is for Windows (API Version 2015-04-15)
What is Amazon EC2?
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides and handle a growing amount of computing capacity in
the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The need of investing in hardware up front is eradicated, by the use of
Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 allows you to develop and deploy applications faster. Amazon EC2 gives you the
capability to launch virtual server(s) that allows you to configure security and networking, as well as manage
storage to as many servers as you would like.
With Amazon EC2 you can scale up or down so you are able to manage and handle changes in requirements or
a sharp rise in popularity. In return you would be able to reduce the need to keep tracks on your forecasted
Amazon EC2 features:
 Virtual computing environments, also known as Instances.
 Preconfigure templates for your instances, also known as Amazon Machine Images (AMI). This provides
you with your server, operating system and additional software.
 Multiple configurations of CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity for your instances, known as
Instance Types.
 Secure login for your instances using Key Pairs. These Key Pairs are: where the AWS stores the public
key and your store the private key in a secure place.
 Storage Volumes for temporary data: which are deleted once an instance is Stopped or Terminated also
known as Instance Store Volumes.
 Continuous storage volumes for your data: which can be done by the use of Amazon Elastic Block Store
(EBS), known as Amazon EBS Volumes.
 Availability zones and regions allows you to access your resources from multiple physical locations
instances, and from Amazon EBS volumes.
 Security groups enabled firewall this allows you to give your protocols, ports and sources, various IP
ranges which are accessible to you.
 Elastic IP addresses, allows you to have the use of static IP addresses for your dynamic cloud computing.
 Tags: allows you to create and assign Metadata to Amazon EC2 resources.
 Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs): can be created in isolations, to the rest of the AWS Cloud and it can also
allow you to connect to your own network.
3 | P a g e
Once you have setup an account and login into AWS, you are now ready to create an Instance
in AWS.
Choose an Amazon Machine Image
Step 1. Select your chosen AMI.
Note: depending on your requirements, you
will choose an AMI based on : the storage
capacity, development tools compatibilities
and temporay or constant storage volumes.
4 | P a g e
Choose an Instance types.
Step 2.
 Select your choice of instance from the
 Click Next: Configure Instance details
Note: from the filter there are several Instance Types:
Micro instance – this instance produces a small amount of CPU
resources. You also have the choice to increase your CPU capacity in
time when there are available additional cycles. This instance is most
suited with low usage of the throughput applications and websites. It
is only available on Amazon EBS-backed instance.
 CPU usages – ideal for two-levels: normal low background
and brief spiked levels which is higher than the background
o Provides up to 2 EC2 compute units, where 1 unit
is 1.0-1.2GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon
o It handles tens of requests per minute on your
o Design to run on 600MB of RAM.
 GPU instances – useful for high parallel processing capability.
o NVIDIA GPUs, access with up to 1,536 CUDA cores and 4GB video memory.
o Used for scientific engineering with the use of Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) or OPEN CL parallel
computing frameworks.
o Useful for graphic application e.g. game streaming, 3-D applications and other graphic workloads.
o Runs on HVM(Hardware virtual Machine)- based
o Use PV (Para Virtual network and storage
o Dedicated access to one or more discrete GPUs
o Can be clustered into Placement Group.
o Limitation
 Must be launched on HVM AMI
 NVIDIA drivers needs to be installed
for accessibility.
 There are limitation on the number of
instances, you can run.
 Storage Optimize
o Amazon EBS – durable block-level-storage
volumes that are attached to running instances.
o Can be used as a Primary storage device for
frequent and glandular data updates
o It has the behaviour of a raw unformatted
external block device.
o Volume is independent from the running
o Once attached to an instance it can be used like a
physical hard drive.
o Multiple volumes can be attached to an instance.
o Can be detached from one instance and can be
attached to another.
o Can be used alongside Amazon EBS encryption in
creating an encrypted volume.
o Can back up data by creating a Snapshot which can be used on Amazon S3.
o Amazon S3 – reliable and inexpensive data storage infrastructure.
o Web scale computing which allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time.
o Root and storage volumes can be specified
o EBS volume can be attached to a running instance.
5 | P a g e
Step 3.
 Choose the
Number of
 Tick the
Instances if
you would
like to set
price limit.
6 | P a g e
 Now Choose
whether you
would like all your
Spot Instances to
be launch together
or not at all.
 Tick if you would
like your requests
to be sent to you,
each time your
Spot Instance is
7 | P a g e
 If you choose to
launch your
Spot Instance
you now have a
choice to select
your Start date.
 Select Edit and
End date by
Selecting Edit.
 You can Choose
from the drop
down list your
choice of
Amazon Private
Cloud, create a
VPC or Select
your own IP
addresses range.
8 | P a g e
 You can isolate
your resources
by using a
range of
different IP
address, in
your VPC
 Request a
public IP
address from
amazon pool
this allows
your instance
to be reached
from the
internet and
you can
associate and
once your
Instance is
9 | P a g e
 Select your
IAM role from
the drop down
list. This is
where you give
the instance
profile the
same name as
your IAM role.
So you don’t
need to store
your AWS
Access key with
10 | P a g e
Step 4. Add Storage
 Select from the
drop down list EBS
or S3 Amazon
Storage Volumes.
 Click Next: Tag
Amazon EBS – durable block-level-
storage volumes; that are attached to
running instances.
 Can be used as a Primary
storage device for frequent
and glandular data
 It has the behaviour of a
raw unformatted external
block device.
 Volume is independent
from the running instances.
 Once attached to an
instance it can be used like
a physical hard drive.
 Multiple volumes can be
attached to an instance.
 Can be detached from one
instance and can be attached to another.
 Can be used alongside Amazon EBS encryption in creating an encrypted volume.
 Can back up data by creating a Snapshot which can be used on Amazon S3.
Amazon S3 – reliable and inexpensive data storage infrastructure.
 Web scale computing which allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time.
 Root and storage volumes can be specified
 EBS volume can be attached to a running instance
11 | P a g e
Step 5. Tag Spot Request
 Click on Create Tag.
 Select the Tag type
you would like.
 Give the Key a name;
based on the
Unicode characters
 Give it a Value based
on the Unicode
 Click Next: Configure
Security Group.
Note: Different types of tags:
 Tag Basics- allows you to
categorise your AWS
resources in various ways.
o By purpose
o By owner
o By environment
 Each Tag consist of a Key
 You have the option to add a
 You have to define the Key
and the option value
 A set of Tag Keys can be devise by meeting the needs of each resource type.
 Consistent set of Tag key makes it easier to manage your resources.
 Filtering or searching for resources can be done on added Tags.
 Tags can be used on AWS management console, Amazon EC2 CLI and Amazon EC2 API.
 Lists of Tags can be added to an Instance.
 Current Tags are overwritten with new values.
 Tag Keys can be edited and removed from a resource at any time.
 Tag values can be set to an empty string, it should not be null.
Tag Restriction-
 Up to 10 Tags per resources
 Up to 127 Unicode Characters in UTF-8
 Up to 255 Unicode characters in UTF-8
 Values are case-sensitive
 Do not use aws as a prefix, in your Tag names or values
 You can only use letters, spaces and numbers represented in the UTF-8, in addition you can use characters: +-=. :/@: are only
allowed for Tag names and values.
 Public or shared resources can be tagged.
 All assigned tags are only available to your AWS account
 Not all resources can be tagged
 Some resources can only be tagged, by using API action or CLI.
 Tag can be used to organise your AWS Bill to reflect your last structure.
 Identical tag key values and resources can be billed together.
 Only your current month’s reporting is available to be viewed within 24 hours.
Tag and console
 You can view all tags in the Amazon EC2 console within a region
 Tags can be viewed by resource type.
 Associated resources’ items can be viewed based on a specific tag
 You can apply and remove Tag by using Amazon EC2 console.
12 | P a g e
Step 6. Configure Security Group
Security groups acts as a firewall for
controlling traffic for one or more
i. From the radio button
Click Assign a security
ii. Give your security group a
iii. Give it a description.
iv. From the radio button,
Select an Existing security
group for default.
v. Click on the button on the
left-hand side.
A second table will appear, at the
bottom of your screen.
vi. Click Review and Launch.
Note: security groups and names can be up to 255 characters in length. Only ASCII characters are allowed.
AWS will assign each security group a unique ID in the form of sg-xxxxxxxx.
Initial settings for creating security groups are:
-allow no inbound traffic
-allow all outbound traffic
 One or more security group are assigned to an instance.
 Rules are added to the security group, allowing traffic flow with an associated instance.
 Modification to the rules can be done at any time.
 New rules are automatically applied to all instances which are associated with a security group.
 Security group must be specified in the same region as an instance.
 Once an instance for EC2-Classic is launch you cannot change the security groups.
 Rules can be added or removed from a security group.
 One instance can be associated with up to 500 security groups.
 Up to 100 rules can be added to a security group.
Security group rules
 Inbound and outbound traffic to an instance is controlled by the security group rules.
 By default security groups allows all outbound traffic.
 Adding and removing rules can be done at any time.
 Changes to an instances automatically applied after a short period.
 Editing, deleting and adding rules in a security group can be done.
 Copying of an existing rule to a new security group are allowed.
 Outbound rules cannot be changed
 Permission rights are always required on a security group’s rules.
 Rules that denys access cannot be created
13 | P a g e
Step 7. Review Instance and
In launching your Instance this
would assign a Key to your
Instance and completes the
 Click Launch
From the drop down list you can
 Select Create a new key
14 | P a g e
 Give the Key Pair a
 Click on Download
the Key Pair.
Note: once you click on download you
can Save and Store the file in a secure
accessible location.
 Click launch
You have now launch your
Click View Instance.
15 | P a g e
16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
After your instance has been launched you are now in the position to launch the M-Pin Core Instance.
From your email
 Click on the link to Get your 30
day free trial of M-Pin
 Now Click on Continue
18 | P a g e
 Select your Subscription Term
 Choose an Application Instance Type.
Note: this application Instance Type depends on the Size of your
network ranging from micro to various large requirements.
 Click on Launch with 1-Click
From the AWS Console Management page, you
will see the M-Pin Core Service Instance.
 Select the M-Pin Core service Instance.
19 | P a g e
You now need to change the Host type to HTTP
and initial it to Port 80.
 Click on Security Groups on the left hand
 Click on Edit
 Change the Type to HTTP
 The Port Range should automatically be
 Save the changes
20 | P a g e
Now open a new browser.
 Type in: http:// (Host)
Note: your host is your Public Domain Server or Public IP address
You will now see this page appear.
 Click Sign in from here
21 | P a g e
You can Add an identity by
 Typing in your email address
 Click Setup M-Pin
Note: your email address is required as a verification procedure for
your pin.
 Now Enter a 4 digit pin.
 Click Setup M-Pin
h a
22 | P a g e
You have now Setup your M-Pin Core Cloud
Encryption system.
You can now Login to check your Login process
 Type your Pin in
 Click Login
e to
e a
. To
, just
h a
23 | P a g e
This is now your Strong Authentication Protection
[Grab your
with a
quote from
or use this
space to
a key
point. To
place this
text box
on the
page, just
drag it.]
24 | P a g e
Resource Tagging support Tagging restrictions
AMI Yes None
Bundle task No
Customer gateway Yes None
DHCP option Yes None
EBS volume Yes None
Instance store volume No
Elastic IP No
Instance Yes None
Internet gateway Yes None
Key pair No
Network ACL Yes None
Network interface Yes None
Placement group No
Reserved Instance Yes None
Reserved Instance Listing No
Route table
Yes None
Spot instance request Yes None
Security group - EC2 Classic Yes None
Security group - VPC Yes None
Snapshot Yes None
Subnet Yes None
Virtual private gateway Yes None
VPC Yes None
25 | P a g e
Resource Tagging support Tagging restrictions
VPC endpoint No
VPC flow log No
VPC peering connection Yes None
VPN connection Yes None
Source Protocol Port
The ID of the security
ICMP All Allow inbound ICMP access from other instances associated with this
security group
The ID of the security
TCP 0 - 65535 Allow inbound TCP access from other instances associated with this
security group
The ID of the security
UDP 0 - 65535 Allow inbound UDP access from other instances associated with this
security group
26 | P a g e
Useful Website Links:

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Amazon cloud intance launch3

  • 1. Launching the M-Pin Core Service with Amazon EC2
  • 2. 1 | P a g e Launching the M-Pin Core Service with Amazon EC2 Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 2 Amazon EC2 .................................................................................................................................... 2 Amazon EC2 Features ..................................................................................................................... 2 Creating An Instance of AWS ............................................................................................................... 3 Step 1. Choose An AMI.................................................................................................................... 3 Step 2. Choose An Instance..........................................................................................................4-8 Step 3. Configure Instance Details .................................................................................................. 9 Step 4. Add Storage.......................................................................................................................10 Step 5. Tag Spot request ...............................................................................................................11 Step 6. Configure Security Group..................................................................................................12 Step 7. Review and Launch Instance........................................................................................13-15 Launching the M-Pin Core instance........................................................................................................17 Accessing your 30-day Free Trial Link ...........................................................................................18 Configuring your M-Pin Core Instance.....................................................................................18-19 Configuring the Host and Port ......................................................................................................19 Viewing your M-Pin Core Service in your Browser........................................................................20 Creating an Identity and a Pin, with your M-Pin Core Demo..........................................................20 Login in to Your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication.....................................................20-23 Appendix .........................................................................................................................................24-25 Useful Website Links...........................................................................................................................26
  • 3. 2 | P a g e Launching the M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Introduction. This guide is to setup, demonstrate and view your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). It is design for setting up and launching, the M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication Instance with the use of Amazon EC2. Once you have launch the M-Pin Core Service Instance you will be able to run the M-Pin Core Service trial Demo from your email link. The guide is intended as an instruction process for launching the M-Pin Core Service Instance with flexibility to your requirements’ needs. You will have to firstly launch the M-Pin Core Service Instance with Amazon EC2, then the guide will lead you unto setting up your M-Pin Core Service Strong Authentication. Amazon EC2 This user guide is for Windows (API Version 2015-04-15) What is Amazon EC2? Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) provides and handle a growing amount of computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The need of investing in hardware up front is eradicated, by the use of Amazon EC2. Amazon EC2 allows you to develop and deploy applications faster. Amazon EC2 gives you the capability to launch virtual server(s) that allows you to configure security and networking, as well as manage storage to as many servers as you would like. With Amazon EC2 you can scale up or down so you are able to manage and handle changes in requirements or a sharp rise in popularity. In return you would be able to reduce the need to keep tracks on your forecasted traffic. Amazon EC2 features:  Virtual computing environments, also known as Instances.  Preconfigure templates for your instances, also known as Amazon Machine Images (AMI). This provides you with your server, operating system and additional software.  Multiple configurations of CPU, memory, storage and networking capacity for your instances, known as Instance Types.  Secure login for your instances using Key Pairs. These Key Pairs are: where the AWS stores the public key and your store the private key in a secure place.  Storage Volumes for temporary data: which are deleted once an instance is Stopped or Terminated also known as Instance Store Volumes.  Continuous storage volumes for your data: which can be done by the use of Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), known as Amazon EBS Volumes.  Availability zones and regions allows you to access your resources from multiple physical locations instances, and from Amazon EBS volumes.  Security groups enabled firewall this allows you to give your protocols, ports and sources, various IP ranges which are accessible to you.  Elastic IP addresses, allows you to have the use of static IP addresses for your dynamic cloud computing.  Tags: allows you to create and assign Metadata to Amazon EC2 resources.  Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs): can be created in isolations, to the rest of the AWS Cloud and it can also allow you to connect to your own network.
  • 4. 3 | P a g e Once you have setup an account and login into AWS, you are now ready to create an Instance in AWS. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). Step 1. Select your chosen AMI. Note: depending on your requirements, you will choose an AMI based on : the storage capacity, development tools compatibilities and temporay or constant storage volumes.
  • 5. 4 | P a g e Choose an Instance types. Step 2.  Select your choice of instance from the filter.  Click Next: Configure Instance details Note: from the filter there are several Instance Types: Micro instance – this instance produces a small amount of CPU resources. You also have the choice to increase your CPU capacity in time when there are available additional cycles. This instance is most suited with low usage of the throughput applications and websites. It is only available on Amazon EBS-backed instance.  CPU usages – ideal for two-levels: normal low background and brief spiked levels which is higher than the background level. o Provides up to 2 EC2 compute units, where 1 unit is 1.0-1.2GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor. o It handles tens of requests per minute on your application o Design to run on 600MB of RAM.  GPU instances – useful for high parallel processing capability. o NVIDIA GPUs, access with up to 1,536 CUDA cores and 4GB video memory. o Used for scientific engineering with the use of Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) or OPEN CL parallel computing frameworks. o Useful for graphic application e.g. game streaming, 3-D applications and other graphic workloads. o Runs on HVM(Hardware virtual Machine)- based instances o Use PV (Para Virtual network and storage drivers) o Dedicated access to one or more discrete GPUs o Can be clustered into Placement Group. o Limitation  Must be launched on HVM AMI  NVIDIA drivers needs to be installed for accessibility.  There are limitation on the number of instances, you can run.  Storage Optimize o Amazon EBS – durable block-level-storage volumes that are attached to running instances. o Can be used as a Primary storage device for frequent and glandular data updates o It has the behaviour of a raw unformatted external block device. o Volume is independent from the running instances. o Once attached to an instance it can be used like a physical hard drive. o Multiple volumes can be attached to an instance. o Can be detached from one instance and can be attached to another. o Can be used alongside Amazon EBS encryption in creating an encrypted volume. o Can back up data by creating a Snapshot which can be used on Amazon S3. o Amazon S3 – reliable and inexpensive data storage infrastructure. o Web scale computing which allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time. o Root and storage volumes can be specified o EBS volume can be attached to a running instance.
  • 6. 5 | P a g e Step 3.  Choose the Number of Instance required.  Tick the Request Spot Instances if you would like to set your maximum price limit.
  • 7. 6 | P a g e  Now Choose whether you would like all your Spot Instances to be launch together or not at all.  Tick if you would like your requests to be sent to you, each time your Spot Instance is terminated.
  • 8. 7 | P a g e  If you choose to launch your Spot Instance you now have a choice to select your Start date.  Select Edit and End date by Selecting Edit.  You can Choose from the drop down list your choice of Amazon Private Cloud, create a VPC or Select your own IP addresses range.
  • 9. 8 | P a g e  You can isolate your resources by using a range of different IP address, in your VPC  Request a public IP address from amazon pool this allows your instance to be reached from the internet and you can associate and disassociate once your Instance is terminated
  • 10. 9 | P a g e  Select your IAM role from the drop down list. This is where you give the instance profile the same name as your IAM role. So you don’t need to store your AWS Access key with your application.
  • 11. 10 | P a g e Step 4. Add Storage  Select from the drop down list EBS or S3 Amazon Storage Volumes.  Click Next: Tag Instances. Note: Amazon EBS – durable block-level- storage volumes; that are attached to running instances.  Can be used as a Primary storage device for frequent and glandular data updates  It has the behaviour of a raw unformatted external block device.  Volume is independent from the running instances.  Once attached to an instance it can be used like a physical hard drive.  Multiple volumes can be attached to an instance.  Can be detached from one instance and can be attached to another.  Can be used alongside Amazon EBS encryption in creating an encrypted volume.  Can back up data by creating a Snapshot which can be used on Amazon S3. Amazon S3 – reliable and inexpensive data storage infrastructure.  Web scale computing which allows you to store and retrieve any amount of data at any time.  Root and storage volumes can be specified  EBS volume can be attached to a running instance
  • 12. 11 | P a g e Step 5. Tag Spot Request  Click on Create Tag.  Select the Tag type you would like.  Give the Key a name; based on the Unicode characters  Give it a Value based on the Unicode characters  Click Next: Configure Security Group. Note: Different types of tags:  Tag Basics- allows you to categorise your AWS resources in various ways. o By purpose o By owner o By environment  Each Tag consist of a Key  You have the option to add a value  You have to define the Key and the option value  A set of Tag Keys can be devise by meeting the needs of each resource type.  Consistent set of Tag key makes it easier to manage your resources.  Filtering or searching for resources can be done on added Tags.  Tags can be used on AWS management console, Amazon EC2 CLI and Amazon EC2 API.  Lists of Tags can be added to an Instance.  Current Tags are overwritten with new values.  Tag Keys can be edited and removed from a resource at any time.  Tag values can be set to an empty string, it should not be null. Tag Restriction-  Up to 10 Tags per resources  Up to 127 Unicode Characters in UTF-8  Up to 255 Unicode characters in UTF-8  Values are case-sensitive  Do not use aws as a prefix, in your Tag names or values  You can only use letters, spaces and numbers represented in the UTF-8, in addition you can use characters: +-=. :/@: are only allowed for Tag names and values.  Public or shared resources can be tagged.  All assigned tags are only available to your AWS account  Not all resources can be tagged  Some resources can only be tagged, by using API action or CLI. Billing  Tag can be used to organise your AWS Bill to reflect your last structure.  Identical tag key values and resources can be billed together.  Only your current month’s reporting is available to be viewed within 24 hours. Tag and console  You can view all tags in the Amazon EC2 console within a region  Tags can be viewed by resource type.  Associated resources’ items can be viewed based on a specific tag  You can apply and remove Tag by using Amazon EC2 console.
  • 13. 12 | P a g e Step 6. Configure Security Group Security groups acts as a firewall for controlling traffic for one or more instances. i. From the radio button Click Assign a security group. ii. Give your security group a name. iii. Give it a description. iv. From the radio button, Select an Existing security group for default. v. Click on the button on the left-hand side. A second table will appear, at the bottom of your screen. vi. Click Review and Launch. Note: security groups and names can be up to 255 characters in length. Only ASCII characters are allowed. AWS will assign each security group a unique ID in the form of sg-xxxxxxxx. Initial settings for creating security groups are: -allow no inbound traffic -allow all outbound traffic  One or more security group are assigned to an instance.  Rules are added to the security group, allowing traffic flow with an associated instance.  Modification to the rules can be done at any time.  New rules are automatically applied to all instances which are associated with a security group.  Security group must be specified in the same region as an instance.  Once an instance for EC2-Classic is launch you cannot change the security groups.  Rules can be added or removed from a security group.  One instance can be associated with up to 500 security groups.  Up to 100 rules can be added to a security group. Security group rules  Inbound and outbound traffic to an instance is controlled by the security group rules.  By default security groups allows all outbound traffic.  Adding and removing rules can be done at any time.  Changes to an instances automatically applied after a short period.  Editing, deleting and adding rules in a security group can be done.  Copying of an existing rule to a new security group are allowed.  Outbound rules cannot be changed  Permission rights are always required on a security group’s rules.  Rules that denys access cannot be created
  • 14. 13 | P a g e Step 7. Review Instance and Launch. In launching your Instance this would assign a Key to your Instance and completes the process.  Click Launch From the drop down list you can  Select Create a new key pair
  • 15. 14 | P a g e  Give the Key Pair a name  Click on Download the Key Pair. Note: once you click on download you can Save and Store the file in a secure accessible location.  Click launch Instances. You have now launch your instance. Click View Instance.
  • 16. 15 | P a g e
  • 17. 16 | P a g e
  • 18. 17 | P a g e After your instance has been launched you are now in the position to launch the M-Pin Core Instance. From your email  Click on the link to Get your 30 day free trial of M-Pin  Now Click on Continue [ G r a b y o u r r e a d e r’ s a t t e n ti o n w it h a g r e a t q u o t e f r o m t
  • 19. 18 | P a g e  Select your Subscription Term  Choose an Application Instance Type. Note: this application Instance Type depends on the Size of your network ranging from micro to various large requirements.  Click on Launch with 1-Click From the AWS Console Management page, you will see the M-Pin Core Service Instance.  Select the M-Pin Core service Instance.
  • 20. 19 | P a g e You now need to change the Host type to HTTP and initial it to Port 80.  Click on Security Groups on the left hand side  Click on Edit  Change the Type to HTTP  The Port Range should automatically be 80  Save the changes
  • 21. 20 | P a g e Now open a new browser.  Type in: http:// (Host) Note: your host is your Public Domain Server or Public IP address You will now see this page appear.  Click Sign in from here
  • 22. 21 | P a g e You can Add an identity by  Typing in your email address  Click Setup M-Pin Note: your email address is required as a verification procedure for your pin.  Now Enter a 4 digit pin.  Click Setup M-Pin [Gr ab you r rea der’ s atte ntio n wit h a gre at quo te fro m the doc um ent or use [G ra b yo ur re ad er ’s at te nt io n wi th a gr ea t qu ot e fr o m th e do cu m en t or us e th is sp ac e
  • 23. 22 | P a g e You have now Setup your M-Pin Core Cloud Encryption system. You can now Login to check your Login process  Type your Pin in  Click Login e[Gr ab your read er’s atten tion with a great quot e from the docu ment or use this spac e to emp hasiz e a key point . To place this text box anyw here on the page , just drag it.] [Gr ab you r rea der ’s att ent ion wit h a gre at quo te fro m the
  • 24. 23 | P a g e This is now your Strong Authentication Protection [Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]
  • 25. 24 | P a g e Appendix: Resource Tagging support Tagging restrictions AMI Yes None Bundle task No Customer gateway Yes None DHCP option Yes None EBS volume Yes None Instance store volume No Elastic IP No Instance Yes None Internet gateway Yes None Key pair No Network ACL Yes None Network interface Yes None Placement group No Reserved Instance Yes None Reserved Instance Listing No Route table Yes None Spot instance request Yes None Security group - EC2 Classic Yes None Security group - VPC Yes None Snapshot Yes None Subnet Yes None Virtual private gateway Yes None VPC Yes None
  • 26. 25 | P a g e Resource Tagging support Tagging restrictions VPC endpoint No VPC flow log No VPC peering connection Yes None VPN connection Yes None Inbound Source Protocol Port Range Comments The ID of the security group ICMP All Allow inbound ICMP access from other instances associated with this security group The ID of the security group TCP 0 - 65535 Allow inbound TCP access from other instances associated with this security group The ID of the security group UDP 0 - 65535 Allow inbound UDP access from other instances associated with this security group
  • 27. 26 | P a g e Useful Website Links: http://(host)