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Alternatives to Dhaka Traffic Jam
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research paper is part of my course requirement Eng105 that was assigned to me for this fall semester 2007.The
research paper is based on the most happening concern of Dhaka city– Traffic congestion. The research paper titled "Alternatives to control traffic jams
in Dhaka city" is done with the constant help and sincere contribution of many people. First of all I would take this platform to thank my Course
instructor Ms. Melissa Hussain; she had been a constant support and directed us the various steps that are required in completion of this project. Next
the people who patiently corresponded to my questionnaire and also showed a great interest to my research work. The North South University librarian,
who more content...
The U.N. statistics projected that Dhaka would be the most populous city after Tokyo by year 2015. According to a recent Japanese environmental
report, "Dhaka city is beset with a number of socio–environmental problems. Traffic congestion, flooding, solid waste disposal, black smoke from
vehicular and industrial emissions, air and noise pollution, and pollution of water bodies by industrial discharge...." With the increasing growth in
population the other variables for living like food, shelter and demand for better roadways have increased in recent years. The main cause for traffic
congestion is the mismanagement of the government to regulate a healthy traffic in the city, followed by the slow non–motorized moving vehicles like
rickshaw, the building of multistoried buildings without adequate parking facilities. But presently caretaker government has put RAJUK (RAJUK is
one of the lead "Construction Actor" in the development process of Dhaka. The main activities include construction of roads, box–culverts/culverts and
bridges and also development, excavation and filling of land) in the move to actively handle and demolish the structures that were illegally occupied
by people which were public owned property this demolishing act by RAJUK gave Dhaka more space for movement for people and construction of
roads. Thus the inadequate and inefficient form of transportation system has led the whole
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Descriptive Essay About Traffic Situation
Henghak Kun8B 333 Traffic Situation Today was sunday, which is my family's day to go out. We spent the day wandering around a Harry Potter
neighborhood. The day is great and we watched the sun sank into the landscape on the highest point of the neighborhood. The sky started to get
darker and blacker, so it was probably a good idea to head home. On the highway, our car stopped all of a sudden. I looked up only to find thousands of
cars in front of us, the largest and longest traffic jam I have seen. In the car, I sat in the back, the middle with my two sisters by my sides. Ahead of us
are flashing light signs and cars as far as my eyes could see. My dad started to honk, which everyone behind us are doing. more content...
"Sorry, it's only for employees," she said lifelessly with her chubby cheeks. She was much taller than i was and had a mean, almost demonic look
to her, almost as if her eyes were piercing through me. This made me greatly uncomfortable, so i didn't want to talk any longer and left It wasn't
just a rest area though, we entered a place as big as a city, with houses and grocery stores. We must have drove miles from the highway but we
could still hear cars beeping and honking. The highway is chaotic, and so is our car. My 19 year old sister to my right side and my mom who is in
the passenger seat are shouting which directions we should take. Ignoring all the commotion, I saw a Dunkin Donut store, but more importantly I
saw the restroom sign on the far right corner in the store. "Look," I groaned louder than all the other voices. I slowly raised my hand and point to
the Dunkin Donut store, I felt weaker than an 80 year old man. My dad made a slight turn and parked the car. I got out of the car and waited for
my dad because it would be weird to rampage in a donut shop and use their restroom We entered Dunkin Donut and the first thing I smelled were
melted vanilla chocolate. My dad walked up to the cashier and swiftly started asking how much the donuts and drinks cost and started to order them.
I ran to the right corner of the shop as if I was Sonic the Hedgehog. I felt the need to kick down the door but I twisted
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Traffic Jam In Los Angeles
Traffic Jam in Los Angeles Traffic jams are a case where there are a large number of vehicles close together and they are moving very slow. Traffic
jams have become an issue to many of the cities around the world, some being known across the world as the traffic jam mysteries, for example,
Mumbai. However, as the time continues other cities have become part of the traffic jam and they are facing the traffic as a major issue. Although
some people support the traffic jam in Los Angeles, there are many people believe that traffic jam is a global issue, and it causes many problems such
as wasting time, and air pollution especially in Los Angeles. Traffic jams are feared and hate by many due to the challenges like wasting time. While
traveling from one place to the other one always wishes to reach the destination early enough, but in the case of the traffic jams this usually
changes. A person is often late to work, class or any other place a person was wishing to be. In some of the case, people have lost their jobs since
they could not make it to work on time due to the traffic jam. It is important to identify that traffic jam in Los Angeles is more of the increase in the
number of vehicles (Bento et al. 44). It has been identified that in the days when the fuel prices are low there tends to be a large number of vehicles in
town unlike when the prices are high. The increase of the motor vehicles and the jam has led to people engaging into other activities while driving.
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Traffic Jam in Bangladesh
What is Traffic jam?
A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic, or because the road is blocked by something.
The major factor behind traffic Jam in Bangladesh:
There are many reasons behind traffic jam in Bangladesh. Among them some major factors are as follows:
вћў Undisciplined traffic signal in the road. вћў Indiscipline among the road user. вћў Might is right, everybody are free to park their vehicle on Road.
вћў No knowledge of traffic rules which encourage violating the rules. вћў Enforcement of rules by dishonest persons who are busy in collection of
illegal money from traffic rules violators. вћў Heavy numbers of vehicle on roads.
Traffic Jam and its more content...
No private car will be used by students for going to school, colleges and universities. An efficient transportation system must be ensured for common
people for going to office, companies and markets etc. Traffic rules for all should be the same. The traffic police must be trained properly. We all
have to be very much attentive to the traffic signals. The road should not be blocked for a long time for the ministers and high officials. Public
awareness has to be telecasted through mass media. Rail way communication has to be developed for minimizing the transportation load. Many rail
roads' like Jessore–Goalanda have been damaged and stopped communication for a long time. Railway sector is more or less corrupted. That's why
this sector can be privatized by taking proper steps because private ownership ensures efficiency and comparatively moderate corruption. Old and out
of date busses should be replaced. Rickshaw pullers must be properly guided to drive well so that jam does not occur.
We do hope our elected government will do something for it. We also hope that government will check the unfit vehicles and over loading problem to
minimize the accident and save valuable life at the time of Eid, Puja etc.
Survey Questionnaire
This survey is being conducted in cooperation with the corporate people involved with policy making and supporting technologies in
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La Traffic Jam On The Highway Essay
Question A Late 20th century Los Angeles, California was a bustling, diverse, and segregated city. Both El Norte (1983) and Falling Down (1993)
depict Los Angeles in revealing ways. Falling Down in particular has many shots of the city itself; in fact, the first scene in the film takes place in
a classic LA traffic jam on the highway. It shows cars lined up and not moving on the highway as far as the eye can see, with construction going on
around them. It is also very hot in LA. The people are sweating, it's sunny outside, bugs are flying around, and there are palm trees around the
highway. Similarly, one of the last shots in El Norte shows a busy highway with the LA skyline in the background. That shot with the skyscrapers,
cars driving quickly by, and palm trees is one of the most iconic images of LA in either film. One unique aspect of LA specifically in the late 20th
century–shown in both films–is the presence of factories all around. While walking around the city, D–Fens in Falling Down passes by multiple factory
buildings and Rosa in El Norte actually works in a factory for a short time. These buildings are large and often look run down from the outside.
Inside, El Norte depicts the bad working conditions. They are packed into the factory like sardines and it's unbearably hot inside. In addition, most of
the workers are Hispanic immigrants. This depiction of immigrant labor is prevalent in El Norte. The film shows a large number of Hispanic
immigrants working not
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Persuasive and Descriptive Essay The loud screech of brakes and chaos of cars madly attempting to avoid hitting each other froze the rush hour
traffic to a standstill in pure fear. You could literally smell the burned rubber, fuel and fear in the hot afternoon sun. In an instant of extreme paranoia
all the drivers on the freeway stopped and looked to see what had nearly caused at least four cars to go hurtling into each other. In the fast lane sat a
young man chatting on his cell phone and busy snapping pictures and texting them to his friends. If the pickup truck in front of him had not been
watching their rear–view mirror, the Mercedes he was driving would have plowed into a pickup that would have in turn hit four cars in two lanes, as
the truck was in the middle of a lane change. Quick thinking by the pickup driver saved a disaster. In that instant of choosing to change lanes, and
move across another, the pickup truck driver saved at least five lives including mine and countless thousands of dollars. Everyone sat in their cars,
too frozen with fear to move again. Finally the traffic began to move forward. The guy talking in the Mercedes was oblivious. He had nearly
caused a major accident seconds, and didn't know it. Those of us spared waved to the pick up truck driver as it was obvious his move saved a
disaster. The guy in the Mercedes, head held back in arrogance and smartphone to ear, shot a haughty glance to me. I glared back and yelled to shut up
and drive.
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Essay on Traffic Safety
Traffic Safety
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as "the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that
endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property"–a traffic and not a criminal offense like road rage. Examples include speeding or driving too fast
for conditions, improper lane changing, tailgating and improper passing. Approximately 6,800,000 crashes occur in the United States each year; a
substantial number are estimated to be caused by aggressive driving. 1997 statistics compiled by NHTSA and the American Automobile Association
show that almost 13,000 people have been injured or killed since 1990 in crashes caused by aggressive driving. According to a NHTSA survey, more more content...
NHTSA research shows that compliance with, and support for, traffic laws can be increased through aggressive, targeted enforcement combined with a
vigorous public information and education program. When Maryland launched its "Aggressive Driver Campaign" in 1995, with an emphasis on public
information, education and enforcement, the media and the public praised the state police for their efforts. The public's perception was that the police
were "out there to catch the other guy." Related fatalities have declined dramatically. According to State Farm Insurance, the number of drivers on the
road is increasing. In 1990, an estimated 91 percent of people drove to work, and commuters in one–third of the largest cities spent well over 40 hours
a year in traffic jams. The Traffic Law Enforcement Division anticipates and responds to the needs, and develops innovative products that law
enforcement will seek and use to reduce traffic crashes, deaths, and injuries. Collaborating with law enforcement, prioritizing program delivery,
marketing, expanding partnerships, and establishing new partnerships, technology, and research accomplish this. They now have a Pursuit Seminar for
Law Enforcement Driver Trainers program. The focus of the seminar is to address legal and operational vehicular pursuit training issues that include
identifying factors to consider when initiating, conducting and terminating a
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Traffic Jams In Chino Hills High School
You think LA traffic is bad? Well you've never been to Chino Hills High School. Walking around Chino Hills High School is a nightmare. With nearly
3,000 students, Chino Hills High School hallways are extremely difficult to navigate. People are swarming everywhere; Getting to a class that would
normally take 2 minutes would now take 5 minutes. The areas that are all too familiar to these traffic jams are definitely the mods and the walkway
leading from the 50s quad to the mods. One major reason for these is that people don't pay attention to where they are going and spend too much time
looking at their phones or talking to their friends. This leads many students to walk slower and stop in the middle of the walkway, causing a traffic
jam. Possibly
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Traffic Jam Essay
Jamming in Traffic
Los Angeles has been infamous for its traffic jams even before the modern car was invented. But wherever there is a traffic jam there are also
people jamming in traffic. Besides those who are returning or going to work, it is almost like everyone else wants to do "something" in the middle of
the day. Of course there are also horrible drivers as well as those who overreact over the smallest "accidents" and literally have to get out of their car
and start a scene in the middle of the road when there is absolutely no damage. It is music that has allowed us to control our anger and not go off on
a rampage hitting every car in front of us. While some of us are in our cars either rubbernecking or feeling hopelessly helpless, more content...
Or pissed off. Or frustrated.Why though? What good does it do? Do I think that's going to somehow resolve the situation? Surprisingly, it never does.
Me getting angry at the person in front never makes them go faster. Who'da thought!..." (Hearnden). The overall idea is that people who listen to music
in traffic are self aware which allows them face reality and avoid creating problems. Music also helps us to control our anger and roadrage. People
who are stuck in LA traffic wish they could just run over all the cars. Instead they open up the spotify app and jam out to their favorite song. If we
didn't have spotify or the radio, so many people who are stuck in LA traffic would be getting charged for first–degree murder. Music helps us stay
away from those malice thoughts. According to an article from life hack by Michelle Millis Chappel, "A study in the Netherlands found that listening
to music can positively impact your mood while driving, which can lead to safer behavior than not listening to music. The next time you feel frustrated
in traffic, turn up the tunes to improve your state of mind. It won't hurt your driving performance – it may even help you drive more safely" (Chappel).
Chappel, who has pHD in psychology and is also and an internationally–acclaimed singer–songwriter, speaker, and author, believes that listening to
music while driving negates our bad behavior and helps us drive more safely. She's a very
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Traffic Jam in Lagos State, Nigeria
Traffic Jam is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times and increased
vehicular queuing.
There are all sorts of things that give Lagos a bad name. If it's not the heaps of rubbish on the roads or the unwelcome attention you get from area
boys and armed robbers, then it's the epileptic power supply. But these aren't really a problem if you're rich enough to buy a car with heavily tinted
windows, live in a relatively crime free area and get a generator. The one thing that you can't get away from (unless you are drawing megawatts of
power from the political grid and can get your own siren to blast your more content...
5.Rush hour: When motorists are caught up on some particular roads during rush–hour, it causes more traffic. This is often between 6am to 9am and
4pm to 11pm.
6.The Police Checkpoint Traffic Jam: It wouldn't be so bad if they chose to set up their checkpoints near a pothole, but no? It's usually the straightest,
smoothest, driest roads they choose to snarl up with their toll booths? Sorry, checkpoints.
7.The Fuel Queue Traffic Jam: This type of jam is usually found near petrol stations when there is a fuel shortage, and is caused by vehicles queuing
for fuel and taking up whole lanes of traffic as a result. That's bad enough, but the tension created by a large number of drivers desperate to get hold of
fuel from the small amount available at the station means that this type of jam easily spawns lots of children Vehicle Accident and Undisciplined
Driver Traffic Jams.
8.The High Human Density Traffic Jam. I know that the road is for vehicles and the pavements (or what pass for pavements in Lagos) are for
pedestrians and other non–road users. But there are places (like Idumota and Oshodi) where there is such a density of human beings that the mass of
non–road users oozes into the road and gums up the traffic. It's often so bad that you even have pedestrian traffic jams alongside the vehicular jams.
Economic effects of Traffic Jam on the Society and Environment
Traffic jam affects the society in the following ways:
1.It creates mental stress in motorists
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Traffic Jam in Dhaka City
Over the last few years the transportation problem of Dhaka City has visibly been deteriorating steadily. Citizens constantly complain about the
unbearable twin problems of traffic jam and air pollution. Democracy watch decided to address this problem through an opinion poll covering around
eight hundred households randomly selected from several purposively selected neighbourhoods of the city, representatives of middle and lower income
The questions asked focused mainly on three issues: (a) the nature of the problem as perceived by the surveyed residents, (b) their understanding about
the causes of these problems and (c) more content...
It has become a regular practice to park the car on road. Even during rush hours, people are seen loading and unloading their vehicles on a busy road.
City transports also stop here and there without any valid reason. The three major bus stations, Sayedabad, Gabtoli and Mohakhali do not have
sufficient capacity to accommodate all the buses operating from here. A recent addition to road blockage is the long queue of vehicles at CNG
stations, which is really difficult to overcome.
Challenges we face
(a) People are not law abiding: At this stage, I am going to mention a few problems that we always face to address the traffic issues. Most important
problem that we realize 'people are not law abiding, they do not want to follow traffic rules'. Pedestrians show less interest to use footpath,
foot–over–bridge or under–pass. Similarly, drivers neither try to maintain the speed nor follow the lane. In most cases, as the punishment is nominal,
they tend to breach the rules again and again.
(b) Inadequate logistics: Our traffic management system is not automated and well–equipped. All the junctions are not facilitated with signal lights.
Where there are lights, most often those remain out of order. Moreover, uneven flow of vehicles from different directions reduces the affectivity of
traffic signals. Besides, we do not have sufficient vehicles to chase a car or bus committed an accident.
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The operational ability and acceleration capabilities of heavy vehicle are different as that of other smaller size vehicles and passenger car. Heavy
vehicle, thus affects other vehicular traffic in a dissimilar manners than passenger car or other smaller sized vehicles, which causes dissimilar levels of
traffic volatility. Increasing quantity and amount of heavy vehicle in the urban traffic may results in relatively different traffic flow characteristics. This
research examines how heavy vehicle affect different traffic parameter in congested heterogeneous traffic situations. It especially concentrates on the
heavy vehicle existence in common traffic and their interaction with other vehicles. Numerous factors that are considered as determinants of this
impact were keep in mind in this research. This exploration illustrates the existence of larger size vehicle in the urban traffic disturb several factors of
traffic parameter (Speed, travel time), capacity, lane changing maneoeure and congestion that are contemplation of as determinants of this impact were
well thought–out in this research. The speed, travel time and capacity are found out by manual method and for finding LOS highway capacity software
(2000) is used.
Keyword: Heavy vehicles, Traffic flow parameter, Capacity of lane, Traffic, Vehicle variation model, Lane
–altering decision, Traffic, Capacity,
Passenger cars, Influence.
1. Introduction
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traffic problem Essay
Traffic congestion in Mumbai
When one thinks of Mumbai, what inevitably comes to mind are images of overcrowded trains or queues of cars and yellow–black taxis, bumper to
bumper, constantly honking. A single word to characterise the situation is saturation.
If 60% of the 20.8 million inhabitants of Mumbai
Metropolitan Region (MMR) walk, then half of the people using motorised modes take the train (MMRDA, 20081). Since the 1970s, the population
has tripled but the railway network has remained more or less the same.
Thanks to the Mumbai Urban Transport Project
(MUTP), directed by the Mumbai Metropolitan
Region Development Authority (MMRDA) with
World Bank assistance, the network has been recently upgraded more content...
Nowadays, the figure has dropped to 60%. Rails still assure the major part of commute trips but local government has started to build roads
(Balakrishnan, interview 04/09/10). Traffic jams are important in westbound and eastbound where rail transport does not exist. The worst part of the
MMR in terms of traffic jams is the western suburbs where travel speed drops to 5 km/h.
Table 3 Urban growth in Greater
Mumbai: Housing and job localization
Population (In millions)
in the formal sector (In millions),
2008 Census 1971 Census 2001 Growth % 2005 Island city 3.07 3.34 109 % 2.20 Western suburbs 1.71 5.13 300 % 2.18 Eastern suburbs 1.20 3.51 290
% 1.00 Total Greater Mumbai 5.98 11.98 200 % 5.38
Traffic congestion is mainly due to the rapid growth in motorisation, while the road network has not changed much in 4 decades. This rapid growth in
motorisation can be explained by the extreme saturation in public transport, the lack of efficient public transport in the eastwest links and by income
growth, especially since the 1991 economic liberalisation.
Cars are becoming cheaper items compared to other goods such as housing, and central government encourages its ownership
(Datar, interview 03/16/10). Moreover,
70% of car owners can afford a driver who relieves them of traffic and parking problems
(data from MESN). At the same
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Persuasive Essay On Self-Driving Cars
Recently, the debate of self–driving cars has been a topic that has been talked about more often. Companies like Tesla and Google have already
developed driverless cars that can fully operate on their own. There are many perks that go along with autonomous cars such as reducing traffic
jams, car accidents, and helping the disabled. I believe these cars should be allowed on the road because they can potentially benefit millions of
Americans. Autonomous vehicles could also greatly reduce traffic jams on roads. In the YouTube video, "The Simple Solution to Traffic", posted by
CGPGrey, Grey makes a great demonstration on how traffic jams are caused. If a car switches lanes too fast, or an animal crosses the road, this will
cause a brief pause on the highway. The vehicles behind the disturbance will have to abruptly stop causing a chain reaction of cars slowing down.This,
in turn, will cause a traffic jam. Self–driving cars can "communicate" with each other avoiding the need to stop when turning or yielding. This, in turn,
will reduce traffic and allow commuters to get from point A to point B in a faster more content...
In the article 'The Driverless Car Debate: How Safe Are Autonomous Vehicles?' it says, "...'driver error is believed to be the main reason behind 90
percent of all car crashes' with drunk driving, distracted drivers, failure to remain in one lane, and failing to yield the right of way the main causes."
Artificial intelligence in cars can be a great solution because it eliminates the problem of dangers on the road caused by humans. With less accidents
on the road, more money will be saved by the government and it can be used for other things. The same article shows that the U.S spends over $400
billion on accidents, which is two percent of the
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Essay on Flying Cars
Technology and Science
Science and technology have much in common but they are not exactly the same thing. Science deals with the natural world and how it works. It is the
understanding of our environment and how it works. It is also the study of the laws that govern our universe. Technology on the other hand deals with
the human made world. In other words it is applied science to everyday life. It is the study of ways people develop and use technical means. Tools and
machines are examples of good technologies which help us do things quicker and easier. In short, science deals with В‘understanding' and technology
deals with В‘doing'.
Ever since humans have evolved on this planet they have tried to understand their environment. more content...
The cost of maintaining it would shadow the car as well as the fueling for such a vehicle.
The soul purpose for this technology is to improve travel. Traveling greater distances will seem a common commute and will allow shorter travel
time because of the high speed that will be attainable with this technology. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past when skyways will be established.
They will be so spread out that jams will no longer occur. After the technology becomes standard major highways will not be needed and will open a
lot of land for construction. But with new technologies there are always risks that we have to deal with.
When flying cars will become more and more common there would be a large number of accidents because of the high speeds and altitudes
attainable by the car. In turn we would have to construct new skyways in the sky. These skyways would not be as difficult to construct as current day
roads but rather a simple electronic mapping system that will allow the car to travel on. Traveling will become much easier and the security for the
country will be jeopardized. It will be easier to import illegal substances in and out of the country and have immigrants immigrate in with less of a
This technology coupled to new technologies will help keep the environment cleaner. Fuel cells have no harmful emissions like internal combustion
engines do
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The Coming Upon A Traffic Jam
At least this time she could enjoy the drive. No detours today, although a few construction crews worked along the side of the road. There were no
alarm clocks, deadlines, or cranky customers to deal with–only the road stretching before her, dipping up and down over the endless hills and valleys.
Spring had always been her favorite time of year. The budding blossoms gave off an undeniable fragrance, and the sky was so blue it seemed
almost painted. It was the kind of sky that had Kelly lying on the ground pointing out the images of different animals and objects in the passing
clouds. How many times had she been driving on a day such as this and wished she could just keep going, nowhere in particular, just wandering
carefree through the countryside without the responsibilities of adulthood? Coming upon a traffic jam, it forced the cars into a single line. There
were those drivers, of course, who felt the need to speed up and whip around and cut to the front of the line. She giggled, wishing she could
sometimes use a paint gun to mark those rude drivers' cars with bright red paint. It would serve them right as a warning to other drivers that these
people are inconsiderate, and no one should allow them to cut in. The car windows and sunroof were open to enjoy the spring weather. There were
wildflowers of every color and variety splattered across the pine– and oak–covered hills in waves of nature's artistry. Kelly would love this. She loved
all kinds of flowers. Casey
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Traffic Lights Essay
Traffic lights are signaling devices located at road intersections and pedestrian crossings, they are now part of our everyday life. Before traffic lights
were invented, policeman would control traffic, but accidents would still occur frequently. This is when J.P Knight took action in 1868 and made the
first traffic light. It was installed outside the British Houses Of Parliament but didn't last long since it exploded in 1869 due to a gas leak. It was only
in 1912 that a man named Lester Wire created an electrical traffic light that is still used today. There are three main types of traffic lights: fixed timed,
semi actuated and fully actuated. Fixed time traffic light are light where "signals change according to a pre–set timing. more content...
Try to picture your life without traffic lights; you will realize that human society wouldn't be the same without them. Since vehicle loop detectors are
part of a of traffic light I decided to explain the science in those. An loop vehicle detector system has three main components: a loop, a loop extension
cable and a detector. In the picture below you will be able to see the way the three parts fit together.
The process of installing a loop vehicle detection is simple. The loop is buried in the traffic lane. "The loop is a continuous run of wire that enters
and exits from the same point" (c) Then the two ends of the wire are connected to the loop extension cable which in turn is connected to the vehicle
detector. The detector powers the loop causing an electromagnetic field inside the loop area. A base frequency is established when there is no vehicle
over the loop but when there is one the frequency increases. This increase in frequency is sensed and forces a usually open relay to close. The relay
will remain close until the vehicle leaves the loop.
As the picture shows when a car reaches the loop, a magnetic field is create causing the frequency to increase. The science used in traffic lights is very
effective. Without it they wouldn't exist. The way the loop creates a
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Traffic Control: The Need For Change Essays
Traffic Control: The Need For Change
As the population of the United States dramatically increases and the number of vehicles on the nation's roads and highways skyrockets, new methods
of traffic control and organization have become necessary, by utilizing new methods of transportation or by revising the current system. In the past 15
years, the number of vehicles on American roads has increased 41.9%, the number of licensed drivers has increased 29.3%, but the size of the general
population has only risen 15.9% (Clark 387–404). Between the years 1975 and 1985, the number of miles driven by Americans rose 34.6%, but the
number of miles of roads increased by only 4.4% (Doan 64).
Cars and other vehicles are more content...
On major highways in Los Angeles, the most congested city in the
United States, the average highway speed is 37 miles per hour, and is expected to drop to 17 miles per hour by the year 2000 (Doan 65).
Problems with traffic congestion arise not only in the United States but also in Europe. In the spring of 1992 on the Nuremberg–Berlin motorway, a 70
kilometer traffic jam occurred during a holiday weekend ("Jam tomorrow" S15–S17).
At a standstill for up to 18 hours, many drivers fell asleep and had to be awakened by police officers when the traffic jam began to disperse (S15–S17).
Hazards to the environment also prove the necessity for more worthwhile methods of traffic administration.
As many more vehicles make use of United States roads, the amount of poisonous hydrocarbons released into the atmosphere steadily increases. On the
average, one out of every four Americans has problems breathing during the peak summer months due to the excess of smog in the atmosphere
(Carpender 69).
Studies have shown that automobiles produce the majority of this smog (69). This dramatic increase exists as one of the major reasons for the creation
of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970, the same year that the Clean Air
Act passed through Congress (Clark 387–404). As the number of automobiles kept increasing, the emissions standards became more rigid in 1980,
especially in
California (387–404). Governments even passed
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Ten Questions & Answers About Traffic Jam
January 2012
1. What are traffic jams? In short, a traffic jam occurs when a number of road users cannot drive at the speed they would like to drive, up to the
maximum speed. While road users more content...
Instead of looking to solve traffic jams, the new measure could be accessibility. In simple terms, how many road users can get in and out of the city
per hour? 5. Can more asphalt boost accessibility? Yes, more asphalt does boost accessibility, but it does not normally provide the definitive solution. If
a bottleneck is solved at one particular point, then the traffic flow is improved there. However, a new problem could arise elsewhere. Moreover, the
road user allows his behaviour to be determined by what he encounters. If he sees more asphalt, then he will use it or, in any case, take it into
consideration when determining whether to use the car or not to carpool or work from home. If a substantial section of highway is opened, the road
user might move further away from his work because that nice, quiet village suddenly seems that much closer. Smart deployment of new asphalt can
facilitate a better short and long–distance traffic distribution across the network. And if more alternative routes can be created, all sorts of unexpected
incidents like accidents can be better addressed and lead to a reduction in the travel time lost.
An interesting aspect here is the BREVER Act (to maintain travel time and journey), which states that people have been spending seventy to ninety
minutes a day travelling for some decades. The only change throughout the years is that people are now covering greater distances in the same amount
of time as before. This is
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Alternatives To Dhaka Traffic Jam

  • 1. Alternatives to Dhaka Traffic Jam ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research paper is part of my course requirement Eng105 that was assigned to me for this fall semester 2007.The research paper is based on the most happening concern of Dhaka city– Traffic congestion. The research paper titled "Alternatives to control traffic jams in Dhaka city" is done with the constant help and sincere contribution of many people. First of all I would take this platform to thank my Course instructor Ms. Melissa Hussain; she had been a constant support and directed us the various steps that are required in completion of this project. Next the people who patiently corresponded to my questionnaire and also showed a great interest to my research work. The North South University librarian, who more content... The U.N. statistics projected that Dhaka would be the most populous city after Tokyo by year 2015. According to a recent Japanese environmental report, "Dhaka city is beset with a number of socio–environmental problems. Traffic congestion, flooding, solid waste disposal, black smoke from vehicular and industrial emissions, air and noise pollution, and pollution of water bodies by industrial discharge...." With the increasing growth in population the other variables for living like food, shelter and demand for better roadways have increased in recent years. The main cause for traffic congestion is the mismanagement of the government to regulate a healthy traffic in the city, followed by the slow non–motorized moving vehicles like rickshaw, the building of multistoried buildings without adequate parking facilities. But presently caretaker government has put RAJUK (RAJUK is one of the lead "Construction Actor" in the development process of Dhaka. The main activities include construction of roads, box–culverts/culverts and bridges and also development, excavation and filling of land) in the move to actively handle and demolish the structures that were illegally occupied by people which were public owned property this demolishing act by RAJUK gave Dhaka more space for movement for people and construction of roads. Thus the inadequate and inefficient form of transportation system has led the whole Get more content on
  • 2. Descriptive Essay About Traffic Situation Henghak Kun8B 333 Traffic Situation Today was sunday, which is my family's day to go out. We spent the day wandering around a Harry Potter –like neighborhood. The day is great and we watched the sun sank into the landscape on the highest point of the neighborhood. The sky started to get darker and blacker, so it was probably a good idea to head home. On the highway, our car stopped all of a sudden. I looked up only to find thousands of cars in front of us, the largest and longest traffic jam I have seen. In the car, I sat in the back, the middle with my two sisters by my sides. Ahead of us are flashing light signs and cars as far as my eyes could see. My dad started to honk, which everyone behind us are doing. more content... "Sorry, it's only for employees," she said lifelessly with her chubby cheeks. She was much taller than i was and had a mean, almost demonic look to her, almost as if her eyes were piercing through me. This made me greatly uncomfortable, so i didn't want to talk any longer and left It wasn't just a rest area though, we entered a place as big as a city, with houses and grocery stores. We must have drove miles from the highway but we could still hear cars beeping and honking. The highway is chaotic, and so is our car. My 19 year old sister to my right side and my mom who is in the passenger seat are shouting which directions we should take. Ignoring all the commotion, I saw a Dunkin Donut store, but more importantly I saw the restroom sign on the far right corner in the store. "Look," I groaned louder than all the other voices. I slowly raised my hand and point to the Dunkin Donut store, I felt weaker than an 80 year old man. My dad made a slight turn and parked the car. I got out of the car and waited for my dad because it would be weird to rampage in a donut shop and use their restroom We entered Dunkin Donut and the first thing I smelled were melted vanilla chocolate. My dad walked up to the cashier and swiftly started asking how much the donuts and drinks cost and started to order them. I ran to the right corner of the shop as if I was Sonic the Hedgehog. I felt the need to kick down the door but I twisted Get more content on
  • 3. Traffic Jam In Los Angeles Traffic Jam in Los Angeles Traffic jams are a case where there are a large number of vehicles close together and they are moving very slow. Traffic jams have become an issue to many of the cities around the world, some being known across the world as the traffic jam mysteries, for example, Mumbai. However, as the time continues other cities have become part of the traffic jam and they are facing the traffic as a major issue. Although some people support the traffic jam in Los Angeles, there are many people believe that traffic jam is a global issue, and it causes many problems such as wasting time, and air pollution especially in Los Angeles. Traffic jams are feared and hate by many due to the challenges like wasting time. While traveling from one place to the other one always wishes to reach the destination early enough, but in the case of the traffic jams this usually changes. A person is often late to work, class or any other place a person was wishing to be. In some of the case, people have lost their jobs since they could not make it to work on time due to the traffic jam. It is important to identify that traffic jam in Los Angeles is more of the increase in the number of vehicles (Bento et al. 44). It has been identified that in the days when the fuel prices are low there tends to be a large number of vehicles in town unlike when the prices are high. The increase of the motor vehicles and the jam has led to people engaging into other activities while driving. Get more content on
  • 4. Traffic Jam in Bangladesh What is Traffic jam? A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic, or because the road is blocked by something. The major factor behind traffic Jam in Bangladesh: There are many reasons behind traffic jam in Bangladesh. Among them some major factors are as follows: вћў Undisciplined traffic signal in the road. вћў Indiscipline among the road user. вћў Might is right, everybody are free to park their vehicle on Road. вћў No knowledge of traffic rules which encourage violating the rules. вћў Enforcement of rules by dishonest persons who are busy in collection of illegal money from traffic rules violators. вћў Heavy numbers of vehicle on roads. Traffic Jam and its more content... No private car will be used by students for going to school, colleges and universities. An efficient transportation system must be ensured for common people for going to office, companies and markets etc. Traffic rules for all should be the same. The traffic police must be trained properly. We all have to be very much attentive to the traffic signals. The road should not be blocked for a long time for the ministers and high officials. Public awareness has to be telecasted through mass media. Rail way communication has to be developed for minimizing the transportation load. Many rail roads' like Jessore–Goalanda have been damaged and stopped communication for a long time. Railway sector is more or less corrupted. That's why this sector can be privatized by taking proper steps because private ownership ensures efficiency and comparatively moderate corruption. Old and out of date busses should be replaced. Rickshaw pullers must be properly guided to drive well so that jam does not occur. We do hope our elected government will do something for it. We also hope that government will check the unfit vehicles and over loading problem to minimize the accident and save valuable life at the time of Eid, Puja etc. Survey Questionnaire This survey is being conducted in cooperation with the corporate people involved with policy making and supporting technologies in
  • 5. Get more content on
  • 6. La Traffic Jam On The Highway Essay Question A Late 20th century Los Angeles, California was a bustling, diverse, and segregated city. Both El Norte (1983) and Falling Down (1993) depict Los Angeles in revealing ways. Falling Down in particular has many shots of the city itself; in fact, the first scene in the film takes place in a classic LA traffic jam on the highway. It shows cars lined up and not moving on the highway as far as the eye can see, with construction going on around them. It is also very hot in LA. The people are sweating, it's sunny outside, bugs are flying around, and there are palm trees around the highway. Similarly, one of the last shots in El Norte shows a busy highway with the LA skyline in the background. That shot with the skyscrapers, cars driving quickly by, and palm trees is one of the most iconic images of LA in either film. One unique aspect of LA specifically in the late 20th century–shown in both films–is the presence of factories all around. While walking around the city, D–Fens in Falling Down passes by multiple factory buildings and Rosa in El Norte actually works in a factory for a short time. These buildings are large and often look run down from the outside. Inside, El Norte depicts the bad working conditions. They are packed into the factory like sardines and it's unbearably hot inside. In addition, most of the workers are Hispanic immigrants. This depiction of immigrant labor is prevalent in El Norte. The film shows a large number of Hispanic immigrants working not Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive and Descriptive Essay The loud screech of brakes and chaos of cars madly attempting to avoid hitting each other froze the rush hour traffic to a standstill in pure fear. You could literally smell the burned rubber, fuel and fear in the hot afternoon sun. In an instant of extreme paranoia all the drivers on the freeway stopped and looked to see what had nearly caused at least four cars to go hurtling into each other. In the fast lane sat a young man chatting on his cell phone and busy snapping pictures and texting them to his friends. If the pickup truck in front of him had not been watching their rear–view mirror, the Mercedes he was driving would have plowed into a pickup that would have in turn hit four cars in two lanes, as the truck was in the middle of a lane change. Quick thinking by the pickup driver saved a disaster. In that instant of choosing to change lanes, and move across another, the pickup truck driver saved at least five lives including mine and countless thousands of dollars. Everyone sat in their cars, too frozen with fear to move again. Finally the traffic began to move forward. The guy talking in the Mercedes was oblivious. He had nearly caused a major accident seconds, and didn't know it. Those of us spared waved to the pick up truck driver as it was obvious his move saved a disaster. The guy in the Mercedes, head held back in arrogance and smartphone to ear, shot a haughty glance to me. I glared back and yelled to shut up and drive. Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Traffic Safety Traffic Safety The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as "the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property"–a traffic and not a criminal offense like road rage. Examples include speeding or driving too fast for conditions, improper lane changing, tailgating and improper passing. Approximately 6,800,000 crashes occur in the United States each year; a substantial number are estimated to be caused by aggressive driving. 1997 statistics compiled by NHTSA and the American Automobile Association show that almost 13,000 people have been injured or killed since 1990 in crashes caused by aggressive driving. According to a NHTSA survey, more more content... NHTSA research shows that compliance with, and support for, traffic laws can be increased through aggressive, targeted enforcement combined with a vigorous public information and education program. When Maryland launched its "Aggressive Driver Campaign" in 1995, with an emphasis on public information, education and enforcement, the media and the public praised the state police for their efforts. The public's perception was that the police were "out there to catch the other guy." Related fatalities have declined dramatically. According to State Farm Insurance, the number of drivers on the road is increasing. In 1990, an estimated 91 percent of people drove to work, and commuters in one–third of the largest cities spent well over 40 hours a year in traffic jams. The Traffic Law Enforcement Division anticipates and responds to the needs, and develops innovative products that law enforcement will seek and use to reduce traffic crashes, deaths, and injuries. Collaborating with law enforcement, prioritizing program delivery, marketing, expanding partnerships, and establishing new partnerships, technology, and research accomplish this. They now have a Pursuit Seminar for Law Enforcement Driver Trainers program. The focus of the seminar is to address legal and operational vehicular pursuit training issues that include identifying factors to consider when initiating, conducting and terminating a Get more content on
  • 9. Traffic Jams In Chino Hills High School You think LA traffic is bad? Well you've never been to Chino Hills High School. Walking around Chino Hills High School is a nightmare. With nearly 3,000 students, Chino Hills High School hallways are extremely difficult to navigate. People are swarming everywhere; Getting to a class that would normally take 2 minutes would now take 5 minutes. The areas that are all too familiar to these traffic jams are definitely the mods and the walkway leading from the 50s quad to the mods. One major reason for these is that people don't pay attention to where they are going and spend too much time looking at their phones or talking to their friends. This leads many students to walk slower and stop in the middle of the walkway, causing a traffic jam. Possibly Get more content on
  • 10. Traffic Jam Essay Jamming in Traffic Los Angeles has been infamous for its traffic jams even before the modern car was invented. But wherever there is a traffic jam there are also people jamming in traffic. Besides those who are returning or going to work, it is almost like everyone else wants to do "something" in the middle of the day. Of course there are also horrible drivers as well as those who overreact over the smallest "accidents" and literally have to get out of their car and start a scene in the middle of the road when there is absolutely no damage. It is music that has allowed us to control our anger and not go off on a rampage hitting every car in front of us. While some of us are in our cars either rubbernecking or feeling hopelessly helpless, more content... Or pissed off. Or frustrated.Why though? What good does it do? Do I think that's going to somehow resolve the situation? Surprisingly, it never does. Me getting angry at the person in front never makes them go faster. Who'da thought!..." (Hearnden). The overall idea is that people who listen to music in traffic are self aware which allows them face reality and avoid creating problems. Music also helps us to control our anger and roadrage. People who are stuck in LA traffic wish they could just run over all the cars. Instead they open up the spotify app and jam out to their favorite song. If we didn't have spotify or the radio, so many people who are stuck in LA traffic would be getting charged for first–degree murder. Music helps us stay away from those malice thoughts. According to an article from life hack by Michelle Millis Chappel, "A study in the Netherlands found that listening to music can positively impact your mood while driving, which can lead to safer behavior than not listening to music. The next time you feel frustrated in traffic, turn up the tunes to improve your state of mind. It won't hurt your driving performance – it may even help you drive more safely" (Chappel). Chappel, who has pHD in psychology and is also and an internationally–acclaimed singer–songwriter, speaker, and author, believes that listening to music while driving negates our bad behavior and helps us drive more safely. She's a very Get more content on
  • 11. Traffic Jam in Lagos State, Nigeria TRAFFIC JAM IN LAGOS STATE, CAUSES AND EFFECTS INTRODUCTION Traffic Jam is a condition on road networks that occurs as use increases, and is characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times and increased vehicular queuing. There are all sorts of things that give Lagos a bad name. If it's not the heaps of rubbish on the roads or the unwelcome attention you get from area boys and armed robbers, then it's the epileptic power supply. But these aren't really a problem if you're rich enough to buy a car with heavily tinted windows, live in a relatively crime free area and get a generator. The one thing that you can't get away from (unless you are drawing megawatts of power from the political grid and can get your own siren to blast your more content... 5.Rush hour: When motorists are caught up on some particular roads during rush–hour, it causes more traffic. This is often between 6am to 9am and 4pm to 11pm. 6.The Police Checkpoint Traffic Jam: It wouldn't be so bad if they chose to set up their checkpoints near a pothole, but no? It's usually the straightest, smoothest, driest roads they choose to snarl up with their toll booths? Sorry, checkpoints. 7.The Fuel Queue Traffic Jam: This type of jam is usually found near petrol stations when there is a fuel shortage, and is caused by vehicles queuing for fuel and taking up whole lanes of traffic as a result. That's bad enough, but the tension created by a large number of drivers desperate to get hold of fuel from the small amount available at the station means that this type of jam easily spawns lots of children Vehicle Accident and Undisciplined Driver Traffic Jams. 8.The High Human Density Traffic Jam. I know that the road is for vehicles and the pavements (or what pass for pavements in Lagos) are for pedestrians and other non–road users. But there are places (like Idumota and Oshodi) where there is such a density of human beings that the mass of non–road users oozes into the road and gums up the traffic. It's often so bad that you even have pedestrian traffic jams alongside the vehicular jams. Economic effects of Traffic Jam on the Society and Environment Traffic jam affects the society in the following ways: 1.It creates mental stress in motorists 2.
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  • 13. Traffic Jam in Dhaka City DHAKA CITY'S TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM : IS THERE ANY SOLUTION ? Introduction Over the last few years the transportation problem of Dhaka City has visibly been deteriorating steadily. Citizens constantly complain about the unbearable twin problems of traffic jam and air pollution. Democracy watch decided to address this problem through an opinion poll covering around eight hundred households randomly selected from several purposively selected neighbourhoods of the city, representatives of middle and lower income areas. The questions asked focused mainly on three issues: (a) the nature of the problem as perceived by the surveyed residents, (b) their understanding about the causes of these problems and (c) more content... It has become a regular practice to park the car on road. Even during rush hours, people are seen loading and unloading their vehicles on a busy road. City transports also stop here and there without any valid reason. The three major bus stations, Sayedabad, Gabtoli and Mohakhali do not have sufficient capacity to accommodate all the buses operating from here. A recent addition to road blockage is the long queue of vehicles at CNG stations, which is really difficult to overcome. Challenges we face (a) People are not law abiding: At this stage, I am going to mention a few problems that we always face to address the traffic issues. Most important problem that we realize 'people are not law abiding, they do not want to follow traffic rules'. Pedestrians show less interest to use footpath, foot–over–bridge or under–pass. Similarly, drivers neither try to maintain the speed nor follow the lane. In most cases, as the punishment is nominal, they tend to breach the rules again and again. (b) Inadequate logistics: Our traffic management system is not automated and well–equipped. All the junctions are not facilitated with signal lights. Where there are lights, most often those remain out of order. Moreover, uneven flow of vehicles from different directions reduces the affectivity of traffic signals. Besides, we do not have sufficient vehicles to chase a car or bus committed an accident.
  • 14. (b) Get more content on
  • 15. HEAVY VEHICLE IMPACTS ON TRAFFIC FLOW AT URBAN ROADS. ABSTRACT The operational ability and acceleration capabilities of heavy vehicle are different as that of other smaller size vehicles and passenger car. Heavy vehicle, thus affects other vehicular traffic in a dissimilar manners than passenger car or other smaller sized vehicles, which causes dissimilar levels of traffic volatility. Increasing quantity and amount of heavy vehicle in the urban traffic may results in relatively different traffic flow characteristics. This research examines how heavy vehicle affect different traffic parameter in congested heterogeneous traffic situations. It especially concentrates on the heavy vehicle existence in common traffic and their interaction with other vehicles. Numerous factors that are considered as determinants of this impact were keep in mind in this research. This exploration illustrates the existence of larger size vehicle in the urban traffic disturb several factors of traffic parameter (Speed, travel time), capacity, lane changing maneoeure and congestion that are contemplation of as determinants of this impact were well thought–out in this research. The speed, travel time and capacity are found out by manual method and for finding LOS highway capacity software (2000) is used. Keyword: Heavy vehicles, Traffic flow parameter, Capacity of lane, Traffic, Vehicle variation model, Lane –altering decision, Traffic, Capacity, Passenger cars, Influence. 1. Introduction Heavy Get more content on
  • 16. traffic problem Essay Traffic congestion in Mumbai When one thinks of Mumbai, what inevitably comes to mind are images of overcrowded trains or queues of cars and yellow–black taxis, bumper to bumper, constantly honking. A single word to characterise the situation is saturation. If 60% of the 20.8 million inhabitants of Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) walk, then half of the people using motorised modes take the train (MMRDA, 20081). Since the 1970s, the population has tripled but the railway network has remained more or less the same. Thanks to the Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP), directed by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) with World Bank assistance, the network has been recently upgraded more content... Nowadays, the figure has dropped to 60%. Rails still assure the major part of commute trips but local government has started to build roads (Balakrishnan, interview 04/09/10). Traffic jams are important in westbound and eastbound where rail transport does not exist. The worst part of the MMR in terms of traffic jams is the western suburbs where travel speed drops to 5 km/h. Table 3 Urban growth in Greater Mumbai: Housing and job localization Population (In millions) Employment in the formal sector (In millions), MMRDA 2008 Census 1971 Census 2001 Growth % 2005 Island city 3.07 3.34 109 % 2.20 Western suburbs 1.71 5.13 300 % 2.18 Eastern suburbs 1.20 3.51 290 % 1.00 Total Greater Mumbai 5.98 11.98 200 % 5.38 Traffic congestion is mainly due to the rapid growth in motorisation, while the road network has not changed much in 4 decades. This rapid growth in motorisation can be explained by the extreme saturation in public transport, the lack of efficient public transport in the eastwest links and by income growth, especially since the 1991 economic liberalisation. Cars are becoming cheaper items compared to other goods such as housing, and central government encourages its ownership (Datar, interview 03/16/10). Moreover,
  • 17. 70% of car owners can afford a driver who relieves them of traffic and parking problems (data from MESN). At the same Get more content on
  • 18. Persuasive Essay On Self-Driving Cars Recently, the debate of self–driving cars has been a topic that has been talked about more often. Companies like Tesla and Google have already developed driverless cars that can fully operate on their own. There are many perks that go along with autonomous cars such as reducing traffic jams, car accidents, and helping the disabled. I believe these cars should be allowed on the road because they can potentially benefit millions of Americans. Autonomous vehicles could also greatly reduce traffic jams on roads. In the YouTube video, "The Simple Solution to Traffic", posted by CGPGrey, Grey makes a great demonstration on how traffic jams are caused. If a car switches lanes too fast, or an animal crosses the road, this will cause a brief pause on the highway. The vehicles behind the disturbance will have to abruptly stop causing a chain reaction of cars slowing down.This, in turn, will cause a traffic jam. Self–driving cars can "communicate" with each other avoiding the need to stop when turning or yielding. This, in turn, will reduce traffic and allow commuters to get from point A to point B in a faster more content... In the article 'The Driverless Car Debate: How Safe Are Autonomous Vehicles?' it says, "...'driver error is believed to be the main reason behind 90 percent of all car crashes' with drunk driving, distracted drivers, failure to remain in one lane, and failing to yield the right of way the main causes." Artificial intelligence in cars can be a great solution because it eliminates the problem of dangers on the road caused by humans. With less accidents on the road, more money will be saved by the government and it can be used for other things. The same article shows that the U.S spends over $400 billion on accidents, which is two percent of the Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Flying Cars Technology and Science Science and technology have much in common but they are not exactly the same thing. Science deals with the natural world and how it works. It is the understanding of our environment and how it works. It is also the study of the laws that govern our universe. Technology on the other hand deals with the human made world. In other words it is applied science to everyday life. It is the study of ways people develop and use technical means. Tools and machines are examples of good technologies which help us do things quicker and easier. In short, science deals with В‘understanding' and technology deals with В‘doing'. Ever since humans have evolved on this planet they have tried to understand their environment. more content... The cost of maintaining it would shadow the car as well as the fueling for such a vehicle. The soul purpose for this technology is to improve travel. Traveling greater distances will seem a common commute and will allow shorter travel time because of the high speed that will be attainable with this technology. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past when skyways will be established. They will be so spread out that jams will no longer occur. After the technology becomes standard major highways will not be needed and will open a lot of land for construction. But with new technologies there are always risks that we have to deal with. When flying cars will become more and more common there would be a large number of accidents because of the high speeds and altitudes attainable by the car. In turn we would have to construct new skyways in the sky. These skyways would not be as difficult to construct as current day roads but rather a simple electronic mapping system that will allow the car to travel on. Traveling will become much easier and the security for the country will be jeopardized. It will be easier to import illegal substances in and out of the country and have immigrants immigrate in with less of a problem. This technology coupled to new technologies will help keep the environment cleaner. Fuel cells have no harmful emissions like internal combustion engines do
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  • 21. The Coming Upon A Traffic Jam At least this time she could enjoy the drive. No detours today, although a few construction crews worked along the side of the road. There were no alarm clocks, deadlines, or cranky customers to deal with–only the road stretching before her, dipping up and down over the endless hills and valleys. Spring had always been her favorite time of year. The budding blossoms gave off an undeniable fragrance, and the sky was so blue it seemed almost painted. It was the kind of sky that had Kelly lying on the ground pointing out the images of different animals and objects in the passing clouds. How many times had she been driving on a day such as this and wished she could just keep going, nowhere in particular, just wandering carefree through the countryside without the responsibilities of adulthood? Coming upon a traffic jam, it forced the cars into a single line. There were those drivers, of course, who felt the need to speed up and whip around and cut to the front of the line. She giggled, wishing she could sometimes use a paint gun to mark those rude drivers' cars with bright red paint. It would serve them right as a warning to other drivers that these people are inconsiderate, and no one should allow them to cut in. The car windows and sunroof were open to enjoy the spring weather. There were wildflowers of every color and variety splattered across the pine– and oak–covered hills in waves of nature's artistry. Kelly would love this. She loved all kinds of flowers. Casey Get more content on
  • 22. Traffic Lights Essay Traffic lights are signaling devices located at road intersections and pedestrian crossings, they are now part of our everyday life. Before traffic lights were invented, policeman would control traffic, but accidents would still occur frequently. This is when J.P Knight took action in 1868 and made the first traffic light. It was installed outside the British Houses Of Parliament but didn't last long since it exploded in 1869 due to a gas leak. It was only in 1912 that a man named Lester Wire created an electrical traffic light that is still used today. There are three main types of traffic lights: fixed timed, semi actuated and fully actuated. Fixed time traffic light are light where "signals change according to a pre–set timing. more content... Try to picture your life without traffic lights; you will realize that human society wouldn't be the same without them. Since vehicle loop detectors are part of a of traffic light I decided to explain the science in those. An loop vehicle detector system has three main components: a loop, a loop extension cable and a detector. In the picture below you will be able to see the way the three parts fit together. The process of installing a loop vehicle detection is simple. The loop is buried in the traffic lane. "The loop is a continuous run of wire that enters and exits from the same point" (c) Then the two ends of the wire are connected to the loop extension cable which in turn is connected to the vehicle detector. The detector powers the loop causing an electromagnetic field inside the loop area. A base frequency is established when there is no vehicle over the loop but when there is one the frequency increases. This increase in frequency is sensed and forces a usually open relay to close. The relay will remain close until the vehicle leaves the loop. (b) As the picture shows when a car reaches the loop, a magnetic field is create causing the frequency to increase. The science used in traffic lights is very effective. Without it they wouldn't exist. The way the loop creates a Get more content on
  • 23. Traffic Control: The Need For Change Essays Traffic Control: The Need For Change As the population of the United States dramatically increases and the number of vehicles on the nation's roads and highways skyrockets, new methods of traffic control and organization have become necessary, by utilizing new methods of transportation or by revising the current system. In the past 15 years, the number of vehicles on American roads has increased 41.9%, the number of licensed drivers has increased 29.3%, but the size of the general population has only risen 15.9% (Clark 387–404). Between the years 1975 and 1985, the number of miles driven by Americans rose 34.6%, but the number of miles of roads increased by only 4.4% (Doan 64). Cars and other vehicles are more content... On major highways in Los Angeles, the most congested city in the United States, the average highway speed is 37 miles per hour, and is expected to drop to 17 miles per hour by the year 2000 (Doan 65). Problems with traffic congestion arise not only in the United States but also in Europe. In the spring of 1992 on the Nuremberg–Berlin motorway, a 70 kilometer traffic jam occurred during a holiday weekend ("Jam tomorrow" S15–S17). At a standstill for up to 18 hours, many drivers fell asleep and had to be awakened by police officers when the traffic jam began to disperse (S15–S17). Hazards to the environment also prove the necessity for more worthwhile methods of traffic administration. As many more vehicles make use of United States roads, the amount of poisonous hydrocarbons released into the atmosphere steadily increases. On the average, one out of every four Americans has problems breathing during the peak summer months due to the excess of smog in the atmosphere (Carpender 69). Studies have shown that automobiles produce the majority of this smog (69). This dramatic increase exists as one of the major reasons for the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1970, the same year that the Clean Air Act passed through Congress (Clark 387–404). As the number of automobiles kept increasing, the emissions standards became more rigid in 1980, especially in California (387–404). Governments even passed
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  • 25. Ten Questions & Answers About Traffic Jam TEN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT TRAFFIC JAMS January 2012 LISTENING TO THE TRAFFIC JAM INFORMATION IS NOT THE MOST PLEASURABLE MOMENT OF THE DAY FOR MANY. ISN'T IT TIME TO SOLVE ALL THOSE TRAFFIC JAMS? THAT'S PROBABLY NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. BUT WE CAN LOOK AT THINGS IN A DIFFERENT WAY. HOW CAN WE BOOST THE ACCESSIBILITY OF LOCATIONS AND THE RELIABILITY OF OUR TRAVEL INFORMATION? WHAT ALTERNATIVES CAN WE DEPLOY? OR, HOW CAN WE FACILITATE MOBILITY? TEN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT TNO ANDTRAFFIC JAMS. JRV090112–02 TEN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT TRAFFIC JAMS 1. What are traffic jams? In short, a traffic jam occurs when a number of road users cannot drive at the speed they would like to drive, up to the maximum speed. While road users more content... Instead of looking to solve traffic jams, the new measure could be accessibility. In simple terms, how many road users can get in and out of the city per hour? 5. Can more asphalt boost accessibility? Yes, more asphalt does boost accessibility, but it does not normally provide the definitive solution. If a bottleneck is solved at one particular point, then the traffic flow is improved there. However, a new problem could arise elsewhere. Moreover, the road user allows his behaviour to be determined by what he encounters. If he sees more asphalt, then he will use it or, in any case, take it into consideration when determining whether to use the car or not to carpool or work from home. If a substantial section of highway is opened, the road user might move further away from his work because that nice, quiet village suddenly seems that much closer. Smart deployment of new asphalt can facilitate a better short and long–distance traffic distribution across the network. And if more alternative routes can be created, all sorts of unexpected incidents like accidents can be better addressed and lead to a reduction in the travel time lost. An interesting aspect here is the BREVER Act (to maintain travel time and journey), which states that people have been spending seventy to ninety minutes a day travelling for some decades. The only change throughout the years is that people are now covering greater distances in the same amount
  • 26. of time as before. This is Get more content on